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A Link to the Past - Archives => The Registry of Things Past - Historic Archive => The Roleplayers' Gathering - Roleplaying Discussion => Topic started by: Weissreich on March 07, 2016, 09:15:26 PM

Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on March 07, 2016, 09:15:26 PM
Wintreath Royal Flying Corp fast patrol sloop Cascading Ember preparing for a 3 month tour of the aerotrade lanes.

It is the year 5 in the New Ordered Calendar, the 539th year of His Majesty Inric I's reign. Wintreath has been a free nation for more than half a millennium, and in that time it has gone from strength to strength. The principles of gearwork have been discovered - or rediscovered, depending on which historia academic you ask - and the sweeping changes industrialisation has made to the face of the nation have only just begun to slow. Cities have risen, and with them the citizens.

This is an age of enlightenment, in which men and women can go forth to do bold things, institutions add to the sum of Wintreath's knowledge day by day, the great Familial Houses of old push the arts and industries of the nation onwards and upwards... it truly is a golden era.

But all is not well.

Within the shadowy confines of the Färnhel District of Wintreath's capital city, men and women meet for hushed conferences. Out in Frostlake City itself, disappearances are becoming more common, and the first bodies are being discovered. Questions that perhaps should not be uttered are now being asked.

The Monarch, despite his venerable age, has done what he can... but it is not enough. In the Far North, rumours are emerging that the dreaded Hunt Clan, long thought destroyed by the mysterious Origin and the alliance of men three thousand years past, is not quite as dead as all had been led to believe.

And out to the East, in the waters off Helmgrad, ancient weapons of unimaginable power once again rise to the surface, their spires flickering with unholy energies as they wait... But what they wait for, no man can tell.

Something is changing, and some fell current that thrums within the pulse of all who call themselves Wintrean is making itself known after five thousand years of absence. What this change brings, only time will tell.

Now, friend, I can look at you and tell you with little doubt: what a time it is to be alive! But are you sure you're cut from the right cloth, good stranger? Will you survive the coming tumult, or be dragged down with it?

Artist impression of the Hunt Clan based on fragmented descriptions in ancient texts discovered in Arnocen Academy.

So, at long last I'm getting this thing off the ground. Welcome to the Houses RP! This is more an interest post to see who might want to take part, but as I go I'll be building up the suspense until the RP starts. I'll be answering questions in this thread as to how this RP will be run, the rules, things that can and can't happen, that sort of thing... so if you want to know something, ask away!

If you have questions about the history the RP will be referencing near-constantly (for example, just who the hell are the Origin and the Hunt Clan?), please see this ( thread for further details. It is quite a read, but I hope you'll enjoy it and return with a heightened desire to see this RP through! Great things are in store.

A 'Short' History of Wintreath
NB: This is not 'IC', it's just to help you all get an idea of what's gone before

Wintreath is, as the name suggests, a rather cold and blustery place. Before the ice swelled down from the Far North and covered much of the landmass, Wintreath was a mild and temperate land covered in forests, rivers and wide plains of grass and scrub. When the ice came, it stayed for around 250 years (a small ice age), covering the entire map down to a line that roughly went (on the map) from Jormving on the west coast to Foret, then to Cetera, then to Arnocen Academy and across to Janth and the east coast.

Below that, the land was still temperate and covered in forests far larger than the ones that exist today in Wintreath. The Edilian Republic was the first native Wintrean civilisation to emerge beyond hunter gatherer tribes and loose nomadic communities when magic still flowed thick in the blood of men. The Edilian peoples were closer in blood and stature to the Forebearers who created Wintreath at the dawn of time, allowing them to actively manipulate the magic in their bodies and in the world around them, creating great cities (Lenth, a city that's part carved into the peaks of mountains and part floats on massive Storm engines, is an example of their creative prowess) and new technologies that blended magic with the new disciplines of science and industry.

When the ice sheets that covered the Central Plains (aka that stretched down to that line I told you about earlier) started to melt, the volume of water that was suddenly liquid again washed much of the Edilian civilisation away, leaving only a few small settlements and the ruins of their capital city, Utorim, to carry on their legacy. As the years passed, the remnants of the Edilian peoples left Wintreath interbred with those across the Southern Peninsulas (the two bits on the bottom left of the map that go off the edge), distilling their blood. Slowly, magic slipped out of living memory and became a myth, often thought to be a misremembered tale of lost technological artifacts and the like.

When civilisation slowly began to return to Wintreath (it was mostly uninhabited after the meltwaters washed away the Edilian Republic, save for small tribes and the few remaining Edilian settlements, where magic practitioners passed into legend as the mouthpieces of the old Gods) it was in the form of the De Falvosa Line. Germaine De Falvosa was a bold and intelligent man with a following of several tens of thousands, and where others balked at the sights of the foreboding forests that now covered all of the south of Wintreath, he and his people pushed on, rediscovering Palar and Stranglor and inhabiting them as stepping stones into the wider landmass beyond the forests.

The De Falvosa Line pretty much shaped modern Wintreath into what it is now; it was under their guidance that the mega forests were cut back to something approaching their current sizes, and it was their will that had construction begin on many of the settlements that would later grow into the cities Wintreath has today. When the Kingdom of Arraia came into existence some 3000 years ago, they quickly conquered much of their surroundings with the first noted use of mounted archers (think Mongol bowmen), but the De Falvosa Line used similar tactics as well as better chain link armour, and the Arraian people fell under their sway.

No one knows if the Hunt Clan were the reason for the Origin that followed, but from their arrival just over 3000 years ago a constant war raged for some 200 years, with the youthful civilisations and societies of the south banding together in desperation with the hopes of merely surviving the onslaught.

It's at this point that the Origin show up. No one knows much about them, save for the fact that they could construct marvels of metal that defied all understandings of what should work, things that floated without visible Storm engines, devices that could kill a man from a thousand yards, huge towers in the sea that despite the distance between each was linked by crackling blue fire that spat out towards the East (Norloch Spire is one of these) towards unknown targets... They're like the aliens of the setting that arrived, did a hell of a lot of shit that no one could fathom for around a thousand years without anyone ever seeing one in the flesh, and then vanished. Some theorise that it was they who truly drove off the Hunt Clan, not the men of that age, but as there's none of them left to ask no one knows for certain.

A lot happened during the thousand years from 3000 to 2000 years ago. It was during this period that Innail became the home of House Kestar, later to be the Royal Family of Wintreath, and it was during this period that the true destructive power of the Origin was first seen - every device they'd ever constructed lit up, damaged ones repaired themselves and lifted into the skies, and the skies themselves boiled over with tumults of light and sound that left the men and women of this age shaking and trembling in fear. Almost as soon as it started, it was over, and the Origin were gone, leaving behind relics of technology or magic that even today defeat the best efforts of Wintreath's finest minds.

By the time 2000 years ago rolls up, much of Wintreath is explored (I say much, Wintreath is HUGE so there were large areas that were little travelled and left to wilderness) and the Hunt Clan have vanished again, meaning that for the first time the peoples of Wintreath can live without the ever present fear of death finding them. The Rides Kingdoms emerge in this time, a hundred hundred fiefdoms and princedoms that vie with one another for the most trade, the most land, the most whatever it is the other wants. Exactly 2000 years ago, Spiritian military forces arrive and due to their more advanced technology (basic muskets, smooth bore cannon, that kind of thing, tech from the 1700s in our world) they were able to conquer the entirety of Wintreath.

Thus begins the Spiritain occupation, wherein Wintreath was effectively stripmined for resources and the people mistreated as little more than slaves. After hundreds of years of this, the Wintreans (now unified in their hatred of their oppressors and no longer fractured kingdoms competing against one another) rise up, with the powerful Houses lending their support one after the other for House Kestar of Innail in their rebellion against Spiritus. The conflict spans almost a thousand years, as Spiritus was far more populous than Wintreath at this time and had better technology, but the constant grind wore them down as Wintreans built up a native technology base to match that of their oppressors.

By the end of the conflict, Spiritus was too exhausted to keep fighting and a much more populous and much more unified Wintreath rose from the ashes as the nation we live in today. Industrialisation had began (so 1800s tech IRL, though more steampunk and 'out there' than our tech) near the end of the occupation in Spiritus and Wintreath both, but under the control of His Majesty Inric I Witnreath advanced rapidly, discovering gearwork principles beyond those known to the rest of the world and becoming a powerhouse in its own right.

500 years of this development, 500 years of peace and prosperity, brings us to now. It's been a golden age in Wintreath, with the discovery of air travel, the invention of the modern day lifestyle (so modern day IRL tech but achieved through slightly magical means) etc etc. Wintreath has a population of millions, with hundreds of major cities and thousands of minor ones, tens of thousands of townships and countless villages, outposts, settlements and fortifications.

The map this RP will be using:
(Large (

The Royal House of Kestar
Patriarch: Wintermoot

The Noble House of Meindhert
Patriarch: Duke Klause Meindhert // Weissreich
Descendants: Elliot Bernhard Meindhert // Barnes (Grandson)
The Noble House of Penguon
Patriarch: Count Gabriel S. Penguon // Pengu
Siblings: VidiLune (Sister of Pengu)
Offspring: Jellybean (Daughter of Pengu), Dreamer (Son of Pengu), Lumenland (Daughter of VidiLune)
The Noble House of Valeria
Patriarch: Colberius X
Siblings: Aragonn (brother of Colberius X), Count Laurentus (brother of Colberius X), Taulover (brother of Colberius X)
Offspring: BraveSirRobin (son of Colberius), North (son of Taulover), xXHydraXx (son of Taulover)

The House of Bluteisen
Patriarch: Joshua Bluteisen
The House of Auditore
Patriarch: Govindia
Offspring: TaintedPaws (Daughter), Yaoke (Daughter)
The House of Heinrich
Patriarch: Sapphiron
The House of Everden
Matriarch: HannahB
The House of Telcontar
Spudtriarch: Crushita Telcontar
The House of Danation
Patriarch: Rass Danation
The House of Kaizer
Patriarch: Chanku

Houses will play a role in the 'gameplay' of this RP to an extent, hence the name ( ;) ) but they are by no means a requirement to play. Some aspects of the IC world can be better explored through familial connections, but there are always going to be other ways to gain access to such things.

