A few days ago, I found myself wishing I were like a cat. They're so carefree, and so happy as they lie on blankets and in rays of sunlight all day. Wouldn't that be such a nice, easy life? But then I watched the latest episode of The Mentalist, and it struck me to the core. It left me shaking at the end, so stricken by the characters, and the deep, woven story line that I was left desperate for another episode. It was, quite frankly, art. And beautiful art at that. Last year I read The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. It affected me in a much greater and profound way, the way the book was effortlessly crafted to wrap itself around your heart and clench it. It provided moments of choking sorrows and exhilarating bliss, while your eyes stayed glued to the page and tears ran down your face because damn it, every page read is one less you still have to read. The characters, Liesel and Hans and Rudy with the hair the colour of lemons tug at you and pull you in and engross you, leading you along in their tale of wonder and heartbreak. Your emotions were made to float at the author's whim, the raw hope and innocence exuding from the pages and grabbing at you and warming your heart like a child's first smile. Then it ended, sinking a knife into my heart and leaving me sobbing, crying over characters that don't exist because damn it it's art and it's beautiful. It explored human nature and emotions and the lengths we will go to to protect and serve morals that we fabricated for ourselves trying to make sense of this endless conundrum we call life with deep, striking prose and a memorability to last for years to come. But a cat can't read. A cat cannot watch late-night television dramas about tortured geniuses avenging their murdered wives and daughters nor read a tale about a young, starry-eyed girl stealing books from the most hateful regime mankind ever experienced. It cannot comprehend these emotions, love and sorrow and grief and happiness. It can not feel such profound emotion nor appreciate the beauty sitting in front of it. So, then, is it worth it, the laziness and carefree world of a housecat? Is it worth not having to get up every morning and work for what's probably less pay than you deserve to rob yourself of that ability to appreciate such profound beauty?
Sooo, I'm running for office for the first time, this is going to be interesting. I haven't done this before so it'll be nice to see how many votes i get. I don't expect to win.Good Luck :)
Sooo, I'm running for office for the first time, this is going to be interesting. I haven't done this before so it'll be nice to see how many votes i get. I don't expect to win.That's no way to think D:.
Thanksgiving V 1 A success. Spent the entire day with my family. And no one got stabbed, maimed, poisoned, burned, or otherwise majorly injured... Things were nice... I think it's the turkey effect...
Thanksgiving V 2 tomorrow. I hope it to go just as well... As it's with the same people... Still nervous though.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Thanksgiving V 2 was also a success. We watched Cabaret, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, and read books... there were no deaths.You sound quite rather disappointed.
Thanksgiving V 2 was also a success. We watched Cabaret, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, and read books... there were no deaths.You sound quite rather disappointed.
Recent days have definitely made my practice of meditation much more valuable.
Skived off a lesson to get some KFC with friends, did no work all day, school is over for the year, and even though I'm romantically inept, I'm now on the bus listening to Unicorn Kid at volumes which can't be good for me, and absolutely loving my life.
In better news, I'm beginning to recover from my cold and will probably be able to come back to Wintreath working after Christmas. :)
So... I've finally accepted that I am Medically Unable to serve in the United States Military. :/
Rather disappointing, actually.
I'm not single! For the first time in about 3 years. Feels good man.
You're entire life you've had no one?
Depression can be overwhelming, but you've got people who watch your back. Wash those painful feelings by drowning yourself in (Not Alcohol) memories of the good things in life.
The early bird gets the worm. :P
Anyway : WM and JW will have a fun time tonight.
So he says, at least. He hasn't even posted a pic to the pic topic. :P
I don't do those ;)Oh, you're just saying that. :P
I'm sort of a romantic when it comes to online personalities, it's like reading a book and watching a movie. Two separate things completely..I like the ideas in my head better than reality.
You are a cutie though!
Make up a person then... That's what I used to do... Find a person who was attractive/unattractive enough downtown, take their picture, and then use that as the "This is what I look like."This is me!
Sounds like an offer to me! Show the belly!
Oh come on! Show us the belly!Uh, I guess if lots of people were to go shirtless or something? :P
Pleeease? What can we do to get you to show us the belly?
I think it's important to point out that I'm in a relationship for the first time in my life... So, yeah... :PCongrats! I found out from the guy that's more obsessed over it than you are.
I think it's important to point out that I'm in a relationship for the first time in my life... So, yeah... :PCongrats! I found out from the guy that's more obsessed over it than you are.
Anyway : How much coffee/tea did you drink daily before the diet?
As a follow-up to the situation with Frito, they have done the ultrasound on him to figure out what is going on. He hasn't been eating well and has lost a bit of weight. So far they noticed his liver was abnormal and there are lumps in his spleen. They are taking samples now as I write this.
I honestly do not know how to handle this. My ability to think logically is being clouded by emotions and I don't know what to do.
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- I am the first(and only) Jarl of Information
Second. Crya came before you.
- I was the first pure native to become a citizen
Ouch. What are you wanting to major in?
I hope to continue my education in time...but one thing at a time. I weighed myself this morning and I've lost up to three pounds already...I say up to because my digital scale won't give me the same reading twice. >_>
But he could do that anywhere in the state. He doesn't have to specifically be near Boulder. :PBoulder is the best part of the state :P
I'm not sure if that's an option in SMF...I'll have to look
And look I get ignored. Listen boys. You have your little petty fight but know that there are actually consequences for your actions so I suggest you stop. Asmoday out.
You agree that “[DOMAIN NAME]” have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should we see fit.
And people miss the point -_-
What you are doing is disrespectful and insulting and if you claim to be mature and not a child you WILL apologise immediately in a sincere manner and promise to treat me and everyone else with respect at all times as you are obligated to do so under the laws you serve on and that includes respecting my right to speak my mind.
I am not insulting others. You are attacking and violating my right to free speech. I wasn't reprimanding anyone. You need to read better. I was asking him to be respectful. If Reon and Wintermoot can speak their mind about it, so can I and I will. You have no right to censor my posts and you are violating my right to free speech.
You will never censor my posts because your job is to act professional and respectful to everyone at all times regardless if you do not like them. That is your job.
TL;DR People who preach the first often forget it applies to everyone else as well.
V. Declaration of Rights
1. Citizens shall have the right to speak and to protest freely.
TL;DR People who preach the first often forget it applies to everyone else as well.
The right to speak and to protest is not the same as the right to pester, harass, threaten, or insist. Your 'concerns' were already addressed and considered, and there was no further need to discuss it, but in typical fashion you believe that if you keep complaining about it people will change their minds and do what you want. That is not the case. Thus, there is no further need to discuss that topic. My time is very valuable, and I don't see the need to waste it repeating myself over and over to someone who won't accept that something didn't go the way he wanted.
Alterra was within policy to give you a temp-ban as well. You were warned that if you continued your behavior, you would receive a temp ban, and you did. This is neither op abuse or spiteful, and in fact that characterization is slanderous to Alt. The ban will remain in place for the full duration, and I would highly advise you to reconsider how you speak with people and attempt to push your opinions on people. Namely, to know when to take no for an answer.
Do you get turned on when you're "sooooooooo fuckkkiinnnngggg blaazzzeeeddd"? :)
It all started when I met this one stoner who would get horny and kinky as hell when he was high...
Oh yeah, and a little less straight, too. :P
Is this a new thing that's going to be implemented into the formentioned House RP?
Stealing House members?
It should be voluntary not forced
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So, I spent most of the day chatting on Facebook with this guy I've found cute for the last few years...we used to talk all the time, and he would even call me in the office and we'd chat for a few hours every few Fridays, but then I got ill and wasn't in as much...and we drifted apart.
Someone recently told me that they thought he was gay, and noted that they seem to make a beeline for me anytime there's an event where we are at the same place, but he's never said he was into guys, and I've never really pushed on that nor intend to, so who knows?
You don't know until you try, dear :/
I actually don't think homosexuality is very rare...I think most people have the capacity to love and lust after the same-sex, but that society conditions people toward one direction. I honestly think as you see gay people becoming more accepted, you'll also see higher proportions of people come out as at least somewhat bi.*cough* Freudian *cough* *cough*
I need a back massage. Ugh my back is killing me :(What did you do to it?
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Maybe that's why you're back is in such bad shape. O_oThat's cool, I'm a bit of a collector myself. I've probably sunk a few paychecks worth into my collection. I've got a Morgan Dollar, a Victorian Crown and George II sixpence among a lot of other stuff (American and British mostly)
In any case, after cleaning some stuff out, I found a small coin collection that my father had given me about 10 or 12 years ago. I thought it would be interesting to identify the coins, so, after about an hour on the computer looking them up:
3 - Aladdin's Castle Arcade Tokens
2 - American Penny (1946, 1956)
1 - American Buffalo Nickel (Unknown Date)
1 - Bahamas 1-Cent Piece (1971)
1 - British 2-Pence Piece (1977)
4 - Canadian 1-Cent Pieces (1975, 1976, 1981, 1982, 1988)
1 - Canadian 5-Cent Pieces (1960, 1983, 1985)
1 - Canadian 10-Cent Piece (1988)
3 - Canadian 25-Cent Piece (1975, 1977, 1979)
1 - East Caribbean States 10-Cent Piece (1986)
1 - Generic "Wizard Troll, jumping for joy" token (1970+)
1 - Jamaica Half-Penny (1966)
2 - Japanese Yen (1946, 1991) (I think, using websites to translate the Japanese script and date format)
1 - Mexican Peso (1983)
1 - Missouri Sales Tax Receipt Coin (1930s?)
1 - Singaporean 1-Cent Piece (1981)
1 - Spanish Peseta (Authorized 1946, Issued 1952)
1 - Saudi 10 Halala Coin (Islamic year 1392 / 1972-1973)
1 - West German (Bundesrepublik Deutschland) 10 Pfennig (1982)
How do you keep up with the political news, Stark?
Well, it's because you're becoming my one and only source to the political world. :P
I think you're a little young to consider your life a waste. >_>
In any case, redid my signature and forum profile...first time since December. I'll still probably tweak it a bit...
Hold On : I forgot to ask. Where'd you get those borders and accents from, WM?
I think you're a little young to consider your life a waste. >_>
In any case, redid my signature and forum profile...first time since December. I'll still probably tweak it a bit...
Perhaps...but this is depressing me now, and it's best to get it off my chest so I can deal with the consequences of my stance one way or another asap and recover. Having led regions for over a year now, I know that this issue of Executive authority will come up eventually, if not now...it's best that my stance be on the record beforehand for better or for worse.
Suicidal thoughts are somehow becoming frequent and I do my best to ignore them.
My mum's job. She's a foreign correspondent and current bureau chief of Spain for a large news agency with offices all around the world.
Ah...in that case, will you miss travelling? Will you still be doing it when you can? Will you still stop my my place for quickies? :P
What did people think of my Memorial Day post on the previous page? I am curious.
What did people think of my Memorial Day post on the previous page? I am curious.
It was a long post.
What did people think of my Memorial Day post on the previous page? I am curious.
It was a long post.
I've seen longer :P. What about the content of the post? :P
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/ukips-meps-after-months-of-gaffes-and-controversies-meet-the-people-who-will-represent-britain-in-the-european-parliament-9435149.html (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/ukips-meps-after-months-of-gaffes-and-controversies-meet-the-people-who-will-represent-britain-in-the-european-parliament-9435149.html)
The British public has fallen foul of a campaign of misinformation and careful misdirection of the truth surrounding UKIP. Their populist election language has unfortunately taken in large enough portions of the public to place them first in the MEP elections and convinced others that they're a viable protest vote party.
Because of this, we're now going to have to put up with the consequences of a party that's anti-Europe for all the wrong reasons, a party that's going to do its best to brush the benefits of EU membership under the rug in favour of its attention-grabbing, media-storm inducing downsides, which, might I add, are far outweighed by all the good things that come from being involved in a supra-national organisation so dedicated to human rights, economic freedoms and political process.
I despair.
Memorial Day was on my mind today so I have this to share with you:
This was something I did for my Public Speaking class at university in Summer Quarter 2006. This is called "To the American Soldier." I feel it still resonates today even though it is about eight years old. I got an A for this speech by the way.
"I know what honour is...It has been an honour to protect and serve all of you. I faced death with the secure knowledge that you would not have to...Never falter! Don't hesitate to honour and support those of us who have the honour of protecting that which is worth protecting." That was from Staff Sergeant Dan Clay, United States Marine Corps, killed fighting in Fallujah.
"I would like to tell everyone how much their support for us out here means to the men and women of the military. To know that the majority of the American public stands with us through this difficult time means the world to us. We never ask for anything in return but a 'Thank you' goes a long way. It justifies the hardships that we have to endure for the liberty and freedom that we have so long had...Everyone has their own thought of this war but whatever it is please keep supporting the troops because you never know when it could be your son, daughter, cousin or friend that is out here protecting your freedom." That was from Senior Airman Schnuelle, United States Air Force, of Metaire, Louisiana.
"Thank you for your support, it is nice to know that the folks back home care about all of us. All of your efforts are appreciated, from the 4th of July show we watched here on AFN, to the small packages that we receive from individuals and communities. It is an honour to serve our nation, and it gives me great pride in my country to know that we get supported by people like you. Thanks again from Al Asad AB, Iraq." That was from Captain Doug Wagner, Army National Guard originally from Lincoln, Nebraska.
Those were from American soldiers in the field.
This is to the American Soldier.
For protecting our freedoms and ensuring that every American is entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, from the moment we declared ourselves independent in 1776 in Philadelphia, to the battlefields of Lexington, Concord, Bunker Hill, Saratoga, Trenton, Princeton, and Yorktown: this is to the American Soldier.
For helping to preserve this Union of States through our most difficult hour, to preserve this nation, and to free those in the chains of slavery: this is to the American Soldier.
For aiding Europe and Asia in protecting freedom and opposing tyranny and fascism, from the trenches in the Sonne, to the skies above Britain, to the beaches of Normandy, to the Ardennes, to Sicily, to the bloody terrain in Guadalcanal, Okinawa, Tarawa, to the jungles of Malaya, Singapore, the Philippines: this is to the American Soldier.
For fighting back the oppression of communism from a brutal Stalinist regime to their border on the 38th Parallel, and securing freedom in South Korea, while the world forgets your efforts: this is to the American Soldier.
For returning back home to be disrespected, dishonoured, spat upon by protesters, considered "baby-killers" (as a whole from the actions of a few), for having to endure that for nearly the rest of the 1970s before the country once again respected you for doing the best you could in Vietnam, and still keeping your head up through all of this: this is to the American Soldier.
For going once again to fight, to removing oppressive regimes in Panama and Grenada, and restoring democratic governments, for removing the army of an aggressive, cruel dictator in the Middle East from Kuwait, and for restoring the respect and vindication of the United States Armed Forces: this is to the American Soldier.
For protecting our country from terrorist attacks, by bringing the fight to the turf of the terrorists, in Iraq, Afghanistan, the Philippines, Georgia, Yemen, and elsewhere; for removing brutal regimes in Iraq and Afghanistan and creating governments with ratified constitutions: this is to the American Soldier.
For enduring countless attacks from insurgents, who have no regard for any life so long as it's not their type of Muslim, for staying tough and fighting back hard to remove terrorists from these two countries: this is to the American soldier.
For staying there to help finish the job and for coming back from tours of duty only to be greeted by people who do not understand your mission, who consider all of the military to not have any regard for human life, when it is again only in the case of a few and not of the many; for enduring this disrespect because you know that it is because of you, the American Soldier, that these people are given a free press, free speech, the right to peaceably assemble and demonstrate, the right to a fair and speedy trial, and to burn the flag, all whilst the American Soldier salutes the flag, serves under the flag, and has his coffin draped by the flag: this is to the American Soldier.
For being devoted to Honour, Duty, and Country, that was to them.
That was to the American Soldier.
Thank you to all the veterans, past and present, for your service. For those who have passed on, you are not forgotten, and may you always rest in peace. *salutes*
I use British English, an acceptable form of English. I also did this for a public speaking class, as I mentioned it was a speech. Quite a few veterans whom I know IRL said this was very touching and moving :)
such a whore :P
So I'm moving for the fifth time in my life to the sixth country I will live in.
Initial: 40º24'0'' N 3º41'0'' W, Madrid, Spain
Heading: 301.711º (0º being North)
Distance: 6,415.39km
Time difference: 6 hours (real time, not stupid Spanish clocks)
Population difference: -0.519 million
Final Destination: guess
Reon, Govindia, and the others who have seen this in the IRC, please refrain from posting, thank you.
So I'm moving for the fifth time in my life to the sixth country I will live in.
Initial: 40º24'0'' N 3º41'0'' W, Madrid, Spain
Heading: 301.711º (0º being North)
Distance: 6,415.39km
Time difference: 6 hours (real time, not stupid Spanish clocks)
Population difference: -0.519 million
Final Destination: guess
Reon, Govindia, and the others who have seen this in the IRC, please refrain from posting, thank you.
...ok, so if I've done this right, you're moving into the Gulf of Aden!
Just having a really nice cup of tea. Who else here enjoys tea?
Almost there.
Just having a really nice cup of tea. Who else here enjoys tea?
Filipino - Yes.
Pleasurable, eh? :O
Interesting stuff Wintermoot!
I think a number of us experience weird tingling and other phenomena from time to time that we just pass off as odd as they subside. The wonders of the human body.
So... Chicago or a part of Minnesota?Someone give that man a medal!
On another note...my Internet is down until I can pay the bill....which means posting by phone until I can........-_-
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You should, and JW, cut down on the Snowflakes/asterisks please, it's fugly.
Talking about signatures, could we unfancy them please? Or at least not make them blatantly ridiculous. Wintry's is like a moderate fancy and it looks good. Take him as an example.
Images are already resized via CSS...if it's not resizing, then your browser isn't loading or reading the CSS file correctly. =/
I'm sure Apple would just tell you to switch to Safari :P
Listening to Iron Maiden and Eminem before prom 8)
See y'all laterz o/
*ahem* I really enjoy proms and going to proms. Your hostility is interesting to note though. I must however remind each of you that your personal experience of the types of proms you have been to does not define everyone's worldwide experience... Just saying...
1- Nice title text
2- What happened to your fancy sigil in your sig? :( :<
I put it away for storage
3- What in the fuck happened to your avatar pic? O.o
He got old :D
Daylen will like your avatar, JW. I think that's about the age of male he goes for. :P
I would love to cuddle with an old man like this :D
Alright, I'm sorry I mislead you all with promises of my return earlier. My harrowing time of urgency had not yet abated. I am 100% back now though.
I can't help but notice that each of JW's avatars have been progressively wearing less and less clothing....
Anyway, I'm in a super good mood, because FINALS ARE FINALLY OVER!!
(^I really think we ought to make than an emoji on the forums)
Shaved today. Feel 50 years younger, and I'm only in my 20's to begin with -.-
JW : I would like a thin-crust, triple-meat pizza with Parmesan chicken wings on the side. :PI had a delicious calzone..Double Mozzarella, Double Pepperoni, and Sausage :D
Feeling sort of rested, but also not.I know that feeling JW, stay strong :)
I've been in a Cuban restaurant. It was an interesting experience....never tried the food though. Smelt good!
Goat Cheese Cakes?
@Gov - How much is a lot?
Thanks Orca! My job is behind a desk, and most of my hobbies are too...so it's hard to have an active lifestyle.
Still, I faltered a lot on exercise this month, especially when I was sick last week. That's the primary reason I didn't lose as much as I could have. I still did great on not eating as much sugar, and I haven't had a soda in two months now.what do you weigh now?
Thanks JW! :)
What is that...me saluting and left hand having thumbs up.
What is that...me saluting and left hand having thumbs up.
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So, I've formally cut the positions of Queen Consort and Crown Prince for now. If and when I feel the time is right to fill them, I will...but until then, the vacant positions have become more trouble than they're worth, methinks.How so? Charax is back so he should get back his post?
I still love you, Moot! :P I assume this won't affect our wedding date? ;)
You know, I've always wanted to try this polygamy thing people are always going on about :PI still love you, Moot! :P I assume this won't affect our wedding date? ;)
As long as you understand I'll always be Mootles whore you can wed him ;).
You know, I've always wanted to try this polygamy thing people are always going on about :PI still love you, Moot! :P I assume this won't affect our wedding date? ;)
As long as you understand I'll always be Mootles whore you can wed him ;).
...What kind? ;)
Feel a bit better, had some green.
The menstrual cycle of a psychopath.An interesting thing to have on one's mind...in more ways than one. :P
Car crashes are whack.
JW's Daiy Schedule of "Real" Life.
Since the last thing on my mind turned into an official statement, let's try this again :P
I know that we're just two days in, but so far I haven't seen a single game from the Steam sale that I want, isn't still too expensive, and don't already have. Mount and Blade: Warband for $3.99 is pretty good as part of the current flash sale though (I already have it).
What you and Moot really need to do is buy me some games..
What you and Moot really need to do is buy me some games..
What kind of games would you like to play with JW?
What are you on about Gov?how other people treat me and get away with things while I am punished only.
I bought a few of the games on today's sale, no complaintsso did I!
Switching from a 15 inch screen to a 34 inch screen is very... disorientating.
Switching from a 15 inch screen to a 34 inch screen is very... disorientating.
Got my results today.
I am going to graduate with a 2:1 in BA Economics and Politics. Pretty chuffed ;D
Going to miss uni so much though.
Got my results today.
I am going to graduate with a 2:1 in BA Economics and Politics. Pretty chuffed ;D
Going to miss uni so much though.
Congrats. ;)
Learning the ropes to EU4...pretty nice, but there are some differences compared to EU3.You have EU4? Why have we not played together yet?
You have EU4? Why have we not played together yet?I've only had it for two days. I bought it from the Steam sale. :P
What's 2:1?Got my results today.
I am going to graduate with a 2:1 in BA Economics and Politics. Pretty chuffed ;D
Going to miss uni so much though.
Congrats. ;)
Thank you so much! It was a great sense of relief when I found out :)
2:1 ?
What does it mean? Can you explain?2:1 ?
It is a classification of Degree in the UK.
This motherfucking game and it's motherfucking magnetism >_>1. Why? You're posting here anyway.
I won't return to Wintreath, and I have citizenship in Spiritus because I'm apparently a minor deity in Spiritus so I have to have citizenship e.e, but you can find me at The Alterran Republic.
This motherfucking game and it's motherfucking magnetism >_>
I won't return to Wintreath, and I have citizenship in Spiritus because I'm apparently a minor deity in Spiritus so I have to have citizenship e.e, but you can find me at The Alterran Republic.
It is a classification of Degree in the UK.
lol, yes, Leuth is British. And it isn't a competition...not like she's coming back to remarry me. :Poh, so I'm just not pretty enough? :'(
lol, this topic again ;-;Dude she's giving you the best of both worlds and then some. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth!
Edit: It has nothing to do with looks! I'm still in mourning, guys. :(
What does it mean? Can you explain?2:1 ?
It is a classification of Degree in the UK.
Geeze, that's rather insensitive to those who have already passed :(She hasn't passed. She just left NS. You still communicate with her....yes?
/me dons black
I think the lesson for tonight...never give into bullies, no matter what or how much they attempt to blackmail or threaten you with. It doesn't accomplish anything and the next time they want something they'll be right back with the same threats, because then they know they can use the same thing and get anything they want.What happened Moot?
The only thing you should consider doing with a bully is standing up to them.
Ah, yes, those fucking cowards that sit behind a screen to manifest some sort of pathetic sense of self-worth. Ignore it mooty. :)
The typical NSGP bullshit. :PPlease elaborate? :-/
The typical NSGP bullshit. :PPlease elaborate? :-/
Already a month in... -_-
You never play anything I like Gov! ;-;Tell me ALL the games you play and we will figure out something
Three hours into the second day without power. Thankfully I have several portable power boxes through which I can keep my phone charged, and talking to you guys./me sends electricity to Daphne
Tell me ALL the games you play and we will figure out somethingThat would be quite a list ;-;
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Three hours into the second day without power. Thankfully I have several portable power boxes through which I can keep my phone charged, and talking to you guys.Damn...I remember two years ago when we had the derecho and power was out at my house for a week...in the middle of a heat wave. It's not something I want to go through again, and I feel your pain. =/
Wait where on eastern canada are you?Currently visiting my sister in the Annapolis Valley.
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Go ahead. I am a patient man.Tell me ALL the games you play and we will figure out somethingThat would be quite a list ;-;
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via TapatalkThree hours into the second day without power. Thankfully I have several portable power boxes through which I can keep my phone charged, and talking to you guys.Damn...I remember two years ago when we had the derecho and power was out at my house for a week...in the middle of a heat wave. It's not something I want to go through again, and I feel your pain. =/
It hasn't come through yet, I hope you went with a reputable delivery company. I don't want to lose the electricity to Somali pirates due to an overlong stay over.Three hours into the second day without power. Thankfully I have several portable power boxes through which I can keep my phone charged, and talking to you guys./me sends electricity to Daphne
Why don't you start by just looking at my Steam library and we'll go from there? :PJust send me the list lol
Yeah, I know JW has been busy with real life :(
But additionally, we're entering the summer lull too...it's a period where all of NationStates is less active, the entire game loses a slew of nations, and people go off to vacations, trips, or enjoy time away from the computer/NS. In my experience, it will run through September, so the next few months will be a challenge for Wintreath and other regions.
:( what's wrong JW?
That really sucks :(:( what's wrong JW?
The short of it is I have a client who's family has convinced him to not do something that will save his life.
My client will die because his family sucks.
Meh. There have been multiple times in NS and RL that have sometimes had me thinking people will be better off if I never existed.
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It does Daphne. It really does. It hurts me a lot because there isn't a damn thing I can do for him. I am usually stronger but my emotional callous was weakened by the death of another client last month.That really sucks :(:( what's wrong JW?
The short of it is I have a client who's family has convinced him to not do something that will save his life.
My client will die because his family sucks.
Meh. There have been multiple times in NS and RL that have sometimes had me thinking people will be better off if I never existed.
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That's completely incorrect Gov.
Not everyone may like you, but you have people who love you and would sorely lose you if you weren't around.
I would miss you if you weren't around.
Gov, this is your mandatory *POINTLESS DRAMA ALERT*.
Meh. There have been multiple times in NS and RL that have sometimes had me thinking people will be better off if I never existed.
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That's completely incorrect Gov.
Not everyone may like you, but you have people who love you and would sorely lose you if you weren't around.
I would miss you if you weren't around.
Coming from you, and how you've treated, and how your actions essentially got me kicked out of BI without trial, I really find anything you say to me hard to believe anymore.
Also, this image is relevant, because I've been treated this way by many in the active NS community for years and it's to a point where it's in excess. If this happened to anyone else, people would have said something:
That's true. Some people just follow the path to use minimal effort and barely pass.Which is fine for the most part, but when people are in positions of responsibility for which they volunteered for, it's just not acceptable.
Ugh. Completely overwhelmed at work. Have a mountain of paperwork and tasks to do...Aww, sorry to hear that. I actually spent a good deal of time clearing away old files on my work computer today...stuff accumulates after a year. -.-
Uh huh...well if they couldn't pay a set amount, I'd tell them to take the bus :)They actually help with fuel and I don't mean just $5 only
/me enjoys the effects some drugs have on some guys :P
Stop doing drugs mate. ;)Nein! Neit! Never!
How so?I think everyone's concern here is that you might be taken advantage of. It's nice they pay for the gas, but that doesn't account for the wear/tear on your car.
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@Jonewest - Yeah, I know weed in particular makes guys more easily and intensely aroused. Guys have told me that when they're high even a single thought of sex could turn them on so bad they needed it right then and there. On the other hand, others have said it has the exact opposite effect on them. :PLike what?
@Govindia - Yeah, what Jonewest is saying...not to mention your time. If they're truly your friend and they're making an income and you're the person enabling them to get to and from work, they should be paying for more than your gas given your financial situation.
I've been so fucked up lately I didn't even know it was the weekend.
I have a confession to make, I've started cutting again. I'm better at hiding it now.
I have a confession to make, I've started cutting again. I'm better at hiding it now.No. You must stop. Now. :(
I'm not really a fan of summer...we're having autumn-like weather here this week, and as far as I'm concerned it can stay for the rest of the summer. It beats sweating my ass off. :P
Speaking of sweating my ass off, had my latest weigh-in on Tuesday...lost another five pounds last month for a total of 13 since April (from 301 to 288)! I'm almost back down to the weight I was when I joined NS over a year and a half ago (285). :D
That moment when you convince the 'one that got away' that it's okay to leave her current terrible relationship.That's the worst...been there before, for sure.
.... right into the arms of another person :'(
That moment when you convince the 'one that got away' that it's okay to leave her current terrible relationship.
.... right into the arms of another person :'(
Well, hopefully, My GF and I won't cross the line...The Line?
Well, at least I can take solace in the fact that it's comic order arrival day.
I wish my subscription list was that small haha, I have too many interests.
I wish my subscription list was that small haha, I have too many interests.
That was like 8-10 different subscriptions (About 25 comics)...:/
After a whole six minutes in Euro Truck Simulator 2, I can already tell driving big rigs through Europe probably won't ever be a potential job for me in the future. :PI love that game. I'm terrible at it, but I love it.
But that's totally their own fault, right? Gotta give the big rigs some space, damnit. :P
Funny, here in Canada it's whoever does the rear ending, to a degree where it's a faulty system. I've seen people back into other cars, just for the insurance money.Same set-up in England as well.
I really fucking hate people.
But that's totally their own fault, right? Gotta give the big rigs some space, damnit. :P
I've been told by friends returning from Japan that if you rear-end another car, no matter what, it is the other driver's fault, since the accident would.not have occurred if they weren't there.
Go figure.
Well, it's been a bit of a tough day. Just found out my Grampa has cancer. :/
Most people worry whether the employer will accept them, not whether they'll accept. :PThat did sound pretty vain, didn't it? It's just that I'm pretty qualified compared to many others in the area I moved to. I've actually got three offers on the table right now. This move did me wonders I think.
Sapphiron: You're a internet forum addict?Ever since I started playing Nationstates and posting in Portal to the Multiverse. :(
Turning into a Govindia...No you fucking won't. I am not unreliable amd I take offence to that.
Someone has to make this a meme. ASAP xD
This conversation is doing nothing but making us both look foolish, I'm done.I was simply explaining my side when you made a bad joke lol
Goodnight Wintreath :)
It's like a ticket
Potential relocation on the horizon again for another job. So many options, too many choices
Relo is always fun. :P I was never a kid who hated moving. It makes things so much more interesting.
And now I promise I'm done with my sig.
I guess I'm just boring. :P
Yeah, that's me...
In all honesty, it could have been much worse, can't really tell in that photo, but there's a pretty steep ditch right next to that tree. So, if I hadn't hit the tree, I likely would have had more serious injuries
I'm ... Fine. It's ... Fine. Just going to call the insurance people in the morning and see what they say. I got run off.
No better way to distract myself from my car problems than to try a new game. Finally trying this Neverwinter that Nox is always on about.
Why are you disappointed JW?
:( that's not goodWhy are you disappointed JW?
I am losing confidence in my place here.
Why are you disappointed JW?
I am losing confidence in my place here.
I am losing confidence in my place here.I'm sorry to hear that, especially if it's over whatever this thing is going on with Gov. =/
I am losing confidence in my place here.I'm sorry to hear that, especially if it's over whatever this thing is going on with Gov. =/
I find it pretty frustrating myself, as I've given both of you advice and you've both essentially rejected it. Can't we all just get along?
/me sighs
Na, not really anything to do with Gov. Just unsure if I fit in. :/
Na, not really anything to do with Gov. Just unsure if I fit in. :/
Well then, I shall assure you that indeed you do. And I'm certain everyone here will agree. It's really fun with you around here JW, and Wintreath would be for the worse without ya. :D
I appreciate that Stacks. It's probably more or less just good ol' depression making me doubt everything I love :/Aww...you have always fit in marvelously. Don't doubt yourself there. :)
Happy Birthday Reon. May you have a good one. So that makes you 16 yes?
You know what'd be fucking fantastic? Being able to get drunk once in my life without having a heart to heart with someone :(
Also, that moment when you realize you've been a judgemental asshole for the last five years, who has simply drifted from her true friends and made friends with other judgemental assholes instead.
Sorry for the existential breakdown guys. Just, Wintreath really is all I have, and I needed to vent.
Thanks, PB :). You likely have no idea how much your words mean to me. Wintreath simply is the best family out there.You know what'd be fucking fantastic? Being able to get drunk once in my life without having a heart to heart with someone :(
Also, that moment when you realize you've been a judgemental asshole for the last five years, who has simply drifted from her true friends and made friends with other judgemental assholes instead.
Sorry for the existential breakdown guys. Just, Wintreath really is all I have, and I needed to vent.
Some people get angry when they drink, others play games, you like to have meaningful conversations. Me, I start throwing compliments around to everyone in the room. Genuine stuff, like "I appreciate your personality."
Oh, and about this supposed assholeness, I've gotten no such impression. Your true true friends will always be there for you
Reminder to myself to check this out at home: http://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/2cabbw/came_home_from_quebec_and_i_think_theres/ (http://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/2cabbw/came_home_from_quebec_and_i_think_theres/)
Happy Birthday Reon. May you have a good one. So that makes you 16 yes?
That's correct, Govin! Legal age of consent for most States. Exciting!
You know what'd be fucking fantastic? Being able to get drunk once in my life without having a heart to heart with someone :(
Also, that moment when you realize you've been a judgemental asshole for the last five years, who has simply drifted from her true friends and made friends with other judgemental assholes instead.
Sorry for the existential breakdown guys. Just, Wintreath really is all I have, and I needed to vent.
Reminder to myself to check this out at home: http://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/2cabbw/came_home_from_quebec_and_i_think_theres/ (http://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/2cabbw/came_home_from_quebec_and_i_think_theres/)
This was a scary story X:
I read to Part 3 and didn't get to finish the last one. Gave me the jeepers creepers.
It surely does. Several thousand dollars in compensation, so you know, jokes on those vandals.
Yay interview Thursday morning with a defence contractor!Now if only my phone can get turned back on .....asshole dad.....
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So my bestfriend and therapist told me to find some positive way to release my emotions. So I've picked up writing. Poems, letters, just how I'm feeling. It's actually pretty relaxing. I'm surprised :P Just my phone, headphones, papers, and a pen and I'm zoned out for hours.You're into poetry? I encourage you to look at submitting a piece to the August edition of the Wintreath Poetry Contest. You could become Wintreath's first Poet Laureate.
Is he/she hot?
I can imagine having your own office space is fairly nice. I work in an office with 5 other people...they are all women. You can imagine the stories I've heard...Is he/she hot?HE is fairly attractive, so its not too bad. And he's nice to chat with. But I'd still rather have my own space regardless of how attractive and enjoyable the GA is. :P
I can imagine having your own office space is fairly nice. I work in an office with 5 other people...they are all women. You can imagine the stories I've heard...Is he/she hot?HE is fairly attractive, so its not too bad. And he's nice to chat with. But I'd still rather have my own space regardless of how attractive and enjoyable the GA is. :P
You know what sucks? Bathroom anxiety.
Didn't know finding a boyfriend or girlfriend would be this hard :/I thought you had a girlfriend, for some reason?
And Stacky, where are you here! Nowhere near me I'm sure, but still. :P
Outta nowhere, instead of buying a VW, or a Honda, to replace my written off car, looks like I'm buying a 1983 Mercury Lynx :D very excited to be picking that up on Friday!
How do you ask out a girl? I'm really shy and suck at it :PUsually one starts by either asking them out to a single date or just by saying to them, "would you like to date me?" Dependent on your age.
So, yeah... swore into the New Hampshire Army National Guard like 10 minutes ago. Much fun, many swear, wow.
People fucking suck.Can you pursue legal action?
Didn't end up getting the Lynx, it was heavily misrepresented :'(
Alright, second rant.The role of the police is to enforce the law and uphold order. They are not obligated, constitutionally, to protect you.
United States Peace Officers.
The role of the police force is to protect the citizens and the rights of said citizens correct? Correct. These peace officers are given, and trained to use a variety of arms, including pepper spray, taser, a firearm, baton, and others. Training for peace officers include basic history of law enforcement, to the statutes of which state they're in, to talking down suicidal persons.
There has been a lot of publicity lately about how peace officers are abusing their power, shooting unarmed people, and other problems. And honestly I wish you all would shut up.
Peace officers are specifically trained and know what to do when a situation occurs. EVERY officer must go through a very extensive training. Now training times vary from state to sate, for example California is roughy 4-5 weeks of academy training, whereas Pennsylvania State Trooper academy training is 13-15 weeks.
A peace officer is trained to protect the lives of citizens. That is their sole duty. If any officer is caught in a hostage situation, the rule is to save the civilians before the officer if possible.
Now I'm not saying every single thing an officer does is justified. There are mistakes where an officer can be mistaken and it happens to end with the loss of a life. It's tragic, but the officer's interpretation was that the individual(s) were a harm to others, and so they took action. And yes sometimes officers are complete jerks and they beat up a minority figure. They don't deserve to wear the badge and hopefully the courts can sort it out.
Without any sort of police force, what state would the nation be in? Chaos. Anarchy. Anyone could do anything. They only other way would be to militarise everything, and then America becomes a police state.
Should officers be required to perform longer training periods? Maybe. Should all officers be required to wear cameras as they do in CA? Maybe. But getting rid of the police force? Hating officers for no reason? Really America? Yeah. Sure.
(Note: As a potential future PA State Trooper, this is basically one sided)
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Everything okay JW?
I'm always available to listen if you want to chat :)Thanks love, I will always keep that in mind :).
You know what's fun? Chasing the American Dream. You should make a post! :PSorry to hear that love, people are cruel and hateful. I think you're the bees knees, so there's that. :D
I need to!! X:
Feeling pretty seriously dysphoric today, ended up getting verbally attacked by a woman when I was leaving a public restroom. Must not look oh so femme today :(
Massively indifferent today.
A day off would be nice after having a headache all day yesterday...but things are soo busy and I feel like I'm falling behind as it is. >_>I know how that is. -.-
It rained yesterday and the day before that. TX.
Friend of mine was just threatened with termination at his job, so he handed them his prewritten resignation and they refused it and got pissed off.Why did they refuse? They can't make him work can they?
Fucking capitalist dogs.
I'm so glad you had a nice evening. What book was it?http://www.amazon.com/Star-Trek-Next-Generation-Scorned/dp/1451641699 (http://www.amazon.com/Star-Trek-Next-Generation-Scorned/dp/1451641699)
Friend of mine was just threatened with termination at his job, so he handed them his prewritten resignation and they refused it and got pissed off.
Fucking capitalist dogs.
Oooooooh, David! Tell us more! Spill it!^^^^!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That time when you want to tell someone that their concerns are irrelevant and don't really matter in the slightest in the grand scheme of things, but can't because you're speaking as a third party to the whole thing and you're unsure if the party you're speaking in support of would appreciate such bluntness.
Oooooooh, David! Tell us more! Spill it!Yes, please do.
I cannot get it through my head why people do what they do. Alcohol is A) Disgusting and B) Only really leads downhill. I have severe depression and I don't get drunk or smoke marijuana like one of my other friends who is depressed and I managed to get a significant other and for the first time in my life...I'm happy. Alcohol ruins people. I've seen it. I firmly believe in strict alcohol laws and/or banning of it. I was once called naive and ignorant for saying that :P
I had a ham sandwich...it was nowhere as interesting as all those exotic flavours! :P
So, I've mentioned before my friend that knocked up his best friend's internet girlfriend last autumn. Apparently she had the baby last night, and he messages me talking about how amazing it is, and I'm just like...ok. He said he cried for an hour because it's so amazing, but I just don't get it. For fuck's sake, he knocked the girl up within a week of losing his virginity, he's working two jobs now, and he did the *right* thing and married her. I just see this being a horrible disaster in a few years and I can't really muster up much enthusiasm for his life, even though I know that sounds bad. It's just...what happens after the amazing wears off?
I cannot get it through my head why people do what they do. Alcohol is A) Disgusting and B) Only really leads downhill. I have severe depression and I don't get drunk or smoke marijuana like one of my other friends who is depressed and I managed to get a significant other and for the first time in my life...I'm happy. Alcohol ruins people. I've seen it. I firmly believe in strict alcohol laws and/or banning of it. I was once called naive and ignorant for saying that :P
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Similar situation happened to a friend of mine, he was no virgin or anything. But he dated a girl for awhile, he got her knocked up, they stayed together throughout the 9 months (the baby was actually born when my friend was shitfaced at my house for a party [he did go to the hospital]), they got married, and now they are getting a divorce. I didn't see it working out in the first place. My friend is a good guy but he is battling an addiction to alcohol and "having a good time".
Jonewest mentioned it first. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reefer_Madness (http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reefer_Madness)
Originally a propaganda film supported by a church it has been recut and taken over and is now used as a satire film because of it's sheer absurdity.
I cannot get it through my head why people do what they do. Alcohol is A) Disgusting and B) Only really leads downhill. I have severe depression and I don't get drunk or smoke marijuana like one of my other friends who is depressed and I managed to get a significant other and for the first time in my life...I'm happy. Alcohol ruins people. I've seen it. I firmly believe in strict alcohol laws and/or banning of it. I was once called naive and ignorant for saying that :P
I'm 28 and have never gotten drunk or high.
But I respect other people's right to. :)
You just want to corrupt me. :P
Oh. I thought you just wanted to stuff me full of booze and get me high. :P
Oh. I thought you just wanted to stuff me full of booze and get me high. :P
mmmmmm crossfading.... :D
It may be fall, but it is rainy outside and I feel like listening to this forever (http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=EaK-F8YHPJk&p=n)
Oh yes, it was a pint of Butterfinger flavoured ice cream, and it was delicious. :DNever been a fan of the candy flavored ice creams. :X
In any case, thanks for the information! How do you time your sleeps...just with an alarm? For naps I usually just fall asleep and wake up whenever I wake up.
I thought 4 or 5 hours put you in sleep debt....
I just took asshole driving/parking to a whole new level. Your move, masshole. >_>
I'm curious...what do you guys think of the studies that have shown that diet and especially exercise can be as effective as anti-depressants in treating it over the long-term?
What colourful names. :P
I guess sometimes like now I feel like I'm not doing enough with the region...I'm here and all, but I feel like compared to the early days of the region or my time as President of Spiritus I haven't been as productive as I used to be. I spend a lot more time just dicking around, and yet I don't seem to get much of a chance to just talk to people and have fun like I used to. There's always some task that needs doing, some project that needs to be completed...=/
New Crampsters my ass. Everything else here is true... except that. New Hampshire drivers are best drivers.I just took asshole driving/parking to a whole new level. Your move, masshole. >_>
As opposed to Maineiacs, Vermonsters, New Crampsters, and Connecticunts....
Any you can peel off to noobies (like me)?Actually yes! If you join the Civil Service, there's a few things that anyone can do in there that would help...for example, I've spent a lot of time recruiting lately, since we won't get new members if we don't recruit. So more people doing that will free me up to do other things. :)
New Crampsters my ass. Everything else here is true... except that. New Hampshire drivers are best drivers.
What colourful names. :P
I guess sometimes like now I feel like I'm not doing enough with the region...I'm here and all, but I feel like compared to the early days of the region or my time as President of Spiritus I haven't been as productive as I used to be. I spend a lot more time just dicking around, and yet I don't seem to get much of a chance to just talk to people and have fun like I used to. There's always some task that needs doing, some project that needs to be completed...=/
Wow...people still ask for their parent's permission? How old-fashioned. :PI'm a gentleman :P
I'm preloading the Sims 4.Spoiler(https://wintreath.com/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FZDyYQnI.png&hash=4f7b802f44dddd220159a88bdb0c839a)
Unlocks in a day or two.
I want a German Shepherd/Huskie mix.
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Oh that's the opposite of me :P I'll need something else :PI want a German Shepherd/Huskie mix.
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That's a beautiful breed. They're very energetic and playful year-round.
Oh that's the opposite of me :P I'll need something else :PI want a German Shepherd/Huskie mix.
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That's a beautiful breed. They're very energetic and playful year-round.
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Oh yeah! Snow! Snow is approaching!Aww, the only two seasons here are monsoon and summer. :P
A-freakin-menOh yeah! Snow! Snow is approaching!Aww, the only two seasons here are monsoon and summer. :P
Job interview at 1500. Except it's at McDonalds :/ But a 17 year old has gotta do what he's gotta do.Hey, I accidentally worked for a McDonald's for a few months in university, wasn't too bad really.
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Yeah, I just need money. I have two tickets totalling $500 to pay :P And now a girlfriend to spoil. So I'll deal with it :PJob interview at 1500. Except it's at McDonalds :/ But a 17 year old has gotta do what he's gotta do.Hey, I accidentally worked for a McDonald's for a few months in university, wasn't too bad really.
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How does one accidentally work somewhere for a few months? :PTotal blonde moment, mixed up the phone numbers, both had offered me a job, and I called the wrong one back to accept. A few months later when the original opportunity arose again, I jumped ship and took the right job. But I genuinely enjoyed my time there.
Don't call to accept a job while hungover, you might be calling the wrong number.
I haven't laughed that hard in a while. Thank you Daph :PHow does one accidentally work somewhere for a few months? :PTotal blonde moment, mixed up the phone numbers, both had offered me a job, and I called the wrong one back to accept. A few months later when the original opportunity arose again, I jumped ship and took the right job. But I genuinely enjoyed my time there.
The lesson in all of this folks,
Don't call to accept a job while hungover, you might be calling the wrong number.
xD Hhahaha, words of wisdom Daph.
So, I'm assuming since we're all fairly involved on the internet, we're all aware of the wonderful curse of...
It's not just online publicly though, Apple devices automatically sync to the iCloud, hell my Android is set up to sync to my dropbox. Should I not, as an adult take nude photos if I want to, simply because the risk exists that some colossal douchebag will break the law and access my private storage? An absolutely ridiculous assertion. People who access these leaked photos for their own pleasure/gratification are furthering the abuse these women are suffering.The FAPPENING!
A grim reminder that there is no privacy on the internet and that anything you post, anywhere, can come to bite you in the ass in the future.
Yeah, it's ridiculous. Taking nude pics of yourself is apparently dangerous nowadays. It was supposedly a really easy hack, too.It's not just online publicly though, Apple devices automatically sync to the iCloud, hell my Android is set up to sync to my dropbox. Should I not, as an adult take nude photos if I want to, simply because the risk exists that some colossal douchebag will break the law and access my private storage? An absolutely ridiculous assertion. People who access these leaked photos for their own pleasure/gratification are furthering the abuse these women are suffering.The FAPPENING!
A grim reminder that there is no privacy on the internet and that anything you post, anywhere, can come to bite you in the ass in the future.
Do what I did, travel, see some awesome places, find yourself. It really helps get me through the daily grind.
Although, I'm not currently a wage slave, as I'm still waiting for the right offer to come along, I have indeed been where you are, and worse.
Take steps to make yourself feel better.
Until of course, you get diagnosed with an extremely aggressive form of the deadliest cancer out there, and you're staring down the face of your own extinction.
It is understandable to feel downtrodden about the cancerous infection that is the human condition.
As a whole, humans are disgusting. We (humans) are selfish, idolize gods of myth or the 'almighty god' that is the dollar, and have little to no care for each other. I agree, it is depressing to look around the world and try to find a hope of goodness in humanity. It is there. I promise.
I would urge you to travel, you are still relatively young (I assume), and help people hands on.
Volunteer for an organization (liken to the Peace Corps.); this can not only broaden your world experience but also allow you to make the change you want to see in the world. Maybe you aren't that type of person, there is nothing wrong with that. But I would suggest changing your environment if it not one that is fostering your hope in the goodness of humanity. Also, if you are feeling suicidal please seek help. I've been down that road before a few times (just as recently as earlier this year) and had I not received a call from a dear friend, I would have been sleeping with the fishes.
I'm turning 24 on September 13th. I'm young enough to travel, I know that.Lawyers Without Borders? That sounds wonderful. How exactly does that work though?
I'll be all over Lawyers Without Borders when I graduate and get some experience, you can be sure of that.
Now that Moot knows, and won't be blindsided by this, I have a confession.
Remember yesterday when I said I got a phone call about a friend that was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer? It wasn't the diagnosis of a friend, it was my diagnosis.
I don't know how active I'll be, or how long I'll stay active, but Moot knows I'll resign my positions before they suffer from inactivity.
I love you guys.
Was it with tongue? xDNo :P We did make out, but nothing special.
Everyone knew that question was coming. :P
No :P We did make out, but nothing special.
It's the same here in West Virginia.
When I first registered to vote, I was 18 and I was a solid Democrat. Over the years since, I've come to realize that neither party really cares about the American people, other than how to manipulate them to win elections. I still marginally prefer Democrats to win, because I support a lot of social liberal causes, but meh. I wish there were other viable parties that ran...more competition to force politicians to care about the people.
Anybody has the instruction manual for women....
Anybody has the instruction manual for women....
That was a joke, right? :P
Actually, something tells me that if I tried to pick up guys, I would fail just as hard. xD Guess it's just me :P.
I live in Renton, Washington
Sachem, how did your sexual relationship work with a bedwetting partner. The way i do it is never sleep in a bed that isn't my own.
When you finally tell your girlfriend you're bisexual and she accepts you and still loves you :) (background: her dad is a baptist pastor, so I'm happy :P )Yay! *huggles*
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Gov, you have NOTHING to lose by writing a letter and sending it certified, requesting the precise reason why you were terminated. As someone who teaches business & HR, "Not a Good Fit" is the standard answer when they want to fire you for an illegal reason. I would strongly hint that unless a reason consistent with the law is provided, you will consider a civil rights lawsuit for illegal termination. (PS...In addition to being a flaming gay economist professor...I'm also an attorney :-))How do you know about my Dad?
As for moving back with dad.....WRONG.
on top of that I am socially isolated from my family and since 1 Aug. my dad shut off my phone for not dealing with his shit and moving back to PA with him like an obedient Indian son -_-I would imagine this is how he knows. Do you not even pay attention to what you post?
Sachem you're everything I want in life <3
How do you know about my Dad?
and the situation isn't that simple when you're a contractor
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So so happy at the Scottish referendum result, not to mention Alex Salmond has resigned as well! A great day!curious but why happy?
The best group of countries in the world is as strong as ever!
I was actually curious to know if the UK was going to keep the word "United" in their name had Scotland split :PWhy would they change the name? Scotland just wouldn't be a part.
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Technically it would still be a United Kingdom, since it includes Wales and Northern Ireland.
In any case, I read that in exchange for staying in as part of the UK, legislative power is going to be even more decentralized and Scotland will have even more say in its own affairs...a deal that has and likely will upset the English, who have no such separate parliament or autonomy. The article I read then went on to suggest that this will divide the UK more and more, until it separates on its own accord.
Honestly, I don't think I would mind a Confederate States of America if it wasn't for the slavery. It would certainly distinguish which country was referred to as 'America' and 'Murica'. And 'America' wouldn't be laughed at as much by everyone else in the world. :PThe south is hardly why we are laughed at by the rest of the world :P
It seemed entirely plausible to me...when one group feels that another is getting special privileges, of course they're going to feel put off and jealous and want the same things themselves. Are you telling me that the English are perfectly fine with a Parliament where Scottish representatives can take part in deciding affairs in the entire nation, but their own representatives in many cases won't have as much say over Scotland?
Living here I've heard plenty of 'good ol' southern boys' preach about how Texas would be 'so much better off' if we seceded from the Union.
Living here I've heard plenty of 'good ol' southern boys' preach about how Texas would be 'so much better off' if we seceded from the Union. I've thought about it, and in fact I have a lot of "nationalist" pride in Texas. I associate myself with this state more than any other (and I've been to quite a few states). I care less about national ongoings than I do about what happens in Texas, where our motto is "It's a whole nother' country". I love this state, with blemishes and all.
Living here I've heard plenty of 'good ol' southern boys' preach about how Texas would be 'so much better off' if we seceded from the Union. I've thought about it, and in fact I have a lot of "nationalist" pride in Texas. I associate myself with this state more than any other (and I've been to quite a few states). I care less about national ongoings than I do about what happens in Texas, where our motto is "It's a whole nother' country". I love this state, with blemishes and all.
I'm sure there are small rumblings of secession in a lot of states. I myself have heard some of it here. I think Texas gets the wrap for it because it is the second largest (by population) in the union, and it is a deeply conservative state under a Democratic president that is the devil incarnate, if you believe Rick Perry. :P
And I totally get your sentiment towards Texas. I feel the exact same way about West Virginia. I know we get a bad wrap for being backwards hilljacks (even though we really aren't), but this is my home and it always will be.
Living here I've heard plenty of 'good ol' southern boys' preach about how Texas would be 'so much better off' if we seceded from the Union. I've thought about it, and in fact I have a lot of "nationalist" pride in Texas. I associate myself with this state more than any other (and I've been to quite a few states). I care less about national ongoings than I do about what happens in Texas, where our motto is "It's a whole nother' country". I love this state, with blemishes and all.
I'm sure there are small rumblings of secession in a lot of states. I myself have heard some of it here. I think Texas gets the wrap for it because it is the second largest (by population) in the union, and it is a deeply conservative state under a Democratic president that is the devil incarnate, if you believe Rick Perry. :P
And I totally get your sentiment towards Texas. I feel the exact same way about West Virginia. I know we get a bad wrap for being backwards hilljacks (even though we really aren't), but this is my home and it always will be.
Coming from a Canadian province with an history of a pretty big secession movement (the biggest in America in fact) that was very nearly succeeded, I can understand the desire for secession, but I honestly fail to believe how it applies to Texas.
Yes, Texas used to be it's own country, but isn't that pretty much where it ends? What cultural distinctions, for example, are present and important enough to warrant Texas leaving the union? What is the reason that supports the movement? I mean, Texas has a lot in common with the other southern states. They aren't completely separated like Quebec is, where we have difficulty finding much in common with Canada, be that on a ideological, linguistic, cultural or even religious standpoint. Texans speak English, are mostly Republicans, have a similar culture to the other southern states are are Protestants. There's so much more that links the state with the US than what might separates it. I honestly just don't see it.
Is it just because many citizens hate Obama and want to secede as a knee-jerk reaction, taking their ball and going home because they don't like him, or are there economic reasons? Is it because of Mexican immigration, legal or otherwise? I'd think Texans would have some kind of enmity with Mexico, what with the history between them. I'd also think Texas isn't all that rich (maybe mistakenly) compared to the northern states. It has oil, aside from the services sector, isn't that pretty much all as far as valuable commodities go? Besides, Texas benefits from the US military and diplomatic influence which are both many times bigger than what Texas could afford. And going back on the economy, how would that work? Doesn't Texas benefit a lot from the union? A huge, freely accessible market of 300+ million people, for example? Are most secessionists Christian fundamentalists that would want to shape Texas into some sort of theocracy? I mean, the CSA did happen, but wasn't that almost only a slavery issue? As an aside, I've always found strange how so many people view the CSA with nostalgia, wasn't it pretty much an economically depressed shithole with huge inflation because they were printing money just to pay for a war that was lost from the get-go? I mean, unlike people with ostalgia (the nostalgia of East Germany), no people are alive today to know what living in the CSA was like, and I'm not sure it had many things going for itself, perhaps even nothing.
I mean, given the ideological difference between northern and southern states, I'd understand a southern secession movement, a new Confederacy so to speak where Republicans would have a stronghold on governance, but just Texas? Seems weird to me.
I ask without meaning to cause offense - it's not that I think there aren't any, but I just don't know them. Educate me if you can.
So, looks like my supervisor will be out this week too...starting to get a little concerning, since we're apparently late on statewide reports that only she has access to submit and run. It will take quite a bit of time if it ends up that I have to work on them, especially since I've never been trained on them. Otherwise...it went well today. The new person I'm supervising caught on that I was bi, because he pretty much just asked me...it wasn't a big deal though, and mostly led to a discussion about relationships and such, and what he hated about girls...the pitfalls of being straight I guess lol.
What an interesting conversation. :) Did his curiosity turn you on :P?
Four more days to the weekend. Eighty-one days until my three-week vacation. :)
Is that when you're going to come see me? :3
On callings, I'm not sure I've ever had a 'calling'. When I was a kid I wanted to be a meteorologist, but by high school I had gotten tired of being known as the weather guy. At about the same time, I took my first programming class as a senior, not out of interest but because there were so few electives to choose from at my school and this one seemed pretty simple. It was very simple C++ stuff, but I found interesting. Once I got internet through cable I started looking up programming knowledge required to build things I wanted to do...it's how I learned HTML and PHP for instance. Then once I started working where I am now, I was fortunate enough to slowly be able to move towards SQL-related reporting jobs. I found pulling data to be fascinating...it was fascinating to explore how it connected with each other in a database, and nicely formatted and pulled data looked beautiful in its own way.
My fascination with coding was more of an obsession than an interest...
But my primary interests are still the ones I do on my own times...projects such as Wintreath. It's nice to have a decent paycheck and insurance, but I don't feel like I'm changing anything at work...I often feel like I'm a digital paper-pusher, and as I get older and things happen I realize more and more that I want to be someone who makes a difference for others, even if it's just a small group of people. I suppose if I were to have a calling it would be this...building communities with awesome people. I've certainly tried enough times in my life...it's nice to have finally succeeded in at least some regard here. :)
You've absolutely done a wonderful job and I think you would thrive wherever you decided to go with this..
I just spent over $100 on an impractical awesome thing I really wanted. so yeah.
$500? Damn, that is impressive. You must've been a favorite.We were, actually. It was in Austin, Texas at the Club XTC. I was there for a friend's bachelor party. We were the only white patrons, by coincidence, and were given VIP passes. We elected to stay in the main 'show room' (to stay in the back is BIG bucks), but we had several girls that stayed on our laps for hours on end. I think they enjoyed it, we were really nice to them (a lot of other patrons are very demeaning and lewd). We shared our drinks (Protip: Strippers love Vodka), and a good time was had by all. We were really close to putting my friend who was the bachelor on the stage (includes pictures! :X), but we opted not to. The $500 was a bit of an accident...I had planned to spend about $200-$300 but I got coaxed into (by the way let me say I was fairly shitfaced during this entire ordeal) a lapdance that lasted 30 minutes, it ended up costing $180.I spent an extra $10 a few times for them to dance full nude on/around me. The $180 girl let me finger fuck her, encouraged it actually. She also gave me a semi-blowie through my pants....
What an interesting conversation. :) Did his curiosity turn you on :P?To be honest, I may have gotten a semi when he asked, cause to be honest he's pretty damn attractive, both physically and personality-wise, but he's straight and I totally respect that, and even if he was into guys at all doing things with someone I'm supervising would open a host of potential problems that I'd rather avoid.
Is that when you're going to come see me? :3I would have thought you would be busy with work and stuff. :P
My fascination with coding was more of an obsession than an interest...It is beautiful, even if you want to deny such. :P
You've absolutely done a wonderful job and I think you would thrive wherever you decided to go with this..Aww...thank you! I hope it will continue thriving :)
Feeling so lost lately, don't know which way is up anymore.The sky is up, silly.
I think I might be a bit of a bitch
One of my roommates died today and it was my two year anniversary with my S.O.
Well, he did always tell me he loved to be inconvenient.
/me huggles Jone
What are you sick with? :(
Oh you poor thing...you need chicken soup, a hot shower, and a blowjob. Makes any man feel better. ;)
I'd say eating whilst receiving head would be ruder, JW.
I'm very upset now after how TEP treated me last night. I am not happy. Also fuck Alterra too that douchecunt.
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I'm very upset now after how TEP treated me last night. I am not happy. Also fuck Alterra too that douchecunt.Here if you want to talk :)
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Spent all day putting in data for 600 students into spreadsheets.
Is it the weekend yet?
Spent all day putting ... 600 students into ...sheets.
That sounds interesting...but weren't you considering becoming a priest a few days ago?
Amazingly, one doesn't have to make the other impossible.Amazingly. However, it goes without saying that it'll take a lot of extra work to be both...it's going to take time and intense training, I imagine.
Google that Jesuit order thingamajig. It's really interesting.
Instead of a warrior-priest, hitting people with his huge 2-handed mace in the name of Sigmar, I can be a lawyer-priest, hitting delinquent with lawsuits in the name of God.
I might've paraphrased them a bit. :D
I have trouble with night terrors, which results in insomnia. I signed up for a sleep study and was told "take some Melatonin; that'll help you lots~". It helps on some days, not so much on others, and doesn't mess with my other medication. It's available wherever you can get vitamins, but I would recommend talking with a doctor before taking it, just in case.
Advice you didn't really ask for, but I figured it'd help out a bit, if you haven't already given it a go. c:
I sleep 10 to 12 hours a day. I need my beauty sleep.That is usually my nightly regiment for falling asleep. I am sadly, very very low right now.
There was one day where I got up to 18. It was glorious.
I love sleeping, it's the perfect excuse not to do anything. I often have trouble falling asleep because my mind works on overdrive 24/7 and I can't stop thinking, but I find a puff or 5 of some really dank indica will knock me out pretty fast.
What causes your sleep apnea, Jonesy?
Generally sleep apnea is associated with larger people...as I understand it, people with more weight and less muscle tone are at risk of having the soft tissue in their throat close up during sleep, which causes the airway to collapse and breathing to stop until the body wakes you up to get you breathing. In rarer cases the cause is that the brain fails the signal the muscles to breathe during sleep. For mild cases of sleep apnea caused by weight, not sleeping on your back may help...otherwise standard treatment is the CPAP, as Jone already has. :P
Speaking of sleep, I just woke up from a nap, so my sleep schedule tonight will be all fucked up ;-;
I feel sorry for you, only having pulled pork poutine for a limited time.
What? You guys are missing out! We need to all meet somewhere and have poutine. But not Montreal, we want you to experience it somewhere nice.
Pretty accurate statement. I actually enjoy Quebec City a lot more than Montreal. I wouldn't be opposed to having poutine there with you lovely folks.What? You guys are missing out! We need to all meet somewhere and have poutine. But not Montreal, we want you to experience it somewhere nice.
Seriously, Montreal sucks so hard. There's homeless people absolutely everywhere, shady people keep trying to sell me drugs (bro I'm 24, no I don't need Viagra), city's ugly as sin, the people are rude, mean, unhelpful, self-centered and condescending and my biggest point of contention because I'm an asshole is that if you stop 10 strangers in the goddamn streets, there's 5 at best who speak French, quickly dwindling to 0 depending on the neighborhood you're in.
One time I spent a week in Montreal and just gave up speaking the freaking official language of the province, every time I went to Subway or corner shops or similar places I'd get hit with "English please", so after a while I didn't even bother trying anymore. When I came back to Quebec City, I was so confused that I was speaking English to people in the shops and then they'd say "French please" and I actually felt huge relief at being able to finally speak it. Like I know I'm not supposed to feel at home in a different city but the cultural shock was more akin to leaving the province entirely. It was almost like going to the States except signage was in French, even though I rarely met people actually speaking it. When I moved to Quebec City from southern Quebec, it didn't really take long until I felt at home, but I'd never get used to Montreal, probably not even if I spent years there. I'd feel like I was losing my identity, which in my case is mostly connected to language.
Just come to Quebec City, even the poutine is better. Montreal's nightlife is much more fun than ours, though, but I'm not a big fan of nightlife. Big and accepted LGBT community too, so that's a point in their favour.
Montreal is still a shithole and this was today's rant.
I will weigh in with an Alternative View.
First, I freaking LOVE POUTINE, and everyone needs to clog their arteries several times a year with this stuff! I say that because I have spent every March and every August in Montréal for the last 10 years.
Montréal does not "suck hard." IT FUCKING ROCKS!
I don't know where the rest of you hang out, but I stay in Le Village (the gayborhood) each time. We have many friends there, some of whom speak only French, some of whom are bilingual to various degrees. 80% of the time I speak French, and no one has ever criticized me for it. The bars are great (I prefer Dive bars, actually), the people wonderful and inviting, and if I ever choose to emigrate from the USA, it would be to Montréal. It is a modern, liberal, multilingual, cosmopolitan city with an easy layout and a great subway system.
So I just actually looked up poutine...it's seriously french fries, gravy, and cheese? :P
Pretty accurate statement. I actually enjoy Quebec City a lot more than Montreal. I wouldn't be opposed to having poutine there with you lovely folks.
Well, in my mind, there's only one type of person ruder than the average Montrealer and it's the average urban American :P
With that being said, the rest of Quebec does not really share much in common with Montreal. Everywhere in the rest of the province there's this "small town charm" where the people are friendly to a fault, everybody wants to know you and it really isn't all that hard to approach people, even in Quebec City with almost a million people in the metro area. Coming from a small town myself, I'm used to greeting people I pass on the street just because, mailmen waving to me and saying good day, strangers getting uncomfortably personal for no other reason than to get to know you better, make you one of them, so to speak. I could find that in Quebec City, not Montreal. I like to engage in passing conversation with people just because I'm bored and don't have anything else to do, on the bus for instance. I'm also using to people engaging with me, while Montrealers mostly give me the cold shoulder. Montrealers are just overly suspicious to me. They remind me a lot of New Yorkers where apparently if you look at people on the subway you either want something from them or want to mug them. They're also always hurried, most people didn't seem to have any time for me. It seems like a really quick pace for a life, and I don't dig it.
Then again, maybe that suspicion has good reason, what with the metric ton of homeless people, drug dealers and other potentially dangerous people. Plus, when the natives accost me instead of the opposite, it's usually to ask me for something. The term "no ulterior motive" didn't seem to exist. Just makes it seem all the more evident why that city isn't for me. That being said, the village is really the only neighborhood I can tolerate (and no I'm not gay). People there just seem...friendlier. Probably because they know what it feels like to be given the cold shoulder for no good reason.
Oh Puh-leeze...." metric ton of homeless people, drug dealers and other potentially dangerous people..."
You sound like a parochial country rube....which, of course, is how we urban Americans would view you small-town Québeckers 8)
I've never seen Canadian politics and stuff argued about so much :3
On a side note..It's Sunday. That day before Monday. And I am here at work. -.-
I was under the impression that any form of knitting would hurt your wrists like hell for doing the same motion repeatedly for several hours...
I was terrible at sewing. Even with a machine, especially with a machine. :3
Was it? Splendid my dear. :)I was under the impression that any form of knitting would hurt your wrists like hell for doing the same motion repeatedly for several hours...
It's probably because I have practice with putting my wrists in awful-for-you positions (prime example: typing anything, including this) that knitting for hours on end doesn't really bother me too much. Except for when I'm on straight needles as opposed to circulars, then I'll get about an hour in and my wrists will start crying.
But there are nice mittens for knitting purposes (to avoid wrist pain) that, humorously enough, you can also knit a pair of!I was terrible at sewing. Even with a machine, especially with a machine. :3
I remember having to make a quilt as a final project in middle school. It went...surprisingly well, actually. Well, as well as one can expect for a sixth-grader. No casualties and I didn't stab myself, so I call that a rousing success!
Jone, just wondering, why'd you drop the 'west'?
I was terrible at sewing. Even with a machine, especially with a machine. :3I learned how to sew in 8th grade Home Ec. I only remember how to do machine vs. hand sewing now though.
Of course we can't. But you can ;)I believe you should finally post a pic up. :P
I believe you should finally post a pic up. :P
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I love knitting! Do you use wooden or metal needles?
Was it someone in the region? If it's something I need to take care of, let me know.
Got my CPR certification.
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Got my CPR certification.
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Oh I do most Mouth's. M-2-M, P-2-M, D-2-M....A-2-M is a little questionable.Mouth to Mouth, Pussy to Mouth, Dick to Mouth,...and Ass to Mouth.
I just need to have it to pass my Advanced Criminal Justice class.
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Many sadnesses on your failed relationship, Sierra... But it's okay... We're your real girlfriend anyways.Just think of the make up sex!
I'm not sure if he'll find that thought comforting, arousing, or disturbing. :P
I finally got my nude mods on Fallout New Vegas working, it took a little bit of work to figure out what was wrong, but goddamn if I didn't fix it.
That's kinda how I feel about programming and data analysis...looking for holes and problems and things that don't fit, or making it all work kinda like a puzzle. It's a good feeling to successfully tackle a challenge like that and see others get some use out of your work. :)
Fucking miserable today. I can't have a single fucking day at work now where I don't get pissed off by how shitty my boss is.
Been tired today. And somewhat productive. Mostly tired though.
Also going through a tough time talking with this girl...it's so complicated. I hate even the thought of a relationship, just 'trying' one out is such a bore of frustration. Texting everyday? Throughout the day? Ugh. I hates it.
People don't have this problem when they have relationships with guys. ;) :P
Ok...let me rephrase...Relationship issues happen to everyone, even cats
People don't have this problem when they fuck around with guys. ;) :P
What an interesting post to quote to respond to his first point. Are you saying you fuck around with cats?Ok...let me rephrase...Relationship issues happen to everyone, even cats
People don't have this problem when they fuck around with guys. ;) :P
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No. Cats have relationship issues too! Youtube it!What an interesting post to quote to respond to his first point. Are you saying you fuck around with cats?Ok...let me rephrase...Relationship issues happen to everyone, even cats
People don't have this problem when they fuck around with guys. ;) :P
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I refuse to let things spoil my day because The Evil Within is out.iluhyewshinjimikami
I've been doing some junking around in Borderlands the pre-sequel... It's borderlands 2, with different abilities... Very few things have actually changed... Even some of the same bugs are in the game.what system? I have it for 360.
Yeah Pre-Sequel comes off as slightly disappointing to date. I like the new weapons and the new characters are very fun to play, the low-grav thing is interesting and makes the game more tactically flexible...but it's not enough for a full priced game. This is Borderlands 2.5, not 3. It's like the expansion packs of old. Why is it 60$? 40$ would have been more like it.Gearbox does care about their gamers though. See: Michael Mamaril.
Not to mention the humour falls flat sometimes, although there were brilliant spots like the "cuties" quest, it was quite smart and I liked the underlying message, but I still think it's less funny than 2. Less offbeat, less ridiculous, but overall not necessarily smarter. And it's buggy as shit. I encountered a game-breaking bug I was only able to negate using another bug, else I would have had to restart my game. Events often don't trigger properly, and the hitboxes seem all over the place.
To date I haven't seen much variation in enemies either, it's torks, scavs, lost legion, shoggoths, kraggans or these rakk wannabe things. There are too many melee mobs which are just painfully easy to kill (they have less HP than ranged ones, I mean WTF) and little more than an annoyance, get a good spike shield and you can cruise control much of the game. The bosses are easy as hell too, I had to cheese quite a few in BL2 but that never happened here. I've not completed it yet, but the game seems awfully short too, there aren't a lot of side quests nor main quests but the latter are long as fuck (lots and lots of obvious filler) which is kind of annoying, especially given the paucity of fast travel points. The spawn points of mobs seem cheaper too, often you'll have badasses spawning behind you with a lot of other fodder in front which I don't remember happening much in BL2. It reminds me of DA2, in fact the whole game reminds me of DA2 : it's an okay game on its own, but compare it to the previous one and it's obvious it's all just filler : artificial difficulty, same environments, unsatisfying bosses. I'm still having fun but I was hoping for more.
That being said, I will be very, very angry if there's no innate UVHM mode...I'm not there yet but I hope it won't be a DLC again. That would be a huge money grab, given that BL2 really starts in UVHM. Then again it's not like Gearbox isn't known for milking the fuck out of their games with DLC.
I refuse to let things spoil my day because The Evil Within is out.iluhyewshinjimikami
My roommate has been sinking hours into it lately. I'm preoccupied by Shadow of Mordor, so I haven't had a chance to play it.
I've had this one fantasy where I'm forced to knock a girl up...by the girl. But the details of that are too wild for here. :Psounds like the plot from FEAR 2
My job just got offered to someone else.The fuck? why? :(
Because. :/What was the reason?
Idk where my career stands, at this point it is more or less a waiting game.
If I may make a suggestion...maybe it's time to look and see what alternative careers you could pursue. Try to be prepared in case the worst pans out. What's been going on with your job is shit, but I get the idea that most jobs are like that...=/
If I may make a suggestion...maybe it's time to look and see what alternative careers you could pursue. Try to be prepared in case the worst pans out. What's been going on with your job is shit, but I get the idea that most jobs are like that...=/
I believe my plan will be to finish paying off my loans here, save up some money, and move on to better options.
The best answer is a personality conflict between my boss and myself.
You could also just do what I'm doing, that is, stay in school as long as possible until most of the baby boomers are either dead or retired, then swoop in and basically get the job you want ;)
You could also just do what I'm doing, that is, stay in school as long as possible until most of the baby boomers are either dead or retired, then swoop in and basically get the job you want ;)
Huh. What an interesting strategy. But that means tons of student debt, does it not? I'd rather not be crushed with loan payments for the first half of my adult life...
I was going through some old files on my computer and happened to find a AIM conversation with a girl I was involved with...the last conversation we had. Something had happened the last time we talked...I don't remember what, but in the end we decided that we should go our separate ways. At the end she said she would most likely never talk to me again, and she was right.Try talking to her?
The file is dated April 24, 2005.
I had just turned 19 the month before, and things were changing fast. Whereas before I had been involved with only girls, she would be the last one I'd be involved with for eight years. I would only now begin exploring my feelings for guys, although I had realized I was into them two years before this, and for years I'd exclusively be into guys, to the point that I eventually decided I was gay...or at least only theoretically bi...for a long time. At the time we had that conversation, I remember being sure it was for the best for both of us, and she seemed sure too.
But looking back, I just feel regret, for letting a friendship slip away for no good reason if nothing else. It's not like either of us had done anything to warrant not talking to each other. And who knows what might have been? I remember her as a fun, spunky, creative person...had a unique quirky personality that made me smile...one of the things I liked about her. But she was just a good friend, and was supportive of me exploring my sexuality after we were no longer involved. So why did it up the way it did? It didn't really have to be that way, did it?
I've always been someone that's dwelled in the past a lot, although not as much now as I used to be. Sometimes I think of people I knew and talked to years ago and wonder if they ever think of me too. If they ever think of the times we had and smile, or if it's all been long-forgotten and I'm the only person that remembers and reminisces about these things.
It reminds me of a wallpaper I found in the same old files, that I apparently saved in 2006: Remember the paths that once crossed... (http://i.imgur.com/csMWwn3.jpg)
Oh I don't intend to contact her. There's a point where you have to realize there's no going back, and for that circumstance it was nine years ago. It's more feeling like it could have been handled better...but, I was much younger then and it's hard to keep up a friendship after a relationship anyways. I'm probably not giving myself enough credit...it's just weird thinking back at the people you used to be close to, and then realizing it's been years since you even talked to them.
For me, dwelling in the past is a double-edged sword...it can make me feel bad, but it can make me appreciate the present too. Maybe it's just a human tendency to long for the way things used to be in some regard...:P
I'd hold the horses on the family starting business.
That's a big step, bro.
We just passed 2000 posts in this thread guys. This is 2002. That's 2002 posts of getting to know each other's weird and beautiful minds.And I have gone past the 1000 post threshold. Yay!
In other news I'm working on some of my cardio... Had to do a run that jolted me to reality. Thought I should work on it.
Also disappointed with early election results :-/They look alright to me...
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Not to me. You didn't even campaign and I had no idea why you are running when you are in the OverhusenAlso disappointed with early election results :-/They look alright to me...
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Not to me. You didn't even campaign and I had no idea why you are running when you are in the Overhusen
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Actually according to Wintermoot you can't be in both. Chanku was slightly teased /chastised for doing this when he ran earlier this month.Not to me. You didn't even campaign and I had no idea why you are running when you are in the Overhusen
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Well, for one... The underhusen and the Overhusen have basely different jobs... That's like saying I shouldn't run because I'm a chat OP. While the Overhusen does deal closely with the Underhusen they do have different jobs...
And, as far as I can tell, I can be in both... Though this is just after a cursory glance... There's also no process for removing an Overhusen member... Just replacing ones that have gone absent. Something I do intend to correct, by the way. Can't really have myself approving my own proposals... Rather defeats the purpose.
I am running for Underhusen because I love loopholes... I've exploited them in the past, most notably in spiritus, and I can see some, such as the one above, which really could use some fixing. Other than that the only reasons are to settle a tumultuous crowd with a hand that has done a fair bit of work in NS law and to fix the many basic typos and mistakes in our Fundamental Laws.
At my base, Govindia, I am a con man. In my real life I trick, deceive, and generally talk my way into having anything I need. I have a lot of practice finding the special and broken ways of doing things in contracts and such... I'd rather not anyone but me be able to use them. So I intend to patch the ones I see. I think in many ways our regional law is lacking a traditional politician. A con man.
Also you missed where I said I finally crossed the 1000 post milestone :PAlso disappointed with early election results :-/They look alright to me...
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Actually according to Wintermoot you can't be in both. Chanku was slightly teased /chastised for doing this when he ran earlier this month.Then I intend to put that entirely unspoken arrangement into proper law. The Overhusen is not an ungoverned body like the Riksrad and is thus deserving of the attention of the law.
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I believe that's in the law already. as I said see the most recent election.Actually according to Wintermoot you can't be in both. Chanku was slightly teased /chastised for doing this when he ran earlier this month.Then I intend to put that entirely unspoken arrangement into proper law. The Overhusen is not an ungoverned body like the Riksrad and is thus deserving of the attention of the law.
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It has been implied by my rich as fuck grandparents that I'm getting a new laptop for Christmas
But it certainly fucking helps with all the other things.
Man, I would love to get 50-60K a year.
New boyfriend. Wonder how many dates I'll last before I realize he's no Jordan.
You guys make me blush :)whaaa?
Side note, super sad what's going on in Ottawa right now. Hopefully no more deaths :(
One of those days where you just want to burn everything to the ground and say "Fuck it, fuck it all".I'm not an eye for an eye person normally, but after today...
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Care to elaborate either of you two? :-/One of those days where you just want to burn everything to the ground and say "Fuck it, fuck it all".I'm not an eye for an eye person normally, but after today...
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Been busy busy busy with work :XAll you can do is just be supportive and be there for as best as you can, as you are doing.
Also been a little worried about my lady friend..
I am starting to really like her, care about her even, but she has a lot of health problems...
She's pregnant right now, she didn't get that way from the best of circumstances...luckily that asshole is in prison. I would probably beat the shit out of him if I saw him. But she is having a lot of problems from the pregnancy...last time she was pregnant she had a lot of problems with the pregnancy and had to abort the child or she would have died. She is very concerned that she will die before the baby can be born. I haven't told her this but it would probably be best if she just aborted the baby...I mean to me it's more important that she is alive than her baby. But I have no leg to stand on in that conversation. At this point we are still 'talking' and haven't started dating...but I feel like that will be really soon. She's just difficult at times loll. I mean she is happy with me at one point of the day and upset with me the next. But she is really compassionate and she REALLY likes me. I mean, she is definitely crazy. But I like crazy, because I am a little crazy :).
Anywho, that's been on my chest for awhile now..
Wintermoot could do the relationship thing with meThat escalated quickly :P
Current mood: (https://31.media.tumblr.com/7c696286588a64d86190f38ed307257e/tumblr_inline_ndvmfxAJxt1t2y1cb.gif)
Shh, it's expressive.
Just bought Empire: Total War and Rome: Total War for $7...about the cost of a meal at McDonald's. This is why I don't eat out. That money can be put to much better use elsewhere! :P
Sorry to hear that, Seroim. As a matter of fact, my (now ex-) girlfriend and I split just a couple of weeks ago. I feel your pain, and it fucking sucks. But, I don't regret any of it. Hope everything works out for you.
If nothing else, it's given me a chance to do some soul searching. Still haven't figured out if that's a good thing or not...
Empire Total War isn't a bad game. I play it ever once and a while. I just like watching men kill each other.Sounds kinky. Possibly hot
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That's...neither of those things...Violence fetish........and blood :P
Do you like either of those things?CLASSIFIED.
New boyfriend. Wonder how many dates I'll last before I realize he's no Jordan.Well, that lasted long.
He's a lucky guy to get one date with you. ;)That's about all it was. Some people are truly irreplaceable.
As a region, Wintreath is ranked 69th in the world for Largest Information Technology Sector.
I had a pretty good date last night with the girl I have been talking to.Please explain?
I also came out to one of my best friends...If you know me you know that is a HUGE step for me.
I guess you don't know him. :PI only know him as much as he tells me. I still am curious about his reasoning.
There was this one time where I came out of the closet just before my grandma walked in front of it.
Maybe I shouldn't have yelled while doing it, she almost had a heart attack.
My mom has surgery today.I hope it went well for her!
I want snow but it won't happen...Same here.
You could try biting his arm? Or having sex with him... Both those things wake me up...Even if I was gay he is not my type. Also I believe biting would not work. if someone bit me that wasn't an attractive girl or my cat, I would knock them the fuck out.
I'm sure I'll be straightened out then. :)
What's wrong, Seroim? =/
Depression is an ugly monster. It's the most vengeful ex-(whatever)friend. No matter how hard you try to fight it, it seems to find its way back in./me hugs everyone
I am currently going toe to toe with a bout of depression. I hate my job (my main job), I couldn't make a relationship last a week (broke it off with my girlfriend today), and I am in general depressed (I had to go off my medicine because it is too expensive).
My job does, but currently I am on my dad's insurance. It has Rx coverage. Idk if I'll be able to afford it...I'll have to see.
What I seriously sent in a work email and didn't notice until my supervisor burst out laughing...lesson learned Mootles *hugs*
"In order to pull the new data without having to run for each student and type it in manually one at a time, I had to run the program review again, and I have attached that shit to this email."
I can't take this apathy anymore.I can relate with this; my depression either makes me apathetic or just terribly downtrodden. Allie Brosch (of "Hyperbole and a Half" fame) hit the nail on the head for me (main difference being that it just kind of sprung up on her) with her foray into her own introspection about her depression. It's worth a read (http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2011/10/adventures-in-depression.html).
What a lovely day...took the day off, but did some work at home...sipping coffee, enjoying the cooler weather, mixing up work and fun. I could get used to more days like this...
Not my fault I had to jerk it twice within two hours of waking up. :Pmy roommate really annoys me sometimes especially when it comes to using shared resources in the living room -_-. oh where do I begin.......
Not my fault I had to jerk it twice within two hours of waking up. :Pmy roommate really annoys me sometimes especially when it comes to using shared resources in the living room -_-. oh where do I begin.......
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why.......Not my fault I had to jerk it twice within two hours of waking up. :Pmy roommate really annoys me sometimes especially when it comes to using shared resources in the living room -_-. oh where do I begin.......
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
What I seriously sent in a work email and didn't notice until my supervisor burst out laughing...
"In order to pull the new data without having to run for each student and type it in manually one at a time, I had to run the program review again, and I have attached that shit to this email."
Shared resources?
why.......Not my fault I had to jerk it twice within two hours of waking up. :Pmy roommate really annoys me sometimes especially when it comes to using shared resources in the living room -_-. oh where do I begin.......
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Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
Let it snow let it snow let it snow!
Tapatalk has issues with people posting unless they quote from another post and it was unfortunate that the post I quoted was the last post at the time.why.......Not my fault I had to jerk it twice within two hours of waking up. :Pmy roommate really annoys me sometimes especially when it comes to using shared resources in the living room -_-. oh where do I begin.......
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Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
Because you quoted a post about jerking off then talked about furniture and now all I'm picturing is some dude fapping butt naked on the leather couch then jizzing on the TV.
Tapatalk has issues with people posting unless they quote from another post and it was unfortunate that the post I quoted was the last post at the time.why.......Not my fault I had to jerk it twice within two hours of waking up. :Pmy roommate really annoys me sometimes especially when it comes to using shared resources in the living room -_-. oh where do I begin.......
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
Because you quoted a post about jerking off then talked about furniture and now all I'm picturing is some dude fapping butt naked on the leather couch then jizzing on the TV.
I finally spoke to my roommate about the issues I explained on IRC last night and we had a long fight and discussion that went until 630 am.
he apparently will try to be moving out in two weeks, but in that time he will do his best to improve his behaviour. we shall see how this works out.
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he fapped in the bathroom not in the living room. Wintermoot show him logs please lolTapatalk has issues with people posting unless they quote from another post and it was unfortunate that the post I quoted was the last post at the time.why.......Not my fault I had to jerk it twice within two hours of waking up. :Pmy roommate really annoys me sometimes especially when it comes to using shared resources in the living room -_-. oh where do I begin.......
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
Because you quoted a post about jerking off then talked about furniture and now all I'm picturing is some dude fapping butt naked on the leather couch then jizzing on the TV.
I finally spoke to my roommate about the issues I explained on IRC last night and we had a long fight and discussion that went until 630 am.
he apparently will try to be moving out in two weeks, but in that time he will do his best to improve his behaviour. we shall see how this works out.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
So basically, he was sitting bare-assed on your leather couch while fapping, then jizzing all over your TV, probably while watching some tamakeri (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tamakeri) (you can click, the URL is SFW and general audiences).
I received an email from the Translation department saying they consulted my academic records with great interest and they invited me to the test for admission into the master's.
Now I'm really undecided as to which avenue to choose. Translators don't lack work here (officially bilingual + multicultural country and all) but I've wanted to become a lawyer since I was 8 and dressed into mini-suits, however it's a tougher market.
Spending the next little while learning how to knit. Loving the change of seasons. I've given up on the job hunt for a bit. I'm not ready to give up all this free time just yet.Yesssss, knitting~
3 wisdom teeth extracted today. Such fun.Fun times. I had all six removed at once, two were impacted.
Don't people normally only have 4?They do but I had two impacting and growing late.
One of mine was erupted.
Take a chance with me, bby.
Sorry, I had to say it. :P
A mouth is a mouth, dear Seroim. :P
I would shave for you, bby.
I was born on 11/19/1988 @ 9:04pm Central Time.Happy Birthday!
I was born on 11/19/1988 @ 9:04pm Central Time.
Thanks Gov.get on Skype later and I'll sing you happy birthday
Buy me a Steam game? ;)
That is hardly a steam game! That might be torture for all I know!Bullshit. You get on the skype call too if he calls me and I will sing.
Thanks Gov.get on Skype later and I'll sing you happy birthday
Buy me a Steam game? ;)
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Dragon Age : Inquisition is so good!
It's great for people who liked Dragon Age : 2 and the Mass Effect series, though I'm not sure about fans of the first one.
"Thank you, Wintermoot, for giving me a fair chance to be a part a major region when I'm banned everywhere else. Thank you for standing by my right to be here when people have said I'm the reason they decided not to join or to leave. Thank you for standing up to one of your best friends at the time, Alterra, when he petitioned to have me removed from the region...and for doing the same when Chanku, someone else you adore, did the same thing a few months later. Thank you for intervening many times I was temp-banned, even when doing so pissed off your friends and made trouble for you. Thank you for defending me in other channels when I was brought up and people insisted that I was a cyber-stalker/sexual harasser/threat to women in the region. Thank you for intervening when people would come to #wintreath to troll me and get a laugh out of my reaction. Thank you for agreeing to give me a chance to work with another region as a military liaison, even though I totally blew it and made the guy that advocated for me to you regret it. Thank you for insisting that I be allowed in defender op channels when other defender channels have banned me. Thank you for taking the time to create a ministry/policy to handle disputes in the region, seeing as I'm the only person that's ever needed either..."Wow Wintermoot, way to be passive-aggressive when someone has a legitimate point to bring up -_-
Nope. Never heard any of that, just complaining. Some causes are truly thankless.
"Thank you, Wintermoot, for giving me a fair chance to be a part a major region when I'm banned everywhere else. Thank you for standing by my right to be here when people have said I'm the reason they decided not to join or to leave. Thank you for standing up to one of your best friends at the time, Alterra, when he petitioned to have me removed from the region...and for doing the same when Chanku, someone else you adore, did the same thing a few months later. Thank you for intervening many times I was temp-banned, even when doing so pissed off your friends and made trouble for you. Thank you for defending me in other channels when I was brought up and people insisted that I was a cyber-stalker/sexual harasser/threat to women in the region. Thank you for intervening when people would come to #wintreath to troll me and get a laugh out of my reaction. Thank you for agreeing to give me a chance to work with another region as a military liaison, even though I totally blew it and made the guy that advocated for me to you regret it. Thank you for insisting that I be allowed in defender op channels when other defender channels have banned me. Thank you for taking the time to create a ministry/policy to handle disputes in the region, seeing as I'm the only person that's ever needed either..."Hear hear Moot!
Nope. Never heard any of that, just complaining. Some causes are truly thankless.
I'm sorry you don't believe in transparency. Just because Wintermoot is our king doesn't mean we don't have a right to transparency and accountability. I expected you to understand better."Thank you, Wintermoot, for giving me a fair chance to be a part a major region when I'm banned everywhere else. Thank you for standing by my right to be here when people have said I'm the reason they decided not to join or to leave. Thank you for standing up to one of your best friends at the time, Alterra, when he petitioned to have me removed from the region...and for doing the same when Chanku, someone else you adore, did the same thing a few months later. Thank you for intervening many times I was temp-banned, even when doing so pissed off your friends and made trouble for you. Thank you for defending me in other channels when I was brought up and people insisted that I was a cyber-stalker/sexual harasser/threat to women in the region. Thank you for intervening when people would come to #wintreath to troll me and get a laugh out of my reaction. Thank you for agreeing to give me a chance to work with another region as a military liaison, even though I totally blew it and made the guy that advocated for me to you regret it. Thank you for insisting that I be allowed in defender op channels when other defender channels have banned me. Thank you for taking the time to create a ministry/policy to handle disputes in the region, seeing as I'm the only person that's ever needed either..."Hear hear Moot!
Nope. Never heard any of that, just complaining. Some causes are truly thankless.
Gov's recent actions have me feeling sorry I could have been the difference maker in the special election. My neck hurts from shaking my head so much.
On a side note, I matched with the first transphobe I've ever run into on Tinder tonight, been having a great laugh at his narrow mindedness all night. I'll probably post some screen shots of it later.
Please, Govindia, explain how you feel transparency is deserved? You choose to live in this monarchy do you not? This is not a democracy. Choosing to live in a monarchy, which gives no guarantee of such transparency, and expecting it, is ludicrous. NS is not real life, and this isn't virtual America, thank whatever deity you happen to believe in.I'm sorry you don't believe in transparency. Just because Wintermoot is our king doesn't mean we don't have a right to transparency and accountability. I expected you to understand better."Thank you, Wintermoot, for giving me a fair chance to be a part a major region when I'm banned everywhere else. Thank you for standing by my right to be here when people have said I'm the reason they decided not to join or to leave. Thank you for standing up to one of your best friends at the time, Alterra, when he petitioned to have me removed from the region...and for doing the same when Chanku, someone else you adore, did the same thing a few months later. Thank you for intervening many times I was temp-banned, even when doing so pissed off your friends and made trouble for you. Thank you for defending me in other channels when I was brought up and people insisted that I was a cyber-stalker/sexual harasser/threat to women in the region. Thank you for intervening when people would come to #wintreath to troll me and get a laugh out of my reaction. Thank you for agreeing to give me a chance to work with another region as a military liaison, even though I totally blew it and made the guy that advocated for me to you regret it. Thank you for insisting that I be allowed in defender op channels when other defender channels have banned me. Thank you for taking the time to create a ministry/policy to handle disputes in the region, seeing as I'm the only person that's ever needed either..."Hear hear Moot!
Nope. Never heard any of that, just complaining. Some causes are truly thankless.
Gov's recent actions have me feeling sorry I could have been the difference maker in the special election. My neck hurts from shaking my head so much.
On a side note, I matched with the first transphobe I've ever run into on Tinder tonight, been having a great laugh at his narrow mindedness all night. I'll probably post some screen shots of it later.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
We actually have a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary democracy. We have every right tp demand transparency, as that was one of my promises. Nowhere does it say we're not allowed to question himPlease, Govindia, explain how you feel transparency is deserved? You choose to live in this monarchy do you not? This is not a democracy. Choosing to live in a monarchy, which gives no guarantee of such transparency, and expecting it, is ludicrous. NS is not real life, and this isn't virtual America, thank whatever deity you happen to believe in.I'm sorry you don't believe in transparency. Just because Wintermoot is our king doesn't mean we don't have a right to transparency and accountability. I expected you to understand better."Thank you, Wintermoot, for giving me a fair chance to be a part a major region when I'm banned everywhere else. Thank you for standing by my right to be here when people have said I'm the reason they decided not to join or to leave. Thank you for standing up to one of your best friends at the time, Alterra, when he petitioned to have me removed from the region...and for doing the same when Chanku, someone else you adore, did the same thing a few months later. Thank you for intervening many times I was temp-banned, even when doing so pissed off your friends and made trouble for you. Thank you for defending me in other channels when I was brought up and people insisted that I was a cyber-stalker/sexual harasser/threat to women in the region. Thank you for intervening when people would come to #wintreath to troll me and get a laugh out of my reaction. Thank you for agreeing to give me a chance to work with another region as a military liaison, even though I totally blew it and made the guy that advocated for me to you regret it. Thank you for insisting that I be allowed in defender op channels when other defender channels have banned me. Thank you for taking the time to create a ministry/policy to handle disputes in the region, seeing as I'm the only person that's ever needed either..."Hear hear Moot!
Nope. Never heard any of that, just complaining. Some causes are truly thankless.
Gov's recent actions have me feeling sorry I could have been the difference maker in the special election. My neck hurts from shaking my head so much.
On a side note, I matched with the first transphobe I've ever run into on Tinder tonight, been having a great laugh at his narrow mindedness all night. I'll probably post some screen shots of it later.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
Oh, right! You promised it! Well! That explains it all! It's a right, that we should expect, because you campaigned on it!We actually have a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary democracy. We have every right tp demand transparency, as that was one of my promises. Nowhere does it say we're not allowed to question himPlease, Govindia, explain how you feel transparency is deserved? You choose to live in this monarchy do you not? This is not a democracy. Choosing to live in a monarchy, which gives no guarantee of such transparency, and expecting it, is ludicrous. NS is not real life, and this isn't virtual America, thank whatever deity you happen to believe in.I'm sorry you don't believe in transparency. Just because Wintermoot is our king doesn't mean we don't have a right to transparency and accountability. I expected you to understand better."Thank you, Wintermoot, for giving me a fair chance to be a part a major region when I'm banned everywhere else. Thank you for standing by my right to be here when people have said I'm the reason they decided not to join or to leave. Thank you for standing up to one of your best friends at the time, Alterra, when he petitioned to have me removed from the region...and for doing the same when Chanku, someone else you adore, did the same thing a few months later. Thank you for intervening many times I was temp-banned, even when doing so pissed off your friends and made trouble for you. Thank you for defending me in other channels when I was brought up and people insisted that I was a cyber-stalker/sexual harasser/threat to women in the region. Thank you for intervening when people would come to #wintreath to troll me and get a laugh out of my reaction. Thank you for agreeing to give me a chance to work with another region as a military liaison, even though I totally blew it and made the guy that advocated for me to you regret it. Thank you for insisting that I be allowed in defender op channels when other defender channels have banned me. Thank you for taking the time to create a ministry/policy to handle disputes in the region, seeing as I'm the only person that's ever needed either..."Hear hear Moot!
Nope. Never heard any of that, just complaining. Some causes are truly thankless.
Gov's recent actions have me feeling sorry I could have been the difference maker in the special election. My neck hurts from shaking my head so much.
On a side note, I matched with the first transphobe I've ever run into on Tinder tonight, been having a great laugh at his narrow mindedness all night. I'll probably post some screen shots of it later.
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No one should be blindly following any leader in government.
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You don't, however, have the right to demand that I drop what I'm doing and type out an announcement everytime I make a change to satisfy you. I have already given my reasons for not making an announcement at this time, but as the information was updated on the government sidebar, at no time was anything not transparent. As far as I know, there's no requirement for the Executive of any region to make an announcement immediately upon making an appointment, and I daresay Wintreath is one of the most transparent regions in NationStates, in spite of being a monarchy.My stance actually quite reasonable and logical. At no time did I state that the announcement had to be done immediately, but it should be done in a reasonable timeframe. Waiting over a month for an announcement about the details of an appointment is not reasonable.
There isn't anyone that 'doesn't believe' in transparency...they 'don't believe' in your unreasonable and illogical stance.
If it were not transparent, then nobody would even be aware of the appointments...since everyone else knows of the appointments, we must come to the conclusion that it was transparent. Again, a forum announcement won't say anything new, so it's illogical to demand one. It's also illogical to state that these appointments were made 'under the table', when they were no more over or under the table as any other appointment ever made.If you claimed transparency, then an announcement should have been made that explains why he was appointed and when, and in Denth's case, explaining the same thing and showing when he was approved to rejoin the WHR and why he was promoted.
If you want to bring up transparency, accountability, and reasonable timeframes, whatever happened to that national RP you promised the region ten months ago?
Please, Govindia, explain how you feel transparency is deserved? You choose to live in this monarchy do you not? This is not a democracy. Choosing to live in a monarchy, which gives no guarantee of such transparency, and expecting it, is ludicrous. NS is not real life, and this isn't virtual America, thank whatever deity you happen to believe in.I'm sorry you don't believe in transparency. Just because Wintermoot is our king doesn't mean we don't have a right to transparency and accountability. I expected you to understand better."Thank you, Wintermoot, for giving me a fair chance to be a part a major region when I'm banned everywhere else. Thank you for standing by my right to be here when people have said I'm the reason they decided not to join or to leave. Thank you for standing up to one of your best friends at the time, Alterra, when he petitioned to have me removed from the region...and for doing the same when Chanku, someone else you adore, did the same thing a few months later. Thank you for intervening many times I was temp-banned, even when doing so pissed off your friends and made trouble for you. Thank you for defending me in other channels when I was brought up and people insisted that I was a cyber-stalker/sexual harasser/threat to women in the region. Thank you for intervening when people would come to #wintreath to troll me and get a laugh out of my reaction. Thank you for agreeing to give me a chance to work with another region as a military liaison, even though I totally blew it and made the guy that advocated for me to you regret it. Thank you for insisting that I be allowed in defender op channels when other defender channels have banned me. Thank you for taking the time to create a ministry/policy to handle disputes in the region, seeing as I'm the only person that's ever needed either..."Hear hear Moot!
Nope. Never heard any of that, just complaining. Some causes are truly thankless.
Gov's recent actions have me feeling sorry I could have been the difference maker in the special election. My neck hurts from shaking my head so much.
On a side note, I matched with the first transphobe I've ever run into on Tinder tonight, been having a great laugh at his narrow mindedness all night. I'll probably post some screen shots of it later.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
I'm pretty high so this might not make much sense :)Well, your highness (see what I did there? :P) should revive his nation and reapply for Citizenship!
On a side note, I matched with the first transphobe I've ever run into on Tinder tonight, been having a great laugh at his narrow mindedness all night. I'll probably post some screen shots of it later.
I'm really very comfortable with who I am, it takes a lot to get me frazzled. Mainly because I know people out there, like you, love me.On a side note, I matched with the first transphobe I've ever run into on Tinder tonight, been having a great laugh at his narrow mindedness all night. I'll probably post some screen shots of it later.
Transparency aside, transphobes are super-icky and gross and, for what it's worth, I'm sorry you had to deal with that. Trans people go through enough within themselves without having to dwell on what everyone else thinks of them.
You are whatever gender that you choose to identify as (or not); everyone else can take their opinions on your body and your choices and eat an entire buffet of ass.people are trash and i'm mad for you augh
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but I really have to ask : is it true that homosexuals have anal sex at about the same frequency as heterosexuals? As in, most just suck off each other or do other things?Yeah, pretty true. Plenty of gay couples don't do anal... Pretty likely that they'll be more willing to try it, though. What with the like expectation you...
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but I really have to ask : is it true that homosexuals have anal sex at about the same frequency as heterosexuals? As in, most just suck off each other or do other things?
Here's my input to the debate about transparency etc, mainly pointed at Gov;
When I joined the region, I had a lot of clashes with Wintermoot and others about how this place is run, especially after getting elected to the Underhusen. I pretty much felt the same way you do now, from what I can tell - that as citizens with representation you have the right to demand and question.
The truth is you do, but not entirely. Mootles is the Monarch, and in the context of NS that extends far further than it does in real life. He set everything up, he runs everything, he is invested in pretty much every aspect of the region. Sure this might be seen as a bad thing, but he's never once demonstrated anything other than sound, reasoned thinking in how he does things, and what your right to demand and question extends to is help inform him of how the region feels.
Ministers are obviously risen members of the citizenry as well, playing a big role in how things are done. But when it comes down to it it's Mootles making the call. And fuck, it actually works pretty damn well.
I'm pretty high so this might not make much sense :)
Well, don't I feel honoured! My first two negative karma ever in Wintreath and they came from the one and only Govindia. It truly is a great time to be alive.
In all seriousness, no hard feelings about it Gov, I'm just bitter about a lot of not NS related things today.
I'm pretty high so this might not make much sense :)Well, your highness (see what I did there? :P) should revive his nation and reapply for Citizenship!
As I have already told Gov, there will be an announcement regarding all the changes in the Cabinet once the Cabinet review is complete. That may not be an answer he's happy with, but it's the answer nonetheless. That's all I have to say, I'm not going to be a party to dragging this out any longer.
Also, like... Don't be afraid or worried to ask questions. Spreading information is always good.
Also, like... Don't be afraid or worried to ask questions. Spreading information is always good.Ye! As long as it isn't phrased rudely, I'm for sure always happy to assist with whatever knowledge I have, on whatever topic might be brought up. c:
What did you think of the statistics?Also, like... Don't be afraid or worried to ask questions. Spreading information is always good.Ye! As long as it isn't phrased rudely, I'm for sure always happy to assist with whatever knowledge I have, on whatever topic might be brought up. c:
I'm not sure why people ask "Why do they do that? *I* don't like it."
Uh, unless someone's doing it to you, you don't need to. If someone *is* doing it to you, now's a good time for a conversation.
Live and let fuck, yo.
Kind of a vague "okie-dokie, new fact I didn't know from the CDC; cool beans" feeling?lol live and let fuck.
Part of one of the comments, I was in agreement with, though.QuoteI'm not sure why people ask "Why do they do that? *I* don't like it."
Uh, unless someone's doing it to you, you don't need to. If someone *is* doing it to you, now's a good time for a conversation.
Live and let fuck, yo.
White privilege is being outraged or enraged at the decision for no indictment. Being a minority is to be scared.
And lord, am I scared. An indictment is nothing. It's fucking nothing. It's a decision which says that there might be some chance at some wrong doing. It's not even a fucking trial.
I am in a minority. My family is all entirely Mexican... I personally however, have never thought about my race much before. I look very white and I act very very white, whatever the fuck that means.
When I heard there was no indictment I was not surprised. But I was scared. That's saying to the nation that if a cop shoots a minority, it's not a fucking crime. Now that's my entire family. They all look much more Mexican than me... Hell even I can look Mexican if you don't fucking know me... That's a decision that says that if I walk out and a cop decides to shoot me, it's not a crime. If a cop decides to shoot my entire fucking family, it might not be a fucking crime.
Michael brown's body was lying dead for 4 and a 1/2 fucking hours... Because it was not even a thought to the cop to have someone go look into that shit. How long might I be lying there? How long would it take before someone cared about my fucking body...
I'm scared. I'm scared of the thing that is designed to protect me. The people that I am supposed to trust.
This is a decision that says that if I were to die that the law would not care. And I am oh so very very scared right now...
White privilege is being outraged or enraged at the decision for no indictment. Being a minority is to be scared.After seeing the news, seeing all the outrage, I tried to quell my personal fear, my fear for my family, by being angry. But hell, I'm going to go to bed shaking with fear. I knew, already knew that the police system did not exist for me, a lifetime of microaggressions taught me that. But it just clicked how *nothing* I am as a minority.
And lord, am I scared. An indictment is nothing. It's fucking nothing. It's a decision which says that there might be some chance at some wrong doing. It's not even a fucking trial.
I am in a minority. My family is all entirely Mexican... I personally however, have never thought about my race much before. I look very white and I act very very white, whatever the fuck that means.
When I heard there was no indictment I was not surprised. But I was scared. That's saying to the nation that if a cop shoots a minority, it's not a fucking crime. Now that's my entire family. They all look much more Mexican than me... Hell even I can look Mexican if you don't fucking know me... That's a decision that says that if I walk out and a cop decides to shoot me, it's not a crime. If a cop decides to shoot my entire fucking family, it might not be a fucking crime.
Michael brown's body was lying dead for 4 and a 1/2 fucking hours... Because it was not even a thought to the cop to have someone go look into that shit. How long might I be lying there? How long would it take before someone cared about my fucking body...
I'm scared. I'm scared of the thing that is designed to protect me. The people that I am supposed to trust.
This is a decision that says that if I were to die that the law would not care. And I am oh so very very scared right now...
Do what I do, just chill here.Politics isn't for everyone
At first I wanted to participate but then...nah...you guys are cool and it's more fun to just stick around and talk.
Do what I do, just chill here.Politics isn't for everyone
At first I wanted to participate but then...nah...you guys are cool and it's more fun to just stick around and talk.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
Do what I do, just chill here.
At first I wanted to participate but then...nah...you guys are cool and it's more fun to just stick around and talk.
Dude, you too?Do what I do, just chill here.Politics isn't for everyone
At first I wanted to participate but then...nah...you guys are cool and it's more fun to just stick around and talk.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
I was Grade 5 class president.
I have been asked by Daphne to come to this site and let you all know that yesterday she was rushed to the hospital and the situation does not look good. As per her request, I will post an update here when we know more.
I have been asked by Daphne to come to this site and let you all know that yesterday she was rushed to the hospital and the situation does not look good. As per her request, I will post an update here when we know more.Fuck. Let her know we are all praying for her. I hope she is all right.
I have been asked by Daphne to come to this site and let you all know that yesterday she was rushed to the hospital and the situation does not look good. As per her request, I will post an update here when we know more.Please continue to keep us posted; our thoughts are with her!
She's awake again now, slight improvement, I may get to hand her phone back to her in a few days so she can update you guys herself, at least that's the hope. She's very thankful for all your kind words. She loves you all very much.Tell her that I wish her well and to come back to us strong. Tell her I hope she can support me again in this election :P
Side note from me, am I supposed to find out how she wants to vote in this election thing going on? Or is that not allowed?
Dude, you too?Do what I do, just chill here.Politics isn't for everyone
At first I wanted to participate but then...nah...you guys are cool and it's more fun to just stick around and talk.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
I was Grade 5 class president.
Tell Daph I love her and have a present for her in the Post Your Picture forum.I showed her that photo, it brought a big smile to her face and she told me to tell you thank you.
I hope she recovers soon...
Tell Daph I love her and have a present for her in the Post Your Picture forum.I showed her that photo, it brought a big smile to her face and she told me to tell you thank you.
I hope she recovers soon...
She's still being monitored, but it looks like she made it through the worst of it this time somehow.
Stark, check earlier posts here. It explains it.Tell Daph I love her and have a present for her in the Post Your Picture forum.I showed her that photo, it brought a big smile to her face and she told me to tell you thank you.
I hope she recovers soon...
She's still being monitored, but it looks like she made it through the worst of it this time somehow.
Who is it that is running Amalya's account now?
How is she doing? What happened to her?Tell Daph I love her and have a present for her in the Post Your Picture forum.I showed her that photo, it brought a big smile to her face and she told me to tell you thank you.
I hope she recovers soon...
She's still being monitored, but it looks like she made it through the worst of it this time somehow.
Stark, check earlier posts here. It explains it.Tell Daph I love her and have a present for her in the Post Your Picture forum.I showed her that photo, it brought a big smile to her face and she told me to tell you thank you.
I hope she recovers soon...
She's still being monitored, but it looks like she made it through the worst of it this time somehow.
Who is it that is running Amalya's account now?
I have been asked by Daphne to come to this site and let you all know that yesterday she was rushed to the hospital and the situation does not look good. As per her request, I will post an update here when we know more.Stark read this post from earlier. It is apparent it is a RL friend of hers who was given access to her account by her.
I guess.I have been asked by Daphne to come to this site and let you all know that yesterday she was rushed to the hospital and the situation does not look good. As per her request, I will post an update here when we know more.Stark read this post from earlier. It is apparent it is a RL friend of hers who was given access to her account by her.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
Hats off to the people protesting in New York City and around America trying to make their voices heard!Here here!
Protesting is cool, rioting ain't.Hats off to the people protesting in New York City and around America trying to make their voices heard!Here here!
Rioting is a natural animalistic response to extraordinary injustice.Rioting and burning down businesses is unacceptable and animalistic or not people can find mature ways of protesting than looting and burning. It is not appropriate behaviour. Just because I may be upset with a decision doesn't mean I'm going to go out and riot. Same thing goes for sports fans who riot after their team loses. Still unacceptable actions.
Judgement without understanding ain't.
Protesting is cool, rioting ain't.Hats off to the people protesting in New York City and around America trying to make their voices heard!Here here!
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
Let's start a riot, a riot./me puts some Three Days Grace on
Sweet release! After I get settled back in here at home, I should be resuming my regular posting. Glad to see the pirate RP gained some serious interest, I'll be getting that going soon too.YAY WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU. HOPE YOU COME HOME SOON!!!
Sweet release! After I get settled back in here at home, I should be resuming my regular posting. Glad to see the pirate RP gained some serious interest, I'll be getting that going soon too.^__________________________^
Sweet release! After I get settled back in here at home, I should be resuming my regular posting. Glad to see the pirate RP gained some serious interest, I'll be getting that going soon too.WELCOME BACK! :D
Went out and bought myself an Xbone to celebrate my release. No regrets about it.Cool! What games ??
Went out and bought myself an Xbone to celebrate my release. No regrets about it.My only regret is that it has only meh games!
Advanced Warfare because I bought the bundle because 1tb of space, and WWE 2k15 for now, thinking of going to get Forza or something tomorrow.are you going to get Halo: MCC? I have the game but not a one yet.
Yeah, a few of my friends have it and I love the franchise so it's likely. Reon, I damn near bought a PS4 for better games, but then I didn't.Given Sony's breach, good idea.
Given Microsoft's lack of Disgaea, bad choiceYeah, a few of my friends have it and I love the franchise so it's likely. Reon, I damn near bought a PS4 for better games, but then I didn't.Given Sony's breach, good idea.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
clarify?Given Microsoft's lack of Disgaea, bad choiceYeah, a few of my friends have it and I love the franchise so it's likely. Reon, I damn near bought a PS4 for better games, but then I didn't.Given Sony's breach, good idea.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
It's a Sony exclusive franchise. Probably one of my favourite series ever.
Went out and bought myself an Xbone to celebrate my release. No regrets about it.
Went out and bought myself an Xbone to celebrate my release. No regrets about it.You deserve everything you want and more, especially after the harrowing ordeal you just had. :)
Given Microsoft's lack of Disgaea, bad choiceYeah, a few of my friends have it and I love the franchise so it's likely. Reon, I damn near bought a PS4 for better games, but then I didn't.Given Sony's breach, good idea.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
We prefer to call it depth :PGiven Microsoft's lack of Disgaea, bad choiceYeah, a few of my friends have it and I love the franchise so it's likely. Reon, I damn near bought a PS4 for better games, but then I didn't.Given Sony's breach, good idea.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
My roommate spent hours and hours and hours playing that game.
Such tediousity.
And govindia... You know that Microsoft isn't doing that great either... There was that whole thing with the slew of people who got phished in exactly the same way that they dealt poorly with, to say the least, and that event where a literal five year old found and exploited a vulnerability that allowed him to access any account without the password... Which Microsoft magically spun as a good thing which actually really impressed me. A five year old, Govindia...Source?
PC > Any Console
http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristoffer_Von_Hassel (http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristoffer_Von_Hassel)
As of today I have officially ruined my life.
I won't post for a while.
As of today I have officially ruined my life.
I won't post for a while.
Today is the first day of my vacation, which I'm on until January 4th, and I'm starting to think of the things I want to do during the break. Of course there's the usual NS/Wintreath and all kinds of gaming, but I kind of want to do more. Like...I'm going through online courses again. I used to watch and participate in lots of online courses, but as things happened in real life I didn't feel like it...first getting ill for a long time, then the events that led to me having to move and find a new house, and then just being too busy.Edx courses? nice! I might do CS50 myself. There is also an Australian criminal justice class about the psychology behind crime.
But today I found two courses I want to 'take' during my vacation:
Harvard CS50 (https://cs50.harvard.edu/)
It's been a long time since I took an introductory computer science course, and even they it was quite mediocre, so I thought it would be nice to take a refresher, and I can already tell this is quite a course. This is the way that the CS field should be taught, especially to people not necessarily interested in it yet...often Intro to Computer Science and Intro to Programming courses are dry, boring, and mediocre, but even the first lecture was actually fun to set through. The conceptualization of concepts such as how binary and ASCII are used were great, and there was just a fun element to the course.
Upon reading more about the course, apparently it's become the most popular course in the school, with all sorts of events that draw all kinds of people...and they had cake after the first lecture. I'm so jealous. ^-^
Really looking forward to going through this one...
Justice (http://www.justiceharvard.org/)
Also through Harvard (although made in 2009), this is something I've wanted to go through for a long time, but have not had the time to...so far I'm liking listening to the discussion-based teaching as the students in the course explore given situations and come to conclusions about why a particular thing is believed to be right or wrong for some or most people. So far it seems to be more an examination of morality, but I've only gone through the first episode so far...in any case, also a very impressive course. I can already tell I'll be bringing some stuff from this into our serious discussion forum. :P
I already have two more courses picked out for next month too. ^_^
Damn...I'm sorry that you're going through so much, but to look at the silver lining they say that it's during the bad times that people grow and develop, and gain things that are more valuable in the end...in your case, it seems like you've reconnected with your mom in a deeper way, you're finding the support that you need, and you're feeling better and working out the steps needed to get out of your situation. I'm sure...and I hope...that in time you'll recover, figure things out, and be able to set off in a new direction...or old, if that's what you want. :)
I completely agree...is there anything we can do to help? :)
Have you considered travelling? I know at this point it is probably not possible. But it seems like if you worked even minimum wage, living with your mother you should be able to save a modest amount. I've read about several people that have traversed the world on as little as 10,000 Euro (This particular case was over a 4 year period, so like 5,000 USD/yr).
It is something I have considered for a time. To that means I have seriously considered volunteering for the American Peace Corp.
I am not fancy on serving in the military (not big on violence or killing peeps), but I would still like to serve my country and the people of the world.
I know what you mean about depression being a vicious cycle. I am on, and have tried several, anti-depressants to little effect. Sometimes bad situations can outweigh chemical assistance. I too am in a situation that has rendered little happiness in my life.
I am just getting by at this point. It's not even that things are that bad for me, they aren't. I'm just not happy.
I am hoping with a potential move within the next 6 months that it will make things better. I know a different scenery doesn't always help fight your inner demons, but if I am going to be in pain...why not make it a pretty place?
In any case, good luck man. I hope you find your key to happiness. You are a smart bloke and I think you'll come out on top from all this.
We're not all good though... We're building a tunnel thing that's accidentally causing a portion of the city to sink... And cutbacks on public transportation... And the city is absolutely filled with fucking Yuppies.
I'd like to see Reon fit in in southern West Virginia. :PThere was that little bout of time in Arizona, you know... There are people like me everywhere, I promise.
Oh my god, do it! I'll take you out to dinner if you come here!We're not all good though... We're building a tunnel thing that's accidentally causing a portion of the city to sink... And cutbacks on public transportation... And the city is absolutely filled with fucking Yuppies.
I was thinking I would stake out in Seattle for the moment then go on to a different city/countryside :P
There was that little bout of time in Arizona, you know... There are people like me everywhere, I promise.I don't think there's anyone else quite like you out there. :P
Oh my god, do it! I'll take you out to dinner if you come here!We're not all good though... We're building a tunnel thing that's accidentally causing a portion of the city to sink... And cutbacks on public transportation... And the city is absolutely filled with fucking Yuppies.
I was thinking I would stake out in Seattle for the moment then go on to a different city/countryside :P
Possibly [emoji14]Peace Corps* rather
Isn't he too young? : POh my god, do it! I'll take you out to dinner if you come here!We're not all good though... We're building a tunnel thing that's accidentally causing a portion of the city to sink... And cutbacks on public transportation... And the city is absolutely filled with fucking Yuppies.
I was thinking I would stake out in Seattle for the moment then go on to a different city/countryside [emoji14]
Sounds like a date ;)
Nope! Age of consent is sixteen!I know, just teasing lol
Also, dates are not inherently sexual or romantic!
I didn't know you cared so much about my ass muscles. :P
And what about these gains? :P
5k...damn, you must be really active!
I mean, I try to be. It's inevitable that I fall off the wagon sometimes, but, for the most part, I think I do fairly well. I thought about competing for a while, but, man, a lot of competitions are on another level and I def need to be more if I'm ever gonna do one of those.I think we all fall off the wagon at times...some more than others. Nonetheless if you're preparing for 5k you're much better off than I am, I can tell you that much! :P
Is that A Song of Ice and Fire I see in your bookshelf?
I find it amusing that his people are attesting to his well-endowed image...do they have personal experience to attest to this? lol. What's wrong with having an average-sized dick anyway? I'm average, it's never hurt me any lol.
I see the dictionary on the bottom shelf there...should keep most kids away. :P
boner of steelthat sounds like priapism you'd better get it checked out
Well, for me, it is time for a confession. I have had sex for money. There, I said it.You sound embarrassed about it. Don't be. I have too and I think many people would have... While I don't know your particular situation I'm sure you had your reasons and that you're going to be fine.
I thought you had withdrawn from school?
Still, I'm sorry that things aren't going so well for you right now. :(
What happened with the one class you said you weren't going to graduate because of?
Watching America?
Is that something many Canadians aspire to do? :P
Watching America?
Is that something many Canadians aspire to do? :P
It is a pretty hilarious country.
Every country has its lulz moments.Watching America?
Is that something many Canadians aspire to do? [emoji14]
It is a pretty hilarious country.
Can confirm the country is lulzworthy at many times.
Are you sure it isn't out of envy? :P
That's unfortunate Gov. Do you have a place to stay?Yeah I do.....I just have to now go back for the rest of my stuff whilst being charged "reasonable storage fees. "
Let's get this shit started.Canada(https://i.imgur.com/0CxskBF.png)
Website itself, no idea how to use this taptalk thing
Article I: Recognition of Governments
1) The signatories recognize their counterpart signatories as the legitimate and sovereign governments of their respective regions.
2) Having recognized the legitimacy and sovereignty of each governments, the signatories shall not participate in or support any action taken with the intent to destabilize or overthrow the government of another signatory.
3) The signatories shall not conduct, promote, encourage or otherwise support the use of espionage, sabotage, or any other covert action against another signatory.
4) As a sign of this recognition, the signatories shall maintain both in-game and active forum embassies with each other.
Article II: Common Defense
1) In the event a signatory region becomes founderless, the signatories shall render military assistance in the defense of their respective counterparts' home regions at the request of the legitimate leader of the requesting region, with the goal of defending the region from invasion, securing the region with the password, or assisting in the refounding of the region.
2) The signatories shall share all information related to any known or suspected threats to the security of the home regions or off-site properties of either region. The signatories agree that any information learned through this section shall not be made public or passed on to any outside party without the permission of the region which provided the information.
3) The legal Heads of State of the signatory regions shall be the only persons authorized to activate any portion of this Article.
Article III: Other Military Assistance
1) Acknowledging that increased military cooperation is of mutual benefit, the signatories may seek to inform each other of opportunities for joint-missions as they arise, although it shall not be required for regions to participate in them.
Article IV: Development and Promotion of Culture
1) In order to promote and foster the growth of each others' cultures and communities, the signatories shall allow the recognized ambassador of their counterparts to promote the cultural activities and events of their region in each others' designated cultural forum area, so long as it is not a shared activity or event with a non-signatory party.
2) The signatories shall jointly develop one festival with each other every calendar year. The host region shall be determined by the order with which each region ratified this document.
3) The signatories may consider joint collaboration on the development and implementation of additional events which are commonly held by multiple regions, such as holiday celebrations, in order to improve the quality of the festivities, foster camaraderie between regional communities, and reduce the duplication of each region developing their own festivities. However, this shall not be a requirement.
4) Participants of joint events and activities shall follow the laws of the region hosting the event. The region hosting the event shall maintain the right to deny or revoke access to participate in the festival for any reason.
Article V: Protocols for Amendment, Expansion, and Termination
1) This document may be amended upon its re-ratification by both signatories, as determined by each region's individual laws.
2) Each signatory shall maintain the right to terminate this agreement through their relevant laws. Upon termination of this agreement, the terminating region shall provide its counterpart with a one week notice via a post within their embassy on the counterpart's forum. The terms of this treaty shall no longer be binding upon the terminating treaty at the conclusion of this notice period.
http://news.asiaone.com/news/science-and-tech/black-and-blue-vs-white-and-gold-what-do-you-see (http://news.asiaone.com/news/science-and-tech/black-and-blue-vs-white-and-gold-what-do-you-see)
Blue and Black, White and Gold or Blue and Gold?
I'm so afraid that one night I'm gonna go to sleep and not wake up in the morning.
So it's official, in two months I go into the hospital and either come out with no organs or not at all.What the hell Nox? Please explain
Sorry, it's not supposed to be on Facebook, explains why you don't knowPlease explain what you meant by what you said above please. It is very cryptic, disturbing, and worrying
How many images are there overall? Data always looks random without knowing the sample size...It came out to about 20 people on Reddit at the end. I only bookmark people that I find really attractive for some reason, and then as I reorganized I deleted some because they had either removed all their pictures or I had only saved them to start with because they had *potential*, and that left 20.
