Wintreath Regional Community

The Amalyan Quarter - Fun Things We Do => The Lost Village - Werewolf/Mafia Games => Topic started by: Laurentus on April 01, 2016, 12:06:26 AM

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 01, 2016, 12:06:26 AM
As the planet Nika came into view, the two Jedi knights knew immediately that something was very wrong.

"Master," said the padawan, Sapphiron, "I can sense a great disturbance in the Force coming from Nika. Even at this range. Should we not alert the Council and await reinforcements?"

Master Tau considered it carefully. "I believe you are correct. It would be foolish to continue like this."

Almost as if in response to his words, their ship began to malfunction, and a large red warning began flashing on their monitors: CRITICAL SYSTEM FAILURE.

"I have a very bad feeling about this," Sapphiron shouted above the alarms now going off.

"Calm yourself, my young Padawan. I believe I can land us safely on the planet. We can call for reinforcements when we've landed."

Sapphiron was deeply sceptical. Since when had anything ever worked out so easily for any Jedi? "If you say so, my master," was his deadpan response.

Tau picked right up on Sapphiron's tone, and began to display the shadow of a smile.

True to Tau's word, they had made it relatively safely to the surface. "Well. We only destroyed one scenic rainforest on our way down. Do you remember that time on Naboo? I thought for certain Rugor Nass was going to have us executed."

"Oh, I remember Naboo, alright." Sapphiron had never told anyone, but he had to "persuade" the leader of the Gungans not to execute them while his master was being "questioned." The Force may or may not have been involved in that discussion. Somehow, Sapphiron doubted very much that he'd ever be welcomed on that planet again.

As they exited the ship, one final warning siren went off. The two Jedi looked at each other for the briefest of moments, before running away from the ship like their lives depended on it.

They had made it just 20 metres before the ship exploded, creating a shock-wave that propelled them forward with incredible power. Tau managed to grab onto Sapphiron and use the Force to soften their landing immensely.

When they got up, they saw that they had landed on the edge of the forest, close to the outskirts of the gigantic city they were aiming for to begin with.

"Well, it could--"

"Master, please don't say it could be worse. I think we've tempted fate enough today."

Tau gave a hearty chuckle. His apprentice was right.

They had traversed about a kilometre when the two Sith showed up. Tau had sensed something was wrong for awhile, but couldn't discover the source of his unease. The dark side of the Force echoed all around them on this planet.

One had jumped out of the window of a 5-storey building, and was intent on landing a killing blow on Tau, while the other had rushed Sapphiron from behind, seemingly appearing from thin air. Both had been a tiny bit too noisy. The two Jedi readied their light-sabres with machine-like efficiency, and began to engage their ancient nemeses in brutal battle.

Tau had lost sight of Sapphiron as he focused all his attention on his foe. The Sith moved incredibly quickly, but Tau could sense that he was nervous. Tau aimed a swift strike at the Sith's abdomen, which got blocked, and then threw the Sith with all his might into the building he'd materialised from. The Sith recovered quickly, and leapt to his opponent in a flash. Tau could sense that he might well be out-classed when it came to raw Force potential, but the Sith lacked the finesse and skill to prove too much of a threat. The two engaged in fast-paced battle, with their light-sabers clashing into each other faster than the untrained eye could detect. Tau had just gained the advantage when he managed to leap to the top of a small, flat-roofed house, when he felt a tremendous blow to the back of his head. He went to his knees, then his belly, and began to slide on to the edge of the roof. He managed to turn around onto his back just in time to see Sapphiron closing on the hulking Sith and propelling a sizable stone dustbin into his back. The Sith came flying overhead as Tau tried to gain a glimpse of him, but all he could see was a masked face. He also noticed that the Sith had lost his light-sabre during the course of the battle with Sapphiron. The other Sith, the one Tau had engaged in battle, seemed to realise that the tide of battle had shifted in the Jedis' favour, and blew a horn, obviously calling for their retreat. Tau sat up and watched as his foe quickly began to run away. Sapphiron's foe was nowhere in sight.

The two Jedi took a moment to catch their breaths, and then told each other about the battle.

Sapphiron, it turned out, had swung around just in time to deflect the mighty blow of his opponent, although he had been sent flying as a result of the impact. He had landed on his feet a short distance away, and saw that the hulking figure was carrying a tremendous light-sabre, easily 40% longer than Sapphiron's own. Sapphiron had realised trying to engage this foe in close combat would be suicide, and so had decided to rush him, and keep jumping away at the last instant before Thor (the name he had now given the Sith) could connect him with another mighty blow. Sapphiron had hoped to tire him out, but it became apparent that it wasn't going to happen, and so Sapphiron had begun to throw any large object he could find in the vicinity to him in quick succession, thereby forcing Thor to repel the objects, and giving Sapphiron the space he needed to gradually move closer. Sapphiron's moment came when he managed to throw a small ship at Thor, and since he was close enough, he swooped in and managed to cut the hilt of Thor's light-sabre in half, thereby disabling it. This was not done without consequence, as Thor gave Sapphiron a tremendous blow to the jaw, before leaping onto a nearby roof and running away. Sapphiron was slow to get up, since the blow had made him dizzy, but when he was able, he leapt onto the same roof, and saw that Thor was about to surprise Tau. He searched the area quickly for one more large object, and could only find the dustbin. Tau knew the rest of the story.

"Remarkable. You have become a superb tactician, Sapphiron. Your mastery of the force is astounding. Soon, you'll no doubt become a fully-fledged knight, and I will look on in awe as my one-time apprentice quickly surpasses me." There was no hint of bitterness in Tau's voice. Only pride.

"I have the best master any Jedi could ask for." Sapphiron was every bit as sincere as his master.

"Well, I think we've congratulated each other enough. We'd best begin traversing the area, and try to locate some survivors. At least we now know there was no volcanic explosion, and that the Sith are likely behind this strange occurrence. We've already glimpsed both, too. They probably constructed some sort of device that disables any ship that comes to the planet. It's a good thing we didn't alert the rest of the Order. Who knows how many might have been lost during the sabotaged landing?"

They were indeed able to find a facility where survivors had huddled together, none of them knowing how many survivors might be out there. The Jedi listened with great concern as the survivors recounted how this massacre started. The people in this facility, in turned out, came here from off-world themselves, wondering what could have happened to their loved ones on the planet when all contact was lost. They managed to find computer recordings showing a large cloud of poison descending on the entire city, thereby killing most of the inhabitants within minutes. The poison eventually dissipated, but all the damage had been done. Then, after almost everyone had been killed, someone activated the distress beacon. It was unclear what type of device was causing all the ships to fail, and simultaneously blocking any communication with the rest of the galaxy. It made sense for these to be two separate devices. As of that moment, no motive could be discovered for such a large scale massacre. The Sith were certainly cold-hearted, but killing so many people for no reason whatsoever didn't seem like them. As the Jedi heard all this, they discovered only ever-more questions, and no answers. It was clear that they had fallen into a massive trap.

And they didn't communicate this to the twenty or so people they'd encountered, but they were sure the two Sith must have been hiding in plain sight, and so they began investigating everyone around them silently.

And if you're still with me after that lengthy introduction, welcome to Werewolf VII! :)

Roles and Rules

Brotherhood of Darkness
There are six Sith in this game, and they are hiding amongst you. They are the standard Werewolves of the game. Should they ever become equal in number to everyone else (excepting CH-4NK0), they will win the game. They will be able to scan someone each 6th night phase.

A droid made by the Brotherhood that turned on them, and has harboured an intense hatred for all life ever since. It will attempt to win all on its own, and should it ever get killed during the night or day phases, it can randomly kill one person who attempted to kill it at night, or who voted for it at day. It is completely neutral, and will kill people independently every 2nd night phase. It will have the opportunity to scan someone every 5th night phase. It is more powerful than any other single player, meaning that if only one Sith and the CH-4NK0 are alive by the end of the game, it will win the game. It will still lose if there are 6 Sith, 5 normal players and it remaining, however.

Paired Jedi Knights
The Jedi know each other's identity, and will attempt to defend one person each, each night phase. Every third night, they can decide together on one extra person they wish to defend. Note that when they defend someone, they will make it impossible for the Seer to scan that person.

Lost Jedi
A Jedi that was encased in Carbonite for 30 years, and which will awaken on the 3rd night phase. She will be able to kill one person every 2nd night phase after waking up, and these kills cannot be defended by the other two Jedi. Should she choose to kill, it will come at the expense of defending. She will also never have an idea of who the other players are, even should she get scanned by the Seer. She is alligned with the good guys. When she defends someone, it also negates the Seer's ability to scan that person.

Your run-of-the-mill droid, but with a twist. He can identify the role of every player he scans (excepting when that player has been defended). He will also kill one random person if he ever gets voted off or killed, and those who will be in the draw for this random death will be those who voted for him, or targeted him.

This guy landed here quite by accident, and all he really cares about is getting out of this mess alive. He will have 3 opportunities to negate all powers for a specific night phase.

Protocol Droid
It may be naïve, but it will have the power to prevent the lynching of a player getting voted for by the majority every 2nd day phase.

More Rules!

1. I've grown confident that people are active enough to discuss things without my prodding, so I'm relinquishing the requirement for you guys to kill someone every day phase. You can now use your own judgment. If I see this isn't a wise decision, I will bring back the rule that you have to vote for someone each day phase.

2. You may never explicitly hint at your role, and if you do, you will face immediate expulsion from the game.

3. If you didn't receive a PM telling you about your role, then you are not a power role. Sorry. :P I'm also going to close this topic quickly so I can send those PMs.

4. The first day phase will last for 72 hours (plus a bit of time to calculate the results and whatever), and after that, day phases will last for 48 hours.

5. All night phases will last for 24 hours (and a bit longer to calculate the results.

6. @Point Breeze is my co-host in every sense of the word. Just as you must heed me, you must heed him. I'm in a different time zone from a majority of you guys, and with a game this big, I'm going to need some backup. :)

7. We voted for a Wintreath-themed Star Wars game awhile ago, and this is the result of that. So it goes without saying that the names of the characters in no way indicates their roles.

8. Even if you decide to lynch no one, you still have to at least vote during the day phase to avoid getting lynched for inactivity.

9. You will be considered inactive if you haven't voted for two consecutive day phases, and a grand total of three day phases. At that point, you will get lynched for inactivity.

10. Dead players may comment here and there, but should take care not to influence the game. It would be best, for this reason, to comment in the night phases. I'll use my discretion at deciding what I'll allow. Dead players also have to indicate that they're dead at the beginning of their post by using this code:
Code: [Select]
Player List
1. @North
2. @Gerrick
3. @xXTheHydraXx
4. @Colberius X (Local, killed at night by Sith)
5. @Samwise Gamgee
6. @Sapphiron
7. @DekuNut
8. @taulover (Local, Killed at Night by Sith)
9. @HannahB (RE-0N, killed at night by Sith)
10. @BraveSirRobin
11. @Govindia
12. @Barnes
13. @Rasdanation
14. @Wintermoot
15. @Evelynx
16. @Pengu
17. @Commander_Zemas
18. @VidiLune (Local, voted off and killed)
19. @Tomb
20. @Chanku (Sith, voted off and killed by Jedi)
21. @Wuufu (Sith, killed as RE-0N self-destructed)
22. @Aragonn
23. @Gibraltarica (Paired Jedi, killed off for inactivity, replaced with someone else)
24. @Kuramia
25. @El Fiji Grande
26. @aternox
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 01, 2016, 12:52:33 AM
And the PMs have been sent! Enjoy the game, guys, and remember that if you didn't receive a PM, it means you're a normal player.

I'll just mention everyone again so you're all aware that the game has been opened.

Player List
1. @North
2. @Gerrick
3. @xXTheHydraXx
4. @Colberius X
5. @Samwise Gamgee
6. @Sapphiron
7. @DekuNut
8. @taulover
9. @HannahB
10. @BraveSirRobin
11. @Govindia
12. @Barnes
13. @Rasdanation
14. @Wintermoot
15. @Evelynx
16. @Pengu
17. @Commander_Zemas
18. @VidiLune
19. @Tomb
20. @Chanku
21. @Wuufu
22. @Aragonn
23. @Gibraltarica
24. @Kuramia
25. @El Fiji Grande
26. @aternox
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Gerrick on April 01, 2016, 12:56:17 AM
Is this a new record of participants? Looking forward to this, and good luck everyone!
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on April 01, 2016, 12:57:11 AM
I accidentally opened this earlier thinking you'd meant to Sticky it but hit the wrong button, then re-closed it when I read #3.   :))
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: BraveSirRobin on April 01, 2016, 01:07:37 AM
Master Tau=Epic Name
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Tomb on April 01, 2016, 01:13:17 AM
I like the new rules/additions. More power to the players :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Commander_Zemas on April 01, 2016, 01:26:38 AM
This gonna be good.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 01, 2016, 01:27:03 AM
I aim only to please. I'm glad you all like it. :)
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Crushita on April 01, 2016, 01:28:32 AM
Let the games begin!
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Hydra on April 01, 2016, 01:29:38 AM
Yay! Another Werewolf game! Good luck to everyone!
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Crushita on April 01, 2016, 01:30:17 AM
New Name for a NEW GAME!
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 01, 2016, 01:35:20 AM
Who wants the honor of the first vote? Nobody? Alright, I'll have the honor.

Vote: Tomb
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Crushita on April 01, 2016, 01:37:17 AM
Voting is fun!

Reason:0/10 Too Many Turnips :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 01, 2016, 01:37:44 AM
I was about to say: "Let the blood begin spattering, already," when I remembered that light-sabres cauterize any wounds they inflict. :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 01, 2016, 01:37:57 AM
May the force be with us.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Crushita on April 01, 2016, 01:38:34 AM
Indeed. My job is done. I have made a turnip joke.

Change Vote:Nobody
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on April 01, 2016, 01:43:47 AM
Wait, we can vote No Lynch, right?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Tomb on April 01, 2016, 01:52:05 AM
I see how it is, then... :P

Vote: Lynch @Aragonn
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 01, 2016, 01:53:21 AM
Indeed you can vote to lynch no one. Whether that is something you SHOULD do is an whole other matter, however.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Commander_Zemas on April 01, 2016, 01:58:01 AM
So when does the first discussion end?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Chanku on April 01, 2016, 01:59:27 AM
Given that the game has started today, it should end sometime Saturday, I think...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 01, 2016, 02:01:43 AM
72 hours from this post. Since we're all in different time-zones, I find it easier to just say when a phase ends in relation to a specific post.

And the PMs have been sent! Enjoy the game, guys, and remember that if you didn't receive a PM, it means you're a normal player.

I'll just mention everyone again so you're all aware that the game has been opened.

Player List
1. @North
2. @Gerrick
3. @xXTheHydraXx
4. @Colberius X
5. @Samwise Gamgee
6. @Sapphiron
7. @DekuNut
8. @taulover
9. @HannahB
10. @BraveSirRobin
11. @Govindia
12. @Barnes
13. @Rasdanation
14. @Wintermoot
15. @Evelynx
16. @Pengu
17. @Commander_Zemas
18. @VidiLune
19. @Tomb
20. @Chanku
21. @Wuufu
22. @Aragonn
23. @Gibraltarica
24. @Kuramia
25. @El Fiji Grande
26. @aternox
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on April 01, 2016, 02:02:10 AM
Vote: Lynch Pengu
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Crushita on April 01, 2016, 02:21:53 AM
Vote: Lynch Darth Tater
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Commander_Zemas on April 01, 2016, 02:22:35 AM
Vote: Lynch Everybody

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: aternox on April 01, 2016, 03:18:55 AM
Good luck everyone!

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Colberius X on April 01, 2016, 03:26:10 AM
I'm most curious to see how the every-other-night powers come into play.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Wintermoot on April 01, 2016, 03:35:46 AM
These werewolf games just get more and more complicated. :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: BraveSirRobin on April 01, 2016, 03:48:38 AM
These werewolf games just get more and more complicated. :P
And then to use your negation power, it must be an odd numbered Monday, and in the event that you wish to kill someone, please fill out a KIL-4 and submit it with your 1040 on April 15th :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Barnes on April 01, 2016, 03:59:03 AM
These werewolf games just get more and more complicated. :P
And then to use your negation power, it must be an odd numbered Monday, and in the event that you wish to kill someone, please fill out a KIL-4 and submit it with your 1040 on April 15th :P
No one said you were Jarl of Taxation, Robin... *shifty eyes*
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on April 01, 2016, 04:14:13 AM
He's the Jarl of Copious amounts of paperwork.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Wintermoot on April 01, 2016, 04:33:42 AM
A few more games and it'll be like this...:P

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 01, 2016, 05:10:23 AM
I noticed that the CH-4NK0 role was a bit vague, and have updated the rules to try and explain it more thoroughly.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Chanku on April 01, 2016, 05:15:08 AM
I also just realized how close CH-4NK0 is to my name if you think about it :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 01, 2016, 05:18:43 AM
That was sort of the point. :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on April 01, 2016, 05:35:54 AM
I'm just going to come out and say this, good luck everyone. My vote will be Noone
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 01, 2016, 05:39:15 AM
"Noone," you say. I have not met this person.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on April 01, 2016, 06:15:44 AM
A few more games and it'll be like this...:P


That was beautiful.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 01, 2016, 06:35:36 AM
I think we may have reached that point already. :P

Anyway, if by the end of this game, people feel that the games are becoming far too complex, then I'll host a typical Werewolf when it's my turn to host again.

As the games grow in size, we're kinda forced to get creative, since about half the players need to be power roles. :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 01, 2016, 08:09:14 AM
Vote: No Lynch

Let's see what happens tonight =)
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: DekuNut on April 01, 2016, 10:00:41 AM
I also just realized how close CH-4NK0 is to my name if you think about it :P
Fiend! Rascal! Scoundrel! Villain! Knave!
Vote: Chanku
Also, hi people! *waves to everyone*
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Lidwine on April 01, 2016, 12:26:13 PM
Let's begin!

I vote: No lynch
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on April 01, 2016, 01:52:08 PM
Not really that much to say till tomorrow
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Barnes on April 01, 2016, 02:18:38 PM
Our vote count so far:
Quote from: first round voting
No lynch - 2
Tomb - 1
Darth Tater - 1
Aragonn - 1
Pengu - 1
Noone - 1 :P
Chanku - 1
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 01, 2016, 04:44:52 PM
Sorry I'm late to the discussion... so yea...
Anyways, I have no idea who to vote for so I'll just
Abstain for now.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on April 01, 2016, 05:03:04 PM
Vote: No Lynch

Because that's allowed now, and we don't have anything to go off of.

Are people still killed for inactivity if they don't vote at all?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: HannahB on April 01, 2016, 05:43:36 PM
I can't think of any reason not to vote: No Lynch at this point. ^-^

Also hello friendos :)
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Hydra on April 01, 2016, 06:21:05 PM
This person, Noone seems very suspicious.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Chanku on April 01, 2016, 07:28:22 PM
I vote No Lynch
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Sapphiron on April 01, 2016, 07:32:06 PM
Vote: No Lynch
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Gerrick on April 01, 2016, 08:13:47 PM
Is voting to not lynch mean that if it's the majority vote, then nobody gets lynched? Or is it basically just abstaining?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Chanku on April 01, 2016, 08:19:59 PM
I believe that a Majority No Lynch vote does mean that there will be no lynching.

At least that is how it has worked in the past with other games I've played...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Commander_Zemas on April 01, 2016, 08:32:50 PM
I vote for the fishy guy called Noone to be lynched.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: DekuNut on April 01, 2016, 09:44:16 PM
This wagon on no one is gaining steam fast. It must mean the werewolves are leading it. Noone confirmed town?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 01, 2016, 09:58:33 PM
Actually, considering how No one is sneaky enough to be in the game while not even be on the list people...
I'm almost 100% sure that they are up to something...
Lynch: Noone
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 01, 2016, 10:20:47 PM
@Barnes, remember that Pengu and Darth Tater voted for themselves as part of what I can only assume was a joke, and I'm therefore taking their votes as a no lynch vote

@taulover, that is a good point. I think I'll enforce a rule that you have to at least vote, even if you don't want to vote for any person in particular.

@Gerrick, as others have rightly said, it does indeed mean that no one is getting lynched if that's the majority vote.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Gerrick on April 01, 2016, 10:22:56 PM
Ah, thanks. In that case I'll Vote: No Lynch.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 01, 2016, 10:31:58 PM
No problem. :)

And all players, please be aware that I've added 2 new rules, numbered 8 and 9.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Barnes on April 01, 2016, 10:40:57 PM
@Barnes, remember that Pengu and Darth Tater voted for themselves as part of what I can only assume was a joke, and I'm therefore taking their votes as a no lynch vote

@taulover, that is a good point. I think I'll enforce a rule that you have to at least vote, even if you don't want to vote for any person in particular.

@Gerrick, as others have rightly said, it does indeed mean that no one is getting lynched if that's the majority vote.
We can't just not lynch someone, though, because all that entails is that the Sith are going to keep picking us off nightly without having made any progress attempting to catch them on their end.

With that in mind, my vote goes to aternox due to their late "good luck everybody!" post when everyone else had already started voting. At that point the luck-wishing becomes less a collective one and instead a "good luck... because you'll need it before I kill you".
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on April 01, 2016, 10:42:03 PM
No problem. :)

And all players, please be aware that I've added 2 new rules, numbered 8 and 9.
Number 9's wording is a bit vague, due to "and" having multiple meanings. Does it mean both of those conditions have to happen for someone to be lynched for inactivity, or that either can lead to a lynch due to inactivity?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 01, 2016, 11:31:21 PM
Well, whichever comes first. Be inactive for 3 total day phases (by not voting), and you get lynched. Be inactive for two consecutive day phases (by not voting), and you also get lynched.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: aternox on April 01, 2016, 11:55:53 PM
We can't just not lynch someone, though, because all that entails is that the Sith are going to keep picking us off nightly without having made any progress attempting to catch them on their end.

With that in mind, my vote goes to aternox due to their late "good luck everybody!" post when everyone else had already started voting. At that point the luck-wishing becomes less a collective one and instead a "good luck... because you'll need it before I kill you".

I agree that no vote mean we don't make a lot of progress, and even if no one get's lynched, voting for other people means there is at least a voting record we can look back on later.

 My 'good luck' was just the first time I saw the thread, but I don't think Barnes is suspect for voting due to it purely because there are so few reasons to vote for anyone at this stage of the game.

I am going to Vote: Lynch DekuNut for his post here:
This wagon on no one is gaining steam fast. It must mean the werewolves are leading it. Noone confirmed town?
This could have been an attempt to direct people's attention to people voting 'no lynch' while being able to play the suggestion off as a joke. I don't really have anything else to go on so it will have to do.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 02, 2016, 12:07:27 AM
Well, time to make an actual vote, because I'd rather not loose a precious abstain. Just because this person hasn't spoken all game, let's see if I can get their attention:
Lynch: @El Fiji Grande
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 02, 2016, 12:21:26 AM
Also, going along with that, @Govindia @Wuufu @Gibraltarica @Kuramia
Remember, you are in this game!
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Wintermoot on April 02, 2016, 01:21:27 AM
I'm going to vote no lynch, because I think that's the most appropriate move on a Friday at night during the spring when there are more than 15 players left in the game on the first turn when at least several are from other regions.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 02, 2016, 04:05:53 AM
I think we should respect the individual game we are dealing with and call our enemies what they are - they aren't wolves.. They are SITH! Of the tradition of Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine and all of the Great Lords before them.. not moon-attuned semi-canine murderers from a backwater planet in far far in the future in a galaxy far far away.

I say we call them the Sith! Not wolves. Is the point.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on April 02, 2016, 05:40:00 AM
I think we should respect the individual game we are dealing with and call our enemies what they are - they aren't wolves.. They are SITH! Of the tradition of Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine and all of the Great Lords before them.. not moon-attuned semi-canine murderers from a backwater planet in far far in the future in a galaxy far far away.

I say we call them the Sith! Not wolves. Is the point.

But what if one of them is of a wolf-hybrid race?  That's pretty rude to completely dismiss that.  :o  WHAT IF ONE IS DARTH WOLF?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on April 02, 2016, 05:58:37 AM
I think we should respect the individual game we are dealing with and call our enemies what they are - they aren't wolves.. They are SITH! Of the tradition of Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine and all of the Great Lords before them.. not moon-attuned semi-canine murderers from a backwater planet in far far in the future in a galaxy far far away.

I say we call them the Sith! Not wolves. Is the point.
They're the Brotherhood of Darkness though. Darth Bane would probably disagree and argue that they're inferior to wolves.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: DekuNut on April 02, 2016, 06:16:00 AM
How about we just give them a demeaning nickname and call it good?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 02, 2016, 08:45:53 AM
The Dark Lords of the Sith.. anyway.. just looking over the rules..
Looks like the Sith can kill one person a night, and CH-4NK0 can kill a person every other night plus if someone kills him they'll auto-retaliate..
If RE-ON dies, they will auto-retaliate against a random player.

Lots of weird possibilities here. These auto-retaliating droids are kind of a big deal.. they could decide the game randomly, if they make it long enough. That'd be somewhat anti-climactic.. =p

For Laurentus:

How can CH-4NK0 win? Since CH-4NK0 is not counted towards the non-Sith count, then the game will always end with a Sith victory before all the non-Sith are dead. Just trying to iron this out a little bit so we know what kind of objectives our enemies may have..

I'm probably just misunderstanding, could I get a hypothetical maybe?

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 02, 2016, 08:56:49 AM
Well, he doesn't count toward the Sith either. It will be difficult for it to win, since it can only kill every second night, and it has to get to the point where there is just one other player and it remaining.

This can happen in many ways. If one goodie, one Sith and it are alive, and it manages to kill either one that night phase, it wins. If the same scenario presents itself during the day, and one of the other two get voted off, it wins as well.

I designed it to have a very difficult up-hill battle, but it has definite advantages that the other players lack. I can't say anymore than that, since that might give people an idea of what strategy to adopt.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 02, 2016, 09:09:28 AM
So I suppose maybe this passage could be clarified:

"Should they ever become equal in number to everyone else (excepting CH-4NK0), they will win the game. "

Does that mean that as long a CH-4NK0 lives, the game cannot end?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 02, 2016, 09:16:47 AM
I ask because the alternative interpretation that I have, that CH-4NK0 was not counted towards the non-sith count, would mean that the Sith win in the 1-normal 1-sith 1-CH-4NK0 scenario.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 02, 2016, 09:42:23 AM
Ah, I should try and think of a way to make that more clear. I meant only that CH-4NK0 is stronger than any individual Sith, so if it comes down to a 1:1:1 (Sith:Normal:CH-4NK0) scenario, the Sith can't win outright, but if it's 2:1:1, then the Sith win the game.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 02, 2016, 10:05:09 AM
So.. the only win scenarios for CH-4NK0 are 1:1:1 or 0:1:1. So they'll be trying to steadily over time reduce sith numbers at a similar rate to the good guys (proportionally - 3 dead good guys per 1 dead bad), prioritizing the Jedi. They won't necessarily have a clear voting pattern at all.. hm.

A crafty creature, this one will be. Trust in the force, we must.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: El Fiji Grande on April 02, 2016, 05:22:46 PM
Wow. A lot has happened since I've been away. Glad I checked back.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: El Fiji Grande on April 02, 2016, 05:44:30 PM
Vote: No Lynch
Reasoning: No information yet.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: BraveSirRobin on April 02, 2016, 06:13:19 PM
Vote: No lynch

Reason:  It's way more likely that we'd lynch an innocent player at this point. 
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: DekuNut on April 02, 2016, 07:17:35 PM
Here's the thing, we won't ever get any information unless we search for it. I'm gonna glance at other games I've played offsite and come up with some strats for making Day 1 useful. I suggest everyone else do the same.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 02, 2016, 08:47:09 PM
I'm loath to waste my No Lynch on the first day. We all only get to vote No Lynch 3 times before we are ourselves auto-lynched, and not lynching today means we must tomorrow.

While it's probable that we'll have more information on a proceeding day, as long as the majority of us vote No Lynch nobody will be lynched right?

It's a razor's edge that we need to walk, but I think slightly less than the majority of us should vote to lynch someone in order to save No Lynch votes for later in the game where there might be even MORE uncertainty. Does anyone have any objections to that? Am I wrong about the effect of No Lynches?

If last game was any indication, we have a long game ahead of us.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Chanku on April 02, 2016, 09:45:41 PM
Evelynx your understanding of the rules is....very far off...

There is no rule that says we can only vote No Lynch three times. The only rule I can see you pulling that from is Rule 9, which does not exist in a Vacuum.

The voting rule states that even if we don't want to lynch someone we must state that we are voting No Lynch. You can vote No Lynch whenever you want, you just have to make sure you are casting a vote.

At least that is what I believe to be the intention of @Laurentus given what he has said and done.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 03, 2016, 12:10:59 AM
I just have a hard time sitting still and doing nothing in this game. That's why I voted for someone instead of voting for a no lynch.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: PB on April 03, 2016, 12:20:08 AM
Chanku is correct. Feel free to not lynch for as long as you like, but if it becomes the norm, the rules may change. As long as you state your intention (lynch or no lynch), then you won't be considered inactive.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 03, 2016, 01:24:14 AM
I might as well keep my vote for now. Just please, unless you actually find a good reason to do this, lets not stockpile this early until we know what our solid evidence is :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 03, 2016, 03:06:02 AM
Chanku and Point Breeze are correct. :)
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Colberius X on April 03, 2016, 03:11:42 AM
Vote: Lynch @Laurentus.

If that isn't allowed, I suppose I'll switch my vote to No Lynch for today. :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on April 03, 2016, 04:18:58 AM
Wait, CAN we lynch the host? :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 03, 2016, 04:41:40 AM
Alas. There is no rule against it. But killing a god means the end of existence, so that's something to consider.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on April 03, 2016, 04:44:31 AM
Change Vote to: Lynch Laurentus

I encourage everyone to lynch the host rather than not lynch.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: PB on April 03, 2016, 05:36:36 AM
Alas. There is no rule against it. But killing a god means the end of existence, so that's something to consider.

Something something rabbit holes?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Kuramia on April 03, 2016, 06:07:38 AM
Are we...lynching the host? That seems rather silly.

Given the lack of clues this first day, and our obvious division, I'm going with:

Vote: No lynch.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Wuufu on April 03, 2016, 08:18:02 AM
Hello everyone! I am your humble Wuufu, here to serve you all a platter of tiny, tiny cakes! The cutest and tastiest cakes in existence! Manufactured by the Syrius Cake Company based on Coruscant.

Since I'm only selling cakes, I:

Vote: No lynch
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on April 03, 2016, 08:21:52 AM

That's some awfully suspicious looking cakes there.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Lidwine on April 03, 2016, 08:34:18 AM
Yeah Wuufu why offering cake like that? And tiny, that no cake if it's tiny!
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on April 03, 2016, 10:28:45 AM
So are we going to keep up with tradition and Lynch Vidi night 1?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Sapphiron on April 03, 2016, 11:34:15 AM
Night 1? Are you a Sith? :o
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on April 03, 2016, 12:15:53 PM
No, of course not, that was a joke.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Lidwine on April 03, 2016, 07:21:03 PM
*Shocked* It happened only ONCE! It's not tradition yet! But by all mean go ahead so we can make it into a tradition ;)
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 03, 2016, 08:21:46 PM
Chanku and Point Breeze are correct. :)

So unlike the last game, voting No Lynch counts as a vote. Okay.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on April 03, 2016, 09:18:36 PM
Chanku and Point Breeze are correct. :)

So unlike the last game, voting No Lynch counts as a vote. Okay.
No, last game, No Lynch wasn't a valid vote. You could only abstain, which is basically the same as not voting at all.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 03, 2016, 09:37:30 PM
Chanku and Point Breeze are correct. :)

So unlike the last game, voting No Lynch counts as a vote. Okay.
No, last game, No Lynch wasn't a valid vote. You could only abstain, which is basically the same as not voting at all.

S'pose I was caught up on the technical difference between  "valid vote" and "counts as a vote".
Last game was my only experience with Werewolf, if you'll forgive me.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on April 03, 2016, 10:04:24 PM
I refer you to my previous rant about A FUCKING ABSTAIN VOTE vote definition.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: PB on April 03, 2016, 11:59:52 PM
Master Tau could still feel the presence of a great evil all around him, but everything had been relatively quiet after their initial encounter with the Sith. He had also been unable to find anyone with a rough physical resemblance to Thor, and knew that the Sith he had fought would be completely unrecognisable in a normal setting.

And as for the people around him, he was yet unable to spot anything suspicious in the way any of them were behaving.

As night began descending, he had an uneasy feeling that something bad was going to happen, and prayed that his feeling was wrong. He and his apprentice would have their work cut out for them this night.

With a majority of people voting no lynch, no one has been killed in this day phase.

We now enter the first night phase. Power roles, please be sure to PM the hosts with your decisions and targets.