Current Claims & Influence List
Current claims:

Noble Houses:
Meindhert: BAIN; Hammerfell, ????
Penguon: CAIN; Androx, Orcinae
Valeria: RIVAIN (Colberius X), Sørhavn, Highever (Laurentus), Ravensbridge (North)

Common Houses:
Auditore: None
Danation: GALDÉMERE, ????, ????
Kaiser: None
Telcontar: None

NPC Houses:
Belmont: Emper
Fortis: Palar
Avestrii: Torghust
Mikaelson: Jormving
Norfolk: Wester
Kasten: Galdémere
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Chanku on March 07, 2016, 09:17:06 PM
I would be interested.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Commander_Zemas on March 07, 2016, 09:31:27 PM
As would I
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Arenado on March 07, 2016, 09:36:02 PM
Interest piqued
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: BraveSirRobin on March 07, 2016, 10:57:40 PM
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: taulover on March 08, 2016, 12:45:38 AM
Rule Valeria, Valeria rule the waves...
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Chanku on March 08, 2016, 12:54:49 AM
House Kestar shall rule above all!
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Aragonn on March 08, 2016, 01:54:05 AM
Valeria has the skills and the will to wield them, and thus our House shall reign above all.

If this is the RP you were proposing all that time ago, count me in!
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Chanku on March 08, 2016, 01:56:08 AM
Kestar controls the military, and the region!

Kestar shall scatter Valeria into a million pieces!
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Colberius X on March 08, 2016, 02:03:36 AM
Valeria may be a House founded by foreigners, but we've served House Kestar well for a long time, in all aspects of government.  Would you truly betray such a prominent house on naught but jealous suspicion?

'Twould not fare well well for you, I am sure.

(PS: I am also interested in this RP, if you couldn't tell.)
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Chanku on March 08, 2016, 02:04:27 AM
Should House Valeria threaten House Kestar or the region, I will scatter it.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Colberius X on March 08, 2016, 02:06:49 AM
If House Valeria ever made a threat to either, it would already be too late.  >:D

But you have nothing to fear from us, rest assured.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Chanku on March 08, 2016, 02:09:49 AM
Then much like big business, they must be broken up before they become a threat.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Hydra on March 08, 2016, 02:31:47 AM
Consider me interested.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Crushita on March 08, 2016, 02:33:30 AM
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Barnes on March 08, 2016, 05:08:21 AM
I ought to create a house for this :)
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on March 08, 2016, 09:19:11 AM
Or join mine ;)

Whilst I appreciate how eager everyone seems to be, Houses do not - directly - enter into conflict with one another, and they definitely do not enter into conflict with the Royal House :p That aside, Houses will play an important role, but I'll explain that a little further down the line :)
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: BraveSirRobin on March 08, 2016, 04:23:18 PM
Or join mine ;)

Whilst I appreciate how eager everyone seems to be, Houses do not - directly - enter into conflict with one another, and they definitely do not enter into conflict with the Royal House :p That aside, Houses will play an important role, but I'll explain that a little further down the line :)
House Valeria never does anything to benefit itself... officially
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Michi on March 08, 2016, 09:02:55 PM
Or join mine ;)

Whilst I appreciate how eager everyone seems to be, Houses do not - directly - enter into conflict with one another, and they definitely do not enter into conflict with the Royal House :p That aside, Houses will play an important role, but I'll explain that a little further down the line :)

Considering House Penguon is a house of peace, this is a good thing.

And I'm in.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Govindia on March 09, 2016, 03:41:20 AM
The Order of the Assassin will pledge its support to Royal House Kestar unless it proves to be corrupt.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Yaoke on March 09, 2016, 04:16:31 AM
I'm definately interested

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Rasdanation on March 14, 2016, 03:45:05 AM
Just makes me more tempted to get into familial house stuff :P
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on March 14, 2016, 03:02:47 PM
All the more reason to do so, Ras :p I can think of a House or two who'd be more than willing to take you on as a member!

Now, I'll be posting up the rules for the RP in this thread this evening, but I won't be starting the RP itself for a few more days. Sorry about the delay, I had a rather busy weekend just gone - travel and whatnot - but things will be moving soon enough. Also, if people who ARE part of a House could get together with their family and come up with a fitting description of your House history and culture etc that'd be very useful; I WILL vet them before they're approved for use, just as warning.

Character descriptions and the like come after House descriptions are sorted :)
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Rasdanation on March 15, 2016, 10:03:56 PM
Or... just for the sake to annoy Weissreich for still not having anyone join his familial house, I could just make a new house...
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on March 16, 2016, 09:58:19 PM
Or... just for the sake to annoy Weissreich for still not having anyone join his familial house, I could just make a new house...
Seeing as you've gone and done that, it's time for you to come up with a familial description: what your Line is really good at (arts, industry, trade, aeronautics, gear working, innovation, the list goes on but only pick one or two), where the Familial Seat is (pick a city, try and get an image for your Seat - mine is parts of this (, as an example), key members (NPCs allowed with sufficient background), links with other Lines, that sort of thing.

The same is true for all of you: @Yaoke @Govindia @Pengu @BraveSirRobin @Barnes @Chanku @North @Commander_Zemas @taulover @Aragonn @Colberius X @xXTheHydraXx @Samwise Gamgee and @Rasdanation just to be sure.

... Goodness me, that's quite a lot of you. For those in the same Houses, get together on IRC and plan out what you want your House to be like. Patriarch/Matriarch has precedent in this process, but obviously you should all have a say.

In addition, please all begin drafting up a rough character file for UP TO THREE characters.

IF YOU ARE PART OF A HOUSE, THAT IS THE ONLY HOUSE YOUR CHARACTERS MAY BE A MEMBER OF. Your characters can be non-Line, if you so wish. I will vet every submission when and as I get them, and there probably will be tweaks here and there. Check the Establishment of Setting thread linked in the OP to get a feel for the history of Wintreath in this RP, and try to keep in mind that most Houses cannot be much older than 400 to 500 years. Older abandoned Lines seen in that thread will be NPCs.

If you are in doubt about anything I've asked you to do, either PM or @ me here, or check the EoS thread for outlines. House roles (what they're good at) are hinted at in the timeline (e.g. my house is industry specialised in heavy gearwork, comes from Bain but maintains holdings in Hammerfell, that sort of thing)
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: taulover on March 17, 2016, 12:09:28 AM
Reminder for House Valeria: IRC communications will likely be on the #NH channel on Coldfront, rather than #Wintreath.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Govindia on March 17, 2016, 12:38:42 AM
Reminder for House Valeria: IRC communications will likely be on the #NH channel on Coldfront, rather than #Wintreath.
why?  you can also use #Chronicles too for any RP stuff

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Rasdanation on March 17, 2016, 12:42:29 AM
Here is the skeleton for the House factbook then:
The House of Danation
Familial Specialties
The Danation house specializes in Innovation and Trade, giving the Familial description of a "Merchant Family"
Familial Seat
The Family
Familial Connections
Familial History
Also @Weissreich does the Familial Seat have to be on the Wintreath map or can it be the home town/city in our actual Familial Houses?
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: BraveSirRobin on March 17, 2016, 12:59:52 AM
Reminder for House Valeria: IRC communications will likely be on the #NH channel on Coldfront, rather than #Wintreath.
^^Preach on, brother!! (Or should I say uncle? :P)
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: taulover on March 17, 2016, 01:05:14 AM
Reminder for House Valeria: IRC communications will likely be on the #NH channel on Coldfront, rather than #Wintreath.
why?  you can also use #Chronicles too for any RP stuff

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
#Wintreath tends to be filled with other discussions, and I haven't heard of #Chronicles (I assume it's more general-purpose, though). NH is rather quiet, and could easily be repurposed for discussion on House Valeria, particularly since all Valerias are also Hyperians.

Though we'll probably just continue discussing things in our group PM instead.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on March 17, 2016, 01:12:37 AM
Here is the skeleton for the House factbook then:

- snip -

Also @Weissreich does the Familial Seat have to be on the Wintreath map or can it be the home town/city in our actual Familial Houses?
From the map :) I haven't yet got round to uploading a more updated version, but I'll get on that tomorrow. Have a look at this thread here ( - a good few places on the map are described with an image.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Govindia on March 17, 2016, 01:36:47 AM
Reminder for House Valeria: IRC communications will likely be on the #NH channel on Coldfront, rather than #Wintreath.
why?  you can also use #Chronicles too for any RP stuff

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
#Wintreath tends to be filled with other discussions, and I haven't heard of #Chronicles (I assume it's more general-purpose, though). NH is rather quiet, and could easily be repurposed for discussion on House Valeria, particularly since all Valerias are also Hyperians.

Though we'll probably just continue discussing things in our group PM instead.
#Chronicles I envisaged for any RP discussion,  OOc, RP or family stuff

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Rasdanation on March 17, 2016, 01:38:21 AM
Here is the skeleton for the House factbook then:

- snip -

Also @Weissreich does the Familial Seat have to be on the Wintreath map or can it be the home town/city in our actual Familial Houses?
From the map :) I haven't yet got round to uploading a more updated version, but I'll get on that tomorrow. Have a look at this thread here ( - a good few places on the map are described with an image.
K then, I think I found a good city to use for my house.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on March 17, 2016, 01:50:03 AM
K then, I think I found a good city to use for my house.
Ahh I was wondering who was going to snap up Galdémere! An excellent decision for a merchant Line: in the time since its rediscovery the forest city has gone from strength to strength as trade flowed in down the river networks - rivers that feed into the Indurain Causeways. For all your House's strength, however, Galdémere is a vast city with room for more than one powerful merchant Line, so be aware.

