Until now, we've been the only house accepting new members.Did we even end up settling on requirements?
Of course, our requirements for membership have been rather... unconventional.
I remember the days when The Noble House of Meindhart was the most prosperous House in the region :(I came in on the tail end of that time, as first Amalya became ill, and then after my first term on the UH, you became too busy with RL. What was Meindhert like at its peak?
Until now, we've been the only house accepting new members.
Of course, our requirements for membership have been rather... unconventional.
Certainly!! We're the best atUntil now, we've been the only house accepting new members.
Of course, our requirements for membership have been rather... unconventional.
i wouldn't say the only house accepting new members, as most of the houses normally do. I'd just say the only house that was doing it actively. :P
I came in on the tail end of that time, as first Amalya became ill, and then after my first term on the UH, you became too busy with RL. What was Meindhert like at its peak?A lot of fun, tbh - Daphne was always a great sort to chat to on the IRC when she was around and Stark, for all his problems with some in the community, was a hell of a lot of fun in RP and as a person. Harry McClain was difficult to manage for most but beyond some silly posts he made I always found his enthusiasm for the region infectious, and it helped me come up with a lot of my best ideas.
I was just wondering about and found this!
But if anyone want a savage little Fairy/Elf/Viking and wolf tamer girl, well I'm here!
*Waves merrily :D *
I'm more like a mischievous little pixie myself. But anyway I'm here too :P ^-^
I was just wondering about and found this!
But if anyone want a savage little Fairy/Elf/Viking and wolf tamer girl, well I'm here!
*Waves merrily :D *I'm more like a mischievous little pixie myself. But anyway I'm here too :P ^-^
I'd love to have such spirited members such as yourselves join my family. VidiLune as a sister, JellyBean as a daughter. :)
I'd love to be your sister Pengu!I was just wondering about and found this!
But if anyone want a savage little Fairy/Elf/Viking and wolf tamer girl, well I'm here!
*Waves merrily :D *I'm more like a mischievous little pixie myself. But anyway I'm here too :P ^-^
I'd love to have such spirited members such as yourselves join my family. VidiLune as a sister, JellyBean as a daughter. :)
I was just wondering about and found this!
But if anyone want a savage little Fairy/Elf/Viking and wolf tamer girl, well I'm here!
*Waves merrily :D *I'm more like a mischievous little pixie myself. But anyway I'm here too :P ^-^
I'd love to have such spirited members such as yourselves join my family. VidiLune as a sister, JellyBean as a daughter. :)
Yay! I'm honored to be part of your family. :D Hello family. :P
Wait that make you my niece JellyBean!
It's not so much about who chooses who, more about who you want to join :p
I remember when the House of Telcontar was a thing in this region. For like, 5 seconds, then my father never came back.
Good times :P
It's not so much about who chooses who, more about who you want to join :p
Sure, but I would like to see if anyone would like friend first. O:-)
Silly persons, with your little houses
Alas, the gods have not seen fit to bless me with children of my own to pass my title, lands and riches on to. Brings a tear to the eye, it does.
So rather than cry about it, how about I adopt one of you? :P
Oh! I suddenly remembered that @HannahB and Anneliese created their own House back in the day as well.
Or I can adopt you and your house can have a little place in mine :D
Or I can adopt you and your house can have a little place in mine :D
Wouldn't it end up being the opposite being as his house is a noble house, and noble houses are normally quite bigger than a common house? :P
Oh! I suddenly remembered that @HannahB and Anneliese created their own House back in the day as well.
What was Hannah's called?
you can join mine :)Oh! I suddenly remembered that @HannahB and Anneliese created their own House back in the day as well.
What was Hannah's called?
Everden, I don't have the heart to change or leave it, but you can see it over there :D
<------ (and up a tad)
I am also of course willing to generously welcome any willing new members into my lowly families line. ^-^
House Everden has been added back onto the list, with HannahB listed as its Matriarch.
Hey now, Rome, and all of Italy is mine.Well. There's only one way to solve this dispute. *Laurentian forces invade Penguin Dictators, killing hundreds in their path.*
You can have Greece.
Hey now, Rome, and all of Italy is mine.Well. There's only one way to solve this dispute. *Laurentian forces invade Penguin Dictators, killing hundreds in their path.*
You can have Greece.
Yield now and live.
That's why we have thermobarics.Hey now, Rome, and all of Italy is mine.Well. There's only one way to solve this dispute. *Laurentian forces invade Penguin Dictators, killing hundreds in their path.*
You can have Greece.
Yield now and live.
You realize I completely outnumber you in numbers, right?
I outnumber you by 8.293 billion.
That's why we have thermobarics.Hey now, Rome, and all of Italy is mine.Well. There's only one way to solve this dispute. *Laurentian forces invade Penguin Dictators, killing hundreds in their path.*
You can have Greece.
Yield now and live.
You realize I completely outnumber you in numbers, right?
I outnumber you by 8.293 billion.
@Laurentus does have nearly three times your scientific advancement, though... :PHey now, Rome, and all of Italy is mine.Well. There's only one way to solve this dispute. *Laurentian forces invade Penguin Dictators, killing hundreds in their path.*
You can have Greece.
Yield now and live.
You realize I completely outnumber you in numbers, right?
I outnumber you by 8.293 billion.
Well. I was worried for a few seconds when comparing the Laurentus States military to yours, but then I saw the difference in our scientific advancement levels and laughed. While your military is almost twice my size, it would be like world war 1 soldiers fighting people with a hundred years' more advanced technology and weaponry on them. So I'll say it again, yield or die. :PGodammit we don't need another PvC in Wintreath
Well. I was worried for a few seconds when comparing the Laurentus States military to yours, but then I saw the difference in our scientific advancement levels and laughed. While your military is almost twice my size, it would be like world war 1 soldiers fighting people with a hundred years' more advanced technology and weaponry on them. So I'll say it again, yield or die. :P
Hello everyone! I have joined the forums several hours ago and I would like to announce my presence to everyone! :DHi, Izabylle. :) You should apply to become a citizen if you haven't yet. It'll make you more official-like. Go here (http://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?board=7.0), fill out a citizenship form, and post it on a new topic. You can introduce yourself, and people can all welcome you there.
I was a little confused since a topic name came up, but when I clicked it brought me here...Yeah, same happened to me. Izabylle seems to have already broken the site. :P
Futurama is communist propaganda. I'll trust nothing the commies say. :P
In all seriousness, homo sapiens sapiens may have gained the advantage because we were smart enough to domesticate dogs to help us hunt, thus driving the neanderthal to extinction.
Nothing wrong with Socialism, and this probably isn't the thread to be having this discussion :pFuturama is communist propaganda. I'll trust nothing the commies say. :P
In all seriousness, homo sapiens sapiens may have gained the advantage because we were smart enough to domesticate dogs to help us hunt, thus driving the neanderthal to extinction.
More socialist propaganda if it was anything. :P
South Africa would serve as an example of how badly socialism can go wrong.And for all that I said this isn't the place, America serves as a perfect example of how conservatism and the right wing ideologies can go wrong. I don't think socialism had anything to do with apartheid, or at least it wasn't anything approaching the main reason for its development. Americans and this hateboner for socialism is honestly one of the more stupid things I get to witness in my sphere of work.
Gov, your house sounds interesting xD I like assassins.