This night phase will last for 24 hours from this post, and possibly a bit longer as Laurentus will probably be asleep when it officially ends. I apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. :)
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 04, 2016, 09:26:06 PM
A very quiet night phase, this is.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Barnes on April 04, 2016, 09:39:43 PM
I refer you to my previous rant about A FUCKING ABSTAIN VOTE vote definition.
As much as I wanted to refer to our newly-passed Definition of Abstention Act, it technically doesn't apply to Werewolf (:(), where the host is free to change the rules at any time.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: PB on April 04, 2016, 10:31:49 PM
A very quiet night phase, this is.

or is it...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: BraveSirRobin on April 05, 2016, 01:27:03 AM
A very quiet night phase, this is.

or is it...

*cues Jaws music*
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: DekuNut on April 05, 2016, 01:39:24 AM
A very quiet night phase, this is.
We're sleeping
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 05, 2016, 01:59:13 AM
Alright, people, sorry to be late. I've just woken up. I'm ending the night phase now, so stand by for the results.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 05, 2016, 03:26:18 AM
The hulking Sith knew that his master would be most displeased with his failure to kill the Jedi. He had underestimated the youngling and paid the price.

As he made his way through their impromptu hideout, he kept wondering whether Darth Nox was successfully blending in as the local called Hannah. Her mission was crucial: to gain as much information about the Jedi as possible.

When he reached the doors to his master's command center, they opened up themselves. His master was obviously expecting him. He went down on one knee as soon as he saw his master. "Lord Colberius, we have failed. The young Jedi was more powerful than I could ever have expected."

To his surprise, Colberius began laughing. "Beaten by a youngling, Laurentus? Perhaps you've grown too confident in your power. No matter. You will have your chance again soon. For now, I need you to sit quietly and regain your strength. I've sent Darth Aragonn out on an important task. We shall soon hear if he's been successful."

Patrick Belarius (nicknamed Point Breeze by his friends) was up at dawn, trying to think of a way to disable whatever device it was that had stranded them all here. He reasoned that it had to be something that could lock them out of the ships' software, and essentially shut down certain key components. The funny thing was that it didn't attempt to destroy ships completely. Everyone who had come back were able to land, albeit roughly. It seemed it was designed to crash-land people here, and prevent them from escaping. The obvious target for such a plan would be the Jedi Order, he realised, as two Sith had apparently attacked them.

He had just traversed the area for some components to attempt to construct an experimental FTL comm-system, one that might be able to transmit simple messages even with the strange Sith device blocking all other attempts at doing so, when he heard the light sabre activating behind him. Before he could even turn around, he felt the extreme heat of it penetrating his chest from behind. He let out a loud scream as it penetrated, but was dead in seconds.

Patrick Belarius, a.k.a. Point Breeze, a.k.a. taulover, the engineer, was attacked by the Sith Aragonn and brutally murdered during the night.

It is now the day phase again. I hope you've all had a very relaxing night. :)

Also, I'll be bringing back Pengu's DEAD rule.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 05, 2016, 03:38:51 AM
Holy shit, I hope that little story doesn't backfire on me...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: PB on April 05, 2016, 03:41:43 AM
Character names are in no way associated with your actual roles.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 05, 2016, 03:56:06 AM
I know that, but the noobs might not.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: PB on April 05, 2016, 04:08:25 AM
Well, they've now heard it twice so there should be no excuses.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: DekuNut on April 05, 2016, 04:17:58 AM
Vote: Aragonn
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on April 05, 2016, 04:24:53 AM

(I hope you guys don't mind if I post once in the day phase)

I suppose I had it coming, being the last survivor last time.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 05, 2016, 04:31:21 AM
People who've just been killed are free to post right after it happened, as long as it's nothing that influences the game. :)
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Wintermoot on April 05, 2016, 06:26:09 AM
This whole character thing is going to get confusing later in the game, I suspect. :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on April 05, 2016, 06:35:04 AM
So I'm curious, did you just lift the names from us entirely?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 05, 2016, 06:46:48 AM
That's sort of what we voted for, a long time ago in a galaxy far away in that other thread with the poll that Pengu put up for Werewolf VI.

If this does get too confusing, I can change the names in small ways, similar to what Pengu did in the last one, but that stands the risk of confusing people even more now that we've already established that these are the character names.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on April 05, 2016, 06:52:27 AM
It is now the day phase again. I hope you've all had a very relaxing night. :)

So do we get any idea of when this day phase ends?  :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 05, 2016, 07:33:58 AM
±48 hours after making that post, as per the rules. :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 05, 2016, 07:13:11 PM
Well, R.I.P taulover. 😢
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: DekuNut on April 05, 2016, 07:32:33 PM
Well then, shall we play the game?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 05, 2016, 07:55:55 PM
Well, is there anyone of suspect?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 05, 2016, 07:56:21 PM
Until then, I shall go as:
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 05, 2016, 08:02:48 PM
Vote: Rasdanation

Reason: he abstained

I know, it's a terrible reason. Hate me if you will.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 05, 2016, 09:07:09 PM
Vote: Rasdanation

Reason: he abstained

I know, it's a terrible reason. Hate me if you will.
Fine, you want me to vote?

Vote: North

Reason: I just picked a random name =P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 05, 2016, 09:13:22 PM
Vote: Rasdanation

Reason: he abstained

I know, it's a terrible reason. Hate me if you will.
Fine, you want me to vote?

Vote: North

Reason: I just picked a random name =P
Also, I just realized, in the Wintrean expeditions, North's character is a killer robot...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Commander_Zemas on April 05, 2016, 09:15:13 PM
Vote: Rasdanation

Reason: he abstained

I know, it's a terrible reason. Hate me if you will.
Fine, you want me to vote?

Vote: North

Reason: I just picked a random name =P
Also, I just realized, in the Wintrean expeditions, North's character is a killer robot...

I don't think that would have any correlation. :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Chanku on April 05, 2016, 09:19:45 PM
I'm gonna Vote for Aragonn....he did vote for Ras for the entire reason that he abstained.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on April 05, 2016, 09:29:48 PM
Oh, pile on me, huh? Two can play at that game, Ras.

I vote for Rasdanation
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Barnes on April 05, 2016, 09:30:49 PM
No one would risk abstaining twice in a row, now would they? Trying to avoid being suspected by not suspecting anyone else? Or trying to cover up their killings by not killing during the day?

Vote: Rasdanation
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Commander_Zemas on April 05, 2016, 09:36:58 PM
It is pretty suspicious. I vote Rasdanation for abstaining and switching his vote suspiciously. Also, trying to give  a reason that has no correlation.

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Chanku on April 05, 2016, 09:39:23 PM
I thought Ras might be innocent, however it seems like it is not the case. Therefore I change by vote to Rasdanation
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 05, 2016, 09:58:28 PM
The only reason I'm abstaining here was since I didn't have any evidence to go off of. Speaking of which, I am being stockpiled myself... I suspect some people in there are wolves.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 05, 2016, 09:58:51 PM
The only reason I'm abstaining here was since I didn't have any evidence to go off of. Speaking of which, I am being stockpiled myself... I suspect some people in there are wolves.
Plus, I did just switch from abstaining
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Commander_Zemas on April 05, 2016, 10:02:33 PM
Switching from abstaining can be very suspicious as well... Especially if someone blames you for abstaining.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 05, 2016, 10:06:40 PM
Switching from abstaining can be very suspicious as well... Especially if someone blames you for abstaining.
In any case, I feel that anything I would've said right then would've given someone some reason to stockpile on me here...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Commander_Zemas on April 05, 2016, 10:16:39 PM
Well, my vote still stands as we have no idea who would be the one to kill. We have little evidence, and I don't want to vote no lynch today.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: PB on April 05, 2016, 10:17:53 PM
Just a reminder to @Govindia and @Gibraltarica that you MUST vote in this day phase or you'll be lynched for inactivity :)
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 05, 2016, 10:22:07 PM
I'm going to switch my random vote to


since he did start this stockpile
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 05, 2016, 10:42:19 PM
Switching from abstaining can be very suspicious as well... Especially if someone blames you for abstaining.
Wait, I didn't abstain last round!
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Commander_Zemas on April 05, 2016, 10:47:22 PM
Good point, but I will keep my vote, unless someone has a convincing argument against someone else.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Gerrick on April 05, 2016, 10:49:37 PM
I'm going to vote for Aragonn, too.

I've seen the dangers of bandwagonning from last game, and though I do think Ras seems slightly suspicious, Aragonn has been the first to vote both rounds so far. Then again, that doesn't really count for much, but I don't really have anything else to go off.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 05, 2016, 10:52:59 PM
I'm sorry, Ras! I didn't mean to start a pile on you!
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on April 05, 2016, 10:55:05 PM
I'm sorry, Ras! I didn't mean to start a pile on you!
how do I vote and who do i vote for?  sorry I am behind

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: PB on April 05, 2016, 10:56:53 PM
I'm sorry, Ras! I didn't mean to start a pile on you!
how do I vote and who do i vote for?  sorry I am behind

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

Well, there are a number of wolves among the players.  Your job is to use all the evidence you can gather from this chatter to decide who you think they are.  Voting is as simple as posting

Vote: [player]
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 05, 2016, 11:01:35 PM
I'm going to vote for Aragonn, too.

I've seen the dangers of bandwagonning from last game, and though I do think Ras seems slightly suspicious, Aragonn has been the first to vote both rounds so far. Then again, that doesn't really count for much, but I don't really have anything else to go off.
If you cared to look, you'll see that Ras voted first this round. I was just first to vote for a player.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Gerrick on April 05, 2016, 11:06:11 PM
If you cared to look, you'll see that Ras voted first this round. I was just first to vote for a player.
Technically abstain isn't a vote. :D
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 05, 2016, 11:11:04 PM
It's a vote to not vote. :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: DekuNut on April 05, 2016, 11:25:20 PM
While I see the suspicion on Ras (we are NOT no-lynching today, and let's add that to the flip floppiness based on pressure) I don't want to cause a majority vote just yet, so I won't contribute to it. I also find the Aragonn wagon interesting. Not something I would've thought of myself. After classes are done today I'll look at who all supported the no-lynch yesterday

Although I do agree, voting for an abstention doesn't count as voting first.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: HannahB on April 05, 2016, 11:36:31 PM
Hmm, some weird logic going on here; currently there are only votes for Rasdanation and Aragonn... because, well, reasons :)) bad luck guys:

By my count it's currently:

Rasdanation = 5
Aragonn = 2

And barely any suspicion on anyone else... as such, I'll cast some doubt on other people;

Chanku - switched his vote from Aragonn to Ras saying
"I thought Ras might be innocent, however it seems like it is not the case. Therefore I change by vote to Rasdanation"
however guilt was far from substantiated in the 3 posts between his previous vote.

North, Barnes and Commander_Zemas - While Aragonn started the Ras "bandwagon" these three all jumped on it within 10 minutes of each other and contribute 60% of the "pile".

So hmm, with that for the meantime I Vote: Chanku
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on April 05, 2016, 11:44:57 PM
I'm a little hesitant to jump on bandwagoning this early with nothing to go on.

That being said, I'm a little suspicious of Pengu for his attempt to go after the host.  So, vote: Lynch Pengu
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Commander_Zemas on April 05, 2016, 11:48:39 PM
Can we attempt to lynch the host again? :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Chanku on April 05, 2016, 11:55:19 PM
Pengu's voting for Pengu clearly establishes that he is guilty :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on April 05, 2016, 11:56:18 PM
I find your lack of faith in my innocence disturbing.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Chanku on April 05, 2016, 11:57:39 PM
Well I mean Pengu definitely makes a case against Pengu and as to why to vote for Pengu...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Crushita on April 06, 2016, 12:00:13 AM
I have nooo idea who to vote for.

Why am I posting this?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: PB on April 06, 2016, 12:03:05 AM
I have nooo idea who to vote for.

Why am I posting this?

Because there are 24 hours left in the day phase?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: HannahB on April 06, 2016, 12:05:02 AM
Vote Trump 2016!.... Wait a minute...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 06, 2016, 12:22:35 AM
I was just playing around with my vote, but others used my vote as an excuse to bandwagon. To show this, I'll Vote: Gerrick.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 06, 2016, 12:32:51 AM
The only of my 4 current voters that I see their reasoning is North's, he's just getting back at me for randomly voting for him...
the others, @Chanku @Barnes and @Commander_Zemas haven't shown any reasonable reason to vote me up...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Commander_Zemas on April 06, 2016, 12:43:58 AM
I have given reasons, no matter how bad they are. We have to go off little evidence here.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on April 06, 2016, 12:51:58 AM
I have no idea who to vote for and Ras changed his vote so I'll vote for Tomb because.... he's quiet....
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Gerrick on April 06, 2016, 12:53:59 AM
Using others' votes as evidence of voting is the name of the game (...well, not literally :P). And 2 votes isn't a bandwagon.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 06, 2016, 01:11:55 AM
2 votes isn't a bandwagon.
Hmmm... then what should we call that?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: BraveSirRobin on April 06, 2016, 01:35:34 AM
I have no idea who to vote for and Ras changed his vote so I'll vote for Tomb because.... he's quiet....
Well everyone, all I've established this round is that North is innocent—he used the wrong "to." Anyone wanting to ward off suspicious would go through their post multiple times before posting. ;)

I vote Aragonn because he's trying to establish himself as the director of conversation. But I have to admit that Ras seems a bit suspicious at this point, too.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Colberius X on April 06, 2016, 02:44:16 AM
I'm going to Vote: aternox.

No particular reason.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Wintermoot on April 06, 2016, 03:00:13 AM
After reading the posts, I think Hannah's makes the most Vote: Chanku

I don't believe that a wolf would call attention to themselves by starting a bandwagon this early in the game, but I do think that wolves would take advantage of the situation...whether to pile onto it or to pile against it, I don't know, but Chanku's reasoning seems particularly weak.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 06, 2016, 03:01:46 AM
Can we get a vote count please?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Chanku on April 06, 2016, 03:02:22 AM
If I were Sith...wouldn't I have gotten Gov killed last night?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Colberius X on April 06, 2016, 03:05:01 AM
If I were Sith...wouldn't I have gotten Gov killed last night?
Why in the world would you have done something so stupid as that?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Chanku on April 06, 2016, 03:05:43 AM
You underestimate my dislike of Gov :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Wintermoot on April 06, 2016, 03:06:52 AM
I don't think even you would be that obvious...and if you were, there are a number of other Sith to keep you in your place, I'm sure. :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Chanku on April 06, 2016, 03:07:59 AM
Who were to say the other Sith would not really have a target, and just let me pick a target?

Again Wintermoot, if I were Sith I would probably want him out as soon as possible :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Wintermoot on April 06, 2016, 03:09:09 AM
I'm pretty sure they, being interested in prolonging the time until one of their own is voted off, would prevent you from being that obvious. :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on April 06, 2016, 03:09:41 AM
Who were to say the other Sith would not really have a target, and just let me pick a target?

Again Wintermoot, if I were Sith I would probably want him out as soon as possible :P

They would have to be foolhearted to do that, since once Gov was picked off so early, it'd be pretty obvious that you were on the team.  :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Chanku on April 06, 2016, 03:10:10 AM
I honestly wouldn't care :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Gerrick on April 06, 2016, 03:38:46 AM
Rasdanation: 4
Aragonn: 3
Chanku: 2
Gerrick: 1
Tomb: 1
aternox: 1
No Lynch: 1

Aragonn voted for Rasdanation (1)
Rasdanation voted for North (1)
Chanku voted for Aragonn (1)
North voted for Rasdanation (2)
Barnes voted for Rasdanation (3)
Commander_Zemas voted for Rasdanation (4)
Chanku changed vote to Rasdanation (5) from Aragonn (0)
Rasdanation changed vote to Aragonn (1) from North (0)
Gerrick voted for Aragonn (2)
HannahB voted for Chanku (1)
Pengu voted No Lynch
Aragonn changed vote to Gerrick (1) from Rasdanation (4)
North voted for Tomb (1)
BraveSirRobin voted for Aragonn (3)
Colberius X voted for aternox (1)
Wintermoot voted for Chanku (2)
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Gerrick on April 06, 2016, 03:40:44 AM
I honestly wouldn't care :P
So you'd sacrifice yourself just to have Gov killed off? Jesus. :o
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Wintermoot on April 06, 2016, 03:41:57 AM
Rasdanation: 4
Aragonn: 3
Chanku: 2
Gerrick: 1
Tomb: 1
aternox: 1
No Lynch: 1

Aragonn voted for Rasdanation (1)
Rasdanation voted for North (1)
Chanku voted for Aragonn (1)
North voted for Rasdanation (2)
Barnes voted for Rasdanation (3)
Commander_Zemas voted for Rasdanation (4)
Chanku changed vote to Rasdanation (5) from Aragonn (0)
Rasdanation changed vote to Aragonn (1) from North (0)
Gerrick voted for Aragonn (2)
HannahB voted for Chanku (1)
Pengu voted No Lynch
Aragonn changed vote to Gerrick (1) from Rasdanation (4)
North voted for Tomb (1)
BraveSirRobin voted for Aragonn (3)
Colberius X voted for aternox (1)
Wintermoot voted for Chanku (2)
As an aside, congrats on making the 70,000th post on the forums. :)
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 06, 2016, 03:45:35 AM
Oh gods, it's a close one...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Chanku on April 06, 2016, 03:45:48 AM
Congrats Gerrick, and also yes I would have.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 06, 2016, 03:46:38 AM
And anyone who has played with me before knows that I take an active role with voting in these games. Just saying.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Hydra on April 06, 2016, 04:30:36 AM
I have to agree with North. With my limited experience from the past game, laying low and staying quiet is a viable tactic. Therefore, I vote for Tomb.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 06, 2016, 04:45:42 AM
Vote: Chanku

Displayed unreasonable prejudice against someone who hasn't even posted. Plus his vote switch registers as 1.2 millinixons, the standard measure of the suspiciousness of behavior.

But he might try to get Gov out even if he knew Gov was innocent, based on his postings. Not the kind of friend you want to have!
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on April 06, 2016, 04:51:42 AM
Vote: Chanku

Displayed unreasonable prejudice against someone who hasn't even posted. Plus his vote switch registers as 1.2 millinixons, the standard measure of the suspiciousness of behavior.

But he might try to get Gov out even if he knew Gov was innocent, based on his postings. Not the kind of friend you want to have!

I do agree.  This is Werewolf ; the game of lynching suspicious people.  Not the game of lynching those you don't like.

Well...Unless you're one of the Sith.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 06, 2016, 05:06:41 AM
@Govindia, please be aware that you will be lynched for inactivity at the conclusion of this day phase if you haven't voted by then.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on April 06, 2016, 05:21:18 AM
Based on the information provided, plus the dickish behaviour committed, I Vote: Chanku
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on April 06, 2016, 06:33:37 AM
I think we should respect the individual game we are dealing with and call our enemies what they are - they aren't wolves.. They are SITH! Of the tradition of Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine and all of the Great Lords before them.. not moon-attuned semi-canine murderers from a backwater planet in far far in the future in a galaxy far far away.

I say we call them the Sith! Not wolves. Is the point.

But what if one of them is of a wolf-hybrid race?  That's pretty rude to completely dismiss that.  :o  WHAT IF ONE IS DARTH WOLF?

No Shistavanen ever served as a Sith:
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: HannahB on April 06, 2016, 06:39:00 AM
*in a raspy voice* "Goood! Use your aggressive feelings. Let the hate flow through you!
Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side... Power, unlimited power!!"

*HannahB coughs*

Phew... Don't know what came over me...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 06, 2016, 06:42:01 AM
Well, it's settled then. Anyone who uses the word "Wolf" to refer to a Sith will come down with a severe case of Light-Sabre-in-Abdomen (LSA, for short). This could become an epidemic.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on April 06, 2016, 06:52:07 AM
Well, it's settled then. Anyone who uses the word "Wolf" to refer to a Sith will come down with a severe case of Light-Sabre-in-Abdomen (LSA, for short). This could become an epidemic.

I'm not mad, I just pointed out the facts.  And actually there was at least one Shistavanen that served as a Jedi.  The rest were mercs or scouts.

The Sith had mostly a xenophobic side to them, a lot of times.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 06, 2016, 06:55:04 AM
And I was obviously not joking in the slightest. No sirree. No jokes to be found here. :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on April 06, 2016, 06:56:07 AM
And I was obviously not joking in the slightest. No sirree. No jokes to be found here. :P

Sorry, I am in a depressing mood tonight :(
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Wuufu on April 06, 2016, 09:13:16 AM
Alas, I am in Berlin, so playing through daily read throughs.

So I managed to read through and see that the general consensus is to Vote: Rasdanation. Who am I to go against peer pressure? :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 06, 2016, 10:04:14 AM
:( I got Ras killed off...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 06, 2016, 10:53:15 AM
North voted for Rasdanation (2)
North voted for Tomb (1)
Wait, whenever I counted through I got 3 votes for me(up to the point of when you posted this)... I think you forgot to take North's vote off of me but kept it both Tomb and I. Is this correct?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 06, 2016, 11:04:23 AM
Even though I do suspect Aragonn, I'm going to have to take my vote off of him. This is because I do suspect chanku more through HannahB's evidence. His switching of votes so rapidly onto me from Aragonn with almost no logic at all does show a greater likelyhood of him being on the siths, with someone ordering that vote out. In result, I change my vote to
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Commander_Zemas on April 06, 2016, 11:15:26 AM
For the next 5 days I won't be able to look on this forums, at least I think I won't. I'll be on a band trip to Chicago.

I will be able to look this afternoon and tomorrow mornin CST.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Tomb on April 06, 2016, 11:34:08 AM
Vote: @Aragonn

Reason: I don't have anything solid at this point... but it seems that Aragonn has been trying to start a bandwagon effect for the past two turns. I theorized that when he voted me in the beginning, it was for the sake of getting a bandwagon effect started against me, but I wasn't sure if that was really the case at the time, because it didn't catch on. But now, he's done it again and voted to lynch Rasdanation, and it seems that it caught on this time. With that in mind, I could be wrong. For all we know, he could be the seer, or it could all be coincidences. But after reviewing all of the pages I missed, this is all that I can find as far as suspicion goes.

P.S. As for my absence, I was running for an election (which I won :P ) in another region, and so coupled with RL, I was occupied with that.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 06, 2016, 12:34:35 PM
Wow. Just wow. Yes, because all the evidence points to that one conclusion. @Tomb, I'm not impressed with your detective skills. I was simply being active with voting as I almost always am, and people decided to use my vote and my terrible reason, which I even stated in that same post that it's terrible, as good enough reason to pile on Ras. I have since changed my vote to try to alleviate some of the pressure on Ras, as I don't truly suspect him of being Sith at the moment.

Run through it again and actual think about it this time, will you?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 06, 2016, 01:39:36 PM
This is just a reminder that this is a game.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 06, 2016, 01:42:59 PM
I'm not mad. I'm just annoyed.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Wintermoot on April 06, 2016, 01:48:38 PM
You say that this is just a game, and then people start dropping off dead as if it's NOT just a game. :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 06, 2016, 01:50:19 PM
Well, you know, it's Werewolf. :)
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Lidwine on April 06, 2016, 02:04:34 PM
I vote: Rasdanation Just because I'm sleepy and didn't really read.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on April 06, 2016, 02:05:05 PM
This is just a reminder that this is a game.

You know who else thought life was a game? Hitler. Just saying....
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 06, 2016, 02:20:19 PM
Correlation does not causation equal. :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 06, 2016, 02:21:16 PM
Oh, but this is Werewolf. We're always voting people off because of correlation. :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Chanku on April 06, 2016, 02:47:11 PM
Fine, however you will see that I am innocent. So I swap my vote to myself as well

Edit: Also wouldn't the purpose of the Sith to kill whomever, and they have to start with someone. If I were Sith I might as well use that to get someone I dislike out. ;P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 06, 2016, 03:11:01 PM
/me gasps

Chanku edited his post!
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Gerrick on April 06, 2016, 03:21:18 PM
North voted for Rasdanation (2)
North voted for Tomb (1)
Wait, whenever I counted through I got 3 votes for me(up to the point of when you posted this)... I think you forgot to take North's vote off of me but kept it both Tomb and I. Is this correct?
Shit, you're right. I'm sorry, so many people are changing votes. Ok, here's an update that I believe to be correct. I triple checked it.

Rasdanation: 5
Chanku: 5
Aragonn: 3
Tomb: 2
aternox: 1
Gerrick: 1
No Lynch: 1
Day 2 voting
Aragonn voted for Rasdanation (1)
Rasdanation voted for North (1)
Chanku voted for Aragonn (1)
North voted for Rasdanation (2)
Barnes voted for Rasdanation (3)
Commander_Zemas voted for Rasdanation (4)
Chanku changed vote to Rasdanation (5) from Aragonn (0)
Rasdanation changed vote to Aragonn (1) from North (0)
Gerrick voted for Aragonn (2)
HannahB voted for Chanku (1)
Pengu voted No Lynch (voting for oneself=No Lynch, right?)
Aragonn changed vote to Gerrick (1) from Rasdanation (4)
North changed vote to Tomb (1) from Rasdanation (3)
BraveSirRobin voted for Aragonn (3)
Colberius X voted for aternox (1)
Wintermoot voted for Chanku (2)
xXTheHydraXx voted for Tomb (2)
Evelynx voted for Chanku (3)
Govindia voted for Chanku (4)
Wuufu voted for Rasdanation (4)
Rasdanation changed vote to Chanku (5) from Aragonn (2)
Tomb voted for Aragonn (3)
VidiLune voted for Rasdanation (5)

We only have 12 hours left and the following 7 people to vote: @Feast Potatoes, @Sapphiron, @DekuNut, @Gibraltarica, @Kuramia, @El Fiji Grande, @aternox
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Gerrick on April 06, 2016, 03:23:04 PM
Chanku, you must be new to this...  ???
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Tomb on April 06, 2016, 03:26:18 PM
Wow. Just wow. Yes, because all the evidence points to that one conclusion. @Tomb, I'm not impressed with your detective skills. I was simply being active with voting as I almost always am, and people decided to use my vote and my terrible reason, which I even stated in that same post that it's terrible, as good enough reason to pile on Ras. I have since changed my vote to try to alleviate some of the pressure on Ras, as I don't truly suspect him of being Sith at the moment.

Run through it again and actual think about it this time, will you?

Calm down, okay? :P

Your reasons are not convincing either. My vote stands, honestly.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Crushita on April 06, 2016, 03:34:01 PM
/me gasps

Chanku edited his post!
Indeed.. That has suspicious written all over it.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: PB on April 06, 2016, 04:01:40 PM
North voted for Rasdanation (2)
North voted for Tomb (1)
Wait, whenever I counted through I got 3 votes for me(up to the point of when you posted this)... I think you forgot to take North's vote off of me but kept it both Tomb and I. Is this correct?
Shit, you're right. I'm sorry, so many people are changing votes. Ok, here's an update that I believe to be correct. I triple checked it.

Rasdanation: 5
Chanku: 5
Aragonn: 3
Tomb: 2
aternox: 1
Gerrick: 1
No Lynch: 1
Day 2 voting
Aragonn voted for Rasdanation (1)
Rasdanation voted for North (1)
Chanku voted for Aragonn (1)
North voted for Rasdanation (2)
Barnes voted for Rasdanation (3)
Commander_Zemas voted for Rasdanation (4)
Chanku changed vote to Rasdanation (5) from Aragonn (0)
Rasdanation changed vote to Aragonn (1) from North (0)
Gerrick voted for Aragonn (2)
HannahB voted for Chanku (1)
Pengu voted No Lynch (voting for oneself=No Lynch, right?)
Aragonn changed vote to Gerrick (1) from Rasdanation (4)
North changed vote to Tomb (1) from Rasdanation (3)
BraveSirRobin voted for Aragonn (3)
Colberius X voted for aternox (1)
Wintermoot voted for Chanku (2)
xXTheHydraXx voted for Tomb (2)
Evelynx voted for Chanku (3)
Govindia voted for Chanku (4)
Wuufu voted for Rasdanation (4)
Rasdanation changed vote to Chanku (5) from Aragonn (2)
Tomb voted for Aragonn (3)
VidiLune voted for Rasdanation (5)

We only have 12 hours left and the following 7 people to vote: @Feast Potatoes, @Sapphiron, @DekuNut, @Gibraltarica, @Kuramia, @El Fiji Grande, @aternox

I think you missed a vote somewhere.  Here's my tally - keep in mind I'm only tracking people's latest, most recent votes.

Aragonn votes Gerrick
Rasdanation votes Chanku
North votes Rasdanation
Zemas votes Rasdanation
Chanku votes Rasdanation
Barnes votes Rasdanation
Gerrick votes Aragonn
HannahB votes Chanku
Pengu votes no lynch
North votes Tomb
BSR votes Aragonn
Colberius votes aternox
Wintermoot votes Chanku
Hydra votes Tomb
Tomb votes Aragonn
Evelynx votes Chanku
Govindia votes Chanku
Wuufu votes Rasdanation
VidiLune votes Rasdanation
Crushita votes Chanku

Gerrick     - 1
Chanku      - 6
Rasdanation - 6
Aragonn     - 3
Tomb        - 2
aternox     - 1
No Lynch    - 1
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Gerrick on April 06, 2016, 04:21:00 PM
I think you missed a vote somewhere.  Here's my tally - keep in mind I'm only tracking people's latest, most recent votes.

Aragonn votes Gerrick
Rasdanation votes Chanku
North votes Rasdanation
Zemas votes Rasdanation
Chanku votes Rasdanation
Barnes votes Rasdanation
Gerrick votes Aragonn
HannahB votes Chanku
Pengu votes no lynch
North votes Tomb
BSR votes Aragonn
Colberius votes aternox
Wintermoot votes Chanku
Hydra votes Tomb
Tomb votes Aragonn
Evelynx votes Chanku
Govindia votes Chanku
Wuufu votes Rasdanation
VidiLune votes Rasdanation
Crushita votes Chanku

Gerrick     - 1
Chanku      - 6
Rasdanation - 6
Aragonn     - 3
Tomb        - 2
aternox     - 1
No Lynch    - 1
You've got North on there twice like I did the first time.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: PB on April 06, 2016, 04:25:53 PM
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 06, 2016, 04:29:11 PM
Vote counting is always a bitch. :P

It *almost* got North unfairly lynched in the previous game.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: PB on April 06, 2016, 04:44:18 PM
For real this time,
Chanku - 6
Rasdanation - 5
Aragonn - 3
Tomb - 2
aternox - 1
Gerrick - 1
No Lynch - 1

and T- 7 hours.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Kuramia on April 06, 2016, 05:39:47 PM
Chanku's last post voting for himself just smells a Sithy kind of way!

I Vote: Chanku.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Chanku on April 06, 2016, 05:46:13 PM
Well Pengu voted for himself....
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Colberius X on April 06, 2016, 06:30:45 PM
Well Pengu voted for himself....
On the first day, when he hadn't had other people piling on him.

Quote from: Tips and Tricks to help last in Werewolf
Tip #14: You CAN choose to Lynch yourself
Now you might be wondering why this would even be a serious consideration.  I mean, voting against yourself?  Really?  But this is both a good tactical decision both for good guys and werewolves (if you vote against yourself, people become unsure of their vote on you), as well as a terrific loophole to "Always Lynch" rules.  Unsure of who you want to vote, and aren't allowed to say "no lynch?"  Then you can vote for yourself!  It's essentially the equivalent of non-voting/lynching.  However, there ARE downsides to choosing to lynch yourself in whichever situation it is:  In a maneuver to save yourself from getting voted out, it can also translate the wrong way to where people will be MORE inclined to keep their vote.  It's really a 50/50 thing in that case.  In the loophole situation, it's only something that can work if nobody else suddenly decides to vote for you.  But all it takes is one person to turn that into a bandwagon against you, and you're in trouble.
I'd say you're in trouble.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on April 06, 2016, 06:51:19 PM
Fine, however you will see that I am innocent. So I swap my vote to myself as well

Edit: Also wouldn't the purpose of the Sith to kill whomever, and they have to start with someone. If I were Sith I might as well use that to get someone I dislike out. ;P
That's not how a true Sith acts.

I suggest you read the Darth Bane book series

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 06, 2016, 06:56:58 PM
I believe he's referring to this game of Werewolf and not actual Sith. :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on April 06, 2016, 08:14:28 PM
For the next 5 days[/u] I won't be able to look on this forums, at least I think I won't. I'll be on a band trip to Chicago.

I will be able to look this afternoon and tomorrow mornin CST.