(There'll probably be an NPC House in Galdémere as well. How that plays out will be down to your decisions, but with the city being the trading hub it is you can probably expect the other Line to be merchant focused)
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Barnes on March 18, 2016, 02:43:16 AM
I'm still ambivalent as to whether to join a house or create one. I could do neither, but I feel as if that would be disadvantageous. Could someone draft up a list of pros and cons of being in a house, creating one, and neither?
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: BraveSirRobin on March 18, 2016, 02:59:48 AM
I'm still ambivalent as to whether to join a house or create one. I could do neither, but I feel as if that would be disadvantageous. Could someone draft up a list of pros and cons of being in a house, creating one, and neither?

Pros of Valeria:

We're the best
We like penguins
We like cookies
New Hyperion is fun, too!
We have a cool clubhouse
We are awesomely unconventional
We are rational
We like discussing everything
We get sidetracked easily
We are the most humble family ever

Cons of Valeria:

I suppose you might not want to join if you're allergic to cookies...

Pros of new house:

You get to choose the name

Cons of new house:

No cookies
Also, no Laurentus, and that would be very sad
No North, and that'd mean no Singapore
No Hydra, and then you'd lose at Minecraft
No Aragonn, and that'd mean lame RPs
No Colby, and that means no cheese (;) )
No taulover, and that would also be sad
No me, which would be the saddest thing of all :P

There's the list, @Barnes!! The choice should be clear!! ;)
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Commander_Zemas on March 18, 2016, 03:02:16 AM
How does one create a house. :P
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: taulover on March 18, 2016, 03:14:32 AM
How does one create a house. :P
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: BraveSirRobin on March 18, 2016, 03:17:16 AM
Don't be silly, tau! @Commander_Zemas go join the New Hyperion forums!!

indoctrination complete. Valeria grows stronger every day :P
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: taulover on March 18, 2016, 03:17:54 AM
Is such direct recruitment allowed on the forums??
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: BraveSirRobin on March 18, 2016, 03:19:00 AM
Is such direct recruitment allowed on the forums??
Well it's for our family...

If not you don't have to I suppose...
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Barnes on March 18, 2016, 03:23:17 AM
I meant joining houses in the general sense, not a specific one, Robin. Thanks though.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: taulover on March 18, 2016, 03:31:37 AM
I meant joining houses in the general sense, not a specific one, Robin. Thanks though.
I think he was giving that advice in a humorous fashion?...
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: BraveSirRobin on March 18, 2016, 03:34:03 AM
I meant joining houses in the general sense, not a specific one, Robin. Thanks though.
I think he was giving that advice in a humorous fashion?...
Quite right you are, tau! :)
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Barnes on March 18, 2016, 03:50:21 AM
Sorry! I did like the editorial, though.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on March 18, 2016, 11:39:04 PM
Yeah, guys, please don't recruit for Houses here, it's not the right place.

@Barnes, you wouldn't be particularly disadvantaged. The way this RP will be structured means that the only real benefits IC will be access to House resources (and Houses do have VAST resources, some of them basically run specific industries entirely) and an expected mastery of your House speciality.

The start of the RP will set you all in equal stead to each other, but by the end of it I am expecting you guys to be working mostly with your House :) You're more than welcome to start your own House, although it may be represented as a younger Line IC, but also more than welcome to join one of your choice.

Also, guys, please get your House factbooks posted up soonish, the RP will be starting within the week :)

All that said, it would be great for some Houses to be more than one person Houses, so I might advise joining an already existing one... that isn't House Valeria. They've got plenty of members, and some of the smaller Houses could do with some bolstering so that it's not NPC town for all but a few.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: BraveSirRobin on March 19, 2016, 12:02:17 AM
Where do we put our house factbooks?  And other Valeria folks, do you think that a Google Doc or something would be a good idea for collaboration? 
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on March 19, 2016, 12:04:03 AM
Just put them in here and I'll vet them and PM any changes/suggestions for keeping in-setting over :)
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on March 22, 2016, 04:22:11 PM
Bumping this - the RP will begin in a few days time, once I've cleared this last project off my desk and get to actually claim my holiday time! I said I'd post up rules, which I should have done by this evening, but otherwise please get to making character profiles and House factbooks :D
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Govindia on March 22, 2016, 06:22:09 PM
I'll work on mine soon as I can.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: BraveSirRobin on March 23, 2016, 12:12:48 AM
Valeria's getting our factbook done at some point now that we have collaboration all figured out!! :)
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on March 23, 2016, 01:12:13 AM
Okay, so: rules. Sort of. Roleplaying IC will be pretty normal, it's just the rest of it that needs some explaining :)

This is a character level role-play with a bit of a twist. Everyone has their main character who's involved in the central plot of the RP, hints of which are given in the teaser intro post. You've all RP'd char-level before, so it's pretty standard stuff when we get to IC.

Now what makes things slightly more interesting is your second character. Wintreath is pretty fucking huge, and for all that the main plot might advance there's no way you'd get to see all of it, right? What I'm hoping is that because of the Oh, The Places You'll Go in Wintreath thread being as detailed as it is, you guys can effectively free-roam in the world at the same time as delving deep into Wintreath's past in efforts to understand the Hunt Clan.

As for Houses... You guys seem to love your Houses, and that's great :) As I've previously mentioned, in the RP Houses have huge influence. What you've really got to remember, however, is that Wintreath is pretty fucking huge. A House has its Seat in a specific city (you guys choose which) but its influence spreads to nearly towns. A House also has, depending on its specialities, influence far and wide over many areas, towns and cities.

As an example my family, the Meindhert Line, originates in Bain - on the map, it's the one island off the northwest coast - but 531 years ago a delegation (Houses are kind of like clans) was sent to Frostlake City. We next got ourselves heavily involved in the revitalisation of Hammerfell, followed by the rail industry, and then sort of chilled and expanded our influence over the next few hundred years.

However, House Meindhert and House Penguon (@Pengu) may or may not (depends on what Pengu wants :p) have an alliance/emnity/uneasy peace, as I believe his House is located in Cain, just across the water from the Isle of Bain.

Think carefully about what you want your Line's speciality to be. Meindhert Line specialises in heavy gearwork, research and fishing - our Seat is, after all, on an island. When you look for a place for your Seat, read the descriptions and come up with something good ;) you've got free rein, after all. Wintreath is big, and although your MC might be but one person, your second character gives you access to a whole new array of options when it comes to exploring the world and doing things. I've already mentioned there'll be an NPC House in Galdémere, meaning that @Rasdanation can if he so wishes role-play interacting with them as NPCs or occasionally with GM control for bonus content.

Reading the timeline I did (Establishment of Setting, linked in the OP) for the RP is at this point recommended :)

Hope you guys are looking forward to it! As I said, the stuff that's additional to the main plot is optional, and I get that it might be a bit confusing. How much you guys use it is up to you, but if you do I'll try and make it interesting.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Chanku on March 23, 2016, 01:42:10 AM
Hrm I do have to ask what the case is with my line, considering that it was it's own line, joined with the Kestar line, and then diverged once again..also would, for example, my position of Jarl of Defense be able to have any play in this at all? (For example, it being applicable to a character of mine?)
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on March 23, 2016, 01:44:40 AM
Hrm I do have to ask what the case is with my line, considering that it was it's own line, joined with the Kestar line, and then diverged once again..also would, for example, my position of Jarl of Defense be able to have any play in this at all? (For example, it being applicable to a character of mine?)
Yup, if you hold any position you also hold the relevant position IC, but this won't really make too much of a difference for those not in such office.

As to your other point, I think it's simpler IC to go with your House having always existed as House Kaizer, without any Royal stuff involved.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Chanku on March 23, 2016, 01:50:09 AM
Hrm, I think a good explanation would be the fact that the two families merged, but some members kept their name and many still identified as Kaizers (essentially the Kaizers existed as a sub-house of the Kestars), and due to rising tensions the Monarch dispelled those whom are Kaizers and disowned the members.

Essentially there would be an uneasy peace between house Kestar and house Kaizer due to that.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on March 23, 2016, 03:41:03 PM
Again, I'd prefer it if this wasn't the case. Having one House somewhat embroiled in conflict with the Royal Family doesn't fit the thematics or the backstory I've built up for the RP, so I'd rather you had simply had ties with the Royal Family through business, maybe named Royal Purveyor of X or Y, and then lost the privilege for some reason than being actually part of the Royal Family and then splitting.

I'll be writing up my House's Factbook soon, as an example for anyone/everyone to follow. Ras's example on the 2nd page is pretty good, so for the time being you can base yours off of that if mine isn't written up by the time you come to submitting yours :)

A few notes - Wintreath is habitable up to and including the Huggtänder Mountain Range that spreads across the entire North of the map. The average life expectancy is between 120 and 150 years (save for the Royal Family, who live far longer). You may hold positions you hold OOC, but bear in mind how that position has to have been adapted to fit in with a 4000mile x 3000mile nation.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Gerrick on March 23, 2016, 05:19:38 PM
12 million square miles is roughly the area of Africa if anyone was wondering. :)

So how will the actual IC posting work? Will we be posting as our characters plus the NPCs they interact with unless they interact with another player-controlled character?
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on March 24, 2016, 04:13:08 AM
So how will the actual IC posting work? Will we be posting as our characters plus the NPCs they interact with unless they interact with another player-controlled character?
You'll be posting as your Main Characters for plot stuff and your Secondary Characters for whatever else you choose to do. The rule is that if you're interacting with a non-vital NPC you get to basically write whatever you want, but if it's a vital NPC (so a govt minister, or an important member of an NPC House) I'll give you a few lines :)
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on March 24, 2016, 11:14:48 PM
Quote from: The Noble House of Meindhert
Patriarch (Player): Duke Klause Meindhert
Wife (NPC): Lady Ava Meindhert
Son (NPC): Jhayso Meindhert
Grandson (Player): Elliot Bernhard Meindhert // Barnes

--- --- --- --- --- --- ---

=Head of Hammerfell Branch=
Brother (Player(2)): Rhai Meindhert
Wife (NPC): Katerinya Meindhert

Familial Seat


First city of the island it takes its name from, Bain was the traditional home of the Meindhert Line and one of the few cities to retain its Fritänkare College after Spiritus took control of Wintreath. Due to its location in the far north-east of the region, separated from most of the rest of the world by the Strait of Cain and the Western Ocean, Bain has always been a highly independent place, full of radical political ideas and less-than-legal experimentation with gearwork.

