Wintreath Regional Community

The Frozen Gatehouse - Welcome to Wintreath => The Frozen Oracle - News and Announcements => Topic started by: Wintermoot on June 08, 2015, 04:30:48 AM

Title: Underhusen Election Results
Post by: Wintermoot on June 08, 2015, 04:30:48 AM
And that's a wrap on another election! We had 20 votes in total, the most we've had since the December 2014 elections, and while the election was as close and competitive as usual, we managed to barely avoid a runoff so we'll be able to get on with business immediately. :)

The results are as follows:
14 - Laurentus
14 - The Church of Satan
12 - tatte
12 - HannahB
10 - Aragonn
09 - Chanku
08 - Govindia
08 - taulover
07 - Drexyl Nox
03 - Mlfailor

Congratulations to everyone that won! I'm sure you'll do great this term. And for those that didn't win, I encourage you to get or stay involved with the community and try again next time. A lot can change in two months, and being a part of the community and contributing to the region can go a long way toward being reconsidered in the next election. I appreciate everyone that ran in the election, as competitive and civil elections bring the most choice and opportunity to the voters. :)
Title: Underhusen Election Results
Post by: Govindia on June 08, 2015, 04:35:36 AM
Based on the final results, here's a graph that shows a breakdown of percentages:


Congratulations to the winners!

It is disappointing that I was two seats away from getting a possible runoff, and that I was not elected.   I do appreciate and thank those who had voted for me.

I hope that in the next two months people will give me a chance to get elected to the Underhusen.

To those who have been elected, good luck to you.  Make sure you all stay active and help bring some reform :)
Title: Underhusen Election Results
Post by: Laurentus on June 08, 2015, 04:37:21 AM
Well, I think this is going to be great! :)

Congrats to @HannahB, @Aragonn, @The Church of Satan, and @tatte! Let's kick some ass this term!

To everyone else, please get involved with the Citizen's Platform. That is where the UH will be most active too, if we go by the last term's example.
Title: Underhusen Election Results
Post by: Emoticonius on June 08, 2015, 04:38:41 AM
I kinda find it hard to believe that I won, considering my campaign thread was a bunch of emoticons and a dash of sarcasm. But thank you for electing me. I look forward to serving the region. :D
Title: Underhusen Election Results
Post by: Michi on June 08, 2015, 04:40:31 AM
To those who were elected, congratulations, and I'm excited to see how this term of the UH will turn out!  It was a close race, but I think these results show that everyone was a well deserved candidate in this election, and I hope I get to look forward to seeing at least most of you running in the next election.

I also agree with Laurentus that even if you didn't get elected this term, that doesn't mean your voice won't be heard.  Definitely make sure to get involved with the Citizens Platform so that even if you're not in the UH, you can still be directly involved in what is an integral part of the UH's structure.
Title: Underhusen Election Results
Post by: Wintermoot on June 08, 2015, 04:44:09 AM
What I found interesting is just how close the results really were. In most elections you have one or two people that almost everyone votes for, but in this one no one person got the support of more than 70% of voters...and then the spread from Chanku's 9 votes and CoS/Laurentus' 14...a very narrow window between being elected and not.
Title: Underhusen Election Results
Post by: Govindia on June 08, 2015, 04:45:30 AM
What I found interesting is just how close the results really were. In most elections you have one or two people that almost everyone votes for, but in this one no one person got the support of more than 70% of voters...and then the spread from Chanku's 9 votes and CoS/Laurentus' 14...a very narrow window between being elected and not.

Yeah, when I was initially posting my charts (see the final chart above by the way), I had thought we would have some runoffs.
Title: Underhusen Election Results
Post by: Wintermoot on June 08, 2015, 04:47:32 AM
We very nearly did, but some votes in the last few days changed the outcome. At one point there would have been a four-way race for three seats. xD
Title: Underhusen Election Results
Post by: Michi on June 08, 2015, 04:47:45 AM
I was expecting runoffs as well with how close some of the votes were.  I was actually genuinely surprised that there were actually no ties for at least the 5th seat.
Title: Underhusen Election Results
Post by: Laurentus on June 08, 2015, 04:48:20 AM
I think that recent events have had a big impact on trust in certain members, or lack thereof.
Title: Underhusen Election Results
Post by: Michi on June 08, 2015, 04:51:12 AM
I think that recent events have had a big impact on trust in certain members, or lack thereof.

I think that's always an issue with each election.  Events tend to happen prior to each one that will either shake confidence in voting for some candidates, but boost confidence in voting for others.

Title: Underhusen Election Results
Post by: Govindia on June 08, 2015, 04:52:35 AM
I think that recent events have had a big impact on trust in certain members, or lack thereof.

Indeed, unfortunately.  :(
Title: Underhusen Election Results
Post by: Wintermoot on June 08, 2015, 04:53:36 AM
It's always interesting to see how things change over the week of voting...for example, taulover had an early lead, but lost it in the later days of voting, while Chanku had a late surge but couldn't quite get the votes to force a run-off. CoS and Laurentus were the only candidates that would have been elected at any point during the week.
Title: Underhusen Election Results
Post by: Laurentus on June 08, 2015, 04:55:07 AM
I think that recent events have had a big impact on trust in certain members, or lack thereof.