From my brief explorations on the forum, it is apparent that it would be a bit too early to run in elections. If I run now, I'd really just be doing it for the heck of it, and my campaign would really only be centred on successes in previous regions, which I don't really want to do, as each region is unique and requires a different perspective and style. I've not yet completely comprehended what this region is, or what its mission and vision are. One thing is clear. It's dedicated to being open, friendly, fun and honest... perhaps a bit too much at times. ;)Any campaign would be a step up from the last election where nobody campaigned. :))
I do have a suggestion though. It seems that you are trying to make the forum a better tool than Zetaboards, Wintermoot? Might I suggest adding something similar to a shoutbox then? Sometimes what we have to say doesn't really fit into any category, and while I understand this section of the forum is dedicated to those types of things, sometimes it's just more handy to have something like a shoutbox to post something in where the comment is immediately viewable and can't immediately be buried under other topics as well.
It's a small thing, but a useful one. :P
You can be grown up and be padded you know...you shouldn't let that stop you from feeling and being grown up. :)
In any case, I've been taking some time to organize my porn collection, starting with my many reddit links. I'm downloading pictures to my computer and organizing them so I still have them if the internet goes out or of they get deleted. I'm also taking some time to categorize the guys I liked well enough to bookmark over the past year. So far...
Straight - 47.83%
Gay - 43.48%
Bi - 4.35%
Unknown - 4.35%
Asian - 36.36%
White - 36.36%
Hispanic - 18.18%
Black - 4.55%
Unknown - 4.55%
Uncut - 77.27%
Unknown - 13.64% (guys that didn't display their naughty bits :P)
Cut - 9.09%
Now Seroim can call me a data fetishist (http://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?topic=404.msg27506#msg27506). :))
Out of shape is a state of mind! You're choosing to go out and to work on your problems which is more than many! You'll get there and you're already doing awesome!
In other news three of my friends are turning 18 today and I'm going to have sooooo much sex today! I'm more than a little excited...
I'm not turning 18, no!I know you're not, but I didn't know it was a requirement that the other person be for you. :P
Three of my friends are... And they're all having parties. Well they're throwing a party together. With inebriated excited people at them. Also pie. This means sex. It's science.
When I turned 18, my friend gave me a copy of the state's law on statutory rape and said, "This was your last chance to f**k 14 year old p***y, and you blew it."Was that something you'd been wanting to do? :P
Oh geeze...got on the treadmill for the first time in awhile and it kicked my fucking ass. Instead of going a blanket 2.5 miles per hour for 45 minutes, I adjusted it up and down for 30...most of the ass kicking was the 8 minutes at 3mph, and I think I did another 8 at 2.5 and another 8 at 2...the rest at 1.5.
Damn I'm out of shape. :(
6?!? Are you trying to kill me? ;-;
Is it bad that I chuckled?Out of shape is a state of mind! You're choosing to go out and to work on your problems which is more than many! You'll get there and you're already doing awesome!
In other news three of my friends are turning 18 today and I'm going to have sooooo much sex today! I'm more than a little excited...
When I turned 18, my friend gave me a copy of the state's law on statutory rape and said, "This was your last chance to f**k 14 year old p***y, and you blew it."
I'm not turning 18, no!As long as the person you are with is well not drunk...then go for it...the main reason I say that is because if they are, even if you are as well, you could be charged with rape...which would NOT be fun (note: I ANAL, however I'm pretty sure this is for most states in the US, and probably other countries as well, however keep in mind that I don't know where Reon lives, or what he does for a living, therefore if he's a CEO of a big company, then this might be moot...).
Three of my friends are... And they're all having parties. Well they're throwing a party together. With inebriated excited people at them. Also pie. This means sex. It's science.
When I turned 18, my friend gave me a copy of the state's law on statutory rape and said, "This was your last chance to f**k 14 year old p***y, and you blew it."Was that something you'd been wanting to do? :P
(https://wintreath.com/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimages1.fanpop.com%2Fimages%2Fquiz%2F20299_1214357885645_400_200.jpg&hash=94acd97fac770b8b10ebe1b4654ae3ec)I've no clue what that means, so I'll take it as a yes. :P
// jQuery methods go here...
Oh, and the way I would see you code the ready function is to have it appear in one place where you can put all of the code you want executed when things are ready (usually in the footer that gets put on every page).
I'd be interested to see your articles, only to learn more of the shorthand style.
But yeah, if you have coding standards that go against what jQuery provides, perhaps put the jQuery into a separate JavaScript file...
I think I am beginning to prefer this region over my home region.
I think I am beginning to prefer this region over my home region.I always enjoy my visits here :)
I feel like I've struck a nerve against your programming sensibilities. :PWhen it comes to jQuery, I don't really have any coding styles, so usually just stick to the default suggested way of coding things.
When it comes to jQuery, I don't really have any coding styles, so usually just stick to the default suggested way of coding things.
So it's interesting to hear from someone who is really into JavaScript to learn more about the coding styles out there. I see JavaScript as more of a side language I have to delve into every now and then to achieve something more than anything else...
Oh winter... I am sure Ainur will be fine, I just said what on my mind at the moment
Now I am thinking about smearing whip cream on that guy from big bang.
Now I am thinking about smearing whip cream on that guy from big bang.Which one? :P
So I just noticed that the latest Sims DLC is called "Get to Work", and it's apparently about jobs and stuff...we're seriously paying many so our virtual characters can do more work that we dread doing in real life? lol.
In any case...what is on my mind right now is concern. I just did the Citizenship check, and in spite of our recruitment efforts we only had a net gain of four Citizens. This tells me that our problem at the moment isn't recruitment, but integration. For some reason we're losing people after they apply for Citizenship. We definitely need to find out why and make improvements in that area, cause it sucks to put in all that time in manual recruitment for such a paltry gain.
Retail jobs are the best. Who wouldn't dream of getting arbitrarily chewed out by rude, entitled pricks called "customers" for 40 hours each week, and having to take it all with a smile?
Actually, I worked retail once. I got fired because I called the cops on a very drunk woman taking her car for a drive after buying a lot of alcohol.
Fuck retail.
Seroim! Why'd you CTE your nation in the region? :(
Speaking of Star Wars...Yup on Friday morningFairly large image ahead(https://pitt.app.box.com/representation/file_version_27483526498/image_2048/1.png)
EA is going to make some sort of announcement about Star Wars Battlefront at that celebration. Their instagram promotion is a little...off.
@Weissreich @Wintermoot @Pengu @Govindia @Reon@Chanku @ChurchofSatan @Wintermoot @Hugsim @Reon @Weissreich
@Weissreich @Wintermoot @Pengu @Govindia @Reon
It's funny when the people I trust don't really care how I feel :-/
It's funny when the people I trust don't really care how I feel :-/
Okay Gov, I'll just say it like this:
I'm sorry that you lost your pet a year ago, I really am.
But realize that other people have their problems as well, as I highlighted both on the chat, and right above your post (literally 4 posts above this one) you'll notice that I'm having a shit day because of something that happened in the span of the present. Obviously, as much as I'm sad for you, my level of caring in general is at pre-microscopic level, and I don't mean that as a way against you...it's just how I'm feeling today.
When you know I'm having an absolute shit day because I am completely and utterly pissed at something, continuously diverting attention to talk about your deceased cat isn't going to garner sympathy from me when I'm in the process of venting. And pestering me with saying my name constantly, telling Zaphyr to tell me to look at the picture, and sending me queries about it also isn't going to help either, and if anything is just going to give me more of a reason to be pissed off, since I tend to not like being pestered that much for something in general (as I've told you before when you do it), and doing it on a day where I'm pissed off in general is going to heighten that.
So before you say that others don't care about you feel, stop trying to ask everyone to look at your picture and cry with you and think about how others feel as well.
It's funny when the people I trust don't really care how I feel :-/
Okay Gov, I'll just say it like this:
I'm sorry that you lost your pet a year ago, I really am.
But realize that other people have their problems as well, as I highlighted both on the chat, and right above your post (literally 4 posts above this one) you'll notice that I'm having a shit day because of something that happened in the span of the present. Obviously, as much as I'm sad for you, my level of caring in general is at pre-microscopic level, and I don't mean that as a way against you...it's just how I'm feeling today.
When you know I'm having an absolute shit day because I am completely and utterly pissed at something, continuously diverting attention to talk about your deceased cat isn't going to garner sympathy from me when I'm in the process of venting. And pestering me with saying my name constantly, telling Zaphyr to tell me to look at the picture, and sending me queries about it also isn't going to help either, and if anything is just going to give me more of a reason to be pissed off, since I tend to not like being pestered that much for something in general (as I've told you before when you do it), and doing it on a day where I'm pissed off in general is going to heighten that.
So before you say that others don't care about you feel, stop trying to ask everyone to look at your picture and cry with you and think about how others feel as well.
On IRC you didn't make it sound like you were having a bad day.
And regarding "pestering", maybe if you actually acknowledged my post instead of passively saying NOTHING, then I wouldn't have tried to repeatedly get a hold of you.
So yes, ignoring me deliberately when I was reaching out to you was stupid, rude, and disrespectful. I can't read your mind. It isn't up to me to realise you're having a bad day. I was also upset too and I reached out to you because I thought you bloody cared.
In future, stop being passive and if I'm trying to get a hold of you, and you see it, please don't be rude and acknowledge it. You're not the only one who has feelings too.
So when you actually care about how I feel, please respond properly to my post above. In future, learn to acknowledge and respond appropriately when someone is trying to get a hold of you, instead of ignoring them passively. It's at least showing you acknowledge what they said. At least COS did .
No you didn't say anything. You were rude and ignoring me. I didn't see anywhere on IRC that you seemed upset and I am sorry if I missed that. However you still should have acknowledged what I said and politely responded to that if nothing else.It's funny when the people I trust don't really care how I feel :-/
Okay Gov, I'll just say it like this:
I'm sorry that you lost your pet a year ago, I really am.
But realize that other people have their problems as well, as I highlighted both on the chat, and right above your post (literally 4 posts above this one) you'll notice that I'm having a shit day because of something that happened in the span of the present. Obviously, as much as I'm sad for you, my level of caring in general is at pre-microscopic level, and I don't mean that as a way against you...it's just how I'm feeling today.
When you know I'm having an absolute shit day because I am completely and utterly pissed at something, continuously diverting attention to talk about your deceased cat isn't going to garner sympathy from me when I'm in the process of venting. And pestering me with saying my name constantly, telling Zaphyr to tell me to look at the picture, and sending me queries about it also isn't going to help either, and if anything is just going to give me more of a reason to be pissed off, since I tend to not like being pestered that much for something in general (as I've told you before when you do it), and doing it on a day where I'm pissed off in general is going to heighten that.
So before you say that others don't care about you feel, stop trying to ask everyone to look at your picture and cry with you and think about how others feel as well.
On IRC you didn't make it sound like you were having a bad day.
And regarding "pestering", maybe if you actually acknowledged my post instead of passively saying NOTHING, then I wouldn't have tried to repeatedly get a hold of you.
So yes, ignoring me deliberately when I was reaching out to you was stupid, rude, and disrespectful. I can't read your mind. It isn't up to me to realise you're having a bad day. I was also upset too and I reached out to you because I thought you bloody cared.
In future, stop being passive and if I'm trying to get a hold of you, and you see it, please don't be rude and acknowledge it. You're not the only one who has feelings too.
So when you actually care about how I feel, please respond properly to my post above. In future, learn to acknowledge and respond appropriately when someone is trying to get a hold of you, instead of ignoring them passively. It's at least showing you acknowledge what they said. At least COS did .
1) How does my ranting about my day (and CoS, since you keep using him, can vouch for the fact that I WAS ranting throughout) when you're online, right when you decide to interject to talk about your cat, not sound like I'm having a bad day? The logs can even attest to the fact that I expressed several times how pissed I was.
2) Gov, I said it on here, I said it thousands of times to you when you pestered me with asking me to vote for you in query, and I'll say it again: I tend to not like being pestered that much for something in general. And yes, that includes everything I mentioned before. I've told you this thousands of times already, so there's nothing passive about it. I haven't danced around the issue at all, I flat out told you in chat to stop doing it. If I'm telling you I don't like it, then I don't like it. I shouldn't have to make it a point to tell you every time you come on to not do it. It's common courtesy that if you KNOW the person dislikes it, don't do it.
So no, I'm not going to acknowledge everything you said, because you don't seem to respect the fact that I've told you countless times how much I dislike it.
Now if you've got more to say, which I know you do, then please take it to PM. This is getting very off topic, and I really don't care to continue to make a spectacle in front of everyone.
You should have acknowledged what someone else said instead of rudely tuned them out or not responded at all, ESPECIALLY when they reached out to YOU for support.QuoteNow if you've got more to say, which I know you do, then please take it to PM. This is getting very off topic, and I really don't care to continue to make a spectacle in front of everyone.
I'm saying nothing further on this matter in this thread.
You should have acknowledged what someone else said instead of rudely tuned them outQuoteNow if you've got more to say, which I know you do, then please take it to PM. This is getting very off topic, and I really don't care to continue to make a spectacle in front of everyone.
I'm saying nothing further on this matter in this thread.
@Pengu: to bring this back on topic, I want to say that if it is possible for Neisha to remove herself and Jaydon from the situation completely as you have done, that would be the best route.Wuufu I reached out to someone who I thought cared how I felt. COS barely responded so I turned to Pengu and ignored me.
I feel that at this stage something needs to give; it has gone too far for something not to. Either Ray needs to learn to control himself (unlikely given his desire not to care, people don't change without reason), Steven needs to realise what kind of person Ray is and dump him (also unlikely, as if Steven is trying to start a relationship with Ray he is likely trying to make a good first impression to the guy, even at the detriment of his friends around him) or Neisha needs to take matters into her own hands.
Given Ray's attitude I feel that things are only going to get worse, or at the very least leave Neisha and Jaydon with constant stress and fear. And that is not a good place to be when you are in your own home.
In my opinion, violence is never the solution. It only begets more fear, unhappiness and would only work to damage the friendships you guys have. You can't force people to make changes as you can only fully control your own destiny, so it's best for everyone involved if Neisha moved out ASAP.
With both Neisha and you gone it will then leave Steven with the idea that by staying with Ray he has pushed all his friends away from him and left him on his own. Perhaps then he will see what a bad influence Ray has become in his life. That's my two cents anyhow.
Also, I wouldn't advise deletion of posts, just ignore Govindia and leave this to Wintermoot to deal with.
@Govindia: I am sorry for your loss, really, but why do you have to make a meal out of the smallest things? You need to have patience and realise that other people have their own lives too and are not there just to service yours. Also, please do not use Zaphyr in that way.
@Pengu: to bring this back on topic, I want to say that if it is possible for Neshia to remove herself and Jaydon from the situation completely as you have done, that would be the best route.
I feel that at this stage something needs to give; it has gone too far for something not to. Either Ray needs to learn to control himself (unlikely given his desire not to care, people don't change without reason), Steven needs to realise what kind of person Ray is and dump him (also unlikely, as if Steven is trying to start a relationship with Ray he is likely trying to make a good first impression to the guy, even at the detriment of his friends around him) or Neshia needs to take matters into her own hands.
Given Ray's attitude I feel that things are only going to get worse, or at the very least leave Neshia and Jaydon with constant stress and fear. And that is not a good place to be when you are in your own home.
In my opinion, violence is never the solution. It only begets more fear, unhappiness and would only work to damage the friendships you guys have. You can't force people to make changes as you can only fully control your own destiny, so it's best for everyone involved if Neshia moved out ASAP.
With both Neshia and you gone it will then leave Steven with the idea that by staying with Ray he has pushed all his friends away from him and left him on his own. Perhaps then he will see what a bad influence Ray has become in his life. That's my two cents anyhow.
Also, I wouldn't advise deletion of posts, just ignore Govindia and leave this to Wintermoot to deal with.
@Govindia: I am sorry for your loss, really, but why do you have to make a meal out of the smallest things? You need to have patience and realise that other people have their own lives too and are not there just to service yours. Also, please do not use Zaphyr in that way.
When children throw tantrums, the best course of action is to ignore them. Seriously Govindia, this is incredibly childish behaviour.No it wasn't. apparently you ignored a word I said. Being passive was childish when someone who was upset was reaching out to someone who thought they cared.
Posting during lunch between meetings at work...
@Pengu: First off, kudos on getting out of a bad situation. As bad as that situation is, it would be even more stressful on you if you were still living there and having to always be in that environment. This has always been my fear with apartment-style living and why I opted to buy a house instead. All it takes is one person not giving a shit to ruin that sort of living situation, and it sounds like Ray doesn't give a shit and isn't going to give a shit.
Which means it's time for others to step up, and make him aware that his behaviour is not responsible and if he continues it there will be consequences to his actions. Preferably in a perfect world that would be your ex, as he's the person he's most likely to listen to and he's the one that brought him there to begin with. And if your ex is willing to lose old friendships over a guy, then that's stupid and he also needs to accept the consequences of that. I hope if it comes to that I hope he learns a good lesson. Bros before hos, man.
Have you guys thought of leaving a camera around when she's not around and getting evidence that he's beating her dog? Then perhaps taking it to the police? Animal abuse is not only very serious, it's a criminal offense. In any case, nobody should have to put up with any of that, even if they aren't already mostly paying for everything as it is. It sounds like overall they're making her a guest in her own apartment, and even if the animal abuse wasn't going on, that should also be unacceptable.
One year ago, Frito passed away after two fights with cancer. The first took his eye, and unfortunately, the second took his life, He lived until 14. He, and his brother, Bacon, who's now 15, are the only cats I ever had, as I was a dog owner prior to adopting both of them from Jane, the previous owner, at the age of 11.
I will miss his gentleness, his different coloured eyes, how he loved to be cuddled like a baby, purring in a deeper tone. How he was always at his brother Bacon's side. He is at peace now hopefully, with my two dogs.
Bacon now has me as his only companion, with his brother gone last year. I'm sure he misses him, as do I. Currently Bacon is 15 going on 16 in September. He is currently the oldest animal I have ever had. For as long as Bacon is still breathing I'll make sure Bacon has a comfortable life.Spoiler(https://scontent-4.22773.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/10154033_10100853192761905_4134362848473942483_n.jpg?oh=f872524e7a60602503d7f0be5afb2cde&oe=55D4A8F4)
I'm sorry about your cat Gov
I started cutting again. I also started wetting the bed again.Nox I have already lost someone close to me, multiple actually. Please get some help.
I started cutting again. I also started wetting the bed again.Nox, there is really support... I'm sure you can, at the least, talk to any of us or all of us...
Breeze, I was like the third member of this region before we had a forum, the only person that's still here that's been here for longer is Moot
Heh, you youngun you ;)Breeze, I was like the third member of this region before we had a forum, the only person that's still here that's been here for longer is Moot
All the more reason for you to stick around! I walk (post) in the presence of legends!
I'm pretty sure I did tell you. :PYou did, after a couple weeks!
You know, in all the ways we lament our judicial system, just know it could always be worse....[Taijitu v. Govindia]. No offense to anyone allegiant with Taijitu, but man that was a cluster if I ever saw one, and I was reading it all after the fact! I couldn't imagine trying to manage that as a Justice or prosecutor/defense counsel.Reading that, it's good to see that people in this region are trying elsewhere to get me removed from other regions without due process.
Wintermoot, ignore what contact said, that dumpster fire is a bitter old Fart.
If they pursue relations, have them send someone else other than Myroria. We don't need diplomats disrespectful and dehumanising our citizens here.May I direct you to The Consulate of Taijitu (http://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?topic=2052.0) and yes, Myroria is their ambassador.
Having him disrespect me is not a good idea. They should send someone elseIf they pursue relations, have them send someone else other than Myroria. We don't need diplomats disrespectful and dehumanising our citizens here.May I direct you to The Consulate of Taijitu (http://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?topic=2052.0) and yes, Myroria is their ambassador.
Perhaps there is already something like this that I'm just missing, but...
Would it at all be possible to have a notification area that is similar to NationState's one? Where all notifications can be shown when someone quotes you, likes/dislikes your posts, mentions you, etc?
It would go a long way in keeping up to date with events and discussions.
Much better.
Much better.
I wouldn't expect you to know this but I hate Frozen even more than I hate election time.I AM BORED OF THIS GODDAMN ELECTION ALREADY FUCK WORK FUCK THIS FUCK THAT FUCK EVERYTHING.
Much better.
Wait for it.
wait for it...
wait for it...
wait for it...
I think someone needs to Let it go. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moSFlvxnbgk)
UK General Election today. As long as the Conservatives and UKIP do badly, I'll be happy.Bumped into my local Tory MP today, even he's not voting Conservative.
For my project, it's almost complete...code-wise that is. The attack system was implemented more in it's final form, and Units now respect the range that they are given. Unit removal has not been done yet...however it should be done soon. If I can get that done quick enough, along with anything else I might need to add, I'll work on saving/loading, code-cleanup, and documentation of the code.Your excitement and desire to show off your project is rather cute. :P
For fucks sake, I knew the British public were idiotic but to be drawn into such a populist and fear-mongering message to the extent of returning a Conservative majority was frankly beyond even my darkest thoughts on the matter.
Looks like you Americans might get to meet me after all.
Thank of it this way Weissreich...at least they're still way better than Republicans in the US. :P
For fucks sake, I knew the British public were idiotic but to be drawn into such a populist and fear-mongering message to the extent of returning a Conservative majority was frankly beyond even my darkest thoughts on the matter.
Looks like you Americans might get to meet me after all.
You should see the conversation I had with Wuufu about this. The Tories remained the only viable party. The LibDems didn't present themselves as a good party independent of the coalition. Labour ended up being portrayed as a spendthrift group, with fears of a left-wing Labour/SNP coalition. UKIP got votes from people disgruntled with immigration, economy, and how the tories and labour had been, from what people told me who voted for them.
The plus side: Nick Clegg, Ed Miliband, and Nigel Farage all resigned lol
For fucks sake, I knew the British public were idiotic but to be drawn into such a populist and fear-mongering message to the extent of returning a Conservative majority was frankly beyond even my darkest thoughts on the matter.
Looks like you Americans might get to meet me after all.
You should see the conversation I had with Wuufu about this. The Tories remained the only viable party. The LibDems didn't present themselves as a good party independent of the coalition. Labour ended up being portrayed as a spendthrift group, with fears of a left-wing Labour/SNP coalition. UKIP got votes from people disgruntled with immigration, economy, and how the tories and labour had been, from what people told me who voted for them.
The plus side: Nick Clegg, Ed Miliband, and Nigel Farage all resigned lol
The Tories did not remain the only viable party. They were in fact far from the only viable party, but through careful electioneering and populist language they convinced the general public that they had a lot to be afraid of, and thus should vote for them. If you look at what the Conservatives have done this term, the only reason things haven't been as bad as they could've been was because of the influence, albeit minor, of the Lib Dems. The Lib Dems, in case you'd not realised, have now ceased to be an effective political party due to how fucked up the Conservatives were last term. I really don't hold out much hope.
The issues I had with the Lib Dems stem more from the fact that they caved to the allures of power and didn't stick up for any of their worthwhile policies that actually got them elected next to the Conservatives. Whilst they were in power I've got to say that they were the only moderating influence on a lot of the Conservative policies, although that's not saying much as the Lib Dems would for the most part do whatever they were told and only offered token resistance when they felt doing so would boost their popularity. That being said, their moderating influence was required and I find it frankly disgusting that the electorate here responded to their weakness as a political party by voting in the Conservatives with a majority. Bit ridiculous in my opinion.For fucks sake, I knew the British public were idiotic but to be drawn into such a populist and fear-mongering message to the extent of returning a Conservative majority was frankly beyond even my darkest thoughts on the matter.
Looks like you Americans might get to meet me after all.
You should see the conversation I had with Wuufu about this. The Tories remained the only viable party. The LibDems didn't present themselves as a good party independent of the coalition. Labour ended up being portrayed as a spendthrift group, with fears of a left-wing Labour/SNP coalition. UKIP got votes from people disgruntled with immigration, economy, and how the tories and labour had been, from what people told me who voted for them.
The plus side: Nick Clegg, Ed Miliband, and Nigel Farage all resigned lol
The Tories did not remain the only viable party. They were in fact far from the only viable party, but through careful electioneering and populist language they convinced the general public that they had a lot to be afraid of, and thus should vote for them. If you look at what the Conservatives have done this term, the only reason things haven't been as bad as they could've been was because of the influence, albeit minor, of the Lib Dems. The Lib Dems, in case you'd not realised, have now ceased to be an effective political party due to how fucked up the Conservatives were last term. I really don't hold out much hope.
Please elaborate? What did you find issue with the Lib Dems and Tories? Please explain.
:')Thank you Point Breeze. Much appreciated and good to know someone at least cared. ...........
I depart either tonight or toosday
I was in America so nothing in my world even mentioned Victoria Day 'Cept for you folks.
Nope, seeing as I'm here nowWelcome back.
Is The Witcher 3 any good? I'm a bit sceptical that it could retain its amazing story from the first 2 games with so much energy having been poured into the open world.
I bet you don't need any help to "get up"Hahaha...I see what you did there. :P
One of my favourite people up here won't be up much this year, he's a special effects guy for movies, a native American, and a conspiracy theory nut.
Dutch uncle
noun, Sometimes Offensive.
a person who criticizes or reproves with unsparing severity and frankness.
Dear Cox,Nope, seeing as I'm here nowWelcome back.
I have limited access due to a clerical error with my ISP which is why I haven't been on much since I came back from the LA area.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
Nice. Who's the oldest, do you know?Well, Gov is 32 I think...we had a guy here in his 50s at one point, but he's not here any more. So around there.
Where do you work? And I was like this even when I was in school. I'm bad at making good decisions when it's in regards to my sleep schedule xp
"Death does not concern us, because as long as we exist, death is not here. And when it does come, we no longer exist."
Oh wow, fifty. What's the average age around here?Nice. Who's the oldest, do you know?Well, Gov is 32 I think...we had a guy here in his 50s at one point, but he's not here any more. So around there.
Where do you work? And I was like this even when I was in school. I'm bad at making good decisions when it's in regards to my sleep schedule xp
lol, well, nobody is good at making good decisions when it comes to sleep and things they want. :P
The last time I checked, around 22, though the community has changed since then, so it's hard to say. :PI will try, valiantly, before failing and trying again. An endless cycle, going on for eternity and even after that.
Well, you know...try and fail again. :P
Is anyone here? Someone talk to me please. :P
You know if enough people use Tapatalk we get money from those ads. It's never happened before though lol
Nah, I'm not trying to make money through Tapatalk. If anyone wants to support the costs of the region, they can donate directly through the site. :P
Ayyy Ohhh
<section itemtype="http://schema.org/Person">
Greetings, my name is <span itemprop="name">Jason</span>, and I am a <span itemprop="jobTitle">programmer</span>
Today was a cool, dreary autumn-like day...a perfect day for lazying around under blankets and catching up on reading or browsing things in front of the television...which is what I did when I got home from work. It was nice to take a short break from things online. :)well rawr then! you were missed on IRC @Wintermoot by myself and @tatte and millions of people! lol
And now I'm going to sleep. Night Wintreath. :)
Fallout 1 & 2 were outstanding! I've never played Fallout 3 due to my own various restrictions. But I wouldn't find an Elderscrolls style Fallout game very appealing.This guy knows the deal! :P
I absolutely ate a donut burger today. I felt so American.Awesome
I absolutely ate a donut burger today. I felt so American.There is such a thing?
Sometimes I just get tired of having to think about finances and prioritizing and what I need...sometimes I wish I could just splurge and by a bunch of stuff just because I want it...but that seems to be a long ways off..."Fiances," you say. ???
If you're going to make fun of typos, at least make sure you're not misreading it first. :PEr. Right. I think I should go to bed now. :P
What's on my mind? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Guys, give me something to think about. :P
Penis is fun. I love playing with mah sausage. :PWhat's on my mind? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Guys, give me something to think about. :P
I don't mind a good penis. But I've never understood men's fascination with their own.I don't know if I can respond appropriately to this [emoji14]
It's an honest question. I don't get it. I'm not obsessed with my boobs.To be honest if I were a girl, I would. :P
It's an honest question. I don't get it. I'm not obsessed with my boobs.Play around with a long sausage sometime. It's like a very loose appendage lol
Vaginas are probably more the equivalent in terms of function. [emoji14]prolly lol
And nice to meet you Seroim. I'm Anneliese. Don't think we've met. I don't have nice tits. Interesting point though.
(https://wintreath.com/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2F31.media.tumblr.com%2Fec497a317b9e063b1709224d3547ba7a%2Ftumblr_inline_nkz25vjygk1rrrkde.gif&hash=cb81434117053b59c5240adc30728f7c)I'm sure your boobs are lovely!
Of course. Why didn't I think of that? How silly.
If I played with my vagina like guys played with their penises... I don't get it. GIVE IT A BREAK! XD Save it for the good times!
And nice to meet you Seroim. I'm Anneliese. Don't think we've met. I don't have nice tits. Interesting point though.
The competition for new nations is fierce, and there's often 20+ nations recruiting at one time...we're at a disadvantage because a lot regions pay money for their telegrams to beFTFYautomaticallyautomagically sent, but that can get up to $30-$40 a month, so it's outside of our ability.
I think we do well enough manually...just don't fret about not getting many nations. You won't in a single session, I'm afraid...
Cocktails are for wimps who can't handle spirits.
My Sith Assassin, Xu'Felnee, is probably the nicest sith you'll ever meet, she doesn't murder people, or torture them. She negotiates whenever she can, and helps people. She's basically an Imperial Jedi.
or an Imperial Knight from the Legacy seriesMy Sith Assassin, Xu'Felnee, is probably the nicest sith you'll ever meet, she doesn't murder people, or torture them. She negotiates whenever she can, and helps people. She's basically an Imperial Jedi.
Seems like a pretty shitty Sith, by conventional definitions.
Or perhaps they have a desire to live much past the age of 70. :P
A cold cider is really enough for me.
Realistically, the only purpose of alcohol is to get drunk
Realistically, the only purpose of alcohol is to get drunk
That's how I felt at age 20, but at 31 I appreciate a good beer or cider a lot more than hard liquor. And after many a hungover Sunday, the novelty of being heavily drunk has definitely worn off...
Realistically, the only purpose of alcohol is to get drunk
That's how I felt at age 20, but at 31 I appreciate a good beer or cider a lot more than hard liquor. And after many a hungover Sunday, the novelty of being heavily drunk has definitely worn off...
Beers and ciders become an acquired taste.
or an Imperial Knight from the Legacy seriesMy Sith Assassin, Xu'Felnee, is probably the nicest sith you'll ever meet, she doesn't murder people, or torture them. She negotiates whenever she can, and helps people. She's basically an Imperial Jedi.
Seems like a pretty shitty Sith, by conventional definitions.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
Yes...there's a post about it and everything lolI wanna join. :(
Yes...there's a post about it and everything lol
I'm trying to figure out what it is. The one on the left is an Egyptian?
do you like my profile pic?I don't care for it. Bariss can do so much better than Ashoka. Seriously.
do you like my profile pic?I don't care for it. Bariss can do so much better than Ashoka. Seriously.
Witcher 3 review pending upon completion.
You thought I didn't do this shit anymore did you?
It would be so nice to go to an ice cream shop...but everything is closed here now. :(
It would be so nice to go to an ice cream shop...but everything is closed here now. :(
It would be so nice to go to an ice cream shop...but everything is closed here now. :(
7-11, walmart, or petrol stations would have them lah :P
It would be so nice to go to an ice cream shop...but everything is closed here now. :(
7-11, walmart, or petrol stations would have them lah :P
I think he wants a shop because he's feeling too lazy to scoop his own ice cream. :P
It would be so nice to go to an ice cream shop...but everything is closed here now. :(
7-11, walmart, or petrol stations would have them lah :P
I think he wants a shop because he's feeling too lazy to scoop his own ice cream. :P
They have ice cream bars and ice cream in pints......it's not that hard.
Y'all eat some fucking ranc ass ice cream...
Y'all eat some fucking ranc ass ice cream...
Drumstick ice cream? I'm not sure what to say. It just feels... very strange and like it wouldn't be good at all.look it up
There's no cold stones in Seattle so I didn't have it for many years... But there's one in Federal Way so I've been having it pretty regularly...Hehe, good...:D
Oh, I love cold stone. I haven't been in years though, as the last thing I got there had me...indisposed for several days.What exactly did you get there?
Game of Thrones: "The Dance of Dragons"Game of Thrones: Season 5, Episode 9 was the hardest thing I've ever had to watch. They had prepared me for it during the last 3 seasons, but no amount of preparation could ever have been sufficient.
I hope Stannis gets what he deserves, the bastard. He's gone far beyond tragic villains like Macbeth.
Sorry, just had to get that off my chest. :)
As usual, don't click that if you haven't watched the latest episode yet, or if you have any intention of watching Game of Thrones at some point if you haven't yet started.
There's no cold stones in Seattle so I didn't have it for many years... But there's one in Federal Way so I've been having it pretty regularly...
Well I live in federal way so like... It's now convenient... But I can come and visit you! :DThere's no cold stones in Seattle so I didn't have it for many years... But there's one in Federal Way so I've been having it pretty regularly...
Come down to Tacoma. We have a few in between there and other parts of Pierce County.
I'm several episodes behind on GoT, these spoilers make me nervous.I HAVE INTERNETS AT HOME
Well I live in federal way so like... It's now convenient... But I can come and visit you! :DThere's no cold stones in Seattle so I didn't have it for many years... But there's one in Federal Way so I've been having it pretty regularly...
Come down to Tacoma. We have a few in between there and other parts of Pierce County.
Game of Thrones: Mother's MercyR.I.P. Jon Snow. Though you knew nothing, we will never see your like again.
And now his watch is ended.
I finally got help for my depression after a year. It feels nice actually having energy again.
Being able to open up and talk about feelings and shared experiences on a deep level...having friendships where you feel comfortable doing that...that sorta thing.sucking cock or just talking and communicating?
Yeah, I'm fairly terrible at emotional support. I told my sister to do her homework when her rabbit died 5 years ago, the reasoning being that sitting there and crying in grief wouldn't do wonders for her schoolwork. While I'm not nearly as terrible anymore, I still get a stony face and don't know quite what I'm supposed to do when someone starts crying, for example, apart from giving advice on dealing with the problem.That sounds like something I would do. When people come to me for emotional support, instead, I give them a solution to the "problem." I've been getting better, though, and I've always been a good listener. So there's hope for me yet. Don't ask me to confide in anyone else, though.
That said, I'm fairly good at listening, if you want to talk sometime.
Yeah, I'm fairly terrible at emotional support. I told my sister to do her homework when her rabbit died 5 years ago, the reasoning being that sitting there and crying in grief wouldn't do wonders for her schoolwork.
If you hadn't seen it, we have a great discussion about personality types going on here (http://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?topic=2425.0)...just thought I'd let you know. xD
If you hadn't seen it, we have a great discussion about personality types going on here (http://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?topic=2425.0)...just thought I'd let you know. xD
ah okIf you hadn't seen it, we have a great discussion about personality types going on here (http://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?topic=2425.0)...just thought I'd let you know. xD
Yeah, and to me it also feels like I'm gossiping when I confide in someone else. It's getting better with age, but when I was a teenager, I expected everyone to just mind their own business when I was having a bad day (even INTPs have those :P) and expected them to deal with their own emotional stuff on their time too, and not let it interfere with their responsibilities. As a teenager, people used to think I was dead inside, lol.Yeah, I'm fairly terrible at emotional support. I told my sister to do her homework when her rabbit died 5 years ago, the reasoning being that sitting there and crying in grief wouldn't do wonders for her schoolwork. While I'm not nearly as terrible anymore, I still get a stony face and don't know quite what I'm supposed to do when someone starts crying, for example, apart from giving advice on dealing with the problem.That sounds like something I would do. When people come to me for emotional support, instead, I give them a solution to the "problem." I've been getting better, though, and I've always been a good listener. So there's hope for me yet. Don't ask me to confide in anyone else, though.
That said, I'm fairly good at listening, if you want to talk sometime.
Sometimes people need to be comforted and given confidence...feeling down can really shake someone up. Do confide all your secrets to me though. ;) :PIndeed, but when I was younger, I just couldn't wrap my head around taking care of someone's feelings when improving their situation would take care of it on it's own. Which meant I was terrible when someone was grief-stricken over someone's death, or when someone went through a break-up. My general advice was just that it would get better with time, but I'd say with this with such a flat and awkward tone that I'm not sure anyone was remotely comforted.
Thanks, I read it just the other day, which is what made me make my comment when I saw Laurentus' post. I tend to stay clear of 'typing' conversations and the like because I used to be obsessed by Jung/MBTI/function theory and stuff like that. A couple of friends of mine recently are also going through a similar phase to me which is frustrating; they keep asking me what stuff means, when I'm trying not to get into it again. :P
I guess that's where the F part of my ENFJ/INFJ comes in. When someone comes up to me telling me that they had a bad day, or need a shoulder to cry on, or just need someone to talk to, I always make myself available, and I'll share their feelings with them. When someone is crying their eyes out because of something that happened and they come talk to me, I'll usually cry with them and give them a hug.
I'm like the Bob Saget at my work because I'll give out hugs to my coworkers every time one of them is having a bad day (or I'll offer it at least), and I give hugs to my coworker-friends occasionally when I see them or say bye to them.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you're also a Rational (NT). :P
Why did you want to learn about it in the first-place? For me, it was primarily to try and improve upon my social interaction, through reading people and then adapting my manner to better fit with theirs. I'm usually fairly accurate when I type someone in real life, too. The internet is very tricky, though.
I'm glad that was resolved. [emoji14]In other news today, I apparently was sent to the ER due to an apparent seizure I had :-/
Jesus... Are you relatively okay now? And do you have a history of seizures?I'm glad that was resolved. [emoji14]In other news today, I apparently was sent to the ER due to an apparent seizure I had :-/
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
I guess that's where the F part of my ENFJ/INFJ comes in. When someone comes up to me telling me that they had a bad day, or need a shoulder to cry on, or just need someone to talk to, I always make myself available, and I'll share their feelings with them. When someone is crying their eyes out because of something that happened and they come talk to me, I'll usually cry with them and give them a hug.
I'm like the Bob Saget at my work because I'll give out hugs to my coworkers every time one of them is having a bad day (or I'll offer it at least), and I give hugs to my coworker-friends occasionally when I see them or say bye to them.
Yes ok, no no historyJesus... Are you relatively okay now? And do you have a history of seizures?I'm glad that was resolved. [emoji14]In other news today, I apparently was sent to the ER due to an apparent seizure I had :-/
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
I guess that's where the F part of my ENFJ/INFJ comes in. When someone comes up to me telling me that they had a bad day, or need a shoulder to cry on, or just need someone to talk to, I always make myself available, and I'll share their feelings with them. When someone is crying their eyes out because of something that happened and they come talk to me, I'll usually cry with them and give them a hug.
I'm like the Bob Saget at my work because I'll give out hugs to my coworkers every time one of them is having a bad day (or I'll offer it at least), and I give hugs to my coworker-friends occasionally when I see them or say bye to them.
I would hate working with you. I hate being touched :(
I feel you. I myself under-perform in certain tests and exams when my bipolar slips into depression, and I'm also studying law. I don't know what advice I could give you, however. Being honest about your illness helps, but the trick is not making it sound like an excuse.
You also have the advantage of being the only one with a law degree, so perhaps even with poorer grades, the sheer scope of your knowledge could be enough to make them consider you a finer candidate.
In any case, I wish you luck.
Even simulating the human mind is a long way off, because we know very little about it, truth be told. I can't give anything close to an estimate of how far off mind control is of the human mind, but I doubt we'll see it anytime soon.
Even then, it requires an actual part inserted into our nerves to act as a type of decoder, so there would probably be war if some sort of civilisation-wide mind control scheme were to materialise.
Speaking of being afraid of technology, Neon Genesis Evangelion's first episode took place on June 22nd, 2015, which might still be today for some people.Third impact will be something to behold.
get in the fucking robot, shinji
This is becoming increasingly more common.
I've gone through two PS4 controllers already - both are completely unusable. I'm quite irritated.Jesus how... I've had the same controller since I got the bastard when it came out... What do you do to those poor things?
I've gone through two PS4 controllers already - both are completely unusable. I'm quite irritated.Jesus how... I've had the same controller since I got the bastard when it came out... What do you do to those poor things?
Perhaps Point Breeze has two vise-grips for hands.or perhaps he was using the vibration for something else ;)
One decides to press the left bumper constantly, but when I press it, nothing happens. It also likes to ignore me completely except for the PS button. The other's right analog stick has decided that right = down. I suppose I do drop them every once in a while...I should be more careful with my next one.I literally throw these shits at my roommate when he says stupid stuff and the only damage has been a small tear on the rubber on the left stick... Definitely going with the vise grip for hands theory, jeez...
It's not a habit, per se... I like to think of it as a solution.I prefer my theory [emoji14]
Sometimes all you need is a good fap.
So I shelled out $60 for a new controller and picked up a pre-owned copy of Infamous: Second Son. Let's see how long this one lasts. -_-
Sometimes all you need is a good fap.
So I shelled out $60 for a new controller and picked up a pre-owned copy of Infamous: Second Son. Let's see how long this one lasts. -_-
Hopefully a while since ISS doesn't require much use of any motion controls or anything of the like.
Though it is a pretty fun game. :D If it wasn't for the fact that my PS4 library is completely set, I'd re-grab it.
Sometimes all you need is a good fap.
So I shelled out $60 for a new controller and picked up a pre-owned copy of Infamous: Second Son. Let's see how long this one lasts. -_-
Hopefully a while since ISS doesn't require much use of any motion controls or anything of the like.
Though it is a pretty fun game. :D If it wasn't for the fact that my PS4 library is completely set, I'd re-grab it.
Actually, there is the spray painting minigame.
that sounds like acrobatic fappingSometimes all you need is a good fap.
So I shelled out $60 for a new controller and picked up a pre-owned copy of Infamous: Second Son. Let's see how long this one lasts. -_-
Hopefully a while since ISS doesn't require much use of any motion controls or anything of the like.
Though it is a pretty fun game. :D If it wasn't for the fact that my PS4 library is completely set, I'd re-grab it.
Actually, there is the spray painting minigame.
That's the only instance it's really used, though. And the biggest you do with that is move the controller up and down. Everything else is just holding it a different way and moving it like you'd move a wii-mote.
that sounds like acrobatic fappingSometimes all you need is a good fap.
So I shelled out $60 for a new controller and picked up a pre-owned copy of Infamous: Second Son. Let's see how long this one lasts. -_-
Hopefully a while since ISS doesn't require much use of any motion controls or anything of the like.
Though it is a pretty fun game. :D If it wasn't for the fact that my PS4 library is completely set, I'd re-grab it.
Actually, there is the spray painting minigame.
That's the only instance it's really used, though. And the biggest you do with that is move the controller up and down. Everything else is just holding it a different way and moving it like you'd move a wii-mote.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
suuuuuurrrrrrrrreeeeeeeethat sounds like acrobatic fappingSometimes all you need is a good fap.
So I shelled out $60 for a new controller and picked up a pre-owned copy of Infamous: Second Son. Let's see how long this one lasts. -_-
Hopefully a while since ISS doesn't require much use of any motion controls or anything of the like.
Though it is a pretty fun game. :D If it wasn't for the fact that my PS4 library is completely set, I'd re-grab it.
Actually, there is the spray painting minigame.
That's the only instance it's really used, though. And the biggest you do with that is move the controller up and down. Everything else is just holding it a different way and moving it like you'd move a wii-mote.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
Not if you don't hold it that close, because it's supposed to look like shaking a spray can. [emoji14]
me attempting to derail this conversation:lol
Sometimes all you need is a good fap.
^excess fapping lolSometimes all you need is a good fap.
Right. I don't have enough time in the mornings cause of work, so after a whole day...it was relieving. [emoji14]
I'm sure I have other stuff on my mind, but I have a bit of a headache atm, lol.
^excess fapping lol
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once? i thought you were more prolific than that lol^excess fapping lol
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I don't believe once in a 18+ hour period is really excessive in any way, lol.
And sorry Seroim, I've heard of Age of Wonders, but I've never had the opportunity to play or buy it. =/
Well, obviously I can't jerk it at work, and I can't jerk it while I'm asleep, so there's 16 hours that I can't jerk it on work days. Kinda puts a crimp in things lol. [emoji14]you can use the bathroom?
^excess fapping lol
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I don't believe once in a 18+ hour period is really excessive in any way, lol.
And sorry Seroim, I've heard of Age of Wonders, but I've never had the opportunity to play or buy it. =/
That's very generous of you! I would be very appreciative...my Steam is winterm00t. It's the one with the yellow sign in the avatar. :)in other news:
That's very generous of you! I would be very appreciative...my Steam is winterm00t. It's the one with the yellow sign in the avatar. :)
I thought you could only choose not to view content from certain people?you can also choose to block game content
It's not a Facebook game that's posting through his account, though...it's him posting screenshots of the deaths in his album.Well then, Reon explained how you can block that out.
Well, they're animated graphics...not real deaths. I should point that out. :P
I made a new nation and the economy is at 0
My internet school:D
this made me laugh
not my fault!(https://41.media.tumblr.com/63ff732d20fc5b6413fc642f24d4a8da/tumblr_nc627ehg401qjnhqgo1_540.jpg)
this made me laugh
Dammit, @Govindia
I just finished my HTML5 course, and I passed with a 70%...the bare minimum. Missing the assignment deadline during the second week really hut me, but overall it was exactly the stuff that I wanted to learn, and I hope to find time to play around with it all. :DWintermoot never misses a deadline though! That's pretty big to have your grade weighted heavily
Eventually they plan to roll out a part 2 of the course that will cover more advanced topics, too...
There's only five weeks of exercises and the final, so each week counted for 15% of the grade, and then considering I did poorly the first week and got high 80s and low 90s for the other courses and the final...yeah. It's not a big deal though, it's just an honourary certificate...not like it's going on my transcripts. [emoji14]other courses?
I meant other weeks lol/me notes it on Wintermoot's transcript*
It wants me to write you a long message..... Ugh super annoying.... Still not long enough... Seriously? Whyyyyyyy???? It wants an entire story?
Because it filters out people who send messages that are a single word. Longer messages that are more than just "hi, how're you?" catch my attention and interest much faster.
By the way, 100+ characters is really nothing.
"Hi, my name is Max. I really liked reading your profile. I just thought I'd send a message. How are you?"
That (disincluding the quotes) was 106 characters.
So generally on dating sites, I have a 100+ character limit set so that nobody can message me unless they type that much or more.Because most people on dating sites like that, sadly want just to fuck first then talk later.
Most people know that characters include punctuation and spaces along with letters, so really every time you push something on the keyboard that moves the blinking cursor, you're increasing your message by one character.
"Anakin Skywalker clearly had a very logical reason for joining the dark side, given his backstory."
Is 98 characters exactly. So even 100 characters would be the equivalent of a single sentence (or more if they're short sentences).
This one guy on POF complained that 100 characters was far too much and he didn't understand why he had to keep writing to even meet that requirement.
Because a full sentence is such a chore to write.
(Btw, this post is a total of 838 characters long)
This was his message:QuoteIt wants me to write you a long message..... Ugh super annoying.... Still not long enough... Seriously? Whyyyyyyy???? It wants an entire story?
And my response:QuoteBecause it filters out people who send messages that are a single word. Longer messages that are more than just "hi, how're you?" catch my attention and interest much faster.
By the way, 100+ characters is really nothing.
"Hi, my name is Max. I really liked reading your profile. I just thought I'd send a message. How are you?"
That (disincluding the quotes) was 106 characters.
So generally on dating sites, I have a 100+ character limit set so that nobody can message me unless they type that much or more.Because most people on dating sites like that, sadly want just to fuck first then talk later.
Most people know that characters include punctuation and spaces along with letters, so really every time you push something on the keyboard that moves the blinking cursor, you're increasing your message by one character.
"Anakin Skywalker clearly had a very logical reason for joining the dark side, given his backstory."
Is 98 characters exactly. So even 100 characters would be the equivalent of a single sentence (or more if they're short sentences).
This one guy on POF complained that 100 characters was far too much and he didn't understand why he had to keep writing to even meet that requirement.
Because a full sentence is such a chore to write.
(Btw, this post is a total of 838 characters long)
This was his message:QuoteIt wants me to write you a long message..... Ugh super annoying.... Still not long enough... Seriously? Whyyyyyyy???? It wants an entire story?
And my response:QuoteBecause it filters out people who send messages that are a single word. Longer messages that are more than just "hi, how're you?" catch my attention and interest much faster.
By the way, 100+ characters is really nothing.
"Hi, my name is Max. I really liked reading your profile. I just thought I'd send a message. How are you?"
That (disincluding the quotes) was 106 characters.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
Lately the horndogs and horntacos have been creeping on there. Just search for "casual sex" and some people's photos and accounts.....damn.So generally on dating sites, I have a 100+ character limit set so that nobody can message me unless they type that much or more.Because most people on dating sites like that, sadly want just to fuck first then talk later.
Most people know that characters include punctuation and spaces along with letters, so really every time you push something on the keyboard that moves the blinking cursor, you're increasing your message by one character.
"Anakin Skywalker clearly had a very logical reason for joining the dark side, given his backstory."
Is 98 characters exactly. So even 100 characters would be the equivalent of a single sentence (or more if they're short sentences).
This one guy on POF complained that 100 characters was far too much and he didn't understand why he had to keep writing to even meet that requirement.
Because a full sentence is such a chore to write.
(Btw, this post is a total of 838 characters long)
This was his message:QuoteIt wants me to write you a long message..... Ugh super annoying.... Still not long enough... Seriously? Whyyyyyyy???? It wants an entire story?
And my response:QuoteBecause it filters out people who send messages that are a single word. Longer messages that are more than just "hi, how're you?" catch my attention and interest much faster.
By the way, 100+ characters is really nothing.
"Hi, my name is Max. I really liked reading your profile. I just thought I'd send a message. How are you?"
That (disincluding the quotes) was 106 characters.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
Then they should stick to Adam4Adam and Grindr, since those cater specifically to hooking up. [emoji14] Whereas POF and OkCupid cater to actual dating.
Lately the horndogs and horntacos have been creeping on there. Just search for "casual sex" and some people's photos and accounts.....damn.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
There's nothing wrong with casual or even promiscuous sex, so long as it's in the right context. Nothing like a bit of fooling around to deepen a friendship with someone...even getting certain pictures of someone you know is something of an enshrinement of the closeness and the trust that you share. I just don't get the hooking up with strangers thing...don't people worry about STDs and just becoming a target in general?
I never said there was anything wrong with it, but when it's not something you're looking for then it becomes highly annoying when it's almost the new norm on a dating site.
And of course not. Hell, even HIV positive people are totally cool with saying they want Bareback and will only do it that way, because people are totally cool having unprotected sex with HIV positive people these days. People are more concerned about getting off than they are about doing it smartly/safely, and some of them even do it to get infected.
It's all quite ridiculous, really.
The hypocrisy is outstanding isn't it?
I swear to god this kid is spoiled and needs to be disciplined. Seriously.The hypocrisy is outstanding isn't it?
They're exes for a reason. Nevar 4get
Who?My landlord/roommate's girlfriend's youngest and spoiled kid. He thinks he can whatever he wants and screams like a bansheee then cries when he gets spanked or has things like the DS tsken away.
I never said there was anything wrong with it, but when it's not something you're looking for then it becomes highly annoying when it's almost the new norm on a dating site.
And of course not. Hell, even HIV positive people are totally cool with saying they want Bareback and will only do it that way, because people are totally cool having unprotected sex with HIV positive people these days. People are more concerned about getting off than they are about doing it smartly/safely, and some of them even do it to get infected.
It's all quite ridiculous, really.
Quite. :P
I don't really understand why people use dating sites anyway, especially those that say they can find you your most compatible matches...how do they know what makes someone compatible? It's good to have similarities, but on the other hand opposites attract, right? I dunno, I have some accounts just to see what's around (it's reassuring just to know there's gay/bi people in the area), but the one time I started talking to someone honestly we ended up having cybersex like 45 minutes into it. I actually kinda regret that we didn't talk much more...at least he put in the effort to talk, we just didn't have much in common.
I'm pessimistic about love and dating and all that to begin with though. :P
So the takeaway is that you hate older guys. :P
So the takeaway is that you hate older guys. [emoji14]I just hate spoiled kids
Hate? No. I actually like talking to guys of any age when it comes to having friends.
Do I want to date them? No. I'd rather date someone closer to my age.
Avoid kidsHate? No. I actually like talking to guys of any age when it comes to having friends.
Do I want to date them? No. I'd rather date someone closer to my age.
Ah yeah, I forgot you don't like dating people like fatties. [emoji14]
Hate? No. I actually like talking to guys of any age when it comes to having friends.
Do I want to date them? No. I'd rather date someone closer to my age.
Ah yeah, I forgot you don't like dating people like fatties. :P
But that just means that someone else will be lucky enough to snatch them up. :P Just because they're not someone I prefer doesn't mean that someone else won't find them stunning and sweep them off their feet. ;)
But that just means that someone else will be lucky enough to snatch them up. :P Just because they're not someone I prefer doesn't mean that someone else won't find them stunning and sweep them off their feet. ;)
It just means that you won't. :P
Oh no, no amount of humbleness and self-deprecation will save you now!
Again.Oh no, no amount of humbleness and self-deprecation will save you now!
But it's true.
If I'm preferential in the sense that I turn down everything else about a person for dating purposes because of looks, then arguably isn't that a good thing anyways that it was something best avoided for them?
It'd be the same thing if I turned down people simply because they were a race that wasn't preferential to me. I may have turned them down for that reason, but that's good for them because they can find someone better for them in the sense of not looking so closely at things such as that, which is what everyone deserves.
And it's not self-deprecation, because I'm not trying to degrade myself or make myself look bad because I don't prefer certain types. Because that's just human nature: We have the set traits that we look for in someone, whether they be emotional/mental, physical, or both. For some people those traits are absolutely ironclad, and for others there's wiggle room, but not a exceptionally large amount. If everyone was absolutely and completely open to what they were looking for, then being single wouldn't even be an issue for anyone in the world, because everyone would most likely fall in love with the first person that they talked to and clicked with on a deeper level.
Alas, that's not the case. You can talk to someone and really click with them on one level, but there are hurdles of levels of compatibility that you may or may not click with outside of that one...which is why it's actually that much harder, to where running into the love of your life is essentially as easy as finding the job that you'll want to be in for the rest of your life (until you retire).
Again.Oh no, no amount of humbleness and self-deprecation will save you now!
But it's true.
If I'm preferential in the sense that I turn down everything else about a person for dating purposes because of looks, then arguably isn't that a good thing anyways that it was something best avoided for them?
It'd be the same thing if I turned down people simply because they were a race that wasn't preferential to me. I may have turned them down for that reason, but that's good for them because they can find someone better for them in the sense of not looking so closely at things such as that, which is what everyone deserves.
And it's not self-deprecation, because I'm not trying to degrade myself or make myself look bad because I don't prefer certain types. Because that's just human nature: We have the set traits that we look for in someone, whether they be emotional/mental, physical, or both. For some people those traits are absolutely ironclad, and for others there's wiggle room, but not a exceptionally large amount. If everyone was absolutely and completely open to what they were looking for, then being single wouldn't even be an issue for anyone in the world, because everyone would most likely fall in love with the first person that they talked to and clicked with on a deeper level.
Alas, that's not the case. You can talk to someone and really click with them on one level, but there are hurdles of levels of compatibility that you may or may not click with outside of that one...which is why it's actually that much harder, to where running into the love of your life is essentially as easy as finding the job that you'll want to be in for the rest of your life (until you retire).
Don't date people with kids
Too much bullshit crazy.
See above.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
This frustrates me @Wintermoot and @Pengu :-/Who?My landlord/roommate's girlfriend's youngest and spoiled kid. He thinks he can whatever he wants and screams like a bansheee then cries when he gets spanked or has things like the DS tsken away.
This girlfriend is moving in apparently and I didn't know until a few days ago that she was. The roommate / landlord didn't tell me, and they used me to pick up a new dog too that has Cushing's Syndrome and forced my cat to stay in the room.
I swear she better pay rent next month.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
Yes, you are quite judgemental on this issue. :P
Kids would make a relationship more difficult, but I still think overall it would be fine so long as the relationship went slow and there was clear and consistent communication like there should be in a relationship anyway. To be quite honest, a person's kids should have priority over someone they're just dating until it has gotten serious...I mean like living together or being married. Kids are your family, a boyfriend/girlfriend is just someone that makes your brain release chemicals that make you feel good.
I have to admit though, I probably wouldn't respond to being hit on by much of anyone. I strongly believe that good mates should be good friends first, so by the time I was even ready to enter a relationship with someone most issues like that would already have fallen into place, I imagine.
Of course... Thank you...I'll be around if you want to talk man.
I have to admit though, I probably wouldn't respond to being hit on by much of anyone. I strongly believe that good mates should be good friends first, so by the time I was even ready to enter a relationship with someone most issues like that would already have fallen into place, I imagine.
I have to admit though, I probably wouldn't respond to being hit on by much of anyone. I strongly believe that good mates should be good friends first, so by the time I was even ready to enter a relationship with someone most issues like that would already have fallen into place, I imagine.
Is this why we haven't fucked yet?
Hammocks are tits.Is that good or bad? :P
Ah, gaming acronyms! I was looking Kotor up and all Google was telling me about was a seaside town in Montenegro!
I would like to say that I have written whole law essays while blazed and that my first language skills actually tend to increase, especially vocabulary. I also never make spelling mistakes when high and become a fucking Jedi master of French verb conjugation.Cocaine, although being such a historically condemned drug, actually increases the brain's rate of activity. Pure cocaine, in small enough quantities, has the exact same effect as Rittalin.
Second language goes straight to Hell, though.
Hmm, interesting theory ??? :)
I was guessing it was more biological than that, I don't know much about brain chemistry though, so I'll just speculate: :)
I know alcohol slows down ones reactions and the iconic slurred speech and saying things you wouldn't normally say is due to parts of your brain communicating too slowly for other parts. I imagine something similar happens when you get "so high" :)) . As in it's possible the area responsible for saying words is where you come up with what you are going to type but a more logicically (possibly complicated) part is where you tell your hands and fingers to type it out, so the communication between these two parts could be slowed, interrupted or confused, like with alcohol.
Although then again I am just speculating... you have the experience and your explanation seems more thought out :-\ it's also still possible it's combination, for example you are describing the more personal effects while I am closer to the root cause or vice-versa(for example)...
Whatever the case it is very interesting ^-^
Fascinating how I watched that for an hour and just...couldn't pull myself away. I didn't want to...I just eventually forced myself to. It was a tranquil feeling, to be sure. :)what did you watch?
My landlord roommate decided that he/she doesn't want to renew the lease anymore because they'd rather move in their sketchy girlfriend and crazy kids.
So I now have 30 days to move out even though the rent was paid on the 1st.
Fucking great.
So much for a fucking friend.
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There must be a surplus.Guys the new Halo 5 Xbox One.......my birthday is in October.......just saying [emoji14]
I'd think you'd ask for like... Rent... Or a home or something...There must be a surplus.Guys the new Halo 5 Xbox One.......my birthday is in October.......just saying [emoji14]
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
Reon echoed my thoughts...I just didn't want to say it out loud. :P
Gov, you're facing eviction and you don't have a job...I would think games would be one of the last things on your priority list. =/
Priorities, man.
Reon echoed my thoughts...I just didn't want to say it out loud. :PThat's my job! Sayin' the blunt things people think...
Whats on my mind? My hat. Thank you, I'll be here all week, don't forget to tip the waiters!
which takes him to another realm (essentially another “dream” realm, because I do so love transporting him to so many realms in one book, just to make the reader go “OH COME ON!”)
I found an important wikihow http://www.wikihow.com/Pee-Yourself-as-a-Woman
Played a practice Civ game with Reon last night...he got rekt. :P
Have you been practicing against the AI?I need practise against a human player :-/
I met Reon todayI met Nox today...
God, that party was several hours of pretending to be someone I'm not
(https://scontent.fsnc1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xat1/v/t1.0-9/s480x480/11813410_958792407515970_4917019298898767907_n.png?oh=a911edea14d30c7d7683d01224e1d3ff&oe=564D7224)Wow, how'd you find this rare photo of me?
I had the oddest dream last night...I dreamed that I got distracted and drove off a bridge and nearly died. X_x
Don't worry though, I recovered and ended up sucking off one of the Backstreet Boys...circa 15 years ago. O_O
It's odd because I've never, ever been attracted to any member of the Backstreet Boys. They were way too clean-cut for me. My fantasies at the time geared more toward Sum41. :P
It's my birthday
It's my birthdayIt is, in fact, her birthday!
It's my birthdayHope it's a happy one~
Craving some spicy foodToo bad Mexican is only open now
Wouldn't it be a riot if both of you were talking about the same promotion?!
Uh...well, if you get one of those emails with more money in it, forward it to me will ya? :))
For the third day in a row, some bastard parked his Smartcar in my motorcycle space at work. If this keeps up, I'm going turn this stupid Smartcar into an ashtray.Smart cars are pretty light... Just push it into the middle of the parking lot.
For the third day in a row, some bastard parked his Smartcar in my motorcycle space at work. If this keeps up, I'm going turn this stupid Smartcar into an ashtray.Smart cars are pretty light... Just push it into the middle of the parking lot.
There are options to every situation.For the third day in a row, some bastard parked his Smartcar in my motorcycle space at work. If this keeps up, I'm going turn this stupid Smartcar into an ashtray.Smart cars are pretty light... Just push it into the middle of the parking lot.
Or off a cliff.
There are options to every situation.For the third day in a row, some bastard parked his Smartcar in my motorcycle space at work. If this keeps up, I'm going turn this stupid Smartcar into an ashtray.Smart cars are pretty light... Just push it into the middle of the parking lot.
Or off a cliff.
Nope! Smart car drivers in Seattle and Tacoma are generally terrible people and I too dream of destroying their various cars.There are options to every situation.For the third day in a row, some bastard parked his Smartcar in my motorcycle space at work. If this keeps up, I'm going turn this stupid Smartcar into an ashtray.Smart cars are pretty light... Just push it into the middle of the parking lot.
Or off a cliff.
Indeed, and I can think of many for this one. :D Does that make me a bad person?
Smart cars are pretty light... Just push it into the middle of the parking lot.I'm a small woman. :(
I have acquired said vintage pre-1950s clarinet for under $50Oh, do you play?
Nope! Smart car drivers in Seattle and Tacoma are generally terrible people and I too dream of destroying their various cars.There are options to every situation.For the third day in a row, some bastard parked his Smartcar in my motorcycle space at work. If this keeps up, I'm going turn this stupid Smartcar into an ashtray.Smart cars are pretty light... Just push it into the middle of the parking lot.
Or off a cliff.
Indeed, and I can think of many for this one. :D Does that make me a bad person?
Yeah, they're everywhere and I have a grudge against ALL OF THEM.Nope! Smart car drivers in Seattle and Tacoma are generally terrible people and I too dream of destroying their various cars.There are options to every situation.For the third day in a row, some bastard parked his Smartcar in my motorcycle space at work. If this keeps up, I'm going turn this stupid Smartcar into an ashtray.Smart cars are pretty light... Just push it into the middle of the parking lot.
Or off a cliff.
Indeed, and I can think of many for this one. :D Does that make me a bad person?
Amusing. I've actually never seen them that often in Tacoma, though I imagine they're all over Seattle.
No comment on my new clarinet?
Smart cars are pretty light... Just push it into the middle of the parking lot.I'm a small woman. :(I have acquired said vintage pre-1950s clarinet for under $50Oh, do you play?
Yay~ The festival! What's the festival?
=( I'm working, then flying tomorrow!
Awesome clarinet Noxy ^-^Ebay. And yes, I play, played for about 12 years
But I have to ask how you found one so cheap!? :)
=( I'm working, then flying tomorrow!
Like Hannah said, it only starts tomorrow. But it'll be going on until the 23rd, so anyone wishing to take part has plenty of time to join in on the fun.
Out of curiosity, why do you have to go between Malaysia and Singapore so often?
So do you work at a real-estate firm?
It's nice to be back (again). Hopefully this time I can sort my shit out and get things moving.YAY! WELCOME BACK!
It's nice to be back (again). Hopefully this time I can sort my shit out and get things moving.
Snap. That awkward moment when you realise you've accidentally been leading a girl on, and she COMPLETELY gets the wrong idea. :/Opps, you did it again. :P
Apparently witty repartee is considered flirting when done with the opposite sex. :/
Gods, I feel kinda shitty now. It's not that I don't enjoy this particular girl's company, her beliefs are just too far removed from my own to ever make us work as more than friends.
I recognise the truth of this from a rational stand-point, but how do I do this without sounding like a douche, and completely crushing her heart?
Well, I suppose if she's anything like me, and the tables were turned, I'd probably end up slightly hurt no matter how nicely she puts it. But mostly I'll feel embarrassed for being so dense. And after a short while of being hurt and awkward around her, I'll just accept it and move swiftly on, and may or may not still want to be friends.
So I guess I should just steel myself and get it over with, in as nice and firm way as possible.
Laurentus be like
No really though, I hope things work out.
Stay hopeful my friend!
Memorial service tomorrow! Or today. Time.
I got a new outfit for it... Sort of casual sort of dressy... Maybe I'll post pictures if I like how it looks...
In the meantime I'm debating whether to read my completely crazy grandmothers obsessive bible... I don't know if I really want to but at the same time it will always be the only connection or understanding of her I can ever have? So... Debating...
In Seattle this week.. and next week. If any Seattlites want to hang out I'm game. I can pay for whatevah meals if someone wants to go out to eat.Yooooooooooooooooooooo we should go out to eat or do something!
Might be fun! I'm just so oooooo sooooo lonely.
In Seattle this week.. and next week. If any Seattlites want to hang out I'm game. I can pay for whatevah meals if someone wants to go out to eat.
Might be fun! I'm just so oooooo sooooo lonely.
So... Three days into college, I've gotten up at 2:45 AM to audition for a 24 hour play festival. Carpe Diem and YOLO and all that jazz. Wish me luck and hope that I don't die.Cheer up, it only gets worse. :P
Need... Caffeine...
In Seattle this week.. and next week. If any Seattlites want to hang out I'm game. I can pay for whatevah meals if someone wants to go out to eat.Welcome to my life :-/
Might be fun! I'm just so oooooo sooooo lonely.
I don't know what's up with me lately...maybe I just need some time away from things.
what's with the trial?Chanku is suing Pengu because of speaker procedures
what's with the trial?Chanku is suing Pengu because of speaker procedures
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
yes. you can sue for recourses not involving money or compensationwhat's with the trial?Chanku is suing Pengu because of speaker procedures
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
Would suing even be the correct word if there's no money involved? [emoji14]
I hereby sue you for emotional damages, GET JUDGE JUDY
I don't know about city and town names, but I do know that in Skyrim they divided the land into nine separate areas called holds, and tried to give each hold a distinct geography and culture, so the northern and central areas were very harsh and wintry, while the southern areas were more temperate, and each area had its own things going on and stuff.I'm following a system I derived from TES, actually; we have around 25 to 30 Rides, which are grouped into the 8 Territories - mainly because if I only had one tier each section would cover huge tracts of land and that's kinda infeasible in the setting, so I just made two :p
I don't know about city and town names, but I do know that in Skyrim they divided the land into nine separate areas called holds, and tried to give each hold a distinct geography and culture, so the northern and central areas were very harsh and wintry, while the southern areas were more temperate, and each area had its own things going on and stuff.I'm following a system I derived from TES, actually; we have around 25 to 30 Rides, which are grouped into the 8 Territories - mainly because if I only had one tier each section would cover huge tracts of land and that's kinda infeasible in the setting, so I just made two :p
E: To be a little clearer about this, Wintreath covers an area of a little less than 10,000,000 miles, so having fewer but larger territories wouldn't really work; the nation is far too diverse to classify in less than ten areas. Thus, the 25-30 Rides divided up into 8 or 9 Territories :)
Or twice the size of the dwarf planet Pluto...
Though in all fairness Asia is 17M square miles... And would be far less diverse than our little ridiculous fictional region...
Asia is incredibly incredibly diverse, I won't argue that... Buuuut it is bound by like resource availability, culture spreads, and reality problems... Which we are not... So... You know... I'd expect us to be more diverse...Or twice the size of the dwarf planet Pluto...
Though in all fairness Asia is 17M square miles... And would be far less diverse than our little ridiculous fictional region...
I disagree, Asia is incredibly diverse.
Japan is diverse, or perverse
It's not meant to be proportionate to anything else. Wintreath exists (in the RP setting I'm discussing) as one of the smaller nations in a world that varies wildly between extremes. Sure, to compare it to real life makes the comparison a ridiculous one, but in setting I need all that space for the diversity Wintreath contains. Read the EoS thread :)I don't know about city and town names, but I do know that in Skyrim they divided the land into nine separate areas called holds, and tried to give each hold a distinct geography and culture, so the northern and central areas were very harsh and wintry, while the southern areas were more temperate, and each area had its own things going on and stuff.I'm following a system I derived from TES, actually; we have around 25 to 30 Rides, which are grouped into the 8 Territories - mainly because if I only had one tier each section would cover huge tracts of land and that's kinda infeasible in the setting, so I just made two :p
E: To be a little clearer about this, Wintreath covers an area of a little less than 10,000,000 miles, so having fewer but larger territories wouldn't really work; the nation is far too diverse to classify in less than ten areas. Thus, the 25-30 Rides divided up into 8 or 9 Territories :)
10m sq mi seems way out of proportion. Canada is a bit less than 4m sq mi and it's enormous, not to mention most of it is almost uninhabitable. You're talking about a country as big as Canada + Russia combined.
It's not meant to be proportionate to anything else. Wintreath exists (in the RP setting I'm discussing) as one of the smaller nations in a world that varies wildly between extremes. Sure, to compare it to real life makes the comparison a ridiculous one, but in setting I need all that space for the diversity Wintreath contains. Read the EoS thread :)I don't know about city and town names, but I do know that in Skyrim they divided the land into nine separate areas called holds, and tried to give each hold a distinct geography and culture, so the northern and central areas were very harsh and wintry, while the southern areas were more temperate, and each area had its own things going on and stuff.I'm following a system I derived from TES, actually; we have around 25 to 30 Rides, which are grouped into the 8 Territories - mainly because if I only had one tier each section would cover huge tracts of land and that's kinda infeasible in the setting, so I just made two :p
E: To be a little clearer about this, Wintreath covers an area of a little less than 10,000,000 miles, so having fewer but larger territories wouldn't really work; the nation is far too diverse to classify in less than ten areas. Thus, the 25-30 Rides divided up into 8 or 9 Territories :)
10m sq mi seems way out of proportion. Canada is a bit less than 4m sq mi and it's enormous, not to mention most of it is almost uninhabitable. You're talking about a country as big as Canada + Russia combined.
EDIT: Moving past this, the Rides can be and are as different from one another as they can imaginably be, but the Territories group Rides by location and climate into 9 more distinct groups. Within those Territories you might find similar attitudes because of how harsh the winters are or from shared experiences in the deep Past, but hugely different architectural styles and gearwork principles (although they are more unified than they ever have been in the past).
For example, the Erivale Rides is a harsh place to live and gives rise to some of the strongest men and women Wintreath knows, yet as part of the Far Northern Territory it and its sister Rides have a mentality similar to the Starks of GoT. On a singular Ride level you don't get that sort of thing, but when seen as part of a Territory you do. Micro-nations within micro-nations within the nation, if that makes sense.
Something must've broken in my brain because I'm losing control a lot faster. It takes a lot of effort to stay even when people are around. I'm glad I'm home alone a lot.
They never happen in South Africa. That's what's worrying.I think they're happening everywhere now. =/
They never happen in South Africa. That's what's worrying.As long as your government is vigilant and as long as the people are as well, that's what matters.
That moment when you realise you've just completely destroyed your winning chess position... in the final round... in front of the entire crowd... and messed up your chance for second place. :/I know the feeling
I'm off to a fabulous start for my college career. My first paper was assigned a week and a half ago to be due at 2 o'clock today.
I started it two hours ago.
It's done, but this is not a habit I want to keep from high school.
So you might have noticed that recently my activity hasn't been all that high, in face I was pretty quiet on here for a little while :-\ ... Sure I was a little busy but it was more than that, I have just been a little tired as of late with everything I have had sort of a burnt out feeling, so I have been trying to broaden my horizons a bit and have been going out... not doing much mainly walking around going to coffee shops and pubs and sitting about :P but now that I have been doing that for a while and have managed to get some basic human interaction back in my life (however meagre) I feel once again fresh and raring for pretty much anything! ^-^ Which is good because my University course starts back on the 21st... :))
God, its hard to tell the difference between Noxy and Reon when they are next to each other :]
God, its hard to tell the difference between Noxy and Reon when they are next to each other :]
How so @North? Did they post a pic of themselves recently o.O?
/me sighsWhat's up?
But I'm Andras, he's AsmodeusIt's true, they're totally different.
But I'm Andras, he's Asmodeus
So my local paper has been publishing these 'letters to the editor' about gay marriage after people complained that their coverage wasn't reflecting what people in the area felt...these being letters that people wrote to the newspaper to get published. I don't know if it's like the same person under different names or what, but they all claim that gay marriage is proof that this is the 'end times' and that God is going to punish everyone for their 'sinful ways'. It's like the same letter worded a bit differently each time...
It's really a bit amusing, really lol.
Lol, what isn't proof that the end times are coming? And what kind of god would punish someone for being gay, let alone for someone else being gay?Sodom...according to them.
So my local paper has been publishing these 'letters to the editor' about gay marriage after people complained that their coverage wasn't reflecting what people in the area felt...these being letters that people wrote to the newspaper to get published. I don't know if it's like the same person under different names or what, but they all claim that gay marriage is proof that this is the 'end times' and that God is going to punish everyone for their 'sinful ways'. It's like the same letter worded a bit differently each time...
It's really a bit amusing, really lol.
Lol, what isn't proof that the end times are coming? And what kind of god would punish someone for being gay, let alone for someone else being gay?
It's the end of an era, I lose my citizenship next check for the first time in wintreath history.
My poor tummy feels so bad and growly but nauseated so I don't want to eat anything.. =(
I made a yummy curry and everything.
That civil war course would be interesting. Not a lot of discussion going on about that time period.The Revolutionary period through Reconstruction is my favourite period of American history, and I've studied the Civil War era a lot since I was a kid...I'm really excited about the course, especially since it's apparently being taught by an expert.
My dad told my i'm not feminine at all and to stop it with the "Trans bullshit" yesterday and it's really bugging meI think a lot of parents are resistant at first...in fairness, they've always known you as a male, and all their thoughts and dreams about you since you were born were framed by that identification. Hopefully as time passes and he gets more used to you as a girl, he will come to understand. Just be confident in who you are until then, and I'm sure all the pieces will fall into place. :)
Wintermoot, look up the CSS HunleyI'm actually knowledgeable about it...there was a lot of news about it when it was raised a few years ago. I think it's interesting how the Civil War at times utilized tactics from years before and at times experimented with technology that would be at the forefront of future wars...the submarine, the gatling gun, trench warfare in the siege of Richmond, etc.
Wintermoot, look up the CSS HunleyI'm actually knowledgeable about it...there was a lot of news about it when it was raised a few years ago. I think it's interesting how the Civil War at times utilized tactics from years before and at times experimented with technology that would be at the forefront of future wars...the submarine, the gatling gun, trench warfare in the siege of Richmond, etc.
Wintermoot, look up the CSS HunleyI'm actually knowledgeable about it...there was a lot of news about it when it was raised a few years ago. I think it's interesting how the Civil War at times utilized tactics from years before and at times experimented with technology that would be at the forefront of future wars...the submarine, the gatling gun, trench warfare in the siege of Richmond, etc.
I also find it fascinating that in WW1 the US took all the valuable lessons they learned in the Civil War... and ignored them in favour of the good ole' full frontal assault technique. Well done, General Pershing.
Frontal charge was also an unfortunate tactic of the Civil War...many of its generals were trained from or had experience with earlier wars using muskets and early artillery, and failed to understand that charging against newer artillery and rifles was a much deadlier combination. The charge against Marye's Heights in the Battle of Fredricksburg is a great example of this.
Yay for hour-ling depressing conversations with dad about how I shattered my dignity to the family and how I bring shame to him. Apparently I'm going to be homeless because i refuse to abandon my cat while looking for a job and a new place to live.
He tells me I'll never find a job in my field and yet he feels shamed by the fact that I do temp manual labour work and seek retail jobs for a person who has a BS degree for someone from a Brahmin Indian family.
He asks when I'm going to get married and I don't even have a girlfriend yet because I've been trying to become stable yet he doesn't know why I can't find someone.
Love the level of motivation I get. I'm going to be 32 in three days and I feel shitty and worthless.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
Who would be willing to listen? Not many have said anything :-/
Who would be willing to listen? Not many have said anything :-/I listen, and I'm willing to continue doing so.
I'm just morbidly curious as to if this is actually a thing...O_OSpoiler(https://wintreath.com/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FJBxUUor.jpg&hash=62421438d6cb8f456973b08527860538)
Cant tell if I'm supposed to be terrified by Wintermoot's new profile pic or aroused.....Who cares what you're supposed to be...are you aroused by it? :P
I don't see why that can't be when this is:I guess there's erotica of everything hahaSpoiler(https://wintreath.com/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fecx.images-amazon.com%2Fimages%2FI%2F51f%252BcNHRVOL._SX355_BO1%2C204%2C203%2C200_.jpg&hash=fb66d861b4537b0b87c739d629f7b707)
Cant tell if I'm supposed to be terrified by Wintermoot's new profile pic or aroused.....Who cares what you're supposed to be...are you aroused by it? :PI don't see why that can't be when this is:I guess there's erotica of everything hahaSpoiler(https://wintreath.com/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fecx.images-amazon.com%2Fimages%2FI%2F51f%252BcNHRVOL._SX355_BO1%2C204%2C203%2C200_.jpg&hash=fb66d861b4537b0b87c739d629f7b707)
[crosses legs]/me pulls at your legs
uhhh...... I plead the fifth....
[crosses legs]/me pulls at your legs
uhhh...... I plead the fifth....
Show me! Show me right nao! xD
Much as I love men pulling at my legs telling me to show them my boomstick I think I'll keep it where it is....:(
Much as I love men pulling at my legs telling me to show them my boomstick I think I'll keep it where it is....:(
Can we talk about something other than my strange arousal by an erotic drawing of slenderman? Like, I dont know, didnt Noxy say something about Viking time travel erotica? Lets talk about that!/me gets bored and walks off
I'm just morbidly curious as to if this is actually a thing...O_OSpoiler(https://wintreath.com/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FJBxUUor.jpg&hash=62421438d6cb8f456973b08527860538)
I have actually read a short story with a similar title and premise online :)) , I read a bunch of creepypasta's and the like and sometimes I accidentally read stuff like this, though I still finished it of course. ^-^And is it actually...you know, hot? And not as corny as it looks? :P
So yes, it is 100% a thing! :)
I have actually read a short story with a similar title and premise online :)) , I read a bunch of creepypasta's and the like and sometimes I accidentally read stuff like this, though I still finished it of course. ^-^And is it actually...you know, hot? And not as corny as it looks? :P
So yes, it is 100% a thing! :)
In any case, I've completed the second week of the Unity3D game development course! I don't know what my grade is because my assignment submission is being peer reviewed...but this week I learned how to import game assets, create basic 3D geometric objects, position them, then apply components to them (textures, audio, scripts, etc). Also learned how to set the camera and create additional cameras, including adding an audio listener...and then I learned how to build the project into an actual thing that people can run. :D
Out with Harper, in with Trudeau. Majority government again.
He says he's going to legalize weed, making us the biggest, most important country with the world with 100% legal weed.
Suck it murrikans.
Out with Harper, in with Trudeau. Majority government again.
He says he's going to legalize weed, making us the biggest, most important country with the world with 100% legal weed.
Suck it murrikans.
Out with Harper, in with Trudeau. Majority government again.
He says he's going to legalize weed, making us the biggest, most important country with the world with 100% legal weed.
Suck it murrikans.
I'm saddened that we Americans have no hope of our next president having superior hair to your new PM.
Out with Harper, in with Trudeau. Majority government again.
He says he's going to legalize weed, making us the biggest, most important country with the world with 100% legal weed.
Suck it murrikans.
Is he going to do that before or after he falls down a flight of stairs? :]
In all seriousness, its a good thing he won.
That video will never stop amusing me. Ever.
That video will never stop amusing me. Ever.
Now we just need outgoing PM Stephen Harper falling down those stairs. Or Mulcair. Either way the symbolism is there.
That video will never stop amusing me. Ever.
Now we just need outgoing PM Stephen Harper falling down those stairs. Or Mulcair. Either way the symbolism is there.
Harper lost but Mulcair was crushed.
Politics are only for idiots, sycophants, psychopaths and narcissists. I am forced to vote to keep the ANC from gaining a two-thirds majority, but I absolutely hate all the candidates and parties in South Africa.
Politics are only for idiots, sycophants, psychopaths and narcissists. I am forced to vote to keep the ANC from gaining a two-thirds majority, but I absolutely hate all the candidates and parties in South Africa.
The ANC looks like a number from what I've read. No matter how great majority rule is, it seems clear to me that the ANC lost its only real competent exponent in Mandela. It's only what I've read and heard between the grapevines, obviously it doesn't compare to RL experience, but each successive ANC president has been a disaster for various reasons. Mbeki and HIV denialism, Zuma...do I really need to talk about Zuma? Guy took a shower after allegedly raping a chick because he thought it would help him avoid catching HIV. Also, he knew she was positive and he went in without a condom anyway, which is so reckless it might as well be considered slow-fire suicide. He got rocked by an apparently big corruption scandal too (I think everybody knows that politicians everywhere are corrupt, but at least ours don't get caught...often). It sounds like he's none too smart. What is he doing as president?
However the ANC continues to benefit from being the party of the guy who, with de Klerk, ended apartheid, and became an international hero. That's huge political capital to have, even if the guys leading it now are terrible at their jobs. I bet their campaigns could be "vote ANC, we did something great in 1994" and they'd still win hands down. Meanwhile the other parties are "blessed" with irrelevancy, political extremism/utter dumbfuckness and/or factionalism, and another is not gaining much tract possibly because it's mainly white (correct me if I'm wrong), despite Helen Zille not looking even a quarter as incompetent as the rest of the leaders.
I mean, I don't want to offend you or anybody, mate, but if I were South African, I'd pretty much steer my whole life towards emigrating somewhere else. Sounds to me like SA went from a dictatorship of the minority to a dictatorship of the majority. I always wanted to visit though, I like nature and I always wanted to see Africa, but I also need all the modern comforts without them being too expensive because I'm a coddled North American and I don't like hardship. Sounds like SA is my best bet for a compromise. Just gotta be inconspicuous.
With politics like that, I'd hate them too. We don't realize here that we're very lucky to have a choice, even if its between which dildo we get up our ass. In many, many other countries, they just take the biggest one available and ram it in without lube. No offence to those who enjoy dildos up their asses. Politics, especially democracy, universally tend to give power to those most unfit to rule, those predisposed to obfuscation, manipulation, ruthlessness, because that's what it takes to get power in a democracy. Look at Obama. Guy's whole platform was "change!" What change did Americans get? Half-baked healthcare "reform" that now makes it sit in between universal and private healthcare, and that's not a very comfy place because it pisses off everyone. The rest is mostly the same shit it was with Bush : he goes 'round, bombs foreign countries, gets in rows with Russia, lets intellgence agencies spy on everyone including citizens, and signs right-curbing legislation.
I always thought any functioning democracy should at least have a recall mechanism drawing its source directly from the people. Else there's nothing keeping politicians from breaking all their promises and doing nothing they said they'd do. What kind of democracy is that? People choose once then get bent for four years? It's a joke.
Also more and more I've been thinking that the vote should be restricted. Voting is a duty, not a right, and it should only be awarded to those who can acquit themselves of this duty responsibly. There are more people than I care to know here voting for candidates for stupid reasons, like "he/she is hot" or in Canada's recent case, "he wants to legalize weed so we can 420blazeit all day erry day". For every one person who takes the time to research current issues, political positions, credentials of the candidate, ignores obvious propaganda and seeks information from reliable third parties as unbiased as possible, weights the pros and cons and bases his vote on an educated opinion, there are 100 morons voting according to ad spots on TV, regurgitated propaganda by heavily biased columnists, corporate or celebrity endorsements, or even in a few cases, utterly randomly. But in a modern democracy, my vote is worth exactly the same as the vote of a complete and utter imbecile, which is the whole point of universal suffrage anyway, to get more votes from idiots. The right to vote should be earned, not given, as if given it has no value.
I used to take voting really seriously, I'd throw my ballot in the advance polls, listen to all the debates, assiduously follow political news from reliable sources, keep track of all the scandals, research my riding's candidates and the leaders and the party platforms, weigh everything in the balance. I'd even watch CPAC (parliamentary channel) when I had nothing better to do so I could assess the performance of the MPs. I'd encourage anyone around me to do the same because I thought it was my duty to make people interested in politics so they can take hold of their destiny. It didn't matter to me what their opinion was, as long as it was backed up by diligent research just like mine. The important was that they go out and make themselves heard even if we completely disagreed on everything. At one point there even was considerable friction between my ex and I because she was apolitical, and in my opinion that may as well have been tantamount to just reverting to the good old serfdom days. But then I realized that no matter how informed my choice, there is always going to be one asshole who makes my vote worth nothing because "uhh duuuh this guy wants to give me money". Most likely there is going to be 10 such assholes. 100. Thousands and thousands country-wide.
So what's the point? I didn't vote this election. I still did my research, but I didn't vote because it doesn't matter. And sure enough, the guy affiliated with the party who has done nothing all campaign but run attack ads mocking Trudeau because he has nice hair and pretended to be the best guys to manage "the economy" (I guarantee you 95% of all voters do not know exactly what the economy is and can't define it for you) despite landing us in a recession (only G8 country to be in one) by creating a short-term boom by putting all the eggs into the oil basket won with 50%+ of the vote. So essentially my vote would have been worth absolutely zip because of FPTP. Fucking fantastic.
Politics are only for idiots, sycophants, psychopaths and narcissists. I am forced to vote to keep the ANC from gaining a two-thirds majority, but I absolutely hate all the candidates and parties in South Africa.
The ANC looks like a number from what I've read. No matter how great majority rule is, it seems clear to me that the ANC lost its only real competent exponent in Mandela. It's only what I've read and heard between the grapevines, obviously it doesn't compare to RL experience, but each successive ANC president has been a disaster for various reasons. Mbeki and HIV denialism, Zuma...do I really need to talk about Zuma? Guy took a shower after allegedly raping a chick because he thought it would help him avoid catching HIV. Also, he knew she was positive and he went in without a condom anyway, which is so reckless it might as well be considered slow-fire suicide. He got rocked by an apparently big corruption scandal too (I think everybody knows that politicians everywhere are corrupt, but at least ours don't get caught...often). It sounds like he's none too smart. What is he doing as president?
However the ANC continues to benefit from being the party of the guy who, with de Klerk, ended apartheid, and became an international hero. That's huge political capital to have, even if the guys leading it now are terrible at their jobs. I bet their campaigns could be "vote ANC, we did something great in 1994" and they'd still win hands down. Meanwhile the other parties are "blessed" with irrelevancy, political extremism/utter dumbfuckness and/or factionalism, and another is not gaining much tract possibly because it's mainly white (correct me if I'm wrong), despite Helen Zille not looking even a quarter as incompetent as the rest of the leaders.
I mean, I don't want to offend you or anybody, mate, but if I were South African, I'd pretty much steer my whole life towards emigrating somewhere else. Sounds to me like SA went from a dictatorship of the minority to a dictatorship of the majority. I always wanted to visit though, I like nature and I always wanted to see Africa, but I also need all the modern comforts without them being too expensive because I'm a coddled North American and I don't like hardship. Sounds like SA is my best bet for a compromise. Just gotta be inconspicuous.
With politics like that, I'd hate them too. We don't realize here that we're very lucky to have a choice, even if its between which dildo we get up our ass. In many, many other countries, they just take the biggest one available and ram it in without lube. No offence to those who enjoy dildos up their asses. Politics, especially democracy, universally tend to give power to those most unfit to rule, those predisposed to obfuscation, manipulation, ruthlessness, because that's what it takes to get power in a democracy. Look at Obama. Guy's whole platform was "change!" What change did Americans get? Half-baked healthcare "reform" that now makes it sit in between universal and private healthcare, and that's not a very comfy place because it pisses off everyone. The rest is mostly the same shit it was with Bush : he goes 'round, bombs foreign countries, gets in rows with Russia, lets intellgence agencies spy on everyone including citizens, and signs right-curbing legislation.
I always thought any functioning democracy should at least have a recall mechanism drawing its source directly from the people. Else there's nothing keeping politicians from breaking all their promises and doing nothing they said they'd do. What kind of democracy is that? People choose once then get bent for four years? It's a joke.
Also more and more I've been thinking that the vote should be restricted. Voting is a duty, not a right, and it should only be awarded to those who can acquit themselves of this duty responsibly. There are more people than I care to know here voting for candidates for stupid reasons, like "he/she is hot" or in Canada's recent case, "he wants to legalize weed so we can 420blazeit all day erry day". For every one person who takes the time to research current issues, political positions, credentials of the candidate, ignores obvious propaganda and seeks information from reliable third parties as unbiased as possible, weights the pros and cons and bases his vote on an educated opinion, there are 100 morons voting according to ad spots on TV, regurgitated propaganda by heavily biased columnists, corporate or celebrity endorsements, or even in a few cases, utterly randomly. But in a modern democracy, my vote is worth exactly the same as the vote of a complete and utter imbecile, which is the whole point of universal suffrage anyway, to get more votes from idiots. The right to vote should be earned, not given, as if given it has no value.
I used to take voting really seriously, I'd throw my ballot in the advance polls, listen to all the debates, assiduously follow political news from reliable sources, keep track of all the scandals, research my riding's candidates and the leaders and the party platforms, weigh everything in the balance. I'd even watch CPAC (parliamentary channel) when I had nothing better to do so I could assess the performance of the MPs. I'd encourage anyone around me to do the same because I thought it was my duty to make people interested in politics so they can take hold of their destiny. It didn't matter to me what their opinion was, as long as it was backed up by diligent research just like mine. The important was that they go out and make themselves heard even if we completely disagreed on everything. At one point there even was considerable friction between my ex and I because she was apolitical, and in my opinion that may as well have been tantamount to just reverting to the good old serfdom days. But then I realized that no matter how informed my choice, there is always going to be one asshole who makes my vote worth nothing because "uhh duuuh this guy wants to give me money". Most likely there is going to be 10 such assholes. 100. Thousands and thousands country-wide.
So what's the point? I didn't vote this election. I still did my research, but I didn't vote because it doesn't matter. And sure enough, the guy affiliated with the party who has done nothing all campaign but run attack ads mocking Trudeau because he has nice hair and pretended to be the best guys to manage "the economy" (I guarantee you 95% of all voters do not know exactly what the economy is and can't define it for you) despite landing us in a recession (only G8 country to be in one) by creating a short-term boom by putting all the eggs into the oil basket won with 50%+ of the vote. So essentially my vote would have been worth absolutely zip because of FPTP. Fucking fantastic.
I cant help but laugh at your assessment of the nature of democracy. It sounds exactly like something someone who has never been in a country without real choices would say. In Singapore, like them or not, the PAP runs the show. Dont like their immigration policy? So what. Dont like their "Asian Values" bullshit? Tough. Dont like the cronyism? Their economic policy? Anything at all? To bad. And you'd better learn to live with them because they will never leave if this election was anything to go by. At least you have choices and chances in Canada.
Thinking about everything I ever did wrong and what things could have been if I had been a better man. I always get one day per year of this shit. Wish I had something to drink or smoke.
You need the Unity plugin for it to work, which Chrome doesn't support anymore...should work with Firefox or maybe even IE.
You need the Unity plugin for it to work, which Chrome doesn't support anymore...should work with Firefox or maybe even IE.
Internet Explorer? What heresy is this? :]
You need the Unity plugin for it to work, which Chrome doesn't support anymore...should work with Firefox or maybe even IE.
Internet Explorer? What heresy is this? :]
Ugh...just deleted by /usr/bin folder...
I graduated High school last week
I may be moving to Australia soon. This was not an easy decision to make.Woah. What changed?
It's not really that anything has changed, it's more that the fight has left me. The recent student riots, and the government's inability to deal with it properly, was just the final blow. There are far worse problems, like our water utility, power utility, idiotic implementation of affirmative action (which has left many white males completely without a job), and the EFF's meteoric rise to power, despite their blatant racist and xenophobic policies. I'm also expected to work nearly for free for the state after graduating, but the government doesn't want to do anything for me or any other students, and on top of that, even with my excellent grades and work performance, I'll still get passed over one day when it comes to job promotions because I am a white male.
Luckily no lawyer struggles to find work, but I am just sick of everything in South Africa. Eskom, our power utility, is going ahead with its plan to fire 7000 white males in management positions, despite this power crisis already being the result of people in management who don't have the necessary skills or experience.
Interestingly, among black South Africans in their middle ages and older, this is widely condemned, but the black youth has largely fallen under the spell of Julius Malema, the leader of the EFF, despite the youth never feeling the blow of apartheid themselves.
I just can't see a future here anymore. I've felt like this for awhile, but these recent student riots have just broken something in me. I firmly believed we were at least in good hands with regards to our future engineers, lawyers and educated politicians, but these riots have destroyed that illusion.
Thank you, North. I appreciate it. :)
Welcome to apartheid 2.0
EDIT: More information can be found here (http://businesstech.co.za/news/general/80085/too-many-whites-in-gauteng/). Needless to say, I would be pretty pissed if this shit succeeds in court. I don't think I even need to explain why.
Same here, Gov.
I've no clue how good this team is, but suddenly they're my favourite. =PTSM is decent enough.Spoiler(https://i.imgur.com/80zyNWR.jpg)
TSM is decent enough.
You can load Windows onto a Mac, while still keeping OS X, right? I think you call it dual-booting?As a Mac user myself (it's what I use as my primary machine) you certainly can. You have two options.
When you're upset about something and try to make it clear to them so they'll pick up on it and they just never do. *sigh* And no, it's not anyone I've talked to today before anyone asks. =pWhat was the situation?
In happier news, I bought the 1st Starcraft II game so I can play games with @HannahB and @Evelynx. I'm looking forward to getting my ass kicked. [emoji14]
But admitting you're stoned WON'T get you in trouble? :)
I'm officially on vacation. For two months.
But I suppose I'll be working more this month to afford my trip to the Congo.
why go to the Congo?
why go to the Congo?
Why NOT go to the Congo? :P
Why does anyone go anywhere? :P
I've never been there, and want to see the sights.
This is my 8888th post. :D
So something happened for the first time last night...I literally fell asleep in my computer chair. I've been trying to be someone that does more things than just post on here and watch Youtube and porn, so I've been trying to do a lot of gaming, working out, studying up on things, and I guess between that and still coming off the shock of getting back on the work schedule it just happened. Fortunately at some point I woke up and went to bed though, lol.
My computer chair is a piano bench, so I don't have that problem. One time I took a nap on the living room floor though.
What kind of stuff have you been studying?
Which Congo will you be visiting, and what areas?The larger Democratic Republic. What I mainly want to see is the Congo River, and the accompanying tropical wildlife, but as these things go, I'll end up seeing a lot more things I hadn't even known about while there, probably.
Thank you, I most likely will. :).
Just out of curiosity, why don't you want to visit Africa? It is incredibly beautiful.
Will do, Point Breeze. :)
My computer chair is a piano bench, so I don't have that problem. One time I took a nap on the living room floor though.
What kind of stuff have you been studying?
I have a comfy leather chair that someone gave me...my only concern is that sometimes the latch that keeps it from leaning all the way back comes out, which is pretty surprising when it happens and suddenly I'm falling back. I think that would be even more surprising if I were asleep in it. :P
At the moment I'm taking the Columbia University EdX course on the Civil War period...I've always been fascinated with that era, but I'm really enjoying the course because it is exploring the nuances and some of the details of the events and people that I didn't really know. The current course is focusing on 1845 to 1860, so right now it's all about the people and events leading up to the war.
I'm also going to be starting a HTML 5 course this week, and well as a book club that's going over A Christmas Carol this month...should be fun. :)
Which Congo will you be visiting, and what areas?The larger Democratic Republic. What I mainly want to see is the Congo River, and the accompanying tropical wildlife, but as these things go, I'll end up seeing a lot more things I hadn't even known about while there, probably.
Nice! In terms of American history, I'm mostly interested in pre-Columbian/colonial periods, but the Civil War is interesting too.
Are you planning to pursue coding further, or are you just learning HTML to get a basic grasp? Either way, best of luck!
Nice! In terms of American history, I'm mostly interested in pre-Columbian/colonial periods, but the Civil War is interesting too.
Are you planning to pursue coding further, or are you just learning HTML to get a basic grasp? Either way, best of luck!
The colonial period is interesting, though I'm most interested in the part between the French and Indian War and the Revolutionary War when it comes to that era. What I think is unique about the Civil War era is the period that it's in that was kind of like a bridge between the past and the future...the south still had a largely agrarian society while the north was in the process of industrializing, for example. And then there's the military tactics and technology...you had the charges and muskets of the past, but also saw the development of the gatling gun (forerunner of the machine gun), the submarine, the ironclad, repeaters, and at the end outside of Richmond the sort of trench warfare that World War I would be better known for.
I think programming is something you're always pursuing if you're into it...I've known HTML in general for about ten years now, but HTML5 is a whole other beast, in that it includes a lot of now methods and features to better integrate javascript and do a lot of stuff it was easier to use Flash for in the past. You can even make a MMORPG in HTML5, as the Mozilla Foundation has done. I'm hoping to take what I learn from there and use it in my work and also here, since I develop the region's website. :)
So I was looking back through an old forum I used to be a part of, and I remembered they had a thing called Topless Tuesdays, where people would...post topless pictures of themselves along some theme on Tuesdays.
Mayhaps that's a tradition that we should revive. :P
Uh, I'm pretty sure there's nothing illegal or inappropriate about shirtless pics. O_o
You are actually wildly incorrect here, Gov!Source?
In West Virginia and about 30 other states there is no difference legally speaking between pictures of chests of either sex and unless the pictures depict them in a sexually lewd or intense manner it wouldn't be a problem!
But that's true for either body type... So we needn't worry...
As long as there wasn't like "sexual fluid" or fetish material or the like on any of the pictures it would be totally fine...
How hot does Singapore get?Thank you, I most likely will. :).
Just out of curiosity, why don't you want to visit Africa? It is incredibly beautiful.
I just don't like heat, and wildlife, and insects. I have plenty of those where I live already.
So how does everyone feel about musical theatre?That is my wife's shit! She actually had a theatre scholarship in college and was offered a choir one as well, but she felt like she should only do one of the two. She loved to do the singing and dancing bits when they were in plays, having choreographed a couple numbers. Not really my cup of tea, though.
Taking the ACT next week so I can duel enroll in my local college and high school. So that is kind of stressful, bu to only need to get 19 to be part of the duel enrollment program, so I am pretty confident.Fun fact: There is no penalty for guessing as you aren't deducted points for incorrect answers. Just fill in a random bubble for the rest of the questions if you're out of time. I only really answered about 3/4 of the questions and filled in the rest randomly, and I think I got a score of like 36 or something. Top 1% in the nation. Just don't sweat it.
It will just affect that college as it is not a national one.
Are you guys talking about that international test conducted by that Australian university on grade 10s and 11s? Because I did exactly what Gerrick did when I got in time trouble. Also ended up in the top 1% of SA with both Math and English.Nope, I live in the usa. The ACT and the SAT here are the general tests of readiness for college, not technically mandatory by all Colleges but your very unlikely to get in without taking it and most Colleges require it.
Are you guys talking about that international test conducted by that Australian university on grade 10s and 11s? Because I did exactly what Gerrick did when I got in time trouble. Also ended up in the top 1% of SA with both Math and English.Well, ACT stands for American College Testing -- it's been around like forever, but it sounds like it's pretty much the same thing.
Nope, I live in the usa. The ACT and the SAT here are the general tests of readiness for college, not technically mandatory by all Colleges but your very unlikely to get in without taking it and most Colleges require it.Good on you. Doesn't hurt to snatch up as many credits as you can when you're already doing the work. I think I did the same for pre-calculus, statistics, and Spanish.
Some Colleges or university's offer dual enrollment programs so that you can be in high school and taking college classes and the credits you gain will count toward both.
That's awesome for your wife! I wish her the congratulations for that! I'm not nearly that good, especially not at the dancing parts, because I've only really started getting into theatre this year.So how does everyone feel about musical theatre?That is my wife's shit! She actually had a theatre scholarship in college and was offered a choir one as well, but she felt like she should only do one of the two. She loved to do the singing and dancing bits when they were in plays, having choreographed a couple numbers. Not really my cup of tea, though.
I second that. I can coach you on some of the sections if you'd like. I actually took the test last March (I got a 34 composite), yet I believe the test format has changed since then. But I can still help, because I don't think the changes were too drastic. It's not too much of a worry, and plus you can send the score to potential colleges come senior year. Regardless, good luck next week!Taking the ACT next week so I can duel enroll in my local college and high school. So that is kind of stressful, bu to only need to get 19 to be part of the duel enrollment program, so I am pretty confident.Fun fact: There is no penalty for guessing as you aren't deducted points for incorrect answers. Just fill in a random bubble for the rest of the questions if you're out of time. I only really answered about 3/4 of the questions and filled in the rest randomly, and I think I got a score of like 36 or something. Top 1% in the nation. Just don't sweat it.
It will just affect that college as it is not a national one.
I hate making plans, I can't wait until I can drive myself places. I've spent several hours today trying to arrange hanging out with one of my friends for an hour and a half, and I'm still not entirely sure if that's going to work. :-\Driving is pretty convenient, yes.
Just giving you guys an update. I took the ACT and got a 25 composite score! I will be taking college classes this spring!
Thanks for the nice words!
I am starting out easy for the first semester and taking something I am really interested In. Cultural Anthropology.
I am only 14, so I have time to take it slow at first.
So I ate sardines from a can for the first time in my life today... And I gotta say, they were pretty good. They came in mustard, which is probably what made them taste good. They weren't boneless, so I expected having to de-bone them or crunch through the bone, but I couldn't even really tell that the bones were there. Also the look of the sardines -- they looked just like small fish with the heads, tails, and fins cut off -- kinda put me off, but you just kinda chomp into it and don't think about it.
Overall, not bad. And they're cheap and supposedly healthy, too, so I might get more in the future.
I haven't met a fish I haven't liked...animal wise anyways.
I haven't met a fish I haven't liked...animal wise anyways.
*tries to think of appropriate "plenty of other fish in the sea" pun*
The only fish I like is tuna.
Just giving you guys an update. I took the ACT and got a 25 composite score! I will be taking college classes this spring!
Good stuff!
Taking college credits in high school was one of the best academic choices I made. Having a few college classes out of the way coming in really clears up your schedule in the later years. You'll be thankful for that extra time when searching for jobs or applying to grad school.
I'm close to making a pretty big push for something that should've been done a long time ago, and that in fairness a few others tried to do in the past.
And pray tell what is it? (If not too personel of course)It's not personal at all, just something related to something. :P
Families stick together, but they also fight. A lot.
Families stick together, but they also fight. A lot.
I once lived in a house with a bunch of different people, and while I would die to save any of them now (and while we were all living together), because I've grown to care for each of them, I still eventually got fed up with sharing my space with so many people and all the fights it brought with it, and moved out. We still braai together a lot, but yeah. The reality doesn't very often live up to the ideal. :P
And my blood-related family is also pretty close, even though we fight a lot too.
P.S. Not physical fights, obviously, but growing up, there was a lot of that between me and my cousins.
I once lived in a house with a bunch of different people, and while I would die to save any of them now (and while we were all living together), because I've grown to care for each of them, I still eventually got fed up with sharing my space with so many people and all the fights it brought with it, and moved out. We still braai together a lot, but yeah. The reality doesn't very often live up to the ideal. :P
And my blood-related family is also pretty close, even though we fight a lot too.
P.S. Not physical fights, obviously, but growing up, there was a lot of that between me and my cousins.
http://grrm.livejournal.com/465247.htmlIs that your livejournal?
I mean, we all knew it was going to happen, but I held out a bit of hope the TWOW would come out before S6 of GOT. Oh well.
The main problem for me, though, is that I'm still on S1 and won't have the time to catch up on GOT. I also doubt my ability to avoid spoilers.
English is weird.
If a house burns up, it burns down. You fill in a form by filling it out and an alarm clock goes off by going on. You get in and out of a car, yet you get on and off a bus. When the stars are out, they are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible. You park on the driveway, but drive on the parkway. You don't bite down, since your can only move your bottom jaw, thus you're really biting up.
I mean, we all knew it was going to happen, but I held out a bit of hope the TWOW would come out before S6 of GOT. Oh well.
The main problem for me, though, is that I'm still on S1 and won't have the time to catch up on GOT. I also doubt my ability to avoid spoilers.
I mean, we all knew it was going to happen, but I held out a bit of hope the TWOW would come out before S6 of GOT. Oh well.
The main problem for me, though, is that I'm still on S1 and won't have the time to catch up on GOT. I also doubt my ability to avoid spoilers.
I've read a lot of people (mainly 'purists') are planning on avoiding the HBO series until TWOW is out.
You know, when I first heard that people were speculating that George would pass away before he finishes ASOIAF, I thought they were crazy. Now...
I mean, we all knew it was going to happen, but I held out a bit of hope the TWOW would come out before S6 of GOT. Oh well.
The main problem for me, though, is that I'm still on S1 and won't have the time to catch up on GOT. I also doubt my ability to avoid spoilers.
I've read a lot of people (mainly 'purists') are planning on avoiding the HBO series until TWOW is out.
You know, when I first heard that people were speculating that George would pass away before he finishes ASOIAF, I thought they were crazy. Now...
That's actually one of the reasons why I'm a bit nervous to become a writer, since what if I die before the last book is finished? Who is going to keep writing it in my place? Scary stuff.
I mean, we all knew it was going to happen, but I held out a bit of hope the TWOW would come out before S6 of GOT. Oh well.
The main problem for me, though, is that I'm still on S1 and won't have the time to catch up on GOT. I also doubt my ability to avoid spoilers.
I've read a lot of people (mainly 'purists') are planning on avoiding the HBO series until TWOW is out.
You know, when I first heard that people were speculating that George would pass away before he finishes ASOIAF, I thought they were crazy. Now...
That's actually one of the reasons why I'm a bit nervous to become a writer, since what if I die before the last book is finished? Who is going to keep writing it in my place? Scary stuff.
Do you plan on writing voluminous tomes late in life?
Game of the Thrones Season 7: The Novelization!http://grrm.livejournal.com/465247.html
I mean, we all knew it was going to happen, but I held out a bit of hope the TWOW would come out before S6 of GOT. Oh well.
The main problem for me, though, is that I'm still on S1 and won't have the time to catch up on GOT. I also doubt my ability to avoid spoilers.
I've read a lot of people (mainly 'purists') are planning on avoiding the HBO series until TWOW is out.
You know, when I first heard that people were speculating that George would pass away before he finishes ASOIAF, I thought they were crazy. Now...
Congrats on your writing, Nox. :DWhat game are you speaking of?
Last night was fun...spent some time exploring with @Colberius X, and we found an awesome place for a new colony! It's picturesque, with a nice clearing in a forest, with mountains in the background protecting fertile valleys...it's something right out of Banished. I've already envisioned a quaint community of small houses and log cabins...farms and wells and humble community spaces. I'm excited to build my own. ^-^
Minecraft! :))Congrats on your writing, Nox. :DWhat game are you speaking of?
Last night was fun...spent some time exploring with @Colberius X, and we found an awesome place for a new colony! It's picturesque, with a nice clearing in a forest, with mountains in the background protecting fertile valleys...it's something right out of Banished. I've already envisioned a quaint community of small houses and log cabins...farms and wells and humble community spaces. I'm excited to build my own. ^-^
It may not be my fault, but I can still be sympathetic [emoji14]Some professors actually read those reviews as well as administrators and under pressure and criticism do change their ways if they want to keep teaching. Others try to rebut such criticisms or try to make the reviews look positive for them.
I'm not sure how effective sites like that are though...teachers and administrators don't usually care about the opinions of their students.
Professors, yes...college professors and administrators have incentive to care about what their students think, because students can always withdraw, take their money, and go to another college. Most high school students don't have that luxury unless their families can afford private school.Well they can always complain to the local principals or school board etc.
Do you have the coordinates? I'd like to check it out next time I'm online. Also, is it still within the borders of Wintreath?Minecraft! :))Congrats on your writing, Nox. :DWhat game are you speaking of?
Last night was fun...spent some time exploring with @Colberius X, and we found an awesome place for a new colony! It's picturesque, with a nice clearing in a forest, with mountains in the background protecting fertile valleys...it's something right out of Banished. I've already envisioned a quaint community of small houses and log cabins...farms and wells and humble community spaces. I'm excited to build my own. ^-^
Academic tenure (in schools earlier than the college level) is one of the most convoluted and unjust parts of the American education system. Once teachers have been with their district for x number of years, suddenly they're practically untouchable.Indeed. My 7th grade Algebra 1 teacher talked about that several times.
Who are powerless to do anything because of academic tenure and/or the teacher's union.Professors, yes...college professors and administrators have incentive to care about what their students think, because students can always withdraw, take their money, and go to another college. Most high school students don't have that luxury unless their families can afford private school.Well they can always complain to the local principals or school board etc.
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Not always.Do you have the coordinates? I'd like to check it out next time I'm online. Also, is it still within the borders of Wintreath?Minecraft! :))Congrats on your writing, Nox. :DWhat game are you speaking of?
Last night was fun...spent some time exploring with @Colberius X, and we found an awesome place for a new colony! It's picturesque, with a nice clearing in a forest, with mountains in the background protecting fertile valleys...it's something right out of Banished. I've already envisioned a quaint community of small houses and log cabins...farms and wells and humble community spaces. I'm excited to build my own. ^-^Academic tenure (in schools earlier than the college level) is one of the most convoluted and unjust parts of the American education system. Once teachers have been with their district for x number of years, suddenly they're practically untouchable.Indeed. My 7th grade Algebra 1 teacher talked about that several times.Who are powerless to do anything because of academic tenure and/or the teacher's union.Professors, yes...college professors and administrators have incentive to care about what their students think, because students can always withdraw, take their money, and go to another college. Most high school students don't have that luxury unless their families can afford private school.Well they can always complain to the local principals or school board etc.
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Fuck this heatwave. Some places in the country hit 53 Celsius today.How humid is the climate in South Africa?
I can't remember how many pairs of glasses I've went through. I don't miss them.This is my third. This prescription was overdue by three years.
I sometimes really hate living in the midwest ;o;
It's always so cold here in the winter.
Want snow? Come on up here to the Great Lakes and take as much as you want. We don't need it.I sometimes really hate living in the midwest ;o;
It's always so cold here in the winter.
Same. I love the old, but only when there's snow. Standing by my bus stop in dry 20 degree weather is miserable.
I would break you...I call BS lol.
I would break you...I call BS lol.
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Tell me more about this insatiable need...sounds hot. ;)The fuck?
What's on my mind..."Govindia, an unfortunate lamia appears". Don't ask, lol
Tell me more about this insatiable need...sounds hot. ;)The fuck?
What's on my mind..."Govindia, an unfortunate lamia appears". Don't ask, lol
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Govindia is Llama confirmed!Chanku is a troll confirmed and my karma once again is going up in an hour negatively!
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Sounds interesting ^o^Do it, because if you don't you are going to regret it. I posted mine on Fiction Press. And I was scared of what people would say, but in the end it didn't kill me ;) , so go for it!
I wanna get my work out there more and such, but I'm scared people aren't going to like it ;o;
Sounds interesting ^o^
I wanna get my work out there more and such, but I'm scared people aren't going to like it ;o;
Sounds interesting ^o^
I wanna get my work out there more and such, but I'm scared people aren't going to like it ;o;
It previously sounded like you'd want to write professionally at some stage. Were I you, I'd refrain from posting anything but fanfics to established works to such sites. You might just give someone a million dollar idea, and then they use that idea and become wildly successful. I myself am very cautious with what I share with even my closest friends. They might just unintentionally give someone else such an idea in a moment of drunkenness or something.
Of course, I'm fast becoming aware that there is no such thing as a truly original idea anymore. Still, I hold out hope that one day I'll have something I'd feel proud of sharing with the world. If you are the same, I suggest you learn a great deal of caution.
The fact that the very horizon exists is proof enough that the earth is round. And the argument I heard the famous rapper use was, "these cities are only 16 miles apart. Where's the curve?" But, and I'm roughly approximating here, the distance between the cities is only (25.6km/40000km)*360° = only .23° of arc of the earth; not a noticable and observable difference.
Thanks Laurentus. I just saw your post. :)
Just to reiterate...it's fucking hard to come home from a full day of work knowing you still have 45 minutes of workouts to do. It's just Tuesday and I already feel like all I've done is work and work out. I had planned on catching up on stuff today, but somehow our registrar managed to drop all off our students from their courses, so thanks to having to work on that I'm not only not caught up at work, I'm further behind than I was. -.-
I've come up with a goal though. The last time I weighed myself was in December 2014, and I weighed 300 pounds. I was so embarrassed that I never weighed myself again, though it helps that I don't have scales at home. My third boyfriend was between 300 and 400 pounds, and back then that sounded fucking huge...I mean, I loved him, but I swore that I'd never be that big...and then I was. I would like to reach 240 pounds by the end of the year...roughly the weight I was between graduating high school and becoming ill a few months before I joined NationStates three years ago.
It's still a big number, but it's something that would feel like an achievement.
It's nice to be back around the forums :)You're also basically a God to us newer folk :P
It's nice to be back around the forums :)Welcome back sir
I don't want to go to school tomorrow, I'm stressed, I'm getting sick, I'm tired all the time.Hope you get well soon
Go for it, man. You'll feel better -- physically and mentally -- after you've gotten down to a stable, healthy weight. I've been there; I went from 255 to 190 over a year. If I can do it, you can too.
Don't think of the workouts as something to do. Just make it part of your routine; it's lifestyle changes, not a chore. Adjust what you eat, look into something like a fitbit or use a food journal (include liquid) and try to keep a positive outlook. It'll fluctuate up *and* down throughout the day by a couple pounds (poop is heavy man), so keep your weigh ins to once a week or so for a stable benchmark.
I think it's time to admit I need help.This took a lot for me to say, since pride and honour are important. I need a mentor.
People of Wintreath, I need a mentor for NS, and this region.
/me breaks down and cries
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This took a lot for me to say, since pride and honour are important. I need a mentor.
I hope this doesn't show I am weak :'(
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I don't know who trusts meThis took a lot for me to say, since pride and honour are important. I need a mentor.
I hope this doesn't show I am weak :'(
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I understand that it took a lot for you to say, but it's hard to find the right mentor for something so personal. Have you considered approaching some people you would trust in private and asking for their advice in general?
I don't know who trusts me
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Okay literally my internet is really bad sometimes and when it gets extra crappy I channel enough anger to bring about the destruction of mankind and everything else in the world except for like bunnies or somethingNope, the bunnies will diiiiieeee in the destruction. The only solution is non-destruction. :P
the question also is who trusts me enough to work with me?I don't know who trusts me
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Who do you trust?Okay literally my internet is really bad sometimes and when it gets extra crappy I channel enough anger to bring about the destruction of mankind and everything else in the world except for like bunnies or somethingNope, the bunnies will diiiiieeee in the destruction. The only solution is non-destruction.[emoji14]
So! Today I started the second course of the Civil War series I started taking last fall...the last course focused on the period of 1851-1860, while this course covers the actual war. It's fun to be studying something that's always been one of my favourite periods in history, but on the other hand it's something else to juggle. If only they'd find a way to make it so people could go with an hour or two less sleep each day with no ill effects...
Actually, it's sad that too many people don't know their history...it's something I think should be taught and reinforced in school as much as math and science, but it's not and you get a less responsible Citizenry for it. =/Is history not a mandatory subject in the school curriculum?
sad Sarah noisesWhat's wrong? =/
sad Sarah noisessarah noises o.O?
confirming Sarah noiseshuh?
I'm a crinkle fry ^o^so confused
Or a steak fry
Playing aggravating questions is fun tbhBut why?
It's fun ^o^Playing aggravating questions is fun tbhBut why?
What's a chair?Yes.
Or to quote Govindia: "No."NO
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What is love?Physically? Chemicals. 8)
the fuck?What is love?Physically? Chemicals. 8)
Literally? An intense feeling of deep affection.
Govindially? No.[emoji14]
Philosophically? I've got no idea either there, Nox. :)
Love is a shit-load of chemicals released into your brain, influencing you to stay with your wife/husband/whatever and children and be a decent family man/woman so your genes can pass on successfully. That's it.Eh, I think it's more than that. I would agree that attraction or infatuation are just chemicals, but love is different. People don't just want to be wanted or have a spouse/kids, but they need companionship as well, which is what I think love is.
And we don't want someone to love us, we kinda need it. Evolution fucked us over that way. :P
And we need those thing because we're genetically wired to need it. Love (long-lasting love) is powered by a variety chemicals that form attachment, attraction, longing and so forth.Well, yes that's true, but people also derive meanings from those chemicals, making it more than just wiring.
Did you know a man's testosterone levels drops when he becomes a father?And no I can't say I knew that lol.
Did you know that if your grandfather had a lot of food as a teenager, you're four times more likely to develop diabetes than someone whose grandfather barely ate enough as a teenager? Or that rats who are cared for by nurturing mothers handle stress better than those whose mothers mostly ignored them?Lol, Colby, why exactly did this discussion make you think of that?
Neither did I, until this morning.
Do the South African thing to do: burn that motherfucker down.yes but then i would be thrown in prison and never see my money or my cat again ;-;
Just wondering @Laurentus, do South Africans get away with arson, or is the criminal system actually effective?Do the South African thing to do: burn that motherfucker down.yes but then i would be thrown in prison and never see my money or my cat again ;-;
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The police aren't worth shit, and people get away with just about anything. It's basically considered rational to be a criminal here, since the police most likely won't be able to do anything about it.this doesn't help.me :(
People blow ATMs up here all the time.
I'm lacking some serious context of the American way of life, but why would that be racist?i told my.dad he's a trained mechanic who works as a cook.
There is a special place in hell for whoever decided that it would be a good idea to cook at 2:30 in the morning and set off the building fire alarm.sorry i wanted to microwave a turkey[emoji14]
So it's your fault, then? >:(There is a special place in hell for whoever decided that it would be a good idea to cook at 2:30 in the morning and set off the building fire alarm.sorry i wanted to microwave a turkey[emoji14]
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lolSo it's your fault, then? >:(There is a special place in hell for whoever decided that it would be a good idea to cook at 2:30 in the morning and set off the building fire alarm.sorry i wanted to microwave a turkey[emoji14]
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I was really confused. One of the ladies behind the counter was looking at me really suspiciously.
For you, Bieber-haters. For you. Praise by to Ryuk, to you we give thanks.Spoiler(https://wintreath.com/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fweknowmemes.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2013%2F08%2Fdeath-note-justin-bieber-autograph.jpg&hash=f35cc4bcee19448bc727acadc84d04e8)
Wouldn't some of the stuff be in Ukranian?
I think you'd need higher-resolution images to read that text, unfortunately. You might want to use a dedicated image uploader like imgur.
Gosh. What is this the third situation on the regional chat in a month!? People need to calm the f**k down and be respectful and kind. :(
I guess this means that I'll continue to avoid IRC then...
Gosh. What is this the third situation on the regional chat in a month!? People need to calm the f**k down and be respectful and kind. :(
I guess this means that I'll continue to avoid IRC then...
Gosh. What is this the third situation on the regional chat in a month!? People need to calm the f**k down and be respectful and kind. :(NO. COME ON AND HAVE FUN
I guess this means that I'll continue to avoid IRC then...
NO. COME ON AND HAVE FUNLast time I checked I was in America and not Singapore!! :P
We got one of the papers that we found translated, and apparently it's my great, great, great grandfather's russian military discharge papers from 1909 :p
AAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!! Curse you to the deepest circles of hell, Pengu! You're destroying my chances of getting back to my father's house! He'll make sure there's an extra special place for you when you die!
Hey, guys. Guys! I've just realised something amazing! Are you ready? Here it is!*Robin proceeds to go around liking Laurentus' posts*
Just 16 more likes, and I'll finally have a karma of 666! :))
Watched Deadpool. Some of the humour fell flat but a lot of it worked. Cinematography was rather by the numbers and uninspiring. Ryan Reynolds was good ans so were the other actors. Plot was rather ho-hum. Action was great. Overall a nice movie, I'd give it a 7.you mean a 5 out of 7? lol
BODY!!! How did you put on 3 lbs!!!
We gonna fight...
Twink like a twinkie?