With the migration of significant portions of House Meindhert to Frostlake and the acceptance of Kestar authority, Bain has become a vibrant city which sees itself as the last bastion of Wintreath. Having taken to its new ruler, Inric I, with a passion, the citizens of the city pride themselves on their loyalty and commitment to the Crown, and it is from Bain and its sister-city Cain that many of Wintreath's finest sailors are recruited.

It is said that one should never venture out of Bain's immediate environs without a local guide, for the rest of the island is prone to playing tricks on an unwary traveller and many are lost along the winding paths that lead to Bain's own small mountain range.

Population: 21,800 citizens + 500 Hvitt Riddaral.
Location: Isle of Bain [seconded to the territory of Bët]
The Meindhert Line also maintains holdings in the city of Hammerfell, where much of the heavy industry and R&D is run by the Family.


Positioned on the southernmost extent of Frost Lake, some 50 miles from the capital city, Hammerfell represents the height of Wintreathean determination and ability. Hanging 30 metres over the edge of the cliffs, this bastion of culture serves no real military purpose - instead, it is a cultural, innovative hotbed of ideas and theories that shape Wintreathean politics, society and industry.

Built at the end of the Hard Years, Hammerfell was the first city-building project embarked upon under Indric Kestar's watchful eye. Drawing inspiration from similar construction projects elsewhere, the city atop the cliffs is a mixture of the central castle (the only strategic building apart from its walls), sprawling expanses of houses and the factories and workshops that give Hammerfell the use-name of Aldri Sover Byen, the Never Sleeping City.

Although Hammerfell lacks the rich cultural history that other cities in Wintreath can claim, it more than makes up for it with the rigorousness of its inhabitants. Its population of almost 55,000 are bustling, easy-going individuals, and the markets and theatres of the main city ring to the sound of laughter and earnest conversation. The royal Kestar family maintain a residence within the main castle but also within the suburbs, as does the Meindhert Line. In terms of importance, it is often argued that Hammerfell comes second only to Frostlake itself. And let one not forget, the views from the spires of Hammerfell are some of the best in Wintreath.

Population: 2000 Military personnel, 50000 non-military personnel
Size: 20 square miles (the painting above only shows the cliff-side face of Hammerfell)
Territory: Frost Lake (second city)
Familial Specialities
The Meindhert Line specialises primarily in heavy gearwork - a speciality that emerged over hundreds of years working on the national rail networks. By the modern day, House Meindhert produces everything from aeroships to military grade weaponry and armour, from personal carriages to the cranes used in construction across Wintreath.

As a secondary focus, House Meindhert has naturally delved into Research and Development, and the minds of the Line's scholars and academics are amongst the finest in the land. Arnocen Academy's East Wing was sponsored by a Meindhert Patriarch - Heynri Meindhert - some fifty years previously and is widely considered one of the foremost centres of gearwork learning.

Due to the Familial Seat's position on an island off the west coast of Wintreath, House Meindhert also specialises in fishing and light-weight ship-building. Although their vessels aren't as hardy or as militarised as those built by the mighty shipyards of Sørhavn, Meindhert fishing boats brave the icy and tempestuous waters of the North and live to tell the tale. The Isle of Bain provides much of the fishing needs of Bët Territory.
Familial History
House Meindhert rose to prominence on the Isle of Bain's eponymous first city some two thousand five hundred years ago by merit of being the foremost supplier of fishing vessels, then one of few methods for supplying the island's hungry mouths during the long and harsh winter months. Through a series of slow acquisitions and mergers, marriages and backroom deals, House Meindhert eventually established a monopoly on shipbuilding and shipbuilding skilled labourers, using this influence to purchase a large plot of land by the then-little used coastline of the city.

Over the next five hundred years, House Meindhert because the premier authority over the entire Isle of Bain and presided over the important treatise with Cain's rapidly expanding House Penguon that decided fishing rights for the next 1000 years. When Spiritian forces moved into Wintreath, Bain was effectively a unified culture under the Line, and reluctantly bent the knee in light of the superior technology the Spiritians wielded. It was at this point that House Meindhert's interest in military applications began to grow - over the length of the Spiritian occupation, branches of the Family were instructed to retreat to secluded coves and hidden bays on the island's western shores and begin guerrilla operations, converting fishing ships into fast galleys operating stolen cannon.

When the Spiritian occupation finally ended, House Meindhert welcomed back the branches who'd necessarily distanced themselves in order to perpetrate the attacks against the invaders and consolidated its hold on the Isle once again. When the delegation of top Familial members was sent to Frostlake City in 531BNO (Before New Order, BC effectively) the Patriarch's chief bodyguard - who had been a member of the Meinharst branch responsible for innovating technology to use against Spiritus - noted the potential benefits from involving the House in the affairs of the wider world, and Lord (the House had yet to surrender its old Wintrean title in servitude to Inric I) Jaesphair Meindhert realised that by expanding the House's wealth he could ensure the defence of Bain for ever through securing good relations with the newly unified Wintreath. Ever since, the Line has been unswervingly loyal to the Crown, though unafraid to speak out if matters call for such.

Over the next 500 years the House's labourers were shipped south to work on Hammerfell, who's cliff-face site had many similarities to the building sites on Bain's cliffs. When the time came to place the new headquarters of the rail company that was to overhaul the entirety of Wintreath's outdated tracks and locomotives, Hammerfell itself was a newly thriving city only 50 miles from the capital city with access to nearby iron and steel works. The choice was obvious, and the House soon bid for the contract and won.

Since then, House Meindhert has used its growing skills and knowledge of heavy industry to move first into gearwork as it was introduced and then into heavy Research and Development projects, scoring the first contract for military vehicle supply and the first ever defence system contract for the Wintrean Royal Flying Corp. At present day, the Line has branches in major cities across Wintreath and runs most of the rail freight transport network, as well as several contracts with the government to provide military defensive and offensive equipment.
Familial Connections
House Meindhert and House Penguon have several mutually beneficial trade deals due to the proximity of their Seats and the length of the relationship.
Familial Standing
The Meindhert Line is a Noble House, by merit of the Patriarch having been awarded the position of Duke of Wintreath for services rendered to Crown and country.

The Family, being sizeable and influential, maintains relations with various Houses, institutions and companies. A special link exists between House Meindhert and Arnocen Academy, as well as between the House and Hammerfell Rail Industries (which is whole-owned by the Line).

Please note that I'll be expanding the information on House members to include brief physical descriptions as well as their roles in the House, what they manage, skills etc. People are more than welcome to join the Family as well :) what role and relation you were would entirely be up to you.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on March 24, 2016, 11:19:15 PM
Re-tagging everyone who expressed interest in this thread. Please start discussing what kind of relations you'd like between your Families and other Families!

@Yaoke @Govindia @Pengu @BraveSirRobin @Barnes @Chanku @North @Commander_Zemas @taulover @Aragonn @Colberius X @xXTheHydraXx @Samwise Gamgee and @Rasdanation.

Pengu, you and I need to work out what our inter-House relations are :) Valerians and Rasdanation should probably have a chat if the Valerians do decide to specialise in trade.

As a note, applications are STILL OPEN and will remain open for at least ONE MONTH after the RP starts. If you join late, be aware the good Familial Seats might be taken!
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Michi on March 25, 2016, 01:05:32 AM
Re-tagging everyone who expressed interest in this thread. Please start discussing what kind of relations you'd like between your Families and other Families!

@Yaoke @Govindia @Pengu @BraveSirRobin @Barnes @Chanku @North @Commander_Zemas @taulover @Aragonn @Colberius X @xXTheHydraXx @Samwise Gamgee and @Rasdanation.

Pengu, you and I need to work out what our inter-House relations are :) Valerians and Rasdanation should probably have a chat if the Valerians do decide to specialise in trade.

As a note, applications are STILL OPEN and will remain open for at least ONE MONTH after the RP starts. If you join late, be aware the good Familial Seats might be taken!

I always pictured Bain and Cain, and thus our houses, having a sort of mutual alliance, even if only because we'd openly trade with each other and thus have a sort of business relationship since we're across from each other.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on March 25, 2016, 01:36:29 AM
I always pictured Bain and Cain, and thus our houses, having a sort of mutual alliance, even if only because we'd openly trade with each other and thus have a sort of business relationship since we're across from each other.
Excellent, I'm happy to have our mutual House interests :) We'd definitely have a strong trade link - Meindhert supplying specialised fishing vessels to brave the icy northern waters in return for something of your House's speciality is just one example I can think of right now.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Michi on March 25, 2016, 02:07:04 AM
I'm still trying to think of what that specialty would be.  :P  Though since Cain is a city that is literally trying to find new ways to protect itself from the harsh winters, I'm going to put it as something related to that.

But trying to figure out what would be tradeable in that instance is the question.

Oh! It could be furs or clothing made from such...since if it's a matter of finding ways to keep warm, I'd imagine we'd have at least somewhat of a stake in the furs business.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on March 25, 2016, 02:13:15 AM
Here's Cain's description, in case it'll help :) Obviously your speciality doesn't have to be linked to your Seat, but it's likely that they would be.

Situated on the mainland only three miles distant from the Isle of Bain, Cain is a vibrant and cultured city that bustles with life. Much like Bain, much of the hardy population of Cain are involved in the fishing or shipping industries, and the city's largest port has a permanent garrison of Royal Navy gunships as well as the attached WRFC division responsible for protecting the largest northwestern shipping lane.

Due to the harsh winters, natives of Cain have taken to burning large fires in specially designed pits that sit just above the water, using the colossal heat to keep the immediate area around the shoreline free from ice that would otherwise render the city unreachable by water in the long winter months. As one moves away from the docks and into the city, climbing the winding roads and paths that link the sprawling polis together, you are soon lost within the tight spaces and many hidden alleys and courtyards that are so characteristic of Cain. Even in winter, these spaces are narrow enough that heat is retained, giving rise to the rather flamboyant winter-wear that are sought after across much of the northern Rides.