I didn't add Telcontar since nobody (including yourself) was a current Wintreath citizen, but since you're back, I'll add it back with you as the Pa..Ma...the triarch, since I forget if you're male or female. :P
I didn't add Telcontar since nobody (including yourself) was a current Wintreath citizen, but since you're back, I'll add it back with you as the Pa..Ma...the triarch, since I forget if you're male or female. :P
I didn't add Telcontar since nobody (including yourself) was a current Wintreath citizen, but since you're back, I'll add it back with you as the Pa..Ma...the triarch, since I forget if you're male or female. :P
I never stopped being a citizen :P
And yes, male, though Spudtriarch is much more appropriate.
@Taintedpaws, you are welcome to join. Would you like to be sister, or daughter?
@Taintedpaws, you are welcome to join. Would you like to be sister, or daughter?
*shrugs* dunno o3o i guess i can be a daughter~
You need to put yourself out there, Weissreich. :PThose who are worthy will find their way to me eventually ;) The Noble House of Miendhert will rise again, never you fear.
heyo i wanna be adopted to a house (if u guys are still open for adoption hehe)
not sure if there are any requirments in order to get adopted (i hope not) :)
heyo i wanna be adopted to a house (if u guys are still open for adoption hehe)
not sure if there are any requirments in order to get adopted (i hope not) :)
No requirements whatsoever, and I'd be happy to adopt you into House Penguon.
I've always wanted a son. :3
I wanna be adopted ;-;
I wanna be adopted ;-;
Lumenland is female....lolI wanna be adopted ;-;
Aww I'll adopt you has my son, If Pengu don't mind of course.
Lumenland is female....lolI wanna be adopted ;-;
Aww I'll adopt you has my son, If Pengu don't mind of course.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
VidiLune is incredibly nice, and she's part of a noble house. The choice is obvious. :)
But if Ainur is dead, you're not royalty. Your kingdom failed. :PIt's called being a pretender gosh dangit! :P
Also, not quite sure you're allowed to call yourself a "Royal House" when the only Royal House in the Region is House Kestar :pI'm foreign royalty gosh dangit. Recognize my royalneseesese :P
But, VidiLune-san seems nice!
I like nice people ^o^
I'll become the kid of Vidilune-san, then! \(^o^)/
I have a family, huzzah! ^o^
Gov, Lumenland isn't a pet, you can't just claim her and make her yours.I have a family, huzzah! ^o^
@Lumenland I invited you first lah, I got dibs first :(
Crush is correct:Gov, Lumenland isn't a pet, you can't just claim her and make her yours.I have a family, huzzah! ^o^
@Lumenland I invited you first lah, I got dibs first :(
The point of this thread is for the people of the houses to take in people that want to be in a house in a first-come-first-served kind of way. :P
But if people have a preference for a house they want to join, that definitely is allowed. :P
she meows a lotGov, Lumenland isn't a pet, you can't just claim her and make her yours.I have a family, huzzah! ^o^
@Lumenland I invited you first lah, I got dibs first :(
Wak wak?
Join my house guys!Meow?
Wak wak?
Meow meow! \(^o^)/
Being so persistent has the opposite effect.meow
*happy child noises*so sad ;-/
Alas, the gods have not seen fit to bless me with children of my own to pass my title, lands and riches on to. Brings a tear to the eye, it does.
So rather than cry about it, how about I adopt one of you? :P
Or I can adopt you and your house can have a little place in mine :D
Alas, the gods have not seen fit to bless me with children of my own to pass my title, lands and riches on to. Brings a tear to the eye, it does.
So rather than cry about it, how about I adopt one of you? :P
Or I can adopt you and your house can have a little place in mine :D
You can adopt me... ;)
Alas, the gods have not seen fit to bless me with children of my own to pass my title, lands and riches on to. Brings a tear to the eye, it does.
So rather than cry about it, how about I adopt one of you? :P
Or I can adopt you and your house can have a little place in mine :D
You can adopt me... ;)
@Yaoke, welcome, would you like to be adopted into the House Auditore family, who are part of the Order of the Assassin ?
Alas, the gods have not seen fit to bless me with children of my own to pass my title, lands and riches on to. Brings a tear to the eye, it does.
So rather than cry about it, how about I adopt one of you? :P
Or I can adopt you and your house can have a little place in mine :D
You can adopt me... ;)
@Yaoke, welcome, would you like to be adopted into the House Auditore family, who are part of the Order of the Assassin ?
I would be delighted. *courtly bow
Gov is building his harem. He will have all the daughters. All of them.1. no
All women will bow to him.
Gov is building his harem. He will have all the daughters. All of them.
All women will bow to him.
He will take your sistersGov is building his harem. He will have all the daughters. All of them.
All women will bow to him.
Except for the ones in my house. :P
He will take your sistersGod I love that you're a poet, Crush. It makes everything so much more awesome!!
He will take your daughters
He will take them all.
One House to Rule them All
One House to Find them All
One House to Bring them All
And in the darkness bind them
In the House of Auditore where the women lie.
He will take your sistersGod I love that you're a poet, Crush. It makes everything so much more awesome!!
He will take your daughters
He will take them all.
One House to Rule them All
One House to Find them All
One House to Bring them All
And in the darkness bind them
In the House of Auditore where the women lie.
yayAlas, the gods have not seen fit to bless me with children of my own to pass my title, lands and riches on to. Brings a tear to the eye, it does.
So rather than cry about it, how about I adopt one of you? :P
Or I can adopt you and your house can have a little place in mine :D
You can adopt me... ;)
@Yaoke, welcome, would you like to be adopted into the House Auditore family, who are part of the Order of the Assassin ?
I would be delighted. *courtly bow
Welcome to our newest child in the House of Auditore, @Yaoke Auditore!
/me hugs Yaoke
You are now with your sister, @Taintedpaws :D
The Edhel Ve' Nosse En' Sylvin, or Elvish House Of Sylvin, is open to Wintreath!I think @Pengu may need to update the House Registry first.
1) Citizens of Wintreath who head a familial house in the region and have at least 100 posts on the regional forums shall have the right to formally request recognition of their House by the Government of Wintreath. The Monarch or his designee shall have the authority to approve or deny requests for recognition, and shall maintain a public record of all currently recognized Houses.
Ah...my mistake. I had forgotten it was in the laws of Wintreath:Didn't know this was a law... but luckily I can still be committed to this "promise" I made...Quote1) Citizens of Wintreath who head a familial house in the region and have at least 100 posts on the regional forums shall have the right to formally request recognition of their House by the Government of Wintreath. The Monarch or his designee shall have the authority to approve or deny requests for recognition, and shall maintain a public record of all currently recognized Houses.
So Laurentus is technically correct on this.
Or... just for the sake to annoy Weissreich for still not having anyone join his familial house, I could just make a new house...:P
That is entirely up to you. You happen to have a monstrous post count considering how you started out on the forums a few short months ago. :PI've just been pretty active. As of I see, there are other people who started just a few months before me who are in the top 10 for # of posts
6) Houses which extend to membership in other regions may have other classifications and styles from those regions, and retain the right to include those styles, titles, and honorifics along with the styles granted in Wintreath, so long as the origin region of each styling can be distinguished.
Hmm, that's a story...Simultaneously a very long and very short story.
yupHmm, that's a story...Simultaneously a very long and very short story.
Can't say it wasn't expected considering today's events...
