Wintreath Regional Community

A Link to the Past - Archives => The Registry of Things Past - Historic Archive => The Wonderful World of Wintreath - Worldbuilding => Topic started by: Wintermoot on December 19, 2013, 02:48:25 AM

Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Wintermoot on December 19, 2013, 02:48:25 AM
Somewhat RPish

Before I joined NationStates, I was involved with a small-scale MMORPG project that eventually fell through, where I led efforts to design a game world. I would like to replicate this effort here, one bit at a time, by posting what would be considered interesting landmarks in our region if this were a game. Not sure if this interests anyone at all, but if anyone does want to join in on this, it'd be cool. :)
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Wintermoot on December 19, 2013, 03:44:03 AM

Stranglor Outpost

Stranglor Outpost is an outpost at the southern edge of Wintreath, where the snowy landscapes of most of Wintreath give way to a sliver of temperate forest. It's main importance now is that it overlooks The Schism, a deep, ragged valley that marks most of the border between Wintreath and Spiritus, and thus serves as a small outpost for the Hvitt Riddaral to monitor the border in this location. It also has a small inn and some basic shops for travelers wanting to take a scenic, more dangerous route between the two regions or to explore The Schism and its potential wonders and risks. Stranglor is also occasionally visited by traders and herbalists who come for the rare medicinal herbs and fungi that are rare in the colder areas of Wintreath.

What was to become Stranglor Outpost was originally built as a wilderness retreat before Wintreath broke away from Spiritus and the area was still part of that region. While never popular due to its remote location and distance from the protection of the Spiritus Defense Force, it served as a quiet location for the stout and hearty of the region to explore the nearby forest, search for herbs, and at times even look for ancient lost treasure or mine for precious metals, though none have ever been found. However, the retreat was never a profitable venture and fell into disrepair when the money ran out, eventually being taken over by groups of bandits for use as a place to lay low when their exploits elsewhere made them a high-profile target.

After Wintreath broke off from Spiritus, the fledgling region realized the importance of securing its borders with its former region, and sent a detachment of Hvitt Riddaral troops to chase away the bandits. Since then, the outpost has been repaired and expanded, civilian shopkeepers and merchants have been invited in, and the call has went out that Stranglor Outpost is once again a safe place for explorers and adventures alike. Although it does occasionally still suffer attacks from bandits wanting their old hide-out back, the Hvitt Riddaral has been able to easily repeal each attack, which in a roundabout way helps attract those wanting to fight bandits and find their supposed treasures, if any exist at all.

Stranglor Outpost is a relatively safe area that's surrounded by beautiful, stunning terrain that simply can't be found in more civilized areas of the game. Outside the actual outpost however, caution is advised...for bandits, wild animals, and the normal risks of nature...
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: The Golden Persian on December 23, 2013, 12:10:29 AM

 Broen av Frossen Evighet

 Within the wilderness of Wintreath lies this broken bridge, known as Broen av Frossen Evighet. It crosses of a truly frozen river, which, if one looks closely enough, can be seen precious gems, marine animals, broken chunks of stone, and the bones of the long since forgotten. The bridge itself seems to be made out of pure alabaster, with one side of the bridge leading to a tower that has been locked and is of unknown origin, though some guess that it is an astronomers tower, for along the entire length of the bridge as well as circling the tower, embedded in the stone, is a myriad of astrological signs, ranging from planets and moons to stars and constellations, all of varying size and placement. The bridge itself is covered with frost with a light layer of powdered snow.

  Common legend holds that it is here that caused Wintreath to become a frozen land. The astronomer of the tower had apparently come across some great power and secret, a set of signs and equations that would give him untold wisdom and knowledge, and make him live till time eternal. So he began a ritual at the center of the bridge. However, as the ritual became complete,the power that was unleashed was not what he had thought, for instead, it caused a massive explosion of the bridge, and slowly embedded the entire region of Wintreath with a cold that came from beyond the stars, from a distant place in the universe where the cold is eternal. When the astronomer had seen what he had caused, he became disgraced, and locked himself within his astronomy tower forevermore. The curse that he had set on the land was said to last for eternity, which is why the bridge will forever be known as Broen av Frossen Evighet, The bridge of Frozen Eternity.

 However this bridge came to be, it has withstood the test of time, for no one knows how long it has stood along this river. Due to its location in Wintreath, it is rather difficult to get to, surrounded by wilderness, but those that do take the effort to reach it find themselves looking at a monument of time, back to an eon with no name and no one around to forget.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Reon on December 26, 2013, 06:31:49 PM
If someone could find me a suitably wintery image I will gladly write a piece for it... I just cant find an image I like.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on December 31, 2013, 04:58:10 PM

Gråskygge Outpost [Old Wintreathean - Rough translation reads as Greyshadow Outpost]

Gråskygge Outpost lies in the middle of the Gråskygge Pass through the Oldedge mountain range, in the furthest northeastern corner of Wintreath. Much like the other Outposts of its kind, Gråskygge serves the purpose of watching over the most extreme borders of its lands, and holds some 400 inhabitants year round, excluding the garrison that resides there during the harsh winters. In bygone years, Gråskygge was the staging post for the invasion of the far northern territories by the Vergemål-for-Toppene, and the Vergemål's influence can still be seen in the architecture of Gråskygg.

The area that Gråskygg overlooks and defends is some of the coldest and harshest that any region has to offer, and the men here are hardy giants, looking more like those from legend than citizens of Wintreath. The men of Erivale (the name given to this territory) took on the running of Gråskygg outpost some years before Wintreath broke away from Spiritus, and despite many political turnovers since remain the sole authority in this region, second only to the Monarch.

Population: 472 [+300 Hvitt Riddaral garrison]
Size: Roughly 1 mile in area.
Territory: Erivale [Territory capital]
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on January 02, 2014, 11:11:20 AM

N'al Reissvelt Castle

The N'al Reissvelt Castle stands on an outcrop of stone shaped eons ago by the winds of the last great ice age. Older than living memory, its original construction and inhabitants are still a mystery to all who visit it. For some 200 years, N'al Reissvelt existed in a state of disrepair and abandonment, but with the secession of Wintreath from Spiritus defendable positions were in all too short a supply. Over the course of 2 years, the castle's transport gondola (seen above on the left of the painting) was repaired, and men and resources ferried to the pinnacle. N'al Reissvelt has since been returned to something approaching its former glory, with the finest artisans from all over the region called to its alluring antiquity to reconstruct its high vaulted ceilings, elaborate mosaics and carvings and the stained glass windows that stand as tall as 4 men on each others shoulders.

Although the original purpose of the N'al Reissvelt Castle was lost when it fell into disrepair, Wintreath's military make use of it as a redoubt that is almost unassailable. It's position on the edge of the plains that Frostlake sits upon gives it excellent strategic value as a defensive emplacement, and the network of tunnels that criss-cross through the foundation stone it rests on provide storage space enough to withstand sieges that last decades.

However, N'al Reissvelt also holds a cultural significance as well as a military one. Sprawling across the entire summit of rock, its walls contain living space for thousands of scholars, artisans and intelligentsia who support the military garrison, making it not only a formidable military position but also a cornerstone of Wintreathean society.

Population: 2000 Military personnel, 6800 citizens
Size: Hard to gauge - best estimates put the total floor area at over 5 miles squared.
Territory: Frostlake (border defense position)
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on January 02, 2014, 11:21:19 AM

Once the most easterly border port of Spiritus, Helmgrad now takes pride of place in Wintreath's port holdings. Situated on a jutting peninsula that ends in the frozen wastelands of the East Sea, it watches over the only approach into the calmer and somewhat warmer waters beyond. Helmgrad's architectural style is undeniably Spiritean, but if one looks carefully enough it is possible to see the impacts of Wintreathean artisan-ship beginning to seep into the forbidding face of this defensive port.

Built and maintained by the military of Spiritus almost 500 years earlier, Helmgrad has a long and twisting history of defensive actions and peace-time trading. Under the government of Wintreath, it has exploded into a base of exploration and innovation in maritime development. Despite its foreboding position and unforgiving surroundings, the interior is remarkably homely, lit by glowing orange lamps mined from deep within the earth not a mile south of Helmgrad. Huge tapestries ordain the walls, and thick shag carpets ensure no-one gets cold feet within its stone-hewn hallways.

Population: 1500 Military personnel, 4000 non-military citizens, 2000 Navy personnel
Size: 3 miles squared, although defensive emplacements linked to the main construction by tunnels and walkways may lie as far as 2 miles out.
Territory: Krall Peninsula [Territory capital]
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on January 02, 2014, 11:36:04 AM


Positioned on the southernmost extent of Frost Lake, some 50 miles from the capital city, Hammerfell represents the height of Wintreathean determination and ability. Hanging 30 metres over the edge of the cliffs, this bastion of culture serves no real military purpose - instead, it is a cultural, innovative hotbed of ideas and theories that shape Wintreathean politics, society and industry.

Built at the end of the Hard Years, Hammerfell was the first city-building project embarked upon under Indric Kestar's watchful eye. Drawing inspiration from similar construction projects elsewhere, the city atop the cliffs is a mixture of the central castle (the only strategic building apart from its walls), sprawling expanses of houses and the factories and workshops that give Hammerfell the use-name of Aldri Sover Byen, the Never Sleeping City.

Although Hammerfell lacks the rich cultural history that other cities in Wintreath can claim, it more than makes up for it with the rigorousness of its inhabitants. Its population of almost 55,000 are bustling, easy-going individuals, and the markets and theatres of the main city ring to the sound of laughter and earnest conversation. The royal Kestar family maintain a residence within the main castle but also within the suburbs, as does the Meindhert Line. In terms of importance, it is often argued that Hammerfell comes second only to Frostlake itself. And let one not forget, the views from the spires of Hammerfell are some of the best in Wintreath.

Population: 2000 Military personnel, 50000 non-military personnel
Size: 20 square miles (the painting above only shows the cliff-side face of Hammerfell)
Territory: Frost Lake (second city)

Also of note:
Falvosa's Folly ( branch of the Indurain Causeways ( terminates here.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on January 05, 2014, 01:32:07 PM

Reminiscent of a long-ago era, Galdémere is a city that was not built but discovered. Before the region split away from Spiritus, Wintreath was largely left to nature except for a few small cities, towns and villages and the network of roads and railtracks that connected them. Once the Kestar family seceded from the Spiritus administration, a directive to explore the lush forests in the southern plains was given - it was hoped that in the midst of the rough terrain there would be waterways suitable for trade vessels to travel down, and land on either side suitable for habitation.

After some 20 years of work, Galdémere was discovered. It fit the bill perfectly - 3 large rivers quietly carved their ways through the centre of the city, meeting in more than 20 places to form natural harbours in the middle of the jungle-like forest. The city itself was deserted. Thousands of Hvitt Riddaral troops were brought in to ensure the safety of the exploration units, but nothing of any threatening value was found. As exploration continued, the scientists, archaeologists, architects, scholars and theoreticians moved in, taking up residence and beginning their studies of this ancient city.

Although its origins have been discovered, much within Galdémere remains shrouded in mystery. To its 30,000 inhabitants, this is hardly a matter for concern as they get about their daily lives in what has become one of the busiest trading cities in Wintreath's borders. Its position of isolation means that Galdémere is totally self-sustaining, and advances in crop rotation and agricultural method have seeped out to the other cities of the land as its secrets give themselves up to the inhabitants one by one.

Many buildings still show signs of disrepair from the centuries of neglect and natural incursions they were left to suffer, but the interiors are comfortably decked out by Wintreathean standards. The mild local climate sees thick carpets and thin window drapes as the norm in most houses, and clear, thin glass adorns the windows in efforts to keep out the midday heat and the midnight chill.

Population: 5000 Military personnel, 30000 non-military personnel.
Size: Unknown, estimated at 10 miles squared.
Territory: South Rides
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: The Golden Persian on January 05, 2014, 04:38:56 PM

Dalen Eksil

 Dalen Eksil has had a very troubled history. When the first native tribes came around, it was a warring territory. Many of the early battles, with many people dead in these battles. After the early warring tribes were either decimated or united, it was used as a place of exile, where people who were not considered fit for society or had committed a crime were sentenced to an early, frozen grave. It was also used as a place of crime, whether it be that of murder, of rape, of slavery, of any unlawful activity. It has always had a bad connotation to its name, and people best stay clear of it.

  Besides its human "inhabitants", it is otherwise a bare, frozen, and harsh wasteland. No land is usable, there is usually a constant storm or blizzard going by, and is nearly always eternally night.

  However, such things have not stopped several men, women, and others from traversing this land. Rumours are always about, that robbers, bandits, and ice pirates a hide their lot in the small opening of icy niches, and that one could become very rich very quickly if one were to find them. Of course, this also leads to the ever growing number of dead that can still be seen under the frozen ice, leaving one even more chilled to the bone...
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on January 05, 2014, 06:00:14 PM

Mistrock Outpost

Earning its name from the early morning mists that rise from the inlet waters in autumn, Mistrock Outpost marks the furthermost east point of the Myra outpost chain. The Langt Myra (or Long Marshes) blend into one of the largest mountain ranges on the eastern borders of Wintreath, and the river that runs inland from here carries trade hundreds of miles, some reaching as far as Galdémere and Hammerfell. Thus, the decision was taken to fortify the Mistrock Abbey into the final link in the Myra Outpost Chain that defends the first 150 miles of the River Lysshard and the lands around it from hostile incursions.

Having started life as an Abbey some 800 years prior to the Wintreath split from Spiritus, Mistrock's architecture leans strongly towards more religious iconography. This is merely a deceiving facade, however; after the Invasion of the Lysshard in 119, Mistrock's fortifications have been given a serious overhaul. Abbey life continues within 3 meter thick ironmarble walls, and the bell-tower's imposing height watches down upon anything approaching the waterway.