Am I seeing the genesis of a community weight loss effort...?I think so. I'm 180ish trying to drop 20/30 lbs by sitting on the couch and willing myself to lose weight. Hasn't really been working out for me though.
Twink like a twinkie?How can someone be so consistently innocent? If you turn out to be a bad guy in Werewolf, I don't think I'll be able to trust anyone again.
-assimilates Hannah, Laurentus, and Weiss-What are you now Chanku? The Borg? :P
I updated mu human/dragon sex fanfic. Bet that's something you never expected to read
Hmm... dragon porn.
Yeah, I played that game Mootles recommended too. Shit was hot.
You were abusing it just as much, don't act like you didn't. I didn't make a fuss about that because I know I went too far (but not because I'd feel like you didn't deserve that, only reason for my regret is that Wintermoot had to clean it up). No blaming, just facts. I'm also not saying I didn't deserve those dislikes, I see them as administrative punishment.My first ever dislike was from Govindia for not voting him. I think the rest are the aftermath of that one drunkenly night when I disliked a bunch of his posts and he revenged those. He walked away from that night with less dislikes than he had before, so you're welcome Gov.
Yet I highly doubt he gives a shit about your karma, BraveSirRobin. Good luck with getting that cancelled.
Inaccurate still Laurentus. The only reason my dislikes were discounted that night tatte were because you were abusing the system and you and Chanku were warned about it. Don't blame me for you drunk behaviour.
This doesn't belong in the Double Post Game so I'm bringing it here. This is for you @Govindia. It's a rant but I shall try to avoid breaking any rules.This doesn't belong here. if you have an issue, take it up with me via PM and speak to me like a mature adult, and don't blame all of your mistakes on me.You were abusing it just as much, don't act like you didn't. I didn't make a fuss about that because I know I went too far (but not because I'd feel like you didn't deserve that, only reason for my regret is that Wintermoot had to clean it up). No blaming, just facts. I'm also not saying I didn't deserve those dislikes, I see them as administrative punishment.My first ever dislike was from Govindia for not voting him. I think the rest are the aftermath of that one drunkenly night when I disliked a bunch of his posts and he revenged those. He walked away from that night with less dislikes than he had before, so you're welcome Gov.
Yet I highly doubt he gives a shit about your karma, BraveSirRobin. Good luck with getting that cancelled.
Inaccurate still Laurentus. The only reason my dislikes were discounted that night tatte were because you were abusing the system and you and Chanku were warned about it. Don't blame me for you drunk behaviour.
When I rise to power and rule the world, I will build a few statues* of Chanku to thank him for the work he put towards balancing your karma back to a level where it should be.[emoji14](*Form of expressing gratitude is negotiable.)
I truly wish the forum had a feature to ignore someone. Irc has gotten so much better since I perfected the ignore towards you.
And now that this box is open once again, I'll do you the courtesy of putting on record the reason why I have had enough of you: I expressed you my disliking of you linking me pictures and demanding for response on at least four different occasions. The latest one ended up being recorded in the Double Post Game, that's after this permanent ignore (before which I politely asked you to never to speak to me again). I have explained my reasons from several aspects but all you care is about getting some stupid response from half the community, and you can't take a no for answer.
At this point all that matters anymore is that I ask you, please do not talk to me unless I talk to you first (example of that being this post). When I do, you can of course choose not to answer. I understand and don't care. Of course you'll never see these words because you "read" by not actually reading anything.
You're so autistic it hurts my brain to see you still trying to deny it, after having half the community tell you so. Go get tested, get help. That'll lead with good chance to a better quality of life. But you have already heard all this for god knows how many times. You're too YOU to realize even this.
You speak of respect sometimes to no end, yet when you forget something and are forced to face that, instead of saying: "sorry I forgot" like a normal person, you go the extra mile to say: "that's not worth remembering to me". That is so mindblowingly rude and unnecessary that that alone would be a good reason to hate you.
It annoys me that you couldn't be bothered to post anything relevant in either of the two most recent elections, while you however had time to play spam games and whine in Wintermoot's thane hiring thread. I have no doubt that in the future you will once again bitch how you should be given "a chance". You know where you can get a job you're not qualified or deserving due to your hard work? Soviet Union. We have people here who keep the community growing and blooming, people who put in a constant effort, and then there's you who complains how you should get for free all the same things that they have worked for to earn.
Do you understand the part where you have to do work with no apparent immediate personal reward? Anything constructive that happens here could motivate a new citizen to join. If all you care about is power, any power, go start your own region. That way you can have all the power without annoying people who think you shouldn't get any.
Simply being a pleasant person takes a citizen extraordinary far in here. You could try starting there.
You have single handedly caused me to make god knows how many mistakes in here, I'm not blaming you but telling you. There is no end to how annoying you are, and there's not a single aspect of you that I can respect. Not one. I have my own plentiful problems even without someone like you provoking me, and at times I have considered should I just move on from here because your presence often makes it even harder to be a worthwhile member of the community, a challenge I don't feel like I'm managing so well currently.
It feels like anything anyone ever says to you goes to waste. I once followed an entire night of the whole channel focusing in helping you and talking about your matters. Do you think anything ever came from that? Did you even appreciate the support?
Another super funny thing is your desire to be opped in the irc. It's more absurd than wanting the moon from the sky (at least we have the technology to fetch the moon piece by piece). In the level of activity that our channel sees, great many have ignored you and more would like to ignore you. An entity like you could never moderate the channel. This unfortunately goes the other way too, people who do moderate the channel are forced to not ignore you.
I feel much less annoyed now so I suppose this rant has done its job.
While I don't agree with Tatte posting the rant publicly for everyone to see, I also do see it as going on record that he doesn't want you speaking to him in any capacity unless he initiates it.Fair point.
And technically he's right that his rant is technically saying what's on his mind.
However, at the same time, we don't want this thread to become a place where people rant to/about members they don't like on here. It's a bad precedent, and we all should at least be civil to each other on the forums. So if there are more words to be had, please transfer it to PM and please don't let this become another argument thread, thank you.
Bahaha.LOL YES.
"Well Michelle sends her love, but she's busy in New York running her fashion empire."
*Everyone looks to the camera for a few moments.
What a great moment.
I must have missed seeing his monstrous appetite in the past. I was like "damn, he's going to eat that entire fridge." :))
Fuller House? Is it related to Full House?
Also...Scott Weinger is the voice of Aladdin.
How have I not known that super garbage disposal and DJ Love interest Steve and the voice of Aladdin were the same person?! (https://wintreath.com/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fz5.ifrm.com%2F30286%2F34%2F0%2Fe5193388%2F%2Fe5193388.gif&hash=de3370d426a27ca31a9d453ff7c6b638)
I truly wish the forum had a feature to ignore someone. Irc has gotten so much better since I perfected the ignore towards you.Old User CP -> Modify Profile -> Buddies/Ignore List -> Edit Ignore List
Wintermoot: Discovering ways to enhance your ignore experience. :)):-/
Rare blogpost nowadays but I'mma give it a go :/me hugs Seroim
I figured out lately that it's perfectly all right to be mediocre.
All my life, everyone around me kept hyping me up, saying they had great hopes for me, how proud they were of me and all that jazz. They weren't wrong, for most of my life I was an overachiever, I never needed to do anything academically to get good grades, everything came so easily to me. I was tested with an IQ of 131 and offered a grade skip once in grade 5, something that my mother refused because I was already younger than everyone else. I'm not trying to brag (especially given what follows), I'm barely MENSA material and a lot of people are smarter than me, I'm just trying to get you guys in my shoes a bit. In short, everything pointed to a real bright future ahead for me. Cruise control for success.
A few years ago I was faced with a choice. I'm not gonna go in detail because it's not important. I'm going to say that it involved a girl and a very intense love story about which I am still ambivalent. It was a huge risk, the biggest I've ever taken...and I actually took the plunge. It was completely out of character for me and it wasn't so bad at first, in fact it was great for a while, but it backfired in my face a year or so later. I could have backed out then, but I kept going on course. It finally exploded completely in my face about a year ago and most of what I had then went in flames along with my prospects and most of my sanity.
I always thought I'd be somebody. More than that, others always thought I'd be somebody. When the risk I took backfired, it really backfired. I went from an overachiever to an underachiever almost instantly. I barely graduated whereas my grades used to be excellent. I lost my job, my place, my pride. And after that, I lost any desire to take risks. Any at all. The mere prospect of having any kind of choice terrifies me, much less trying to rebuild everything I've had to give up. I simply don't want to.
You might have noticed I've been away from here for a while. That's because I think nothing matters, there's nothing worth doing. Nothing's fun anymore. I barely play video games anymore, or even do anything. I mostly sleep, and sometimes I eat. The last time I spoke to a human being aside from my mom was a few months ago, I don't even remember. Speaking sucks anyway. I write a bit, it helps. In short, I'm depressed as fuck.
A few weeks ago I started having panic attacks for seemingly no reason at all. After some introspection, I figured out that they were borne from health anxiety and what panicked me so was suddenly dying a loser, which I very much am right now. As I wrote, I always thought I'd be somebody, that I'd leave my mark on the Earth in a way or another. That's why I chose law. I nabbed some benzos from my mom and quashed them as they came. They stopped lately, though, because I figured out it's okay to be mediocre.
I'm a loser, an underachiever, a dropout. I'm one of the most flagrant wastes of potential I know of. I tried, and I failed, and it's alright. Conventional wisdom would say that I should get back up and try again, but nah. You know what, I don't give a shit anymore. Being mediocre means I have less responsibilities, that means I have less worries, that means my life is more stable and less risky. Trying to fit in as a super sperg in this fucked up society of ours is basically beyond hope. I've tried for years, and polite society hasn't given me much of a chance so polite society can go fuck itself. As for leaving my mark, why bother? I don't want kids and I don't want a girlfriend or a wife. They're all just trouble. There'll be nobody to enjoy anything I've done or earned after I'm gone.
Maybe I'll shoot for permanent invalidity (I could get it, I'm really spergy), or get myself some sinecure where I produce nothing of value and yet earn money anyway. I was always told I should accept that I'm sick and that I'll never be normal. I never did, but I do now. I'm sick, and I'll never be normal. So why try to be normal?
I wanna be mediocre. It sounds much better than being excellent. No pressure, no stress, no risk. With cannabis legalization coming soon, I'd be perfectly happy doing a boring 9-5 stressless job and going home to smoke weed until I fall asleep.
More like Avatar of the second-half-of-February-first-week-of-March "Month" :PGosh I can't wait for the next season!!!
Uh. Sorry?? What did I do, exactly?
Pengu this is YOUR fault. Time to get the soap......Uh. Sorry?? What did I do, exactly?
What DIDN'T you do might be more appropriate to ask. [emoji14]
I'm so pissed that Barnes is Barnes. I wish I thought of it, I feel like it's appropriate that I would be Barnes because like! like.Had Laurentus known that I started House of Cards, he probably would've notified me :P
/me glares at Laurentus
/me has no idea what's going on.Evelynx is just jealous that I chose the Barnes-Barnes House of Cards idea first >:D
/me is hopelessly, gloriously confused.
Uh. Sorry?? What did I do, exactly?
I always get blamed for putting ideas in people's heads. :(
Also, you can always use Claire, Jackie Sharp, or Rachel Posner. Or even Heather Dunbar.
Haha.Don't Goddamn Read If You Haven't Finished Season 3But on the other hand, Claire does leave him and realise she could run for president much more effectively than he can. She learns a lot from him.
So you can totes marry me with that in mind. :P
Just be Rachel Posner. her fate was well....:PI always get blamed for putting ideas in people's heads. :(
Also, you can always use Claire, Jackie Sharp, or Rachel Posner. Or even Heather Dunbar.SpoilerNone of them got pushed in front of a train.
I feel like I can relate.
But Jackie Sharp will have to do - like hell i'm marrying you!
When you spend an hour pulling data, only to have to repull it because you find they don't want to identify students by ID or SSN, but by date of birth/name...oh, and you pulled age too, but not exact DOB.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure disclosure would be a massive FERPA violation...but this is National Student Clearinghouse, they already have PII on every student like...in the country. >_>
But they have secure FTP ;-;
I don't know why they have to make this so hard on me *cries*
But they have secure FTP ;-;because you must be hard
I don't know why they have to make this so hard on me *cries*
sorry i really need to rant bc im seething with anger
So I'm in a Skype call with some other NS friends right. My dogs need to go pee so I go afk and mute my mic. I come back and im about to unmute my mic when I realize they're talking shit about me and making from of my profile picture, which is a selfie of me.
"She has the chin of James Bottomtooth from Family Guy"
"Her shoulders are fucked up"
"Her hair is like from an emo band from 2002"
"Her arms look like string beans"
"She has a midget body"
Really makes me feel great. Friends that I thought actually gave a shit turn around and talk shit about me behind my back even knowing how self-conscious i am about that shit. time for another depressive episode :) :D :wave:
sorry i really need to rant bc im seething with anger
So I'm in a Skype call with some other NS friends right. My dogs need to go pee so I go afk and mute my mic. I come back and im about to unmute my mic when I realize they're talking shit about me and making from of my profile picture, which is a selfie of me.
"She has the chin of James Bottomtooth from Family Guy"
"Her shoulders are fucked up"
"Her hair is like from an emo band from 2002"
"Her arms look like string beans"
"She has a midget body"
Really makes me feel great. Friends that I thought actually gave a shit turn around and talk shit about me behind my back even knowing how self-conscious i am about that shit. time for another depressive episode :) :D :wave:
Oh, I'm so, so sorry that happened to you. Now, turn right around and call them out on it, that's not okay to do.
I would call them out on it and end the call.sorry i really need to rant bc im seething with anger
So I'm in a Skype call with some other NS friends right. My dogs need to go pee so I go afk and mute my mic. I come back and im about to unmute my mic when I realize they're talking shit about me and making from of my profile picture, which is a selfie of me.
"She has the chin of James Bottomtooth from Family Guy"
"Her shoulders are fucked up"
"Her hair is like from an emo band from 2002"
"Her arms look like string beans"
"She has a midget body"
Really makes me feel great. Friends that I thought actually gave a shit turn around and talk shit about me behind my back even knowing how self-conscious i am about that shit. time for another depressive episode :) :D :wave:
Oh, I'm so, so sorry that happened to you. Now, turn right around and call them out on it, that's not okay to do.
i would but i've already fucked up so bad by causing shit in the past that i dont want to contribute to that reputation
People like that always exist. They are not worth your time and they do not deserve your time.hey at least people didn't try to fake a suicide attempt over skype like what some people from TEP did to me :-/
Wintermoot gives Lumenland the desired milkshake.In Soviet Russia, Milkshake brings all the boys into the yard, then they het shot in back of the head!
Wintermoot hopes this doesn't bring all the boys to the yard.[emoji14]
Well last night was full of self-loathing and I almost had a complete meltdown in public this morning, but now, I'm feeling mostly okay so that's good :))
I'm watching a movie called Traffic right now. It's not exactly pleasant. How accurately does it describe the war on drugs in America? Because if it is accurate, I don't think you guys have a hope in hell of combating it, or at least the most heinous criminal aspects of it, without legalising it and regulating the shit out of it.I've never seen it, so I can't claim that the movie is accurate, but your assessment most certainly is. America has taken a completely inefficient, ineffective, and just plain wrong approach to combating drugs. The war on drugs has been dragging America down for the past 40 years now.
There's no way to remove demand for drugs, so supply will rise to meet it through whatever means necessary except in the face of the most extreme oppression.I disagree with your initial statement. You most certainly can decrease demand for drugs. If you meant removing it as in completely, then your statement stands. (Also, I think you meant "opposition", not "oppression".) The problem is that America has decided to focus most of its efforts at targeting supply, driving the price and profitability of drugs up to meet the unchanged demand. Additionally, the punishments handed out for drug convictions, as you point out, also tend toward the absurd for their severity and systematic "not-technically-racist-but-in-reality-nothing-but" minimum sentences.
And it's not even a war worth fighting. You're telling people what to do with their own bodies, not stopping hitmen or something. If it's legal/regulated you can more readily identify the people who aren't using responsibly and get them the help they need. Instead we throw them in prison, making them feel even more alienated by a society that told them that their desires were immoral because reasons.
Plus the war on drugs has huge racist underovertones. Crack cocaine and coke have a huge sentencing disparity - 1 gram of crack results in the same sentence as 18 grams of coke. They are the same drug, but poorer people, especially black americans, tend to use crack and richer white people tend to use coke. Coke is in much broader use as well, with 12% of adults using compared to 4% with crack. Used to be 100 grams of coke per 1 gram of crack too.
It's all such a gloriously disgusting losing war against nothing important that does no good and plenty of harm.
Wintermoot gives Lumenland the desired milkshake.In Soviet Russia, Milkshake brings all the boys into the yard, then they het shot in back of the head!
Wintermoot hopes this doesn't bring all the boys to the yard.[emoji14]
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
I'm watching a movie called Traffic right now. It's not exactly pleasant. How accurately does it describe the war on drugs in America? Because if it is accurate, I don't think you guys have a hope in hell of combating it, or at least the most heinous criminal aspects of it, without legalising it and regulating the shit out of it.quite a bit accurate :-/
I'm watching a movie called Traffic right now. It's not exactly pleasant. How accurately does it describe the war on drugs in America? Because if it is accurate, I don't think you guys have a hope in hell of combating it, or at least the most heinous criminal aspects of it, without legalising it and regulating the shit out of it.I've never seen it, so I can't claim that the movie is accurate, but your assessment most certainly is. America has taken a completely inefficient, ineffective, and just plain wrong approach to combating drugs. The war on drugs has been dragging America down for the past 40 years now.There's no way to remove demand for drugs, so supply will rise to meet it through whatever means necessary except in the face of the most extreme oppression.I disagree with your initial statement. You most certainly can decrease demand for drugs. If you meant removing it as in completely, then your statement stands. (Also, I think you meant "opposition", not "oppression".) The problem is that America has decided to focus most of its efforts at targeting supply, driving the price and profitability of drugs up to meet the unchanged demand. Additionally, the punishments handed out for drug convictions, as you point out, also tend toward the absurd for their severity and systematic "not-technically-racist-but-in-reality-nothing-but" minimum sentences.
And it's not even a war worth fighting. You're telling people what to do with their own bodies, not stopping hitmen or something. If it's legal/regulated you can more readily identify the people who aren't using responsibly and get them the help they need. Instead we throw them in prison, making them feel even more alienated by a society that told them that their desires were immoral because reasons.
Plus the war on drugs has huge racist underovertones. Crack cocaine and coke have a huge sentencing disparity - 1 gram of crack results in the same sentence as 18 grams of coke. They are the same drug, but poorer people, especially black americans, tend to use crack and richer white people tend to use coke. Coke is in much broader use as well, with 12% of adults using compared to 4% with crack. Used to be 100 grams of coke per 1 gram of crack too.
It's all such a gloriously disgusting losing war against nothing important that does no good and plenty of harm.
Not five minutes before seeing this thread I watched a great little video about this very issue. Here it is, for anyone interested.Why the War on Drugs Is a Huge Failure![]()
I disagree with your initial statement. You most certainly can decrease demand for drugs. If you meant removing it as in completely, then your statement stands. (Also, I think you meant "opposition", not "oppression".) The problem is that America has decided to focus most of its efforts at targeting supply, driving the price and profitability of drugs up to meet the unchanged demand. Additionally, the punishments handed out for drug convictions, as you point out, also tend toward the absurd for their severity and systematic "not-technically-racist-but-in-reality-nothing-but" minimum sentences.
Wait, if I wanna bring boys and girls to my yard to have a rave party, what do I bring? ;-;yes
Milkshakes and chocolate ?
For the first time in forever... I met my deadlines(by 9 mins), am up to date on all work and can actually got to sleep. Did the universe just do something nice for me >.>
I'm sad, I just left a community i've been in for a long time.where?
Anybody else here who doesn't speak English as a mother tongue and spend so much time on the Internet that they're beginning to forget their native language?
I racked my brains for a good 5 minutes yesterday trying to find the French word for "table", which is, amusingly enough, "table".
There are many instances where I just find it more expedient to use the English word for whatever I'm speaking about, even when I'm speaking French with other frogs. Sometimes I'll switch in the middle of a sentence because I just can't be bothered. English is simply easier, it comes more naturally.
Compare that to a few years ago, when I'd visit a few friends in America, go to a restaurant, forget which country I was in and attempt to order something in French. My whole life was in French, everywhere I'd go, anything I'd read or listen to, it would be en français. Now I just read and listen to everything in English, save French authors (I'm not that far gone).
It feels a bit bad forgetting my mother tongue (or maybe I'm just going senile). I used to have an amazing command of the language too. I spoke like an immortel, only with a Canadian accent. Nowadays I don't care. If I don't speak English, I'll speak joual (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joual). Things are coming out of my mouth that would never have made it past my brain filter before.
It's not like French is very worthwhile to know these days anyway.
People come and go. The ones that really matter are the ones that stay no matter what.But that's the thing...nobody seems to stay. The people I talk to now are almost all people I've only met in the last year or two, and that's always been how it is. The people you knew drift away and you get new friends to replace them...but shouldn't some people stick around? =/
You might very well think that, I couldnt possibly comment.....Thanks North...I really appreciate what you said. *hugs*
Just kidding, knowing you I can honestly that I know very few people as compassionate and dedicated as you, wintermoot.
To those certain people you're referring to, it might be. Not everyone we meet will stay a part of our lives. There's nothing wrong with us necessarily, or even them necessarily. These things simply happen.But what if there was somebody that had spent several years telling you they loved you, and then just...stopped talking to you, out of nowhere, for no apparent reason, to leave you to draw your own conclusions about what happened?
for the last part, maybe they have their own internal demons to fight it out with that simply not talking to you anymore would be a way to protect you against that?People come and go. The ones that really matter are the ones that stay no matter what.But that's the thing...nobody seems to stay. The people I talk to now are almost all people I've only met in the last year or two, and that's always been how it is. The people you knew drift away and you get new friends to replace them...but shouldn't some people stick around? =/You might very well think that, I couldnt possibly comment.....Thanks North...I really appreciate what you said. *hugs*
Just kidding, knowing you I can honestly that I know very few people as compassionate and dedicated as you, wintermoot.To those certain people you're referring to, it might be. Not everyone we meet will stay a part of our lives. There's nothing wrong with us necessarily, or even them necessarily. These things simply happen.But what if there was somebody that had spent several years telling you they loved you, and then just...stopped talking to you, out of nowhere, for no apparent reason, to leave you to draw your own conclusions about what happened?
One of the most awkward, if not the most awkward, parts of NS is being locked in a bunk with 9 other buff attractive guys who walk around all sweaty and without shirts on and hiding your raging hard on.Reminds me of the locker room in my high school gym class...of course, grief was the last thing I was feeling at the time. :D
Dammit, this is causing me more grief then coming to terms with my sexuality did.
Anybody else here who doesn't speak English as a mother tongue and spend so much time on the Internet that they're beginning to forget their native language?
I racked my brains for a good 5 minutes yesterday trying to find the French word for "table", which is, amusingly enough, "table".
There are many instances where I just find it more expedient to use the English word for whatever I'm speaking about, even when I'm speaking French with other frogs. Sometimes I'll switch in the middle of a sentence because I just can't be bothered. English is simply easier, it comes more naturally.
Compare that to a few years ago, when I'd visit a few friends in America, go to a restaurant, forget which country I was in and attempt to order something in French. My whole life was in French, everywhere I'd go, anything I'd read or listen to, it would be en français. Now I just read and listen to everything in English, save French authors (I'm not that far gone).
It feels a bit bad forgetting my mother tongue (or maybe I'm just going senile). I used to have an amazing command of the language too. I spoke like an immortel, only with a Canadian accent. Nowadays I don't care. If I don't speak English, I'll speak joual (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joual). Things are coming out of my mouth that would never have made it past my brain filter before.
It's not like French is very worthwhile to know these days anyway.
I am the same actually, and I live in France, I need to use french all the time. But all the thing I do are in English, I install game in english even when I could in French. Sometime when I speak with my mom I stop because I forgot a word in french, but I have it in english.
Anybody else here who doesn't speak English as a mother tongue and spend so much time on the Internet that they're beginning to forget their native language?
I racked my brains for a good 5 minutes yesterday trying to find the French word for "table", which is, amusingly enough, "table".
There are many instances where I just find it more expedient to use the English word for whatever I'm speaking about, even when I'm speaking French with other frogs. Sometimes I'll switch in the middle of a sentence because I just can't be bothered. English is simply easier, it comes more naturally.
Compare that to a few years ago, when I'd visit a few friends in America, go to a restaurant, forget which country I was in and attempt to order something in French. My whole life was in French, everywhere I'd go, anything I'd read or listen to, it would be en français. Now I just read and listen to everything in English, save French authors (I'm not that far gone).
It feels a bit bad forgetting my mother tongue (or maybe I'm just going senile). I used to have an amazing command of the language too. I spoke like an immortel, only with a Canadian accent. Nowadays I don't care. If I don't speak English, I'll speak joual (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joual). Things are coming out of my mouth that would never have made it past my brain filter before.
It's not like French is very worthwhile to know these days anyway.
I am the same actually, and I live in France, I need to use french all the time. But all the thing I do are in English, I install game in english even when I could in French. Sometime when I speak with my mom I stop because I forgot a word in french, but I have it in english.
Salut, cousin.
Ta famille a bien fait de rester là où elle est. L'hiver au Canada, c'est vraiment de la merde.
Anybody else here who doesn't speak English as a mother tongue and spend so much time on the Internet that they're beginning to forget their native language?
I racked my brains for a good 5 minutes yesterday trying to find the French word for "table", which is, amusingly enough, "table".
There are many instances where I just find it more expedient to use the English word for whatever I'm speaking about, even when I'm speaking French with other frogs. Sometimes I'll switch in the middle of a sentence because I just can't be bothered. English is simply easier, it comes more naturally.
Compare that to a few years ago, when I'd visit a few friends in America, go to a restaurant, forget which country I was in and attempt to order something in French. My whole life was in French, everywhere I'd go, anything I'd read or listen to, it would be en français. Now I just read and listen to everything in English, save French authors (I'm not that far gone).
It feels a bit bad forgetting my mother tongue (or maybe I'm just going senile). I used to have an amazing command of the language too. I spoke like an immortel, only with a Canadian accent. Nowadays I don't care. If I don't speak English, I'll speak joual (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joual). Things are coming out of my mouth that would never have made it past my brain filter before.
It's not like French is very worthwhile to know these days anyway.
I am the same actually, and I live in France, I need to use french all the time. But all the thing I do are in English, I install game in english even when I could in French. Sometime when I speak with my mom I stop because I forgot a word in french, but I have it in english.
Salut, cousin.
Ta famille a bien fait de rester là où elle est. L'hiver au Canada, c'est vraiment de la merde.
Salut, cousin :D. ( Et je suis une cousine ;))
Je suis bien contente d'être dans le sud alors! La méditerranée c'est magnifique!
I ate all the cupcakes
Relentless and furious masturbation to MLP porn?All that except MLP is correct, and it was good too. Must've gushed buckets :P
Something tells me @SarumanTheWhite likes John Oliver's Last Week Tonight!How'd you know? :P
Just finished binge watching all four seasons of House of Cards. Season 5 can't come soon enough -- it's gonna be good.I just watched Episode 4 of Season 4 last night.....fucking shit ;-;
I just watched Episode 4 of Season 4 last night.....fucking shit ;-;I know, right?? I did not see that coming.
There's a season 4? Shit.since march 4
That's good. Season 3 fell flat in many ways.eh some parts, not all
Pinterest doesn't allow explicit sex images though.[emoji14]pinterest is for cute things and food
But still...a lot of tumblr isn't sex, and I just don't get it. Pinterest is really superior for other images.
And pictures of cute guys, and cute topless guys. They've got plenty of those.
They're just always wearing pants/shorts/underwear. :P
And pictures of cute guys, and cute topless guys. They've got plenty of those.
They're just always wearing pants/shorts/underwear. :P
But why stop there when you can go on tumblr and see what's poking through those shorts/pants/underwear? :P
Or you could do both.....Two is better than one...
And on any site that allows both, you can have both ;)multitasking ftw?
You can use an Excel spreadsheet, hint, hint :-\And on any site that allows both, you can have both ;)multitasking ftw?
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
Nerd. :PNerds rule the world. Without us, you'd be stuck in caves.
Warning - while you were typing 13 new replies have been posted. You may wish to review your post.
QuoteWarning - while you were typing 13 new replies have been posted. You may wish to review your post.
Something tells me we're going to break another activity record this month. :PQuick! Everybody! Stop posting so we can prove Wintermoot wrong!! >:D
What should I have for dinner!? ???
What should I have for dinner!? ???Noxy would say fish... :P
Or maybe even eat some cakeSTEAK AND CAKE
Cake flavored steak?Steak-flavored cake is better.
Cake flavored steak?Steak-flavored cake is better.
You know what's even more infallible than cake? The Pope.
I am happy...like really happy. I got back from hanging with some friends....so fun. :DDid you have any potato-flavored steak-flavored cake?
he probably got some giggityI am happy...like really happy. I got back from hanging with some friends....so fun. :DDid you have any potato-flavored steak-flavored cake?
That moment when you feel that you have to post a "that moment" comment to this thread.sigh
I feel it
That horrible moment when someone else finds out you are faking happy...what?
o.o ?
Did I miss something? ;-;
ITT: Giving Evey attention.
It is a game on a board...Good luck and Godspeed!
Final physical test today. Along with a final law exam. Cause I need to feel like a complete nervous wreck.
It is a game on a board...
Final physical test today. Along with a final law exam. Cause I need to feel like a complete nervous wreck.
Calling chess a board game slightly offends me for some reason. :P
No modern board game beats the thrill of a chess match. And I love playing board games.Yep, totally agree. Go, on the other hand, is epic as well... :)
Uno is funGames take away my frustrations on things like how my dad treats me as mentioned above :-/
Uno is funYes, yes it is. However I prefer Magic: The Gathering :P
My dad still expects things to be done, and even though he's been assisting me with things, he still acts rude and condescending to me, and refuses to apologise. He thinks it's ok to pester me and be rude and condescending to me, but call him out on his actions, he's in complete denial >_<and no one seems to care :-/
Sorry, it's one of my true passions. I didn't mean to sound condescending or dismissive of others' interests. :P
Even though I know I will never be as good as Magnus Carlsen is, chess can best be described as an obsession of mine.
And what do you mean with that, Lumenland? :)
Silver is the second highest grade. Almost every vocation (posting, basically) is open to me.Which vocation are you most interested in?
Everyone has to handle their own family issues, because only family really knows family in a family way.. My dad is different from Gov's dad is different from Laurentus' dad is different from Wintermoot's dad etc. etc.
I really love and respect my dad, even though he's really disappointed in me for not being a man.
Silver is the second highest grade. Almost every vocation (posting, basically) is open to me.Which vocation are you most interested in?
sorry if I am upset but I am glad you succeeded. what part of the SPF are you going for?Silver is the second highest grade. Almost every vocation (posting, basically) is open to me.Which vocation are you most interested in?
Train Police.
Wait @Gerrick , you have a wife? TILHaha yeah. Coming up on our first year soon. :)
/me hugs Gerrick because he needs someone to hugWait @Gerrick , you have a wife? TILHaha yeah. Coming up on our first year soon. :)
Tonight was the first time my wife and I ran together, and it was on the campus in the dark. I can't say we didn't remind me of the Underwoods. :))
So what's your story about Lumen?
That comparison doesn't give me much hope for the future of your marriage, Gerrick. :PHave you seen season 4? ;)
That comparison doesn't give me much hope for the future of your marriage, Gerrick. :PHave you seen season 4? ;)
No, so if you spoil it I will push you in front of a train.
Goddamnit, you're messing with my mind here. Now I'm really curious what's in that spoiler, but I'm also suspicious that this isn't in itself a trick, Weissreich. :P
"You will now doubt everything."Goddamnit, you're messing with my mind here. Now I'm really curious what's in that spoiler, but I'm also suspicious that this isn't in itself a trick, Weissreich. :P
Don't worry, there isn't a spoiler... >:D
That comparison doesn't give me much hope for the future of your marriage, Gerrick. :PHave you seen season 4? ;)
We could just create separate threads talking about TV shows that inherently will have spoilers. Game of Thrones is coming up in a few weeks if I'm not mistaken, and I'm sure people will want to talk about that. I'm not sure where those threads would go, though.I think I remember reading that Thrones is coming out later this year than it previously did.
I've been watching 1 episode a day since 50 days pre ep 1.. =p
I've been watching 1 episode a day since 50 days pre ep 1.. =p
1 episode a day...since before episode 1...
I am not able to watch GOTWhy not?
You can do what I do and watch it on third-party streaming sites.There's a reason why GOT is the most pirated show of 2015. :P
Hey, I don't download or reproduce it, so technically it's not pirating. :))You can do what I do and watch it on third-party streaming sites.There's a reason why GOT is the most pirated show of 2015. :P
Everything is free on the internet.Except for one thing: freedom.
You can do what I do and watch it on third-party streaming sites.
I usually use CouchTuner. Just google it as the domain changes occasionally. And sometimes there are subtitles, but sometimes not. You'll definitely want to be using an ad blocker, though, if you don't already.You can do what I do and watch it on third-party streaming sites.
Where, and with subtitles?
you'll want a damn good ad blocking add-on for Firefox if you use it (I don't believe Google Chrome has one yet)IMO, uBlock Origin is now the best adblocker for Firefox, and that add-on started started out as a Chrome extension.
IMO, uBlock Origin is now the best adblocker for Firefox, and that add-on started started out as a Chrome extension.I use Chrome with uBlock Origin and can confirm it's pretty reliable.
I personally prefer torrenting to streaming, but that's just me.
Started posting here around 11:30...posted, replied to PMs, approved Citizenships, provided a lengthy opinion in a military proceeding, and answered a telegram that was waiting for me on-game, and now it's 3:30. That doesn't include any recruiting, planning, organizing, developing, or anything else I do as Monarch or founder.
This is why things keep piling up. :P
It wouldn't be Wintreath without you, Mootles!
It's 12-8 for at the moment: 60%. In order for the amendment to pass, two people can switch from nay to aye or four people who have abstained (out of the seven at the moment). Or perhaps a one-and-one.
I neglected to include a nay vote from Crushita, making it 12-9 or 57.1%. The two nay-aye switches still applies, but the number of abstains that need to "convert" is six at this point. So yes, it's increasingly unlikely to pass at this point.
It's 12-8 for at the moment: 60%. In order for the amendment to pass, two people can switch from nay to aye or four people who have abstained (out of the seven at the moment). Or perhaps a one-and-one.
I neglected to include a nay vote from Crushita, making it 12-9 or 57.1%. The two nay-aye switches still applies, but the number of abstains that need to "convert" is six at this point. So yes, it's increasingly unlikely to pass at this point.
I tend to stream shows that aren't current on Netflix (aka the newer seasons of shows). I normally use Primewire, but you'll want a damn good ad blocking add-on for Firefox if you use it (I don't believe Google Chrome has one yet), since Primewire is one of those that'll bombard you with ads with every click you make if you're not prepared.
IMO, uBlock Origin is now the best adblocker for Firefox, and that add-on started started out as a Chrome extension.I use Chrome with uBlock Origin and can confirm it's pretty reliable.
I personally prefer torrenting to streaming, but that's just me.
That moment where you want to just relax in the evening on the Xbox, and your Xbox doesn't want to turn on and cooperateI've been playing Skyrim again on my Xbox for the past couple months, and it seems to freeze like every other time I get on. I can sympathize.
My xbox does not even turn on! :(
My xbox does not even turn on! :(
What does it do, precisely?
My ears are purple
I'm just spit-balling here, but I think it means he presses one button or another for it to turn on, and then for one reason or another, it doesn't.
This is why I prefer PC gaming, and am still a Sony fan.
Yeah the towel trick doesn't work on Slims, only on original 360s. Slims are actually pretty reliable, that sucks.
As for experienced electricians, electricians don't know dick about electronics.. =p
How can you doubt the collective wisdom of the internet?Gods. The internet. That thing that named a damn expensive ship Boaty McBoatface.
"This kid says his game-box thing isn't working, ever been inside one of these?"
"No but I read on the internet if you wrap it in a towel and let it run for a while it'll fix itself."
"Well, let's give it a shot."
Labor: 60/hr * 4hrs = $240
Parts: $144.22
Shop Fee: $90.00
Handmaid's tale.. that book gave me chills. The bad kind.Boy am I glad that never happened. Religious regimes scare the sh*t out of me. "You don't believe in the same cloud friend as me!!?? I'll have you shot, you blaspheme!!!" Boy would it suck. Not to mention a complete lack of rights for the majority of the population...
A well-written book, but I really didn't care for it.How so?
I am tired and gonna be sore tomorrow, but I have had fun.O_O
I am tired and gonna be sore tomorrow, but I have had fun.O_O
those of you that are my FB friends will notice i'm starting to break free from the norm
I did some screwing today, man am I sore.
I did some screwing today, man am I sore.
@Govindia - May I ask what RIT stands for?
That's what I thought you were referring to! I attend U of R, and have numerous friends at RIT.@Govindia - May I ask what RIT stands for?
@Colberius X: http://www.rit.edu
That's what I thought you were referring to! I attend U of R, and have numerous friends at RIT.@Govindia - May I ask what RIT stands for?
@Colberius X: http://www.rit.edu
When I see you all that comes to me is hurt, sorrow, and anger. I hope someday someone abandons you the way that you abandoned me, so you can feel the same way.What seems to be the trouble Wintermoot? :o
^Not about anyone reading this, so don't worry. :P
When I see you all that comes to me is hurt, sorrow, and anger. I hope someday someone abandons you the way that you abandoned me, so you can feel the same way.
^Not about anyone reading this, so don't worry. :P
So it came across my Facebook feed that someone I'd chatted with some a few years back passed away last night. Apparently he had a stroke and when he fell his head cracked open, and they couldn't revive him. I didn't really know him well, but I'm beside myself with shock...he was the same age as me, and that's just something you don't really think about at this age. And just the fact that it was so sudden...one day you're living your life like normal, and the next...gone. It's a reminder that nobody knows when they're going to go. We shouldn't live life with regrets. =/
No, thank you. My way of dealing with thoughts and feelings like this is to hide myself away from the world for a bit. Which obviously makes human contact problematic. :P
EDIT: Plus, for some reason, I experience intense grief, but move on abnormally quickly.
The more time passes, the more I doubt my ability to live like a human beings. From outside I look like someone who's doing project for the futur, that after a hard fall stand up again./me hugs VidiLune
But I feel like I never got up from that fall. I fell and I'm still lying on the ground and the floor shallowing me slowly but surely. I don't have the strengh to move, to dig up that dirt and stand again. And I can't call for help.... because I think it's my one stupidity for not being able to stand again and I'm ashamed of myself.
For the first time since joining NS, I've decided not to participate in an April Fool's event.
The premise itself is kinda meh to begin with, but it could have at least been interesting if it hadn't been for one poor decision...the decision to allow non-WA nations to vote. Where you could have had a lot of politics going on between regions for support, instead it's just whose supporters can use/make a bunch of puppets. Even worse, there are so many puppets being created just to vote that it's hard to tell those from the legit nations, making it pretty much pointless to recruit until the event is over.
A few years ago we had the awesome Zombie Apocalypse event spawn from this...this is just an empty event whose result won't actually mean much of anything.
I'm glad I'm not South African
Looking forward to the anime adaptation of Ace Attorney.So upset and depressed. not sure who to talk to
I'm drunkOh baby! ^.-
I'm drunk
Well, it's not every day you see that. Well played, West Indies! I get a special kind of satisfaction when any type of underdog beats England. :P>:(
In more serious news, this situation is very bad: http://businesstech.co.za/news/government/118757/end-of-the-road-for-zuma-experts/I didn't even know that South Africa had Bolsheviks... is EFF really that big of a threat!?
It is unfortunate that the ANC has decided to ignore the Constitutional Court's ruling, and decided to remain firm in their support of Zuma. As much as I hate the ANC, I really, really don't want to see them lose support to the EFF, which seems to be where this is heading.
I'm honestly scared shitless.
I keep thinking you guys are talking about the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
I keep thinking you guys are talking about the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
I do the same many times. Sometimes I forget Laur Laur is South African. It's actually quite refreshing when you can talk about something other than American politics as an American.
In these momentary lapses in memory, what nationality do you think I am? :PI keep thinking you guys are talking about the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
I do the same many times. Sometimes I forget Laur Laur is South African. It's actually quite refreshing when you can talk about something other than American politics as an American.
Nigerian?[emoji14]In these momentary lapses in memory, what nationality do you think I am?[emoji14]I keep thinking you guys are talking about the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
I do the same many times. Sometimes I forget Laur Laur is South African. It's actually quite refreshing when you can talk about something other than American politics as an American.
Perhaps that's a bit of a strong word. I mean, have we considered opening up very close relations with them, as they spawned out of Wintreath, and offering our own forum for them to use, should they wish to, and thus RP with us?They don't seem to care to use a forum, and I think the forums were promoted to them when they were in the region...they pretty much seem to only use RMB.
In these momentary lapses in memory, what nationality do you think I am? :PI keep thinking you guys are talking about the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
I do the same many times. Sometimes I forget Laur Laur is South African. It's actually quite refreshing when you can talk about something other than American politics as an American.
I haven't taken any offence, in case that's the impression I'm giving.British English ftw
I have a tendency to assume people I'm engaging online are American too, unless they clearly display a very specific style, like Weissreich does.
EDIT: In fact, I view it as a compliment that my English skills appear good enough for such a mistake to be made.[emoji14]
There's also the downside of some recent posts on their RMB, the politest of which include "Haha, Wintreath is so stupid." I'd think that they would be opposed to colonization.Perhaps that's a bit of a strong word. I mean, have we considered opening up very close relations with them, as they spawned out of Wintreath, and offering our own forum for them to use, should they wish to, and thus RP with us?They don't seem to care to use a forum, and I think the forums were promoted to them when they were in the region...they pretty much seem to only use RMB.
There's also the downside of some recent posts on their RMB, the politest of which include "Haha, Wintreath is so stupid." I'd think that they would be opposed to colonization.Perhaps that's a bit of a strong word. I mean, have we considered opening up very close relations with them, as they spawned out of Wintreath, and offering our own forum for them to use, should they wish to, and thus RP with us?They don't seem to care to use a forum, and I think the forums were promoted to them when they were in the region...they pretty much seem to only use RMB.
Heh. What'd they name themselves, out of curiosity?Etrus
Shocking that we're doing a military op, I know. :PAll the cool stuff seems to happen when I'm on vacation. I should go on vacation more often!! :P
I need people to support me in this election. There's no point to answering questions if people don't plan on voting for me and just are using my campaign to launch personal attacks against me.As with all the other candidates, I asked you legitimate questions based on my experience with you. You failed to answer them, so I did not put any consideration into voting for you. If people aren't supporting you, it's probably because of your appalling behaviour in the campaign topics of other candidates.
I need people to support me in this election. There's no point to answering questions if people don't plan on voting for me and just are using my campaign to launch personal attacks against me.As with all the other candidates, I asked you legitimate questions based on my experience with you. You failed to answer them, so I did not put any consideration into voting for you. If people aren't supporting you, it's probably because of your appalling behaviour in the campaign topics of other candidates.
I keep thinking you guys are talking about the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
I do the same many times. Sometimes I forget Laur Laur is South African. It's actually quite refreshing when you can talk about something other than American politics as an American.
Canadian Politics?
Lets see we have..
Prime Minister Justin "Daddy" Trudeau of the Liberals
Leader of Her Majestys Opposition, Rosa "Who the heck are you?" Ambrose of the Progressive Conservatives.
And of course, Thomas "My Own Party Will Probably Kick Me Out" Mulcair of the New Democratic Party, that party that was once distinct from the liberals and now is just a slightly more left clone of it.
Go to a random bar and shoot some pool. It's like three months of therapy.
Why has the IRC been so quiet the last few days... :-\ .... It's gotten so bad... I... I've had to actually post... Post on the forums :'(Well, I'm around some but nobody talks, so I don't talk either. v_v
(Overdramatic hyperbole; of course but seriously, where yo asses been at!)
I don't know how the IRC chat works
Go to a random bar and shoot some pool. It's like three months of therapy.
It's better than being laid off, but having to make up a $400/month cut is going to be very difficult. I'm going to have to look into other ways to make money. =/You can cam yourself out to those admirers on grommr
It's better than being laid off, but having to make up a $400/month cut is going to be very difficult. I'm going to have to look into other ways to make money. =/
No, I haven't been laid off, but everyone is being furloughed one day a week...meaning an unpaid day off, and that equates to a 20% pay cut.
The thing is, there's no guarantee that layoffs have ended. And rumour has it now that the President of the college is trying to jump ship. >_>what layoffs? you only said it was furlough
Nobody really knows what is going on, Gov...there are rumours of more layoffs this week, and maybe next month.Start driving for uber or lyft
This is West Virginia, people don't do that here. =/the market for taxi drivers is low? :-/
Provide online English tutoring to Chinese people. It's a thing. Whether it can make up $400 is something I don't know, but many of my friends have started doing it after our bursaries got gutted.
You can try what I'm going to do next school year, which is become a substitute teacher. I don't know about West Virginia, but here it's pretty easy to get a license (though a long process initially), subs are in high demand, and the pay is about $100 per day. Plus it's flexible in that you choose which days to accept work.
Hmm, what Gerrick said sounds better. $100 per day means you should be able to reliably make up that $400 on those 4 days a month you get unpaid leave.
But with the online English tutoring thing, you find a company that does it (preferably one that allows you to do it from home), do a brief interview to display your language and conversation skills, and voila! You're in.
You can try what I'm going to do next school year, which is become a substitute teacher. I don't know about West Virginia, but here it's pretty easy to get a license (though a long process initially), subs are in high demand, and the pay is about $100 per day. Plus it's flexible in that you choose which days to accept work.
You can try what I'm going to do next school year, which is become a substitute teacher. I don't know about West Virginia, but here it's pretty easy to get a license (though a long process initially), subs are in high demand, and the pay is about $100 per day. Plus it's flexible in that you choose which days to accept work.Funny thing is that our school district is actually hiring substitute teachers at the moment. It's apparently open to anyone with a college degree, and the school district will reimburse you for the certification fee if you serve for at least five (consecutive or nonconsecutive) days. But then you'd have to move out here and find a completely different job instead of trying to make up hours, and that'd cost a lot more than the $100/day pay.
You can try what I'm going to do next school year, which is become a substitute teacher. I don't know about West Virginia, but here it's pretty easy to get a license (though a long process initially), subs are in high demand, and the pay is about $100 per day. Plus it's flexible in that you choose which days to accept work.Funny thing is that our school district is actually hiring substitute teachers at the moment. It's apparently open to anyone with a college degree, and the school district will reimburse you for the certification fee if you serve for at least five (consecutive or nonconsecutive) days. But then you'd have to move out here and find a completely different job instead of trying to make up hours, and that'd cost a lot more than the $100/day pay.
You can try what I'm going to do next school year, which is become a substitute teacher. I don't know about West Virginia, but here it's pretty easy to get a license (though a long process initially), subs are in high demand, and the pay is about $100 per day. Plus it's flexible in that you choose which days to accept work.Funny thing is that our school district is actually hiring substitute teachers at the moment. It's apparently open to anyone with a college degree, and the school district will reimburse you for the certification fee if you serve for at least five (consecutive or nonconsecutive) days. But then you'd have to move out here and find a completely different job instead of trying to make up hours, and that'd cost a lot more than the $100/day pay.
Thanks for the suggestions! I checked the substitute thing, but unfortunately in WV you have to have a Bachelors, and I only have an Associates. And yeah, I'm definitely going to be checking all my options, but it's hard to find a job in tech in southern West Virginia. My supervisor is applying for jobs in North Carolina, but she can afford to relocate if she gets a job there, whereas I can't. =/
Alright, I need to ask. What in the world is a "Paraeducator" or "Paraprofessional"?According to Google:
a person to whom a particular aspect of a professional task is delegated but who is not licensed to practice as a fully qualified professional.I'd guess it's because of all those positions like "paralegal" and "paramedic" so now it's just extended to most professions in general.
Alright, I need to ask. What in the world is a "Paraeducator" or "Paraprofessional"?
Thanks for the suggestions! I checked the substitute thing, but unfortunately in WV you have to have a Bachelors, and I only have an Associates. And yeah, I'm definitely going to be checking all my options, but it's hard to find a job in tech in southern West Virginia. My supervisor is applying for jobs in North Carolina, but she can afford to relocate if she gets a job there, whereas I can't. =/
What do you guys think of the new trailer for Rogue One: A Star War Story?
Moot, that sounds pretty terrible. :/The College claims reduced enrollment and state budget cuts, which are certainly legit reasons, but the suddenness of all these measures leads me to believe there's been some mismanagement of the budget too. You don't go from things being tight but alright to being in an 'extreme budget crisis' virtually overnight. Nobody had any clue that these things were even a possibility three weeks ago. One of the people they laid off today was just hired two or three months ago. >_>
How did things get to this point?
@Wintermoot, I thought you got a BS already? Why only an AS? With you working at the college, you could get a discount towards pursuing a degree there, can you not?It's a community college, so they only provide certificates and Associates. When I graduated with my Associates, it wasn't possible to pursue a Bachelors without either driving a long distance or relocating...neither of which was possible because of my full-time job. The good news is that a new college is moving into town next year and they'll offer a Bachelors, but that's a long ways from now...
Also, for your skills, NC has a big tech centre, as in other places, and most companies can pay for your relocation. You need to look seriously.
I really, truly despise the goddamn winter.
so?I really, truly despise the goddamn winter.
But this is Wintreath...
So I had another seizure the other day. I've had about one a month since last March. Luckily once again all I ended up doing was biting my tongue something fierce. This time I saw it coming far enough back that I had time to run over to the couch (and in the presence of another person) so I wouldn't hit my head on anything. There are more to come surely, but if I can get the jump on them like that every time from now on I think I'd be quite happy. ^_^
So I had another seizure the other day. I've had about one a month since last March. Luckily once again all I ended up doing was biting my tongue something fierce. This time I saw it coming far enough back that I had time to run over to the couch (and in the presence of another person) so I wouldn't hit my head on anything. There are more to come surely, but if I can get the jump on them like that every time from now on I think I'd be quite happy. ^_^
Oh dear. I hope that you're OK. Have you seen a doctor?
Been a quiet day in Wintreath...No one talks to me.
And it's Friday night as well... :o what's going on do people have lives all of a sudden. :'(
Lately? Not really. I do have an appointment scheduled for...sometime. I don't remember when. Although I don't see my neurologist every time I have one because it isn't really necessary. Regardless I always seem to be okay which is what really matters.Ah. Well I hope you are fine.
the username Drexyl Nox is from a bad time in my life, I will be trying out other names for a while, but i like Reux
Oh dear. I hope that you're OK. Have you seen a doctor?
Lately? Not really. I do have an appointment scheduled for...sometime. I don't remember when. Although I don't see my neurologist every time I have one because it isn't really necessary. Regardless I always seem to be okay which is what really matters.
Damn...Oh dear. I hope that you're OK. Have you seen a doctor?
Lately? Not really. I do have an appointment scheduled for...sometime. I don't remember when. Although I don't see my neurologist every time I have one because it isn't really necessary. Regardless I always seem to be okay which is what really matters.
I'm glad you're OK. Seizures are no joke, I knew someone who bit their tounge off.
Oh dear. I hope that you're OK. Have you seen a doctor?
Lately? Not really. I do have an appointment scheduled for...sometime. I don't remember when. Although I don't see my neurologist every time I have one because it isn't really necessary. Regardless I always seem to be okay which is what really matters.
I'm glad you're OK. Seizures are no joke, I knew someone who bit their tounge off.
Oh dear. I hope that you're OK. Have you seen a doctor?
Lately? Not really. I do have an appointment scheduled for...sometime. I don't remember when. Although I don't see my neurologist every time I have one because it isn't really necessary. Regardless I always seem to be okay which is what really matters.
I'm glad you're OK. Seizures are no joke, I knew someone who bit their tounge off.
I'd hate to do that. Not so much because I wouldn't be able to talk (I'd actually be fine with that, no more awkward conversations) but because I wouldn't be able to taste delicious food anymore. I actually always seem to bite the side of my tongue which I believe is rather fortunate considering how much worse it could be.
They are quick to make, I recommend taming a person with good cupcake skills to secure your interrupted access to cupcakes. 8)
They are quick to make, I recommend taming a person with good cupcake skills to secure your interrupted access to cupcakes. 8)
I never tried making cupcake, I should try. After all I know how to make a lot of different kind of sweet. I do a killer chocolat mousse!
So I'm drunk. And that's probably why I'm saying this.
There's a guy from my NS intake. Let's call him Zed. He's bright, funny, attractive. I...feel something for him. I...don't know how to say it. I want him. I want to be with him. More than I've ever wanted anyone before. And I don't know what to do. I'm terrified of telling him because I don't want to lose him. I have no idea what to do.
So I'm drunk. And that's probably why I'm saying this.Aww...that's so cute! You've even rekindled a bit of the old hopeless romantic in this cynic. :)
There's a guy from my NS intake. Let's call him Zed. He's bright, funny, attractive. I...feel something for him. I...don't know how to say it. I want him. I want to be with him. More than I've ever wanted anyone before. And I don't know what to do. I'm terrified of telling him because I don't want to lose him. I have no idea what to do.
So I'm drunk. And that's probably why I'm saying this.Aww...that's so cute! You've even rekindled a bit of the old hopeless romantic in this cynic. :)
There's a guy from my NS intake. Let's call him Zed. He's bright, funny, attractive. I...feel something for him. I...don't know how to say it. I want him. I want to be with him. More than I've ever wanted anyone before. And I don't know what to do. I'm terrified of telling him because I don't want to lose him. I have no idea what to do.
You have to tell him...trust me, if you feel that way about him and don't at least explore the possibility of having something with him, you will regret it for a long time. Even if it turns out that he isn't into you, at least you'll know. You may be sad because of it, but it's better than being left to wonder what might've been if you'd only just told him...
Please, god, don't do that while you're drunk. :P
Serious emotional confessions are better left for when you can think clearly again. Inhibitions are not necessarily a bad part of human existence. :))
Thing is that I don't know if he swings this way.Well, maybe casually just bring the discussion up and see what he says. I usually find some casual way to mention that I like guys and just see how they respond.
So I'm drunk. And that's probably why I'm saying this.
There's a guy from my NS intake. Let's call him Zed. He's bright, funny, attractive. I...feel something for him. I...don't know how to say it. I want him. I want to be with him. More than I've ever wanted anyone before. And I don't know what to do. I'm terrified of telling him because I don't want to lose him. I have no idea what to do.
It's just kinda sad that most people aren't able to balance a friendship that happens to include sex, and most guys just end up wanting the sex. =/
So I'm drunk. And that's probably why I'm saying this.Aww...that's so cute! You've even rekindled a bit of the old hopeless romantic in this cynic. :)
There's a guy from my NS intake. Let's call him Zed. He's bright, funny, attractive. I...feel something for him. I...don't know how to say it. I want him. I want to be with him. More than I've ever wanted anyone before. And I don't know what to do. I'm terrified of telling him because I don't want to lose him. I have no idea what to do.
You have to tell him...trust me, if you feel that way about him and don't at least explore the possibility of having something with him, you will regret it for a long time. Even if it turns out that he isn't into you, at least you'll know. You may be sad because of it, but it's better than being left to wonder what might've been if you'd only just told him...
Thing is that I don't know if he swings this way.
It's just kinda sad that most people aren't able to balance a friendship that happens to include sex, and most guys just end up wanting the sex. =/
This is why I date women. Although, it's not like the grass is much greener.That's not really a good reason to just date women, lol...not all guys are like that. I've had some amazing sexual friendships with guys...even straight guys. It's just that I haven't had any lately, and it's starting to frustrate me. Sexual things with someone you feel nothing for is just a bore, a drag, and a turn-off. >_>
I know people like that, and the more annoying thing is that I'm actually attracted to them in a deeper sense...but they only ever message me or talk to me when they want to get off. -_- Though I guess that pretty much takes away any attraction I had.Well, I was once attracted to him when we were working together, but I never pursued anything because he said he was straight and I respected that. But back then we would chat about different things for however much time we had, and it was really interesting. I kinda wish it was like that again instead of how it is now. =/
Thing is that I don't know if he swings this way.Well, maybe casually just bring the discussion up and see what he says. I usually find some casual way to mention that I like guys and just see how they respond.
Well, just strike up some casual conversation...find a way to mention that you like guys in a way that won't clue him in that you like him in particular. If he says that he's straight, then you know and you haven't had to get too personal. Otherwise...get to know him better, try to see how he reacts to you...get a feel for the potential, and when the time feels right let him know.
I want Hermione Granger.
@North How are gay rights in Singapore?not great
@North How are gay rights in Singapore?
I want Hermione Granger.I feel like everybody wants Hermione Granger... :P
Can I slap you with a fish, Emoticonius?
I kinda wish I could go around and slap people with fishes!
I want Scarlett Johansson.
On a more important note, I want someone to talk to. Seriously.
So I asked Zed. He doesn't swing my way. At least I know now. Your right, I feel better knowing.Damn...I'm so sorry to hear that he's not compatible, so to speak. :(
Now the question becomes how do I stop dreaming about him. How do I stop wanting something I can never have? I still feel something for him. How do I get him out of my mind...
everybody DOES want Hermione GrangerNope I want Luna Lovegood :D or Draco Malfoy (I can't help myself with tortured soul, That must be the part of me that wnat to help and love everyone)
So I asked Zed. He doesn't swing my way. At least I know now. Your right, I feel better knowing.I know it will sound stupid but, you have to keep doing what you do, keep meeting people and stop thinking non-stop about him. I know it's hard even more when you see that person everyday. But you have to keep on living like you'll always did, or change stuff if you feel like it, but don't stop and stare what would never be. Because it's a dark and dangerous road.
Now the question becomes how do I stop dreaming about him. How do I stop wanting something I can never have? I still feel something for him. How do I get him out of my mind...
So I asked Zed. He doesn't swing my way. At least I know now. Your right, I feel better knowing.
Now the question becomes how do I stop dreaming about him. How do I stop wanting something I can never have? I still feel something for him. How do I get him out of my mind...
I had to look her up, lol. You know, she looks a bit like Leuth did when she was here. :P
(https://wintreath.com/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FonzF0Xs.gif&hash=f4f78e67e4f01734e7733fc6aad4c53f) @EmoticoniusAnd now I'll interject: :D
Nope I want Luna Lovegood :D
So I asked Zed. He doesn't swing my way. At least I know now. Your right, I feel better knowing.
Now the question becomes how do I stop dreaming about him. How do I stop wanting something I can never have? I still feel something for him. How do I get him out of my mind...
I am very bored...send help ;-;
Effective little tikes, they are, North, but I prefer these little guys: :PI am very bored...send help ;-;Boredom Medicine(https://wintreath.com/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimages4.fanpop.com%2Fimage%2Fphotos%2F16000000%2FCute-Kittens-kittens-16094704-1280-800.jpg&hash=ad427485e925834923692af66b51b1b8)
Effective little tikes, they are, North, but I prefer these little guys: :PI am very bored...send help ;-;Boredom Medicine(https://wintreath.com/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimages4.fanpop.com%2Fimage%2Fphotos%2F16000000%2FCute-Kittens-kittens-16094704-1280-800.jpg&hash=ad427485e925834923692af66b51b1b8)More Boredom Medicine(https://chrisnewsblog.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/lots-of-cute-puppies-1.jpeg)
That is probably the cutest boredom medicine that I have ever seen, Pengu!Effective little tikes, they are, North, but I prefer these little guys: :PI am very bored...send help ;-;Boredom Medicine(https://wintreath.com/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimages4.fanpop.com%2Fimage%2Fphotos%2F16000000%2FCute-Kittens-kittens-16094704-1280-800.jpg&hash=ad427485e925834923692af66b51b1b8)More Boredom Medicine(https://chrisnewsblog.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/lots-of-cute-puppies-1.jpeg)
Effective those are as well, BSR, but don't forget these:Exotic Boredom Medicine 1(https://wintreath.com/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.zooborns.com%2F.a%2F6a010535647bf3970b0120a5734e02970c-pi&hash=9d833d160173ea802c341280bf7ecc88)Exotic Boredom Medicine 2(https://wintreath.com/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gdargaud.net%2FAntarctica%2FLife%2FCreche.jpg&hash=92a1bbc336dd43367e10bf9493750a09)
So Ted Cruz is apparently going to show up tonight in San Diego at the County Central Committee meeting tonight.
This will be interesting. I'm leaning towards a possible Kasich/Rubio ticket.
However, it would be kind of cool to see him. We already have 20 people planned to protest his presence lol
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
Do you have a PC?
Effective little tikes, they are, North, but I prefer these little guys: :PI am very bored...send help ;-;Boredom Medicine(https://wintreath.com/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimages4.fanpop.com%2Fimage%2Fphotos%2F16000000%2FCute-Kittens-kittens-16094704-1280-800.jpg&hash=ad427485e925834923692af66b51b1b8)More Boredom Medicine(https://chrisnewsblog.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/lots-of-cute-puppies-1.jpeg)
Effective those are as well, BSR, but don't forget these:Exotic Boredom Medicine 1(https://wintreath.com/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.zooborns.com%2F.a%2F6a010535647bf3970b0120a5734e02970c-pi&hash=9d833d160173ea802c341280bf7ecc88)Exotic Boredom Medicine 2(https://wintreath.com/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gdargaud.net%2FAntarctica%2FLife%2FCreche.jpg&hash=92a1bbc336dd43367e10bf9493750a09)
Impossible in the same way I'd say faster than light travel is impossible, for a similar reason. As impossible as anything can be."Done well" IMO doesn't mean "consistent with the rules of reality" but rather "internally consistent yet also interesting." Unfortunately, for whatever reason, a lot of time travel is internally inconsistent.
The most any time travel mechanism in fiction can be is internally consistent.
Impossible in the same way I'd say faster than light travel is impossible, for a similar reason. As impossible as anything can be."Done well" IMO doesn't mean "consistent with the rules of reality" but rather "internally consistent yet also interesting." Unfortunately, for whatever reason, a lot of time travel is internally inconsistent.
The most any time travel mechanism in fiction can be is internally consistent.
@Reux, what painting are you using as your avatar? I'm fixated on it for a few seconds every time I see it. Something about its style just... works.Reverse Google Image search gave me this:
@Reux, what painting are you using as your avatar? I'm fixated on it for a few seconds every time I see it. Something about its style just... works.
Dear Youtube, ads are fine... but seeing the same ad for a week at a time really gets old really fast.
There's Firefox/Chrome addons I believe for removing ads, and I believe some of them even cut out Youtube ads.I have those on my computers, but I watch most of my Youtube with Xbox.
I have decided to militarily support the transitional government of osirisIsn't that the one that our allies are standing against? o_O
I don't believe any of our actual allies have picked a side one way or another, though interregional relations are obviously favouring the elected government.
I've been thinking about death a lot recently, not as in suicide but rather as in existential anxiety. I'm so scared of death and dying it makes it really hard for me to function.
I envy religious people sometimes, because they are so sure they're going somewhere amazing after death. I often tried to believe but I just can't. All I can envision is the void and I'm so fucking terrified of it. I used to love looking at the stars in a clear night sky, to witness the greatness of creation, but now it just makes me feel insignificant and reinforces my fears.
I don't know how other people aren't as scared as I am. The only good news I have is that I still have around 60 years of life ahead of me. That's a long time, I'm only 25 and it already feels like I've lived forever. My family has very sturdy genes, no relative of mine died before 80 and most went well past 90, so I'll probably see 2070 or even 2080.
I just hope that in 2070 we'll have found a way to download our consciousnesses in servers and thus never have to experience death.
I liked PB's post above mostly because of how personal it shows each journey to be.I've been thinking about death a lot recently, not as in suicide but rather as in existential anxiety. I'm so scared of death and dying it makes it really hard for me to function.
I envy religious people sometimes, because they are so sure they're going somewhere amazing after death. I often tried to believe but I just can't. All I can envision is the void and I'm so fucking terrified of it. I used to love looking at the stars in a clear night sky, to witness the greatness of creation, but now it just makes me feel insignificant and reinforces my fears.
I don't know how other people aren't as scared as I am. The only good news I have is that I still have around 60 years of life ahead of me. That's a long time, I'm only 25 and it already feels like I've lived forever. My family has very sturdy genes, no relative of mine died before 80 and most went well past 90, so I'll probably see 2070 or even 2080.
I just hope that in 2070 we'll have found a way to download our consciousnesses in servers and thus never have to experience death.
I am somewhat religious, but I've also had existential fear like this in the past. I took a certain class in college that both introduced me to it and helped me get over it. It was inside a federal prison. There was about 20 "inside" students and 20 "outside" students, and we basically discussed forgiveness, spirituality, and social movements. The whole class had an overarching Buddhist theme.
Basically, I discovered that 1. My time on this earth is extremely short, 2. Everything is connected to everything else, and 3. The universe corrects itself. By simply living, we share in this collective experience known as humanity. It was here before us, and it will persist after us, but we will make unique and beautiful contributions to it that will touch literally every other human. Those that come before you set our stage, we perform our act, and we discover that everything we thought we did for us, we actually did for the next generation of people. Because of this connection, we have an obligation to do good, not do evil, and do good for others (3 different things) within our short time. If we don't, we can expect the negativity to return to us because the universe seeks to exist in harmony and God (or whatever) will do what must be done to preserve the natural order for the next generation.
It puts everything in perspective - I'm essentially agreeing you that death will be here before you know it, but if you look at your life as an instrument of betterment for your posterity (not necessarily your kids, but humanity, which includes yourself), it gives everything new purpose and meaningfulness.
I can recommend some excellent books, if you wish to learn more. We read about 5 in this class. I hope this helps. It probably makes 0 sense but it's my truth, so I suppose I'm the one that has to understand it.
Sorry for the double-post...just...wasn't worthy of a serious debate topic, but...I couldn't NOT post it SOMEWHERE, lol.
Sadly believable Twitter hoax claims Limp Bizkit is playing at an Ohio gas station (https://www.yahoo.com/tech/sadly-believable-twitter-hoax-claims-limp-bizkit-143438532.html)
"In fact, some Bizkit fans were so convinced that the band would play — I can’t believe how sad this sounds — at a gas station in Ohio that the local police department had to take to Twitter to dispel the rumors about a show."
As of today, I officially work for the US Postal Service. :)) I had/have orientation today and tomorrow, so tonight I get to stay in a really nice hotel suite that the USPS is paying for. Oh, yeah 8)
As of today, I officially work for the US Postal Service. :)) I had/have orientation today and tomorrow, so tonight I get to stay in a really nice hotel suite that the USPS is paying for. Oh, yeah 8)
So I've been gone a while. And while I was gone I had some time to think. I've been under a lot of stress recently, what with my POP, heartbreak and my posting. I got TransCom by the way, train police basically. And I took it out on all of you. The thing with Gov reminded me of what happened with me in Equinox and that pushed me over the edge. For that I'm sorry. I really want to stay here. Thing is that I'm not a very good person. I'm sarcastic and over think things and am way to paranoid for my own good and I definitely have some kind of undiagnosed mental thing and I have a life time of shame and self loathing to bear. I don't have many friends. But I am glad that I can say that you're my friends. I hope. There's the paranoia. So long story short I'm coming back. And hopefully things will be better. Now, enough rambling, time to snap back to reality.Welcome back, Northy! We missed ya :) And hey, no need to worry about whether or not we're your friends. One way or another you're never getting rid of us :D (ok, only in a good way, fine fine). I hope you're feeling better after some time to think, but as always I'm here and available to talk to in case you need someone to vent to.
So I've been gone a while. And while I was gone I had some time to think. I've been under a lot of stress recently, what with my POP, heartbreak and my posting. I got TransCom by the way, train police basically. And I took it out on all of you. The thing with Gov reminded me of what happened with me in Equinox and that pushed me over the edge. For that I'm sorry. I really want to stay here. Thing is that I'm not a very good person. I'm sarcastic and over think things and am way to paranoid for my own good and I definitely have some kind of undiagnosed mental thing and I have a life time of shame and self loathing to bear. I don't have many friends. But I am glad that I can say that you're my friends. I hope. There's the paranoia. So long story short I'm coming back. And hopefully things will be better. Now, enough rambling, time to snap back to reality.We are your friends...I am your friend, and I'm proud to be your friend. Welcome back. :)
Due to my recent bouts of health anxiety I resolved to eat better, but I don't really know where to start.I personally think that if you're eating better than you were, that's great. Too many diet plans focus on strict focus on some perfect diet plan that becomes torturous to follow...it's no wonder people fall off the bandwagon and give it up, or go back to their old habits after they've reached their goals. What you should be focused on is a heather lifestyle that you can maintain for the rest of your life, not a super-strict diet. For example, the first thing I did was elimate soda. It was a small change, but soda is the worst thing that you can consume and has no health value whatsoever. From there I've taken note of my diet and changes that I can make over time...simple things like replacing sugary processed jelly with bananas on my peanut butter sandwiches and eating mustard on my sandwiches instead of mayo.
I eat a bit more fruits and veggies, replaced fries with mashed potatoes or brown rice (no more poutine :( ) with carrots, replaced lettuce in my sandwiches with spinach, replaced cake with fruit and I'm drinking only water and sometimes milk, but the core of my diet remains the same. Once per week red meat, white meat and fish (mostly cod), and the rest of the time mostly pasta, sandwiches and eggs, with lots of starch as sides and lots of dairy all the time (love cheese and milk). I'd love to eat smoked salmon but shit's too expensive.
I mean I guess I'm not eating TV dinners and fast food every day like some people but that's still nowhere near excellent. Also I never salt anything (fucking hate salt) and when I eat grain I make sure I eat whole ones.
Trouble is I'm incredibly picky and unfortunately, most things taste dreadful to me, or their texture makes me want to hurl. Food nearly anyone eats like tomatoes, cabbage, peas, strawberries or what have you is awful to me. As far as plants are concerned, I can only eat apples, bananas, blueberries, raspberries, potatoes, sweet potatoes, spinach, lettuce, garlic, onions, carrots, string beans (the latter two only with ketchup and only cooked). I fucking hate turnips and broccoli and olives and all the rest, and not for lack of trying, and unfortunately some of the shit on this list tastes awful if not homegrown, and being Canadian shit like blueberries can only be grown part of the year.
I'm too poor to afford lots of fresh produce which doesn't help, salad (any salad) is like my most hated dish of all time because the textures and taste are all over the place and aside from "eat more greens you pleb", what constitutes "eating healthy" seems to be all over the place. This "portions" shit doesn't help me to understand either, I mean yeah sure eat at least 5 portions of fruits and veggies but surely something that's like 99% water like celery doesn't count for as much as a carrot. Could I get away with just dunking a bunch of vegetable juice?
Neither my mom or I know how to cook and we both hate cooking, I want to eat healthy but put in the least effort required. I don't want to spend an hour cooking elaborate shit. A vegetarian diet is out of the question, I have fucking canines and I mean to keep using them, plus I love dairy and eggs too much to give them up.
Is there anywhere I could check out simple recipes for nutritionally challenged people who hate cooking? I really don't mind eating the same 2-3 dishes all the time if it comes to that. Honestly I would just buy Soylent and stop thinking about this shit but I seem to remember something about rat shit in the powder.
I also have a feeling that this crap about "healthy eating" is just a bullshit industry and that you're pretty much fine as long as you don't stuff your face with processed shit all the time. My grandma ate the same 2 veggies (carrots and turnips) all her life and lived to 96, never even had any health problems, she got pneumonia in the end.
But the chem exam is fun!Oh dear god! Someone show him some real fun. :P
So I've been gone a while. And while I was gone I had some time to think. I've been under a lot of stress recently, what with my POP, heartbreak and my posting. I got TransCom by the way, train police basically. And I took it out on all of you. The thing with Gov reminded me of what happened with me in Equinox and that pushed me over the edge. For that I'm sorry. I really want to stay here. Thing is that I'm not a very good person. I'm sarcastic and over think things and am way to paranoid for my own good and I definitely have some kind of undiagnosed mental thing and I have a life time of shame and self loathing to bear. I don't have many friends. But I am glad that I can say that you're my friends. I hope. There's the paranoia. So long story short I'm coming back. And hopefully things will be better. Now, enough rambling, time to snap back to reality.
So I've been gone a while. And while I was gone I had some time to think. I've been under a lot of stress recently, what with my POP, heartbreak and my posting. I got TransCom by the way, train police basically. And I took it out on all of you. The thing with Gov reminded me of what happened with me in Equinox and that pushed me over the edge. For that I'm sorry. I really want to stay here. Thing is that I'm not a very good person. I'm sarcastic and over think things and am way to paranoid for my own good and I definitely have some kind of undiagnosed mental thing and I have a life time of shame and self loathing to bear. I don't have many friends. But I am glad that I can say that you're my friends. I hope. There's the paranoia. So long story short I'm coming back. And hopefully things will be better. Now, enough rambling, time to snap back to reality.
Well, despite what happened previously (you know what I mean ^_^), I've never particularly thought less of you. Nobody's perfect and I'm sure you have more than your fair share of redeeming qualities, like most people. Glad to have ya back. :)-snip-
You're already making a big difference, just like Moot said. I know you don't want to go cooking anything that takes too long, but you should really reconsider. The result is well worth the preparation time. If you're gonna go big on fruits and whatnot, you could make some awesome smoothies or even your own yogurt! I strongly suggesting checking out what you can make with all those good ingredients. And of course do a little experimentation to see what you can make as well. If you don't indulge in something even a little unhealthy once in a while, you'll go mad though. So don't hesitate to have yourself a piece of pie or something at parties and stuff. Just remember that moderation is the key. ^_^
So I've been gone a while. And while I was gone I had some time to think. I've been under a lot of stress recently, what with my POP, heartbreak and my posting. I got TransCom by the way, train police basically. And I took it out on all of you. The thing with Gov reminded me of what happened with me in Equinox and that pushed me over the edge. For that I'm sorry. I really want to stay here. Thing is that I'm not a very good person. I'm sarcastic and over think things and am way to paranoid for my own good and I definitely have some kind of undiagnosed mental thing and I have a life time of shame and self loathing to bear. I don't have many friends. But I am glad that I can say that you're my friends. I hope. There's the paranoia. So long story short I'm coming back. And hopefully things will be better. Now, enough rambling, time to snap back to reality.
Ichirou: Hi there! I'm Game Master Ichirou and I'm reviewing your ticket information right now. How are you doing today?
Me: Doing well, thanks. How are you?
Ichirou: I'm fine. Thank you for asking. I understand that you're having an issue logging in.
Ichirou: May I ask for the username that you're using?
Me: Yes. At the moment I do currently have an ongoing support ticket that's still open...but live chat is much more prompt.
Me: and the email, since I don't exactly have a username, is (redacted)
Ichirou: What is the name of your character?
Me: the display name for the site is Leonation
Me: well...leonation since there's never any caps.
Ichirou: I would also like to ask for your first and last name?
Me: Actual? Maxwell (Redacted)
Ichirou: is this your PWI character "Erestia"?
Me: I can give that name a try....it's been years since I've even logged on.
Me: well, years-ish it feels like. -_-
Ichirou: Please try to log in again. Kindly use "SillySora@gmail.com" as your username :)
Me: That's what I've tried using.
Me: I use the same email and password that I used to log into the site. The site is successful, the game isn't.
Ichirou: Could you please try to log in again? I've made some changes on the account.
Me: still says incorrect username or password.
Ichirou: I would like to ask for your date of birth?
Me: 11/14/1986
Ichirou: Please try to use "leonatio" as your username.
Me: That one worked. Why wouldn't that show on my account?
Ichirou: The one that's visible on your Arc account is the handle name. It shouldn't be used for login purposes. Is there anything else I can help you with today? :)
Me: What I mean is why wouldn't it show me my username in case something like this were to happen?
Me: Seems like it'd be easy if there was a username retrieval that could be sent to email if requested. :)
Ichirou: Due to security purposes, we don't have that option.
Me: So coming here or opening a support ticket is the only way for someone to recover a lost username.
Ichirou: Our players can use their email address as their username. Please be aware that for newly created accounts, they don't have a dedicated username. They are required to use their email address as their username.
Me: Except that this whole conversation was about how my email doesn't work for a username, at least in the game.
Me: Since it was tried several times.
Ichirou: I suggest that you try to copy and paste this "SillySora@gmail.com" on the username box on the login screen. There is a possibility that there's a space before or after the email address that's why you're receiving the error message.
Me: I've done that before as well.
Ashynt: Hi there! I'm Game Master Ashynt and I'm reviewing your ticket information right now. How are you doing today?
sillysora@gmail.com: I'm doing alright, thanks. You?
Ashynt: I'm doing good, thank you for asking.
sillysora@gmail.com: That's good to hear. :)
sillysora@gmail.com: So, I had a long winded conversation with someone else on my other account, because I was having issues logging into Perfect World. On here, I'm able to log in fine with just my email and password. On there and I assume other games, I need my username and password, which they were finally able to give me. My question is...why wouldn't older accounts like mine have something on our accounts to show us our usernames in case we forgot? I understand the switch with emails being used now and all...but the whole issue is that my email, no matter if I copy and paste it, or type it out, doesn't work.
sillysora@gmail.com: and I assume other older accounts are going to encounter this issue as well.
Ashynt: If I understood that correctly, your email address is not working when you are using it? would you be referring to this account?
sillysora@gmail.com: Correct. As you can see, I logged in perfectly fine on here. But I actually had to have someone dig into what my username was since my email address doesn't work as a username for the game.
sillysora@gmail.com: and I tried every way of putting it in. Copying and pasting, typing it manually in its correct form, in lowercase, and none of it worked.
Ashynt: By the way, may I know for what game?
sillysora@gmail.com: Perfect World International.
sillysora@gmail.com: After they gave me my actual username, I was able to log in just fine. But resorting to live chat or a support ticket to recover one's username just because they're an older account seems like a bit much.
sillysora@gmail.com: Isn't there a way it could be added right under the display name on an older account's profile details?
Ashynt: Oh I see. Sadly we will not be able to have it added. Also it is an added security feature that before we provide any information about the account we need to make sure that we provide it to the owner and not someone who can open the account freely.
sillysora@gmail.com: I'm confused on how that's possible. One needs both the email name and access to the email because of Arc Defender, let alone a password as well to even access the account on the site. One simply needs the email and the password to access the game.
sillysora@gmail.com: So in order to even access the profile where the username would be listed for them only, they'd have to jump through 3 hurdles to get the username if it was listed anyways.
sillysora@gmail.com: So I'm lost how that would be jeopardizing security since nothing would change outside of them being able to see their old username.
sillysora@gmail.com: and only when they've already passed the other security checks to even gain access to their account in the first place.
Ashynt: Yes that is true and we appreciate your feedback. I will have it noted and have them informed.
sillysora@gmail.com: Thank you. It just seems like far too big of a hassle for older members to have to open up a support ticket or waste your guys' time just to retrieve a username when you could be assisting others with bigger issues.
Ashynt: You're welcome and I appreciate your time. Would there be anything else I can assist you with?
sillysora@gmail.com: That's everything.
@taulover I hope your AP exam went well!Thanks! I certainly hope I did well.
Good luck tomorrow to everyone taking AP Computer Science, Spanish, and/or Physics 1!
Maybe someday I'll find the person I once was...the one people saw as likable and attractive. The one that was interesting, and seemed to have interesting things to say and wasn't a bore that harped on the same predictable topics over and over again...half of which only make people uncomfortable. The person that people wanted to be close friends with...and take into their confidence...maybe, someday...
They're stable... They're alive...Really happy to hear it, Reon. Get some rest in, I can only imagine how draining that must've been for you and those around you. Stay strong :)
I'm going to sleep now...
You are that person, Moot. You always were and you can always be that guy.That's sweet of you to say...I dunno, someone said something last night that really upset and hurt me, and from there I started thinking about all these other things and thinking about the past and how things were different. In the past, I was really close with a lot of people on a personal level...I was a close friend and confidant to a lot of people, and there were people that were close friends and confidants to me. Now...not so much. I rarely talk to people one-on-one anymore...I just don't have much interesting to say to hold up such a conversation anymore...and otherwise I feel like something between a creep and a joke. I wonder if people feel they have to humour me because of the position that I hold, and sometimes people put me down in a sincerely joking manner...at least I hope it is...forgetting that I'm a person with feelings, too. And my flaws and vices aside, I've always tried to be a good person and a good friend...or at least as good as I can be...a person that's there for people when I'm needed, and someone that tries to get people to realize the good things about them when they're down.
They're stable... They're alive...I'm sorry that you had to go through all that...I'm glad that they're stable, and hopefully at least now they can get the help that they need to come back from this. Keep doing what you're doing...I know you're a good friend, and I'm sure they do, too. :)
I'm going to sleep now...
@Wintermoot, I just want to say publicly that I still see you as my NationStates mentor and as a very good friend on NS. I may joke around with you, and be silly, but I do consider you strong enough a friend that should we cross paths I'd be amiss if I didn't buy you a drink at the nearest pub, or other similar establishment.And I'd be amiss if I didn't share a bed with you. ;) Oops, I did it again. :P
I've enjoyed every conversation we've had to a tee (even the ones where you've correctly pulled me up when I got stuff wrong), and I think you're a powerhouse for creating Wintreath, one of (if not the) greatest community to exist within NationStates.
I know there are people who don't like you, and think you a creep and a joke (as you say), but for every one person who does, there are four or five here that see you who you really are: a genuine guy who is looking out for others and doing his best to guide this community.
I just want you to know that I value you as you, and I think you're awesome.
You are that person, Moot. You always were and you can always be that guy.That's sweet of you to say...I dunno, someone said something last night that really upset and hurt me
A very dear friend of mine died this morning.
A very dear friend of mine died this morning.
A very dear friend of mine died this morning.
Just going to mirror what everyone else has said here, Mootles - you're a pretty great guy :) The thing with humanity is everyone's got different tastes and interests, and what pleases some equally pisses off others. There's no middle ground that'll keep everyone happy, no way of being all things to all men to butcher an old phrase. The only way to live is to be happy in who you are.Thanks for all the wonderful things you said! :) I've been thinking a lot over the past few days, and I've come to realize that it's not necessarily that I'm unhappy with myself, just with the situation I find myself in. After some stuff happened a few years ago, I guess I started isolating myself and not opening up to people or expressing myself the way that I used to. In some ways I became more reserved, less vulnerable, better able to appear calm and collected...but it's had an affect on my relationships with people, like I said before...I've become a less personable person, and because of that I don't have the deep, close, personal, satisfying friendships that I once had.
That's not to say you should disregard what other people feel about you, not at all. What it does mean is that when someone makes a derogatory comment, cut out all the shit bits and work out what their actual concern is. There's no harm in changing who you are based on valid feedback, but there IS harm in hearing negative comments and stressing out over them to the nth degree. You're a great person, you've created a great community full of great people, and to do that there's gotta be something in that mystical head of yours which people like.
So take a step back, take some deep breaths, and remember: you're alive. You. Right now, it's you reading this. You're here, you're conscious, you exist, you're aware. It could've been someone else, or you might not have been here at all, but you are, and that's pretty fucking awesome. Make the most of what you have, push yourself to be more by all means, but be happy in the knowledge that we're all damn glad you're who you are :)
A very dear friend of mine died this morning.I'm so sorry that you've lost such a close friend...how are you holding up?
A very dear friend of mine died this morning.
I think to some extent that everyone does that...the last time I had issues with stomach ulcers, I was worried the whole time that I had stomach cancer. :))
Given that you started having allergy issues at around the same time, it's probably that, especially given that the sinuses go up into the head cavity. I would try not to worry too much :P
I have an exam tomorrow, so won't be around much today or tomorrow. Also got 2 next week; so won't be on around them either. Would have posted this in the absence thread but seeing as it is just a couple of days. Meh. :-\
I see I've missed much.
Anyway, this was fairly depressing, and reminded me a lot of South Africa. I really do hate the power the state receives with socialism.
It will be very interesting to see how this all plays out. If boys think they are bullied by other boys, they will be doubly surprised at the anxt of the young women! They may not feel they relate to the new sex after all. Lol. Same with girls who think they're boys. School officials will have much trouble on their hands. Maybe the sexually confused will finally actually see that they are not in fact another sex. You can't steal the divine nature of womanhood or man's virility. It's going to be complex but I still don't think there will be many real experiences but I may be naive. I bet they put a few new bathrooms in schools. The students who suffer from this mental illness probably will be seeking as much privacy as possible.
QuoteIt will be very interesting to see how this all plays out. If boys think they are bullied by other boys, they will be doubly surprised at the anxt of the young women! They may not feel they relate to the new sex after all. Lol. Same with girls who think they're boys. School officials will have much trouble on their hands. Maybe the sexually confused will finally actually see that they are not in fact another sex. You can't steal the divine nature of womanhood or man's virility. It's going to be complex but I still don't think there will be many real experiences but I may be naive. I bet they put a few new bathrooms in schools. The students who suffer from this mental illness probably will be seeking as much privacy as possible.
- My Lovely Mother
Rural South Africa (which is most of the country), and many of the poor city areas, are comparatively bad to Venezuela, but it's not a perfect copy of how shitty things are in Venezuela at present (though Venezuela at least doesn't have to deal with nearly as much racial tension).
Our currency is rapidly imploding, though, and our economy is just going from bad to super fucked up in no time at all, while the president buys himself R5 billion luxury jets and stuffs the faces of his many wives and children in his ultra mansion at Nkandla--all of which were bought at the expense of the struggling tax payer, and not through his salary.
Economists even reckon that the Rand (indicated by the letter "R", it is our currency) could fall to as low as R60 to the US$ by 2018, while it's currently trading at around R15 to the dollar.
When the ANC took over in 1994, we were trading at R3 to the dollar. Then we began changing city names for no good reason, enforcing racial quotas that gutted any semblance of merit (also driving the people who actually knew their shit out of the country), implementing ridiculous land reform policies (driving away more people who knew their shit) and generally bringing fuckery to all levels of our society: increased taxes for the rich, which then gets misused by the politicians, and not for anything useful like, you know, maintaining schools or roads or even our state power utility, Eskom (which has now been bankrupt for quite awhile).
Falling education standards led to unskilled labourers, led to lower pay, led to unemployment, led to crime and corruption. That coupled with laws that protect the criminal led to the police not being able to do their jobs properly (along with the newer batch of policemen not being skilled enough because our education system became broken), led to wide-scale demoralisation, led to cynicism, led to apathy, led to institutionalised corruption in all state departments.
And all of it is because of how much power the socialist state has, and how unaccountable it is.
That said, Mandela and Mbeki weren't corrupt, but they were about the best you could hope for in a state system that is so unaccountable and powerful, yet filled with politicians who didn't even receive any type of formal education to begin with.
Yup, we're pretty much fucked, unless Ramaphosa (Mandela's favourite) can work some miracles--assuming his party even recognises what a bind they're in and acknowledge he's the best person for the job, but unfortunately, many wish to give the presidency to Dlamini-Zuma, Zuma's (our current, completely unschooled, incompetent, corrupt president) ex-wife who will pretty much maintain the status quo.
Oh, and free health care? What a joke. The state hospitals are severely understaffed and overworked, the hygiene standards are incredibly low, and you're more likely to die there than if you'd just stuck it out and tried to fix the problem yourself. God forbid you don't get a serious illness, because then you're pretty much fucked without medical aid.
To top it all off, and this is really the final nail in our coffin, many people would rather see our universities close down completely unless government can give free education and crack down on Afrikaans as a language of study. Excellent reasoning, I tell you.
QuoteIt will be very interesting to see how this all plays out. If boys think they are bullied by other boys, they will be doubly surprised at the anxt of the young women! They may not feel they relate to the new sex after all. Lol. Same with girls who think they're boys. School officials will have much trouble on their hands. Maybe the sexually confused will finally actually see that they are not in fact another sex. You can't steal the divine nature of womanhood or man's virility. It's going to be complex but I still don't think there will be many real experiences but I may be naive. I bet they put a few new bathrooms in schools. The students who suffer from this mental illness probably will be seeking as much privacy as possible.
- My Lovely Mother
I wasn't liking Evey's mother a decade ago. :P
But at least she admitted that she may be naive. xD
lol such a hipster.I wasn't liking Evey's mother a decade ago. [emoji14]
But at least she admitted that she may be naive. xD
Such a hipster Moot-
"I didn't like Evelyn's mother, before it was cool" :))
In other news I got my ACT Scores back...didn't do as good as I thought i might do...I mean they are by no means bad (I was above benchmark on all but one category)...however I could have done better...
Yeah, it was my first time taking it. I can take it at least two more times.In other news I got my ACT Scores back...didn't do as good as I thought i might do...I mean they are by no means bad (I was above benchmark on all but one category)...however I could have done better...
Was it your first time, and are you going to be able to take it again? If you can take it again then there's really no reason to fret, practice makes perfect and that holds true for test-taking. Good job on getting above benchmark on most of your topics!
I got my ACT scores a few weeks ago and for the most part I'm fairly pleased with them, but I'm slightly embarrassed about my science and writing scores since they're pretty far below my others (even though pretty much everyone scores way lower on writing).
Also, Gov, holy shit I love your cat. Have I ever posted pictures of my cat here?
I'm in hell rn*Hands Lumenland a bucket full of snowballs.* Odd glitch, right? Use these to fight whoever you need to, they work great!
I kinda feel like shit for no reason...
So, a friend of mine posted this on Facebook:You and I should stay in touch on Facebook please, Wintermoot? :-/
"Thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday today. Means a lot that people took time to say that to me.
To those who didn't, well you can suck it."
I wished him a happy birthday, but I was tempted to ask if I could still suck it. ^-^
He held the door.Man, I literally just finished watching that.Game of Thrones SpoilerRIP, dear Giant. You were the victim of an exceptionally cruel fate. Fuck whatever the gods may be for putting you through that.
Oh, and let's give it up for the Children of the Forest for playing with fire and getting burned. Because no one could possibly have predicted how shit that would have turned out. Well done, I say.
Reminds me of every instance when I quit caffeine cold turkey. You can do it! :D
So May has been an interesting Month to say the least, filled with ups and downs throughout...the ups being mainly because of how work has been going for me, the downs mainly because of singledom taking its toll, and past emotions coming back to the surface. That’s the short version. To save space, I’ll post the long version in spoilers.SpoilerSo at work I’ve been really doing better than I expected. I’ve been really enjoying working as a cashier since I learned that I absolutely just love talking to people. Being able to stand there and have conversations with people and getting paid to do so while scanning and bagging their items really is a blast for me. Sure, I get the occasional bad customer, but I’ve yet to ever have one really get upset/angry at me. I also ended up getting on the board for the first time as one of the fastest cashiers this week which is excellent, because it means I don’t have to worry about being let go anytime soon for being slow...which was why my last job didn’t work out.
They also hired someone to replace me as a cashier so that I can go back and work in the Electronics department, which is what I’ve been wanting ever since I heard there was an opening in that area. The week before last I got to work over there overnights restocking and resetting the shelves, and I really had a great time doing it. So to be hired over there as an actual Electronics person will be fantastic...plus it’s a pay raise, so that’s a huge plus.
I really wish that was translating into my social/off work/love life. Unfortunately, it’s not. I was seeing someone for a bit, but that ended because he’s way too passive about wanting to spend time together. We went on a total of 3 dates, the last being way back in March before I had even gotten my new job. I would occasionally throw out the rope by telling him what days I had off, and he never seemed to want to set anything up despite him saying he missed hanging out with me. Our conversations were even sparse and far between. I decided to re-create my dating profiles a couple of weeks ago because I pretty much just gave up. He talked about wanting to see the new X-Men movie with me and I told him my days off, and no dice. He said he’d get back to me about it, and I haven’t heard back.
As far as the dating profiles, I’ve had a couple of nips, but no real bites. Against my better judgment, I recreated my profiles on some of the other sites, and all I’ve gotten so far are older guys that keep wanting to hook up with me, which is something I’m not really into.
It’s going on…almost 9 months since I was in an actual relationship with someone, before that it was a year, and before that it was 2 years.
I just don’t do well with being single, and do even less when dating someone doesn’t work out if they’re the ones that cut the cord. I have a few insecurities about myself, and both of those times usually tend to bring them out.
This month in general has pretty much shown me that deep down, I’m really not okay. As much as I try to tell myself that I am, I’m really not, and I don’t think I’ve really actually been okay for a while.
When I was younger, I was bullied constantly in school. I was in SpED occasionally and had physical and occupational therapy from elementary to middle school. When I was roughly 5 months, I had really bad grand Mal seizures (like really bad, violent shake-wise) constantly and daily. Mind you, this was back in the 80s, when knowing how to even deal with the different types of seizures was still being worked on. I don't know how they got them to stop (but the doctor they took me to see did some kind of procedure), and to this day no one knows what caused it (since I've never had them again)...but one result of it all is that my motor skills absolutely suffered and developmentally I wasn't in the same exact area as everyone else, so I was put into physical/occupational therapy and SpED to get me back up to speed.
I don't even know if being in those were even the reason I was bullied, or if it was because I never stood up for myself, or a mix of those things. All I know is that I got called many different types of names, kids would intentionally throw things like basketballs at me from behind (one time one kid actually hit me from behind with one of those milk crates, right on the head), my backpack would get put in the trashcan, kids would intentionally get me in trouble even when I didn’t do anything wrong, I’ve been threatened (actually to where I've had a knife pointed at me), kids would pretend to be my friend and then moments later would be making fun of me in my face, and I’ve been used for dares and bets – my actual first girlfriend (not my considered first, but actual first) was because someone made a bet with her to go out with me and then break up with me in that same day.
And no, none of this was sexuality reasons. I wasn't even completely aware that I was attracted to guys until I was 12 (though I think that's just when attraction in general kicked in for me), and I didn't even come out to anyone that I was gay until I was 19. I didn't get any of the F-names thrown at me or any of those jokes...though did get others.
But that was just the kids. I had good teachers, but I also had nasty ones too that attributed to it – my second grade teacher had me sit in the hall constantly because I liked to talk, and really never had any positive things to say whatsoever. My fourth grade teacher actually had a system in place to where if I did anything that the class didn’t agree with, they as a class would call out my name and say that I was bothering them (a system a good number of course abused and I got in trouble when I didn't even do anything) on top of the fact that my desk was on the complete opposite side of the room away from everyone else. It wasn't until near the end of the year that the same kids in the class tried it when I didn't do anything, and a couple of kids finally called them out on it, but I don't think the teacher even cared.
Middle school (the first I went to for 5th and 6th grade) had two systems in place: Make your Day, and the Steps program. The first was a point system in which you started out with a certain number of points for each class, and you’d lose points if you didn’t do your homework, were talking, and so on. It essentially was a system that encouraged tattling as well as making shit up against others so that they’d lose points, since the teachers never really questioned anything being said (mine never did anyways). If you lost a certain number of points, you’d have show the fact that you failed to “Make your Day” to your parents (essentially it was the equivalent of getting an “F”), they’d have to sign something, and you’d have to try harder the next day. Multiple times would end up being the topic of a parent-teacher or parent-principal conference. In the summer time was pretty much the biggest insult to where if you “Made your day” enough times, you’d get to join everyone on a trip to the Family Fun center in the town that I lived (which was an arcade, bumper boats, mini golf, etc…), and you’d get lunch, free tokens, and rides. So if you didn’t meet the requirement, no fun trip for you.
The Steps program essentially was this: If you talked, disrupted the class, or even said or did anything the teacher didn’t agree with, you’d fall into this progressive cycle:
>Step one: You’d have to sit at a desk against the wall for a period of time (dictated by the teacher), facing the wall.
>Step two (if it continued during step one): Similar to above, but standing.
>Step three (same as above): You’d be sent to the principal’s office
>Step four (read above): You’d be suspended/sent home.
>Step five (read above): Expulsion
Granted, it wasn’t always a progressive cycle. The teacher was perfectly within their rights to skip a step or two if they chose to.
Really, the bullying lasted from 2nd grade all the way till I graduated high school. The sad thing is that I spent half of my schooling in one town, and then moved elsewhere in a completely different city on the opposite side of the state for my second half...and despite this completely new location, it completely resumed right where it left off the moment I started 7th grade. In Junior year I tried really hard to ignore the comments and names, but I’d be lying if I said I was successful. I was so glad when graduation came because I knew I wouldn’t have to deal with it anymore...but at least a decade of damage was already done.
In my younger years, I was a really excitable and talkative type of person. By the time I was in 5th grade, that had diminished a lot because I started to feel insecure about myself, and by 7th grade I essentially turned into the type that only spoke on rare occasions, was having identity, self esteem, and insecurity issues, and was prone to start crying because emotionally I couldn’t deal with a lot of things anymore. High school, that was pretty much me as well...and I really think that my psyche was permanently damaged by everything that happened.
It's annoying in a way because I graduated almost 11 years ago, and it all still haunts me and has a tight grip on me today as much as I've tried getting over or finding a way to move past it. I was actually relieved I never received the invite to my 10-year reunion, because I'm not ready to face any of them. I really want to be able to forgive and forget, but I can't. As forgetful a person as I am, I really can't forget anything that happened, and I can't forgive them honestly because of how deeply it hurt and still does to this day. So deeply that it still affects me in many parts of my personality and my life.
Relationship wise, I have a difficult time really trusting people. Even if someone says they’re attracted to me, I find it really difficult to believe them, and find myself worrying a lot even if there’s no reason to. But that in itself has pushed me internally to get over being into someone as fast as I was attracted to them...because I’d rather be the person ending it than be the person that ends up being surprised by being dumped. But it's cost me some potentially great relationships with wonderful people.
But if it's any consolation (I guess): a good number of my exes (if not most) ended up meeting their actual special someone after our relationship ended (aka, the next person they dated after me)...so I guess there's that. I get to be the guy that people go out with right before they meet the person they want to spend their life with...maybe that's my superpower.
Personality wise, I still second guess and doubt myself a lot. College classes, especially my theatre classes, suffered because I doubt myself and hesitate to really show any vulnerability (but in fact show too much) in fear of being let down or disappointed or being tormented again. My theatre teacher actually referred to me one day as being like a “wounded bird” because I’m extremely hesitant and scared that I’ll do badly, so I end up being one of those types that comes in internally apologizing for my performance even before I’ve done anything.
There’s also occasional moments where I'm just generally depressed about things. Normally when it’s just me by myself with my own thoughts, and I think about my life and how despite how I enjoy my job and love my friends...I really just feel like a complete failure. If I had gotten to live my life without being dragged down and having my heart ripped apart time after time to where I’m still trying to fit the pieces together, I could have been on a different path: I could have been a teacher like I’d always wanted, or performing in a play or musical, or have written my stories with ease rather than facing the constant self doubt that what I write isn't good enough. I could be married right now and have a wonderful and happy life with a family living the life that feel like it'll always just be a dream now. I could be a completely different person altogether. Instead, I feel like my life is a daily struggle both with my personal self and overall with worrying if I’ll get fired from my job, worrying about bills and student loans, worried if I’ll never find someone to spend my life with, and worried if I’ll end up losing my friends and others that I care about.
I won’t lie...there’s many times in my life to where I’ve thought about committing suicide and ending it all, because I don’t like this spiral of despair and depression that my mind goes onward to, and in many ways I don’t like the person that I am...I don't like the life that I'm living and feel like I have no control over what goes on, no matter how hard I want to try to change it. I could lie and say that I’ve never and will never act upon those thoughts because it isn’t worth it and I realize I have a lot to live for...but the truth is that the only reason I’ve never acted on them is because I’m terrified of pain. I don’t like to cause pain to myself because I hate the feeling of it, and I’m terrified that if I were to fail in a suicide attempt, I’d be in excruciating pain as a result. One of the reasons I’m terrified of guns and would never own one is because I know one day would appear to where I’d be tempted to use it on myself, and it’d only be a matter of time before that temptation finally swayed me.
I’ve thought that moving and making friends has changed that and brought out a new side of me...and in many ways it really has. But all this month has shown is that that wound is still very fresh and very deep. I was watching an episode of Girl Meets World (It’s actually not bad), and the episode “Girl meets Rileytown” really hit a chord with me, because Riley and I are very much alike personality wise... even though much of that personality was damaged earlier because I never had the support base that she had (yes, fiction I know). I've had friends, but the only person who had ever stood up for me was my brother...and rarely was he ever actually around if I was getting picked on. A coworker and myself were talking, and she said something that hit a trigger for me (I don’t even recall what it was right now) to where I had to go somewhere else and catch my breath because I almost wanted to start crying.
The only time I’ve ever felt comfortable really talking to someone is when I’ve had a lot to drink, because stuff is generally forgiven if you’ve had a few drinks. I’ve wanted to sit down and really talk to someone for a while...but I’ve been terrified to. I always tell people that I don’t want to ruin someone’s good day by bogging them with my problems...but the truth is that I don’t want to scare them away because I want to keep the friends that I have, and I’m scared to lose any.
So in reality, I’m not okay. I may have my good days, and I may generally seem like I’m in a good mood, but deep down I’m really not. I’ve been wanting to write this for a while, but I’ve been hesitating to do so. At this point, I really don’t know what I should do.
I'd take Pengu on a date if he wasn't gay! I've been there though Pengu.. =(
Sometimes the world doesn't seem very habitable, and every possible solution has a million things wrong with it and isn't worth trying and even if you did try it you would fail just like you've failed to even successfully contemplate a solution..
Maybe it gets better? Sometimes I feel like it's getting better, I think maybe this time it's for real, and it won't get bad again. I have a therapist now.. maybe that will help, it's pretty expensive though...
Anyway, you should definitely find someone to talk to.
I'm not OK. For a while now I've felt myself getting worse and it's really bad now. I'm losing interest in everything. I can barely get myself to get up in the morning. I find No more enjoyment in gaming. In movies. In any of the things that usually hold my interest. I tried expanding my horizons but it didn't work. I can't bring myself to do even simple things. Shaving, brushing my teeth. I can't bring myself to even enjoy the things I like. I feel achy all over. I feel chilly all the fucking time. I can't. I just don't want to fight for life anymore. I don't want keep on so that I can perpetuate this fucking existence. I'm tired of all of it. I just want it to stop. I just want to be free of crushing responsibilities. Of people I hate. Of things I just don't want to deal with anymore. I'm just tired. And I think this time I can finally bring myself to finish it.https://sos.org.sg
I'm not OK. For a while now I've felt myself getting worse and it's really bad now. I'm losing interest in everything. I can barely get myself to get up in the morning. I find No more enjoyment in gaming. In movies. In any of the things that usually hold my interest. I tried expanding my horizons but it didn't work. I can't bring myself to do even simple things. Shaving, brushing my teeth. I can't bring myself to even enjoy the things I like. I feel achy all over. I feel chilly all the fucking time. I can't. I just don't want to fight for life anymore. I don't want keep on so that I can perpetuate this fucking existence. I'm tired of all of it. I just want it to stop. I just want to be free of crushing responsibilities. Of people I hate. Of things I just don't want to deal with anymore. I'm just tired. And I think this time I can finally bring myself to finish it.What the hell...no. v_v You can't let life beat you like that...you're too good for that. Maybe you need to make some changes to your life, but nothing is worth ending it like this...the only people that lose out if you 'finish it' are you and the people that love you and care about you, like us. You really need to check out the link EVERYONE posted, or seek out help...if you don't want to fight for it anymore for yourself, do it for us? I know that your situation is not hopeless, and I know that you can overcome everything that's going on in your life right now...please, just keep trying. =/
I've been thinking about this for a long time and I've come to these conclusions. I'm tired of talking so that I can be told that I need to think about a future that I don't want and that terrifies me or to think about"the good of the family". The same fucking family that drove me insane slowly, year after year grinding my soul to dust. I'm tired of bottling everything I feel inside until I feel it eat away at me. I'm tired of feeling better one day and crashing hard the next. I'm tired of the sleepless nights starting at the ceiling for hours so that all goddamned day I can be fatigued. I'm tired of feeling guilty over these thoughts and feeling worthless for being to cowardly to do anything about it. I'm tired of the fact that the only place I can be honest about myself is on the internet. I'm tired of living in a country where I'm treated like a fucking outsider in my own blasted nation. I'm tired. I want to rest easy now. And now I have what I need to do it. Before all the choices terrified me. What if I survived the fall? What if the cuts hurt? What if I felt the rope? But now it can be simple. Painless. Quick. Now I can just shoot myself. One .38 to the head and no more problems. No more worries. No more pain. Just sleep. I see that now. That's why I'm here. That's why God put me in the police.
I want you to know something. Everything I said about Wintreath is true. This is a special place.
I've been thinking about this for a long time and I've come to these conclusions. I'm tired of talking so that I can be told that I need to think about a future that I don't want and that terrifies me or to think about"the good of the family". The same fucking family that drove me insane slowly, year after year grinding my soul to dust. I'm tired of bottling everything I feel inside until I feel it eat away at me. I'm tired of feeling better one day and crashing hard the next. I'm tired of the sleepless nights starting at the ceiling for hours so that all goddamned day I can be fatigued. I'm tired of feeling guilty over these thoughts and feeling worthless for being to cowardly to do anything about it. I'm tired of the fact that the only place I can be honest about myself is on the internet. I'm tired of living in a country where I'm treated like a fucking outsider in my own blasted nation. I'm tired. I want to rest easy now. And now I have what I need to do it. Before all the choices terrified me. What if I survived the fall? What if the cuts hurt? What if I felt the rope? But now it can be simple. Painless. Quick. Now I can just shoot myself. One .38 to the head and no more problems. No more worries. No more pain. Just sleep. I see that now. That's why I'm here. That's why God put me in the police.
I want you to know something. Everything I said about Wintreath is true. This is a special place.
All I know is that from what I know you're a wonderful person and have nothing to feel insecure about. Don't ever lose sight of that and don't let the past control you. The past isn't worth losing the future.
I dont know how to say what I need to say. I dont know what to say. I tried to do it. I was on shift and I had the gun. I fought myself for hours, delaying and procrastinating until I finally broke down and put it to my head. I pulled the trigger. I dont know what else to say. I'm not supposed to be here anymore. But the gun didnt fire. My hands are still fucking shaking. I dont know what to say. I've been staring at this screen for a while and I cant find the words. I feel this sucking weight in my chest like I can barely breathe. I dont know what to say. I think I need help. I still dont believe what happened. I dont fucking know what to say. I dont know what to say. I dont know what to do now. And Im scared.All I can offer is this: https://sos.org.sg/
I dont know how to say what I need to say. I dont know what to say. I tried to do it. I was on shift and I had the gun. I fought myself for hours, delaying and procrastinating until I finally broke down and put it to my head. I pulled the trigger. I dont know what else to say. I'm not supposed to be here anymore. But the gun didnt fire. My hands are still fucking shaking. I dont know what to say. I've been staring at this screen for a while and I cant find the words. I feel this sucking weight in my chest like I can barely breathe. I dont know what to say. I think I need help. I still dont believe what happened. I dont fucking know what to say. I dont know what to say. I dont know what to do now. And Im scared.
I dont know how to say what I need to say. I dont know what to say. I tried to do it. I was on shift and I had the gun. I fought myself for hours, delaying and procrastinating until I finally broke down and put it to my head. I pulled the trigger. I dont know what else to say. I'm not supposed to be here anymore. But the gun didnt fire. My hands are still fucking shaking. I dont know what to say. I've been staring at this screen for a while and I cant find the words. I feel this sucking weight in my chest like I can barely breathe. I dont know what to say. I think I need help. I still dont believe what happened. I dont fucking know what to say. I dont know what to say. I dont know what to do now. And Im scared.
God damn it Florida! Don't let people on terrorist watch lists get guns. Smh. :'(The criteria for being put on the US terrorist watch list are extraordinarily low... There is no way for a citizen to question or challenge it and they may not even be notified of being put on the list... Criteria for being removed from the list are still entirely unknown and may not exist at all... As such I think removing basic rights for being on the list is foolish, even a right that I don't personally support that much...
God damn it Florida! Don't let people on terrorist watch lists get guns. Smh. :'(They said the guy was also a person of interest to the FBI for sometime and used a rifle to shoot at police before entering the club, and is a radical Islamist it seems.
Pardon me for asking, but what on earth is LGBT leadership?
Pardon me for asking, but what on earth is LGBT leadership?leaders in the local LGBT community and the mayor's LGBT Advisory Board. One of whom is a former EOD Marine who specialises in understanding improvised threats
Pardon me for asking, but what on earth is LGBT leadership?
I imagine it's whoever's on top.Hehe...good one! :D
The fact of the matter is, nothing will change because as a culture we're used to it now...I still remember when I was a kid and school shootings were considered horrific, but now we just shrug because they're so common. The only reason this shooting is getting so much attention is because it set a record for most people killed in a mass shooting, which will only serve to encourage those that want to do something like this for the media attention.
Unfortunately, you have two sides on this issue that are very entrenched and refuse to give any ground at all or compromise in any way and simply have no good faith in each other, so there's no way to move anything.
Today's globalized world is all about teamwork and people skills and tolerance to alternate ways to do things. I have none of that.There is always menial and physical labour with less social skills required.
You know, all my life, teachers and parents and other students (when they needed me for teamwork anyway) kept telling me how smart I am and how successful I'm gonna be. I've never thought of myself as anything other than decidedly average, or even slightly below average. I always excuse my successes by pointing out to other, external factors. I got good grades in uni not because I'm smart, but because uni is easy and has zero standards, for instance.This whole thing appears to show an intense misunderstanding of what an average is...
How then do I reconcile that with the fact that the majority of people don't find college that easy? Simple. I may be average or a bit dumber than average, but everyone else is a complete moron who would be hard-pressed to answer 2 + 2 correctly. The things I know, I think they are the bare basics of what anyone should know and I'm always surprised when I have to explain anything I know to other people because I think they should know it too. You don't know that Botswana's capital city is Gaborone (pronounced à la Dutch)? Have you ever looked at a damn map? It's written right there!
Praise has always bothered me. First, because it embarrasses me. Second, because I don't really draw anything positive from it. I think it's meaningless because it makes me feel like a farsighted guy getting his eyesight praised by a bunch of blind people. Then again, I'm pretty much immune to criticism too. Generally, I don't really care one whit what the plebe thinks about who I am or what I do. Sometimes I get indignant that it dares to criticize me, but only when what they propose would be stupid even to somebody without my personality defects.
If I had highly inflated self-esteem I would probably be a narcissist, but as I wrote, I'm just average, or slightly below par depending on the day.
That really hinders my development because I'm reluctant to take advice from others while at the same time I think most of what I do is shit, I just do it less badly than others.
My personality and my cognition are just flawed in so many ways that sometimes I doubt I can thrive in the modern world, and I know that's not something I can change. Today's globalized world is all about teamwork and people skills and tolerance to alternate ways to do things. I have none of that. Teamwork for me means that I do all the real shit and send the peons to do the menial shit like bibliographies (and correct it anyway), my people skills are awful because I do not really know what tact is and as for tolerance...well people would probably rightly call me a xenophobe if I didn't dislike my own people just as much as foreigners. I'm just a misanthrope.
There used to be jobs for misfits like me. Lighthouse keeper or some shit. Now there's nothing. I feel kind of out of place.
You know, all my life, teachers and parents and other students (when they needed me for teamwork anyway) kept telling me how smart I am and how successful I'm gonna be. I've never thought of myself as anything other than decidedly average, or even slightly below average. I always excuse my successes by pointing out to other, external factors. I got good grades in uni not because I'm smart, but because uni is easy and has zero standards, for instance.
How then do I reconcile that with the fact that the majority of people don't find college that easy? Simple. I may be average or a bit dumber than average, but everyone else is a complete moron who would be hard-pressed to answer 2 + 2 correctly. The things I know, I think they are the bare basics of what anyone should know and I'm always surprised when I have to explain anything I know to other people because I think they should know it too. You don't know that Botswana's capital city is Gaborone (pronounced à la Dutch)? Have you ever looked at a damn map? It's written right there!
Praise has always bothered me. First, because it embarrasses me. Second, because I don't really draw anything positive from it. I think it's meaningless because it makes me feel like a farsighted guy getting his eyesight praised by a bunch of blind people. Then again, I'm pretty much immune to criticism too. Generally, I don't really care one whit what the plebe thinks about who I am or what I do. Sometimes I get indignant that it dares to criticize me, but only when what they propose would be stupid even to somebody without my personality defects.
If I had highly inflated self-esteem I would probably be a narcissist, but as I wrote, I'm just average, or slightly below par depending on the day.
That really hinders my development because I'm reluctant to take advice from others while at the same time I think most of what I do is shit, I just do it less badly than others.
My personality and my cognition are just flawed in so many ways that sometimes I doubt I can thrive in the modern world, and I know that's not something I can change. Today's globalized world is all about teamwork and people skills and tolerance to alternate ways to do things. I have none of that. Teamwork for me means that I do all the real shit and send the peons to do the menial shit like bibliographies (and correct it anyway), my people skills are awful because I do not really know what tact is and as for tolerance...well people would probably rightly call me a xenophobe if I didn't dislike my own people just as much as foreigners. I'm just a misanthrope.
There used to be jobs for misfits like me. Lighthouse keeper or some shit. Now there's nothing. I feel kind of out of place.
I'm handling all SoD2 preorders for them. Please send all your monies to me, I will take care of it. :) You will be decaying in two pieces in no time!
Don't people get executed for that in Singapore or something?
I think he just gets that assumption from the strict "not even allowed to sell chewing gum" atmosphere in Singapore :PTo be honest they only reaaaly execute the kingpins. And the guys arrested for possession are sent to Drug rehabilitation centers, not jail, so there is that.
And if you hadn't told us otherwise, I would've also thought that that was something they would do.
I just remember some big case involving Australian tourists to Singapore that got caught with weed and were sentenced to a harsh penalty...maybe a few years in jail or something. It really pissed Australia off. :P
He went on a great monologue about how its part of American culture and how someone like me could never understand unless I was part of that culture and how America had a very legitimate reason for doing things that way (again, in a very condescending way).
I think most people are just surprised, that's all...I don't know about Australians, but most Americans would just assume the laws are similar to what they are in America, where unless you were selling weed the most you would get is a fine. I personally don't understand the thing where people go places and get high, having never been high before, but yeah. :P
I think most people are just surprised, that's all...I don't know about Australians, but most Americans would just assume the laws are similar to what they are in America, where unless you were selling weed the most you would get is a fine. I personally don't understand the thing where people go places and get high, having never been high before, but yeah. :P
People go places and get high because it makes it more fun.. :p
If I went to another country and smoked some weed and got arrested and put in jail for 6 months for it, I wouldn't think they had a good reason to do it. I don't really see how you could argue that it's a reasonable thing to do. I wouldn't be hurting anyone at all, or even affecting them.
You COULD argue that your government sometimes does crazy things because of historical reasons or something, and you'd be right. That wouldn't be arguing that it was reasonable though.
I just remember some big case involving Australian tourists to Singapore that got caught with weed and were sentenced to a harsh penalty...maybe a few years in jail or something. It really pissed Australia off. :PFor the record, that was tourists from Australia in Indonesia who were dealing drugs. I think they got the death penalty...
I just remember some big case involving Australian tourists to Singapore that got caught with weed and were sentenced to a harsh penalty...maybe a few years in jail or something. It really pissed Australia off. :PFor the record, that was tourists from Australia in Indonesia who were dealing drugs. I think they got the death penalty...
Well, thats Indonesia. They're quite a belligerent country, especially if your dutch.10/10 would colonise again ;)
In any case...I've been doing more research on TMJ, the condition I believe I have, and in addition to stress it's also aggravated by poor posture...like, say, the posture of leaning forward in front of a computer for hours on end. So I'm going to be learning how to improve my posture there. :P
Am I the only one who likes the sound of this?I just remember some big case involving Australian tourists to Singapore that got caught with weed and were sentenced to a harsh penalty...maybe a few years in jail or something. It really pissed Australia off. :PFor the record, that was tourists from Australia in Indonesia who were dealing drugs. I think they got the death penalty...
That drug dealers should be put to death?Am I the only one who likes the sound of this?I just remember some big case involving Australian tourists to Singapore that got caught with weed and were sentenced to a harsh penalty...maybe a few years in jail or something. It really pissed Australia off. :PFor the record, that was tourists from Australia in Indonesia who were dealing drugs. I think they got the death penalty...
Is there any fear of the gangs retaliating or something?
I would argue that it's the people taking it that's destroying their own lives...unless these dealers are putting guns to people's heads making them use it. People start this shit thinking that somehow they're different and they won't get addicted...and they're not and they do. Maybe the dealers are taking advantage of this, but it's not dissimilar to the tobacco industry and the government that makes money off nicotine addiction taking money from it through taxes.
I would argue that it's the people taking it that's destroying their own lives...unless these dealers are putting guns to people's heads making them use it. People start this shit thinking that somehow they're different and they won't get addicted...and they're not and they do. Maybe the dealers are taking advantage of this, but it's not dissimilar to the tobacco industry and the government that makes money off nicotine addiction taking money from it through taxes.
Emphasis on the prisoner's rights just leads to more crime. At least if everyone's kept busy doing something that's actually productive, there will be far fewer stabbings and other shit going on in the prisons, the prisoners don't bring down the long-suffering tax-payers, and they actually learn some skills while in prison.
And like I said, selling weed or something is not the same as selling crack, cocaine or heroin. Honestly, if you dealt heavy drugs, I can't give two shits about your rights. It's not a victimless crime. The drug addict can't be held accountable if he's a teenager, but at the same time, it leads to other things like theft, which is definitely not a victimless crime. So any way you cut it, the dealer is the root cause of all the misery that ensues, freedom of choice be damned.
That said, that doesn't mean the plan begins and ends with slave prisons. Ideally, people shouldn't end up there to begin with, and to that end, our education systems should be excellent and cheap for the learners. Teachers should have a high income, and if children are growing up in rough neighbourhoods, they should be removed from them, placed in a hostel within a school, and continue learning unobstructed. Even if you have to cut corners in other areas to ensure our education system is properly financed, it would be completely worth it.
And this might seem contradictory to what I've said previously, but the less dangerous drugs should be decriminalised and taxed, just like any other business. Same with prostitution. When prostitutes get abused, they can't do anything about it, because they'd get arrested for prostitution. If it's legalised, taxed and regulated, it could be a great source of income for the government, a much safer prospect for the prostitutes themselves, and a far lesser health risk since the prostitutes could openly seek medical treatment and undergo tests for various STDs. Their pimps could be cut out of the picture entirely, and sent to the aforementioned slave-labour prisons if they're abusive pieces of shit.
I mean, think of the possibilities here. Slave labour is cheap, so we could even begin being a challenge to the Chinese factories again. We'd spend money on goods produced inside our own countries, because it has become so much cheaper again, and so the money would stay in circulation within our own borders, instead of filling Chinese coffers.
Oh noes, not the marching Microwave people. =oHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA I'M DYING!!! What is that even from!!?? :))
This is what political dissent looks like in South Africa.
Oh, Tshwane is the new name for Pretoria, the city I live in, and the capital of SA.
Many people in other countries know only of Johannesburg. :P
That said, Pretoria is just north of it, and the two cities have expanded so much that no clear line can be drawn between the two. If you were to look at it from the sky, you would think we were one city if you didn't know better. We are the two largest cities in Gauteng, South Africa's smallest, yet most densely populated province. Johannesburg is South Africa's business capital, while Pretoria is the political one.
My ignorance is probably going to show now, but New York and Washington D.C. have a similar dynamic?
Many people in other countries know only of Johannesburg. :P
That said, Pretoria is just north of it, and the two cities have expanded so much that no clear line can be drawn between the two. If you were to look at it from the sky, you would think we were one city if you didn't know better. We are the two largest cities in Gauteng, South Africa's smallest, yet most densely populated province. Johannesburg is South Africa's business capital, while Pretoria is the political one.
My ignorance is probably going to show now, but New York and Washington D.C. have a similar dynamic?
Many people in other countries know only of Johannesburg. :P
That said, Pretoria is just north of it, and the two cities have expanded so much that no clear line can be drawn between the two. If you were to look at it from the sky, you would think we were one city if you didn't know better. We are the two largest cities in Gauteng, South Africa's smallest, yet most densely populated province. Johannesburg is South Africa's business capital, while Pretoria is the political one.
My ignorance is probably going to show now, but New York and Washington D.C. have a similar dynamic?
Canada has an equivalent:
As heavily influenced by commerce as New York is, it is not an official capital of any sort (it used to be the capital before about 1800 or so, but not since then). For all practical purposes, Washington D.C. is the federal capital of administration, the judiciary, taxation, the military, foreign embassies, and most other purposes. (Some of these government agencies are located in the suburbs immediately surrounding D.C., but that is only because the actual district itself is too small to house everything.)Heh. All the real decisions happen behind closed doors in New York. Wall Street is basically the capital of the United States, at least in terms of policy these days. It used to be offset by big oil down south in Dallas/Houston, but that's been comparatively silent since the end of the 20th century...
Heh. All the real decisions happen behind closed doors in New York. Wall Street is basically the capital of the United States, at least in terms of policy these days. It used to be offset by big oil down south in Dallas/Houston, but that's been comparatively silent since the end of the 20th century...I can only hope you're being sarcastic.
Oh yeah and we're also controlled by wherever the headquarters of the NRA is here in the US...