Cain's aero-moorings are located only a stones-throw from the city's administration district, hidden from the high winds behind the plateau of rock that much of the city is built within. It makes for an odd contrast; one steps off the aerovessel and is forced to climb from the berths to the level of the rest of the city rather than descend, as is common elsewhere. As one meanders through the various natural slopes and inclines, it isn't rare to stumble across what appears to be the sea - the city is built on honeycomb rock, allowing for hidden storage areas and concealed moorings to protect ships from the worst of the winter weather.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Michi on March 25, 2016, 02:18:59 AM
^Actually, that's where I was getting the idea, since I was reading up on that while I was writing my post.  :)
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on March 25, 2016, 02:22:15 AM
^Actually, that's where I was getting the idea, since I was reading up on that while I was writing my post.  :)
Good good!

As a note, I'm afraid I'll probably have to go back on what I said about Houses not playing a big role. At this point, I'd advise joining a House of your choice and discussing with the Matriarch or Patriarch what role you are to have and what relation you are. Those of you already in Families should have this discussion with your M/Patriarch too.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: taulover on March 25, 2016, 02:28:26 AM
Just letting you guys know, House Valeria is likely claiming Sørhavn.

Is there a map of the causeway network?
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on March 25, 2016, 02:31:39 AM
Just letting you guys know, House Valeria is likely claiming Sørhavn.

Is there a map of the causeway network?
There will be shortly! I'll get on that and have it published by the time of the RP beginning, hopefully with House influence done up as well :)

For the time being, have you seen the latest TPYG post detailing Falvosa's Folly (, the branch of the causeways that links Torghust and Hammerfell?
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: taulover on March 25, 2016, 02:37:24 AM
For the time being, have you seen the latest TPYG post detailing Falvosa's Folly (, the branch of the causeways that links Torghust and Hammerfell?
Indeed I have! It is most interesting.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on March 25, 2016, 02:51:06 AM
Current claims:

Noble Houses:
Meindhert: Bain; Hammerfell, ????
Penguon: Cain; ????, ????
Valeria: Sørhavn, Highever, Ravensbridge

Common Houses:
Auditore: None
Danation: Galdémere, ????, ????
Kaiser: None
Telcontar: None

NPC Houses:
Belmont: Emper
Fortis: Palar
Avestrii: Torghust
Mikaelson: Jormving
Norfolk: Wester
Kasten: Galdémere
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Michi on March 25, 2016, 02:54:41 AM
Are we supposed to be creating sub-sections of our cities/areas?
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on March 25, 2016, 02:56:58 AM
Are we supposed to be creating sub-sections of our cities/areas?
It's more fluff/detailing than anything else, just come up with a few city/town names that are close to your Seat or otherwise would make sense for your Family to have a strong presence in (e.g. Hammerfell for my Line despite being thousands of miles away)
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Michi on March 25, 2016, 03:12:49 AM
Well in that case, I'd like to claim Androx and Orcinae.

Androx, because for some reason I feel like it'd make sense to have presence in another port town despite its location (and it seems unusual enough that it'd warrant some type of checking out).

Orcinae because it's near-ish to both of our cities (literally underwater), and it'd make sense that at some point one of us would figure out its existence (most likely somehow on accident :P) and explore it, so I'm taking that initiative.  :P
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: taulover on March 25, 2016, 03:28:24 AM
How many major cities can we claim to have a presence in, then?

You might also want to remove some of those question marks to deter that emoticon (unless that was intentional, of course).
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Michi on March 25, 2016, 03:31:27 AM
How many major cities can we claim to have a presence in, then?

You might also want to remove some of those question marks to deter that emoticon (unless that was intentional, of course).

I don't think there's a limit, since I have a feeling that multiple families can even have presence in the same cities, as shown by both Kasten and Danation having presence in Galdémere.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on March 25, 2016, 03:33:27 AM
How many major cities can we claim to have a presence in, then?

You might also want to remove some of those question marks to deter that emoticon (unless that was intentional, of course).

How many major cities can we claim to have a presence in, then?

You might also want to remove some of those question marks to deter that emoticon (unless that was intentional, of course).

I don't think there's a limit, since I have a feeling that multiple families can even have presence in the same cities, as shown by both Kasten and Danation having presence in Galdémere.
This is true. You can't however, have huge influence over every city - your Family,  however vast, does have limits and usually only contains 50 or so bound-by-blood members (NPCs galore) with 200-300 retainers etc. Unnamed towns etc can be nearly limitless, considering the size of Wintreath.

Try and cluster a lot of your influence relatively close to your Seat/areas where you have a lot of resources and personnel invested in. I'll be doing up a new version of the map showing canals + each Line's areas of influence :)
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Michi on March 25, 2016, 03:38:21 AM
How many major cities can we claim to have a presence in, then?

You might also want to remove some of those question marks to deter that emoticon (unless that was intentional, of course).

How many major cities can we claim to have a presence in, then?

You might also want to remove some of those question marks to deter that emoticon (unless that was intentional, of course).

I don't think there's a limit, since I have a feeling that multiple families can even have presence in the same cities, as shown by both Kasten and Danation having presence in Galdémere.
This is true. You can't however, have huge influence over every city - your Family,  however vast, does have limits and usually only contains 50 or so bound-by-blood members (NPCs galore) with 200-300 retainers etc. Unnamed towns etc can be nearly limitless, considering the size of Wintreath.

Try and cluster a lot of your influence relatively close to your Seat/areas where you have a lot of resources and personnel invested in. I'll be doing up a new version of the map showing canals + each Line's areas of influence :)

Well true, you never want to overexert your forces anyways.  In any case, I would have a strong presence in Androx most likely...whereas not as much in Orcinae.  It's that city that we're still exploring in a sense since it's close-ish to the area, so presence would be limited aside from maybe a liaison/emissary or two.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on March 25, 2016, 04:37:39 AM
Updated the Claims and Influence List in the OP accordingly!
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Colberius X on March 25, 2016, 05:05:24 AM
Updated the Claims and Influence List in the OP accordingly!
Just noticed that the seats of the Noble Houses are B-AIN, C-AIN, and Riv-AIN.  I swear we didn't plan that.  :D
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on March 25, 2016, 05:06:43 AM
Updated the Claims and Influence List in the OP accordingly!
Just noticed that the seats of the Noble Houses are B-AIN, C-AIN, and Riv-AIN.  I swear we didn't plan that.  :D
Great minds think alike, amirite? :p
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on March 25, 2016, 05:22:17 PM
As a note I have a few images saved - if anyone wants me to do something for their House Seat, just PM me a couple of lines of description and I'll come up with something for the Oh, The Places You'll Go thread :)
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Michi on March 25, 2016, 06:23:57 PM
Updated the Claims and Influence List in the OP accordingly!
Just noticed that the seats of the Noble Houses are B-AIN, C-AIN, and Riv-AIN.  I swear we didn't plan that.  :D

It's because to the common rabble, the noble houses are a p-AIN.  This is our way of subtly mocking that.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: taulover on March 26, 2016, 04:08:29 AM
@Weissreich, who are the Lysshard?
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on March 26, 2016, 06:36:42 AM
The Lysshard River Delta is a region of Wintreath to the south east, wherein Mistrock Outpost sits astride the mouth of the Lysshard River. It's not massive, but the bottom right corner of the map is roughly all Lys territory.

Looks like I need to find that digitized map and do up a territory map for everyone to get a rough idea of which part of Wintreath they're in :) Suggestions for 9 Territory names and 27 Rides names would be appreciated, although some already exist. Just throw a few names at me and roughly where you'd like them to be and I'll sort it out.

Try and stay roughly in-theme for names and stuff guys, cheers!
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Chanku on March 26, 2016, 05:25:03 PM
I'm probably not going to participate in this. The reasons are basically due to the fact that I don't think I could really participate in this properly, and also because I would be at a rather large disadvantage since I apart of a one-member house :\
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Laurentus on March 26, 2016, 05:28:57 PM
That won't do at all. Could we construct some temporary Houses that will only apply to this RP?
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on March 26, 2016, 06:19:55 PM
Yup! House stuff is mainly second characters, the primary RP is your main character and doesn't really get impacted by House-wide decisions that much unless secondaries specifically attempt to. Chanku, if you played main only or joined a House, that would be fine :)

As a note, playing as a non-House member doesn't put you at a disadvantage for the main plot, just the secondary world-exploration areas. Also remember that Wintreath is vast and private companies not House-run are prevalent.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: taulover on March 26, 2016, 07:01:13 PM
Yup! House stuff is mainly second characters, the primary RP is your main character and doesn't really get impacted by House-wide decisions that much unless secondaries specifically attempt to. Chanku, if you played main only or joined a House, that would be fine :)

As a note, playing as a non-House member doesn't put you at a disadvantage for the main plot, just the secondary world-exploration areas. Also remember that Wintreath is vast and private companies not House-run are prevalent.
Could you give us a bit of an idea of what the main plotline will be like?
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on March 27, 2016, 12:13:32 PM
I certainly can! Quick re-tag:
@Yaoke @Govindia @Pengu @BraveSirRobin @Barnes @Chanku @North @Commander_Zemas @taulover @Aragonn @Colberius X @xXTheHydraXx @Samwise Gamgee and @Rasdanation.

The plotline is roughly as follows: we begin in the year 15 of the New Ordered Calendar (so 15 years past when the timeline I drew up ends). The troubles that had been brewing in the intro post are finally beginning to surface to the general public and the nation-wide consensus is that the Golden Years are drawing to a slow and stumbling close.

Against this backdrop, His Majesty Inric I has asked his Master of Houses to summon a meeting of the finest minds from each Lineage and sent out a missive requesting any of stout heart and able body with a taste for adventure to join us at the Arnocen Academy in the Central Approaches to the south of Frost Lake. Here, you will decide on a course of action, hoping both to discover the causes of the mysterious goings on across Wintreath and to ascertain if the rumours of the Hunt's return are more than mere rumours.