Mistrock Outpost is now predominantly a military emplacement with the sole purpose of protecting the inner flank of the eastern border. However, the small town that had already existed around the Abbey has expanded since the influx of men and materials began. The town of Mistrock now boasts a small theatre, two taverns and a well-equipped port that furnishes river-going vessels to the highest standards.

Population: 1000 Military personnel, 300 religious order personnel, 4000 non-military personnel
Size: 0.75 square miles on the islet, 3 square miles on the mainland (off-painting, look for the wall going off to the right)
Territory: Lysshard
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on January 05, 2014, 06:19:43 PM

Glaciermount Trans-Regional Railway - [Shown on the Glaciermount Pass stretch of rail]

As one enters the Glaciermount locomotive, it is not at first (except for the name) apparent why such a heavy-duty engine is required. For the first 200 or so miles of the track from the Grand Western rail-station in Frostlake, as the train travels over the Frostlake Rail Duct and curves southwards through Hammerfell, a traveler could be forgiven for thinking that the thickly insulated and iron-plated carriages with the deep carpets and heatlamps were overkill. But as the track curves, moving from south to southwest to west to northwest before turning north and pulling into N'al Reissvelt Castle station below the imposing pinnacle of rock, it becomes clear - the Glaciermount Trans-Regional Railway means exactly what its name says.

Built as the individual territorial railways were subsumed into the regional rail network, the GTRR represents a feat of Wintreathean engineering. Stretching a total of over 2000 miles through the coldest and windiest territories, it's a trainride like no other. Carrying passengers, freight and vehicle alike, the Hammerfell Rail Industries powerful locomotive reaches a coasting speed of 90MPH in good conditions. However, there are rarely good conditions.

Passengers have to contend with icy winds, blizzards and every-day snowfall that make slow going of the gently curving route. Luckily for them, the train comes with well-stocked open fires in each carriage, heavy curtains and lots of insulation. Even the lights give off a bone-warming heat at just the right temperature to keep back the chill of outside. From end to end, Frostlake to Gråskygge, the journey takes almost 3 months.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Deleted1 on January 07, 2014, 08:50:55 AM

Minas Tirith / Minas Anor

Minas Tirith, originally named Minas Anor, is the capital of Latrovia, and one of the strongest and never defeated strongholds in the protection of Wintreath. It became the heavily fortified capital of Gondor in the second half of the Third Age. It was originally built to guard the former capital, Osgiliath, from attack from the west, but became the capital when Osgiliath fell into ruin following the Kin-strife and the Great Plague. It is often referred to as the White City and the City of the Kings. The Rohirrim sometimes translated this into their own language as "the Mundburg".

The name Minas Tirith means "The Tower of Guard" or "The Tower of Watch" in the Elvish language Sindarin. It was originally named Minas Anor, "The Tower of the Setting Sun", in connection with Minas Ithil, "The Tower of the Rising Moon". Minas Ithil was later conquered by orcs from Mordor and was renamed Minas Morgul, "The Tower of Black Sorcery".
Minas Tirith was built culminating in the Citadel at the summit. Each of the seven levels stood 100 ft (30 m) higher than the one below it, each surrounded by a white wall, with the exception of the wall of the First Circle, which was black. The outer face of this outer wall, the lowest, was made of black stone, the same material used in Orthanc; it was vulnerable only to earthquakes capable of rending the ground where it stood.
Each wall held a gate, and each gate face a different direction.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Omega on January 07, 2014, 12:33:50 PM

The Braignesl Caves

Deep in the mountains of Wintreath, something burrowed in the ground. Like most things in this mysterious land, the new Wintreans did not build these features, they merely inherited them.

The caves are remnants of the Braignes people, miners and artists that took what the goddess Giule, the Earth, had to give and they turned it into magnificent pieces of wrought metal and carved stone. Their weapons are unbreakable, their walls indestructible, their art so fine even the thickest brute would appreciate their beauty. Only their records remain, no living being was found in these caves, though some say they just retreated further into the Deep when the Humans of Spiritus showed up, and they are waiting to strike back.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Omega on January 07, 2014, 12:44:12 PM

The Cragles Lake and Ever Burning Tree

The Wintreans never will understand the Tree or its magic. Not even the region's greatest scholars have penetrated its secrets, unable to identify how or why it burns. Only one being knows, the Queen Consort Talwyn Azenor Stark of the Azenor.

The Lake of Cragles was where the Queen Consort was told of her destiny, to marry the rebel king Inric Nordrim Stark, and aid him in his times of need when the country suffered. The tree was lit on fire by the old gods of the Eridian Peoples, some of the inhabitants of Wintreath who have since been assimilated by the Spiritan rebels, the new Wintreans. Talwyn was blessed be these old gods, and was allowed to bathe in the Cragles with her handmaids. Those who are not blessed and bathe will die in its freezing grip, only few are allowed to bathe in this huge lake, the second largest in Wintreath.

The tree remains aflame to remind Talwyn of her vows. When a Stark or Azenor or a member of another loyal Wintrean royal family dies, the tree burns a dark blue. On a day of battle when Wintreans die protecting their country, it burns a fierce indigo. It will only go out once the last true Wintrean, whether a local who's family has lived in Wintreath since the days of its origin or a foreigner who takes up the name of Wintreath as if it was his own; once the last breath leaves their lips, and their eyes stare into infinity, only then will the gods of Wintreath, new and old, only then will they die, and the tree will die with them.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Omega on January 07, 2014, 12:53:43 PM

The Dèigh Siste Området

The Dèigh Området. No man who gazes on them leaves unchanged. To the extreme north, once the mountains lay down and stop heaving, once the last trees realize there is nothing else to grasp onto, once the last wild beast finds no food or shelter from the stinging snow falls and the biting cold winds, once man has given up all hope of seeing anything different but a flat barren land covered in snow and ice, only then will he reach the Dèigh Området.

The ice moves in ways no man would imagine, for only the Laughing Gods can survive here indeterminately with no aid. In this seemingly uninhabitable and fantastic land, the pure gods, the Tricksters and Clowns and Jesters, the Laughing Gods, patrons of merriment and mischief, only they can live in this land. It is their last bastion against the horrors humanity, and all of nature, does to itself. Leaving only briefly to interrupt the otherwise despairing lives of mortals, the Laughing Gods do not take kindly to visitors, and will pursue them with extreme prejudice, guarding the one merry and chaotic land left on this waste of a rock. The Dèigh Siste Området, the last frozen area, and the last land of the free.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Reon on January 07, 2014, 05:44:45 PM
Reserving (
And this spot. Expect something to be edited in here. Likely later tonight.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: BlackTudorRose on January 10, 2014, 11:17:02 PM (
The væske are traditional tents used by the travelers of the wilderness' of Wintreath. The people that live in them are as warm and inviting as their homes. When they arrive they bring news and stories from the distant reaches of the land. Colorfully painted both inside and out it is an honor and a treat to be invited inside. In the wilds life can be hard and short and the væske's inhabitants (Also known as the reisende) do their best to live life to its fullest. A philosophy that has gotten them into trouble in many times. Still, they are an important part of Wintreath's culture.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Umbro on January 11, 2014, 04:27:56 AM
The Great Port of Androx

Androx is a large city with a population of mostly sailors and fishermen. It harbors one of the Wintreath's greatest ports and is currently acting as a military port for the numerous naval vessels. Despite having great prestige, the city casts a foreboding sense among many visitors. It's people claim because they live so close to the see. At night, people see strange lights in the water and hear thunder when there are no clouds.

Some citizens, those that are new to the city, dismiss it as nothing but the crash of waves amongst the boats at night. Those that have lived there longer disagree. They believe there is something in the water...something big... slumbering... and the thunder is the snoring of a sleeping leviathan. This is often laughed at by visitors as no more than an effort to scare visitors away. There are those that truly believe it though. They claim that people go missing in the night and that it's because the Church of Circumference, the local religion, sacrifices people to the one they call the Drowned God. Although this too is laughed at, the evidence does show that people have "disappeared" more in Androx than any other city.

Regardless of local superstition, Androx remains a place both respected and prestigious... but most recommend you do your business and get out... The people are often mean and cruel to new comers. They like being alienated and you will rarely find a citizen of Androx straying to far from home. They keep to their boats and fishing nets.

There is however, a rare gem in Androx. Although most of their export include fish, shrimp, and many delicacies of the sea. The wine of Androx is what kings and queens will pay for. They make the sweetest wine that taste great and gets the job done. A lot of brewing is done in Androx. This makes the place smell heavenly, which is ironic considering it looks like shit.

Be sure to try it the next time you are in Androx and when you gaze out into the sea... be sure you can hold your liquor or have had your fair share, for who knows, you might just wake up slipping under the waves into the deep abyss of the Drowned God's mouth.     
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Rossadan Citizen 01234 on January 20, 2014, 07:01:34 PM

Workshop of the Royal Mechanist

The center of industry in all of Wintreath, the workshop is a world renowned marvel of engineering and science that is responsible for the mass smelting, refining and production of most metal machinery and stone buildings throughout the region. originally discovered in a frozen Sepulcre, worn yet operational under the ice, the forge was originally, for around one hundred years, a military forge for the Spiritans.

The constant thrum of activity within and the radiation of warmth from the great furnaces has drawn great crowds to form a city around the structure. The various bazaars and markets, inns and temples surrounding the workshop form a spiraling maze in the rock and various towering mansions reach (and sometimes breach) the roof of the grand caverns formed by great drills from the workshop.

The city is fortunately in some of the tamest lands in all of Wintreath, and therefore attracts many foreign tourists and workers who bring their own cultures with them, as a result the architecture ranges between the uniform, pod-like, homes and businesses of the Rossadans, suspended from the roof in streets 200 meters above the cave floor, to the grand granite structures of the Galdemerians.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Keelen Mednoch on April 26, 2014, 01:40:34 AM
( (
Algorah Prison

   Algorah Prison is the worst most inhospitable places to find yourself in the region of Wintreath. Locked within the Snow and Stone of the northern mountains, it is, by far known as one of the most well defended prisons in Wintreath. Its tall towers and small segregated areas makes living and operating within its depths, a terror the best man couldn't endure. The segregation unit being the worst of it.
        A tower separated from the rest of the prison, with a thousand foot drop surrounding its terrible innards. Though some who enter do leave, its rumored within the walls, that leaving, is impossible. That thought is also perpetuated through the vicious interactions with the faculty of this fine establishment. Some prisoners have been talking of the "raging bull." A brass bull that is hollow with a fire placed underneath it. While a prisoner burns to death within its brazen stomach. Some prisoners even rumor that the guards of segregation worship the brass bull as some kind of deity of punishment toward the wicked.
   Though Algorah was adopted by the Wintrean's, it was not always so. The structure's age is undefinable, its towers not ready to reveal any of its long hidden secrets. There was a man found in the upper most room of the largest tower in the prison, quite obviously mad. Pacing around the room screaming in a language none could understand "VOCANT DIABOLUM, SANGIUS ENIM SANGIUS!" or some such nonsensical madness. As the Wintrean men got closer he ran and threw himself from the window. The only things found in the room were Quill and ink, A small ebony gripped knife, and scrolls of parchment. On the paper, the only discernible thing was the header, Tephrain Maleaous Algorah. Though there were much more written, none of it in a language anyone in the expedition could read or understand. Assuming that was his name, the prison was later named after him due to a lack of a more creative group of adventurers.
   Some prisoners rumor they can still hear him screaming at night, his terror everlasting within the walls of this colossal terror. They say they can almost make it out. "Ye ur haur tae kill mi!."
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Stacky on April 26, 2014, 04:23:46 PM

Skydda av Djävulen - The Devil's Shield

Affectionately dubbed The Gate to Icy Hell by the few locals (locals, meaning those within 50 kilometers of the Shield) that live there, the tunnel through Skydda av Djävulen is the most common entrance to the bases of the Huggtänder. Despite the Shield's impressive height, at 8,612 meters, it's actually one of the shortest peaks in the Huggtänder, which are home to the highest mountains in the world. The highest peaks scrape just over 12,000 meters, or 40,000 feet, and are nearly inaccessible by any means of travel. The mountains are situated in the northwest of the region, some 400 kilometers south of Gråskygge with 220 kilometers to the nearest coast. The Huggtänder also are the home of Algorah Prison, and the Shield serves as its sole access point. They make a common destination for extreme mountaineers, who try to scale the peaks each summer when the weather is nice(r).

The Shield got its name from the massive, 2,000 meter and completely vertical drop on the south face of the mountain. Carved into the rock, and 15 meters in diameter, is an ancient human face. No one is remotely aware of who--or what--carved it. Geologists have estimated the carving to be well over 6,000 years old, long before the first Spiritan explorers first set eyes upon what they would call Skydda av Djävulen. The carved bridge and tunnel that enters into the heart of the Huggtänder, too, was likely constructed at the same time. It's 14 kilometers long, directly through the base of the Shield, and emerges onto a large glacier that several other mountains are situated on. Even with today's most advanced technology, not to mention the super-extreme setting of the tunnel, it would take a high speed tunnel-boring machine over a year to dig a tunnel of that length. Calculations estimate that digging the tunnel by hand, into solid rock, would take well over 300 years. Theories include the assistance of time-travellers, to ancient aliens responsible for the tunnel.

Due to the sheer cliff on the south face and the extremely difficult terrain on the western side of the mountain, climbing up the north face is the only feasible way to ascend. It's an incredibly dangerous route, not because of its remoteness but simply because of how inaccessible the mountains are. The only close way in or out is through the south of the Shield, which is too small for everything but snowmobile and man. The Huggtänder are far too high for helicopters and propeller planes, and landing a jet on one of the glaciers is incredibly hazardous. Despite the danger, many try each year in earnest to climb the Shield. There's only a 2 in 3 chance of surviving the climb.

Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Peon #447 on May 22, 2014, 01:19:36 AM

South Vangaziland National Forest

Large, snow covered trees dominate the landscape. This conifer forest is home to a diverse, wintry ecosystem. Branches from the taller trees often blot out the sun. The Vannish River dissects the forest in half, running northwest to southeast. Several creeks branch off from the wide river, sending streams of crystal clear, icy freshwater throughout the forest.

Many citizens come here to hunt or to simply admire the wildlife that call this array of evergreen trees and snaky, semi-frozen waterways home. The apex predator is a large wildcat with a spotted, white-tawny coat and a distinctive roar. The cats are hunted for their fur and as a status symbol by Vannish nobles. Several birds of prey also call the woods home and feed on the variety of game in the area. The predators subsist mainly on a small species of white deer. These deer have become overpopulated due to human hunting of the apex predators. There are also many scavenging species, such as the grey-tailed fox or the chicken vulture.

A small army camp has been established in the Northwestern sector of the woods, a few miles away from the mouth of the river. Survival and Evasion training is taught in the vast wilderness surrounding it. Units rotate soldiers in and out of the camp about once a year for qualifications. In some units, it is seen as a punishment to be sent here. Others relish and specialize in the challenge. A garrison of about 150 soldiers is stationed here full time. They spend as many hours chasing poachers as they do training other units.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on May 22, 2014, 10:28:49 PM

Norloch Spires
What little information about the builders of the Norloch Spires that remains indicates a race of men reaching back into the mists of time far further than had previously been suspected. Rising from the waters of the Krall Peninsula and standing a mere half-mile from the main Helmgrad ( shipping lanes, only the uppermost sections of this once colossal building remain above the level of the straight.

Seemingly resisting exploration non-passively, the Norloch Spires are all that survives of a chain of Spire posts. From here-in, what is known is mere guesswork, but the theory with the widest support base suggests that the Spires were originally part of the Eastern Defence Chain.

Records from Familial Archives describe the Eastern Defence Chain as:

"A fearsome series of mechanisms designed to hurl sheet lightning at the forces that lurk across the Eastern Seas. Designed and constructed hundreds of years prior to Spiritean expansions into Wintreath, the Chain kept the shores of the region safe through sheer aggressive capability. Whilst some remain in near-working order, most fell foul of the weathering of time."

Several vessel-captains a year report sightings of mysterious lights moving around the top floors of the Norloch Spires, but investigation always fails to substantiate these claims. Several crack-pot theorists argue that the Spires have self-repair mechanisms built in, and that eventually the Norloch Spires will reactivate, decimating the Eastern board trading routes.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on May 22, 2014, 10:48:53 PM

Indurain Causeways

Constructed after Galdémere ( was rediscovered, the Indurain Causeways carry water-traffic from the South Rides as far as Frostlake, the West Rides and Lysshard. The brain-child of a scion of House Avestrii, the Causeway network allows for efficient, if somewhat sedate, transport off the otherwise dangerous wild territories of the South and Central South Wintreath.

Wide enough for two Junks to pass abreast, the Indurain Causeways have opened up many previously uninhabitable areas of the South to colonisation. Through clever gear-work and understanding of liquid physics, the designer was able to allow offloading of vessels almost anywhere along the Causeways they could be needed. Ships carry with them the necessary equipment, and so long as there is water below the Causeway, a ship can leave and rejoin the network at will.

The course of the Indurain Causeways was carefully plotted in advance, traversing some of the largest lake networks in Wintreath. All are now home to fast-growing colonisation efforts as those seeking to get away from the heavily industrialised central cities make use of this marvel of engineering.

Also of interest:
Falvosa's Folly ( branch of the network.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on May 22, 2014, 10:56:53 PM
Arnocen Academy
The Academy is one of the foremost centres of learning in all Wintreath. Led by the High Academe, and run efficiently by the Council of Scholars, the Arnocen Academy is a throwback to pre-Wintreath styles of existence. The hierarchies of the outside world aren't recognised here - all who enter are treated as equal in the pursuit of knowledge.

It is from Arnocen that some of the greatest technological leaps forward have come: the development of the steam engine, the weather-vane network that allows for basic weather mapping, the principles on which the manufactories of Hammerfell smelt purer iron and steel.

Located on the picturesque Lake Narn, Arnocen is defended both naturally and by its inhabitants. Despite appearances to the contrary, the Academy houses some of the largest automated defences that gearwork is able to produce. Due to its strategic position in the Central Approaches, controlling the main land-route in to Frostlake itself, the Academy has a permanent garrison of soldiers who are neither seen nor heard until they are required.

Population: Up to 1000 at any one time.
Size: Roughly half a mile in area.
Location: Central Approaches [Centre of Learning|Military Garrison]
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on May 24, 2014, 10:57:39 PM

Lenth City

A remnant of the Kingdoms of the Ride, Lenth is a masterpiece of architectural engineering. Hidden gearwork within each pinnace helps centre the weight of each aspect of the city, preventing otherwise calamitous over-balancing. Stormforge engines set at the centre of the city pipe heat to every room and corridor, bath and pool.

Previously fallen to disrepair, engineers from the Workshop of the Mechanist were able to revitalise the silent machinery and restart the precious flow of heat and power around Lenth. Ever since, the city has literally thrummed with life. Administrated by the Mednoch line, it is now famous for the incredibly crafted sky vessels that ply their trade through the skies of Wintreath.

A garrison of Hvitt Riddarel elite man the auto-cannon batteries that defend Lenth from attack both from the air and from below. The city, however, remains primarily a civilian post of Wintreath, and due to the influence of House Mednoch, its citizens are very rationally minded, usually occupying posts as scientists, gearworkers and engineers for the rest of the region.

Population: 30,000 civilians, 2000 Hvitt Riddaral.
Location: West Rides.
Size: Roughly 2 miles in area, although it is almost impossible to accurately determine.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on May 24, 2014, 11:12:33 PM


Once the southernmost extent of the Edilian Republic, Palar now serves Wintreath as the Peninsula East Outpost. As access by road into the region is across one of two peninsulas that reach from Spiritus to the south western extent of Wintreath, steps were taken to secure both crossing points: Stranglor ( on the westernmost and Palar on the east.

Whilst its primary function is a military outpost, Palar's use to Wintreath does not end there. Surrounded by dense forests and backing onto the hills seen in the painting, it has become a place of spiritual refuge for many citizens of the region, far away from the intense cold of the central and northern reaches that consume much of the land-mass. It is here that the Order of Ainsath, a warrior-monk group, has its base of operations, and many flock to learn from them.

Palar is also served by the Indurain Causeways, allowing cross-border trade to flourish - into Wintreath by bridge, then on to the central Wintreath proper via the network of raised waterways. The bastion at the centre of Palar has one of the most technologically advanced gearwork defences not only in the region but of the world, second only to Lenth and the Workshop itself.

Population: 15,000 + 2000 Hvitt Riddaral.
Location: Utori Territory.
Size: 4 miles in area, roughly.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on May 24, 2014, 11:43:00 PM


As the name suggests, Sørhavn is a natural harbour to the south of Wintreath. Lying at the end of one river that passes through Galdémere, it is a central hub of trade and of maritime development. The harbour is rarely seen without its attendant flotilla of misleading tall-ships; despite their venerable appearance, each is outfitted with capable gearwork assault batteries that can reduce opposing vessels to scrap in minutes of sustained fire.

The city of Sørhavn itself is a hotpot of various schools of architecture - the harbourside features strong Spiritian influences, whilst the inner city lends itself more to the architectural style that can be found in Galdémere and Dénik. The people who reside within the walls that mark the extent of the city are hardy and gruff, survivors of a few too many pirate raids for anyone's liking. Despite the lack of a friendly atmosphere, a driven individual can easily succeed... with the right contacts.

Of note is His Majesties Vessel Indomitable, often seen docked in the Eastern Quay. Standing foredeck and guncastle above all other ships in the harbour, it is a physical demonstration of Wintrean mastery of both naval construction and gearwork integration.

Population: 48,000 civilians, 2000 Hvitt Riddaral & 3000 Navy.
Location: South Rides.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on May 25, 2014, 12:00:17 AM


Østtrevale is a city of murky, hidden things. Located deep in the East Wood, it is one of the few settlements at all to brave the oppressively close forest of trunks that it is composed of. However, in spite of the lack of light and outside contact, Østtrevale has become a successful retreat for many of Wintreath's upper classes, mainly due to these qualities that have so prevented other East Wood settlements from growing to similar sizes.

The stålwood trees that make up much of the canopy have trunks that can be measured in tens of metres in diametre. Instead of attempting to cut these monstrosities down, Østtrevale citizens instead decided to work with the natural inclinations of the trees, building in, on and around the stålwood trunks from mere feet off the ground to hundreds of metres above, right amongst the huge span of each tree's canopy.

As a city, Østtrevale thrives on tourism and one other thing: exports of stålwood. Harder than conventional steel, the wood of this particular tree can withstand almost anything gearwork weaponry can throw at it. Østtrevale's primary trading partner is the port-cities of Sørhavn and Androx, whilst Frostlake itself requires some of the colossal tonnage for its building projects.

Population: 22,500 + 300 Hvitt Riddaral.
Location: Janth Territory.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on May 25, 2014, 12:42:08 AM


Named after the forge that lies beneath the massive outcrop of rock and metal, this eponymous cluster of industry serves one purpose only: smelting metals. Making use of the natural geography of the region that funnel cold winds at high speeds across the surface of the outcrop, Forge has the capacity to match any two industrialised cities yearly output - in a month.

The secret to this industrial behemoth is the vane of rock under which it sits. At first glance this appears to be a natural protrusion, but detailed examination reveals that it is riddled with metallic panels that serve as cooling engines for the forges beneath. Through this clever merger of technology and nature, Forge's creators have engineered one of the marvels of the modern world.

Located a mere 5 miles from the Workshop of the Mechanist (, Forge provides the industrial hub of Wintreath with vast quantities of high-end melted metals to be worked into the gear-machinery the Workshop produces. Linked via a clever contraption of conveyor-belts and transport cranes, Forge demonstrates the marvels of Origin design capability.

Population: 8,000 workers + 300 Hvitt Riddaral.
Location: Frostlake
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on May 25, 2014, 01:00:28 AM


First city of the island it takes its name from, Bain was the traditional home of the Meindhert Line and one of the few cities to retain its Fritänkare College after Spiritus took control of Wintreath. Due to its location in the far north-east of the region, separated from most of the rest of the world by the Strait of Cain and the Western Ocean, Bain has always been a highly independent place, full of radical political ideas and less-than-legal experimentation with gearwork.

With the migration of significant portions of House Meindhert to Frostlake and the acceptance of Kestar authority, Bain has become a vibrant city which sees itself as the last bastion of Wintreath. Having taken to its new ruler, Inric I, with a passion, the citizens of the city pride themselves on their loyalty and commitment to the Crown, and it is from Bain and its sister-city Cain ( that many of Wintreath's finest sailors are recruited.

It is said that one should never venture out of Bain's immediate environs without a local guide, for the rest of the island is prone to playing tricks on an unwary traveller and many are lost along the winding paths that lead to Bain's own small mountain range.

Population: 21,800 citizens + 500 Hvitt Riddaral.
Location: Isle of Bain [seconded to the territory of Bët]
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on May 25, 2014, 12:35:51 PM

Saraneth Falls

The crashing thunder that marks the Saraneth Falls is said to bear remnants of power that were used some thousands of years ago to bind the River Saraneth to a new course. Initially, the Falls were located some miles to the south, and the ancient path of the water can still be seen, but something - or someone - bound the river to their will and changed its flow. Now, the river serves as one of three tributaries of Frost Lake, and carries trade from the Krall Peninsula into the heart of Wintreath.

Those who live and work in the Saraneth Outpost that stands in the midst of the falls tumultuous feeder rivers have long since become used to the temptations of the water - an idle thought can lead a man to throw himself into the fast-flowing Falls in a one-way trip to the plains below.

One of the great natural wonders of Wintreath, the drop from top to bottom is measured at 1,377 metres - one of the tallest waterfalls in the world. In case of emergency, a specialised gearship is kept moored in the some-what calmer waters by the Outpost itself, designed to withstand both to raging waves of the Falls and the colossal drop they travel over.

The Line Mountains, from which the River Saraneth originates, are studded with abandoned constructions, many of which are still being explored by the denizens of the Outpost that takes its name from the Falls.

Population: N/A - Outpost holds 300 citizens + 150 Hvitt Riddaral.
Location: Krall Peninsula.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on May 25, 2014, 01:18:27 PM

Halden's Hearth

Marking the last reach of civilisation in the north of Wintreath, Halden's Hearth is an oasis of warmth and tranquility amongst the imposing heights of the Huggtänder Mountains. It's mysterious proprietor, Halden, is rarely seen: his only appearances are to open the doors to weary travellers and to bid them farewell - a job he has been doing for nigh-on 300 years, if the stories are to be believed.

The Hearth is larger than it first appears. One enters through the small building that sits alone on a spire of ironmarble that rises above various water-courses, but once inside it extends down several floors, each larger and more homely than the last. Its interior boasts plush carpets, open fires, heated water - an unexplained miracle for many - and a gearwork contraption that semaphores messages back to Gråskygge Outpost, although this is subject to good weather conditions.

It's unknown how Halden survives out in the depths of the Huggtänder range without companionship or supply for months on end, but from his infrequent appearances he seems happy enough to greet his frost-bitten guests who rarely, if ever, have an invite into his home. Of his past little is known except that he shares blood with the Royal family, which many feel explains his longevity.

Population: 1 - various visitors may be in residence at any given time, however.
Location: Erinvale [Northernmost extreme]
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on May 25, 2014, 04:51:05 PM

The Long Road

Representing one of the longest-standing instances of Origin involvement in Wintreath, the Long Road traverses thousands of miles from Dénik in the South Rides to Fullföljande in the Intheral territory. Self-repairing and self-illuminated, the Road carries trade through 5 territories in the heartland of Wintreath, although much of the personal traveller use has been superceded by the Glaciermount Trans-Regional Railway.