Yes, I'm exaggerating a bit, but not by much, unfortunately... :/Heh. All the real decisions happen behind closed doors in New York. Wall Street is basically the capital of the United States, at least in terms of policy these days. It used to be offset by big oil down south in Dallas/Houston, but that's been comparatively silent since the end of the 20th century...I can only hope you're being sarcastic.
Oh yeah and we're also controlled by wherever the headquarters of the NRA is here in the US...
A few years back a study out of Princeton University actually determined that America was no longer a democracy, but an oligarchy which is controlled by the wealthy. Article here (http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-echochambers-27074746). A practical example of this is gun control, where polls have consistently shown widespread support for various gun control measures, but they have all failed in large part due to lobbying by the NRA.
In any case, on a more personal note, our furlough/20% pay cut are being lifted. Starting next week I'll be working full time again. :D
Going back to Wintermoot's happy news (because I will respectfully disagree with much of the politics expressed in the preceding), I'm happy that you're able to have your old hours back at your job. Hopefully that will ease up a lot of the pressures on both your department and your finances.Thanks! It will take some time to recover from the debt that it put me in, but unless something happens I should be fine in a few months. :)
Fuck, it's all over one way or another tomorrow. In or out, we'll have to live with the consequences.
Goddamn these last two weeks.
Potential exit, yes. My lack of activity has been due to the chaos surrounding the referendum and all the campaigning that's gone along with it.Fuck, it's all over one way or another tomorrow. In or out, we'll have to live with the consequences.
Goddamn these last two weeks.
Am I to assume you're talking about the UK's exit from the EU?
What's your prediction, @Weissreich ? In or out?Potential exit, yes. My lack of activity has been due to the chaos surrounding the referendum and all the campaigning that's gone along with it.Fuck, it's all over one way or another tomorrow. In or out, we'll have to live with the consequences.
Goddamn these last two weeks.
Am I to assume you're talking about the UK's exit from the EU?
On the upside, I made a fucktonne of money this month :D
What's your prediction, @Weissreich ? In or out?Hmm... I think, as always, there's been a hell of a lot of media over-hype (the word we use in the office) surrounding the exit campaign. A lot of the right-leaning or actually right wing papers have come out in support of a Brexit, and that means that a lot of the media coverage has been blowing up the support the exit campaign has been getting. Unfortunately, a lot of what they've been saying has been absolute bullshit, lies or fearmongering to make people vote the way that specific paper or papers want them to vote, so there's not really been a lot of factual information circling in the press.
Fuck, it's all over one way or another tomorrow. In or out, we'll have to live with the consequences.
Goddamn these last two weeks.
Am I to assume you're talking about the UK's exit from the EU?
Fuck, it's all over one way or another tomorrow. In or out, we'll have to live with the consequences.
Goddamn these last two weeks.
Am I to assume you're talking about the UK's exit from the EU?
Fuck, it's all over one way or another tomorrow. In or out, we'll have to live with the consequences.
Goddamn these last two weeks.
Am I to assume you're talking about the UK's exit from the EU?
Have you not heard about Brexit? It's a referendum being held in the UK today over whether they're going to remain in the EU or leave.
I'm thinking (and hoping) they'll remain, but, like Weiss said, it could really go either way.
The way the EU has been childishly threatening Britain not to leave, I'm hoping they do it just to spite the unelected bureaucracy that is the European Union.
happy penguin noises
Potential exit, yes. My lack of activity has been due to the chaos surrounding the referendum and all the campaigning that's gone along with it.Fuck, it's all over one way or another tomorrow. In or out, we'll have to live with the consequences.
Goddamn these last two weeks.
Am I to assume you're talking about the UK's exit from the EU?
On the upside, I made a fucktonne of money this month :D
The way the EU has been childishly threatening Britain not to leave, I'm hoping they do it just to spite the unelected bureaucracy that is the European Union.
This is literally the kind of attitude I've spent the last 3 months of my life trying to stamp out.
Sure, Brussells is 'unelected' - if by unelected you mean selected by the elected politicians of each member country. If you want to complain about who's running the EU, vote for a different party at home. That's what it comes down to. That's all it comes down to. Every issue in this debate can be pinned on terrible domestic policies of past and present British governments.
Not the fucking EU.
Fuck, it's all over one way or another tomorrow. In or out, we'll have to live with the consequences.
Goddamn these last two weeks.
Am I to assume you're talking about the UK's exit from the EU?
Have you not heard about Brexit? It's a referendum being held in the UK today over whether they're going to remain in the EU or leave.
I'm thinking (and hoping) they'll remain, but, like Weiss said, it could really go either way.
What was upsetting me is that the BBC channel in America doesn't have news at 10pm CDT so I got no live television feed of the vote. I'm still keeping track online but it would've been nice to have commentary. (Oddly enough Canada had live online TV coverage of its election last year).Fuck, it's all over one way or another tomorrow. In or out, we'll have to live with the consequences.
Goddamn these last two weeks.
Am I to assume you're talking about the UK's exit from the EU?
Have you not heard about Brexit? It's a referendum being held in the UK today over whether they're going to remain in the EU or leave.
I'm thinking (and hoping) they'll remain, but, like Weiss said, it could really go either way.
I'm in the US. Most of our news has been either talking nonstop about the Florida shooting and how it's the biggest mass shooting in US history, and trying to pump us up and get us more itchy to take down ISIS...or it's been nonstop about the upcoming elections and the candidates, and of course their stance on the shooting and whatnot.
I've been avoiding the news like the plague because I'm frankly tired of hearing about both subjects, no offense meant against the former part.
Besides, unless it really concerns us, they usually don't even broadcast it here anyways unless you're watching it on BBC (which I don't). Even the liberal news networks generally get caught up in purely US-centric affairs and nothing else.
Tomorrow I'm going to Cancun for a week. Woo!
I want a doggo to huggle, not a snip snap one or a quiet green one, just a normal woof bork one.Woof bork? You want a Swedish dog? :P
I am so fucking pissed right now...I feel like punching someone in specific in the fucking throat.
Have fun!! What's it for?My mom has had a time share in Cancun since I was like 8, so we've gone pretty much every year until I went off to college, so this is my first time going in a while. Plus, my Nonna is getting fucking old, so mom wants us to spend more time with her. Plus, it's an all-inclusive resort, so my wife and I weren't gonna pass that up.
Is Cancun a type of holiday resort?As Barnes said, indeed it is. Very touristy, but some of the excursions are fun and many of the resorts are all you can eat and drink.
I don't even know...I haven't slept either so there's that...but I think I might be I've calmed down a bit down...I just feel more sad now I guess...
My mom has had a time share in Cancun since I was like 8, so we've gone pretty much every year until I went off to college, so this is my first time going in a while. Plus, my Nonna is getting fucking old, so mom wants us to spend more time with her. Plus, it's an all-inclusive resort, so my wife and I weren't gonna pass that up
Hmm.Congrats! I suppose that justified changing your name AGAIN?
I'm King of Ainur now.
What just happened?
Makes sense that you'd take the name Eldarion. Love that reference.NO I HAVEN'T BUT IT'S AMAZING!!! :D
So I just arrived at my summer program, so the touristy part of my trip is over. Not sure how that affects my activity level from here on out.
Also @BraveSirRobin have you seen this gif?
Ayyy, it's my birthday today (or it will be in four minutes).
I have a really fucking bad headache but I'm drinking Coke rip
Ayyy, it's my birthday today (or it will be in four minutes).
I have a really fucking bad headache but I'm drinking Coke rip
So I've come to the conclusion...I'm not making enough money to advance my life. Even going back to full time, I'll just be making enough to pay the bills and not go further into debt. I don't want to feel like I'm stagnating in life. I don't want to feel like I'm stagnating...always having to deal with the same issues, always stressing out over the same things. I'd like to move someday...to a better neighborhood, to a better town, to a better state...I'd like to be closer to people that understand me. I'd like to feel like I'm making a difference to people in life. I still feel the hunger and I don't want to settle down and just deal with it.
I need to do something...something between a second menial job and something like here that I enjoy doing but don't make any money on (I appreciate our donators for making it less expensive for me though!). I need the best of both...I mean, the person behind Corruption of Champions makes 20k a month, and that game isn't anything that I couldn't have made. I have some ideas for things to...and hey, if worse comes to worse, I could always make some sort of nation-based farmville-like game...I mean, people would pay $10 for a factory in their nation that increased their production of whatever by some amount, right? Or a clicker-game...
I'm grateful that I've come as far in life as I have. I'm the first in my family to have obtained a college degree of any sort, and I'm able to work with computers and programming in an area that has just a handful of those jobs. I have a good amount of flexibility in my schedule, and I have good benefits...but I want to feel like I'm making a difference in my life, and in the lives of others. I want to make things that people use and enjoy and get some value of...I don't want to feel like a digital paper-pusher that shuffles reports to people that make the decisions...
My dog died tonight. 15 years spent with him, and I feel no different. My mom was crying and crying and I didn't know what to do except offer platitudes. It was pretty much the same when my grandma died too. She raised me and I felt nothing when she passed.
I don't know what's wrong with me. I feel like I'm broken.
My dog died tonight. 15 years spent with him, and I feel no different. My mom was crying and crying and I didn't know what to do except offer platitudes. It was pretty much the same when my grandma died too. She raised me and I felt nothing when she passed.I think felt similarly when my grandfather died as well as when two of my cats died -- one was 21 (and I was present at his death) and the other 12. I think I kind of went from denial to acceptance and skipped the other stages of grief. I was not sad, rather I more pitied their deaths -- the idea of their no longer existence was sad, but it did not bring about any real emotions from me. I don't think it means we are broken, but probably just a bit out of touch with our emotions -- though I'm not sure whether that is a good or bad thing.
I don't know what's wrong with me. I feel like I'm broken.
My dog died tonight. 15 years spent with him, and I feel no different. My mom was crying and crying and I didn't know what to do except offer platitudes. It was pretty much the same when my grandma died too. She raised me and I felt nothing when she passed.I think felt similarly when my grandfather died as well as when two of my cats died -- one was 21 (and I was present at his death) and the other 12. I think I kind of went from denial to acceptance and skipped the other stages of grief. I was not sad, rather I more pitied their deaths -- the idea of their no longer existence was sad, but it did not bring about any real emotions from me. I don't think it means we are broken, but probably just a bit out of touch with our emotions -- though I'm not sure whether that is a good or bad thing.
I don't know what's wrong with me. I feel like I'm broken.
(defgObject Wall (game_basics.Terrain) ((Python (def __init__(self):\n super().__init__(["./assets/wall.png"])\n))))
(defgObject False_Wall (game_basics.Terrain) ((Python (def __init__(self):\n super().__init__(["./assets/wall.png"])\n))))
(defgObject Door (game_basics.Room_Exit) ((Python (def __init__(self, movement=1):\n super().__init__(["./assets/door.png"], movement)\n))))
(defgObject Pot (game_basics.Destructable_Container) ((Python (def __init__(self, contains):\n super().__init__(["./assets/pot.png"])\n))))
Most are, but we usually manage to work with them. I don't know why TGW would particularly not get along with us. :P
They also tagged WZAU, which technically was still under Wintrean occupation, but we were mostly waiting for someone to kick us out and perhaps create a functional government anyway. :PMost are, but we usually manage to work with them. I don't know why TGW would particularly not get along with us. :P
There was some drama between TGW and Chanku because we tagged WZSB, which I wasn't aware had ties to Wintreath but it apparently does. :P
There was some drama between TGW and Chanku because we tagged WZSB, which I wasn't aware had ties to Wintreath but it apparently does. :PChanku doesn't speak for Wintreath, and Wintreath isn't affiliated in any way with Warzone Sandbox, other than occasionally giving the native government assistance when needed. I'm aware of the Grey Wardens/North Pacific/South Pacific attempts to bait us in Warzone Australia...it didn't escape my attention that only the Wintreath and New Hyperion embassies were closed, and that someone from the invading force posted a random straw poll on the Wintreath and Warzone Sandbox RMBs.
Because of my speech problems, I sound like an idiot when I try to talk ;-;
Because of my speech problems, I sound like an idiot when I try to talk ;-;
Have you ever considered that everyone else in the world has a hearing problem and you're the only one speaking normally?
Because of my speech problems, I sound like an idiot when I try to talk ;-;There's no such thing as weird, only things which are different in a way people are yet to grow accustomed to. Don't put yourself down, Lumy, it's not on you to adjust how you speak for the listening convenience of small-minded simpletons :)
Because of my speech problems, I sound like an idiot when I try to talk ;-;
Look at the bright side, at least you can pronounce your sounds properly...I can't pronounce r's properly :P
I also can not say Rawr. :P
Because of my speech problems, I sound like an idiot when I try to talk ;-;
Have you ever considered that everyone else in the world has a hearing problem and you're the only one speaking normally?
But but but when I was in kindergarten, my teacher and mom would laugh at me cause I couldn't say Mrs.Smith and instead called her 'Mrs.Sniff'
They suggested I say what I feel. About myself, other people. Anything. This is a good a place as any, I suppose.
I feel ashamed that I am attracted to men. It took years before I could admit to myself that I was attracted to guys. I'm still not totally good with myself. When I look at someone I like and feel... something, I feel shame. Less now, but I still feel it.
I feel tired. I've had trouble sleeping for as long as I remember. It doesn't really help how I feel about anything. I don't want to take pills because they really just make me feel groggy. So I just feel so tired all the time.
I'm lonely. Always have been. I have never had more than 3 or 4 friends. I feel like a foreigner in my own country. I feel like an outsider everywhere I go. Even in my own skin I don't comfortable sometimes.
I am almost certain that I am bipolar. I have pretty wild mood swings. One day I feel great. The next I'm holding a revolver to my head wishing I was dead.
I'm pretty sure I'm trying to kill myself. If not in a specific, one time way then slowly. I take unnecessary risks. I live with no regard to the future. I live without regards to my health. Even if I don't blow my brains out or jump off the roof or hang myself or any number of the ways I've thought about ending it I'm pretty sure I'll end killing myself through diabetes or cancer or something before I'm 35.
I don't know why I'm here. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with my life. I don't know what I want from life. The loving family? A wife? Kids? A boyfriend? Friends? A stable job? To be happy? I don't know. All of it? None of it? Hell, I don't know why I even get up in the morning, sometimes.
It's not all bad. I have some hope. Some.
Because of my speech problems, I sound like an idiot when I try to talk ;-;
Have you ever considered that everyone else in the world has a hearing problem and you're the only one speaking normally?
But but but when I was in kindergarten, my teacher and mom would laugh at me cause I couldn't say Mrs.Smith and instead called her 'Mrs.Sniff'
Nobody is perfect. I stutter and repeat words occasionally.
Because of my speech problems, I sound like an idiot when I try to talk ;-;
Have you ever considered that everyone else in the world has a hearing problem and you're the only one speaking normally?
But but but when I was in kindergarten, my teacher and mom would laugh at me cause I couldn't say Mrs.Smith and instead called her 'Mrs.Sniff'
Nobody is perfect. I stutter and repeat words occasionally.
I work with someone from Massachusetts and have bgun to drop the letter R out of my vocabulary. I flinch everytime I say Cah.
American and Canadian plebs. The word "car" isn't supposed to have an audible "r" at the end.Ha! No, it's everyone else who has corrupted correct English pronunciation.
American and Canadian plebs. The word "car" isn't supposed to have an audible "r" at the end.
Don't you dare mock our archaic and unnecessary use of "u," you filthy pleb.
@Lumenland: Why do you hate yourself? You shouldn't. :(
Earlier today I ran into an article about Limp Bizkit (http://www.avclub.com/article/fred-durst-didnt-entirely-deserve-become-nu-metals-236859), of all things, which provoked a lot of thought from me about nostalgia...when I first got into pop music back in the summer of 1999, they were one of the first bands that I heard, and I have to admit that I was a fan...their songs probably wouldn't be socially accepted now, but back then singing along to their songs was just...carefree, if not angsty, fun. It didn't last very long though...I'd quickly become more of a Linkin Park fan, which I suppose would make some people cringe even more. :P
But I got to thinking...it seems to me that everyone who remembers the 90s is nostalgic for those times. You see re-releases or remakes of 90s shows, movies, games, and bands, all targeted to appeal to those who were kids or teens back then...and at the end of the day, I think people around my age feel nostalgic for those times because, to be perfectly blunt, in a lot of ways life fucking sucks in the 21st century so far unless you're super rich. You have an economy that's been at best uncertain for the last 15 years, 9/11 and the resultant indefinite 'war on terror', Western governments that seem bent on becoming more Orwellian by the day, political turmoil that seems to be breaking down the government institutions in many countries (the 'politics of disdain' as one article I read put it), and uncertain prospects overall...some people predict that millennials may be the first generation in American history to be worse off than their parents.
By comparison, more than anything the 90s felt so...carefree in a way. Heavy topics like the ones I listed above existed of course, but they seemed far away...war was something that happened in second and third-world countries, the economy was doing great, and most people believed that things were going the right way. There was an optimism about the world and humanity and the future that has since been replaced with a malaise about the way things are today, and a lot of that optimism was reflected in the music at the time (not nu-metal, but a lot of other music). This is one of my favourite examples (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPAEFnVZVOs).
There's a lot of words I could use to describe society today, but 'carefree' certainly isn't one of them. We've gained so much in this century, not the least of which is the technological advances and cultural adaptations that make a community like Wintreath possible, but I sometimes wonder if we've lost so much more when it comes to the spirit, and I think that's why people who remember those times gravitate towards nostalgia for them in any form it can be offered...perhaps soon, even in the form of formerly popular but not particularly talented nu-metal band..
Eh, I spent the first 7 years of my life in the nineties. I have some fond memories, particularly for certain songs like "Hey Macarina" and so forth, but I enjoyed my later childhood in the 2000s just as much.
I think most people will tend to have good memories of their childhood and teens.
Today, people in my class learned about my fear of spiders. So, they decided to belittle me about it, call me a pussy, and one of them low key waved the box with the spider in it towards and I nearly started crying.-hugs Lumenland-
Why are people so mean ;-;
Oh! I signed up for summer school!Okay...things are making a bit more sense to me now. I am sorry for that.
@Lumenland, one thing you need to learn about people: each and every single one of us are savages. We spent our entire evolution process developing more efficient ways to kill our prey (and not become prey to something else), so why would our savage natures suddenly disappear when we don't hunt anymore? Especially in group settings, singling out one person for a perceived weakness and tormenting them is all too common, especially at school.
What game is it? O_oSunrider Academy...it's a dating sim based off the Sunrider franchise (the first game of which I gushed over so much back in December). To be fair, the characters, their interactions, and the more erotic stuff are exquisite, but they're like tiny oases in a vast wasteland of resource and time management. 85% of the game is spent going to locations to improve various stats, and the process is pretty much the same each of the hundreds of times you do it. Really, the problem is that the game is too long for the content it has...my first successful play-through was 8 hours, when it could have easily been half that long without changing much in the game.
What game is it? O_oSunrider Academy...it's a dating sim based off the Sunrider franchise (the first game of which I gushed over so much back in December). To be fair, the characters, their interactions, and the more erotic stuff are exquisite, but they're like tiny oases in a vast wasteland of resource and time management. 85% of the game is spent going to locations to improve various stats, and the process is pretty much the same each of the hundreds of times you do it. Really, the problem is that the game is too long for the content it has...my first successful play-through was 8 hours, when it could have easily been half that long without changing much in the game.
A more minor problem that plays into it is the lack of interactions or supporting characters. You would think that the entire school this takes places in consists of nothing but your character and the four girls you can aim to get involved with. Besides interactions that take part of the story, you'll also run into the girls randomly as you go to locations, and in those instances your 'interactions' consist of choosing a topic of discussion ('politics', 'sports', 'weather', and getting feedback on if the girl enjoyed the discussion or not...more often than not, you don't run into anyone and you're just notified of how going to that location/doing that action changed your stats. The game would have benefited immensely from improved conversations, random situations you have to resolve, and supporting characters that your character could interact with, even if they weren't dateable. It would have cut into the tedium and at least given the hope of discovering something new in the game. As it is, large portions of the game just feel bare.
Even worse though is the fact that your success in the game depends on essentially being at the right place at the right time...you have to go to certain locations during specific periods in order to unlock character interactions will allow you to finish the game, locations and times that the game gives no effort to provide you with. If you fail to be at the right places enough, none of the girls will give you chocolate on "Pure Day" and you get a bad end right then and there...halfway through the game, with only the option to load a save or start over from the beginning. That's especially frustrating when halfway is four hours into the game.
I finally got through a game by finding a guide and following it to the letter, but you shouldn't need a guide just to be able to finish a game. In fact, this is the first dating sim I've ever played that required you to end up with a girl to even proceed with the rest of the game, much less requiring such specific actions to end up with one. I have to admit, I'm surprised it's rated so highly on Steam...between that and how impressed I was with Sunrider: Mask of Arcadius, I really expected better. Besides relaxing how strict the unspoken requirements are, they should have taken a good month just to produce more content for the game before releasing it. =/
Hehe...do you enjoy the uncensored bits, North? :P
So, assuming you've tried them all, which girl did you enjoy most?
Haha, I'm making you sound like such a player. :P
I dunno...Sola reminds me of a girl I was involved with once, especially once you give her the holo and she starts sending messages to you, so I just want to explore that path just for that. Chigara...I dunno, I think she's kinda adorable, at least. :P
Hehe...well, I suspect that if we had a Wintreath meetup you'd become much more experienced in those areas! ;)
Don't you dare mock our archaic and unnecessary use of "u," you filthy pleb.
Ah, my mom keeps trying to make me talk on the phone to people and talk to people who work in stores >.<Ah, I can too strongly understand that. Luckily, now I have a wife to be my phone/stranger/family member talker. It might take a while, but you'll find someone to do the same for you (or learn to overcome it, but that's too hard.. haha :-\).
She doesn't understand that I can't
Who knows who all is in Wintreath, actually? :P
Seriously though, you should expand your horizons...it's the best way to go about a life of pleasure. :P
I'm just saying that's my type, ya know?Everyone has a type, but that isn't a reason not to indulge in a bit of variety once in awhile. ^-^
I'm just saying that's my type, ya know?Everyone has a type, but that isn't a reason not to indulge in a bit of variety once in awhile. ^-^
The guys made quite a few points when it came to how all life originally developed from a single marijuana plant. That was definitely the high point of the article.
EDIT: I remember being very confused when I learnt that the word "pronunciation" was actually pronounced, ironically, as "pronounciation." Do they realise how weird that sounds to someone who doesn't speak the language as their mother tongue?
Well, if you ever decide to give it another go, at least now you know a francophone.Haha, I'll keep that in mind. My best friend is actually the son of a French father and Afrikaans mother, as I'm the son of a German mother and Afrikaans father, but he's fairly shit at explaining
I had often read that Afrikaans is an easy language but I never thought it'd be that easy. Are there any irregularities at all? For example I'm thinking about the past participle, like in German, infinitive is bringen but PP is gebracht.
French has a stupid amount of tenses, most of the distinctions they make could be left to context or periphrasis without any problem. There are even some we never use when speaking but that we must use when writing. By "never use" I mean what I say, there are tenses that nobody, no matter how snobbish or educated, would use in conversation.
Hell, I don't think I have used the pluperfect subjunctive once in my life, even when writing. What's the point? I swear that on some level, learning written French is almost like learning a second language even for a native speaker.
Is Afrikaans endangered or is it still transmitted to children? Like how many Afrikaners can't speak it and just speak English instead?
I think it's important to be proud of one's language and to transmit it to future generations. In Canada, French is dying outside of Quebec and some areas in New Brunswick. In Quebec you can still meet francophones who can't speak English at all (in New Brunswick this is much rarer). Outside of these areas, you'll meet a lot of Canadians with French surnames but they can't speak the language at all. They're completely assimilated. I think that's really sad, but as one of the unassimilated ones I suppose I'm a bit biased.
That's why I swore I'd transmit my language to any children of mine (back when I wanted them) no matter who their mother would be or where they would be born. Even if I had married, say, a Japanese girl and stayed in Japan and had children, they would have grown up speaking French and Japanese.
I think it's swell there's another linguistic minority on the forum.
Personally I've always had an issue with defenders that do raids, as it goes against what I believe to be the very foundations of defending (for me it is the protection and upholding of the right of a regional community to exist so long as it is not actively advocating for the harm of someone else.) Also yes I give the general precedence to Warzones as I do other regions, at least when they have a functioning/active regional community.I'm not arguing, I'm just pointing out why things happened the way they did. You have to understand that warzone sovereignty is still a novel idea in gameplay, even among defenders, and most people don't follow it...from their point of view, warzones were specifically designed to be invaded, so they're merely following the design of the game. I think even people in warzones understand this and know that being invaded is just part of the risk of a warzone and take it lightly. They no that any invasion won't be long, so they just come back afterwards.
I also do personally believe that if Wintreath is going to be a defender, then it needs to draw a line in the sand. I will also admit my reaction was made in a bit of anger, however in the end I decided that Wintreath should not work with a military or group that fails to apply sovereignty as defenders should.
However I should explain why I reacted so strongly. Wintermoot how would you feel if a group that you had helped build up for several months was going good, and then attacked by people who you did consider, at the very least and in a sense, friends? Would you not feel betrayed? Yes one may argue that it is a Warzone after all, however it does not sting any less.
In any case I did not make that post to start an argument over what occurred. Also at this time I am not in the best of moods to be discussing this...
Well, if you ever decide to give it another go, at least now you know a francophone.Haha, I'll keep that in mind. My best friend is actually the son of a French father and Afrikaans mother, as I'm the son of a German mother and Afrikaans father, but he's fairly shit at explaining
I had often read that Afrikaans is an easy language but I never thought it'd be that easy. Are there any irregularities at all? For example I'm thinking about the past participle, like in German, infinitive is bringen but PP is gebracht.
French has a stupid amount of tenses, most of the distinctions they make could be left to context or periphrasis without any problem. There are even some we never use when speaking but that we must use when writing. By "never use" I mean what I say, there are tenses that nobody, no matter how snobbish or educated, would use in conversation.
Hell, I don't think I have used the pluperfect subjunctive once in my life, even when writing. What's the point? I swear that on some level, learning written French is almost like learning a second language even for a native speaker.
Is Afrikaans endangered or is it still transmitted to children? Like how many Afrikaners can't speak it and just speak English instead?
I think it's important to be proud of one's language and to transmit it to future generations. In Canada, French is dying outside of Quebec and some areas in New Brunswick. In Quebec you can still meet francophones who can't speak English at all (in New Brunswick this is much rarer). Outside of these areas, you'll meet a lot of Canadians with French surnames but they can't speak the language at all. They're completely assimilated. I think that's really sad, but as one of the unassimilated ones I suppose I'm a bit biased.
That's why I swore I'd transmit my language to any children of mine (back when I wanted them) no matter who their mother would be or where they would be born. Even if I had married, say, a Japanese girl and stayed in Japan and had children, they would have grown up speaking French and Japanese.
I think it's swell there's another linguistic minority on the forum.
And yeah, there are some changes in Afrikaans. One example is the verb "hê," which becomes "gehad." (Hê = to have). I'm not entirely sure why it can't just be "gehê," apart from just looking weird. So yeah, there will be some irregular words to contend with, but it's a very simplified language overall. But to use the German example, whereas bringen becomes gebracht (very far from the weirdest example in German, lol), in Afrikaans, the infinitive is "bring," while the past tense would simply be "gebring."
There are some changes to the words, depending on the context. For example, while the verb "breek" (break) simply becomes "gebreek" in the past tense, it can change when used as an adjective, similar to English. "He's a broken man," would be translated as: "Hy is 'n gebroke man," in Afrikaans. So there would definitely still be a fair amount of weirdness to contend with when attempting to learn Afrikaans.
The only truly difficult part I can foresee for native English or French speakers, though, is the pronunciation. It would be a lot harsher than you're used to. Apart from the rolling R, our G sound has been known to be difficult for English speakers.
And it is a sad fact of life that some Afrikaans parents would rather send their children to English schools than to Afrikaans schools, but Afrikaans is something most children in South Africa learn as second language, at the least. It's rare to find a native English or Zulu speaker who doesn't understand or even speak Afrikaans. But it is also becoming increasingly rare to find someone who can only speak and understand Afrikaans, too. English is the language used when our native tongue isn't recognised in the city. If I'm speaking to a Zulu, Xhosa, or even Pedi in Pretoria, I automatically assume they'll speak and understand English much better than Afrikaans, so that's the language I immediately begin speaking in. In more rural areas, however, Afrikaans is much more widely spoken and understood. If I begin speaking English in Amsterdam (not the one in the Netherlands), this little village near my favourite camping site (and also very close to the Swaziland border), I'd get a lot of blank expressions, whereas speaking Afrikaans would be much more successful.
Afrikaans is one of the eleven official languages in South Africa, and I think it is the second most spoken first language, behind only Zulu. The coloured population makes up the majority of its first language speakers, not the Afrikaner himself. That's why it's actually wrong for our current government to think of Afrikaans as the language of the oppressor, as the coloured population was mistreated during apartheid for being too black, and is now mistreated for being too white.
That said, there are two main dialects. Cape Coloured Afrikaans sounds quite different from standard Afrikaans, and even with standard Afrikaans, the people who speak it have their own small differences depending on where they live. Afrikaans spoken in the three Capes, and particularly the Klein Karoo, and some parts of the Free State, can sound closer to Dutch, whereas the northerners, like myself, can sound quite a bit more snobby to our southern brethren.
The real threat to Afrikaans comes not from parents unwilling to teach it to their children, but from the government. Anti-Afrikaans sentiment is growing ever worse, and it's being stamped out at universities across the country. There has recently been a tremendous increase in violent protests calling for the removal of Afrikaans in all schools and universities. Plaasmoorde, or farm murders, aggravates the problem. Rural Afrikaners are facing genocide.
Afrikaners who immigrate obviously also face the risk of having children who don't learn the language, as for obvious reasons, you'll struggle to find established settlements in other countries where Afrikaans would be commonly spoken. And we're fleeing this country in record numbers, so this will also become increasingly more of a problem. As it is, you'll find quite a few Afrikaners in England, Australia and New Zealand. Canada and Dubai have recently become more popular as destinations for Afrikaans immigrants to consider as well. Germany also holds some appeal.
As for surnames, you'd actually struggle to find a purely Afrikaans surname. The majority of us have Dutch, German, British or French surnames. My surname, Bester, is either a Dutch or German (can't quite remember) variant of Beste, an old English surname. One of our famous figures, general De La Rey, had a French surname, for instance.
And yes, I would teach my children (if I ever decide I want any) Afrikaans too, no matter where I might live. I probably wouldn't skimp on my German heritage, either. I'd teach my children that too.
EDIT: Just to give a more comprehensive idea of how easy Afrikaans is to learn. http://www.pagef30.com/2010/12/why-afrikaans-is-also-easiest-language.html?m=1
EDIT 2: This is also useful. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afrikaans_grammar
Sorry boys, I'm officially off the market. 8)aww
I had no clue there were still slave markets...=/
I had no clue there were still slave markets...=/
Yeah...poor Pengu :(
So is this a "my exercise was worse than your exercise" contest of one-upmanship? :oI like how all three exercises were approximately the same distance.
You know, I used to want one really badly but usually after I got what I wanted, I realized that this wasn't what I thought I'd signed up for. I'm resigned to the fact that I will never be able to provide what 99% of girls want in a guy, so unless I stumble on a member of this 1% I'm gonna die alone.
Maybe it's just women. Sometimes I wonder if it'd be easier for me if I were gay (I mean about this specific side of things, I'm aware that being gay, even in the West, is no joke). With girls it's always about fucking drama that they create and then you have to "sit down and talk about it". Why? It's your fucking brain that's malfunctioning and looking for trouble, not mine.
With guys maybe that's different. Maybe not, though.
You know, I used to want one really badly but usually after I got what I wanted, I realized that this wasn't what I thought I'd signed up for. I'm resigned to the fact that I will never be able to provide what 99% of girls want in a guy, so unless I stumble on a member of this 1% I'm gonna die alone.
Maybe it's just women. Sometimes I wonder if it'd be easier for me if I were gay (I mean about this specific side of things, I'm aware that being gay, even in the West, is no joke). With girls it's always about fucking drama that they create and then you have to "sit down and talk about it". Why? It's your fucking brain that's malfunctioning and looking for trouble, not mine.
With guys maybe that's different. Maybe not, though.
I'm concerned about what women you're going after and what planet they come from o.o
Dear lord, this was great. Sad, but great.Yeah, that was a pretty good summary. I also enjoyed Colbert's live-broadcast coverage of the RNC.
Cavil: In all your travels, have you ever seen a star go supernova?
Ellen: No.
Cavil: No? Well, I have. I saw a star explode and send out the building blocks of the universe: other stars, other planets, and eventually other life, a supernova, creation itself! I was there. I wanted to see it, and be part of the moment. And you know how I perceived one of the most glorious events in the universe? With these ridiculous gelatinous orbs in my skull. With eyes designed to perceive only a tiny fraction of the EM spectrum, with ears designed only to hear vibrations in the air.
Ellen: The five of us designed you to be as human as possible.
Cavil: I don’t want to be human. I want to see gamma rays, I want to hear X-rays, and I want to smell dark matter! Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can’t even express these things properly, because I have to — I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid, limiting spoken language, but I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws, and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me. I’m a machine, and I can know much more, I could experience so much more, but I’m trapped in this absurd body. And why? Because my five creators thought that God wanted it that way.
So I've been hearing stories that Hillary Clinton has syphilis and a brain injury. Hopefully that will take her out of the race and we can get rid of two world class corrupt politicians in one year.Strange, I was literally just reading about both she and Bill having health problems. Some speculate that she seems to have a chronic cough as well as some sort of brain injury, while Bill has been acting "disconnected" along with hand tremors, leading some to believe he had a stroke or has Parkinson's.
On the one hand, this is good news if it means we don't have to choose between two bad options with Clinton and Trump. On the other hand, what if they still try to get her into office while she is actually physically unfit for the presidency and it ends up becoming some sort of shadowy "regency" thing like when Wilson had a stroke and his wife ran the country for like a year. Imagine if that happened today, except both Bill and Hillary are out of the picture. Who takes over then? What kind of political infighting would take place over who is the puppet master of the unstable presidential couple?So I've been hearing stories that Hillary Clinton has syphilis and a brain injury. Hopefully that will take her out of the race and we can get rid of two world class corrupt politicians in one year.Strange, I was literally just reading about both she and Bill having health problems. Some speculate that she seems to have a chronic cough as well as some sort of brain injury, while Bill has been acting "disconnected" along with hand tremors, leading some to believe he had a stroke or has Parkinson's.
On the one hand, this is good news if it means we don't have to choose between two bad options with Clinton and Trump. On the other hand, what if they still try to get her into office while she is actually physically unfit for the presidency and it ends up becoming some sort of shadowy "regency" thing like when Wilson had a stroke and his wife ran the country for like a year. Imagine if that happened today, except both Bill and Hillary are out of the picture. Who takes over then? What kind of political infighting would take place over who is the puppet master of the unstable presidential couple?Define out of the picture?
Physically incapable of running the country due to their feeble bodies no longer being capable of handling that kind of stress.On the one hand, this is good news if it means we don't have to choose between two bad options with Clinton and Trump. On the other hand, what if they still try to get her into office while she is actually physically unfit for the presidency and it ends up becoming some sort of shadowy "regency" thing like when Wilson had a stroke and his wife ran the country for like a year. Imagine if that happened today, except both Bill and Hillary are out of the picture. Who takes over then? What kind of political infighting would take place over who is the puppet master of the unstable presidential couple?Define out of the picture?
Wait. I understand why Hilary would be out of the picture if this were the case...but did I miss something about Trump? Why would he cease being an option?On the one hand, this is good news if it means we don't have to choose between two bad options with Clinton and Trump. On the other hand, what if they still try to get her into office while she is actually physically unfit for the presidency and it ends up becoming some sort of shadowy "regency" thing like when Wilson had a stroke and his wife ran the country for like a year. Imagine if that happened today, except both Bill and Hillary are out of the picture. Who takes over then? What kind of political infighting would take place over who is the puppet master of the unstable presidential couple?So I've been hearing stories that Hillary Clinton has syphilis and a brain injury. Hopefully that will take her out of the race and we can get rid of two world class corrupt politicians in one year.Strange, I was literally just reading about both she and Bill having health problems. Some speculate that she seems to have a chronic cough as well as some sort of brain injury, while Bill has been acting "disconnected" along with hand tremors, leading some to believe he had a stroke or has Parkinson's.
No, but if Clinton were out of the picture the Democrats would have the possibility of choosing a decent candidate, though I doubt they would...Wait. I understand why Hilary would be out of the picture if this were the case...but did I miss something about Trump? Why would he cease being an option?On the one hand, this is good news if it means we don't have to choose between two bad options with Clinton and Trump. On the other hand, what if they still try to get her into office while she is actually physically unfit for the presidency and it ends up becoming some sort of shadowy "regency" thing like when Wilson had a stroke and his wife ran the country for like a year. Imagine if that happened today, except both Bill and Hillary are out of the picture. Who takes over then? What kind of political infighting would take place over who is the puppet master of the unstable presidential couple?So I've been hearing stories that Hillary Clinton has syphilis and a brain injury. Hopefully that will take her out of the race and we can get rid of two world class corrupt politicians in one year.Strange, I was literally just reading about both she and Bill having health problems. Some speculate that she seems to have a chronic cough as well as some sort of brain injury, while Bill has been acting "disconnected" along with hand tremors, leading some to believe he had a stroke or has Parkinson's.
I woke up this morning after dreaming of being disected. There was this large amorphous creature with hundreds of different kinds of eyes and just as many mouths. I strapped down onto a stone table and it would run a limb like thingy across my skin and it would just split right open. It systematically took out each and every one of my organs and after looking at them just put it all back in. There waany any pain obviously but I also was scared. Just fascinated. Like, "So that's what my liver looks like." That is the last time I have a "brownie" before bed.What kinds of dreams do you have? This seems more like a nightmare to me 0.o
I woke up this morning after dreaming of being disected. There was this large amorphous creature with hundreds of different kinds of eyes and just as many mouths. I strapped down onto a stone table and it would run a limb like thingy across my skin and it would just split right open. It systematically took out each and every one of my organs and after looking at them just put it all back in. There waany any pain obviously but I also was scared. Just fascinated. Like, "So that's what my liver looks like." That is the last time I have a "brownie" before bed.What kinds of dreams do you have? This seems more like a nightmare to me 0.o
One of the best books I've read this year has been "How Google Works" by Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg...it was so inspirational I actually purchased the hardback version when it was removed from Scribd. But what I liked so much about it was the section on workplace culture and some of the rules they followed at Google to create a workplace culture that attracted and empowered smart employees and promoted meritocracy. Why can't more business leaders do that? It seems so simple, yet so many places...so many businesses hire good people and then proceed to not give a shit about their input, instead following their own odd, clueless, and unproductive whims.
I just don't get it. >_>
One of the best books I've read this year has been "How Google Works" by Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg...it was so inspirational I actually purchased the hardback version when it was removed from Scribd. But what I liked so much about it was the section on workplace culture and some of the rules they followed at Google to create a workplace culture that attracted and empowered smart employees and promoted meritocracy. Why can't more business leaders do that? It seems so simple, yet so many places...so many businesses hire good people and then proceed to not give a shit about their input, instead following their own odd, clueless, and unproductive whims.
I just don't get it. >_>
Man, I've heard so many horror stories about working at Google. They do like.. peer ranking. That's where you take all your coworkers, rank them from 1 - x by order of competence, then submit it to your supervisors or you're fired. They are all innovative and stuff but I feel like that kind of thing is a little fucked.
One of the best books I've read this year has been "How Google Works" by Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg...it was so inspirational I actually purchased the hardback version when it was removed from Scribd. But what I liked so much about it was the section on workplace culture and some of the rules they followed at Google to create a workplace culture that attracted and empowered smart employees and promoted meritocracy. Why can't more business leaders do that? It seems so simple, yet so many places...so many businesses hire good people and then proceed to not give a shit about their input, instead following their own odd, clueless, and unproductive whims.
I just don't get it. >_>
Man, I've heard so many horror stories about working at Google. They do like.. peer ranking. That's where you take all your coworkers, rank them from 1 - x by order of competence, then submit it to your supervisors or you're fired. They are all innovative and stuff but I feel like that kind of thing is a little fucked.
Hi @Evelynx, I'm still around here.
I'm alive, and doing somewhat well, for those who care to find out how I'm doing. I can be found in the #chronicles channel if people wish to talk to me and stay in touch.
Anyhow, a friend of mine, who is a Test Engineer at Google, had this to say:
"that's an interesting statement you heard
Microsoft used to have a stack rank but they got rid of it. Google explicitly does not have a stack rank and to my knowledge never has had one.
There is a peer review system. You are encouraged to seek peer feedback and also to give it. All feedback (giving and receiving) is optional, however.
Google's (now former) head of HR wrote a book with a lot of detail about how HR at Google is run and some insights into how to run a company. I'd recommend it. I haven't read it myself, but I've read enough of Laszlo's other stuff that I think I have the basics: https://www.amazon.com/Work-Rules-Insights-Inside-Transform/dp/1455554790"
TLDR Evelynx, the horror stories are just stories, not actual stuff, unless you actually know someone at Google who disagrees.
To be fair I hear Valve is a nice play to work at. The employee handbook is online somewhere...Thanks for the link! I read through it last night and thoroughly enjoyed it...it gave me inspiration and ideas. :)
EDIT:found it! (http://www.valvesoftware.com/company/Valve_Handbook_LowRes.pdf)
Google's (now former) head of HR wrote a book with a lot of detail about how HR at Google is run and some insights into how to run a company. I'd recommend it. I haven't read it myself, but I've read enough of Laszlo's other stuff that I think I have the basics: https://www.amazon.com/Work-Rules-Insights-Inside-Transform/dp/1455554790"I actually have this book on my Amazon wishlist...it was the initial book I wanted to read, but it wasn't in the Scribd library and How Google Works was...I hope to be able to pick up that one in the near-future too. :)
This right here is a lot more dodgy, in my opinion.I don't condone this behaviour, but I doubt its purpose was to keep wages low as the article says. There's a lot of competition between tech companies for the best talent, and the companies spend a lot of money to recruit and maintain them, which are investments that they lose if they go to another company. Also, when someone moves to a competitor, there's always the chance they'll bring what they know from their first company with them...non-disclosure agreements may prevent this from explicitly happening, but there's nothing that can stop it from implicitly happening. More than likely, this was done to protect the companies competitive advantages, I would think.
One of the best books I've read this year has been "How Google Works" by Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg...it was so inspirational I actually purchased the hardback version when it was removed from Scribd. But what I liked so much about it was the section on workplace culture and some of the rules they followed at Google to create a workplace culture that attracted and empowered smart employees and promoted meritocracy. Why can't more business leaders do that? It seems so simple, yet so many places...so many businesses hire good people and then proceed to not give a shit about their input, instead following their own odd, clueless, and unproductive whims.
I just don't get it. >_>
Man, I've heard so many horror stories about working at Google. They do like.. peer ranking. That's where you take all your coworkers, rank them from 1 - x by order of competence, then submit it to your supervisors or you're fired. They are all innovative and stuff but I feel like that kind of thing is a little fucked.
Hi @Evelynx, I'm still around here.
I'm alive, and doing somewhat well, for those who care to find out how I'm doing. I can be found in the #chronicles channel if people wish to talk to me and stay in touch.
Anyhow, a friend of mine, who is a Test Engineer at Google, had this to say:
"that's an interesting statement you heard
Microsoft used to have a stack rank but they got rid of it. Google explicitly does not have a stack rank and to my knowledge never has had one.
There is a peer review system. You are encouraged to seek peer feedback and also to give it. All feedback (giving and receiving) is optional, however.
Google's (now former) head of HR wrote a book with a lot of detail about how HR at Google is run and some insights into how to run a company. I'd recommend it. I haven't read it myself, but I've read enough of Laszlo's other stuff that I think I have the basics: https://www.amazon.com/Work-Rules-Insights-Inside-Transform/dp/1455554790"
TLDR Evelynx, the horror stories are just stories, not actual stuff, unless you actually know someone at Google who disagrees.
Yeah, my stories are from actual google employees as of 2 weeks ago. Google definitely does do stack ranking. It also depends heavily on where you work in Google.
I'm sure some people love it at Google, but some people really really don't.
Setting up a soft non-compete policy is dodgy no matter which way you look at it. If a company wants to keep talent, then they should inspire their employees to stay through generating a good work environment, paying them what they're due and so forth.As I said, I don't condone it, I just thought the article's conclusion that they did it to keep wages low was probably a bit narrow. What you say is true, but I suppose that's true about any organization or group of people...I wonder what the dirt is on Wintreath? =o =P
The federal judge obviously had a reason for rejecting that first offer, and the US Department of justice were investigating them in 2009 already. And despite what the companies may say, I just don't trust them. At least 65 000 of their employees got screwed badly enough to launch a successful class action suit, and it's not often a judge steps in to reject a proposed settlement.
That being said, dig deep enough into any company's history, and you're bound to find some dirt.
So my friend zack and I are thinking about doing some YouTube let's play videos as our characters linda and jane. Two bored housewives that sound like the Jewish couple from princess bride. Good idea? Offensive? I'm not entirely sure.
I remember learning in Psychology 110 that in today's world, there are a lot of benefits to being a sociopath, especially if you're in politics or the corporate world. They don't experience a stress response to any outside stimuli, and this is what enables them to keep on going long after any normal person reaches his breaking point. This extends to their social lives. They are confident, and any criticism just falls by the wayside, enabling them to see their plans and ambitions through to the bitter end with unrivalled ferocity and tenacity.I think some of my problem comes from being so sheltered as a child, and part of it comes from being such a loner. Between the two, I never had to associate with people or take care of problems involving people, so things involving people are quite stressful for me to handle, especially things that involve some level of bullshit on their end. I'm more or less fine if things go well or as expected, but if things don't...well, the thought of that is what makes me unconfident.
I've played a few games of chess against people with anti-social personality disorder. There's not much that can compare. My usual strategy of slowly cranking up the pressure, putting the screws to their positions, threatening multiple devastating attacks and waiting for my opponent to crack became completely meaningless. If anything, they were much more effective with using such a strategy against me than I could ever hope to be against anyone else, because no risk was ever too great for them. I become just as nervous as my opponent when I play high-risk chess, which is part of the fun. Playing against one of these guys is like playing against a very creative computer.
Soldiers are conditioned to take on quite a few of the traits of the sociopath, in fact.
Sorry, it's just a bunch of random thoughts and memories that suddenly came to me after hearing about your plight, Wintermoot. It simply explains why good people often lose out to such thoroughly ruthless individuals at all levels of society, be it politics or the corporate world.
Okay can someone please explain to me why the RP section is divided into three separate parts and why only one of those parts is distinct from the othersSure. The RP Guild is for discussion about roleplay...issues related to roleplay, getting people involved in roleplay, making roleplaying better, organizing new RP ideas, etc. The Wonderful World of Wintreath is dedicated to in-character regional light RP...it's got regional lore, the tavern, family adoptions, etc. Finally, the Gathering Portal contains your actual hardcore roleplays...there are several different active ones going on now, each with their own theme, story, etc. Does that help any?
Maybe you need a pick-me-up to get over the hangover. :P
Alright, alright. So my school is going to pay for me to take the CompTIA A+ Exam! I've been wanting to take it for a while now, just never had the resources...wow....
Alright, alright. So my school is going to pay for me to take the CompTIA A+ Exam! I've been wanting to take it for a while now, just never had the resources...wow....
Trying to locate mead that ships to South Africa is ridiculously hard. I guess I'll have to be a patriot and narrow my search to local breweries only.
Coincidentally, is there anyone here who has tried mead before, and can point me in the right direction? This will be my first time.
@Weissreich and @Joshua Bluteisen, I don't suppose either of you have tried it?
It might just be the fact that alcohol is Scotland's biggest export but I hear about it all the time here, loads of distilleries and breweries offer it as a bonus with their regular stuff: though it is seen as a very premium thing unlike whiskey, cider or beer, and thus is really hard to find in shops and especially online.As someone who has ties to the local SCA/Ren Faire community here, mead is big down here and I have tried varying kinds. ask and ye shall know as best as possible @Laurentus.
Hmm, I'm considering wiring money into some foreign person's account so they can buy a bottle, and then hire some independent shipping agency to get it here, at this point.
EDIT: Or perhaps I should try my hand at brewing some.
All these drunk people...I can't help but wonder who the horny drunks are. :P
All these drunk people...I can't help but wonder who the horny drunks are. :PI'm the kind of drunk that finds everything hilarious (including the fact that the room spins), and so I pretty much just laugh and giggle nonstop. :))
I should try lucid dreaming again.I used to be able to lucid dream all the time when I was in high school. One can guess what I did in these dreams at such an age. :P
Even more incentive. Trying it tonight. ;)I should try lucid dreaming again.I used to be able to lucid dream all the time when I was in high school. One can guess what I did in these dreams at such an age. :P
I am insanely, suicidally, depressed
I am insanely, suicidally, depressedWhatever it is, it'll get better. Death, on the other hand, won't. Stay strong.
I'm feeling the love, Wintermoot. Thank you. ^-^There were earlier serious RPs, but for some time there weren't any. This region wasn't founded until late 2013, though, so yeah, it's quite new.
I didn't realize this region was so new. The RP guild wasn't made until November 2015. That's like, yesterday in NS time.
Trying to locate mead that ships to South Africa is ridiculously hard. I guess I'll have to be a patriot and narrow my search to local breweries only.Eh, mead was a bit hit and miss for me if I'm honest - honey has never been one of my favoured substances due to its sweetness and I'm much more of a real ale (bitters, pale ales, hop beer etc) drinker than anything else.
Coincidentally, is there anyone here who has tried mead before, and can point me in the right direction? This will be my first time.
@Weissreich and @Joshua Bluteisen, I don't suppose either of you have tried it?
Dunno why it's so funnyQUESTION ANSWERED!
When you can't have afternoon tea because you've gone through the bottled water you brought to work and refuse to pay $1.25 for a bottle out of the vending machine or to use tap water...Buy a large pack of bottled water and keep it in the car (or elsewhere), it's what a teacher of mine does. She buys a whole pack or two of bottled water and keeps it in her classroom.
Yes, I'm both picky and cheap. xD
I am everybody, and I am nobody.
I've been almost everything you can imagine: a doctor, scientist, artist, celebrity, and even a teacher. That teller that cashed your check last week? I was probably them at one point. That woman you had sex with last night? For all you know, that was me. I've probably been every person you've met, every friend you've made, every family member you've cried to, and every lover you've kissed.
And you'd never know it was me.
7. The Monarch shall regularly inform the Storting regarding the state of the region in the form of an address.It's constitutionally required :|
IRC only. No discord or skype...they both are awful and should be avoided...
Also Wintermoot you kinda have to do the address anyway:Quote from: Article II, Section 77. The Monarch shall regularly inform the Storting regarding the state of the region in the form of an address.It's constitutionally required :|
I was considering including voice chat in the meeting.I don't see a point to include voice chat...besides we have a mumble server.
-sues Wintermoot over it-IRC only. No discord or skype...they both are awful and should be avoided...
Also Wintermoot you kinda have to do the address anyway:Quote from: Article II, Section 77. The Monarch shall regularly inform the Storting regarding the state of the region in the form of an address.It's constitutionally required :|
Time to write an amendment then! Though its not like anyone is going to sue Wintermoot over it :P
Guys, isn't a rule that when you start talking about people being big and small, it's gotta go to dick size?
Back me up on this. :P
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
u erdHas anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
u erdHas anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
I wonder what it takes to really connect with people...be somebody that they talk to and want to get to know. I try to be sociable, and be interesting, and have things to say, but it still seems to be a struggle to get most people to be interested enough in me to want to talk to me on a regular basis. Maybe I'm just a bore...or difficult to hold a conversation with...or difficult to tolerate at all. =/You okay Moot? :-\
I don't necessarily agree...I think at least where it matters age is mostly mindset. I think over time a lot of people get complacent, lose that hunger and drive, and become content with settling down and conforming, but I have to say I feel more myself and more driven at 30 than I did at 20.What is complacency if not denying yourself new avenues of growth, trimming your metaphysical 'tree' away from branches which might have led to future contentment?
The physical...eh, someday science will solve that one. Not horribly concerned. :P
What is complacency if not denying yourself new avenues of growth, trimming your metaphysical 'tree' away from branches which might have led to future contentment?Isn't that basically what I said? :P
Some trees grow to great heights but never spread their canopies, whilst others live only short lives yet seem to seek to spread their leaves across all the world.
Oh. Darn. Hehe, me too! xDOn a similar note, you might want to try not looking at too much blue light at night. Some programs and apps can help with that: f.lux for desktop, Twilight on Android, Night Shift (built-in) in iOS.
Seriously though, I'm sorry you're still having trouble sleeping. Have you tried keeping things real dark? Our bodies respond to light by keeping us awake sometimes.
@Ashton Mercer, here you go:Some very valid points, especially that one about the odd refusal to even try and understand the Dark Side: casts a lot of doubt on the goodness of the Jedi. However, this doesn't account for Rey's enslavement in the very beginning of Episode VII, nor does it account for the atrocities that the Sith have (maybe? Canon is confusing) committed in the past while fighting the Jedi (although the Jedi do have their fair share of child soldiers and brainwashing).
Was Rey a slave? They never explicitly stated anything of the sort, did they? I got the impression she was pretty much free to do as she pleased, and the only reason she was there was to wait for her family or something. I just got the impression that she was very poor.Based on how she was treated by the scrap dealers, I assume she lived in a sort of de-facto slavery. Yeah, her house was far away and she had a land speeder, but if she didn't do business with the scrap dealers she probably would have died of hunger or thirst before she made it to another settlement. I suppose it's more equivalent to extremely unfair employment practices than the actual urban slavery that was clearly seen in Episode I.
And one thing worth mentioning is that the Jedi pretty much committed genocide against the Sith in the early days of the force (though, again, the canon is very confusing, now).
Kylo Ren and his master also aren't technically Sith. They're part of some new order of baddies.
Also, the people who lost their lives in Hiroshima and Nagasaki really couldn't help living in a country that happened to be at war with America. I'll never look on that whole mess with approval. In fact, I'll always hold it against America, especially since so many Americans refuse to acknowledge just how wrong it was. Some are unbearably arrogant about it, even.
So I got into my first car accident today. Happened while I was on my mail route, and luckily did no damage to my mail truck (big rubber bumper completely took off the other guy's bumper, though). I wasn't at fault, so I didn't get in trouble, but still got my blood pumping quite a bit.
From the very beginning of its design process, it was intended that the first Death Star be capable of destroying entire planets, but most Imperial strategists were certain that the threat alone would be enough to keep most worlds in line.
Tarkin felt differently; as he saw it, the Rebels were growing bolder, and only a very public demonstration of the battle station's power— against a Rebel target—would succeed in giving them pause. His argument convinced Palpatine, and so the Emperor approved, in advance, the destruction of the peaceful world. In addition, Alderaan was already considered a priority target for providing political or strategic aid to the Rebel Alliance.
Can I just say how much I enjoy reading your guys' debates?who are you rooting for
I don't think Gerrick is the type to take sides.Quite true. Unless I've really researched a topic, I prefer to listen to what others have to say.
That may be true, but I'm having a hard time imagining you joining either side if we lived in the Star Wars universe. :Pgrey jedi 4 life
Fel Empire FTW!That may be true, but I'm having a hard time imagining you joining either side if we lived in the Star Wars universe. :Pgrey jedi 4 life
That may be true, but I'm having a hard time imagining you joining either side if we lived in the Star Wars universe. :PI don't know, the Jedi have so much knowledge of the universe just ready to be ingested that that might tempt me.
grey jedi 4 lifeChurch.
I am an anarchist at heart, but my nature is such that I definitely would have been seduced by the sheer power of the dark side.I don't think I would be seduced at all by the dark side as I don't really want power. Power, ambition, and passion are like the opposite of me, so there isn't really anything there for me. Sure, some dark-side abilities would be great to use, but I don't really want to rule the galaxy, kill a bunch of people, or be feared or anything.
Oh, I don't think I'd use the power of the dark side to rule over people. I'd just like to have it. Some poor mofo who tried to steal my ship would be incredibly sorry.Oh, well in that case. :P The Dark Side corrupts, though, so I think if you got that powerful with it, it'd be too late for you to really just use it recreationally.
EDIT: Although, now that I think of it, a good number of galactic leaders who annoyed me would find themselves flayed alive by my sick-nasty mind powers. And then I'd just casually go on, spreading anarchy to as many places as I could.
1. Japan refuses to surrender even in dire odds. No matter what the Emperor thought during this time (all evidence indicates he had zero desire for peace until maybe unfortunately close to the bombings), his military leaders would refuse the idea of a surrender if it were proposed (it wasn't).I'm not going to debate the morality of the atomic bombings right now (we already had a whole discussion about it a few months ago (http://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?topic=3657.0)), but I would like to challenge the narrative you present here.
2. The USA drops two atomic bombs after sending a vague warning to the Japanese government (which it promptly ignores). The bombs fall on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, two industrial cities that probably would have been targeted by the equally destructive firebombing campaigns that already ravaged Tokyo and that had killed double the number of people that the atomic bombs would.
3. Directly because of this, the Emperor forces the military command to obey him and Japan surrenders. There's a reason the sentence "The enemy has, for the first time, used cruel bombs" leads Hirohito's speech to his own people on Japan's surrender, and it's not because he just found out what an incendiary bomb is. The bombs ended the war, plain and simple.
However, this doesn't account for Rey's enslavement in the very beginning of Episode VII, nor does it account for the atrocities that the Sith have (maybe? Canon is confusing) committed in the past while fighting the Jedi (although the Jedi do have their fair share of child soldiers and brainwashing).Could you elaborate on why Rey's peonage is relevant here? I don't quite see the connection. In particular, the current vagueness regarding how she got abandoned on Jakku makes it difficult to ascribe the actions there to any particular sect, whether it be First Order, New Jedi Order, or something else.
For the sake of convenience, let's ignore everything "canon"There is nothing canon before Episode I currently. The canon wipe of April 25, 2014, means that anything published before that date, with the exception of the six films and TCW, is non-canon and under the "Legends" branding. The old canon has as such been shoved off into an alternate universe (though I personally prefer Legends).
before Episode I and focus on what we can see in/deduce from the movies.
Are you sure about that? They're not the Empire, but they definitely seem pretty Sith-y to me, especially with that Snopes guy and Kylo's reverence for Vader.
EDIT: But as far as can be surmised (since analysing movies that run for two hours doesn't leave much room for depth, compared to actual history), the Death Star would serve pretty much the same purpose. The war with the rebels must have been long and bloody for both sides.You say you're analyzing the movie, but you quote a Legends Wookieepedia article that is clearly drawing information from the EU. Huh?
I'll just quote what the wiki has to say:Quote from: Wookieepedia on the Destruction of AlderaanFrom the very beginning of its design process, it was intended that the first Death Star be capable of destroying entire planets, but most Imperial strategists were certain that the threat alone would be enough to keep most worlds in line.
Tarkin felt differently; as he saw it, the Rebels were growing bolder, and only a very public demonstration of the battle station's power— against a Rebel target—would succeed in giving them pause. His argument convinced Palpatine, and so the Emperor approved, in advance, the destruction of the peaceful world. In addition, Alderaan was already considered a priority target for providing political or strategic aid to the Rebel Alliance.
They don't sound as neutral as you seem to think.
What evidence is there for that, actually? The same thing that led Anakin to betray the Jedi, also led him to betray the Sith: his intense love for, and need to save his family members.Palpatine manipulated Anakin's love for his wife by convincing him that the Dark Side of the Force was the only way to save her. As he did so, however, he "fell" to the Dark Side, ensuring that Palpatine would have control over him as Palpatine provided his only avenue towards the power he now needs.
EDIT: The Jedi would have had him basically become a murder monk, not allowed to feel anything. The Sith just seemed to get caught up in the wrong emotions: hatred, greed, and lust for power.
As far as I can tell, the new order that has risen up in Episode 7 seems to embrace the Jedi creed a lot more than the Sith one. It was a test of Obi-Wan's devotion to the Jedi order (and in their mind, the light side) when he had to kill Anakin. Likewise, something similar seemed to happen when Ren killed his father.
So if the Jedi would deny all emotion, and the Sith are governed by the wrong ones, what's to stop someone from bringing balance by focusing on the positive?
What evidence is there for that, actually? The same thing that led Anakin to betray the Jedi, also led him to betray the Sith: his intense love for, and need to save his family members.Did you not watch Revenge of the Sith? The entire movie is about Anakin's corruption by the Dark Side. He even goes so far as to force choking Padme at one point. The Dark Side caused him to end up wanting power more than really wanting her.
So if the Jedi would deny all emotion, and the Sith are governed by the wrong ones, what's to stop someone from bringing balance by focusing on the positive?Indeed, that would be ideal. But I'd argue that no emotion is better than negative emotions.
Like some people argued in the /r/MawInstallation thread I linked above, I feel that Sith philosophy definitely works for non-Force users, but it is highly dangerous for Force users. There's nothing truly evil about the Dark Side, but, much like a drug, it seems to be highly seductive in the way it behaves. Also like a drug, it becomes much more difficult to not destroy your life and others' when you're harnessing its power to greater heights.I think this hits the nail on the head.
God damn, tau. :oAnd I thought that I could get a FtA post out today. Well, that chance is now gone.
1. Japan refuses to surrender even in dire odds. No matter what the Emperor thought during this time (all evidence indicates he had zero desire for peace until maybe unfortunately close to the bombings), his military leaders would refuse the idea of a surrender if it were proposed (it wasn't).I'm not going to debate the morality of the atomic bombings right now (we already had a whole discussion about it a few months ago (http://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?topic=3657.0)), but I would like to challenge the narrative you present here.
2. The USA drops two atomic bombs after sending a vague warning to the Japanese government (which it promptly ignores). The bombs fall on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, two industrial cities that probably would have been targeted by the equally destructive firebombing campaigns that already ravaged Tokyo and that had killed double the number of people that the atomic bombs would.
3. Directly because of this, the Emperor forces the military command to obey him and Japan surrenders. There's a reason the sentence "The enemy has, for the first time, used cruel bombs" leads Hirohito's speech to his own people on Japan's surrender, and it's not because he just found out what an incendiary bomb is. The bombs ended the war, plain and simple.
Japan's surrender was not solely due to the atomic bombings. The Soviets declared war on Japan and invaded Manchuria (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet%E2%80%93Japanese_War_(1945)), breaking the Non-Aggression Pact (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet%E2%80%93Japanese_Neutrality_Pact) signed in 1941, on the same day that the Americans bombed Nagasaki. Some historians, such as Tsuyoshi Hasegawa, argue that, much like it had borne the firebombings, Japan would still fight on in the face of the nuclear bombings, and that the atomic bombings were largely an act of strength against the USSR. Others, including James Maddox, support the traditional narrative you described. I personally cannot claim expertise in this field, but I think the Soviet declaration of war had at least some impact on the Japanese decision to surrender, even if it's debatable how much of a role it played.
Like in the above thread, I'll also link here (https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/15kb3w/why_didnt_japan_surrender_after_the_first_atomic/) this rather excellent read about the surrender of Japan, especially with regards to the atomic bomb.However, this doesn't account for Rey's enslavement in the very beginning of Episode VII, nor does it account for the atrocities that the Sith have (maybe? Canon is confusing) committed in the past while fighting the Jedi (although the Jedi do have their fair share of child soldiers and brainwashing).Could you elaborate on why Rey's peonage is relevant here? I don't quite see the connection. In particular, the current vagueness regarding how she got abandoned on Jakku makes it difficult to ascribe the actions there to any particular sect, whether it be First Order, New Jedi Order, or something else.For the sake of convenience, let's ignore everything "canon"There is nothing canon before Episode I currently. The canon wipe of April 25, 2014, means that anything published before that date, with the exception of the six films and TCW, is non-canon and under the "Legends" branding. The old canon has as such been shoved off into an alternate universe (though I personally prefer Legends).
before Episode I and focus on what we can see in/deduce from the movies.
Are you sure about that? They're not the Empire, but they definitely seem pretty Sith-y to me, especially with that Snopes guy and Kylo's reverence for Vader.
Also, Dark Siders and Sith are two different things. The Sith are a group of people who follow a particular set of ideologies, in addition to practicing the Dark Side of the Force. In the new canon, from what we know, the Rule of Two is also a key part of being Sith.EDIT: But as far as can be surmised (since analysing movies that run for two hours doesn't leave much room for depth, compared to actual history), the Death Star would serve pretty much the same purpose. The war with the rebels must have been long and bloody for both sides.You say you're analyzing the movie, but you quote a Legends Wookieepedia article that is clearly drawing information from the EU. Huh?
I'll just quote what the wiki has to say:Quote from: Wookieepedia on the Destruction of AlderaanFrom the very beginning of its design process, it was intended that the first Death Star be capable of destroying entire planets, but most Imperial strategists were certain that the threat alone would be enough to keep most worlds in line.
Tarkin felt differently; as he saw it, the Rebels were growing bolder, and only a very public demonstration of the battle station's power— against a Rebel target—would succeed in giving them pause. His argument convinced Palpatine, and so the Emperor approved, in advance, the destruction of the peaceful world. In addition, Alderaan was already considered a priority target for providing political or strategic aid to the Rebel Alliance.
They don't sound as neutral as you seem to think.
In any case, if we use Legends canon as a source, we come up with lots of nice things, including: a secret military base operated by the Royal House Organa, a rebel fleet showing up to defend Alderaan against the Death Star, Alderaanian funds clearly going to the Rebellion, etc.What evidence is there for that, actually? The same thing that led Anakin to betray the Jedi, also led him to betray the Sith: his intense love for, and need to save his family members.Palpatine manipulated Anakin's love for his wife by convincing him that the Dark Side of the Force was the only way to save her. As he did so, however, he "fell" to the Dark Side, ensuring that Palpatine would have control over him as Palpatine provided his only avenue towards the power he now needs.
EDIT: The Jedi would have had him basically become a murder monk, not allowed to feel anything. The Sith just seemed to get caught up in the wrong emotions: hatred, greed, and lust for power.
As far as I can tell, the new order that has risen up in Episode 7 seems to embrace the Jedi creed a lot more than the Sith one. It was a test of Obi-Wan's devotion to the Jedi order (and in their mind, the light side) when he had to kill Anakin. Likewise, something similar seemed to happen when Ren killed his father.
So if the Jedi would deny all emotion, and the Sith are governed by the wrong ones, what's to stop someone from bringing balance by focusing on the positive?
The Jedi also weren't emotionless robots. We see them in the prequels: they advocate compassion, they show humor, etc. Nevertheless, it's pretty clear that their philosophy has been warped by millennia of complacency and turned into something hypocritical.
Like some people argued in the /r/MawInstallation thread I linked above, I feel that Sith philosophy definitely works for non-Force users, but it is highly dangerous for Force users. There's nothing truly evil about the Dark Side, but, much like a drug, it seems to be highly seductive in the way it behaves. Also like a drug, it becomes much more difficult to not destroy your life and others' when you're harnessing its power to greater heights.
Shit, I just spent an hour writing this up. I really need to start doing some work.
There's a lot said about BBC (big black cock)...how come you never hear anything about SBC (small black cock)? I'm sure they exist, and are just as deserving of being loved...why is cock so consistently on your mind
That is what is on my mind at the moment...
As for your assertion that the Dark Side corrupts, it's going to be difficult to convince me of that based only on the movies (but you may find success if you bring in The Clone Wars, because I've never watched it, and probably never will).Oh, yeah, I forgot they actually literally explained it in The Clone Wars. I win. :D
There's a lot said about BBC (big black cock)...how come you never hear anything about SBC (small black cock)? I'm sure they exist, and are just as deserving of being loved...Well, to be fair, the only dick acronym is BBC, so they don't really talk as much about any other size or color dicks. :P
That is what is on my mind at the moment...
why is cock so consistently on your mindIt's usually a relevant topic, and I like to stay relevant. :))
Well, to be fair, the only dick acronym is BBC, so they don't really talk as much about any other size or color dicks. :PYou make a good point...I wonder why that is though...
I've put your quote in the spoiler so as not to ruin everyone's day by having such a long one posted twice on the same page. :PBecause of the sites I frequent (largely /r/StarWarsEU (https://reddit.com/r/starwarseu) and /r/MawInstallation (https://www.reddit.com/r/mawinstallation)), I'm used to drawing arguments from all Star Wars content, both Canon and Legends.
Anyway, you are correct, that was a piece of info gleaned from Legends, but I'm not going to pretend to like how it all got thrown out the window. Disney decides it's not canon, so I just have to accept it? Fuck that.
Beyond that, I used it to support my view from the movie, I didn't base my entire view on it. I got the feeling that something like that might have been the reasoning behind its use long before I had any clue about the EU material or wikis. That may have been a leap based purely on speculation at the time, since I can't fathom why destroying neutral planets could be something anyone would want to do just for shits and giggles, but still. The movies don't go into any sort of depth as to why exactly that planet had to be destroyed. Nor can I remember anyone claiming the planet was actually neutral.
As for your assertion that the Dark Side corrupts, it's going to be difficult to convince me of that based only on the movies (but you may find success if you bring in The Clone Wars, because I've never watched it, and probably never will). We have a sample size of, what, four people in the entire first six episodes who actually wielded the Dark Side? We know next to nothing of Maul, when considering only the movies. That other guy from the second movie seemed incredibly confused, not actually evil. And Palpatine was... well, we all know what Palpatine was like. Additionally, they were all Sith, and all under the control of an exceptionally skilled manipulator. Who's to say other users of the Dark Side with a different philosophy (and under better leadership) would have been corrupted in quite the same way? Anakin seems to have lost his way more because of Palpatine's machinations than the actual dark side. The way he did end up restoring balance to the Force (for like, the next five years, anyway, before the need for new baddies in this mega money-train of a franchise led to the formation of the First Order), and fulfilling the prophecy of his birth, was precisely because he rejected the creeds of the Sith and Jedi, and brought the two aspects of the Force, that probably never should have existed in isolation from each other in the first place, back together. He could not have done it by following the Light or the Dark.
And yes, I realise I've just crushed my own argument by showcasing that exclusive use of either side leads to all sorts of shit. Sue me. This is how we learn. :P
Oh, yeah, I forgot they actually literally explained it in The Clone Wars. I win. :DCould cite the relevant portion? Because arguably the Jedi claim in the films that the dark side corrupts, too.
There's a lot said about BBC (big black cock)...how come you never hear anything about SBC (small black cock)? I'm sure they exist, and are just as deserving of being loved...It is a thing. Rule 34 isn't just a made-up fiction.
That is what is on my mind at the moment...
You can't gather that kind of knowledge indiscriminately. I refuse to believe it. ;-;You see, my friends, there's this thing called "Google"...
I'm very familiar with Google. But people don't do searches without a reason. :P
Purely in the pursuit of knowledge, I assure you."That which can be destroyed by the truth should be."
I wonder if someday we'll be genetically engineered to photosynthesize, as a backup to having to eat.
I wonder if someday we'll be genetically engineered to photosynthesize, as a backup to having to eat.Unlikely. Even with the best photosynthesing plants, the surface area of a human on a clear day could only capture enough sunlight to fulfill a fraction of our energy requirements. Plus, we would still have to consume water and minerals that we couldn't get from the air or sun, so really we will always need food.
But what if we focused the sunshine, like they're doing with solar power now?Well, then we wouldn't even be remotely human anymore.
That could very well be the future...where we're more technological than biological.TRANSHUMANISM FTW
But what if we focused the sunshine, like they're doing with solar power now?
I wish I had a sleepy rabbit.
I KNOW MY MANLINESS IS MELTING AWAYI wish I had a sleepy rabbit.
It's so cute ;o;
I have mixed feelings about transhumanism. On one hand, cybernetic enhancements would be insanely cool (although the expense could cause a classism issue but I'm bourgeoisie so whatevs), not to mention the ways in which such technology would rapidly improve our lives. Plus, it could immensely lengthen our lifespans if the only diseases we had to worry about were those of the brain.
On the other hand, I immensely distrust the idea that we could upload our consciousness to a computerized system as a way to acquire immortality. Pure transhumanists and empiricists would disagree, but even if you could make a perfectly simulated copy of an adult human's brain, there is something immeasurably different about actual conscious humans versus their robotic/biomechanical copies.
Imagine this scenario: You are born in a future where uploading consciousness is an accepted thing that regularly happens to those on their deathbeds. At a very young age, you are diagnosed with an incurable disease that puts you in a coma. Modern science can't save your flesh-and-blood body for long, so as you pass into unconsciousness for presumably the last time, your parents make arrangements to have your mind uploaded to a computerized copy so they don't have to lose their son/daughter. Your human body is kept around to study the disease and hopefully find a cure that will wipe this mild inconvenience off the map.
However, after months of sleep, you mysteriously wake up, cured of the incurable illness. You are admitted back to your home and you confront your computerized copy. You and the copy will disagree vehemently about who is you (both your original flesh-and-blood body and the computer will both identify as you), yet I imagine your parents would be incredibly distraught if they were forced (let's say by the state) to make the decision between switching off the computerized copy or killing your human one. By making a copy, you are not extending your life or your consciousness: you're making an immortal automaton, but instead of it being in your perfect physical likeness, it is in your perfect mental likeness. But the automaton is not you: it shares your traits and memories, but it is something entirely different.
Therefore, I do not trust the idea that having an "uploaded consciousness" equates to immortality. Unless my loved ones insisted, I would most likely refuse such a procedure at my deathbed.
I KNOW MY MANLINESS IS MELTING AWAYI wish I had a sleepy rabbit.
It's so cute ;o;
Bunnies are my favorite animal in the whole wide world :)I KNOW MY MANLINESS IS MELTING AWAYI wish I had a sleepy rabbit.It's so cute ;o;
Bunnies are my favorite animal in the whole wide world :)I KNOW MY MANLINESS IS MELTING AWAYI wish I had a sleepy rabbit.It's so cute ;o;
(https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/c2/fb/85/c2fb8535ecc477cee188373e3f7b6b4d.jpg)Are you sure about that?(https://wintreath.com/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fcdn.wallpapersafari.com%2F34%2F22%2FbaVXMO.jpg&hash=6723fecf738670bc6b63ae8747dc4e0d)
*Laurentus massacres an entire town
*Laurentus massacres an entire town
Now in my defence you said pictures, you didn't say anything about videos ;)
We just lost contact with London and New York.*Laurentus massacres an entire town
Now in my defence you said pictures, you didn't say anything about videos ;)Do not look Laurentus it's off the Cuteness charts!!![]()
I wonder why there is such a strong relationship between cuteness and violence. I for one have felt the urge to strangle/beat/throw/dismember/chop up/consume my cats when they have acted unbearably cute -- and my wife, too, at times. Hmm, just one of those things I guess.
The strangest thing about this response is how small non-human animals can trigger it. From an evolutionary standpoint, we very much have a reason to care about our babies, but not baby seals or rabbits. I wonder why we respond that way regardless?I wonder why there is such a strong relationship between cuteness and violence. I for one have felt the urge to strangle/beat/throw/dismember/chop up/consume my cats when they have acted unbearably cute -- and my wife, too, at times. Hmm, just one of those things I guess.I imagine as Laurentus' article suggests it's to do with co-stimulation in regions of the brain looking at cute things stimulates the part of your brain that focuses on babies and family in the Limbic section. This likely makes you feel the need to protect and defend, which puts you on alert; this also explains the heightened response in male participants...
It's on, bitches (https://www.buzzfeed.com/kellyoakes/cute-aggression).
Also, um... My deepest apologies to Australia. That country/continent no longer exists as of six seconds ago.
Oh, yeah, New Zealand and all the other islands are safe. Who would South Africa play rugby with if I slaughtered them? :PWales? :P
Thanks for making me feel like a pest, I guess...
I wasn't talking about or to you...
We can talk about bunnies ?As we have already established (http://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?topic=3.msg81685#msg81685), bunnies are the spawn of hell (http://waitbutwhy.com/2013/08/the-bunny-manifesto.html).
We can talk about bunnies ?yes. they are cute
Bunnies are adorable anyone who says otherwise can fight meas I have already linked twice (http://waitbutwhy.com/2013/08/the-bunny-manifesto.html)
I'll win I know I will
26 today.Happy birthday! :)
I want a hug ;-;:'(
That's really neat! What's the name of the app? I'll have to try it out :)
So it would appear that I'm actually sick with a mild to moderate cold. Being sick is always ugh for me, but I suppose it could be worse...I'm binge watching The West Wing to pass the time and not focus on sickness.
I wonder why it pisses me off so badly when people politicise stuff.
Like, I was happy for Rami Malek for winning the Emmy for his role in Mr. Robot, since I don't think there is currently any candidate more deserving. But when I saw all these journalists proclaim things like "Rami Malek's win is also a win for the under-represented/disenfranchised" and so on, I immediately became incredibly annoyed.
I have the same reaction to feminists as well.
I'm pretty much going to drop off the face of the earth for a few days.^^Story of my life
Trying to locate mead that ships to South Africa is ridiculously hard. I guess I'll have to be a patriot and narrow my search to local breweries only.
Coincidentally, is there anyone here who has tried mead before, and can point me in the right direction? This will be my first time.
@Weissreich and @Joshua Bluteisen, I don't suppose either of you have tried it?
Why? We have a snowflake emoji. (*)Meh. (*) (*) (*)
I have to go on a college visit ;-;:o
I have to go on a college visit ;-;:o
I always enjoyed doing that when I was in school :-\
If the KKK came to my neighborhood I, personally, would have started throwing Molotov cocktails. Although I know that would probably put a damper on the autumn festival.
MARS MISSION IN 25 YEARS CONFIRMED FUCK YEAHMusk's optimistic estimate has changed from 2024 to 2022 apparently.
Sometimes all the things I say and post should not be said.Maybe you're right, but I still say it anyways :P
What on earth... why... what even...
Holy fucking shit.You might enjoy these:
I personally think Elon Musk is full of shit when he gives out dates like that, but if I hope with all my heart he's right.MARS MISSION IN 25 YEARS CONFIRMED FUCK YEAHMusk's optimistic estimate has changed from 2024 to 2022 apparently.
I had no clue that I was so out of shape.
It's been a few weeks since I got my pedometer, and it's been hard...I'm usually getting 7-10k steps a day, and my body is still sore, I've been drained, and as a result I've been pretty moody lately. Being sick last week probably didn't help, either. I'm just trying to get enough sleep and ride this thing out. I know that it'll be worth it eventually...
Keep going! You want those muscles to be nice and bulging for the winter fashion season don't you?!?! Yes you do!
I've been really really really really bored lately
like, really bored
really really bored
like just bored. it's almost depressing. i'm in desperate need of something to do do you peoples have any suggestions
Is this heresy or genius?Are those Reebok or Nike?
I do not know.
38.4 fever. Whole body aches. yellowish flem coming outGet yourself doctored.
Can barely form a coherent thought
can hardly walk tratigh uhhhhhhh
Holy fucking shit.
So I had a seizure 3 days ago in the morning. About 2 hours ago, outta nowhere I start sweating, it gets difficult to breathe and I started feeling lightheaded. I thought it might have been a panic attack, but I can't be sure because I've never had one before. I'm not really sure how to feel about it. >_>It could certainly be a panic attack, but if you're concerned about it you should see a doctor just for peace of mind if nothing else. I've only had what I think was a panic attack once...I was at work a few years ago, and I start getting ill...to the point of needing to throw up, which is something I hadn't done probably in over ten years at that point. I worry about these things to begin with, and add to it that it was late in the evening, so I was worried about collapsing or something and nobody finding me until the next day. >_> When I was done and just about to get out of the stall, I also started sweating out of nowhere and feeling lightheaded, and I felt like the world was closing in on me...like tunnel-vision. I was fortunately able to get my wits together, start taking deep breaths, and after a few minutes the feeling lifted.
I seriously need to stop watching these stupid presidential debates...Agreed. They only seem to make me sad and embarrassed to be an American. :'(
It could certainly be a panic attack, but if you're concerned about it you should see a doctor just for peace of mind if nothing else. I've only had what I think was a panic attack once...I was at work a few years ago, and I start getting ill...to the point of needing to throw up, which is something I hadn't done probably in over ten years at that point. I worry about these things to begin with, and add to it that it was late in the evening, so I was worried about collapsing or something and nobody finding me until the next day. >_> When I was done and just about to get out of the stall, I also started sweating out of nowhere and feeling lightheaded, and I felt like the world was closing in on me...like tunnel-vision. I was fortunately able to get my wits together, start taking deep breaths, and after a few minutes the feeling lifted.
Boy...what hasn't been on my mind lately...?30, eh? Just watched master and commander the other day, and Hollom was that exact age. Poor Hollom, never could get past midshipman...
Well, my birthday is next month, and while I haven't been dreading it, I haven't been exceptionally excited either. If anything, I've been more anxious about it as each day passes. It's a milestone for me in more way than one.
On the one side, it's my 30th birthday, and that on its own is a big deal because in this day and age it's the real step into adulthood...at least, in the US it's like that. It's not uncommon for people in their 20s nowadays to still be heavily reliant on parents or even living with them, to where 30 is becoming the new 18 when people really start to actually live on their own and support themselves. For myself, I've been on my own truthfully only since 2014, since I didn't start getting an actual steady income to where I didn't need my parents' help. This year has been the first that I've had a good steady job as well to where I've been able to pay all my bills without worry...even student loans when I feel the need.
On the other side, my uncle (the only other gay relative I've ever known in my family so far) passed away when he was 30 due to a heart condition. So by hitting and passing my 30th year, I'll have outlived my uncle, although part of me always worries that I won't. Part of me is scared that, like my uncle, I won't make it past my 30th year.
Then there's the boyfriend. If you didn't catch it in the thread, I already gave a hint on where I was at in here. (http://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?topic=3937.msg82400#msg82400) I'm almost in an opposite pool with him, though. I absolutely adore him because of his personality and feel like we're connected more on a emotional level...but there's almost this disconnect when it comes to the physical. I think part of it is that I just feel like I'm not good for him. He's 19 years old, and is far more financially stable than I am. He pays for most of the dates, and even paid for our tickets to PAX, and will give me rides home from work often. Considering he's in the midst of wanting to move out and is getting ready for that step....that's not what he deserves. He deserves someone that will be the one paying for the dates and spending money on him.
It wasn't until he was talking about how his sister in law could hook him up with a job in another state that I started to realize how I was actually feeling. When that was brought up, I was actually relieved and was urging that he take the job, since he deserves more than working the bakery at Wally World. And it was actually at that moment that I started reconsidering my own feelings if I was really that enthusiastic about him leaving for a fresh start. One day in the back of my mind I actually thought he was going to break up with me, and again I was relieved. One reason I'm hesitant on saying anything is because we share a lot of the same friends at work, and I'm slightly terrified of breaking up with him because of how that may turn out. When it turned out that he wasn't going to do that and still has strong feelings for me, it actually made me a little disappointed since that's essentially the universe's way of telling me to step up and say something...despite the fact that I really don't want to break his heart, especially since I'm his first on practically everything (first boyfriend, first kiss, and he's a virgin).
So yeah. I've been a little more irritable lately, and those are two of the major reasons why. Partly because of the approaching birthday, partly because I just need to break it off with the boyfriend and I'm having a difficult time thinking of how to do so the most gently.
The topic at hand: I kinda agree with Pengu, but disagree with wanting to break up over it. You're simply in a weird place, and you could overcome it with some planning.Fixed that URL for you. :)
I kind of get the impression that something else is wrong that you either can't quite put your finger on, or don't want to admit to yourself.
In other news, my worst fears seem to be coming true. I hope that we as South Africans can all see these "protesters" for what they are now: criminals who just want to spread chaos at the behest of the EFF. http://www.timeslive.co.za/local/2016/10/07/Wits-calls-off-General-Assembly-after-‘mediation-process-with-students’-fails (http://www.timeslive.co.za/local/2016/10/07/Wits-calls-off-General-Assembly-after-‘mediation-process-with-students’-fails)
ITT: Vote on the future of Pengu's IRL relationship. :))
I turn 33 tomorrow!Happy early birthday!
Uggh, I sent a puppet to what I thought would be a nice region but instead it seems infested with easily offended tumblrinas. I have -4 Reputation because I posted "get triggered commies" with a picture of reagan in a political thread because "triggered is a slur against people with PTSD and is used by 4chan hate criminals" and later I posted a funny little image referencing Chris Rock's skit on how MLK blvd in any city is smack dab in the middle of the ghetto, which got me called out as a "racist". I fucking swear if the place wasn't Byzantine themed I would have left a while ago...Byzantine theme, yet full of tumblroids? DOES NOT COMPUTE
Thanks!I turn 33 tomorrow!Happy early birthday!
I turn 33 tomorrow!
Oh yeah, it was someone from here too, so live in fear, all of you. :P
I've got nothing to fear (I think) :PDamn right. :P
Did you want it to be?;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
The same could be said for any group or organization in NS... by that logic there wouldn't be R/D at all. :P
How did this post end up on this topic?Quote from: WintermootThe same could be said for any group or organization in NS... by that logic there wouldn't be R/D at all. :P
Because god knows R/D has always been the best part of this game. We definitely have not had to deal with any petty politics while being a part of the 'fenda sphere and meddling in affairs that had naught to do with us.
So yeah, go big, I say. Join every single inter-regionalshitshoworganisation we possibly can. Sounds like a winning plan. :P
Oh yeah, it was someone from here too, so live in fear, all of you. :PMeanwhile, in the Wintreath forums...(https://wintreath.com/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fvignette4.wikia.nocookie.net%2Fmlp%2Fimages%2F6%2F68%2FQuick_hide%21.gif%2Frevision%2Flatest%3Fcb%3D20130826025220&hash=0024184e03517f1d66a03c0dda939aab)
Not really funny...=/Sorry. :(
I don't think we've 'made questionable decisions' in our gameplay endeavors at all...throughout the last three years we've consistently supported and defended our treaty allies, consistently participated in liberations, and consistently worked with other defenders, usually under very trying circumstances. Our military isn't a large part of the region, and I don't think it should be, but I'm proud with what we've done and the way we've done it. I don't think we've ever compromised our sovereignty or our integrity, even when doing so didn't exactly make us any friends.
That being said, the reason I'm started that topic was to gauge what people thought of the Nazi matter in general...we do not necessarily have to join an interregional organization, we could take action unilaterally through our military policy or our laws. I apologize if people got the idea that the whole thing was about joining an interregional org.
Don't worry about it. I made the joke myself...it just made me feel like some kind of creep that people want to avoid for some reason, that's all. =/Well, we all know that's not true. I simply don't know of a forum where the head admin is more beloved by the people.
Bolded for emphasis.They do so because they don't understand.
And that's exactly my point. These people consistently expect us to bend to their petty bullshit. We consistently decline and get more and more shit hurled at us for causes that are absolutely meaningless, considering this is a game. And in the grand scheme of things, we make no difference, whatsoever. The same shit people are doing now is the shit they've always done, and will continue to do.
Why can we not break the cycle? Pride is not sufficient reason.
Well, we all know that's not true. I simply don't know of a forum where the head admin is more beloved by the people.I appreciate you saying that...you know, I try to be open because that's the sort of community I've always wanted. I know I'm rather eccentric though, and sometimes I do feel a bit vulnerable. :P
Thank you for those who cared enough to wish me a happy 33rd birthday! You know who you are...I turn 33 tomorrow!
Happy belated birthday Govindia
I honestly feel rather decent for once :P
Not really funny...=/
I'm really curious. How is Wintreath portrayed in other defender regions?I believe the most vivid description I've ever heard is 'cesspool of degenerates'. If you were to believe whatever version of their events, Wintreath only exists because I was on a power trip/being a bitch/wanted a sex region...we've been made out to be a region of creeps, especially over our acceptance of Gov as a Citizen for a time. Apparently at least some people have been told that we're considered an 'enemy' region that wants to destroy them, to the point where they convinced at least one dual-Citizen to leave the region. Spiritus has also waged a diplomatic war against the region, to the point that we were actively disinvited from at least one joint event with another region at their behest.
There's never been an image problem that a coordinated propaganda campaign hasn't fixed!!! :PI'm really curious. How is Wintreath portrayed in other defender regions?I believe the most vivid description I've ever heard is 'cesspool of degenerates'. If you were to believe whatever version of their events, Wintreath only exists because I was on a power trip/being a bitch/wanted a sex region...we've been made out to be a region of creeps, especially over our acceptance of Gov as a Citizen for a time. Apparently at least some people have been told that we're considered an 'enemy' region that wants to destroy them, to the point where they convinced at least one dual-Citizen to leave the region. Spiritus has also waged a diplomatic war against the region, to the point that we were actively disinvited from at least one joint event with another region at their behest.
Maybe that should have been my cue to take things more seriously, but it's all over stuff that happened three years ago. That's ancient history...most people in both regions weren't even here when those things happened, but it's disappointing that some of these things are being rehashed by people who weren't there and have never met me or been involved in the region...seems it's just part of drinking the kool-aid over there.
You know, I almost hope Trump wins just to see if any Americans actually try to immigrate up here because of him :PTrump is better than Killary.
bich don't make me come over thereYou know, I almost hope Trump wins just to see if any Americans actually try to immigrate up here because of him :PTrump is better than Killary.
Killary is pure evil, cheated Bernie out of any chance of victory. In bed with the media, the corporations. She must be stopped.bich don't make me come over thereYou know, I almost hope Trump wins just to see if any Americans actually try to immigrate up here because of him :PTrump is better than Killary.
Trump is Putin's modern-day Manchurian candidate and a Mussolini wannabe. He is also incredibly racist and very probably is a rapist.Killary is pure evil, cheated Bernie out of any chance of victory. In bed with the media, the corporations. She must be stopped.bich don't make me come over thereYou know, I almost hope Trump wins just to see if any Americans actually try to immigrate up here because of him :PTrump is better than Killary.
Trump is better than Killary.
'Fenda. But somewhat isolationist.
Is it racist to not want people to break the law by entering the country illegally? Is it not rape when Bill Clinton actually forces himself of numerous people but it is rape when trump makes mean little comments? Fuck off with that shit, Hillary took part in giving weapons to al qaeda to "fight isis" and let the people in Benghazi die so no one could spill the beans. She's not putin's candidate, I'll give you that, because she's the Saudi candidate. I have always been of the opinion that the Saudi royal family is entirely made of pure scum, the very feces of humanity. I say, it's better we align ourselves with a faux democracy that shares at least some of our values than an inbred goatfucker monarchy that is actively funding ISIS in the hope we migh ask them nicely to stop the terrorism, please.Trump is Putin's modern-day Manchurian candidate and a Mussolini wannabe. He is also incredibly racist and very probably is a rapist.Killary is pure evil, cheated Bernie out of any chance of victory. In bed with the media, the corporations. She must be stopped.bich don't make me come over thereYou know, I almost hope Trump wins just to see if any Americans actually try to immigrate up here because of him :PTrump is better than Killary.
Is it racist to not want people to break the law by entering the country illegally? Is it not rape when Bill Clinton actually forces himself of numerous people but it is rape when trump makes mean little comments? Fuck off with that shit, Hillary took part in giving weapons to al qaeda to "fight isis" and let the people in Benghazi die so no one could spill the beans. She's not putin's candidate, I'll give you that, because she's the Saudi candidate. I have always been of the opinion that the Saudi royal family is entirely made of pure scum, the very feces of humanity. I say, it's better we align ourselves with a faux democracy that shares at least some of our values than an inbred goatfucker monarchy that is actively funding ISIS in the hope we migh ask them nicely to stop the terrorism, please.It's one thing to want secure borders. It's another to say that all illegal immigrants are rapists and criminals, and that all Muslims are terrorists. I'm sure the 12 year old Nicaraguan kids and Alan Kurdi's father got lots of laughs out of those comments.
I don't like the Saudis, but Assad and his cronies deserve to go straight to hell in the most painful way possible. A JDAM or bunker-buster would be a mercy compared to what they deserve. Fuck speculation that the Saudi government is working with terrorists, because even if that is true (evidence suggests it's not)Even Hillary admitted that it's true
In other news, I always feel somewhat sorry for New Zealand or Argentina when we beat them at sports, but this 5-0 victory against Australia with cricket is just too good. I always thoroughly enjoy England's losses at sports, too. Particularly when ze Germans destroy them with soccer.
Really, though, would it kill America to leave shit the fuck alone from time to time? Like, unless the world is legit ending, why does America always have to go and make a mess of things?Uh, cuz we're fucking America, that's why. 8)
Is it racist to not want people to break the law by entering the country illegally?Don't pretend like planning to deport unauthorized immigrants is the only thing Trump has done. (https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughTrumpSpam/comments/4r2yxs/a_final_response_to_the_tell_me_why_trump_is/)
Is it not rape when Bill Clinton actually forces himself of numerous people but it is rape when trump makes mean little comments?Bill Clinton had affairs with Monica Lewinsky and Gennifer Flowers, both of which were consensual. Three women have accused Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct, but there's good reason to be skeptical of all three of the accusations. (Juanita Broaddrick appeared and supported Bill Clinton after the alleged rape and signed a sworn deposition that she never had sex with Clinton; Paula Jones's allegations were part of the well-documented Arkansas Project, a smear campaign that started quite a few conspiracies, and some of her claims were shown to be false; Linda Tripp [the person who taped the Lewinsky phone conversations] testified that Kathleen Willey was lying.) I'm not saying these allegations aren't true, but there certainly are discrepancies.
Fuck off with that shit, Hillary took part in giving weapons to al qaeda to "fight isis" and let the people in Benghazi die so no one could spill the beans.Seven publicly accessible investigations have occurred regarding Benghazi, including multiple by the Republican-controlled house, and all of them found no wrongdoing. Hillary Clinton testified for eleven goddamn hours in front of the Republican House Select Committee, and they couldn't even find a good enough soundbite to put in an attack ad. Face it: Benghazi was a manufactured scandal, and all it does is disrespect the actual tragedy that is still happening in that city.
She's not putin's candidate, I'll give you that, because she's the Saudi candidate. I have always been of the opinion that the Saudi royal family is entirely made of pure scum, the very feces of humanity. I say, it's better we align ourselves with a faux democracy that shares at least some of our values than an inbred goatfucker monarchy that is actively funding ISIS in the hope we migh ask them nicely to stop the terrorism, please.I agree, the House of Saud is shit. But letting them collapse would probably be worse. There are definitely greater fundamentalist elements in Saudi Arabia that would love to seize power and begin focusing their terrorist attacks on the US as revenge for withdrawing support. Just look at what the destruction of the Assad regime has caused; now imagine what a Saudi revolution or coup might look like.
Hillary enabled Bill's sexual misconduct/rape and is known to have mocked and attacked a 12 year old rape victim of one of her clients.My personal theory is that Hillary and Bill both know that their marriage is a political one, and Hillary lets Bill have his affairs as long as he keeps them on the low. The only confirmed Clinton affairs were completely consensual and IMO fine (the denial of it isn't acceptable of course, though it is understandable, and is ancient history at this point).
And you fail to understand that we already have a viable alternative to the saudis: the hashemites. Much more moderate and would be eternally grateful for getting their ancestral home back. Much like Libya and Afghanistan, everything would be better if we simply restored an old monarchy as a unifying force, if only the fuckwits in power didn't have an unexplainable hard on for republicanism.Which Hashemites would take Saudi Arabia after a collapse? I doubt the Jordanians would like to inherit a war-torn territory ripe for ethnic conflict. And some random Hashemite pretender with little or no political experience would probably not be a good choice either.
I've become a citizen of a cesspool of degenerates? Must be karma. The best way, I believe, to combat the misperception would be to interact globally, putting our best foot forward and showing others that we are good people. If everyone became an ambassador of goodwill to one other region and stopped by their charge daily to say hi, making a good impression every time, others wouldnt believe negative remarks about Wintreath when they heard them. Just my two ¢. I'd be happy to be a good will ambassadress to Spiritus, if you'd likeWe had peoplr here with foreign policy experience but no one made an attempt to go on a diplomatic charm offensive.
>believing the Clinton News NetworkHillary enabled Bill's sexual misconduct/rape and is known to have mocked and attacked a 12 year old rape victim of one of her clients.My personal theory is that Hillary and Bill both know that their marriage is a political one, and Hillary lets Bill have his affairs as long as he keeps them on the low. The only confirmed Clinton affairs were completely consensual and IMO fine (the denial of it isn't acceptable of course, though it is understandable, and is ancient history at this point).
As for the bullshit allegations that Hillary Clinton tried to silence/intimidate the alleged rape victims:
And in the 12-year-old rape victim case, Hillary Rodham was appointed to the case, and tried to get out of defending the alleged rapist. Everyone has and should have a fair trial, even the lowest scum of society, and it makes sense that Hillary Clinton would defend the rapist to the best of her abilities.
http://www.snopes.com/hillary-clinton-freed-child-rapist-laughed-about-it/And you fail to understand that we already have a viable alternative to the saudis: the hashemites. Much more moderate and would be eternally grateful for getting their ancestral home back. Much like Libya and Afghanistan, everything would be better if we simply restored an old monarchy as a unifying force, if only the fuckwits in power didn't have an unexplainable hard on for republicanism.Which Hashemites would take Saudi Arabia after a collapse? I doubt the Jordanians would like to inherit a war-torn territory ripe for ethnic conflict. And some random Hashemite pretender with little or no political experience would probably not be a good choice either.
I've become a citizen of a cesspool of degenerates? Must be karma. The best way, I believe, to combat the misperception would be to interact globally, putting our best foot forward and showing others that we are good people. If everyone became an ambassador of goodwill to one other region and stopped by their charge daily to say hi, making a good impression every time, others wouldnt believe negative remarks about Wintreath when they heard them. Just my two ¢. I'd be happy to be a good will ambassadress to Spiritus, if you'd likeWe had peoplr here with foreign policy experience but no one made an attempt to go on a diplomatic charm offensive.
Other people that I spoke with seem turned off with the fact that people sometimes openly talk about sex, etc., especially with minors present. Their description, not mine.
A fellow conservative friend who took a look at the region felt that it was primarily full of liberals who preferred political correctness and safe spaces. He did not view the region as friendly to anyone who was right wing so he ignored joining it.
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>believing the Clinton News NetworkWhen you start simply accusing media for supposed bias instead of actually addressing its points, we start having a problem (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem). In any case, it's a fucking opinion essay. Of course it has bias.
I highly doubt there would be any ethnic conflict on account of the fact that there is absolutely none there now. And trust me, it's not like they could set the bar any lower.Fine then, not ethnic conflict, but definitely conflict because of fundamentalists unwilling to accept a moderate monarch, not to mention the war necessary to carry out such a monarchist restoration. In any case, you ignore my point, which is that the Jordanians have a pretty nice thing going on in their country and I doubt they'd want to change that by annexing a shithole. It's just like Korean reunification: everyone supports it on paper, but it'd be a clusterfuck to actually carry out.
In the video I linked to earlier, out can clearly see that the MSM was riding in her fucking private plane traveling with her, something they'd never get out of trump. They have a vested interest in propping up Hillary as lily white and smearing trump to pieces. Would there be fundamentalist violence? Yes, but at least it wouldn't be god damned state funded anymore.>believing the Clinton News NetworkWhen you start simply accusing media for supposed bias instead of actually addressing its points, we start having a problem (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem). In any case, it's a fucking opinion essay. Of course it has bias.
Since you seem unwilling to count the evidence in an essay simply because it's from a supposedly biased MSM source, let me spell it out for you: the only evidence we have of Hillary Clinton threatening the alleged rape victims are alleged conversations in which it's still a stretch to interpret the dialogue as a threat. Only in one case is Hillary directly involved in this alleged threat, and that person had earlier claimed that nobody threatened her.
Anyway, this is a case of false equivalence: one person allegedly tried to protect her spouse's reputation, while the other is very likely a rapist.I highly doubt there would be any ethnic conflict on account of the fact that there is absolutely none there now. And trust me, it's not like they could set the bar any lower.Fine then, not ethnic conflict, but definitely conflict because of fundamentalists unwilling to accept a moderate monarch, not to mention the war necessary to carry out such a monarchist restoration. In any case, you ignore my point, which is that the Jordanians have a pretty nice thing going on in their country and I doubt they'd want to change that by annexing a shithole. It's just like Korean reunification: everyone supports it on paper, but it'd be a clusterfuck to actually carry out.
I rest my goddamned case.*sigh*
Honestly, I'm not even surprised. People who just go around setting flame to buildings and pelting people with stones weren't very clever to begin with.
She is far too competent to be compared to Zuma. She is also much better at covering her tracks.Not all populists are malemas, Laurentus.
EDIT: and in the spirit of comparing apples with oranges, I'd compare Trump to someone far worse than Zuma: Malema.
See my point on apples and oranges. :PDebatable.
But populism has historically been bad.
In the video I linked to earlier, out can clearly see that the MSM was riding in her fucking private plane traveling with her, something they'd never get out of trump.That's been the standard for presidents and presidential candidates since the 1960s. Clinton actually departed from the norm by keeping the press in a separate plane, except for special events, until about a month ago.
Would there be fundamentalist violence? Yes, but at least it wouldn't be god damned state funded anymore.
In any case, you ignore my point, which is that the Jordanians have a pretty nice thing going on in their country and I doubt they'd want to change that by annexing a shithole. It's just like Korean reunification: everyone supports it on paper, but it'd be a clusterfuck to actually carry out.
I'm sad about something...it sucks when someone you had a great connection with just shuts down on you and you don't even know why. It's like you spend the entire convo trying to reach out and be open and approachable to encourage them to let down their guard and be like they used to be, but instead they put their shield up and it's difficult to have more than shallow casual talk. It's not like I did anything to them or there was an argument or even a disagreement...it just seems...random. And it sucks...it's not like I had many people I had something like that with to begin with, but it sucks talking to someone and remembering how things used to be. :(A girl I'm crushing on has this issue. She has been internalising some personal stuff she had been going through and not wanting to talk about it to anyone, not even her dad.
Did you mean to quote yourself, Tau?Yes, because you seemed to ignore it the first time I said it.
Also, they said the same fucking thing about the two germanies, but that shit happened anyway.The situations of Germany and Korea are markedly different though. German reunification was aided by a loosening of tensions between two sides, with cooperation and travel between the two countries. It also had widespread support, both domestically and internationally. Meanwhile, North Korea has only become more withdrawn in the 25 years since the fall of the USSR. South Koreans are largely apathetic or anti-reunification, while other countries also oppose or are neutral to reunification (China likes the buffer state there, even if they no longer support North Korea, and dislikes the inevitable wave of refugees should the Koreas unify). Germany has spent and continues to spend trillions on reunification; the wealth disparity between North and South Korea is even greater. The reunification process (should it happen) would of course be gradual, and I'm not saying it won't happen, I'm just saying it won't happen in the foreseeable future.
I should probably see a therapist or something myself, but not now...maybe when I turn 18 or something...You okay @Chanku?
Arab nationalists already hate the Saudi regime, as they have consistently interfered with its goals. Both the original Hashemite Arab Nationalism and the newer Arab Socialist Nationalism are completely opposed by the House of Sa'ud. Of course Hejaz and Nejd must be seperated. Hejaz is too religiously significant to be in the hands of any extreme ruler, and Nejd is where all these shitty people come from. We must do our best to permanently cripple the political and cultural influence of Nejd forever. A saudi state cannot be permitted to rise again, nor can it be allowed to control any significant holy cities. The Hashemites are not foreign to Hejaz, they had ruled it for a millenium before the Saudi takeover. The Saudis are the real foreigners, and they must be driven out.Did you mean to quote yourself, Tau?Yes, because you seemed to ignore it the first time I said it.Also, they said the same fucking thing about the two germanies, but that shit happened anyway.The situations of Germany and Korea are markedly different though. German reunification was aided by a loosening of tensions between two sides, with cooperation and travel between the two countries. It also had widespread support, both domestically and internationally. Meanwhile, North Korea has only become more withdrawn in the 25 years since the fall of the USSR. South Koreans are largely apathetic or anti-reunification, while other countries also oppose or are neutral to reunification (China likes the buffer state there, even if they no longer support North Korea, and dislikes the inevitable wave of refugees should the Koreas unify). Germany has spent and continues to spend trillions on reunification; the wealth disparity between North and South Korea is even greater. The reunification process (should it happen) would of course be gradual, and I'm not saying it won't happen, I'm just saying it won't happen in the foreseeable future.
On the other hand, I see literally no movement for a Hashemite restoration in the Arabian peninsula. I suppose the Jordanians would at least make a bid to retake their old territories in the west of Arabia should Saudi Arabia collapse, given the religious significance. But the fragile stability that exists in Jordan could easily be disrupted should they attempt to annex Saudi Arabia. Not to mention that nationalists would dislike a foreign monarch, fundamentalists would dislike a moderate ruler, and liberals would dislike an absolute monarch.
Aren't therapists supposed to keep discussions confidential regardless of age unless it's something potentially life threatening? I could have sworn it was part of the job description that if you wanted it to stay between the two of you, that's how it would be no matter how old you were...unless, again, you were putting yourself or someone else in actual danger/discussing causing real physical harm to yourself/others.Therapists can disclose to the parents about what their child says since they're a minor.
Arab nationalists already hate the Saudi regime, as they have consistently interfered with its goals. Both the original Hashemite Arab Nationalism and the newer Arab Socialist Nationalism are completely opposed by the House of Sa'ud. Of course Hejaz and Nejd must be seperated. Hejaz is too religiously significant to be in the hands of any extreme ruler, and Nejd is where all these shitty people come from. We must do our best to permanently cripple the political and cultural influence of Nejd forever. A saudi state cannot be permitted to rise again, nor can it be allowed to control any significant holy cities. The Hashemites are not foreign to Hejaz, they had ruled it for a millenium before the Saudi takeover. The Saudis are the real foreigners, and they must be driven out.I said Saudi nationalism, not Arab nationalism. Of course Arab nationalists might prefer the Hashemites, though if you want to split up the Arab states even more, the Pan-Arabists wouldn't be very happy.
The influence and power of Nejd is what created all these terrorist groups. By destroying their influence, such vermin will be crippled for the immediate future. One does not kill a hydra by cutting off its heads. When citing Iraq, I would say that American and Soviet influences are just as, if not more important to the impediment of any Hashemite restoration and the dynasty's original collapse as local opposition. Do you know how many foreign kings have come and gone in history? Whole dynasties of them. It can be pulled off, we've seen it before.Arab nationalists already hate the Saudi regime, as they have consistently interfered with its goals. Both the original Hashemite Arab Nationalism and the newer Arab Socialist Nationalism are completely opposed by the House of Sa'ud. Of course Hejaz and Nejd must be seperated. Hejaz is too religiously significant to be in the hands of any extreme ruler, and Nejd is where all these shitty people come from. We must do our best to permanently cripple the political and cultural influence of Nejd forever. A saudi state cannot be permitted to rise again, nor can it be allowed to control any significant holy cities. The Hashemites are not foreign to Hejaz, they had ruled it for a millenium before the Saudi takeover. The Saudis are the real foreigners, and they must be driven out.I said Saudi nationalism, not Arab nationalism. Of course Arab nationalists might prefer the Hashemites, though if you want to split up the Arab states even more, the Pan-Arabists wouldn't be very happy.
As for why I consider the Hashemites foreign: They haven't been in Hejaz since 1925. Everyone who remembers their rule is dead. The modern-day Hashemites are Jordanian, not Hejazi, while modern-day Hejazi are now Saudi, born and raised. In comparison, the Iraqi Hashemites were deposed in a coup in 1958 and still remain in living memory, yet all their restoration attempts have been unsuccessful, largely due to nationalist and anti-outsider sentiments.
Also, if we make Nejd an independent state, and if that's "where all the shitty people come from," and we "do our best to permanently cripple the political and cultural influence of Nejd forever," wouldn't that be encouraging state-sponsored terrorism, not stopping it (as you stated earlier as a positive consequence of your proposed plan)?
Totally unrelated @xXTheHydraXx I'm digging Ra's al Ghul. :P
Obviously Arrow. The show is AMAZING. :DTotally unrelated @xXTheHydraXx I'm digging Ra's al Ghul. :P:D Arrow or Batman?
/me is the Blue Arrow, bitchesObviously Arrow. The show is AMAZING. :DTotally unrelated @xXTheHydraXx I'm digging Ra's al Ghul. [emoji14]:D Arrow or Batman?
Obviously Arrow. The show is AMAZING. :DTotally unrelated @xXTheHydraXx I'm digging Ra's al Ghul. :P:D Arrow or Batman?
Obviously Arrow. The show is AMAZING. :DTotally unrelated @xXTheHydraXx I'm digging Ra's al Ghul. :P:D Arrow or Batman?
Yeah, I know!!! :D How far into it are you?
Aren't therapists supposed to keep discussions confidential regardless of age unless it's something potentially life threatening?Therapists can disclose to the parents about what their child says since they're a minor.
Ra's is the best Batman villain. Joker is just the most popular.
EDIT: I hate Arrow. Daredevil showed how it should really be done. And then Jessica Jones shat all over that too.
Aren't therapists supposed to keep discussions confidential regardless of age unless it's something potentially life threatening?Therapists can disclose to the parents about what their child says since they're a minor.
Do some research on this. I'm pretty certain Pengu is correct. If so, get the help you need. Putting it off cannot be healthy.
I'm under 18. Will the psychologist tell my parents what we talk about?
Different states have different ages at which young people can seek mental health services without informing parents. In most cases, a parent is involved when a minor receives psychotherapy services.
When can a psychologist share my private information without my consent?
In some specific situations, psychologists can share information without the client's written consent. Common exceptions are:
Psychologists may disclose private information without consent in order to protect the patient or the public from serious harm — if, for example, a client discusses plans to attempt suicide or harm another person.
Psychologists are required to report ongoing domestic violence, abuse or neglect of children, the elderly or people with disabilities. (However, if an adult discloses that he or she was abused as a child, the psychologist typically isn't bound to report that abuse, unless there are other children continuing to be abused.)
Psychologists may release information if they receive a court order. That might happen if a person's mental health came into question during legal proceedings.
/me drinks coffee
Actually, the movies just call him Rah's. I kinda like it though. It fits in with the mysterious, undying aspect of him. I think that may be what drew Hydra to him, since Ra's can't really be killed.It's actually pronounced Raysh. People call him Rahs out of disrespect or ignorance. or both
I'd love to drink something stronger than coffee....And I'd love to drink something creamier...
and you say you're not horny lolI'd love to drink something stronger than coffee....And I'd love to drink something creamier...
Maybe we can help each other out. :)
and you say you're not horny lolHe totally walked into that one.
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What makes you think that I didn't want to walk into that one?I was hoping you'd say that. ;)
Room for one more? ;)What makes you think that I didn't want to walk into that one?I was hoping you'd say that. ;)
Urgh, office politics. *barfs*
Room for one more? ;)Maybe ;)
Is that good or bad? :PA little bit of both?[emoji23]
That's a diplomatic answer. :PI AM a diplomat after all:P
This forum is so much more sexual than my home region ::)meh.
Also hey there ;)Room for one more? ;)Maybe ;)
Just saw a local MMA fight between a judo champ and a wrestler/kick-boxer (who was also the title-holder for the welterweights). Things were not looking good for the judoka, even on the ground, strangely enough. Then out of nowhere, he landed a devastating kick to the gut and followed it with a massive punch, sending the defending champ to ground and winning the fight. No one saw that coming. Just goes to show what assumptions can do to you. I would never have expected the challenger to do something like that when 1. he came from a judo background and 2. he was facing a kick-boxer. And it seems the defending champ didn't expect it either.
I'm getting sick v.vget well soon.
I wonder if anyone reads what I write here anymoreWhy wouldn't we?
very few people talk to me, if anything :-/I wonder if anyone reads what I write here anymoreWhy wouldn't we?
I don't think everyone was fooling around actually, lol, but the IRC isn't as active in general as it once was so maybe that's why it seems that way.wat
I mean, you should have seen Hannah trying to get in tatte's pants last week, it was awesome. [emoji14]
I don't come on a lot anymore v.v
I'm watching the Krone debate with mounting frustration. Why can't the Krone be used as a social status symbol, like the Karma system? All it would then do is show how much you actually contribute and take part, and still be a nice little addition to our system.
Even though Pengu and I are having perhaps our third ever beef right now, I do believe he's correct on this one.
Except the Karma system doesn't mean anything. At most it means someone is funny sometimes. It doesn't measure participation in anything.I guess you could say we're all just...
Except the Karma system doesn't mean anything. At most it means someone is funny sometimes. It doesn't measure participation in anything.
Wait, where the hell did I ever say Krone would be based on your post-count? That would be brain-dead. Perhaps actually fucking read what I write instead of just jumping right onto what you think I'm saying. And don't fucking patronise me.
EDIT: And you wonder why people want nothing to do with government or why there is such a tremendous malaise in spirit. "Let's just stop being silly about this?" What in the wide world of fuck is wrong with you?
One of my teachers from junior high that's still there just finished streaming a speaker talking to the students over there...it doesn't feel so long ago that I was sitting in those bleachers watching things like that. The speaker is wrong about one thing though...adults don't always know what they're talking about. In fact they rarely do. I know it's easier to tell kids that adults know it all and that they should listen to them, but that's bullshit sometimes...not always, but sometimes. But still...Adults speak from a lot of experience at times. I know it doesn't seem like much, but I do as well.
In any case, Laurentus, I don't know what's up with you...I don't know why you sit in this topic and glower over things that pop up in Citizen areas when you could easily become a Citizen again, and I don't know why you get so abrasive over very slight disagreements people have in the Citizen areas on these topics, but if you're looking to pick a fight with someone you're going to have to choose someone else. I'm not going to rise to your bait.
Except the Karma system doesn't mean anything. At most it means someone is funny sometimes. It doesn't measure participation in anything.
So I'm.. funny(comparative to my post count)..I have a higher karma to post count ratio than you, so I must be funnier/more agreeable. Ha!
I'm watching the Krone debate with mounting frustration. Why can't the Krone be used as a social status symbol, like the Karma system? All it would then do is show how much you actually contribute and take part, and still be a nice little addition to our system.
Because we already have a social status symbol...the karma system. :P
I don't think it's anything to get frustrated about, I think we all want to make a good currency system happen. I feel like we're just missing the one piece of it that'll make everything else fall into place.
Except the Karma system doesn't mean anything. At most it means someone is funny sometimes. It doesn't measure participation in anything.
It means that you had to post something and somebody had to like it, as opposed to krone which would just mean that you posted something...kinda like a post count you could spend. One isn't worth much more or less than the other, so let's please stop being silly about this.Bold mine. You put down the karma system, something that requires both a post and someone to like or agree with it enough to like, as a meaningless social system while promoting a regional currency which where money would likely be made mostly by posting as something that will apparently mean something. Now that I've 'fucking read' what you've said, would you like to continue on with this apparent disagreement that I don't want to deal with over how much more socially profound a regional currency system will be over a karma system? Or whatever you think this disagreement is about?
Thank you for your service to the region. Regardless of your status in the Cabinet, you have been and I imagine will remain a pillar of the community. I hope that you reconsider allowing your Citizenship to lapse. I won't run a Citizenship check until right before the next election, so you have a few days if you change your mind.
As Pengu mentioned, the point of having those areas viewable is so that prospective Citizens can see what we're all about without having to register or apply for Citizenship. When I say most regions make it so they can't view those areas, I think those regions are making a mistake.
In any case, I asked @HannahB about it last night, and I believe she plans on starting some activity in that particular area and others soon.
Yes...that's on my to-do list for today. :)Was "Twilight's Sentinel" from last year a wordplay/reference?
If it is, I'm not aware of it. :POddly similar to Night's Watch...
It definitely wasn't intentional, I'm afraidAll this time, I thought you were being clever... :(
I wonder if I should come back to the region?It definitely wasn't intentional, I'm afraidAll this time, I thought you were being clever... :(
I wonder if I should come back to the region?How can you come back if you're already here and posting this? :P
All this time, I thought you were being clever... :(Me, clever? ;) Sorry to disappoint you though.
In other news, I think my wisdom tooth is rotting away...the one that's been causing problems the last few months. I have been having jaw pain on and off for a few months, which I figured was TMJ...I think I wrote another post about it awhile back...anyways, while I was in pain today I decided to brush my teeth, and a fairly large portion of the tooth crumbled out, followed by some blood and a black liquid.
Edit: If I were to say create a Hyper Militaristic Puppet Nation on NS what should I do with it?Join our NS-stats-based RP that's about to start! :)
That's a very compelling thing to do....Edit: If I were to say create a Hyper Militaristic Puppet Nation on NS what should I do with it?Join our NS-stats-based RP that's about to start! :)
It's currently in the planning stages, in the RP Guild (http://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?board=120.0).That's a very compelling thing to do....Edit: If I were to say create a Hyper Militaristic Puppet Nation on NS what should I do with it?Join our NS-stats-based RP that's about to start! :)
I'm in. Let's do this.
On another thought where is the RP?
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sounds like an abscessI wonder if I should come back to the region?How can you come back if you're already here and posting this? [emoji14]All this time, I thought you were being clever... :(Me, clever? ;) Sorry to disappoint you though.
In other news, I think my wisdom tooth is rotting away...the one that's been causing problems the last few months. I have been having jaw pain on and off for a few months, which I figured was TMJ...I think I wrote another post about it awhile back...anyways, while I was in pain today I decided to brush my teeth, and a fairly large portion of the tooth crumbled out, followed by some blood and a black liquid.
I feel fine now, although I'm not sure whether it's because of that or because of the Excedrin I took just before that. I guess I'll be making a dentist appointment on Monday though.
Yeah, our universities are fucked.How so/why?
Classes have been completely suspended, we've been trying to complete our work online, but when we write exams, the EFF will just disrupt them again. They destroyed Hatfield today in their protests.
sounds like an abscessI see you haven't changed much from before.
btw why didn't you wish me a happy birthday at the beginning of the month? :(
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
actually I have. I see you haven't changed in giving the basic courtesy of wishing someone a happy birthday.sounds like an abscessI see you haven't changed much from before.
btw why didn't you wish me a happy birthday at the beginning of the month? :(
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
In any case, I have a dentist appointment tomorrow to check it out, and then since I'm taking off work anyways I'm going to go vote.
Every new video game builds on older video games, I don't know of a single exception except the first video games, which built on non-video games .. which ultimately got their inspiration from the ever-classic "Who can kill the most antelope" and "Who can gather the most berries" games, which weren't even invented by humans.
Every new video game builds on older video games, I don't know of a single exception except the first video games, which built on non-video games .. which ultimately got their inspiration from the ever-classic "Who can kill the most antelope" and "Who can gather the most berries" games, which weren't even invented by humans.
Except Megaman Battle Network. That series went two sequels forward, then took a massive step back, and then two sequels forward again.
My Xboner is amazing:Every new video game builds on older video games, I don't know of a single exception except the first video games, which built on non-video games .. which ultimately got their inspiration from the ever-classic "Who can kill the most antelope" and "Who can gather the most berries" games, which weren't even invented by humans.
Except Megaman Battle Network. That series went two sequels forward, then took a massive step back, and then two sequels forward again.
Of course there are also the games that fail to build on older games at all, these games are what I call "boring" [emoji14]
"Retro" type games are building on an older generation of games than the current one, recombinating newer concepts into older ones in a sometimes quite pleasing way.
Dear Americans,
Please vote for Trump. I'd like to order myself some stuff online as your currency plummets.
Dear Americans,>implying killary wont start ww3 with Russia
Please vote for Trump. I'd like to order myself some stuff online as your currency plummets.
If that happens, it will be just as much Russia's doing, and there's no denying that.How do? Are they bad people for exposing Hillary as a bad person?
The good news is that if there is another World War, it'll probably be the last.Woo! Real life Fallout! :P
The good news is that if there is another World War, it'll probably be the last.
Just voted, and now I have to go to work. Afterwards, my wife and I are leaving for our 15 hour drive to Austin, Texas, where we'll spend the next few days checking out the city as we're planning to move there in the summer. Gotta get the hell out of rural Indiana.Damn that's a long drive. Understandable, though. I can't stand rural Indiana when I'm driving through it, let alone if I tried to live there.
I've always liked rural areas the most. Whatever people live there can just be ignored and avoided, which works fine for me.Indiana is just so boring though. Miles and miles and miles of flat land with nothing but farms as far as the eye can see. And when you get far north enough it gets all grey, rainy, and nasty. Oh, and for the love of god don't go anywhere near Gary.
And yeah, IFLS are often not the best source for hard science and they can make me angry with very click-baity headlines and articles that don't amount to anything, but they're entertaining from time to time.
Oh, and for the love of god don't go anywhere near Gary.Are you saying that The Music Man lied to me? Preposterous! :P
The worrying thing isn't just that Trump will be President, but that Republicans will control the entire government, including the Supreme Court after Trump fills the vacancy. They'll basically be able to do pretty much anything they want without any check on their ambitions...And it's pretty much been confirmed now that republicans will control the entire government.
I'm sorry, but if a majority of Americans have fallen so low as to vote Trump, then Bernie could just have forgotten about it. Bernie would have been a common sense candidate, something that is clearly lacking in modern America.The election was proof that populism, no matter which side of the spectrum, will always beat corporatism. Which is both comforting and scary at the same time...
EDIT: If the argument is that Sanders supporters themselves were so dishevelled that they spitefully went and voted for Trump, then they can just go jump off a cliff, as far as I'm concerned.