As you go about this task, ancient Origin technology that's remained dormant for thousands of years reactivates, adding yet another unsolved puzzle to the pile you have to work through.

But there is one thing I can tell you for certain. Whilst the roads might wander and roam this way and that, all the paths you must tread inevitably and eventually will lead you to one place.

The Far North, and the mysterious floating spheres those few who have returned from beyond Halden's Hearth have been reporting amidst the mists and auroras that cover those strange, ethereal places.

During the RP, you'll have access to the resources of the State, as well as being able to call upon any skills you (or your second character) might have at their disposal. If you are a member of a House, your second character will effectively allow you to empire-build your Line in preparation for the coming Dusk Blizzard. If you are but a simple adventurer, you'll more likely have been out in the wilds than those of the Lines, and I will be PMing anyone from smaller Houses some plot-vital information as the RP progresses. Chanku, this is why I say being a member of a small House or not a House member at all doesn't necessarily detract from your ability to enjoy the RP :)

Also, it's important to remember that Wintreath has just been through its first Golden Age. There are many companies providing many services, and Royal Coin buys much that might otherwise be beyond your reach. A Family might have access to a small private fleet of aerovessels, but you could hire a fleet thrice the size as a lowly adventurer. It's game balance in the flesh.

Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: taulover on March 27, 2016, 08:29:07 PM
In the OP, you said that the current year is 1. What is the reason for this discrepancy?
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on March 27, 2016, 10:06:52 PM
In the OP, you said that the current year is 1. What is the reason for this discrepancy?
Decided Year 1 didn't work quite as well and forgot to update the OP. Will do so now :)

Also, new things!
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Credit for original digitized map goes to TheHydra. I'll post an updated version with the Indurain Causeway network displayed, and in-RP I'll maintain a rough claims map too.

Also, if you've got any names you want me to put in around your Familial Seat please let me know ASAP so I can add them to the map!
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Laurentus on March 27, 2016, 10:46:42 PM
This map is cool.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on March 27, 2016, 10:47:23 PM
I've done a bit of updating, added a few new locations, more forests and rivers, that sort of thing. Nice to hear the effort has paid off! :)

E: As a note, I've tried to reflect the fact that the northern territories are harsher through marking fewer settlements. However, considering the size of the nation, I've only been noting the largest cities. Towns do not even feature on this map.

Larger red dots denote places from the original map or those that had Oh, The Places You'll Go... entries about them. Smaller dots are just the largest cities.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: taulover on March 27, 2016, 10:51:24 PM
Cool! Is Rivain on the map?
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on March 27, 2016, 10:53:24 PM
Cool! Is Rivain on the map?
It is now, take a look! You guys are pretty close to Hammerfell.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Laurentus on March 27, 2016, 10:55:56 PM
Heh, a Dragon Age country close to an Elder Scrolls country. That just makes me happy.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Laurentus on March 27, 2016, 10:56:39 PM
Also, @Weissreich, I really love the map, but could you perhaps spoiler-tag it? :)
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on March 27, 2016, 10:58:14 PM
Definitely drew a lot of inspiration from the worlds of those games, but also a fair amount from the Eragon books and Game of Thrones. I think I've been managing OK on the naming front so far haha.

Yeah, I'll spoiler it now.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Colberius X on April 01, 2016, 04:01:02 AM
The following message is for all Heads of Houses:

While making a backstory for my primary character, Colberius Valeria (, I established that he served in a foreign country as a Deputy Ambassador on behalf of Wintreath from the year 30 to the year 26. Building on that, I decided that he would marry the daughter of the ambassador he served under, a member of another Wintrean house. One of your houses, I hope.

If any of you are interested, feel free to create a potential wife for my character and send me a PM with at least the following information: Name, Age (Birth Year), Personality, and Physical Description. The more information the better, but not much is really necessary.  In a few days, I’ll make a choice from the characters I’ve received.

Don’t hesitate to ask me questions, and I look forward to seeing who you create!
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on April 08, 2016, 06:27:09 PM
Apologies for my lapse - been a bit of a busy week, and I left the threads for a while so that people could get character apps finished up. This weekend is the deadline, as most people were busy last weekend. Sorry for the delay! :)
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Govindia on April 08, 2016, 06:29:47 PM
Apologies for my lapse - been a bit of a busy week, and I left the threads for a while so that people could get character apps finished up. This weekend is the deadline, as most people were busy last weekend. Sorry for the delay! :)
I'll do my best to get stuff done this weekend.  I've been real busy with shit too :-/

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Colberius X on April 09, 2016, 01:34:04 AM
The following message is for all Heads of Houses:

While making a backstory for my primary character, Colberius Valeria (, I established that he served in a foreign country as a Deputy Ambassador on behalf of Wintreath from the year 30 to the year 26. Building on that, I decided that he would marry the daughter of the ambassador he served under, a member of another Wintrean house. One of your houses, I hope.

If any of you are interested, feel free to create a potential wife for my character and send me a PM with at least the following information: Name, Age (Birth Year), Personality, and Physical Description. The more information the better, but not much is really necessary.  In a few days, I’ll make a choice from the characters I’ve received.

Don’t hesitate to ask me questions, and I look forward to seeing who you create!
Bumping this and tagging Heads of Houses who have applied for/expressed definite interest in participating in the RP.

@Pengu Sanders
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Govindia on April 09, 2016, 02:25:33 AM
The following message is for all Heads of Houses:

While making a backstory for my primary character, Colberius Valeria (, I established that he served in a foreign country as a Deputy Ambassador on behalf of Wintreath from the year 30 to the year 26. Building on that, I decided that he would marry the daughter of the ambassador he served under, a member of another Wintrean house. One of your houses, I hope.

If any of you are interested, feel free to create a potential wife for my character and send me a PM with at least the following information: Name, Age (Birth Year), Personality, and Physical Description. The more information the better, but not much is really necessary.  In a few days, I’ll make a choice from the characters I’ve received.

Don’t hesitate to ask me questions, and I look forward to seeing who you create!
Bumping this and tagging Heads of Houses who have applied for/expressed definite interest in participating in the RP.

@Pengu Sanders

@Colberius X contact me on IRC when you can.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: BraveSirRobin on April 17, 2016, 04:06:40 AM
So @Weissreich do we have a timetable for moving this forward, or are we pretty much stagnated atm? 
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: BraveSirRobin on April 28, 2016, 03:30:26 PM
So @Weissreich do we have a timetable for moving this forward, or are we pretty much stagnated atm? 
Like, I'm going to assume the latter.  This is inactivity season, after all... :)
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on April 28, 2016, 03:50:30 PM
It will get off the ground soon, but as you say this is a busy period for a lot of people. EU referendum makes for a shittonne of busy work for me :( I'll do what I can to get things moving though!
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: BraveSirRobin on April 29, 2016, 04:18:40 PM
It will get off the ground soon, but as you say this is a busy period for a lot of people. EU referendum makes for a shittonne of busy work for me :( I'll do what I can to get things moving though!
  You for in or out? 
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Lord Belmont on May 01, 2016, 04:23:04 PM
hey can i still express interest to join? i wanted to do an rp for a while but didnt want to try to join one thats already started...
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on May 01, 2016, 04:25:16 PM
hey can i still express interest to join? i wanted to do an rp for a while but didnt want to try to join one thats already started...
Of course you can! Signups are open and will remain open even after the RP starts, which should be less than a month away. Busy period for me atm haha.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Lord Belmont on May 01, 2016, 04:28:03 PM
k thanks  :P
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Lord Belmont on May 01, 2016, 04:35:02 PM
i have a question though. I understand that this industrial and stuff but will magic be allowed?
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on May 01, 2016, 04:51:36 PM
Magic in the setting is of a similar style to that in Lord of the Rings. Barely anyone can use it (and player characters certainly cannot), it's very poorly understood and is a holdover from ages long since past. You might stumble across a relic or artifact as you roleplay, but for the most part magic isn't a thing you guys will know about.

It is a thing, it does exist, but most people (see: 99.9999%) have forgotten it exists save for some fragmented documentation in various holdfasts and archaeological sites.

By the way, industrial doesn't quiiiite cover it; think a combo of steam-punk and magitech style for technology, though everything is made through industrial means (so no enchanting, but things can do stuff you wouldn't expect them to do based on size/look etc).

I'll detail magic properly in a later post, but think... well, think GoT (seasonal, strengthens and weakens) combined with LotR (only 1 in a thousand people can use it, it's not well defined, it can be obscenely powerful or barely worth noting etc).

EDIT: A POST WILL BE MADE EXPLAINING MAGIC IN DETAIL. There's a lot more to it than what I've outlined here. If you want, I'll be in the IRC to explain things personally before making a post or you can PM me and I'll explain it that way :)

EE: In fact, just ask questions here, I'll reply as and when I can :)
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Lord Belmont on May 01, 2016, 04:53:19 PM
ok thanks good to know
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on May 01, 2016, 08:15:26 PM
Here we go, if you have any questions feel free to ask me :) To be clear, you guys won't need to worry about magic unless I explicitly tell you - you'll have innate 'boons' (minor boosts to skills etc) that I'll decide and enact, but otherwise magic isn't something major in Wintreath. For the time being.


Notes on Magic: A Forgotten Force

Mention magic in all but a vanishingly small number of places in Wintreath and you would be laughed out of the conversation. The advances of science, the marvels of gearwork, the industry and ingenuity sweeping through the nation in the last 400 years all seem to disprove the very existence of magic. Science, after all, seeks to explore and evaluate everything around it.

So where's magic?

Although at the surface this does appear to be true - that magic, if it ever was a thing in Wintreath's monolithic history, has long since faded from the world - one with a bright mind and a ready eye might start to notice some... incongruities in the narrative. The Saraneth Falls in the east of the nation once marked a different course, but some unexplained power shifted the watercourse miles from its original bearing. Halden, the mysterious gateman of the Far North, has lived for over five hundred years if the rumours be true, and His Majesty Inric I is equally venerable.