Constructed somewhere between two and three thousand years prior to the present day, it is rare to see a stretch of the Road in disrepair, as seen in the painting. However, entropy is a force that affects all things, and as such passage along the Long Road is occasionally disrupted by acts of nature or sabotage - although the latter isn't well-received by the Road itself, and those who perpetrate such acts are rarely seen or heard from again.

Population: N/A
Location: South Rides, Southwest Rides, Dyster, Central Western Rides, Intheral.

NB: Painting shows damage sustained after an uncontrolled gearengine detonated.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Stark on May 25, 2014, 05:30:31 PM
Loving the places and the descriptions from everyone. It really is excellent work.

Where does everyone get all of their pictures they use from?
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on May 25, 2014, 05:34:38 PM


As suggested by the name, Wester lies on the western coast of Wintreath, serving as one of the key ports for trade with regions that lie across the Western Ocean. Appearances can be deceiving, and this is certainly true of Wester - the initial impression is of a shanty town, ill constructed and clinging to the faces of various cliffs and pinnaces.

Upon entering the city proper, seen across the bay in the painting above, one will instead find a warm and welcoming environment, with pleasant company, strong ale and good food abound. Wester prides itself on its culinary arts as well as its somewhat non-conventional architectural styles of design, and these are its prime exports. Wester Architect Society is in high demand the world over for their space-saving, open-plan philosophies, whilst the chefs are found in the Royal Courts themselves.

As a non-nuclear settlement, Wester has several distinct communities, each with its own name. Wester-Tal, seen in the foreground right of the painting, is home to the artisans and philosophers, away from the bustle and noise of Wester proper. Wester-Orn, seen to the foreground left of the painting, provides the fisher fleets and the ship-builders who commute via shuttleboat to Wester proper for their work. Wester-Kej, to the very rear of the painting, is the gearwork hub, full of steam and fire and clanking of machinery.

Wester's ruling class is drawn from a combination of three families: The Aeternus, a distant branch of the Eternus (the second family) and the Umbra. A complex series of marriages unified these three unique lines into one that now retains the respect of every element of Wester life.

Population: 39,400 citizens + 3000 HR, 1500 WRFC, 2000 WRN
Location: West Rides
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on May 26, 2014, 07:37:45 PM

Årn ad'Imrich

Hidden far beneath the western cliffs that march unendingly from the glaciers of the north down past Cain and Jormving, Årn ad'Imrich is a place of lost secrets. Uncovered by a subsidence in the cliff-top above, the first explorers to enter the gloomy depths of this network of caves were astounded to see the mighty pillars that, if their eyes were not deceived, supported almost the entire western coastline of Wintreath.

The torches that marked the winding stairs, passageways and docks of Årn ad'Imrich flickered and lit themselves upon their arrival. Since then, they have not gone out. The purpose of this gargantuan construction remains unknown to this day, but some suspect their use was as a place of retreat. Others claim it is the last resting place of the Origins, the race that vanished from the surface some two thousand years prior to the rediscovery of Årn ad'Imrich.

Whatever else isn't known, the network is now home to thousands of Braignesl natives who have come to make a second home here amongst the very foundations of Wintreath. The waters bear little resemblance to the crashing waves of the sea far above - to drink from them is to see eternity in visions that drive a man crazy.

Population: 14,150
Location: Western coast of Wintreath, from Bëthern to just north of Wester.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on May 28, 2014, 06:44:36 PM

Previously mistaken as mere outlying peaks of the Huggtänder mountain rage, Lansarna is the collective name given to what has colloquially become known as "The Lances". Living up to this name, Lansarna are pinnaces of ironmarble rising from the ever-clouded foothills just south of the first mountain of the Huggtänder range, each with its own complex series of tunnels, accommodation complexes, workshops and libraries.

Upon the start of the Hard Years, hospitable locations in the northern territories of Wintreath were hard to come across, with the cold winds and blizzards driving many to seek shelter in already established settlements for months and years at a time. It was the intrepid explorer Revin Demetrith who was responsible for their discovery - one of the first private owners of an aeronautical vessel he'd constructed himself, he had been travelling between the Northern Outposts when sudden high winds had blown him and his crew off course.

The rest is known to history: upon dashing their vessel upon the side of one of these spires, the wind had immediately dropped. Resigning themselves to a long, cold and difficult descent, the crew had just begun to move out when one noticed the entrance that dove deep into the internals of their marooning point. From there, it was easy going - the paths, although multiplying seemingly endlessly, led them down to the valley floor.

Now inhabited by many of the air-traders and Flying Corps, Lansarna are important guide-beacons to travel in the North.

Population: Hundreds of thousands spread across 18 lances.
Location: Northern territories.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on May 29, 2014, 02:10:41 AM

Färnhel District
The civic redevelopments that swept Frostlake's districts in ¨190 saw building projects create an entirely new face for many of them. Backed by Family money, Royal authority and the Storting, these changes moved Frostlake from a slightly dated-feeling image to one that thrummed with energy.

Färnhel District lies to the north-west of the Royal District, and it is here that some of the greatest alterations can be seen easily. Prior to ¨190, Färnhel had been slightly dilapidated, part of the little used northern sector of the island as many preferred to live within easy access of the two main train stations and the five free public access ports. The redevelopment changed everything.

Construction of 3 aero-moorings in and around Färnhel brought floods of new life to the area. The construction of the four train stations, one to each cardinal direction, also made the area more attractive. The architects and social planners capitalised on this new surge of inhabitants admirably. Entire streets of housing were rebuilt, bringing the standard of living well up to match the cities now almost world-standard record. New industrial sectors provided jobs, two new ports did much the same whilst allowing freedom of travel, and the entertainment facilities tripled.

Although this rapid leap forward might seem a massive development, it was not the foremost in Färnhel. As the builders and planners withdrew, in moved the politically savvy, the artisans, the courtiers, the philosophers and the ideologists. Soon, the district was a thriving hub from which one could take the temperature of Wintreath as a whole. Ideas meet with fierce debate to this day, as minds come together in discussion about all of the real problems in the world.

Färnhel is not a stranger to violence, either. The political intrigue that so fills the streets at all times of the day and night brings its own brand of trouble - assassinations, bribery, plots and dangerously radical notions. Despite this, however, Färnhel is a well-known haunt of many of the Patriarchs and even the King himself, providing both fuel for discussion and keeping it in check to ensure the balance of power remains as it should.

Aesthetically, Färnhel has a warm atmosphere generated by the orange glow of streetlamps, a sense of bustling activity just beneath the surface from the many bars, restaurants and open meeting areas, the speaking amphitheatres and the tiered and tree-shaded tables where many come to sit, drink and talk. Houses are well-kept, decorated and designed - providing an aura of comfort to go with the feeling of intensity that echoes through the streets like a physical thing.

Population: 36,174
Location: Frostlake [city district of]
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: ORCA Bay on June 13, 2014, 05:42:49 PM
( (


The underwater city of Orcinae lies hidden under the frozen waves of Wintreath’s northern seas. Its origins and the peoples that constructed the sprawling city have been lost in the annals of ancient history.

Upon its rediscovery, Orcinae was repopulated first s a penal colony with its new inhabitants assured that this would be their final chance at becoming a productive member of society.
Any who failed would be jettisoned unceremoniously into the depths of the frigid sea. Fortunately the definition of such a life here allowed far more room for interpretation than most of Wintreath itself.

Today the city thrives as a “Black Market” tourist destination where one can find almost anything – legal and “not-so-legal”.

Population: N/A
Location: Somewhere beneath the Northeastern Seas
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on June 18, 2014, 11:19:57 PM

The aero-city of Argosai demonstrates the pinnacle of Wintreath's aeronautical engineering industry's technology. With an average cruising height of a mere 300 metres below the established aero-lanes, Argosai provides a multitude of services to the sky-traders and Wintreath Royal Flying Corpsmen who are regularly stationed there, either to rotate to new vessels or to transfer to shore.

Primarily, Argosai functions as a mobile mooring station, with refuel and repair facilities that would normally ground an aero-vessel for months at a time available at all hours of the day. Although its average speed is slower than the heaviest of merchant vessels, Argosai makes up for the apparent lack of mobility in the restaurants, bars, workshops, theatres, construction yards, markets and armouries. The WRFC runs 3 month long patrols in relays from Argosai's multi-tiered mooring stations, holding the prime forward bays for the behemoth class aero-dreadnoughts that prove such a disincentive to piracy.

Its 100 year history has been chequered with several take-over attempts by pirates or hidden parties. Argosai's secondary role is as the centre of aero-culture, a rapidly exploding movement to which the majority of aero-traders, pilots and corpsmen subscribe to. To many it is seen as the 'sacred grounds' of aero-traders, the spiritual home for those who live their lives by the wind and the clouds.

In that regard, Argosai has erupted with artisans, painting elaborate vistas, composing symphonies and writing plays and dramas based amongst the wild and unforgiving bounds of the air. The Mikaelson Line is prevalent amongst the upper tiers of Argosaian society, and the running of several key mechanisms of the floating city are entrusted to them.

Purely technologically, Argosai is supported by in-line gas sacs contained within its hull, protected by armour plating. In addition, revolutionary new gearwork rotor houses provide thrust on a scale necessary to move the hulking sky-city. The buildings on topside are riddled with defensive emplacements and it's rumoured that there exists a method of wrapping the entire city in an armoured carapace to defend it from overwhelming assaults.

Population: Varies wildly on any given day. In excess of 40,000.
Location: Varies wildly.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on June 23, 2014, 01:26:39 PM

Ideo'ath Cairn
Raised over two thousand years ago by a wandering tribe of hunter-gatherers as a marker for their annual migration route, the cairn around which the town of Ideo'ath has grown stands some fifteen metres above the surrounding ground. Due to the nigh-constant rains that marr the north-eastern extents of Wintreath, the cairn is now contained in the town hall, just visible to the top-right of the painting above.

Ideo'ath itself is mainly a wooden and stone construction. The town resides on a large hill in the depths of the Highmarch Downs, and this locale has kept the town isolated for the most part. Thus, a visitor from the outside finds Ideo'ath a throwback to the old Wintreath styles of design and architecture - carefully built wooden walls support stone-slate roofs, lanterns gutter in the squalls of wind and rain and cobbled streets gush with the sounds of running water and shod hooves.

For all of its apparent backwardness, Ideo'ath is a comfortable enough place. Buildings are well insulated, and open fires are found in most rooms throughout town. An innovative pipe network provides hot water to the entire populace from the hot springs located beneath the cairn itself. Taverns and inns bustle with gossip and travelers, and the people themselves are quick to laughter despite their wary airs. The local speciality dish is a highly alcoholic stew, made with rum and various meats that does an excellent job of keeping the damp cold from ones bones.

Those who make the three day trek to Ideo'ath Cairn do so mainly for the heavy winter gear the town is famous for the nation over. Ideo'athan jackets, fur-lined leggings, sleeping bags, ice-boots and assorted extras are of the highest quality and its shops and tailors clothe many of the deep winter and far north expeditions entirely by themselves.

Population: 24,900 citizens + 1500 WHR + 300 WRFC.
Location: Salend Territory
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on June 23, 2014, 03:59:44 PM

Based on principles of mobile defensive emplacements and shifting line-of-sight, the fortress-town of Zystáirn looms ominously above the plains of the Far South, poised on the slight coastal rise of the southern shores of the Lysshard river delta. Despite appearances as a static emplacement, the air batteries and shore defense weaponry emplacements operate on tracked gimbals that allow the central control gear-engine to bring up to 70% of the city's defenses to bear on a single target.

Contrary to general expectations, Zystáirn did not start life as a fortress-city: instead, its origins are as a far more humble lighthouse-early warning position on the Southern coast, designed to alert the Langt Myra chain of encroaching forces from the South and West. It was only after the 117 invasion of the Lysshard rides that the city was redesigned from the ground up as a military emplacement, and even today one can still see the light tower that has been subsumed by the city hall.

Visitors to Zystáirn may well expect a very regimented and ordered style of living, but are surprised by the laid-back hustle and bustle of city life similar to almost any other Wintreath city, no matter its purpose or location. The plains over which Zystáirn presides are well-ordered farms, and the majority of storage space within the city walls is given over to grain and foodstuffs rather than ordinance and weaponry.

Population: 13,420 citizens + 1500 WHR + 500 WRFC + 200 WRN
Location: Søresthal Rides
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Stacky on June 23, 2014, 04:57:34 PM
Holy shit Weiss, these are all seriously impressive.

Sorry - where'd you want me to put the images again? Steampunk I mean?
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on June 23, 2014, 05:11:03 PM
Holy shit Weiss, these are all seriously impressive.

Sorry - where'd you want me to put the images again? Steampunk I mean?

There's a thread in this forum called "Resources" or something similar, just dump links in there :) And thank you!
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on June 25, 2014, 12:49:55 PM

Dysterhetstråle District
Famed for the bridges that span the gap between buildings and give this district its characteristic gloom, Dysterhetstråle is well-known as the hub of trade in Frostlake City. Whilst the atmosphere may to a casual observer seem to be downcast, in part due to the shadows of the transit bridges above, the people of Dysterhetstråle avidly enjoy their somewhat quirky area of Frostlake City - walking down a street in the district leads to one soon being accosted by a street-vendor or a travelling merchant.

But despite its surface-depth tranquillity, Dysterhetstråle is famous for another reason: crime. Comparatively low when assessed next to other nations, the level of crime in this particular district is well above the norm for Wintreath. Its many dark alleys and multitudinous levels and layers make for difficult terrain at the best of times, and it is within this labyrinth of walkways, bridges, stairs and roads that the underlayers of Wintrean society operate at their best.

