You don't know how long you've been sitting in this interrogation room. It feels like hours. The room smells like sweat, blood and cigarette smoke. Not a good sign. The single light casts shadows along the walls. You probably would try to sleep but after what happened back at the manor.... not now. Probably wont sleep well in a long time. You close your eyes and try to block the images from your mind. It doesn't work.
You're broken from your thoughts by the door opening. A weary looking man in a cheap suit steps in with a case folder. He slowly sits down on the chair in front of you, scratching his stubble. He opens the folder and takes out a paper. "My name is Detective Rick Deckard. For the record, what is your name and your 'nickname'? (What is the First name and Surname of your character, along with a nickname if you so please. You will not be given the name that you pick but the name someone else comes up with so.... good luck :) )
He writes down the answer on the paper. It takes about 30 seconds before he stares at you. "I know your history but for the record...." he gestures towards the microphone in the wall behind him "...kindly provide a brief history about yourself. Previous convictions, character traits, the time your dog died when you were 3. Anything you wish." (Please write a brief history of your character. Anything you like. I'll flesh it out later.)
After a few minutes of furious writing, hopefully the only thing that he does today furiously, the detective pulls out a photo from the folder. "This is you, correct?" He shows it to you. (Kindly provide a photo of your character. If you don't want to, I will be more than happy to provide one for you. )
He nods as he puts the photo away. "Alright, last question for now. This one is a bit of a psycho metric test. Describe, in a single word, only the good things that come into mind about your mother?" (Just say a word. Any word. Doesn't have to be about your mother. Just say any word.)
The detective raises an eyebrow but says nothing more. "OK, thats it for now." He gets up and puts his fist on the desk while he stares at you menacingly. "And when I get back..... You are going to tell me all about what happened at the Mansion....."
Current Participants:
Charles Lancaster
Hey everyone! I hope you'll enjoy Werewolf VIII: Welcome To This Thing Of Ours!
Singups will be open for a week, 7 days. @Wintermoot, I'll just go ahead and notify you.
Have fun!
Name: Qian Tao (or Tao Qian; surname is Tao)
History (I'm assuming location of Earth and probably New York area; if I'm wrong I'll edit this):
Born in rural China, Tao led a studious early life, driven largely by his parents to seek a better life. He entered Columbia University in New York, double-majoring in computer science and biomedical engineering. Halfway through Tao's undergraduate career, however, his parents and close relatives died in a plane crash. In the midst of grieving and depression, Tao completed his degree and secured a low-level IT job (something his family of high expectations would never approve of, had they still been alive). He eventually left his job for a computer repair shop, where he now works.
Photo: Something like this maybe??
Word: Challenging
Name: William Franceschini
Nickname: Bill
History: Of Italian descent, his great grandfather immigrated to the New York during the Industrial Revolution, and helped set up Little Italy. At a young age, he looked up to his great grandfather and admired his hard work of moving to, and thriving in, America. Self-motivated, he saw the hardships of his parents and their parents and wanted to take some of their burden. As he got older, he got sucked into the family "business" (open for interpretation). As he continued through life, he entered the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, studying business to try and aid his family. Now, he's getting ready to fully take over the family business.
Word: Diligent
Name: Ebbe Lundin
Nickname: Norde
History: Ebbe Lundin lived in many parts of Northern Europe, starting in Swedin, then going to nearby countries such as Norway, Finland, Denmark, and Russia offering his services as a hit man, assassinating targets requested by his his clients. When it comes to his family, Ebbe's family cared for him, but led a poor life. For this main reason, Ebbe had left his family at the age of 12, in pursuit of a better life.
Word: Efficient
Name: Michael Corleone
Nickname: Don Corleone-The Don
History: Michael Corleone did not always live his life for the "Family Business", in fact he joined the marines after school and desperately tried to avoid that life. however, after his father, the previous head of his family, was shot and almost killed michael took the reins of the family business and not let go since. He slowly came to love the power.
Photo: Spoiler
The One Word: Power
Hello person, whoever you may be,
You have been invited to participate in Wintreath’s Werewolf VIII: This Thing Of Ours (http://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?topic=3753.0)! This round will be good ol’ mafia themed, hosted by the one and only, North. I hope you join us in this experience, fellow person of the world.
Is that fine? And yes, by short, I really meant short.
Name: Pedro Peña
Nickname: Pecker
History: A loud-mouthed, short-tempered Spaniard, Pecker is a notorious mediator and translator for several foreign organized crime families. His intelligence and smooth-talking has kept him from ever being convicted of a crime, though he has been accused of bribery, extortion, money laundering, racketeering, tax evasion, obstruction of justice, assault, and even murder. Though his sarcastic personality is found annoying by most people he works with, his multilingual skills, sound criminal advice, and supposed neutrality among organized crime families has led him to be a necessary evil to be employed by the most infamous crime bosses.
Photo: Spoiler
Word: Vindictive
Name: Leopold Alvinczi
Nickname: Leo
History: One of the most memorable things Leo's father ever told him, back when he was still a little boy, was that he had been born with the right name, but in the wrong time. A century ago, the Alvinczis' ancestors could proudly boast extensive wealth and vast tracts of land in Central Europe. The family fortunes crumbled, however, following the First World War, and Leo's great-grandparents fled Europe as a result, using everything they had left to travel to America in the hopes of securing their future. It did not go as planned, and the family lived in hardship ever since. And yet, as an avid fan of history, Leo spent his childhood learning everything he could about his noble ancestors, and somewhere along the way made it his goal to free himself from his family's downtrodden life, and achieve everything has ancestors once had. That obsessive pursuit proved a lot less rosy and legal than he might have imagined as a child, as young Leo moved up from petty thefts to high-stakes criminal activity and white-collar fraud, all in a desperate drive for wealth and power. And while he hasn't exactly been unsuccessful, it never feels like he has enough stashed away to retire from the game, always thirsting for just one more haul.
(Sorry about the size, tried to scale it down but couldn't figure out the code)
Word: Avarice
Some of this is placeholder.
Name: Neville Lloyd Adams (usually just "Neville")
Background: Neville grew up in Leeds and attended university there ten years ago for banking and business management. As such he now lives and works in the financial centre of London as part of the head banking team for a semi-major firm. Neville is thirty years old and single, having recently lost his girlfriend of eight years to depression. Neville has had a turbulent time coping, seeming only to relax while at work. Currently in New York on business, he struggles to open up to and spend time with other women as he attempts to regain his balance between career and pleasure.
Photo to be uploaded later
Thoughtful word: Erudite