I think that's always an issue with each election.  Events tend to happen prior to each one that will either shake confidence in voting for some candidates, but boost confidence in voting for others.
Yes, well, let me be the first person to warn our new members that during the course of the next 2 months, you're really going to be tested. Not all your choices are going to be popular, and you're going to have to live with the consequences.
Title: Underhusen Election Results
Post by: Sapphiron on June 08, 2015, 04:57:02 AM
Congratulations to all winners!
Title: Underhusen Election Results
Post by: HannahB on June 08, 2015, 05:07:21 AM
Wow, I honestly didn't expect to get in.  :D Thank you everyone who voted for me, I will try my best to preform to all of your no doubt lofty expectations of me. I guess the pressure is on  :-\ wish me good luck :)

Thanks to everyone else that ran as well, I am sure without each of you the election would have been much less interesting, and it was a pleasure to compete against all of you :D

And sorry the the botched language I literally just woke up :D
Title: Underhusen Election Results
Post by: Michi on June 08, 2015, 05:15:02 AM
I think that recent events have had a big impact on trust in certain members, or lack thereof.

I think that's always an issue with each election.  Events tend to happen prior to each one that will either shake confidence in voting for some candidates, but boost confidence in voting for others.
Yes, well, let me be the first person to warn our new members that during the course of the next 2 months, you're really going to be tested. Not all your choices are going to be popular, and you're going to have to live with the consequences.

You know, you should really start paying me when you steal my lines.  :P
Title: Underhusen Election Results
Post by: Anneliese on June 08, 2015, 05:15:54 AM
Congrats to all the winners!  I wish you all the best of luck!

And good morning Hannah!
Title: Underhusen Election Results
Post by: Laurentus on June 08, 2015, 05:19:31 AM
I think that recent events have had a big impact on trust in certain members, or lack thereof.

I think that's always an issue with each election.  Events tend to happen prior to each one that will either shake confidence in voting for some candidates, but boost confidence in voting for others.
Yes, well, let me be the first person to warn our new members that during the course of the next 2 months, you're really going to be tested. Not all your choices are going to be popular, and you're going to have to live with the consequences.

You know, you should really start paying me when you steal my lines.  :P

How much money are we talking here?

Although, I'm pretty certain that wasn't a word-for-word recitation of what you said, and even if it is, consider that I was in that boat with you recently, so it's just as valid when I say it. :P
Title: Underhusen Election Results
Post by: Aragonn on June 08, 2015, 06:36:15 AM
I know it's been said by others, but I'm gonna say it again. Congrats to all those who won the election, and well played to those who fell short.
Title: Underhusen Election Results
Post by: Michi on June 08, 2015, 06:41:31 AM
I think that recent events have had a big impact on trust in certain members, or lack thereof.

I think that's always an issue with each election.  Events tend to happen prior to each one that will either shake confidence in voting for some candidates, but boost confidence in voting for others.
Yes, well, let me be the first person to warn our new members that during the course of the next 2 months, you're really going to be tested. Not all your choices are going to be popular, and you're going to have to live with the consequences.

You know, you should really start paying me when you steal my lines.  :P

How much money are we talking here?

Although, I'm pretty certain that wasn't a word-for-word recitation of what you said, and even if it is, consider that I was in that boat with you recently, so it's just as valid when I say it. :P

Well let's see...after the licensing fee, copyright fee, Pengu Appreciation fee, and endorsing fee...carry the two...multiply by twenty...

Oh my.

You know what...let's...let's just forget about it for now, and I'll forgive your use of it.  :)

And I know, I just like to tease, of course.  :P
Title: Underhusen Election Results
Post by: Wuufu on June 08, 2015, 09:15:37 AM
Congratulations to all those who are now members of the Underhusen :)
Title: Underhusen Election Results
Post by: tatte on June 08, 2015, 09:44:46 AM
Very big thanks to all my supporters! Thank you all voters who made this election so interesting and finally thanks to all other candidates who made it possible. Congratulations to my fellow new members of Underhusen! Let us give our very best and make this one term to be remembered!

Thank god we got Laurentus to babysit us newbies. :D
Title: Underhusen Election Results
Post by: Mlfailor on June 08, 2015, 09:56:38 AM
While good job everyone (last place)! I will definitely being more active across the board (pun). I thank y'all for a great race and think this is going to be a great term.
Title: Underhusen Election Results
Post by: Colberius X on June 08, 2015, 11:21:37 AM
Congratulations to our latest Underhusen!  ^-^ I'm sure that this will be a productive, successful session, and I look forward to working with you in the Storting in the coming months.
Title: Underhusen Election Results
Post by: taulover on June 08, 2015, 05:02:50 PM
Congratulations to the Skrifa!