So prevalent is the underworld in Dysterhetstråle that a game of sorts has come into existence - the wealthy may put out a contract upon themselves with a time-limit. The rules are simple: to claim the money you have to fulfil the contractual terms (it may be break their arm, it may be kill them) before the time is up. This shadow game brings the edgier members of Wintreath's society into the open, and the citizens who live in Dysterhetstråle have long since become used to the actions of these assassins and their targets.

As one could expect in a district so famous for its bridge network, transport in Dysterhetstråle is a rather unique experience. The bridge network does in fact extend beyond just Dysterhetstråle but the highest concentration of them are found within the districts borders. One enters any building at ground level - or whatever level you happen to be on - and takes the gearlift to the transit network stations on the 'roof'. A building may have several 'roof' levels so as to accommodate for several rail-tracks from different directions.

Much of the less-legal Familial business is dealt with in Dysterhetstråle and it is not uncommon to see buildings entirely owned by one Line or another, giving them unrestricted access to the transit network and to the highly skilled criminals who reside within the murky depths of the district itself.

Population: 51,600 citizens
Location: Frostlake City (district of)
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on July 09, 2014, 01:47:22 PM

Set into the hills that mark the beginnings of the Huggtänder Mountain Ranges in the east, Castahal is by Wintrean standards a small city. Despite this, it is a bustling hub of culture that blends the tribal practices and traditions of the north-east and the more modern ideals of Wintreath's technology base into a smooth tapestry of contentment for its inhabitants. To live in Castahal is to want for nothing, as its unique climate brings unaccustomed warmth to this far-north city, allowing the growing season here to extend far beyond the meagre two months that other settlements of this latitude have to suffer.

The people of Castahal are famous for their hardy natures, and it is from here that many of the Huggtänder Outposts draw their manpower. Despite what one might expect, the city itself has a warm and pleasant air to it, and the heated streets keep the snow and rain from marring transport and trade within the city walls. The inns here spill their liveliness onto the street and it is a common sight to see musicians performing on balconies above the concourses to crowds of cheering drunken men and women.

The famous keep of Casta, seen in the above painting in the background, is home to one of the most famous Lines of Wintreath: House Fortis. It's twisting corridors and labyrinth-like halls are notorious for losing guests for sometimes days at a time, but otherwise the keep is as hospitable as the city it watches over. The Aqueduct, a remnant of Origin construction projects long since fallen to the marches of time, brings water enough to provide for the needs of the entire city from Menroth's icy lakes, and also provides access to the waterway that some thousands of miles south links up with the Indurain Causeway ( network.

Population: 38,215 citizens
Location: Kethãn'k territory
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on August 08, 2014, 11:44:26 PM

Standing proud amongst the foothills of the North Lyss Mountains, Isoräth is a city-fortress unlike any other. Whilst the nation of Wintreath bears many proud fortifications the likes of which are rarely seen, its pinnace and the attached Observatory (seen just to the right of the bridge connecting the pinnace-tower to the main city) mark Isoräth as both a position of military importance and one of scientific value to the wider world.

Located ideally on the Car'thel Plains, Isoräth's skies are widely clear year-round, with the exceptions of the squalls which coat even its warm heart in ice and snow, making for perfect star-watching conditions. It is from the Observatory of the city-fortress that many of the navigational advances allowing aeronatical trade to kick off have stemmed, and the pinnace-tower itself is home to the largest multi-lense telescopic array in Wintreath, if not the world.

The people of Isoräth match up to the expectations one might have upon entering the city. Many have swords at their side, but instruments, brushes and pens are just as much in evidence - truly is Isoräth a place of many clashing cultures. A newly arrived traveller finds themselves swiftly pulled in to the vibrant streets, but one is advised to take care; despite the many guards, Isoräth is home to the Larcenist's Emporium, the largest collection of men and women working on, shall one say, the knifes edge between legality and illegality.

Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Admiral_Nonagon on September 01, 2014, 07:15:23 AM
Me and Winter was just speaking of the History of Wintreath and some of the landmarks, cities, etc... Can "City of Iceodine", "Brieser", or even "Ice Peak City" and "Fort Steelhold" be added? I am part of Wintreath and citizen... if you say yes I can work on it... though 
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: PB on September 01, 2014, 04:12:58 PM
I don't see why not.  If it's in Wintreath, it belongs in this thread.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Admiral_Nonagon on September 02, 2014, 02:39:16 AM
Message for Wiess: City of Iceodine looks like a frozen fantasy city that appears to still have a gothic taste to it. Fort Steelhold is a very polluted, canopied city that has huge factories in the walls, Steelhold has 50 mile tall steel walls that are 5 miles thick. Ice Peak City is a tourist city and has the snowy touch to it still, they have massive fairs and carnivals, etc... And Brieser (city) holds the main port city where Wintreath Allies and nations trade to us and we trade, Brieser also has that snow feel... it is next to one of the tallest Mt's in Wintreath (maybe) "Mt Chillius (covered in snow and Ice) It's in the water and its bye it's self near Brieser. All of Iceodine is snow or Ice covered... theres no real grass that you can see... when you live up near the North Pole. Also add Wispy Forest, it's a frozen gorgeous weeping willow forest!
Thx! :D message me back for the history or something :D
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Reon on September 02, 2014, 05:14:49 AM
Oh the places you'll go isn't just a project of Weiss'... Well, it is but only because not many others have written and Weiss has written quite a bit of very impressive work... Feel free to add to it of your own work in a similar format as Weiss.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: camaradatate on September 02, 2014, 07:32:02 PM
this perfect, i can finally bring up specific places in wintreath for my story, i hope that's alright.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Reon on September 03, 2014, 01:35:53 AM
Yep, that's what this thread is for.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Admiral_Nonagon on September 03, 2014, 02:28:24 AM
sweet, I just have to figure out how to post pics on the forums... :p when people explain it, it's really hard to understand :( but if you gave me step by step with every detail I can write it down and do it :D
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Stark on September 16, 2014, 10:11:27 AM
Yes as PB said feel free to add to it! It is a fantastic thread!
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Jone on September 16, 2014, 09:10:48 PM
I miss Weiss' updates. :(
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: PB on September 17, 2014, 03:05:41 AM
I'd love to contribute, but I'm afraid that I won't have the time necessary to devote to an entry that lives up to Weiss'. 
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Admiral_Nonagon on September 20, 2014, 05:10:48 AM

City of Iceodine:

The national capitol of The Empire of Iceodine. It is a very isolated city by two major open terrains; Desert of Freeze and the Snow Plains.

This city is the very first city that was settled by the Iceodonians. The walls of this great city is made out of marble, White-Oak Pine, and Ice-Iron. This area has the worst weather to standards for winter, it snows/ blizzards 22/7 per day. How people adapted to this way o life is still unknown.

The Main bridges to get to the Distillery and Cargo Districts are across the frozen river of Iceodine. These Bridges are called; White-Cap Bridge, Brieser's Bridge, and finally War-Hero's Bridge. They all are close to 105,460k years old, built with sweat and blood of loyalty and love for the country! The end of White-Cap Bridge is Iceium Keep where the High Duke & Duchess sit.

The city has went through hundreds of battles and still hasn't fallen from the case of Fyrus Stocksholm and Nonagon Stocksholm. They will always be loyal and honorable to Iceodine to any cost even death.

Fixed image ~ Weiss
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Reon on September 20, 2014, 09:30:24 PM
You were so close with the img code... You didn't close the brackets on the /img.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Deleted1 on September 21, 2014, 11:03:26 AM

ANTHATAL - LATROVIA (Watchfull City - City of Kings)

For the fashion of Anthatal was such that it was built on seven levels, each delved into the hill, and about each was set a wall, and in each was a gate. But the gates were not set in a line: the Great Gate in the City wall was at the east point of the circuit, but the next faced half south, and the third half north, and so to and fro upwards; so the paved way that climbed toward the citadel turned this way and that and then that across the face of the hill.

Anthatal, is the capital city of Latrovia, settled in the Northen-West side of Wintreath. Even now, is considered as one of the most defensive forces of the region. It's popullation are fearfull warriors, that have developed the art of sword. Among them, exist teachers and many other wise man and women. Latrovia is a known country, for its defensive forces, and it's high spiritual and sportmanship level.
The city of Anthatal, is divided into seven one-hundred-foot high levels, each surrounded by high walls. The gates connecting the levels did not lay behind one another in a line, but faced in different directions. A spur of rock, whose summit was level with the city's uppermost tier, jutted out from the front of the city in an easterly direction, dividing all but the first level into two. The spur of rock has been described as being in the shape of the bow of the ship, an obvious reference to how man first colonized the area. Each level was scattered with many alleys, narrow passageways, marketplaces, family shops and stores, and public living buildings, such as apartments and full-fledged houses (which were probably quite rare in the city). On the sixth level were located the Houses of Healing, surrounded by pleasant gardens. Finally, within the seventh wall, was the Citadel of Anthatal, with the Tower of Inferium - three hundred feet high, so that its apex was one thousand feet above the plain, the Fountain, the leafless White Tree, and the Royal Garden. Upon the saddle between the city and Mindolluin were the Houses of the Dead - a tomb for the Kings of Latrovia and their Stewards.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Danu Talis on February 26, 2015, 02:26:55 AM

Zireek’s Solace (Officinal Name: Zireek’s Cathedral)

The name Zireek is known in all of Danu Talis as one of the heroes and integral founder of the land and the religion. While his feats have grown larger than life, he is still revered to this day for his logic, ideas, and cooperation in uniting the people. The reason for the colloquial name is in the mythos of Danu Talis, stating this was the spot Zireek’s home was located before being razed by a rival tribe. This cathedral began construction 150 years ago with many of the best and brightest architects at work designing it, and construction working painstakingly building the marvel. For various political reasons, it wasn’t until 20 years ago that the cathedral was finally finished. This stands to the southern part of the nation outside Danu Talis’ capital, Muz.

The purpose of this cathedral was originally for the populace to have a place to pay respects for various religious reasons, but has been repurposed shortly before its christening. The late Emperor deemed it to be “much more than another cathedral” and has instead made it a place emphasizing cultural exchange. The cathedral is open for cultural exchange with others and to be a place that promotes cooperation in the spirit of its namesake.  The officials from all over Wintreath are invited to drop by and share bits of culture of mingle with other officials to help build solidarity in the region. The upper chambers are where many of important guest are to go, while some of the lower chambers are for the general public.

The cathedral sits on the more temperate region of the nation near one of the major rivers flowing through Danu Talis. The surrounding land is lush with surrounding forest and far away from the capital to be bogged down by the effects of a busy city. While this would be an ideal location for bandits, a good number of guards go on patrol in, outside, and around the cathedral to deter any threats. All are welcomed in cooperation and in a show of good faith, Danu Talis has given a form of diplomatic immunity to the visiting delegates and rulers so that they are not made uneasy by the rigid laws of the nation. Outside the cathedral there are many sculptures of various historical figures in the nation's history and garden with many of the plants from all over Danu Talis.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on April 09, 2015, 11:29:48 AM

Geasshaldt Monastery
Set deep within the murky dells of the Dyster Forest, the Geasshaldt Monastery is the oldest example of Edilian architecture, dating back to the very dawning of the so-called First Republic of Wintreath. The monastery itself is a haphazard construction of brick and mortar, with red sunbaked tiling marking the buildings apart from the lush greenery of the surrounding forest. The walk - riding, either of animals or of gear work, is forbidden - takes three days, tracing the route laid down in myth by founding Father Passeth Di'clo-Et that winds its way through thirteen valleys and climbs a grand total of 16,849 steps in the final ascent alone to reach the pinnace upon which the building sits. Passage to the Monastery through any other route is nigh-impossible without gearwork transport, and the idea is strongly discouraged by the Edilian lightning lance emplacement still functioning in the bell tower.

The Geasshaldt Monastery operates on the very same principles as it did in the time of Father Di'clo-Et's primacy - peaceful meditation and self-acceptance combined with a rigid training regime that grants older Monks the physiques of lesser gods. In more modern times, it continues to serve as a recluse for those tired of busy Wintrean life in the rest of the country, and regularly hosts upwards of 200 discontented citizens.

Most do not stay long, the mixture of early rises and extensive exercise proving too much for those softened by city living.

The Monastery is watered by several ice cold springs rising in the cave networks below its foundations, long since explored and expanded upon into a labyrinth of storage rooms, spare bedrooms, forges, kitchens, laboratories and workshops. The current Father, Islief Heldensroth, prides himself and his charges upon their self-sufficiency, arguing that the tenets of self-acceptance reach into that discipline also. Any and all foods are grown on the tiered fields sat just beneath the main monastic building, tilled by a combination of Brothers and Sisters of the Order and their visitors - or 'charges', as Father Heldensroth likes to refer to them as.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on May 15, 2015, 02:18:44 PM
Completing this for Pengu;



Situated on the mainland only three miles distant from the Isle of Bain, Cain is a vibrant and cultured city that bustles with life. Much like Bain (, much of the hardy population of Cain are involved in the fishing or shipping industries, and the city's largest port has a permanent garrison of Royal Navy gunships as well as the attached WRFC division responsible for protecting the largest northwestern shipping lane.

Due to the harsh winters, natives of Cain have taken to burning large fires in specially designed pits that sit just above the water, using the colossal heat to keep the immediate area around the shoreline free from ice that would otherwise render the city unreachable by water in the long winter months. As one moves away from the docks and into the city, climbing the winding roads and paths that link the sprawling polis together, you are soon lost within the tight spaces and many hidden alleys and courtyards that are so characteristic of Cain. Even in winter, these spaces are narrow enough that heat is retained, giving rise to the rather flamboyant winter-wear that are sought after across much of the northern Rides.