So here's a thought, @Wintermoot: adopt Crushita Telcontar (@Samwise Gamgee). He's itching to be a royal. :P
Is that from Twin Peaks?So here's a thought, @Wintermoot: adopt Crushita Telcontar (@Samwise Gamgee). He's itching to be a royal. :P
My thoughts.Spoiler(https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/60/11/71/60117178856c7bce4790b4f8ef2b9954.jpg)
Is that from Twin Peaks?So here's a thought, @Wintermoot: adopt Crushita Telcontar (@Samwise Gamgee). He's itching to be a royal. :P
My thoughts.Spoiler(https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/60/11/71/60117178856c7bce4790b4f8ef2b9954.jpg)
So here's a thought, @Wintermoot: adopt Crushita Telcontar (@Samwise Gamgee). He's itching to be a royal. :PAs much as I would be honoured to be adopted by Wintermoot, I doubt I deserve such a title. One of the main reasons that I'm so insistent on keeping my Ainurian title is that its one of the few things that I can keep from Ainur now thats its just about over. I was there 5 years and Crown Prince is the culmination of all the time, work and service I gave to that region. I feel it should carry over the same here, and that whoever, if anyone is the next Prince/Princess, they should have put their heart and soul into this region like Wintermoot has.
Well, I mean it's not as if you'd necessarily have to be the heir. Chanku was a prince, but only the Crown Prince is regarded as the heir, if I understand correctly.
Well, I mean it's not as if you'd necessarily have to be the heir. Chanku was a prince, but only the Crown Prince is regarded as the heir, if I understand correctly.
Well, if post count is anything to go by, and we narrow the list down to Riksråd members, then Sapphiron should be the new prince. :P
I can imagine how many heart attacks that would haveWell, if post count is anything to go by, and we narrow the list down to Riksråd members, then Sapphiron should be the new prince.[emoji14]
And if we went overall post count, it'd be Gov. [emoji14]
The main page has been updated to reflect the new changes, including Rasdanation's new house.i thought he didn't meet post count?
I have a simple answer to that, look at my stats =PThe main page has been updated to reflect the new changes, including Rasdanation's new house.i thought he didn't meet post count?
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
i can't on phone ?I have a simple answer to that, look at my stats =PThe main page has been updated to reflect the new changes, including Rasdanation's new house.i thought he didn't meet post count?
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
Also, the one without enough posts was Oryana
You're using Tapatalk, right? Just click on his username.i can't on phone ?I have a simple answer to that, look at my stats =PThe main page has been updated to reflect the new changes, including Rasdanation's new house.i thought he didn't meet post count?
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
Also, the one without enough posts was Oryana
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
Spiral out! Keep going!Tool!
(Also, whoever gets the reference will have doubled my respect for them).
You can do it yourself by going to the Old User CP -> Forum Profile -> bottom of page :)Thanks :D
3. We're simply put the best. Certainly much better than the Princely House of Telcontar, the Noble Houses of Meindhert and Penguon and all those other filthy, lower class pretenders.
Not "best," I said "well," lol.To go along with what Laurentus said, I too think you'd fit in pretty well in Meindhert. Back when we were a power, our members held key posts in the Riksrad and Underhusen, as well as vital roles in maintaining the region's culture. We were quite outspoken, very active, very involved... Much like you seem to be.
It's an old power, and you could help Weissreich shape it into something even more spectacular than it once was. I kinda get the feeling you prefer to have your own voice. Joining such a large House as ours isn't for everyone.
EDIT: That said, though, I'm sorely lacking heirs, so I would definitely not mind adopting you. I suspect the same can be said of Aragonn.
Wasn't Stacky Jarl of Information, too? (I'm Thane, but I figured the connection to Information would be close enough.)I believe so, he held a lot of posts in the legal and executive side of things. We both worked in the legislative together but I was more focused on getting all the groundwork for this setting laid out :) He was a great guy, tbh.
Wow, a joint effort by opposing houses to recruit me into Meindhert! You've all really convinced me :PMuch as I said on the IRC, welcome to our House! It's a pleasure to have you. :)
I guess it's official then :D
We're behaving as befits our noble birth. *Makes that aristocratic face*
I also totally missed this.Spiral out! Keep going!Tool!
(Also, whoever gets the reference will have doubled my respect for them).
Guess nobody cares about Telcontar either...Despite having just taken on a new member, House Meindhert is more than willing to accept anyone who would wish to join us :)
Perhaps I could join a different house? :P
*Prepares for mass recruitment messages*
Well, I did extend that offer to you during Werewolf, and my mind hasn't changed. I'd be happy to adopt you as my son. :)
As for recruitment messages, well... Check the last three pages. :P
EDIT: The added benefit is that you and Robin seem to have certain... questionable... religious allignments, and now you'd be part of the same House. :P
Pls take me into your family @HannahB
Totally join Valeria!! :DWell, I did extend that offer to you during Werewolf, and my mind hasn't changed. I'd be happy to adopt you as my son. :)
As for recruitment messages, well... Check the last three pages. :P
EDIT: The added benefit is that you and Robin seem to have certain... questionable... religious allignments, and now you'd be part of the same House. :P
Though it does present the problem that to leave the House of Telcontar is to give up my Princely title and the last little connection I have to basically my entire history in Nationstates.
*Considering Intensifies*
Don't you try to steal our family members.[emoji14]he hasn't joined anyone?
I'm still ambivalent as to whether to join a house or create one. I could do neither, but I feel as if that would be disadvantageous. Could someone draft up a list of pros and cons of being in a house, creating one, and neither?Easy!
Pros of Valeria:
We're the best
We like penguins
We like cookies
New Hyperion is fun, too!
We have a cool clubhouse
We are awesomely unconventional
We are rational
We like discussing everything
We get sidetracked easily
We are the most humble family ever
Cons of Valeria:
I suppose you might not want to join if you're allergic to cookies...
Pros of new house:
You get to choose the name
Cons of new house:
No cookies
Also, no Laurentus, and that would be very sad
No North, and that'd mean no Singapore
No Hydra, and then you'd lose at Minecraft
No Aragonn, and that'd mean lame RPs
No Colby, and that means no cheese (;) )
No taulover, and that would also be sad
No me, which would be the saddest thing of all :P
There's the list, @Barnes!! The choice should be clear!! ;)
Totally join Valeria!! :DAs you might notice, Robin is our most dedicated recruiter. You might also notice this:
"Ye, Believers in the power of the One, Most Holy Tuber, shall all join together as one family, to better spread His Starchy Message to the peoples of Earth." -Proclamations 8:3
So yeah. He's one of us.*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
The Noble House of Valeria
Patriarch: Colberius X
Siblings: Aragonn (brother of Colberius X), Count Laurentus (brother of Colberius X), Taulover (brother of Colberius X)
Offspring: BraveSirRobin (son of Colberius), North (son of Taulover), xXHydraXx (son of Taulover)
You're thinking of Samwise Gamgee, who IS in a House but is thinking of perhaps joining another one for the Role-play.Don't you try to steal our family members.[emoji14]he hasn't joined anyone?
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
thats sounds like you :P
What are you looking for in a House?Ssh!!! Everyone wants to be Valeria, even if they don't know it yet!! ;)
Well Pengu I would be honored to join your house if you would have me. Also a sorting hat quiz would be awesome...
Hey, @Inquisitor Cadash! Nice to see you getting involved in the region. The Noble House of Meindhert is always looking for more members to bolster our ranks, and we'd be happy to have you if you're willing to join. To check - you are a citizen of Wintreath, right? That's a requirement for joining houses and I see your current perm mask is Village Drifter (basically, you're just a forum member at the moment).I'd guess he's waiting until he's built up 5 posts before posting his citizenship application.