Enough to vote for literally the worst candidate?No, just enough to convince them not to work their asses off for the Clinton campaign to convince the undecideds.
I'm sorry, but if a majority of Americans have fallen so low as to vote Trump, then Bernie could just have forgotten about it. Bernie would have been a common sense candidate, something that is clearly lacking in modern America.Well actually, according to Google, as of the vote counts right now, the majority voted for Clinton. Trump just got more electoral college votes.
Can someone please explain this madness?
Who first decided to use this hare-brained system? They should be dug up, reanimated, and taken out back to be shot.
No, the plurality voted for Clinton, not the majority. No candidate received the majority of the the popular vote.I'm sorry, but if a majority of Americans have fallen so low as to vote Trump, then Bernie could just have forgotten about it. Bernie would have been a common sense candidate, something that is clearly lacking in modern America.Well actually, according to Google, as of the vote counts right now, the majority voted for Clinton. Trump just got more electoral college votes.
Actually the Electoral College was apart of the original constitution. The 12th amendment merely changed how thry selected the President and Vice President.Who first decided to use this hare-brained system? They should be dug up, reanimated, and taken out back to be shot.
That would be US Congress in 1803 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/8th_United_States_Congress) who made the 12th Amendment to the US Constitution (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twelfth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution), which was then ratified by all the (at the time) 17 states governments...
No, the plurality voted for Clinton, not the majority. No candidate received the majority of the the popular vote.I'm sorry, but if a majority of Americans have fallen so low as to vote Trump, then Bernie could just have forgotten about it. Bernie would have been a common sense candidate, something that is clearly lacking in modern America.Well actually, according to Google, as of the vote counts right now, the majority voted for Clinton. Trump just got more electoral college votes.
Actually the Electoral College was apart of the original constitution. The 12th amendment merely changed how thry selected the President and Vice President.Who first decided to use this hare-brained system? They should be dug up, reanimated, and taken out back to be shot.
That would be US Congress in 1803 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/8th_United_States_Congress) who made the 12th Amendment to the US Constitution (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twelfth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution), which was then ratified by all the (at the time) 17 states governments...
You're not Gerrick?...No, the plurality voted for Clinton, not the majority. No candidate received the majority of the the popular vote.I'm sorry, but if a majority of Americans have fallen so low as to vote Trump, then Bernie could just have forgotten about it. Bernie would have been a common sense candidate, something that is clearly lacking in modern America.Well actually, according to Google, as of the vote counts right now, the majority voted for Clinton. Trump just got more electoral college votes.
You are correct, ^-^ I had forgotten the word and was trying to be simple :)
I really hope the US holds some kind of referendum or something to change that system... The combination of the electoral college and the 2 party system in the US is the perfect storm to create things like a Trump presidency...There is no way this is going to happen. Both parties of decades upon decades of infrastructure dedicated to campaigning in swing states, and they won't welcome a change in the status quo. The Constitutional amendment process (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Article_Five_of_the_United_States_Constitution) is intentionally very difficult, and considering that the Republicans have just won both the executive and the legislature under this system (and soon, the judiciary as well), they're unlikely to get this through.
What does a referendum entail? Are people pretty much at the mercy of the parties to get that done? If so, the system ensures it's impossible.Oh and I forgot to mention, amendments to the US Constitutions cannot be done by referendum. They either must be approved by two-thirds of both the House and Senate, or be approved by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the states. And then three-fourths of the state legislatures must approve it.
Armed revolution seems to be an increasingly necessary option, if I'm being honest.
EDIT: And I now see tau beat me to my first point.
Dear Americans,
Please Vote for Trump. I'd like to buy myself some stuff online as your currency plummets.
Lol is Laurentus really advocating armed rebellion? Because that worked out so well for the south. Imagine how northern liberal pansies would fare xDI can't hear you over the fact that the conservatives lost the Civil War to "northern liberal pansies" :P
They weren't pansies then. They were burning down Catholic Churches and starting race riots. In other words, the social values of the populace both north and south were far more aligned then than they are now, even if said values were pretty disgustingly bigoted.Lol is Laurentus really advocating armed rebellion? Because that worked out so well for the south. Imagine how northern liberal pansies would fare xDI can't hear you over the fact that the conservatives lost the Civil War to "northern liberal pansies" :P
Wait, was that humour? Because I am legitimately not picking a fight.I can't tell whether you legitimately don't get the joke or are just joking yourself.
Did everyone also think I was serious with this:I honestly thought you were serious. I honestly considered buying a shit load of Jaffa Cakes when the British Pound fell during the whole Brexit thing...QuoteDear Americans,
Please Vote for Trump. I'd like to buy myself some stuff online as your currency plummets.
Shit. I may have just caused the end of the world. All because I didn't use a smiley.
Alright, so let me say this once for future reference: I am not serious most of the time. I just have a deadpan delivery style.Deadpan? I would say your delivery is just plain boerish
Alright, so let me say this once for future reference: I am not serious most of the time. I just have a deadpan delivery style.Deadpan? I would say your delivery is just plain boerish
*Budum tish*
Indeed, the possibility exists, however small it is, that Trump will be a good president, and just appealed to the lowest common denominator to get elected.I find it slightly off putting that you consider the common people as something lesser. How dare the plebs rise up against their betters, eh?
Also, @Wintermoot, I think Pence was chosen as assassination insurance. If some crazy liberal blows Trump's head off, they've put one of the most anti gay people on earth into the world's highest office. Thus, nobody would dare to do it.Actually, I think it was reassurance for the Christian Right...Trump was actually a social liberal and a Democrat at one time, and many "social conservatives" were weary about supporting him. He had won the primary, but obviously he wouldn't have won the election if they'd sit home or voted for a third party.
In your second paragraph, you basically describe the rise of the Nazi Party in 1930s Germany. You realize, that, right? :PGracchi are not evil. The elite have instilled a fear of populism in us because that is the one thing that might take away their power and influence. Trump is not a nazi, if anything it's the lady wearing Kim Jong Un's pantsuits that I'd be worried about.
After the drafting of the Constitution, one of our Founding Fathers' fears was that everything they had just fought for would be lost because a cunning and charismatic person would prey on the fears and ignorance of the Citizenry to empower themselves at the cost of the rights of the same Citizens who voted them into power to begin with. That's why many of them emphasized the importance of education, because they believed that an educated Citizenry would be resistant to such attempts.
But the American education system has almost no worth. It's become so focused on math and science (with poor results) that history, civics, and other social studies are barely covered. When they are, the narratives presented are so streamlined and generalized that students get nothing out of it other than a sense of boredom. You've seen those clips where Americans don't know anything about history or geography but know all about pop culture, and we laugh at them...but it's really terrifying, because these are the same people that vote.
Is it surprising that we've elected a reality show host as President? Or that this reality show host proudly proclaimed that he loves uneducated people? And just how many times are we going to have to repeat history because we fail to realize the importance of teaching it and of understanding it? History is literally the story of where we came from and why things became the way they are today. How can someone be a responsible Citizen without knowing those things?
Gracchi aren't evil, but I don't exactly remember the brothers Gracchi being very good for the Roman Republic. (If you don't know who they are, Extra Credits did a wonderful series on them, the first episode being here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODI1VOOoey0&index=5&list=PLhyKYa0YJ_5BuNVhOt8Ls82Cr20yo6Y_p )In your second paragraph, you basically describe the rise of the Nazi Party in 1930s Germany. You realize, that, right? :PGracchi are not evil. The elite have instilled a fear of populism in us because that is the one thing that might take away their power and influence. Drumpf is not a nazi, if anything it's the lady wearing Kim Jong Un's pantsuits that I'd be worried about.
After the drafting of the Constitution, one of our Founding Fathers' fears was that everything they had just fought for would be lost because a cunning and charismatic person would prey on the fears and ignorance of the Citizenry to empower themselves at the cost of the rights of the same Citizens who voted them into power to begin with. That's why many of them emphasized the importance of education, because they believed that an educated Citizenry would be resistant to such attempts.
But the American education system has almost no worth. It's become so focused on math and science (with poor results) that history, civics, and other social studies are barely covered. When they are, the narratives presented are so streamlined and generalized that students get nothing out of it other than a sense of boredom. You've seen those clips where Americans don't know anything about history or geography but know all about pop culture, and we laugh at them...but it's really terrifying, because these are the same people that vote.
Is it surprising that we've elected a reality show host as President? Or that this reality show host proudly proclaimed that he loves uneducated people? And just how many times are we going to have to repeat history because we fail to realize the importance of teaching it and of understanding it? History is literally the story of where we came from and why things became the way they are today. How can someone be a responsible Citizen without knowing those things?
:-\ I know a lot of my American friends are annoyed and upset at the USA's presidential election result, but don't get stuck down on it, you need to pick yourself up and keep moving on. You're all going to have trouble getting through the next 4 years if you get stuck in a rut over this. Stay strong my friends and don't loose yourself in anger, sadness or dismay. :)Video from a YouTuber I like with a good message on this:![]()
Yesterday on the local news here in West Virginia they interviewed various people, and the Trump supporters were all happy because now that Trump has won he's going to "bring back coal"...except that he won't, because the problem with coal in this day and age isn't regulation like he and other pandering politicians say, it's that the cheap coal in West Virginia has already been mined out and the price of solar power and natural gas has nosedived and thus making them better options than coal. But instead of telling these people the truth, Trump and Republicans pandered to them, fed them false hopes, and now that he has their votes I guarantee they won't see him here again unless it's to campaign for re-election.Don't forget nuclear. Trump is pro-nuclear and pro-fracking, both of which will harm coal.
Those people who have put their faith in him and their votes behind him will be in even worse shape at the end of the Trump Administration, and they'll have nothing but disappointment to show for their support.
Had they not failed they would have saved Rome.Gracchi aren't evil, but I don't exactly remember the brothers Gracchi being very good for the Roman Republic. (If you don't know who they are, Extra Credits did a wonderful series on them, the first episode being here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODI1VOOoey0&index=5&list=PLhyKYa0YJ_5BuNVhOt8Ls82Cr20yo6Y_p )In your second paragraph, you basically describe the rise of the Nazi Party in 1930s Germany. You realize, that, right? :PGracchi are not evil. The elite have instilled a fear of populism in us because that is the one thing that might take away their power and influence. Drumpf is not a nazi, if anything it's the lady wearing Kim Jong Un's pantsuits that I'd be worried about.
After the drafting of the Constitution, one of our Founding Fathers' fears was that everything they had just fought for would be lost because a cunning and charismatic person would prey on the fears and ignorance of the Citizenry to empower themselves at the cost of the rights of the same Citizens who voted them into power to begin with. That's why many of them emphasized the importance of education, because they believed that an educated Citizenry would be resistant to such attempts.
But the American education system has almost no worth. It's become so focused on math and science (with poor results) that history, civics, and other social studies are barely covered. When they are, the narratives presented are so streamlined and generalized that students get nothing out of it other than a sense of boredom. You've seen those clips where Americans don't know anything about history or geography but know all about pop culture, and we laugh at them...but it's really terrifying, because these are the same people that vote.
Is it surprising that we've elected a reality show host as President? Or that this reality show host proudly proclaimed that he loves uneducated people? And just how many times are we going to have to repeat history because we fail to realize the importance of teaching it and of understanding it? History is literally the story of where we came from and why things became the way they are today. How can someone be a responsible Citizen without knowing those things?
Funny you bring them up actually. They were one of my first thoughts after hearing Trump was elected.
In other, less depressing news, emus!Ah yes, the species that Australia lost a war with.
Exactly. You should check out the emu war propaganda on reddit.The Wikipedia infobox used to be pure gold... until people reverted it for "vandalism." Fortunately, Wikipedia keeps post history.
What does a referendum entail? Are people pretty much at the mercy of the parties to get that done? If so, the system ensures it's impossible.Trump agrees with you, apparently. (Or at least agreed in 2012, when Romney lost and early reports were announcing a popular vote-electoral college split.)
Armed revolution seems to be an increasingly necessary option, if I'm being honest.
EDIT: And I now see tau beat me to my first point.
What does a referendum entail? Are people pretty much at the mercy of the parties to get that done? If so, the system ensures it's impossible.Trump agrees with you, apparently. (Or at least agreed in 2012, when Romney lost and early reports were announcing a popular vote-electoral college split.)
Armed revolution seems to be an increasingly necessary option, if I'm being honest.
EDIT: And I now see tau beat me to my first point.Spoiler(https://wintreath.com/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fstatic4.businessinsider.com%2Fimage%2F5099e70869bedd6e6900001a-510-750%2Fdonald-trump.png&hash=d1e2969748eb850cb60c5cacd2155da5)
Define faithless electors.Members of the electoral college that don't vote the way of their pledged candidate. (The winner of the state's popular vote. Or, in the case of Maine and Nebraska, the way of their congressional district's popular vote.)
Orrr...you could take a break. :P
Orrr...you could take a break. :P
Naw m8, I got like three jobs in NS already to juggle. (*)
What does a referendum entail? Are people pretty much at the mercy of the parties to get that done? If so, the system ensures it's impossible.Trump agrees with you, apparently. (Or at least agreed in 2012, when Romney lost and early reports were announcing a popular vote-electoral college split.)
Armed revolution seems to be an increasingly necessary option, if I'm being honest.
EDIT: And I now see tau beat me to my first point.Spoiler(https://wintreath.com/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fstatic4.businessinsider.com%2Fimage%2F5099e70869bedd6e6900001a-510-750%2Fdonald-trump.png&hash=d1e2969748eb850cb60c5cacd2155da5)
I like how he bashes the Electoral college, and then that legit ends up being the only reason he won this election.
So I was browsing Youtube today, and I found a new person to subscribe to (https://www.youtube.com/user/MrJaeGun)! Isn't he cute? ^-^ I have to admit, I found him by stumbling on his video "Want Korean Guys To Touch You?". :P But I watched other videos and although I don't agree with everything he believes I like that he's funny and outgoing and just out there. I have to admit, I like that he doesn't fit the Asian stereotype of being quiet and passive. I just think he'd be fun to hang out with...and yeah. :PBut he's a fucking vegan, and that's unforgivable.
I just watched Episode 1 of Planet Earth II, and it's fucking awesome.
I thank all British people with a TV licence for allowing me to just go in with a VPN and steal your quality content. :P
Welp, I'm been put on administrative leave. Great.:-\ You okay man?
Welp, I'm been put on administrative leave. Great.:-\ You okay man?
Yeah, I'm fine, just that I'm currently under investigation so I'm on forced leave.Because of the incident you mentioned a few days ago, or something else? If you don't mind my asking.
I just watched Episode 1 of Planet Earth II, and it's fucking awesome.And continuing this train of thought, the penguin sequence was phenomenal.
I thank all British people with a TV licence for allowing me to just go in with a VPN and steal your quality content. :P
Just got back from my first convention. It was fun. Information down below.More informationAlright so I actually went and cosplayed (I cosplayed Asebi Inoue from Ben-To). The night before I basically worked on my legs (I was wearing a Skirt, as the character is a female), which took forever (but I did it!). Then I woke up around 6, got up around 7 and got ready. At 8:30 I was picked up and went off to the con.
We got there around 9, but didn't go in until 9:30, as I had to put on my makeup (which was fantastic!). We got in and the con started at 10:00, so I paid my $5 and we went in. I'll be honest during the first half that I was there (we left to get some food and came back about 30 minutes later), I wasn't having fun. In fact I was a bit down and felt a bit sad...I just wasn't having fun and felt like coming and doing everything I did might have been a mistake. I was thinking that maybe I'm just not the type for Cons and this kind of stuff. So we went back and I found a few of my friends, who had shown up. I ended up hanging out with them, and I had a better time. (Prior to this I knew no one and I do not socialize with people well if I don't know them, so I was hanging around the guy I came with and the people he was with. I felt extremely out of place with them...)
So when I was with my friend they were having some fun and there's this chick cosplaying Grell Sutcliff, who came by me and said something like: "I know you're a guy, and you're cool." or something like that (I remember it had something to do with me being a guy and being cool or someshit like that. Neither of us remembered exactly what was said.). So I end up hanging out with her, and the rest of my friends. I had a bit of fun too. The person that was cosplaying Grell wanted to take a photo with me (which made me really happy.). I also had a guy, who does some photography stuff take some photos of me (He said: "I don't know who you are, but you look interesting so do you mind if I take your photo." I explained who I was and said sure.). That made me rather happy, TBH. A few friends of mine said my cosplay was really good, and that my makeup was "on point". One of my friends said I should have entered the competition and could have placed top-5 easily. Maybe I'll do it next year :P
But yeah, I had a fun time near the end, sadly the guy I rode with wanted to leave because everyone he wanted to talk to had left, so I ended up leaving before any of my friends about an hour before the con actually ended. I didn't really want to go, and I was a little annoyed I didn't get any more pictures of me in cosplay. I might post some pictures of me from the Convention once I get a copy of the pictures that guy took of me :P
I made 96, so ha! :PI'm at 96 now too. :P
That spam war was ridiculous.
When your forum is up and all the other regional forums on Zetaboards are down. :D11/10 :D
When your forum is up and all the other regional forums on Zetaboards are down. :D
What's on my mind:
Do you think that the criminally insane are morally culpable for their heinous actions (let's use the case of murder)?
Personally, I do not think they are morally responsible for their actions because they lack the cognitive abilities to choose. Choice being the primary gauge of morality, imo. If morality was a color spectrum ranging from the color green (to represent "good") to red (signifying "bad"), there are some people that physically cannot "see" green. For instance, several serial killers are noted to have defunct or deficient prefrontal cortexes as a result of severe trauma.
Legally responsible? Of course. They committed a heinous act and though it unfortunate their mental circumstances, they are (out of convenience to society) able to be punished.
The convergence of philosophy and biology is what I study and this is part of my thesis.
So I got a wisdom tooth pulled out yesterday, and today I woke up with blood all over my mouth and face. That frightened me quite a bit."Wisdom tooth pulled out"... Riiight.
What is that from?So I got a wisdom tooth pulled out yesterday, and today I woke up with blood all over my mouth and face. That frightened me quite a bit."Wisdom tooth pulled out"... Riiight.tau this morning(https://wintreath.com/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.memecreator.org%2Fstatic%2Fimages%2Fmemes%2F4001063.jpg&hash=387364399447a091c5f236fd834a77b1)
So I got a wisdom tooth pulled out yesterday, and today I woke up with blood all over my mouth and face. That frightened me quite a bit.
So I got a wisdom tooth pulled out yesterday, and today I woke up with blood all over my mouth and face. That frightened me quite a bit.
Yeah, I forgot to wear it to sleep.So I got a wisdom tooth pulled out yesterday, and today I woke up with blood all over my mouth and face. That frightened me quite a bit.
Have they given you gauze to bite down on?
That would be Beerfest (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0486551/). From the guys who brought you Super Troopers. I'd highly recommend you watch both if you haven't already.What is that from?So I got a wisdom tooth pulled out yesterday, and today I woke up with blood all over my mouth and face. That frightened me quite a bit."Wisdom tooth pulled out"... Riiight.tau this morning(https://wintreath.com/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.memecreator.org%2Fstatic%2Fimages%2Fmemes%2F4001063.jpg&hash=387364399447a091c5f236fd834a77b1)
Cleared, thankfully, but with an official reprimand. Oh well, better than being charged.What happened!? You OK?
I was talking to someone from here the other night, and I ended up having the same thoughts I had with Ashton Mercer when he left. For some reason people feel like being a part of the community is a big commitment that takes a lot of time, and I don't completely understand why...yeah, there are elements that would take up time like being a part of government, but anyone could still take a few minutes a day and completely engage with people here and get good things out of it.This isn't personally a problem for me, but perhaps people feel like they need to stay up-to-date on every topic and thread. So if they had been away for a few days, then that might be a lot that they feel like they need to read. Plus, until a few months ago, I did't know you could click the "New Posts" symbol next to each subforum to list each thread with new posts -- I just thought it meant there are new posts somewhere in that subforum, which was a minor inconvenience to have to dig to find. Perhaps some people also don't know you can do that.
I would appreciate thoughts on why people feel this way or suggestions for how to make being on the forums quicker or easier to use for people without much time on their hands.
It might be more practical to give people the ability to follow certain threads, rather than the ability to stop following certain threads. But overall, I like the idea, @Gerrick. And you might be onto something.Right, but what if new threads had also been created? New threads are created all the time. You'd miss out on those if you only followed certain threads unless you then went to find them. I'd then argue that it's more practical to unfollow threads you don't want than to try to find and follow ones you do want.
This isn't personally a problem for me, but perhaps people feel like they need to stay up-to-date on every topic and thread. So if they had been away for a few days, then that might be a lot that they feel like they need to read. Plus, until a few months ago, I did't know you could click the "New Posts" symbol next to each subforum to list each thread with new posts -- I just thought it meant there are new posts somewhere in that subforum, which was a minor inconvenience to have to dig to find. Perhaps some people also don't know you can do that.
Maybe there could be a button which does a similar thing to that but lists all of the threads with new posts? If it's possible, also include the number of new posts in each thread (so people could decide if it's worth reading through at the time) as well as an "X" button next to each thread to remove from the list if they don't want to read it (maybe even give the ability to completely bar certain threads from showing up on this list -- for example, spam game threads). And have the threads not get removed from the list if the person clicks on a subforum board as the symbols mentioned above do -- they'd have to either click the specific thread or remove it with the "X" button on the list. That would put everything in one place, reducing the amount of "work" they need to do.
I was talking to someone from here the other night, and I ended up having the same thoughts I had with Ashton Mercer when he left. For some reason people feel like being a part of the community is a big commitment that takes a lot of time, and I don't completely understand why...yeah, there are elements that would take up time like being a part of government, but anyone could still take a few minutes a day and completely engage with people here and get good things out of it.I just want to add to this, Tapatalk has a feature I use all the time called "Unread". It shows all unread topics in a big long list with the ability to mark any topic as read by holding on the topic. This lets me bounce through topics that don't interest me while reading topics that do, and makes it far easier to quickly go through all the new stuff that's happened since I was last here.
I would appreciate thoughts on why people feel this way or suggestions for how to make being on the forums quicker or easier to use for people without much time on their hands.
Like this (http://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?action=unread)? :PNearly exactly like that. Teaches me for posting without reading the next page.
Cleared, thankfully, but with an official reprimand. Oh well, better than being charged.What happened!? You OK?
Okay seriously WTF is going on in the UK right now with censorship and privacy laws?Typical government limpdicks trying to destroy the rights of the working man so the plebs don't get uppity and expel them and their cabal of leeches.
BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU."Theresa May and I will be watching you..."
Well, working Black Friday wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. I was expecting far more chaos.
........masturbate? I only do it in the shower
Very disturbing thinking of her as a peeping tom. :))
Also, Castro just died. 2016 has managed to do what CIA has been unable to do for decades.
I would't mind if you were peeping. ;)Likewise ;)
Anybody else laughing their asses off at #TrudeauEulogies?
Well yeah, that's why everyone is making fun of him for it. He thought that it would be greeted with cheers and applause from the collgege freshmen wannabe marxists that he panders to, but he forgot that normal people also exist and they find his praising a brutal dictator to be offensive and stupid. I'm mostly laughing at all the other Trudeau eulogies people have made for Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, etc.Anybody else laughing their asses off at #TrudeauEulogies?
Far from laughing, I find the whole thing distasteful, the man was a dictator, he ran internment camps and had his political adversaries executed all while making him, his family and his supporters very rich and powerful... I can understand mourning the loss of any human being, and sending condolences to other governments who have lost a symbol and an important figure... But to hold that person up as some kind of example? I find that displeasing. And I know politicians in a few counties have done the same.
Enh, its honestly not been much of a controversy outside of conservative circles here in Canada. People forget Canada has a unique history with Cuba out of all countries in the west. Trudeau's father was a personal friend of Castro, nobody is surprised those feels would have been passed onto his son. In the end, nobody here is really complaining about it, the rest of the world on the other hand...Well yeah, that's why everyone is making fun of him for it. He thought that it would be greeted with cheers and applause from the collgege freshmen wannabe marxists that he panders to, but he forgot that normal people also exist and they find his praising a brutal dictator to be offensive and stupid. I'm mostly laughing at all the other Trudeau eulogies people have made for Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, etc.Anybody else laughing their asses off at #TrudeauEulogies?
Far from laughing, I find the whole thing distasteful, the man was a dictator, he ran internment camps and had his political adversaries executed all while making him, his family and his supporters very rich and powerful... I can understand mourning the loss of any human being, and sending condolences to other governments who have lost a symbol and an important figure... But to hold that person up as some kind of example? I find that displeasing. And I know politicians in a few counties have done the same.
Today's the day I get my bad wisdom tooth removed...just a few hours now.Good luck, man.
Today's the day I get my bad wisdom tooth removed...just a few hours now.
Does Justin suck off every one of his dad's reprehensible "friends"?Enh, its honestly not been much of a controversy outside of conservative circles here in Canada. People forget Canada has a unique history with Cuba out of all countries in the west. Trudeau's father was a personal friend of Castro, nobody is surprised those feels would have been passed onto his son. In the end, nobody here is really complaining about it, the rest of the world on the other hand...Well yeah, that's why everyone is making fun of him for it. He thought that it would be greeted with cheers and applause from the collgege freshmen wannabe marxists that he panders to, but he forgot that normal people also exist and they find his praising a brutal dictator to be offensive and stupid. I'm mostly laughing at all the other Trudeau eulogies people have made for Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, etc.Anybody else laughing their asses off at #TrudeauEulogies?
Far from laughing, I find the whole thing distasteful, the man was a dictator, he ran internment camps and had his political adversaries executed all while making him, his family and his supporters very rich and powerful... I can understand mourning the loss of any human being, and sending condolences to other governments who have lost a symbol and an important figure... But to hold that person up as some kind of example? I find that displeasing. And I know politicians in a few counties have done the same.
Why is it that three of us all had wisdom teeth operations in the last few weeks :))
'Tis the season to be in-a-great-deal-of-pain-due-to-various-extractions-located-in-the-oral-area....Why is it that three of us all had wisdom teeth operations in the last few weeks :))
I guess November is the month for wisdom teeth operations :))
In other news, my holes have healed up enough for me to wear my retainer again. I'm getting a little worried over how the stitches haven't dissolved completely yet, so I'll give it a week before getting very worried.My dad (who's a dentist) physically removed mine today... There was a small bit of bleeding involved.
Wisdom tooth PTSD? :P
I haven't been here in awhile, I'm sorry ;o;You hate being around us. :(
I haven't been here in awhile, I'm sorry ;o;You hate being around us. :(
Sometimes I feel like I'm just an annoyance or a pest to people...or maybe just an uninteresting bore. It bothers me that between all the people I know online and all the people I know in real life...that I have so few friends or people who seem interested in having much to do with me. I thought it maybe it was because I was shy or reclusive...maybe I had let people drift away, so I tried to correct that...I tried to be out there and actually contact people, but it bothers me that they never contact me back...it makes me wonder if they just tolerate me when I contact them.
I was always a loner growing up, in school...maybe I just don't have the social skills or the charisma to go far beyond that.
@Wintermoot, you and I are alike in so many ways you'd be surprised.Thank you for the kind words, Gov.
I'm around on IRC if you wish to talk. You may not like me anymore, but my commitment to always be there for you is still there.
Yeah, I can empathize with that, Wintermoot. That's why I just don't really talk to people. It's easier that way. It doesn't really help that I don't know how to have a simple conversation, but I've grown up to not want to converse, so it all kinda works out for me in a way.I've always been like that too, and it's not like I want to be some popular person...it would just be nice to have a few people to talk about things in my life and my feelings and just who I am as a person...maybe even one or two people I could hang out with and do things with once in awhile. Friends, I guess. I've always done great with online friends in the past, but right now I find myself with very few friends even there, and that's what really bothers me, because it used to not be that way...it's an area I've actually gotten worse in. =/
Say hello to our new Secretary of DefenseSnopes is claiming (http://www.snopes.com/general-james-mattis-insulted-anti-war-protesters/) that they can't find the original source of the quote, so I'm a bit uncertain of whether this one is merely attributed to Mattis or actually said by him.Spoiler(https://wintreath.com/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fconservativelyspeaking.net%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2015%2F04%2FGen-Mattis-final-quoate.jpg&hash=9b8113c2c53ded652d8f0f9dce176a18)
It would seem bravado is a hallmark of authoritarian and authoritarian-wannabe officials.Based on a reddit discussion here (https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalDiscussion/comments/5fz87j/trump_has_selected_retired_marine_general_james/), I'm actually inclined to say that Mattis is perhaps the first Trump cabinet pick I could actually get behind.
Dear lord, this is a good debate (http://www.cc.com/video-clips/m9ds7s/the-daily-show-with-trevor-noah-exclusive---tomi-lahren-extended-interview?xrs=synd_FBPAGE_20161201_692299924_The%20Daily%20Show_Video%20with%20Link&linkId=31796489). Trevor Noah just completely exposes the lack of logic in conservative pundit Tomi Lahren's arguments.
But going back to what Justinian Ezkantion posted, that is the exact sort of bravado I'm talking about. I'm not saying that the guy actually said it, but I'm sure a lot of people agree with that sentiment...that sort of disdain for people who would utilize their rights as Citizens to express their disagreement. Those rights are at the core of the principles and values this country was founded on, and so casually belittling those rights, or those that utilize them for doing so, weakens that core and paves the way to their weakening and eventual abolition.The problem with discussions like this is you end up in a loop... The misinterpreted quote posted didn't actually say people shouldn't join anti-war protests... Just called those people cowards (even though I don't think that's true), and I'm okay being called a coward by someone like that... Either way it is as much anyones right to criticise anti-war movements as it is those same movements right to protest.
And the fact is, we need more anti-war protesters...Iraq should have proved conclusively the cost of recklessly charging into war on false pretenses.
Yeah, that's the problem with politics: Everyone who isn't "us" should just shut the fuck up. It's a mentality that has to stop.
Alternative view of that interview:Dear lord, this is a good debate (http://www.cc.com/video-clips/m9ds7s/the-daily-show-with-trevor-noah-exclusive---tomi-lahren-extended-interview?xrs=synd_FBPAGE_20161201_692299924_The%20Daily%20Show_Video%20with%20Link&linkId=31796489). Trevor Noah just completely exposes the lack of logic in conservative pundit Tomi Lahren's arguments.
Way to go, Trevor. You do South Africa proud.
But going back to what Justinian Ezkantion posted, that is the exact sort of bravado I'm talking about. I'm not saying that the guy actually said it, but I'm sure a lot of people agree with that sentiment...that sort of disdain for people who would utilize their rights as Citizens to express their disagreement. Those rights are at the core of the principles and values this country was founded on, and so casually belittling those rights, or those that utilize them for doing so, weakens that core and paves the way to their weakening and eventual abolition.You do realize that he's pretty much saying in that quote that rather than fight or yell at these protesters, you should pretend to respect them and replace that anger with mild passive-aggressive behavior, right?
And the fact is, we need more anti-war protesters...Iraq should have proved conclusively the cost of recklessly charging into war on false pretenses.
Anyway, some drunken thoughts:It's just the weekend, right? Only a few days a week? Exactly what would you be doing?
I've been offered the position of team leader for the weekend shifts at my job. The pay will be nice, and I think I've got a handle on inspiring people to do their jobs well, but it's a lot more politics than I'd like.
I'm not sure what to do.
And that's a good thing?If ex soldiers are involved I think they can handle a bit of passive aggression and somewhat concealed disdain.
What about ex-soldiers who get involved with these protests?
You do realize that he's pretty much saying in that quote that rather than fight or yell at these protesters, you should pretend to respect them and replace that anger with mild passive-aggressive behavior, right?While belittling them as 'pussies'...you shouldn't have to pretend to respect people that hold different beliefs as you, you should be able to actually respect them so long as they're expressing themselves in a lawful and respectful manner, and a peaceful protest is such a manner. The fact that people can't even do this is a big part of what's wrong with the country. =/
The way I see it is that there is no way in hell that I'm ever going to respect anyone who belongs to the EFF, for example. The most they can expect from me is that I'm going to be somewhat civil.Agreed. Fuck those commie scum.
So, my aunt passed away last night...I feel sad that it happened, but it didn't have as big of an impact on me as some others because my only real interaction with her was talking with her for a few minutes when she would visit my mom once in awhile...but what does have a big impact on me is the way my family is reacting. People that didn't have anything to do with her or looked down on her in life are now carrying on like they've lost their closest friend...some because it makes them look better, and others just because they feel obligated to. People that never took an interest in her or her family trying to intrude on them telling them how much they miss her and shit. It's one of the fakest and most pathetic displays I've ever seen in my life.Apparently you can learn the Korean alphabet in like 15 minutes. I hate using a 9gag link but I heard this comic is helpful:
It doesn't exactly make me feel better about people in general, either...why are so many people so fake? For some reason as I've gotten older it's gotten harder to find genuine people to open up with and chat to, and I think that's a big part of my problem that I was talking about last week. I'm just overall negative on people I guess...other than that I'm just trying to process things.
Non-related, I think I would like to learn Korean...Duolingo is working on a Korean course, maybe I'll take it when it's open.
So, my aunt passed away last night...I feel sad that it happened, but it didn't have as big of an impact on me as some others because my only real interaction with her was talking with her for a few minutes when she would visit my mom once in awhile...but what does have a big impact on me is the way my family is reacting. People that didn't have anything to do with her or looked down on her in life are now carrying on like they've lost their closest friend...some because it makes them look better, and others just because they feel obligated to. People that never took an interest in her or her family trying to intrude on them telling them how much they miss her and shit. It's one of the fakest and most pathetic displays I've ever seen in my life.This is only mildly related to what you were talking about, but it angers me how some people react when those they barely knew died. When I attended a memorial service for a friend of mine and his younger brother, both of whom were murdered earlier this year (I think I mentioned it in this thread before?), I was pissed that they were pushing this one-dimensional narrative of the two brothers. Many of the speakers (most of whom barely knew them) were ardently contrasting the two, with the older of them being described as studious and passionate for science, and the younger one as a lighthearted and outgoing kid. I mean, I didn't even know him that well, but even I knew that he was less serious than he was being portrayed, and in fact quite sociable. Fortunately, they did have some of his actual, close friends speak about their memories, which did feel more genuine and real.
This is only mildly related to what you were talking about, but it angers me how some people react when those they barely knew died. When I attended a memorial service for a friend of mine and his younger brother, both of whom were murdered earlier this year (I think I mentioned it in this thread before?), I was pissed that they were pushing this one-dimensional narrative of the two brothers. Many of the speakers (most of whom barely knew them) were ardently contrasting the two, with the older of them being described as studious and passionate for science, and the younger one as a lighthearted and outgoing kid. I mean, I didn't even know him that well, but even I knew that he was less serious than he was being portrayed, and in fact quite sociable. Fortunately, they did have some of his actual, close friends speak about their memories, which did feel more genuine and real.
When you run across an old, awesome conversation you had with someone...before they put up a big wall at you and closed themselves off. =/
I just don't get why they suddenly did that, though I have my suspicions...
And now yours is upside-down too! :D
When you run across an old, awesome conversation you had with someone...before they put up a big wall at you and closed themselves off. =/
I just don't get why they suddenly did that, though I have my suspicions...
And now yours is upside-down too! :D
Indeed it is :D (http://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?topic=4111.msg88488#msg88488)I just don't get why they suddenly did that, though I have my suspicions...
And now yours is upside-down too! :D
Isn't it December's avatar theme?
(https://i.imgur.com/U7Ghu2sh.jpg)I just don't get why they suddenly did that, though I have my suspicions...
And now yours is upside-down too! :D
Isn't it December's avatar theme?
Aww, you beat me to noticing that. :( I was continually looking at the member count waiting for it to become 1000.Dammit you beat me to pointing that out on her intro post. Had to go back and do it in Quenya (and relearn Quenya grammar in the process :D ).
That's when you bring in a wrecking ball and sing that Miley Cyrus song.Somehow I don't think they would appreciate that. :P
We've reached 1000 total members on the forum! (*)Woo! And only 900 of them are inactive. :P
Just wondering, why is Rawen's ID #1623 when there are only 1000 members?We've reached 1000 total members on the forum! (*)Woo! And only 900 of them are inactive. :P
As some of you might have noticed from my signature (though probably not), I created a Pokemon GO Forum. (http://s15.zetaboards.com/Pokemon_Go_Forum/index/) I kind of abandoned it (or does anyone think I should keep it going?), as I couldn't figure out how to get word out of it and actually get people to join. It was probably terrible anyway. I just felt like trying. I'm just curious if anyone could tell me what I did good and what I should work on if I make a forum in the future (or if I continue it)?I think the biggest thing is that there were large and active Pokemon GO communities long before you created yours.
P.S. Keladry14 is someone from Hogwarts who joined to see what it's like but didn't stay. Pokemaster and Pokemath2016 are both me. Pokemath2016 is my Pokemon GO username.
As some of you might have noticed from my signature (though probably not), I created a Pokemon GO Forum. (http://s15.zetaboards.com/Pokemon_Go_Forum/index/) I kind of abandoned it (or does anyone think I should keep it going?), as I couldn't figure out how to get word out of it and actually get people to join. It was probably terrible anyway. I just felt like trying. I'm just curious if anyone could tell me what I did good and what I should work on if I make a forum in the future (or if I continue it)?I think the biggest thing is that there were large and active Pokemon GO communities long before you created yours.
P.S. Keladry14 is someone from Hogwarts who joined to see what it's like but didn't stay. Pokemaster and Pokemath2016 are both me. Pokemath2016 is my Pokemon GO username.
That's basically my advice... If something already has a large and active userbase, you're most likely going to be unsuccessful creating an alternative to it. You usually have to fill some sort of unfulfilled niche to actually grow a community.As some of you might have noticed from my signature (though probably not), I created a Pokemon GO Forum. (http://s15.zetaboards.com/Pokemon_Go_Forum/index/) I kind of abandoned it (or does anyone think I should keep it going?), as I couldn't figure out how to get word out of it and actually get people to join. It was probably terrible anyway. I just felt like trying. I'm just curious if anyone could tell me what I did good and what I should work on if I make a forum in the future (or if I continue it)?I think the biggest thing is that there were large and active Pokemon GO communities long before you created yours.
P.S. Keladry14 is someone from Hogwarts who joined to see what it's like but didn't stay. Pokemaster and Pokemath2016 are both me. Pokemath2016 is my Pokemon GO username.
Yeah. I think now I'm just seeking advice on what to do better if I create one in the future.
Hi, I am back. What's up?Hey, mate. Glad to have you back.
Hi, I am back. What's up?Welcome back! :)
Hi, I am back. What's up?The sky. :P
Thanks! How have you guys been doing?I think we've been doing well! How about yourself? :)
Thanks! How have you guys been doing?I think we've been doing well! How about yourself? :)
I have been doing pretty good. A short summary is that i had a spot of abysmal mental health, but that has gotten way better. One of the biggest things that have happend to me or at least one of the things I am most proud of is I am now part of two real world government councils/committes in my local city government. I have gotten to meet a congressional candidate and my citie's mayor, both of which I geeked out over to an extreme amount.Sounds like you've been pretty busy...what kind of committees are they, out of curiosity?
Yes I try to stay at least somewhat busy.lol, sounds like some pretty interesting stuff though...we don't have any committees for anything like that around here. :P
I will disguise the real name of most of the groups for privacy reasons, but the meanings are pretty much exactly the same.
The first committee I am on is M.T.C.Y.C or Mayor's Teenage City Youth Council where I am part of the mental health subcommittee(Not a formal subcommite but is effectively a separate section) I am mostly the guy who does the research. We are working on a mental health fair to raise awareness.
I also serve on The Healthy Sexuality Education Subcommittee which is part of The Mayor's Female City Goverment Council. I dont actually consider myself as a women, but they apparently they were glad to take Someone who is both a youth and a guy(well.... mostly a guy. Idk at this point what I am totally, I definitely have some feminine in the mix). I don't really do a lot in that Subcommittee except occasionally submit a few good ideas.
Sorry for the long post, lol. It's hard to describe local Goverment.
It's not surprising some people take it seriously. I imagine those same people think that the Holocaust never actually happened. ::)I'd think the demographic is closer to Flat-Earthers than Holocaust deniers. (It's also a running joke on places like reddit and 4chan.)
It's not surprising some people take it seriously. I imagine those same people think that the Holocaust never actually happened. ::)Ha! You are like a baby. Watch this:
It's not surprising some people take it seriously. I imagine those same people think that the Holocaust never actually happened. ::)Ha! You are like a baby. Watch this:TIMEhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phantom_time_hypothesis
The proposal has found no favour among mainstream medievalists.(https://wintreath.com/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fvignette2.wikia.nocookie.net%2Funcyclopedia%2Fimages%2F1%2F15%2FCapt._Obvious.jpg%2Frevision%2Flatest%3Fcb%3D20110412235023&hash=3923be721111c24cad5b114ed1407518)
@taulover, @Aragonn, @Colberius X, have you ever seen the movie Event Horizon? The entire movie, I was thinking: "Hey, this is just like WH40K!" It turns out the movie is notorious for that fact. It isn't actually based on it, it's just incredibly similar. It is like watching the first contact with the forces of Chaos play out.I actually have seen Event Horizon. It was years ago. That movie freaked me the fuck out. As I would imagine any contact with Daemons should. But you're right about it sharing similarities.
Maybe in the end it wouldn't have mattered, maybe things would have gone the way they did no matter what...but we'll never know now because I never tried. And it only took nearly three years to realize that I should have...what does that say about me?Congratulations! You're human!
Congratulations! You're human!Thanks! I think. :P
But seriously though. We all have flaws, we all can be really stubborn and irrational, and it takes us a heck of a lot longer to learn things than it should. But, though there are drawbacks to that, think of all be benefits, too! We get to constantly learn new things! Sometimes we even get to learn things one hundred times before we change our behaviour! The world is a vast place, and you can make a lot of screw ups before coming around and realising your mistakes. It's quite a fascinating phenomenon, too! :)
And it could be argued that it's never too late to explain yourself, apologize, and tell someone how much they meant to you. They may or may not have just been waiting to hear you say something like that.If the opportunity presents itself in the future, I may do so, but I wouldn't know how to even contact them at this point. That being said, I think a point comes that it is too late. I've tried the whole reconnect with old friends thing and even in cases where there wasn't a falling out it just didn't work out...people change, the things that you bonded over change, your relevance changes for the worst. Usually you have a few nice conversations, reminisce some, and then it just putters out. :P
Real friendships survive no matter the circumstance. You have flaws, they have flaws, and you both acknowledge and accept those flaws and a mutual respect and friendly type of love is created. If they sever that bond for whatever reason, they weren't your actual friends to begin with. Because even if one side was the absolute worst, true friends would see it through and move past those rocky moments.But that bond takes communication and effort to maintain, and that's something that I didn't do when it most mattered. They aren't blameless, and if I had tried and failed, I would agree that it was on them...but I didn't try, so I have to share some of the blame.
You have no reason to explain yourself or apologize for anything. If they up and leave, that's on them.
Well hey there, stranger!
def CodeFight(n):
a = "CodeFight"
return [a if (x%5==0) and (x%7==0) else a[:4] if (x%5==0) else a[4:] if (x%7==0) else str(x) for x in list(range(n+1))[1:]]
If you are wondering what it does it's a variation of the Fizzbuzz 'challenge', except instead of multiples of 3 and 5 it's multiples of 5 and 7...with Fizzbuzz (and it's components) being replaced with CodeFight (and split as: Code and Fight for multiples of 5 and 7 respectively). This is as short as I can get it right now with Python 3, in Python 2 it would look something like: def CodeFight(n):
a = "CodeFight"
return [a if (x%5==0) and (x%7==0) else a[:4] if (x%5==0) else a[4:] if (x%7==0) else str(x) for x in range(n+1)[1:]]
a = "CodeFight"
CodeFight = lambda n: [a if (x%5==0) and (x%7==0) else a[:4] if (x%5==0) else a[4:] if (x%7==0) else str(x) for x in list(range(n+1))[1:]]
a = "CodeFight"
CodeFight = lambda n: [a if (x%5==0) and (x%7==0) else a[:4] if (x%5==0) else a[4:] if (x%7==0) else "{}".format(x) for x in list(range(n+1))[1:]]
Although that only increases it to 137 characters...which doesn't help my goal of downsizing it...Obama was the best President since Clinton. :DClinton was a corporate shill that deregulated telecommunications and created the massive media conglomerates we know today. Obama supported the fucking Muslim Brotherhood. What kind of fuckup would support the Muslim Brotherhood? We should be actively supressing and destroying politicized Islam all over the world, not supporting it! Thankfully we have been spared at least four years of future Democrap rule.
Had to look up the reference despite having seen the movie several times. I think I have a problem. :POh my God, yes.
Was it in fact a tasty burger?
Ah man, I remember when I got moved up to supervisor at my old work the extra pay was really handy but I ended up hating that job more than anything :-\
It was retail in a supermarket, so when they said supervisor they meant doing all the tasks I already did, as well as keeping inventory and reviewing my colleagues :( it really stressed me out, and I ended up quitting soon after...
I don't mean to be a downer though Pengu :) I doubt every supervisor position is like that and I guess it depends a lot on the people around you and the organisation :D I hope you do get the promotion ^-^ and I hope it all goes well! Just reminded me of my old experience and I thought I'd share. :P
I understand that this is the "Say What's on your Mind" thread, but is it possible to tone down the anti-left/anti-right political rantings a bit? There's a forum dedicated to that type of discussion known as the Hall of Great Discussions.
Christmas is in about 2 hours, 40 minutes where I am. I'm tempted to stay up until midnight and spam everyone I know with "Merry Christmas!" but... I like sleeping.
Since I'll probably be too busy tomorrow to say it, I'll say it now.
Merry Christmas to all those that celebrate it! And even if you don't, I hope you have a good day! (And that the celebrations around you don't get on your nerves!)
My family decided to celebrate Yule like the New York Jews. Chinese food. Lots and lots of Chinese food.
>Implying there aren't any chinese christiansMy family decided to celebrate Yule like the New York Jews. Chinese food. Lots and lots of Chinese food.
Have a good day, everyone! =D
>Implying there aren't any chinese christiansMy family decided to celebrate Yule like the New York Jews. Chinese food. Lots and lots of Chinese food.
Have a good day, everyone! =D
There's no need to apologize. It's a free region, post whatever you want.>Implying there aren't any chinese christiansMy family decided to celebrate Yule like the New York Jews. Chinese food. Lots and lots of Chinese food.
Have a good day, everyone! =D
Oh, my apologies. I didn't intend to offend. Especially considering half my family are that and we're going to have potluck together in a few hours. Thankfully, they don't stalk me on the internet, so I'm safe.
There's no need to apologize. It's a free region, post whatever you want.
I did...it was breaking the page.
Not a problem, it was easy to fix. Happy Holidays, Gov. :)
I see...There's no need to apologize. It's a free region, post whatever you want.
I felt bad about it, and it was my mistake. Of course I'm going to apologise for it! I lose nothing by doing so, and it ensures that I'm not accidentally stamping over other people's feelings -- especially since this is a text-based medium with no access to tone.
I see...Alrighty then! Have a good day.
Well for future reference just assume that 95% of the things I say are in one form or another meaningless shitposting
I can't believe I'm saying this but...@Gerrick @Sapphiron pls
@Gerrick, @Sapphiron, could one of you please close the topic? That should give everyone a nice little time-out while they consider their words.
Just agree to disagree to disagree and move on.But that's physically impossible (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aumann's_agreement_theorem)!
Gerrick to the rescue! If anyone is wanting to continue the discussion in a civil manner, I've moved it here (http://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?topic=4161.0) in the Hall of Discussions where serious debates take place. This thread is for talking about your day, what you're thinking about, other light discussion, etc.Could we just get a political megathread? I think things might work better that way, so if any political discussion in this thread gets serious, we can always move it over there.
Sure, how would you like me to do that?Just make a stickied topic in The Hall of Great Discussions for miscellaneous politics discussion, I guess. Or we could repurpose the thread you've already made.
I'm curious,NationStates.
Whats the best game you've played all year?
Whats the worst?NationStates.
I'm curious,NationStates.
Whats the best game you've played all year?Quote from: NorthWhats the worst?NationStates.
NS is simultaneously better and worse than solitaire.I'm curious,NationStates.
Whats the best game you've played all year?Quote from: NorthWhats the worst?NationStates.
Alas the poor man with no solitaire in his life
Finally got around to putting a deck or two of mine onto xmage so I can play on there...apparently xmage also does drafts and the like too.No, but I play Yugioh the card game on occasion. I have one deck that's pretty good. It's a Hero deck with my own modifications. I can usually summon a fusion monster on the first turn that causes the opponent's cards that would go to the graveyard to be banished instead and has 2400 attack. I also got lucky and got a mystical space typhoon for 5 cents and another one for free. I got rid of cards that are banned from tournaments because the people I play it with do the same.
If anyone happens to play MtG (Magic: The Gathering), then feel free to let me know. I'm currently sapein on the European Server.... :p
Um ^^I could also help, as my username implies
Can someone help me do a math problem? I'm not good at math and I can't figure it out >.<
Finally got around to putting a deck or two of mine onto xmage so I can play on there...apparently xmage also does drafts and the like too.No, but I play Yugioh the card game on occasion. I have one deck that's pretty good. It's a Hero deck with my own modifications. I can usually summon a fusion monster on the first turn that causes the opponent's cards that would go to the graveyard to be banished instead and has 2400 attack. I also got lucky and got a mystical space typhoon for 5 cents and another one for free. I got rid of cards that are banned from tournaments because the people I play it with do the same.
If anyone happens to play MtG (Magic: The Gathering), then feel free to let me know. I'm currently sapein on the European Server.... :p
I don't have any god cards, though I know someone who had one that is summoned by tributing three continuous spell cards.Finally got around to putting a deck or two of mine onto xmage so I can play on there...apparently xmage also does drafts and the like too.No, but I play Yugioh the card game on occasion. I have one deck that's pretty good. It's a Hero deck with my own modifications. I can usually summon a fusion monster on the first turn that causes the opponent's cards that would go to the graveyard to be banished instead and has 2400 attack. I also got lucky and got a mystical space typhoon for 5 cents and another one for free. I got rid of cards that are banned from tournaments because the people I play it with do the same.
If anyone happens to play MtG (Magic: The Gathering), then feel free to let me know. I'm currently sapein on the European Server.... :p
My legal god card disagrees with you...
My main deck is a spellcaster and I have a fiend deck as well as machine deck. Currently building a deck of gods from around the world.
I'm curious,Since I replayed part of it this year, Paper Mario is the best (also the best game of all time).
Whats the best game you've played all year?
Whats the worst?
I don't have any god cards, though I know someone who had one that is summoned by tributing three continuous spell cards.Finally got around to putting a deck or two of mine onto xmage so I can play on there...apparently xmage also does drafts and the like too.No, but I play Yugioh the card game on occasion. I have one deck that's pretty good. It's a Hero deck with my own modifications. I can usually summon a fusion monster on the first turn that causes the opponent's cards that would go to the graveyard to be banished instead and has 2400 attack. I also got lucky and got a mystical space typhoon for 5 cents and another one for free. I got rid of cards that are banned from tournaments because the people I play it with do the same.
If anyone happens to play MtG (Magic: The Gathering), then feel free to let me know. I'm currently sapein on the European Server.... :p
My legal god card disagrees with you...
My main deck is a spellcaster and I have a fiend deck as well as machine deck. Currently building a deck of gods from around the world.
I don't think your cards could beat mine, but there isn't really a way to tell. Is there something on the Internet that you could use to fight with your own real deck instead of having to earn the cards?
I'm curious,
Whats the best game you've played all year?
Whats the worst?
You made me want to hear the problem even more from that, but now I know the answer, so...
Is life expectancy low in that world? Just wondering why there's a need for so many children, and why they'd stop at age 45. (Though in societies with low life expectancy, you'd also expect people to marry earlier than age 20.)
You might also be interested in this article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_with_the_most_children
According to Wikipedia, menopause typically occurs around age 49 to 52.
Well you see
In the world, there's quite a few children born with defects, such as blood illnesses or missing limbs. And people view sex as a means of reproduction and that reproduction is vital for human life to keep advancing, so people just keep reproducing. However, due to the child with defects being taken away, they then need to make more children to replace those taken away. And I was going off of when most women stop menstruating, since you can't have anymore babies if your uterus doesn't have anymore eggs in it ^^. Also most people in the world are often married by age nineteen and are having a child by age twenty, but not any sooner due to them being sent off to boarding schools because the parents don't raise the kids.
Would differences in say, hair colour and/or height be counted as deviance in this setting? Or is the definition looser than that?
Rambling is good!
What about ginger hair? Recessive genes means it's fairly rare and getting rarer, plus stigma around rare things might tip it from "acceptable" to "ahhh kill it with the fire it clearly desires."
Same with Heterochromia. Would two differently coloured eyes count?
=D I like world building. World building is super fun to hear about.
A fight broke out at the mall by me today v.vI read about that last night...apparently something organized on social media that happened at a number of malls throughout the country.
500 people involved o.o
"The world used to be exactly the same. You've just forgotten."-- Geralt of Rivia, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.Your quote reminds me of this xkcd:
Carrie Fisher just died. Can the world get any worse!?She was only 60...
I know! Which was why it was so unexpected!Carrie Fisher just died. Can the world get any worse!?She was only 60...
Is it wrong that my only reaction was: "Shit, how are they gonna finish Star Wars now?"Episode VIII has already finished principal filming. Episode IX, however... My guess is they'll probably CG her (given that her family approves) and shift her to a more minor role.
Is it wrong that my only reaction was: "Shit, how are they gonna finish Star Wars now?"Episode VIII has already finished principal filming. Episode IX, however... My guess is they'll probably CG her (given that her family approves) and shift her to a more minor role.
You know what could potentially be fun, a Wintreath DnD game (or Pathfinder game, basically DnD 3.5 edition with some changes.)I feel like somebody suggested that in the past, but nothing came of it. Either way, I think it's a good idea, and I'd be interested.
I feel like somebody suggested that in the past, but nothing came of it. Either way, I think it's a good idea, and I'd be interested.Oh yeah, definitely. However I think an issue could be schedules...also things like finding a decent DM could be an issue. I would organize it, but I've never actually played that much in my life so I'm basically a new player. To be fair it could be a really fun experience and we could even have it set in Wintreath as well...
Carrie Fisher just died. Can the world get any worse!?Her mother, actress Debbie Reynolds, just died of stroke. :(
Myself in the past stands correctedCarrie Fisher just died. Can the world get any worse!?Her mother, actress Debbie Reynolds, just died of stroke. :(
Can't we go back to like, 1995 to 2000? Those were some pretty good years.
ln which case we would have to go back to ~10,000 BC before agriculture and civilisation if we want things truly better for everyone—aka shorter work days, less stress, better health, less pollution, more time with family... shall I continue?Can't we go back to like, 1995 to 2000? Those were some pretty good years.
For you, maybe. If you were black? If you lived in Asia? Somalian? Middle eastern? British? Not so much.
ln which case we would have to go back to ~10,000 BC before agriculture and civilisation if we want things truly better for everyone—aka shorter work days, less stress, better health, less pollution, more time with family... shall I continue?Can't we go back to like, 1995 to 2000? Those were some pretty good years.
For you, maybe. If you were black? If you lived in Asia? Somalian? Middle eastern? British? Not so much.
I'm not even from Britain and I know that New Labour was ass.Can't we go back to like, 1995 to 2000? Those were some pretty good years.
For you, maybe. If you were black? If you lived in Asia? Somalian? Middle eastern? British? Not so much.
I don't think that it's just me...I think in response to a global economy slump, war, and political conflict that's developed in most Western nations, people are just more serious about life. That's not necessarily a bad thing in itself...I could point to a number of surveys and facts that show at least in America and most of the Western world, the younger generations that were born and raised in that environment are generally more responsible than older generations were at their age. But I remember the carefree feeling and hope of the late 90s, and I also don't think it would be bad if the world let its hair down once in awhile. :P
An interregional diplomacy game was actually the event that Wintreath was disinvited from on behalf of Spiritus last year. I think most regions use a diplomacy website for it though.Why does Spiritus not like us?
Let us become the diplomacy capitol of the world. =D
Why does Spiritus not like us?Mostly cause I left that region three years ago and ended up founding Wintreath.
An interregional diplomacy game was actually the event that Wintreath was disinvited from on behalf of Spiritus last year. I think most regions use a diplomacy website for it though.Why does Spiritus not like us?
Let us become the diplomacy capitol of the world. =D
Has anyone played Diplomacy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diplomacy_(game)) before? Apparently, it has a long history of mail/email play, and as such would probably be well-suited to a forum game...Shall we get working on setting up a game? More games and more variety of games are always good.
That sounds nice.Has anyone played Diplomacy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diplomacy_(game)) before? Apparently, it has a long history of mail/email play, and as such would probably be well-suited to a forum game...Shall we get working on setting up a game? More games and more variety of games are always good.
An interregional diplomacy game was actually the event that Wintreath was disinvited from on behalf of Spiritus last year. I think most regions use a diplomacy website for it though.So would diplomacy websites work with longer terms, like how we play Werewolf?
Let us become the diplomacy capitol of the world. =D
Aww shit, I know this is a little late but mostly just stay away from the west end and you should be fine. As a history buff I recommend the Frazier History Museum if you're into that sort of thing. Oh, and grab a bottle of Bourbon while you're there. It's what we're known for.Has anyone played Diplomacy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diplomacy_(game)) before? Apparently, it has a long history of mail/email play, and as such would probably be well-suited to a forum game...Shall we get working on setting up a game? More games and more variety of games are always good.
@Justinian Ezkantion , my wife and I are thinking about spending New Year's in Louisville. Is there anything you'd suggest we do or stay away from?
On the subject of Bourbon, I don't know how you Americans stand the stuff. I've tried some really expensive ones, and it just doesn't hold a candle to a good Islay Scotch.Americans drink their beer cold. If that doesn't tell you they have no taste in alcoholic beverages, I don't know what will :P
Aww shit, I know this is a little late but mostly just stay away from the west end and you should be fine. As a history buff I recommend the Frazier History Museum if you're into that sort of thing. Oh, and grab a bottle of Bourbon while you're there. It's what we're known for.Nah, you're good. We just ended up staying in for new year's. We got a couple cheesecake factory gift cards for Christmas, though, so yesterday we went there and a movie on the east side (I'm assuming that's the rich people suburbs cuz those houses we're nice as hell) since we live right next to a bridge further up river and got to bypass the toll bridges.
On the subject of Bourbon, I don't know how you Americans stand the stuff. I've tried some really expensive ones, and it just doesn't hold a candle to a good Islay Scotch.
On the subject of Bourbon, I don't know how you Americans stand the stuff. I've tried some really expensive ones, and it just doesn't hold a candle to a good Islay Scotch.Americans drink their beer cold. If that doesn't tell you they have no taste in alcoholic beverages, I don't know what will :P
Lol, pepes are so snobby about their alcohol around here. Like, all beer smells and tastes like something rotten.. I think it's an acquired taste, so you'll literally like whatever you want to like. Usually your reason for wanting to like something is other people around you who like it.
Though, some top shelf scotch on ice tastes damn good.
You drink your Scotch with ice? Filthy bloody peasant!You'll find that a common thing with pretty much any alcohol here.
You drink your Scotch with ice? Filthy bloody peasant!
Interesting. Don't the rocks add their own flavour though?You drink your Scotch with ice? Filthy bloody peasant!
Indeed, though honestly some literal cold rocks dropped in is better - doesn't dilute the scotch.
Cold drinks are more refreshing, I like the little clink clink sound ice makes, and cold drinks are more refreshing.
I don't think there's a single alcoholic drink that I like better warm than cold.. hmm.. buttered rum perhaps.
That's because American alcohol is lame. The only reason you're ever served something cold is if there's something wrong with it in Germany/literally anywhere but the United States.You drink your Scotch with ice? Filthy bloody peasant!
Indeed, though honestly some literal cold rocks dropped in is better - doesn't dilute the scotch.
Cold drinks are more refreshing, I like the little clink clink sound ice makes, and cold drinks are more refreshing.
I don't think there's a single alcoholic drink that I like better warm than cold.. hmm.. buttered rum perhaps.
Interesting. Don't the rocks add their own flavour though?You drink your Scotch with ice? Filthy bloody peasant!
Indeed, though honestly some literal cold rocks dropped in is better - doesn't dilute the scotch.
Cold drinks are more refreshing, I like the little clink clink sound ice makes, and cold drinks are more refreshing.
I don't think there's a single alcoholic drink that I like better warm than cold.. hmm.. buttered rum perhaps.
Had a snow day today. Spent it all playing M&B: Warband
>When your redhead waifu's brother wants you to pay an 11000 denar dowryHad a snow day today. Spent it all playing M&B: Warband
I've spent 1153 hours in that game
"I'm sorry but there is no way your sister is worth a good set of plate armour, or you know, an entire army.">When your redhead waifu's brother wants you to pay an 11000 denar dowryHad a snow day today. Spent it all playing M&B: Warband
I've spent 1153 hours in that game
He said it was because of "discrepancies in prestige""I'm sorry but there is no way your sister is worth a good set of plate armour, or you know, an entire army.">When your redhead waifu's brother wants you to pay an 11000 denar dowryHad a snow day today. Spent it all playing M&B: Warband
I've spent 1153 hours in that game
Conquer a few more just to rub it in his face. Then burn his village to further rub it in.He said it was because of "discrepancies in prestige""I'm sorry but there is no way your sister is worth a good set of plate armour, or you know, an entire army.">When your redhead waifu's brother wants you to pay an 11000 denar dowryHad a snow day today. Spent it all playing M&B: Warband
I've spent 1153 hours in that game
Well guess what? I've got a castle and you don't Jarl Villageholding. Guess where you're sister's eloping to when the marriage quest expires?
I think I might wait until King Ragnar's many stupid wars with powerful factions expire though.Conquer a few more just to rub it in his face. Then burn his village to further rub it in.He said it was because of "discrepancies in prestige""I'm sorry but there is no way your sister is worth a good set of plate armour, or you know, an entire army.">When your redhead waifu's brother wants you to pay an 11000 denar dowryHad a snow day today. Spent it all playing M&B: Warband
I've spent 1153 hours in that game
Well guess what? I've got a castle and you don't Jarl Villageholding. Guess where you're sister's eloping to when the marriage quest expires?
But if the wars are over how can you conquer? Truly nothing is worse in that game then sitting in your castle waiting for your liege to declare war...It's not as fun when they're kicking your ass. Wish we could go back to the days when we fought pansy Swadians and Vaegirs...
Heh. If the enemies got too hard I would just sit in my castle. Then again my favourite army is made of Rhodoks, so in siege defence its just laughing at your enemies as the bolts rain down on them.But if the wars are over how can you conquer? Truly nothing is worse in that game then sitting in your castle waiting for your liege to declare war...It's not as fun when they're kicking your ass. Wish we could go back to the days when we fought pansy Swadians and Vaegirs...
I think I'll just do that. Roaming the countryside is made even more difficult by the huge bandit armies the Floris mod introduces. Even on the easiest difficulty Floris will constantly kick you into the dirt every time you think you're safe. You can't even really sell off spare armor, because you need spares when the bandits take your shit.Heh. If the enemies got too hard I would just sit in my castle. Then again my favourite army is made of Rhodoks, so in siege defence its just laughing at your enemies as the bolts rain down on them.But if the wars are over how can you conquer? Truly nothing is worse in that game then sitting in your castle waiting for your liege to declare war...It's not as fun when they're kicking your ass. Wish we could go back to the days when we fought pansy Swadians and Vaegirs...
First time I've ever gotten a moderation email. It actually caught me off guard.Sorry about that, :P However nobody ever expects the Spam (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anwy2MPT5RE)Inquisition! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ixgc_FGam3s)
First time I've ever gotten a moderation email. It actually caught me off guard.Sorry about that, :P However nobody ever expects the Spam (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anwy2MPT5RE)Inquisition! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ixgc_FGam3s)
To be fair that was me trying to make a joke...I should have put the "Spam spam spam, wonderful spam, glorious spam" or that link in the message box anyway :P I missed a joke ;-;First time I've ever gotten a moderation email. It actually caught me off guard.Sorry about that, :P However nobody ever expects the Spam (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anwy2MPT5RE)Inquisition! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ixgc_FGam3s)
I don't mind it since it was a terrible post. I just wasn't expecting it.
Wait, what happened?Someone blabbering in Russian (clearly trying to scam all the Russians we have here) in the announcements section I think...
Plus there were a few people advertising for sex that were HIV+...kudos to them for at least revealing their status, but that just makes me worry about the ones that either don't know or won't reveal it cause it'd cockblock them.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bugchasing
When you say Kaisereich all that comes to mind is that one region that CAIN says is a Nazi region but they say isn't. O_oJudging by the name, Kaiserreich probably isn't a nazi region.
In any case, somebody in our department put in their two week notice yesterday...he's apparently moving to Oregon, and I'm just like...how? How did the guy that keeps to himself even more than me, makes much less money, and has no apparent connections get unstuck from this state? Maybe I'll ask him tomorrow, since I have to meet with him about his projects since I get the dubious honour of taking over his work. I have to admit, I'm a bit envious...it's just that I feel kinda stuck where I'm at right now, in terms of location and advancement and finances. I'm not doing bad off really, it's just...I'd like to feel like I was advancing, and I feel...stuck.
But somehow, he's moving to the other side of the country, where there's probably lots more opportunities and great things. v_v
When you say Kaisereich all that comes to mind is that one region that CAIN says is a Nazi region but they say isn't. O_oAnd for me, all I think of is an old friend (http://w11.zetaboards.com/New_Hyperion/profile/3977631/) who left NationStates over a year ago.
Well Moot you there's a saying about that, "No risk, no reward." Such things are a gamble but truth be told, there are few certainties in life.Death and taxes?
You know, now that I've gotten some DM (or GM if you prefer) experience under my belt, I have to say it is kinda fun. So I might be willing to do a Wintreath DnD (or Pathfinder) session if anyone is interested.I don't know what those things mean, but I'd be interested.
If anyone is interested please tell me what they wish to use out of the following:
DnD 3.5e
DnD 5e
Pathfinder (DnD 3.5e with some balance changes and is online/free)
Personally I prefer Pathfinder as I have the most experience with it at this time...so yeah, if anyone is interested hit me up and I can probably try and organize something :P
I don't know what those things mean, but I'd be interested.They are different systems used to facilitate the game itself, in a high level sense. You can think of them as similar games really, but in different game engines. DnD 3.5e is like Minecraft Java edition while DnD 5e is like Minecraft Windows Edition and Pathfinder is like Minecraft Java with a large modpack (This is the easiest way I can think of describing it). They all are essentially the same game, but they all have differences in implementation and the like.
By the way Mathyland! Do you play Pokemon Y? Because a few days ago I battled someone named Mathy. :PNo, but that's an interesting coincidence... or is it!? Is there some kind of potatoe illuminati here? :o
Barack Hussein Obama II (US Listeni/bəˈrɑːk huːˈseɪn oʊˈbɑːmə/ bə-rahk hoo-sayn oh-bah-mə;[1][2] born August 4, 1961) is an American politician who was the 44th President of the United States from 2009 to 2017.
^I probably shouldn't listen to that at work, from the looks of it. :))
In any case, maybe you guys can help me with something. I took one of those online IQ tests just for fun, but I was stumped by one of the problems...I happened to guess the right answer, but I'd like to know the pattern.
What is the missing number?
1 - 8 - 27 - ? - 125 - 216Answer64
Bout time to get this outEh, I thought that song was funny no matter what side of the political spectrum you're on... I even saw it posted and received well on /r/The_Donald, for instance (I have the AlienTube extension).
either way, tis the season.^I probably shouldn't listen to that at work, from the looks of it. :))
In any case, maybe you guys can help me with something. I took one of those online IQ tests just for fun, but I was stumped by one of the problems...I happened to guess the right answer, but I'd like to know the pattern.
What is the missing number?
1 - 8 - 27 - ? - 125 - 216Answer64Solutionan = n3
http://onlinemschool.com/math/formula/cube_table/Bout time to get this outEh, I thought that song was funny no matter what side of the political spectrum you're on... I even saw it posted and received well on /r/The_Donald, for instance (I have the AlienTube extension).
When my ex-wife broke up with me, she told everyone around me before she told me. My first girlfriend just stopped talking to me. I think the way my ex-wife did it was by far the more painful... if you ever loved someone, they deserve to be the first to know when you make the decision to leave. It was very ill-done, similar to when my mom told everyone about my transition but didn't tell me she told them. It was ill done.What is it with you and seducing away married people? :))
I should have been the first to know, in the future I will demand it.
On that note, I have successfully seduced away a woman's husband tee hee. JK, they are in an open relationship and apparently i'm allowed to cuddle with him.
When my ex-wife broke up with me, she told everyone around me before she told me. My first girlfriend just stopped talking to me. I think the way my ex-wife did it was by far the more painful... if you ever loved someone, they deserve to be the first to know when you make the decision to leave. It was very ill-done, similar to when my mom told everyone about my transition but didn't tell me she told them. It was ill done.What is it with you and seducing away married people? :))
I should have been the first to know, in the future I will demand it.
On that note, I have successfully seduced away a woman's husband tee hee. JK, they are in an open relationship and apparently i'm allowed to cuddle with him.
>.> First time wasn't on purpose exactly, and this time I was legit invited by both of the parties.I dunno, I'm starting to think it's a kink with you. :P
>.> First time wasn't on purpose exactly, and this time I was legit invited by both of the parties."Open Relationships"
>.> First time wasn't on purpose exactly, and this time I was legit invited by both of the parties."Open Relationships"
Y'all hyped for the new year? :DYES. Happy year of the rooster~!
>.> First time wasn't on purpose exactly, and this time I was legit invited by both of the parties."Open Relationships"
Hey man, open relationships can be totally legit. Don't judge. Love that picture though.
SpoilerI know, I've just seen far too many cases where such a relationship ends up benefitting one partner more than the other, or where it's a result of the more dominant partner being able to do what they want without the more submissive one being able to say anything. It has to be not only agreed upon, but desired by both and benefit both to be legit imo
That's always the worst, when they say "Oh it's an open relationship" yet get pissed when the other partner actually starts to do well without them because that's "not according to plan" or something. I wonder sometimes if those people are only doing it to try and play mindgames with their SO to try and make them jealous.QuoteSpoilerI know, I've just seen far too many cases where such a relationship ends up benefitting one partner more than the other, or where it's a result of the more dominant partner being able to do what they want without the more submissive one being able to say anything. It has to be not only agreed upon, but desired by both and benefit both to be legit imo
I think that was kinda the case with this couple, I think the wife just wanted to be able to cuddle with whoever they wanted, but didn't really want her husband to do the same. It was definitely the case in my open relationship, it was more of a way for my ex to just ease out of our relationship without feeling any personal guilt.
Very wise. I was leery of the open relationship to begin with, but decided to give it a shot. No harm done to me now that it's turned out badly.
I was going through some 2000s music videos and came upon the AFI video for Miss Murder. I think the floor in the palace sorta thing they're in is a perfect Wintreath theme.Spoiler(https://wintreath.com/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2F7bVhvEt.png&hash=7fd90cac4ecca2c3aaf8e0fe3159f084)
Turns out the video was recorded at Los Angeles City Hall, and they covered the city's emblem in the center with their own...it matches the floor perfectly, like that's the way it's always been.How it Normally Looks(https://wintreath.com/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fthumbs.dreamstime.com%2Fz%2Flos-angeles-city-hall-rotunda-7596589.jpg&hash=a8f7060bc93d264e42df0bb25c5b00b6)
Meh. I'm getting a little anxious about Andromeda tbh. Also I don't see any good waifus. Bioware really hasn't been doing very well in that department recently. Too many ugly hipsters have infiltrated the waifu/husbando ranks.Dat Angara......
Happy 🐔🐓!Gong Hei Fat Choy. Sun tai gin Hong. 🐓🍶🍻
That's... so wrong. That's just..... so wrong.lol come on it had to happen [emoji14]
That's... so wrong. That's just..... so wrong.lol come on it had to happen [emoji14]
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
That's... so wrong. That's just..... so wrong.lol come on it had to happen [emoji14]
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
I'm talking about your chinese. It's actually painful to look at.
The two sentences are just close enough to some Cantonese Romanization systems to be recognizable, but still different enough to be mildly annoying. :DThat's... so wrong. That's just..... so wrong.lol come on it had to happen [emoji14]
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
I'm talking about your chinese. It's actually painful to look at.
Aww shit, I know this is a little late but mostly just stay away from the west end and you should be fine. As a history buff I recommend the Frazier History Museum if you're into that sort of thing. Oh, and grab a bottle of Bourbon while you're there. It's what we're known for.Has anyone played Diplomacy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diplomacy_(game)) before? Apparently, it has a long history of mail/email play, and as such would probably be well-suited to a forum game...Shall we get working on setting up a game? More games and more variety of games are always good.
@Justinian Ezkantion , my wife and I are thinking about spending New Year's in Louisville. Is there anything you'd suggest we do or stay away from?
At my college, I met this girl last quarter in my mathematics section, and I sort-of liked her, partially romantically, but mostly just as a friend, and then now, second quarter, without the class the friendship is sort of fizzling. Now, what I hoped to do was to meet up over lunch or something and discuss school and life and such, but she took it as more of a romantic request and politely informed me that she was currently in a relationship. Now, I admit that I do sort-of like her as well, but my intentions in having a lunch at the cafeteria were certainly not of the "romantic" sort. But I'm struggling to come up with a way to explain this to her...
I am too which is why I resolved to ask others :PAt my college, I met this girl last quarter in my mathematics section, and I sort-of liked her, partially romantically, but mostly just as a friend, and then now, second quarter, without the class the friendship is sort of fizzling. Now, what I hoped to do was to meet up over lunch or something and discuss school and life and such, but she took it as more of a romantic request and politely informed me that she was currently in a relationship. Now, I admit that I do sort-of like her as well, but my intentions in having a lunch at the cafeteria were certainly not of the "romantic" sort. But I'm struggling to come up with a way to explain this to her...
Tell her that you just wanted to hang out? Maybe if you two have another mutual friend, that could short circuit any "romantic" stuff?
Sorry, I'm rubbish at social politics.
My partner and I of seven years are now engaged. Wedding thoughts and plans surround me!
My partner and I of seven years are now engaged. Wedding thoughts and plans surround me!Congrats! As someone who got married less than two years ago, good luck with the wedding :P
My partner and I of seven years are now engaged. Wedding thoughts and plans surround me!Congratulations! I wish you two a lifetime of happiness! :)
I don't remember: has Wintreath experimented with electoral reform before?I'm not sure what you mean by electoral reform...we experimented with a mock election using the alternative vote once, and I think some ideas for changing voting came up during the Storting reform mess.
My partner and I of seven years are now engaged. Wedding thoughts and plans surround me!But...but...what does this mean for us? :(
Ah yes, I was thinking of the alternative vote mock election. From what I remember you guys discussing it, it was rather unpopular?I don't remember: has Wintreath experimented with electoral reform before?I'm not sure what you mean by electoral reform...we experimented with a mock election using the alternative vote once, and I think some ideas for changing voting came up during the Storting reform mess.
Some people objected to having to rank the candidates, if I remember correctly.This, it caused great discomfort to a portion of the voters, resulting in one of the lower voter turnouts. If I recall, I abstained from the election as well.
Some people objected to having to rank the candidates, if I remember correctly.How about trying out approval voting (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Approval_voting)?
I would be a fan of changing to the alternative vote...it would do away with the numerous runoffs that we seem to have with Underhusen elections.Ah, so the issue is mostly about the runoffs. Approval voting wouldn't solve that. Never mind, then.
I've been thinking of creating a proposal (ugh, I know) that would essentially allow for a different number of Skrifa each term based on approval voting, though a non-single-winner version. So instead of voters only getting the number of votes to fill the number of seats, each would vote to approve of each candidate (or just allow more votes), then each candidate that passes a certain threshold becomes Skrifa for that term. As there'd be more Skrifa, it'd allow more people to be directly involved with the UH/government while still keeping regular elections, though it doesn't really solve anything to do with activity, hence why I haven't written it up. Suppose it'd solve the runoff problem, though. :PSome people objected to having to rank the candidates, if I remember correctly.How about trying out approval voting (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Approval_voting)?I would be a fan of changing to the alternative vote...it would do away with the numerous runoffs that we seem to have with Underhusen elections.Ah, so the issue is mostly about the runoffs. Approval voting wouldn't solve that. Never mind, then.
Hey @HannahB, I've recently heard someone say that gravity is an unproven theory. Now I'm no physicist (aren't you though?) but I still laughed pretty hard because it sounds well...just plain stupid, lol. First the person in question said that because it's a theory it is not true (although it is commonly believed to be.) Of course in science the word "theory" is "an explanation of how and why something happens." So it sounds like he's saying "It's a fact of life but it's wrong."Looks like he's just grasping at straws so he doesn't have to concede defeat.
After that he changed his mind and said quantum gravity disproves gravity as described by Einstein & Newton. You know, what they teach in grade school. However as I understand it, quantum gravity is purely theoretical (as in it hasn't been remotely proven) at this point in time, correct?
Then he said the equation used to determine gravitational force was incorrect though he completely avoided saying how. And if it were incorrect I imagine that would have been pointed out ages ago. >_>This is correct, though it's because of Relativity. He's confusing multiple things here.
After that he said black holes (which of course exist due to gravity) and the higgs field (which has nothing to do with gravity) disprove gravity. He's still going on about black holes somehow disproving gravity.On Higgs field and gravity: the idea that they're related is a common misconception. As you said, they aren't. See this blog post by LHC theoretical physicist:
Now he's put up some equation I don't recognize "F1=/=F2=/=Ma*Mg/r^2". It doesn't look familiar to me (or google for that matter...) so I thought you might recognize it. At this point though I feel like he's just throwing out theories and concepts hoping one will somehow convince me. As it stands he doesn't believe gravity exists but he won't say what (if anything) he believes is keeping us from floating out of our own atmosphere.I think he's trying to say that forces do not actually obey the inverse square law? That's true (see above wiki link), but it doesn't disprove gravity in any way.
He's also under the assumption that since light is massless and they're still drawn into black holes that this disproves gravity until how it happens is explained. But that is explained because even though photons have no mass, they are still affected by gravity. That's how we can see black holes - by the way they distort the light going near them. The reason nothing can escape a black hole is because within the event horizon, space is curved to the point where all directions are actually pointing inside. So I'm waiting for him to either give up or present another false explanation. :P
That pretty much sums up his approach to this, lol.At least he's not espousing the Time Cube (http://timecube.2enp.com/). :P
That pretty much sums up his approach to this, lol.At least he's not espousing the Time Cube (http://timecube.2enp.com/). :P
I was talking to my friend the other day about NS and I happened to mention the forums here as well as the Church of the Holy Tuber, and as a result they decided to convert to potatoeism. Now we spend our work day yelling Starch be praised back and forth in the dish room. Is this legal?That's a new one...@Crushita?
@HannahB, that guy that thinks gravity is a lie. He and I have been going back and forth about it for the last 3 days on TRRs RMB. He's also Son't the last 5 or 6 months being a dick to people on the RMB and it'd really take'em down a peg or 2 if you (an actual physicist) would post on the RMB how exact he's wrong. Could you do this for me, as a favor? It's be a big help.
Alternatively, taulover you seem well-versed on the topic. Proving mathematically that he's wrong would be awesome. Prefferably with formulas and equations that'd make him crap his pants from looking at it.
It sounds suspiciously like you're using a RMB troll to recruit for TRR. v_vEmbassy posting?...
Maybe he hopes TRR looks so great you'll be drawn to it.Including me (http://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?topic=2020.msg29921#msg29921) :D
I mean, that's how Wintreath got a good bit of people. :P
It sounds suspiciously like you're using a RMB troll to recruit for TRR. v_vI'm not THAT good, heh.
I'm not THAT good, heh.Unibot would've done it. :P
Including me (http://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?topic=2020.msg29921#msg29921) :DIncluding you. :P
Huh, I didn't get a notification for this quote... (Maybe you ninja-edited it in?)Including me (http://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?topic=2020.msg29921#msg29921) :DIncluding you. :P
Unibot would've done it. :PUni would've done a lot of things. >_<
One thing I'd love to eventually do is to have someone who would just be responsible for bringing up LGBTQ+ topics and issues for us to discuss. We advertise our LGBTQ+ community, and we happen to have a lot of people in that area, myself included...but it's always kind of bothered me that we haven't really focused anywhere on issues that are important or are just of interest to us. I'd love to see us get even more tight-knit in that area.
And it wouldn't necessarily have to be political...at one point a few years back I was a part of a few communities that focused things that LGBTQ+ geeks, nerds, and gamers would be particularly interested in. And yes, that's where I first ran into the idea of the adult area. xD
I'm not saying it would become the focus of Wintreath, just a focus, like Werewolf or serious discussions or games are a focus now.
One thing I'd love to eventually do is to have someone who would just be responsible for bringing up LGBTQ+ topics and issues for us to discuss. We advertise our LGBTQ+ community, and we happen to have a lot of people in that area, myself included...but it's always kind of bothered me that we haven't really focused anywhere on issues that are important or are just of interest to us. I'd love to see us get even more tight-knit in that area.To be fair, I'm unsure I see the point in doing this. -shrugs-
And it wouldn't necessarily have to be political...at one point a few years back I was a part of a few communities that focused things that LGBTQ+ geeks, nerds, and gamers would be particularly interested in. And yes, that's where I first ran into the idea of the adult area. xD
I'm not saying it would become the focus of Wintreath, just a focus, like Werewolf or serious discussions or games are a focus now.
Well, I'm not really good at starting things up but I can give it a whirl. I started a topic about Drag and makeup a little bit ago, and that's admittedly a large part of lgbtq+ culture. But I think one of the great things about our community is that we're all so different. It's hard to come up with topics that are really universal amongst us.I don't think we have to come up with topics of universal interest, we can have a focus in a lot of different areas...roleplay, Werewolf, Civ, politics...none of those are universal, but we still have them and they still thrive here. This would just be one more thing that we'd have a focus on. I don't have anything to contribute to a drag and makeup topic, but I appreciate that we have one now. ^-^
To be fair, I'm unsure I see the point in doing this. -shrugs-Just like anything else I've suggested or done in the last three years. :))
One thing I'd love to eventually do is to have someone who would just be responsible for bringing up LGBTQ+ topics and issues for us to discuss. We advertise our LGBTQ+ community, and we happen to have a lot of people in that area, myself included...but it's always kind of bothered me that we haven't really focused anywhere on issues that are important or are just of interest to us. I'd love to see us get even more tight-knit in that area.To be fair, I'm unsure I see the point in doing this. -shrugs-
And it wouldn't necessarily have to be political...at one point a few years back I was a part of a few communities that focused things that LGBTQ+ geeks, nerds, and gamers would be particularly interested in. And yes, that's where I first ran into the idea of the adult area. xD
I'm not saying it would become the focus of Wintreath, just a focus, like Werewolf or serious discussions or games are a focus now.
I just took a practice SAT, and only got a 1030 ;-;
Why do I suck at everything I do v.v I'll never get into college
Since when is vaping illegal?I do believe that vaping is illegal for minors, as per new FDA regulations (http://www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/ConsumerUpdates/ucm506676.htm).
Since when is vaping illegal?I do believe that vaping is illegal for minors, as per new FDA regulations (http://www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/ConsumerUpdates/ucm506676.htm).
I bought an Ax. Don't ask me why. I just...for some reason, I really wanted an Ax. And I haven't the faintest fucking idea why.Ahh! I can tell ya why noow, don't ja worry! A man isn't a man without his axe now, don't ya know!? It's your inner Canadian, eh?
I bought an Ax. Don't ask me why. I just...for some reason, I really wanted an Ax. And I haven't the faintest fucking idea why.Ahh! I can tell ya why noow, don't ja worry! A man isn't a man without his axe now, don't ya know!? It's your inner Canadian, eh?
But seriously: Why the heck would anyone in Singapore even sell an axe, much less buy one!? :P
Ahh! I can tell ya why noow, don't ja worry! A man isn't a man without his axe now, don't ya know!? It's your inner Canadian, eh?
But seriously: Why the heck would anyone in Singapore even sell an axe, much less buy one!? :P
I bought an Ax. Don't ask me why. I just...for some reason, I really wanted an Ax. And I haven't the faintest fucking idea why.
Ahh! I can tell ya why noow, don't ja worry! A man isn't a man without his axe now, don't ya know!? It's your inner Canadian, eh?
But seriously: Why the heck would anyone in Singapore even sell an axe, much less buy one!? :P
Evidently he had some questions he needed answers to.
Why ask a question, when you can axe the question?I bought an Ax. Don't ask me why. I just...for some reason, I really wanted an Ax. And I haven't the faintest fucking idea why.
Where from? I can't imagine where you'd get a legitimate axe, unless it was one of those silly weapons stores like the one in Plaza Sing or something.
I mean, if that's what you did...damn ex sia you spend so much for what. CNY too many hong bao issit?
tangent: typing singlish when I'm not in Singapore feels utterly bizarre
Wa lia eh, who talk you, lah? You think I siao, eh?
Singlish is fun :)
Wa lia eh, who talk you, lah? You think I siao, eh?
Singlish is fun :)
wah I come talk nice nice then you anyhow come kachau me, double confirm you then kee siao
so tension for what
Singlish is very confrontational now that I think about it.
Maybe sticking to more British or American dialects is for the best.
And what, prey tell, does that have to do with anything?
I am kinda fed up with some of my managers at my current job. It seems like one in particular is so afraid of being unpopular that she won't ever take a firm hand with employees who really need it, and she keeps promising she's going to start doing so, but just continues to let things slide. When I talk to her about this, she agrees a firmer hand should be taken, only for nothing to come of that either.WWBD?
Any advice? I don't relish the idea of going over her head.
Honesty, I'm kind of a shitty person in a lot of ways...I basically let any form of talent I have go to waist, I find it hard to get and stay motivated (and when I am motivated I seem to be easily demotivated). I am inconsistent at best as well. To be fair the main reason why I've even probably been playing for NS without having taken a break at this point is because of two things: my fear of being left behind, and Warzone Sandbox.I don't think those things make you a shitty person...I don't think you're a shitty person at all. But perhaps what you need is an objective and experienced perspective on some of these matters.
Honestly, I have a strong fear of being left behind, of being useless and not necessary anymore. This is probably part of why I am so vehement in certain policies or actions, because I am, at some level, afraid that I'll be left behind. That I'll become useless and unnecessary. I desire a purpose, and when I get one I crack under the pressure and stress. I begin to become lazy and complacent until I end up doing nothing.
The other thing is Warzone Sandbox, honestly this isn't just that region, but also the Warzones themselves. They are interesting and amazing in a way. The regions, the governance and culture is rather unique. It's familiar, but also different. Warzones have a sense of Warzone Unity (or Pan-Warzoneness, among other names). in which all of the Warzones do work together, to a point. Part of that is because the Warzones kinda have too. However Warzones themselves, due to their properties, also lead to people becoming tired of things. It is because those in the Warzone need to subject themselves to things like Gameplay and the like, they just can't ignore things like that. Our very existence is reliant upon a section of GP, which is the R/D game. Within the past year the seemingly unchanging government of Warzone Europe changed with a whole new government being elected. I have seen many people I considered friends slowly leave the Warzones themselves, if not the game. Honestly I'm starting to burn out, but I can't bring myself to stop. If I leave everything I have built for over the past year will crumble. All of the hard work of, not only me, but many of the citizens of Warzone Sandbox (along with some help from people from New Hyperion and Wintreath, and other regions) will go to waist. If I leave the Warzones now, Warzone Sandbox will go back to instability...and I can't let that happen. However no one really wants to get involved with a Warzone because it's a Warzone. In the end, in this section I may just be talking out of my ass, I seriously don't know...
Ultimately, this means I can't actually take a break from NS, or Wintreath, for as long as I should because it means (at least to me, mentally) throwing away everything I've worked for over the past few years (one year for WZSB and four years for Wintreath). I mean hell, I need to take a break now more than ever due to real life circumstances...yet I can't. Perhaps it's a bit of an addiction, perhaps it's habit, or perhaps it's fear, maybe it's a bit of all of them, or just two. I don't know...but I do know this situation is untenable...honestly I don't know what to do...
also sorry for the long post...I honestly don't know why I am even typing this up, or posting it. It's just me rambling and making a stream of consciousness post in here because I have nothing better to do. Maybe I'm just looking for attention or something, I dunno.
Edit: Clarification, WZEU's government has technically remained the same, it's just it has basically entirely different people.
"sometimes the few have to suffer for the many to prosper"That should never be an approach to anything ever.
I split the best death/brain uploading discussion and moved it here (http://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?topic=4293.0) in the Hall of Great Discussions.
Discuss, my friend! There you have free reign to talk about it without feeling like you're stifling other conversations here. I have cleansed you of your guilt. You're welcome. :DI split the best death/brain uploading discussion and moved it here (http://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?topic=4293.0) in the Hall of Great Discussions.But it's still on my mind.. AAHHHHHH
I split the best death/brain uploading discussion and moved it here (http://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?topic=4293.0) in the Hall of Great Discussions.
But it's still on my mind.. AAHHHHHH
So I was browsing through the book of faces the other day when I noticed a friend of mine had shared and commented on a post holding up Vladmir Putin as an icon of sorts for boosting up the Russian economy. I asked him how he felt about the fact that such gains were made along with the suppression of and violence against sexual and religious minorities. His response was litterally, "sometimes the few have to suffer for the many to prosper" Now I'm not really sure how I feel about this friend. He also responded with, "That'll never happen in the USA." I find it concerning that people are okay looking the other way as long as an issue doesn't harm them. I mean, does anyone else think that's an awful way to think? Or am I just crazy?
I split the best death/brain uploading discussion and moved it here (http://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?topic=4293.0) in the Hall of Great Discussions.
But it's still on my mind.. AAHHHHHH
Was that a pun?
Think of it like this.
Oh, its ok about the native americans, sometimes people need to suffer for the greater good.
Oh, dont worry about the jews, sometimes people need to take one for the team.
I have no problem with this argument, that few have to suffer for the greater good, so long as it genuienly benefits the greater good and so long as you would be willing to suffer to. Since most would not or are lying when they say that, I dislike that argument. Also, his argument is flawed in another sense. Russia's economy is in the toilet abd its Putin's fault.
So there's this guy that I've thought was cute for awhile now...he's the geeky, nerdy sort I tend to go for, and it's obvious he's into computers and stuff. By coincidence he and his friend were outside yesterday when I was on one of my walk breaks, and his friend invites me into the discussion...well, let's just say that he makes @Justinian Ezkantion look like a bleeding-heart liberal (:P), and he states his opinion loud and proud, punctuated with curse words every so often. The looks being cast our way every so often from people as he was discussing how liberals want to impose Sharia law in America were...interesting, lol.
Still, that won't stop me from finding him physically attractive. :P
Well, you dont need to listen to him to fuck him.....I was thinking threesome with him and his friend, who also isn't harsh on the eyes at all. :P
Well, you dont need to listen to him to fuck him.....I was thinking threesome with him and his friend, who also isn't harsh on the eyes at all. :P
This is what ball gags are made for!You do have a point...:P
So there's this guy that I've thought was cute for awhile now...he's the geeky, nerdy sort I tend to go for, and it's obvious he's into computers and stuff. By coincidence he and his friend were outside yesterday when I was on one of my walk breaks, and his friend invites me into the discussion...well, let's just say that he makes @Justinian Ezkantion look like a bleeding-heart liberal (:P), and he states his opinion loud and proud, punctuated with curse words every so often. The looks being cast our way every so often from people as he was discussing how liberals want to impose Sharia law in America were...interesting, lol.I refuse to be outdone in my conservatism!
Still, that won't stop me from finding him physically attractive. :P
I'll take people who don't get it (http://w11.zetaboards.com/Spiritus/topic/30163758/1/) for $500, Alex.
So @North, this conservatism of yours...how does it affect you in bed? :P
In other news, hearing Shakespearean lines recited by someone using Donald Trump's speaking mannerisms (and gestures and expressions) is really freaking weird. Hilarious, but weird.http://www.newyorker.com/humor/daily-shouts/donald-trump-performs-shakespeares-soliloquies
Huh? I dont get it. Do I win 500?
And I honestly would not know. I've slept with 1 guy and 1 girl and both times booze was involved. Casanova I am not
Not quite.In other news, hearing Shakespearean lines recited by someone using Donald Trump's speaking mannerisms (and gestures and expressions) is really freaking weird. Hilarious, but weird.http://www.newyorker.com/humor/daily-shouts/donald-trump-performs-shakespeares-soliloquies
Meanwhile in southern California, the hills have turned green for like the first time in the past decade thanks to actual rain.lol how's it lookin there in Tatooine?
Oroville Dam is like moister vaporators getting water damage because nobody expected rain. :PMeanwhile in southern California, the hills have turned green for like the first time in the past decade thanks to actual rain.lol how's it lookin there in Tatooine?
It flurried in Chicago.Can confirm. :))
I was shocked. I'd almost forgotten it was winter.
So there's this guy at my school that I really like and for the longest time I've thought he was straight. I found out that he isn't as straight as I thought. So I told him I like him and he's being weird about it.Well, if you like him, then my advice is to enjoy his attentions. I wish a guy I liked would randomly hug me and pull me onto his lap. :P
I don't mean that he's being an asshole or just being awkward about it but he randomly hugs me and even pulled me onto his lap. He also interacts with me a lot more than previously since up until I told him we really didn't speak to each other or even sit at the same table during lunch.
He also says he doesn't like me.
What do guys?
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So there's this guy at my school that I really like and for the longest time I've thought he was straight. I found out that he isn't as straight as I thought. So I told him I like him and he's being weird about it.Well, if you like him, then my advice is to enjoy his attentions. I wish a guy I liked would randomly hug me and pull me onto his lap. :P
I don't mean that he's being an asshole or just being awkward about it but he randomly hugs me and even pulled me onto his lap. He also interacts with me a lot more than previously since up until I told him we really didn't speak to each other or even sit at the same table during lunch.
He also says he doesn't like me.
What do guys?
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It's hard to give better advice without knowing where he's at, but if most people think he's straight or he's recently came out, it may be that he's not ready to tell a guy that he likes him, or he isn't sure about his feelings...or even that he just appreciates having another person like him around to let loose with. He might not even be ready to talk about his sexuality in depth...so just based on your post, I'd keep hanging out with him, enjoying his company, and waiting for him to bring up anything like that.
Hmm...well, if I were to infer from the song, it seems like it's a bit more than just liking him. Am I right? :P
Awww...that's so cute! ^-^
I've been in that sort of situation many times before though...I know how you feel.
I think everyone's been there before, and sometimes it doesn't work out for the best...when they say you could find someone better, I'm sure they're just trying to spare you potential pain. But if you don't pursue your heart, you'll live with what ifs and what could've beens, so it's always better to take the risk. :)
Never become jaded like the rest of the world. ;)
And join the adult area when you're 18.
Sorry, can't start developing a reputation for being too classy you know. :P
That's hardly no time at all! Are you excited about entering legal adulthood?
Hehe...yeah, the responsibility part is a bitch. Sometimes I wish I could go back to being a teen...trying to make a living for yourself can be shitty sometimes. v_v
Damn, that doubly sucks...what are your plans after high school? I'm assuming college of some sort since you took the ACT.
Hehe...well, good luck with that whole purging thing. :P
Me, I'm just personally out to build a harem. xD
Didn't know you were into that at all. :PPlease Winty, who wouldn't want a harem? Especially when you take into account all the über cute guys at my school.
Does that mean you're a dom? Are you going to dominate those cute guys into submission? :P
For what it's worth, I've started doing some of the things I had hoped the delegate or some of the ministries would have done, such as running polls...Perhaps we can kill two birds with one stone: have @Red Mones do "daily" (or little less frequent) polls on our NS page so that our NS page is active with that and so we don't need a new forum for the polls. Then he can just link to the polls in that thread he already made so those of us who don't regularly go the NS page can still stay updated on them. He'd need to be made a regional officer, though, but you could just give him authority over polls and name him the "Daily Pollster" or some such.
Perhaps we can kill two birds with one stone: have @Red Mones do "daily" (or little less frequent) polls on our NS page so that our NS page is active with that and so we don't need a new forum for the polls. Then he can just link to the polls in that thread he already made so those of us who don't regularly go the NS page can still stay updated on them. He'd need to be made a regional officer, though, but you could just give him authority over polls and name him the "Daily Pollster" or some such.Hey! I like this idea.
I'm anxious, maybe a little scared. Since July of 2015 I haven't been able to go more than three months without a seizure. I'm in month three right now and I still have a couple weeks before month three is over. What if I have another one before then? What if I don't? Will I have another one after? What will happen if I don't?You'll continue on making the best of whatever situation happens, like you always have. I know that a seizure must be a rather traumatic event, but I know you'll persevere and be you regardless of what happens. :)
That moment when the cute boy at school turns out to be a total douche and yells at you vov
Why you have to be such a deep person Winty? Why?Lots and lots and lots of experience, that's how. :P I'm not entirely unsympathetic to those who are lonely, because I've been there before...there were years when I constantly dwelled on not being able to have a significant other and believing that it reflected on me and my attractiveness and a person. And maybe it does, but over time I learned to be happy with who I am without needing the validation of a boyfriend or girlfriend, and I'd like to think it made me a better person.
So I was telling a friend about what happened after I asked this guy out and her response was to give me his number. How does that work?
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Why you have to be such a deep person Winty? Why?Lots and lots and lots of experience, that's how. :P I'm not entirely unsympathetic to those who are lonely, because I've been there before...there were years when I constantly dwelled on not being able to have a significant other and believing that it reflected on me and my attractiveness and a person. And maybe it does, but over time I learned to be happy with who I am without needing the validation of a boyfriend or girlfriend, and I'd like to think it made me a better person.
So I was telling a friend about what happened after I asked this guy out and her response was to give me his number. How does that work?
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That doesn't mean I don't get depressed when someone I'm interested in doesn't feel the same way about me, or when things don't work out with them...since I tend to go for people out of my league that's what usually happens actually, but it doesn't become this huge hole in my life that I desperately try to fill with just anyone. Actually, even at my worst I didn't do that...I just listened to emo songs and thought depressing thoughts about how the person I like doesn't like me back.
Actually, I still do that when it happens. ;) :P
As for your situation, it's hard to say...maybe your friend knows something about this guy that neither of us do and she thinks calling him is the best course of action. Since calling the guy up so soon isn't something I'd recommend, I have to believe she has some reason for giving you his number that we don't know. :P
In the meantime, I'm here to start up a conversation with at any time. :DLol, so I'm currently in the middle of Finals. I haven't had an actual final yet today and won't have any. But I will have two finals tomorrow. So that's a thing.
So you're just chatting up the board while everyone else takes finals or what? :P
I have Civ VI, but I'm drawing a blank on everything you said after that. :PMods my good sir. Mods. Lots of Mods.
Mods my good sir. Mods. Lots of Mods.I play a normal Civ V game with like 20 mods.
On CiV I have roughly 25 active. Give or take a few.Mods my good sir. Mods. Lots of Mods.I play a normal Civ V game with like 20 mods.
Also, I don't think I'm willing to spend money on Civ IV. I'll stick with my Civ V :P
Oh geeze ;-;Oh ja
Oh jaI actually haven't used many mods in any game...for some reason it's something I haven't gotten into much.
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'Sall right, I use Civ 6 mods simply cuz they add a little more flavourOh jaI actually haven't used many mods in any game...for some reason it's something I haven't gotten into much.
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Do you mean Civ VI?Mods my good sir. Mods. Lots of Mods.I play a normal Civ V game with like 20 mods.
Also, I don't think I'm willing to spend money on Civ IV. I'll stick with my Civ V :P
I use garlic and cinnamon for flavour! Ba dum! xDLol, that's good
CiV is fun but I just want to play multiplayer as The Vaterland and Die Führer.Do you mean Civ VI?Mods my good sir. Mods. Lots of Mods.I play a normal Civ V game with like 20 mods.
Also, I don't think I'm willing to spend money on Civ IV. I'll stick with my Civ V :P
(Still, Civ IV>Civ V lol)
Oops, I do mean Civ 6, Lol!Do you mean Civ VI?Mods my good sir. Mods. Lots of Mods.I play a normal Civ V game with like 20 mods.
Also, I don't think I'm willing to spend money on Civ IV. I'll stick with my Civ V :P
(Still, Civ IV>Civ V lol)
Potatoes can grow on Mars! (http://cipotato.org/press-room/blog/indicators-show-potatoes-can-grow-mars/) The power and reach of the Holy Tuber truly have no bounds.All hail our prophet Mark Watney!
International Potato CenterThis holy organization is doing the Tuber's work!
PRAISE BEE!Potatoes can grow on Mars! (http://cipotato.org/press-room/blog/indicators-show-potatoes-can-grow-mars/) The power and reach of the Holy Tuber truly have no bounds.All hail our prophet Mark Watney!QuoteInternational Potato CenterThis holy organization is doing the Tuber's work!
Potatoes can grow on Mars! (http://cipotato.org/press-room/blog/indicators-show-potatoes-can-grow-mars/) The power and reach of the Holy Tuber truly have no bounds.
/me has played every Civ, except for Beyond Earth which isn't even legit anyways. :P:(
Potatoes can grow on Mars! (http://cipotato.org/press-room/blog/indicators-show-potatoes-can-grow-mars/) The power and reach of the Holy Tuber truly have no bounds.(https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/5a/1a/f3/5a1af3e8593fda99c0915c0cc75a76c5.jpg)
Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew?Potatoes can grow on Mars! (http://cipotato.org/press-room/blog/indicators-show-potatoes-can-grow-mars/) The power and reach of the Holy Tuber truly have no bounds.(https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/5a/1a/f3/5a1af3e8593fda99c0915c0cc75a76c5.jpg)
/me has played every Civ, except for Beyond Earth which isn't even legit anyways. :P
Beyond Earth was okay. Would of been better if they'd fleshed out orbital combat more, with like starships, orbital cities and shit. Other than that it really flopped.I lost interest in the game after finding out that it had the same buggy multiplayer as Civ V. I really like multiplayer Civ, but having the game crash halfway through or worse having issues where people can't rejoin just sucks, and Beyond Earth wasn't otherwise interesting enough to me to buy. If I had the money to buy a space/futuristic-themed game atm it'd probably be Stellaris.
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Beyond Earth was okay. Would of been better if they'd fleshed out orbital combat more, with like starships, orbital cities and shit. Other than that it really flopped.I lost interest in the game after finding out that it had the same buggy multiplayer as Civ V. I really like multiplayer Civ, but having the game crash halfway through or worse having issues where people can't rejoin just sucks, and Beyond Earth wasn't otherwise interesting enough to me to buy. If I had the money to buy a space/futuristic-themed game atm it'd probably be Stellaris.
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I've heard that multiplayer in Civ VI is much better though, and I'd be interested in testing out Team Liquid's mods for multiplayer, which apparently makes it so you can play a game in around 100 turns.
The Civ II expansion Fantastic Worlds had some awesome scenarios...colonizing Mars, fighting back against an alien invasion, putting together a civ after the apocalypse, and ruling a fantasy kingdom (elven, goblin, merman, etc). That was back when you had to buy expansions on a disc from the computer software store. :P
That was way before my time. Waaaayyy before.Yes, I do believe I was playing Civ when you in diapers. :P
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But the question is, are you cute? :P
Have you thought of forming them into a boyband? Finding a jackass, hot one, etc is pretty much how they come together. :PTrue though. True.
Seriously though, there's nothing unusual about it...people find themselves attracted to multiple people all the time, and the fact that they're opposites may just mean you're open to a lot of different kinds of people...or that you're still exploring just what you want in a guy. And the straight guy...well, it's soooo hot when a straight guy wants to put his dick in your mouth. Well, in my experience at least. :P
Why not pursue them all? It's not like it's clear which of them if any are interested back...seems best to keep your options open.
Nobody usually listens to me when I try to offer it. :P
It sounds like you have the situation well in hand though!
This is an area with a lot of highs and a lot of lows, and a lot of uncertainty in between...the best you can do is go with the flow and try to remember that having someone isn't the most important thing in life. The most important thing is that you stay true to yourself.
Good on you, Moot! I get depressed and anxious during snowstorms so I can't bring myself to do anything productive. I'm just sitting around not doing much of anything. I'm thinking a nice soak in the tub and maybe...maybe if I'm feeling energetic after some dishes. Blizzards just suck the energy right outta me.
Also, typing kinda hurts right now because I got a staple through the finger at work last night. Owwwwww.....
I went to a mormon church and o m gIsn't corrupting the pure and innocent fun? :P
They had some hot people there ;o;
I might go back to get some mormon booty ;D
My only decent computer is taking a shit at the moment. Battery issues mostly. What money I do have is being saved for a better computer as well as perhaps one day enough to help with college. I also really want to start a YouTube channel and put some of my favorite games and playthroughs out into the world.I have to admit, I'm not that great at Minecraft stuff. The only reason there's an official vanilla server that I'm over is because we previously had an unofficial server that someone else ran and they let it lapse cause they felt they weren't getting enough recognition. I figured at least if I was over it and it was official people wouldn't lose everything they've worked on over something so silly. I think Chanku and tatte have experience with modded servers though, and I know Chanku is particularly enthusiastic about the idea of a non-vanilla server. :)
I was also wondering if Winty would help me set up a modded Minecraft server for the region. LOTR themed.
So If I were to start a Patreon/gofundme page would anyone donate?
I realize I sound like a pointless beggar just looking for cash. Which I would probably end up being if the teaching plan bottoms out. Oy Veh
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Good on you, Moot! I get depressed and anxious during snowstorms so I can't bring myself to do anything productive. I'm just sitting around not doing much of anything. I'm thinking a nice soak in the tub and maybe...maybe if I'm feeling energetic after some dishes. Blizzards just suck the energy right outta me.
Also, typing kinda hurts right now because I got a staple through the finger at work last night. Owwwwww.....
You get anxious in snowstorms....so you went and joined a region based on winter.....
I love mormons, they're so cute~
I love mormons, they're so cute~
Eeehhhh.....the fantasy is a lot cuter than the reality. So many of these closeted Mormons take that suppressed emotion and channel it into anger at the LGBT community for being able to live openly as they can not. All the Mormons I've talked to think they can save me and get aggressive when I rebuff that claim. Even the Jehova's Witnesses I've met are more accepting.
Eeehhhh.....the fantasy is a lot cuter than the reality. So many of these closeted Mormons take that suppressed emotion and channel it into anger at the LGBT community for being able to live openly as they can not. All the Mormons I've talked to think they can save me and get aggressive when I rebuff that claim. Even the Jehova's Witnesses I've met are more accepting.We must save them! For their salvation they must accept the holy penis...orally and anally. xD
We had a cute pagan priest come talk to our class vovI have no idea but did you say a Pagan priest? Tell me more
Man how tf does my teacher know so many cute people
Like I know a lot of cute people but none of them ever want to talk to me like how does he do it
/me finally looked up whoag#extraunknownwhoag
"Whoag: Is a sexual act where someone gives oral simulation directly to the prostrate." :P
We had a cute pagan priest come talk to our class vovI have no idea but did you say a Pagan priest? Tell me more
Man how tf does my teacher know so many cute people
Like I know a lot of cute people but none of them ever want to talk to me like how does he do it
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Oml he sounds like a Druid. Did you know I'm a Green Druid?We had a cute pagan priest come talk to our class vovI have no idea but did you say a Pagan priest? Tell me more
Man how tf does my teacher know so many cute people
Like I know a lot of cute people but none of them ever want to talk to me like how does he do it
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Mm! We had a pagan priest come in and talk to my comparative class. He told us about his religion and showed us his stuff, like his statue and his wand. He had a cute sweater on too~
What exactly is a Green Druid?
I once knew a pagan, but he didn't specify anything more precise...he claimed to cast lust spells on me though. :P
So ARE there spells and stuff?Depends, is everyone CAPABLE of casting spells? Yes, but only a few can cast them with obvious results.
Huh. Yeah, I don't believe in any kind of magic, though I'm interested whenever people say it's real in any way. Would be awesome if it were true. Seems like a single small practical demonstration shouldn't be hard to arrange if it works...To thine own self be true...it's something everyone struggles with, but for some it's an act of necessary courage. I mean, I've always thought you were great, whether you were a man or a woman, but I can't imagine you being happy with going back to being a guy after all the progress you've made in becoming the person you are. In a lot of ways you've really fought and grown to be who you are today. to an extent I would've never believed possible years ago when we met...don't let that go.
In other news, people are really vicious to trans people online, lol. I feel like since Trump got elected people have gotten even meaner, though maybe it's a just correlated. In other news I've been thinking about detransitioning, which kind of disgusts me to even think about, but I dunno.. I just dunno, I'll talk to my therapist...
Huh. Yeah, I don't believe in any kind of magic, though I'm interested whenever people say it's real in any way. Would be awesome if it were true. Seems like a single small practical demonstration shouldn't be hard to arrange if it works...
In other news, people are really vicious to trans people online, lol. I feel like since Trump got elected people have gotten even meaner, though maybe it's a just correlated. In other news I've been thinking about detransitioning, which kind of disgusts me to even think about, but I dunno.. I just dunno, I'll talk to my therapist...
I feel like since Trump got elected people have gotten even meanerCAUSE NOW PEOPLE DONT HAVE TO BE POLITICALLY CORRECT NOW THEY WONT BE SUPPRESSED BY THE F***ING LIB**** MOTHER****ERS!!! GO AMERICA!!!
Though in all seriousness:I feel like since Trump got elected people have gotten even meanerCAUSE NOW PEOPLE DONT HAVE TO BE POLITICALLY CORRECT NOW THEY WONT BE SUPPRESSED BY THE F***ING LIB**** MOTHER****ERS!!! GO AMERICA!!!
No, I'm just kidding, guys. :P
I suppose it depends on your definition of spells. My own practice follows the school of thought that "magic" is just the imposition of one's will on the perception and thus the actuality of reality. Spells and tools and rituals are all just a way to sharpen ones focus. To align one's lower and higher conciousness and desire to the point where we can effect the world around us.The only real magic is meme magic
I suppose it depends on your definition of spells. My own practice follows the school of thought that "magic" is just the imposition of one's will on the perception and thus the actuality of reality. Spells and tools and rituals are all just a way to sharpen ones focus. To align one's lower and higher conciousness and desire to the point where we can effect the world around us.The only real magic is meme magic
Repent, heathen, and accept kek into your life! >:(I suppose it depends on your definition of spells. My own practice follows the school of thought that "magic" is just the imposition of one's will on the perception and thus the actuality of reality. Spells and tools and rituals are all just a way to sharpen ones focus. To align one's lower and higher conciousness and desire to the point where we can effect the world around us.The only real magic is meme magic
I've heard that the magical race known as Internet trolls are capable of such magic. But I've also heard they have poor hygiene and in person social skills. So I guess it's a trade off. ;)
I do not accept the heresies of your false god! For its false shell merely hides it nature as Tzeentch, one of the Ruinous Powers! For it deceives and draws mankind from the true and holy light of the Emperor! BURN HERETICRepent, heathen, and accept kek into your life! >:(I suppose it depends on your definition of spells. My own practice follows the school of thought that "magic" is just the imposition of one's will on the perception and thus the actuality of reality. Spells and tools and rituals are all just a way to sharpen ones focus. To align one's lower and higher conciousness and desire to the point where we can effect the world around us.The only real magic is meme magic
I've heard that the magical race known as Internet trolls are capable of such magic. But I've also heard they have poor hygiene and in person social skills. So I guess it's a trade off. ;)
Oml he sounds like a Druid. Did you know I'm a Green Druid?We had a cute pagan priest come talk to our class vovI have no idea but did you say a Pagan priest? Tell me more
Man how tf does my teacher know so many cute people
Like I know a lot of cute people but none of them ever want to talk to me like how does he do it
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Mm! We had a pagan priest come in and talk to my comparative class. He told us about his religion and showed us his stuff, like his statue and his wand. He had a cute sweater on too~
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SPEHSSS MAHRENSSSSUr emperor is dumb.
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SPEHSSS MAHRENSSSSUr emperor is dumb.
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Also, as a half-Sheepfuc-I mean Welshman, I'm gonna have to ask you to stop culturally appropriating my peoples' dead religion or I'll call you a shitlord on my tumblr.
Druids belong to the Welsh, potato-picker!SPEHSSS MAHRENSSSSUr emperor is dumb.
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Also, as a half-Sheepfuc-I mean Welshman, I'm gonna have to ask you to stop culturally appropriating my peoples' dead religion or I'll call you a shitlord on my tumblr.
Shut up you discount Brit.
I'm half Irish and I'm appropriating my own peoples' dead religion. Silence or I'll call you a keklord on my tumblr.
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*potatoeDruids belong to the Welsh, potato-picker!SPEHSSS MAHRENSSSSUr emperor is dumb.
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Also, as a half-Sheepfuc-I mean Welshman, I'm gonna have to ask you to stop culturally appropriating my peoples' dead religion or I'll call you a shitlord on my tumblr.
Shut up you discount Brit.
I'm half Irish and I'm appropriating my own peoples' dead religion. Silence or I'll call you a keklord on my tumblr.
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pohtaytoe**potatoeDruids belong to the Welsh, potato-picker!SPEHSSS MAHRENSSSSUr emperor is dumb.
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Also, as a half-Sheepfuc-I mean Welshman, I'm gonna have to ask you to stop culturally appropriating my peoples' dead religion or I'll call you a shitlord on my tumblr.
Shut up you discount Brit.
I'm half Irish and I'm appropriating my own peoples' dead religion. Silence or I'll call you a keklord on my tumblr.
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I feel like since Trump got elected people have gotten even meanerI'm inclined to agree with you. Just yesterday I read an article about a journalist with epilepsy who was sent malicious messages containing a message that said "I hope you have a seizure and die." as well as a GIF of flashing strobe lights. The person who sent it said many times, both publicly and privately that he wanted the journalist to die. The lowlife piece of shit that sent it was arrested and is facing charges for federal crimes.
I do not accept the heresies of your false god! For its false shell merely hides it nature as Tzeentch, one of the Ruinous Powers! For it deceives and draws mankind from the true and holy light of the Emperor! BURN HERETICRepent, heathen, and accept kek into your life! >:(I suppose it depends on your definition of spells. My own practice follows the school of thought that "magic" is just the imposition of one's will on the perception and thus the actuality of reality. Spells and tools and rituals are all just a way to sharpen ones focus. To align one's lower and higher conciousness and desire to the point where we can effect the world around us.The only real magic is meme magic
I've heard that the magical race known as Internet trolls are capable of such magic. But I've also heard they have poor hygiene and in person social skills. So I guess it's a trade off. ;)
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Warhammer. Tabletop wargame series. Initial release date: 1983.I do not accept the heresies of your false god! For its false shell merely hides it nature as Tzeentch, one of the Ruinous Powers! For it deceives and draws mankind from the true and holy light of the Emperor! BURN HERETICRepent, heathen, and accept kek into your life! >:(I suppose it depends on your definition of spells. My own practice follows the school of thought that "magic" is just the imposition of one's will on the perception and thus the actuality of reality. Spells and tools and rituals are all just a way to sharpen ones focus. To align one's lower and higher conciousness and desire to the point where we can effect the world around us.The only real magic is meme magic
I've heard that the magical race known as Internet trolls are capable of such magic. But I've also heard they have poor hygiene and in person social skills. So I guess it's a trade off. ;)
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I think I'm to old for these pop culture refrences....
I think I'm too young for these pop culture references.Warhammer. Tabletop wargame series. Initial release date: 1983.I do not accept the heresies of your false god! For its false shell merely hides it nature as Tzeentch, one of the Ruinous Powers! For it deceives and draws mankind from the true and holy light of the Emperor! BURN HERETICRepent, heathen, and accept kek into your life! >:(I suppose it depends on your definition of spells. My own practice follows the school of thought that "magic" is just the imposition of one's will on the perception and thus the actuality of reality. Spells and tools and rituals are all just a way to sharpen ones focus. To align one's lower and higher conciousness and desire to the point where we can effect the world around us.The only real magic is meme magic
I've heard that the magical race known as Internet trolls are capable of such magic. But I've also heard they have poor hygiene and in person social skills. So I guess it's a trade off. ;)
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I think I'm to old for these pop culture refrences....
I'm inclined to agree with you. Just yesterday I read an article about a politician with epilepsy who was sent malicious messages containing a message that said "I hope you have a seizure and die." as well as a GIF of flashing strobe lights. The person who sent it said many times, both publicly and privately that he wanted the politician to die. The lowlife piece of shit that sent it was arrested and is facing charges for federal crimes.I suspect as Trump loses popularity those people will go back into hiding for the most part...they only came out because they thought his election meant most people were like them.
Unfortunately he was just one head on a scum hydra. Dozens more people are following in his footsteps. The FBI has so far identified 40 of those pieces of shit. I hope they all spend a long time behind bars in a federal prison.
It was a journalist not a politician. Really getting sick of the memory issues...I'm inclined to agree with you. Just yesterday I read an article about a journalist with epilepsy who was sent malicious messages containing a message that said "I hope you have a seizure and die." as well as a GIF of flashing strobe lights. The person who sent it said many times, both publicly and privately that he wanted the journalist to die. The lowlife piece of shit that sent it was arrested and is facing charges for federal crimes.I suspect as Trump loses popularity those people will go back into hiding for the most part...they only came out because they thought his election meant most people were like them.
Unfortunately he was just one head on a scum hydra. Dozens more people are following in his footsteps. The FBI has so far identified 40 of those pieces of shit. I hope they all spend a long time behind bars in a federal prison.
It's funny...when Obama was elected most people thought that meant that most of society had evolved and moved past racism, discrimination, and hate, but it seems instead it was just latent and hidden, and now Trump's election has sent a message that it's acceptable to openly be mean to people in the name of not being 'politically correct'. >.<
Maybe this time we'll actually confront this shit as a society instead of trying to quietly sweep it under a rug and hide it.
Warhammer. Tabletop wargame series. Initial release date: 1983.I do not accept the heresies of your false god! For its false shell merely hides it nature as Tzeentch, one of the Ruinous Powers! For it deceives and draws mankind from the true and holy light of the Emperor! BURN HERETICRepent, heathen, and accept kek into your life! >:(I suppose it depends on your definition of spells. My own practice follows the school of thought that "magic" is just the imposition of one's will on the perception and thus the actuality of reality. Spells and tools and rituals are all just a way to sharpen ones focus. To align one's lower and higher conciousness and desire to the point where we can effect the world around us.The only real magic is meme magic
I've heard that the magical race known as Internet trolls are capable of such magic. But I've also heard they have poor hygiene and in person social skills. So I guess it's a trade off. ;)
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I think I'm to old for these pop culture refrences....
You're 27...quit making excuses! :))
This body is 27. But I have an old old soul. Also, did I tell you guys how old I am or did you figure it out? :wave:It's in your profile. :P
I joined NationStates back in January, and I've been working my way up there. Last month I was elected president of one of the largest regions (clans) in the game, and it's been pretty busy. It's actually a lot like running a nation I imagine. I've had to respond to various crises, promote growth, conduct diplomacy with other regions, participate in our regions in-game military, etc. I'm also personally heading up two ministries in our region, and that makes for it being even busier. On the flip side, because our community is larger and more active than any of the previous ML communities I've led, I've been able to tack on a lot of the things that I've always wanted to do. I made an agreement with someone for our region to have 24/7 access to their Minecraft server, and we just started a Steam group yesterday. I'm hoping to pull together some game and video nights as well.
In some ways this has been good for me. NationStates is the first large community I've deeply become a part of since 2003. I don't think I realized at the time just how much I needed a break from programming projects and the such...it's been nice to return to doing what I loved before I got involved in ML, just being part of a community. It's also nice that as a leader, I'm able to do things with active people and to not feel like I'm doing everything myself for once. Of course, it's nice not having absolute power, as well. The region founder holds absolute power (minus the "social contract"), I'm constrained by Constitutional limits, and I'll have to stand for re-election in September. Oh yeah, and our region has a decent LGBT community...it's been nice to connect with others like me.
-Wintermoot, June 5th, 2013
You're 27...quit making excuses! :))
This body is 27. But I have an old old soul. Also, did I tell you guys how old I am or did you figure it out? :wave:
You're 27...quit making excuses! :))
This body is 27. But I have an old old soul. Also, did I tell you guys how old I am or did you figure it out? :wave:
Because we're watching you.... 8)
You're 27...quit making excuses! :))
This body is 27. But I have an old old soul. Also, did I tell you guys how old I am or did you figure it out? :wave:
Because we're watching you.... 8)
Always... :P
Kinky. In all the right ways.You're 27...quit making excuses! :))
This body is 27. But I have an old old soul. Also, did I tell you guys how old I am or did you figure it out? :wave:
Because we're watching you.... 8)
Always... :P
That's kinda hot. I think I'm okay with that. :D
Kinky. In all the right ways.You're 27...quit making excuses! :))
This body is 27. But I have an old old soul. Also, did I tell you guys how old I am or did you figure it out? :wave:
Because we're watching you.... 8)
Always... :P
That's kinda hot. I think I'm okay with that. :D
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So you know how I was basically being a self serving lil bitch earlier? Well I was bored at eleven last night and made me a paypal........Best of luck...also being poor, I know the feeling. :P
*rattles tin can* *shakey beggar voice* Alms for the poor?