Cain's aero-moorings are located only a stones-throw from the city's administration district, hidden from the high winds behind the plateau of rock that much of the city is built within. It makes for an odd contrast; one steps off the aerovessel and is forced to climb from the berths to the level of the rest of the city rather than descend, as is common elsewhere. As one meanders through the various natural slopes and inclines, it isn't rare to stumble across what appears to be the sea - the city is built on honeycomb rock, allowing for hidden storage areas and concealed moorings to protect ships from the worst of the winter weather.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Govindia on May 15, 2015, 08:31:56 PM
Completing this for Pengu;



Situated on the mainland only three miles distant from the Isle of Bain, Cain is a vibrant and cultured city that bustles with life. Much like Bain, much of the hardy population of Cain are involved in the fishing or shipping industries, and the city's largest port has a permanent garrison of Royal Navy gunships as well as the attached WRFC division responsible for protecting the largest northwestern shipping lane.

Due to the harsh winters, natives of Cain have taken to burning large fires in specially designed pits that sit just above the water, using the colossal heat to keep the immediate area around the shoreline free from ice that would otherwise render the city unreachable by water in the long winter months. As one moves away from the docks and into the city, climbing the winding roads and paths that link the sprawling polis together, you are soon lost within the tight spaces and many hidden alleys and courtyards that are so characteristic of Cain. Even in winter, these spaces are narrow enough that heat is retained, giving rise to the rather flamboyant winter-wear that are sought after across much of the northern Rides.

Cain's aero-moorings are located only a stones-throw from the city's administration district, hidden from the high winds behind the plateau of rock that much of the city is built within. It makes for an odd contrast; one steps off the aerovessel and is forced to climb from the berths to the level of the rest of the city rather than descend, as is common elsewhere. As one meanders through the various natural slopes and inclines, it isn't rare to stumble across what appears to be the sea - the city is built on honeycomb rock, allowing for hidden storage areas and concealed moorings to protect ships from the worst of the winter weather.
Nice work!

Any luck on my cities?

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on May 16, 2015, 03:15:41 PM
@Govindia - you'd need to send me image files you want to work with and a rough description. Anything I did have on your stuff from before my inactivity is unfortunately lost.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on March 25, 2016, 01:33:59 AM

Falvosa's Folly (Torghust-Hammerfell ( branch of the Indurain Causeways (

Named after Ahlixandor de Falvosa - grandson of the near-mythical Germaine de Falvosa, rumoured to have been the first man to colonise Frost Lake Island three thousand three hundred years ago after a disagreement with his two brothers - Falvosa's Folly links the Indurain Causeways in the south to Frost Lake itself. Initially the canals travel across the Central Plains, but as the land falls away into the huge impact crater that forms the Frostlake Basin, the canals take to the skies on soaring aqueducts.

The Folly links two vital areas of Wintreath together, allowing the goods and resources to flow up into the nation's chilly heartland from the warmer and more bountiful southern Rides. Covering a distance of approximately 200 miles in a meandering path that supplies the industrial heartlands of Wintreath, the Folly is a bustling superhighway carrying so much traffic that even the faster traveling times of the aeroships cannot put a dent in the trade.

It is worthy of note, however, that Maxmillia Esterfort conclusively demonstrated that the Folly could be run in the same amount of time it took the lumbering aerotrade barges to traverse the distance between Torghust and Hammerfell. Esterfort Contractors has since become one of the largest suppliers of fast naval vessels and compact gear engines.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on March 25, 2016, 04:17:07 AM

Leitvahn Beacon Chain

Linking each of the seven Huggtänder Outposts together with fiery intent, the Leitvahn Chain is only lit in the direst of circumstances. The last time any of the 100 foot tall pillars blazed defiant against the North's weathers and climates was the invasion of the Vergemål thousands of years ago, yet to this day each Beacon is manned by its 4 person team, braving the elements to maintain Wintreath's first line of defence... and warning.

The Leitvahn Chain traverses almost 3500 miles across the foothills and valleys of the mountains that provide the natural bastion against the Far North, and Castahal's famous aqueduct bears one link in the chain.

In recent years, taking the duties of a Beaconwatcher is to accept the inevitable - that you were throwing your life into the hands of the wild north, where nature was cruel and other things that should've been long dead... weren't. The WRFC does what it can, however, and a sky clear of a fast picket aeroship or two is a rare thing in the North.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on March 29, 2016, 07:10:05 PM
So, after some consideration I've decided to put a collection of images up to vote in this thread. I've been gathering pictures that fit the general theme of the 'nation' of Wintreath for a while, and rather than just sit on them whilst I wait for inspiration to strike I thought I'd post all of them in this message and ask you guys which ones you'd like to see first.

In addition, if anyone wants to claim a picture for a Family Seat/controlled city, just PM me with the image and a description and I'll get it up here as soon as I can :)

So, here we go: WARNING - LARGE IMAGES.

Images // SOUTH

Images // NORTH

Images // TBC


Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on March 29, 2016, 08:35:23 PM


When the Braigsnel Caves ( were first discovered, an expeditionary outpost was constructed in the outlying foothills bordering a large cliff for defence (and this was long before aerovessels had even been dreamed of) as a place to funnel supplies onwards from. In the years since, as discovery upon discovery from the Caves drew ever more attention in the direction of the Braigsnel Hills, Freemantle too began to grow.

When it was announced that His Majesty would be creating the Wintrean Royal Flying Corp, and that it did indeed involve the use of a new invention - the aeroship, a step beyond the simple lighter than air contraptions in existence up to this point - Freemantle was chosen to host the WRFC's training centre. In part, this was because of the sheer cliff faces and various jutting outcrops of rock that could host the centre in partial isolation from the city itself, but also because Freemantle was just far enough North that it was always bitingly cold.

The class of individual who willingly signed up for the WRFC were, shall we say, a little wild in the head, and soon enough they were intermingling with the city dwellers despite the arduous bridge crossings required to get from the WRFC centre into the city itself. As Freemantle evolved in response to the rapid pace of technological advancement, so to did it adapt to provide a perfect environment for the WRFC. As time passed and the role of the WRFC expanded, Freemantle was again chosen to host a territorial garrison command on top of the training centre.

The city itself swarms with off-duty flyboys, but the inhabitants themselves are always out in force. They are boisterous and often mischievous individuals, never afraid to haggle or challenge you to a game of Clouder. Their attitude, however, belies a strength of arms beyond most Wintreans - Freemantle is home to the largest military aerosmithery yards, and working the metals and machines involved in the construction of flying ships is taxing work.

Perhaps the city's proudest achievement, however, does not invovle the WRFC at all. It was Freemantle's citizen owned private aerosmithery that constructed the Argosai (, and many of its younger generation were its first crewmembers. The city is second only to the aerocity it birthed in the prevalence of the new aeroculture.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: pacsironeenk on April 30, 2016, 07:15:08 PM


Bleakhythe is a small village with a large forest surrounding it. This forest is home to goblins, bears, and all kinds of other atrocities, varying from witches to dwarves. These repulsive creatures are often found raiding the mysterious town. The mysteriousness comes from the fact that there is a very strict 'border gate', through which not many may pass. It is said that that the village is so spooky, that not even Witchers dare to assist with the raids, the toughest of monster hunters. Some travellers passing by the town have reported hearing wails coming from behind the rusted gates. Why these are being heard, or what is making the wails, will most likely never be known.
 When the sun sets over the strange little town, it is said to disappear into nothing but a cloud of mist, which gently disperses into the atmosphere. But even after it has 'gone' no adventurer dares set foot in that wretched clearing... 

Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: pacsironeenk on April 30, 2016, 08:26:32 PM
Wolfgang's Peak


So called because Eiron Wolfgang was the first man to climb to the top of the mountain. Rumors state that he was encountered by many perils on the 9000 steps that he himself built, although they were never specified; only known as Wolfgang's Witches. It is said that these Witches may have killed him, because he never returned from his epic quest. Now Wolfgang's Peak is fenced off, due to many strange disappearances...

Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: pacsironeenk on May 01, 2016, 10:10:38 AM
Skelmont Manor


Skelmont Manor is located beside the ruins of Skelmont bridge- the huge bridge in which once connected Wintreath to Zekolia. While the old bridge's existence is common knowledge, the Manor is unheard of. This is because of the dense, yet small wood, that completely hides the wooden building. It was built when Wintreath was first founded by his majesty Wintermoot I of Wintreath, to commemorate the joyous days, and mark the border of Wintreath. Its original use was going to be somewhat of a 'border gate', but after many shifty characters managed to slip through the guard's hands, local government decided to demolish Skelmont Bridge, denying travelers entrance, leaving it in the state it is today. Now Skelmont Manor is used as a place for travelers to stay, and sometimes even a brothel! Occasionally, on a foggy morning, The house almost looks surreal and ghost-like, even leading some adventurers to say it changed position, lifting up its mossy cracked wooden  planks from the concrete foundations. Many mysteries still surround this building, like why and how books which are thousands of years old stand on the bookshelves, perfectly preserved, and how it has been closely edging towards the edge of the cliff on which it stands...

Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Owen123 on May 02, 2016, 03:30:45 PM
Ylefring is a fort in the north east of Wintreath. It was raided by the rebels of nienrike who travelled  from  New Fallhkirk to wintreath and attacked the fort. The nienrike rebels outnumbered  the guards. The rebels cut through the guards with ease . Now the rebels are still in control of the fort so the travel between the roads have been dangerous lately with the disappearance of traveling merchants and adventurers. Even the most fierce warriors have tried to liberate the fort but have failed each time.

Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Michi on May 05, 2016, 11:12:47 PM

The Tribal Village of Delkanus

Hidden within one of the forests of Wintreath is a small, shamanistic village known as Delkanus.   The village is home to many of a race known as the Delkani - a race of humanoid beings with animal like features such as having fur/feathers, a beak, tail, and other such traits unique to a specific animal.  Simplistic in nature, the Delkani are a very tight-knit group that is wary of outsiders and their unusual ways.  Most are hunters, gatherers, while some are Watchers (aka guards).

The leader of the village is a Delkani known as Raul Tigerion.  As his name suggests, he is a taller, more intimidating looking of the Delkani people, and he resembles much of a tiger from his black and white fur, to his facial structure, right down to his eyes and tail.  He leads the village with an even hand and hopefulness to see the village continue on its current path.

The people hunt in the forest for their source of food, and water is provided by a small river the flows throughout the village.

Very few have made their way through the forest and lived to speak of it, and fewer have made to and from the village itself.  While its existence has been kept a secret, there are some out there who know of it (such as those that have migrated from there), though in respect of the fierce Delkani, have not spoken of it.

Being a small, isolated village, they do not cater in the slightest to outsiders.  If one were lucky enough to make it to the village, they would see no inns and no shops for them to go to.  They have entertainment in the form of singing and dancing around the fire on occasion, and other such small festivals of celebration...but normally for continued prosperity and good health of the village and its people.  But if one were to make their way into the village uninvited, they would be either treated by deadly force, or threatened with such force unless they left.

If one were an invited or welcomed guest, however, the village leader would be more than happy to accommodate them.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Michi on May 05, 2016, 11:37:38 PM

Nevarian Cloud Temple

As the name states, this is a unique Temple that rests within the very clouds themselves.  At least, it rests on the back of a Nimbus Whale, which carries both the clouds and the temple itself across its back as it slowly travels the skies.  What's most unusual is that no matter how the whale travels, be it turning, going upside down, or anything of the like...the temple almost has its own unique laws of gravity as anyone on the grounds/within the temple is unaffected by any sudden or longer changes in the whale's movements.

While it can be nearly impossible to find the Temple given the constant changing location, there have been many who have done so successfully with the help of either a large animal capable of flight or flying machines.  They find themselves greeted by the large, beautiful white stone building that seems almost impervious to the ravages of the winds as it travels.  Inside one would find a simple, yet still somehow extravagant looking hall filled with candles and with people either praying at some of the various alters, or meditating.  One may also find themselves in one of the other parts of the temple, be it the temple's celestial balcony, or in one of the various bedchambers for those who wish to remain in the temple for longer periods of time.

It's not entirely recommended to be one of the people staying within the temple for periods of time unless they're one of the more devoted members.  Food is very sparse being as the way to obtain it is very limited.  Merchants are very few and far between, as is trade itself due to the unusual nature of the temple's changing location.  Most travelers come for a short while and leave quickly after to replenish themselves before seeking out the temple once more...though there are the slight few who bear the limits and devote themselves completely.

It is considered one of the most enlightening places to go for worship, since it is a place that is almost breaching the very heavens themselves.  It has grown quite a bit over time as people's beliefs have, despite the physical nature of the temple itself being almost unchanging since it was created.   But now it is the ideal place for many travelers, missionaries, as well as any would be priests and monks.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on May 06, 2016, 04:08:22 PM

Sitting on the banks of the River Nivogal, the city fortress of Issedon was once the northern jewel in the crown of the De Falvosa Line. It stands watch over the western oceans, wary of the threats that could slip in from beyond the Huggtänder Mountains under the cover of darkness, and its thick foreboding walls mount hidden gearcannon larger than any seen in Wintreath today. Their operation remains a mystery, save for the fact that the Lord of the Tower is the only one permitted by the machines to fire them, a duty borne of ancient magics and rites unknown.

The city itself sits in the shadow of the fortress that overlooks the natural harbour, seen in the painting behind the outcrop of rock upon which the city stands. Although waterborne trade in the north is rare due to the tempestuous nature of the seas, Issedon has regular contact with the Isle of Bain and the cities of Cain and Bethern. The houses and buildings huddle close together, seeking to trap as much warmth between their eaved roofs as possible, and the streets appear ominous and unforgiving.

These looks are deceiving. The people of Issedon take their duties of guardianship very seriously indeed, with many holding membership in the City Rangers who ride out to defend the townships and villages in the area from the night terrors and day beasts that trouble them even in this modern era. Whilst they appear stern and short tempered, Issedoni are loyal and hardy, and once a man demonstrates his worth to one, all hold that man in the same esteem. It may be a holdover of the ancient magics that live on in the black stone used for all construction in the city, but Issedon can weather almost any threat the world can throw at it.