AyeHey, @Inquisitor Cadash! Nice to see you getting involved in the region. The Noble House of Meindhert is always looking for more members to bolster our ranks, and we'd be happy to have you if you're willing to join. To check - you are a citizen of Wintreath, right? That's a requirement for joining houses and I see your current perm mask is Village Drifter (basically, you're just a forum member at the moment).I'd guess he's waiting until he's built up 5 posts before posting his citizenship application.
If so, what is your opinion on the following inequality?FTFY
Dragon Age: Origins > Dragon Age 2 > Dragon Age: Inquisition
It literally was just me, Crush.It was the legacy of Bayard! :P
I don't currently know who our patriarch is (though taulover has my vote), but I'd like to invite two people to join our House.Sure, I'll join. That way I can describe my relationship with Ashton as sibling rivalry :P
@Justinian Ezkantion and @Ashton Mercer, your squabbling has amused me, so I think it would be interesting to have you both join. :P
Why not a lover's quarrel? No one said you had to be related. ;DPorque no los dos? :))
Well, I still don't have any sons, so I'd like to adopt at least one of them...
(In case anyone's wondering, I'm already plotting to make my position as powerful as possible in anticipation of Weissreich's RP :P)
Why not a lover's quarrel? No one said you had to be related. ;D
http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BelligerentSexualTensionWhy not a lover's quarrel? No one said you had to be related. ;D![]()
tbh tho I thought we escaped the cringeworthy internet marriages when we left Ainur.http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BelligerentSexualTensionWhy not a lover's quarrel? No one said you had to be related. ;D![]()
Marriage? I thought this was going to be more of a "forbidden affair" type thing. :Ptbh tho I thought we escaped the cringeworthy internet marriages when we left Ainur.http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BelligerentSexualTensionWhy not a lover's quarrel? No one said you had to be related. ;D![]()
either way, it ain't happeninMarriage? I thought this was going to be more of a "forbidden affair" type thing. :Ptbh tho I thought we escaped the cringeworthy internet marriages when we left Ainur.http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BelligerentSexualTensionWhy not a lover's quarrel? No one said you had to be related. ;D![]()
A detachment of Military Police during the siege of San Salvacion:Marriage? I thought this was going to be more of a "forbidden affair" type thing. :Peither way, it ain't happenin
Do you want me the bring back Femilasus? Because that's how we bring back Femilasus.Femilasus has just been bumped out. Escanlasus (or Thalascea) is the new Ainurian OTP. :P
I'm intrigued: what in the wide world of fuck are Femilasus?Members of FLOAT (Escanthea and Nargothond) started to ship me with Feminamia on the Ainurian RMB. It was meant to be a propaganda piece that mixed imperialist symbolism with horrifying sexual acts, but it ended up being a best seller in Thalasus and facilitated a lot of tourism between the two countries.
Bitch you know Fem would be on top. You Thalasians are too wimpy to wear the non-existent pants in that relationship.now the real question is: who's on top and who is the bottom
I'm intrigued: what in the wide world of fuck are Femilasus?*Brings up dusty old RMB post*
Bitch you know that is not the relationship I was referring to. I would definitely be on top in Escanlasus. :PBitch you know Fem would be on top. You Thalasians are too wimpy to wear the non-existent pants in that relationship.now the real question is: who's on top and who is the bottom
And here I was thinking my "who is on top" comment would not be outdone. I stand corrected. ???I'm intrigued: what in the wide world of fuck are Femilasus?*Brings up dusty old RMB post*
It was the best selling smut series based on NS to ever hit shelves.avert thine eyes (-snip-)The Ainur series:
Cold War: 50 degrees of heat (thanks, Danceria)
You can FLOAT my ADDO anytime, baby: A Cold War Novel
The Feminamia and the Masculumnia: Cold War Part III
Cold War IV: Cold, then Warm
Cold War V: Electric Ecstasy
Cold War VI: The Danceria and the doorknob
Cold War VII: Lucky to be with you
Cold War VIII: Escanthean Love
The Ninth One: Cold War IX
Cold War X: Fellowship of the Gunsling
Cold War XI: The two "towers" of my love
Return of the Prince Albert: Cold War XII
The Snoggit: A Cold War Prequel
The War gets Hot: Cold War XIII
Nuclear winter is okay in a cabin alone with you: Cold War XIV
Zombies in my Charliesheenland: A Cold War Halloween story
Nobody left alive, guess it's up to us to repopulate it, eh?: Cold War XV
Bottleneck effect: Cold War XVI (Rated I for incest)
Post-Apocalyptic Boning Guide: A Cold War epilogue story
Oh my god I cannot unsee this: The Cold War art book
Excerpt from Chapter 378 of the First Book:
Thalasus begged her for release
"Please, Mistress Feminamia, take it out! TAKE IT OUT!"
Feminamia responded with a whip
"Aeee! Thank you mistress, thank you! I deserved that!"
"Why did you deserve it, slave?"
"For being a cis male sh*tlord, m'lady!"
"Correct, slave, you may now have the privilege of drinking my-"
As you can see, it was awesome.
Don't you guys have a NSFW section? I wonder if I could write my smutty fanfics there...http://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?topic=2398.0
I suppose it would depend on how subtle it is.Subtlety is not his priority.
Why have subtlety when you can post smut instead?I suppose it would depend on how subtle it is.Subtlety is not his priority.
Poor little orphan Noxy
What the hell happened to my house?No members of your house fit the requirements to head a house, and so it unfortunately no longer exists.
What the hell happened to my house?No members of your house fit the requirements to head a house, and so it unfortunately no longer exists.
House Heinrich welcomes you, if you are interested of course. :P Just an old house with most of its original members who have become Former Citizens.
Speaking of which, Colby, were you not supposed to know about these things before they ever happen? What has our Lord Inquisitor been up to?Worry not, dear brother. The time-travelling robot is already in Stage IV of development.
How about this. If they get to four house members, then we'll start to do something about it. We don't need to maintain an eight to one ratio. :PYou're right! We need a ten to one ratio! Look at what happened to the Royal Navy once they started accepting lower ratios in the early 20th century!! :P
Are we the British Royal Navy? No. We're House Valeria. We're better than the Navy.How about this. If they get to four house members, then we'll start to do something about it. We don't need to maintain an eight to one ratio. :PYou're right! We need a ten to one ratio! Look at what happened to the Royal Navy once they started accepting lower ratios in the early 20th century!! :P
That's what the British Royal Navy thought too, I bet. :'(I'm a Virgo and a INTJ/INTP. I bring hard facts to the table. When I say something, it has merit.
That's what the British Royal Navy thought too, I bet. :'(I'm a Virgo and a INTJ/INTP. I bring hard facts to the table. When I say something, it has merit.
And we need more members! What about Cinciri?JOIN US CIN'CIRI
The House of Telcontar is also royalty, and we could use more people...So am I still your adopted son or...?
Oh shit! Gar pirimmur te adla joha nari!And we need more members! What about Cinciri?JOIN US CIN'CIRI
Mind translating for those of us who don't speak the language?Oh shit! Gar pirimmur te adla joha nari!And we need more members! What about Cinciri?JOIN US CIN'CIRI
Ner vod = my brother; essentially "comrade" in clone slangMind translating for those of us who don't speak the language?Oh shit! Gar pirimmur te adla joha nari!And we need more members! What about Cinciri?JOIN US CIN'CIRI
I believe the term you're looking for is Nerdspeak.To be fair, it's a really cool Nerdspeak... :P
This guy gets it, whats great is that it is fleshed out enough for basic conversation too, though pronunciation is not always agreed upon, so it is primarily a written language among those who speak it, Ironic considering in lore it is supposed to be a spoken language less than written but is never spoken on screen except choice phrases here and there.I believe the term you're looking for is Nerdspeak.To be fair, it's a really cool Nerdspeak... :P
Ugh I fail @Colberius X
Last online 18 days agorip
Bonjour my dears, I find myself with no house to call my own since my dearest brother seems to have disappeared before creating one. Wouldst anyone care to take moi in?House Kaiser is always accepting new members.