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So you know how I was basically being a self serving lil bitch earlier? Well I was bored at eleven last night and made me a paypal........Best of luck...also being poor, I know the feeling. :P
*rattles tin can* *shakey beggar voice* Alms for the poor?
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Sometimes you have a day where you just want to put your fist through a wall. Or someones face.
Alas, the next couple of days will be hectic for me so I might not be online all that much. I will try though.Wrong thread?
Not really an absence so no, it isnt.True. Hope these next few days pan out fine for you!
@Wintermoot Just curious: when will the next underhusen election start?
Why is high school so dramaticSaaaammmeee just without the chips
Like everyone hates each other and I'm just in the background eating chips and wanting to be left alone smh
Why is high school so dramaticSaaaammmeee just without the chips
Like everyone hates each other and I'm just in the background eating chips and wanting to be left alone smh
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Why is high school so dramaticSaaaammmeee just without the chips
Like everyone hates each other and I'm just in the background eating chips and wanting to be left alone smh
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Do you want some of mine??
As of yesterday I am finally three months seizure-free!Congratulations! :)
As of yesterday I am finally three months seizure-free!That's great!
As of yesterday I am finally three months seizure-free!That's great!
Really all that's on my mind right now is food. I should go remedy that.
Rembrandt fan, huh?Oh yes. I've seen a great deal of his paintings as well. The collections at the National Gallery of Art in DC and The Met in NYC, to be exact.
Rembrandt fan, huh?Oh yes. I've seen a great deal of his paintings as well. The collections at the National Gallery of Art in DC and The Met in NYC, to be exact.
Now I just need to get to Amsterdam to see the rest...
Ya, personally the Night Watch is my favorite. :]
Welcome back, Pengu. :)And reddit just started their April Fools experiment, /r/place...
Oh man, this April Fools nuclear apocalypse event starts at around the same time as the LoL Promotion Tournament...how will I divide my attention between these two things for three hours? v_v
It looks like one of those sites where people can draw anywhere. :PYeah but there's a twist, which makes it interesting.
I'm afraid I relapsed a few hours ago. :(As of yesterday I am finally three months seizure-free!That's great!
Really all that's on my mind right now is food. I should go remedy that.
I'm afraid I relapsed a few hours ago. :(It's ok...you're doing what you can, and the important thing now is that you recover. Are you ok?
What was the twist? I may have overlooked it...You can only place on pixel every 10 minutes or so. I think.
Neat! I've seen a few other sites that do that, and they aren't difficult to code, but you pretty much have to have a dedicated server to be able to use frameworks that update in real-time...so basically $$$$, lol.The difference is the userbase that reddit can attract with their experiment, of course.
The difference is the userbase that reddit can attract with their experiment, of course.I'm sure Reddit has no problem buying dedicated servers. :P
Yeah, what I mean is that on a non-technical level, the results of such a massive undertaking will be entirely different.The difference is the userbase that reddit can attract with their experiment, of course.I'm sure Reddit has no problem buying dedicated servers. :P
So...hi. Yes, I'm still here and I'm doing alright. I'll talk more in depth when I'm off work, but I thought at the very least I'd say hello.
I'm afraid I relapsed a few hours ago. :(Oh goodness...
Some people are just naturally likeable...they don't even have to try and everyone loves them. And then there's me, the recluse, who struggles struggles struggles at it and still as many people don't like me as like me. =/
I just need a mental recharge, I guess...
Some people are just naturally likeable...they don't even have to try and everyone loves them. And then there's me, the recluse, who struggles struggles struggles at it and still as many people don't like me as like me. =/
I just need a mental recharge, I guess...
If it helps I find you quite a likeable person. I think the differences you are putting forth are known as introverted and extraverted personality types. The first kind of person is actually dependant on other people though. It's why they seem to master social graces and situations without effort. It's actually a lot of effort involved. It's just a lot of practice. And.....maybe a touch of witchcraft. They also gain energy from those interactions as opposed to expending it.
If it helps I find you quite a likeable person. I think the differences you are putting forth are known as introverted and extraverted personality types. The first kind of person is actually dependant on other people though. It's why they seem to master social graces and situations without effort. It's actually a lot of effort involved. It's just a lot of practice. And.....maybe a touch of witchcraft. They also gain energy from those interactions as opposed to expending it.Thanks! :) It's just that I feel like this used to be easier for me...I used to have more close friends that I talked to regularly, I used to get more attention from guys, I used to be a more effective...friend...person. When I see others that seem to have all that and they don't have to really try, it's just disheartening sometimes. I try not to let it bother me, but sometimes I wonder if maybe I've just gotten dull or closed-off or reclusive over the last few years. =/
As a Druid and an ex-god I can confirm that witchcraft is used in these situations by the aforementioned personality type.An ex-god huh? I bet that makes for good roleplay in bed. :))
As a Druid and an ex-god I can confirm that witchcraft is used in these situations by the aforementioned personality type.An ex-god huh? I bet that makes for good roleplay in bed. :))
Oh you know it ;) ;) ;)Making people get on their knees and worship you...:P
Wait, y'all have to role play that?I dunno man, for some reason people assume that I'm this super-dominant guy in bed, when reality a lot of times I just want to worship someone and be their bitch/cockslut. Sometimes if I'm in the right mood I can roleplay kinda dominant though.
@Wintermoot, you overthink things. Social interaction usually has no place for consideration of one's actions. Just go with the flow. Of course, your instincts would need to be developed, in terms of what's acceptable and what isn't, and the only to do that is to get out there and experiment.You're probably right. I was a loner for most of my life, so social interactions don't come naturally to me to begin with. I'm better than I used to be, and especially online I can come across as outgoing, but it's something I still struggle with. On top of that, caring too much...about everything...has always been a character trait of mine. Between the two, it's a wonder I'm not more of a mess. :P
I've also seen that I have better luck when I don't really care. I think it removes pressure and frees up mental capacity to focus on the socialisation at hand. If you don't stress, you're automatically easier to approach.
Overcoming stress is a different process for each person. I find comfort in the fact that all my fuck-ups will ultimately mean nothing.
I feel like this should probably be in another section of the forum haha. But I usually like to be worshipped. Not as like an aggressive or Dom but just as an object of desire. I get off on knowing someone wants me that bad.I don't think we've said anything too explicit, and it never hurts to tease that section of the forum once in awhile. ;)
In my news, I have decided after much deliberation.. to NOT detransition. It would be stupid.Here here. :D
I feel like this should probably be in another section of the forum haha. But I usually like to be worshipped. Not as like an aggressive or Dom but just as an object of desire. I get off on knowing someone wants me that bad.I don't think we've said anything too explicit, and it never hurts to tease that section of the forum once in awhile. ;)
I like it when someone's a bit aggressive mentally in the sex area...when they can put me in my place, make me submit to them, and then proceed to make me theirs...make me absolutely need and crave them. As you may guess, that's easier said than done, since I won't make it too easy or submit to just anyone that comes around. I'm still a treasure worthy of being fought for, after all lol
Edit: added "mentally" because the whole thing sounded wrong without it in there, lol
I see, I guess I like to play the sultry seductress more than the aggressive pursuer. I love to be desired and enjoy playing the long game. I like to tease em here and again. Just a taste till they can't take it anymore and fall on their knees begging me to do whatever I want. It's a tactic I've used to real in and break a str8 boy or two. >:DHehe, yeah...it's always fun helping a 'straight' guy expand their horizons a bit. ;)
Never failed me and it plays to my ego which is nice.
I see, I guess I like to play the sultry seductress more than the aggressive pursuer. I love to be desired and enjoy playing the long game. I like to tease em here and again. Just a taste till they can't take it anymore and fall on their knees begging me to do whatever I want. It's a tactic I've used to real in and break a str8 boy or two. >:D
Never failed me and it plays to my ego which is nice.
While it can’t be determined yet why things exist in the first place, the "things" certainly care that their individual species don’t become extinct.lol, not quite the sort of thing I was talking about, if you were replying to me. :P
While it can’t be determined yet why things exist in the first place, the "things" certainly care that their individual species don’t become extinct.lol, not quite the sort of thing I was talking about, if you were replying to me. :P
I'm fine though...I spent some time away from the computer last night after I posted that and I got over it for the most part. :)
I wasn't really replying, but I'm glad you're feeling better. :D In all likelihood, there will always be a helping hand waiting to lighten the load.Ah then...well, I guess we just both happened to be talking about things, then. :P
Edit: my post was some musing from a conversation I had had earlier with a friend.
My darling Moot. I can't speak for the others but of you need or desire help with something, just ask. I'm glad to help in whatever way my limited skills can.There's a lot of things that definitely help...recruiting, writing articles for the foreign dispatch, welcoming new members, posting new things and ideas for discussion and maybe for doing...a lot of people forget the basic things because they're tedious, mundane things...especially recruitment. I spend a lot of time doing it because if we don't recruit, we don't get any new people, but at the same time it's disappointing that people can't find an hour here and there to recruit. Also, when people don't take up the mantle of becoming involved in areas they're interested in, it's hard to know who's interested in what when it comes to fill vacancies in the Cabinet.
While it can’t be determined yet why things exist in the first place, the "things" certainly care that their individual species don’t become extinct.lol, not quite the sort of thing I was talking about, if you were replying to me. :P
It's just that when it's hard to get people to help me recruit or write articles for things or even vote, sometimes it really gets me down...it makes me wonder if I care too much, or if I spend too much time on things related to the region. It's not very often I feel that way, but sometimes it gets me down...I mean, I understand that as founder and as the head of government I should be doing more, but sometimes it's good to know that people still care and still want to invest time in the region to help out.
I'm fine though...I spent some time away from the computer last night after I posted that and I got over it for the most part. :)
I also found out the forums aren't blocked by the school wifi oddly. huh, who would have guessed?Yep, one awesome thing about being hosted on its own domain is that Wintreath is basically never blocked. :D
While it can’t be determined yet why things exist in the first place, the "things" certainly care that their individual species don’t become extinct.lol, not quite the sort of thing I was talking about, if you were replying to me. :P
It's just that when it's hard to get people to help me recruit or write articles for things or even vote, sometimes it really gets me down...it makes me wonder if I care too much, or if I spend too much time on things related to the region. It's not very often I feel that way, but sometimes it gets me down...I mean, I understand that as founder and as the head of government I should be doing more, but sometimes it's good to know that people still care and still want to invest time in the region to help out.
I'm fine though...I spent some time away from the computer last night after I posted that and I got over it for the most part. :)
I know this is a bit late and I know this might mean jack but I am behind you 1000% [Yes I meant the extra zero, dang it].
I've been offered a job. By the SPS, the prison people. I've been offered a job as a prison guard. The pay is good and they say the work is not to hard. It's in a uniformed service, which is what I wanted. But on the other hand.....its a prison job. I really dont know how I feel about that.How is the criminal justice system in Singapore?
Sometimes it can be very progressive. Other timesit can be extremly punitive.Does the way Singapore treat its prisoners factor in any way to your decision?
I've been offered a job. By the SPS, the prison people. I've been offered a job as a prison guard. The pay is good and they say the work is not to hard. It's in a uniformed service, which is what I wanted. But on the other hand.....its a prison job. I really dont know how I feel about that.What would irk you about a prison job?
Beyond the obvious danger? Having to deal with criminals. And having to try and see them not as people but as something beneath that.
I thought Moot liked to take others from behind....North can be behind me anytime he likes. ;)
Beyond the obvious danger? Having to deal with criminals. And having to try and see them not as people but as something beneath that.
Why would you have to look at them as less than human? What kind of prison are we talking?
I highly recommend watching the documentary Breaking the Cycle (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7TfBLvw4FY), in which the deputy warden of Halden Prison, Norway (often called the world's most humane max-security prison) visits Attica in New York. It's really fascinating to see the stark contrast between the traditional "tough on crime" philosophy of US prisons and the humane philosophy of Norwegian ones.I thought Moot liked to take others from behind....North can be behind me anytime he likes. ;)
A few years ago I watched Gordon Behind Bars (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1LbLbcGaQg), where Gordon Ramsay went into a prison and tried to teach prisoners how to cook so they could sell to the public to make money for the prison supporting them. What struck me were the prisoners themselves...even if they were in for non-violent offenses, prison life had changed them...their lives were so regimented and isolated that the smallest dispute or change would make them irritable and liable to snap. I mean yeah they're people, and most of them had sympathetic stories about how they came to end up in the situation they were in, but they weren't like people you'd walk up to on the street. They were people who had essentially been caged for a decent portion of their life, and it had an impact on them mentally that showed.
It's telling that five of the original twelve prisoners selected for the chef program were removed before the end of the series (which filmed over six months).
And I don't think it was a story cooked up for the show either...besides the fact that Gordon's British shows are generally much better and "realer" than his American shows, statistics show that people who were formerly prisoners are much more likely to end up back in prison, largely because they don't know how to adapt to life outside so they return to a life of crime.
So maybe looking at them as less than human makes it easier to deal with them, so you don't risk letting your guard down or developing dangerous emotional attachments, but either way I can imagine being a guard in that sort of setting would be mentally tough, and I know mentally it's so far removed from who I am as a person and how I naturally interact with people I couldn't do it. Of course, I'm hardly an expert at law enforcement, especially compared to North, but that's just my views on the whole thing.
So I spent three hours today comparability testing. So far I can comfortably inform everyone that the Wintreath Modded Minecraft Server is operational in the Overworld.Man, if only my internet and computer could handle overseas servers. That sounds super fun! *claps*
Later today and throughout Spring Break I will be checking dimension compatibles as well as adding and updating mods to a comfortable mix.
Major features I will announce right now is that the mod pack contains the following:
*Lord of the Rings
*Warp Drive
*Galacticraft(Make Space Great Again)
Expect a thread in the Minecraft sub forum to show up at some point to fully explain and expand on progress.
Thanks for listening guys!
Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
So I spent three hours today comparability testing. So far I can comfortably inform everyone that the Wintreath Modded Minecraft Server is operational in the Overworld.Man, if only my internet and computer could handle overseas servers. That sounds super fun! *claps*
Later today and throughout Spring Break I will be checking dimension compatibles as well as adding and updating mods to a comfortable mix.
Major features I will announce right now is that the mod pack contains the following:
*Lord of the Rings
*Warp Drive
*Galacticraft(Make Space Great Again)
Expect a thread in the Minecraft sub forum to show up at some point to fully explain and expand on progress.
Thanks for listening guys!
Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
Yes please! I've only ever heard of Galacticraft out of that list.So I spent three hours today comparability testing. So far I can comfortably inform everyone that the Wintreath Modded Minecraft Server is operational in the Overworld.Man, if only my internet and computer could handle overseas servers. That sounds super fun! *claps*
Later today and throughout Spring Break I will be checking dimension compatibles as well as adding and updating mods to a comfortable mix.
Major features I will announce right now is that the mod pack contains the following:
*Lord of the Rings
*Warp Drive
*Galacticraft(Make Space Great Again)
Expect a thread in the Minecraft sub forum to show up at some point to fully explain and expand on progress.
Thanks for listening guys!
Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
My sympathies Elb, but I can give you a full list of mods if you want to go single player!
Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
They're all really great mods, but I'm not one hundred percent certain of Survival performance due to the AVP(Aliens vs Predators) mod.Yes please! I've only ever heard of Galacticraft out of that list.So I spent three hours today comparability testing. So far I can comfortably inform everyone that the Wintreath Modded Minecraft Server is operational in the Overworld.Man, if only my internet and computer could handle overseas servers. That sounds super fun! *claps*
Later today and throughout Spring Break I will be checking dimension compatibles as well as adding and updating mods to a comfortable mix.
Major features I will announce right now is that the mod pack contains the following:
*Lord of the Rings
*Warp Drive
*Galacticraft(Make Space Great Again)
Expect a thread in the Minecraft sub forum to show up at some point to fully explain and expand on progress.
Thanks for listening guys!
Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
My sympathies Elb, but I can give you a full list of mods if you want to go single player!
Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
So I spent three hours today comparability testing.Thank you for your hard work!
Expect a thread in the Minecraft sub forum to show up at some point to fully explain and expand on progress.
Thanks for listening guys!
Why do I keep attracting creepy guys ;-;Oh Lumen, all guys are creepy...it's just a matter of how well they hide it before marriage. :P
Aaahhh I just want someone normal
Why do I keep attracting creepy guys ;-;Oh Lumen, all guys are creepy...it's just a matter of how well they hide it before marriage. :P
Aaahhh I just want someone normal
But I want someone kinda normal, not guys who try to send me nudes or grope me randomly ;-;So you want a gay guy. :P
But I want someone kinda normal, not guys who try to send me nudes or grope me randomly ;-;So you want a gay guy. :P
That's the best kind of guy Winty. Gay af.Most def...love it when men send me nudes and want to grope me. :P
girl there's plenty of time and plenty of dudes out there
the important thing is that you do you, and people worth your time will enter your life, and then you can evaluate their status as 'Good Boyfriends' or not
key to note here: generally speaking your friends and family are better judges of character than you are as to Good Boyfriend status, because you've got rose-tinted glasses on and you're not seeing clearly, take their judgment into consideration, like for real, which seems obvious until you're in that situation and then suddenly no, everyone is just an asshole and doesn't understand, which is wrong, you're just in a state of pheromonally-induced delirium and these people are not fucking high on pheromones, I cannot stress this enough
coincidentally, that is the leading cause of Wintermoot's observation that people are willing to settle: being high on pheromones is the fucking shit, of course people are willing to settle for that, until it wears off ~1.5 years in and you start jonesing for a new highof course if this never happens then clearly nobody is worth your time and you should begin plans to work at the CDC in order to gain access to smallpox, and genetically engineer it into ending human civilization in a misanthropic holocaust of agony and misery
I'd go with 'largepox', good solid brand name there, really suggests its a way bigger deal than just plain old smallpox
if you go with that plan clue me in so I can get in like a bunker or something though, I've got a long ass steam backlog to burn through before I'm cool with dying of largepox
But what if the 'good boyfriends' won't want me? ;-;
It's happened before.
This post went from 0 to 100 real quick. And oddly specific.
I was looking, and I haven't seen a thread like this, so I'm going to propose a thread for the Howling Wind Tavern: "How Extra Are You?" Basically personal stories of going above-and-beyond for totally pointless reasons, like the one above.As Jarl of Culture, I encourage you to go ahead and create it! That way you get credit for being the one to start it. :)
Can't I just take over the world and make all the boys become mine??
Can't I just take over the world and make all the boys become mine??No. That's my role. :))
Can't I just take over the world and make all the boys become mine??No. That's my role. :))
Tsk tsk. You'll have to wait till I'm dead and gone. Soon enough I'll be a worldwide star whom the men of the world will fall down to worship.Only if you can force me to bow down and worship you first. :P
Tsk tsk. You'll have to wait till I'm dead and gone. Soon enough I'll be a worldwide star whom the men of the world will fall down to worship.Only if you can force me to bow down and worship you first. :P
Haha. I won't have to. Just one look, One taste, and you'll be hooked. You'll be begging me to let worship amongst my followers.Is that how you like to think of me? :P
Can someone explain this to meWho said it was wrong for you to joke about it? I don't see anything wrong with it personally...
Why is it 'wrong' for me to joke about my best friend dating a guy, but it's not 'wrong' for that same guy to tell my best friend that he has sexual fantasies about my best friend and I doing stuff together. Like what the hell?? I made like one or two jokes, while he's the one saying he has actual f a n t a s i e s about us doing stuff. How am I in the wrong but he isn't ??
Haha. I won't have to. Just one look, One taste, and you'll be hooked. You'll be begging me to let worship amongst my followers.Is that how you like to think of me? :P
People tend to make an exception of themselves. =/ It's like when person A runs through a red light when driving, person B thinks A js a jerk. But if B did the same, they'd be aware if the reasoning behind it and probably wouldn’t even notice what they did is hypocritical. Humans aren't mind readers.Yep, this is known as the fundamental attribution error, or correspondence bias (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fundamental_attribution_error). Here's a pretty good read on the subject:
Can someone explain this to me
Why is it 'wrong' for me to joke about my best friend dating a guy, but it's not 'wrong' for that same guy to tell my best friend that he has sexual fantasies about my best friend and I doing stuff together. Like what the hell?? I made like one or two jokes, while he's the one saying he has actual f a n t a s i e s about us doing stuff. How am I in the wrong but he isn't ??
Can someone explain this to me
Why is it 'wrong' for me to joke about my best friend dating a guy, but it's not 'wrong' for that same guy to tell my best friend that he has sexual fantasies about my best friend and I doing stuff together. Like what the hell?? I made like one or two jokes, while he's the one saying he has actual f a n t a s i e s about us doing stuff. How am I in the wrong but he isn't ??
Yep, this is known as the fundamental attribution error, or correspondence bias (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fundamental_attribution_error).
bored e.eBored?
Haha. It's how I see most people. (Jk I'm actually super duper insecure about myself and my body.)I am too...I was just thinking last night, even if I lose all the weight I should, what if all I have to show for it is a bunch of loose skin that's littered with old stretch marks? But on the other hand, others have that too and people seem to find them attractive...right?
Haha. It's how I see most people. (Jk I'm actually super duper insecure about myself and my body.)I am too...I was just thinking last night, even if I lose all the weight I should, what if all I have to show for it is a bunch of loose skin that's littered with old stretch marks? But on the other hand, others have that too and people seem to find them attractive...right?
Idk. I have some extra skin in some areas from when I lost weight. Its not a lot but I feel like it's right there. I also have a weird frame though. I have skinny legs, arms, neck, and upper torso. But then right at my waist is this innertube. It's annoying.What worries me is if I were to reach my 'ideal' weight of 160 pounds for my height, I'd have lost almost half of my body weight in the process. Now, I don't plan on losing that much..I'd be happy in the 200-220 range, but I still worry about the effect of losing so much. I have read that there's some things you can do to help, but there's only so much muscle you can gain in the belly area, and only so much skin can shrink back, you know?
But the thing is though that the guy wasn't joking like I was, he was being 100% serious.then he's a dick
Idk. I have some extra skin in some areas from when I lost weight. Its not a lot but I feel like it's right there. I also have a weird frame though. I have skinny legs, arms, neck, and upper torso. But then right at my waist is this innertube. It's annoying.What worries me is if I were to reach my 'ideal' weight of 160 pounds for my height, I'd have lost almost half of my body weight in the process. Now, I don't plan on losing that much..I'd be happy in the 200-220 range, but I still worry about the effect of losing so much. I have read that there's some things you can do to help, but there's only so much muscle you can gain in the belly area, and only so much skin can shrink back, you know?
And I'm really doing this for my health now that I'm in my 30s, but at the same time...I want to be someone people consider attractive and desire, you know? As vain as that may be. >_>
But the thing is though that the guy wasn't joking like I was, he was being 100% serious.then he's a dick
don't associate with him
life is too short to waste it hanging out with dicks
two things:
One: I agree with Pengu.
Two: I'm getting yelled at by my friends for having never played Skyrim. They mildly scare me with the violence in their threats if I don't play it. Oy veh.
To be attractive to others, you have to be attractive to yourself. If you can't look in the mirror and like what you see, then it reflects outward. It doesn't matter what others think and feel...it's all about how you feel. If you feel desirable, then that's the aura that you put out and that others will pick up on.It's not that I consider myself unattractive really...it's just now I'm starting to see results and I want it all, I guess. It'd just be a fun change to be the guy everyone wants for awhile, who everyone fantasizes about when they're alone doing naughty things, who gets pursued rather than always perusing others...it's not that it really bothers me, I just think it'd be fun to experience that. If I were to really go into it though, I think my issue has more to do with charisma than physical attractiveness...having been a shy loner most of my life, it doesn't come naturally to me. Even today, it's hard for me to strike up conversations with people I'm not close with, even online, cause I end up worrying that I'm just bothering them and that they would rather be doing something else rather than talk to me.
Sure, some will pass on by and move on to someone else, but that's just how it goes. Even those that are considered "desirable" by society's standards have their own hurdles to get through, and the vain ones aren't always lucky enough to have those "good" looks forever. Everyone has preferences for what they look for...but that doesn't mean that you should go through any changes to suit a group of people. Go through them for yourself, because you want to change for you.
Skyrim was great at the time, but I feel like everyone is either viewing it through rose-tinted glasses, or else finds mods much more exciting and appealing then I do.Skyrim is still great at this time, because it still sets the standard for what most RPGs are judged by today...the vast open and immersive world, the quality and quantity of quests, the freedom to do much of what you want in the game, and the ability to mod it however you like...for better or for worse, lol. It's why people are still playing it over five years later, and why there are few if any RPGs that have surpassed it since.
I detest them. I find fundamental inconsistencies in theme and tone like the ones introduced by mods inordinately grating. Total conversions I like; little things you insert with no rhyme or reason to their location infuriate me.
I found Oblivion far more appealing, most likely because really I'm just fondly remembering the Shivering Isles and the incredible sense of wonder I felt exploring the place. Never had that feeling in Skyrim, whether in Dragonborn or that Vampire one.
New Vegas is best Bethesda though
I highly recommend watching the documentary Breaking the Cycle (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7TfBLvw4FY), in which the deputy warden of Halden Prison, Norway (often called the world's most humane max-security prison) visits Attica in New York. It's really fascinating to see the stark contrast between the traditional "tough on crime" philosophy of US prisons and the humane philosophy of Norwegian ones.Thanks! I just realized I hadn't replied back...I bookmarked both links to watch in the future. I'm always looking for things to watch when I'm eating meals at the computer...:)
(I also recommend watching its prequel, The Norden - Nordic Prisons (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfEsz812Q1I), in which former Attica superintendent visits prisons throughout Scandinavia.)
I've found the subreddit /r/mealtimevideos (https://www.reddit.com/r/mealtimevideos/) to be an invaluable resource for use while eating. Thought you'd might enjoy.I highly recommend watching the documentary Breaking the Cycle (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7TfBLvw4FY), in which the deputy warden of Halden Prison, Norway (often called the world's most humane max-security prison) visits Attica in New York. It's really fascinating to see the stark contrast between the traditional "tough on crime" philosophy of US prisons and the humane philosophy of Norwegian ones.Thanks! I just realized I hadn't replied back...I bookmarked both links to watch in the future. I'm always looking for things to watch when I'm eating meals at the computer...:)
(I also recommend watching its prequel, The Norden - Nordic Prisons (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfEsz812Q1I), in which former Attica superintendent visits prisons throughout Scandinavia.)
I've found the subreddit /r/mealtimevideos (https://www.reddit.com/r/mealtimevideos/) to be an invaluable resource for use while eating. Thought you'd might enjoy.You're quite the reddit expert, aren't you? :P
To be attractive to others, you have to be attractive to yourself. If you can't look in the mirror and like what you see, then it reflects outward. It doesn't matter what others think and feel...it's all about how you feel. If you feel desirable, then that's the aura that you put out and that others will pick up on.It's not that I consider myself unattractive really...it's just now I'm starting to see results and I want it all, I guess. It'd just be a fun change to be the guy everyone wants for awhile, who everyone fantasizes about when they're alone doing naughty things, who gets pursued rather than always perusing others...it's not that it really bothers me, I just think it'd be fun to experience that. If I were to really go into it though, I think my issue has more to do with charisma than physical attractiveness...having been a shy loner most of my life, it doesn't come naturally to me. Even today, it's hard for me to strike up conversations with people I'm not close with, even online, cause I end up worrying that I'm just bothering them and that they would rather be doing something else rather than talk to me.
Sure, some will pass on by and move on to someone else, but that's just how it goes. Even those that are considered "desirable" by society's standards have their own hurdles to get through, and the vain ones aren't always lucky enough to have those "good" looks forever. Everyone has preferences for what they look for...but that doesn't mean that you should go through any changes to suit a group of people. Go through them for yourself, because you want to change for you.
lol, it's not even all that important to me to be honest...just one of those things that come up when I think of what
I must say, I envy you both. I've always been so insecure about my body and looks. It's one of the reasons I developed an extroverted personality. I figure if I distract peeps with conversation and an over the top personal that people would never guess my low self esteem haha. Also it's one of the reasons I love makeup so much. Being able to alter my appearance is like a dream come true for me. Granted it doesn't help with my body at all but it's a great way to distract.lol, I wish I had an interesting, extroverted personality...sometimes I just think I'm too boring for anyone to be interested in me as a person.
To be attractive to others, you have to be attractive to yourself. If you can't look in the mirror and like what you see, then it reflects outward. It doesn't matter what others think and feel...it's all about how you feel. If you feel desirable, then that's the aura that you put out and that others will pick up on.It's not that I consider myself unattractive really...it's just now I'm starting to see results and I want it all, I guess. It'd just be a fun change to be the guy everyone wants for awhile, who everyone fantasizes about when they're alone doing naughty things, who gets pursued rather than always perusing others...it's not that it really bothers me, I just think it'd be fun to experience that. If I were to really go into it though, I think my issue has more to do with charisma than physical attractiveness...having been a shy loner most of my life, it doesn't come naturally to me. Even today, it's hard for me to strike up conversations with people I'm not close with, even online, cause I end up worrying that I'm just bothering them and that they would rather be doing something else rather than talk to me.
Sure, some will pass on by and move on to someone else, but that's just how it goes. Even those that are considered "desirable" by society's standards have their own hurdles to get through, and the vain ones aren't always lucky enough to have those "good" looks forever. Everyone has preferences for what they look for...but that doesn't mean that you should go through any changes to suit a group of people. Go through them for yourself, because you want to change for you.
lol, it's not even all that important to me to be honest...just one of those things that come up when I think of what
I must say, I envy you both. I've always been so insecure about my body and looks. It's one of the reasons I developed an extroverted personality. I figure if I distract peeps with conversation and an over the top personal that people would never guess my low self esteem haha. Also it's one of the reasons I love makeup so much. Being able to alter my appearance is like a dream come true for me. Granted it doesn't help with my body at all but it's a great way to distract.
Hush your mouth. You're an intriguing individual on many different levels. So I don't want to hear that. I developed my persona as a response to my own self image issues. It's not how I always was. Right up until a few years ago I was anti social and very much introverted. I just was lucky enough to have had a friend who helped me break that shell.I must say, I envy you both. I've always been so insecure about my body and looks. It's one of the reasons I developed an extroverted personality. I figure if I distract peeps with conversation and an over the top personal that people would never guess my low self esteem haha. Also it's one of the reasons I love makeup so much. Being able to alter my appearance is like a dream come true for me. Granted it doesn't help with my body at all but it's a great way to distract.lol, I wish I had an interesting, extroverted personality...sometimes I just think I'm too boring for anyone to be interested in me as a person.
To be attractive to others, you have to be attractive to yourself. If you can't look in the mirror and like what you see, then it reflects outward. It doesn't matter what others think and feel...it's all about how you feel. If you feel desirable, then that's the aura that you put out and that others will pick up on.It's not that I consider myself unattractive really...it's just now I'm starting to see results and I want it all, I guess. It'd just be a fun change to be the guy everyone wants for awhile, who everyone fantasizes about when they're alone doing naughty things, who gets pursued rather than always perusing others...it's not that it really bothers me, I just think it'd be fun to experience that. If I were to really go into it though, I think my issue has more to do with charisma than physical attractiveness...having been a shy loner most of my life, it doesn't come naturally to me. Even today, it's hard for me to strike up conversations with people I'm not close with, even online, cause I end up worrying that I'm just bothering them and that they would rather be doing something else rather than talk to me.
Sure, some will pass on by and move on to someone else, but that's just how it goes. Even those that are considered "desirable" by society's standards have their own hurdles to get through, and the vain ones aren't always lucky enough to have those "good" looks forever. Everyone has preferences for what they look for...but that doesn't mean that you should go through any changes to suit a group of people. Go through them for yourself, because you want to change for you.
lol, it's not even all that important to me to be honest...just one of those things that come up when I think of what
I must say, I envy you both. I've always been so insecure about my body and looks. It's one of the reasons I developed an extroverted personality. I figure if I distract peeps with conversation and an over the top personal that people would never guess my low self esteem haha. Also it's one of the reasons I love makeup so much. Being able to alter my appearance is like a dream come true for me. Granted it doesn't help with my body at all but it's a great way to distract.
To be fair, I've only gotten comfortable with myself in the recent years. I used to be really insecure with myself all around, and it's only been the last...3-4 years that I've worked that insecurity away to where I'm happy with myself. Sure, it'd be nice to have that chiseled physique, but I'm alright without it as well.
Now I just have to work on my trust issues.
Hush your mouth. You're an intriguing individual on many different levels. So I don't want to hear that. I developed my persona as a response to my own self image issues. It's not how I always was. Right up until a few years ago I was anti social and very much introverted. I just was lucky enough to have had a friend who helped me break that shell.Tell me more about how I'm intriguing. :P
npI've found the subreddit /r/mealtimevideos (https://www.reddit.com/r/mealtimevideos/) to be an invaluable resource for use while eating. Thought you'd might enjoy.You're quite the reddit expert, aren't you? :P
Thanks :D
npI see...so where's the best porn on reddit, then? :P
Well I am the Wintreath Records holder... :D
Serious answer: There's a subreddit with a wiki page of all the NSFW subreddits. (NSFW link) (https://www.reddit.com/r/NSFW411/wiki/index)npI see...so where's the best porn on reddit, then? :P
Well I am the Wintreath Records holder... :D
Forgive me for I hath sinned.............. Why did I click on it? I regret everything now... EVERYTHING! Burn my eyes please!Serious answer: There's a subreddit with a wiki page of all the NSFW subreddits. (NSFW link) (https://www.reddit.com/r/NSFW411/wiki/index)npI see...so where's the best porn on reddit, then? :P
Well I am the Wintreath Records holder... :D
Serious answer: There's a subreddit with a wiki page of all the NSFW subreddits. (NSFW link) (https://www.reddit.com/r/NSFW411/wiki/index)Wow...well, and here I thought you might reply with something more...subjective. :P
Hush your mouth. You're an intriguing individual on many different levels. So I don't want to hear that. I developed my persona as a response to my own self image issues. It's not how I always was. Right up until a few years ago I was anti social and very much introverted. I just was lucky enough to have had a friend who helped me break that shell.Tell me more about how I'm intriguing. :P
And what's the secret to breaking out of that shell?
So, to begin, you're well spoken and can hold a damp conversation. Which to me is a helluva plus. Also, you've got a way with word when it comes to describing things in the adult section. Secondly, you're up to date on the world around d you! I can bring up just about anything and have an engaging and informed conversation with you. And playing vidya games is also a bonus.That's really sweet of you to say ^-^ I guess I'm somewhat better when there's a topic being discussed...what I really suck at is small talk. After the normal hi how are you I usually draw a blank in my mind. =/
On the second, I don't know what the secret is. I had a friend/roommate who used to bring me out to a gay club and introduce me to people. After that, it just kinda slowly happened. I forced myself I to social situations that made me uncomfortable. And there were hurdles. A few times I made a faux pa and agonized over it. I locked myself away feeling embarrassed but then made the decision to try again.
So, to begin, you're well spoken and can hold a damp conversation. Which to me is a helluva plus. Also, you've got a way with word when it comes to describing things in the adult section. Secondly, you're up to date on the world around d you! I can bring up just about anything and have an engaging and informed conversation with you. And playing vidya games is also a bonus.That's really sweet of you to say ^-^ I guess I'm somewhat better when there's a topic being discussed...what I really suck at is small talk. After the normal hi how are you I usually draw a blank in my mind. =/
On the second, I don't know what the secret is. I had a friend/roommate who used to bring me out to a gay club and introduce me to people. After that, it just kinda slowly happened. I forced myself I to social situations that made me uncomfortable. And there were hurdles. A few times I made a faux pa and agonized over it. I locked myself away feeling embarrassed but then made the decision to try again.
Ehhhhhh...sounds like there isn't a secret at all, just putting yourself out there and hoping you don't get rejected until you don't care anymore. How did you get over the first few times you made a faux pa? I tend to dwell on things like that and it makes it even worse for me >_>
Oh I dwelled and brooded for quite some time. But the other half of it was that I worked retail in a small salvage and liquidation store. The only way I was able to keep my job was to be the friendliest person in the store. So at first I started just putting on a happy face every day but eventually I realized that all of these people wereally fascinating and interesting. I found myself being drawn I to each of their stories and tales of their lives. So I guess it was a combination of a friend who went out of her way to make sure I wasn't a total fuck up and a job where I had to be able to socialize and talk to folks.Hey, you're doing a lot better than I am...I'm such a recluse I can't even imagine going in spaces designed for gay males. Part of it is that it's West Virginia though, so there's not much to do around here even if I wasn't a recluse. :P
That being said, I still fuck up now and agin. And it does still eat at me. But ice developed the habit of kicking myself a few times and then saying, the world goes on and so does my life. I do still have a time in spaces designed for gay males though. Everyone always seems so beautiful and I feel so ugly. It's one of the few times you'll see me shrink away or try to avoid notice.
Oh I dwelled and brooded for quite some time. But the other half of it was that I worked retail in a small salvage and liquidation store. The only way I was able to keep my job was to be the friendliest person in the store. So at first I started just putting on a happy face every day but eventually I realized that all of these people wereally fascinating and interesting. I found myself being drawn I to each of their stories and tales of their lives. So I guess it was a combination of a friend who went out of her way to make sure I wasn't a total fuck up and a job where I had to be able to socialize and talk to folks.Hey, you're doing a lot better than I am...I'm such a recluse I can't even imagine going in spaces designed for gay males. Part of it is that it's West Virginia though, so there's not much to do around here even if I wasn't a recluse. :P
That being said, I still fuck up now and agin. And it does still eat at me. But ice developed the habit of kicking myself a few times and then saying, the world goes on and so does my life. I do still have a time in spaces designed for gay males though. Everyone always seems so beautiful and I feel so ugly. It's one of the few times you'll see me shrink away or try to avoid notice.
I guess for me, I don't know how take a relationship in real life from just being an acquaintance to being a friend...I have a feeling that being more personal is involved, but I'm not sure the balance between not being personal enough and being too personal. Being cautious doesn't really help, but when I put myself out there I worry that I'm going too far for where I'm at with them at the time, you know?
So, to begin, you're well spoken and can hold a damp conversation. Which to me is a helluva plus. Also, you've got a way with word when it comes to describing things in the adult section. Secondly, you're up to date on the world around d you! I can bring up just about anything and have an engaging and informed conversation with you. And playing vidya games is also a bonus.That's really sweet of you to say ^-^ I guess I'm somewhat better when there's a topic being discussed...what I really suck at is small talk. After the normal hi how are you I usually draw a blank in my mind. =/
On the second, I don't know what the secret is. I had a friend/roommate who used to bring me out to a gay club and introduce me to people. After that, it just kinda slowly happened. I forced myself I to social situations that made me uncomfortable. And there were hurdles. A few times I made a faux pa and agonized over it. I locked myself away feeling embarrassed but then made the decision to try again.
Ehhhhhh...sounds like there isn't a secret at all, just putting yourself out there and hoping you don't get rejected until you don't care anymore. How did you get over the first few times you made a faux pa? I tend to dwell on things like that and it makes it even worse for me >_>
To be attractive to others, you have to be attractive to yourself. If you can't look in the mirror and like what you see, then it reflects outward. It doesn't matter what others think and feel...it's all about how you feel. If you feel desirable, then that's the aura that you put out and that others will pick up on.It's not that I consider myself unattractive really...it's just now I'm starting to see results and I want it all, I guess. It'd just be a fun change to be the guy everyone wants for awhile, who everyone fantasizes about when they're alone doing naughty things, who gets pursued rather than always perusing others...it's not that it really bothers me, I just think it'd be fun to experience that. If I were to really go into it though, I think my issue has more to do with charisma than physical attractiveness...having been a shy loner most of my life, it doesn't come naturally to me. Even today, it's hard for me to strike up conversations with people I'm not close with, even online, cause I end up worrying that I'm just bothering them and that they would rather be doing something else rather than talk to me.
Sure, some will pass on by and move on to someone else, but that's just how it goes. Even those that are considered "desirable" by society's standards have their own hurdles to get through, and the vain ones aren't always lucky enough to have those "good" looks forever. Everyone has preferences for what they look for...but that doesn't mean that you should go through any changes to suit a group of people. Go through them for yourself, because you want to change for you.
lol, it's not even all that important to me to be honest...just one of those things that come up when I think of what
I must say, I envy you both. I've always been so insecure about my body and looks. It's one of the reasons I developed an extroverted personality. I figure if I distract peeps with conversation and an over the top personal that people would never guess my low self esteem haha. Also it's one of the reasons I love makeup so much. Being able to alter my appearance is like a dream come true for me. Granted it doesn't help with my body at all but it's a great way to distract.
To be fair, I've only gotten comfortable with myself in the recent years. I used to be really insecure with myself all around, and it's only been the last...3-4 years that I've worked that insecurity away to where I'm happy with myself. Sure, it'd be nice to have that chiseled physique, but I'm alright without it as well.
Now I just have to work on my trust issues.
See, I absolutely loathe my body. It's so weirdly proportioned in my eyes. And it doesn't seem to matter what I do I can't fix it. It's a source of frustration to me that I can't shake. If it weren't for my better half I'd probably spend most of my days stressing out about it.
Aw man, it's not out here until Monday evening. =COh noes..... But I assure you that it was good!
=(Aw man, it's not out here until Monday evening. =COh noes..... But I assure you that it was good!
KIWIS!!!!!!!!!! NEW ZEALAND YASSSSSS=(Aw man, it's not out here until Monday evening. =COh noes..... But I assure you that it was good!
At least it's already Sunday for me. Speaking of which:Happy Day of Chocolate(https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/57/a4/50/57a45035d5d5bff9b51bc0bc4ce885c4.jpg)
I don't have any bunnies, but birds are a good substitute.
Yeah, it's less a secret and more a daily exercise. Walk up to a stranger each day and say hi. Then move up to having small conversations, and just keep upping it when you feel comfortable enough in the area you're at (aka if you're comfortable enough with small talk with strangers, move up to something like talking about current events). You don't have to be a master of conversation...you'll get to around that area as you talk to more people. Going out to a social events such as dancing, karaoke, or even just going to the bar are excellent ways to push yourself out of your normal area. But that's the goal - to push yourself to be social outside of your normal routine. Heck, if you're nervous, take a friend with you (and the upside to making new friends is that they're normally down for things like that). The more you do it, the less of an exercise and a push it'll be because you'll start to enjoy it. You may even make a few friends along the way, which is always nice.Oh, I have a hard time with not caring...usually I think it's a great strength of mine, but I admit sometimes it's a weakness, too. lol, you make it sound pretty easy, but I imagine I the first few rejections would be devastating to me...as it is, even if I'm chatting with someone on Facebook and they don't seem very into the discussion it makes me nervous. And those are people I was fairly close with at one time, at least. >_>
That's why I like where I work, because I have to intereract with people for 8-9 hours a day, and it's helped me to basically break out of that shell and toss it away for good. Sure, I still internalize a lot of things, and I doubt that'll ever change. But I'm also comfortable voicing my opinions, good or bad, with people now...whereas I used to basically keep everything to myself.
But you'd do great out there. You just have to want to break the routine and come out of your shell. You're already pushing yourself physically, so you need to push yourself mentally as well if you want to meet people offline that are worth your time.
The real secret is not caring. It's not about going out there, throwing your heart on the line and hoping you don't get rejected. It's just about going out and talking to people, and getting comfortable with that part of yourself. If someone doesn't want to talk to you, then move to someone else. There's millions of people out there, not just that one person. Don't pour your soul/put your heart out there until they've shown that they want to be worth your time.
I've been doing some worldbuilding lately. I tell you what, I think I'm starting to really get somewhere.As a Canadian I've never felt bad for the Quebecois until now.
I got four words for you heathens: Anglo-Canadian Ultranationalist Terrorists
So that guy I'd talked about earlier that I had a crush on called today. He called asking me for money. Just ten bucks he says, I'll give you a hug for it he says, No I say, I'll give you a kiss he says, No I say, ef you he screams(either at me or whoever it was with him) and hangs up.
That was ten minutes ago. He said he wanted that ten bucks for cigarettes because he hadn't had one in two days. I refused.
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That crush has mostly faded, I'm just waiting for it to be gone before I approach anyone else. Probably this really nice guy that I have been flirting with and he's been flirting with me so yeah is gun be good.....So that guy I'd talked about earlier that I had a crush on called today. He called asking me for money. Just ten bucks he says, I'll give you a hug for it he says, No I say, I'll give you a kiss he says, No I say, ef you he screams(either at me or whoever it was with him) and hangs up.
That was ten minutes ago. He said he wanted that ten bucks for cigarettes because he hadn't had one in two days. I refused.
Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
Sounds like that's a crush you may want to delete.
Meanwhile, in Singapore, forever alone :[Same here in Canada eh?
Meanwhile, in Singapore, forever alone :[Same here in Canada eh?
Aw sorry, I hope ya don't mind if I fix that for ya eh?Meanwhile, in Singapore, forever alone :[Same here in Canada eh?
Aw Jeez, I'm really soooory to hear aboot that, eh?
And he's like trying to say I'm the confusing one or something when I've literally told him I'm not going to date right now?? And then he says he's not 'pushing me', but then he says he's really depressed and needs someone 'funny' in his life right now like me?? Like how is that not pushing?? Like you're low key saying you're going to do something unless I date you?? Like I don't even know what to do.
Oh trust me, if I ever get around to posting it here, you will feel very badly for them. Disproportionate retribution for a few decades of economic and social dominance never gets any less disproportionate, after all!I've been doing some worldbuilding lately. I tell you what, I think I'm starting to really get somewhere.As a Canadian I've never felt bad for the Quebecois until now.
I got four words for you heathens: Anglo-Canadian Ultranationalist Terrorists
Another chapter of my shitty life:You have some fucked up people around you. >_>
So my consumer ed teach apparently emailed my counselor, claiming that I had a private conversation with her in which I confessed to having anxiety and depression, and a developing eating disorder. Which is total crap, as I've never even emailed her about missing a day of school, much less had an in person conversation with her about my anxiety and two mental illnesses that I don't have.
Another chapter of my shitty life:You have some fucked up people around you. >_>
So my consumer ed teach apparently emailed my counselor, claiming that I had a private conversation with her in which I confessed to having anxiety and depression, and a developing eating disorder. Which is total crap, as I've never even emailed her about missing a day of school, much less had an in person conversation with her about my anxiety and two mental illnesses that I don't have.
I don't want them to be around me ;-;I can't blame you one bit...it'll be easier to get away from them in time, but for now the best thing to do is try to stay positive and deal with the shit the best way you can.
I don't want them to be around me ;-;I can't blame you one bit...it'll be easier to get away from them in time, but for now the best thing to do is try to stay positive and deal with the shit the best way you can.
Hopefully that time will come sooner, rather than later v.vThere's only so much you can do as a school student...but after you're done with that...
I rather dislike not really having Internet access at home, aside from a phone...I wondered what'd happened to you.
Man v.v if people are just going to keep betraying me or trying to take advantage of me, then I'm not going to bother talking to people anymore tbh. I'll just go back to how I was in middle school, where I just sat in class and didn't do anything, didn't talk to anyone. At least then no one back stabbed me. ;-;
Man v.v if people are just going to keep betraying me or trying to take advantage of me, then I'm not going to bother talking to people anymore tbh. I'll just go back to how I was in middle school, where I just sat in class and didn't do anything, didn't talk to anyone. At least then no one back stabbed me. ;-;
We're always here for you fam! In the meantime enjoy this face to lighten the mood: ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ) ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ)
ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ) ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ) ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ) ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ) ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ) ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ)
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Yeah. I would get on more, and be more active on NS, but I can't. However it's hard to keep track of things like the Warzones when you are gone for a bit...I rather dislike not really having Internet access at home, aside from a phone...I wondered what'd happened to you.
Yeah. I would get on more, and be more active on NS, but I can't. However it's hard to keep track of things like the Warzones when you are gone for a bit...That sucks...any chance you'll have internet again soon?
-shrugs- not unless I can get my Laptop to connect to the Motel Wifi I am staying at for the time being, which probably won't happen.Maybe I'll have it in a month or two thoughYeah. I would get on more, and be more active on NS, but I can't. However it's hard to keep track of things like the Warzones when you are gone for a bit...That sucks...any chance you'll have internet again soon?
-shrugs- not unless I can get my Laptop to connect to the Motel Wifi I am staying at for the time being, which probably won't happen.Maybe I'll have it in a month or two thoughMotel?
Man v.v if people are just going to keep betraying me or trying to take advantage of me, then I'm not going to bother talking to people anymore tbh. I'll just go back to how I was in middle school, where I just sat in class and didn't do anything, didn't talk to anyone. At least then no one back stabbed me. ;-;You can always be an autistic piece of shit like me whose closest relationship with people from school is just texting them dank memes. Meanwhile instead of hanging out with anyone you can just stay home and play video games while letting yourself get shit grades in the classes you don't care about because you know Special Ed would throw a fit if anyone tried to hold you back.
Anybody here know a good way to reset one's circadian rythem or whatever it is that controls when we feel tured? I'm becoming more and more nocturnal and I feel it needs to stop.Well... I did the 'stay up for the whole night, then the whole day, then fall asleep at a "normal" time' version
Anybody here know a good way to reset one's circadian rythem or whatever it is that controls when we feel tured? I'm becoming more and more nocturnal and I feel it needs to stop.
But what if you have a lot of artificial light during the night? My stupid fucking neighborhood keeps its lights on so long 12 AM might as well be noon by how much they blast their god damned streetlights and shit into the sky.Anybody here know a good way to reset one's circadian rythem or whatever it is that controls when we feel tured? I'm becoming more and more nocturnal and I feel it needs to stop.
Don't cover up your windows, sleep where the sun will shine directly on your face when it comes up. A few miserable days later, it will be fixed.
I've the opposite problem. My windows face opposite of any sunlight, it's overcast season, we're surrounded by thick trees, and the nights are getting longer. It would be great advice otherwise!But what if you have a lot of artificial light during the night? My stupid fucking neighborhood keeps its lights on so long 12 AM might as well be noon by how much they blast their god damned streetlights and shit into the sky.Anybody here know a good way to reset one's circadian rythem or whatever it is that controls when we feel tured? I'm becoming more and more nocturnal and I feel it needs to stop.
Don't cover up your windows, sleep where the sun will shine directly on your face when it comes up. A few miserable days later, it will be fixed.
Set up a complex mirror system to get natural sunlight into your roomI've the opposite problem. My windows face opposite of any sunlight, it's overcast season, we're surrounded by thick trees, and the nights are getting longer. It would be great advice otherwise!But what if you have a lot of artificial light during the night? My stupid fucking neighborhood keeps its lights on so long 12 AM might as well be noon by how much they blast their god damned streetlights and shit into the sky.Anybody here know a good way to reset one's circadian rythem or whatever it is that controls when we feel tured? I'm becoming more and more nocturnal and I feel it needs to stop.
Don't cover up your windows, sleep where the sun will shine directly on your face when it comes up. A few miserable days later, it will be fixed.
Yeah currently located at a motel-ish place...-shrugs- not unless I can get my Laptop to connect to the Motel Wifi I am staying at for the time being, which probably won't happen.Maybe I'll have it in a month or two thoughMotel?
Yeah currently located at a motel-ish place...Why?
That's what I was thinking!Yeah currently located at a motel-ish place...Why?
Because we have no where else atmYeah currently located at a motel-ish place...Why?
I've never seen Wintreath as just a NationStates region, or a forum, or even a community, but as a cause...a cause for an inclusive, fun, freewheeling society, where anyone can do almost anything, where ideas can take shape and be realized, and where possibilities exist that are hard to find elsewhere. That's why I put so much work into Wintreath, because it represents a cause that I believe in.I'll give you this, moot, Wintreath is probably one of the most free places I've been in NS. Never once have I seen anyone get in trouble for speaking their mind, unlike some places...
Take me for example...in real life I'm a nobody. I don't have the social skills to be popular or the money to do much besides buy what I need from paycheck to paycheck. At work I'm a peon that's fairly far down the ladder, in a department that few people look to for ideas and solutions the way they should (in fairness, this is typical for IT)...maybe once in awhile the powers that be will allow me to run with an idea, so long as the tedious stuff they need is done first. I'm not saying that I don't like my job...I appreciate a lot of things about it, but I'm not really in a position to make a difference.
But here...I feel like I'm really building something that makes a difference in people's lives. People tell me time and time again that they've found an acceptance here that they couldn't find anywhere else...that they found friends (and in some cases more than that) that appreciate and understand them...that found a belonging that was elusive. That's what makes this worthwhile for me, and what makes me keep going.
What really pisses me off and honestly even hurts me, is when people who are in positions of responsibility here make light of their inactivity here, or even worse, make light of the time and effort I put in here. I'm not saying that anyone should have to put in what I do, but at the same time nobody was forced into a position...everyone volunteered or accepted an offer to help me build this community and the causes it represents. And when they do so, I trust that it's because they want to invest themselves in the community and make an impact in ways that only they can...that they, too, want to make a difference for people. When I read things like that, it's a slap in the face because it's like saying they can't be bothered...would rather be elsewhere, would rather be doing other things.
And it's fine to rather be doing other things, but it's not fine to keep a position that gets ignored because you'd rather be doing other things. I've always been lenient towards people in appointed positions who had gone inactive, because I understand that people get busy sometimes, and things like work and school have to come first. I would never expect anyone to put volunteer responsibilities before making a living. But now I feel like I've been too lenient, and I've given people the idea that they can have a position without the position's responsibilities. That's simply not true...it never has been and it never will be, and if the mistake is mine, it's one that I will endeavor to correct.
I'll give you this, moot, Wintreath is probably one of the most free places I've been in NS. Never once have I seen anyone get in trouble for speaking their mind, unlike some places...Thanks. :) I've always believed that people should be able to speak their minds, as long as they did so in a civil manner. It's the foundation of a civil society, and while many regions would disagree with me, I'll pick a civil, friendly society over online drama anyday.
*cough* Augustits *cough*
Back in my day we didn't have computers for schoolwork. We had notebooks and libraries...In my day we don't either, I just didn't go down to the library...
Six or seven years ago, I used to go to a site called gaygamer.net, because at the time I knew very few fellow LGBTQ+ people, and a friend advised me to try to meet some. I was only regularly involved with the site for a few months, and then I joined a site that broke away from it for a few months, but I met some awesome people there and I still occasionally checked what was going on there.The site with thousands of pictures of people in naught but their undies with some having personal info right next to it?
So I try tonight and the website's down...a little unusual considering the site had been around for almost a decade, so I do a search and discover it's been down for almost a year now. From what someone posted, apparently the forums were overtaken by trolls and most of the mods and article writers went inactive, so the owner just shut it down. I'm a little sad about it...when I was part of it, it was pretty inclusive...cliquey as all hell, but alright...sad to know it went like that. It was the first site I knew that married a gay community with gaming, and the other site I was involved in had an adult forum that was the inspiration for our own.
And how many other forums have a public topic to post pics of yourself in nothing but your underwear? xD
The site with thousands of pictures of people in naught but their undies with some having personal info right next to it?Well, it was a forum, so how much personal info they had in their profile depended on them. I can't ever recall anything bad coming of it...moderation at the time did a great job of taking out anything that showed anything beneath the undies, so it was more like a topic full of wannabe underwear models. :P
That ain't good for them.
There's supposed to be a shooting at my school today ;o; I'm terrifiedThey advertise school shootings now?
Somebody made a threat I guess? Which seems like the worst way of going about it.Which is why it's probably just some edgelord trying to get attention to fill the void left by his tiny, tiny genitalia.
This is probably a dumb as rocks question. Is it a gun-shooting or a camera-shooting? It's almost certainly the former, but I'm trying to be optimistic.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/School_shooting
Pretty much. Shooting brings to mind filming and recording more than guns, even with US school shootings popping up on the news every now and then. Although, I wasn't aware NZ's only had one. I thought there were more.This is probably a dumb as rocks question. Is it a gun-shooting or a camera-shooting? It's almost certainly the former, but I'm trying to be optimistic.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/School_shooting
Happens many times a year in the US (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_school_shootings_in_the_United_States), sadly, and people have started to become desensitized to it.
In contrast, New Zealand apparently has only had one school shooting in its entire history, in 1923, so I can maybe see why the term is far more unfamiliar for you?
I have been accused of corruption and am under investigation. Yay.Well, I don't think you're corrupt, so I doubt you have anything to worry about...
Specifically, I have been accused of falsifying evidence to effect a false arrest. And its not what I have been accused of thats worrying, its who is accusing me. Its another cop.Why would another cop accuse you of something like that?
He sees me as a rival for best Group Leader, if that fucking means anythjng.Sounds like typical workplace politics, but a lot more intense...I'm sorry you're having to go through this, but I'm sure the truth will vindicate you.
Ya, politics, everywhere politics.And people wonder why I'm a recluse. :P
And in ten years they will hate him. I wish that Le Pen won, then after the people see how destructive her policies are the national front will be destroyed.
I'm angry and I'm sad...I feel rejected without having even put myself out there to be rejected, and I feel insulted on top of that. And then I realized I have no close friends to talk about it with. =/Better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all m8
Better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all m8But I didn't love to begin with! That's partially what pissed me off about the whole thing v_v lol
well you can't get em every time. sometimes you just need to find a new apprentice. one far younger and far more powerful...Better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all m8But I didn't love to begin with! That's partially what pissed me off about the whole thing v_v lol
well you can't get em every time. sometimes you just need to find a new apprentice. one far younger and far more powerful...Got anyone in mind? :P
Anakin Skywalker. He has much more promise than that aging specimen known as Count Dookuwell you can't get em every time. sometimes you just need to find a new apprentice. one far younger and far more powerful...Got anyone in mind? :P
Anakin Skywalker. He has much more promise than that aging specimen known as Count DookuSomehow I don't think that will work, lol
Don't have a thing for child murderers?Anakin Skywalker. He has much more promise than that aging specimen known as Count DookuSomehow I don't think that will work, lol
that's some delicious passive-aggression (http://w11.zetaboards.com/New_Ainur/topic/30236015/1/?x=90) in the ashy wastelands of the ainur forums there @crush
I'm angry and I'm sad...I feel rejected without having even put myself out there to be rejected, and I feel insulted on top of that. And then I realized I have no close friends to talk about it with. =/You have friends here you can talk to, such as me provided I am conscious at a given time. ^_^
You have friends here you can talk to, such as me provided I am conscious at a given time. ^_^I appreciate that! It's just one of those things that ultimately makes me look foolish I think for even letting someone unintentionally have that effect on me. v_v
Cleared of corruption. Currently am one the hook for false declaration, which did happen, but the punishment is laughably lax so no worries for me.Congrats! I guess your pure and innocent reputation around here stands. :P
Nice!um being annoyed by the Scientology cult is most definitely NOT nice...
Nice!um being annoyed by the Scientology cult is most definitely NOT nice...
mmI, Eldarion III Telcontar, say that the potato pope should be allowed to rejoin Ainur's forums if he so desires, although even barring Auggy's nerd rage I doubt he even logs in to zetaboards anymore.
that's some delicious passive-aggression (http://w11.zetaboards.com/New_Ainur/topic/30236015/1/?x=90) in the ashy wastelands of the ainur forums there @crush
I feel like sometimes Jason, you like to be safe and secure and non-risky.. I think you need to let go of that, do something a bit crazier than normal now and then. You're more capable than you realize, I think.Did you have something specifically crazy in mind?
It took me a long time to realize it but the ability to connect with people isn't something you're born with... It's something you learn how to do by doing it a lot. For me, the best way to do that has been to just find local social events and go to them. Like maybe there's a board game club or video game club or something...?Oh, I couldn't really give up...as upset or depressed as things may get me, I eventually bounce back and try again. It's just my nature...and while I may have once been a total loner, I emotionally thrive on having close, personable friendships...it's something that I crave, and it's agonizing when I don't have that.
I dunno, I just feel like giving up isn't the best plan, unless you genuinely don't want to find connections.
Took me a while to remember who Jason was, for a second I was wondering if we had a new member or something :PEvey and I were part of a community where most people were on a first-name basis...in fact, for a time we both used our real names as our usernames...and well, she still does here. :P Actually I think it's a shame that's not a tradition that we have here...I think it helps people connect as...well, people. Not as anonymous beings behind a screen.
So I might get a detention...^^
I choked a kid sorta
He was being such an ass that I just snapped
I just noticed my nations ceased to exist 32 days ago.... whoopsIt's a good thing we passed that one law where you don't need a nation if you make enough posts. Else you'd be a former Citizen about now. :P
I just noticed my nations ceased to exist 32 days ago.... whoopsIt's a good thing we passed that one law where you don't need a nation if you make enough posts. Else you'd be a former Citizen about now. :P
In any case, I've been doing good with squats, walking, and pushing myself up on a desk, so I thought I'd add setups, pelvic thrusts, and full pushups from the floor to the mix. Just 30 of each and 17 hours later I'm still sore as hell. ;-;
Pelvic Thrusts? *le eyebrow wiggle*I'm told they help exercise the core muscles. :P
Pelvic Thrusts? *le eyebrow wiggle*I'm told they help exercise the core muscles. :P
HonhonhonhonhonhonhonhonhonAnd they seem to help spark your imagination. Apparently. :P
HonhonhonhonhonhonhonhonhonAnd they seem to help spark your imagination. Apparently. :P
They do indeed;)
So this may be stated somewhere and I'm just thick and missed it, but what is Wintreaths birthday?October 17, 2013. :D
I went to the Scientology church and I think the priest low key hit on me...?Um maybe it's not a good idea to go again then?...
I made a list of all the things that happened while I was thereDamn, be careful. Make sure a family member or friend knows where you are if you do something like that in case something happened.
- They offered me literature fifteen times
- They offered me food six times
- The priest thought I was in college
- The priest gave me a book and said 'I'm giving you this because I care about you' with a weird smile
- They put me in a room to watch movies on Scientology, but the priest closed all the doors and stayed in the back, making sure I was watching them
- The priest gave me his phone number
- The priest sat next to me during the service
- He took me into a small room afterwards to talk to me
- A random woman came up to me and said she knew where I was from
- The priest also told me he knew all the stuff I did on their website
Creepy af
So...now that I'm a high school graduate...I have no idea wtf to do :|Houseboy. :P
I'm pretty sure you just want a houseboy wintermoot :PSo...now that I'm a high school graduate...I have no idea wtf to do :|Houseboy. :P
I'm pretty sure you just want a houseboy wintermoot :PAnd? :P
You just want me to be your houseboy, don't ya :PI'm pretty sure you just want a houseboy wintermoot :PAnd? :P
You just want me to be your houseboy, don't ya :P;)
(also this is a bird: Bare-Faced Go-away bird (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bare-faced_go-away-bird))
EDIT: as does the N. donaldtrumpi (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neopalpa_donaldtrumpi) (also note the wikpedia page does say: "Compared with N. neonata, the other species in the genus, N. donaldtrumpi male genitalia structures are smaller...") and Vampyroteuthis infernalis (IIRC that means vampire squid from Hell) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vampire_squid) and the Demon-Duck of Doom (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bullockornis)
AND BUG, and bug...and because I was on reddit saw a comment thread that contained them and wanted to share (so the post itself that the comment thread was on: https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/6ctvgq/til_a_rodent_that_was_believed_to_be_extinct_for/ )You just want me to be your houseboy, don't ya :P;)
(also this is a bird: Bare-Faced Go-away bird (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bare-faced_go-away-bird))
EDIT: as does the N. donaldtrumpi (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neopalpa_donaldtrumpi) (also note the wikpedia page does say: "Compared with N. neonata, the other species in the genus, N. donaldtrumpi male genitalia structures are smaller...") and Vampyroteuthis infernalis (IIRC that means vampire squid from Hell) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vampire_squid) and the Demon-Duck of Doom (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bullockornis)
What's with the birds with odd names? Bored? :P
AND BUG, and bug...and because I was on reddit saw a comment thread that contained them and wanted to share (so the post itself that the comment thread was on: https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/6ctvgq/til_a_rodent_that_was_believed_to_be_extinct_for/ )Huh...i mostly use reddit for porn, but I guess this proves it has other interesting stuff too. :P
Yeah.AND BUG, and bug...and because I was on reddit saw a comment thread that contained them and wanted to share (so the post itself that the comment thread was on: https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/6ctvgq/til_a_rodent_that_was_believed_to_be_extinct_for/ )Huh...i mostly use reddit for porn, but I guess this proves it has other interesting stuff too. :P
Yeah.But you know, I don't need to go beyond Wintreath for my online general chat, so I never think to check. :P
You should you know :PYeah.But you know, I don't need to go beyond Wintreath for my online general chat, so I never think to check. :P
You should you know :PYeah? Why's that? :P
You learn new, cool, and/or interesting things.You should you know :PYeah? Why's that? :P
You learn new, cool, and/or interesting things.And you don't here? :P
Not on the same scale as reddit.You learn new, cool, and/or interesting things.And you don't here? :P
Not on the same scale as reddit.That's why people need to post! So that someday we will be on the same scale as reddit!
I doubt that will occurrNot on the same scale as reddit.That's why people need to post! So that someday we will be on the same scale as reddit!
I doubt that will occurrIt won't with an attitude like that! You have to believe...come on, believe with me...
The main issue is how Reddit functions as opposed to here. Reddit has so many communities, and is really just a collection of communities. Whereas this is one large community.I doubt that will occurrIt won't with an attitude like that! You have to believe...come on, believe with me...
The main issue is how Reddit functions as opposed to here. Reddit has so many communities, and is really just a collection of communities. Whereas this is one large community.It doesn't have to be that way (http://wintreath.com/w/civ5/)...
I went to the Scientology church and I think the priest low key hit on me...?the real question is why you went at all
That seems pretty odd. I thought scientology was all about self restraint and actualization. All the ones I've met have been pretty prudish. But yeah, probably best to stay away if there was someone making advances.Especially since Lumen is still a minor...
I made a list of all the things that happened while I was thereAgain. Scientology is dangerous and cultlike, if not a cult.
- They offered me literature fifteen times
- They offered me food six times
- The priest thought I was in college
- The priest gave me a book and said 'I'm giving you this because I care about you' with a weird smile
- They put me in a room to watch movies on Scientology, but the priest closed all the doors and stayed in the back, making sure I was watching them
- The priest gave me his phone number
- The priest sat next to me during the service
- He took me into a small room afterwards to talk to me
- A random woman came up to me and said she knew where I was from
- The priest also told me he knew all the stuff I did on their website
Creepy af
That seems pretty odd. I thought scientology was all about self restraint and actualization. All the ones I've met have been pretty prudish. But yeah, probably best to stay away if there was someone making advances.Especially since Lumen is still a minor...I made a list of all the things that happened while I was thereAgain. Scientology is dangerous and cultlike, if not a cult.
- They offered me literature fifteen times
- They offered me food six times
- The priest thought I was in college
- The priest gave me a book and said 'I'm giving you this because I care about you' with a weird smile
- They put me in a room to watch movies on Scientology, but the priest closed all the doors and stayed in the back, making sure I was watching them
- The priest gave me his phone number
- The priest sat next to me during the service
- He took me into a small room afterwards to talk to me
- A random woman came up to me and said she knew where I was from
- The priest also told me he knew all the stuff I did on their website
Creepy af
I got two PMs that @Wintermoot mentioned me in a post, but I deleted them and can't find the posts...You have been summoned as ambassador (http://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?topic=4314.msg97402#msg97402)
Lol dumb me
I got two PMs that @Wintermoot mentioned me in a post, but I deleted them and can't find the posts...You can click the notifications button (envelope icon) on the top right corner of your screen and find the mentions there.
Lol dumb me
I had to go for a final ^^^ but I most certainly won't be going back...
Idk why but I just suddenly got reminded of my friend, cause she's an escort who goes out with older men.
Life is just strange, ig ^^
Life is strange is on saleILLUMINATI CONFIRMED
Hi everyone! I'm still alive.Hi Pengu! That's very good to know. :D
Hi everyone! I'm still alive.
Hi everyone! I'm still alive.
Das good. Was wondering whereabouts you've been hiding.
Life is strange is on sale for 5.00 for all 5 episodes rn on humble bundle... Pretty good deal, it's like 19.99 on steam.
I also can't log back into the minecraft account of my friend to continue work on the server. Shucks.Wait, so what happened? Did your friend change the password and refuse to continue sharing it or what?
I also can't log back into the minecraft account of my friend to continue work on the server. Shucks.Wait, so what happened? Did your friend change the password and refuse to continue sharing it or what?
But until you find that one person, you can always have fun sexy times with others. :P
I don't think I could be in a relationship like that, because deep down I'd be afraid that the other people involved loved each other more than they loved me...I'd probably end up being that person who feels they aren't as much a part of it. But on the other hand, I feel absolutely no pressure to get with anyone until I feel the right one has come along, and until then I'm more than happy with friendships with benefits. :)
I'll admit I'm that person who's always searching for love and falling hard and fast. It's in my nature to 100% right from the get go with everything I do. That and I don't deal with loneliness well. I have a lot of self esteem issues that I really struggle with and when I'm alone it gets in my head that I'll always be that way because theres so much wrong with me. And in trying to keep my past bfs happy I was willing to try it. But it just didn't work. I always felt the lesser. And it wasn't their fault. I just have issues. Long story short, I fall in love too easily and get used willingly if it means I don't have to be alone.But is it really worth it to be used just to not be alone? Don't you think you deserve better than that?
>.> I'm rather annoyed right now...Does the bank ask for a specific kind of ID? Some sort of proof of address? Birth certificate? Passport?
EDIT: explanation, as I realized I forgot that...basically I want to get a bank account so I can get a job or something and save the money in a somewhat safe place, buuuut I can't get a bank account because I don't have an ID...I can't get an ID without a SS card, I can't get an SS card without an ID...I don't have an ID...
Photo ID. I don't have a passport anyway>.> I'm rather annoyed right now...Does the bank ask for a specific kind of ID? Some sort of proof of address? Birth certificate? Passport?
EDIT: explanation, as I realized I forgot that...basically I want to get a bank account so I can get a job or something and save the money in a somewhat safe place, buuuut I can't get a bank account because I don't have an ID...I can't get an ID without a SS card, I can't get an SS card without an ID...I don't have an ID...
Wait no SS card? ??? Is that even possible!?
Wait no SS card? ??? Is that even possible!?I don't have the card, I have my number.
And you're an American? :oWait no SS card? ??? Is that even possible!?
I don't have an SS card, or if I do I don't know where it is. Oh well.
That should be easier. I think you just have to go to the Feds and explain that predicament :PWait no SS card? ??? Is that even possible!?I don't have the card, I have my number.
Edit: To clarify I've lost the card.
And you're an American? :oWait no SS card? ??? Is that even possible!?
I don't have an SS card, or if I do I don't know where it is. Oh well.
Their website (https://www.ssa.gov/ssnumber/ss5doc.htm) says you need a proof of citizenship (such as a birth certificate), proof of age (such as a birth certificate), and proof of identity (such as a student ID).That should be easier. I think you just have to go to the Feds and explain that predicament :PWait no SS card? ??? Is that even possible!?I don't have the card, I have my number.
Edit: To clarify I've lost the card.
If you do want to continue testing in the meantime, you could use a cracked/offline client. I have one if you're interested.I also can't log back into the minecraft account of my friend to continue work on the server. Shucks.Wait, so what happened? Did your friend change the password and refuse to continue sharing it or what?
I'm not quite sure, I haven't gotten a hold of him yet so for now production is stalled. For now. I'll update y'all once I get it all sorted out.
If you do want to continue testing in the meantime, you could use a cracked/offline client. I have one if you're interested.I also can't log back into the minecraft account of my friend to continue work on the server. Shucks.Wait, so what happened? Did your friend change the password and refuse to continue sharing it or what?
I'm not quite sure, I haven't gotten a hold of him yet so for now production is stalled. For now. I'll update y'all once I get it all sorted out.
I'll admit I'm that person who's always searching for love and falling hard and fast. It's in my nature to 100% right from the get go with everything I do. That and I don't deal with loneliness well. I have a lot of self esteem issues that I really struggle with and when I'm alone it gets in my head that I'll always be that way because theres so much wrong with me. And in trying to keep my past bfs happy I was willing to try it. But it just didn't work. I always felt the lesser. And it wasn't their fault. I just have issues. Long story short, I fall in love too easily and get used willingly if it means I don't have to be alone.But is it really worth it to be used just to not be alone? Don't you think you deserve better than that?
I actually used to be like that, until I went through this long period of not having a SO that lasted years...cause you know, forever alone. It was tough at first, because I'd grown addicted to being the focus of someone's romantic attentions, and in a way I depended on it for self-validation, but over time I just had to get out of that. I had no other choice, really. =/
Needless to say, I'd rather be cremated and just not have a funeral.Not sure how cremation is relevant, since that also involves a funeral... Chinese Buddhist tradition, for example, involves quite a lot of ceremony (symbolic offerings such as food, bowing certain numbers of times while holding incense, chants while circling the body, burning symbolic representations of the person's life, the cremation, etc.). And still, the ashes need a final resting place regardless.
Not necessarily. Cremation is just the process of burning a body to ash. That's it. And it's relevant in that it's not embalming and burial, which I find creepy and illogical.Needless to say, I'd rather be cremated and just not have a funeral.Not sure how cremation is relevant, since that also involves a funeral... Chinese Buddhist tradition, for example, involves quite a lot of ceremony (symbolic offerings such as food, bowing certain numbers of times while holding incense, chants while circling the body, burning symbolic representations of the person's life, the cremation, etc.). And still, the ashes need a final resting place regardless.
Personally, I might go the cryonics route, not sure.
Ah. I just didn't see why burial would be any different from cremation (both really can involve as much or as little ceremony), though I think I understand where you're coming from now.Not necessarily. Cremation is just the process of burning a body to ash. That's it. And it's relevant in that it's not embalming and burial, which I find creepy and illogical.Needless to say, I'd rather be cremated and just not have a funeral.Not sure how cremation is relevant, since that also involves a funeral... Chinese Buddhist tradition, for example, involves quite a lot of ceremony (symbolic offerings such as food, bowing certain numbers of times while holding incense, chants while circling the body, burning symbolic representations of the person's life, the cremation, etc.). And still, the ashes need a final resting place regardless.
Personally, I might go the cryonics route, not sure.
And the resting place of my ashes would just be wherever they end up. Whether that's in an urn, in the wind, or in a toilet makes no difference. And that requires no ceremony.
And I don't really put any faith in cryonics. :P
I actually think cryonics has a high chance for success, assuming that the body can be preserved in a way that doesn't damage the cell structures themselves...an area that has seen dramatic improvements in the last twenty years. It's true that the cryoprotectant itself is toxic, but the assumption is that future technology will be able to clear that up before the body is revived.Assuming that cryoperserved people could be revived, I'm not sure whether we should be in the position to decide whether these people should be revived. After all, we don't go off killing people because of undesirable views; I don't see why we should refuse people the right to live should we have the opportunity and if they've made that choice.
For me, it's not so much a question of whether we could as it is whether we should. Let's say that someone was preserved a century ago and revived today...could you imagine the culture shock? I suppose they could eventually learn the technology and come up to speed on the knowledge we've gained since then, but how would they adapt to our society? The customs, mindsets, and biases of a century ago would be seen as anywhere from outdated to outright bigoted today.
I think for cryonics to be successful from a standpoint of adapting to the future world they awake in, the people preserved would need to be exceptionally open-minded and preferably preserved as a group so that they have familiar friends and family as support when they're revived.
I mean, would you want to wake up in a world that's completely foreign to you with everyone you knew and loved long-dead and gone?
I highly recommend this Wait But Why article about cryonics (http://waitbutwhy.com/2016/03/cryonics.html). I don't completely agree with the author's views (I'd say that Tim Urban tends to get overenthusiastic about basically everything he writes about), but overall I think it's a rather solid argument for cryonics (and contains quite a few counterarguments against the points made by Evelynx and Wintermoot).I actually think cryonics has a high chance for success, assuming that the body can be preserved in a way that doesn't damage the cell structures themselves...an area that has seen dramatic improvements in the last twenty years. It's true that the cryoprotectant itself is toxic, but the assumption is that future technology will be able to clear that up before the body is revived.Assuming that cryoperserved people could be revived, I'm not sure whether we should be in the position to decide whether these people should be revived. After all, we don't go off killing people because of undesirable views; I don't see why we should refuse people the right to live should we have the opportunity and if they've made that choice.
For me, it's not so much a question of whether we could as it is whether we should. Let's say that someone was preserved a century ago and revived today...could you imagine the culture shock? I suppose they could eventually learn the technology and come up to speed on the knowledge we've gained since then, but how would they adapt to our society? The customs, mindsets, and biases of a century ago would be seen as anywhere from outdated to outright bigoted today.
I think for cryonics to be successful from a standpoint of adapting to the future world they awake in, the people preserved would need to be exceptionally open-minded and preferably preserved as a group so that they have familiar friends and family as support when they're revived.
I mean, would you want to wake up in a world that's completely foreign to you with everyone you knew and loved long-dead and gone?
I mean, legally it wouldn't be killing anyone since they're already dead.From a transhumanist point of view, it's quite annoying that "dead" people have no rights. After all, the legal definition of death has changed so many times as technology has advanced that what now appears to be permadeath may not be.
I'm not saying we shouldn't bring them back, I'm saying we wouldn't. People don't act perfectly morally now, far from it, so I don't see why we should expect people in the future to be any more well behaved.I was responding to Wintermoot there... I agree with you here that it's very possible that, even if such technology could be developed, people may decide not to use it. Whether it's for reasons such as those Wintermoot suggested, or for more selfish ones, it's still a high possibility.
I don't think anyone frozen now has any chance of ever being revived, the damage their brains have undergone is just far too severe for that. Too much information irrevocably lost.I mean, sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Current technology is commonly used to preserve non-brain organs, and can already successfully preserve and reanimate an animal brain (http://www.newsweek.com/rabbit-brain-first-mammal-brain-return-successfully-cryopreservation-424913), so given some hypothetical future with currently unimaginable medical technology, I think there's definitely a possibility that cryopreserved human brains could be reconstructed. And if humanity ever turns into an immortal utopia, who's to say that some people won't make it their life's work to return people from the dead?
Maybe someday it'll be feasible, but I think maybe by then we'll live so long that it becomes a much smaller issue..
From a transhumanist point of view, it's quite annoying that "dead" people have no rights. After all, the legal definition of death has changed so many times as technology has advanced that what now appears to be permadeath may not be.I don't disagree, but legally that's how it is at the moment and I'd say most people would agree with the legal definition...most people would see the people in those vats as dead. Ironically, that's probably helpful to the cryonics industry, since if they were thought of as alive it would almost certainly be much more regulated by the government.
Right, especially considering how unsuccessful cryonics people have been pushing for beginning the cryopreservation process as the patient is still dying (or, if euthanasia is legal, to use it in conjunction with vitrification).From a transhumanist point of view, it's quite annoying that "dead" people have no rights. After all, the legal definition of death has changed so many times as technology has advanced that what now appears to be permadeath may not be.I don't disagree, but legally that's how it is at the moment and I'd say most people would agree with the legal definition...most people would see the people in those vats as dead. Ironically, that's probably helpful to the cryonics industry, since if they were thought of as alive it would almost certainly be much more regulated by the government.
That brain was not preserved and re-animated, just preserved. There was no evidence of cellular life after it was defrosted. It's very impressive anyway, because the synapses are preserved and they are the most delicate bit. It's orders of magnitude more difficult to preserve a human brain (look how the rabbit's brain is almost completely smooth, human brains are made out of folds..), but this means it might be possible to at least preserve the brain..Whoops, I apologize for assuming that the terminology in the article was correct (and somehow not noticing that reanimate means to bring back to life, which definitely didn't happen). I should have known better, especially considering the correction at the bottom of the article.
As far as re-animating it, I don't think we're there yet. But preservation seems to be to be a big hurdles on the way there at least. They do mention what I said earlier in there though - current cryopreservation processes irrevocably damage the synapses in the brain. Technology operates within rules - for example you couldn't bring back a cremated brain, or a brain that has been left out in the sun for 20 minutes... It would be like reassembling a smoothie into strawberries and blueberries but much more difficult.. Similarly, you can't bring back the brains we've frozen so far- they are far too damaged.
Not saying that the brains are literally left out in the sun for 20 minutes, just that it would be like filling the brain with microscopic blenders (bacteria). Even though it might not appear any different on the outside, the consciousness once housed within would be completely destroyed beyond repair.And cryonics attempts to reduce the damage as much as possible, with a process that involves things from CPR-type techniques for keeping blood flow to the brain to the ultimate vitrification process, so that the people of the future have the greatest possibility of reviving the person. It would certainly be many orders of magnitude easier than if your brain were rotting in the ground.
As to possibly being able to recover a busted brain the same way we recover a wiped hard drive.. I know you addressed this taulover, but it really is a bad analogy.. Recovering a hard drive is like reading a book where random letters have been erased or altered. Recovering a damaged brain is more like putting two halves of a cut fruit back together. You could make it look like it had never been cut, but the connections between the cells will still be severed..
Anyway, I'm not saying it's completely impossible, just impossible with current technology. I wouldn't recommendCalling cryonics cryogenics makes both cryonicists and cryogenicists unhappy. The two are about the same as geography and geology (or if you prefer to consider cryonics silly, astronomy and astrology).cryogenicscryonics to anyone, it costs a literal fortune, and you could spend that on making people who are still alive less abjectly miserable instead of trying to selfishly project your consciousness into the distant future. I think it's evil.
I finally got around to deleting the 145 total emails I've gotten from here since I registered :o (about 0.66 per day)So apparently I've received 585 emails total (about 0.696/day)...
I don't use that email much.
I thought I had a fairly large amount of good posts, but I just looked and only 240 out of the 1284 (18.69%) posts I've made at the time of posting this message are from forums other than The Dumping Grounds :\
Nvm I found it. Surprisingly only 89 of mine are in the dumping grounds... I need to spam more.I think about 70.3% of your at non-spam. That's probably a good thing...
I think about 70.3% of your at non-spam. That's probably a good thing...
(I think the reason most of my posts are spam is because I don't post in this topic much and I don't sign up for many RPs and regional games because something IRL always seems to get in the way)
I found something today that may inflame a Potatoeist Crusade............WE NEED TO BURN THIS HEARSY AT THE STEAK FOR DEFYING THE HOLY SPUD!
This Heresy here:Spoilerhttps://kisscartoon.io/Cartoon/Attack-of-the-Killer-Tomatoes/ (https://kisscartoon.io/Cartoon/Attack-of-the-Killer-Tomatoes/)
I found something today that may inflame a Potatoeist Crusade............WE NEED TO BURN THIS HEARSY AT THE STEAK FOR DEFYING THE HOLY SPUD!
This Heresy here:Spoilerhttps://kisscartoon.io/Cartoon/Attack-of-the-Killer-Tomatoes/ (https://kisscartoon.io/Cartoon/Attack-of-the-Killer-Tomatoes/)
And lol, how did that survive long enough to get multiple seasons? It sounds really dumb.
I haven't answered issues in a really really long time.PotatoeStates made me actually answer issues consistently for basically the first time ever...
(..., too long to quote.)
So I just spent several hours on creating a program, but I am unsure why I did it or why I even put as much effort as I did into it. I mean it works, but why did I make it...I had a reason but...
@AegonSo I just spent several hours on creating a program, but I am unsure why I did it or why I even put as much effort as I did into it. I mean it works, but why did I make it...I had a reason but...
I do this all the time, even though I am the only one who ever see's or actually has a use for it. Most of the time I just make websites more aesthetically pleasing or make them more user friendly, but sometimes I'll write some code in Python. For instance, currently, for no other reason than just 'cause, I'm making a web crawler for a specific website just because I somehow became obsessed with them.
Anyways, may I ask what you made?
Well I just spent the first half hour of being awake learning about auto-mounting.... And I think I just became tired again LOL.Heh, well I'll start off by answering them in order.
Couple questions:
1) How did you come to use Devuan and why do you use it? (I assume that you used Debian before but switched because of systemd?)
and 2) Could you upload the code?
My inbox, for one. Active topics as well.I have to admit, I've never heard of that one...have you tried relogging?
Sometimes I feel like I'm stuck in life, and there's little I can do about it. I work a job that's very necessary, but not necessarily important, which pays just enough to buy food and pay the bills, and I'm stuck in a house in a...deteriorating neighborhood...that I'll be paying off for the next 26 years. I mean, the whole state is deteriorating, so it's not like it'd be anywhere better anywhere else around here.
But I guess that's not really the problem...I guess the problem is that I feel like I've settled down without ever having had the chance to go wild or really live. Our family was always poor, so after high school I went to community college and I had to support my mom, so the opportunity never presented itself. I guess the reason I spend so much time online is because that's where I feel I make the most difference...I love the feeling of building things that people enjoy, or advancing or growing myself in some way, and it seems that's the most accessible way to do that.
But I wonder...what would it be like to live in a big city with plenty of jobs in my field and plenty of things to do? What would it be like to just be able to casually hang out somewhere? What would it be like being around people more like me in real life?
I guess I'm just like everyone else in lower-middle class...wondering how to get unstuck.
So wait, do you own the house? Is that why you are stuck there? If not then make a move. Not to say such a thing is easy but if you are unhappy....It's one reason...it's a big house payment every month, and I can't afford to move anywhere else. At least not without going into financial ruin. =/
/me usurps this and creates a blog feature on here :))Zetaboards has a blog feature, so that wouldn't be a terrible idea...
I dunno, I tend to use this topic as my blog, tbh. xD
To be fair I mainly just wanna use it to blog about this emulator project I'm working on...Wordpress works quite well for blogs, and it lets you switch to your own domain name whenever (though of course porting over to a site you write yourself would be something else entirely).
Yeah, but security stuff :PTo be fair I mainly just wanna use it to blog about this emulator project I'm working on...Wordpress works quite well for blogs, and it lets you switch to your own domain name whenever (though of course porting over to a site you write yourself would be something else entirely).
Or you could just self-post to relevant subreddits...
Americans suck at setting boundaries. This is one of the reasons you see people complaining about how "overwhelmed" they are — yet if you look where they're actually spending their time, it's doing a bunch of stuff they don't even care about!
I talked about our inability to set boundaries in a live presentation I did to 1,000+ people.
In the dating world, I see a bunch of men/women getting led on because they're not willing to put their foot down and say, "No, that's not cool."
And I see a bunch of entrepreneurs wasting time chasing random Twitter/Pinterest accounts because they're not willing to set boundaries with themselves/their teams and say NO. No, that's not going to move the needle. No, we can't keep saying, "It can't hurt," (it really can, because it's a massive distraction). No, I'm not going to do a bunch of random things because some internet blog told me to.
Setting boundaries is, by definition, abundant because it means you have options. If you set clear boundaries around what you're looking for and what you're not, that startles people — because you must be really high-value to be that clear about it.
For example, when I tell you we're not interested in playing in the $50 sandbox — we'd rather give our material away for free, or create something that people love paying $2,000+ for — that's setting boundaries.
When you go to a meeting and they're late, and you leave after 15 minutes, you don't need to meet them next time. Boundaries mean you value your time more highly than almost anything else.
Boundaries also let you be fully present when you're hanging out with friends or family or at work. "Discipline is freedom," it's been said. This is exactly what boundaries provide. But they're extraordinarily hard to establish because they mean turning down certain options.
That's abundance.
Today is weird. I'm done High school but I'm not really excited, I don't really want to grow up xDI didn't know there was such a thing as "minor" cerebral palsy...but the more you know. :P
Also, I got a psychological assessment report from when I was in Grade 4 and apparently I was diagnosed with minor cerebral palsy at some point? Never knew, but I occasionally get random minor tremors so perhaps that is all that it is. Its just kinda weird to be considering its not impacted my life at all, perhaps that's why I never knew about it.
Typed 'relaxing' into Youtube and this is what I got:I keep getting these in my recommendations for some reason. ???
Not what I expected, but I actually like it. Though it gives me an odd desire to smoke a blunt and chill with my homies...even though I've never smoked before and I don't really have 'homies'. Weird. :P
I want to get a tattoo and I know what I want but I don't know if I should.Would this be your first tattoo? Some artists might be a little hesitant with something that big if it is. But ultimately it's up to you.
Like I want a pair of majestic yet tattered black wings on my back.
And three quotes coiled around my upper arm.
'Even in the darkest places your guide arrives to lead you into the light. Even if they ride on wings of night.'
'Never fear for I am here, I watch over you as I always have. Though my wings hide in the shadows, I am your guardian angel.'
'No guide is ever an obvious one. They can be pinnacles of perfection or abyssal depths of disaster. They can have wings of snow or wings of coal. Even angels are flawed.'
(Also the article for the Orendi has like a paragraph to go, expect it tomorrow)
Would this be your first tattoo? Some artists might be a little hesitant with something that big if it is. But ultimately it's up to you.
It's always a good idea -- especially with a tattoo that big -- to wait a year or two after you think it up to see if you still want it. If you still want it as much as you did before, you should get it; but if not, then maybe don't. It lasts forever after all -- there's no rush.
Also, that's a lot of text to be coiled around an upper arm. It'd probably have to be really small text, otherwise you might want to split the quotes up to different areas.
It seems like a unique idea, though, which is always good. :)
And the quotes I actually came up with to be perfectly honest. They're not even from one of my characters. They're my own words.Careful, there. If they came from your own brain, you might look back it later and start picking immeasurable flaws from them.
And the quotes I actually came up with to be perfectly honest. They're not even from one of my characters. They're my own words.Careful, there. If they came from your own brain, you might look back it later and start picking immeasurable flaws from them.
When'd ya come up with them?Lol yeah, I know that but these quotes I like a lot.And the quotes I actually came up with to be perfectly honest. They're not even from one of my characters. They're my own words.Careful, there. If they came from your own brain, you might look back it later and start picking immeasurable flaws from them.
When'd ya come up with them?
In that case, you really should wait a few years. Edit, refine, and edit again, and make sure you will continue to like the phrase far into the future.When'd ya come up with them?
To be honest I'm not quite sure. They just came to me.
Oh when. I just noticed that. Like a few weeks ago.
In that case, you really should wait a few years. Edit, refine, and edit again, and make sure you will continue to like the phrase far into the future.When'd ya come up with them?
To be honest I'm not quite sure. They just came to me.
Oh when. I just noticed that. Like a few weeks ago.
(Citation: literally every writer when faced with what they had made previously, be it a day, month, year, or decade.)
I want to get a tattoo and I know what I want but I don't know if I should.Nah, get a cool dragon on your back instead. Then you can say you're in the Chinese Mafia or something.
Like I want a pair of majestic yet tattered black wings on my back.
And three quotes coiled around my upper arm.
'Even in the darkest places your guide arrives to lead you into the light. Even if they ride on wings of night.'
'Never fear for I am here, I watch over you as I always have. Though my wings hide in the shadows, I am your guardian angel.'
'No guide is ever an obvious one. They can be pinnacles of perfection or abyssal depths of disaster. They can have wings of snow or wings of coal. Even angels are flawed.'
(Also the article for the Orendi has like a paragraph to go, expect it tomorrow)
So, yesterday this guy on grommr messages me, and it starts out well enough...how are you, what's up, but in a few minutes he's asking me if I'm dom or sub, and I already know where this is going. I try to hang in there, but then he says this:
"I love being fucked harder over and over again. Showing my big piggy pussy wide open bein punished all my master's friends, and all the guys passing by. Leaving all their cum inside my big pussy untill it cant keep any more cum inside. Then get my pig tail plugged so i wont let the any of that cum go out."
I never replied back because I literally don't know what to say to that. I mean, one, I'm a little grossed out, lol, and two, are gay guys' interest in someone limited to sex? I mean, I'm an absolute horndog, but I don't get the whole getting down with people you just started talking to thing...or the hooking up with strangers thing, to be honest. It's not that I get messages that often, but when I do it almost always ends up along those lines. v_v
Ummmm.....wow......no....heteros and bi people do the same thing. Have you ever seen the messages guys send women on Tinder? Seriously. I'm pretty sure I'm a gay guy who's interest in others extendeds beyond sex.I would expect that sort of thing on Tinder or Grindr, but grommr isn't a hookup app/site...it's a general site for bigger gay/bi guys. It's just incredibly disheartening and frustrating that any interest I receive is exclusively sexual. At that point, I might as well just be a sex toy because they obviously don't care about who I am as a person or anything I am on the inside...which is more important than the outside!
Ummmm.....wow......no....heteros and bi people do the same thing. Have you ever seen the messages guys send women on Tinder? Seriously. I'm pretty sure I'm a gay guy who's interest in others extendeds beyond sex.I would expect that sort of thing on Tinder or Grindr, but grommr isn't a hookup app/site...it's a general site for bigger gay/bi guys. It's just incredibly disheartening and frustrating that any interest I receive is exclusively sexual. At that point, I might as well just be a sex toy because they obviously don't care about who I am as a person or anything I am on the inside...which is more important than the outside!
I know I'm not the most interesting person by any means, but I think I deserve better than to be little more than a random toy used for someone to get off for a little while. =/
Of course you are. But that doesn't mean you should go and make rude insinuations about a whole group of people because of your interactions.You're right, and I'm sorry.
Well.... I got hit with a piece of news harder than a freight train.You totally should've said harder than a dick. xD
My brother came out to me and told me he's gay. I never saw it coming and its a.... large...shock...thing to me. I can hardly believe it.
Oh my god, I'm so sick, I have such allergies.. my brain hurts so bad... My medz my medz, please save me my medz...Evey! Hey! It's been awhile. :) Sorry your brain is hurting though ;-;
Yeah it's just my allergies are out of control.. It stresses my body out, I'm tired all the time and I tend to get sick frequently when they are acting up. It's been years since it was this bad. Pollen counts are out of control in Portland this year because of the cold winter.A lot of people seem to be having trouble with allergies this year, but at least in a few months it'll start getting colder and seasonal allergies will change over. Unless you have autumn allergies too, then you may have to wait until winter. v_v
Hard to believe I just turned 29, but to be honest I think that I've gotten some pretty good mileage out of those years, especially considering where I came from. I officially have a girlfriend now, which is why i've been absent so much around here lately.. I'm also experiencing some ideological shifts which are pretty undeveloped so far, but I'm working on it.
Well.... I got hit with a piece of news harder than a freight train.You totally should've said harder than a dick. xD
My brother came out to me and told me he's gay. I never saw it coming and its a.... large...shock...thing to me. I can hardly believe it.
That sounds wonderful though...I don't know what kind of relationship you have with your brother, but maybe you can open up and confide in each other about things on this topic, seeing as you both like guys.
A lot of people seem to be having trouble with allergies this year, but at least in a few months it'll start getting colder and seasonal allergies will change over. Unless you have autumn allergies too, then you may have to wait until winter. v_v
lol, wait until you turn 30 and you realize you're pretty much middle age now. Not that I feel middle age, mind you, but...logically 30-60 is middle agish, and over that is just old, unless something happens that dramatically improves our lifespan. That's awesome that you have a girlfriend now...hopefully she's making you happy. =]
Ideological shifts?
Unlikely, one of the reasons I never would have even guessed is that he is quite conservative and quite....prim and proper. His mannerisms are something akin to Jacob Rees-Mogg. I always joked that my brother was a man born 3 years before me physically and 300 years before everyone else mentally. It's just.... shock seems to weak a word.Just goes to show that there are all kinds of guys who like guys. Still, I think there's hope...being conservative, I'm sure that it was hard for him to come to terms with his feelings for men, and the fact that he told you instead of staying in the closet has to count for something, right?
Yeah.. I'll be middle aged soon, and while I'm not excited about getting old, I'm pretty optimistic about where I'll be as long as I keep improving the way I have been. Conservatively, I have no doubt that I'm going to be a millionaire by 40.Rich and religious, huh? So what you're saying is that you'll become a Republican. :P
As for ideological shifts, I'm re-examining religion as a source of wisdom if not truth.
I've been looking at my booklist for next semester. It's pretty good so far; the American History (https://www.amazon.com/Give-Me-Liberty-American-History-ebook/dp/B00SLB5R44) book covers what appears to be all of American history, and the second book I'll read in one English paper is Sense and Sensibility, by Jane Austin. Not my standard fare, so it will be good to try something new.I just googled the US history book's author, and the Wikipedia link was purple... checked my browser history, and apparently I searched him up the night before my APUSH test. Interesting.
What's the first book? Horton Hears A Who. I love English, oh my goodness. XD
Edit: And I now know that the "Posting Activity By Time" user stat has 4AM as my equivalent 9AM. Yay. That took me far too long to work out.
Is the news feed broken for anyone else?That happened to me the day before, but it worked for me yesterday, and it's now broken again.
It just says Wintreath new feed but doesn't display any posts.
I just googled the US history book's author, and the Wikipedia link was purple... checked my browser history, and apparently I searched him up the night before my APUSH test. Interesting.That's encouraging. Had to google what an APUSH test was, but the author being used as a source lends weight to his legitimacy. (And hopefully a lack of bias).
The question is whether you'll actually cover all of American history...all the American history courses I had in school and college, and only one got past the Civil War, and that's only because the class started at 1900, lol.From the look of the syllabus, we are absolutely covering everything. First class covers colonial America, last one covers the early 21st century. (Same thing happened in my Global History paper and my European History paper last year -- these classes jump decades at alarming rates). We're likely to touch on everything but not end up going highly in depth.
Not necessarily; I was probably looking him up to figure out his bias (though in this case he seems like a fairly mainstream historian, ie, conservatives call him a Marxist). :PI just googled the US history book's author, and the Wikipedia link was purple... checked my browser history, and apparently I searched him up the night before my APUSH test. Interesting.That's encouraging. Had to google what an APUSH test was, but the author being used as a source lends weight to his legitimacy. (And hopefully a lack of bias).
Seems fairly standard to me. European and world history typically cover a longer timespan, though, so if anything, the US history course would be more in-depth. :DThe question is whether you'll actually cover all of American history...all the American history courses I had in school and college, and only one got past the Civil War, and that's only because the class started at 1900, lol.From the look of the syllabus, we are absolutely covering everything. First class covers colonial America, last one covers the early 21st century. (Same thing happened in my Global History paper and my European History paper last year -- these classes jump decades at alarming rates). We're likely to touch on everything but not end up going highly in depth.
From the look of the syllabus, we are absolutely covering everything. First class covers colonial America, last one covers the early 21st century. (Same thing happened in my Global History paper and my European History paper last year -- these classes jump decades at alarming rates). We're likely to touch on everything but not end up going highly in depth.But the depth is what makes history both important and interesting! If you don't know the people and the times, and thus why people made the decisions that shaped history, then all you have is a bland recounting of events. This happened, then that happened, and oh, later on something else happened too.
(Empasis mine)From the look of the syllabus, we are absolutely covering everything. First class covers colonial America, last one covers the early 21st century. (Same thing happened in my Global History paper and my European History paper last year -- these classes jump decades at alarming rates). We're likely to touch on everything but not end up going highly in depth.But the depth is what makes history both important and interesting! If you don't know the people and the times, and thus why people made the decisions that shaped history, then all you have is a bland recounting of events. This happened, then that happened, and oh, later on something else happened too.
The way history is taught in school is all wrong. There should be more detail, including required reading of biographies of people involved in that history...for example, biographies of at least some of the founding fathers if the topic is US History. Maybe if we taught the full context of history, people would actually get something out of it.
Yep, if we look at how history has traditionally been studied, there's been a shift away from focusing on "Great Men (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Man_theory)." We now know that history is far more complex, taking into considerations such as the normal people working behind the scenes, social movements, economics, etc. Making history a study of Great Men, while it may be more interesting to some people, vastly oversimplifies the situation (https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/31lqtt/what_is_great_man_history_what_are_its_pros_and/) (https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/31lqtt/what_is_great_man_history_what_are_its_pros_and/). Wintermoot may be right about history needing to go more in-depth, but his example (biographies of the Founding Fathers) doesn't really work for our modern understanding of history.But the depth is what makes history both important and interesting! If you don't know the people and the times, and thus why people made the decisions that shaped history, then all you have is a bland recounting of events. This happened, then that happened, and oh, later on something else happened too.(Empasis mine)
The way history is taught in school is all wrong. There should be more detail, including required reading of biographies of people involved in that history...for example, biographies of at least some of the founding fathers if the topic is US History. Maybe if we taught the full context of history, people would actually get something out of it.
Additionally, biographical information isn't altogether too helpful, as historians' opinions on the whys and hows and whos of history constantly change, and they constantly disagree! For instance, in our history classes (students at 16-17 years old, with frequent debating criss crossing the classroom) we were taught about how Captain Cook (New Zealand's equivalent of Christopher Columbus) used to be seen as this amazing and brilliant figure, but as time went on the manner of his death was highlighted as an example of how he was not a great person (stoned to death while kidnapping a Hawaiian chief), and then still further it changed to how there is hardly any evidence surrounding his death so we can't really know who he was using that. Or to pick a more globally applicable topic -- "What caused the French Revolution?" is a very good way to get historians to argue. There is zero consensus on that, and even if there was one at one point, it certainly will keep on shifting.
I don't know how exactly History is presented in other countries, but a "game" like that would probably help people Learn history. And it certainly makes it more interesting. By the end of the year, we consistently had every single student chime into the discussions, and we never had universal agreement or disagreement.It's not how history is traditionally taught in the US, but there has seemed to be a movement in that direction. My US history course last year went that way, largely thanks to my teacher and in part due to the AP curriculum, and it was quite good IMO.
Didn't even know people still used Photobucket, except to maintain images people uploaded before imgur became a thing.That's mostly what I meant. There's tons of old stuff that now needs maintenance...
Didn't know photobucket was considered to be old, seemed like the go-to website for uploading images.Photobucket was super popular across the internet in the 2000s, but Imgur's popularity spread in the 2010s, from reddit (where it began in 2009 as a simpler image host) to elsewhere, largely because it was considered easier to use and deal with. Now that I think of it, it kinda makes sense that Photobucket still remains somewhat popular in NS, where "older" technologies such as forums and IRC are still widely used.
But if they're going to do that and break my self-reflective avatar, I'm going to try uploading it onto this imgur site I've never heard of before and see how long that works.
Didn't even know people still used Photobucket, except to maintain images people uploaded before imgur became a thing.
I'm involved in Lazarus, and things are heating up there. It started when a bunch of people showed up during renomination and court judge elections and all voted the same way, which just happens to benefit the delegate and his friends, who are now trying to launch a politically motivated court case to remove someone from the region's security group, which is there to resist a coup of the region.
And I'm reminded daily why I stopped being involved with gameplay. Whatever it was when I started in 2013, it's now a venue for executing petty agendas, vendettas, and 'power struggles', fought among a toxic community that's driven by the mentality that the only thing that matters is winning and making sure that for the other side the loss is as personal and demeaning as possible. It's certainly not a place where principle will take you far.
This is the antithesis of what's needed to build a strong, stable community...think about it, why would people invest their time and energy into building a region if one person can just up and seize power, do away with you, and belittle your character and contributions in the process?
But the worst thing about it is the disingenuous behind it all, like when people see what's going on and demand concrete evidence, like it's could all just be a big coincidence. I'm assuming that most people involved have brains, so I can only assume their insincerity is meant to cover for their friends or to further their own agenda.
Whatever happens in that region, this has definitely solidified my thoughts on the future of a Wintreath gameplay military and how it would work if there was to continue to be one. I'll post something to that soon.
And actually, the worst thing about it that I basically just described modern-day politics, and unfortunately that's not restricted to a small subset of a game. =/
So many things have been going on lately v.v
- I got a job! And I have a lot of hot co workers ^o^
- I turned 17! Yay~
- My heart keeps acting up, not yay ;-;
- I'm gonna be going to a week long writing camp!
- I got a cool new phone! It's an S8+
- I came out to more people about my sexuality :o and they were really nice about it ^o^
Have you ever had the crushing realization that you are, in fact, surrounded by idiots followed by the overwhelming desire to go on a rampage?
I'm finished./me sticks a fork in you
Have you ever had the crushing realization that you are, in fact, surrounded by idiots followed by the overwhelming desire to go on a rampage?
I might or might not be going to prison. Depends on the outcome of an investigation.What happened? :o
Remember that corruption investigation? Back with a vengence.
EDIT: I'd recommend reading these:Oh man, it's Giudici again! How do I keep running into him (http://w11.zetaboards.com/New_Hyperion/topic/11528532/1/#post8444559) after we banned him over in New Hyperion?
Ah, the guy that telegrammed me last night saying he didn't want my 'dirty' endorsement. Charming fellow.Quote from: Mathy in the Underhusen forumsEDIT: I'd recommend reading these:Oh man, it's Giudici again! How do I keep running into him (http://w11.zetaboards.com/New_Hyperion/topic/11528532/1/#post8444559) after we banned him over in New Hyperion?
@Aragonn (because I'm not sure if you browse this thread and I think this may be of some interest to you)
He's talking to North.Oh, that's why quoting is a good thing. :P
Is he in a position of power in Lazarus now?Quote from: Mathy in the Underhusen forumsEDIT: I'd recommend reading these:Oh man, it's Giudici again! How do I keep running into him (http://w11.zetaboards.com/New_Hyperion/topic/11528532/1/#post8444559) after we banned him over in New Hyperion?
@Aragonn (because I'm not sure if you browse this thread and I think this may be of some interest to you)
Wait what? Know about what? I thought you said you were innocent?
From what I can tell, he tried to take advantage of the current chaos in Lazarus by painting himself as a neutral third party and as such tried to take control as part of an "independent investigation."Is he in a position of power in Lazarus now?Quote from: Mathy in the Underhusen forumsEDIT: I'd recommend reading these:Oh man, it's Giudici again! How do I keep running into him (http://w11.zetaboards.com/New_Hyperion/topic/11528532/1/#post8444559) after we banned him over in New Hyperion?
@Aragonn (because I'm not sure if you browse this thread and I think this may be of some interest to you)
That guy just doesn't quit, does he?From what I can tell, he tried to take advantage of the current chaos in Lazarus by painting himself as a neutral third party and as such tried to take control as part of an "independent investigation."Is he in a position of power in Lazarus now?Quote from: Mathy in the Underhusen forumsEDIT: I'd recommend reading these:Oh man, it's Giudici again! How do I keep running into him (http://w11.zetaboards.com/New_Hyperion/topic/11528532/1/#post8444559) after we banned him over in New Hyperion?
@Aragonn (because I'm not sure if you browse this thread and I think this may be of some interest to you)
Slime always finds its way near power. Though if it's any consolation they never get he real stuff :PThat guy just doesn't quit, does he?From what I can tell, he tried to take advantage of the current chaos in Lazarus by painting himself as a neutral third party and as such tried to take control as part of an "independent investigation."Is he in a position of power in Lazarus now?Quote from: Mathy in the Underhusen forumsEDIT: I'd recommend reading these:Oh man, it's Giudici again! How do I keep running into him (http://w11.zetaboards.com/New_Hyperion/topic/11528532/1/#post8444559) after we banned him over in New Hyperion?
@Aragonn (because I'm not sure if you browse this thread and I think this may be of some interest to you)
So what's the story with this guy?dramatic voice for effect
I had lost my patience with him at that point. Standing aside and trying to be mediator at that point was no longer an option.So what's the story with this guy?When Aragonn starts pointing out that Doppio is being an idiot and should stop (much more tactfully, of course)...
What do we know about crypocurrency mining?A friend of mine mines Ethereum. He bought a bunch of mining GPUs when they were still cheap, and made quite a lot mining. Those graphics cards are absurdly expensive now, so he actually doesn't recommend following that route anymore. And he's selling those GPUs now that he's going to go to college soon.
What do we know about crypocurrency mining?A friend of mine mines Ethereum. He bought a bunch of mining GPUs when they were still cheap, and made quite a lot mining. Those graphics cards are absurdly expensive now, so he actually doesn't recommend following that route anymore. And he's selling those GPUs now that he's going to go to college soon.
So I was redownloading Grindr, and when I searched it on the Play Store...the 2nd top search was "Grindr for Straight People." It really makes me wonder which side was searching that one, and if they'd ever even heard of Tinder.Why were you downloading Grindr? Looking for some hot action? :P
Occassional hookup? Is this when you're horny? :P
dying early game is not the reason why I signed up to playqft you monsters
So I started my first job today in training...I have a lot of work to do...
A private school in Florida, specifically in the Tech Department, which I head. :|So I started my first job today in training...I have a lot of work to do...
Where will you be working?
A private school in Florida, specifically in the Tech Department, which I head. :|So I started my first job today in training...I have a lot of work to do...
Where will you be working?
@EvelynxA private school in Florida, specifically in the Tech Department, which I head. :|So I started my first job today in training...I have a lot of work to do...
Where will you be working?
Oof, a leadership position right out of the gate. Or is it a tech department of 1? I've seen that happen..
Hey winterpeeps
Hey winterpeepsNox! Hey! :)
It's not unrealistic if it's a small place/company. My friend/roommate heads the IT department at his workplace simply because he's the only one there, and before that they hadn't had any IT personnel for months (they had to rely on an outside contractor who came once a week).A private school in Florida, specifically in the Tech Department, which I head. :|So I started my first job today in training...I have a lot of work to do...
Where will you be working?
Oof, a leadership position right out of the gate. Or is it a tech department of 1? I've seen that happen..
Lol nah, I keep those kind of things to myself.Isn't it funny how you joined the one region in NationStates that, well, doesn't? :P
Lol nah, I keep those kind of things to myself.Isn't it funny how you joined the one region in NationStates that, well, doesn't? :P
But Winty doll, I'm not in the Adult sectionlol, the adult section is for the best of the best, but it's not like we're otherwise a community of prudes. :P
lol, the adult section is for the best of the best, but it's not like we're otherwise a community of prudes. :P
Are we? Are we really?Not a region of prudes? You really have to ask me that after being here all this time? lol
Not a region of prudes? You really have to ask me that after being here all this time? lol
Hmm prove it.The proof is all around you. You should have to prove otherwise. :P
The proof is all around you. You should have to prove otherwise. :P
I'm glad that we agree. :D
In my experience, not directly like that. :P
At least for me, it's always helped if I'm close to them to begin with...if it's a close friendship where we share everything and we're already talking about sex just in general to some extent. If I'm into them sexually like that, it just naturally comes out at some point that I'd love to do something with them, and I remind them that a mouth's just a mouth, and at least when it starts it kinda starts like that...that's not a guarantee that it will, but at least that's how it does when it does for me.
And as sexual as I am, I should point out that I don't start friendships for the purpose of doing anything sexual. All my friendships where this has happened have been genuine, and sometimes it's just a case where I feel more attracted to them...and sometimes a case where they come to like the idea of me getting me off, or even them finding they have feelings for me too, in spite of everything.
It's not a simple thing, at least the way I go about things.
Thanks Winty. Me and this guy are already very good friends. He's excited af to see me again after these past six weeksAnd after six weeks, you really need it, huh?
And after six weeks, you really need it, huh?
Try five monthsI have...much longer than that. :P
I'm glad that we agree. :D
On a side note what's the best way to tell a straight guy you want them to fuck you?
I'm glad that we agree. :D
On a side note what's the best way to tell a straight guy you want them to fuck you?
You'd be surprised, a lot of straight guys I've seen can be bi curious at the very least. Really the best you can do is pay attention to his body language, and manipulate yours a bit so that you're giving out very subtle signals. If you know how, give out enough allure to where he can sense it, but not a lot to where he can sense it to the point of being uncomfortable. But you really have to play off of his body language and his reactions throughout. If he's giving indication that he's considering it, then step it up just a smidge.
If you do it just right, you can generally manipulate the situation enough to where he'll slowly ease more and more into the idea until it happens. However, if he's the type to where his body language is clearly expressing that he's not and nor will ever be into it (surprisingly, you actually can tell with people), then don't progress since you'll just make him uncomfortable no matter what (even if he doesn't outwardly show it since he's your friend).
As for outright telling them...there's no best way. With a straight guy, 9/10 times telling him will just make him uncomfortable or flattered, but not interested.
If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
It's not that I'm looking for a boyfriend or anything, but sometimes at least some attention from guys would be nice, because sometimes I feel utterly unattractive...sometimes even feel like the type of person people shy away from, or don't take seriously, or just consider creepy. =/
Attention is always nice. I always had a hard time getting guys to give me a second glance, much less any direct attention. Still do when I'm out and about.I dunno...is the way I am a turn-off for guys? I might be a little out there when it comes to being sexual, but otherwise I don't think I'm different from other guys. *shrugs*
Attention is always nice. I always had a hard time getting guys to give me a second glance, much less any direct attention. Still do when I'm out and about.I dunno...is the way I am a turn-off for guys? I might be a little out there when it comes to being sexual, but otherwise I don't think I'm different from other guys. *shrugs*
For some people probably. I'm very frank about my sexuality and discuss it in a rather blunt manner. A lot of people find that to be a weird thing, like I'm supposed to tiptoe around it in metaphor and poetry. But that's not me. And if people don't like it they can take a hike. There will be people out there who find your nature endearing and sexy. But I don't know that you're in the right area for that to be honest.I for one find bluntness and straightforwardness to be a turn-on when it comes to sex, to be honest. Nothing like someone just coming out and saying "I'm horny" or state that they're masturbating atm.
For some people probably. I'm very frank about my sexuality and discuss it in a rather blunt manner. A lot of people find that to be a weird thing, like I'm supposed to tiptoe around it in metaphor and poetry. But that's not me. And if people don't like it they can take a hike. There will be people out there who find your nature endearing and sexy. But I don't know that you're in the right area for that to be honest.I for one find bluntness and straightforwardness to be a turn-on when it comes to sex, to be honest. Nothing like someone just coming out and saying "I'm horny" or state that they're masturbating atm.
It makes for a nice chat. :P
Especially when it gets others to join in the fun!That's just icing on the cake. Except the icing is cum...or something.
When GRRM first mentioned the Rainbow Guard for the main gay character in the books, I thought, okay, maybe he's British or something like the Harry Potter writer turned out to be, maybe words don't mean the same thing over there, like when they call fries "chips", or say ma'am in a way that sounds like mom, or when they say math as if it's a plural.To be fair, Renly isn't exactly the main gay character (and neither is Loras); it's only hinted at and never actually confirmed within the main book series.
And then here comes Dickon Manwoody, and it's like, okay, I don't care if you learned English in the USA, Britain, Canada, Australia, or an African country the British Empire decided was theirs hundreds of years ago and forced the natives to learn English at gunpoint, there's no way you name someone "Dickon Manwoody" by accident.But yeah, GRRM likes to sneak in some clever names in there. For example, Grover, Elmo, and Kermit Tully.
To be fair, Renly isn't exactly the main gay character (and neither is Loras); it's only hinted at and never actually confirmed within the main book series.
But GRRM actually has stated that the Rainbow Guard is a coincidence, though other clues (such as Renly's peach) are not.
Not to mention the main goal of simply differentiating from the plain white of the Kingsguard.To be fair, Renly isn't exactly the main gay character (and neither is Loras); it's only hinted at and never actually confirmed within the main book series.
But GRRM actually has stated that the Rainbow Guard is a coincidence, though other clues (such as Renly's peach) are not.
Ain't that a peach.
And, sure, it could be an indicator to us of his homosexuality, but putting that aside, 'Rainbow Guard' has quite a bit of significance in Westeros anyway, since rainbows are very strongly associated with the Faith of the Seven, while still suggesting the 'seven bodyguards' of the Kingsguard without explicitly laying claim to the kingship. It was doubtless quite a PR coup if you ask me.
Well, if anyone had heard about it before he died, anyway.
We're going to prepare this time, right? (https://www.nationstates.net/page=news/2017/08/24/index.html)I was hoping nobody would notice this for a few days, lol. To be honest it's pretty shit timing.
I'd think something similar to how you prepared for Z-Day in previous years, with a subforum, planning thread, etc. Then be online to make a faction ASAP once N-Day starts so people can start joining and stuff.We're going to prepare this time, right? (https://www.nationstates.net/page=news/2017/08/24/index.html)I was hoping nobody would notice this for a few days, lol. To be honest it's pretty shit timing.
How would you suggest we go about getting prepared?
Not to mention the main goal of simply differentiating from the plain white of the Kingsguard.To be fair, Renly isn't exactly the main gay character (and neither is Loras); it's only hinted at and never actually confirmed within the main book series.
But GRRM actually has stated that the Rainbow Guard is a coincidence, though other clues (such as Renly's peach) are not.
Ain't that a peach.
And, sure, it could be an indicator to us of his homosexuality, but putting that aside, 'Rainbow Guard' has quite a bit of significance in Westeros anyway, since rainbows are very strongly associated with the Faith of the Seven, while still suggesting the 'seven bodyguards' of the Kingsguard without explicitly laying claim to the kingship. It was doubtless quite a PR coup if you ask me.
Well, if anyone had heard about it before he died, anyway.
Agreed that that's one of the main purposes, especially when looking at it from an out-of-character perspective. GRRM certainly makes his symbols multifaceted.Not to mention the main goal of simply differentiating from the plain white of the Kingsguard.To be fair, Renly isn't exactly the main gay character (and neither is Loras); it's only hinted at and never actually confirmed within the main book series.
But GRRM actually has stated that the Rainbow Guard is a coincidence, though other clues (such as Renly's peach) are not.
Ain't that a peach.
And, sure, it could be an indicator to us of his homosexuality, but putting that aside, 'Rainbow Guard' has quite a bit of significance in Westeros anyway, since rainbows are very strongly associated with the Faith of the Seven, while still suggesting the 'seven bodyguards' of the Kingsguard without explicitly laying claim to the kingship. It was doubtless quite a PR coup if you ask me.
Well, if anyone had heard about it before he died, anyway.
I always thought this was an expression of Renly's flamboyance and vanity, not his homosexuality. He was all about appearances, like a peacock prancing about in his gilded armor, and what's a peacock without his colors? White was just too boring for him.
Most of Renly's depiction was about the folly of focusing too much on appearances - his armor was bright green, the same shade reflected from the Blackwater. Pretty armies burn just as easily as ugly ones.
I'd think something similar to how you prepared for Z-Day in previous years, with a subforum, planning thread, etc. Then be online to make a faction ASAP once N-Day starts so people can start joining and stuff.I would have suggested those non-Wintrean Hyperians check our treaty, specifically the portion on which party has final authority over external affairs...unless they planned on just targeting nations within NH. :P
And yeah, timing is pretty shit. Most probably won't play as much as I did in April.
There's also the issue of whether New Hyperion goes in the same faction as Wintreath.I suspect that the non-Wintrean Hyperians, such as our Delegate, may prefer going separately...(Edit: never mind, Corcetia supports banding together.)
I would have suggested those non-Wintrean Hyperians check our treaty, specifically the portion on which party has final authority over external affairs...unless they planned on just targeting nations within NH. :PRight, but it's arguable that there's some leeway in this scenario, as an easter egg minigame doesn't necessarily fall under interregional politics nor regional military, and factions are arguably not directly tied to the regional governments (but rather to the NS regions).
I've sent some messages out to see what we can do from the Monarchy...we'll probably still be winding down Summersend though, and there's another unannounced event on the horizon, so it's possible we may appoint somebody specifically to coordinate the event.Another unannounced event? You mean by NS or on Wintreath?
Right, but it's arguable that there's some leeway in this scenario, as an easter egg minigame doesn't necessarily fall under interregional politics nor regional military, and factions are arguably not directly tied to the regional governments (but rather to the NS regions).I suppose those are arguments that could be used to get around the treaty, especially if there was a faction of mostly Hyperians that claimed they weren't tied to the government. However, that would hardly build good faith or confidence in the treaty itself. When the entire premise of the treaty is that we're stronger together, it'd be quite damning for the parties to go their own way when there was a loophole to use to do so.
We actually ended up arguing with Chanku last time over that, lol. Though in that scenario it wasn't as important since you gave us your blessing after eventually logging on.
Another unannounced event? You mean by NS or on Wintreath?I suppose it's not really a secret, I was just waiting for Summersend to end to start promoting it, lol. We have been invited to 10000 Islands for a weekend of spamming and chatting next weekend. It hardly requires the planning that went into Summersend, but it does require some promotion in the region. :P
Minor quibble: 'Renly' technically won the Battle of the Blackwater, since Garlan Tyrell wearing his armor caused a great deal of Stannis' army to surrender or retreat. Without that big blow to morale, it's conceivable that Stannis might well have still pulled his ass out of the both metaphorical and literal fire.
Minor quibble: 'Renly' technically won the Battle of the Blackwater, since Garlan Tyrell wearing his armor caused a great deal of Stannis' army to surrender or retreat. Without that big blow to morale, it's conceivable that Stannis might well have still pulled his ass out of the both metaphorical and literal fire.
That's not a minor quibble, it's a devastating fact-punch to my entire analysis. You're completely right.
The color of Renly's armor would more likely be a symbol of Stannis' destruction by wildfire, not Renly's.
Maybe Stannis' deadly sin is envy? That would make the color green so ... poignant.
Actually what's on my mind now...why hasn't @taulover ever posted a picture of himself? :PUm, I respect my own privacy, especially as a minor?