Dig a little deeper beneath the surface and a new narrative begins to emerge, caught only in fleeting glimpses and fragments of ancient texts, a powerful force that's always been intermingled with reality. Though modern day Wintreath has all but forgotten it, or put it down to weirdness yet to be explained away by science, the evidence of magic is in fact right in front of even the casual observer. Wintreath's many and varied microcosms and their assortment of religious beliefs.

The tribes of Dalen Eksil heritage are somewhat famed for their ability to heal the body of many wounds through the application of focused group meditation and a laying on of hands, a practice handed down over thousands of years. In the ruins of the Årn ad'Imrich cave networks, inscriptions and carvings provide light in the presence of people or reveal hidden doors where before only solid rock was in evidence.

Magic, laid bare, is an all-pervasive force that flows throughout Wintreath and its surroundings, a remnant of the powers that created the continent the nation now resides upon. It is a tool to be wielded and a system to work within all at the same time, and it is nigh incomprehensible even to those who've devoted a lifetime of work to studying the whispers and stories of magic. To modern day Wintreans, far removed from the original bloodlines of the land, the active and directed manipulation of magic is - consciously - impossible.

Magic, however, lives on in several unobserved forms.

The World
Though magic exists within everything, it flows freely and can 'pool' in certain locations. As things age, magic amasses, limited mostly - but not always - by the size of an object. A building thus accrues magic, but so too does a town, a road, a river. Even Wintreath at the level of a nation and society collects magic in this way.

This buildup of magic serves only a fraction of its intended use, adding barely noticeable layers of power over its vessel's purpose. An old inn on a high road through a dangerous, bandit-plagued pass would rejuvenate those who stopped over there whilst simultaneously but subtly discouraging violence. Old roads might speed you on your way, halt the advance of weariness or get you lost in the woods. Libraries passively encourage the acquisition of knowledge and peacefulness, and there's more to the silence of their many shelves than politeness.

Gearwork is a direct relation of magic, harnessing some fundamental principle known visibly to Wintreath as a shadow of what it truly is. Though gearwork shouldn't work, it does, and this is because of the magic that resides within the very idea of it, hailing back to the forebearers of the land.

Faith and Conviction
Although bereft of the ability to tap into the well of magic directly, its effects are still felt in modern day Wintreans. Magic likes knowledge. It likes discovering new things and experiencing the world around it, and in its own way it rewards those who pursue such things. These rewards are never quite superhuman in nature, but they do come close. The more you understand something, the more in tune you are with magic.

A cook who's spent his entire life training to be the best chef in Frostlake City will be deft of hand with a keen eye and nose for the scents of cooking. His power will be in instinctively knowing which herb to throw into a dish, the right moment to add a crucial ingredient. The more he trains, the more dedicated he becomes, the more pronounced the effects become.

The owner of an aerovessel, born and raised on its decks by his self-made aerotrader father, would have a keen sense of the wind, an innate understanding of the forces acting on his ship, a feel of the ships weight and, due to the residual connection from his father, a vague sense of where the vessels crew and passengers were. As he's effectively lived on the vessel his whole life, the owner/captain would have a strong 'bond' with his ship, meaning the ship itself would respond to his growing magical might by becoming swifter or easier to handle.

Another example would be someone who, in their spare time, trains with a favourite rifle. As their familiarity with the weapon grows, as they become more comfortable with it and confident in their skills, so too will their skills be subtly enhanced. A rifle might fire half again as far and still just as accurately in the hands of its owner compared to a stranger, even if that stranger was an accomplished marksman themselves.

This kind of magic is in everyone, and although it never blooms enough to notice, there's a reason that the famed knights, captains, artisans and politicians are as capable, a reason why the humble craftsman in a small home can produce works of finer quality than the best machinery.

Houses benefit from the accretion of magic too - those born into a Line specialising in shipping would be able to find their way around any ship and understand the basics of sailing them within minutes aboard; a scion of a House that was renowned for its painting would too possess a great eye for art. The collective association with the House itself has a trickledown effect to that House's members, though they can and do create new associations.

The truth of magic is that it's subtle, so barely there that it's almost not worth noticing. Its impact is barely felt but pivotal nonetheless, often credited to something else entirely. This is how magic works in Wintreath, and though it fluctuates over time it appears that magic is, for a given definition of the word, dormant in the nation. It exists, it gently aids and enhances, but it doesn't grant great power.

Not without relics or artifacts from bygone eras, or in hallowed halls old enough to overflow with potential. A conflagration of events can create a magical shockwave that will buoy those caught in its radius for good or for ill.

One thing is for certain, though. Magic is not understood.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Gerrick on May 02, 2016, 06:23:46 PM
How does a person's age progress? You said that the average lifespan is 110-130 (real life lifespan is about 70-90), but you only really get old a few years before death, plus you had your character studying from age 16-22. Does this mean, people in this world age like in real life until about 20ish then age slower until a few years before their death when they get older faster? I created a table below where I tried to put what I thought each age matched up. By this table, your character would be about 52. Do I have it close to correct? Or does age progress differently?
IC Age    RL Age
 0-20        0-20
  20           20
  30           25
  40           30
  50           35
  60           40
  70           45
  80           50
  90           55
 100           60
 110           70
 120           80
 130           90

Also, I've wanted to create a character, but I don't know what kind I should go with. Most people so far seem to be "good" guys, so I don't really want to do that. Are there any roles or anything you were secretly wanting someone to fill?
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on May 02, 2016, 06:27:38 PM
It's poorly understood IC but OOC it's roughly as you've described - you age at a normal pace from birth to about 25, at which point your body glaciates (IC technical term for the aging process slowing down to almost nothing) from 25 til around 100, at which point you start aging normally again. By the time you're at 110, you're feeling your age, but the body only really shuts down properly in the final few years. There's no 100% accurate "this age IRL = this age IC" because, frankly, magic.

Magic is bullshit, and it's doing all sorts of weird things in the genome of Wintreans on top of the Origin biomodification and hereditary gene-sequencing they were carrying out back in their day.

Characterwise, most of the 'baddies' are going to be NPC, and most player characters are meant to be on the side of Wintreath. You can of course be whoever you want within this world, but most of the plot is roughly linear. What you do outside of the plot (so secondary characters) is up to you, but for the most part you'll be fighting the good fight to protect your country.

EDIT: A little expansion - you're all meant to be nominally good characters in that you're fighting to protect Wintreath from whatever threatens it. How you go about achieving that 'good' is up to you, so you could be a footsoldier, a general, a wall builder, mechanic, researcher, businessman.

You can pursue your own interests too, going off to search out ruins of ancient civilisations or artifacts that hail back to the Origin or even before. You have free reign to do what you wish to so long as you're following along in the tracks of the plot. Plot progression isn't going to shoehorn you into anything, it'll be moving alongside your own character arc, if that makes sense.

I'll be PMing individual players plot-relevant information that they might have because of their family, history, interests, places they've visited etc etc
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Gerrick on May 02, 2016, 08:17:27 PM
Ah, I see. So most people look relatively young, and people who look like they're getting older are really getting up there? Like, a foreigner would probably have a difficult time trying to guess the age of most Wintreans, and they might have difficulty guessing which is the father and which is the son?

And I think I see what you're saying about the characters, though: pick a character that would fight for Wintreath when the time comes and are capable of doing something for the greater good. That actually helps quite a bit.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on May 06, 2016, 04:20:04 PM
I've added a, uh.... "short" history of Wintreath to the OP, and included it below in spoilers for those of you who want to read up and get a good idea of what the hell has gone on and led to now. It's not written as if by someone in the setting itself - that'll come later, as the RP progresses - but it's written by me so that you can understand the contexts of the setting before the RP starts.

Wintreath is, as the name suggests, a rather cold and blustery place. Before the ice swelled down from the Far North and covered much of the landmass, Wintreath was a mild and temperate land covered in forests, rivers and wide plains of grass and scrub. When the ice came, it stayed for around 250 years (a small ice age), covering the entire map down to a line that roughly went (on the map) from Jormving on the west coast to Foret, then to Cetera, then to Arnocen Academy and across to Janth and the east coast.

Below that, the land was still temperate and covered in forests far larger than the ones that exist today in Wintreath. The Edilian Republic was the first native Wintrean civilisation to emerge beyond hunter gatherer tribes and loose nomadic communities when magic still flowed thick in the blood of men. The Edilian peoples were closer in blood and stature to the Forebearers who created Wintreath at the dawn of time, allowing them to actively manipulate the magic in their bodies and in the world around them, creating great cities (Lenth, a city that's part carved into the peaks of mountains and part floats on massive Storm engines, is an example of their creative prowess) and new technologies that blended magic with the new disciplines of science and industry.

When the ice sheets that covered the Central Plains (aka that stretched down to that line I told you about earlier) started to melt, the volume of water that was suddenly liquid again washed much of the Edilian civilisation away, leaving only a few small settlements and the ruins of their capital city, Utorim, to carry on their legacy. As the years passed, the remnants of the Edilian peoples left Wintreath interbred with those across the Southern Peninsulas (the two bits on the bottom left of the map that go off the edge), distilling their blood. Slowly, magic slipped out of living memory and became a myth, often thought to be a misremembered tale of lost technological artifacts and the like.

When civilisation slowly began to return to Wintreath (it was mostly uninhabited after the meltwaters washed away the Edilian Republic, save for small tribes and the few remaining Edilian settlements, where magic practitioners passed into legend as the mouthpieces of the old Gods) it was in the form of the De Falvosa Line. Germaine De Falvosa was a bold and intelligent man with a following of several tens of thousands, and where others balked at the sights of the foreboding forests that now covered all of the south of Wintreath, he and his people pushed on, rediscovering Palar and Stranglor and inhabiting them as stepping stones into the wider landmass beyond the forests.

The De Falvosa Line pretty much shaped modern Wintreath into what it is now; it was under their guidance that the mega forests were cut back to something approaching their current sizes, and it was their will that had construction begin on many of the settlements that would later grow into the cities Wintreath has today. When the Kingdom of Arraia came into existence some 3000 years ago, they quickly conquered much of their surroundings with the first noted use of mounted archers (think Mongol bowmen), but the De Falvosa Line used similar tactics as well as better chain link armour, and the Arraian people fell under their sway.