It says in your siggy that house i dissolved?Bonjour my dears, I find myself with no house to call my own since my dearest brother seems to have disappeared before creating one. Wouldst anyone care to take moi in?House Kaiser is always accepting new members.
That was the first house Kaizer. It later reformed.It says in your siggy that house i dissolved?Bonjour my dears, I find myself with no house to call my own since my dearest brother seems to have disappeared before creating one. Wouldst anyone care to take moi in?House Kaiser is always accepting new members.
I see. So who else is a part of ze house? I'm thinking I'll be joining.That was the first house Kaizer. It later reformed.It says in your siggy that house i dissolved?Bonjour my dears, I find myself with no house to call my own since my dearest brother seems to have disappeared before creating one. Wouldst anyone care to take moi in?House Kaiser is always accepting new members.
Syrup and Socks (Nyx), and Eric.I see. So who else is a part of ze house? I'm thinking I'll be joining.That was the first house Kaizer. It later reformed.It says in your siggy that house i dissolved?Bonjour my dears, I find myself with no house to call my own since my dearest brother seems to have disappeared before creating one. Wouldst anyone care to take moi in?House Kaiser is always accepting new members.
I'm not sure I know them.Neither of them are the most active anymore, with Erik having things going on in his personal life that needed to be attended too. However Erik himself is an Ex-Skrifa.
I'll gladly join your house!Alright, welcome to house Kaizer then!
Since I realized I never actually joined a house, would anyone like a 6'5 Slav who is highly knowledgeable about military tactics, mechanical design, and various random facts about history, animals, and whatnot?Join us! House Valeria welcomes you!
Sounds good enough to me!Since I realized I never actually joined a house, would anyone like a 6'5 Slav who is highly knowledgeable about military tactics, mechanical design, and various random facts about history, animals, and whatnot?Join us! House Valeria welcomes you!
Since I realized I never actually joined a house, would anyone like a 6'5 Slav who is highly knowledgeable about military tactics, mechanical design, and various random facts about history, animals, and whatnot?Why not House Kaizer?
I thank you for the offer but I seem to have been welcomed by house Valeria already.Since I realized I never actually joined a house, would anyone like a 6'5 Slav who is highly knowledgeable about military tactics, mechanical design, and various random facts about history, animals, and whatnot?Why not House Kaizer?
Welcome!! Bralov! (I think that's Mando'a...)Since I realized I never actually joined a house, would anyone like a 6'5 Slav who is highly knowledgeable about military tactics, mechanical design, and various random facts about history, animals, and whatnot?Join us! House Valeria welcomes you!
It's because my initial offer (http://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?topic=3251.msg86444#msg86444) was in Mando'a. :PSince I realized I never actually joined a house, would anyone like a 6'5 Slav who is highly knowledgeable about military tactics, mechanical design, and various random facts about history, animals, and whatnot?Why not House Kaizer?
If you meant to say success then yesWelcome!! Bralov! (I think that's Mando'a...)Since I realized I never actually joined a house, would anyone like a 6'5 Slav who is highly knowledgeable about military tactics, mechanical design, and various random facts about history, animals, and whatnot?Join us! House Valeria welcomes you!
Let me know where in the family tree you're going, and I'll update the registry.I've got no clue where I would be going
Are you really a 6'5 Slav irl? Cause that would be pretty cool.Yup
Since I realized I never actually joined a house, would anyone like a 6'5 Slav who is highly knowledgeable about military tactics, mechanical design, and various random facts about history, animals, and whatnot?You can't take my spot as the lead military tactician and engineering expert! But welcome to the family. :D
I mean if we are going off of nationstates stuff I am in the top 5 for Arms Manufacturing and top 3 for defense forces, plus irl I am getting ready to work for an Arms Manufacturing firm within the next 2 years, but I suppose you win from family experience XDSince I realized I never actually joined a house, would anyone like a 6'5 Slav who is highly knowledgeable about military tactics, mechanical design, and various random facts about history, animals, and whatnot?You can't take my spot as the lead military tactician and engineering expert! But welcome to the family. :D
I don't use NS stats for anything because it's all based around join date and RNG for issues. As for IRL, I'm going to be joining the US Navy within the year for engineering.I mean if we are going off of nationstates stuff I am in the top 5 for Arms Manufacturing and top 3 for defense forces, plus irl I am getting ready to work for an Arms Manufacturing firm within the next 2 years, but I suppose you win from family experience XDSince I realized I never actually joined a house, would anyone like a 6'5 Slav who is highly knowledgeable about military tactics, mechanical design, and various random facts about history, animals, and whatnot?You can't take my spot as the lead military tactician and engineering expert! But welcome to the family. :D
Ah, who knows you might be using equipment I would be working on =) (I plan on working for BAE System's United States Branch for either manufacture, testing, or design.)I don't use NS stats for anything because it's all based around join date and RNG for issues. As for IRL, I'm going to be joining the US Navy within the year for engineering.I mean if we are going off of nationstates stuff I am in the top 5 for Arms Manufacturing and top 3 for defense forces, plus irl I am getting ready to work for an Arms Manufacturing firm within the next 2 years, but I suppose you win from family experience XDSince I realized I never actually joined a house, would anyone like a 6'5 Slav who is highly knowledgeable about military tactics, mechanical design, and various random facts about history, animals, and whatnot?You can't take my spot as the lead military tactician and engineering expert! But welcome to the family. :D
#GoLockheedOrGoHome ;)I don't use NS stats for anything because it's all based around join date and RNG for issues. As for IRL, I'm going to be joining the US Navy within the year for engineering.Ah, who knows you might be using equipment I would be working on =) (I plan on working for BAE System's United States Branch for either manufacture, testing, or design.)
I'm afraid that with this whole F-35 problem, that Lockheed is seeing its final years as the monopoly of American military airpower, also I will be working on naval, ground forces, and munitions, not avionics#GoLockheedOrGoHome ;)I don't use NS stats for anything because it's all based around join date and RNG for issues. As for IRL, I'm going to be joining the US Navy within the year for engineering.Ah, who knows you might be using equipment I would be working on =) (I plan on working for BAE System's United States Branch for either manufacture, testing, or design.)
Ah, who knows you might be using equipment I would be working on =) (I plan on working for BAE System's United States Branch for either manufacture, testing, or design.)I don't use NS stats for anything because it's all based around join date and RNG for issues. As for IRL, I'm going to be joining the US Navy within the year for engineering.I mean if we are going off of nationstates stuff I am in the top 5 for Arms Manufacturing and top 3 for defense forces, plus irl I am getting ready to work for an Arms Manufacturing firm within the next 2 years, but I suppose you win from family experience XDSince I realized I never actually joined a house, would anyone like a 6'5 Slav who is highly knowledgeable about military tactics, mechanical design, and various random facts about history, animals, and whatnot?You can't take my spot as the lead military tactician and engineering expert! But welcome to the family. :D
I'm afraid that with this whole F-35 problem, that Lockheed is seeing its final years as the monopoly of American military airpower, also I will be working on naval, ground forces, and munitions, not avionicsWhat's that? I can't hear you over the sound of the Trident missile system, the LCS and the fact that the F-35 wasn't cancelled :P
I'm just a poor boy from a poor family plz adopt I clean dishesthough my story's seldom told... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3LFML_pxlY)
Citizenship App is up!I'm just a poor boy from a poor family plz adopt I clean dishesthough my story's seldom told... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3LFML_pxlY)
Join House Valeria!