Just wanted to point out that 5 days is quite a lot of time to disappear from the forums for Werewolf...and that it's also a very common bad-guy strategy to announce one's disappearance like so in order to avoid suspicion from anyone if they suddenly go quiet.  Granted, a good power role might do it, however in my experience from playing, it's been a bad guy 85% of the time, a power role 10%, and a good guy 5%.  Either way, it's something worth checking out for RE-0N to make sure just in case.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Chanku on April 06, 2016, 08:41:49 PM
Hrm...that is rather interesting Pengu....
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: PB on April 06, 2016, 10:03:29 PM
2 hours left. @Gibraltarica, you will be lynched if you don't vote!
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Sapphiron on April 06, 2016, 10:32:11 PM
Vote: Chanku
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on April 06, 2016, 10:37:22 PM
While I don't see Chanku as particularly guilty in a sith-y sense, I do think his jumping strictly at Gov is going to prove troublesome to everyone if it continues.  For the good guys, it'll be a wasted vote each day if it continues.  For the power roles, he's essentially outing himself and putting a giant target on his back for the bad guys to where he'll get killed off.  For the bad guys, he's essentially putting a giant target on his back to where he's going to get voted off eventually, so he's more a liability than an asset to everyone.

Either way, he's put himself in a precarious situation, and it's better to deal with it now than later.

Change Vote to: Lynch Chanku
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: El Fiji Grande on April 06, 2016, 11:32:49 PM
Reading through the forum, I was going to vote for Chanku. His initial reasoning for voting was weak, and the vote-switch to himself was particularly suspicious. He also edited one of his posts. That said, people are definitely starting to pile on him, so I'm not sure anymore.

I will Vote: Commander_Zemas. The 5-day absence seems like an unusually long time to be absent from Werewolf. It may be completely legitimate, but even so, I am suspect of the pile-up on Chanku, and Commander_Zemas may simply be trying to justify lie-low behavior.

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Chanku on April 06, 2016, 11:48:24 PM
Also the edit was literally me adding the edit part. I try and summarize my changes, or if I'm adding in a new thing I'll place it there instead...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: aternox on April 06, 2016, 11:58:14 PM

Either way, he's put himself in a precarious situation, and it's better to deal with it now than later.

It's easy to hold off voting in these cases and wasting a few days arguing over is he or isn't he, and I agree it's better to get things over with now.

Vote: Lynch Chanku

I see your point on Commander_Zemas and I'm not really sure. If he's been lynched for being quiet in a previous game, or has a special role, I would expect an announcement to be more likely. Whether that implies he is a good or bad power role, it could go either way for me at the moment.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: PB on April 07, 2016, 12:47:47 AM
For the past few days, Darth Nox had been settling into the alias of Hannah, a lost and confused traveler, just like the rest of those stranded on this strange place.  Nox, however, had another task - seek out the Jedi and learn as much as she could about them.  She had already learned how they communicated, their daily routines, who favored which nightly watch, and who was more likely to fall asleep in the nighttime hours.  Late on the second day after the Jedi's arrival, Nox had gathered enough information to report back to Darth Colberius.  As most of the other travelers were settling down for the night, she rose and proceeded to a dark corner of the facility and opened her holotransmitter.

The Jedi were not oblivious to their surveillant.  Master Tau was convinced she was just a curious traveler - you don't often see Jedi stuck in a predicament like this, and they had several pleasant conversations with strangers.  Sapphiron, however, was more suspicious.  He shared these thoughts with his master that night.  "You know, Padawan," Master Tau began to lecture, "I've become very impressed in your skills of observation.  I think you may be right about this Hannah individual.  Such a skill is essential for a Jedi Knight..."

Sapph stopped listening after "Padawan."  Tau only used that word when he was about to delve into a lengthy discourse about his training, or their mission, or history, or politics, or...  Saphh saw movement out of the corner of his eye, and turned around to catch a brief glimpse of Hannah descending a stairwell in the corner of the room.  Sapph took a quick glance at his master, and saw that he was immersed in the camera footage of their landing.  He recognized this as a golden opportunity, and took it.

"If there was one area of your training I'm afraid you've been lacking, it's your..."

Tau turned to discover his apprentice was gone.

"...discipline."  Tau followed his Padawan down the stairs.

The two Jedi reached the bottom of the stairwell and crept through the darkened lower levels.  As they approached the end of the main hallway, Sapphiron observed a faint blue glow coming from one of the opened doorways.  Inside, they could hear two voices, speaking in hushed tones.

"By my calculations, the CH-4NK0 droid will have recharged its fuel cells and will reactivate sometime tonight.  It will still be hunting us." the first voice said, with caution.

A second voice, somewhat electronic, spoke next, "You must be very careful, Darth Nox.  We saw what damage it can do when that toxic fog wa- BEHIND YOU!"

The hologram terminated, and Nox whirled around, red lightsaber instantly cutting through the dark.  The two Jedi burst into the room.  Tau ran straight for the Sith, attacking head on.  Sapph strafed to the left, hoping to outflank their opponent.  Nox was no novice fighter and saw the maneuver coming.  She deflected Tau's attacks and delivered a powerful kick to his chest, sending him into the wall.  She whirled and struck high and fast at the Padawan, quickly getting the better of him. 

"Master Tau!" he called out, and his master delivered a strong force push in response, sending the Sith flying.  Sapph rolled out of the way, and heard a sickening crunch as Nox crashed through the crumbling wall behind him and into a twisted piece of rebar, impaling her through the chest. 

"Are you alright, Padawan?" Tau called out.

Sapph took one look at the mangled corpse, and saw there was no opportunity for interrogation.  "Yes master, I'm fine.  Thank you."

"We should get back upstairs before we're discovered down here.  We don't know how many more there are."

"Did you hear what they said about that droid?"

"I did.  We're going to have to be extra vigilant tonight..."

Darth Nox, who was hiding among the villagers as Hannah, a.k.a. Chanku, has been lynched.

Also, Gibraltarica has been lynched for inactivity, failing to vote in two consecutive day phases. 

The second night phase has begun.  Power roles, please PM the hosts with your actions.  This night phase will last 24 hours.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Commander_Zemas on April 07, 2016, 12:59:18 AM
Looks like Chanku isn't CH-4NK0 :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 07, 2016, 01:07:51 AM
Wow. One Sith down already. Good play for the Jedi.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Gerrick on April 07, 2016, 01:08:35 AM
Nicely done. This has got to be a first.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Crushita on April 07, 2016, 01:10:56 AM
Wow. We got a sith! Wooh! Now what was Gibraltarica?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Barnes on April 07, 2016, 01:12:52 AM
Wow. One Sith down already. Good play for the Jedi.
For the Jedi? Are you not one, in which case you would say "good play for us"?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Crushita on April 07, 2016, 01:14:18 AM
Wow. One Sith down already. Good play for the Jedi.
For the Jedi? Are you not one, in which case you would say "good play for us"?
Good observation Barnes! Hmm...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 07, 2016, 01:17:25 AM
'Tis Werewolf. You can't know what role I have until I'm dead. I could be Sith, I could be Jedi, I could be CH-4NK0, I could be a regular player.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 07, 2016, 01:25:41 AM
Honestly, I don't know why I need to keep pointing out this fact...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: HannahB on April 07, 2016, 01:30:19 AM
Totally taking all the credit for this one guys :))

JK, ofcourse :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 07, 2016, 02:13:03 AM
Well, hey, we were right about Chanku!
Even though I do suspect Aragonn, I'm going to have to take my vote off of him. This is because I do suspect chanku more through HannahB's evidence. His switching of votes so rapidly onto me from Aragonn with almost no logic at all does show a greater likelyhood of him being on the siths, with someone ordering that vote out. In result, I change my vote to
Btw, perhaps I might've been correct in this situation... but if my theory was true, then which of my voters are one of the baddies?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: El Fiji Grande on April 07, 2016, 04:09:38 AM
Wow. We got a sith! Wooh! Now what was Gibraltarica?
Do we get to find out?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 07, 2016, 04:13:15 AM
He was a Paired Defender/Jedi. We've replaced him with some other random person. :)
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 07, 2016, 04:33:15 AM
Shame. That means the Jedi defending power was split in half the first night.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on April 07, 2016, 04:44:16 AM
Well shit hit the dick in the mashed potatoes
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 07, 2016, 04:52:23 AM
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Barnes on April 07, 2016, 04:56:00 AM
He was a Paired Defender/Jedi. We've replaced him with some other random person. :)
Shame. That means the Jedi defending power was split in half the first night.
Aragonn, you're really contradicting the host's statements here. He said there was another Jedi defender to replace Gibraltica.
I'm not sure if you're trying to out yourself intentionally or unintentionally with misinformation, but it definitely draws my attention...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on April 07, 2016, 04:58:45 AM

Oh come on, you thought the same thing  :)) :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 07, 2016, 05:01:21 AM
He was a Paired Defender/Jedi. We've replaced him with some other random person. :)
Shame. That means the Jedi defending power was split in half the first night.
Aragonn, you're really contradicting the host's statements here. He said there was another Jedi defender to replace Gibraltica.
I'm not sure if you're trying to out yourself intentionally or unintentionally with misinformation, but it definitely draws my attention...
In case you hadn't noticed, Gibralticar was outed at the end of this last day phase. This last day phase was Day 2. That means that there's a Night 1, and that Night 1 happened before Day 2. Also, that Night 1 happened before Gibralticar was outed. That means that there was only one active Jedi during Night 1.

Am I missing anything?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Barnes on April 07, 2016, 05:03:52 AM
If you mean that the defending power was cut in half because Gibraltica was inactive, then you're entirely right, and I'm being overly rash.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 07, 2016, 05:17:09 AM
Guys, it's Gibraltarica. :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 07, 2016, 05:19:14 AM
Oops. Sorry.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on April 07, 2016, 05:19:55 AM
Guys, it's Gibraltarica. :P

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 07, 2016, 05:21:18 AM
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Barnes on April 07, 2016, 05:21:23 AM
Diplomatic relations be damned. I can't even spell names of those from my embassy right. Thanks for the correction.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 07, 2016, 05:24:36 AM
Diplomatic relations be damned. I can't even spell names of those from my embassy right. Thanks for the correction.
Right, because who really gives a fuck about friends and allies, amirite? :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 07, 2016, 05:30:46 AM
I actually do, but I know that way of thinking is dying out.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: PB on April 07, 2016, 05:49:07 AM
Perhaps Gibraltarica only sent a PM and didn't bother to post on the forums?  You people are making a lot of assumptions. :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Kuramia on April 07, 2016, 06:28:08 AM
Woot! Another one bites the dust!

Perhaps we'll be as lucky next time!
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: El Fiji Grande on April 07, 2016, 08:19:33 AM
I actually do, but I know that way of thinking is dying out.
I share those values.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 07, 2016, 09:56:23 AM
I voted for a Sith! I voted for a Sith! And now they are dead.
Sith be crazy yo, votin' for themselves and sheeet.

The force is with us, blood-kinsmen at arms!

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 07, 2016, 09:58:15 AM
kins..people? Is that a thing?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Tomb on April 07, 2016, 09:58:40 AM
Good job, guys. Chanku brought suspicion on himself, but honestly, I was never really convinced until now, because, well, I never imagined that the Sith would be so easy to spot. :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 07, 2016, 11:55:11 AM
Well, hey, we were right about Chanku!
Even though I do suspect Aragonn, I'm going to have to take my vote off of him. This is because I do suspect chanku more through HannahB's evidence. His switching of votes so rapidly onto me from Aragonn with almost no logic at all does show a greater likelyhood of him being on the siths, with someone ordering that vote out. In result, I change my vote to
Btw, perhaps I might've been correct in this situation... but if my theory was true, then which of my voters are one of the baddies?
So just woke up, and I'm checking the forums when I find that no one has possibly agreed, disagreed, or just made comments on this theory.... wow
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Lidwine on April 07, 2016, 01:23:02 PM
I don't have anything to say. And theory Ras? You just asking for someone to say that they're baddies, that no theory!
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Sapphiron on April 07, 2016, 03:11:18 PM
Rasdanation, if I were to speculate, while some of those who have voted for you may be the Siths, allow me to ask you this. What is the likelihood of you being a Sith? Before HannahB’s reasoning regarding Chanku’s abrupt vote switch, you were the most affected by the bandwagon effect.  Hypothetically speaking, it could be that since you were a “shoo-in” for being lynched, the Siths decided that it is safer for Chanku to jump on the bandwagon and vote off an ally, thus directing suspicion away from him, except Chanku did it too quickly and ended up looking even more suspicious.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 07, 2016, 04:17:41 PM
I don't have anything to say. And theory Ras? You just asking for someone to say that they're baddies, that no theory!
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 07, 2016, 04:18:53 PM
Rasdanation, if I were to speculate, while some of those who have voted for you may be the Siths, allow me to ask you this. What is the likelihood of you being a Sith? Before HannahB’s reasoning regarding Chanku’s abrupt vote switch, you were the most affected by the bandwagon effect.  Hypothetically speaking, it could be that since you were a “shoo-in” for being lynched, the Siths decided that it is safer for Chanku to jump on the bandwagon and vote off an ally, thus directing suspicion away from him, except Chanku did it too quickly and ended up looking even more suspicious.
Maybe they are trying to make you think that, but I'm no Sith
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Kuramia on April 07, 2016, 04:30:35 PM
Rasdanation, if I were to speculate, while some of those who have voted for you may be the Siths, allow me to ask you this. What is the likelihood of you being a Sith? Before HannahB’s reasoning regarding Chanku’s abrupt vote switch, you were the most affected by the bandwagon effect.  Hypothetically speaking, it could be that since you were a “shoo-in” for being lynched, the Siths decided that it is safer for Chanku to jump on the bandwagon and vote off an ally, thus directing suspicion away from him, except Chanku did it too quickly and ended up looking even more suspicious.
Maybe they are trying to make you think that, but I'm no Sith
Are we...supposed to expect you to say that you are a Sith at this point? Of course you'll say you aren't.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 07, 2016, 04:36:28 PM
Ah, now this is the Werewolf I know and love. :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Sapphiron on April 07, 2016, 04:54:50 PM
Maybe they are trying to make you think that, but I'm no Sith
How so?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Barnes on April 07, 2016, 05:12:14 PM
Rasdanation, if I were to speculate, while some of those who have voted for you may be the Siths, allow me to ask you this. What is the likelihood of you being a Sith? Before HannahB’s reasoning regarding Chanku’s abrupt vote switch, you were the most affected by the bandwagon effect.  Hypothetically speaking, it could be that since you were a “shoo-in” for being lynched, the Siths decided that it is safer for Chanku to jump on the bandwagon and vote off an ally, thus directing suspicion away from him, except Chanku did it too quickly and ended up looking even more suspicious.
Maybe they are trying to make you think that, but I'm no Sith
Are we...supposed to expect you to say that you are a Sith at this point? Of course you'll say you aren't.
Especially considering that you yourself, Ras, expected us to proclaim which of your voters were Siths. Hypocrisy, I say.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 07, 2016, 05:24:15 PM
I find it just as likely that Tomb was being voted out by the Sith as Ras. The only person here that I think has done much of substance to prove their innocence is HannahB, by implicating Chanku "out of he blue" as it were. Don't take this to be a repeat of the last game.. >.>

Last game Laurentus sacrificed HannahB and Crushita.. but that was much later in the game.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: El Fiji Grande on April 07, 2016, 06:27:48 PM
Rasdanation, if I were to speculate, while some of those who have voted for you may be the Siths, allow me to ask you this. What is the likelihood of you being a Sith? Before HannahB’s reasoning regarding Chanku’s abrupt vote switch, you were the most affected by the bandwagon effect.  Hypothetically speaking, it could be that since you were a “shoo-in” for being lynched, the Siths decided that it is safer for Chanku to jump on the bandwagon and vote off an ally, thus directing suspicion away from him, except Chanku did it too quickly and ended up looking even more suspicious.
It's completely possible, though I suspect unlikely. I trust Rasdanation a teensy bit more now. That said, there is always the possibility...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on April 07, 2016, 06:34:16 PM
that isn't an explanation

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 07, 2016, 06:38:33 PM
It's about as much as I can articulate. :P

Just put it into context yourself by reading the preceding 3 or 4 posts, and the immediately following ones.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on April 07, 2016, 06:41:23 PM
It's about as much as I can articulate.[emoji14]
Just put it into context yourself by reading the preceding 3 or 4 posts, and the immediately following ones.
I did.  I still would like an explanation.  And as for someone schooled in British English and law, I would expect someone to articulate better[emoji14]

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Gerrick on April 07, 2016, 06:58:12 PM
Gov, they both spelled his name wrong.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on April 07, 2016, 07:47:34 PM
Gov, they both spelled his name wrong.
oh, well derp in the derp

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: PB on April 07, 2016, 11:06:32 PM
Just an FYI everyone, I may be a little late in closing this game.  We still have plenty of time, so stay tuned.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: PB on April 08, 2016, 12:47:50 AM
The Sith had taken extra care in their meeting that night.  As they assembled in secrecy, they decided that now was the time for action.

One of the Jedi would have to die.

Darth Laurentus, or "Thor," as the Jedi had affectionately pegged him, stepped from Colberius' lair into the chill of the night.  A steely determination clouded his vision, and he was blindsided by a massive, hairy creature barreling straight for him.

"YAAAAWWWWWRRRRRRRPPPP!!!" the beast howled as it ran full force into the Sith.  Caught completely off guard, the wookie sent the hulking sith to the ground, dashing his head on a rock and knocking him uselessly unconscious for the night.  Wookies are extremely intelligent, you see, and this one could tell that the individual he had knocked over was clearly a bad guy.  The wookie, Gaarvindia, could smell a large group of people in the next warehouse over, and proceeded there. 

Inside, in a dark corner just off the main entrance of the facility, mechanical servos fired up and optical sensors received power for the first time in days.  The malevolent droid the Brotherhood had created was finally able to come online and continue its prerogative.  Hate, not electricity, flashed across its circuits as the wookie crashed through the door that the droid was hiding behind and pinned it against the wall.  The droid calculated it would use all its energy allocated for tonight freeing itself from this mess.  It gave a disappointed electronic groan and powered off in frustration.

"AAWWWRRAWWWAAAPPP," greeted Gaar.  "WARRARRR MRAWWWNARRR YAARRP."  A rough translation: "Help, please!  I'm tired and I haven't eaten in a long time.  I don't know how I ended up here." 

Fortunately, Master Tau is fluent in Shyriiwook, and came to the wookie's aid.  "Come here, friend," he called, "we can help you."  Tau and Sapph spent the night tending to Gaarv and hearing his story.  They enlisted the aid of several other travelers, including a curious little droid that had a habit of scanning retinas and ID cards.

The Wookie has activated their power, negating all other power roles. (  Thus, nothing happened tonight.  Day phase #3 begins now, and will end in 72 hours.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Gerrick on April 08, 2016, 01:03:29 AM
Haha that was pretty good, Point Breeze. :))

I hope you know what you're doing, Wookie, as that was quite an early use of your power. Those are invaluable at the end when we're trying to prevent Sith kills and we're low in number in comparison to them.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on April 08, 2016, 01:54:47 AM
The wookie, Gaarvindia, could smell a large group of people in the next warehouse over, and proceeded there.

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 08, 2016, 02:48:11 AM
At least you have a wookie named after you instead of a Sith. :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 08, 2016, 02:49:27 AM
Though when I think about it, I'd fit right in with the Sith if they weren't for complete control over everyone. That's just wrong.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on April 08, 2016, 03:04:19 AM
So, I don't suppose anyone has a lead?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Kuramia on April 08, 2016, 03:09:29 AM
I would argue it's the Empire that's up for complete control, and not necessarily the Sith, but the two are often interconnected.

The only one we seemed the least bit suspicious of right now was Rasdanation.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Colberius X on April 08, 2016, 04:18:49 AM
@Point Breeze: Pardon me, Mister Moderator Sir,'s spelled "Wookiee".

At least you have a wookie named after you instead of a Sith. :P
I don't know about you, but I'm honored that @Laurentus named a Sith after me, and the leader to boot.

To our Errant Wookiee: Perhaps you should have read some of the previous Werewolf game.  Alas, that is the problem with such an active thread.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 08, 2016, 04:45:41 AM
That was beautiful. :P

EDIT: And yeah, Hyperians tend to favour the Dark Side, because we're Imperialists. Tau is a traitor though, that's why I named a Jedi after him. :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 08, 2016, 09:55:43 AM
What to do what to do.. Our fine wookiee has provided us with a brief respite from our Sithly travails...

I'm curious, to those who know more about this game, what kind of patterns should we be looking for in a Sith?

They could be quiet in order to fly below the radar, or be vocal and helpful in order to raise themselves above suspicion. They can act like anything they choose, pretty much.

Last night was also the first night I believe CH-4NK0 was allowed to make a kill. We should keep track of when these powers can possibly be activated, since a lot of them are time dependent. Maybe that's why the Wookiee decided to activate their power?

This is our third day phase, so our protocol droid can't help anyone, though honestly I don't know on what grounds they would decide to do so.

At this point I don't know who to vote for really.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on April 08, 2016, 10:32:48 AM
@Point Breeze: Pardon me, Mister Moderator Sir,'s spelled "Wookiee".

At least you have a wookie named after you instead of a Sith. :P
I don't know about you, but I'm honored that @Laurentus named a Sith after me, and the leader to boot.

To our Errant Wookiee: Perhaps you should have read some of the previous Werewolf game.  Alas, that is the problem with such an active thread.

I am too @Colberius X, just surprised.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 08, 2016, 11:53:32 AM
So, I don't suppose anyone has a lead?
Well, I do have some suspicions, but none have that much evidence... Just correlations
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 08, 2016, 01:07:14 PM
The only feelings I have is that Tomb is one of the independent power roles (not Jedi or Sith). That's all I have at the moment.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Tomb on April 08, 2016, 03:15:29 PM
I'm not going to comment on the above, because well, it's against the game rules :P

As for now, I'll vote: Abstain

Reasoning: No new information. The negation of power did not necessarily come at the desired time, but remember, we're 1 Sith down, so we're in a good position. Anyways, my vote is likely to change if we discover anything new.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 08, 2016, 04:08:43 PM
we're 1 Sith down
That was worded weirdly...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 08, 2016, 04:30:49 PM
@Point Breeze: Pardon me, Mister Moderator Sir,'s spelled "Wookiee".

At least you have a wookie named after you instead of a Sith. :P
I don't know about you, but I'm honored that @Laurentus named a Sith after me, and the leader to boot.

To our Errant Wookiee: Perhaps you should have read some of the previous Werewolf game.  Alas, that is the problem with such an active thread.
Uh, mister Coberius, sir, it should be "games."

Thought I'd correct you for a change. :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Colberius X on April 08, 2016, 06:52:04 PM
@Point Breeze: Pardon me, Mister Moderator Sir,'s spelled "Wookiee".

At least you have a wookie named after you instead of a Sith. :P
I don't know about you, but I'm honored that @Laurentus named a Sith after me, and the leader to boot.

To our Errant Wookiee: Perhaps you should have read some of the previous Werewolf game.  Alas, that is the problem with such an active thread.
Uh, mister Coberius, sir, it should be "games."

Thought I'd correct you for a change. :P
Actually, I was only referring to the most recent game, because that was the only game where a negation role really utilized their power too early, and the only one where I wrote a well articulated warning for negation roles. That's why I was bemoaning "such an active thread." Nice try, though.   :P

And I'm not altogether sure who Coberius is, but I didn't think he'd mind if I responded to this before he had a chance to.  ;)
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 08, 2016, 07:55:03 PM
@Point Breeze: Pardon me, Mister Moderator Sir,'s spelled "Wookiee".

At least you have a wookie named after you instead of a Sith. :P
I don't know about you, but I'm honored that @Laurentus named a Sith after me, and the leader to boot.

To our Errant Wookiee: Perhaps you should have read some of the previous Werewolf game.  Alas, that is the problem with such an active thread.
Uh, mister Coberius, sir, it should be "games."

Thought I'd correct you for a change. :P
Actually, I was only referring to the most recent game, because that was the only game where a negation role really utilized their power too early, and the only one where I wrote a well articulated warning for negation roles. That's why I was bemoaning "such an active thread." Nice try, though.   :P

And I'm not altogether sure who Coberius is, but I didn't think he'd mind if I responded to this before he had a chance to.  ;)
Oh, the irony
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 08, 2016, 08:05:31 PM
Get 'im, Colby! :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Colberius X on April 08, 2016, 09:23:46 PM
@Laurentus - I know I don't provide many opportunities to correct me, but would you really expect such an opportunity to arise in Werewolf, of all places?  :P I can't bear to leave my own mistakes uncorrected, and editing is a terrible idea in Werewolf, so I check my posts five times more than I normally do (which is a significant amount to begin with).
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: El Fiji Grande on April 08, 2016, 10:44:35 PM
I like the theory Evelynx proposed about our Wookie using his power to block the CH4NK0 bot. Not sure how valid that is, but it's the best theory we've got. While I am glad that the Sith didn't get to use their power, I'm typically of the mindset that special block-powers like that should be held until the critical end-game stages for defeating the Sith. I personally don't any real evidence from the last few nights, though I am somewhat suspicious of Tomb.

Vote: Abstain
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 08, 2016, 10:49:31 PM
I'm going to look more towards the people who piled on Ras after my random vote for him.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 08, 2016, 10:53:29 PM
Hmm....@Commander_Zemas and @Barnes I'm suspecting you two the most based on what you said when you piled on Ras last day phase.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 09, 2016, 02:03:55 AM
Hmm....@Commander_Zemas and @Barnes I'm suspecting you two the most based on what you said when you piled on Ras last day phase.
Alas, I am in Berlin, so playing through daily read throughs.

So I managed to read through and see that the general consensus is to Vote: Rasdanation. Who am I to go against peer pressure? :P
I do suspect Wuufu's vote more than most @Aragonn. He says who am I to go against peer pressure when no one was directly pressuring him, yet anyone to vote for me. I suspect the sith are "peer pressuring" him to pile on me...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 09, 2016, 02:05:57 AM
Hmm....@Commander_Zemas and @Barnes I'm suspecting you two the most based on what you said when you piled on Ras last day phase.
Alas, I am in Berlin, so playing through daily read throughs.

So I managed to read through and see that the general consensus is to Vote: Rasdanation. Who am I to go against peer pressure? :P
I do suspect Wuufu's vote more than most @Aragonn. He says who am I to go against peer pressure when no one was directly pressuring him, yet anyone to vote for me. I suspect the sith are "peer pressuring" him to pile on me...
I won't even get started on how suspicious I am of VidiLune's "lazy" vote on me...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on April 09, 2016, 02:24:03 AM
There is still not enough information right now, so I will

Vote: No Lynch

It's not conclusive enough for a smoking gun.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Colberius X on April 09, 2016, 02:28:21 AM
Ras, is there anyone you aren't incredibly suspicious of?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on April 09, 2016, 02:39:21 AM
I've got nothing.
[/b]No Lynch
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Sapphiron on April 09, 2016, 05:12:02 AM
Vote: Wuufu
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Kuramia on April 09, 2016, 06:19:46 AM
Sith are known to sow chaos, so I'm watching for those slinging suspicion rather randomly around.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Wuufu on April 09, 2016, 08:31:22 AM
Rasdanation: by 'peer pressure', I meant simply that you had the most votes for you at the time I read through the thread. I wasn't really pressured other than the fact you have to vote to stay alive!

Vote: No Lynch

I agree we should hold up until we have more info.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on April 09, 2016, 09:57:16 AM
Vote: Wuufu

@Sapphiron, why ?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Sapphiron on April 09, 2016, 10:07:40 AM
Wuufu voted for Rasdanation according to general consensus, which if not explained properly is but a mere unjustified bandwagon. With a few already stacking on Rasdanation at that time, what better way to ensure his lynch or appear to be wrongly influenced by the ones already aboard the wagon?

While I didn't consider this before voting for him, just right before you posted, Wuufu said "you have to vote to stay alive", which I presume is referring to the inactivity rule. He could have posted 'Vote: No Lynch" or anyone else (eg. those who have 0 votes on them since it would not affect the final results). Plus, I just don't see the purpose of not lynching anyone in the day phase after Day 1, when there is near to zero information, unless an indisputable blunder occurred.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 09, 2016, 11:10:22 AM
Ras, is there anyone you aren't incredibly suspicious of?
Surprisingly, yes. I'm not suspicious of HannahB, after her thorough evidence on how Chanku is a baddie. I'm not that suspicious of North, seeing as the only reason he voted for me was to get back at me since I randomly voted him up... and there are more people but it would take forever. But the thing is, I don't see suspicion as whether you have it or not, I more of see it as everyone has suspicion on others, just some not as much on others. So technically, I do have suspicion on everyone, just some I barely suspect while I highly suspect others.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 09, 2016, 11:13:56 AM
Rasdanation: by 'peer pressure', I meant simply that you had the most votes for you at the time I read through the thread. I wasn't really pressured other than the fact you have to vote to stay alive!

Vote: No Lynch

I agree we should hold up until we have more info.
What still confuses me here is that, what made you jump on the bandwagon instead of voting for someone random?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 09, 2016, 11:21:32 AM
Anyways, I'll Abstain for now until I find more information.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Lidwine on April 09, 2016, 11:56:01 AM
Me suspicious?! I don't see why you would say that! :p Just kidding, I do like being lynched just for the hell of it!

Come on people I know that sound suspicious, band-wagon the shit out of me!

Sorry more rude words than normal! *bow low on the floor to show how much she's sorry*
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 09, 2016, 12:01:27 PM
should it ever get killed during the night or day phases, it can randomly kill one person who attempted to kill it at night
Me suspicious?! I don't see why you would say that! :p Just kidding, I do like being lynched just for the hell of it!

Come on people I know that sound suspicious, band-wagon the shit out of me!

Sorry more rude words than normal! *bow low on the floor to show how much she's sorry*
Something seems suspicious here...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Sapphiron on April 09, 2016, 12:02:14 PM
Innocent local, vindictive RE-0N or reverse psychology?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 09, 2016, 12:04:45 PM
Innocent local, vindictive RE-0N or reverse psychology?
Maybe... but I've seen how desperate jesters (who win if they get lynched) can sometimes be in ToS
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 09, 2016, 12:06:22 PM
At the same time, as Sapph pointed out, she definitely could be using reverse psychology on us...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 09, 2016, 12:10:36 PM
*Eats biltong*

This is excellent.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 09, 2016, 07:46:58 PM
I'd expect CH-4NK0 to be acting VERY conservatively right now. RE-0N as well. They have nothing to gain from being lynched and everything to lose. When they die, we should hope that the Sith do it for us. =)

I'm with Sapphiron in terms of not voting No Lynch. Every successful No Lynch vote diminishes the killing power of the voting public as compared to the Sith's. It destroys our democracy!

To my vote.. Not only is bandwagoning a suspicious behavior, it is also undesirable - even in someone without a power role. We should always have a reason for our votes.

Vote: Wuufu

I invite you to defend yourself.. :p
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on April 09, 2016, 09:04:05 PM
I'd expect CH-4NK0 to be acting VERY conservatively right now. RE-0N as well. They have nothing to gain from being lynched and everything to lose. When they die, we should hope that the Sith do it for us. =)

I'm with Sapphiron in terms of not voting No Lynch. Every successful No Lynch vote diminishes the killing power of the voting public as compared to the Sith's. It destroys our democracy!

To my vote.. Not only is bandwagoning a suspicious behavior, it is also undesirable - even in someone without a power role. We should always have a reason for our votes.

Vote: Wuufu

I invite you to defend yourself.. :p

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Colberius X on April 09, 2016, 10:23:54 PM
I'd expect CH-4NK0 to be acting VERY conservatively right now. RE-0N as well. They have nothing to gain from being lynched and everything to lose. When they die, we should hope that the Sith do it for us. =)
How about we instead hope that our Seer doesn't die at all? That would be better still.

Vote: Evelynx, for using wording that implies the Seer's death is inevitable, along with a smiley face at the end. Who but a Sith would be smiling about the death of the Seer?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on April 09, 2016, 10:33:38 PM
I'd expect CH-4NK0 to be acting VERY conservatively right now. RE-0N as well. They have nothing to gain from being lynched and everything to lose. When they die, we should hope that the Sith do it for us. =)
How about we instead hope that our Seer doesn't die at all? That would be better still.

Vote: Evelynx, for using wording that implies the Seer's death is inevitable, along with a smiley face at the end. Who but a Sith would be smiling about the death of the Seer?

We have no idea who the seer is?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on April 09, 2016, 10:34:15 PM
@Evelynx, I only disliked your post because I disagreed with it.  I was asking Wuufu to explain himself.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 09, 2016, 11:04:28 PM
I'd expect CH-4NK0 to be acting VERY conservatively right now. RE-0N as well. They have nothing to gain from being lynched and everything to lose. When they die, we should hope that the Sith do it for us. =)
How about we instead hope that our Seer doesn't die at all? That would be better still.

Vote: Evelynx, for using wording that implies the Seer's death is inevitable, along with a smiley face at the end. Who but a Sith would be smiling about the death of the Seer?

If/When they die, poorly worded. If they DO die though, I hope the Sith kill them since then a random Sith will die instead of a random voter.

If CH-4NK0 kills RE-0N, will CH-4NK0 die?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Colberius X on April 09, 2016, 11:26:27 PM
We have no idea who the seer is?
The Seer is RE-0N.