Its surrounding environs, however, are not so forgiving. The mountains and forests amongst which it lies are full of creatures and beasts from the dawn ages, a last holdout of the age of magic that went before the arrival of men in Wintreath. The people, too, are different; some have fur, others fangs, some appear able to vanish into shadow whilst others can move as quietly as snowflakes on the wind. It is a strange land, and one that an adventurer would do well to treat with caution - those who go missing under the dark eaves of the forests are rarely heard from again...

Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Rasdanation on May 11, 2016, 08:57:09 PM

The Great Wintrean Flatlands

The Great Wintrean Flatlands is one of the most diverse lands in Wintreath, with about 1,000 different species living there, located in the northeastern region of Wintreath. It starts near Hercle, and stretches all the way down to the mountain range containing Saraneth Falls. In width, these flatlands reach all the way out to cities like Marke an Ghish.

In the summers, The Great Wintrean Flatlands receive temperatures around 65°F(18°C), and has grasses and small shrubs cover the lands, but few trees. In the Winter, temperatures can drop to about -10°F(-23°C), making it hard for any unprepared species to live in.

For the animals, most have developed thick fur, allowing them to survive during the harsh winters. Many species are omnivores, switching their diet during each season, warmer seasons they eat local plants, and in the colder seasons, they hunt. These lands are also famous for hunting, with hunting seasons providing plenty of food to last for months.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on May 11, 2016, 09:04:45 PM
Just a quick note: I spelt Hercke wrong on the map :p
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Rasdanation on May 11, 2016, 09:12:27 PM
@Nutjob7 Where s Wolfgang's Peak located?
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Rasdanation on May 11, 2016, 09:17:15 PM
@Nutjob7 Where s Wolfgang's Peak located?
If your curious on why I'm asking, I think I might post about something related to it.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: pacsironeenk on May 12, 2016, 02:50:13 PM
Sorry for my long response time, I don't know if you live in England like me or not, but to me, your post was late at night!

Anywho, Wolfgang's Peak is supposed to be located at the mountain range near the far north (I forget the name of it).
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on May 12, 2016, 03:59:14 PM
Huggtänder Mountain Ranges, also home to the Devil's Shield and the Algorah Prison :)
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: pacsironeenk on May 12, 2016, 06:36:13 PM
Döfrander Fort


This old building was once used as a type of border gate between Wintreath and the Far North. It was run by evil people and smugglers, attemping to poison Wintreath with evil, which was obviously outlawed...

The outlaws were found out and killed after years of this poisoning. There is not much more to add, other than steer clear of this fort - it is said to be run by trolls nowadays.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Rasdanation on May 12, 2016, 07:51:36 PM
Sorry for my long response time, I don't know if you live in England like me or not, but to me, your post was late at night!
Don't worry, time differences are a pain ;-;
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Rasdanation on July 31, 2016, 03:06:30 PM


Located in the Huggtänder Mountain Ranges, Trempus is pretty much isolated from the rest of Wintreath. This town has adapted to the harsh terrain of the mountains, setting up food sources indented into the mounatains, and finding water springs inside the mountain, and/or melting snow to get water.

When it comes to Trempus' development, the town is 100s of years behind modern Wintreath, inspiring people to see this living piece of history. Some have decided to look for this town, although only few have found it.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Owen123 on August 31, 2016, 02:12:57 PM

                                                The Knave's Cup
Type: common

In a residential district known for its superstitious residents. The street outside is recently paved with worn brick.                                                                                                                                         
The inn is a single storey timber framed building, with a smooth stone floor. Accomodations consist of several large rooms with beds and straw mattresses and several hammocks in the common room. A secret door in the cellar opens into a network of tunnels.
The innkeeper is a lewd male halfling named Hobso Diggly.                                                                                                                                     
Roasted Chicken and Millet Bread, Tankard of Perry
Dried Pork and Dried Peas, Tankard of Beer
Boiled Lentils, Mug of Beer
Smoked Duck and Oat Biscuits, Tankard of Beer
Boiled Sausage and Curd Cheese, Tankard of Cider
Stewed Oxen and Wheat Biscuits, Tankard of Beer                                                                                                                                             
Hone: Female Halfling Assassin, Good. Hone has a long face, with gray hair and soft amber eyes. She wears leather armor and wields a poisoned long sword and dagger. Hone seeks a company of adventurers to rescue her companions from the Sanctum of the Vampire Princess.
Ames: Male Human Fighter, Evil. Ames is tall, with curly blonde hair and blue eyes. He is insensitive and lazy. Ames seeks a company of adventurers to hunt down and capture the notorious highwayman known as The Fox.
Ealflert: Male Human Necromancer, Evil. Ealflert is tall, with gray hair and light amber eyes. He is greedy and merciless. Ealflert seeks a company of adventurers to expose a corrupt aristocrat who serves Lamodo the Vampire Lord.
Gilla: Female Halfling Ranger, Neutral. Gilla has braided silver hair and amber eyes. She wears scale mail and wields a long sword and javelins. Gilla is haunted by the memories of a past life.
Amer: Male Human Druid, Neutral. Amer has a square face, with copper hair and gray eyes. He wears leather armor and wields a scimitar and dagger. Amer speaks with a whispery voice.
Sarin: Male Halfling Fighter, Neutral. Sarin is common in appearance, with long silver hair and brown eyes. He is impartial and practical. Sarin seeks a company of adventurers to expose a corrupt aristocrat who serves Lahmaro the Black.
Kunain: Female Dwarf Ranger, Neutral. Kunain has brown hair and brown eyes, and small ears. She wears leather armor and wields a short sword and javelins. Kunain seeks a company of adventurers                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: pacsironeenk on August 03, 2017, 02:13:57 PM
The Lyss Desert
Contrary from what you may gather from the name, Wintreath is a land with an extremely varied climate. South of frostlake, you can find golden rolling fields, and wide grassy plains. Further south, you can find swamps and deserts. The Lyss is the largest by far, spanning 400 miles across, and 250 miles from top to bottom. The River Lyss runs through the centre of the desert, and the city of Mistrock lays on the edge of it. The Lyss Desert features many outposts, rocky outcrops, stretches of dunes, and pebbled flatlands.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on March 31, 2020, 07:16:29 PM


For nearly two thousand years, the established wisdom said that the Edilian Republic - Wintreath's ancient and spiritual predecessor who in truth were almost more advanced than any of the civilisations that followed them - never extended further north than Frostlake itself. Historians and academics alike would laugh at those who suggested that the Edilians had in fact explored nigh on the entirety of Wintreath's vast continent.

The discovery of Talvénoloch changed everything. Hidden, perfectly preserved, in an isolated valley within the Wild North Forest, this settlement was unmistakably Edilian in nature - from the particular fancy for sweeping rooftops, to blades with the immediately recognisable flange at their tip, to the intricate carvings of stories of past heroes still told to children today.

Almost immediately, Talvénoloch became the biggest news story of the day, and the Monarch stepped in to protect an archaeological and socio-political treasure trove. Now home to the second largest concentration of learned men and women after Arnocen itself, the secrets concealed within this sprawling complex are slowly being teased out.

It is often said that the ghosts of the Edilian warriors who came to Talvénoloch to live out their final days emerge after nightfall to stroll the empty corridors once more. When the sun sets, and the faint ghostfyre glow of the syraia trees illuminates the valley, it is almost believable that something beyond mortal understanding must lurk inside these ancient walls...
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on April 01, 2020, 09:47:06 PM


There are many places in Wintreath that feel like time... simply passed them by. Kel-Sereth is one such place, nestled in the depths of the Valtava Forest that stretches for miles both Eastward and Westward. Although it has played an active part in the events of the Unification, its denizens prefer a quieter lifestyle.

The Whispering River carves a gorge through the middle of Kel-Sereth, its waters singing silently over the rocks below. Although it is a populous town, a traveller can always hear the creaking of the trees and the rustling of the wind. The air is so clear that to breathe it on a cold day is said to cleanse one's very spirit.

Life in Kel-Sereth might at first seem austere and bleak despite the majesty of its setting, but stay a while and one discovers hidden depths to its personality. The people here are given to talk in low voices, and they do not take kindly to raucous behaviour of any sort, but Serethi folk are kind, and their understated humour has sparked a trend that has reached even as far as the comedy clubs of Frostlake itself. There is a concealed peace to be found if you are willing to take the Serethi at their word and venture into the foreboding depths of the Valtava Forest with naught but your wits for company.

It is little wonder that so many of Wintreath's great philosophers call Kel-Sereth their home, and it comes as no surprise that they have argued so eloquently in favour of the Royal Forest Management Commission's efforts to protect and expand the continent's ancient forests started in ``183.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on April 03, 2020, 10:20:27 PM


Situated in the far north-east of the continent, Osterfell is an arduous journey for most travellers to undertake without good reason. When the Nor'easterly winds blow, aerotravel is all but impossible, and even the hardiest of Wintreath's naval vessels will struggle to ply the ice-locked waters to the port carved into the base of the promontory that serves as the foundations of this incredible city.

Luckily for a traveller, Osterfell has a multitude of reasons worth a visit. Discovered several centuries prior, when the northernmost extents of Wintreath had yet to be fully explored, the unique jutting outcrop of rock captivated the attention of one of the foremost architects of the era - Kadlein Ostergaard. With instructions to establish trade ports on the east coast as far northward as she could, Kadlein set about shaping the Iron Fang promontory into a masterpiece of the construction arts.

Now home to a sprawling castle that is still the Seat of the Ostergaard line, Osterfell has expanded from the first encampment on the escarpment looking out over the East Ocean into a cacophony of wonderous sights and styles. The city proper encircles all but the seaward face of the Iron Fang, with fabulous universities, monasteries, museums to great artists and more taking up much of the space behind the High Wall.

Below the city itself, a vast and varied collection of artisans and intellectuals have made their home, and the influences of a thousand schools of thought can be seen reflected in the wildly different architectural styles of each building one passes. When the Royal Call goes out for some new great construction project, it is from this city and these people that the majority of the workforce is drawn.

With the closest major city being Helmgrad to the south, Osterfell has taken on a frontier mentality found in the cities and settlements in the furthest flung reaches of Wintreath - a melting pot of ideas and individuals that inevitably leads to great things. However, Osterfell, like Helmgrad, lives in the ever present shadow of the Eastern Defence Chain. The Norloch Spires lie a matter of a scant few leagues out to sea, and any future activation could see the city cut off completely as esoteric energies whip the wild winds into a maelstrom once again...
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on April 17, 2020, 03:25:26 PM


If ever there were a city of Wintreath to live up to the mental image its name evokes, it is Highever. With over twenty spire districts stretching hundreds of feet above the rest of the city, its architecture reflects the attitudes of its population - always reaching for greater heights.

Located almost directly in betwee Sørhavn and Galdémere, Highever is ideally located to capitalise on the vast amounts of trade that pass from the port city in the south to the trade hub to the north. As aerotrade began to expand, its spire districts took on a second role - linking the city to the aero-routes. Now, goods and people flow both down and up the spires, bringing prosperity and wealth to Highever.

The city now contains the primary offices outside of Frostlake City of some of Wintreath's largest banking institutions. When a scion of House Valeria was instructed by the Patriarch to break into the industry, it was to Highever that he came. In the decades since, the Valeria Finance house has become synonymous with the ruthlessly efficient collection and distribution of the funds that drive the economic success of Wintreath.

Much like any city divided between the high soaring reaches of extreme wealth and the lower and darker districts that sit below them, Highever is home to the many nefarious deals that some argue make the banking institutions a sizeable portion of their wealth. Nothing, however, has ever been proven, and the Highever authorities maintain an iron-clad determination to enforce the rule of law.

This has led to the popular expression: "Iron does not break, but like all things it bends for gold."
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on April 18, 2020, 06:29:42 PM


If one were brave enough - or stupid enough - to travel northward from Halden's Hearth (, dropping down into the twisting, wind-carved valley that snakes its way through the Huggtänder Mountains' impenetrable heights, the world falls away into the Dèigh Siste Området - the Plains of Madness.

In recorded history, only one man has returned from this journey, and his mad ravings and wild eyes were enough to deter any from following in the footsteps of his ill-fated expedition. But in his panicked, crazed diatribe, filled with stories of ice floes that hung in the sky and dancing demons that glimmered and shone in the semi-darkness that forever claims that land... there are grains of truth.

He told of how, as they were beset by the elements, as madness began to gnaw at the edges of their minds, the expedition found solace in a palace carved from solid stone - the last sane place on the edge of the world. As they fought their way through wind and snow, the voices of the damned and other darker, older things carrying on the wind, a light was spotted high on the valley's wall ahead of them. With newfound determination, the men and women of this doomed exploratory party staggered to the lowest steps on an imposing staircase that disappeared into the storm above them.

This mythical place, unknown to those who have never passed beyond Halden's Hearth, is Beaconslight. It is a monument to a time long since vanished into the mists of history, with no human presence to man it beyond the spirits of those who had come before that, if the tales of a madman are to be believed, whisper and dart between its many rooms. If the Vergemål that plagued the northern reaches of Wintreath time and time again in the depths of years gone by came from anywhere, surely it must be here... but the corridors are empty, the imposing ever-burning flame suspended by means unknown to science, untended by the hands of flesh and blood men and women.

What purpose does this outpost have? Where did its occupants go? What history is concealed within its vaulted stone walls and the tunnels that burrow deep within the earth at the edge of the world? One of the only men who knows is long-since dead, and his companions never returned from their journey even further north.

And, more pressingly, what does Halden, the homely keeper of the last Hearth, know of this place..?
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on April 26, 2020, 01:31:46 AM

The Administerium District

At the centre of Frostlake City sits the beating heart of the nation of Wintreath, both internally and externally. Sitting along a bluff of high cliffs on the otherwise mostly flat island at the centre of the Frost Lake, the Administerium is located where it is specifically for the dramatic effect. When a new arrival drops below the clouds, or rises up on the main tracks from the port train stations, this district is as imposing and ornate as one could expect of the central hub of administration anywhere across the world.