But first get your citizenship app in. :)
Because of the loss of most of its active members and others not being a part of the forums itself much anymore, I will be formally dissolving House Penguon.Valeria accepts all! :D
Perhaps I could be talked into joining another house. :P
But Valeria is essentially Wintreath's Frat House.
I mean literally every member is a guy. :))
All we need is the opposing house of all females, and Wintreath will be a functioning college.
Edit: Laurentus does make a fair argument, though...
Sure, I'll join Valeria.
*Gives Crushita a potato orb to go with his shiny new scepter/staff*
Unless you want to be an absent father, in which case, we became famous and influential just as a big "fuck you" in our back story. So fuck you, dad. We made it anyway.
Now for my completely legitimate question: Am I going to be the oldest in Valeria (I'll be 31 this year)? If so, then I want to be all ya'lls daddeh, or at least Uncle. :PHouse Valeria agreed in earlier discussions that our RP ages would be unrelated to RL age, and would instead be based on seniority of joining Aura Hyperia/New Hyperion. Which placed birth order as me (55), Colby (54), Aragonn (48), Laurentus (47).
If not, then I'll go for cousin to one of ya'll. :P
Unless you want to be an absent father, in which case, we became famous and influential just as a big "fuck you" in our back story. So fuck you, dad. We made it anyway.Would this work into the existing continuity we established, like, a year and half ago? Because I do recall something about me disappearing on a trip around the world to get away from dad.
Now for my completely legitimate question: Am I going to be the oldest in Valeria (I'll be 31 this year)? If so, then I want to be all ya'lls daddeh, or at least Uncle. :PHouse Valeria agreed in earlier discussions that our RP ages would be unrelated to RL age, and would instead be based on seniority of joining Aura Hyperia/New Hyperion. Which placed birth order as me (55), Colby (54), Aragonn (48), Laurentus (47).
If not, then I'll go for cousin to one of ya'll. :PUnless you want to be an absent father, in which case, we became famous and influential just as a big "fuck you" in our back story. So fuck you, dad. We made it anyway.Would this work into the existing continuity we established, like, a year and half ago? Because I do recall something about me disappearing on a trip around the world to get away from dad.
I've updated the OP:Go ahead, I have no way of contacting either at this time.
Added Selena to House Telcontar
Added Katie to House Kaizer
Removed House Danation and House Bluteisen since they no longer qualify (no members are citizens).
@Chanku, let me know if you'd like me to remove beautifulthing and hollawarp from your house roster.
Syraj, you're free to join House Burdock if you'd like -- no pressure, though.
I am interested in joining house Burdock, but I don't have much preference.And House Burdock would be glad to have you! I see you're diving headfirst into RP here, which is a promising signal to me that you'll fit in well. I'll update the roster!
@Hydra, @North, @Cinciri, @Aragonn, @Pengu, just mentioning you all about the need for a new Patriarch. Personally, I would go for Tau, as he has been in Aura Hyperia and New Hyperion longer than all of us, was the one to bring Wintreath and New Hyperion closer together, and simply has an astounding presence and activity record on the forum.I'm also in favor of Tau being Patriarch, but do we want to go with an Il-esque dynasty in which each Patriarch declares the former some sort of higher thing, and then claiming a position that is officially slightly less (ie in case somehow Colby returns to us from afar someday. Can't predict the future, after all... :P )
Please indicate who you want to take over as Patriarch from our dearly departed Colberius X.
Hello everyone! I wish to join the newly created House of Ostergaard!
I'd like to be adopted by someone, but what're the differences between the houses, at least lore-wise?The differences in the houses are mostly just who are in them. House Valeria is comprised of a lot of people related to our vassal region, New Hyperion (though they're not all from there). House Kaizer has a lot of people who have played a role in the Storting (our legislature), I believe. And the rest of the houses are just one or two people.
Like why should I pick one house over the others?Other than the fact that they have to choose me back
If you wish to join House Kaizer, then you probably can. However, it may be a day or two before you hear back if you decide to ask to join.Sure
@Alphadoom The Noble House of Ostergaard is also looking for members to help us grow into a better house :DActually yeah I love to join your house and help you grow. So would I just be a regular member, or would I have realtionship to you somehow. IDK how this works.
@Alphadoom The Noble House of Ostergaard is also looking for members to help us grow into a better house :DActually yeah I love to join your house and help you grow. So would I just be a regular member, or would I have realtionship to you somehow. IDK how this works.
Sent from my Z799VL using Tapatalk
Maybe organize the members into offsprings or children of you, and brothers and sisters of yourself, within the family. Which should be simple. Case some houses have offsprings, and brothers/sisters to the leader of the house, plus also the family could adopt it's own kids I think but idk. So am I in the family?@Alphadoom The Noble House of Ostergaard is also looking for members to help us grow into a better house :DActually yeah I love to join your house and help you grow. So would I just be a regular member, or would I have realtionship to you somehow. IDK how this works.
Sent from my Z799VL using Tapatalk
I’m not certain yet. Ours is the newest house, so we have to work all that out. The system of families isn’t super centralized or regulated [emoji14]
Maybe organize the members into offsprings or children of you, and brothers and sisters of yourself, within the family. Which should be simple. Case some houses have offsprings, and brothers/sisters to the leader of the house, plus also the family could adopt it's own kids I think but idk. So am I in the family?
Sent from my Z799VL using Tapatalk
Okay I dmed you, you should see a friend request and dm from a ezkiolandgamer#0349Maybe organize the members into offsprings or children of you, and brothers and sisters of yourself, within the family. Which should be simple. Case some houses have offsprings, and brothers/sisters to the leader of the house, plus also the family could adopt it's own kids I think but idk. So am I in the family?
Sent from my Z799VL using Tapatalk
That’s what most houses do. Normally my GF gab would be co-matriarch but she’s taken a hiatus from NS.
Also yeah, totally! If you can, contact me on Discord so I can add you to the family chat. I’m Katie#3933
I would like to formally request to be adopted by the Noble House Ostergaard. If the Matriarch will have me.I accept you into House Ostergaard gladly! Welcome!
After talks with a member of House Valeria, it has been decided to permanently merge House Crowe's members into Valeria. Members brought on from House Crowe are welcome to leave if they choose for another house, but they currently have been welcomed into Valeria with open arms.I know you're our uncle, but what will be the relation of the new members from our Crowe branch?
The Palais de Crowe will be kept on as a sort of summer home/getaway retreat, and I'll still be overseeing the city of Cain on many occasion from there. Members of House Valeria will be considered permanent honored guests of the Palais, and will have access to all of its functions and services.
I agree to stay in House Valeria as part of the merge with House CroweWelcome to Valeria!
After talks with a member of House Valeria, it has been decided to permanently merge House Crowe's members into Valeria. Members brought on from House Crowe are welcome to leave if they choose for another house, but they currently have been welcomed into Valeria with open arms.I know you're our uncle, but what will be the relation of the new members from our Crowe branch?