@Evelynx, I only disliked your post because I disagreed with it.  I was asking Wuufu to explain himself.
Yes, but that was her first dislike. Actually, we tend to avoid using dislikes altogether in Werewolf; disagreement should be explained in a post instead of via karma.

Evelynx, I understand the pain of having a single dislike.

If/When they die, poorly worded. If they DO die though, I hope the Sith kill them since then a random Sith will die instead of a random voter.

If CH-4NK0 kills RE-0N, will CH-4NK0 die?
Agreed on that, and good question. I'm sure you'll understand if my vote stays where it is, though, for lack of a better choice.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Barnes on April 09, 2016, 11:34:13 PM
I do see Evelynx's point. To answer the question, yes, if it was the only one who targeted RE-0N. Well, even if CH-4NK0 wasn't the only one targeting RE-0N, and CH-4NK0 was randomly selected as well.

I've yet to make a vote/analysis. I'm voting Rasdanation once again, despite the fact that everyone has seemed to ignore his threatening actions from last round.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: DekuNut on April 09, 2016, 11:50:13 PM
I'm gonna Vote: No lynch so that I don't die today, plus I don't have any really strong feelings right now.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 10, 2016, 12:02:20 AM
I'm voting Rasdanation once again, despite the fact that everyone has seemed to ignore his threatening actions from last round.
What exactly do you mean by threatening actions? All I did was abstain, vote, explain people's suspicions about me, change my vote, and be suspicious about some people...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 10, 2016, 12:03:58 AM
I'm voting Rasdanation once again, despite the fact that everyone has seemed to ignore his threatening actions from last round.
What exactly do you mean by threatening actions? All I did was abstain, vote, explain people's suspicions about me, change my vote, and be suspicious about some people...
If you mean by threatening, voting off a sith, then we could most likely infer that you are one of 'em  ;)
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 10, 2016, 12:22:11 AM
Well, anyways I do see by Barnes' vote a way of trying to remind all of you that I was being bandwagoned, and it seems he's trying to start it up again, for the sake of his faulty reason of threatening actions when nothing I did was threatening anyone but the sith, by helping us Jedi's or as I like to call us, Townies, get rid of some evil in the game, causing me to change my vote to
Lynch: Barnes
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Barnes on April 10, 2016, 12:31:47 AM
Rasdanation, if I were to speculate, while some of those who have voted for you may be the Siths, allow me to ask you this. What is the likelihood of you being a Sith? Before HannahB’s reasoning regarding Chanku’s abrupt vote switch, you were the most affected by the bandwagon effect.  Hypothetically speaking, it could be that since you were a “shoo-in” for being lynched, the Siths decided that it is safer for Chanku to jump on the bandwagon and vote off an ally, thus directing suspicion away from him, except Chanku did it too quickly and ended up looking even more suspicious.
Maybe they are trying to make you think that, but I'm no Sith
Are we...supposed to expect you to say that you are a Sith at this point? Of course you'll say you aren't.
Especially considering that you yourself, Ras, expected us to proclaim which of your voters were Siths. Hypocrisy, I say.
I stand by my original point. Not to mention you've gone after those who voted for you, implying that being victim to a bandwagon makes you innocent.

And for the record, last time I was convicted and voted against for "faulty reason", the person who voted for me, Laurentus, turned out to be a psychopath.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Gerrick on April 10, 2016, 12:42:11 AM
I'm surprised that so few people have voted so far this phase. Only 11 not including me, right?

I'm going to Vote: No Lynch.

The only votes this phase for people are for Wuufu (2), and Evelynx, Rasdanation, and Barnes (1 each). None of them seem to be particularly suspicious (at this point), so I want to wait to get more information (I remember we accidentally lynched several friends last game for no real reason). We're statistically more likely to lynch a good guy anyway.

Rasdanation seems to be getting the most flak, but I think he's just being rationally defensive.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Sapphiron on April 10, 2016, 12:52:54 AM
The issue is we will always be statistically more likely to lynch a good guy. Even when the win conditions of the Sith were met, we would still be at 50%.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: DekuNut on April 10, 2016, 01:06:08 AM
Saph, don't forget that the chances go down when you figure out who's possibly town.

Anyways, I'll change my vote to Rasdanation because he asked the reasoning for the flak, then proceeded to wait a whole 20 minutes for an answer that had yet to come before deciding to vote for their accuser.
Hey, it's better than nothing
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on April 10, 2016, 01:59:12 AM
Sorry I haven't responded, I've been busy with work.

I do agree that Eve's wording was a bit curious, and I'm surprised her bad-guy magnet is actually helping her so far, since Chanku was voted off.  :P  But whether that's because she's just lucky this game, or she's one of the sith, is unknown.

I'm also curious since Wintermoot is normally bad-guy fodder or just has terrible luck, and he's still alive.  But it's possible it's because he's been defended, though we won't know unfortunately.  I do hope this is the case though, since normally in his case the alternative would be that he's probably a bad guy.  :P

Either way, if anything I'd encourage RE-0N to make these two the scan targets so we can have a much better idea, rather than just blindly targeting them.

In the interest of the whole voting thing, however, I'll Vote: Lynch this baby rabbit I found because I don't really have any red-flags going on when it comes to anyone in particular, as much as they're just yellow flags of curiosity.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Hydra on April 10, 2016, 03:44:55 AM
No one is really standing out to me either. Especially since there's not much information provided.

Therefore, I vote for Noone.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 10, 2016, 03:58:08 AM
Rasdanation seems to be getting the most flak, but I think he's just being rationally defensive.
Actually I'm just a naturally defensive person :P. The only reason you didn't see me being as defensive last game is because I really didn't get accused much and I thought that if I'd even try to defend my bodyguard-partner, people would start to think that we were both baddies...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Wintermoot on April 10, 2016, 04:36:40 AM
I'm just not sure who to vote for at the moment. Sapphiron raises some good points about Wuufu that ties into what I was saying in the last round about Sith taking advantage of a bandwagon...but on the other hand, Sapphiron's vote seemed rather abrupt, and he didn't explain himself until Gov questioned him. I can't help but feel suspicious of one or the other...but I'm not sure which one.

Wuufu? or Sapphiron and perhaps Evelynx?

Just voting no lynch for now, in case the round ends before I can see any new replies and evidence.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Kuramia on April 10, 2016, 04:38:00 AM
I'm going to not join any bandwagons and keep my suspicions to myself until I can garner more evidence in support of one person or the other.

I Vote: No lynch.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Wintermoot on April 10, 2016, 04:42:34 AM
But this game is all about can you really participate if you keep your suspicions to yourself? :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Sapphiron on April 10, 2016, 04:46:00 AM
A "no lynch" every day after the first day phase is a free kill for Sith during night phase.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Wintermoot on April 10, 2016, 04:51:10 AM
And an incorrect lynch is a free kill for them during the day phase.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Kuramia on April 10, 2016, 04:52:18 AM
Hahaha! That is true. I like to hold my cards close to my bosom though until I feel the time is right to expose my hand.  8)

Why not convince the non-lynchers on who to vote for and why?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Barnes on April 10, 2016, 04:53:16 AM
Incorrect kills at least get us information due to vote patterns and vote discussion rather than the fallback "we're not going to lynch anybody to play it 'safe'".
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Wintermoot on April 10, 2016, 05:00:43 AM
Perhaps at a later stage of the game when the possibilities have narrowed and there's days worth of actions and posts to look through...however, not so much at this stage. And let's not forget from last game, the baddies aren't always above sacrificing each other during the day phase to sew confusion in the game and make themselves look less suspicious. Any leads from the vote records this early in the game are dubious at best.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on April 10, 2016, 05:25:37 AM
I'm somewhat surprised that there are people actively suggesting that we just Lynch people and hope for the best. It is suspicious...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 10, 2016, 05:48:29 AM

The Wookie has activated their power, negating all other power roles. (  Thus, nothing happened tonight.  Day phase #3 begins now, and will end in 72 hours.

Hmm, is there a reason this phase will last for three days, @Point Breeze? In any case, since that's what we said, you guys still have a lot of time.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: PB on April 10, 2016, 06:13:33 AM
Uh, I just thought that was the standard...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 10, 2016, 06:20:36 AM
Oh. :P

Well, it was just the first day phase, since everyone then had the opportunity of getting to know each other, but after that, it's 48 hours.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: El Fiji Grande on April 10, 2016, 11:54:52 AM
I'm suspicious of a lot of people, actually. I don't like Sapphiron's abrupt vote without much of an explanation (until later questioned, that is). I don't like Barnes' comment about free kills in the day phase - we're much more likely to lynch a good guy than a sith, and any information we get from the former will be minimal at best. Wuufu strikes me as highly suspicious as well given his timing on the vote on Rasdanation.

I, like Rasdanation, am suspicious of everyone to some extent. But there are a few that I am less suspicious of. Gerrick, for one, has made a few reasonable comments. Colberius X seems on top of things.

These are really gut feelings, for the most part unsupported by facts. I'm not wildly slinging around accusations of guilt, merely displaying uneasiness at a few nations here.

I'm going to change my vote to Barnes. Her comments are the most suspicious to me.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: El Fiji Grande on April 10, 2016, 11:56:31 AM
Her? I'm going off the avatar for Barnes. Not sure.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 10, 2016, 12:58:14 PM
I also am very confused by the mixed readings I'm getting this day phase, and that's why I haven't voted yet. I just don't know who to vote for. And it seems that the general consensus is No Lynch, so my vote doesn't seem to particularly matter right now anyway. I'll try to give it some more thought.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: BraveSirRobin on April 10, 2016, 04:00:30 PM
Her? I'm going off the avatar for Barnes. Not sure.
  He's male.  Just a really big HoC fan, like a lot of people here, really :)
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: aternox on April 11, 2016, 12:03:07 AM
Vote: No Lynch

I don't think anyone is too suspicious at the moment, and considering our seer was blocked last night phase I'm happy not to do anything until they get a chance to make another scan.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 11, 2016, 11:39:10 AM
Alright, I'm closing the day phase. Sorry for the delay. :)

Coincidentally, this also means phases will now start and end at a more convenient time for me.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 11, 2016, 11:45:25 AM
Dammit, I forgot to come back and vote! That's gonna hurt me later...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Crushita on April 11, 2016, 11:50:57 AM
Dammit, I forgot to come back and vote! That's gonna hurt me later...
Welcome to the club, I was just about to trawl the thread... Oh well...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 11, 2016, 12:21:40 PM
Master Tau had seen to the wookiee for a few days. A creature of such size and strength was exceedingly useful, and he wanted to keep it in perfect health.

He had decided to investigate the scene where Patrick had been murdered. From what he had gathered, the man was an engineer, and he had mentioned a few of his theories regarding the strange devices keeping them here to some of the other locals. He must obviously have been on to something, else the Sith would not have killed him.

Since their swift battle with Hannah (they didn't know her Sith name), they had been unable to find any trace of the other ones they had encountered.

He also couldn't be completely certain, but he swore Hannah was not one of the other two they had engaged upon arriving on the surface. This troubled Tau most of all. Two Sith were bad enough, but three? Such a thing hadn't happened since the Sith had instituted the Rule of Two, after the destruction of the Brotherhood of Darkness.

Tau realised he and his apprentice could well be hopelessly outnumbered, for all he knew.

As abruptly as that cheery thought had come to him, it had been replaced by another as he felt a faintly familiar energy emanating from beyond a wall a short distance away from him. It can't be, he thought. It is! I can sense another Force sensitive!

He ran over to the wall, and discovered that it had been constructed much more recently than all the other walls in the facility. He pulled out his light sabre and began to melt his way through it, being careful not to go too deep. The wall was actually quite thin, made of one layer of tiles on the outside, but a spongy fabric on the inside. He could break all this away with his hands once the initial opening had been made. What he discovered inside was baffling. Encased in carbonite was a human female of average height. Tau recognised her face immediately. This was a Jedi who had been sent here decades ago, who had gone missing. Everyone had assumed her dead. He didn't even think twice about releasing her from this prison. His eagerness proved to be a mistake.

As soon as she was released, she stumbled forward, disoriented and confused. Tau reached down to try and help her, but she reacted violently by using a tremendous Force push and knocking him unconscious against a wall a short distance away. She then got up and stumbled her way to the door, with all manner of voices echoing in her head. Everyone and everything was a potential threat, and all she could think about was escaping. The Sith who had tortured and imprisoned her would pay.

No one was lynched during the day phase, and we now enter another night phase. This will be the first night phase in which the Lost Jedi will be active.

So by now, you all know what to do. :P

Get those PMs in within 24 hours.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Lidwine on April 11, 2016, 01:39:28 PM
I though I forgot to come by yesterday ^^", oops.

Anyway, nobody decided to Lynch me? Me sad ;-;

I won't forget to vote for this day phase *make a post-it "Don't forget werewolf"*
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on April 11, 2016, 02:57:08 PM
Anyway, nobody decided to Lynch me? Me sad ;-;

I'm confused why you're sad about this.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Kuramia on April 11, 2016, 05:13:38 PM
Yeah, can you explain why you wish to be lynched so badly?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Lidwine on April 11, 2016, 05:45:16 PM
Because I like it :D and last time I got lynched first because of stuff I said, so let just say I'm giving the mean to punish me. I can't help myself, playing with the mind of other is something I love doing.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 11, 2016, 08:18:20 PM
Well if she wants to by lynched I suggest we lynch her. We can't let someone just beg to be lynched for days. Too much noise.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Tomb on April 11, 2016, 10:11:23 PM
Vidi, I don't know how to feel about your statements...

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 11, 2016, 11:19:34 PM
Honestly I think she's just chagrined that she got voted out round #1 last game.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on April 12, 2016, 02:55:58 AM
Well if she wants to by lynched I suggest we lynch her. We can't let someone just beg to be lynched for days. Too much noise.

What if She's CH-4NK0?  That'd be possibly throwing away two people if she proves to be CH-4NK0 since

and should it ever get killed during the night or day phases, it can randomly kill one person who attempted to kill it at night, or who voted for it at day.

Do we really want to risk that?  :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 12, 2016, 03:23:42 AM
I'm with Pengu. There's no reason to risk that.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Kuramia on April 12, 2016, 04:15:00 AM
Ah, I say stay and have some fun with us, Vid!

If you wanna be lynched, you gotta do more than just want it far as I'm concerned!
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: BraveSirRobin on April 12, 2016, 04:30:10 AM
Wait is CH-4NK0 on our side? I thought that it was some sort of chaotic neutral...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 12, 2016, 05:05:50 AM
It is. If the good guys want to win the game, CH-4NK0 has to die.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on April 12, 2016, 05:23:41 AM
Robin, what do you mean "our" side? CH-4NKO is a bad guy....
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Lidwine on April 12, 2016, 08:37:56 AM
Ah, I say stay and have some fun with us, Vid!

If you wanna be lynched, you gotta do more than just want it far as I'm concerned!

Ah you're right I'll stay ^^. But I just love to play with the mind of other, you just say a little thing and bam you're suspicious!
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 12, 2016, 02:36:04 PM
I'm late again, I'm terribly sorry. :P

I'm closing the phase now. :)
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 12, 2016, 03:12:44 PM
RE-0N was most pleased that the wookiee Gaarvindia had been saved. It had always found wookiees to be a marvellous race.

Gaarvindia had fallen asleep, so RE-0N used this opportunity, as he had in the previous days, to attempt to scan as many people as possible. Unfortunately, no one on this gods-forsaken planet could understand the way in which it communicated, and had therefore not listened when it attempted to scan them, and messed up its readings by continuously moving about. Sometimes it wondered why it even tried to save these good for nothing--

It stopped in the middle of its current process when it saw a sight that filled it with dread.

Straight ahead of it, a Sith had snuck into the facility. By his size and stature, RE-0N surmised that this was the one it had seen in the security footage on the day that the Jedi had arrived. A disturbing process began whirring through its processor: what if this Sith had killed Master Tau? No one had seen him since he had gone looking for clues to the engineer's murder. His apprentice, Sapphiron, was out looking for him. Which made this the perfect time for the Sith to strike.

It began moving away as silently as it could, but in its simulated panic, it had reversed straight into a bunch of crates.

The Sith looked sideways and spotted the little droid. It proceeded to spray oil all over the floor in panic as the Sith came thundering towards it.

There was no one in sight to help it, so as the Sith stepped into range, it decided that the only thing it could do was take this Sith with it. It activated its self-destruct button, and a gigantic explosion ripped it to shreds. The Sith was caught in the full force of the explosion, and died almost instantly.
RE-0N, a.k.a. HannahB, was targeted by Sith and killed. Fortunately for the good guys, Darth Laurentus, a.k.a. Wuufu was killed in the resulting explosion.

And it is now the day phase again! Happy lynch-mobbing. :)
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Barnes on April 12, 2016, 03:17:52 PM
If RE-0N was killed, does that mean the scan doesn't work?

However sad it may be that our seer was killed (early, of course, as per tradition), I'm at least glad that we now only have four Sith and the CH-4NK0 to kill, so we outnumber the bad side my more than before.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Wuufu on April 12, 2016, 03:20:28 PM

*lies down on the floor and mimics blood pouring from his chest* blood, blood, blood!

*mimics being dead*

was thinking of Zootopia there ;)
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Sapphiron on April 12, 2016, 03:28:04 PM
I was right. ^_^
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 12, 2016, 03:30:32 PM
Just a reminder that you guys always have to use DEAD when you wish to comment after dying. :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 12, 2016, 03:51:11 PM
Wuufu is a confirmed Sith. Since I don't have the time to look back and see who was suspicious of him and who voted for him, could somebody please do that for me?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 12, 2016, 03:53:25 PM
Also, @Barnes, yeah, the Seer's scan wasn't successful because it got killed.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Sapphiron on April 12, 2016, 03:54:44 PM
Alas, I am in Berlin, so playing through daily read throughs.

So I managed to read through and see that the general consensus is to Vote: Rasdanation. Who am I to go against peer pressure? :P
I do suspect Wuufu's vote more than most @Aragonn. He says who am I to go against peer pressure when no one was directly pressuring him, yet anyone to vote for me. I suspect the sith are "peer pressuring" him to pile on me...
Vote: Wuufu
Vote: Wuufu
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Sapphiron on April 12, 2016, 03:56:53 PM
I don't enjoy having the feeling of being influenced by reverse psychology. Vote: VidiLune
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on April 12, 2016, 04:42:43 PM

They're the Brotherhood of Darkness. Why are they taking Darth titles??
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on April 12, 2016, 04:44:34 PM

Also can we get a Dead PM now that we have 3 dead?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 12, 2016, 04:47:35 PM
They've modernised a bit. They're not exactly the same as the ancient Dark Brotherhood.

And I believe I did create a dead PM ???
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: BraveSirRobin on April 12, 2016, 05:52:09 PM
I don't enjoy having the feeling of being influenced by reverse psychology. Vote: VidiLune
I'm going to go with Sapph on this and vote VidiLune.  We also know that Sapph and Ev aren't Sith, if they voted for Wuffu, especially because RE-0N was the only reason why a Sith was killed, so we can rule out any Sith voting for another Sith to conceal their role. 
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 12, 2016, 06:57:02 PM
I like this reasoning, but I need further information to influence my vote than "screw her reverse psychology". Also, those votes happened before RE-0N went boom, so it stands that those votes could have been made to make them look innocent. Now that a good bit of Sith are down, they'll be much more careful if they want to stay alive.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 12, 2016, 07:30:27 PM
Oh wow, good job picking that one out Sapph. My personal opinion only put Wuufu barely above baseline chances, but when you're right you're right..

As for VidiLune..

1. She's CH-4NK0. In this case, we should kill her ASAP.
2. She's a Sith, in this case, we should kill her ASAP.
3. She's a normal Player and trying to get us to vote for her, it's sad to kill a player but if I'm going to accidentally kill a player I'd rather it be one who tried to implicate themselves.
4. She's a protocol droid. A suicidal one. Oh dear.
5. She's a Jedi, but not a very wise one. I hope she's not a Jedi. I don't find it likely.

Vote: VidiLune
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 12, 2016, 07:31:38 PM
In summation, I don't really see any good reason NOT to kill her. If a more suspicious target presents themselves, I'll switch.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Barnes on April 12, 2016, 07:39:27 PM
I think she might be CH-4NK0 trying to lure us into killing her so she can self-destruct one of us. It's still a good idea to kill her based on that, however, because if we all go against her, it mitigates the risk of a specific person being killed (because the population of random kill possibilities increases). I'll proceed to vote for VidiLune.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 12, 2016, 07:43:50 PM
I think she might be CH-4NK0 trying to lure us into killing her so she can self-destruct one of us. It's still a good idea to kill her based on that, however, because if we all go against her, it mitigates the risk of a specific person being killed (because the population of random kill possibilities increases).

Additionally, every second night (tonight) CH-4NK0 gets to make a kill of their own volition. If they are playing optimally, these kills will include more Players than Sith. So we should remove CH-4NK0 as soon as possibly in order to negate their ability to kill going forward.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 12, 2016, 08:05:28 PM
While I am suspicious of VidiLune's suicidal attitude, I'm going to take myself back to my original stance, because to me, something here doesn't line up. Chanku's vote made it seem that something suddenly influenced/told him to join the bandwagon. Wuufu, to me, doesn't seem like that person, considering how late his vote was. It was most likely neither of them who had this command, so I'm looking for someone who either voted for me before both of them, or someone who voted close to when Chanku did, considering this third force had to be on at the time to command their Sith to vote for me. So, this with leave me with Barnes, North, Aragonn, and Commander_Zemas. Here is how I see each person:

- Aragonn - Possibly trying to start a bandwagon, vote against abstaining
- North - Possibly jumping on the bandwagon, but since he jumped off, we could conclude this was a payback vote
- Barnes - Jumps on the bandwagon, attempts to continue the bandwagon, even after finding one of my voters a sith
- Commander_Zemas - Jumps on the bandwagon, says will change if anyone seems more suspicious, next phase does not vote again.

So, using my logic, the two most suspicious of them would be Aragonn and Barnes. So, this could mean 4 things:

-Aragonn is sith, Barnes is just convinced I'm a baddie
-Barnes is a sith, and is just using Aragonn's original bandwagon as a way to get a free kill
-Both are sith, which would mean Aragonn commanded them to do this, and Barnes never got over the fact that their bandwagon didn't work, so he stayed on.
-Both are innocent, Aragonn just happened to start a bandwagon since I originally abstained, and Barnes is convinced I'm a baddie

I believe that the first possibility is least likely, given the circumstances. So, I think the story that I believe most is the second one, giving my vote onto:

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 12, 2016, 08:37:17 PM
If I was leading the Sith, very bad things would be happening as we're systematically knocking off players. I'm not going to give away my methods of determining the order of assassinations, but just know that the Jedi would not be winning.

As for my vote, I wanna work along with Ras, but I don't want to make it look like we're power roles teamed up together. I have some tough choices to make...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: El Fiji Grande on April 12, 2016, 08:59:52 PM
Dang it, looks like I missed yesterday's vote. And Aragonn - are the Sith winning? By my count, we've already knocked out two, and that's a good number for this early in the game..

Personally, I will have to agree with Rasdanation's logic, especially since I found Barnes to be suspicious a few days ago myself.
I don't like Barnes' comment about free kills in the day phase - we're much more likely to lynch a good guy than a sith, and any information we get from the former will be minimal at best. Wuufu strikes me as highly suspicious as well given his timing on the vote on Rasdanation.

I'm going to change my vote to Barnes. Her comments are the most suspicious to me.
So today, I will also be voting Barnes.
Vote Barnes
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 12, 2016, 09:04:11 PM
Aragonn - are the Sith winning?
No, they're not winning right now, and therein lies my point. I'm not leading the Sith.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on April 12, 2016, 09:56:58 PM
Aragonn - are the Sith winning?
No, they're not winning right now, and therein lies my point. I'm not leading the Sith.

So basically your defense is that you can't be leading the sith because your so good at leading the sith you'd be in Courasant by now.

Ok, Darth Donald.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 12, 2016, 10:35:30 PM
Aragonn - are the Sith winning?
No, they're not winning right now, and therein lies my point. I'm not leading the Sith.

So basically your defense is that you can't be leading the sith because your so good at leading the sith you'd be in Courasant by now.

Ok, Darth Donald.
If you were an elder Valerian, you'd know better.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Sapphiron on April 12, 2016, 10:49:20 PM
Are you bitter?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Tomb on April 12, 2016, 11:06:34 PM
Vote: Vidilune

Reasoning: This is a tough choice. Personally, I agree with those stating that Vidi is suspicious. I mean their recent posts are as close to a confession as one can get. But at the same time, I am not convinced that a Sith would so openly bring attention to themselves. Just based on patterns from previous games, it is very unlikely. At this point, I think Vidi is a normal player, or a protocol drone, as Evelyn suggested. We still don't have much information to go by, and with what information we currently have, Vidi has put themselves in the situation of being the safest choice to lynch.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on April 12, 2016, 11:32:29 PM
Well, I need to vote, so......Barnes is suspicious and so is Vidi. I'd bet one or both are sith.

So I vote for Barnes because I think he's the most suspicious. I doubt a sith would so openly attract attention to himself.

Also because I always vote for Barnes :]
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Gerrick on April 13, 2016, 12:20:00 AM
I doubt that VidiLune is a sith, though I am quite suspicious that she'd be drawing attention to self-destruct and kill as others have suggested. I'd prefer not to be one of those people. :P

I am more suspicious of a few others of being Sith, including Barnes, and he already has a couple votes, so I will:

Vote: Barnes
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 13, 2016, 02:37:39 AM
Vote count?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: PB on April 13, 2016, 02:40:19 AM
VidiLune - 5
Barnes   - 4
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 13, 2016, 02:42:03 AM
Hmm....let's put it up to fate. Let the Force guide the lynching.

Vote: Barnes
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Sapphiron on April 13, 2016, 02:58:17 AM
Mildly entertaining ... This day phase should be able to reveal quite a bit of information.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on April 13, 2016, 07:57:45 AM
I do agree.  However, I'm still concerned about killing off a potential good guy if Vidi turns out to be CH-4NK0.  However, it's also possible she'd kill off another Sith if we're lucky enough.  But like mentioned...I'd rather have the one shot attempt at this point than risking her being CH-4NK0 and killing off people every second night.


Vote: lynch Vidilune
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Commander_Zemas on April 13, 2016, 11:16:08 AM
As I'm back from vacation, I shall be able to vote now. ^_^

I vote Barnes to keep the numbers even
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Sapphiron on April 13, 2016, 12:15:26 PM
For the record, do watch out for those who went with the reasoning of "to keep a balanced vote count".
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Colberius X on April 13, 2016, 02:19:28 PM
4. She's a protocol droid. A suicidal one. Oh dear.
This was beautiful.

I don't believe that I could handle Vidi begging to be lynched every day.  Additionally, if she is CH-4NK0, then I'd rather we risked a random kill while we still have a significant numbers advantage, and before she can kill at night.

Vote: VidiLune.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Lidwine on April 13, 2016, 04:22:52 PM
I don't beg everyday for lynching Colberius XD

And I Vote: Barnes

Because i'm not gonna vote for myself.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: El Fiji Grande on April 13, 2016, 05:08:20 PM
What happens in the case of a tie vote?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Sapphiron on April 13, 2016, 05:10:02 PM
Random number generator or the equivalent.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 13, 2016, 05:25:10 PM
It's randomly decided who gets lynched. Use the Force, Laurentus. :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 13, 2016, 05:41:31 PM
Lol, I do wonder whether I can let them do some sort of duel. :P

What if I made them do a rock-paper-scissors match on IRC?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 13, 2016, 05:42:35 PM
Diabolical! :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 13, 2016, 05:45:16 PM
Well then. I rather like this idea.

Let's hear what our gladiators contestants have to say on the matter.

I call forth @Barnes and @VidiLune. Make your case! :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Hydra on April 14, 2016, 12:47:35 AM
How much time do we have left? I'd like to hear their cases before I vote.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: PB on April 14, 2016, 12:51:46 AM
14-ish hours.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on April 14, 2016, 01:20:02 AM
This next Lynch will be important, we need to see what happens.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Wintermoot on April 14, 2016, 02:11:43 AM
Vote: VidiLune

I hate that I haven't been able to be involved with this game as much as I like, but just based on what she has said she seems pretty suspicious, and the fact that Sapphiron and Evelynx, people that voted for Wuufu before it was known that he was a sith, are also voting for her is a comfort too.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Hydra on April 14, 2016, 04:39:56 AM
14-ish hours.

I won't be awake by then... :P That forces my hand a bit...

Vote: Barnes

I don't think that a Sith would openly attract so much attention to him/herself. The fact that VidiLune was complaining about not being voted for tells me that she does not care that much about staying alive, which a Sith would want to, with their already low numbers.

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on April 14, 2016, 08:08:10 AM
14-ish hours.

I won't be awake by then... :P That forces my hand a bit...

Vote: Barnes

I don't think that a Sith would openly attract so much attention to him/herself. The fact that VidiLune was complaining about not being voted for tells me that she does not care that much about staying alive, which a Sith would want to, with their already low numbers.

Again, unless she's CH-4NK0 and luring us to lynch her since she'd take someone with her.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 14, 2016, 10:46:01 AM
If she's CH-4NK0, all the better.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: DekuNut on April 15, 2016, 12:16:24 AM
As for my vote, I wanna work along with Ras, but I don't want to make it look like we're power roles teamed up together. I have some tough choices to make...
I really don't like this post. Not enough for a vote, but enough to look at it. Just seems so buddy-buddy to me.
It's the only thing that really caught my eye over the last few pages. I'm going to move my vote to Vidi, because I see more coming out of that lynch right now. To those who say, "Let the force decide", I say that hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster by your side.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on April 15, 2016, 05:28:34 AM
Hasn't it been 14 hours?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 15, 2016, 06:35:00 AM
As for my vote, I wanna work along with Ras, but I don't want to make it look like we're power roles teamed up together. I have some tough choices to make...
I really don't like this post. Not enough for a vote, but enough to look at it. Just seems so buddy-buddy to me.
I had previously taken Ras's side and tried defending him when he was getting bandwagoned, so a connection could have been drawn between us had I voted for the same person as him for the same, or similar, reasons. If you still don't understand, I can't help you.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 15, 2016, 06:38:54 AM
To those who say, "Let the force decide", I say that hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster by your side.
I should remind you that the powers we wield are beyond your understanding. Your blaster means nothing to a Jedi...or Sith. We may have older weapons, but our weapons can still slice and dice anything you throw at us.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: BraveSirRobin on April 15, 2016, 05:37:19 PM
To those who say, "Let the force decide", I say that hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster by your side.
I should remind you that the powers we wield are beyond your understanding. Your blaster means nothing to a Jedi...or Sith. We may have older weapons, but our weapons can still slice and dice anything you throw at us.
*Aragonn admits openly that he is a Sith* :P 

(Or a Jedi... ;) )
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 15, 2016, 05:47:33 PM
Robin Valerius had always been a curious person. That was why he came to planet Nika after all contact was lost, in the hope of seeing what a super-volcano explosion would look like from outer space. He was, therefore quite puzzled to see that there was no such explosion when the planet came into view. He was about to attempt a landing, when something told him to stop and test the waters first.

"Two Jedi were sent here before we arrived, weren't they?" Robin was not the only mad scientist on this voyage. He and four others came here to bear witness to the super-volcano eruption.

"Yes, I believe they were," said Alexander North, a botanist of some repute. Robin wasn't altogether certain why a botanist would be interested in coming here, but he found him to be pleasant company, and knew that it never hurt to be equipped with varied perspectives.

"Hmm. Let's try to reach them to see what's happening." He pressed a few buttons to lock on to their signal, but nothing happened. "Most curious. Let's try again." They tried it three more times before giving it up as a hopeless task.

"I am forced to conclude that something must be blocking all our signals. I am also forced to conclude the people on the surface are either all dead, or stuck on the planet. Let's test which it is."

"Now, hold a moment," said Barnes Noble, a theoretical physicist. "How do you come to your second conclusion?"

"Oh, come on! It's not that difficult," said Ben Hydra, a meteorologist. "If they could leave the planet, they could've just took off, sent a distress message and gotten the hell out of here."

"Hey, take it easy. He was just asking a question," said Eva Lynx, a string theorist. "Why don't we just analyse the situation by sending an unmanned ship to the surface?"

"I agree," said Robin.

They all stood up and prepared the tiny ship held in the hangar. They felt a twinge of guilt at the prospect of sending such an expensive research ship into heavens-know-what, but they consoled themselves by reasoning that the ship would still help them learn something about a very strange occurrence.

Once they had the ship all set up and ready to go, they returned to their stations and prepared to launch it.

"Well. Here we go." Robin entered the launch codes and watched with great anticipation as the ship took off toward the planet.

They had rigged it with a standard transmitter that sent a series of signals every millisecond, to see at which altitude the signal was cut out, and they also equipped the interior with various cameras to watch what happened with all the readings.