Um, I respect my own privacy, especially as a minor?It stands out a bit in a community where everyone is pretty out there, that's why I noticed really. :P
I didn't even have an actual profile pic on Facebook until last December. :D
I would like to point out that it becomes far less of an anomaly when you look at House Valeria only. I do believe you (or was it someone else?) asked Colby the same thing once, and he gave a pretty similar response to mine.Um, I respect my own privacy, especially as a minor?It stands out a bit in a community where everyone is pretty out there, that's why I noticed really. :P
I didn't even have an actual profile pic on Facebook until last December. :D
I would like to point out that it becomes far less of an anomaly when you look at House Valeria only. I do believe you (or was it someone else?) asked Colby the same thing once, and he gave a pretty similar response to mine.Laurentus posted his picture a few times though, and I know I've seen Aragonn before. :P
I totes get the lack of pics. I hate pictures, a lot.But you've still shown them in the past. :P
So I changed my name back. If you're wondering why, it's because after thinking about it, it'd make records less confusing if I kept to just one name...and likewise it'd make people less frustrated that they'd have to go back and alter any records to reflect any new name change.Though there is that one strange point where everyone thought your name change was permanent and started calling you Coco... :P
So yeah, Pengu's back!
So I changed my name back. If you're wondering why, it's because after thinking about it, it'd make records less confusing if I kept to just one name...and likewise it'd make people less frustrated that they'd have to go back and alter any records to reflect any new name change.Though there is that one strange point where everyone thought your name change was permanent and started calling you Coco... :P
So yeah, Pengu's back!
I like Pengu better because that's what I'm used to.So I changed my name back. If you're wondering why, it's because after thinking about it, it'd make records less confusing if I kept to just one name...and likewise it'd make people less frustrated that they'd have to go back and alter any records to reflect any new name change.Though there is that one strange point where everyone thought your name change was permanent and started calling you Coco... :P
So yeah, Pengu's back!
I was actually surprised with how quickly people adapted to it. :))
But I guess then I should ask in that case, which do you prefer? :P
I like Pengu better because that's what I'm used to.So I changed my name back. If you're wondering why, it's because after thinking about it, it'd make records less confusing if I kept to just one name...and likewise it'd make people less frustrated that they'd have to go back and alter any records to reflect any new name change.Though there is that one strange point where everyone thought your name change was permanent and started calling you Coco... :P
So yeah, Pengu's back!
I was actually surprised with how quickly people adapted to it. :))
But I guess then I should ask in that case, which do you prefer? :P
Though I started calling you Coco after it seemed apparent that this wasn't just one of your novelty username changes that you do every so often.
oh and also because penguinsI like Pengu better because that's what I'm used to.So I changed my name back. If you're wondering why, it's because after thinking about it, it'd make records less confusing if I kept to just one name...and likewise it'd make people less frustrated that they'd have to go back and alter any records to reflect any new name change.Though there is that one strange point where everyone thought your name change was permanent and started calling you Coco... :P
So yeah, Pengu's back!
I was actually surprised with how quickly people adapted to it. :))
But I guess then I should ask in that case, which do you prefer? :P
Though I started calling you Coco after it seemed apparent that this wasn't just one of your novelty username changes that you do every so often.
Maybe down the road I'll go back to it then, since it is a username I do like (and eventually I do want to change it). But since everyone is used to "Pengu" and mainly knows me by such, I'll hold on to it for just a bit longer.
Holy shit, xXTheHydraXx is now just Hydra! Thank you, dude.You found me out! :-[
It looks so weird thoughTrue.
It's like when you take your glasses off.. Everyone is like, your eyes look so small now! I've never noticed you have such small eyes!Maybe people just like your face no matter if you have glasses or not. :P
Eventually everyone is like.. you look so pretty without glasses on! Then your contacts start bothering you so you take a break, and everyone tells you that the glasses look so nice..
Just make your own decision on your name, people have no idea what actually looks good, they only notice when it changes.
It's like when you take your glasses off.. Everyone is like, your eyes look so small now! I've never noticed you have such small eyes!Maybe people just like your face no matter if you have glasses or not. :P
Eventually everyone is like.. you look so pretty without glasses on! Then your contacts start bothering you so you take a break, and everyone tells you that the glasses look so nice..
Just make your own decision on your name, people have no idea what actually looks good, they only notice when it changes.
I used a bunch of xX's in my forum name once...back in 2003. My old AIM had them too, though I made it about the same time.
I had a very, very long argument with someone over whether nuking a city of 2 million people is alright and being very disgusted that Americans are so eager to lay waste to Pyongyang.What concerns me about American society, being American myself, is the way that people don't really think through what they're saying, doing, or supporting. A lot of people have no capacity for critical thinking, empathy, or research. People go on about 'fake news', but are all too willing to believe anything that comes across their Facebook news feed or Google search...as long as it supports their worldview.
I just despise America and American society. Surprisingly, this makes me in a tad sour mood for a nuke game.
I had a very, very long argument with someone over whether nuking a city of 2 million people is alright and being very disgusted that Americans are so eager to lay waste to Pyongyang.What concerns me about American society, being American myself, is the way that people don't really think through what they're saying, doing, or supporting. A lot of people have no capacity for critical thinking, empathy, or research. People go on about 'fake news', but are all too willing to believe anything that comes across their Facebook news feed or Google search...as long as it supports their worldview.
I just despise America and American society. Surprisingly, this makes me in a tad sour mood for a nuke game.
In the end, Americans are becoming a people who see what they believe, not the other way around.
Americans imo have a very tenuous grasp on reality, but I don't feel like ranting rn.I had a very, very long argument with someone over whether nuking a city of 2 million people is alright and being very disgusted that Americans are so eager to lay waste to Pyongyang.What concerns me about American society, being American myself, is the way that people don't really think through what they're saying, doing, or supporting. A lot of people have no capacity for critical thinking, empathy, or research. People go on about 'fake news', but are all too willing to believe anything that comes across their Facebook news feed or Google search...as long as it supports their worldview.
I just despise America and American society. Surprisingly, this makes me in a tad sour mood for a nuke game.
In the end, Americans are becoming a people who see what they believe, not the other way around.
Americans imo have a very tenuous grasp on reality, but I don't feel like ranting rn.I had a very, very long argument with someone over whether nuking a city of 2 million people is alright and being very disgusted that Americans are so eager to lay waste to Pyongyang.What concerns me about American society, being American myself, is the way that people don't really think through what they're saying, doing, or supporting. A lot of people have no capacity for critical thinking, empathy, or research. People go on about 'fake news', but are all too willing to believe anything that comes across their Facebook news feed or Google search...as long as it supports their worldview.
I just despise America and American society. Surprisingly, this makes me in a tad sour mood for a nuke game.
In the end, Americans are becoming a people who see what they believe, not the other way around.
I just don't get how a nation supposedly rooted in Christian morals can be so evil, vicious and cruel.
Comparing uneducated workers and farmers living under a totalitarian dictatorship with no access to the outside world to first world Americans with the entire human civilization at their finger tips via the internet and enjoying a (relatively) free democratic society for granted isnt a sound argument.Americans imo have a very tenuous grasp on reality, but I don't feel like ranting rn.I had a very, very long argument with someone over whether nuking a city of 2 million people is alright and being very disgusted that Americans are so eager to lay waste to Pyongyang.What concerns me about American society, being American myself, is the way that people don't really think through what they're saying, doing, or supporting. A lot of people have no capacity for critical thinking, empathy, or research. People go on about 'fake news', but are all too willing to believe anything that comes across their Facebook news feed or Google search...as long as it supports their worldview.
I just despise America and American society. Surprisingly, this makes me in a tad sour mood for a nuke game.
In the end, Americans are becoming a people who see what they believe, not the other way around.
I just don't get how a nation supposedly rooted in Christian morals can be so evil, vicious and cruel.
Compared to the people of Pyongyang and NK in general, we have a very solid grasp on reality indeed...
Comparing uneducated workers and farmers living under a totalitarian dictatorship with no access to the outside world to first world Americans with the entire human civilization at their finger tips via the internet and enjoying a (relatively) free democratic society for granted isnt a sound argument.
I do believe that we are now conflating two very separate groups: the North Korean leadership, who likely believe that a calculated image of insanity and MAD doctrine are the only way to assure their survival, and the North Korean people, who've been brainwashed from a young age yet still manage to consume Western media and run an effectively capitalist black market.Comparing uneducated workers and farmers living under a totalitarian dictatorship with no access to the outside world to first world Americans with the entire human civilization at their finger tips via the internet and enjoying a (relatively) free democratic society for granted isnt a sound argument.
And who are you comparing Americans to when you say they have a tenuous grasp on reality, exactly?
North Korea just launched an ICBM over Japan.. I don't support massive retaliation or any such thing, but I can understand if people are angry and irrational about it. This was a warning shot fired at the heart of the possibility of peace.. Pyongyang is playing a dangerous game.
I do believe that we are now conflating two very separate groups: the North Korean leadership, who likely believe that a calculated image of insanity and MAD doctrine are the only way to assure their survival, and the North Korean people, who've been brainwashed from a young age yet still manage to consume Western media and run an effectively capitalist black market.Comparing uneducated workers and farmers living under a totalitarian dictatorship with no access to the outside world to first world Americans with the entire human civilization at their finger tips via the internet and enjoying a (relatively) free democratic society for granted isnt a sound argument.
And who are you comparing Americans to when you say they have a tenuous grasp on reality, exactly?
North Korea just launched an ICBM over Japan.. I don't support massive retaliation or any such thing, but I can understand if people are angry and irrational about it. This was a warning shot fired at the heart of the possibility of peace.. Pyongyang is playing a dangerous game.
Some good/interesting videos on both subjects:Why North Korea wants nuclear weapons
North Korean defector interviews![]()
Definitely, it's just that from interviews, it does seem that North Koreans are surprisingly aware of reality, given their situation.I do believe that we are now conflating two very separate groups: the North Korean leadership, who likely believe that a calculated image of insanity and MAD doctrine are the only way to assure their survival, and the North Korean people, who've been brainwashed from a young age yet still manage to consume Western media and run an effectively capitalist black market.Comparing uneducated workers and farmers living under a totalitarian dictatorship with no access to the outside world to first world Americans with the entire human civilization at their finger tips via the internet and enjoying a (relatively) free democratic society for granted isnt a sound argument.
And who are you comparing Americans to when you say they have a tenuous grasp on reality, exactly?
North Korea just launched an ICBM over Japan.. I don't support massive retaliation or any such thing, but I can understand if people are angry and irrational about it. This was a warning shot fired at the heart of the possibility of peace.. Pyongyang is playing a dangerous game.
Some good/interesting videos on both subjects:Why North Korea wants nuclear weapons
North Korean defector interviews![]()
I've already read and watched these.. Very interesting stuff. The population is definitely brainwashed. I used Pyongyang the same way someone might use Washington - it refers to the leadership of the country.
Anyway, I don't want to be antagonistic, I just get bothered when people start whinging about how ignorant and terrible America and Americans are. You know, as an American who is really trying her best.
Definitely, it's just that from interviews, it does seem that North Koreans are surprisingly aware of reality, given their situation.
True, it might just be survivorship bias there, as well as the knowledge and experience they've gained after leaving.Definitely, it's just that from interviews, it does seem that North Koreans are surprisingly aware of reality, given their situation.
Or at least.. the ones who defect are surprisingly aware.
True, it might just be survivorship bias there, as well as the knowledge and experience they've gained after leaving.
But from what they say, it seems like the black market is necessary to participate in to basically survive, so...
Yep. I read an argument/theory some time ago that this is by design: force people to do illegal things just to have some semblance of normal life, and now you have an excuse to jail whomever you please.True, it might just be survivorship bias there, as well as the knowledge and experience they've gained after leaving.
But from what they say, it seems like the black market is necessary to participate in to basically survive, so...
Definitely, that seems to always happen in totalitarian nations, doesn't it?
North Korea playing its typical game of flamebaiting doesn't justify having the desire to murder millions. Nothing justifies having the desire to murder millions.Comparing uneducated workers and farmers living under a totalitarian dictatorship with no access to the outside world to first world Americans with the entire human civilization at their finger tips via the internet and enjoying a (relatively) free democratic society for granted isnt a sound argument.
And who are you comparing Americans to when you say they have a tenuous grasp on reality, exactly?
North Korea just launched an ICBM over Japan.. I don't support massive retaliation or any such thing, but I can understand if people are angry and irrational about it. This was a warning shot fired at the heart of the possibility of peace.. Pyongyang is playing a dangerous game.
There is no reality, not really, only what we percieve reality to be. Since we will never have a full grasp of all the facts, having a full grasp of reality is impossible, we can only see what we percieve reality to be.There is an objective, imperial reality; Water is wet, there are clouds when it rains, bears have fur. There are certain aspects of reality which are up for debate, but I'm talking about imperial reality.
And speaking as a guy living in Asia, I would not worry about North Korea. He can sabre rattle all he wants, ultimately he will never pull the trigger. He knows as well as we do that if he launches an attack he will be steamrolled pretty quickly and China will stand by and watch as it happens. All the damage he can do to South Korea and maybe Guam wont win him a war and he knows it.
North Korea playing its typical game of flamebaiting doesn't justify having the desire to murder millions. Nothing justifies having the desire to murder millions.Comparing uneducated workers and farmers living under a totalitarian dictatorship with no access to the outside world to first world Americans with the entire human civilization at their finger tips via the internet and enjoying a (relatively) free democratic society for granted isnt a sound argument.
And who are you comparing Americans to when you say they have a tenuous grasp on reality, exactly?
North Korea just launched an ICBM over Japan.. I don't support massive retaliation or any such thing, but I can understand if people are angry and irrational about it. This was a warning shot fired at the heart of the possibility of peace.. Pyongyang is playing a dangerous game.
And also, I don't understand what you're trying to ask.There is no reality, not really, only what we percieve reality to be. Since we will never have a full grasp of all the facts, having a full grasp of reality is impossible, we can only see what we percieve reality to be.There is an objective, imperial reality; Water is wet, there are clouds when it rains, bears have fur. There are certain aspects of reality which are up for debate, but I'm talking about imperial reality.
And speaking as a guy living in Asia, I would not worry about North Korea. He can sabre rattle all he wants, ultimately he will never pull the trigger. He knows as well as we do that if he launches an attack he will be steamrolled pretty quickly and China will stand by and watch as it happens. All the damage he can do to South Korea and maybe Guam wont win him a war and he knows it.
Americans don't understand death. Americans don't understand war. Those two combined is a deadly combination that has resulted in the deaths of countless Iraqi innocents. That's the type of stuff I'm talking about when I speak of Americans lacking a grasp on reality.
And also, for the record I am an American.
You're misunderstanding me:North Korea playing its typical game of flamebaiting doesn't justify having the desire to murder millions. Nothing justifies having the desire to murder millions.Comparing uneducated workers and farmers living under a totalitarian dictatorship with no access to the outside world to first world Americans with the entire human civilization at their finger tips via the internet and enjoying a (relatively) free democratic society for granted isnt a sound argument.
And who are you comparing Americans to when you say they have a tenuous grasp on reality, exactly?
North Korea just launched an ICBM over Japan.. I don't support massive retaliation or any such thing, but I can understand if people are angry and irrational about it. This was a warning shot fired at the heart of the possibility of peace.. Pyongyang is playing a dangerous game.
And also, I don't understand what you're trying to ask.There is no reality, not really, only what we percieve reality to be. Since we will never have a full grasp of all the facts, having a full grasp of reality is impossible, we can only see what we percieve reality to be.There is an objective, imperial reality; Water is wet, there are clouds when it rains, bears have fur. There are certain aspects of reality which are up for debate, but I'm talking about imperial reality.
And speaking as a guy living in Asia, I would not worry about North Korea. He can sabre rattle all he wants, ultimately he will never pull the trigger. He knows as well as we do that if he launches an attack he will be steamrolled pretty quickly and China will stand by and watch as it happens. All the damage he can do to South Korea and maybe Guam wont win him a war and he knows it.
Americans don't understand death. Americans don't understand war. Those two combined is a deadly combination that has resulted in the deaths of countless Iraqi innocents. That's the type of stuff I'm talking about when I speak of Americans lacking a grasp on reality.
And also, for the record I am an American.
Except its not an objective reality, your opinion is a subjective reality. Where is the scientific, peer reviewed and replicated data to prove your statements about Americans? None? Just your opinion? Then it is not an objective reality. You cannot shout "its an objective reality!" To all critisism just like I cannot shout the same about my favorite flavour of ice cream.
You're misunderstanding me:North Korea playing its typical game of flamebaiting doesn't justify having the desire to murder millions. Nothing justifies having the desire to murder millions.Comparing uneducated workers and farmers living under a totalitarian dictatorship with no access to the outside world to first world Americans with the entire human civilization at their finger tips via the internet and enjoying a (relatively) free democratic society for granted isnt a sound argument.
And who are you comparing Americans to when you say they have a tenuous grasp on reality, exactly?
North Korea just launched an ICBM over Japan.. I don't support massive retaliation or any such thing, but I can understand if people are angry and irrational about it. This was a warning shot fired at the heart of the possibility of peace.. Pyongyang is playing a dangerous game.
And also, I don't understand what you're trying to ask.There is no reality, not really, only what we percieve reality to be. Since we will never have a full grasp of all the facts, having a full grasp of reality is impossible, we can only see what we percieve reality to be.There is an objective, imperial reality; Water is wet, there are clouds when it rains, bears have fur. There are certain aspects of reality which are up for debate, but I'm talking about imperial reality.
And speaking as a guy living in Asia, I would not worry about North Korea. He can sabre rattle all he wants, ultimately he will never pull the trigger. He knows as well as we do that if he launches an attack he will be steamrolled pretty quickly and China will stand by and watch as it happens. All the damage he can do to South Korea and maybe Guam wont win him a war and he knows it.
Americans don't understand death. Americans don't understand war. Those two combined is a deadly combination that has resulted in the deaths of countless Iraqi innocents. That's the type of stuff I'm talking about when I speak of Americans lacking a grasp on reality.
And also, for the record I am an American.
Except its not an objective reality, your opinion is a subjective reality. Where is the scientific, peer reviewed and replicated data to prove your statements about Americans? None? Just your opinion? Then it is not an objective reality. You cannot shout "its an objective reality!" To all critisism just like I cannot shout the same about my favorite flavour of ice cream.
- I say Americans have a tenuous grasp on reality
- You say that there is no objective reality
- I say there are objective, material realities, such as the nature of war and violence, of which I think most Americans I don't understand.
My opinion isn't objective. But the natures of war and violence are.
My evidence?You're misunderstanding me:North Korea playing its typical game of flamebaiting doesn't justify having the desire to murder millions. Nothing justifies having the desire to murder millions.Comparing uneducated workers and farmers living under a totalitarian dictatorship with no access to the outside world to first world Americans with the entire human civilization at their finger tips via the internet and enjoying a (relatively) free democratic society for granted isnt a sound argument.
And who are you comparing Americans to when you say they have a tenuous grasp on reality, exactly?
North Korea just launched an ICBM over Japan.. I don't support massive retaliation or any such thing, but I can understand if people are angry and irrational about it. This was a warning shot fired at the heart of the possibility of peace.. Pyongyang is playing a dangerous game.
And also, I don't understand what you're trying to ask.There is no reality, not really, only what we percieve reality to be. Since we will never have a full grasp of all the facts, having a full grasp of reality is impossible, we can only see what we percieve reality to be.There is an objective, imperial reality; Water is wet, there are clouds when it rains, bears have fur. There are certain aspects of reality which are up for debate, but I'm talking about imperial reality.
And speaking as a guy living in Asia, I would not worry about North Korea. He can sabre rattle all he wants, ultimately he will never pull the trigger. He knows as well as we do that if he launches an attack he will be steamrolled pretty quickly and China will stand by and watch as it happens. All the damage he can do to South Korea and maybe Guam wont win him a war and he knows it.
Americans don't understand death. Americans don't understand war. Those two combined is a deadly combination that has resulted in the deaths of countless Iraqi innocents. That's the type of stuff I'm talking about when I speak of Americans lacking a grasp on reality.
And also, for the record I am an American.
Except its not an objective reality, your opinion is a subjective reality. Where is the scientific, peer reviewed and replicated data to prove your statements about Americans? None? Just your opinion? Then it is not an objective reality. You cannot shout "its an objective reality!" To all critisism just like I cannot shout the same about my favorite flavour of ice cream.
- I say Americans have a tenuous grasp on reality
- You say that there is no objective reality
- I say there are objective, material realities, such as the nature of war and violence, of which I think most Americans I don't understand.
My opinion isn't objective. But the natures of war and violence are.
1) That is your opinion and at best a gross over generalization.
2) There really isn't when humans become involved. Since no 2 people's experiences will ever be the same there is no objective reality with something like the concept of war.
3) Again, that is your opinion on Americans. A country with 50 states, different backgrounds and origins and ethnic histories and so many other qualifiers simply stating 'Americans are blank' is absolutely subjective. And, frankly, so is the nature of war and violence. Some hate it. Some love it.
And I would say that Americans do understand death and war, there is no one better at the war business than America. They just don't give a damn about other countries and who they inflict war and death upon. Not a particularly rare or even new mindset for an imperialistic war monger like America. That's the problem. I think you have a concept that is based on reality but fail to properly diagnose the problem. It's not that most Americans do not understand war or death, it's that their leaders do not care about that, only about what's best for the country (at best) or their corporate masters (at worst).
If we exclusively tried to solve our personal problems, nobody would ever get around to the broader ones. :P
Los Angeles. In my home neighborhood, I was the only WASP among my friends. I witnessed a neighborhood I used to live in become Desi majority over the span of maybe 5 years, while also having a Coptic church not too far. It is a hyperdiverse slab of concrete in a desert.If we exclusively tried to solve our personal problems, nobody would ever get around to the broader ones. :P
Once you have you have the basics sorted, you can give yourself bigger problems.
Also, @Mariam, I really like Tarantino films. Django for instance... the unbridled savagery during the climax presented a neat counterpoint to the bridled savagery in the rest of the film. I'd venture a guess that when the NK government falls, in 150 years a Korean Tarantino will make a film about massacring party officials. I won't have the heart (literally and figuratively) to to them they shouldn't make that film
Also, in what city do you live? You said 200 languages, I'd venture NYC as a guess?
About the last thing I want is to give myself bigger problems. :))
Los Angeles. In my home neighborhood, I was the only WASP among my friends. I witnessed a neighborhood I used to live in become Desi majority over the span of maybe 5 years, while also having a Coptic church not too far. It is a hyperdiverse slab of concrete in a desert.
And listen, again I'm not Pat Robertson. I don't think Tarantino or Tarantino fans are homicidal psychopaths in training. I just think that unnecessarily violent media kinda desensitizes you after a while, and that could creep into your perceptions on the world. I only watched maybe the first 10 - 15 mins of Django but that was enough to turn me off. Then again, I just saw 15 mins so idk.
I used to think that too.. but now, I want to be able to handle more responsibilities, I want to be strong enough to shoulder larger burdens. That means giving myself more problems.I'm not sure it really works that way, but to each their own!
I used to think that too.. but now, I want to be able to handle more responsibilities, I want to be strong enough to shoulder larger burdens. That means giving myself more problems.I'm not sure it really works that way, but to each their own!
I think there's every indication that it does.. We get stronger as we exercise our abilities, we get more efficient as we prioritize and organize our lives. I don't think I've scratched the edges of my potential.I'm all for self-improvement, but I also think there's something to be said for trying to live a relaxed life too. It's hard enough to do that in the world today, and too many people are too overwhelmed and stressed and it's part of why society is such shit today.
I think there's every indication that it does.. We get stronger as we exercise our abilities, we get more efficient as we prioritize and organize our lives. I don't think I've scratched the edges of my potential.I'm all for self-improvement, but I also think there's something to be said for trying to live a relaxed life too. It's hard enough to do that in the world today, and too many people are too overwhelmed and stressed and it's part of why society is such shit today.
I suppose it depends strongly on your temperament. You know that I've always been the energetic motivated type - I can't sit still. I have to do something productive with my energy or I just feel like i'm being crushed by the future.I actually didn't know that...learn something new every day. :P
I think there's every indication that it does.. We get stronger as we exercise our abilities, we get more efficient as we prioritize and organize our lives. I don't think I've scratched the edges of my potential.I'm all for self-improvement, but I also think there's something to be said for trying to live a relaxed life too. It's hard enough to do that in the world today, and too many people are too overwhelmed and stressed and it's part of why society is such shit today.
I suppose it depends strongly on your temperament. You know that I've always been the energetic motivated type - I can't sit still. I have to do something productive with my energy or I just feel like i'm being crushed by the future.
I'm only like that at work. When I'm at home, I have no problem sitting still for long periods of time. When I'm at work, I always have to be on the move and doing something or I get anxious because I feel incredibly unproductive.
I'm only like that at work. When I'm at home, I have no problem sitting still for long periods of time. When I'm at work, I always have to be on the move and doing something or I get anxious because I feel incredibly unproductive.
I meant sitting still figuratively. When I've a mind, I can sit still for hours, as long as I'm aggressively engaging my brain.
So I just created my first setup.py file, and it's for winterscrape :PI keep reading "winterscape" and thinking that it's some Runescape clone but for Wintreath :D
If you can get 1,000 people to pay you $100 in a year, that's $100,000...or over twice what I make in my job right now. I don't have anything to sell, really, but that number just kind of blows my mind. I mean, there's lots of people in the world...you only have to find 1,000 that really likes what you make or do and gets something out of it.Yeah, just look at how much some of the bigger YouTubers make on Patreon...
Yeah, just look at how much some of the bigger YouTubers make on Patreon...I think minus some of the complications like accounting and taxes and legal stuff, most people would love to work for themselves...being able to set their own schedule, making money even while they're not working, doing things they love doing.
Especially with the gig economy now not even legally classifying them as employees...Yeah, just look at how much some of the bigger YouTubers make on Patreon...I think minus some of the complications like accounting and taxes and legal stuff, most people would love to work for themselves...being able to set their own schedule, making money even while they're not working, doing things they love doing.
Historically, people worked for companies because of the stability and safety they offered employees, but those are things companies don't really offer anymore.
Especially with the gig economy now not even legally classifying them as employees...To some extent or the other, all companies are coming to that though...it's the inevitable result of a workplace culture that sees people as expendable and replaceable, including their customers and employees. Take me for example. As a state employee working in higher education, you would think I'd enjoy the pinnacle of employee protections and considerations, but this year the state legislature passed a law to strip a number of those protections, supposedly to give public college administrations more 'flexibility' to give more money to employees in areas that are in high-demand, but in reality to make it easy to terminate employees to deal with the 22% cut in funding they've received since 2009.
Perhaps I misjudged Tarantino, idk. But I do admit that upon further introspection, I don't have enough evidence to back up my claim wrt him.About the last thing I want is to give myself bigger problems. :))
I used to think that too.. but now, I want to be able to handle more responsibilities, I want to be strong enough to shoulder larger burdens. That means giving myself more problems.Los Angeles. In my home neighborhood, I was the only WASP among my friends. I witnessed a neighborhood I used to live in become Desi majority over the span of maybe 5 years, while also having a Coptic church not too far. It is a hyperdiverse slab of concrete in a desert.
And listen, again I'm not Pat Robertson. I don't think Tarantino or Tarantino fans are homicidal psychopaths in training. I just think that unnecessarily violent media kinda desensitizes you after a while, and that could creep into your perceptions on the world. I only watched maybe the first 10 - 15 mins of Django but that was enough to turn me off. Then again, I just saw 15 mins so idk.
Hey, to each their own. I do think that the beginning presented Django as a relatively amoral assassin who killed somewhat indiscriminately, but that changes after the opening sequence. There is a savage within all of us, and Tarantino is communicating with that savage. We don't usually need the savage for any moral purpose, but by the end of the movie I could see a need for Django's to find expression. I'd take another look if I were you, but hey, I like Tarantino.
Your upbringing seems a bit opposite to mine, I grew up in a mostly white (some Hispanic) area in Arizona. My mom is half-hispanic, so I'm a quarter, though I mostly just look white imo. Moving to Portland was a shock, for though it is somewhat more diverse than Arizona was, the white people are freshly white (fewer white people with mixed racial heritage), so here I'm basically Mexican, lol.
Everyone has worth and merit and everyone deserves that, especially you, Moot.Thanks, North. :)
When I saw the list of Wintrean nobility I was disgusted at the lack of any members of the Ainurian minority being ennobled. Clearly this is an act of discrimination that will not be tolerated. As is the custom of our people, I will engage all of you in a lengthy and unnecessary fake court battle :PIdentity politics. :P
Laugh all you want, but if Augustits taught me anything it's that the one thing NationStates was really missing is a complicated judicial process for bringing grievances to the regional government.When I saw the list of Wintrean nobility I was disgusted at the lack of any members of the Ainurian minority being ennobled. Clearly this is an act of discrimination that will not be tolerated. As is the custom of our people, I will engage all of you in a lengthy and unnecessary fake court battle :PIdentity politics. :P
Laugh all you want, but if Augustits taught me anything it's that the one thing NationStates was really missing is a complicated judicial process for bringing grievances to the regional government.If The Salaxalans taught me anything, it's that regional governments should get rid of their judicial processes. :P
When I saw the list of Wintrean nobility, I was disgusted that the knighthood I jokingly said Crushita gave me with the nonexistent power vested in him by the Potato Papacy wasn't listed, and clearly this is an act of religious discrimination.
How did the houses come to be in the first place?The concept of houses predates Wintreath, and in fact when we separated from Spiritus some people brought their houses from there (although none of those continue to operate in Wintreath). Eventually people started forming their own informal houses...I believe Houses Meindhert (Weissreich, Amalya, etc.) and Kasten (Denth Kasten, Alterra, etc.) were the first and competed with each other for members and 'prestige'. Then later on I decreed houses to be a formal legal thing in the region, around the time I created the nobility system.
How did the houses come to be in the first place?The concept of houses predates Wintreath, and in fact when we separated from Spiritus some people brought their houses from there (although none of those continue to operate in Wintreath). Eventually people started forming their own informal houses...I believe Houses Meindhert (Weissreich, Amalya, etc.) and Kasten (Denth Kasten, Alterra, etc.) were the first and competed with each other for members and 'prestige'. Then later on I decreed houses to be a formal legal thing in the region, around the time I created the nobility system.
I see, so they were formed by those who'd been around awhile or they'd brought them with before you made it an official part of the region.Yeah, that's pretty much it. Many regions actually have their own houses, some of which span multiple regions in parts of the games where people are part of multiple regions.
Or at least that's how I understand it.
@Wintermoot I noticed that in the List of Wintreath Nobility, Weissreich, Zander, Amalya, and Pengu are listed with their full RP names, but Laurentus and Gerrick aren't? Just the minor inconsistency is bugging me a bit.I didn't know Laurentus and Gerrick had RP names...please let me know if they do.
Ah, good point. I do believe we were just going to go with "Laurentus Valeria."@Wintermoot I noticed that in the List of Wintreath Nobility, Weissreich, Zander, Amalya, and Pengu are listed with their full RP names, but Laurentus and Gerrick aren't? Just the minor inconsistency is bugging me a bit.I didn't know Laurentus and Gerrick had RP names...please let me know if they do.
Ah, good point. I do believe we were just going to go with "Laurentus Valeria."In that case, I've updated the list. Perhaps @Gerrick would like to weigh in on his own RP name too.
Speaking of Gerrick, I wasn't aware that he had registered a House in the first place...Ah, good point. I do believe we were just going to go with "Laurentus Valeria."In that case, I've updated the list. Perhaps @Gerrick would like to weigh in on his own RP name too.
Yeah, I think my official RP name will be Gerrick Burdock.Ah, good point. I do believe we were just going to go with "Laurentus Valeria."In that case, I've updated the list. Perhaps @Gerrick would like to weigh in on his own RP name too.
Just did. :DSpeaking of Gerrick, I wasn't aware that he had registered a House in the first place...Ah, good point. I do believe we were just going to go with "Laurentus Valeria."In that case, I've updated the list. Perhaps @Gerrick would like to weigh in on his own RP name too.
It lives! It still lives!Hey, welcome back! We finally got the Next Generation (http://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?topic=4707) of Space Expeditions up and running if you're interested.
Seriously, hello, everyone. Just dropping in to see how things are going. I kinda miss the place, and I kinda hate it at the same time. My time away from this place has made me aware of just how toxic it could sometimes be, too. And yet, here I am again. I guess there's something that always draws me back.
It lives! It still lives!Welcome back. :)
Seriously, hello, everyone. Just dropping in to see how things are going. I kinda miss the place, and I kinda hate it at the same time. My time away from this place has made me aware of just how toxic it could sometimes be, too. And yet, here I am again. I guess there's something that always draws me back.
Has anything noteworthy happened in the last few months?Hmm, we've had a few good RPs (http://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?board=123.0) start up. The Summersend Festival (http://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?board=155.0) and Nuke Day Event (http://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?board=156.0) were both successes. Wintermoot launched a new forum game called Mage Wars (http://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?board=159.0). Also, I was just made a noble (http://wintreath.com/forums/index.php?topic=4720.0). :D
And thanks for the greetings.
It was mostly a joking reference to his comments on the RMB. Me and Ashton have been trying to keep things relatively civil after their, er, 'war', with me essentially calling for a time out and Ashton escalating...somewhat...into threatening into asking you for bans, but I'm pretty sure that was mostly brinkmanship to be like 'no srsly stop'.The great thing is that we can have both a forum and RMB roleplay scene even though it's not one of my areas of interest. I've always thought that having something that I didn't have to personally push and be involved in like that was a sign the community was growing and maturing, and of course that there are plenty of other people interested in doing the work needed to have it. :)
As for following what's going on - frankly if I wasn't at least vaguely invested in it I probably wouldn't bother either.
In other news, what are badges?A system Wintermoot and I are developing. Think of it like achievements that you get when you complete a certain action (e.g. get so many posts, win a forum game, become an ambassador, send so many recruitment TGs). Figured it'd help get newbies involved and show all the different things we have to offer. It's basically done, just needs a few finishing tweaks.
My long campaign of contempt is ended. (https://www.nationstates.net/page=boneyard?nation=eldarion_telcontar)Are y'all going to try for a refound or nah?
I'm shook.Most people would be shook by the actual making fun of, not the apology. :P
This guy was making fun of me today because of my sexuality. I very loudly threatened the well being of his eyes and skull.
Like two hours later he came up to me and apologized. I'm like so shook because of it.
But anywhoodles I just started a painting of a skull with some sugar skull aspects. It's gonna have a 3D effect with a felt jester hat. I'm way excited about this painting guys!
This guy was making fun of me today because of my sexuality. I very loudly threatened the well being of his eyes and skull.Wait, so if I am reading this correctly, this guy was making fun of you for being gay, so in response you threatened to skullfuck him?
This guy was making fun of me today because of my sexuality. I very loudly threatened the well being of his eyes and skull.Wait, so if I am reading this correctly, this guy was making fun of you for being gay, so in response you threatened to skullfuck him?
If so, I have to say, I am very proud of you. :P
a sacrifice pleasing to both khorne and slaaneshWait, so if I am reading this correctly, this guy was making fun of you for being gay, so in response you threatened to skullfuck him?Pretty much yeah
If so, I have to say, I am very proud of you. :P
AINUR RECONQUISTA WHENi thought people were quite happy to run the forums, its just that certain unnamed individuals didn't want to let them
never, because nobody wants to run the forums. im quite happy with my status in Wintreath as a refugee, thank you very much.
a sacrifice pleasing to both khorne and slaaneshfucks for the fuck god?
a skull for the throne and fucking for the...uh...man slaanesh doesn't have a nice pithy line does he
i thought people were quite happy to run the forums, its just that certain unnamed individuals didn't want to let themShow me the man who is "quite happy to run the forums", and I will show you a man who will drop his leadership duties within a few weeks once he realizes what it entails.
One of my friends posted on Facebook about how he got into it with one of his friends...that they got in a debate and his friend twisted what he said and ostracized him. Trying to be out there more and a better friend, I messaged him asking if he needed someone to talk to about it.People aren't always in a state of mind to be reasoned with. Sometimes, the best way to help someone is just to let them vent. They probably know they fucked up, and just need to be reminded they're not alone.
Turns out they were talking about Puerto Rico, and he expressed his opinion that America should help people struggling in its own country before it helps another country like Puerto Rico.
I wanted to make him feel better, I really did, but I couldn't lie about things that are actual facts. I tried to be diplomatic about it, say that there's suffering in a lot of places and limited resources to help, but I also had to tell him that Puerto Rico IS part of America as a territory, and that Puerto Ricans are US Citizens.
He said he knew that (in spite of specifically referring to it as another country earlier), but implied that it didn't count unless they became a state. He ended the conversation quickly after that...doesn't take a counselor to know that I probably didn't help him at all, and that I probably didn't score any friendship points with him in the process.
*sigh* =/
People aren't always in a state of mind to he reasoned with. Sometimes, the best way to help someone is just to let them vent. They probably know they fucked up, and just need to be reminded they're not alone.That's what I intended to do, but I felt like if I didn't at least mention it I would be enabling something that's factually wrong. I mean, I didn't even bring up how deplorable I thought his opinion was, which was basically that the richest country in the world should leave people who have lost everything to fend for themselves because apparently things like compassion and caring about human beings who aren't Americans (in his view) is out of style.
Stay strong, @Mariam! I know how it feels to not have the stability in life to keep building confidence, but as long as you keep trying and do the best you can you can still be proud. :)Thanks
grindr continues to confound me. I messaged a guy that I'd seen on a lot. He complains that this area is shit because there's nothing but bottoms wanting sex in this area, while he's a bottom that's wanting sex in this area. The chat didn't go anywhere, which kinda sucks cause he's the only asian (sorry, asians are like my biggest weakness and it's rare to find one here in rural whitesville) I've seen on there, but I did the best to reach out to him that I could, so I have no regrets.
even though this the first of your posts I've seenNah, you got into a debate with him over Ferris Bueller last month. As is tradition in Wintreath, he's once again changed his username to fit the Avatar of the Month theme.
If we're back to not replying to each other, then what's on my mind right now is that I find it rather cruel that the word "Rhotacism" starts with the letter R. They really couldn't have called it something else?Don't forget "lisp" and "hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia" (fear of long words).
Oh. A generous way of describing what happened, I guess we may as well be diplomatic about it now, but I know who you're talking about so that works. I was right the first time then, time to undo the undo. Most forums I've been on don't allow username changes, so that's good to know that that's possible here. Not a problem, just don't see it often so it was unexpected.Civil debate is fine, ignoring someone is fine, calling someone an asshole is not fine. If you can't be civil with someone or work things out with them, by all means ignore them, but please do not flame them.
This works both ways right? He's an asshole and I don't need him trying to insult me again. Don't know why some of you put up with him, I searched back then and found out that he's tried to start bullshit before a few times with others and I'm not at all the first to call him out on it.
For now I'm just disappointed he didn't leave. Or get banned, that would be cool too.
Hard not to see him as some creep anyway after now that I remember his "Hi Aethelia, fancy seeing you here" without telling me who he is, like some stalker. Maybe if he wants to be an adult and explain himself, there would be cause for more patience with him. Until he learns respect, he could never talk to me again. I'd like to believe that my days of rolling over and surrendering to bullies are now over.
Edit: This one is my favorite "Uggh, I sent a puppet to what I thought would be a nice region but instead it seems infested with easily offended tumblrinas. I have -4 Reputation because I posted "get triggered commies" with a picture of reagan in a political thread because "triggered is a slur against people with PTSD and is used by 4chan hate criminals" and later I posted a funny little image referencing Chris Rock's skit on how MLK blvd in any city is smack dab in the middle of the ghetto, which got me called out as a "racist". I fucking swear if the place wasn't Byzantine themed I would have left a while ago... "
Basically a confession to being an asshole. I want to find that region and lower his reputation even more for whatever he tried to start there. It's at if at no point does this guy ever consider that he might actually be wrong about something. He probably got banned from the last region he was in, and deserved it.
It's just that this is far from the first time that I dropped off the face of the earth out of nowhere because I went mental for the millionth time. I hate that this is my status quo. I desire to be seen as reliable, y'know?You're doing the best you can, and it takes time to break out of mindsets like that. I think that in time you'll be able to feel better for longer, especially after you turn 18 and can do more things to help yourself. And for what it's worth, I think you're a reliable member on here at least. ;)
I seriously don't want to approach this matter though because fresh wounds and all. But all you guys need to know is that I'm just in a dark place right now and whenever I start feeling better, I suddenly fall back down. I don't when I'll get better.
Is it all that surprising? America as a whole has subscribed to the myth that selfishness is the best path forward for society as a whole for more than a century, based pretty much entirely on Adam Smith's economic voodoo. I'm sure if people had their way, all their tax dollars would be spent on things that directly benefit them - fuck that dude in Detroit, I gotta get mine. Hell, fuck that dude living across the city -MY neighborhood is the only one that deserves funding.It's not surprising as a whole...I'm aware of the culture of greed and selfishness that's taking the country by storm. I'm a little surprised that this person in particular has that opinion and doesn't know the facts of what he's talking about, since we've talked before and usually pretty smart and has never expressed anything like this before. Usually people with those kinds of sentiments don't like me to begin with. :P
How much more do you think people can justify that kind of thinking when it's 'not even a state' but a territory?
Oh. A generous way of describing what happened, I guess we may as well be diplomatic about it now, but I know who you're talking about so that works.Really? From my perspective as a bystander at least, the discussion was remarkably civil.
This works both ways right? He's an asshole and I don't need him trying to insult me again. Don't know why some of you put up with him, I searched back then and found out that he's tried to start bullshit before a few times with others and I'm not at all the first to call him out on it.Of course, by all means feel free to block him. But this is Wintreath, we don't ban people simply because we perceive them to be assholes, that'd go against our core values. Just take a look at how long we put up with Govindia, to wide interregional censure even, before finally stripping him of his citizenship. And he's still not banned.
For now I'm just disappointed he didn't leave. Or get banned, that would be cool too.
Hard not to see him as some creep anyway after now that I remember his "Hi Aethelia, fancy seeing you here" without telling me who he is, like some stalker. Maybe if he wants to be an adult and explain himself, there would be cause for more patience with him. Until he learns respect, he could never talk to me again. I'd like to believe that my days of rolling over and surrendering to bullies are now over.
Edit: This one is my favorite "Uggh, I sent a puppet to what I thought would be a nice region but instead it seems infested with easily offended tumblrinas. I have -4 Reputation because I posted "get triggered commies" with a picture of reagan in a political thread because "triggered is a slur against people with PTSD and is used by 4chan hate criminals" and later I posted a funny little image referencing Chris Rock's skit on how MLK blvd in any city is smack dab in the middle of the ghetto, which got me called out as a "racist". I fucking swear if the place wasn't Byzantine themed I would have left a while ago... "
Basically a confession to being an asshole. I want to find that region and lower his reputation even more for whatever he tried to start there. It's at if at no point does this guy ever consider that he might actually be wrong about something.
Of course, by all means feel free to block him. But this is Wintreath, we don't ban people simply because we perceive them to be assholes, that'd go against our core values. Just take a look at how long we put up with Govindia, to wide interregional censure even, before finally stripping him of his citizenship. And he's still not banned.Are you trying to say that Gov's an asshole? *glares*
No, I said that people may perceive him to be one.Of course, by all means feel free to block him. But this is Wintreath, we don't ban people simply because we perceive them to be assholes, that'd go against our core values. Just take a look at how long we put up with Govindia, to wide interregional censure even, before finally stripping him of his citizenship. And he's still not banned.Are you trying to say that Gov's an asshole? *glares*
No, I said that people may perceive him to be one.Haha, alright, just checking.
Don't know who Govindia is, so I cannot comment on that. Maybe I'll look into that later if that would be interesting to check on.I'm not aware of anyone that thinks you're not intelligent...I certainly think you're intelligent, and I've never thought otherwise. If you feel like he or anyone else on here has flamed you, please report it to me and I'll review it. I try to take notice of anything posted on here that might challenge our community values or violate rules, but I do miss things sometimes.
Odd, I looked back after this and saw he edited one the relevant posts... maybe even he knew he went too far back then and I just didn't see it until now.
Perhaps "He started it" isn't a good enough excuse, so sorry for escalating, but it is at least true, I don't really like my intelligence being insulted and I said nothing about him before he started on me like that. Long explanation for that, won't bore you with all of it, but I'm not some stereotypical bimbo with the memory of a goldfish and no awareness of the world. I know about a lot of things. Still far from everything, I'm not much good with languages, or pure mathematics, or a few other subjects I won't claim to have mastered, but still a lot, especially compared to what people like that seem to think just by looking at me and assuming that looks and brains must be inversely proportional. That being a phrase I know without any help. I've read many books, and, as long as I'm not being compared to people who literally do it for a living, I know a good amount of engineering, science, history, politics, and other non-trivial subjects. Programming too. You do programming right, ask me something about programming that isn't too easy to Google. Thinking about this makes me feel like perhaps I should prove that I really do know things, I shouldn't have to but I want to prove it anyway to remove any possible doubt.
This is why I don't want to post in the picture topic, if I do that, then even if they don't realize it themselves, someone might assume I must be unintelligent or associate me with things like the cherry-picked Miss South Carolina woman or Sarah Palin or someone else like that. I am not dumb. Other than some bad stuff that happened awhile ago that has little to do with this that caused some mental trauma, my brain works fine, and if IQ scores really meant much, mine could be described as above average.
Even if some people won't believe it no matter what I say, I can prove that I am not stupid or ignorant. If not here, maybe put that Ask Aethelia topic to use again, someone quiz me or something, even if you've never thought of me as fitting the "dumb blonde" stereotype, I can prove it and I very much want to right now.
Eh, people need to grow thick skin eventually.Or maybe people need to develop some decency instead. :P
-snip-I'm actually a little disappointed you feel the need to be quizzed. I'm fine with just taking it at face value.
Eh, people need to grow thick skin eventually.
Or maybe people need to develop some decency instead. :PI mean, y'all are pretty much saying 'people should lock their doors' and 'yeah, but man, wouldn't it be nice if we could trust each other?'
I'm actually a little disappointed you feel the need to be quizzed. I'm fine with just taking it at face value.
there was a hint at knowing me awhile ago, possibly irl?bruh
Studies have shown that we are drawn to believe those who carry themselves with confidence, which isn't a bad thing on its own, but does become one when we factor in that unintelligent people are often the most confident.For those who aren't familiar with this topic, we're talking about the Dunning-Kruger effect, which is pretty neat to think about, and certainly fits with every problem I've ever experienced in college, where my perceived competence constantly far outstrips my actual competence because I'm a narcissist with delusions of intellectual godhood, except immediately after a midterm.
legitimate serious thanks for just quoting the words and not actually me because wow i find those PMs mildly annoying and wish I knew how to turn them off (which is a low-key hint to anyone who knows how to please tell me how to do that, that I have now transformed into an outright statement, whoops)
bruhGo to your menu (the one with your name on it at the top right), Edit Profile, Options, and uncheck PM under Notification Options.
legitimate serious thanks for just quoting the words and not actually me because wow i find those PMs mildly annoying and wish I knew how to turn them off (which is a low-key hint to anyone who knows how to please tell me how to do that, that I have now transformed into an outright statement, whoops)
Not sure if you mean it or not? Playing it safe for this one and doing it again...dead serious
Go to your menu (the one with your name on it at the top right), Edit Profile, Options, and uncheck PM under Notification Options.Wow. That's...way easier than I thought it would be. I'd been trying to mess around in the old profile options and not getting it at all. But at least I managed to stop getting email notifications for PMs.
Nonetheless this leads to perhaps the key question by which I can judge you for all eternity: how do you feel about Stormcast Eternals?
grindr continues to confound me. I messaged a guy that I'd seen on a lot. He complains that this area is shit because there's nothing but bottoms wanting sex in this area, while he's a bottom that's wanting sex in this area. The chat didn't go anywhere, which kinda sucks cause he's the only asian (sorry, asians are like my biggest weakness and it's rare to find one here in rural whitesville) I've seen on there, but I did the best to reach out to him that I could, so I have no regrets.Since completely blowing me off in that conversation, he's messaged me twice since then, obviously when he's horny and desperate...the last time he sent some face/chest pictures and said he wanted to meet, but hasn't since I reminded him that he was looking for tops (I can top, but it's not something I want to do with people I don't know, lol).
Edit: I will add that I'm curious as to why this topic came up all of a sudden.Aethelia was asking why we don't ban, let alone put up with people like Justinian, and I brought up Gov to illustrate how Wintreath treats people in its community. Also, Wintermoot brought up Gov in his AMA, and the multiple mentions in this short period of time seems to have made Aethelia curious about the person.
Edit: I will add that I'm curious as to why this topic came up all of a sudden.Aethelia was asking why we don't ban, let alone put up with people like Justinian, and I brought up Gov to illustrate how Wintreath treats people in its community. Also, Wintermoot brought up Gov in his AMA, and the multiple mentions in this short period of time seems to have made Aethelia curious about the person.
Well alright then. I must have missed the first part of that convo, because it just seemed like such a random segway. :-\Random segway? :P
Well alright then. I must have missed the first part of that convo, because it just seemed like such a random segway. :-\Random segway? :P
Apparently my spellchecker doesn't recognize "segway" as a valid word.Maybe because it kinda isn't, being generally used only as a trademarked name of a vehicle that's a play on the word "segue"?
Apparently my spellchecker doesn't recognize "segway" as a valid word.Maybe because it kinda isn't, being generally used only as a trademarked name of a vehicle that's a play on the word "segue"?
Hey @Gerrick, small correction for The Culture Review (since I'm not sure if I can post the Frosthold Castle, and I don't want to make an entire thread to address this). Raintrix Flight isn't wholly original and is based off of Halfling Camp (http://blog.battlebards.com/post/143159437398/meet-the-bard-behind-the-lute-composer-mike) - Hear Ye All You Rascals by Mike Bridge.Yeah, you can indeed post there as you're a citizen. But I'll fix it. Funny, I listened to that and didn't notice the similarities -- just thought you used its tune and rhythm in helping write it.
Ah, I wouldn't say that's technically based on it then, but I see what you're saying. Also, in rereading your original post on the song and clicking the links, I noticed that the creature is actually called a Rainix not Raintrix. :PYou could say that it's "set to it" instead, perhaps?
Aethelia was asking why we don't ban, let alone put up with people like Justinian, and I brought up Gov to illustrate how Wintreath treats people in its community. Also, Wintermoot brought up Gov in his AMA, and the multiple mentions in this short period of time seems to have made Aethelia curious about the person.That...seems like a comparison of Justinian to Govindia, and in the very, very passing familiarity I have gleaned from 'reviewing that one linked thread among others'... That strikes me as a little harsh of a judgement there, since in no way has he harassed anyone to the extent it seems suggested Govindia did.
That...seems like a comparison of Justinian to Govindia, and in the very, very passing familiarity I have gleaned from 'reviewing that one linked thread among others'... That strikes me as a little harsh of a judgement there, since in no way has he harassed anyone to the extent it seems suggested Govindia did.Not really, my thinking was more along the lines of "if we offered that many second chances even to Gov, who's banned from basically all major regions out there, why do you think we'd ban Justinian, considering that he hasn't even done anything remotely ban-worthy"
inspired by tau telling me about these magical 'colors' and 'shoutboxes' to rediscover the actual front page of wintreath, i was concerned to note that the underhusen listed in the side bar hasn't been updated since the preceding session
Speaking of that, aren't we supposed to have UH elections soon?@Wintermoot
Not really, my thinking was more along the lines of "if we offered that many second chances even to Gov, who's banned from basically all major regions out there, why do you think we'd ban Justinian, considering that he hasn't even done anything remotely ban-worthy"If only I'd had this much sense.
Though that also kinda implies some passing judgement of Gov, which I don't want to do either, especially as I don't know him as well as some other Wintreans do and generally remained uninvolved in the related controversies
Speaking of that, aren't we supposed to have UH elections soon?It slipped my mind...guess I was busy thinking about actual functional parts of the region. :P
@WintermootYeah, I think my official RP name will be Gerrick Burdock.Ah, good point. I do believe we were just going to go with "Laurentus Valeria."In that case, I've updated the list. Perhaps @Gerrick would like to weigh in on his own RP name too.
Hmm, Valerians, weigh in here. If you had to choose which of my previous RP characters in the Laurentus line were the most like me, who would it be? Because that's probably the full name I'll go with as my RP forum name.It's been too long, but Maximus is the name I remember best.
So since that whole election reform thing never really went through yet:
Hypothetically, if @Crushita decides that he'd like to accept that nomination and run for UH after all, would that be acceptable, or no?
I would have run, after all I promised like, 6 sessions ago or something that I would continue to run until I was no longer elected, but Uni has utterly killed my free time and my activity in this session has been inexcusable considering how active the other Skifra have been. I wish the next session the best of luck, just don't make me have to make it active by threatening to nuke it again!How is Uni going? Were you able to move out from the middle of nowhere with bad internet? :P
I would have run, after all I promised like, 6 sessions ago or something that I would continue to run until I was no longer elected, but Uni has utterly killed my free time and my activity in this session has been inexcusable considering how active the other Skifra have been. I wish the next session the best of luck, just don't make me have to make it active by threatening to nuke it again!How is Uni going? Were you able to move out from the middle of nowhere with bad internet? :P
Indeed! Its hard work, and I have no time for anything and yet still manage to get nothing done, I have 200 pages of Herodotus I haven't read for my class in 1/2 an hour, I'm 4 chapters behind in Arabic and I didn't finish reading about the Rashidun Caliphate for my class I just had!lol, the first semester is always the toughest...I know that after breezing through high school, I was shocked at how much work college was. In my experience, the only solution is to devote set amounts of time to studying, I'm afraid.
I also just realized that I served in 6 sessions of the Underhusen, a year, without writing a single piece of legislation.
Turns out the key to electoral success is starting a religion around worshiping a potato.
Yeah the problem is that I'm already behind, so how do I catch up now while still doing everything I want to do? I could do everything and study but catching up is a pain.Indeed! Its hard work, and I have no time for anything and yet still manage to get nothing done, I have 200 pages of Herodotus I haven't read for my class in 1/2 an hour, I'm 4 chapters behind in Arabic and I didn't finish reading about the Rashidun Caliphate for my class I just had!lol, the first semester is always the toughest...I know that after breezing through high school, I was shocked at how much work college was. In my experience, the only solution is to devote set amounts of time to studying, I'm afraid.
I also just realized that I served in 6 sessions of the Underhusen, a year, without writing a single piece of legislation.
Turns out the key to electoral success is starting a religion around worshiping a potato.
How are things going with your NS hubby? Or is he more than just a NS hubby? :P
Yeah the problem is that I'm already behind, so how do I catch up now while still doing everything I want to do? I could do everything and study but catching up is a pain.Oh really? ;)
Alas, he is dead. Pretty much left NS due to personal issues. So I am basically single once again.
Darn it Google, I just want references for what people look like when they drown deep underwater. Stop giving me PSAs on how surface drowning doesn't look movie drowning. >:cSo, what do people look like when they drown deep underwater? (And what was this search for?)
Probably very desperate, silent, too focused on getting air to breathe to do much else, and only start taking in water when they pass out from lack of oxygen. Which I figured. So, Google is unhelpful. This (https://www.scubaboard.com/community/threads/how-long-does-it-take-to-drown.458304/) was the most help, and it didn't give quite the advice I wanted. I shall resort to my imagination.Darn it Google, I just want references for what people look like when they drown deep underwater. Stop giving me PSAs on how surface drowning doesn't look movie drowning. >:cSo, what do people look like when they drown deep underwater? (And what was this search for?)
hiiiiiWelcome back! I'm glad you have returned to us...how've you been?
i haven't been here in many, many months
how's it goooing everyboooody
It's been decent-ish, I guess. I've missed NS. How's everyone else here?hiiiiiWelcome back! I'm glad you have returned to us...how've you been?
i haven't been here in many, many months
how's it goooing everyboooody
May I ask what brought you back? You were here for a week once, but then you left suddenly, which seems odd because it looks like it was going well. I like your one week of posts. Do you intend to stay longer now?(Sorry for double posting, didn't see this.)
I like the part where he repeatedly only gets his own vote and keeps going anyway. Probably more frustrating back then, but kinda funny being able to look back, having not had to experience it at the time.Let's be honest, he was probably just a kid who didn't realize that deception gets you nowhere in a community and you actually have to get to know people if they're going to trust you.
Hi everyone,
I turn 34 this Sunday.
Hope it will go well for me.
I've been fighting depression for a while. There's only so much I can hold out fighting it......:-/
Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
I don't know about the RMB, that place is too chaotic, and for me it stops loading if I try to go too far back anyway.I noticed that and had a lil' giggle at the coincidence. Maybe it's an unconscious thing? Who knowwws. All I know is that I'm stressed, mildly depressed, and under duress.
I meant as in your first forum post was October 19th, 2016, and your last prior to your return was October 25th, 2016. Made me wonder if this is just going to be a thing where you show up for exactly one week every year in October, meaning we need to make good use of your presence now, probably starting with an AMA, before we lose you for another year in a few days.
Might not be enough data to make a conclusion like that, but I have no evidence that contradicts this pattern yet.
Hi everyone,Happy early birthday! Depression is a beast, but I hope you can find some joy on that special day.
I turn 34 this Sunday.
Hope it will go well for me.
I've been fighting depression for a while. There's only so much I can hold out fighting it......:-/
Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
sup girl welcome backI'm trying my best, but man, I was unprepared.
college is rough stuff but you figure it out eventually
Hi everyone,Happy birthday! I also hope that you're able to overcome your depression...are you seeing a professional to help you?
I turn 34 this Sunday.
Hope it will go well for me.
I've been fighting depression for a while. There's only so much I can hold out fighting it......:-/
Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
I was considering watching the first one, but it didn't seem particularly different then every other movie like it.The first one was a fairly amusing quasi-parody/deconstruction of the Bond film genre. Was looking forward to the second one...
So a homicide investigation is currently going on outside my apartment.
Ah, the city. So peaceful. And in a gated community, too.
So a homicide investigation is currently going on outside my apartment.You could have at least hid the body better when you were through with it.
Ah, the city. So peaceful. And in a gated community, too.
Clearly the dumpster wasn't the best place.
I am very happy to see Cyril Ramaphosa now stands the best chance of being our next president. He could be the first black president since Mandela to bring blacks and whites together for a common purpose. As much as I liked Mbeki, he was just not that perfect mix between dreamer and pragmatist that I believe Mandela to have been, and Ramaphosa to be. As much as I hate to say it, he also wasn't politically shrewd enough to prevent what happened to him with Zuma. Ramaphosa would have seen it coming a mile away.And here in America, we're stuck with Trump for 3 more years :(
Just remember that South Africa has been stuck with Zuma for 8 years nowI am very happy to see Cyril Ramaphosa now stands the best chance of being our next president. He could be the first black president since Mandela to bring blacks and whites together for a common purpose. As much as I liked Mbeki, he was just not that perfect mix between dreamer and pragmatist that I believe Mandela to have been, and Ramaphosa to be. As much as I hate to say it, he also wasn't politically shrewd enough to prevent what happened to him with Zuma. Ramaphosa would have seen it coming a mile away.And here in America, we're stuck with Trump for 3 more years :(
I am very happy to see Cyril Ramaphosa now stands the best chance of being our next president. He could be the first black president since Mandela to bring blacks and whites together for a common purpose. As much as I liked Mbeki, he was just not that perfect mix between dreamer and pragmatist that I believe Mandela to have been, and Ramaphosa to be. As much as I hate to say it, he also wasn't politically shrewd enough to prevent what happened to him with Zuma. Ramaphosa would have seen it coming a mile away.Dude, you're from South Africa? My condolences.
Ah, CGP Grey's classic. I would like to note, though, that the widespread consensus among economists is that we have little to fear from the development of further automation taking away nearly all jobs.![]()
An interesting video, nonetheless. Many people will definitely lose jobs they've spent their lives specialising in, though, so I wouldn't be confident in saying nothing bad is going to happen, but I do wonder whether a robot would be able to do psychology, for instance. It probably will, actually.Yeah, definitely. And upon further thought (and reread of the materials I linked), it's not that nothing bad is going to happen, just that economists believe the "automation is different this time" argument to be flawed. Still negative consequences, just not much (from a wider point of view) that we haven't already seen before.
Coming from someone who is normally a Day 1 or 2 lynch in Werewolf, I get where you're coming from on this. It seems like no matter what action you take, you're on someone's radar. Whether it be the Werewolves attempting to implicate you, a player taking your action as a guilty notion, or some other form when you're playing a role...regardless of whether you're a good or bad characters, it can be really tough when you become what feels like a token early-game kill.LIES, DAMN LIES ALL OF IT
But in that I say it's not necessarily a bad thing. That's either the wolves thinking you're either a formidable target to keep around for too long, or a good enough scapegoat for them so that it detracts the players from suspecting the real bad guys. And on the flipside, if you are/were a bad guy, it just means that you've played the previous games well enough on either or both sides to where people pick up on your strategies, regardless of your alliance. Sometimes those strategies bleed together to where regardless of your role, it raises flags.
Don't worry, I already f'ed up for you. Someone posted "me too" and I wrote "thanks" on it, not knowing what it was and assuming it was a /r/me_irl meme. Needless to say, I very soon apologized to her, and told her of my own experiences. Great bonding moment, but incredibly embarrassing!
Had a friend post #metoo on FB so texted to say sorry that happened. She asked “what” then a few texts later was clear she had no such traumatic event but was helping increase awareness of #metoo. This is morphing folks so buckle up as confusion swirls through FB.
Note: the forum’s profile functions do NOT handle Cyrillic well here.Yep, most of the profile only takes ASCII. Tried to put Chinese in there once and failed.
I tried to put “rootless cosmopolitan” in my signature and the website got angry with me.Note: the forum’s profile functions do NOT handle Cyrillic well here.Yep, most of the profile only takes ASCII. Tried to put Chinese in there once and failed.
Hey, at least it allows accents. Used to have to go to the Old User CP, and it'd wipe your signature if you forgot to do that.I tried to put “rootless cosmopolitan” in my signature and the website got angry with me.Note: the forum’s profile functions do NOT handle Cyrillic well here.Yep, most of the profile only takes ASCII. Tried to put Chinese in there once and failed.
here's a part of the story i'm writing for my college creative writing classSince this is for study I'm a bit leery of giving advice. Try reading your sentences out loud. The longer your sentence is, the more it risks being confusing.SpoilerThe Noble Stone
“Many Kings has Constantin Mac Aeda lost this day, my king” said Edward Fairfax, “as has Olaf Guthfrithson lost many warriors.”
“aye, my friend, but this battle has been costly on us as well” King Æthelstan, former king of the Anglo-Saxons and current king of the English, was weary of battle, looked to his friend of many years, “but we have secured the future of Briton” The battle was hard fought, but Constantin Mac Aeda and his Norse allies had been routed in a grand battle that historians would later call one of the greatest Anglo-Saxon battles in history.
What is it my fellow Wintreans do when they consider the bleak nature of our existence? How do you cope with the probability that nothing you do really matters? Do you find comfort in the very thought?
Also, what is it that non-South Africans think of Rooibos tea? It's way expensive over there where you all live, so why is it worth it?I generally only have Chinese teas.
What is it my fellow Wintreans do when they consider the bleak nature of our existence? How do you cope with the probability that nothing you do really matters? Do you find comfort in the very thought?
What is it my fellow Wintreans do when they consider the bleak nature of our existence? How do you cope with the probability that nothing you do really matters? Do you find comfort in the very thought?
Also, what is it that non-South Africans think of Rooibos tea? It's way expensive over there where you all live, so why is it worth it?
Never really bothered with different blends. Whatever lipton packages in the box is what I've had my whole life. :P
What is it my fellow Wintreans do when they consider the bleak nature of our existence? How do you cope with the probability that nothing you do really matters? Do you find comfort in the very thought?I don't give it much thought, to be honest. I focus on the journey, and doing things that I have fun doing, and having an impact on people in a positive way, especially the people I care about and love. It may not matter on a historic scale or a cosmic scale, but it matters to me, and that's all that's required.
@GerrickI have the coupon as well, so I think everyone who owns Civ V got the coupon. But I probably won't buy it until they're finished releasing DLCs and I get a new PC. Thanks for the offer, though!
It says on Steam that you want Civ VI. You want the 50% off coupon I got for the Digital Deluxe Version? Steam sent it to me for some ridiculous reason.
@GerrickI have the coupon as well, so I think everyone who owns Civ V got the coupon. But I probably won't buy it until they're finished releasing DLCs and I get a new PC. Thanks for the offer, though!
It says on Steam that you want Civ VI. You want the 50% off coupon I got for the Digital Deluxe Version? Steam sent it to me for some ridiculous reason.
What is it my fellow Wintreans do when they consider the bleak nature of our existence? How do you cope with the probability that nothing you do really matters? Do you find comfort in the very thought?I'm not too terribly familiar with Nihilist arguments, nor do i really care for them.
Also, what is it that non-South Africans think of Rooibos tea? It's way expensive over there where you all live, so why is it worth it?
What is it my fellow Wintreans do when they consider the bleak nature of our existence? How do you cope with the probability that nothing you do really matters? Do you find comfort in the very thought?
Also, what is it that non-South Africans think of Rooibos tea? It's way expensive over there where you all live, so why is it worth it?
I beg to differ. Faith has done little harm. In fact, early Christians, before there were continent-spanning church orders, were willing to go into plague-infested areas to care for people that governments had pretty much written off as lost causes. It's when it becomes an organised religion, with punishments for "heretics" that it all falls apart and I have no patience for it.What is it my fellow Wintreans do when they consider the bleak nature of our existence? How do you cope with the probability that nothing you do really matters? Do you find comfort in the very thought?I'm not too terribly familiar with Nihilist arguments, nor do i really care for them.
Also, what is it that non-South Africans think of Rooibos tea? It's way expensive over there where you all live, so why is it worth it?
But arguing extremely hypothetically here in a world where there is no God, a human's function as an animal in this ecosystem within a human tribe is in and of itself inherent worth. Having friends, having a husband or wife, going to work every day, those are things that are inherently worthwhile, and it means no matter how minute you might think your existence is, you are still contributing.
And that's also how religion is worthwile. Even if God doesn't exist, a person praying is merely self soothing, a person volunteering at the mosque, synagogue or church is contributing to the happiness and thus general emotional health of the local population. The Torah, the Quran, the Bible, etc. help instill proper morals into a person that they might not get from secular philosophy. Of course, some push it toward evil, but I firmly believe that religion has done vastly more good than harm.
Because any form of organized religion entails punishment for disbeliefI beg to differ. Faith has done little harm. In fact, early Christians, before there were continent-spanning church orders, were willing to go into plague-infested areas to care for people that governments had pretty much written off as lost causes. It's when it becomes an organised religion, with punishments for "heretics" that it all falls apart and I have no patience for it.What is it my fellow Wintreans do when they consider the bleak nature of our existence? How do you cope with the probability that nothing you do really matters? Do you find comfort in the very thought?I'm not too terribly familiar with Nihilist arguments, nor do i really care for them.
Also, what is it that non-South Africans think of Rooibos tea? It's way expensive over there where you all live, so why is it worth it?
But arguing extremely hypothetically here in a world where there is no God, a human's function as an animal in this ecosystem within a human tribe is in and of itself inherent worth. Having friends, having a husband or wife, going to work every day, those are things that are inherently worthwhile, and it means no matter how minute you might think your existence is, you are still contributing.
And that's also how religion is worthwile. Even if God doesn't exist, a person praying is merely self soothing, a person volunteering at the mosque, synagogue or church is contributing to the happiness and thus general emotional health of the local population. The Torah, the Quran, the Bible, etc. help instill proper morals into a person that they might not get from secular philosophy. Of course, some push it toward evil, but I firmly believe that religion has done vastly more good than harm.
But yeah, as it so happens, I do not have a problem with positive self-deception, as long as it stays positive.
The only "religion" I have any sort of tolerance for is Buddhism, and I suspect that is only because I don't know enough about it or its more unsavoury history yet. As a religious system, though, it looks a lot closer to the type of secular values I prize.
EDIT: Actually, I forgot about Laveyan Satanism. It also seems pretty rad.I assure you it very much is. >:D
Oh this again. I hope they eventually make a more interesting NS game. Maybe one that actually uses your nation's main stats, that needs to do more.Usually, Wintreath is well-organized enough that even if you do nothing, you'll probably be safe simply due to the sheer number of cure missiles being sent your way.
Guess I'll be ready to Research Cure immediately, important for the big population nations to get an early start if I remember right, if they still use that design where whether you survive or not depends on how quickly you log in after it begins and not much else. Not much of an event really.
So it's this time of year again... (https://www.nationstates.net/page=news/2017/10/26/index.html)Since there's under 48 hours until Z-day, what is the game plan this time?
@Wintermoot are we getting another Twilight's Sentinel subforum?So it's this time of year again... (https://www.nationstates.net/page=news/2017/10/26/index.html)Since there's under 48 hours until Z-day, what is the game plan this time?
It's probably "Cure Everything," but I'm asking more in terms of coordinating with the RMB and announcing those plans to people who weren't around last time.
Someone with authority should probably inform the RMB/rest-of-the-region, because I'm developing concerns that they may just do their own thing if we don't let them know in advance. I seem to recall some hurt feelings last year.@Wintermoot are we getting another Twilight's Sentinel subforum?So it's this time of year again... (https://www.nationstates.net/page=news/2017/10/26/index.html)Since there's under 48 hours until Z-day, what is the game plan this time?
It's probably "Cure Everything," but I'm asking more in terms of coordinating with the RMB and announcing those plans to people who weren't around last time.
In the past, I believe we've mostly coordinated over on IRC. Will probably shift over to Discord, I'd guess.
But basically it involves one person calling out targets and everyone spamming them until they're cured. Often, people on the RMB wanting to help but not on the chat will be able to figure who they should target based on who everyone else is targeting.
And watching out for infected or horde-embracing nations moving in, either for help or to attack.
The best thing would be a regionwide telegram from @Wintermoot about the event which makes it clear that (assuming this is the policy we will be pursuing) embracing the Horde can be grounds for a temporary banjection.Someone with authority should probably inform the RMB/rest-of-the-region, because I'm developing concerns that they may just do their own thing if we don't let them know in advance. I seem to recall some hurt feelings last year.@Wintermoot are we getting another Twilight's Sentinel subforum?So it's this time of year again... (https://www.nationstates.net/page=news/2017/10/26/index.html)Since there's under 48 hours until Z-day, what is the game plan this time?
It's probably "Cure Everything," but I'm asking more in terms of coordinating with the RMB and announcing those plans to people who weren't around last time.
In the past, I believe we've mostly coordinated over on IRC. Will probably shift over to Discord, I'd guess.
But basically it involves one person calling out targets and everyone spamming them until they're cured. Often, people on the RMB wanting to help but not on the chat will be able to figure who they should target based on who everyone else is targeting.
And watching out for infected or horde-embracing nations moving in, either for help or to attack.
@taulover totally should have Potatoeist Science also research cure so I can cure PotatoeStates :PDone.
I must say North I'm pretty sure your life is some sort of TV show with all the stuff you tell us in here.
You slept with your cousin? As in had sex with? ^.^
@taulover totally should have Potatoeist Science also research cure so I can cure PotatoeStates :PI've largely cured you. Please do the same to me so that PotatoeStates can truly be cured.
I dont rightly remember. I think I did. We woke up in her hotel room. I was incredibly drunk. Christ, the sad part is I dont have anyone I can really tell. If I tell my family....jesus, just..no. My friends would think that's terrible and they would be right. Heck, I just do not know how to act around her now.Why is it terrible? Isn't it what you wanted? :P
I dont rightly remember. I think I did. We woke up in her hotel room. I was incredibly drunk. Christ, the sad part is I dont have anyone I can really tell. If I tell my family....jesus, just..no. My friends would think that's terrible and they would be right. Heck, I just do not know how to act around her now.Why is it terrible? Isn't it what you wanted? :P
And besides, you don't even know...maybe nothing happened but some sleep. How is she acting towards you?
Normal, which is unsettling. Rage, regret, promises to never do it again would be better, I would know what to do then, but I dont know what to do with nothing. And she is my cousin! Even if she is incredibly attractive it still feels wrong. Like I made a mistake. And now I have no idea what to do.They call it wincest for a reason, you know. I don't know, I think it's pretty hot myself. :P
Normal, which is unsettling. Rage, regret, promises to never do it again would be better, I would know what to do then, but I dont know what to do with nothing. And she is my cousin! Even if she is incredibly attractive it still feels wrong. Like I made a mistake. And now I have no idea what to do.They call it wincest for a reason, you know. I don't know, I think it's pretty hot myself. :P
Maybe the fact that she's acting normal is a sign that nothing happened though, especially if it seems like she's not trying to avoid you or anything. What makes you so sure that sex actually happened? You must be pretty sure if you feel so badly about it.
Oh, dear god, please, never ever say 'wincest' again, I'm getting bloody shivers down my spine.But it is win. Very win. :P I don't see what the big deal about it is anyways. You have a crush on her, so you obviously already want her, and whats wrong with two consenting adults doing something they want to do?
I...suppose so. I never actually thought about that. Maybe I should bring it up with her.
Oh, dear god, please, never ever say 'wincest' again, I'm getting bloody shivers down my spine.But it is win. Very win. :P I don't see what the big deal about it is anyways. You have a crush on her, so you obviously already want her, and whats wrong with two consenting adults doing something they want to do?
I...suppose so. I never actually thought about that. Maybe I should bring it up with her.
Maybe you can bring it up in a way that doesn't clue her in to realizing you think you might have done her. Was she as drunk as you? If not, that makes it even less likely.
She was pretty drunk as well. And I was veryyyyy intoxicated. I will have to ask her, one way or another.That's a difficult situation...if she was so drunk, would she remember any better than you? Maybe asking her makes things awkward even if nothing happened, cause logically why would you be asking about it?
http://www.flashdrivesforfreedom.org/Reminds me of this series of interviews, especially when defectors talked about watching smuggled Western media:
"But what about a Greater Finland? That'd be pretty cool too"finland doesn't exist though, it's a conspiracy fabricated by the soviets and the japanese
finland doesn't exist though, it's a conspiracy fabricated by the soviets and the japanese
I'm just talking hypothetically here. Finland's a cool concept."But what about a Greater Finland? That'd be pretty cool too"finland doesn't exist though, it's a conspiracy fabricated by the soviets and the japanese
There are many possibilities to explain the invention of the Winter War:finland doesn't exist though, it's a conspiracy fabricated by the soviets and the japanese
That is fucking gold right there! :P But I must retort.
All they forgot was the skis of the Finnish Army. 8)
*dusts off tinfoil cap* These all seem like very reasonable explanations for the Finnish conspiracy.Oh, we've just barely scratched the surface...
*Politely removes tinfoil cap, and places it on velvet pedestal* What in the name of god are these.... Hmm you know the second one could be viable if I didn't know for a fact (though it's possible I've woken up in an alternate reality) that Finland exists. The fourth would be the most hilarious coverup in history considering Sweden hasn't been militarily relevant since 1718 muhahahaha. :P
All in all this is beautiful.
All that is good and of value in this world is dead or dying. This country a rotting corpse rife with maggots. My life is an absolute disaster and I'm left with fewer and fewer reasons to look forward to the future.The world has kinda always been a crappy place. The belief in modesty, kindness and sacredness was never a universal constant. Every corner of the world goes through a series of changes. All peoples have their moments of being villains and heroes. Life is always going to suck, and it's always going to rock at the same time. Nothing is ever truly going to change.
The world is being destroyed. My Anglo-Saxon people have died. The belief in sacredness, in modesty, in kindness has become extinct. All that is left now is pestilence.
We were the servals, lions, and wolves. Those who will replace us will be jackals and hyenas. And all of us- lions, jackals, and sheep will go on thinking we’re the salt of the earth.
Or realism. Zoom out far enough, and nothing looks different. Even in ages of great prosperity for a specific region, there is another that suffers proportionally.There are always places that suffered while another prospered. That doesn't mean a better society is impossible. That's why I called your words defeatist. You argue that there have always been societal issues, therefore seeking to amend or lamenting over these issues is pointless.
Not that I believe Islam, as a whole, is doomed, as you seem to be implying.
So, my mom's 71 and started having excruciating pain in a hip. She took 3 Tylenols during the night, 3 more in the morning, then did some other stuff for about an hour and took 3 more inadvertently...you can guess where I'm going with this. Tylenol overdose. I was at school and she was in a bad way when I finally came home.That's real freaking terrible, dude. ER visits are the freaking worst.
This shit is no joke. She took about 1300mg too much. Her heart was pounding and she couldn't get up without fainting. Pissed basically clear water, no urea. She wasn't drinking or eating anything and kept pissing that clear water as if she was drinking a gallon an hour. Despite this, I had to basically force her to go to the ER. Stubborn old lady.
Thankfully, as are most stubborn old ladies she's also a tough old lady and shouldn't have any lasting damage after hospitalization.
I stayed at her side for almost the whole week, skipping most of my classes except for an exam. I generally don't have any class on Fridays but I went to use the labs to do some of the assignments I missed (which count on the final grade)...and the electronics storage was closed. It's supposed to be open all week and it was supposed to be open when I was there. I waited an hour, knocked on the door, nothing to do. I was fuming when I got back home. Now I'm not sure I'll be able to find time to do those assignments and I'm going to lose these points. I still have no idea why there wasn't anybody at all there the whole time.
Just been a shitty fucking week. I hope this month picks up, but given that I am starting to be broke and I'm out of green tea, I doubt it will.
ORDed 4.5 years ago bro
Wow, seems things haven't been great for moms of Wintreans lately. My mom was in the ER on 9/3, then she spent a week in the hospital last month, and I stayed with her there both times. I hope that winter will be a better season for us and our moms.
So, my mom's 71 and started having excruciating pain in a hip. She took 3 Tylenols during the night, 3 more in the morning, then did some other stuff for about an hour and took 3 more inadvertently...you can guess where I'm going with this. Tylenol overdose. I was at school and she was in a bad way when I finally came home.
This shit is no joke. She took about 1300mg too much. Her heart was pounding and she couldn't get up without fainting. Pissed basically clear water, no urea. She wasn't drinking or eating anything and kept pissing that clear water as if she was drinking a gallon an hour. Despite this, I had to basically force her to go to the ER. Stubborn old lady.
Thankfully, as are most stubborn old ladies she's also a tough old lady and shouldn't have any lasting damage after hospitalization.
I stayed at her side for almost the whole week, skipping most of my classes except for an exam. I generally don't have any class on Fridays but I went to use the labs to do some of the assignments I missed (which count on the final grade)...and the electronics storage was closed. It's supposed to be open all week and it was supposed to be open when I was there. I waited an hour, knocked on the door, nothing to do. I was fuming when I got back home. Now I'm not sure I'll be able to find time to do those assignments and I'm going to lose these points. I still have no idea why there wasn't anybody at all there the whole time.
Just been a shitty fucking week. I hope this month picks up, but given that I am starting to be broke and I'm out of green tea, I doubt it will.
So Christopher Tolkien retired as head of the Tolkien Estate (http://www.theonering.net/torwp/2017/11/15/104426-in-historic-move-christopher-tolkien-resigns-as-director-of-tolkien-estate/), and with this knowledge in mind, Amazon's LOTR TV series suddenly makes a lot more sense.I'd be fine with any of those sideplots being explored in a show, as long as it were done properly. With the Tolkien Estate at the helm, I was hoping that Christopher Tolkien would be a moderating force who would help ensure faithfulness to his father's work. Now, it's clear that that's not the case: he resigned back in August, and probably had no say in this decision.
Especially the part where they seem to want to do a prequel? Which is a bit dumb, in my opinion. I mean, sure, you can focus it on young Aragorn doing his Awesome Mccoolguy shit, like walking through Moria, going to Harad, being Thorongil for like 20 years, all that shit, but it seems like that's sort of...completely not the point of LOTR. Like, shit, one of the great things about it is that while Aragorn's the guy who would ordinarily be the hero of the plot, here he's a supporting character, and we just gloss over a lot of the cool guy shit he does because that's not really important, like, say, all the action movie hero shit between 'having a chat with dead guys' and 'sailing a captured and repurposed pirate fleet to the Pelennor Fields'.
So, sure, baller dude, but it seems like it'll probably be missing the point.
Which, now that I think of it, is exactly what the last couple seasons of Game of Thrones have been doing, so, sure, fuck it, why not.
In my ninety-third year this is (presumptively) my last book in the long series of editions of my father's writings, very largely previously unpublished, and is of a somewhat curious nature. This tale is chosen in memoriam because of its deeply-rooted presence in his own life, and his intense thought on the union of Lúthien, whom he called 'the greatest of the Eldar', and of Beren the mortal man, of their fates, and of their second lives.
It goes back a long way in my life, for it is my earliest actual recollection of some element in a story that was being told to me—not simply a remembered image of the scene of the storytelling. My father told it to me, or parts of it, speaking it without any writing, in the early 1930s.
The element in the story that I recall, in my mind's eye, is that of the eyes of the wolves as they appeared one by one in the darkness of the dungeon of Thû.
In a letter to me on the subject of my mother, written in the year after her death, which was also the year before his own, he wrote of his overwhelming sense of bereavement, and of his wish to have Lúthien inscribed beneath her name on the grave. He returned in that letter, as in that cited on p. 29 of this book, to the origin of the tale of Beren and Lúthien in a small woodland glade filled with hemlock flowers near Roos in Yorkshire, where she danced; and he said: 'But the story has gone crooked, and I am left, and I cannot plead before the inexorable Mandos.'
I really hope this is accurate.It says my connection to that website is not secure. *is scared* :P
We should host one of these: http://www.pwnadventure.com/From what I gather it's a game that's buggy and easily abused...weren't the two of us already involved in a game like that? The only difference is this time it's intentionally so. :P
We should host one of these: http://www.pwnadventure.com/From what I gather it's a game that's buggy and easily abused...weren't the two of us already involved in a game like that? The only difference is this time it's intentionally so. :P
It gets lot more intense when the vulnerabilities are intentional.Well, how do you propose we go about it?
That moment when you look into her eyes and tell her that you feel like she's falling out of love, and she just looks at you through your tears with cold impassivity. That moment when she holds you tightly and laughingly tells you she knows you think it means something, when it really doesn't.Love is always like playing with fire, because even if you're absolutely sure you feel that way toward someone, there's no guarantee that they will or will continue to feel that way. It's always been interesting to me that arranged marriages are usually more stable than relationships built out of love. Sometimes I wonder if romantic love, or the addition to that feeling, winds up being an obstacle that gets in the way of good relationships.
Sadness is proof of impermanence.
Because of the snow I ended up staying home today, which means I started my vacation a day early. I think my primary goals this vacation are to spend a lot of time gaming (especially trying out all the games that I have but never played), spending time with my mom, and doing fun things for the holidays. For once, working on Wintreath will be a secondary goal, although of course I'll be active and doing things still. :)That moment when you look into her eyes and tell her that you feel like she's falling out of love, and she just looks at you through your tears with cold impassivity. That moment when she holds you tightly and laughingly tells you she knows you think it means something, when it really doesn't.Love is always like playing with fire, because even if you're absolutely sure you feel that way toward someone, there's no guarantee that they will or will continue to feel that way. It's always been interesting to me that arranged marriages are usually more stable than relationships built out of love. Sometimes I wonder if romantic love, or the addition to that feeling, winds up being an obstacle that gets in the way of good relationships.
Sadness is proof of impermanence.
But it's not like I've been in love or been in a relationship anytime recently. :P
For any fellow Harry Potter fans.Another good one I saw was one where all the characters interact on WhatsApp.![]()
There are other ones for Star Wars, DC, Marvel, Game of Thrones, Disney, Videogames and other areas.For any fellow Harry Potter fans.Another good one I saw was one where all the characters interact on WhatsApp.![]()
Dumbledore: Hey, Minerva. I'm thinking next I'll make Mad Eye Moody the the DADA teacher. He's promised not to teach the kids the murder spells.
Minerva: Albus...
Dumbledore: At least not on day one... He might do it on day one.
Minerva: ALBUS!
If you live in a culture where it's expected that someone else can tell you whom you'll be marrying, it seems less likely that you'll view separation as an option. If you don't have the freedom to forge your union, it stand to reason you don't have the freedom to break it.But from what I've read in the past they're actually usually more satisfied long-term. Maybe it's cause they had to figure out how to work on the issues instead of taking the easy way out of a relationship, but I don't know.
If you live in a culture where it's expected that someone else can tell you whom you'll be marrying, it seems less likely that you'll view separation as an option. If you don't have the freedom to forge your union, it stand to reason you don't have the freedom to break it.But from what I've read in the past they're actually usually more satisfied long-term. Maybe it's cause they had to figure out how to work on the issues instead of taking the easy way out of a relationship, but I don't know.
Yeah.. it wouldn't surprise me if that were the case. If the couple decides: this is it, we're with each other until we die, they might be inclined to make better decisions towards long term goals and be less impulsive.. Also, compatibility might be easier to assess from an outsider's perspective. Your mom might really be a better person to choose your future husband than you are.Perhaps logically that's true, but I'd still rather pick my future mate on my own. :P
It's official. The FCC has repealed Net Neutrality (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-internet/federal-communications-commission-repeals-net-neutrality-rules-idUSKBN1E81CX).It'll be back when Democrats take over again. ^-^
It's official. The FCC has repealed Net Neutrality (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-internet/federal-communications-commission-repeals-net-neutrality-rules-idUSKBN1E81CX).It'll be back when Democrats take over again. ^-^
Route all your traffic through a VPN. You'll have to pay for the VPN super-duper package, but at least your bill will be constant and they won't be able to mine your traffic.Do you know of any good ones that are fast?
Route all your traffic through a VPN. You'll have to pay for the VPN super-duper package, but at least your bill will be constant and they won't be able to mine your traffic.Do you know of any good ones that are fast?
I'm using IPVanish. It's pretty fast.. works well, but it costs 5 dollars a month. The best thing is to set up your own, I haven't done this yet but I plan on it.You can make your own? How does that work?
If you host your own home VPN, wouldn't the data still be routed through your own ISP though?
So then, of course, you'd have to make sure that the hosting service and stuff are all reliable and secure, if you're concerned about privacy and such?If you host your own home VPN, wouldn't the data still be routed through your own ISP though?
Yeah, you don't host it in your home, you have to buy external hosting.
Yeah, you don't host it in your home, you have to buy external hosting. It works similarly to running a Minecraft server or something like that.That's very interesting...VPN stuff isn't really in my wheelhouse, so maybe I'll look into it more soon.
So then, of course, you'd have to make sure that the hosting service and stuff are all reliable and secure, if you're concerned about privacy and such?If you host your own home VPN, wouldn't the data still be routed through your own ISP though?
Yeah, you don't host it in your home, you have to buy external hosting.
Hey uhhh sorry guys for being inactive. Don't have a real reason why.You must be SEVERELY PUNISHED for your inactivity! Mwahaha! >:D
TR-8R is the Last Jedi. Revealed to have survived a blast in the previous movie, this movie starts with his quest for revenge, and ends with his redemption, a recurring theme in Star Wars. In the end, learning to forgive Finn, he too takes a real name, Trey, and they ride off into the sunset on horses to apocryphal Western music.Did you not read Before the Awakening (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Before_the_Awakening)? Finn was unique for not having a nickname. FN-2199 aka "TR-8R" in the fandom chose the name Nines. :P
I haven't... actually haven't read any Star Wars literature before, even knowing there is a lot of it. Unless "Shadows of the Empire" counts, and I'm not sure it does.It does. One of the few things that's set between Episode V and VI, in fact.
I still like "TR-8R" better. "Nines" sounds like a nickname you give to a bowler who can't quite get strikes.Yeah, they came out with that book before they realized that TR-8R would become a meme.
Merry Christmas to all, I hope you have some Happy Holidays and a joyful new year. 8)(https://78.media.tumblr.com/0046b816dc0d2c7bab3b048920c7b701/tumblr_p1g9e4sBYI1rktj0vo1_540.png)
I was meditating this morning, and I don't know about anyone else, but towards the end my mind tends to drift and wonder and go places without any thought, and at almost the very end I had a brief...vision? I was staring down at a book, a book of wisdom, and all the words were blurry except for one passage: People who don't sleep don't work hard.Four years ago I had a premonition and to this day I am yet to determine its meaning. Be glad your vision wasn't cryptic. :P
My mind has drifted often, but this is the first time I've ever experienced something so specific. It'll be interesting to ponder this.
Four years ago I had a premonition and to this day I am yet to determine its meaning. Be glad your vision wasn't cryptic. :PSounds fascinating! I'd be interested to hear more about your experience. :)
Sounds fascinating! I'd be interested to hear more about your experience. :)It's been so long I don't remember where I was but the message is what stuck in my head. In the dream I was told I would stand in a library of forbidden knowledge and imprison The Sheep of Mercy. When I woke up I felt overwhelmed somehow, as if I had a responsibility given to me that was far greater than I could comprehend.
It's been so long I don't remember where I was but the message is what stuck in my head. In the dream I was told I would stand in a library of forbidden knowledge and imprison The Sheep of Mercy. When I woke up I felt overwhelmed somehow, as if I had a responsibility given to me that was far greater than I could comprehend.That's absolutely fascinating. ^-^ I can't say I've ever had an experience like that one.
For the life of me I can't find any reference to this Sheep of Mercy. I haven't stood in any library of knowledge (forbidden or otherwise) so whenever this is supposed to happen I haven't the slightest clue but I have to know what it means. I've felt compelled to determine its meaning ever since.
That's absolutely fascinating. ^-^ I can't say I've ever had an experience like that one.Yeah the idea that it was literal was dismissed quickly because it would be absurd. Christianity was the first place I searched for a reference, to no avail. On top of that there's no reference to the exact phrase anywhere. Of course the meaning of many words have differed throughout history and acrossed other cultures too.
Maybe the whole thing is symbolic...maybe it doesn't mean a literal library or sheep, but something they symbolize. The Sheep of Mercy almost sounds like something religious...sheep have a role in many religions to one extent or another...for example, Christians being a flock with Christ as the Good Shepherd. Why you would want to imprison a symbol of mercy though...I draw a blank on that one.
Yeah the idea that it was literal was dismissed quickly because it would be absurd. Christianity was the first place I searched for a reference, to no avail. On top of that there's no reference to the exact phrase anywhere. Of course the meaning of many words have differed throughout history and acrossed other cultures too.I don't know, maybe you end up having a dispute with a sheep farmer that results in you stealing and imprisoning his prize sheep who happens to be named Mercy. Not so absurd! :P
Yeah the idea that it was literal was dismissed quickly because it would be absurd. Christianity was the first place I searched for a reference, to no avail. On top of that there's no reference to the exact phrase anywhere. Of course the meaning of many words have differed throughout history and acrossed other cultures too.I don't know, maybe you end up having a dispute with a sheep farmer that results in you stealing and imprisoning his prize sheep who happens to be named Mercy. Not so absurd! :P
Perhaps someone who is better versed in religious texts and customs would be more helpful than I could be...it's just not an area I've delved in much. My feeling is that it's something along those lines, though.
(https://78.media.tumblr.com/5c55ad220685d92daf123c91c1a76665/tumblr_o08nzqR7c11rt46spo1_400.jpg)Ah, 2004...I graduated high school that year. :P
happy new year fellas. I love you all. I love this region a lot and I know it loves me back.
Because of the snow I ended up staying home today, which means I started my vacation a day early. I think my primary goals this vacation are to spend a lot of time gaming (especially trying out all the games that I have but never played), spending time with my mom, and doing fun things for the holidays. For once, working on Wintreath will be a secondary goal, although of course I'll be active and doing things still. :)As my vacation is ending, I'm reflecting on the past few weeks, and I feel that I met my goals for the most part, though I didn't get through as many games as I wanted to...I ended up mostly playing Grim Dawn, which is a great arpg in the style of Diablo II. Overall though, I think this was a great break and holiday season...one of the best in recent memory, even. :)
That's absolutely fascinating. ^-^ I can't say I've ever had an experience like that one.Yeah the idea that it was literal was dismissed quickly because it would be absurd. Christianity was the first place I searched for a reference, to no avail. On top of that there's no reference to the exact phrase anywhere. Of course the meaning of many words have differed throughout history and acrossed other cultures too.
Maybe the whole thing is symbolic...maybe it doesn't mean a literal library or sheep, but something they symbolize. The Sheep of Mercy almost sounds like something religious...sheep have a role in many religions to one extent or another...for example, Christians being a flock with Christ as the Good Shepherd. Why you would want to imprison a symbol of mercy though...I draw a blank on that one.
Dude, fuck heat waves.I just checked the weather in some South African cities like Bloemfontein and Johannesburg... highs in the 90s (Fahrenheit) and rather low humidity? Doesn't seem too bad.
It's 40 Degrees Celsius in the shade, where I live.Ah, I see. That's not too good.
It's 40 Degrees Celsius in the shade, where I live.
Just spent the last hour rediscovering the joy of listening to the Spice Girls and especially Savage Garden. My soul is in bliss atm. ^-^if you wanna be my lover, you gotta get cchherry cola
For some reason my mind couldn't comprehend how it could be "0" days since someone was last online.
hey @Evelynx how are you?For some reason my mind couldn't comprehend how it could be "0" days since someone was last online.
Rounds down to 0 ;)
hey @Evelynx how are you?For some reason my mind couldn't comprehend how it could be "0" days since someone was last online.
Rounds down to 0 ;)
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S7 using Tapatalk
What do you mean heeyyyy Evey? I'm always here!But I rarely see you post. And it makes me sad. :(
hey @Evelynx how are you?For some reason my mind couldn't comprehend how it could be "0" days since someone was last online.
Rounds down to 0 ;)
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S7 using Tapatalk
I'm doing great! How are you Gov? Good to see you.
Lol.. like the right is any better. Their president just called half of our allies' countries shitholes.
Lol.. like the right is any better. Their president just called half of our allies' countries shitholes.
How many allies do we have that are actual bad looking countries? And to be fair, Pakistan IS a shithole, even other Pakistanis will tell your their country is a shit hole.
Also, I may be a Republican, but I voted for Gary Johnson
Lol.. like the right is any better. Their president just called half of our allies' countries shitholes.
How many allies do we have that are actual bad looking countries? And to be fair, Pakistan IS a shithole, even other Pakistanis will tell your their country is a shit hole.
Also, I may be a Republican, but I voted for Gary Johnson
I guess he didn't specify which countries he was calling shitholes, I don't know if that makes it better or worse. He could be talking about anyone but Norway.
No, the context is protecting immigrants from certain countries, and Trump asked why we want people from those "shitholes" and that the US should recruit immigrants from countries like Norway insteadLol.. like the right is any better. Their president just called half of our allies' countries shitholes.
How many allies do we have that are actual bad looking countries? And to be fair, Pakistan IS a shithole, even other Pakistanis will tell your their country is a shit hole.
Also, I may be a Republican, but I voted for Gary Johnson
I guess he didn't specify which countries he was calling shitholes, I don't know if that makes it better or worse. He could be talking about anyone but Norway.
If he was talking about Norway could you please hold my taco? I gotta beat his ass.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No, the context is protecting immigrants from certain countries, and Trump asked why we want people from those "shitholes" and that the US should recruit immigrants from countries like Norway instead
And now this breaks:No, the context is protecting immigrants from certain countries, and Trump asked why we want people from those "shitholes" and that the US should recruit immigrants from countries like Norway instead
Which is just super bizarre to me... Aren't we a nation founded on accepting people other countries don't want, or at least people who don't want to be where they live?
A career intelligence analyst who is an expert in hostage policy stood before President Donald Trump in the Oval Office last fall to brief him on the impending release of a family long held in Pakistan under uncertain circumstances.https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/trump-s-history-breaking-decorum-remarks-race-ethnicity-n837181
It was her first time meeting the president, and when she was done briefing, he had a question for her.
"Where are you from?" the president asked, according to two officials with direct knowledge of the exchange.
New York, she replied.
Trump was unsatisfied and asked again, the officials said. Referring to the president's hometown, she offered that she, too, was from Manhattan. But that's not what the president was after.
He wanted to know where "your people" are from, according to the officials, who spoke under condition of anonymity due to the nature of the internal discussions.
After the analyst revealed that her parents are Korean, Trump turned to an adviser in the room and seemed to suggest her ethnicity should determine her career path, asking why the "pretty Korean lady" isn't negotiating with North Korea on his administration's behalf, the officials said.
The exchange was disclosed to NBC News amid backlash from reports that Trump used the phrase "shithole countries" in referring to African nations and questioned why the U.S. should allow in more people from Haiti — reviving charges he's racist.
And now this breaks:No, the context is protecting immigrants from certain countries, and Trump asked why we want people from those "shitholes" and that the US should recruit immigrants from countries like Norway instead
Which is just super bizarre to me... Aren't we a nation founded on accepting people other countries don't want, or at least people who don't want to be where they live?QuoteA career intelligence analyst who is an expert in hostage policy stood before President Donald Trump in the Oval Office last fall to brief him on the impending release of a family long held in Pakistan under uncertain circumstances.https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/trump-s-history-breaking-decorum-remarks-race-ethnicity-n837181
It was her first time meeting the president, and when she was done briefing, he had a question for her.
"Where are you from?" the president asked, according to two officials with direct knowledge of the exchange.
New York, she replied.
Trump was unsatisfied and asked again, the officials said. Referring to the president's hometown, she offered that she, too, was from Manhattan. But that's not what the president was after.
He wanted to know where "your people" are from, according to the officials, who spoke under condition of anonymity due to the nature of the internal discussions.
After the analyst revealed that her parents are Korean, Trump turned to an adviser in the room and seemed to suggest her ethnicity should determine her career path, asking why the "pretty Korean lady" isn't negotiating with North Korea on his administration's behalf, the officials said.
The exchange was disclosed to NBC News amid backlash from reports that Trump used the phrase "shithole countries" in referring to African nations and questioned why the U.S. should allow in more people from Haiti — reviving charges he's racist.
oh ffs
Definitely sounds Christian - Christ is the Lamb of God, a reference to the Abrahamic sacrificial rites, wherein herders were expected to sacrifice the best of their flocks. The concept of mercy, which is the suspension of just punishment, can also refer to Christ, as his sacrifice allows humanity to escape the just punishment of damnation.Wait...so by that interpretation I am destined to imprison jesus? Oh that is just too good! Thank you for that one, really. :D
Thus, Christ can be said to be the (Lamb) Sheep of Mercy.
EDIT: Rites not rights...
Is it just me or has Gerrick kinda assumed the pleasant mantle of the dad figure who just likes all your posts and encourages you in your endeavors?Yup, a surefire way to get karma is to post in a topic he started, like the avatar themes or person of the month. :P
Because thats just the vibe I feel he gives off.
Definitely sounds Christian - Christ is the Lamb of God, a reference to the Abrahamic sacrificial rites, wherein herders were expected to sacrifice the best of their flocks. The concept of mercy, which is the suspension of just punishment, can also refer to Christ, as his sacrifice allows humanity to escape the just punishment of damnation.Wait...so by that interpretation I am destined to imprison jesus? Oh that is just too good! Thank you for that one, really. :D
Thus, Christ can be said to be the (Lamb) Sheep of Mercy.
EDIT: Rites not rights...
A dad-figure vibe, haha. I've never gotten that one before, but I'll take it. :DHi daddy. ;)
In 30 days I turn 21 and I really do not know how to feel about that.Does age 21 have any cultural significance in Singapore (or is it your [I think?] American heritage)?
I want to reach a point where death becomes a choice, at the very least.
Nah, its just that I'm 21 and all I can really say that I've done is finish my National Service. I have no clue what to do with myself now.Out of curiosity, how much has your personality changed? (Comparing before and after National Service)
Nah, its just that I'm 21 and all I can really say that I've done is finish my National Service. I have no clue what to do with myself now.Out of curiosity, how much has your personality changed? (Comparing before and after National Service)
I too cannot wait for the moment when the super-rich become near-immortal demigods and breed the rest of us into castes.
I too cannot wait for the moment when the super-rich become near-immortal demigods and breed the rest of us into castes.
Red Rising question mark?
Shoutout to @taulover for being the last person in Potatostates. I CTE'd, refounded and forgot the password to Potatostates XDI have returned! :P
Haha, screw feminism.Yeah, men don't get to have opinions on feminism, honey.
Yeah, men don't get to have opinions on feminism, honey.That sort of thinking is probably why there are TERFs.
TERF is derived from Radical Feminist criticisms of transgender women from the 1970s which saw us as males invading womens spaces and with a faux conception of womanhood. Radical Feminists of those days even if they were okay with men being allowed into feminist spaces would've still had a beef with us. Their issue wasn't just being allowed into feminist spaces, but having any sort of claim to womanhood. TERFs as we know them today come from women radicalized by the slew of transmisogynistic propaganda on the internet portraying us as hyper-misogynistic, hyper-lesbophobic sexual predators who only want to transition out of some depraved fetish, using the transmisogyny of 1970s Radical Feminist figures who were never fully educated when it came to trans issues as legitimization. Does hatred of men play a factor into it? To be honest as a trans woman who's dealt with these people for years now, no. Not at all. TERFs like men more than us. TERFs don't look at us as men. They see us as an even more deranged, even more evil, defective perversion of men. They're united in an obsessive hatred of trans women as the greatest threat to Feminism and Womanhood. There are even male TERFs.Yeah, men don't get to have opinions on feminism, honey.That sort of thinking is probably why there are TERFs.
Anybody can have an opinion. It might not be an educated one, it might not be a respectful one, (and if it's either of those let's be real it'll probably be kind of a shitty one, to say nothing of the case where it's both), but denying people the opportunity to have an opinion at all is exactly how you get people going 'screw feminism'.Though I do get the feeling that you're gonna use my mocking comment to a guy feeling the need to let everyone know he hates feminism to claim that I don't think men shouldn't so much as think about feminism in a way to keep a pointless argument going, I don't think men can't have opinions on Feminism. But I don't think those opinions matter. Ultimately, 90% of men don't care and will not care, regardless of their alleged support of Feminism and most of the remaining 10% are in passionate opposition to womens rights. Not that there aren't good men, I've met more than a few. But for the most part, it's women and women only who can be a force for liberation. And also we're speaking in an online forum, not Congress, cut the "democracy" bullshit.
So, sure, maybe I shouldn't have specified 'TERFs' (although I thought it would be a nice, pithy statement). But let's not pretend that the immense, Trump-shaped backlash in our current society has nothing to do with 'deplorables' being told that their opinion doesn't matter and in fact they shouldn't even have one, because it's not relevant to the issues being discussed.
Now, if you're asserting that they shouldn't expect their opinion to be represented on the policy level, that's another thing entirely. But the fact is: it's a democracy. Everyone gets to have an opinion, stupid, uninformed, disrespectful, shitty, or (hopefully) otherwise, because the moment that stops happening, it's not a democracy anymore.
(yeah fine it is and almost always has been an oligarchy but at least we all pretend for the cameras)
Though I do get the feeling that you're gonna use my mocking comment to a guy feeling the need to let everyone know he hates feminism to claim that I don't think men shouldn't so much as think about feminism in a way to keep a pointless argument going, I don't think men can't have opinions on Feminism. But I don't think those opinions matter. Ultimately, 90% of men don't care and will not care, regardless of their alleged support of Feminism and most of the remaining 10% are in passionate opposition to womens rights. Not that there aren't good men, I've met more than a few. But for the most part, it's women and women only who can be a force for liberation.And how was Doc supposed to be able to tell that you were simply being mocking with that comment, and not serious? Because the nuanced view you described here is completely different from your earlier statement that men simply don't get an opinion at all.
Haha, screw feminism.Yeah, men don't get to have opinions on feminism, honey.
Apart from the fact that any woman who's spent significant time in Feminist spaces will tell you that the men who invite themselves into them tend to be absolute trash, this simply isn't your movement. It isn't your concern.
That's why I have a problem with a guy telling me to "screw feminism". He doesn't have a fucking stake in womens rights. He doesn't have a stake in reproductive rights, in bathroom laws, in sexual assault, in sex work/pornography, in Lesbophobia, in transmisogyny. What business does he got telling me to "screw" feminism?
Though I do get the feeling that you're gonna use my mocking comment to a guy feeling the need to let everyone know he hates feminism to claim that I don't think men shouldn't so much as think about feminism in a way to keep a pointless argument going, I don't think men can't have opinions on Feminism. But I don't think those opinions matter.
Americans as a whole are a viciously racist and viciously uneducated people who'll drop to their knees at the most uncharismatic and pathetic demagogue imaginable.
And also we're speaking in an online forum, not Congress, cut the "democracy" bullshit.Touche.
Also trump got elected because to be frank here, Americans as a whole are a viciously racist and viciously uneducated people who'll drop to their knees at the most uncharismatic and pathetic demagogue imaginable.I mean, I guess we can discount sanctuary cities, advocacy groups, and everyone else who's working against racism, because, sure, fine, as you'd said before they're not necessarily 'fighting for their survival', but at the end of the day I'd rather have a million people behind my back for a lark than 200 people behind my back because they're fighting for their survival. Quality counts for something, but within a democratic context (which any change within American society implicitly requires, so, yes, saved, can't tell me to cut the democracy bullshit now, gotta take the small victories where I can find them), quantity is going to be what wins the day.
Just saw this now. It's hilarious that there's such a backlash against 'those filthy immigrants,' when the reason America has historically been so successful, has been that they offered asylum and eventual citizenship to so many gifted immigrants. By all means, deport criminals and properly investigate anyone who comes to live in your country, but it becomes an inherently racist statement to say an entire country is 'a shithole,' and should never be allowed to send immigrants to you.No, the context is protecting immigrants from certain countries, and Trump asked why we want people from those "shitholes" and that the US should recruit immigrants from countries like Norway instead
Which is just super bizarre to me... Aren't we a nation founded on accepting people other countries don't want, or at least people who don't want to be where they live?
Hey, hey, hey, everyone just calm down, Ok? Let's all keep it civil here.
The moment someone thinks "I'm a victim," they set themselves up with a self-fulfilling prophecy of failure and victimisation. They start to think the world owes them something, and would rather complain about how damnably unfair everything is than actually try to achieve success. The same is true for neo-conservatives, radical feminists and militarised minority groups. It's the people who realise the world, and indeed the universe as a whole, doesn't give two shits about their existence, and who are willing to stop complaining and actually work for what they need and want, who have the best chance. Even then there are no guarantees.
The type of feminist bullshit espoused on the Internet and at university campuses these days, actually serves to empower the groups opposing them. People don't see or care for the ideals anyone fights for. They only look at how people behave, and that's pretty fucking scary, because neo-nazis sometimes have a properly peaceful demonstration.
Also Seroim, first off I'm an American born and bred. I haven't so much as stepped foot outside of the States. You don't have to defend me and my innocent wittle most powewful empire in human histowy.
Too many times to count I've regurgitated the exact same talking points as you have to feminists. I couldn't care less in hearing them shouted back to me.
90% of the MRAs I've known in my life have outted themselves as crypto-right wingers
I have always been of the opinion that if an apology, clarification or, generally, an attempt at de-escalation is being made mocking another person somewhat undermines the point.
On the same post in which you complain that the left is too focused on nonwhites and "body parts", whatever the hell that last thing is supposed to mean. Not really subtle a man, aren't you? I remember when my German friend who I thought was cool laid out the same red flags. Went from making fun of Communism and ranting about gun rights in Germany to rambling about how the German government is attempting a genocide by replacing ethnic Germans with Middle Eastern refugees and destroying refugee boats on the Mediterranean with naval missiles. But there was tons of hints he gave to me that his politics were far more extreme than he made them out to be, and I was a dumb 14 year old at the time who thought out of control leftism was a legitimate threat to the world, so I ignored them all. I'm not a dumb 14 year old now.Quote90% of the MRAs I've known in my life have outted themselves as crypto-right wingers
*gasp* Oh no, not crypto right-wingers!
Well, your name might be Mariam now, but you'll never stop being a firebrand eh?BADUM TSS
@taulover, I have finally come back to NH. It's... quiet.Indeed it is. A post or two a day...
Heya all! I missed you lot.
Heya all! I missed you lot.
I didn't miss you. To be honest, you self-righteous emulutionaries make me sick. What gives you the right to so flagrantly oppose the emu? Is it because you, as a penguin, are also flightless, and are jealous and resentful of their impressive groundspeed of 31 mph? Is it because the importance of water travel has diminished in recent years due to the uptick in shipping overground, causing your ability to dive at impressive depths at incredible speeds to be devalued in favored of alternate flightless travel?
You groundlubbers are all alike, squabbling over which piece of water or dirt you can get your hands on while the real war is being fought in the sky. Boorish.
Heya all! I missed you lot.
I didn't miss you. To be honest, you self-righteous emulutionaries make me sick. What gives you the right to so flagrantly oppose the emu? Is it because you, as a penguin, are also flightless, and are jealous and resentful of their impressive groundspeed of 31 mph? Is it because the importance of water travel has diminished in recent years due to the uptick in shipping overground, causing your ability to dive at impressive depths at incredible speeds to be devalued in favored of alternate flightless travel?
You groundlubbers are all alike, squabbling over which piece of water or dirt you can get your hands on while the real war is being fought in the sky. Boorish.
Actually, we just think they look funny, and funny looking things confuse and infuriate us.
The Australians started that war. The emus were merely asserting their preexisting territorial rights, and then they found themselves getting mowed down by machine guns!Hey, you cant trust the Emus. They started a war in Australia and I have no reason to believe that the Second Emu War is not imminent....Heya all! I missed you lot.I didn't miss you. To be honest, you self-righteous emulutionaries make me sick. What gives you the right to so flagrantly oppose the emu? Is it because you, as a penguin, are also flightless, and are jealous and resentful of their impressive groundspeed of 31 mph? Is it because the importance of water travel has diminished in recent years due to the uptick in shipping overground, causing your ability to dive at impressive depths at incredible speeds to be devalued in favored of alternate flightless travel?
You groundlubbers are all alike, squabbling over which piece of water or dirt you can get your hands on while the real war is being fought in the sky. Boorish.
Actually, we just think they look funny, and funny looking things confuse and infuriate us.
Man, I definitely didn't expect "we're just racist".
Welcome back Pengu :)
Man, I usually just ignore TERFs. Using a spell to ward them off.. hmmmBroke: Ignoring transphobic trolls on the internet
On another note, a coworker randomly gave me 5 bucks during my lunch today.Maybe she has a thing for you. =P
Now, anyone who knows me knows I don't like taking money from people, especially if I don't even need it. And I normally don't need it since I work hard for it and know how to set some aside for myself outside of the bills/grocery funds. There's also that thought in the back of my mind that I'm going to be asked for some kind of favor, and they're going to use that given money as leverage as to why I have to do said favor for them.
The only exception to this is friends, because I know they're not expecting anything, and they always know that I'll pay them right back for it.
Since this coworker is more an acquaintance that I'm really indifferent about, I appreciated the gesture, reminded her that I do have money, and politely refused.
Since she in kind refused to take no for an answer (her reason being that it's lunch money, her treat for no reason), I internally-grudgingly took it.
But since I wasn't comfortable with it for the reasons I stated above, I gave it to a manager to turn back into the store, let them know it was given to me by a coworker, and let them know the I felt really uncomfortable taking it.
I realize it could have been just a random nice gesture with no strings attached, but I treat it the same as getting a gift from a customer; 9/10 times there's always a string attached.
On another note, a coworker randomly gave me 5 bucks during my lunch today.Maybe she has a thing for you. =P
Now, anyone who knows me knows I don't like taking money from people, especially if I don't even need it. And I normally don't need it since I work hard for it and know how to set some aside for myself outside of the bills/grocery funds. There's also that thought in the back of my mind that I'm going to be asked for some kind of favor, and they're going to use that given money as leverage as to why I have to do said favor for them.
The only exception to this is friends, because I know they're not expecting anything, and they always know that I'll pay them right back for it.
Since this coworker is more an acquaintance that I'm really indifferent about, I appreciated the gesture, reminded her that I do have money, and politely refused.
Since she in kind refused to take no for an answer (her reason being that it's lunch money, her treat for no reason), I internally-grudgingly took it.
But since I wasn't comfortable with it for the reasons I stated above, I gave it to a manager to turn back into the store, let them know it was given to me by a coworker, and let them know the I felt really uncomfortable taking it.
I realize it could have been just a random nice gesture with no strings attached, but I treat it the same as getting a gift from a customer; 9/10 times there's always a string attached.
I'm uncomfortable with accepting money too, and I think it's because of the times I had to ask my father for money when I was younger. I remember one time when I was part time and had been overworked and went over my hours, so I had to go two weeks without work and without pay to get back under. I had to ask him for a loan cause I couldn't afford to take an unpaid vacation, and he gave it to me, but the way he talked about it filled me with shame. It was obvious that he got a kick out of me being dependent on him for it, that he had that kind of power in a way. Since then, I treasure being able to financially support myself, and I don't like the feeling that by accepting people's money I'm giving them some kind of power over me like that.
Of course, that doesn't extend to Wintreath donations, cause I feel like I work for it in what I do here, and it's clear that people who donate aren't going to get more power or standing than people who don't, they don't expect anything out of it.
Zuma has been recalled (http://www.iol.co.za/news/politics/news-just-in-its-official-anc-recalls-president-jacob-zuma-13224109). :))What was the deal with Jacob Zuma? Was he corrupt or was there other reasons for recalling him?
Suck it, 'Muricans. Hopefully the same type of good news will soon follow on your side of the world.
Zuma was probably one of the most corrupt leaders of all, and not to mention how poorly he utilized funds and treated his people
What was the deal with Jacob Zuma? Was he corrupt or was there other reasons for recalling him?
Zuma has been recalled (http://www.iol.co.za/news/politics/news-just-in-its-official-anc-recalls-president-jacob-zuma-13224109). :))Congratulations on avoiding devolving into a dictatorship.
Suck it, 'Muricans. Hopefully the same type of good news will soon follow on your side of the world.
Zuma has been recalled (http://www.iol.co.za/news/politics/news-just-in-its-official-anc-recalls-president-jacob-zuma-13224109). :))Wait, so the party recalled him? How does that work in South African politics?
Suck it, 'Muricans. Hopefully the same type of good news will soon follow on your side of the world.
Yeah, we do, but we still have one Capital for the Republic, and that's Pretoria. EDIT: actually, it's not so cut-and-dried. We learned in school that although there are 3 capitals (Bloemfontein, Cape Town and Pretoria) the most important decisions still end up being made in Pretoria, and it is our de facto capital.that's so extra omg. Is there any particular reason why the three branches of government are spread over three cities?
I was about to launch into a long explanation of why Varys effectively won the Red Keep round of Werewolf. I had it all written up and ready to post.It is actually effectively over, you're just wrong about who won. The game will end this night phase.
Then I realized the last vote count didn't include Hydra, and there were still 4 non-Varys-faction people in the game.
So it's not over yet!
I figured you would, but I didn't want Hydra to have a non-in-game reason to hate me at The Wall for spelling out 'this is exactly how you can make him lose right now'.Hydra figured out he was screwed once he realized that Pycelle could use his power that night.
Much safer to allude to there being a method rather than outright stating it.
...admittedly I'd also forgotten that Pycelle existed. My method had relied purely on Jaime.
Man, I must say that sleep is a really nice thing when you were previously an insomniac. For some reason, I just sleep better during the day, and night shift is perfect for me.I know a few people who have trouble sleeping, and it's nice to hear that someone who does has started to again. :)
Man, I must say that sleep is a really nice thing when you were previously an insomniac. For some reason, I just sleep better during the day, and night shift is perfect for me.Perhaps you have something like Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome?
The Mourning for the Parkland shooting hasn't even finished yet, and I've now heard of two school shooting threats. One happened in a university pub, and a close friend was a witness. He's fucking out of it right now because he's so scared.There's been at least ten in the Southern California area, in fact. (https://www.scpr.org/news/2018/02/23/81022/socal-has-had-at-least-7-school-shooting-threats-t/) School shooting threats usually rise very much in frequency after other school shootings, because the media often (intentionally or not) glorifies the killer, causing others to try to also seek the same attention.
I just watched Get Out. I must say, I was pleasantly surprised by it. At first, I thought it was going to be the type of mindless knee-jerk reaction you see too often in a post-Trump world, but it actually ended up aiming its scorn at white liberals, daring to say they are part of the reason racism is still alive in America, not just far-right hillbillies. Now we're getting somewhere.Hmm, reminds me of something MLK once wrote:
I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers. First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.
I just watched Get Out. I must say, I was pleasantly surprised by it. At first, I thought it was going to be the type of mindless knee-jerk reaction you see too often in a post-Trump world, but it actually ended up aiming its scorn at white liberals, daring to say they are part of the reason racism is still alive in America, not just far-right hillbillies. Now we're getting somewhere.
I just read the news about West Virginia. Seems like an incredibly unfortunate situation.Which one? Everything about West Virginia is one unfortunate situation or another. :P
This teachers strike. I mean, not having enough money to pay for teachers is terrible. I cant imagine what that must be like.It's tough...West Virginia relied on the coal industry for tax revenue for far too long, plus it's cut other taxes over the years, especially for businesses under the guise of bringing in jobs. Even this year a major goal of the state government was to eliminate the business inventory tax, which I'm sure is one reason why teachers were upset at being told there was no money for a decent wage. As it is, there's a huge shortage of teachers in the state, and teachers near the border can make much more money working in surrounding states. Often, teachers who stay in West Virginia qualify for welfare and other support programs.
This teachers strike. I mean, not having enough money to pay for teachers is terrible. I cant imagine what that must be like.It's tough...West Virginia relied on the coal industry for tax revenue for far too long, plus it's cut other taxes over the years, especially for businesses under the guise of bringing in jobs. Even this year a major goal of the state government was to eliminate the business inventory tax, which I'm sure is one reason why teachers were upset at being told there was no money for a decent wage. As it is, there's a huge shortage of teachers in the state, and teachers near the border can make much more money working in surrounding states. Often, teachers who stay in West Virginia qualify for welfare and other support programs.
Another issue is PEIA, the state employee insurance agency. Earlier this year they announced that they would base premiums on household income instead of just employee income as they had before, meaning that premiums would likely double or go higher for people who were married or living together, when these people are struggling to make ends meet as it is. They backed off after it became clear how pissed people were, but they've been raising premiums and deductables and cutting benefits for years, so this is just the straw that broke the camel's back.
But actually, primary education was spared the worst of the cuts that happened when coal fell apart. I work in higher education in West Virginia, which has been cut nearly 25% in the last few years. The year before many people were laid off where I work and almost everyone else, including me, was furloughed one day a week for three months as a cost-saving measure. Last year, the state government passed a law removing seniority rights, a guaranteed pay scale, and other protections and rights to give college administrations more flexibility to lay off and fire people.
Every area of state government is suffering, but the teachers unions are powerful and can actually fight for things, so I definitely support them, even though I'm not sure they can get much more than they already have out of it.
Wait wait wait. Pengu how you gonna claim Queen Bee. You aren't even a queen! /mockindignation
No claws necessary. I think I can claim the title of queen. I got the pics and vids to back it up haha.Nah dude, I already claimed it. And its first come first serve. :P
He fought it since the age of twenty one. Dude did alright. I highly doubt I'll reach 76, and I don't have anything like what he had.
[ERB music video]That video is particularly fitting, as Hawking has died on Einstein's birthday (he also happened to be born on Galileo's 400th deathday).
NieR : Automata is the best game to have come out in the last 2 years (excluding ToCS PC ports) and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise.I bought it last year the moment it released on PC, and I don't regret that choice in the slightest, but I STILL haven't finished it. There's just never enough time that I can set aside for it. Like, I haven't even reached the first ending.
That's really awesome that you're able to play video games. Although I will admit that some of them do get out of hand in the flashing-light department...so I'd still be a bit cautious if I were you.Yeah some flashing lights can cause seizures in literally anyone so I do still have to be careful. Outside of Fallout 4 though I'm working my way up so I still have to finish getting through Gamecube, PS2, Xbox (again), and so on. Plus the tons of PC games. It's gonna take a while, heh.
But yes, you have so many games to catch up on!
Quick question, no particular reason I'm asking, but in "daerht sdrawkcab ehT" there's sites for typing backwards and upside-down. Are there any sites for sideways text?
I'm going to keep looking, but if anyone already has a link to one it would be appreciated.
Well, opposite direction, but essentially yes.Quick question, no particular reason I'm asking, but in "daerht sdrawkcab ehT" there's sites for typing backwards and upside-down. Are there any sites for sideways text?
I'm going to keep looking, but if anyone already has a link to one it would be appreciated.
ᔕ𝄩ᗜጠᓬᗆ⤙ᔕ ⌐𝄩⌤ጠ ⊣ェ𝄩ᔕ?
Well, opposite direction, but essentially yes.Quick question, no particular reason I'm asking, but in "daerht sdrawkcab ehT" there's sites for typing backwards and upside-down. Are there any sites for sideways text?
I'm going to keep looking, but if anyone already has a link to one it would be appreciated.
ᔕ𝄩ᗜጠᓬᗆ⤙ᔕ ⌐𝄩⌤ጠ ⊣ェ𝄩ᔕ?
Dang. Thanks anyway!Well, opposite direction, but essentially yes.Quick question, no particular reason I'm asking, but in "daerht sdrawkcab ehT" there's sites for typing backwards and upside-down. Are there any sites for sideways text?
I'm going to keep looking, but if anyone already has a link to one it would be appreciated.
ᔕ𝄩ᗜጠᓬᗆ⤙ᔕ ⌐𝄩⌤ጠ ⊣ェ𝄩ᔕ?