The Palais de Crowe will be kept on as a sort of summer home/getaway retreat, and I'll still be overseeing the city of Cain on many occasion from there. Members of House Valeria will be considered permanent honored guests of the Palais, and will have access to all of its functions and services.I agree to stay in House Valeria as part of the merge with House CroweWelcome to Valeria!
Where am i in this? Im ostergaard-ian... Okey then
Hello! I have a great interest in being adopted into a familial house. I don't know how the selection process is made but if you have any questions for me feel free to ask away. I'm also on the discord server as USS Clargow.
Hello! I have a great interest in being adopted into a familial house. I don't know how the selection process is made but if you have any questions for me feel free to ask away. I'm also on the discord server as USS Clargow.
For the most part there is no selection process. I think some Houses have an application, but don't quote me on that. It's really down to whichever House you'd like to join the most.
Of the Noble Houses, Valeria and Ostergaard are the largest with certain members being Counts, whilst Meindhert and Burdock are Ducal Houses as I and Gerrick are Dukes of Wintreath.
In the interests of not giving Valeria any more members (because they honestly don't need any more) and as I've seen you chatting away on the Discord, Meindhert would be more than happy to have you as a member if you'd like to join us :)
Why have you decided to join a House, if you don't mind me asking?
I'd be happy to join Meindhert!
As for your question, I have the mentality of getting involved in as much as possible from the beginning. I'm still new to Nationstates but I like how much there is to offer beyond the game itself. The region being it's own community and such. Joining a house seemed like the next step in really getting into the jist of it all.
I'd be happy to join Meindhert!
As for your question, I have the mentality of getting involved in as much as possible from the beginning. I'm still new to Nationstates but I like how much there is to offer beyond the game itself. The region being it's own community and such. Joining a house seemed like the next step in really getting into the jist of it all.
In which case we'd be delighted to have you. Houses are a great way to get involved and get to know others, and there's a little bit of a friendly rivalry between us all which makes for good fun.
As I understand it, Wintermoot has been talking of making a few changes to the system of Houses but that's yet to be clarified.
Because Valeria is huge, has two nobles, two people who've won Wintreath's Finest of the Year (one of which did it twice), and has by far the strongest government presence.However it is important to note that "Distinguished" is a self-given title. There hasn't been any royal decree establishing it. :sans:
I'd like officially announce that @W Amadeus has joined House Burdock!I am honoured to become a member of your noble house, Your Highness. (bows)
I am honoured to become a member of your noble house, Your Highness. (bows)Technically according to royal decree (http://wintreath.com/index.php?part=law&act=detail&id=17), I'm not to be addressed as "Your Highness" as I'm only a duke and not a prince, but regardless I'm glad to have you with us. :))
It is long overdue, but now I would like to be adopted by any house willing to take another Wintreath seeking the beauties of family. I'm very good, I don't cause trouble :P Hope to hear from a family soon :) :D
I have noticed that Vroendal and W Amadeus were never added to House Burdock's list. Can this be fixed? :)On that note, we have relationships!
I would like to disband House Heinrich and formally request to join House Valeria, if they would have me. :D
It is long overdue, but now I would like to be adopted by any house willing to take another Wintreath seeking the beauties of family. I'm very good, I don't cause trouble :P Hope to hear from a family soon :) :D
Wait @Laurentus when did @Michi turn from long-lost uncle to being a great-nephew?
Wait @Laurentus when did @Michi turn from long-lost uncle to being a great-nephew?When Valeria became Alabama personified.
Of course, Sapph, lol. We'd be happy to have you.Since I'm not in any house, I'd also like to join Valeria, since I'd like to have a family in Wintreath
I decided to follow suit and made a family tree for House Burdock. Much more manageable than Valeria's. :PAh you used the proper names! (unlike @Laurentus cough cough)
Until Burdock is annexed by Valeria and becomes another sect of it, you mean.Burdock would definitely lose a member if that happened. :P
Until Burdock is annexed by Valeria and becomes another sect of it, you mean.Burdock would definitely lose a member if that happened. :P
Eek, the OP is out of date again. TIme to go fix that.Can ya add the relationships and names of House Burdock please? :P
I would like to be adopted to a houseHouse Kasten is always open :) (*)
I kinda good at History and Alt Hist (and no I haven't done the what if Germany won WW1 or WW2... writen)
I hope this will increase my chances
House Kasten is always open :) (*)
that one please@TGN has officially been adopted into House Kasten :)
Hey :) I would like to be adopted into a house of that is alrightYou're more than welcome in House Meindhert, if you so desire :)
Hey :) I would like to be adopted into a house of that is alrightThe newly created House Hawkstar would love to have you as well!
Burdock is always looking for new members :)
Burdock is always looking for new members :)
I’d like to join Burdock :)
Formal request to join House Eske- @Ruguo?
May I join Eske, @Ruguo ? :]The boxes have spoken, you will be absorbed.
May I join Eske, @Ruguo ? :]Valeria will miss you always!
May I join the boxes @Ruguo ?Of course! Where would we be without our princess?
Epiree was never formally accepted into House Burdock.Have you seen him around recently?
Melehan joined House Burdock quite a while ago and should be included on the register.Epiree is still around, most commonly on the RMB on occasion and in the WARPP server also on occasion.Epiree was never formally accepted into House Burdock.Have you seen him around recently?
Wait @Gerrick do you like burdock root?Like to eat? I've had it a couple times in dishes, and yeah it's pretty good. Seemed similar to radish or turnip. Why do you ask?
Is it that the house must be in NS? Or you can create one yourself?They're houses that are created in here by members (but you can request to join), but to create a new one you have to meet the requirement of Decree 004 first:
1) Citizens of Wintreath who head a familial house in the region and have at least 100 non-spam posts on the regional forums shall have the right to formally request recognition of their House by the Government of Wintreath. The Monarch or his designee shall have the authority to approve or deny requests for recognition, and shall maintain a public record of all currently recognized Houses.Also I believe you're supposed to have at least one other member in this new house that you'd be creating besides yourself when you make the request, though I don't recall.
I think oftentimes people make the house first and then invite other members to join after.Is it that the house must be in NS? Or you can create one yourself?They're houses that are created in here by members (but you can request to join), but to create a new one you have to meet the requirement of Decree 004 first:Quote1) Citizens of Wintreath who head a familial house in the region and have at least 100 non-spam posts on the regional forums shall have the right to formally request recognition of their House by the Government of Wintreath. The Monarch or his designee shall have the authority to approve or deny requests for recognition, and shall maintain a public record of all currently recognized Houses.Also I believe you're supposed to have at least one other member in this new house that you'd be creating besides yourself when you make the request, though I don't recall.
Time to kidnap MrManson into EskeI’m not the head of house so I can’t :P but down to vouch for you next time Ruguo is on if he’s and you’re down for it.
I'm an Orphan. I need to be adopted.Yeah sure, as long as you swear loyalty to the great box in the sky and all of the boxes contained within. Or something like that.
Yeah sure, as long as you swear loyalty to the great box in the sky and all of the boxes contained within. Or something like that.
Welcome to the house of moderately insane people.
I am interested in joining a familial house (or being adopted). However, while I wish to put in my official request, I want to know which house would be best for me (totally making this a competition, lol :))) and the benefits of belonging to a house. Furthermore, for roleplay/nation lore purposes, how do I express or think of the Ljufving dynasty's entrance into a familial house? Via royal marriage or political alliances? Thank you!It really depends on your preference.