When the ship came within 10 kilometres of the surface, the transmitter stopped sending them signals, and all the cameras stopped transmitting back to them as well. But that was far from the biggest problem they had, as 3 seconds prior to the loss of signal, all the monitors had lit up with a big CRITICAL SYSTEM FAILURE sign. They were now watching hopelessly from the distance as the craft hurtled toward the surface and eventually crashed into a giant building somewhere in the gargantuan city.

"Well. Shit." Robin was fairly certain what fate had befallen the Jedi. "Alert the Council. Tell them what we've just witnessed."

Aaron C. Spectre was widely known as the unluckiest son-of-a-bitch alive, and he proved that belief right in a spectacular fashion when a small research ship came crashing into the room of the facility he was occupying, instantly killing him in as the debris came crashing into him while he was taking his morning dump.

Ironically, the sound of the crash finally allowed Master Tau to gain his bearings and make it back to the facility. He had been searching everywhere for the rogue Jedi, but to no avail. With luck, Sapphiron would be at the facility too.

Aaron C. Spectre, a.k.a. VidiLune, a local, was voted off and killed in a freak scientific accident.

Also, I apologise deeply for how late I'm closing it. My father turned 46 yesterday, and I was at a funeral and the subsequent family gathering for most of today. I'll try my hardest to make sure it doesn't happen again.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 15, 2016, 06:06:26 PM
Oh, and it is now the night phase again. CH-4NK0 prowls the halls again this night.

Please send me and Point Breeze your decisions for the night phase, power roles.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 15, 2016, 06:11:15 PM
Here is an updated version of the player list:
Player List
Player List
1. @North
2. @Gerrick
3. @xXTheHydraXx
4. @Colberius X
5. @Samwise Gamgee
6. @Sapphiron
7. @DekuNut
8. @taulover (Local, Killed at Night by Sith)
9. @HannahB (RE-0N, killed at night by Sith)
10. @BraveSirRobin
11. @Govindia
12. @Barnes
13. @Rasdanation
14. @Wintermoot
15. @Evelynx
16. @Pengu
17. @Commander_Zemas
18. @VidiLune (Local, voted off and killed)
19. @Tomb
20. @Chanku (Sith, voted off and killed by Jedi)
21. @Wuufu (Sith, killed as RE-0N self-destructed)
22. @Aragonn
23. @Gibraltarica (Paired Jedi, killed off for inactivity, replaced with someone else)
24. @Kuramia
25. @El Fiji Grande
26. @aternox
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Commander_Zemas on April 15, 2016, 08:06:34 PM
rip vidilune
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on April 15, 2016, 08:46:14 PM
Interesting.  I think this phase gave us some interesting material to work with.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 15, 2016, 09:25:32 PM
Aw, I was hoping we'd get something with that. I suppose it would have been too much to ask to get another baddie so soon...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 15, 2016, 09:28:40 PM
Also fuck you Laurentus for making Eva Lynxius a string theorist.  >:(
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 15, 2016, 09:35:35 PM
I was wondering how long that would take. :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Wintermoot on April 16, 2016, 03:05:38 AM
I'm sorry that I haven't been able to be as active as I'd like, but it's nice to see we've only had one person drop out due to inactivity...maybe this game will be even bigger than the last one. :o
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 16, 2016, 03:13:35 AM
Here's to hoping nothing too terrible happens tonight.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 16, 2016, 07:07:27 AM
I'm sorry that I haven't been able to be as active as I'd like, but it's nice to see we've only had one person drop out due to inactivity...maybe this game will be even bigger than the last one. :o
Eh, that's doubtful. The pace is much more relaxed. While this game has a larger player base, the discussion isn't as active as the last one. And that's not necessarily a bad thing.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Lidwine on April 16, 2016, 12:11:07 PM

*shudder* that not a nice death.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on April 16, 2016, 12:14:31 PM
This isn't Star Cuddles.  :P

It's Star WARS!
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 16, 2016, 02:23:15 PM
The spaceship may be gone, but atleast we still have the  TV  ;)
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Crushita on April 16, 2016, 02:26:55 PM
I'm alive! I've been in New York for 4 days :D Gotta catch up on this!
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Gerrick on April 16, 2016, 03:11:35 PM
I'm sorry that I haven't been able to be as active as I'd like, but it's nice to see we've only had one person drop out due to inactivity...maybe this game will be even bigger than the last one. :o
Eh, that's doubtful. The pace is much more relaxed. While this game has a larger player base, the discussion isn't as active as the last one. And that's not necessarily a bad thing.
That's because you and Lumenland are not playing this game. You two by far had the most posts, plus you drove a lot of the discussion.

Huh, I just realize you both were werewolves, too. Maybe we should see who has been talking the most this game...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 16, 2016, 04:29:49 PM
Everything is relative. Sith could be loud, quiet, or normal.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on April 16, 2016, 04:43:38 PM
*refrains from making a sexual joke in regards to Aragonn's post.*
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Wintermoot on April 16, 2016, 05:42:23 PM
Pengu prefers em loud. :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on April 16, 2016, 08:33:27 PM
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 16, 2016, 10:31:15 PM
Gerrick the janitor didn't have much else to do here than to spend his nights drowning his sorrows in very strong spirits. He had lost his wife and daughter as the poisonous gas had spread throughout the city, and while this was going on, he was stationed in some fancy Coruscanti embassy, cleaning up after the diplomats and ambassadors.

He had been quiet, as he knew that most everyone who returned to Nika had experienced the same thing, so there was no point in adding to everyone's grief by crying his heart out. No, what he wanted to do was find the droid responsible for the toxin. He had overheard the Jedi speaking about it one time before one of them disappeared, and so had learnt the truth about the toxin.

He wasn't sure whether it was bravery, drunkenness or revenge that fuelled him, but he was tired of sitting quietly in his room of the facility and being useless. No one openly admitted it, but he could see they all looked down on him for being a simple janitor.

"I'll show these people who's a simple janitor," he said darkly as he roamed the streets in his drunken stupor. He knew there were only a few places the droid could go to get the power it needed, and realised the droid was probably damaged to a certain degree. He was headed to one such location right now. Ironically, no one else here was so keenly aware of where such charging bays could be found, since it was such an unimportant maintenance task, and the other survivors were all middle to upper class citizens, who didn't really bother with such "useless" information. The engineer they lost to that Sith might have known about it, but he was killed before anyone even knew of the droid.

As he came to the entrance, he could tell he was on the right trail, as the door had been forcefully opened. The dawn was a few hours off yet, and he knew the droid wouldn't dare to leave this place during the day. He was too drunk to be scared as he made his way into the building and began looking around. He came upon a room that housed a device unlike anything he had ever seen. It was a sphere, hooked up to the power source in the middle of the room. The janitor had no idea what it did, but something told him he'd just discovered something that the Jedi had to know about. His suicide mission could wait a few more days.

As he began turning around, he spotted a movement in the corner of his eye, and quickly turned to the place where he had seen it. Whatever it was, wasn't there anymore. He was about to shrug it off as the figment of his drunken imagination, when a gas was suddenly released in the room. He ran for the exit, but all the doors slammed shut. He realised faintly that he must have tripped some sort of alarm, but the gas made it difficult to think. Within seconds, his throat felt like it was on fire. Within a minute, the toxin was causing havoc in his lungs, and he began coughing up blood and suffocating. Within two minutes, he was dead.

Vidia Luna, the recently released Jedi, was still fighting a losing battle with the voices in her head, but her drive for vengeance against the Brotherhood of Darkness consumed all her days.

I should have killed him, she thought as she recalled the stranger who had been there as she escaped from her carbonite prison. She thought he was almost certainly a Sith. Why he'd set her free, and then attempt to pretend to help her was a mystery, but she knew the Sith were inhumanly cruel. It was most likely just a trick to get her to trust him so he could derive more pleasure from torturing her later. I despise them all. Every one of them will die by my hand.

These were the emotions raging inside her as she heard the cry for help; a sharp, piercing scream echoed through the night as she ran to investigate. Whether it was a Sith trap or not, it afforded her with the opportunity of killing some of the bastards.

When she arrived at the scene, she saw a Sith about to strike down some unknown local. She didn't care much about the local, she merely revelled in the chance of killing a Sith. She charged in full of hatred, and could feel this hate increasing her power. The Sith was quite aware of her coming, and had jumped onto the roof of a small house, thinking his higher position was a tactical advantage. How wrong he was.

She couldn't stand the wailing of the teenage girl, so she picked her up with the Force and threw her some distance away. She didn't care that she was hurting the girl. There was blood in the water, and she was starving.

The Sith was about to hurl a bench at her, but she quickly went to work with her impromptu tactic: she broke the crumbling pillar out from the porch with her power, and flung it slightly backwards and then straight at the Sith. The Sith did not anticipate this move, and lost his footing. He fell backwards, avoiding the pillar by mere inches. He knew his end was near. The Jedi was jumping through the air, and had pulled his light sabre towards her in the middle of the jump. She held it aloft, and was about to strike the finishing blow as she was about to land, when she was sent flying sideways by the strongest Force push the Sith had ever witnessed. The Jedi crashed into another house about 50 metres away, which gave the Sith enough time to look at his saviour. Darth Colberius had come to his rescue. He knew the man was powerful, but this was an order of magnitude above anything he'd ever imagined.

"Stop staring like a fool, Aragonn. We need to get out of here before she returns. I don't want to kill her just yet."

Darth Aragonn came out of his daze quickly, and did what he was told. It was a shame that he couldn't fulfil his mission by killing the girl, but he knew this day could have ended far worse.

Together, the Sith made their way back to their hideout before the sun came up

Gerrick the janitor, a.k.a. Colberius X, a local, was killed during the night by CH-4NK0's booby-trap.

And it is now the day phase again. :)

I'll be compiling a list of all the people who didn't vote and so forth during the previous day phase, shortly.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on April 17, 2016, 12:19:57 AM
Gerrick the janitor, a.k.a. Colberius X, a local, was killed during the night by CH-4NK0's booby-trap.

Does that mean CH-4NK0 is a woman?

I'll see myself out.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Wintermoot on April 17, 2016, 01:07:29 AM
It's a trap! :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 17, 2016, 01:15:34 AM
Tau is out, Colby is out....somebody is targeting my brothers....
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Tomb on April 17, 2016, 01:42:40 AM
Gerrick the janitor, a.k.a. Colberius X, a local, was killed during the night by CH-4NK0's booby-trap.

Does that mean CH-4NK0 is a woman?

I'll see myself out.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on April 17, 2016, 02:14:19 AM
Damn, Colby....

Any leads?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Sapphiron on April 17, 2016, 02:31:20 AM
If you were an elder Valerian, you'd know better.
Tau is out, Colby is out....somebody is targeting my brothers....
Vote: Aragonn
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 17, 2016, 02:37:20 AM
Whoa there! Whoa! I'm being framed!
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 17, 2016, 02:46:36 AM
If you cared to notice, you'd see that Tau was killed by the Sith whereas Colby was killed by CH-4NK0. Therefore, no single person could be targeting my family.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 17, 2016, 03:01:02 AM
Anyways I'll hold back on voting for now, and see if anyone has some good reason to have me vote for someone new...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 17, 2016, 03:03:21 AM
Also, could someone give us a role count just to see what roles are still alive?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Colberius X on April 17, 2016, 03:38:54 AM

*stares down at his own corpse*

Well, Sithspawn.

*looks up*

May the Force be with you all. 

Except you, CH-4NK0, you shabuir.

Also the Sith, but mostly CH-4NK0.

*becomes one with the Force*
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 17, 2016, 10:10:43 PM
Very quiet....
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on April 17, 2016, 10:53:33 PM
Well, I still suspect Barnes and in the absence of new information I'll stick to my guns.

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 17, 2016, 11:37:38 PM
I'm voting for Commander_Zemas, because of his lazy balancing act last phase.

Vote: Commander_Zemas
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Wintermoot on April 18, 2016, 02:31:07 AM
I think I'm going to go Commander_Zemas as well.

At this point I'm fairly sure that Evelynx isn't a Sith, given that she voted for Wuufu along with Sapphiron before it was known or even suspected that he was a Sith and her reasoning here is the most sounds, I believe. I didn't go with Aragonn because he has a good point in defense of Sapphiron's accusation, and I'm just not sure about the whole Barnes thing, either.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 18, 2016, 02:46:05 AM
Seeing as how I've been very busy these past few days and it's been abnormally quiet this game, I can't get any good readings.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 18, 2016, 03:28:20 AM
At this point I'm fairly sure that Evelynx isn't a Sith, given that she voted for Wuufu along with Sapphiron before it was known or even suspected that he was a Sith and her reasoning here is the most sounds, I believe. I didn't go with Aragonn because he has a good point in defense of Sapphiron's accusation, and I'm just not sure about the whole Barnes thing, either.

So you think my kiss of death may have worn off by now eh?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: El Fiji Grande on April 18, 2016, 03:40:58 AM
A lot happened right there, and quite frankly, I'm confused.

I'll still go with my gut and vote Barnes though, until someone can give me a reason not to. I still think her actions from the other day were suspicious.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on April 18, 2016, 03:45:48 AM
A lot happened right there, and quite frankly, I'm confused.

I'll still go with my gut and vote Barnes though, until someone can give me a reason not to. I still think her actions from the other day were suspicious.

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 18, 2016, 08:06:09 AM
Can someone remind me how Barnes is suspicious?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on April 18, 2016, 08:29:11 AM
Personally, I find Barnes suspicious because he's been on the bandwagon for 2 people I have come to believe are innocent, along with other people (like Wufuu) who were either suspicious or confirmed sith. It's shaky, I know, but I don't have anything else to go on and lynching Barnes would reveal a pattern if he's guilty.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 18, 2016, 12:00:47 PM
Can someone remind me how Barnes is suspicious?
While I am suspicious of VidiLune's suicidal attitude, I'm going to take myself back to my original stance, because to me, something here doesn't line up. Chanku's vote made it seem that something suddenly influenced/told him to join the bandwagon. Wuufu, to me, doesn't seem like that person, considering how late his vote was. It was most likely neither of them who had this command, so I'm looking for someone who either voted for me before both of them, or someone who voted close to when Chanku did, considering this third force had to be on at the time to command their Sith to vote for me. So, this with leave me with Barnes, North, Aragonn, and Commander_Zemas. Here is how I see each person:

- Aragonn - Possibly trying to start a bandwagon, vote against abstaining
- North - Possibly jumping on the bandwagon, but since he jumped off, we could conclude this was a payback vote
- Barnes - Jumps on the bandwagon, attempts to continue the bandwagon, even after finding one of my voters a sith
- Commander_Zemas - Jumps on the bandwagon, says will change if anyone seems more suspicious, next phase does not vote again.

So, using my logic, the two most suspicious of them would be Aragonn and Barnes. So, this could mean 4 things:

-Aragonn is sith, Barnes is just convinced I'm a baddie
-Barnes is a sith, and is just using Aragonn's original bandwagon as a way to get a free kill
-Both are sith, which would mean Aragonn commanded them to do this, and Barnes never got over the fact that their bandwagon didn't work, so he stayed on.
-Both are innocent, Aragonn just happened to start a bandwagon since I originally abstained, and Barnes is convinced I'm a baddie

I believe that the first possibility is least likely, given the circumstances. So, I think the story that I believe most is the second one, giving my vote onto:

There's my evidence, Evelynx

Anyways, not much evidence has been presented this part, so I might as well go again for
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Tomb on April 18, 2016, 12:52:24 PM
At this point, Barnes is the only one that looks really suspicious. I no longer think, or at least I'm not as sure as I was, that Aargon is a Sith.

For the time being, I am voting Barnes.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 18, 2016, 02:46:43 PM
Vote: Barnes seems like the way to go right now. If he turns out to be a good guy, well.....shit.....
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Barnes on April 18, 2016, 02:58:25 PM
Bye then. At least you're all committing to lynch someone instead of going "no lynch" like twice before.

With that in mind, I'm voting Rasdanation under the guise of my "inconclusive evidence" and because of the unusual persistence to vote me off, although it's safe to say that's more of a consequence of my persistence.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Gerrick on April 18, 2016, 03:58:41 PM
Well, seeing as how I voted for Barnes last round, but VidiLune (a good guy) got lynched, my suspicions of him have not decreased. It seems that more people are voting for him this round, so I'll again

Vote: Barnes
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: BraveSirRobin on April 18, 2016, 04:51:22 PM
I believe that I'm going to vote No Lynch. I don't want to be responsible for Barnes' death in the event that he's innocent. I'll review in a bit though once I get to a computer. :)
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 18, 2016, 09:51:10 PM
although it's safe to say that's more of a consequence of my persistence.
Hit that one right on the nose  ;)
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Barnes on April 18, 2016, 10:08:25 PM
although it's safe to say that's more of a consequence of my persistence.
Hit that one right on the nose  ;)
You saying that does not make you any more agreeable in your conviction against me :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: PB on April 19, 2016, 01:14:05 AM
The phase is closed, stand by.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Hydra on April 19, 2016, 01:17:00 AM
Oh shit, I forgot to vote! :P I know this probably won't count, so I'll just do no lynch.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: PB on April 19, 2016, 01:25:44 AM
Ok, we're late anyway and I simply don't have the time or the creative energy to do a write-up.  Perhaps we will edit later with something more satisfactory.  I apologize.  Anyway,

Barnes, a villager, has been lynched.

We now enter the night phase.  No killer robots tonight.  Power roles, you know the drill. 
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Sapphiron on April 19, 2016, 01:47:56 AM
Going with same target tomorrow.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Barnes on April 19, 2016, 02:00:11 AM
@El Fiji Grande I decided to play on the "Barnes" username for my avatar, choosing Zoe Barnes from House of Cards as my profile picture. However, I am unequivocally cisgender and male by most standards. That being said, @Pengu, I don't even care about correctness, because people have gotten my name wrong so many times in real life and I just stopped caring to point it out. I guess that applies to my gender as well, so people can call me whatever they want on the internet. (Side note: I once had Breaking Bad's Skyler White as an avatar on another site for some reason, too...)

Yes, I know I waited until I was dead to point this now-unrelated topic, but I didn't want it to detract from the conversation of the main game and draw suspicion to me.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 19, 2016, 02:26:13 AM
Ok, we're late anyway and I simply don't have the time or the creative energy to do a write-up.  Perhaps we will edit later with something more satisfactory.  I apologize.  Anyway,

Barnes, a villager, has been lynched.

We now enter the night phase.  No killer robots tonight.  Power roles, you know the drill.
Well, Barnes' death, overall, didn't reveal much other than my theory being more likely incorrect...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 19, 2016, 01:26:52 PM
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on April 19, 2016, 03:14:23 PM
Damn. Back to square one. Damn.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 19, 2016, 06:59:24 PM
I will admit that my Aesir senses aren't working this game...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 19, 2016, 07:21:08 PM
Now let's see.. who voted for Barnes... I thought the evidence was kinda shaky..
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 19, 2016, 07:31:16 PM
North, El Fiji Grande, Ras, Tomb, myself, and Gerrick. In that order.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Gerrick on April 19, 2016, 07:35:02 PM
Now let's see.. who voted for Barnes... I thought the evidence was kinda shaky..
Well, to be fair, all the evidence is shaky at this point. Our lead is lessening, but (if I'm correct) there are still 13 good guys to the 4 Sith and 1 CH-4NK0, so we're still doing quite better than usual I think.

Evelynx, I don't know how you did it last game, but you were able to create some kind of program to see how many posts people made (among other info). I don't want to ask too much of you, but would you be able to do that again for this game? If not, no worries, I can just count it myself. I'd like to find out who posts the most (if anyone sticks out) and who is hiding in the shadows. Maybe we can draw something from that.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 19, 2016, 07:53:52 PM
It's true, probably anyone I might suspect is only slightly more likely to be Sith than chance if that.

I did make a program to count them.. unfortunately people vote in so many different ways that you end up having to manually review the posts anyway to make sure you don't miss any, so it's not very useful. It ends up only slightly faster than doing it manually.

Ex, I vote No Lynch, Vote: No Lynch, I think I'll vote for No Lynch!.. the list goes on and on.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 19, 2016, 07:59:52 PM
Though, counting WHO posted and when is easy.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Gerrick on April 19, 2016, 09:13:47 PM
Yeah, I just meant how many posts each person has, not necessarily their voting. Though if it only just records who and when and doesn't automatically add up how many total per person, then don't worry about it.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 19, 2016, 10:05:08 PM
Nah, counts are easy too. I'll try to do it before the end of the night phase in case I die.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 20, 2016, 12:06:34 AM
Guys, I really hate to be doing this, but I am also running a bit short on time. Tomorrow, I promise I'll be making two sprawling posts to compensate for this post and the previous one.

And now for the results. @Sapphiron has been killed during the night by Sith. It's now the day phase again.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on April 20, 2016, 12:14:56 AM
Shit. Now what do we do? Any clues?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on April 20, 2016, 12:15:18 AM
Also what role was Saphh?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: BraveSirRobin on April 20, 2016, 12:28:35 AM
I still find Aragonn suspicious... mostly because of his conversation steering, really...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 20, 2016, 12:32:06 AM
Well.. I think that Sapphiron stated who he would be continuing to vote for (Aragonn) for a very specific reason. Namely, that if he died that night, we would know who he had it in for.

I'll try to carry that torch for him for this day phase at least:

Vote: Aragonn

Of course, maybe that's just what they want us to think. You can make anyone sound innocent that way though.. so I'm sticking with Aragonn.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 20, 2016, 12:54:04 AM
Sapph was a normal old local.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on April 20, 2016, 12:58:04 AM
I have to say that this pile on Ara is a bit rushed so I'll vote No Lynch.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Wintermoot on April 20, 2016, 01:11:00 AM
Vote: Aragonn

At this point we have to know what role Aragonn is to really proceed with the's too suspicious that the Sapphiron, someone we could be fairly sure was not a Sith, was killed off while pursuing him.

As an aside, would it be possible to mention the remaining players when a new phase begins? I have to admit, I've been so busy both within the region and in real life that I'm having trouble even keeping up with when the phases are. =/

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 20, 2016, 01:17:13 AM
Ok, so let's see... If I were to continue my theory, Aragonn would be next on the chopping block. But, my previous logic on which of my last 4 voters was a baddie did fail, so out of the 3 remaining, I might've missed some clues on who it may be... until then, I'm going to have to Abstain until I finish putting together what I know...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 20, 2016, 01:18:11 AM
Ok, so let's see... If I were to continue my theory, Aragonn would be next on the chopping block. But, my previous logic on which of my last 4 voters was a baddie did fail, so out of the 3 remaining, I might've missed some clues on who it may be... until then, I'm going to have to Abstain until I finish putting together what I know...
I'll probably put a post up tomorrow on my true vote...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: El Fiji Grande on April 20, 2016, 01:33:01 AM
My entire theory about this game has been thrown to pieces. I'm back to square zero. So for now, I will Vote No Lynch. I will probably change my mind as the evening progresses, and as more evidence surfaces. I'm not convinced by the Aragonn vote though.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 20, 2016, 01:33:40 AM
Guys, you're being played. Gods, it's like ameteur hour over here... If you want to know who the Sith are, you need to know who died, who that person was going after, why that person chose that target, and the player skill of the person. If you need any refreshers on what transpired, (I know those are big words, but try to stay with me.) I'll gladly reiterate the history here.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 20, 2016, 01:44:19 AM
Well.. I think that Sapphiron stated who he would be continuing to vote for (Aragonn) for a very specific reason. Namely, that if he died that night, we would know who he had it in for.

I'll try to carry that torch for him for this day phase at least:

Vote: Aragonn
Vote: Aragonn

At this point we have to know what role Aragonn is to really proceed with the's too suspicious that the Sapphiron, someone we could be fairly sure was not a Sith, was killed off while pursuing him.
Wolf Strategy 101: kill someone who openly states they suspect a Townie of being a wolf to cause the other Townies to jump on the suspected Townie, thus getting a two for one. This is an amateur move being followed by amateur reactions.

Mootster, I thought you were better than this.

Of course, maybe that's just what they want us to think.
You're right on point, Eve.
You can make anyone sound innocent that way though.. so I'm sticking with Aragonn.
/me facepalms

And since I expect better from the Snowy Turnip, I suspect him of being a wolf. Moot, if you are a wolf, you made a rookie mistake. Vote: Wintermoot
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 20, 2016, 01:47:14 AM
Oh shit....I thought I caught that soon enough to not show an edit....should've used the preview feature first....
Well, I'm dead....
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 20, 2016, 01:51:44 AM
Guys, you're being played. Gods, it's like ameteur hour over here... If you want to know who the Sith are, you need to know who died, who that person was going after, why that person chose that target, and the player skill of the person. If you need any refreshers on what transpired, (I know those are big words, but try to stay with me.) I'll gladly reiterate the history here.
He was going for you Aragonn. Sapphiron has a high player skill, Sapphiron was an innocent, Sapphiron targeted YOU.

And he was going to target you again today, so whatever reasons he had - he still thought they were good before he got lightsaberated:

Going with same target tomorrow.

The history you "re-iterated" was just today's post history, all targeted at you. I apologize if you really are a Townie, but you've acted very suspiciously imo.

If you're trying to make yourself sound innocent, condescension is a poor start.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 20, 2016, 01:56:30 AM
Also.. you can make anything sound false by saying "or maybe that's just what they want us to think".

The sky is blue .. or maybe that's just what they want us to think.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 20, 2016, 02:01:27 AM
Guys, you're being played. Gods, it's like ameteur hour over here... If you want to know who the Sith are, you need to know who died, who that person was going after, why that person chose that target, and the player skill of the person. If you need any refreshers on what transpired, (I know those are big words, but try to stay with me.) I'll gladly reiterate the history here.
He was going for you Aragonn. Sapphiron has a high player skill, Sapphiron was an innocent, Sapphiron targeted YOU.

And he was going to target you again today, so whatever reasons he had - he still thought they were good before he got lightsaberated:
You're ignoring the part I italicized for you. The part I pointed out amongst all of those things. Why he targeted me. Go ahead, look again. I'll wait for you.
The history you "re-iterated" was just today's post history, all targeted at you. I apologize if you really are a Townie, but you've acted very suspiciously imo.
If you cared to actually pay attention to what was written, I merely offered to reiterate. I didn't actually reiterate it.
If you're trying to make yourself sound innocent, condescension is a poor start.
If there's one thing I can't stand, it's acts of stupidity. I'm not saying you're stupid, but you're not really thinking this through right now.

And I'm not sorry for the way I'm acting because this is how I am when I see acts of stupidity before me.
Also.. you can make anything sound false by saying "or maybe that's just what they want us to think".

The sky is blue .. or maybe that's just what they want us to think.
Following that same argument, you can make anyone look guilty by forgoing any actual evidence presented in a case.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 20, 2016, 02:08:53 AM
Are you going to forgo defending yourself in any way, and just insult me? He suspected you because you've come out and stated that you were Sith... Now maybe a true Sith wouldn't do that, but honestly you just shouldn't intentionally implicate yourself. You can't expect me to think you're innocent because you said you were guilty.

Calling me stupid isn't going to change my mind.
As for Wintermoot, I don't know if he's a Sith or not.

You're being extremely unpleasant, and I don't care if you apologize or not for it.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 20, 2016, 02:14:48 AM
Correcting that, I looked back at what he said, and now I'm a little bit confused as to why he voted for you.

I thought you said you were Sith, but really all you said was that you had a lightsaber.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 20, 2016, 02:20:36 AM
If you were an elder Valerian, you'd know better.
Tau is out, Colby is out....somebody is targeting my brothers....
Vote: Aragonn

Care to explain what he meant by this? What are the whys? Why was it a good enough reason to vote for you not once, but twice?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Sapphiron on April 20, 2016, 02:26:34 AM

Hehe, so I am dead. It's an irony though, I just performed as Piggy in a Lord of the Flies performance yesterday.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 20, 2016, 02:34:39 AM
Are you going to forgo defending yourself in any way, and just insult me?
I thought I was doing both at the same time.
He suspected you because you've come out and stated that you were Sith...
Whoa there. Whoa. When have I ever said the words "I am an evil, power hungry Sith Lord bent on dominating this game"? I haven't. At no point have I openly stated that I am Sith.
Now maybe a true Sith wouldn't do that, but honestly you just shouldn't intentionally implicate yourself. You can't expect me to think you're innocent because you said you were guilty.
You're right. It's suicide to tell everyone that you're one of the people they're all trying to kill. And being a logical person, I would never willingly commit suicide.
Calling me stupid isn't going to change my mind.
Again, actually pay attention to what was said.
If there's one thing I can't stand, it's acts of stupidity. I'm not saying you're stupid, but you're not really thinking this through right now.
Next up:
Correcting that, I looked back at what he said, and now I'm a little bit confused as to why he voted for you.

I thought you said you were Sith, but really all you said was that you had a lightsaber.
Thank you for looking and paying attention. I really appreciate it. Now, because I know you're not a stupid person, I'd really appreciate it if you'd rescind your uncalled-for vote against me. Please and thank you. ^-^

If you were an elder Valerian, you'd know better.
Tau is out, Colby is out....somebody is targeting my brothers....
Vote: Aragonn

Care to explain what he meant by this? What are the whys? Why was it a good enough reason to vote for you not once, but twice?
/me sighs
I'll go ahead and explain it. I was basically trying to build myself up to be some macho Werewolf player, basically bragging, and I stated that my fellow brothers from New Hyperion know me enough to know that I can do all of those things and win the game.

Well, as luck would have it, both of my brothers participating in this game of Werewolf were knocked out, and I pointed that out. To further my bad luck, Sapph took those two quotes of mine and stuck them together as a good enough reason to knock me out too.

But there's one hole in his little theory, one which I pointed out. My brothers were targeted by two different groups; one was killed by the Sith and the other by CH-4NK0. Seeing as how these two are not in contact with each other, it stands to reason that neither group could be targeting me specifically to be their decoy. Thus, his theory turns to Swiss cheese.

Good enough explanation for you? Or do I need to recount the events of my latest trip to Jakku as well?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 20, 2016, 02:48:14 AM
I think my brain filed away the "elder Valerian" as some sort of star wars lore word for some variety of Sith... I still have no idea what it means.

I think your aggression at this point is likely the result of your past experience. This is my second game of Werewolf, so I'm just an ignorant girl here, but I suspect that you've found that only way to reliably stop a pile is to do it early and violently?

I don't want an unjustified pile any more than anyone does.

Vote: Abstain

Of course, being an experienced player yourself, you may have decided to take Sapph out, counting on your ability to talk your way out of it to save you... you'll be patting yourself on the pack quite tidily right now in that case.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 20, 2016, 02:51:05 AM
Valeria is my house name, and those in my house are Valerians. The Elder Valerians are the four of us who were in Aura Hyperia together: taulover, Colberius X, Laurentus, and myself.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 20, 2016, 02:52:19 AM
Also, thank you again for rescinding your vote against me.

My vote for Moot still stands, as he's experienced and definitely not stupid.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Gerrick on April 20, 2016, 03:24:03 AM
Aragonn's a Sith! He admitted it!
"I am an evil, power hungry Sith Lord bent on dominating this game"
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 20, 2016, 08:57:56 AM
Aragonn's a Sith! He admitted it!
"I am an evil, power hungry Sith Lord bent on dominating this game"
Jesus. What is this? The New York Times? :P

And @Wintermoot, I had considered mentioning people, but that might get pretty spammy.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: BraveSirRobin on April 20, 2016, 02:06:11 PM
Ooh... I think that I'll be voting this round for Aragonn.  The biggest thing that I have learned in my short time in Wintreath Werewolf is that edits can be big problems... just look at what my edits last game as a newbie did.

Aragonn has been steering the conversation, and I would have assumed that the Sith would have dispatched of him already if he was controlling the conversation and moving it in a direction that they didn't like. 
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 20, 2016, 02:30:19 PM
Ooh... I think that I'll be voting this round for Aragonn.  The biggest thing that I have learned in my short time in Wintreath Werewolf is that edits can be big problems... just look at what my edits last game as a newbie did.
I knew trying to fix that one line to code properly would be the death of me...
Aragonn has been steering the conversation, and I would have assumed that the Sith would have dispatched of him already if he was controlling the conversation and moving it in a direction that they didn't like. 
I'll admit I was steering the conversation at the start, but I dropped out of the spotlight when I got busy IRL. I haven't resurfaced to the forefront until people started piling on me. And can you blame me? I'm trying to survive here!

As for the Sith not killing me, I don't know what their motives are because I have no idea who they are. They could be keeping me alive because I look suspicious as fuck. It could be that they don't see me as a threat yet. Maybe both. I don't know.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 20, 2016, 07:57:45 PM
I would have assumed that the Sith would have dispatched of him already if he was controlling the conversation and moving it in a direction that they didn't like.
I could be steering the conversation in a way that doesn't hurt them, in which case they'd leave me alone.