No one knows if the Hunt Clan were the reason for the Origin that followed, but from their arrival just over 3000 years ago a constant war raged for some 200 years, with the youthful civilisations and societies of the south banding together in desperation with the hopes of merely surviving the onslaught.

It's at this point that the Origin show up. No one knows much about them, save for the fact that they could construct marvels of metal that defied all understandings of what should work, things that floated without visible Storm engines, devices that could kill a man from a thousand yards, huge towers in the sea that despite the distance between each was linked by crackling blue fire that spat out towards the East (Norloch Spire is one of these) towards unknown targets... They're like the aliens of the setting that arrived, did a hell of a lot of shit that no one could fathom for around a thousand years without anyone ever seeing one in the flesh, and then vanished. Some theorise that it was they who truly drove off the Hunt Clan, not the men of that age, but as there's none of them left to ask no one knows for certain.

A lot happened during the thousand years from 3000 to 2000 years ago. It was during this period that Innail became the home of House Kestar, later to be the Royal Family of Wintreath, and it was during this period that the true destructive power of the Origin was first seen - every device they'd ever constructed lit up, damaged ones repaired themselves and lifted into the skies, and the skies themselves boiled over with tumults of light and sound that left the men and women of this age shaking and trembling in fear. Almost as soon as it started, it was over, and the Origin were gone, leaving behind relics of technology or magic that even today defeat the best efforts of Wintreath's finest minds.

By the time 2000 years ago rolls up, much of Wintreath is explored (I say much, Wintreath is HUGE so there were large areas that were little travelled and left to wilderness) and the Hunt Clan have vanished again, meaning that for the first time the peoples of Wintreath can live without the ever present fear of death finding them. The Rides Kingdoms emerge in this time, a hundred hundred fiefdoms and princedoms that vie with one another for the most trade, the most land, the most whatever it is the other wants. Exactly 2000 years ago, Spiritian military forces arrive and due to their more advanced technology (basic muskets, smooth bore cannon, that kind of thing, tech from the 1700s in our world) they were able to conquer the entirety of Wintreath.

Thus begins the Spiritain occupation, wherein Wintreath was effectively stripmined for resources and the people mistreated as little more than slaves. After hundreds of years of this, the Wintreans (now unified in their hatred of their oppressors and no longer fractured kingdoms competing against one another) rise up, with the powerful Houses lending their support one after the other for House Kestar of Innail in their rebellion against Spiritus. The conflict spans almost a thousand years, as Spiritus was far more populous than Wintreath at this time and had better technology, but the constant grind wore them down as Wintreans built up a native technology base to match that of their oppressors.

By the end of the conflict, Spiritus was too exhausted to keep fighting and a much more populous and much more unified Wintreath rose from the ashes as the nation we live in today. Industrialisation had began (so 1800s tech IRL, though more steampunk and 'out there' than our tech) near the end of the occupation in Spiritus and Wintreath both, but under the control of His Majesty Inric I Witnreath advanced rapidly, discovering gearwork principles beyond those known to the rest of the world and becoming a powerhouse in its own right.

500 years of this development, 500 years of peace and prosperity, brings us to now. It's been a golden age in Wintreath, with the discovery of air travel, the invention of the modern day lifestyle (so modern day IRL tech but achieved through slightly magical means) etc etc. Wintreath has a population of millions, with hundreds of major cities and thousands of minor ones, tens of thousands of townships and countless villages, outposts, settlements and fortifications.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on May 06, 2016, 06:00:34 PM
I'll also note that for some of the big speeches by my characters or NPCs I'll do voice recordings :)
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Rasdanation on May 11, 2016, 01:37:35 AM
Sorry that I haven't been able to finish my factbook, I've just been really busy lately. Anyways, I think I will just join in at a later date and let you guys go on.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on May 11, 2016, 02:39:08 PM
Sorry that I haven't been able to finish my factbook, I've just been really busy lately. Anyways, I think I will just join in at a later date and let you guys go on.
No need to rush yourself, things won't be starting for another few weeks :)
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Rasdanation on May 11, 2016, 08:22:29 PM
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Barnes on June 01, 2016, 02:12:41 PM
things won't be starting for another few weeks :)
So, @Weissreich, I see it's been a few weeks since anyone's last posted here. Does that mean the roleplay is starting soon? Or are you still going to be busy for the next few weeks due to the British EU referendum? If we are, either you or I could tag everyone to remind them of its imminent beginning :)

(and post 999! :D)
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Keelen Amtrek on June 06, 2016, 03:05:38 AM
I would be deeply interested in getting involved with this roleplay if it ever gets off the ground.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Keelen Amtrek on June 07, 2016, 09:43:04 PM
So do we have an ETA for this?
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on June 08, 2016, 06:49:47 PM
things won't be starting for another few weeks :)
So, @Weissreich, I see it's been a few weeks since anyone's last posted here. Does that mean the roleplay is starting soon? Or are you still going to be busy for the next few weeks due to the British EU referendum? If we are, either you or I could tag everyone to remind them of its imminent beginning :)

(and post 999! :D)
I'm in the process of drafting up the RP event line and OP, so expect things to begin veeeeeeery soon :)

So do we have an ETA for this?
See above, but please create a character application in the relevant thread here (
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Lord Belmont on June 09, 2016, 03:18:08 AM
nice to here from you weiss. can't wait for the rp!
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Laurentus on September 05, 2016, 01:44:21 AM
@Weissreich, is this still a thing? Because I think this has a lot of potential and I'd hate to see it die before it's born.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Weissreich on September 09, 2016, 01:57:11 PM
It is still a thing, I even have the opening post written up on a document somewhere! I'll get to it :)
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: BraveSirRobin on September 09, 2016, 04:57:14 PM
Yay!!! :D
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: NyghtOwl on September 09, 2016, 07:11:58 PM
Quite interested if this is something that is happening. Or has it already begun?
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Laurentus on September 12, 2016, 07:47:01 AM
This is quite possibly the most complex idea we've considered for a RP yet, so it's understandable that we're struggling to figure everything out and get it underway.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: BraveSirRobin on September 12, 2016, 02:09:52 PM
This is quite possibly the most complex idea we've considered for a RP yet, so it's understandable that we're struggling to figure everything out and get it underway.
The LOTR of Roleplays, this is. 
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: BraveSirRobin on January 04, 2017, 09:11:39 PM
We should really think of revisiting this.  It's a pretty awesome concept...
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Cinciri on February 13, 2017, 09:48:28 PM
if possible I would like to join should this RP get revitalized
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: pacsironeenk on June 07, 2017, 03:00:58 PM
Is this RP... dead? Oh dear. Now in which war zone between familial houses will I eat my ice cream sandwiches?
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: Gerrick on June 08, 2017, 03:56:36 AM
Is this RP... dead? Oh dear. Now in which war zone between familial houses will I eat my ice cream sandwiches?
It's not so much dead as never started. RIP @Weissreich , though. It's his baby.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: taulover on June 08, 2017, 06:11:43 AM
Is this RP... dead? Oh dear. Now in which war zone between familial houses will I eat my ice cream sandwiches?
It's not so much dead as never started. RIP @Weissreich , though. It's his baby.
Well, the last few times we mentioned him, he reappeared, so... maybe? :D
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: BraveSirRobin on June 08, 2017, 05:20:32 PM
Yeah we could start this eventually.  It would be quite interesting.  But yeah if Weissreich doesn't come back, then we might need a new host for it though...
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: taulover on June 08, 2017, 05:26:49 PM
Yeah we could start this eventually.  It would be quite interesting.  But yeah if Weissreich doesn't come back, then we might need a new host for it though...
This universe/canon is his own though. I wouldn't play around with it, at least not without his permission.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: BraveSirRobin on June 08, 2017, 05:28:15 PM
Yeah we could start this eventually.  It would be quite interesting.  But yeah if Weissreich doesn't come back, then we might need a new host for it though...
This universe/canon is his own though. I wouldn't play around with it, at least not without his permission.
True.  We'd have to make it like "legends" Star Wars :P
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: taulover on June 08, 2017, 05:30:20 PM
Yeah we could start this eventually.  It would be quite interesting.  But yeah if Weissreich doesn't come back, then we might need a new host for it though...
This universe/canon is his own though. I wouldn't play around with it, at least not without his permission.
True.  We'd have to make it like "legends" Star Wars :P
Hey, that's a terrible analogy! Legends was canon, and officially supported by Lucasfilm, until three years ago! And even now, it's still licensed by Lucasfilm! :D
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: BraveSirRobin on June 08, 2017, 06:16:00 PM
Hey, that's a terrible analogy! Legends was canon, and officially supported by Lucasfilm, until three years ago! And even now, it's still licensed by Lucasfilm! :D
Methinks tau doesn't hate the Vong as I do... :P
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: taulover on June 08, 2017, 07:07:48 PM
Hey, that's a terrible analogy! Legends was canon, and officially supported by Lucasfilm, until three years ago! And even now, it's still licensed by Lucasfilm! :D
Methinks tau doesn't hate the Vong as I do... :P
Whether or not you like something doesn't change its canonicity. And if you hate Legends, then it's an even worse analogy, since we'd want our RP to be good, no?
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: pacsironeenk on June 09, 2017, 05:00:08 PM
Maybe it's still born. I think I went too far but it's a good analogy. And wait - Weissreich is GONE!? He's the second in command is he not? I suppose it's just work and stuff.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: taulover on June 09, 2017, 10:57:42 PM
Maybe it's still born. I think I went too far but it's a good analogy. And wait - Weissreich is GONE!? He's the second in command is he not? I suppose it's just work and stuff.
Second-in-command of the Guild? Inactive people such as Laurentus and Weissreich are no longer in the Guild leadership.
Title: A War Fought on Many Fronts [House RP - Interest]
Post by: BraveSirRobin on June 11, 2017, 05:30:57 PM
Yeah we've replaced them I think.  It's all Ara's show now :P