Alrighty, so then, this is my next question: Which house should I join and why?I am interested in joining a familial house (or being adopted). However, while I wish to put in my official request, I want to know which house would be best for me (totally making this a competition, lol :))) and the benefits of belonging to a house. Furthermore, for roleplay/nation lore purposes, how do I express or think of the Ljufving dynasty's entrance into a familial house? Via royal marriage or political alliances? Thank you!It really depends on your preference.
Valeria is one of the older houses and is currently the biggest, has 2 Counts, and has 2 active people (myself and Laurentus), and somewhat active folks (Taulover, Sapphiron, Mateo, and Mathyland).
Burdock is another noble house only with Gerrick being a Duke (which is a step higher than Count in our nobility system), and is also an older house as well. While not the biggest, you've got folks like Melehan, Epiree, Kane, Vroendal, W Amadeus, and Red Mones...all of whom are at least somewhat active either in the main server or (in Epiree's case) on WARPP.
Eske is headed by our very own Ruguo/Silverfish, who is also an Earl (which we use for the gender-neutral equivalent of Count/Countess). On top of that, while it's a currently smaller house, it has all currently active members (Abigail, Marz, and Arenado as well as Silv) within it.
Meindhart, whom I'm surprised I forgot to mention, has been where some of our original greats have been, such as our past Jarl of Culture Amalya (A Countess whom the Amalyan sector is named in honor of)...as well as the guy who arguably created our World of Wintreath lore including the RP map, Duke Weissreich, who is also a Paragon. Currently, Weiss leads the house though he's mostly inactive, and Barnes is a part of the house as well, so it's definitely a smaller house...but it definitely has a lot of merit to it.
The common houses have their quirks as well, such as Everden being an immortal landmark house since its two currently inactive members are notable members of the region...and likewise Dawsinian and Emoticonius are well known members in the region with currently active houses, even if they're the only current active members...same with Zagreus since its patriarch still occasionally pops into Discord.
There's more benefit to joining one of the noble houses due to overall more active members in them, but there's really nothing wrong with the common houses either outside of them being a bit more quiet due to lack of members joining them.
That I cannot answer. You must seek inside yourself and decide the house which resonates best with you. I can only gently nudge you towards Valeria out of slight bias while casually recommending something like Eske as well due to its active folks...or recommending Burdock due to it already having 2 other WARPP folk (W Amadeus and Epiree) in it.Alrighty, so then, this is my next question: Which house should I join and why?I am interested in joining a familial house (or being adopted). However, while I wish to put in my official request, I want to know which house would be best for me (totally making this a competition, lol :))) and the benefits of belonging to a house. Furthermore, for roleplay/nation lore purposes, how do I express or think of the Ljufving dynasty's entrance into a familial house? Via royal marriage or political alliances? Thank you!It really depends on your preference.
Valeria is one of the older houses and is currently the biggest, has 2 Counts, and has 2 active people (myself and Laurentus), and somewhat active folks (Taulover, Sapphiron, Mateo, and Mathyland).
Burdock is another noble house only with Gerrick being a Duke (which is a step higher than Count in our nobility system), and is also an older house as well. While not the biggest, you've got folks like Melehan, Epiree, Kane, Vroendal, W Amadeus, and Red Mones...all of whom are at least somewhat active either in the main server or (in Epiree's case) on WARPP.
Eske is headed by our very own Ruguo/Silverfish, who is also an Earl (which we use for the gender-neutral equivalent of Count/Countess). On top of that, while it's a currently smaller house, it has all currently active members (Abigail, Marz, and Arenado as well as Silv) within it.
Meindhart, whom I'm surprised I forgot to mention, has been where some of our original greats have been, such as our past Jarl of Culture Amalya (A Countess whom the Amalyan sector is named in honor of)...as well as the guy who arguably created our World of Wintreath lore including the RP map, Duke Weissreich, who is also a Paragon. Currently, Weiss leads the house though he's mostly inactive, and Barnes is a part of the house as well, so it's definitely a smaller house...but it definitely has a lot of merit to it.
The common houses have their quirks as well, such as Everden being an immortal landmark house since its two currently inactive members are notable members of the region...and likewise Dawsinian and Emoticonius are well known members in the region with currently active houses, even if they're the only current active members...same with Zagreus since its patriarch still occasionally pops into Discord.
There's more benefit to joining one of the noble houses due to overall more active members in them, but there's really nothing wrong with the common houses either outside of them being a bit more quiet due to lack of members joining them.
That I cannot answer. You must seek inside yourself and decide the house which resonates best with you. I can only gently nudge you towards Valeria out of slight bias while casually recommending something like Eske as well due to its active folks...or recommending Burdock due to it already having 2 other WARPP folk (W Amadeus and Epiree) in it.After some thought, I have made my decision; I would like to join House Kasten.
Since this was discussed in the WARPP server with Daws and was approved in there, the OP has been updated with the change.Awesome! So I'll get my "Familial House" tag from the operator here on the forums?
You have to add it manually- go to the pull down menu and open “Old User CP”. From there, go to Forum Profile and scroll all the way to the bottom. The text box will be there :DFound it, thank you so much!
I'm sure you're welcome in Valeria, but I'd also encourage some of the other houses. Do you have a preference?I thought eske would have been interesting
Do you happen to be on discord? It’s usually the best way to get in contact with our Head, @Ruguo. That or you could shoot them a message here. 😄I'm sure you're welcome in Valeria, but I'd also encourage some of the other houses. Do you have a preference?I thought eske would have been interesting
Yea I got discDo you happen to be on discord? It’s usually the best way to get in contact with our Head, @Ruguo. That or you could shoot them a message here. 😄I'm sure you're welcome in Valeria, but I'd also encourage some of the other houses. Do you have a preference?I thought eske would have been interesting
Their disc ID is Silverfish on the main server. If you’re interested in being an Eske, DMing them directly is the best bet :DYea I got discDo you happen to be on discord? It’s usually the best way to get in contact with our Head, @Ruguo. That or you could shoot them a message here. 😄I'm sure you're welcome in Valeria, but I'd also encourage some of the other houses. Do you have a preference?I thought eske would have been interesting
Mkay thanksTheir disc ID is Silverfish on the main server. If you’re interested in being an Eske, DMing them directly is the best bet :DYea I got discDo you happen to be on discord? It’s usually the best way to get in contact with our Head, @Ruguo. That or you could shoot them a message here. 😄I'm sure you're welcome in Valeria, but I'd also encourage some of the other houses. Do you have a preference?I thought eske would have been interesting
It's beyond time I actually got around to this. I would like adoption into house Kasten please. @Dawsinian(https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/mobile/000/035/936/Darth_Vader_It_Is_Acceptable_Banner.jpg)SpoilerWintreath Resume
The Stigyan Triumvirate.
Citizen: February 13, 2020 - current.
Jarl of Regional Affairs: 3/22/22 -current
Thane of Regional Affairs: 12/16/21 - 3/21/22
Founder and Co-director of WARPP
It's beyond time I actually got around to this. I would like adoption into house Kasten please. @Dawsinian(https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/mobile/000/035/936/Darth_Vader_It_Is_Acceptable_Banner.jpg)SpoilerWintreath Resume
The Stigyan Triumvirate.
Citizen: February 13, 2020 - current.
Jarl of Regional Affairs: 3/22/22 -current
Thane of Regional Affairs: 12/16/21 - 3/21/22
Founder and Co-director of WARPP