If there's one thing you learn from playing this game, it's nothing is black and white, only many shades of grey.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: El Fiji Grande on April 20, 2016, 08:11:06 PM
Watch as both Evelynx and Aragonn are innocent.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 20, 2016, 11:36:48 PM
Ok, so after doing some thinking, I think I found a possibility that might interest you guys. Just before anything, I'm using a lot of what-if logic here. So, lets say the four people who first voted for me were all innocent. Ok. Then that would mean that Chanku made a late order to the Sith after seeing the stockpile. But say, perhaps none of the people who were in that stockpile gave the order, but an outer force. What I'm getting at here is close to one of Sapphiron's posts,
Rasdanation, if I were to speculate, while some of those who have voted for you may be the Siths, allow me to ask you this. What is the likelihood of you being a Sith? Before HannahB’s reasoning regarding Chanku’s abrupt vote switch, you were the most affected by the bandwagon effect.  Hypothetically speaking, it could be that since you were a “shoo-in” for being lynched, the Siths decided that it is safer for Chanku to jump on the bandwagon and vote off an ally, thus directing suspicion away from him, except Chanku did it too quickly and ended up looking even more suspicious.
but instead to the point that they used me as just a platform to execute their plan. In other words, perhaps the Sith did plan to have one or two of their members join my bandwagon, and have one of them have a suspicious vote, making everyone turn on that Sith, while having their own Sith members vote him/her out. As we do see, this member would turn out to be Chanku. So, perhaps we are close, just looking in the wrong places.

NOTE: Just to clear out Wuufu's death, as of I see it, that was an unintentional casualty, since it turned out as he died through killing RE-0N. My theory for why he joined the bandwagon instead of suppressing any suspicion on himself was because the Sith planned on using him later on to cast suspicion away from themselves in future situations.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 20, 2016, 11:44:54 PM
I find it interesting how your theory excludes me, but everyone else, except Eve, finds it better to just dogpile on me.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Crushita on April 20, 2016, 11:50:43 PM
I kinda need to vote.

On the other hand, I have no idea who to vote for!
I'll play it safe and throw away my vote to LIVE.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 21, 2016, 12:39:51 AM
Ok, so after doing some thinking, I think I found a possibility that might interest you guys. Just before anything, I'm using a lot of what-if logic here. So, lets say the four people who first voted for me were all innocent. Ok. Then that would mean that Chanku made a late order to the Sith after seeing the stockpile. But say, perhaps none of the people who were in that stockpile gave the order, but an outer force. What I'm getting at here is close to one of Sapphiron's posts,
Rasdanation, if I were to speculate, while some of those who have voted for you may be the Siths, allow me to ask you this. What is the likelihood of you being a Sith? Before HannahB’s reasoning regarding Chanku’s abrupt vote switch, you were the most affected by the bandwagon effect.  Hypothetically speaking, it could be that since you were a “shoo-in” for being lynched, the Siths decided that it is safer for Chanku to jump on the bandwagon and vote off an ally, thus directing suspicion away from him, except Chanku did it too quickly and ended up looking even more suspicious.
but instead to the point that they used me as just a platform to execute their plan. In other words, perhaps the Sith did plan to have one or two of their members join my bandwagon, and have one of them have a suspicious vote, making everyone turn on that Sith, while having their own Sith members vote him/her out. As we do see, this member would turn out to be Chanku. So, perhaps we are close, just looking in the wrong places.

NOTE: Just to clear out Wuufu's death, as of I see it, that was an unintentional casualty, since it turned out as he died through killing RE-0N. My theory for why he joined the bandwagon instead of suppressing any suspicion on himself was because the Sith planned on using him later on to cast suspicion away from themselves in future situations.
So just to follow up on this, here are the people who voted for these people
HannahB Wintermoot Evelynx Govindia Rasdanation Feast Potatoes/Crushita Sapphiron Pengu Aternox
Sapphiron Evelynx
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 21, 2016, 12:41:18 AM
I find it interesting how your theory excludes me, but everyone else, except Eve, finds it better to just dogpile on me.
The only reason my theory didn't include you was since we don't have definitive proof on what role you are. Who knows, you could be third distraction Sith...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 21, 2016, 01:06:29 AM
I'm not intentionally making myself a target! :'(
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: aternox on April 21, 2016, 04:50:33 AM
The suggestion that Sapphiron was killed in part to frame Aragonn makes a lot of sense to me. Honestly, I think that if Aragonn was a sith, him killing Sapphiron would have brought too much suspicion on him, and that's not something the sith would have wanted.

On the other hand, Wintermoot and Evelynx are looking reasonably innocent. Both of them cast early votes against Chanku, and at the time there were other options they could have taken if they were sith.

To me, it seems both groups are fairly equally innocent looking. I'd expect that if the wolves were planning on leaving Aragonn open to by lynched today, they wouldn't post anything dissuading us from doing so early on. I'd assume that means North might be a villager too, but it could always be a case of a sith trying to mislead us.

As to who I will vote for, I've had a quick look through the thread. Not a lot jumped out at me, however, on day 3 the votes against people went like this:

Sapphiron voted against Wuufu
Evelynx voted against Wuufu
Colberius X voted against Evelynx
Barnes voted against Rasdanation
Rasdanation voted against Barnes
DekuNut voted against Rasdanation
El Fiji Grande voted against Barnes

We had a sith with the most votes against them (excluding the no lynch votes). To me, that means that if people started changing their minds Wuufu could have been in trouble. 

Either DekuNut or El Fiji Grande could have been bringing the votes to a tie just in case things started to turn around.

Vote: Lynch DekuNut
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: DekuNut on April 21, 2016, 05:40:19 AM
Yo guys, completley forgot this was a thing for a while there. I'm gonna catch up real fast and then talk to you guys.
Also, since it's the last post before this one... *waves to aternox*
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: DekuNut on April 21, 2016, 05:46:18 AM
Okay, not really forgot... more like remembered it was there but didn't want to click on the link back to the game... I'm great like that
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: DekuNut on April 21, 2016, 06:13:13 AM
Catch-up post:

I believe that I'm going to vote No Lynch. I don't want to be responsible for Barnes' death in the event that he's innocent. I'll review in a bit though once I get to a computer. :)
Another post I don't like. He's worried about his reputation with the town, to such an extent that he's willing to vote no lynch to prevent being on a town wagon. If he didn't think Barnes was guilty, he would've just said it, but here it sounds like he sees the reasoning but isn't joining because rep.

Well, as luck would have it, both of my brothers participating in this game of Werewolf were knocked out, and I pointed that out. To further my bad luck, Sapph took those two quotes of mine and stuck them together as a good enough reason to knock me out too.

But there's one hole in his little theory, one which I pointed out. My brothers were targeted by two different groups; one was killed by the Sith and the other by CH-4NK0. Seeing as how these two are not in contact with each other, it stands to reason that neither group could be targeting me specifically to be their decoy. Thus, his theory turns to Swiss cheese.

Good enough explanation for you? Or do I need to recount the events of my latest trip to Jakku as well?
So you're saying that Sapph had to do with the death of at least one of your brothers?

And @Wintermoot, I had considered mentioning people, but that might get pretty spammy.
When I play on other sites, we post player lists, but without linking them. That way it's not spammy, but we can still see a list of who's alive and who's dead.

Ooh... I think that I'll be voting this round for Aragonn.  The biggest thing that I have learned in my short time in Wintreath Werewolf is that edits can be big problems... just look at what my edits last game as a newbie did.

Aragonn has been steering the conversation, and I would have assumed that the Sith would have dispatched of him already if he was controlling the conversation and moving it in a direction that they didn't like.
The first half of his reasoning seems off. I don't know what your edits did last game, but having part of your reason for a vote being edits? Is it that big of a deal to you?
As for the second half, I can more see your reasoning there, though I won't follow in your footsteps because of it.

Either DekuNut or El Fiji Grande could have been bringing the votes to a tie just in case things started to turn around.

Vote: Lynch DekuNut
Why me over Grande? Just asking

So, looking at all this, my suspicions as of now are alighting on Robin and Aragonn, mostly because of the posts above. Tomorrow I'll take a look at Chanku's death, as well as do a little more looking into those two. However, just because I need to vote before the end of the day
Vote: Brave Sir Robin
Just in case. He's on my list and has received fewer votes today than Aragonn. I'll reevaluate tomorrow.
Sorry I've been so quiet guys. I'll try to be more active from here on out.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 21, 2016, 11:58:17 AM
I'm not sure who the Sith cold be at this moment, so I might as well do a random vote and let the game progress. I believe Aternox won't get voted out this round so I may as well vote for him/her.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: BraveSirRobin on April 21, 2016, 01:11:31 PM
We should probably listen to Aragonn a bit more closely...
But there's one hole in his little theory, one which I pointed out. My brothers were targeted by two different groups; one was killed by the Sith and the other by CH-4NK0. Seeing as how these two are not in contact with each other, it stands to reason that neither group could be targeting me specifically to be their decoy.

Knowing that the Sith and CH-4NK0 cannot communicate, we cannot view Aragonn with suspicion for making the comments about his brothers deaths.  I could be a bit biased in this matter, but I think that it's more likely than not that Aragonn is innocent at this point. 

Additionally, I find it interesting that DekuNut resurfaces as soon as he's accused by Aternox of being a Sith... and I mean right after.  I refuse to believe that it is simply luck that he "resurfaces" 50 minutes after he's accused.  Thoughts @North and @Evelynx ?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 21, 2016, 01:43:30 PM
Well, as luck would have it, both of my brothers participating in this game of Werewolf were knocked out, and I pointed that out. To further my bad luck, Sapph took those two quotes of mine and stuck them together as a good enough reason to knock me out too.

But there's one hole in his little theory, one which I pointed out. My brothers were targeted by two different groups; one was killed by the Sith and the other by CH-4NK0. Seeing as how these two are not in contact with each other, it stands to reason that neither group could be targeting me specifically to be their decoy. Thus, his theory turns to Swiss cheese.

Good enough explanation for you? Or do I need to recount the events of my latest trip to Jakku as well?
So you're saying that Sapph had to do with the death of at least one of your brothers?
I can see how you would think that, but no, that's not what was said.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 21, 2016, 01:47:38 PM
Seeing you guys finally start listening to me is cute and all, but I still have the highest vote count at two votes. I could change my vote to even it out, but it's still a 50/50 that I'll die.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 21, 2016, 03:31:25 PM
I'll change my vote to DekuNut. Mootster, you've been spared a day.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on April 21, 2016, 04:29:51 PM
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 21, 2016, 07:35:02 PM
Do we have any reason at all to suspect DekuNut? Why does Aragonn need to have evidence to be guilty but DekuNut doesn't?

I'm not pretending that Sapphiron's death doesn't implicate Aragonn at all just because it's not perfect, solid evidence. We don't have perfect solid evidence against anyone.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on April 21, 2016, 07:36:51 PM
Do we have any reason at all to suspect DekuNut? Why does Aragonn need to have evidence to be guilty but DekuNut doesn't?

I'm not pretending that Sapphiron's death doesn't implicate Aragonn at all just because it's not perfect, solid evidence. We don't have perfect solid evidence against anyone.
Vote: DekuNut because this sounds shady

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 21, 2016, 07:39:09 PM
I randomly picked someone who already had a vote against them to try an save my ass before the end of the day period.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Tomb on April 21, 2016, 08:26:17 PM
I'll vote Abstain for the time being.

The past couple of days have been stressful in Osiris, guys, and that's why I am late in voting. My bad, and I'll pay more attention to this from now on.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: DekuNut on April 22, 2016, 01:13:57 AM
I can't do much to defend against this. I showed up the post after someone voted for me. Whoopty doo. Check my online status over the last week I haven't been active at all on the site. Plus, why would it matter if I got one vote? I wasn't anywhere near majority, nor the person with the most votes. I can see the reasoning for maybe one vote, but basing an entire wagon on that one thing is ridiculous.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 22, 2016, 01:17:06 AM
In my defense, I picked randomly.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 22, 2016, 02:31:57 AM
Do we have any reason at all to suspect DekuNut? Why does Aragonn need to have evidence to be guilty but DekuNut doesn't?

I'm not pretending that Sapphiron's death doesn't implicate Aragonn at all just because it's not perfect, solid evidence. We don't have perfect solid evidence against anyone.
Vote: DekuNut because this sounds shady

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
Ok, ok, something seems off about this statement...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 22, 2016, 02:32:58 AM
Glad I wasn't the only one who thinks that.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 22, 2016, 02:33:41 AM
*I'm not the only one
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 22, 2016, 02:37:55 AM
Yeah I agree. What is shady in my post that would make you vote for DekuNut?
Vote: Govindia
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on April 22, 2016, 03:24:23 AM
Yeah I agree. What is shady in my post that would make you vote for DekuNut?
Vote: Govindia
it sounded like you were implying something else.

If that wasn't the case, apologies.

Vote: No Lynch

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Hydra on April 22, 2016, 04:26:53 AM
I'm going to Abstain for now (I have an application due tomorrow that I'm procrastinating on...)

On another note, could we get a vote count?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: BraveSirRobin on April 22, 2016, 04:58:08 AM
I'm going to switch my vote to abstain as well.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 22, 2016, 05:56:21 AM
What an indecisive day phase we have... DekuNut goes down for no reason at all. It's a risky play, lets see how it works out for us.

I think we have better targets. Aragonn talks his way out of being suspicious when the person gunning for him goes down, and now DekuNut, who has absolutely no evidence or implication against him at all as far as I know, is being piled.

I'm going back to voting for Aragonn. Sorry, but I really don't see how DekuNut deserves it more than you do. I definitely do not see anyone more suspicious.

Vote: Aragonn
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on April 22, 2016, 08:08:40 AM
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 22, 2016, 09:50:52 AM
Pengu, I can't view Youtube videos from my phone...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 22, 2016, 10:06:35 AM
It's his silly way to say he abstains.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 22, 2016, 10:25:09 AM
You know what, guys? Fuck it. I just don't care anymore. Kill me off so I can be rid of this shit. I can't talk to people who won't listen. This is no better than the Salem witch trials; which were incredibly idiotic themselves. One person has it out for me, that person dies, you jump on me, and of course I'm going to try to talk my way out of it! Welcome to Werewolf, people! Everyone here is trying to survive til the end!

But no, reason must be thrown out the window. Let's all pile on Aragonn! He's suspicious as fuck! You know what? I'm done. You might find a Sith, but it won't be me. Have fun sniffing them out without me.

Yes, this is an invitation to pile on me before the end of the day because I'm tired of defending myself day in and day out for same reason over and over again. This is quite literally insanity.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 22, 2016, 11:59:17 AM
Iklm going to change my vote to Govindia. Not just because of his vote for DekuNut saying someone else's quote is shady, but also since Chanku had made a statement a while ago that made me realize something...
If I were Sith...wouldn't I have gotten Gov killed last night?
I feel Chanku was really trying to BS his way out of this situation, but if he is implying that he would've killed Gov if he were a Sith, then he would be invalid about his statement. Perhaps Govindia was also with the Sith, making Chanku sure about his statement.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 22, 2016, 01:41:43 PM
I'll be closing this phase around 20:00 GMT+2, and then I'll be mentioning all living participants so they know this is still a thing. My week is finally over, so I should be better at closing phases and advancing the story. This is quite possibly the worst Werewolf game ever from an organisational standpoint, and it's my fault. Sorry, guys.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 22, 2016, 02:01:03 PM
That's 2 PM EST if I'm not wrong.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 22, 2016, 02:38:15 PM
Yeesh, look at all the people piling on Aragonn for no reason. All what, 2 of them? Overreaction much?
The fact that he's not definitely guilty doesn't make him innocent..
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 22, 2016, 02:57:23 PM
Evelyn, you've been on me like a hound dog on a pork chop. I've given every bit of evidence and reasoning I could to persuade you to vote for someone else, but you don't wanna hear any of it. I'm just done. I don't want to go through another day phase of that.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 22, 2016, 03:05:20 PM
Yeah, all that rings a little bit hollow when DekuNut is over there getting lynched for pretty much no reason at all.

You keep saying you're done, but I really doubt it's true. We'll see, of course. Mostly this phase I'm just doing what Sapphiron would have done, because he was by all accounts an exceptional player of this game, and I'm not.

Your extreme defensiveness and now throwing your hands up in the air like it's all over when you have pretty much no chance of going home this day phase just makes you more suspicious imo..
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 22, 2016, 03:08:12 PM
This is most entertaining.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 22, 2016, 03:32:04 PM
We're not here for your entertainment.
You don't wanna mess with me tonight, Lord Voldemort.

Or maybe you do..  :-[
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on April 22, 2016, 03:50:37 PM
That's 2 PM EST if I'm not wrong.

Also let's be calm please everyone

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Gerrick on April 22, 2016, 04:31:08 PM
Here's the vote count I have:
DekuNut: 3
Aragonn: 2
Pengu: 1
BraveSirRobin: 1
Govindia: 1
No Lynch: 2
Abstain: 4
Last votes per person this phase
Wintermoot: Aragonn (1)
El Fiji Grande: No Lynch (1)
Feast Potatoes: Pengu (1)
aternox: DekuNut (1)
DekuNut: BraveSirRobin (1)
Aragonn: DekuNut (2)
North: DekuNut (3)
Tomb: Abstain
Govindia: No Lynch (1)
xXTheHydraXx: Abstain
BraveSirRobin: Abstain
Evelynx: Aragonn (2)
Pengu: Abstain
Rasdanation: Govindia (1)
I think Aragonn is very suspicious, but I think it might be to the point that it's a mix of the Sith framing him and him saying stupid shit on accident. Plus, I think his arguments and frustration seem sincere. Then again, he is a good player, so we'll have to see what happens.

DekuNut I think was a really random bandwagon. I have no idea why that happened. Well, aternox said his vote was random (understandable), Aragonn said he randomly voted for one of the other people with a vote (also understandable), but then North voted for him as well (without giving any reason). We don't seem to have much other than the two above people, so I

Vote: North
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Wintermoot on April 22, 2016, 05:25:37 PM
It's hard for me to tell whether Aragonn is just being a good player or is genuinely pissed off...he does seem to be belligerent a lot this game. :P

That said, I'm keeping my vote, because I remember at least one baddie last game going the 'fuck it, go ahead and lynch me' route...though I respect that this is a tough decision and the evidence isn't at all clear at this point. =/
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 22, 2016, 06:59:36 PM
That's 2 PM EST if I'm not wrong.

Also let's be calm please everyone

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

I live on the US East Coast. I go by Eastern Standard Time.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on April 22, 2016, 07:02:45 PM
That's 2 PM EST if I'm not wrong.

Also let's be calm please everyone

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

I live on the US East Coast. I go by Eastern Standard Time.

Yes, Eastern Daylight Time.  We're on Daylight Savings Time in the US.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 22, 2016, 07:08:31 PM
Daylight savings time is not in effect.. there's no need to make such a correction.. they are the same time right now.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: DekuNut on April 22, 2016, 07:09:29 PM
Well, looks like voting closed about an hour ago, so I'm dead. Before I die, I want to take a moment to adress Aragonn:

You know what, guys? Fuck it. I just don't care anymore. Kill me off so I can be rid of this shit. I can't talk to people who won't listen. This is no better than the Salem witch trials; which were incredibly idiotic themselves. One person has it out for me, that person dies, you jump on me, and of course I'm going to try to talk my way out of it! Welcome to Werewolf, people! Everyone here is trying to survive til the end!

But no, reason must be thrown out the window. Let's all pile on Aragonn! He's suspicious as fuck! You know what? I'm done. You might find a Sith, but it won't be me. Have fun sniffing them out without me.

Yes, this is an invitation to pile on me before the end of the day because I'm tired of defending myself day in and day out for same reason over and over again. This is quite literally insanity.
Yes, let's throw reason out the window by voting for someone we're suspicous of. Someone who was after you died, so people are looking at you. Guess what? That's a legitimate tactic. People use that reasoning all the time.
Also, calm down. Werewolf isn't a game for emotion. It clouds your mind. To quote Master Yoda, "Control, control. You must learn control." Chill out bro. Seriously. If you're scum and using this as a ploy to survive, then too bad. If you're town, then stop getting emotional over the two votes you have right now and play this game. At least try to leave an impact on this game for when you finally do die.
Also, just in case it still counts, I'll change my vote to Aragonn. Just don't turn your eyes away from SirRobin - if the day doesn't end before then, I'm going to try to refer to some of his other post in my next post.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 22, 2016, 07:23:25 PM
I find it funny how you think I'm upset over the number of votes against me. There's no reason to be upset about not being the most popular vote. I'm upset over trying my hardest to set my name straight but failing miserably.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on April 22, 2016, 07:27:03 PM
Daylight savings time is not in effect.. there's no need to make such a correction.. they are the same time right now.

Spring Forward, Fall Back, no? 

From Google:
"Daylight Saving Time 2016

began Sunday, March 13

ends Sunday, November 6

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: El Fiji Grande on April 22, 2016, 07:27:23 PM
I doubt my vote will count as well. Just took a while catching up. I already voted no lynch earlier - I really didn't have a clue.

What confuses me after catching up is Aragonn. He's an experienced player it would seem, yet he's acting extremely out of control. Either he's actually angry, or he's playing us to survive. His annoyance and frustration seems genuine though. That said, Sapphiron was convinced that Aragonn was evil, and went down. The evidence points to Aragonn, yet I still wonder if he's being framed.

The vote on DekuNut seems pointless. I don't actually see much evidence for the votes on him, especially since the same original reasoning that has brought him here could just as easily have been used against me. I am very suspicious of those who jumped on the bandwagon without providing evidence - Govindia and North, if I recall correctly.

I will Vote North. DekuNut is just getting piled. The Aragonn/Evelynx interaction is fishy, but both seem inno to me. Between Govindia and North, I'm not sure.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on April 22, 2016, 07:30:02 PM
I doubt my vote will count as well. Just took a while catching up. I already voted no lynch earlier - I really didn't have a clue.

What confuses me after catching up is Aragonn. He's an experienced player it would seem, yet he's acting extremely out of control. Either he's actually angry, or he's playing us to survive. His annoyance and frustration seems genuine though. That said, Sapphiron was convinced that Aragonn was evil, and went down. The evidence points to Aragonn, yet I still wonder if he's being framed.

The vote on DekuNut seems pointless. I don't actually see much evidence for the votes on him, especially since the same original reasoning that has brought him here could just as easily have been used against me. I am very suspicious of those who jumped on the bandwagon without providing evidence - Govindia and North, if I recall correctly.

I will Vote North. DekuNut is just getting piled. The Aragonn/Evelynx interaction is fishy, but both seem inno to me. Between Govindia and North, I'm not sure.

Piled?  I misinterpreted something that was said.  I switched to No Lynch because I have nothing conclusive to go off of.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: DekuNut on April 22, 2016, 07:37:08 PM
I find it funny how you think I'm upset over the number of votes against me. There's no reason to be upset about not being the most popular vote. I'm upset over trying my hardest to set my name straight but failing miserably.
Even so, being emotional is only going to hurt your case. If you're fighting for your life, don't give in. Plus, the votes are directly correlated to how people view you in the game, so that would affect that rant-post.
Also, I was referencing the fact that, before I showed up, you were the most popular vote, and it did feel to me that you had more votes on you than you actually did, even to me. There's reason to be upset about almost dying I'd think.

Also, Fiji, I can confirm what Gov said. He explained that a few posts back - you must've missed it.

Anyways, didn't find what I thought I would about Robin, so oh well. Just don't ignore him - I think the points I made in my catch-up post against him are still valid.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 22, 2016, 07:54:38 PM
I'm a bit late, but I'm closing the phase now. Stand by. Oh, and since I'm late, I'll count the votes that have happened in the meantime.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 22, 2016, 08:05:09 PM
M007 had watched the day proceeding with quite a bit of concern. It was clear to it that these people had no idea of proper conduct and protocol. Never mind that millions of people had died and that people were continuing to die. Fighting amongst themselves would only play into the Sith's hands, it reasoned.

As the people of the facility continued to blame one another for all the misfortunes that had befallen them all, it couldn't bear it any longer and spoke up. "Good heavens. This isn't the time or place to be fighting. I ask that everyone please calm down. Everyone is in equally dire circumstances, and the only way we're going to make it off the planet is if we can all calm down and work together."

It thanked its maker that it had been given such advanced capabilities for understanding human behaviour, because to its relief, the people all began calming down and getting back to work, or otherwise amusing themselves with whatever was left behind for them to do so.

M007, the protocol droid, used its power to prevent the lynching of any players for this day phase. And it is now night phase again. Enjoy your rest. Don't forget to PM me if you're a power role.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 22, 2016, 08:08:29 PM
Hope you know what you're doing M007-135.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 22, 2016, 08:14:55 PM
M007-135. Yeah, I'm going with that. :)
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: DekuNut on April 22, 2016, 08:21:01 PM
I like this protocol droid. I think we should keep it around :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 22, 2016, 08:27:12 PM
These are the people who are still alive. I haven't lynched anyone for inactivity because, in all honesty, this game couldn't have happened at a worse possible time for many of us. So if you're still alive but have been inactive, thank your stars.

1. @North
2. @Gerrick
3. @xXTheHydraXx
4. @Feast Potatoes
5. @DekuNut
6. @BraveSirRobin
7. @Govindia

8. @Rasdanation
9. @Wintermoot
10. @Evelynx
11. @Pengu
12. @Commander_Zemas

13. @Tomb
14. @Aragonn
15. @Kuramia
16. @El Fiji Grande
17. @aternox
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on April 22, 2016, 08:28:24 PM
But, I voted.  o_O  Is abstaining counted as inactivity this game?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on April 22, 2016, 08:29:41 PM
Oh nevermind, that's just the list of all the living players.  I was like "but, but... :o"
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 22, 2016, 08:43:03 PM
... Yeah, I'm confused now ...

What did you think it was?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on April 22, 2016, 08:59:57 PM
I thought you were listing "inactive" members, which since abstaining in the last game counted as inactivity, that's why I asked.  :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 22, 2016, 09:16:27 PM
Damn you, M007-135! The players needed to see!
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 22, 2016, 09:20:09 PM
Be thankful you live to fight another day. You're Æsir! Act like it, Odin damn it! :)
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Kuramia on April 22, 2016, 09:45:37 PM
Oh my! Yes, things went into a tailspin! Having a huge election and then a bunch of GP stuff. :P

Where were we? *catches up*

To be fair, dying in battle and going to Valhalla is the ultimate goal, though the gods don't get that kind of special treatment when they die. :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 22, 2016, 09:50:33 PM
Yeah, don't worry about it, Kuramia. It's been a mess across the entire NS world the last few days, and this region didn't fare much better. :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 22, 2016, 11:24:17 PM
To be fair, dying in battle and going to Valhalla is the ultimate goal, though the gods don't get that kind of special treatment when they die. :P
To be fair, I'm not a god. I'm a fictional bipedal reptile. :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 23, 2016, 01:03:48 AM
To be fair, dying in battle and going to Valhalla is the ultimate goal, though the gods don't get that kind of special treatment when they die. :P
To be fair, I'm not a god. I'm a fictional bipedal reptile. :P
That's... ummmmmmmmm... interesting to say the least...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Tomb on April 23, 2016, 01:03:38 PM
First of all, thank you for your patience with the inactivity, Laurentus.

Secondly, looking at the results and discussions of the day phase, it appears that North and Aargon are the two most likely Sith characters.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on April 23, 2016, 02:01:20 PM
The reason why I voted for Deke was because he was a good a person as any.

Lynch me. Or dont. I dont care.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 23, 2016, 02:48:26 PM
No comment.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 23, 2016, 11:02:59 PM
To be fair, dying in battle and going to Valhalla is the ultimate goal, though the gods don't get that kind of special treatment when they die. :P
To be fair, I'm not a god. I'm a fictional bipedal reptile. :P
That's... ummmmmmmmm... interesting to say the least...
 :P (
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 24, 2016, 05:15:19 PM
Hrmm. I've lost count of how many nights it's been. If I'm correct, this is the 4th night phase after the lost jedi woke up, correct?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Tomb on April 24, 2016, 09:45:08 PM
On my count, yes, I believe so. Someone should check on that, too, just to make sure.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 25, 2016, 07:19:57 PM
Waiting for the night to end.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 25, 2016, 10:40:04 PM
Shouldn't night be over by now?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: El Fiji Grande on April 25, 2016, 10:49:52 PM
Shouldn't night be over by now?
I would have thought so.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Wintermoot on April 25, 2016, 11:09:01 PM
I would guess that our hosts are busy with real life given their lack of posting lately. Give them some time. :)
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 26, 2016, 06:37:59 PM
They are at my place, enjoying a few drinks over several days... We're talking about making me a Jedi. It's gonna be great!

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: El Fiji Grande on April 27, 2016, 03:13:46 AM
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Wintermoot on April 27, 2016, 03:14:33 AM
@Laurentus, @Point guys ok? We're starting to worry about you guys. =/
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: BraveSirRobin on April 28, 2016, 02:34:19 AM
Psych: they've been abducted and are being interrogated by the Sith in the game... :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 28, 2016, 02:35:25 AM
How would you know that unless you're one of them?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on April 28, 2016, 05:34:05 AM
It's been about 5 days now...yes?  I'll admit that I'm a little concerned...especially since they've both been online (PB is now, Laurentus was on a day ago).

@Point Breeze?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 28, 2016, 01:46:31 PM
I have arrived. Ending the phase. I've been crazy busy.

I'm afraid I just don't have time to write a story right now, so this is what happened during the night.

CH-4NK0, a.k.a. Rasdanation targeted Gerrick, a Sith (and Darth Colberius), so Gerrick has died. Simultaneously, the lost Jedi, a.k.a. Wintermoot targeted Rasdanation, who then also died, but Wintermoot was killed in the resulting explosion. I'd love to put this into a story, and will hopefully do so on Saturday.

And that concludes the night phase! Happy voting. :)
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Wintermoot on April 28, 2016, 01:57:47 PM

Eek...death by something other than being lynched. That's a new one. :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 28, 2016, 02:29:22 PM
Another Sith down, CH-4NK0 down, and one Jedi down....

We now have one Jedi against three Sith(?) Not to mention a protocol droid. So...anyone look suspicious other than me?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Gerrick on April 28, 2016, 04:26:12 PM

Damn, Ras, nicely done. At least Wintermoot avenged me :))

I'm guessing the Sith's target was defended?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on April 28, 2016, 04:52:05 PM
Another Sith down, CH-4NK0 down, and one Jedi down....

We now have one Jedi against three Sith(?) Not to mention a protocol droid. So...anyone look suspicious other than me?

Two Jedi.  There's two jedi PLUS the lost Jedi, which the latter was just killed.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 28, 2016, 06:09:33 PM
I did place a question mark inside of parentheses. :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 28, 2016, 06:11:44 PM
Dang it, looks like I missed yesterday's vote. And Aragonn - are the Sith winning? By my count, we've already knocked out two, and that's a good number for this early in the game..

Personally, I will have to agree with Rasdanation's logic, especially since I found Barnes to be suspicious a few days ago myself.
I don't like Barnes' comment about free kills in the day phase - we're much more likely to lynch a good guy than a sith, and any information we get from the former will be minimal at best. Wuufu strikes me as highly suspicious as well given his timing on the vote on Rasdanation.

I'm going to change my vote to Barnes. Her comments are the most suspicious to me.
So today, I will also be voting Barnes.
Vote Barnes

I'm casting my focus out a little bit in light of Gerrick's sithness.. For a couple of days Gerrick participated in a pile on Barnes, so I looked around at the people who also participated in the pile, and selected the one who I thought did it for the weakest reasons. In this case it is El Fiji Grande. Here (^) he quotes one of his previous votes, where he notes that Wuufu (a Sith) is very suspicious but proceeds to vote for Barnes (a villager) anyway, then does it again in the following phase. Perhaps following Darth Gerrick's directives?

El Fiji Grande also voted with Gerrick in the North pile in yesterday's day phase. He also consistently points out a few people he's suspicious of, then votes for a different person, like this:

I doubt my vote will count as well. Just took a while catching up. I already voted no lynch earlier - I really didn't have a clue.

What confuses me after catching up is Aragonn. He's an experienced player it would seem, yet he's acting extremely out of control. Either he's actually angry, or he's playing us to survive. His annoyance and frustration seems genuine though. That said, Sapphiron was convinced that Aragonn was evil, and went down. The evidence points to Aragonn, yet I still wonder if he's being framed.

The vote on DekuNut seems pointless. I don't actually see much evidence for the votes on him, especially since the same original reasoning that has brought him here could just as easily have been used against me. I am very suspicious of those who jumped on the bandwagon without providing evidence - Govindia and North, if I recall correctly.

I will Vote North. DekuNut is just getting piled. The Aragonn/Evelynx interaction is fishy, but both seem inno to me. Between Govindia and North, I'm not sure.

Vote: El Fiji Grande

Any thoughts?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 28, 2016, 06:24:38 PM

Damn, Ras, nicely done. At least Wintermoot avenged me :))

I'm guessing the Sith's target was defended?