The primary building of the Administerium stretches nearly five miles from end to end, containing within it the entire apparatus of the Wintrean civil service. It is the first port of call for dignitaries from all over the world,  and the dramatic cliff face that one is forced to step onto from the aeroships hammers home the point - this is the centre of Wintreath, and this is where you WILL be awed.

Behind it stretches the far warmer, calmer reaches of the Administerium. First impressions matter, but they aren't everything. Inns, hotels, bars, theatres, libraries and auditoriums (as well as diplomatic embassies) fill the vast sloping descent behind the Administerium down into the rest of Frostlake City proper. Guarded by the austere and dedicated Lostori - the Realm's finest swordsmen and the Realm's finest navigators of the intrigues of politics, this district of Frostlake is the central grounds from which all else radiates.

Rumours spread from the taverns and inns at the boundaries of the Administierum, quiet words are exchanged in the towering hotels and quiet meeting rooms concealed within its perimeter - the ever working, ever moving power at the heart of the Wintrean nation welcomes all... with a wary eye and an informed assessment.

For beyond the immediate Administerium building's welcome lies the carefully concealed Secret Service of Wintreath, never known to act in public, never seen to move where they might be detected, but always there, always watching.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on June 15, 2020, 10:48:25 PM

Were it not for the sprawling marches of the Endless Plains, and the city-granary of Janth, one could argue entirely seriously that Wintreath's long and harsh winters would be too much for the nation to bear. When the winds and snows truly set in, almost everything north of Frost Lake itself is covered in thick blankets of sheet snow that make the warmth of summer seem like a distant memory.

Due to some twist of fate, and an accident of geography, the Janth River basin is mostly shielded from the storms and snows that might reach further south in other areas. The expansive floodplains that stretch out to the north and south of the river's meandering course are vast, and productive even late into the autumns. In ages long past, these lands were home to a hundred small kingdoms fighting for claim over the fertile agricultural lands of the Endless Plains.

But one rose above all others. Of all the Rides Kingdoms, the name of Janth is known to this day as one of the foremost powers of Wintreath's early history. Not through iron and blood was this acclaim won, but through the the toil and sweat of working the plough, of tilling the land and cultivating fruit groves, of the careful study of animal husbandry and cross-pollination. Armies march on their stomachs, and those stomachs were more often than not fed by the produce of Janth.

Today the city appears to be a conglomeration of some great castle, its spires reaching towards the heavens. Its cavernous holds do not contain rooms or armouries, however, but granaries and silos full of produce that makes its way to all four corners of Wintreath in the holds of aerovessels and in the bellies of great river-going ships.

For generations, this granary-cityship has prospered under the watchful eyes of House Burdock, their guiding touch soft but profound on the Janth river basin's history and by extension, all of Wintreath's. Its citizens are friendly, often seen sitting on the wide mossy pavements and under the leafy awnings of their favourite cafés, pipes firmly in mouths and a joke never far from their lips.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on February 12, 2021, 04:22:59 PM

Khalen Voss
Known as the Sprawling City, the imposing white ironmarble walls of the Voss Kerensi Monastery sit visible astride the horizon for tens of miles around Khalen Voss. Built by the Edilian Republic at the height of their power for the purpose of worshipping the Ancient Gods that historia academics now refer to as the Forebearers, this city is rightly called a Wonder of the ancient world.

Spreading for miles across the Radorian plains in central south Wintreath, the foundation stones of this great city were all laid from a particularly rare colouration of ironmarble found far to the north in the Hüggtander Mountains. How these monolithic stone blocks were shipped southward across the then-expansive ice sheets that covered most of the continent remains a mystery, but the Edilians obviously felt the effort was worth the result. One would be hard pressed to disagree as Khalen Voss comes into sight - even in the darkness of a winter night it glistens and shimmers in an ethereal glow that permeates the sky above.

Walking through its streets is a humbling experience, as the vast walls that lay out the city districts stretch upwards and seemingly merge with the sky above - an illusion borne of the glare of the sun on the ironmarble. All of this city is built around the Voss Kerensi Monastery, the tallest and most awe-inspiring sight in an already awesome surrounding. To enter the Monastery, one has to climb the Thousand Step Stairway, each step just slightly too large a distance to be comfortable for a man to climb. At the top, the Monastery itself provides access routes through the air  on meandering raised paths that separate one from the hubbub of a thriving city below.

Although the religion that grew around the Ancient Gods once worshipped in Voss Kerensi has long since faded from the world, the inhabitants of Khalen Voss retain hints of the piety of former denizens. They do not swear, they rarely drink, and a traveller visiting might be forgiven for thinking them dour and austere. If one is lucky enough to be invited into a Khaleni's home, however, that image is shattered - they are humble, yes, and many ascribe to an aesthetic that is far more minimalist than the rest of Wintrean society, but they instead find enjoyment in khava - their own brand of strong, almost psychoactive coffee that flourishes in the garden terraces throughout the city.

Khava parties are something to behold, with participants often carried away in their exuberance into whirling dances through hidden courtyards, full of wild musical expression and exultant philosophical debates on the meaning of existence. Those who visit almost always return again and again, seeking that same buzz that naturally pervades the city's inhabitants. Many say there's nothing quite like it anywhere else in the world.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on February 14, 2021, 03:22:36 PM


Sitting astride a rocky bluff of the Wintrean coastline, Bastion is the centrepiece of the archipelago it draws its name from. Built thousands of years ago at the height of the Rides Kingdom conflicts by those seeking refuge from the incessant wars that were plaguing the continent's interior, this fortress city has a commanding presence in the myriad waterways and straits it oversees.

Initially little more than a fortress, Bastion has been expanded greatly over the years - the architectural preference for thick, battlemented walls and vaulted domes has remained throughout, however, and the city is almost impossible to separate from its defensive origins. Now covering nearly a mile of the western coast, the city extends as far across the surface as it does deep into the rock below, with hundreds of small bays, coves and docks servicing the colossal volume of shipping trade that stops off at Bastion on their way up or down the western seaboard. Many things are stored within this network of caves, caverns and underground storage rooms... and not all of them are legal.

Life in Bastion is regimented, with the fifteen Militia Guilds eternally struggling for dominance over the Martial Council that governs from the original keep. Each is entrusted with the defence and maintenance of a different district within the outer city walls, and to be born in Bastion is to be a part of one Militia or another. Natives of the city seen in the wider reaches of Wintreath are easily identifiable by their Guild tattoos - unique markings on the left cheek and spiralling around the left eye that indicate which of the fifteen Militia districts they are from.

As a result of this particularly militarised culture, Bastioneers are commonly found in service to Wintreath's military branches - except, of course, for the Wintreath Royal Flying Corps. Bastioneers are often heard saying that leaving either the ground or the sea is unnatural, and it is a rare sight to see one aboard an aerovessel. They are also frequently hired on as body-guards for the great Familial Lines or other private interests, as Bastioneer's are notoriously skilled with blade and gun.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on February 14, 2021, 05:43:40 PM
The Cerelon Retreat

Many things can be said about the Monarch, Inric I of Wintreath - but one cannot call him derelict in his duties to the nation. So rarely, in fact, did he take holidays that many amongst the upper echelons of Wintrean society began to worry that he would run himself into the ground, leaving the country without an able ruler. This could not be allowed, so many great Houses and vast swathes of the citizenry banded together to fund the construction of this idyllic retreat for the Monarch's personal use at the end of the Hard Years.

Situated in an otherwise uninhabited valley to the north of Frost Lake, the Cerelon Retreat looks out on the vast and untamed natural beauty of Wintreath's wilderness. Sheltered from the vicious winter winds by the bulk of Idrenhan Peak, Cerelon is as removed from the bustle and grind of running the country as Inric I ever allows himself to be. Linked to Frostlake City by a fast picket service of specially designed and tasked aerovessels, and a redundant semaphore line, it is here that His Majesty can be found on the rare occasion he isn't otherwise engaged in administrative tasks.

The Retreat itself is small and homely, built to withstand the coldest winters and the warmest summers in absolute comfort. With hot springs feeding the interior plumbing, ice-cold streams running down the slopes on either side and irrigating the herb gardens His Majesty enjoys tending to and with commanding views over the rest of the valley, it truly is a place of quiet reflective tranquillity.

It is only with special Royal Invitation that any outside of the Monarch's immediate family are allowed to visit, and in the 350 years since its construction fewer than a hundred non-essential individuals have ever stepped foot in the valley itself, let alone the grounds of the Cerelon Retreat.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on February 16, 2021, 06:07:52 PM


When travelling along the many canals and navigable riverways that constitute the Indurain Causeway network, one more often than not has little reason to look up. There is one notable exception - Káridal, the City of Wind, built into the sheer cliff faces of the Kári Gorge.

Originally intended as little more than a temporary settlement as workers chiselled away at the cliffs to prevent rockfalls and widen the river at the base of the gorge, this astounding testament to the fact that Wintreans truly will live anywhere has long since superseded its humble founding. The Kári River is one of the main tributaries to the Frost Lake Southern River, and the trade that flows through this narrow crack in the continental crust now sustains a vibrant, bustling and almost entirely vertical way of life.

The advent of aerovessels and the burgeoning aeroculture saw Káridal truly come into its own a little over 200 years ago. Ever since, the City of Wind has risen to a prominence in the lives and pilgrimages of the Skyborn and merchant aerotraders that is surpassed only by Argosai and Freemantle. The winds that give the city its nickname are fierce and scour the plateau's on either side of the Kári Gorge, leaving Káridal a vital refuge and route of passage through the South Rides Promontory.

This is a city of life, a city dedicated to art and music and culture almost to the exclusion of all else. Káridal is the single largest importer of khava anywhere in the known world, and it shows - travellers are often advised to go easy on the psychoactive coffee-like drink in their first few wild nights on the town in case they lose their footing along the sweeping main roads that drop vertiginously away towards the river below...

After all, it's a very long way down.
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Excalibur on February 17, 2021, 05:04:44 AM
The seat of power of House Hawkstar, Ravensridge is located approximately half a mile inland on the island of Dahvis, situated on the Sólleitand Peninsula to the south. The castle sits on an elevated plateau, from which one can see across most of the island, being one of the highest points of the island itself. Built in 290 by Erlemann Hawkstar a wealthy merchant baron, the manor soon grew as the demand for goods from across the Kingdom increased, and the Hawkstar fortunes rose with it. After the discovery of the Texts of Higher Learning in 233, the second Patriarch of House Hawkstar, Reinhardt Hawkstar turned the northern plains of the island into a construction site of new aeroships and a docking/loading port of call, the first of its kind to cater to both ocean-based and sky-based ships.

Ravensridge itself has grown and changed many times since it was first constructed, the final renovations done in 145 after a new line of revenue was created with the establishment of the East Wintrean Trading Company - a conglomerate of shipping and defense businesses spearheaded by House Hawkstar, and who were based on the island of Dahvis. The current Patriarch, Rangrim Hawkstar, does not seem interested on altering Ravensridge further, seeming interested in more foreign affairs such as the goings-on in Frostlake City.

The house itself seems steeped in some kind of ancient force that manifests itself into a brilliant show of colors similar to that seen in the Aurora Borealis, but solely localized over the island of Dahvis and on several days a month. It is almost impossible to predict, and further investigation has proved fruitless, as there seems to be no one alive who has any idea of the origin of this phenomenon, which has been termed the Hauksaga by the inhabitants of the island. Whatever its origins, children born under the Hauksaga are more likely to be some of the best sailors and navigators produced by the island, and it is seen as a good omen by the people of Dahvis.

Whereas the island's north is fairly industrialized, Patriarch Reinhardt Hawkstar specifically chose to leave the south fairly agrarian, both to feed the island's populace and to keep the sense of peace that seems to permeate the region. As such, no aeroships are allowed in Ravensridge's airspace, at the risk of being denied entry to Dahvis, and very few ships dock at the southern end of the island, besides those few merchant and trade vessels that offload their wares in the south. Although this may seem counterintuitive to some, the lucrative shipping business on Dahvis and its versatile ports keep vessels moving in and out of the capital of the Hawkstar's trade empire.

Ambience Music:
Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go In Wintreath...
Post by: Weissreich on March 10, 2021, 12:09:02 PM

When the Kingdoms of the Ride were at their peak, a grand project was embarked upon that resulted in the construction of the near-mythical floating city of Lenth. In doing so, a vast weight of pure white stone was dug from the sides of the mountains to make way for the colossal storm engines that supported Lenth's spires and arcologies, and this new resource could not be allowed to go to waste.

In the foothills of the mountains, an ancient geological feature was selected as the next development site. Constructed over several decades around a sink-hole that dives far beneath the continental crust, Vend'lythar is a staggering monument to the innovation and drive that was ubiquitous in these early years of Wintrean architectural development.

Vend'lythar has prospered in the centuries since, growing within its circular ramparts until the city council forbade further building works within their walls and created one of the first examples of a national park on the entire continent. The waters of this deep lake - known as Vend'lythar's Eye - are dark but crystal clear, and at night one can stand on the shores and peer down, and down, and down...

A myriad of lights speckle the walls of the sink-hole, testament to the underwater mining operations that crawl their way down to two miles beneath the surface of the water. Ores extracted from these mines have properties unknown anywhere else in Wintreath, and are highly sought after for particularly complex and powerful gearwork contraptions. This has given rise to a school of thought regarding the sink-hole that argues it is the site of an ancient and incredibly powerful impact from the heavens above.

Some even suggest that it is here, somewhere tens of miles into the crushing depths of Vend'lythar's Eye, that the Origin first arrived on the continent. Who knows what truly lies below, and what secrets are waiting to be revealed?