There's only one I found, and it only allows one direction, unfortunately: https://lingojam.com/Sidewaystext
im not a detractor either. he's just a very entertaining transphobic clown.[snip]
I take it you're not a fan?
im not a detractor either. he's just a very entertaining transphobic clown.[snip]
I take it you're not a fan?
Bud, he compared trans activists to Mao.im not a detractor either. he's just a very entertaining transphobic clown.[snip]
I take it you're not a fan?
Transphobic? Now that is a very strong word to use. I am familiar with the situation that propelled him to the public eye and I would not at all regard him as Transphobic per say.
And how is that, in and of itself, Transphobic? He compared a group of activists who where promoting a piece of legislation that, in his eyes, was a massive overreach to Mao. How is criticising someones ideas make them a phobe of that thing? If you criticised my ideas does that make you a bisexualphobe?I honestly don't know how to tell you that comparing trans activists pushing for anti-discrimination legislation to Mao Tse-tung is offensive and transphobic.
unrelated but mariam if you can find it in yourself to help me with explaining shit to people on the RMB because i don't really have either the background or vocabulary to do with trans issues that'd be super swell thanks
if you can't, i understand
incidentally, i also vaguely want to quit being rmb thane because of the prospect of 'moderates' who call people 'libtard', which is code for 'i'm white-bread conservative as fuck but since this region is pro-LGBT i'm scared i'll be banned if i say that'
I mean...Allouxia seems to think that 'cisgender' as a term belongs in the 'SJW imaginary category', and I'm trying to explain that it's used so as to not exclude transgender people.
Effectively the argument I'm trying to make is that referring to 'women' and then 'transgender women' sort of excludes 'transgender women' from being perceived as just part of the group of 'women', and so we should instead say 'cisgender women' and 'transgender women'.
For some reason, this didn't go off like the perfectly clear beacon of clarity like I expected, and then I was asked if I should respect him if he said he identified as a Leopard 2 MBT. To which I said firstly that if he did, I'd slap him, and secondly that that was not what I was talking about, only to reiterate my point again.
But then I became concerned that the whole 'perception of separation' thing might not even be the right reason. So I, uh, panicked and came here, since there was talk of such things already happening.
which is code for 'i'm white-bread conservative as fuck but since this region is pro-LGBT i'm scared i'll be banned if i say that'
Communist Party of China??which is code for 'i'm white-bread conservative as fuck but since this region is pro-LGBT i'm scared i'll be banned if i say that'
I voted CPC once, so I guess I qualify?
Communist Party of China??which is code for 'i'm white-bread conservative as fuck but since this region is pro-LGBT i'm scared i'll be banned if i say that'
I voted CPC once, so I guess I qualify?
Ninja edit: oh, Conservative Party of Canada
And how is that, in and of itself, Transphobic? He compared a group of activists who where promoting a piece of legislation that, in his eyes, was a massive overreach to Mao. How is criticising someones ideas make them a phobe of that thing? If you criticised my ideas does that make you a bisexualphobe?I honestly don't know how to tell you that comparing trans activists pushing for anti-discrimination legislation to Mao Tse-tung is offensive and transphobic.
Communist Party of China??which is code for 'i'm white-bread conservative as fuck but since this region is pro-LGBT i'm scared i'll be banned if i say that'
I voted CPC once, so I guess I qualify?
Ninja edit: oh, Conservative Party of Canada
If I'm not mistaken, China doesn't need to resort to such voter fraud tactics, they just ban all opposition parties (and set up a few others as part of some "united front").Communist Party of China??which is code for 'i'm white-bread conservative as fuck but since this region is pro-LGBT i'm scared i'll be banned if i say that'
I voted CPC once, so I guess I qualify?
Ninja edit: oh, Conservative Party of Canada
In that case I would have voted for them 25 times in the same election and so would have my dead grandma.
Communist Party of China??which is code for 'i'm white-bread conservative as fuck but since this region is pro-LGBT i'm scared i'll be banned if i say that'
I voted CPC once, so I guess I qualify?
Ninja edit: oh, Conservative Party of Canada
In that case I would have voted for them 25 times in the same election and so would have my dead grandma.
That's also not really how it works in China... they just don't bother having national elections, instead having them being elected the the provincial assemblies, which in turn are elected by the local assemblies. Much easier to control that way, and as a result multiple CPC members (and CPC-affiliated party members) do actually run. Of course, all of these candidates must be approved in what are ostensibly primary elections...Communist Party of China??which is code for 'i'm white-bread conservative as fuck but since this region is pro-LGBT i'm scared i'll be banned if i say that'
I voted CPC once, so I guess I qualify?
Ninja edit: oh, Conservative Party of Canada
In that case I would have voted for them 25 times in the same election and so would have my dead grandma.
No, what happens is your ballot comes with one box saying "Ja".
In a rather amusing turn of events, I may well be moving to China soon, to teach English for a while. I'm kinda over this country, for now. We'll see how it goes in the 2019 elections, but I'm not hopeful.Well, good thing Wintreath is self-hosted, I just checked and Zetaboards is blocked in China. :P
First problem to overcome in China: I'll be living in Beijing, which, according to multiple sources, is just getting more polluted every year.
I'm being called in because apparently I'm too aggressive in the way I criticise one of my higher-ups.
@WintermootI've looked into SSL, and from what I've read with our host you have to upgrade your hosting package and buy the certificate then renew it every year. If this isn't true though let me know, I'm always interested in easy and free solutions. :D
The Wintreath website doesn't support SSL. I can fix that for you, or walk you through it. It's important because what it means is that all traffic to/from the website is unencrypted on the wire - if someone is connected to an open wifi access point and uses the website, they are broadcasting their password in plaintext to everyone in the vicinity and they might not only use that password for Wintreath.
Plus, it's pretty fun, easy, and free to fix.
@WintermootI've looked into SSL, and from what I've read with our host you have to upgrade your hosting package and buy the certificate then renew it every year. If this isn't true though let me know, I'm always interested in easy and free solutions. :D
The Wintreath website doesn't support SSL. I can fix that for you, or walk you through it. It's important because what it means is that all traffic to/from the website is unencrypted on the wire - if someone is connected to an open wifi access point and uses the website, they are broadcasting their password in plaintext to everyone in the vicinity and they might not only use that password for Wintreath.
Plus, it's pretty fun, easy, and free to fix.
letsencrypt is free. You shouldn't need to upgrade your hosting package, but I don't know anything about your hosting provider. All they need to do is open port 443.It looks like HostGator (our host) is on the list of hosts that don't support letsencrypt. There apparently used to be a way to add them through cPanel, but HostGator has removed the option in the last year or so. It's obvious they made it so everything has to go through them so they can charge money from it...in our case, not only would we need to upgrade our hosting package, but also pay them to actually do it.
Huh, screw them I guess. Seems like they charge to install the certificate on a per instance basis. I'm currently spinning up my own page with letsencrypt on ec2.I guess I'll start the search for a new webhost when I have time. :P
From Anti-cancer: A New Way of Life:I know that there are some people who believe that online friendships aren't worth as much as real-life ones, but my online friends have always been important to me. Besides my mom I don't have much of a family, and I've never really connected with people where I live, so my online friends have always been the people I've opened up to and shared my life with...the people that I've developed my deepest relationships with. I ran across this tonight while I was reading, and it just felt really...vindicating, that there's evidence that it's not how a friendship was formed or over what medium it takes part in that matters, it's the fact that it connects people, brings them closer, and nurtures love between them.
In a book published in 2009, Jeffrey Zaslow tells the story of a group of eleven childhood friends who scattered across the United States after leaving high school. Their friendships survived almost forty years and all the ups and downs of life - success and failure at university, marriages, divorces, and difficulties with children. In September 2007, one of them - Kelly - was told that she had breast cancer and that she would need family support. Instead of turning to her family, however, she confided the news by e-mail to her far-flug high school girlfriends, and it was as if she had sparked an "instant shower of love." She was deluged with e-mails, phone calls, letters, caards, packages. When her chemotherapy casued painful mouth ulcers, one of her girlfriends sent a machien to make milk shakes to soften her mucous membranes. Another, whose daughter had died from leukemia, knitted her a wollen hat so she wouldn't catch cold after losing her hair. A third made pajamas from special cloth to make night sweats less unpleasant. Kelly often found it easier to talk about what she was going through with her girlfriends than with doctors. "We've always known each other so long, we can tell each other anything," she said joyfully.
Research confirms the importance of a network of friends. In the Nurses' Health Study, a large-scale study of nurses in the United States, women with breast cancer who could name ten friends had a four times better chance of surviving their illness than women who could not. The geographical proximity of these friendships was not significant; the protective effect seemed to stem from the simple fact of feeling connected. Friendship also plays a major role for men: A Swedish study of 736 men found that friendships had as strong an effect on health as the fact of being married. On the other hand, the study found that only smoking affected health as negatively as feelings of lonliness and isolation.
Wow, congratulations.Thanks! I should've phrased a question properly: should I take the opportunity?
Ya know, for a while before I came here I was in the UCR for a few days. I'm not surprised about these allegations.How so? I'd like to know as much as possible in case we encounter successor regions or people that were from there.
Does anyone else get depressed, play the sims, and then get mad at how perfect your sim's lives are so you murder them in interesting and creative ways? No? Just me? :))I'm sure there's someone else out in the world that does that. It's just not me. :P
Does anyone else get depressed, play the sims, and then get mad at how perfect your sim's lives are so you murder them in interesting and creative ways? No? Just me? :))I'm sure there's someone else out in the world that does that. It's just not me. :P
When I get depressed my inclination is to escape in meditation or a book, though I'm not sure that's a healthy way to deal with it. Lately I've been making a better effort to talk to people about my negative feelings and insecurities, cause I think not doing that is part of what makes me feel disconnected from people. Believe it or not though, ten years ago I was quite the emo kid...a LOT of my discussions with people were about feelings and things going on at the time, lol.
I honestly don't like opening up to people. I ptefer to deal with stuff on my own. I don't really like letting people in.It's not always about dealing with stuff...sometimes it's just nice to have people who understand what you're going through or are just there for you so you don't feel like you're suffering through whatever alone. :)
I honestly don't like opening up to people. I ptefer to deal with stuff on my own. I don't really like letting people in.Opening up is overrated. Keeping things to oneself is 10/10 :P
I honestly don't like opening up to people. I ptefer to deal with stuff on my own. I don't really like letting people in.Opening up is overrated. Keeping things to oneself is 10/10 :P
On a more serious note, I really should try to open up to people more. There’s a girl who likes me at uni and she keeps asking for my preferences and opinions with like personal stuff, rather than talk about other things (ie geopolitics, mathematical theorems, the like). The problem is, I really couldn’t care less one way or the other with most things on a personal social level, and those that I do care about I don’t really feel comfortable sharing with anyone. My response to these inquiries are generally extremely verbose obfuscation, and I know that isn’t the best thing, but it is what I do best.
Also, didn’t mean to write that much on that subject. Huh.
I'm fully intending to come back to the community at some point, but I'm heaped under work and trying to complete my studies part time, to boot. I'm sorry if I've let anyone down. This is me saying 'see you all later' rather than farewell.I hate to hear that you've been so busy, but I understand...I hope you'll be able to return and be with us once more sometime soon. :)
The other day someone I had recently worked with in Lazarus messaged me suggesting that I go to another GCR he's involved in because it sounded like I was really inactive just being in Wintreath now. lol, he obviously isn't aware how much work one region can take. I have three pages of notes on things that I need to do involving Wintreath, discussions that I want to start or are ongoing in the Cabinet, and just ideas to explore and discussions that I want to start sometime. If anything, I don't understand how people have time to be deeply involved in multiple regions!They do a lot less work per region, usually.
They do a lot less work per region, usually.Thank you! :)
Your level of involvement and commitment to Wintreath is just amazing. :)
Interview tips anyone? I have a bunch of interviews coming up.
I was in one today that I was ambivalent about and apparently it's a faux pas now to ask about conditions? I asked because my school has some criteria for recognizing your internship, including that it actually has to be paid (funny how they have to specify that), and I got received with "we do not talk about salary in interviews". I eventually got the answer I wanted, which was an OK amount, but from the looks of it it did not impress my interviewer.
At first I thought that it was a company policy or maybe even how that particular HR person did things but Googling it later on, it seems that it became somewhat verboten. I did a bunch of mocks and always asked the question and I never was told that it was inappropriate. Seemed like a normal question to ask when compensation is not specified on the ad (it almost never is) and as much as I like what I do, money matters up to a point and I'm not gonna work for a pittance. If all things are equal it's definitely going to be a deciding factor.
I dunno, never was very good with interviews, and there seems to be some fads when it comes to job hunting. They know the rules and so do I, and a full commitment's what I'm thinking of, but I rarely can play the game without some penalties. The interviews I have later this week are for places I'd really love to work at, so it's important that I don't screw it up. Got any tips, I'm all ears.
Interview tips anyone? I have a bunch of interviews coming up.
I was in one today that I was ambivalent about and apparently it's a faux pas now to ask about conditions? I asked because my school has some criteria for recognizing your internship, including that it actually has to be paid (funny how they have to specify that), and I got received with "we do not talk about salary in interviews". I eventually got the answer I wanted, which was an OK amount, but from the looks of it it did not impress my interviewer.
At first I thought that it was a company policy or maybe even how that particular HR person did things but Googling it later on, it seems that it became somewhat verboten. I did a bunch of mocks and always asked the question and I never was told that it was inappropriate. Seemed like a normal question to ask when compensation is not specified on the ad (it almost never is) and as much as I like what I do, money matters up to a point and I'm not gonna work for a pittance. If all things are equal it's definitely going to be a deciding factor.
I dunno, never was very good with interviews, and there seems to be some fads when it comes to job hunting. They know the rules and so do I, and a full commitment's what I'm thinking of, but I rarely can play the game without some penalties. The interviews I have later this week are for places I'd really love to work at, so it's important that I don't screw it up. Got any tips, I'm all ears.
Tell them that they wouldn't get this from any other guy?
Isn't that the point of an interview? ;)But how many people actually come out and say it directly? :P
So my friend went from femme to butch so she sent me a shit ton of femme clothes, and thats sweet. im gonna post pics on here when i get them so that you guys know how cute and fabulous i lookSounds awesome! :)
Well, I got one of the internships I wanted. I just told them how I was feeling, and I guess I made them understand.
Well, I got one of the internships I wanted. I just told them how I was feeling, and I guess I made them understand.
Good for you! Congratulations :]
Well, I got one of the internships I wanted. I just told them how I was feeling, and I guess I made them understand.
Good for you! Congratulations :]
Thanks. I'm starting tomorrow; I'm actually really nervous.
Holy crap, Mathyland did some recruiting at some point in the last few days!That profile picture is so perfect for the post.
Way to go, @Mathyland! :)
I keep imagining Wintermoot making that face whenever I read his posts now.Holy crap, Mathyland did some recruiting at some point in the last few days!That profile picture is so perfect for the post.
Way to go, @Mathyland! :)
Holy crap, Mathyland did some recruiting at some point in the last few days!And now I go to recruit and Wintermoot already cleared the past hour, and now all I get is puppets and anti-Semitic names... :P
Way to go, @Mathyland! :)
And now I go to recruit and Wintermoot already cleared the past hour, and now all I get is puppets and anti-Semitic names... :PBut now I'm done and you can recruit all you want! :D
It's been a challenging week...it's been hard for me to get motivated about much of anything, Monday I was having stomach issues, and then yesterday I had a migraine. Telltale signs that I've pushed my body to the limit with stress...it's not that anything stressful has happened recently, but I think I just grind things out so much I never recover from earlier stress. I think I just need to balance in more relaxation time, and I mean actual relaxation, not setting at the computer and mindlessly watching Youtube.Wintermoot, with respect to Wintreath feel free to take a short break if you need too. Remember that life isn't necessarily a race, there is no finish line beyond that of our eventual deaths. You've worked quite a bit lately, and you have a lot on your plate, you can (and probably should) slowdown, you don't need to be sprinting and dashing constantly. Slowdown and take a slow walk through the path of life if you can. That isn't to say stop trying, but no one will blame you if you take a step back and allow others to do things a bit more.
But it's hard, because I feel like I'm falling behind in life...I want to advance things, to improve my standing at work, to make more money and be able to offer a better life for me and my mom, and to make Wintreath a better place. But it's a struggle to do more than just the bare minimum to maintain things, especially in the last eight months since I participate in or have taken over a lot of household chores on top of everything. But in spite of that, it's not that I don't have time to advance things...for the most part I'm not ever horribly busy. I guess I'm just burned out cause I never take any time for myself, at least not quality relaxation time.
But I figure that's a pretty usual problem in the modern world, so at least I'm not alone.
Wintermoot, with respect to Wintreath feel free to take a short break if you need too. Remember that life isn't necessarily a race, there is no finish line beyond that of our eventual deaths. You've worked quite a bit lately, and you have a lot on your plate, you can (and probably should) slowdown, you don't need to be sprinting and dashing constantly. Slowdown and take a slow walk through the path of life if you can. That isn't to say stop trying, but no one will blame you if you take a step back and allow others to do things a bit more.Thanks for caring and giving me some good advice...it made me smile, and for what it's worth I care a lot for you too, Chanku.
In Wintreath that probably means allowing others to do things, pushing a bit for additional recruiters. I understand you want to grow wintreath, however letting others take some steps forward doesn't mean you are incapable. It doesn't make you a bad Monarch, you just have other stuff to attend too. If you must, take a few days from Wintreath. We won't set ourselves on fire, and we will still be here.
With respect to your own life, and addressing your own burnout, I can't entirely suggest or give you suggestions that might work. However, I would suggest perhaps pulling back and not starting any projects which would increase your stress levels. If you can, try make some tea (or a drink you know you would like), perhaps sit down and watch some TV or play a game. Do something that helps you relax. If you want go out and get out of the house. Go for a walk (perhaps go for a walk with your mother if you can), or perhaps go to a place that you can spend some time at so you can get out of the house a bit.
Wintermoot, we all care about you and want you to be safe. Burnout is horrible, and it would be horrible if you ended up leaving because of it. Ultimately I can not tell you how to live your life, you are an adult after all, however I do hope you at least listen. Remember there is no particular race, I understand you have a lot of things going on in your life. I can't say I particularly understand how you feel, I've never lost a parent. However, I do care for you,as I said before we all do. Please take care of yourself
So I had two seizures today. One in the morning and one in the middle of the day. The thing I hate about having one in the middle of the day is that I have force myself to stay awake until 10PM so I don't wake up at 4AM. Glad I can finally get some sleep!Sorry to hear about your seizures, I hope that today is going better for you. =/
I really need to get my hands on some more psychedelics..Or that. Screw alone time to ponder! :P
I really need to get my hands on some more psychedelics..Or that. Screw alone time to ponder! :P
(https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--D4hAfTUF--/c_fit,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/1238895886504840879.jpg)I thought you were supposed to be with someone in case of a bad trip or something.
That doesn't sound appealing at all.
The point of it isn't really to be appealing, and not everyone has the same experience - supposedly with ayahuasca you can get feelings of community, but I've never had the privilege of communing with it.If you don't mind me asking then, what is the point?
It's not fun, per se. At least, it's not fun for me.
The point of it isn't really to be appealing, and not everyone has the same experience - supposedly with ayahuasca you can get feelings of community, but I've never had the privilege of communing with it.If you don't mind me asking then, what is the point?
It's not fun, per se. At least, it's not fun for me.
So how has it changed you in particular?
I've only done it once, but it helped me get over my Grandfather's death without too much heartache. I felt like I was able to put the loss in perspective very easily, I felt like after my mourning period that it was complete, that I had truly mourned and need mourn no longer.Well, if you feel like it's helping you, then I'm happy for you. :)
I'm happier, more productive, and more ambitious. I'm more assertive, understanding, and kind. I'm more stable generally.
But I've only done it once, I want to really win one of these fights. To this point I feel like I've mostly lost them.
I've only done it once, but it helped me get over my Grandfather's death without too much heartache. I felt like I was able to put the loss in perspective very easily, I felt like after my mourning period that it was complete, that I had truly mourned and need mourn no longer.Well, if you feel like it's helping you, then I'm happy for you. :)
I'm happier, more productive, and more ambitious. I'm more assertive, understanding, and kind. I'm more stable generally.
But I've only done it once, I want to really win one of these fights. To this point I feel like I've mostly lost them.
These fights?
I think it's kind of a game.. you go into it and you play against yourself, and you either win with yourself or lose. I'm a pretty anxious person so it's hard to get over my initial fear reaction to the new stimuli. I believe that over time I can get over those fears, and can use those tools in my ordinary life to overcome the fears that plague me daily. So, I want to have a trip that's like a classic hero's journey, where I go into it face myself and my challenges, and then overcome them. I want that feeling of victory. To this point I've gotten stuck inside the loops.But if you're playing against yourself...either way you win, right? :P
I think it's kind of a game.. you go into it and you play against yourself, and you either win with yourself or lose. I'm a pretty anxious person so it's hard to get over my initial fear reaction to the new stimuli. I believe that over time I can get over those fears, and can use those tools in my ordinary life to overcome the fears that plague me daily. So, I want to have a trip that's like a classic hero's journey, where I go into it face myself and my challenges, and then overcome them. I want that feeling of victory. To this point I've gotten stuck inside the loops.But if you're playing against yourself...either way you win, right? :P
I'm also a pretty anxious person, so I understand wanting to overcome your fears and live more carefree in a way...that's how I feel at least. I think I'll stick to taking it day by day and meditation, but I hope that it works out for you. :)
Many, everyone should do psychedelics though. I think it's going to become much more widespread as a therapeutic method in the near future. Ibogaine is undergoing clinical trials for treatment of opiate addiction. It's already proven to work, so it's just a matter of getting lawmakers to wake up to the fact that their pointlessly destructive drug war is a waste of suffering.I'll think about it if they come up with a way that doesn't involve the tripping stuff. :P
Isn't that what microdosing is for?Many, everyone should do psychedelics though. I think it's going to become much more widespread as a therapeutic method in the near future. Ibogaine is undergoing clinical trials for treatment of opiate addiction. It's already proven to work, so it's just a matter of getting lawmakers to wake up to the fact that their pointlessly destructive drug war is a waste of suffering.I'll think about it if they come up with a way that doesn't involve the tripping stuff. :P
Many, everyone should do psychedelics though. I think it's going to become much more widespread as a therapeutic method in the near future. Ibogaine is undergoing clinical trials for treatment of opiate addiction. It's already proven to work, so it's just a matter of getting lawmakers to wake up to the fact that their pointlessly destructive drug war is a waste of suffering.I'll think about it if they come up with a way that doesn't involve the tripping stuff. :P
Nothing should be changed.And I didn't even need to make a post on the Technical forums! :D
And I have no idea what microdosing is...this is hardly my area of expertise. I just know I like having a firm grip on my sense of reality. :Phttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychedelic_microdosing
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychedelic_microdosingDoes that actually work?
It seems to be quite popular among Silicon Valley types, and those who do it will say that it's highly beneficial for them, but it really hasn't been rigorously studied (War on Drugs not letting research happen and all that).https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychedelic_microdosingDoes that actually work?
It seems to be quite popular among Silicon Valley types, and those who do it will say that it's highly beneficial for them, but it really hasn't been rigorously studied (War on Drugs not letting research happen and all that).What's your opinion? Would you try it?
No idea. It seems to have an effect, but it could very well be the placebo effect at work.It seems to be quite popular among Silicon Valley types, and those who do it will say that it's highly beneficial for them, but it really hasn't been rigorously studied (War on Drugs not letting research happen and all that).What's your opinion? Would you try it?
As for myself, I'm the wrong person to ask, considering that the most potent drug I've been on is tea.Maybe that makes you the right person to ask!
I have very little respect for Pakatan though I am intrigued.Lol it's not actually irl Pakatan. It was just the default party that happened to be NPC strongest that I decided to take over. It's quite hilarious if you ask me. Though the disappointing thing is that there are many countries which don't have anybody/aren't able to have anyone. I'd take Norway or Finland or Denmark in a heartbeat, but Malaysia was the least populated person wise at the time :P
In other news, there is a cool new on-the-line game that's political we could probably easily expand into to get more people....Okay, I joined as Malaysian politician and joined your party, not sure what to do next though.
Also posting this because I want to get Pakatan Harapan (aka the party of Lord Buckethead) to singlehandedly win the election in Malaysia and for that more members of the party are needed.
But very seriously though I think we could get people to Wintreath from this the forums for it aren't very active but there seems to be a decent number of active "players" if that makes sense. Just an idea though.
I would recommend spending all your early power on increasing your fundraising base and join the election!In other news, there is a cool new on-the-line game that's political we could probably easily expand into to get more people....Okay, I joined as Malaysian politician and joined your party, not sure what to do next though.
Also posting this because I want to get Pakatan Harapan (aka the party of Lord Buckethead) to singlehandedly win the election in Malaysia and for that more members of the party are needed.
But very seriously though I think we could get people to Wintreath from this the forums for it aren't very active but there seems to be a decent number of active "players" if that makes sense. Just an idea though.
Rip, I spent all my power building the base and can't join the election.I would recommend spending all your early power on increasing your fundraising base and join the election!In other news, there is a cool new on-the-line game that's political we could probably easily expand into to get more people....Okay, I joined as Malaysian politician and joined your party, not sure what to do next though.
Also posting this because I want to get Pakatan Harapan (aka the party of Lord Buckethead) to singlehandedly win the election in Malaysia and for that more members of the party are needed.
But very seriously though I think we could get people to Wintreath from this the forums for it aren't very active but there seems to be a decent number of active "players" if that makes sense. Just an idea though.
Oh it costs influence to join the election!? Yeah the power builds over time default is 3 per hour but you're in a party so that should give you a bit more per hour. And the stock market appears to be ridiculously easy to make money in so there's that too...Rip, I spent all my power building the base and can't join the election.I would recommend spending all your early power on increasing your fundraising base and join the election!In other news, there is a cool new on-the-line game that's political we could probably easily expand into to get more people....Okay, I joined as Malaysian politician and joined your party, not sure what to do next though.
Also posting this because I want to get Pakatan Harapan (aka the party of Lord Buckethead) to singlehandedly win the election in Malaysia and for that more members of the party are needed.
But very seriously though I think we could get people to Wintreath from this the forums for it aren't very active but there seems to be a decent number of active "players" if that makes sense. Just an idea though.
How does power work in this game? Does it build over time?
The stock market seems confusing, all the trends seem to quite constant but the stats say there's profit? Or are people day trading?Oh it costs influence to join the election!? Yeah the power builds over time default is 3 per hour but you're in a party so that should give you a bit more per hour. And the stock market appears to be ridiculously easy to make money in so there's that too...Rip, I spent all my power building the base and can't join the election.I would recommend spending all your early power on increasing your fundraising base and join the election!In other news, there is a cool new on-the-line game that's political we could probably easily expand into to get more people....Okay, I joined as Malaysian politician and joined your party, not sure what to do next though.
Also posting this because I want to get Pakatan Harapan (aka the party of Lord Buckethead) to singlehandedly win the election in Malaysia and for that more members of the party are needed.
But very seriously though I think we could get people to Wintreath from this the forums for it aren't very active but there seems to be a decent number of active "players" if that makes sense. Just an idea though.
How does power work in this game? Does it build over time?
The stock market seems confusing, all the trends seem to quite constant but the stats say there's profit? Or are people day trading?There's a lot of day trading, but most of the money is made through dividends (at least that's what I usually do). In theory I think you could make money by purchasing 1000 of a stock and then rapidly selling it and buying it (because price change of the stock is $0.01/share) and getting money that way, but I haven't tested that mechanic to the degree that I would need to in order to figure that out completely.
Yeah I hate being a loyal person in the 21st century as well. People are always saying "it's not your grandfather's world where you work for the same firm for 40 years and retire with nice benefits."
Instead its the "gig economy" and you're only supposed to work somewhere for a couple years, because apparently you only get a raise when you switch companies today because of some strange logic...
But yeah I feel you with the whole things can get pedantic sentiment. I haven't found a good solution for that personally, either. :/
Sorry for my incredibly sporatic activity. This new position at work has been majorly stressful, and I'm really beginning to regret taking that promotion.Sorry to hear the new position isn't working out so well...it sucks how a promotion is supposed to be a good thing, but sometimes the extra work and responsibility expected turns it into a bad thing. Is there any chance you could go back to your old job?
Sorry for my incredibly sporatic activity. This new position at work has been majorly stressful, and I'm really beginning to regret taking that promotion.Sorry to hear the new position isn't working out so well...it sucks how a promotion is supposed to be a good thing, but sometimes the extra work and responsibility expected turns it into a bad thing. Is there any chance you could go back to your old job?
There is, but considering one person in the same position quit, and another was fired.. I don't want to leave them short a third person. So I'll wait it out for a bit longer before I ask to go back to my old job.I don't know...if people are being chased away from the position like that, they may never not be short. =/
Nah. :P
What program is it then? O.o. it looks almost identical to RPG Maker 2k/2k3.The tileset does look similar, but it's actually something someone made (https://opengameart.org/content/16x16-overworld-tiles).
What program is it then? O.o. it looks almost identical to RPG Maker 2k/2k3.The tileset does look similar, but it's actually something someone made (https://opengameart.org/content/16x16-overworld-tiles).
But all will be revealed in time. :D
I never thought you could have that kind of job at Wal-Mart. :P
I'm glad that you're getting backing from people that can help...you always have people that think they're better than the rest of the team, I've even had them in the Wintreath Cabinet in the past, but I'm sure with help you'll overcome the issue and do great. :)
And no, that's not it either...too far on the other end of the scale, too ambitious, lol.
Wow. A man born in the 1890's was racist. Stop the fucking presses. I am shocked. This has shattered my world view. Next thing you'll tell me is that the values of today are different from the values of a hundred years ago.Big mad that I clowned around the wiki page of the racist tentacle monster guy huh
Mad? Not really. I'm not even a fan of HP Lovecraft. At most, I'm just annoyed at your virtue-signalling. Wow, good job, pointed out that someone long dead held views not congruent with your own. You're a champ. Keep up the good work.I virtue signal all over his Wikipedia page to make up for the fact that I can never personally give the nerd the wet willy he deserves and maybe use my unbelievably muscular arms to snatch the first draft of Call of Cthulhu from his scrawny racist nerd hands, hold it up above my head as he tries desperately to reach for it, yelling "Give it baaack Give it to meeee!" in a dweeby New England accent before I tear it to shreds.
Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you? This isn't how you get anyone to agree with you, if anything you're likely to push people who you could convince away from you on principal alone. You could have added something to his Wikipedia page, with sources, to expand on this, however instead you chose to vandalize his Wikipedia page, so congrats on being the person teachers and professors point to when saying you can't use Wikipedia as a source.Mad? Not really. I'm not even a fan of HP Lovecraft. At most, I'm just annoyed at your virtue-signalling. Wow, good job, pointed out that someone long dead held views not congruent with your own. You're a champ. Keep up the good work.I virtue signal all over his Wikipedia page to make up for the fact that I can never personally give the nerd the wet willy he deserves and maybe use my unbelievably muscular arms to snatch the first draft of Call of Cthulhu from his scrawny racist nerd hands, hold it up above my head as he tries desperately to reach for it, yelling "Give it baaack Give it to meeee!" in a dweeby New England accent before I tear it to shreds.
But alas, I was born a century too late. So I must edit his wikipedia page to say his name is Papa John as a form of virtue signaling.
What do you mean wanting to bully HP Lovecraft with my unbelievably muscular arms "isn't how you get anyone to agree with you" or "definitely not normal"Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you? This isn't how you get anyone to agree with you, if anything you're likely to push people who you could convince away from you on principal alone. You could have added something to his Wikipedia page, with sources, to expand on this, however instead you chose to vandalize his Wikipedia page, so congrats on being the person teachers and professors point to when saying you can't use Wikipedia as a source.Mad? Not really. I'm not even a fan of HP Lovecraft. At most, I'm just annoyed at your virtue-signalling. Wow, good job, pointed out that someone long dead held views not congruent with your own. You're a champ. Keep up the good work.I virtue signal all over his Wikipedia page to make up for the fact that I can never personally give the nerd the wet willy he deserves and maybe use my unbelievably muscular arms to snatch the first draft of Call of Cthulhu from his scrawny racist nerd hands, hold it up above my head as he tries desperately to reach for it, yelling "Give it baaack Give it to meeee!" in a dweeby New England accent before I tear it to shreds.
But alas, I was born a century too late. So I must edit his wikipedia page to say his name is Papa John as a form of virtue signaling.
Also the level of contempt you show towards him is definitely not normal, so I would also suggest perhaps seeing a mental health professional, as that can be bad for your physical and mental health (increased blood pressure can lead to a stroke or heart attack, and the like).
Unbelievably muscular arms?I've got big bulging muscular arms... big bulging biceps...
lol, I'm just going to cling to that piece since I really don't see how it would be productive to comment further on anything else. Not that this is particularly productive either, but at least it's light-hearted?
But in any case, welcome back, Violet. :)
Can we all agree to ignore the troll? It gets off on outraging people. It realized long ago that negative attention is better than no attention at all and has gone all out with that philosophy. Trying to change its mind is fruitless, as it does not actually believe in any of the shit it is saying, it is just trying to be edgy.Super mad that I called racist tentacle nerd Papa John on his wikipedia page huh
Of course. I'm a closet racist and absolutely hate my icons of racism being drawn into the limelight and exposed for what they are. Of course, it has nothing to do with the fact that I think butchering a Wikipedia page, what is supposed to be a source of free knowledge anyone can contribute to - to live out petty edgelord vendettas, no less- is about as pathetic as anything can possibly get. Especially as, like others have pointed out, someone already did bother to point out the dude's racist views on the same page and actually cared to substantiate their claims with the necessary sources. It also has nothing to do with the fact that some poor schmuck will have to waste time cleaning this shit up because some troll in its mother's basement wanted to earn some edgelord street cred. But hey, I'm just a closet racist who gets mad at random trolls on the Internet, so what the fuck do I know, really?Well now.
All that ends up happening is that annoyed people (sometimes me) revert the vandalism^Wikipedia janitor :P
And yet I still love his work. Because I have a skill. A very special skill that, alas, slowly seems to be dying. The ability to seperate an artist from their work.I listen to David Byrne. In fact, David Byrne is my favorite musician of all time, and he is my main inspiration as an aspiring musician. And also by all accounts he was a misogynistic asshole to Tina Weymouth and he once did a very disgusting blackface gag in one of his comedy sketches in the 1980s.
And yet I still love his work. Because I have a skill. A very special skill that, alas, slowly seems to be dying. The ability to seperate an artist from their work.I listen to David Byrne. In fact, David Byrne is my favorite musician of all time, and he is my main inspiration as an aspiring musician. And also by all accounts he was a misogynistic asshole to Tina Weymouth and he once did a very disgusting blackface gag in one of his comedy sketches in the 1980s.
I used to be a fan of Varg Vikernes/Burzum too. I'm not anymore.
If you don't understand the message I'm saying here then I don't care.
Because I have a skill. A very special skill that, alas, slowly seems to be dying. The ability to separate an artist from their work.Seems a bit of a snipe, that.
(Incidental tangent - I find it hilarious that Loveman was gay, and Lovecraft is often described as basically asexual, suggesting both their names are kind of literal in that one loved men and the other loved his craft, however you may feel about the outcome of said craft).Sadly, that is inaccurate. His ex-wife confirmed that not only did the racist nerd man Fuck, he was good at it.
ST Joshi, who is pretty much the singular leading light in Lovecraft...ology these days (Derleth could claim to be the Pope sort of post-Lovecraft-dying and pre...himself...dying, but his Mythos work, to say nothing of interpretation, was rubbish anyway), certainly made the claim that Lovecraft was pretty asexual in the autobiography he wrote of him.Are we having a discussion about whether HP Lovecraft is Asexual
But to quote Wikipedia back at you - I need only reference how Greene "later said Lovecraft had performed satisfactorily as a lover, though she had to take the initiative in all aspects of the relationship."
'Satisfactorily' is hardly strong praise (and certainly unlikely to suggest he was 'good at it'. Pair that with sufficient disinterest in sex that she's taking the lead in the far less equal times of the '30s, particularly in a time before we've really conceived of different perspectives on gender, sexuality, and romance, suggest to me he would, were he transposed to the modern day, quite easily fit onto the ace spectrum.
Interpreting dreams happens to be a hobby of mine.That movie does have a lot of interesting parallels...I wasn't aware of it cause I'm not really a movie person. :P
EDIT: The dream seems very close to the premise of this movie, though.
I have an idea of how to interpret your dream, if you're interested.
I didn't, it was just so out there that I couldn't think of anything, lol.
I suppose from time to time in the past I've thought about how short a shelf-life a friendship with me is...most of my friendships last a year or two, and it's very rare for me to have a friendship last more than five years or so. It even depresses me sometimes, because I feel like although I've always had the best of intentions I've made more enemies than friends over the course of my life, so I must be a very abrasive person in some ways. It's been kinda rare for someone to still be in my life after almost five years, not just in terms of Wintreath but really my entire life.
But beyond that, Chanku has really been there for me and defended me and Wintreath through some really shitty things that happened in Lazarus, and I suppose that had a deep impact on me as well...to be honest, I'm not used to someone going out of their way to stand up for me like that. Maybe that's why in my dream he stuck with me through the end of the world.
I wish I had advice to give you, but I'm just not a people's person. It surprises me to this day that so many people are willing to put up with my shit.You don't have to be an exceptional advice giver or a people person.
I'm pretty sure my friendship with you has been past 2 years, and it's not going away any time soon.What about exchanging grindr accounts? :P
Even if I disappear from Wintreath, Discord, or both...I'm always on Facebook/Messenger, and I'm even fine exchanging numbers and texting. :p
I wish I had advice to give you, but I'm just not a people's person. It surprises me to this day that so many people are willing to put up with my shit.It's ok, we could always just cuddle instead. :P
I think that the most toxic things in society today are social media and cable news. I imagine that 30 or 40 years ago, you would get the news through the newspaper or the evening news, get heated about whatever political thing, and then go on about your life and cool down. Now it's in your face 24/7...I've watched people who used to be laid back become obsessed with politics on Facebook and become angry, bitter people that post about nothing but politics anymore. I think it's probably why people hate each other so much...so much that provokes fear and anger out there.
I rarely spend time on social media...a few minutes on Facebook where I have all my friends in a list so I can just see what they've posted in chronological order, and a few minutes on Twitter where I've carefully curated who I follow so that my feed isn't news and politics. I get my news from a variety of sources, but I only check them once a day...I'm not burying my head in the sand, I just don't want to see it all day.I'm pretty sure my friendship with you has been past 2 years, and it's not going away any time soon.What about exchanging grindr accounts? :P
Even if I disappear from Wintreath, Discord, or both...I'm always on Facebook/Messenger, and I'm even fine exchanging numbers and texting. :p
It's just that you seem so busy so often, I don't want to be a bother or take you away from the things you need to do in your life. We should aim to play a game together more often than once a year, though. :PI wish I had advice to give you, but I'm just not a people's person. It surprises me to this day that so many people are willing to put up with my shit.It's ok, we could always just cuddle instead. :P
So yeah. We had a small team building event for one of the teams I used to lead at a local bar. I selected my own replacement when I got promoted, a very talented, if inexperienced girl who has been crushing it as the new team leader. Problem: we hooked up after we left the bar. Now things are very weird. Goddammit. I'm smarter than this...Why is it a problem? Why are things very weird? Aren't coworker hookups pretty common?
Haha, I've actually been considering deleting Grindr actually. I haven't used it much, and I'm not big into hookups anyways, which seems to be its only focus.I don't know if I'll delete it again, but I haven't really been on it lately. I'm just bored with it, and pretty much any other form of social media out there. I guess I'm just going through a reclusive phase.
And even if I'm busy, I always enjoy chatting with you. Never feel like you're taking me away from anything or being a bother. If anything, I value the time when I'm talking to you. :)
So yeah. We had a small team building event for one of the teams I used to lead at a local bar. I selected my own replacement when I got promoted, a very talented, if inexperienced girl who has been crushing it as the new team leader. Problem: we hooked up after we left the bar. Now things are very weird. Goddammit. I'm smarter than this...Why is it a problem? Why are things very weird? Aren't coworker hookups pretty common?
I take it cuddling is off the table?Haha, I've actually been considering deleting Grindr actually. I haven't used it much, and I'm not big into hookups anyways, which seems to be its only focus.I don't know if I'll delete it again, but I haven't really been on it lately. I'm just bored with it, and pretty much any other form of social media out there. I guess I'm just going through a reclusive phase.
And even if I'm busy, I always enjoy chatting with you. Never feel like you're taking me away from anything or being a bother. If anything, I value the time when I'm talking to you. :)
And thanks! So about that game...:P
Suppose it wouldn't have been too bad if we were just normal colleagues, but she is technically below me in the career ladder. Last thing either of us needs is accusations of favouritism. "Don't shit where you eat" is not made up nonsense.If it's discreet enough, there shouldn't be accusations of favouritism. Unless she's going around telling people what a sex god you are. :P
Haha, I can bring myself to game with you more than once a year, but I'll be honest with you.lol, you should have just said something before. I enjoyed playing DDO with you and with Aragonn, but I'm not particularly attached to the game itself...is there another game you'd rather play?
DDO is okay and all, but if it's alright with you, I'd like to change games.
In reality, I only enjoyed DDO because I liked who I was playing it with. And the only reason I stopped playing is because I already talk and joke around with you, so the game wasn't really adding much.
It was definitely fun gaming together, but I'd much rather try it with something a bit different.
A lot of stuff on my mind lately has been about the region...there's a lot of plans happening, and I have a lot of ideas, and I'm pretty excited to see how things turn out over the next few months. :)Suppose it wouldn't have been too bad if we were just normal colleagues, but she is technically below me in the career ladder. Last thing either of us needs is accusations of favouritism. "Don't shit where you eat" is not made up nonsense.If it's discreet enough, there shouldn't be accusations of favouritism. Unless she's going around telling people what a sex god you are. :PHaha, I can bring myself to game with you more than once a year, but I'll be honest with you.lol, you should have just said something before. I enjoyed playing DDO with you and with Aragonn, but I'm not particularly attached to the game itself...is there another game you'd rather play?
DDO is okay and all, but if it's alright with you, I'd like to change games.
In reality, I only enjoyed DDO because I liked who I was playing it with. And the only reason I stopped playing is because I already talk and joke around with you, so the game wasn't really adding much.
It was definitely fun gaming together, but I'd much rather try it with something a bit different.
THIS is really the point of Facebook: to serve as a type of permanent and incorruptible photo album.Facebook compresses your images to hell though, so your photo album has already been corrupted the moment you uploaded it. :P
Atlantica Online. It's a game I've played since the open beta, and it's one I'd love to start anew with a friend. ^.^I've never played or heard anything about it, but I'd be willing to try it out. :)
Atlantica Online. It's a game I've played since the open beta, and it's one I'd love to start anew with a friend. ^.^I've never played or heard anything about it, but I'd be willing to try it out. :)
^.^. Are Tuesdays a good day for you?We can give it a try. The later the better, though. :)
Also, I find it kinda funny how I still post here, even though I was pretty much never active in the region and only briefly on NationStates. I don't know why I like hanging out here so much.Whatever the reason is, I'm glad that you still visit us and keep us up-to-date with how things are going in your life. :)
Because I've been poor all my life, when I buy something and I can, I make sure to buy higher-quality stuff that will last longer...I don't tend to buy things unless I'm sure I'll use it, and I want the stuff I use to last a long time. I've even got stuff from when I was a teenager, lol.
Whatever the reason is, I'm glad that you still visit us and keep us up-to-date with how things are going in your life. :)
Because I've been poor all my life, when I buy something and I can, I make sure to buy higher-quality stuff that will last longer...I don't tend to buy things unless I'm sure I'll use it, and I want the stuff I use to last a long time. I've even got stuff from when I was a teenager, lol.
I was thinking to myself "Where do you even get three portraits of the Kim family?"You get them from me.
Then I remembered the internet exists.
How is that mouse treating you?In fairness, I always thought that all mouses were about the same except for the expensive ones with gaudy LED lighting. :P But it's nice...it feels good using it, but work won't buy me one for the office so I'm stuck with generic office mice there, lol.
I dunno. You guys are a pretty likable bunch. Especially Laurentus.Yeah, Laurentus brings all the boys to the yard. :P
Tell me about it...about to buy a Fluke 787. Used, not new, I'm not insane. These things are worth $1000 new...found one good as new for $450 and that doesn't happen every day, so I consider myself lucky.
After a further $200 I'll have a pretty complete set of tools for my job. I'll just need a drill but that can wait.
I feel like these lyrics from a My Chemical Romance song sum up my feelings towards being so popular quite well: "The doctors and the nurses, they adore me so, but it's really quite alarming, 'cause I'm such an awful fuck.I bet your subordinate thinks otherwise. Zing! :P
So how are things going with your career choice? I take it from the big investment in tools that you're enjoying what you're doing? :)
I have this thing where, no matter what I accomplish, I can never be certain I deserved it. Most of the time it feels like I was simply at the right place at the right time. I keep challenging myself and set progressively higher goals for myself, while almost never failing, but this feeling just won't go away. I don't even know why I have this compulsive need to be the best, I just do. It's some form of insecurity that I just can't seem to break free of. I need to keep proving to myself that I've got what it takes, except I'm never satisfied with the proof. It never stops, either.
So I got an email from Tapatalk...we could automatically migrate to Tapatalk groups if we wanted. :))Meanwhile, forcibly migrated over in NH Zetaboards. :(
In fairness, I always thought that all mouses were about the same except for the expensive ones with gaudy LED lighting. :PHmm, looked it up, TIL that "mouses" is a correct plural form if you're talking about the computer peripheral.
I don't resist my nocturnal nature, I embrace it through the power of napping. I read a great book earlier this year called Take a Nap, Change Your Life (https://www.scribd.com/read/209256457/Take-a-Nap-Change-Your-Life), which was mostly about the benefits of napping, it's traditional role in culture, and how to plan out the best nap by taking your sleep cycle into account.Word of note, that caffeine withdrawal can cause anxiety to spike (which it does for me).
It's only been recently that I've put the idea into practice, but it's had a major impact for me. I'm actually productive and don't feel like the walking dead at work, and I love how much more focused and alert I am late into the night. It's probably been almost a decade since I've felt so energetic at night, back when I had an afternoon/evening job that I could get up late in the morning for. You might notice that I'm making a lot more Wintreath posts and announcements late at night lately, and it's because of that.
My normal weekday involves getting up at 7:30am for work and getting home around 5:30pm, then after I have dinner and socialize with my mom, I tend to feel like a nap somewhere between 6:30 and 8pm. I don't set an alarm, but my naps tend to be between an hour and 90 minutes, and then I usually stay up until 3-4am.
I've also used F.lux on my computer for years...I don't think it's helped me get sleepier per say (I think it used to have an impact when I started using it, but I've adapted to it over the years), but I feel like it reduces the strain on my eyes at night. I'm also looking to cut down/eliminate caffeine, though I've never had any trouble sleeping on caffeine, and I'm doing that more to see if it has an impact on my anxiety.
I did it!Does that kit allow you to take care of "basic" calls?
My basic kit is complete! In there, more or less in order of the photos, I have :
- electrical tape on the loop
- Sharpies
- tape measure
- headlamp, multimeter probes and magnet in front hard pocket
- marking tape in front pocket
- side cutters
- long-nose pliers
- flush cutters
- knife
- two adjustable wrenches, 6" and 8"
- SAE and metric ball-set hex wrenches
- Fluke 787 processmeter
- Wera Kraftform Kompakt screwdriver kit
- two channellocks, 6" and 10"
- lockout padlock (got the notice somewhere)
- Megapro Tamperproof
- Megapro Tamperproof 2
- small gauge wire strippers
- normal gauge wire strippers
- linesman pliers
- not pictured : cable ties and connector box
I'm only really lacking a drill/impact driver and a butane torch. The former can wait, I'll get the latter probably next week, to take the time to research. After that, it's all rarely used/luxury tools like network cable crimpers and cable strippers.
I did it!Does that kit allow you to take care of "basic" calls?
My basic kit is complete! In there, more or less in order of the photos, I have :
- electrical tape on the loop
- Sharpies
- tape measure
- headlamp, multimeter probes and magnet in front hard pocket
- marking tape in front pocket
- side cutters
- long-nose pliers
- flush cutters
- knife
- two adjustable wrenches, 6" and 8"
- SAE and metric ball-set hex wrenches
- Fluke 787 processmeter
- Wera Kraftform Kompakt screwdriver kit
- two channellocks, 6" and 10"
- lockout padlock (got the notice somewhere)
- Megapro Tamperproof
- Megapro Tamperproof 2
- small gauge wire strippers
- normal gauge wire strippers
- linesman pliers
- not pictured : cable ties and connector box
I'm only really lacking a drill/impact driver and a butane torch. The former can wait, I'll get the latter probably next week, to take the time to research. After that, it's all rarely used/luxury tools like network cable crimpers and cable strippers.
I just woke up from a really unsettling lucid dream.
I was sitting on my couch watching TV with some girl I've never seen before. We were talking about random bs and everything was fine until she wrestled me to the ground and pulled out a large syringe filled with a red/purple liquid. I tried to fight her off but despite my best efforts she injected it into my right arm. Through the spot that doctors put needles for blood tests and stuff. Then I passed out.
I woke up in my bed with her for a moment then passed out again. I woke up in a room with dark blue walls and saw *my own brain separated from my body!* It had six tubes in it that must have somehow been keeping it alive. The girl was there and she had this grin on her face as if she were taunting me. I panicked and passed out again. Then I woke up in an odd room with again bunch of other people. They seemed to be hiding from something. My arm was still unable to move but the spot where the syringe went in hurt. I checked it and sure enough there was a puncture wound. I started telling the other people there hoping someone would believe me. Most of them laughed. One person did though. A former FBI agent named David. Once he saw the puncture wound he got nervous. There was a knock at the door and when that happened *everyone got nervous.* David answered the door and somehow I then knew what was going on. Aliens were in the process of destroying human society and had already started enslaving the planet. The alien was checking to make sure we were doing *something* but I don't know what. I ran towards an empty room and then the house we were in began disappearing right in front of me in a bright, light blue light. Anything that touched it disappeared so everyone ran. Most of us didn't make it past where where the walls used to be. Including me there were just three people left. Then it stopped and the alien said that the job was canceled. Like the whole thing was just some contract.
That's when the dream stopped. As soon as I actually woke up I checked for a puncture wound.
So, not to be too weird/insecure but, I feel like I havent really made much of a connection with the regions members, save for a few. Am I offputting or do I come off as unpleasant?No, you seem like a very friendly person to me. I personally just don't really connect with people outside of games or topic discussions, and I think that might be the case for others as well. Anyway, I don't think you have anything to worry about. :)
So, not to be too weird/insecure but, I feel like I havent really made much of a connection with the regions members, save for a few. Am I offputting or do I come off as unpleasant?
So, not to be too weird/insecure but, I feel like I havent really made much of a connection with the regions members, save for a few. Am I offputting or do I come off as unpleasant?No, definitely not! I have a hard time connecting with people outside of Discord myself, which is why I'm not often on the forums here.
I did it!
My basic kit is complete! In there, more or less in order of the photos, I have :
- electrical tape on the loop
- Sharpies
- tape measure
- headlamp, multimeter probes and magnet in front hard pocket
- marking tape in front pocket
- side cutters
- long-nose pliers
- flush cutters
- knife
- two adjustable wrenches, 6" and 8"
- SAE and metric ball-set hex wrenches
- Fluke 787 processmeter
- Wera Kraftform Kompakt screwdriver kit
- two channellocks, 6" and 10"
- lockout padlock (got the notice somewhere)
- Megapro Tamperproof
- Megapro Tamperproof 2
- small gauge wire strippers
- normal gauge wire strippers
- linesman pliers
- not pictured : cable ties and connector box
I'm only really lacking a drill/impact driver and a butane torch. The former can wait, I'll get the latter probably next week, to take the time to research. After that, it's all rarely used/luxury tools like network cable crimpers and cable strippers.
I did it!
My basic kit is complete! In there, more or less in order of the photos, I have :
- electrical tape on the loop
- Sharpies
- tape measure
- headlamp, multimeter probes and magnet in front hard pocket
- marking tape in front pocket
- side cutters
- long-nose pliers
- flush cutters
- knife
- two adjustable wrenches, 6" and 8"
- SAE and metric ball-set hex wrenches
- Fluke 787 processmeter
- Wera Kraftform Kompakt screwdriver kit
- two channellocks, 6" and 10"
- lockout padlock (got the notice somewhere)
- Megapro Tamperproof
- Megapro Tamperproof 2
- small gauge wire strippers
- normal gauge wire strippers
- linesman pliers
- not pictured : cable ties and connector box
I'm only really lacking a drill/impact driver and a butane torch. The former can wait, I'll get the latter probably next week, to take the time to research. After that, it's all rarely used/luxury tools like network cable crimpers and cable strippers.
If you read the closed backpack as a face, the 3 photos together look a bit like a lego Darth Vader.
What I've noticed is that people usually post the good parts of their lives online more often than the bad so that their online presence is more a highlight reel than actually representative of their lives. So people may seem carefree, but if you were able to see their day-to-day, it'd most likely paint a different picture.
But some people do indeed have it better off so that they're much less stressed than others.
I hope it gets better for you, though.
This might be my lack of stress talking (=P) but at least here, I've noticed an equal measure of good and poor times being remarked on.What I've noticed is that people usually post the good parts of their lives online more often than the bad so that their online presence is more a highlight reel than actually representative of their lives. So people may seem carefree, but if you were able to see their day-to-day, it'd most likely paint a different picture.
But some people do indeed have it better off so that they're much less stressed than others.
I hope it gets better for you, though.
This is definitely true. I think social media is ruining us.
This might be my lack of stress talking (=P) but at least here, I've noticed an equal measure of good and poor times being remarked on.What I've noticed is that people usually post the good parts of their lives online more often than the bad so that their online presence is more a highlight reel than actually representative of their lives. So people may seem carefree, but if you were able to see their day-to-day, it'd most likely paint a different picture.
But some people do indeed have it better off so that they're much less stressed than others.
I hope it gets better for you, though.
This is definitely true. I think social media is ruining us.
...Come to think, though, I don't have facebook or whatever, so it might be a different story when your audience is able to knock on your door.
I have to have get a new inspection sticker for my car this month, and I'm stressed that the mechanics are going to use that as an opportunity to screw me over on something because it's obvious I know nothing about car mechanics. It'd be nice to have someone to look over things and make sure there's nothing they could legitimately find wrong.Hey, listen. I'm an apprentice mechanic. Not "legitimately," I don't work at/for a shop/dealer or anything, but I've always had an interest in working on cars and have been wrenching for a little over 2 years working under a former mechanic who now works as an engineer. If you need help or advice feel free to ask anytime. I don't know a ton, but even if I can't help you, I can talk to someone who can. :)
What's the most far-fetched life goal you've got?It's dream of mine to become a master mechanic, (though not as a career)...
Ultimately, there is a severe personality deficiency I would need to overcome to make my relationships last: my detachment. I have no trouble getting into relationships, but I find it very hard to give people the emotional support they need. I've found people tend to analyse words more than actions, so my rather brusque manner gets seen before the effort I put into helping people. Many of my friends have come to terms with the fact that I will always have something of a cruel-to-be-kind approach to things. My best friend values this, as he knows I don't care to say anything to a person I don't like/respect, I just let them suffer in their own ignorance. For whatever reason, this is not the type of understanding I get in relationships. It's happened too often for me to say it's them and not me, but I also legitimately don't know how to change this, or even if I should.I don't think emotional detachment is something you need to overcome. Hell knows I haven't. My wife calls me a robot, says I have no feelings, am brutally honest, etc., but she still knows I love her, and that's ultimately why we're still together. You might need to explain in words that you just aren't emotional but that you still care for them. And your blunt honesty will eventually be seen as a virtue -- you aren't bullshitting them when you tell them they look good, you agree with them, you're proud of them, or you care for them. Same for your actions over words approach -- you may not be classically romantic, but your loyalty and everyday actions (and occasional extraordinary actions) will eventually be seen as more important than any emotional thing you could say. If they need emotional support, that's what their friends are for; but that also doesn't mean you can't let them vent at you or you remind them in words that, yes, you do indeed care for them (you don't be all flowery about it, though).
I thought I was gonna throw up from the nerves before I started the presentation today, but when I started it, all that went away and the directors went away very damn happy with the tool and the presentation in general. Mission accomplished! Now excuse me while I have a heart attack.Congratulations! :)
I've used the basic emoticons for years, but I'm pretty clueless about the emojis myself...if I'm in a situation where I need to use something that isn't basic, I have to look at the list on Discord. In casual conversation though, I've never had a need to use anything but basic emoticons though...I don't really understand why people use them so much.I only ever use potatoe, tomatoe, and bread, lol. And I disable the emoticon -> emoji conversion since I prefer that aesthetic.
I disable the emoticon -> emoji conversion since I prefer that aesthetic.To me the emoticons and the emojis represent different feelings. But I'm a big fan of emojis, and use them quite a bit in texts and Discord.
They indeed do, which is why I avoid the auto-conversion since the emoji may not have the effect which I intended.I disable the emoticon -> emoji conversion since I prefer that aesthetic.To me the emoticons and the emojis represent different feelings. But I'm a big fan of emojis, and use them quite a bit in texts and Discord.
I'm more bothered by the wasted resources than I am the horrendous cruelty to livestock. :-/One thing I find interesting is how those two are sometimes at odds (unless you go fully vegan or something)... in the video, Kurzgesagt talks about how chickens are among those that suffer the most in terms of animal cruelty, yet at the end they recommend eating chickens since it's a more efficient use of resources.
I'm more bothered by the wasted resources than I am the horrendous cruelty to livestock. :-/One thing I find interesting is how those two are sometimes at odds (unless you go fully vegan or something)... in the video, Kurzgesagt talks about how chickens are among those that suffer the most in terms of animal cruelty, yet at the end they recommend eating chickens since it's a more efficient use of resources.
A cow once tried to mount me a few years ago when I was working on a farm, so I have no love for their kind.Whoever owned land behind my elementary school had cows and one time I saw one of them mounting each other and I knew what that one was doing. It was interesting given that I was only 10 or 11 at the time. I even told some adults that were there and they just laughed.
Soooooo I am pissed off. See, my stepsister is getting married this weekend but she lives a few states away. Since I can't drive because of my epilepsy I was going to get a ride there. That was the plan. Instead though, my mom has decided to go with her boyfriend rather than her family! This means that while my stepsister is getting married I have to stay at home. More than that her boyfriend is a scumbag that stabbed my dad (his best friend since they were kids) in the back by dating my mom while my parents were still married. This is the person she chose over her own family and because of that I have to miss the damn wedding!That's horrible! It sounds like she cares more about having a good time than being there for family. I can completely sympathize...most of the family on my mom's side is exactly like that. =/
Her excuse at the time was that she didn't want to pay for my hotel room but I could afford a room then and if I were certain I would be going I would have set aside the money for it.That's just shit...I'm so sorry you had to depend on someone so unreliable and so uncaring about your feelings to keep up the commitment she made to you. It really does sound depressingly like my family...
Congratulations! I'm assuming that is a lot?Thanks! I'm pretty happy...hopefully I'll make more progress. :)
Just checked a converter. 4.5 kilos, that is a lot :]
Would you like to provide us with progress pics? :PAre...are you asking for pictures of my body? :o :P
@Ellbsas did you change your username??What.
After more than a year of fighting the good fight, my mother today started crying and asking just what the point of this struggle to get better is, since she has not shown any more improvement after her stroke. She has also developed a crisis of faith. I'm not a believer myself, but seeing her like this is disturbing.I don't think there's anything more heartbreaking than seeing your mom cry...recovering after a stroke is a tough fight, and depression is common after having one, and I can understand why. Besides losing our minds entirely, I'm not sure there's anything that's more tragic and devastating than losing our physical abilities, of feeling infirm and unable to do the things we used to do. It's a tough situation to be in, and a tough situation to support someone in that position...my thoughts are with both of you.
That's the problem with the binary 'like/don't like' dynamic of, er, liking and just not liking something, and weirdly this is one of the few social media issues that I feel like Facebook made strides towards addressing - although even there it still suffers from the issue of 'like' being the default response.I suppose you're right, it's just easy to take things the wrong way when something has you down.
Often when people like something negative, they're not saying 'hah sucks to be you I'm glad bad things happened' (I mean, that seems like straight up sociopathy), but rather they're saying 'I can empathize with this and am signalling that I have read and acknowledged this in a relatively low-effort fashion, either because I don't have time to go into greater detail, I worry that this is just a venting situation and any attempt to engage may make the problem worse, or I am genuinely just very, very lazy' (the latter is...well, you'll know those kinds of people).
I'm not sure how to feel about people apparently liking that I feel ignored and unwanted. =/People have had this same reaction on reddit when they post comments or threads of their bad experiences that get a lot of karma. We're not "liking" what you're going through. It's more of an acknowledgement or an attempt at sympathy of what you're going through (At least that's my intent) since that's the most we can really do for a total stranger on the internet. You're a pretty cool guy, I would never be "happy" that you're feeling ignored or unwanted, and if it came off that way I sincerely apologize. :)
People have had this same reaction on reddit when they post comments or threads of their bad experiences that get a lot of karma. We're not "liking" what you're going through. It's more of an acknowledgement or an attempt at sympathy of what you're going through (At least that's my intent) since that's the most we can really do for a total stranger on the internet. You're a pretty cool guy, I would never be "happy" that you're feeling ignored or unwanted, and if it came off that way I sincerely apologize. :)I was probably being silly anyways...you know how it is when you're already down, you take things the wrong way. For what it's worth, I don't really interact with Reddit, and I barely even use Facebook, so I don't do much liking or know how most people use beyond the obvious use of liking what they said. I'm sorry for letting myself take it the wrong way. I should know better. :)
I'm not sure how to feel about people apparently liking that I feel ignored and unwanted. =/If I remember correctly, (Is that a problem that I forgot why I liked a post? :-[) my like was solidarity with the most people not wanting to talk to me idea while also referring to the sympathy for Laurentus after seeing his mom cry. I probably wouldn't have had a good response so I went with a like instead.
If I remember correctly, (Is that a problem that I forgot why I liked a post? :-[) my like was solidarity with the most people not wanting to talk to me idea while also referring to the sympathy for Laurentus after seeing his mom cry. I probably wouldn't have had a good response so I went with a like instead.I don't know, that was a good response. :)
Since being put on my new medication I am two months seizure-free for the first time in three years! And on such a low dosage too. I'm feeling pretty damn hopeful. ^_^That sounds really nice. I hope it keeps working out well for you.
Bad day?Not really, just one thing that pissed me off. If someone said something to you that you considered interesting/important, and then years later tried to claim they'd never said it, it'd probably be insulting to anyone I suppose.
True, I suppose, that seems a bit weazle-ish to me.I mean, I get it. People want to be normal, and people are relieved when they can live a normal life, and it's not my place to tell them who they are because who am I to know better? But to go back and claim you never said anything otherwise...that's insulting to me, and that sort dishonesty to yourself is just disappointing to me. It's difficult to be someone that is or was close to me without being genuine and honest about who you are, so when something like this happens it burns me to my core.
I'm working as a pollworker right now (currently on my 1 hour break) and the amount of people bitching about stupid shit is crazy.The issue is that there have been documented cases of many of these happening, so many of those concerns are legitimate.
(In regards to vote by mail) "I don't trust the Post Office!"
"They don't count the vote by mail ballots!"
"They don't count the Provisional ballots!"
"They count the provisional ballots last!"
"They're going to throw out my provisional ballot!"
I've been noticing what looks like grey hairs forming in my beard, but I'm never entirely sure if it is...or if the light is hitting it in a way that just makes it look brighter than it is.I've always liked my colour...the only time I've considered dying it was when I was a teenager. I bought some bright red dye, but I didn't end up using it because my father forbid it...basically said he wouldn't take me on weekends he was supposed to cause he wouldn't be seen with someone looking like that.
I've actually been seriously considering adding some more color to my hair, honestly. I've always been fine with my hair color, but lately I've been thinking about adding some blue into it as well. Not really bright or light blue, mainly a darker blue that still goes with my darker hair.
I've been noticing what looks like grey hairs forming in my beard, but I'm never entirely sure if it is...or if the light is hitting it in a way that just makes it look brighter than it is.I've always liked my colour...the only time I've considered dying it was when I was a teenager. I bought some bright red dye, but I didn't end up using it because my father forbid it...basically said he wouldn't take me on weekends he was supposed to cause he wouldn't be seen with someone looking like that.
I've actually been seriously considering adding some more color to my hair, honestly. I've always been fine with my hair color, but lately I've been thinking about adding some blue into it as well. Not really bright or light blue, mainly a darker blue that still goes with my darker hair.
My mom has pointed out strands of grey hair in my hair back in high school. I haven't really noticed anything myself, it probably came from stress of schoolwork, so hopefully not too much of an issue...Old taulover is old. :P
Thankfully, my parents never forbade it...I think they just knew that I never had a substantial amount of interest in it.My mom was always fine with it, but my father is much older than my mom and didn't really get it...he would've considered it an embarrassment on him.
But they were more than willing to let me dye my hair black and blue back in high school for a Sociology project.
I began losing my hair at 23, and I can now notice it becoming thinner and thinner with each passing month. I'd better get hulking fit to pull off the Vin Diesel look, at this rate.
Strange how so small a thing can unsettle a person. Objectively, I know I just didn't luck out with the genetics lottery and inherited this from my maternal grandfather, but I'm still somewhat shy about this new reality.
Have you had a lot of stress in life? I figure the cause of mine is stress of having to deal with situations in the last few years.Not particularly, I don't think.
I looked in the mirror just two days ago and thought to myself, "Ugh! I am gonna look terrible when my hair inevitably falls out in the future."Is it inevitable?
Is it inevitable?I've always thought so. I don't know why but I always have. :-/
Some people just become grey old dudes. Luckily, I have experimented with the whole skin-head look, and only ended up looking ever so slightly like a neo-Nazi.You should work on not even ever so slightly looking like one, cause neo-Nazis are really, really unattractive. v_v
I've always thought so. I don't know why but I always have. :-/It's hard to know for sure...it's promising that you're in your late 20s and it hasn't started yet though. That means at the very least you have a lot of time left. :)
I mean, I'm fairly pale, and I have a permanent resting bitch face, so it's not like I can control it.I'm sure you look great...nothing wrong with being pale, and I doubt you have resting bitch face. :)
Nothing like a fever, sore throat and cough to end the month.Yikes. Sorry to hear that you're feeling ill. I'll make you some virtual chicken soup to help you virtually feel better. ^-^
I virtually feel better already! 'virtual cough'Well, I have other cure ideas too, but I can't speak of them here. :P
I received a Siamese kitten as a 'present' from a girl who just didn't know who else to give it to after she saved it from the street. I have been petless for the last 4 months, ever since my bull terrier died, and I was not thrilled at the prospect of looking after a pet for which I have zero experience. I'm glad I took the challenge, though. I made a few mistakes, but the cat is turning out wonderfully. I did not expect it to be this attached to me, as I have always heard that cats are far more aloof than dogs (which was also actually something I looked forward to, given that I was still not completely over my dog's death), but it has managed to crawl into my heart, all the same. I find myself calling my neighbours during the day so they can see if he is still okay. It also feels good to be responsible for someone else but myself again. I have been a lot more at ease with the cat's presence in my life.That's wonderful how that worked out. I'm glad that a pet came into your life that you care about and that cares about you. I'm sure you've made a big difference in his life too...from the street to a loving owner. :D
Happy Thanksgiving, Wintreath! (*)And Happy Thanksgiving to you too! :D
Eh. Everyone dwells in the past I think. I certainly do.Yeah, but I feel like I do more than most, especially when it comes to people I used to be close with but no longer have any contact with...which is a large group, actually. Rare is the person who can stand being a close friend with me for long, apparently. =/
I like the new buttons. Gives the forum a bit more of a modern feel.Thanks! Hopefully newbies will at least be able to find where to make a new topic. :)
Yeah I definitely like the bottom of the page having the number of pages/quick hyperlinks to previous pages... it makes catching up on threads easier imo... :PThey're there, just on the bottom-right rather than bottom-left.
I haven't had that problem. I'm actually surprised I haven't since I've made so many posts over the years, but in a way it feels more natural to have the buttons on the left. Very happy with how it turned out. :)For me I suppose that it's more that it feels more natural to have the page navigation buttons on the left too, I'm hoping the my eye scanning and page zooming/clicking habits are relatively easy to change.
Same issue as me, took a while to even realize that the page links were still there.Yeah I definitely like the bottom of the page having the number of pages/quick hyperlinks to previous pages... it makes catching up on threads easier imo... :PThey're there, just on the bottom-right rather than bottom-left.
Dream From morning of December 7thI dreamt that I was re-visiting my middle school. It was very hard to walk, as if I was in a bad dream, but I wasn't. I don't remember entering the school the first time, and all I could remember was walking out of a classroom in the upper hallways. I was walking very slowly, and I thought it might look really cool to film myself in slow motion walking out of the hallway. So I took out my phone and did so. As I was walking to the left out of that hallway, there was a wide escalator that goes down to the first floor. Behind me was a person with their big golden retriever, who tripped and fell right at the start of the escalator, which the slow-motion video captured.
Suddenly I'm outside in the parking lot, which is oddly full of trees and much larger than I remember. The school itself is also much larger than I remember, especially the front side, which looks as Figure 1 shows. I'm with dad, and we have a giant semi-truck with the side facing me slightly opened. I throw some boxes into it from a distance. I missed. I try again. Dad says "stop fooling around" or something of the sort. I go and pick up the box and place it in the truck, and then I go behind the truck where the other ones fell and picked those ones up. Behind the truck, a blue pickup was parked, and I could hear that its engine was still running. I told dad I needed to do one more thing in the school. I wanted to see Mr. A and Mrs. █████ and the lot again, so I go as quickly as I can to that side of the school.
I go through the crowd of kids attempting to enter the school, and when I get to the door one of them doesn't work, so kids are crushing me against the door from behind me, so I finally manage to get into the other door. When I enter the school I have to sign in at a desk with a clerk lady at it. The desk is only a few feet from the door, and ran perpendicular to the way I was entering, so I couldn't walk past it without going around it to the left. All the people in there have their last name printed on a sticker on their backs, on the top left from my view. Many of them are dark-yellow and have the name typed on it, but some are white and have it written in marker. "Perhaps they're out of the gold ones" I think to myself. I ask for one and the clerk lady asks how my first name is spelled. She's a 60-ish woman, thin-set, with her dirty-blonde hair in a ponytail. I accidentally spell my name "Kaetie" or something of the sort, and I realize this only after she's written it. I told her I spelt it wrong and she offers to write a new tag. I say it's not necessary. The way the woman speaks is sort of like "I've had a busy week, but I'm making light of that fact". She seemed nice.
I seemingly teleport to the side of school I need to be at, since I don't remember walking there. The portables are falling apart, with mold and mildew and moss growing on them. They seem wooden. I see two people, and they greet me. It seems to be Ariel ██████ and Mikey ███████. Oddly enough I didn't meet Ariel until college and I hadn't seen Mikey since high school. Mikey has a big afro, and he seems chill, which is unusual as he had severe anger issues when I knew him. We walk around. There's a wooden elevated walkway that goes behind the portables, alongside where the ground dips down for the area that the track is in. It isn't straight, and seems to have been deliberately built to curve to one side (towards the school) at the end (it doesn't curve smoothly, but rather turns sharply at a 45 degree angle towards the school, northeast). We talk for a bit. I'm holding an old rusty thing, so rusty that it's blackened and flaking apart in my hands. It looks like a bowl with a hole in the bottom, like would go in one of those old-timey stoves, but it was quite small, no larger than the bottom of a water bottle. I put it on the ground and Ariel seems frustrated, pointing to a hole in the wood about a foot from where I put it down that is shaped just like the bowl would fit in it.Figure 1Figure 1
Hey as someone who is at the literal halfway point of middle school how was middle school for you because I'm just now getting to the point where things are beginning to improve for me
Me and my friends have been socially rejected and made fun of for so long that we kind of just stopped caring if we fit society's definition of normalHey as someone who is at the literal halfway point of middle school how was middle school for you because I'm just now getting to the point where things are beginning to improve for me
Middle school was alright. It was different for me because back then I was in mostly special-ed classes.
Hey as someone who is at the literal halfway point of middle school how was middle school for you because I'm just now getting to the point where things are beginning to improve for meFor me middle school was the last time in my life where things were simple. It was rowdy but at the same time it was all about having fun. We did stupid things just because it was entertaining. It was less innocent than things were in elementary school but just as wild as high school, with less violence. Nobody got in fights because they looked at someone funny, was from a rival gang or because they were a white kid in a largely black school. That might be a more unique experience around here though and probably just my experience as opposed to being similar to most other Wintreans (is that the right demonym?) experience.
Hey as someone who is at the literal halfway point of middle school how was middle school for you because I'm just now getting to the point where things are beginning to improve for meFor me middle school was the last time in my life where things were simple. It was rowdy but at the same time it was all about having fun. We did stupid things just because it was entertaining. It was less innocent than things were in elementary school but just as wild as high school, with less violence. Nobody got in fights because they looked at someone funny, was from a rival gang or because they were a white kid in a largely black school. That might be a more unique experience around here though and probably just my experience as opposed to being similar to most other Wintreans (is that the right demonym?) experience.
I don't actually remember much from middle school, other than a few teachers that I really liked. It didn't have the ups and downs of my elementary years, it didn't have the memories from high school...it was actually very uneventful. I was very much a loner and kept to myself, but nobody picked on me or anything. I was just kinda...there. It could have been worse though, I know.I think I'll probably remember my teachers but probably for all the wrong reasons because I really hate them
I think I'll probably remember my teachers but probably for all the wrong reasons because I really hate themThankfully I liked almost all of my teachers, but it's been 15 years since I've been in school...I think like people in every other profession a lot of teachers have just stopped caring and think of it as just a paycheck, so they don't really invest themselves or particularly care. There's a definite lack of caring in the world today. =/
I think I'll probably remember my teachers but probably for all the wrong reasons because I really hate themThankfully I liked almost all of my teachers, but it's been 15 years since I've been in school...I think like people in every other profession a lot of teachers have just stopped caring and think of it as just a paycheck, so they don't really invest themselves or particularly care. There's a definite lack of caring in the world today. =/
yeah I just always get into debates with my teachers because I'm tired of the BS they give me
Middle school was something I basically blocked out of my memories. I was bullied a lot in my school years, and middle school was practically the height of it.Yeah I get bullied alot
Characters are being forced to act in a play led by Count Olaf as well as another unknown character. The two are then attacked by millions of swarming baby dolls...at least, that's what they seem to be. A rescue mission is mounted by different toys from the Toy Story franchise, as well as Spiderman...who can actually change into a spider for some reason.
So I uploaded a video (I forget what its contents are exactly), and it ends up being a big enough hit that it gets the attention of NicePeter and EpicLloyd over in ERB (Epic Rap Battles of History). They love it so much, that they want to meet me in person and give me some sort of award, which I'm absolutely thrilled about.
I somehow make it to the town where the studio is (which is apparently near a college campus?), but when I go into the nearby building to ask for directions, I'm told the studio had a gas leak and exploded just moments before...leaving absolutely no survivors.
Just before I get the chance to mourn at both the loss of ERB as well as the fact that I won't get my award (because I'm apparently a bit more self-absorbed in this dream?), I'm told that since I have a keyblade (since I apparently brought my replica one that I actually do own IRL), I could open a gateway and go back in time to save them. I argue that it's not a real keyblade, to which the person proceeds to say "if it isn't real, why can it do this?" as they point my keyblade at something and a beam of light shoots out (which when it hits, it sets a tiny little fire on the object it hit). I'm completely dumbfounded at this, realizing that somehow my replica keyblade is the legit thing.
So I decide to follow the person's advice and use my keyblade, opening a gateway that can apparently take me back in time.
I step through the gateway, appearing in the year of 1986 (something to do about saving EL and NP's parents or something? Even though they would have been like...early teens in that year I believe?), rather than just going back like a day or week before to either stop the explosion or at least evacuate the studio.
So I'm in the same room as before, but apparently it's 1986 now. I walk out of the room, and there's several people sitting along the hall, each wearing some sort of odd war-reenactment clothes. One side is wearing outfits that have a lovely design with pictures of what looks to be an older version of the town. The quality of the material is exquisite, but it lacks a certain charm. The other side is wearing outfits of a different color, but has a similar lovely design of the older version of the town. The material looks to be a little less higher quality, but their pictures contain people that look to be happy doing various things in the picture...giving them the charm that I felt the other side lacked.
Both sides argue that their design is the more superior one, and I counter by saying that both have their strong and weak points, pointing out the quality of one side versus the personality of the other. They seem genuinely surprised at this, apparently not noticing such a difference themselves.
As this is going on, a scary looking rottweiler walks up and starts growling and barking at me, looking as if it's ready to attack. In a moment of fear, I hit it with my keyblade, which just seems to make the dog even angrier. Still scared, I point the keyblade at it as a beam of light shoots out of it and at the dog. This doesn't seem to hurt the dog like the obvious smack of the keyblade did, but it definitely scares it as the dog wimpers and runs away.
The people warn me that this dog belongs to the owner of the building (and I can only assume of the town, given how much the people seem to be afraid of him just from the quivering in one's voice), a detestable man who terrorizes them on many occasions...and who just happens to be downstairs.
So I quietly make my way downstairs as the man mentioned before is laying on the couch, fast asleep. I take that opportunity and quietly make my way outside and escape his possible wrath. I head away from the building and through the town, though the man wakes up...and sure enough is furious and begins to hunt for me as I continue my way through town, not sure what I'm looking for (other than I guess EL and NP's parents?).
Then I wake up.
Dear God, Chanku, prove him wrong. I want to be an invader. There should be a badge for that.Can I be a GIR? :D
I can't think of anyone better!Dear God, Chanku, prove him wrong. I want to be an invader. There should be a badge for that.Can I be a GIR? :D
I call dibs on...well, Dib!I can't think of anyone better!Dear God, Chanku, prove him wrong. I want to be an invader. There should be a badge for that.Can I be a GIR? :D
Eugh, just had a job interview. Hate those.Well? What are your weaknesses?
A billion Rand sounds impressive, but it's only 70m US$, which is pretty small potatoes for government money.
I just had to kill a cobra. Holy shit, don't think I've ever been as scared as I was just now.
I love on a smallholding now, and they warned me that there were a lot of snakes. One came into the house.STAYS THE HELL AWAY FROM LAURENTUS'S PLACE.
um wat
Random question: which avatar of mine have people most closely associated with me over the years?Probably the White Walker or Darth Maul. I forget the older ones, I recall some man's portrait as a later one here on Wintreath.
Random question: which avatar of mine have people most closely associated with me over the years?Probably the White Walker or Darth Maul. I forget the older ones, I recall some man's portrait as a later one here on Wintreath.
Also, that Ozymandias quote that you've kept on your personal text for quite some time.
Could it be that you mostly just wanted things to happen with this friend, and you weren't really interested in dating him to begin with? Could it be that this issue has come to the forefront because someone better and more convenient has come along?
And before I offend you, let me say that I don't think you would intentionally get with some guy you weren't really interested in in order to justify things and then want to ditch him when something more convenient comes along. But I wonder if you would be self-aware of your intentions and motivations enough to know if that was what was really happening here. Either way, you got in a relationship that you shouldn't have (either because of this or because you hadn't spent enough time with him beforehand to know you didn't), and you both deserve to know exactly why that is. Do some soul-searching, and then tell him how you feel and why you think things got to where they did. If you have to do it by phone, video chat, or text, it's important that you tell him you're not really interested in him as soon as possible. Don't leave him hanging, thinking that you want him and that you guys are going to have something great together. The sooner he knows the truth, the better.
Hey Pengu,
I was typing something out but Moot got most of what I wanted to say in before me, so I'll keep it brief.
I've been on the other side of the coin there, had a huge crush on a friend who thought she had a crush on me and all that. She broke it off after a while since she liked me much more as a friend. That felt really bad, but I am still friends with her to this day, when I get the chance to see her. The important point (and I know it was said above) is to let them know soon.
The longer it goes on the worse it can be, and in some ways letting someone know over a phonecall or text can be good, especially if they feel strongly about it, since it could be harder for them with you there in person. It does depend on the person and how they would react though.
Finally, how ever you let them know it has to be gentle, and you should explain yourself, you can start off by saying it's been something that's been really bothering you or that you really need to get off your chest.
I can't assure you it will be amicable, but I can tell you that the longer you wait the less likely it will be, cause things like this can't last.
That's my advice, I hope it's something at least, in the end though what happens will be all up to you, and I wish you luck.
Welcome back to Wintreath, Yuno. Even if it was just to pop in. :)
Congrats Chanku and thanks for letting us know!
You can always feel free to be yourself (and some day it will be easier to in RL too) your friends will be here to support you!
Mornin' all. How is everyone today?I'm doing great! You?
Just this morning I saw a cobbler on a cooking show, and thought it'd be great to have a place with berry bushes, so you could pick berries in the summerWhen I was a kid my family had raspberries growing along one of our fences. It was amazing!
When I was a kid my family had raspberries growing along one of our fences. It was amazing!When I was a kid, we'd go up to my father's trailer (which he rented out at the time, we lived in it later on) and picked blackberries. It was fun...definitely something I'd like to be able to do again. :)
I wonder why it is that at certain times our community becomes less active, such as now, while other communities seem to keep on chugging, like Aukumnia? My hypothesis is that our community consists of older people, who are less likely to have free time to start out with so any little thing makes people go inactive. I also think that our community tends to be more serious-minded, and that limits the light-hearted banter that takes place in many other regions.I'm just fickle. :P
Either way, things have been pretty slow around here lately...I never like these lulls. =/
I'm just fickle. :Plol, but maybe if there was more activity you wouldn't be! :P
Well, I like activity as much as the next guy, it just seems to me that a lot of it has transferred to the Discord.But activity on Discord is down too from March.
Well, I like activity as much as the next guy, it just seems to me that a lot of it has transferred to the Discord.I've been saying for a while now that Discord devalues forum activity. Even wrote an article about it in TRT. :P
I mean, certainly in my case if not others' - it's finals season, y'all, stuff is just gonna naturally take a back seat to school in a community as high-school-to-college-aged-dominated as NS.I'm always a bit weary when someone says they're too busy with other stuff to do something.
Also, Happy Labour Day Ya'll.I think Labor Day is in September here, but thanks! You too. :)
The UH has a way of making even the most hard-working, proactive people demoralised and/or underwhelmed with the mindnumbing monotony of it all, and the types of bills that come up there.I think those are all fair points, and it goes back to motivation and focus. As it so happens, I've been receiving a lot of material on time management lately, and one of the articles (https://www.scotthyoung.com/blog/2007/05/08/the-laziest-solution-possible/) says this:
Sometimes, an actual thing worthy of discussion happens, and even then, shit gets toxic so goddamned quickly that people would rather just not deal with the political bullshit that happens there.
To be clear (as I can imagine Chanku already sharpening the castration knives), I'm not stating that's a problem inherent to the UH, or that the UH isn't necesarry. I am saying that, most of the time, it's doing busywork to give itself the illusion of getting shit done, and the other times, it's being way too political in a region that consists mainly of people trying to get away from the general bullshit NS politics.
I'm not stating that's a problem inherent to the UH, or that the UH isn't necesarry.
Fun fact: US's Labor Day was made official instead of May Day/International Workers' Day because of its origination as a commemoration of the Haymarket affair/massacre and thus its association with labor and socialist movements.Also, Happy Labour Day Ya'll.I think Labor Day is in September here, but thanks! You too. :)
Too many to list concisely.It seems I've blocked most of them out, then. :P
I edited my previous post.Oh, most of those are from long, long ago, and you have to admit, the most toxic thing about the Gov discussions was usually Gov himself. :P
There were various things recently, too. I shan't name names. I did have a hand in some of them myself.I mean I know there's been arguments and outbursts, but I guess I wouldn't say they were toxic...just a case of things getting a bit heated from time to time. I'd like to think everyone involved in those spats still thinks well of each other.
A significant amount of UH drama happens behind closed doors these days if I'm not mistaken, on Discord DMs and such, so they might not be immediately visible... Or at least that's the impression I've gotten.There were various things recently, too. I shan't name names. I did have a hand in some of them myself.I mean I know there's been arguments and outbursts, but I guess I wouldn't say they were toxic...just a case of things getting a bit heated from time to time. I'd like to think everyone involved in those spats still thinks well of each other.
A significant amount of UH drama happens behind closed doors these days if I'm not mistaken, on Discord DMs and such, so they might not be immediately visible... Or at least that's the impression I've gotten.I wasn't aware that there was drama going on privately...that's pretty disappointing if it's true. =/
Your hope is the same as mine though.
I'm always a bit weary when someone says they're too busy with other stuff to do something.
To be honest, I think people have a tendency to throw out that they're too busy because they feel overwhelmed or they would rather be doing other things with their free time. You wouldn't believe the people over the years who have told me they're too busy to do the bare minimum of their positions, but had dozens if not hundreds of hours logged on Steam playing games in the two weeks prior to them telling me that. For what it's worth, I don't think it's usually intentional. I'm not saying it's impossible for someone to not have enough time, but I'd bet if people really examined why they haven't tackled something they need or say they want to do, it probably has more to do with focus and motivation than literally not having enough time.
I'm not above it, either...now that I realize this, I make an effort to truly examine why I'm not doing something I need or claim to want to do, but sometimes I still fall in that trap. I think I recently said I've always been too busy to learn how to RP or to write a story...the truth is probably more that those are things I'd like to do, but not enough to have ever dedicated the time and energy to learn/do them.
I think those are all fair points, and it goes back to motivation and focus. As it so happens, I've been receiving a lot of material on time management lately, and one of the articles (https://www.scotthyoung.com/blog/2007/05/08/the-laziest-solution-possible/) says this:I think it's also important to look at this from a perspective of self-care, as something that must be actively managed and scheduled to ensure our individual well-being and prevent burnout. Things like socializing or participating in leisure activities are important to our health and should be prioritized when possible. On the other hand, even though it's volunteer work that we hopefully all find fulfilling for a community that we all enjoy, doing Wintreath duties/responsibilities is still work, or at least can very easily become work.
Unless the person has extremely low energy, even the laziest people still find time to surf the web, play games or socialize with friends. A lot of lazy people aren’t really lacking willpower, just some motivation. Without a compelling drive, being disciplined just makes you look busy to outside observers when you really aren’t getting anything done. Laziness only becomes apparent because without a strong drive, slothful people stop doing just about anything not necessary for survival or enjoyment.
Personally I don't think it's just about lazy people, but people in general. It could be that Chanku for example is usually on top of things in the UH because of her interest in legislative matters (seemingly no matter how obscure or dull they are, lol), her reputation as Wintreath's foremost legal expert, and her standing as the most involved member of the UH over the history of the region. But most people aren't going to have things like that motivating them, so what about the UH could interest or excite the people that are in it? That may be a more relevant question than merely asking how to make the UH more active.
I think it's also important to look at this from a perspective of self-care, as something that must be actively managed and scheduled to ensure our individual well-being and prevent burnout. Things like socializing or participating in leisure activities are important to our health and should be prioritized when possible. On the other hand, even though it's volunteer work that we hopefully all find fulfilling for a community that we all enjoy, doing Wintreath duties/responsibilities is still work, or at least can very easily become work.It's true that we need to think on how to make the jobs more appealing and interesting, but it's still very much work...it's a responsibility that we volunteer to take on, and on that end I think it's more an issue with time and energy management, especially when you consider that there are some things that must be done and other things that can be put off if you don't feel like doing them. For example, Skrifa should be checking the forum for legislation to debate and vote on most every day, and that would rarely take more than five or ten minutes, but then things like writing legislation can be divided in parts and put off if more important things are happening.
Like you said, an important part of dealing with this is trying to find ways to make the activities we do here more engaging and fulfilling for participants. At the same time, I think we should also recognize that not all "free time" is the same and take that into account when addressing and managing burnout.
(As for myself, I've found myself taking on many, probably too many, commitments and responsibilities in terms of RL extracurriculars/hobbies, and my academics and activities in Wintreath have suffered accordingly. At the same time, I think it's important to recognize that time spent on these activities is directly eating into important time for sleeping and mentally/physically recharging, which may be more important for in the long run, even for being in a better state to accomplish my more material goals in such activities. After all, if I felt the need to meet 100% of my responsibilities 100% of the time, I would have resigned my Thaneship last year, but as you may remember, you and others talked me out of it by recognizing that taking occasional time to myself and my other responsibilities would be fine.)
It's true that we need to think on how to make the jobs more appealing and interesting, but it's still very much work...it's a responsibility that we volunteer to take on, and on that end I think it's more an issue with time and energy management, especially when you consider that there are some things that must be done and other things that can be put off if you don't feel like doing them. For example, Skrifa should be checking the forum for legislation to debate and vote on most every day, and that would rarely take more than five or ten minutes, but then things like writing legislation can be divided in parts and put off if more important things are happening.It's definitely true that time/energy management are important for good self-care. In that sense though, I think we do need to think about how it's fine for people to prioritize mentally recharging activities in their schedule, even seemingly pointless ones like gaming or socializing, for the purposes of making sure they're doing well enough to pursue their commitments both here and elsewhere. Rather than shaming or pressuring people who do such things instead prioritizing direct work in Wintreath in their free time, perhaps we should be encouraging such activities as a budgeted and prioritized bit of time. This is especially true since different people will always see their work in Wintreath and how they prioritize it amongst their other commitments and "free time" differently.
At some point I'd like to write a little piece on time and energy management for government officials. I think it'd be a big help. :)
It's definitely true that time/energy management are important for good self-care. In that sense though, I think we do need to think about how it's fine for people to prioritize mentally recharging activities in their schedule, even seemingly pointless ones like gaming or socializing, for the purposes of making sure they're doing well enough to pursue their commitments both here and elsewhere. Rather than shaming or pressuring people who do such things instead prioritizing direct work in Wintreath in their free time, perhaps we should be encouraging such activities as a budgeted and prioritized bit of time. This is especially true since different people will always see their work in Wintreath and how they prioritize it amongst their other commitments and "free time" differently.I don't think calling people out should be the default response to a bit of inactivity, but I think it is called for in situations where it's dragged on beyond any reasonable explanation.
Huh, this page has almost half a million views
I am thinking about how much I love brown rice tbhHow much do you love brown rice? :P
I am thinking about how much I love brown rice tbhI grew up on brown rice. Now I like it so much more than white rice.
Why not fried rice?Why not fried brown rice? :P
I grew up on white rice so it's what I'm used to.I am thinking about how much I love brown rice tbhI grew up on brown rice. Now I like it so much more than white rice.
For pride month I've been making flags for people over in TRR and I'd be more than happy to do the same here. You can find them here (https://i.imgur.com/OZl2Ydh.png), here (https://i.imgur.com/fPFnSBO.png) and here (https://i.imgur.com/kLQpnuC.png). Mind you I'm no miracle worker but I've received great reviews. :PHmm...see what you can do with the Wintreath flag? :P
Hmm...see what you can do with the Wintreath flag? :PGimme the biggest (good quality) image of it and I'll do everything in my power to make it even more beautiful. ^_^
Gimme the biggest (good quality) image of it and I'll do everything in my power to make it even more beautiful. ^_^
Here's the original...I have none better than this. :PThat will do very nicely. ^_^
I'll just come right out and say it, although I was really hoping to say it in person since it's not douchey (whereas this feels like it). I don't think we should see each other anymore. It's not fair to you that I keep having doubts and assumptions when you've done nothing wrong. You've been nothing short of perfect, and anything I said against you or your habits/job was unfounded ((although as mentioned I still had gripes about his working-on-his-only-day-off thing)). I had no reason to jump at you for wanting a future in your job and questioning ours when our whole relationship has been a question mark because of my eventual leave for China for my own career ((Because it's totally fair to judge someone's choice to pursue their career when your relationship will basically die anyways because of your own career choice)). If anything, I'm amazed that you even stayed with me after hearing about that, and I'm both sorry for any pain that it caused as well as any pain that I caused you throughout our time together ((because let's be honest, he seemed like he was okay, but with my cry-worrying about him wanting to be with me and my frustration with not wanting to spend time with me piled on top of thinking he was avoiding speaking with me because of the previous mentioned instance...I highly doubt he was actually alright and totally not having second thoughts himself about what he got himself into)). You're a wonderful, amazing person...the literal definition of a perfect catch regardless of whether or not you feel broken in some way ((this one was more personal, I won't talk about it, but I always told him that he was never broken to me)). You're beautiful, enchanting, and I valued the time we spent together, and I hope the next guy you meet can make you as happy as you made me.
Thank you for the wonderful time together, I'll always treasure it, and I'm very glad I got to know you.
And if you still want to be friends, I'd be game for that, but I'll understand if that's not on the table...especially with how I chose to end things with text ((which yeah, I still feel a little bad about, but much less so than with the VM)).
Ack. That reminds me that I'm not doing the leg conditioning that I should be doing.Leg conditioning? Are you aiming for sexy legs? :P
Heh. Well, that would be a nice side effect. :DAck. That reminds me that I'm not doing the leg conditioning that I should be doing.Leg conditioning? Are you aiming for sexy legs? :P
I'm in my college's wushu club (performance-based Chinese martial arts - no combat lol). The forms are pretty tricky to do since they're so aesthetic-oriented, and require a lot of flexibility and strength especially in the legs/butt, neither of which I've been working on this summer.So you're saying you need to work on your legs and your butt?
To be honest, I'm kinda surprised though...I always took you as more bookish than athletic.I'm surprised too tbh... if you go back to like a year ago I pretty much hated exercising, and sweat, and all that. (I still kinda do haha but the community is supportive and if I'm being honest I probably stayed largely for the friends I made)
I'm surprised too tbh... if you go back to like a year ago I pretty much hated exercising, and sweat, and all that. (I still kinda do haha but the community is supportive and if I'm being honest I probably stayed largely for the friends I made)Will this lead to you doing other athletic things? Will you become a jock? :P
(I actually did happen to do wushu before but it was one of those things that I felt more pushed into doing by parents than anything else)
I doubt it, though I think I recognize more the importance of exercise now.I'm surprised too tbh... if you go back to like a year ago I pretty much hated exercising, and sweat, and all that. (I still kinda do haha but the community is supportive and if I'm being honest I probably stayed largely for the friends I made)Will this lead to you doing other athletic things? Will you become a jock? :P
(I actually did happen to do wushu before but it was one of those things that I felt more pushed into doing by parents than anything else)
@A self deprecating Kane: Sorry to hear about Piglet, may she rest in peace. :(Before we moved we had a cat but we aren't allowed to have any pets where we live right now. If we were then we probably would have a cat. I actually was a volunteer at a local SPCA branch for a few months and worked in the cat and kitten areas giving them attention, talking about them, and cleaning after them. I am definitely willing to give cats a lot of attention, my problem is that I am easily frightened and tend to jump away whenever a cat tries to paw at me or nip, even if it is obviously just playing. I also don't have much pain tolerance and am so sensitive that if I was holding one I would immediately feel the claws before they started to dig in. I also am not home all that often which would make it harder and I tend to ignore other things unless they get my attention.
Do you own cats, or if not have you considered getting one? It sounds like you've fallen in love with a few cats around your house, and you have such love and compassion for them...I think you'd be a great owner of one, too. :)
I am sure it will change. I tend to be hard on myself (part of the reason I changed forum name to this one :P). People sometimes have gotten frustrated with me because of my self deprecation.:P
Anyone else notice when you hit the Like button, it switches to “Unike” instead of “Unlike”?@Wintermoot pls help thank
“Here’s the rule of thumb in the military to get promoted: Go to all the schools and go to all the wars ... Lifelong schooling — career-long schooling — is considered an honor…
Every time I had the opportunity, I was getting trained to do something else, something cool. I was being pushed. Now you’re gonna learn how to fly a helicopter, now you’re gonna learn how to land it on the ship, now you’re gonna go be a college professor, now you’re gonna go fly a fixed-wing aircraft, now you’re gonna go back and get a graduate degree on your own, now you’re gonna go be a commanding officer. You’re always being trained. Every one of those things had schools involved in it.
The military model is ‘It’s no shame to go to school. It’s a privilege. It’s a pleasure.’”
He goes on to mention that there's a similar mindset in Indian culture about learning. It wasn't really the point of his email (which was to promote his Teach Yourself Anything course), but what struck me was...what is it about the American education system that actually instills a dread of learning in people? Most people in America really do see it as a chore that is only to be undertaken if they get something better out of it like a job or a promotion, but it doesn't have to be like that. Learning can be fun and exciting, it can be fulfilling to learn and master new concepts and challenges, and make you think about different perspectives and ideas that you weren't even aware of.That seems like someone who had a healthy relationship with learning in India. (Though I just checked, he is Desi; can he reliably speak for India's learning culture? Or perhaps he is speaking of diaspora Indian culture?) Given what I've heard about the emphasis on rote learning, singular reliance on examinations, and news of widespread open cheating on said exams, I'm not sure if it's representative of the culture of learning in India? The thing is that in many countries, education is the only real path for social advancement. So people are definitely grateful for the education and see it as a privilege, but not necessarily for the knowledge itself but rather as a means to an end. It's arguably not a drive to learn that is motivating students, but rather social pressure knowing that their academic performance is the key to their family's success, and the shame that would come with failure. (I can't speak for Desi culture but for general Asian diaspora that mindset is also present, but to a varying/lesser extent.)
I don't know if it's just a question of funding...we tend to pile more and more money on things in America and not get a better result for it. I think it's something more fundamental...if a school does nothing else, it should instill a love of learning into its pupils, and I think that goes to how things are being taught more than how much money is behind it.It's not just an issue of funding, but it is a key component of it still, I think. On a whole, the things that get more funding still get better results. Schools without the necessary resources have less capability to inspire learning in children, whether that is by being able to pay teachers, buy the necessary books and curriculum, getting children enough food that they're in a position to care about learning, etc. More money and more equitable distribution of money won't magically solve things, but it would still help.
So guess who is proposing and hopefully getting engaged this weekend!omg, how exciting! Good luck...I hope everything goes perfect for you. :)
Where associates may not be getting along, so management gets them together and lets them air their grievances right in the back room, rather than getting them separately and privately to figure things out with more discretion...only to be shocked when, uh oh, one of the associates goes into a tirade against one of the other associates! (yes, this actually happened to a coworker friend of mine).
Yikes! That sounds like on par with most retail experiences...I'm glad you're getting away with that. I think a big problem is that most managers themselves aren't really trained on how to be managers...if they get any at all, it isn't enough to make a big difference. I've read a lot a lot of material on leadership, business culture, and management, and I wouldn't say I'm great at it...but I'm sure I've seen more on it than most retail managers. Plus it's a stressful workplace and managers will have a tendency to say anything just to keep things going.
It's been shown that employees are more motivated by appreciation and encouragement than by raises and benefits, and the books I've read make sure to point out that appreciation doesn't cost the company anything. Where it goes off the rails is that a lot of times people use appreciation cheaply and shallowly. There used to be someone in leadership where I work that would go around telling people 'Thank you for doing that', without usually even knowing what they were doing or why it's important. And it feels cheap and patronizing...so I try to make sure when I give praise and appreciation, it's really for things that deserve it. Though sometimes I get accused of the exact opposite...that I don't give enough appreciation and recognition, so... :P
Holy shit, you couldn't pay me enough to deal with that bullshit. I hope things get better for you. And fuck the people that treat retail workers like crap.
They're not afraid to roll up their sleeves and help out
"For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: 'If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?' And whenever the answer has been 'No' for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something." - Steve Jobs
I've given myself until March 2nd to build a new life, even if it means outright abandoning the one I have, living in my car, and surviving on whatever money I have for a time. But preferably this means a new job located in a new area where I can have a home that doesn't make me utterly miserable. I hope it comes with the ability to focus on all the great things that might be coming in the future, instead of being forced to dwell on all the past and present stress that comes from living here. This is 57 days away, and I'm going to try to work toward this goal every day.
I just want to have a life where I can be my best self, not one where I'm always stressed, upset, worried, and just plain miserable. I just can't...live that life anymore.
Z Visa?I think it's a work visa for China.
Z Visa?I think it's a work visa for China.
In honor of your return I have liked all your three question AMA comments. :PYessss, increase my karma score. Just according to keikaku*.
Captain Hook is underrated. He's a pirate with a love of fairies. Which makes him my equal... except he has a mustache over me. And a healthy fear of crocodiles... which I lack.
A love of fairies? Last I recall from multiple properties he had no issues kidnapping and backstabbing Tinkerbell to get to Peter Pan...and in one movie he even turns to a fairy and says "I don't believe in fairies" which is automatic death for them.Maybe not the healthiest love in the world, and spurned love often results in acts of violence.
A love of fairies? Last I recall from multiple properties he had no issues kidnapping and backstabbing Tinkerbell to get to Peter Pan...and in one movie he even turns to a fairy and says "I don't believe in fairies" which is automatic death for them.Maybe not the healthiest love in the world, and spurned love often results in acts of violence.
I'm confused as to when he ever had genuine love for the fairies. Even in one of his origin stories it proved to all be a front so he could get access to the pixie dust. He's always only had his own agenda and never really had much love for others.Only one of his origin stories? I scarcely consider that to be solid evidence. As for the last bit, well yeah, pirates like meself tend to be a mild self-absorbed. That be why our wardrobes are so magnificent.
I'm confused as to when he ever had genuine love for the fairies. Even in one of his origin stories it proved to all be a front so he could get access to the pixie dust. He's always only had his own agenda and never really had much love for others.Only one of his origin stories? I scarcely consider that to be solid evidence. As for the last bit, well yeah, pirates like meself tend to be a mild self-absorbed. That be why our wardrobes are so magnificent.
In any event, a fictional character is whoever we make them out to be. There are dozens of remakes and retellings of both paper and films, portraying characters in a new light. #janebond. I think Captain Hook is a good man, a good pirate, possibly called Bootstrap Hook when he was just a crew member. Over the years his love for fairies took some dark turns, but that doesn't make it unsalvageable.
sidenote- watch Once Upon a Time- Captain Hook is a hero, at least compared to Peter Pan.
The loss of social connection, for example, turns out to trigger the same system as physical pain - explaining why the death of a family member, a breakup, or even just a social snub can cause such distress. In one simple experiment, it was discovered that over-the-counter painkillers reduced social pain. Given the power of the pain system in driving our behavior, its connection to our social life underscores the importance of social relationships to our species' success.
Shit's gettin' real. The governor here in California put us on lockdown. Basically banning leaving your house except for essential services (though not really enforced by law enforcement).I was reading that earlier. I'm surprised Inslee hasn't tried that one yet
If you havent already, you'll want to join the Discord...that's where we're most active these days.I'll make sure to do so tomorrow!
Hello again!Tau! So good to see you still here and posting.
Tau is one of those people that will never really leave, even if he just became a lurker. :PLurkers make the internet forums go round haha.
@Weissreich!! Welcome back! :DHey Moot! Good to see you here and everything still prospering.
Holy shit!! Hi!!!!Hey Charax, nice to hear from you again! I'm happy to see I'm not the only old guard here.
Hey, Weiss, good to see you again.Hey Arenado, it's nice to be back :) the name change confused me for a moment there
Hey, Weiss! Welcome back! :DHydra! How's things?
All the best people are here! What more could I ask for?My brain tells me you are familiar to me but as usual, like with most things these days, it will not tell me why! Welcome back nonetheless. ^_^
I hope you're all doing well. Friendship that lasts as long as this is worth celebrating. I'm sorry I left, but life has been very busy for me.. I wanted to come back, and now that my entire country is on lockdown I've finally found the time to separate life and enjoyment from work.
I can't wait to see what it brings!
@Weissreich, dammit, get on Discord!I need a link.
Actually, since we have some old members back, and everyone's in quarantine, how about that game of Spyfall I was planning?Yeah how about that. Speaking of which maybe I should work on that Arena and that Discord Werewolf I was going to host (although it would help if I could get the administrative settings on the Google pages I have the information for them on changed since the account I made them on probably won't be around for all that much more time).
My relatively small suburban city just passed an ordinance requiring a face mask (any kind) if you travel outside your home.
Hello! I have looked through the forums and seen that many different people have started games. Do you have to be certain rank to do that because I have an idea for a game that could be fun on forums. No worries if I'm not allowed to though, just was wondering.No rank necessary. Post away! Be aware of when you schedule it, though, as another game running (in this case a huge werewolf game is about to start) may lead to inactivity in yours.
Hello! I have looked through the forums and seen that many different people have started games. Do you have to be certain rank to do that because I have an idea for a game that could be fun on forums. No worries if I'm not allowed to though, just was wondering.
Hello! I have looked through the forums and seen that many different people have started games. Do you have to be certain rank to do that because I have an idea for a game that could be fun on forums. No worries if I'm not allowed to though, just was wondering.
Got a response to a recruitment TG. It was simply "No" :))Wait until you get the telegrams that curse you out, or the ones that threaten to declare war on you. :P
How the heck did people come up with the idea of bread?You made me curious. Found this excellent writeup/explanation on /r/AskHistorians (https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/83c86b/how_did_people_discover_bread_i_know_the/) that was most illuminating.
"Oh let's cultivate this grass so it grows little shells with powder in them, then grind those down, mix them with water, wait some days and then fire it up"
Let's see sporks for what they are: an abomination. :P
New laptop is here and it is good! :DWell you're gonna have to be more specific than that, buddy. What laptop is it?
HP 17" AMD Ryzen 5 1TB HDD 256GB SSD AMD Radeon Vega 8
How do you make PM groups?When you're making a new PM, just add multiple people to the "To" box.
Right, the way group PMs work is more analogous to group email threads than a chat group.How do you make PM groups?When you're making a new PM, just add multiple people to the "To" box.
I'm feeling very discouraged because when I was attempting to make mousse I separated the egg yolks from the whites perfectly, which I haven't done before, but I burnt the chocolate three times so I'm not doing that ever again for at least two months. :(It sucks when something doesn't go quite right, especially when you've invested time and money to trying it out. v_v I've seen some people melt the chocolate in a bowl on top of a pot of boiling water, apparently so the chocolate doesn't burn. Could you try something like that?
P.S. when heating chocolate chips without a microwave, take the chocolate off the heat before the chips melt completely. It's more delicate than you would think.
Cooking is a learning process... :)
I've seen some people melt the chocolate in a bowl on top of a pot of boiling water, apparently so the chocolate doesn't burn. Could you try something like that?As someone who has done this many times, I can confirm this works very well. I’m surprised i didn’t think I of it at the time.
I’m surprised i didn’t think I of it at the time.Wait what do you mean by this? Were you also heating chocolate chips and burning them?
Wait what do you mean by this? Were you also heating chocolate chips and burning them?Haha, no. I meant "I can't believe I didn't remember about it to recommend it to you." Guess my wording wasn't very clear. :P
This sentence has five words. Here are five more words. Five-word sentences are fine. But several together become monotonous. Listen to what is happening. The writing is getting boring. The sound of it drones. It’s like a stuck record. The ear demands some variety. Now listen. I vary the sentence length, and I create music. Music. The writing sings. It has a pleasant rhythm, a lilt, a harmony. I use short sentences. And I use sentences of medium length. And sometimes, when I am certain the reader is rested, I will engage him with a sentence of considerable length, a sentence that burns with energy and builds with all the impetus of a crescendo, the roll of the drums, the crash of the cymbals–sounds that say listen to this, it is important.
@taulover: In my experience, the editor takes into account the complexity of the words in the sentence too. Sometimes you can replace a a complex word with a simpler one and it'll remove the mark. It makes sense...it's about readability, not just short sentences. When I use the editor, I think the result is a happy medium.Right, this was just the thing/aspect that stuck out to me when reading both versions of that post. The edited version is better in a lot of respects, but (IMO) one thing that seriously makes it harder to read than it needs to be is that there's now a lot less variation in sentence length and structure.
Of course, the editor only suggests issues. It's up to you to decide whether its valid or not. I consider each issue it raises, but like I said, sometimes I leave things as they were.
This is an unusual feeling for me.
For...years...I've felt stressed and overwhelmed by a lot of things, especially the shit that was going on in the neighborhood I was living in. But we moved from there in October, I started focusing on getting more sleep, I was able to start tackling more work without so much stress, I was able to focus more on Wintreath, and I started a new system where I try to accomplish 1 thing in each area that I want to work on in a day so I'm productive but I don't get burned out.
So I've done all that for today, I've showered, I'm well-rested, I watched an episode of The Crown, and I'm waiting to watch a Christmas movie with my mom in 40 minutes. And I have no idea what to do with myself, lol. It's been so long since I've done more than work on things and worry that I don't know what to do now, lol. My first instinct is to tackle some piece of region work...there's always region work...but I've already done region work today, and I'm adamant that I don't want to do more than I planned unless I absolutely have to. I could play a game, but nothing really comes to mind...I've done a lot of reading lately, and don't feel like doing that at the moment either.
I guess to put it simply, I'm bored, lol. But it's been so long since I've been bored that it's actually a good, restful feeling lol. I'm going to have to find more hobbies now, I suppose. :P
Hmmm....I'll have to check it out for sure, I love Stardew. Is it on Steam?Yes! And it's on sale right now for $10.19! (https://store.steampowered.com/app/666140/My_Time_At_Portia/) Apparently there's also a demo on Steam if you want to try before you buy. Personally as much as I love the game I think the full price of $30 is a bit much for this kind of game, but $10 is pretty reasonable.
@Red Mones: Woo! Let me know how you like it when you have a chance to play it. :DI'll probably try it over christmas break.
Ok so Hulu users Animaniacs (rebooted) is NOT that bad despite the pop culture, give it a try!
Well you are an OG fan and I can take your word for it, but I have seen the second episode and I can agree the politics are just.... god no but I still think Wakko is AMAZING :POk so Hulu users Animaniacs (rebooted) is NOT that bad despite the pop culture, give it a try!
As someone who grew up watching the original Animaniacs, I respectfully disagree. I can't quite put my finger on it, but the reboot is lacking in the comedy and plot department thus far. They haven't even attempted to wiggle in some of the running gags or introduce anything that could be a recurring plot point. It feels like the writers tried to play into the US political climate far too much. Further, the dynamic between the siblings is completely changed, and while I had hopes for Pinky and the Brain being redeeming, it's just... okay. It's not bad, but it's nothing special.
Overall I'd give the reboot a solid 4/10. Not horrible, but can't hold a candle to the original.
what does being diverse have to do with being a good region
Greetings! Thanks for reaching out.
To answer your question, for people considering what region and community they want to join, it can matter greatly. People want to join a place where they feel like they can belong, and being diverse shows that many different kinds of people can feel that way in our community. In fact, it's one of the main reasons people say they join our region/community, and we're happy that we're a place that so many different kinds of people feel that they can belong.
I hope that answers your question!
Yeah, got tested in the private sector yesterday, just got the results. I caught it.I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm glad that you don't have any symptoms. At this point I think everyone's eventually going to get it...it's just too big to put back in the bottle. We can only hope that we've taken all the precautions we can so our case is as mild as possible when we do get it.
I don't seem to have any symptoms though, thankfully.
I didn't really have any noticible symptoms from this last booster minus the sore arm...and apparently one other thing that I just realized for some reason was a thing with both the last booster as well as initial shot.Found a study that seems to investigate this https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33527524/
All 3 times for the moment after, day after, and partially next day after that was that I had a really annoying toothache for the bottom left teeth. Haven't had one since the last booster, and before that I didn't have one since the initial shot, and before that it was at least a year or so and was pretty mild, whereas these last ones were ridiculously irritating whenever I wanted to drink something even mildly cold.
From what I understand Lau did a career change fairly recently? And the previous industry got wiped out due to Chinese e-learning regulations.Oh, no, same career, I just moved to a different company, that does business with a completely different market. The Chinese market is dead.
This tea is excellent.What kind of tea is it?
Japanese black tea!This tea is excellent.What kind of tea is it?
@taulover: Oh my, I still have some 16-bit games that I have to play on an emulator. I can't believe we're phasing out 32-bit now. v_vWell, there are 64-bit 16-bit emulators. :P
What's on my mind? today was my due date but I sure don't have a cool baby girl now. why they always gotta be lateFirst off, congratulations on your impending arrival. :D
Well, there are 64-bit 16-bit emulators. :PWell yeah, but how long will it be until we have 128-bit OSes and we have to emulate 64-bit games. :P
I'm glad that you found something that you're so happy with. ^-^Yeah, Windows is still the place to be for gaming. Steam works really well on Linux now (although all games are still not supported), but beyond that you're pretty limited.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do with my computer. It's almost 9 years old at this point...it still does alright, it's just that I've noticed it's not so great at playing the newer games. I've just never been able to afford a new computer, and with chip prices what they have been that's doubly the case recently. Windows 11 isn't going to work on it though, and I'm sure Windows 10 will stop being supported before I get a newer computer. Plus I'm a gamer, and that's always turned me off from trying Linux...I don't really like the idea of dual-booting and having to switch to play games, cause I'm lazy and I just like everything I need/want on the computer to be there. I even have a tendency to forget what games I have outside of Steam, cause that's where I go when I feel like playing a game.
Yay, switching over to *nix! Honestly I use the terminal pretty heavily on Mac also, just because of how convenient it is (and also to restart my audio driver when it crashes lol, which probably is my fault because I pretty much never restart my computer).Yeah, the Apple tax is a big problem, and mostly the reason I haven't yet seriously considered a Mac. I can definitely live without gaming on my laptop. My laptop is there to get work done when there's a power cut or there's an emergency while I'm travelling.
I do think the Unix model of things is just a lot nicer to deal with, and of course the Mac is the most polished instantiation of that. The price (both initial and in repair costs) really does suck but my current laptop was an investment for college that I definitely think paid off (totally understand that I'm coming from a privileged position where that's even possible). Its age is showing a little bit now; in a couple years I might switch over to an ARM Mac which would be very exciting given the promise that architecture holds.
Being on a Mac has restricted my gaming choices ever since I switched to it, but I don't game much and eventually it didn't make sense to keep my dual boot partition. Fairly recently, I also bit the bullet and upgraded my OS, so now older 32-bit games are also off the table (unless I want to run on WINE instead of natively). I only ever play Minecraft basically anyway so that's not much of an issue for me. And that just runs on Java so it was like the first game to natively run on ARM Macs too, so if I ever get a new Mac I won't have a problem with that either (not to mention that the software available will be much better given time).
With the monthly post stats now accessible I just looked back to when I first joined the forums. Looks like I had more than 650 posts in the first month that I was a citizen. That was second in total posts to tau. Funny how inactivity can accompany changes.Oh yeah 100%. There was a time when I had as many posts as tau... but that time has long since past during my periods of inactivity the past couple years.
I’m a very picky eater so I thought this would never happen, but I’m vegetarian now. Well, lacto-vegetarian, in any case (felt bad giving up cheese but I do avoid rennet). It’s been a few months already.Buddhists and Hindus have excellent vegetarian food if you haven't tried them out. Comes from having millennia-long traditions of vegetarian food and plant-based meat.
I thought eating vegetarian was about eating a bunch of disgusting salads. I don’t like greens, they’re too bitter for me. Turns out that legumes are amazing and I simply didn’t know just how versatile they really are.
It’s something I’ve always been keen on doing but I just didn’t know how since I am so picky. I spent a few days at a chicken processing plant a few years ago and it really drove the point home. It broke my heart seeing all the dead chickens being ferried around the place, hanging by the legs, like a fucked up rollercoaster.
I wish I’d done this earlier. It’s so much easier than I thought it would be.
Most of what I now eat are Indian and LATAM inspired dishes. I like to try new stuff (surprisingly), so if you have good sources I'd be happy to have a look!I’m a very picky eater so I thought this would never happen, but I’m vegetarian now. Well, lacto-vegetarian, in any case (felt bad giving up cheese but I do avoid rennet). It’s been a few months already.Buddhists and Hindus have excellent vegetarian food if you haven't tried them out. Comes from having millennia-long traditions of vegetarian food and plant-based meat.
I thought eating vegetarian was about eating a bunch of disgusting salads. I don’t like greens, they’re too bitter for me. Turns out that legumes are amazing and I simply didn’t know just how versatile they really are.
It’s something I’ve always been keen on doing but I just didn’t know how since I am so picky. I spent a few days at a chicken processing plant a few years ago and it really drove the point home. It broke my heart seeing all the dead chickens being ferried around the place, hanging by the legs, like a fucked up rollercoaster.
I wish I’d done this earlier. It’s so much easier than I thought it would be.
I personally don't like salads but I love cooked leafy vegetables. Tends to make things more tasty and often removes the bitterness from things.
I like going to Chinese Buddhist vegetarian restaurants. Good stuff.Most of what I now eat are Indian and LATAM inspired dishes. I like to try new stuff (surprisingly), so if you have good sources I'd be happy to have a look!I’m a very picky eater so I thought this would never happen, but I’m vegetarian now. Well, lacto-vegetarian, in any case (felt bad giving up cheese but I do avoid rennet). It’s been a few months already.Buddhists and Hindus have excellent vegetarian food if you haven't tried them out. Comes from having millennia-long traditions of vegetarian food and plant-based meat.
I thought eating vegetarian was about eating a bunch of disgusting salads. I don’t like greens, they’re too bitter for me. Turns out that legumes are amazing and I simply didn’t know just how versatile they really are.
It’s something I’ve always been keen on doing but I just didn’t know how since I am so picky. I spent a few days at a chicken processing plant a few years ago and it really drove the point home. It broke my heart seeing all the dead chickens being ferried around the place, hanging by the legs, like a fucked up rollercoaster.
I wish I’d done this earlier. It’s so much easier than I thought it would be.
I personally don't like salads but I love cooked leafy vegetables. Tends to make things more tasty and often removes the bitterness from things.
Why People Vote for Trump
One of the more disturbing aspects of the 2020 election was that, while Biden won, Trump got ten million more votes than he had received in 2016. He did especially well in white, rural, economically depressed parts of the country. Why? Why did working-class people, many of them struggling economically, vote for Trump? Why was he able to hold rallies in the middle of nowhere that drew tens of thousands of enthusiastic followers?
I know that some pundits and politicians respond to those questions by suggesting that all of Trump's supporters are racists, sexists, and homophobes; that they really are "deplorable" and there is nothing to be done. Sorry. I don't agree. And I should know. I have been to almost every state in this country and, unlike corporate pundits, have actually talked with Trump supporters. Are some of them racists and exists who vote for bigotry? Absolutely. But many are not.
I think the more accurate answer as to why Trump has won working-class support lies in the pain, desperation, and political alienation that millions of working-class Americans now experience and the degree to which the Democratic Party has abandoned them for the wealthy campaign contributors and the "beautiful people".
These are Americans who, while the rich get much richer, have seen their real wages stagnate and their good union jobs go to China and Mexico. They can't afford health care, they can't afford childcare, they can't afford to send their kids to college and are scared to death about a retirement with inadequate income. Because of what doctors call "diseases of despair", their communities are even seeing a decline in life expectancy.
Many of these voters have spent their lives playing by the rules. They worked hard, very hard, and did their best for their kids and their communities. During the worst of the pandemic, they didn't have the luxury of of sitting behind a computer at home doing "virtual" work. They were putting their lives on the line at jobs in hospitals, factories, warehouses, public transportation, meatpacking plants, and grocery stores. They kept the economy going, and many thousands of them died as a result.
Many of these so-called racist Americans voted for Barack Obama, our first Black president, and for "hope" and "change" and "Yes We Can". And they voted to reelect him. But their lives did not change.
After almost fifty years of wage stagnation, Democrats were in charge-but did not raise wages for workers. After a massive amount of illegal corporate anti-union activity, we did not make it easier for workers to join unions. We did not improve job security. We did not address corporate greed or the massive levels of income and wealth inequality. We did not provide health care for all or lower the cost of prescription drugs. We did not make childcare and higher education affordable. We did not address homelessness or the high cost of housing. We did not make it easier for working people to retire with security and dignity. We did not reform a corrupt campaign finance system.
Today, tens of millions of Americans feel deep anger toward the political, economic, and media establishment. They look at Washington and the corporate media and see rejection and contempt. They see not only a government that is ignoring their needs but politicians busy attending fundraising events with the rich, who have no clue as to what the lives of the great majority of Americans are about.
The absurdity of the current-day situation is that Trump-a phony, a pillar of the establishment, a billionaire, and an anti-worker businessman-has been able to fill that political vacuum and tap into that anger. Donald Trump "champion of the working class." Beyond pathetic!
trader — 02/05/2023 9:56 PMYour apology is an expression of care, not a confession of shame.
michi isnt a bad person but i think doubling down on his take and not being able to say sorry i hurt you with what i said is not helping the problem
trader — 02/07/2023 2:22 PM
And uh, that thread has been handled well (Wintermoot's note: I think he meant not been handled well)
I'm not saying impossible but with some care it can be done
Care has not been applied
trader — 02/07/2023 2:28 PM
An appeal to their pain is probably the only way to try to recover
Apologise for hurting them if not the opinion
It's not going to happen, is it?
Glacial Ragnarok — 02/07/2023 3:24 PM
That is fine within it of itself. However, the way it was phrased and presented was and still is (because again, no redaction or apology) incredibly insensitive.