Told ya I wasn't a Sith :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 28, 2016, 06:25:58 PM
That's very perceptive.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 28, 2016, 06:31:52 PM

Damn, Ras, nicely done. At least Wintermoot avenged me :))

I'm guessing the Sith's target was defended?

Told ya I wasn't a Sith :P
But you were just as bad to all of us good guys. :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 28, 2016, 06:36:38 PM
Worse - he was inimical to all life. At least Sith view living beings as useful.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 28, 2016, 06:45:20 PM
I was speaking in terms of the game, but you're right too. :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on April 28, 2016, 07:05:44 PM
Well, I had a good run anyways.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on April 28, 2016, 07:39:16 PM
I was speaking in terms of the game, but you're right too. :P

RP for alwayz.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Tomb on April 29, 2016, 01:29:47 PM
Who is left at this point?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: BraveSirRobin on April 29, 2016, 04:21:36 PM
Player List
1. @North
2. @Gerrick
3. @xXTheHydraXx
4. @Colberius X (Local, killed at night by Sith)
5. @Samwise Gamgee
6. @Sapphiron
7. @DekuNut
8. @taulover (Local, Killed at Night by Sith)
9. @HannahB (RE-0N, killed at night by Sith)
10. @BraveSirRobin
11. @Govindia
12. @Barnes
13. @Rasdanation
14. @Wintermoot
15. @Evelynx
16. @Pengu
17. @Commander_Zemas
18. @VidiLune (Local, voted off and killed)
19. @Tomb
20. @Chanku (Sith, voted off and killed by Jedi)
21. @Wuufu (Sith, killed as RE-0N self-destructed)
22. @Aragonn
23. @Gibraltarica (Paired Jedi, killed off for inactivity, replaced with someone else)
24. @Kuramia
25. @El Fiji Grande
26. @aternox
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: BraveSirRobin on April 29, 2016, 04:22:00 PM
That's the list at the very beginning, which I'm pretty sure Laurentus keeps updated! :)
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: BraveSirRobin on April 29, 2016, 04:22:32 PM
(Except take out Wintermoot, Ras and Gerrick)
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Gerrick on April 29, 2016, 05:57:25 PM

(Except take out Wintermoot, Ras and Gerrick)
And Sapphiron and Barnes, right?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on April 29, 2016, 11:06:21 PM
*Takes a moment to catch my breath.*

Yes, take out those ones. I posted a more recent list not too long ago.

*Disappears again.*
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on April 30, 2016, 01:32:31 AM
Maybe we'll have six days of voting this day phase since our hosts are so busy. :P

But in all seriousness, time is of the essence. We need to get back to sleuthing.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on May 01, 2016, 07:32:35 AM
Wintermoot is the guy I would've voted for if he were still alive, but seeing as how he's not, I need to find another to vote for. I see the reasoning behind voting for Fiji, but I'm still not sure about him yet. But seeing as how the day phase is likely to end soon, a living player must be selected.

I will vote for North entirely on the premise of the fact that he's been too quiet.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on May 01, 2016, 09:49:31 AM
What is it about Jedi that is so suspicious.. I suspected Wintermoot too. Guess he really is just insanely busy.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on May 01, 2016, 04:02:51 PM
Without the knowledge that Wintermoot was the lost Jedi, Moot went after me entirely on the premise of Sapphiron's suspicions when he was kill by the Sith, that he was suspicious of me. If I truly were Sith, I'd have to be completely stupid to not know that killing Sapph would bring my downfall. Sapph would've been much easier to deal with alive than dead because a dead player's suspicions speak louder than the livings'. Now with that being said, it's a common tactic for wolves and Sith to use this to frame innocent people and get a free kill. And despite knowing this, the Snow Turnip votes for me anyway. That's what made me so suspicious of him.

If you can't see reason with my explanation of what just occurred and still find me suspicious enough to vote for, then my word means nothing to you and you're going to do whatever you want. I can't do anything beyond this.

Also, I do apologize for getting so emotional. I've been under a lot of stress with work and family and whatnot, and I haven't had an outlet for a few weeks. I will try to refrain from erupting on you guys again.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on May 01, 2016, 04:06:23 PM
...speak louder than the living's.
Just a quick spelling correction because it was bothering me.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: El Fiji Grande on May 01, 2016, 11:52:06 PM
So I guess what can be easily said is that I have been consistently wrong. I don't know where that puts me on placing a vote though. Going by old logic, I would vote for Commander_Zemas. But... *sigh*. I really don't know.

Vote Abstain
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on May 02, 2016, 04:21:49 PM
I've got nothing, so I'll just retaliate. Also, I lost track of this a while ago.

Vote: Aragonn
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: DekuNut on May 02, 2016, 06:28:58 PM
This ^
Not the vote, just got nothing and kinda lost track of my thoughts on most people.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on May 04, 2016, 01:22:33 PM
May the Fourth be with you all. :P

On a serious note, @Laurentus @PointBreeze when is the day phase going to close?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on May 04, 2016, 01:22:59 PM
And of course I screw up a mention...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: El Fiji Grande on May 04, 2016, 04:49:38 PM
I feel so fooled. My gut feeling is that it's either North or Aragonn, which probably means it's neither, since I'm always wrong.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Tomb on May 05, 2016, 05:19:16 PM
Vote: Aragonn.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on May 05, 2016, 05:21:03 PM
Vote: Aragonn.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on May 05, 2016, 07:02:38 PM
I feel so fooled. My gut feeling is that it's either North or Aragonn, which probably means it's neither, since I'm always wrong.

I don't really see much of a reason why either of them would be at this point.. Pre-preparing your excuse when they are both innocent eh?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on May 05, 2016, 07:10:27 PM
It's confusing to me, nonetheless...which is why I haven't chimed in much myself, since I don't know what to think of any of them.  :\

I feel like this is going to be the "Pengu's just going to vote himself because he doesn't know what the fuck is going on" type of game.  -_-

On that note, Vote: Lynch Pengu because of that.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on May 05, 2016, 09:11:10 PM
In the interest of saving my own hide,

Vote: El Fiji Grande
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on May 08, 2016, 08:43:57 PM
In the interest of saving my own hide,

Vote: El Fiji Grande
Vote: No Lynch because I have no idea who to believe

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: DekuNut on May 08, 2016, 11:57:53 PM
I'll also
Vote: No Lynch
For a similar reason. I need to go back and look at the game, but haven't had the time to do so. I'm kind of a mess right now.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on May 11, 2016, 05:50:20 PM
So, Laurentus has decided to add me as a host to this game, as the original two hosts have become rather inactive. I'll do my best to stay on schedule.


Two JEDI are investigating the mysterious planet NIKA. Waiting for them are six Sith of the BROTHERHOOD OF DARKNESS (who for whatever reason decided that the Darth title is appropriate to use again), three rogue DROIDS, a WOOKIEE, and a FROZEN JEDI who somehow got stuck on the same planet as the rest of them. As the Jedi begin their investigation, death begins to take its toll on both the newcomers and the locals...

And now, for a quick (or maybe not-so-quick) recap, for those of us who have forgotten everything that has been going on! (ie: everyone)
With a majority of people voting no lynch, no one has been killed in this day phase.
Patrick Belarius, a.k.a. Point Breeze, a.k.a. taulover, the [local] engineer, was attacked by the Sith Aragonn and brutally murdered during the night.
Darth Nox, who was hiding among the villagers as Hannah, a.k.a. Chanku, has been lynched.

Also, Gibraltarica has been lynched for inactivity, failing to vote in two consecutive day phases. [He was a defender Jedi, and was replaced by a local.]
The Wookie has activated their power, negating all other power roles. (  Thus, nothing happened tonight.
No one was lynched during the day phase, and we now enter another night phase. This will be the first night phase in which the Lost Jedi will be active.
RE-0N, a.k.a. HannahB, was targeted by Sith and killed. Fortunately for the good guys, Darth Laurentus, a.k.a. Wuufu was killed in the resulting explosion.
Aaron C. Spectre, a.k.a. VidiLune, a local, was voted off and killed in a freak scientific accident.
Gerrick the janitor, a.k.a. Colberius X, a local, was killed during the night by CH-4NK0's booby-trap.
Barnes, a local, has been lynched.
And now for the results. @Sapphiron [a local] has been killed during the night by Sith. It's now the day phase again.
M007-135, the protocol droid, used its power to prevent the lynching of any players for this day phase. And it is now night phase again. Enjoy your rest. Don't forget to PM me if you're a power role.
CH-4NK0, a.k.a. Rasdanation targeted Gerrick, a Sith (and Darth Colberius), so Gerrick has died. Simultaneously, the lost Jedi, a.k.a. Wintermoot targeted Rasdanation, who then also died, but Wintermoot was killed in the resulting explosion
Feel free to click on any of the links above to take a look at the discussions that none of us even remember anymore! (The Battle Forgotten is really living up to its name...)

Here is the current player list:
Player List
1. @North
2. @Gerrick (Sith, killed at night by CH-4NK0)
3. @xXTheHydraXx
4. @Colberius X (Local, killed at night by CH-4NK0)
5. @Potato Pope
6. @Sapphiron (Local, killed at night by Sith)
7. @DekuNut
8. @taulover (Local, killed at night by Sith)
9. @HannahB (RE-0N, killed at night by Sith)
10. @BraveSirRobin
11. @Govindia
12. @Barnes (Local, voted off and killed)
13. @Rasdanation (CH-4NK0, killed at night by the lost Jedi)
14. @Wintermoot (Lost Jedi, killed at night as CH-4NK0 self-destructed)
15. @Evelynx
16. @Pengu
17. @Commander_Zemas
18. @VidiLune (Local, voted off and killed)
19. @Tomb
20. @Chanku (Sith, voted off and killed by Jedi)
21. @Wuufu (Sith, killed as RE-0N self-destructed)
22. @Aragonn
23. @Gibraltarica (Paired Jedi, killed off for inactivity, replaced with someone else)
24. @Kuramia
25. @El Fiji Grande
26. @aternox

The current day phase will end in around 72 hours, on Saturday, May 14 at or after 11:00 AM PDT. Existing votes will still count.

(If dead people didn't get any notifications and are wondering why, it's because I remained with the [member] code instead of replacing it with an @. I didn't want to bother people who had already left the game.)

And as Laurentus said in the other thread, power roles, please PM me with your PM threads so I get who's who.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Barnes on May 11, 2016, 06:10:22 PM

My question is why I'm marked as dead by lynching in the quote but not crossed off from the list.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on May 11, 2016, 06:18:57 PM
Same with Colby
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: DekuNut on May 11, 2016, 06:48:36 PM
So, Laurentus has decided to add me as a host to this game, as the original two hosts have become rather inactive. I'll do my best to stay on schedule.


Two JEDI are investigating the mysterious planet NIKA. Waiting for them are six Sith of the BROTHERHOOD OF DARKNESS (who for whatever reason decided that the Darth title is appropriate to use again), three rogue DROIDS, a WOOKIEE, and a FROZEN JEDI who somehow got stuck on the same planet as the rest of them. As the Jedi begin their investigation, death begins to take its toll on both the newcomers and the locals...

And now, for a quick (or maybe not-so-quick) recap, for those of us who have forgotten everything that has been going on! (ie: everyone)
With a majority of people voting no lynch, no one has been killed in this day phase.
Patrick Belarius, a.k.a. Point Breeze, a.k.a. taulover, the [local] engineer, was attacked by the Sith Aragonn and brutally murdered during the night.
Darth Nox, who was hiding among the villagers as Hannah, a.k.a. Chanku, has been lynched.

Also, Gibraltarica has been lynched for inactivity, failing to vote in two consecutive day phases. [He was a defender Jedi, and was replaced by a local.]
The Wookie has activated their power, negating all other power roles. (  Thus, nothing happened tonight.
No one was lynched during the day phase, and we now enter another night phase. This will be the first night phase in which the Lost Jedi will be active.
RE-0N, a.k.a. HannahB, was targeted by Sith and killed. Fortunately for the good guys, Darth Laurentus, a.k.a. Wuufu was killed in the resulting explosion.
Aaron C. Spectre, a.k.a. VidiLune, a local, was voted off and killed in a freak scientific accident.
Gerrick the janitor, a.k.a. Colberius X, a local, was killed during the night by CH-4NK0's booby-trap.
Barnes, a villager, has been lynched.
M007-135, the protocol droid, used its power to prevent the lynching of any players for this day phase. And it is now night phase again. Enjoy your rest. Don't forget to PM me if you're a power role.
CH-4NK0, a.k.a. Rasdanation targeted Gerrick, a Sith (and Darth Colberius), so Gerrick has died. Simultaneously, the lost Jedi, a.k.a. Wintermoot targeted Rasdanation, who then also died, but Wintermoot was killed in the resulting explosion
Feel free to click on any of the links above to take a look at the discussions that none of us even remember anymore! (The Battle Forgotten is really living up to its name...)

Here is the current player list:
Player List
1. @North
2. @Gerrick (Sith, killed at night by CH-4NK0)
3. @xXTheHydraXx
4. @Colberius X
5. @Potato Pope
6. @Sapphiron
7. @DekuNut
8. @taulover (Local, killed at night by Sith)
9. @HannahB (RE-0N, killed at night by Sith)
10. @BraveSirRobin
11. @Govindia
12. @Barnes
13. @Rasdanation (CH-4NK0, killed at night by the lost Jedi)
14. @Wintermoot (Lost Jedi, killed at night as CH-4NK0 self-destructed)
15. @Evelynx
16. @Pengu
17. @Commander_Zemas
18. @VidiLune (Local, voted off and killed)
19. @Tomb
20. @Chanku (Sith, voted off and killed by Jedi)
21. @Wuufu (Sith, killed as RE-0N self-destructed)
22. @Aragonn
23. @Gibraltarica (Paired Jedi, killed off for inactivity, replaced with someone else)
24. @Kuramia
25. @El Fiji Grande
26. @aternox

The current day phase will end in around 72 hours, on Saturday, May 14 at or after 11:00 AM PDT. Existing votes will still count.

(If dead people didn't get any notifications and are wondering why, it's because I remained with the [member] code instead of replacing it with an @. I didn't want to bother people who had already left the game.)

And as Laurentus said in the other thread, power roles, please PM me with your PM threads so I get who's who.
Thank you
Now let's play this game people!
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: DekuNut on May 11, 2016, 06:54:52 PM
So, remaining roles:
3 Sith
1 Paired Jedi Knight
1 Wookiee (2 shots left)
1 Protocol Droid
11 Locals
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on May 11, 2016, 08:16:20 PM
Curious why it's a 72 hour phase (and that it's a second day phase in a row :P), but I'm glad to see the game is back running.   :)

And Deku: There's 2 paired jedi knights still left.  One was killed off for inactivity, but they were replaced by someone else.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on May 11, 2016, 08:21:24 PM
Same with Colby
And please, could you make it say that he was killed by CH-4NK0 instead of Sith, that was getting on my nerves.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: DekuNut on May 11, 2016, 09:09:32 PM
Thanks Pengu. Forgot about that. So 2 paired knights and 10 locals.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on May 11, 2016, 10:35:38 PM
Sorry guys. The list should be fixed now.
Maybe we'll have six days of voting this day phase since our hosts are so busy. :P

But in all seriousness, time is of the essence. We need to get back to sleuthing.
Nay, my friends. You now have over two weeks. :P

Curious why it's a 72 hour phase (and that it's a second day phase in a row :P), but I'm glad to see the game is back running.   :)
I decided that since we've had quite a long hiatus, some people might need some extended notice to return to the game. So I extended the current day phase (which was never closed) by another 72 hours. (Some of the longer-term games I've been part of have done something similar when their servers crashed, so I thought it might be a good idea.)
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Wintermoot on May 12, 2016, 04:00:11 AM
Dead - Monarch
Thanks for taking over the game, @taulover. I know that nobody expected this turn of events, but it's good to know that we'll be able to finish the game and give everyone a good time. :)

If anyone from outside the region doesn't show up in the next day or so, let me know and we'll try to poke them in their home regions to make sure they know the game is back on.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Kuramia on May 12, 2016, 04:23:54 AM
Yay! I am still here! *dances* I am ready to lynch the bad guys and save the good guys!

Let's defeat evil everyone!
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on May 12, 2016, 04:11:58 PM
I seem to have also missed the death of Sapphiron. Sorry, guys.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: BraveSirRobin on May 12, 2016, 04:40:06 PM
Yay we're back online!!
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on May 13, 2016, 05:12:46 PM

Y'all have around 25 hours left to discuss and vote.

The following people have not yet posted since I've became host:
@North (already voted)
@Potato Pope
@Govindia (already voted)
@Evelynx (already voted)
@Tomb (already voted)
@El Fiji Grande (already abstained)

@Wintermoot: The following people have yet to return, and are from other regions:
El Fiji Grande
(Though both Tomb and aternox seem to have logged on recently.)
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on May 13, 2016, 05:51:24 PM
I'm here, I just have little else to say before the phase ends.. =) I hope we can get this going again.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on May 13, 2016, 06:03:53 PM
I'm hoping events don't turn on me and that RNGsus is on my side.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on May 13, 2016, 06:11:01 PM

@Wintermoot: The following people have yet to return, and are from other regions:
El Fiji Grande
(Though both Tomb and aternox seem to have logged on recently.)

Tomb is actually a Wintreath citizen now:

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on May 13, 2016, 09:52:38 PM

@Wintermoot: The following people have yet to return, and are from other regions:
El Fiji Grande
(Though both Tomb and aternox seem to have logged on recently.)

Tomb is actually a Wintreath citizen now:

Oh. Whoops.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: BraveSirRobin on May 13, 2016, 10:26:21 PM
Doopie doopie doo.... Scooby dooby doo!!  :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Wintermoot on May 14, 2016, 12:58:52 AM
Dead - Monarch
I've telegramed El Fiji Grande and aternox, just in case they missed the relaunch of the game. Hopefully they will return.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on May 14, 2016, 01:22:17 AM
Well guys, to quote coldplay,
Now, when you work it out I'm worse than you
Yeah, when you work it out I wanted to
Now, when you work out where to draw the line
Your guess is as good as mine.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on May 14, 2016, 01:40:04 AM
Where is Colby?  Haven't heard from him.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on May 14, 2016, 02:23:26 AM
Where is Colby?  Haven't heard from him.
He's dead, though he does also seem to have been gone from the site for two weeks.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on May 14, 2016, 02:24:38 AM
Where is Colby?  Haven't heard from him.
He's dead.
You missed a perfect opportunity to pull a quote from the original Star Trek. :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on May 14, 2016, 02:25:32 AM
And looks like somebody tried to stealth edit. :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Hydra on May 14, 2016, 02:32:08 AM
Okay, so... this finally got rolling again!

Right now, I'm going to vote No Lynch. There isn't much solid evidence convincing me on who to vote for, and it's really hard to find someone to believe right now.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Kuramia on May 14, 2016, 02:35:23 AM
Jeez...are we even lynching anyone this turn? xD
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on May 14, 2016, 02:38:58 AM
Of course not.  This is Friendwolf, where everyone is friends.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Kuramia on May 14, 2016, 03:20:57 AM
The Jedi and Sith have finally made peace and become the Jeda'ii order again?

Oh a happy day to hang up the lightsaber!
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: aternox on May 14, 2016, 03:50:34 AM
Dead - Monarch
I've telegramed El Fiji Grande and aternox, just in case they missed the relaunch of the game. Hopefully they will return.

Thanks for the TG, I was trying to check in but hadn't seen the new host stuff was happening.

I will Vote No Lynch for this phase.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Wintermoot on May 14, 2016, 04:29:24 AM
Thanks for the TG, I was trying to check in but hadn't seen the new host stuff was happening.
Dead - Monarch

Ministry of Foreign Affairs folks, we get the job done. ;)
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on May 14, 2016, 04:48:29 AM
Thanks for the TG, I was trying to check in but hadn't seen the new host stuff was happening.
Dead - Monarch

Ministry of Foreign Affairs folks, we get the job done. ;)

Wait, so that's what we're doing?

I thought the job meant we have more intimate spurts with people from other regions.

Pardon me, I need to make a few calls, hide a few bodies, and whatnot.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Commander_Zemas on May 14, 2016, 12:15:00 PM
I will vote No lynch due to not knowing what the heck is going on and losing track of people.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: BraveSirRobin on May 14, 2016, 03:43:57 PM
I'm voting No Lynch too—we need a little bit of a reboot, and nothing is better at putting people on alert than a night phase! :P Also it'll get us more info for next round.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on May 14, 2016, 05:11:56 PM
This round ends in about an hour.

The following people have not yet voted:
@Potato Pope
@El Fiji Grande (well, he actually abstained, but that's the same thing, and he also hasn't returned, so I thought I should probably mention him again for good measure)
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: El Fiji Grande on May 14, 2016, 05:31:03 PM
Vote No Lynch

-thanks for the reminder, Wintermoot!
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on May 14, 2016, 06:28:43 PM
Master Tau walked briskly to the site of the explosion, his Padawan Sapphiron trailing quickly behind him. As they approached the site, Tau stopped.

"Do you feel it?" Tau asked.

"A dark side burst," responded Sapphiron. "One of those Sith we encountered earlier probably died in the explosion."

"Indeed," replied Tau. "However, there is also the distinct impression of another death, also of a strong Force user."

"So either our lost Jedi or another Sith, most likely."

"Yes." Tau nodded approvingly. "It would seem that these Sith are more like those of old, considering that they are apparently following the Rule of However Many People They Want. In any case, we must remain careful."

The two Jedi returned to their quarters for meditation and rest. As the sun set that day, they once more prepared to stay on the lookout for those elusive Sith.

Due to popular vote, no one was lynched this day phase. The night phase will last approximately 24 hours, but probably longer.

Edit: Forgot the rest of the stuff. :P

Sith, please PM me with your target. The rules also say that you can scan one person every sixth night, and since this is the seventh night (and I'm pretty sure you guys didn't scan in the sixth night), I'll also allow you to do that.

Jedi, please share your PM thread with me and then PM me your decisions. Same as the Sith, if you guys haven't been keeping up with the "defend one extra person every third night" rule, you can do that too.

Wookiee, please also share you PM thread with me (and also make your decision).
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on May 15, 2016, 05:48:52 PM
Gotta see what happens tonight....
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on May 15, 2016, 07:41:31 PM
Because of delays in the power roles, as well as my own lack of time, the night phase is being extended until around 5:00 PM PDT.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on May 16, 2016, 01:23:24 AM
Darth Aragonn stalked the streets of Nika City, tracking down his target. His target would be fast asleep in bed, he knew, so the killing was a simple matter of igniting his lightsaber and chopping off his target's head. Aragonn actually preferred other methods of killing—decapitation was so boring and unrefined—but it did the job simply and neatly, and the cauterized wound would mark the killer as a Sith. Indeed, fear was an ally of the Sith. Spread fear among the masses, and they—

He heard the distinctive snap-hiss of an igniting behind him, quickly followed by another. Outnumbered, the Sith Lord weighed his options. The ranks of the New Brotherhood were dwindling quickly, and Aragonn was unsure if he could face, alone, the two Jedi. Best to simply take the safe route and leave.

Darth Aragonn disappeared into the shadows of the night, masking his presence in the Force, and silently slithered away.

"Where did he kriffing go??"
—Padawan Sapphiron, to Jedi Master Tau

No one was killed this night phase. It is now the day phase, which will end on Tuesday, May 17 around 6 PM PDT.

@Kuramia must vote this round or potentially face death for inactivity.

And I forgot to say this the last round: protocol droid M007-135, please also share your PM thread with me.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on May 16, 2016, 03:57:56 AM
The Jedi stopped the Sith from killing laat night?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on May 16, 2016, 04:10:58 AM
The Jedi stopped the Sith from killing laat night?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Kuramia on May 16, 2016, 04:37:06 AM
Interesting! Time to start the drama and ranting? Anyone wanna throw the first shot?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on May 16, 2016, 11:13:36 PM
Don't see any reason to change.
Vote: El Fiji Grande
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on May 17, 2016, 10:13:12 AM
Don't see any reason to change.
Vote: El Fiji Grande

Why?  Can you explain your reasoning @Evelynx at least?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on May 17, 2016, 05:10:58 PM
You guys have around 9 hours left in this phase.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on May 17, 2016, 06:29:54 PM
Don't see any reason to change.
Vote: El Fiji Grande

Why?  Can you explain your reasoning @Evelynx at least?
I explained it before, I can quote it again when I get a chance.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on May 17, 2016, 06:53:16 PM
Because of the time spent inactive, all of my leads, everything that I've felt, have all gone from my mind. I'm currently reduced to randomly voting for someone.

Vote: BraveSirRobin
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on May 17, 2016, 11:32:24 PM
I feel much the same way.

Vote: El Fiji Grande
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Hydra on May 17, 2016, 11:57:14 PM
Yeah, all my ideas have gone inactive...

I'll just use a randomizer for now. Vote: Tomb
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Crushita on May 18, 2016, 01:02:25 AM
Well, I've forgotten everything that happened and any leads we had.
So its time for the magic of the random vote.

Vote: Pengu
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on May 18, 2016, 01:16:55 AM
This phase should end in around 5 minutes, but I'll keep it open for a bit longer.

The following people have not yet voted:
@El Fiji Grande

(And I forgot to mention this, but @Potato Pope didn't vote last round, but since he voted this time, he's safe.)
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: BraveSirRobin on May 18, 2016, 01:50:38 AM
I'll vote no lynch.  I was hoping for info, but if the Jedi guessed who the Sith targeted, chances are that as long as everyone else votes randomly, they'll be able to nab the Lark Dord in the day phase :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on May 18, 2016, 02:33:47 AM
Pending Evelynx's reasoning, I am voting for Vote: Evelynx as I think she's unfairly targeting El Fiji Grande
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on May 18, 2016, 04:05:04 AM
Crushita Telcontar stepped into his newly repaired freighter and began the takeoff sequence. It had been a terrible month, being stuck on this forsaken planet for months, and he was glad that his hyperdrive was finally repaired.

Now, all he had to do was worry about his delivery of glitterstim spice and seasoned potato. Black Sun would be most displeased with his delay, but he hoped that his explanation would be adequate. As his ship cleared the planet's gravity well, Crushita began the calculations for hyperspace. Suddenly, his ship's navicomp flashed out a warning:


"Kark..." Crushita muttered to himself. His ship was now dead in space, bound to drift forever in the direction he was going in. This was going to be a slow death from starvation and dehydration.


At least this makes my death quicker, Crushita thought to himself, and then died as his body was exposed to the vacuum of space.

Crushita Telcontar the spice and potato smuggler, a.k.a. El Fiji Grande, a local, has been voted off and killed in a spaceship malfunction.

The night phase now begins, and will end around 9 PM PDT on Wednesday, May 18. Power roles, please PM me your targets/decisions. Protocol droid, please share your PM thread with me.

I will be holding off on lynching people for inactivity for now, because of the hiatus.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on May 18, 2016, 06:17:18 AM
Crushita Telcontar stepped into his newly repaired freighter and began the takeoff sequence. It had been a terrible month, being stuck on this forsaken planet for months, and he was glad that his hyperdrive was finally repaired.

Now, all he had to do was worry about his delivery of glitterstim spice and seasoned potato. Black Sun would be most displeased with his delay, but he hoped that his explanation would be adequate. As his ship cleared the planet's gravity well, Crushita began the calculations for hyperspace. Suddenly, his ship's navicomp flashed out a warning:


"Kark..." Crushita muttered to himself. His ship was now dead in space, bound to drift forever in the direction he was going in. This was going to be a slow death from starvation and dehydration.


At least this makes my death quicker, Crushita thought to himself, and then died as his body was exposed to the vacuum of space.

Crushita Telcontar the spice and potato smuggler, a.k.a. El Fiji Grande, a local, has been voted off and killed in a spaceship malfunction.

The night phase now begins, and will end around 9 PM PDT on Wednesday, May 18. Power roles, please PM me your targets/decisions. Protocol droid, please share your PM thread with me.

I will be holding off on lynching people for inactivity for now, because of the hiatus.
how many votes did he get??

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on May 18, 2016, 06:21:40 AM
Two from what I counted.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on May 18, 2016, 10:40:05 AM

Evelynx didn't even give her reasoning either, nor did North.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on May 18, 2016, 02:05:54 PM
Evelyn told you to look for her earlier reasoning, and North said his vote was completely random. You're seeing Sith where there are none.

Not saying they can't be Sith. Just saying that your reasoning is very flawed.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on May 18, 2016, 05:46:17 PM
I posted reasoning, such as it was, previously. I failed to quote it because i've been busy IRL, but it's there just a few pages back. Sorry that he was a local though. Not much to go on at this point.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on May 18, 2016, 05:47:45 PM
Dang it, looks like I missed yesterday's vote. And Aragonn - are the Sith winning? By my count, we've already knocked out two, and that's a good number for this early in the game..

Personally, I will have to agree with Rasdanation's logic, especially since I found Barnes to be suspicious a few days ago myself.
I don't like Barnes' comment about free kills in the day phase - we're much more likely to lynch a good guy than a sith, and any information we get from the former will be minimal at best. Wuufu strikes me as highly suspicious as well given his timing on the vote on Rasdanation.

I'm going to change my vote to Barnes. Her comments are the most suspicious to me.
So today, I will also be voting Barnes.
Vote Barnes

I'm casting my focus out a little bit in light of Gerrick's sithness.. For a couple of days Gerrick participated in a pile on Barnes, so I looked around at the people who also participated in the pile, and selected the one who I thought did it for the weakest reasons. In this case it is El Fiji Grande. Here (^) he quotes one of his previous votes, where he notes that Wuufu (a Sith) is very suspicious but proceeds to vote for Barnes (a villager) anyway, then does it again in the following phase. Perhaps following Darth Gerrick's directives?

El Fiji Grande also voted with Gerrick in the North pile in yesterday's day phase. He also consistently points out a few people he's suspicious of, then votes for a different person, like this:

I doubt my vote will count as well. Just took a while catching up. I already voted no lynch earlier - I really didn't have a clue.

What confuses me after catching up is Aragonn. He's an experienced player it would seem, yet he's acting extremely out of control. Either he's actually angry, or he's playing us to survive. His annoyance and frustration seems genuine though. That said, Sapphiron was convinced that Aragonn was evil, and went down. The evidence points to Aragonn, yet I still wonder if he's being framed.

The vote on DekuNut seems pointless. I don't actually see much evidence for the votes on him, especially since the same original reasoning that has brought him here could just as easily have been used against me. I am very suspicious of those who jumped on the bandwagon without providing evidence - Govindia and North, if I recall correctly.

I will Vote North. DekuNut is just getting piled. The Aragonn/Evelynx interaction is fishy, but both seem inno to me. Between Govindia and North, I'm not sure.

Vote: El Fiji Grande

Any thoughts?

For anyone curious, here was my reasoning for El Fiji Grande. The real killer here is apathy, not nearly enough people voted for this decision to have been considered a majority position.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Kuramia on May 18, 2016, 06:48:03 PM
Well this actually gives me something. El Fiji Grande voted for North. North voted for El Fiji Grande. North says his vote for El Fiji Grande was random. El Fiji Grande was lynched and was innocent.

Really the hiatus is what made me truly apathetic. I missed quite a few posts. Thanks for the quoting, Evelynx!

I'm going to go ahead and put my Vote to North.

Course, now Evelynx is also a question...but I suppose a lot of people are at this point. :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on May 18, 2016, 07:26:20 PM
Votes don't currently count, as we are currently in a night phase.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Kuramia on May 18, 2016, 07:34:16 PM
Ah...well then I'll just wait.

Ignore me! *places stuffy nosed sick with a cold face into pillow* Sorry!
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on May 19, 2016, 04:56:09 AM
Darth Aragonn climbed up a wall and into the second-story window of a house. There, sleeping, was a man. Gabriel Penguon. Yes, Penguon would make an excellent kill. But first, he was going to have some fun.

With a small gesture of his hand, Aragonn slammed Penguon into the ceiling, then back on the ground, taking care not to make too much noise. Penguon awoke with a groan, only to find Aragonn standing over him.

Penguon tried to scream, but Aragonn maintained a durasteel grip over his throat with the Force. Just as Penguon looked like he was going to asphyxiate, Aragonn let go.

Penguon collapsed, gasping for air. He was about to scream when Aragonn Force-choked him again.

This is getting a bit repetitive and boring, Aragonn thought to himself. Time to end this.

Darth Aragonn ignited his crimson lightsaber, and lopped off Penguon's head.

Gabriel Penguon, a.k.a. Aragonn, a local, was killed by the Sith Darth Aragonn at night.

It is now the day phase, which will end at around 9:50 PM PDT on Friday, May 20.

Protocol droid, please share your kriffing PM thread with me already.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on May 19, 2016, 05:33:19 AM

Well, that was an ironic story. :P

I guess I was too much of a threat to leave alone this late in the game. Oh well...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on May 19, 2016, 06:35:42 AM
Sad, I was hoping to appear in the story as a Jedi at least.  :P

I'm actually a little surprised they went after Aragonn.  Considering the amount he's been talking, I would have expected the bad guys to use that to their advantage to get us to turn on him in the game itself.

Killing him off was probably a bad idea on their part since that's one less scapegoat for them to use since he was so vocal.

Also, that just means we get to look at his history and see if he implicated anyone specifically to warrant them wanting to kill him off...which again is bad news on their part if he did indeed do such a thing.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on May 19, 2016, 10:20:36 AM

Well, that was an ironic story. [emoji14]

I guess I was too much of a threat to leave alone this late in the game. Oh well...
lol nice way to commit Sith seppuku

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on May 19, 2016, 05:45:05 PM
Sad, I was hoping to appear in the story as a Jedi at least.  :P
Sorry, all the Jedi roles were already taken.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: El Fiji Grande on May 19, 2016, 07:53:28 PM

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on May 20, 2016, 04:31:42 PM
This day phase ends in about 12 hours.

Nobody has voted yet.

Mentioning everyone currently alive:

@Potato Pope
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on May 20, 2016, 04:53:27 PM
Still have nothing.

Voting no lunch.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on May 20, 2016, 05:19:49 PM
Still have nothing.

Voting no lunch.
I vote no lunch either.  No meal until supper

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Kuramia on May 20, 2016, 06:45:05 PM
I'ma keep my Vote: North for reasons stated before.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Crushita on May 20, 2016, 07:46:49 PM
We are sooooo lost due to the delays.

I vote...

I don't know who to vote for!

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: BraveSirRobin on May 20, 2016, 09:25:31 PM
No Lynch.  We can't afford killing people if we have nothing to go off of. 
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: aternox on May 20, 2016, 11:06:00 PM
Vote: No Lynch as well, we don't really have a lot as far as I know, and I'd rather not see anyone lynched this late without a discussion.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: DekuNut on May 21, 2016, 12:16:12 AM
Vote: No Lynch
I'll try to reread soon.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Hydra on May 21, 2016, 12:47:46 AM
Seems like this is going to be a no lynch again. This whole hiatus basically made everyone lose track...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Commander_Zemas on May 21, 2016, 02:47:39 AM
I vote no lynch as both finals and the hiatus is really messing me up.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Kuramia on May 21, 2016, 03:06:42 AM
Personally I say we jump right back in this ship. I have least stated some reasons to lynch someone!
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on May 21, 2016, 03:16:37 AM
Looks like today is a No Lynch vote..
Vote: No Lynch
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on May 21, 2016, 04:05:03 AM
I will be ending this in about 50 minutes. These people haven't voted yet:

@Potato Pope
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on May 21, 2016, 04:52:00 AM
The two Jedi observed the decapitated body and head lying in the bedroom. There was, of course, no blood, as the lightsaber had cauterized the wound.

"This brings us no closer to finding the Sith," Master Tau remarked.

"Indeed," replied Sapphiron.

Suddenly, a scream rose out from the distance. Tau and Sapphiron ran to the source, but found nothing.

"Interesting illusion," noted Tau. "Let us retire for the night."

With the majority of the people voting no lynch, nobody has died this day phase.

It is now the night phase. Power roles, please PM me your decisions/targets. The night phase will end around 9:45 PM PDT on Saturday, May 21.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on May 22, 2016, 06:04:07 AM
Emote "Satan" Conius was having a most excellent time.

He was currently hosting a wonderful party at his home with his friends, and had just finished a game of Black Sun. They'd managed to find and kill both the Vigos in time, and had won the game.

Satan excused himself to go use the refresher. He'd refrained from drinking too much, but that just resulted in him drinking way more water than necessary. As he was about to flush the toilet, he noticed a cloaked woman clambering through the 'fresher's window.

The last thing Emote Conius saw was a red light that punctured through his heart.

Emote Conius, a.k.a. Kuramia, a local, has been killed by the Sith at night.

It is now day. This phase will end at either 11 PM PDT on Monday, May 23, or 10 AM PDT on Tuesday, May 24 if I miss the 24-hour deadline.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on May 22, 2016, 08:07:24 AM
Emote "Satan" Conius was having a most excellent time.

He was currently hosting a wonderful party at his home with his friends, and had just finished a game of Black Sun. They'd managed to find and kill both the Vigos in time, and had won the game.

Satan excused himself to go use the refresher. He'd refrained from drinking too much, but that just resulted in him drinking way more water than necessary. As he was about to flush the toilet, he noticed a cloaked woman clambering through the 'fresher's window.

The last thing Emote Conius saw was a red light that punctured through his heart.

Emote Conius, a.k.a. Kuramia, a local, has been killed by the Sith at night.

It is now day. This phase will end at either 11 PM PDT on Monday, May 23, or 10 AM PDT on Tuesday, May 24 if I miss the 24-hour deadline.
Well damn that sucks :(  And here I thought Kuramia was a cool diplomat

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on May 22, 2016, 07:43:44 PM
So is that the Sith trying to kill anyone who tries to breathe some life back into this discussion? They know they'll win if we stop trying to find them.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on May 22, 2016, 09:10:12 PM
Actually, I will probably not have access to Wintreath Tuesday morning, so it is possible that I may end this round an hour or so early.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: BraveSirRobin on May 22, 2016, 10:22:36 PM
Well this actually gives me something. El Fiji Grande voted for North. North voted for El Fiji Grande. North says his vote for El Fiji Grande was random. El Fiji Grande was lynched and was innocent.

Really the hiatus is what made me truly apathetic. I missed quite a few posts. Thanks for the quoting, Evelynx!

I'm going to go ahead and put my Vote to North.

Course, now Evelynx is also a question...but I suppose a lot of people are at this point. :P
This is all that we have to go off of at this point.  Kuramia was advocating for the death of North, but then perhaps the Sith killed of Kuramia so that we would then kill North...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: DekuNut on May 23, 2016, 02:36:07 AM
Yeah. While it doesn't clear North, i don't think that's enough reason to go for North.
I'm going to go back and ISO Robin after my homework's done. I had a suspicion on him for a bit, so I'll reread and check to see if that suspicion still holds up.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on May 24, 2016, 01:41:09 AM
This day phase ends in about 4 hours.

Once again, nobody has voted yet.

Mentioning everyone alive:

@Potato Pope
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on May 24, 2016, 05:44:59 AM
I vote for myself.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Crushita on May 24, 2016, 11:11:00 AM
I vote for Myself
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: DekuNut on May 24, 2016, 06:33:40 PM
I guess I'll vote for myself too. I'm not doing much good this game
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Commander_Zemas on May 24, 2016, 08:21:49 PM
Everyone is bandwagoning onto myself. Myself does seem pretty suspicious though.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on May 24, 2016, 11:21:05 PM
Vulcanologist Robin Valerius and his research crew ( was just about to leave the orbit of Nika when their engines failed.

"Brilliant!" exclaimed theoretical physicist Barnes Noble. "And now we don't even have our shuttle as a backup escape ship!" He looked pointedly at string theorist Eva Lynx.

"What?" she responded. "It was a good idea at the time..."

"At least we kinda know what we're getting into," meteorologist Ben Hydra remarked. "And we got our message back to Coruscant in time."

"Ever the optimist," botanist Alexander North observed.

"Guys, we need to concentrate on landing this ship!" Robin shouted. "No time to blame each other!"

"A controlled crash, you mean," retorted Hydra.

"And I'm not too sure about that 'controlled' part," quipped Barnes.

"Well, it certainly won't be controlled if you guys go about ignoring the problem and cracking jokes about our situation," said Robin.

"Okay, fine," replied North. The five scientists began to focus on landing the ship the best they could.

As the planet drew closer, it became clear that "the best they could" was not that good. Their ship crashed into a field in the countryside, fortunately at slow enough speeds to not kill all of them with the deceleration, and skidded to a stop.

As the scientists began picking their way through the wreckage, they found the mashed pulp of a body. They then did a head count. There were only four of them.

Robin Valerius, leader of their failed expedition, was dead.

Robin Valerius, leader of a scientific expedition, a.k.a. DekuNut, a local, has been killed as his ship crashed onto the planet of Nika.

It is now the night phase. Power roles, please PM me with your decisions. This round will end at 4:20 PM PDT on Wednesday, May 25.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: BraveSirRobin on May 25, 2016, 02:22:59 AM
Wait why did Deku die? 
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on May 25, 2016, 03:54:29 AM
Wait why did Deku die?
He voted for himself, and I used a randomizer and it chose Deku.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on May 25, 2016, 04:31:22 AM
Ah. Let's not vote for ourselves again.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Kuramia on May 25, 2016, 08:45:43 AM

Wow, guys. XD Suicide. Doing the Siths' work for them, I see....
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Barnes on May 25, 2016, 02:54:15 PM
"Brilliant!" exclaimed theoretical physicist Barnes Noble. "And now we don't even have our shuttle as a backup escape ship!" He looked pointedly at string theorist Eva Lynx.
"And I'm not too sure about that 'controlled' part," quipped Barnes.

At least I am still alive in spirit :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: BraveSirRobin on May 25, 2016, 07:29:07 PM
Ah. Let's not vote for ourselves again.
  Good plan... :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Crushita on May 25, 2016, 11:46:41 PM
Ah. Let's not vote for ourselves again.
  Good plan... :P
Indeed! I was terrified I had signed my own death warrant. A true trial by fire....
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on May 26, 2016, 01:10:01 AM
Gaarvindia couldn't sleep. He tried turning around on his bed, but all that did was wake him up even more.

"Arrrrrwrrrrrronnkkk raarrh?" 1 he grumbled to himself. The room was stuffy and hot, and Gaar suspected that the air conditioning was broken.

With his thick fur, he was overheating in the room! So, he decided to go for a walk.

Gaarvindia hummed to himself as he walked down the dimly lit street. He saw a man passing by, whom he greeted, "Wyaaaaaa. Ruh ruh?" 1 The man ignored him and walked even faster. Rude human, the Wookiee thought to himself. Doesn't even bother to say hi.

Gaar thought he caught a glimpse of a few cloaked beings, but the night passed without incident. As the sky began to brighten with dawn, the Wookiee headed back to his home. He'd fix the air conditioning, and then have a nice nap.

1 Shyriiwook translations can be found here (

The Wookiee has stopped any action from occurring this night phase.

It is now the day phase, which will end on Friday, May 27 at 6:00 PM PDT. That happens to be my birthday, so the round may be closed a little late.

The first part of Rule 9 is once more in effect. Anyone who does not vote for two consecutive day phases will be lynched for inactivity. In other words, those who don't vote both this day phase and the next day phase will die.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: DekuNut on May 26, 2016, 05:26:17 AM
Well, that turned out well. I did that so I wouldn't end up being killed off for inactivity/lack of voting and everyone else was doing it :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Kuramia on May 26, 2016, 07:07:04 AM

You could have...voted for someone? XD

Vote for someone, guys! I'm dead! Entertain me!
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on May 26, 2016, 07:48:52 AM
I vote for Zoidberg
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: BraveSirRobin on May 26, 2016, 02:33:13 PM
1.  Who is still alive atm?

2. If I don't respond in time, take my vote as no lynch.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Crushita on May 26, 2016, 08:25:51 PM
I vote for Zoidberg
Zoidberg is the most suspcious person I've ever seen! He's practically outed himself as Sith day -213ndth!

i vote for Zoidberg
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: aternox on May 27, 2016, 11:14:36 PM
Well I need to vote to not die of inactivity, so I guess that's what I'm doing.

The remaining players seem to be:
Potato Pope

North, Potato Pope, BraveSirRobin are the only people who voted in the previous phase or this one, and are safe from an inactivity lynch. I don't really want to vote for someone who is active, because if they are a good guy we can't afford to lose them.

From memory, Evelynx seems to be on the good team due to their voting history.

I haven't really seen anything that makes me too suspicious of anyone at the moment, so I'll randomly pick to Vote: Lynch Tomb
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Hydra on May 28, 2016, 12:12:52 AM
So, to vote... As before, nobody really stood out to be suspicious as of yet. Due to the lack of activity, lynching active people would just lead to the Sith winning as everyone else would die of inactivity. To stop this from being a tie and a random death again, I'll Vote: Tomb as he has not been active lately.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on May 28, 2016, 04:46:19 AM
Now lost without a leader, the scientific expedition was stranded in the countryside in the middle of nowhere. As they began to explore their surroundings, it became clear that they were lost in the wilderness.

Fortunately, the scientists were able to salvage some survival equipment from the crashed ship, and set up a camp in the clearing they had crashed in.

"How shall we continue on in our endeavor?" asked North.

"I don't know..." replied Barnes. "You're our biologist here. What dangerous beasts are we likely to encounter?"

"I'm a botanist, not a biologist," snapped North. "I don't know jack shit about animals, okay?"

Suddenly, a massive reptomammal leapt out from the trees.

"An akk dog!" North yelled in surprise.

"See, I told you you'd be able to identify animals for us..." said Barnes.

"Arghhhh!" North responded as his head was bitten off by the akk. The akk chewed thoughtfully, and then dragged the body away to give to his pack.

Alexander North the botanist, a.k.a. Tomb, a local, has been voted off and mauled by an akk dog.

It is now the night phase. Power roles, please PM me your decisions/targets. This round will end on Saturday, May 28 at 9:45 PM PDT.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Wintermoot on May 28, 2016, 05:38:22 AM

I totally read that as "a kkk dog" at first.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on May 28, 2016, 05:51:36 AM
Noooo, my name sake.....
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on May 28, 2016, 04:35:38 PM

I totally read that as "a kkk dog" at first.
For those who want to visualize an akk dog, here's the Wookieepedia article (
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on May 29, 2016, 04:58:35 AM
M007-135 continued to observe the town as the days progressed, but ultimately had not decided to intervene any more than he'd already had. Unfortunately, he currently had bigger issues to worry about. Some idiot had stuck a restraining bolt on him when M007-135 was on standby mode, and thrown him in a storage shed. Now, he'd have to somehow get himself out of this predicament.

The protocol droid's audioreceptors picked up some sounds of someone moving about. Surprising, considering that his chrono told him that it was past midnight. Deciding to take the risk, M007-135 called out, "Hello? Anyone out there?"

The shed's door opened, and a cloaked figure strode in. "Could you help me get out of this cesspit?" the droid asked. The stranger did not respond.

Instead, the mysterious person pulled out and ignited a lightsaber. M007-135's photoreceptors brightened in shock.

"No, please, don't kill me, I have so much more to live for!" pleaded M007-135.

The Jedi—M007-135's memory banks told him that the only people with such weaponry were Jedi—seemed to ponder the droid's words for a minute, and then deactivated his weapon.

"Thank you, sir!" M007-135 gushed. "You have my eternal gratitude!"

The protocol droid was so glad of his survival that he didn't notice the Jedi pulling out a neural-net eraser and firing it at him. M007-135 screamed as all of his memory was obliterated in a mere second, and then fell limp.

M007-135, a.k.a. BraveSirRobin, the protocol droid, was attacked and killed by the Sith at night.

It is now the day phase. It will end at around 10:00 PM PDT on Monday, May 30.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on May 29, 2016, 05:10:15 AM
The following people did not vote last round, and will be lynched for inactivity if they don't vote this phase:

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on May 29, 2016, 05:14:54 AM
Hey, I voted for Zoidberg, that guy was suspish!
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on May 29, 2016, 07:58:01 AM
The following people did not vote last round, and will be lynched for inactivity if they don't vote this phase:

Hey I didn't have enough time!

Ugh, so right now I vote No Lynch

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on May 29, 2016, 09:49:50 PM
Maybe not a great way to view it.. but the Sith are walking all over us at this point. And this game started so well..

Okay, so here's who is alive..


The only people not up for lynching next phase are:

I actually think that these people's small amount of interest in the game to be somewhat suspicious. Nobody else seems to care enough to vote(harsh truth). That means they are likely Sith right? Since clearly the Sith are voting to kill during the night phase, it makes sense they'd avoid getting auto-lynched by making sure they vote each day phase.

xXTheHydraXx made such a good Wendigo last game.. so .. maybe he's making a great Sith this game? Not the best reasoning but.. times being what they are..

Vote: xXTheHydraXx
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on May 30, 2016, 04:00:00 AM
Hello, everyone! This is your 25-hour reminder to vote!

The following people will be lynched for inactivity if they don't vote this round:

And these people also haven't yet voted:
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on May 30, 2016, 04:09:22 AM
I vote for Hydra
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Commander_Zemas on May 30, 2016, 12:23:28 PM
I vote no lynch since I don't want to base my votes off previous games.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Commander_Zemas on May 30, 2016, 12:23:43 PM
oops forgot to bold it. No lynch
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on May 30, 2016, 05:03:36 PM
I'd point out that the thrust of my argument.. weak as it may be.. does not relate to previous games.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on May 30, 2016, 05:16:00 PM
This is your 12-hour reminder to vote.

The following people will be lynched for inactivity if they don't vote:
@EVERYONE (since you did a joke vote, I might consider letting you off this time, but don't count on it)

And the following people also haven't yet voted:
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Crushita on May 30, 2016, 05:47:41 PM
I vote for Hydra
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Hydra on May 30, 2016, 06:27:09 PM
For the sake of self-preservation, I'm going to vote No Lynch
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Michi on May 31, 2016, 04:52:59 AM
Sure, why not.

Vote: Hydra

I don't normally bandwagon...but I don't see too much of an alternative for who else to look at at this moment...and I need to vote this round.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on May 31, 2016, 05:57:08 AM
Tau and Sapphiron were eating breakfast when Sapph saw something from outside the window.

"A ship!" he cried out. "And it's crashing!"

Tau closed his eyes for a moment, then remarked, "I believe that there are survivors."

"Then the Sith will probably go looking for them, like they attacked us!" exclaimed Sapph.

"Indeed," responded Tau. "We must investigate."

The Brotherhood of Darkness had, of course, detected the crashing ship. A brief meditation session had determined that there were, in fact, survivors. Lords Aragonn and Bodobol went to investigate the crash, with Darth Seroim remaining behind.

As the pair approached the crash site, they heard voices in a nearby clearing. Darth Bodobol grinned to her companion in satisfaction. We have them now, they thought together, a weak telepathic link conveying the brief thought.

Several hundred meters away, Master Tau and his Padawan sensed the Sith's Force signatures. Evidently, they weren't anticipating the need to mask their abilities.

Together, they narrowed the distance toward their enemy.

Dr. Ben Hydra had just finished recording data from his weather sensor.

"It looks like there's going to be a storm incoming, folks," he told the others. "Better get prepared."

"And how do we do that, exactly?" asked Barnes.

Suddenly, two cloaked figures ran into the clearing. They raised there arms, and the scientists were slammed onto the ground, unable to move.

Hydra lay there, helpless, when suddenly the invisible force pinning him down disappeared, and he found himself able to move again.

Sitting up, he recognized the two Jedi that had been sent to Nika, brandishing their lightsabers.

"Sith, you are under arrest," said the older of the two Jedi, and then the pair ran toward the cloaked figures—Sith, as the Jedi called them.

The four Force-users became a blur of motion, and Hydra couldn't see at all what was going on. The moves seemed almost... dancelike, as if the physical fight was merely the surface of a deeper, more complex battle underneath.

And as quickly has the fight had begun, it was over. Hydra saw one of the Jedi cut off the arm, then the head of one of the Sith. The other Sith seemed to realize the futility continuing the fight, and disappeared into the surrounding forest.

The two Jedi began to walk toward the stunned scientists. "Greetings," the older one said. "I am Jedi Master Tau. I apologize for the inconvenience we must have caused you."

xXTheHydraXx, a.k.a. Darth Aragonn, a Sith, has been voted off and killed.

It is now the night phase. Power roles, please PM me your decisions. This round will end at 11:00 PM PDT on Tuesday, May 31.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Aragonn on May 31, 2016, 07:23:44 AM

My namesake! I was hoping my Sith counterpart would last until the end, but alas it was not to be...
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on May 31, 2016, 07:35:40 AM

My namesake! I was hoping my Sith counterpart would last until the end, but alas it was not to be...

Hey, at least your namesake was a sith who dies in a duel! My namesake was a botanist who got eaten by an Akk dog!
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on June 01, 2016, 05:25:10 PM
Darth Seroim watched the Jedi and their new guests return to the city. Darth Bodobol had come to him earlier, reporting Lord Aragonn's death.

The sun quickly set as the stranded scientists were offered lodgings in the city. It was time for the Brotherhood to execute their revenge.

Seroim crept into the room of one of the scientists. He did not care to see who it was, but instead killed the person quickly with the chop of the lightsaber. There was no point to cause pain to the person; he only needed to spread terror among those alive.

The Sith Lord returned to his home and once again prepared his disguise for the day.

Eva Lynx the string theorist, a.k.a. Evelynx, a local, has been killed by the Sith at night.

It is now the day phase. It will end on Friday, June 3, around 10 AM PDT.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on June 01, 2016, 10:26:31 PM
Live long and prosper.

Also, turns out I was Evelynx the whole time.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on June 03, 2016, 01:03:38 AM
This round ends in about 14 hours. Nobody has voted yet.

Mentioning all people currently alive:
@aternox (who will be lynched for inactivity if he doesn't vote)
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on June 03, 2016, 01:26:23 AM
I vote for Govindia
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on June 03, 2016, 01:54:32 AM
I vote for Govindia
I vote for North because he wants to screw me over for no reason.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: aternox on June 03, 2016, 05:32:50 AM
I'll Vote: Lynch North as well, for not giving a reason with their vote there.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on June 03, 2016, 06:55:11 AM
Any reason is as good as any other
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on June 03, 2016, 04:25:15 PM
This round will end in about one hour!

The following people have not yet voted:
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on June 03, 2016, 05:20:29 PM
Any reason is as good as any other
Still haven't given a reason -_-. Way to betray a fellow Singaporean

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on June 04, 2016, 01:12:35 AM
Gaarvindia growled with pleasure. After a few days' hard work, he'd finally gotten his AC unit working again. The Wookiee sighed as he felt the nice, cool air blow on his fur. Now that his job was done, he decided to relax by climbing a nice tree.

It was almost midday by the time Gaarvindia reached the good climbing trees deep in the forests of Nika. He gathered some wild berries and animals, and prepared them with heavy Kashyyyk spices for a small lunch.

After lunch, Gaarvindia began his climb. The tree was nice and tall, but unfortunately could not compare with the wroshyr trees of his homeworld. As the Wookiee neared the top of the tree, he saw a bright flaming object flying toward him. "Roooarrgh ur roo..." he muttered to himself.

The flaming object, which turned out to be a meteor, struck the ground near the tree's trunk. The explosive force released by the collision hit the tree, and the tree broke apart and began to fall. Gaarvindia, who had never fallen from a tree in his life except when jumping to another branch, felt the primal terror of freefall for the first time. As he fell toward the ground, all the Wookiee could think of was the irony that he, of all people, would be dying at the hands of a tree...

Gaarvindia, a.k.a. North, the Wookiee, has been voted off and killed as his climbing tree was struck by a meteor.

It is now the night phase. It will end at around 6 PM PDT on Saturday, June 4.

We are now nearing the end! If the Sith successfully kill a person this round, they will win. Jedi and Sith, send me your decisions, and good luck!
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Arenado on June 04, 2016, 02:46:47 AM
Any reason is as good as any other
Still haven't given a reason -_-. Way to betray a fellow Singaporean

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk


First, since when did you say you were Singaporean?

Second, it's a game, so don't act like I just committed high treason.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on June 05, 2016, 06:16:34 AM
As the sun set, Master Tau remarked, "We must remain on our guards tonight. Especially with the loss of our friendly Wookiee to that terrible accident, there are few we can still trust."

"Yes, but we must still protect first and foremost ourselves," noted Sapphiron. "Otherwise, our efforts would be in vain."

"An astute observation," replied Tau. The two Jedi set out for their watch of the night.

Darth Bodobol and Darth Seroim slithered through the dark city, looking for their target. Once again, they were striking out against a member of that stranded scientific expedition. If they were lucky, they might even gain an opportunity to strike out against the Jedi.

The two Lords of the Brotherhood approached the dwellings of their target. The sign outside the door read, "Barnes Noble, Temporary Residence." The Sith silently picked the lock, watched the door slide open, and entered.

Inside, a man lay sleeping in his bed. Although Lord Seroim preferred his kills to be more efficient, he recognized Bodobol's gift of drawing dark-side power from the suffering of others, and so conceded to her plan.

About forty-five minutes later, Bodobol was finally done killing Barnes Noble. The screams (muffled of course), had quieted down about ten minutes in, but Darth Seroim could feel the man's anguished pain through the Force. As Bodobol emerged from Barnes' bedroom, looking livelier than ever, Seroim felt the scientist's presence in the Force disappear.

The two Sith left the premises, and headed back for their hidden homes.

Sapphiron saw them first.

Two cloaked figures, emerging from the home where they had felt a slow and painful death occur. They did their best to remain inconspicuous, but the Jedi found them. They felt out through the Force, and felt the dark side, strong and powerful.

"Halt!" cried out Master Tau. "You are under arrest, Sith!"

The Sith only laughed, and charged at them as they ignited their lightsabers.

This fight was similar to the one they had in the forest, yet it felt somehow... different. The Sith felt more powerful, as if something were fueling them that the Jedi did not have. And perhaps that was it. The Sith, fresh from a kill, were in their element. The Jedi, on the other hand, were exhausted from days of sleep deprivation, and had just felt a painful death through the Force.

Slowly, yet surely, the Sith began pushing the Jedi back. Saphh was the first to fall. A giant boulder, Force-thrown by one of the Sith, hit him in the back, and he crumpled. Tau valiantly tried to hold off the two Sith, but even he could not face against their raw power, particularly as his serenity was shattered by the facts of reality.

A slight misstep was all it took, and suddenly, Master Tau found both his arms missing. The Sith he had been dueling removed his—or was it her?— hood, and stared intently at his eyes—

go to sleep go to sleep let the darkness take you sleep sleep sleep SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP—

Master Tau crumpled to the ground.

Barnes Noble the theoretical physicist, a.k.a. Govindia, a local, has been killed by the Sith at night.

With the only alive players being the two Jedi and two Sith, the Sith have won the game!

The Jedi alive at the end of the game were:
@EVERYONE / Crushita Telcontar (a.k.a. Master Tau)
@Pengu (a.k.a. Padawan Sapphiron)

And congratulations to the Sith for their victory!
@aternox (a.k.a. Darth Seroim)
@Commander_Zemas (a.k.a. Darth Bodobol)

I'll probably post a recap tomorrow morning (Pacific time), either here or on a separate post-game thread.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Crushita on June 05, 2016, 02:25:16 PM
RIP. Congrats Sith!
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Rasdanation on June 05, 2016, 02:28:21 PM
Well, Good Game!
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Gerrick on June 05, 2016, 02:33:21 PM
Congrats, guys! You brought us to victory. Also, good job to tau for taking over the game and writing the phase recaps.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: taulover on June 05, 2016, 04:55:29 PM
I've continued the recap that I created when I started hosting this game to include everything! (Unfortunately, as I don't have the data for earlier night phases, I won't be able to compile synopses for those.)

With a majority of people voting no lynch, no one has been killed in this day phase.
Patrick Belarius, a.k.a. Point Breeze, a.k.a. taulover, the [local] engineer, was attacked by the Sith Aragonn and brutally murdered during the night.
Darth Nox, who was hiding among the villagers as Hannah, a.k.a. Chanku, has been lynched.

Also, Gibraltarica has been lynched for inactivity, failing to vote in two consecutive day phases. [He was a defender Jedi, and was replaced by a local.]
The Wookie has activated their power, negating all other power roles. (  Thus, nothing happened tonight.
No one was lynched during the day phase, and we now enter another night phase. This will be the first night phase in which the Lost Jedi will be active.
RE-0N, a.k.a. HannahB, was targeted by Sith and killed. Fortunately for the good guys, Darth Laurentus, a.k.a. Wuufu was killed in the resulting explosion.
Aaron C. Spectre, a.k.a. VidiLune, a local, was voted off and killed in a freak scientific accident.
Gerrick the janitor, a.k.a. Colberius X, a local, was killed during the night by CH-4NK0's booby-trap.
Barnes, a local, has been lynched.
And now for the results. @Sapphiron [a local] has been killed during the night by Sith. It's now the day phase again.
M007-135, the protocol droid, used its power to prevent the lynching of any players for this day phase. And it is now night phase again. Enjoy your rest. Don't forget to PM me if you're a power role.
CH-4NK0, a.k.a. Rasdanation targeted Gerrick, a Sith (and Darth Colberius), so Gerrick has died. Simultaneously, the lost Jedi, a.k.a. Wintermoot targeted Rasdanation, who then also died, but Wintermoot was killed in the resulting explosion
So, Laurentus has decided to add me as a host to this game, as the original two hosts have become rather inactive. I'll do my best to stay on schedule.
Due to popular vote, no one was lynched this day phase.
No one was killed this night phase.
Crushita Telcontar the spice and potato smuggler, a.k.a. El Fiji Grande, a local, has been voted off and killed in a spaceship malfunction.
Gabriel Penguon, a.k.a. Aragonn, a local, was killed by the Sith Darth Aragonn at night.
With the majority of the people voting no lynch, nobody has died this day phase.
Emote Conius, a.k.a. Kuramia, a local, has been killed by the Sith at night.
Robin Valerius, leader of a scientific expedition, a.k.a. DekuNut, a local, has been killed as his ship crashed onto the planet of Nika.
The Wookiee has stopped any action from occurring this night phase.
Alexander North the botanist, a.k.a. Tomb, a local, has been voted off and mauled by an akk dog.
M007-135, a.k.a. BraveSirRobin, the protocol droid, was attacked and killed by the Sith at night.
xXTheHydraXx, a.k.a. Darth Aragonn, a Sith, has been voted off and killed.
Eva Lynx the string theorist, a.k.a. Evelynx, a local, has been killed by the Sith at night.
Gaarvindia, a.k.a. North, the Wookiee, has been voted off and killed as his climbing tree was struck by a meteor.
Barnes Noble the theoretical physicist, a.k.a. Govindia, a local, has been killed by the Sith at night.

With the only alive players being the two Jedi and two Sith, the Sith have won the game!
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: BraveSirRobin on June 05, 2016, 06:49:39 PM
GG everyone!! :D
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on June 05, 2016, 07:29:29 PM
Lol, turns out I was right about both aternox and Hydra.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Hydra on June 05, 2016, 07:29:41 PM
GG! Congratulations to all survivors (especially my Sith brethren >:D)!
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: DekuNut on June 05, 2016, 08:33:11 PM
GG everyone! It was fun! And special props to Tau for taking over everything and carrying this game to the end.
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Commander_Zemas on June 06, 2016, 02:45:17 AM
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Wuufu on June 06, 2016, 06:13:52 PM
GG all, always an enjoyable read. Loved the story snippets and thanks to Tau for finishing it :)
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Wintermoot on June 07, 2016, 01:48:25 AM
Another successfully concluded Werewolf game...thanks to Laurentus, Point Breeze, and taulover for hosting it. :)
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Govindia on June 18, 2016, 07:24:36 AM
Any reason is as good as any other
Still haven't given a reason -_-. Way to betray a fellow Singaporean

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk


First, since when did you say you were Singaporean?

Second, it's a game, so don't act like I just committed high treason.

At the beginning of when you first joined the region.   Ask Sapphiron.

And great game guys.   At least I didn't die via meteor :P
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Laurentus on August 26, 2016, 09:39:30 AM
Maybe not a great way to view it.. but the Sith are walking all over us at this point. And this game started so well..

Okay, so here's who is alive..


The only people not up for lynching next phase are:

I actually think that these people's small amount of interest in the game to be somewhat suspicious. Nobody else seems to care enough to vote(harsh truth). That means they are likely Sith right? Since clearly the Sith are voting to kill during the night phase, it makes sense they'd avoid getting auto-lynched by making sure they vote each day phase.

xXTheHydraXx made such a good Wendigo last game.. so .. maybe he's making a great Sith this game? Not the best reasoning but.. times being what they are..

Vote: xXTheHydraXx

@Evelynx, this was, honest to god, the best logic I've ever seen in a werewolf game. How did no one go along with this?
Title: Werewolf VII: Star Wars - The Battle Forgotten
Post by: Evelynx on August 29, 2016, 06:22:13 AM
Maybe not a great way to view it.. but the Sith are walking all over us at this point. And this game started so well..

Okay, so here's who is alive..


The only people not up for lynching next phase are:

I actually think that these people's small amount of interest in the game to be somewhat suspicious. Nobody else seems to care enough to vote(harsh truth). That means they are likely Sith right? Since clearly the Sith are voting to kill during the night phase, it makes sense they'd avoid getting auto-lynched by making sure they vote each day phase.

xXTheHydraXx made such a good Wendigo last game.. so .. maybe he's making a great Sith this game? Not the best reasoning but.. times being what they are..

Vote: xXTheHydraXx

@Evelynx, this was, honest to god, the best logic I've ever seen in a werewolf game. How did no one go along with this?

@Laurentus It was because the logic had good premises. Nobody cared :p.