Wintreath Regional Community

The Amalyan Quarter - Fun Things We Do => Summit of States - NationStates => The Charax Romanov Embassy Complex => Topic started by: Wintermoot on September 07, 2014, 03:32:53 PM

Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on September 07, 2014, 03:32:53 PM
The Consulate of 10000 Islands
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Michi on September 23, 2014, 11:58:26 PM

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Government Officials of 10000 Islands
Last Updated: September 16, 2014

The Council of Nine
Chief Executive: Grub
Delegate: Markanite
Minister of Immigration: Cerb
Minister of Education: Randomain
Minister of Labor: Malecia
Senior Senator for Blue Canaria North: Ater Nox
Senator for Lyonnesse East: The Candy Lane
Senator for Himes West: Barry
Senator for New Republica South: Isles of Nixon

TITO Command
Commander-in-Chief: Grub
Field Commander: Wordy
Tactical Officers: Ater Nox, Controlitia
Executive Officer: Malecia
Special Advisor: Anime Daisuki

Other Positions
Cartographer-General: Randomain
Registrar-General: Cerb
Regional Reserve Chairwoman: Ayunli
Dean of XKI University: Witchcraft and Sorcery
Deputy Dean of XKI University: Duckyian Empire
Poet Laureate: Aersoldorf
Roleplay Moderators: Boltor, Malecia
Mayor of Shelter's Taco Island: Aersoldorf
Official Endorsers: Free Guns For All, Osea Island, dustwind, Imbarien, Northern Koryeo
Emissaries: varied

A History of TITO:
The Ten thousand Islands Treaty Organization or TITO was formed in the beginning days of the 10000 Islands. The founding members of Grub, Lyonesse, Blue Canaria, Titanica, and TheSensitiveNewAge all banded together for the mutual defense of the then tiny region.

As time went on, the 10000 Islands grew slightly, but the region was still small. One night, after several new nations had entered the 10000 Islands, a nation by the name of New Boniventure posted a warning that our region may be the aim of an attack by the Empire of Power.

The Empire of Power was a region roughly five times the size of the 10000 Islands and was known for attacking regions and then ejecting all of the native countries.

Thanks to the early warning, the stealth attack was confirmed. As Empire of Power nations flooded into the 10000 Islands, the future looked bleak as we were heavily outnumbered. The only hope was to go to outside unknown regions and ask them for their help.

The call for help was sent out to many regions that night, and thankfully many responded. Some of the regions that generously lent their help were the Urbanites, Texas, the Heartland, The Rejected Realms Army, and several other regions. When the NationStates update came, our side was victorious by just a single endorsement. The battle went on for two more days, but help flooded in and the region that dwarfed us in size was soundly defeated. Without the help of those outside regions, the 10000 Islands would have been defeated.

As a result of that time, the 10000 Islands formally signed alliances with Texas and the Urbanites, and established friendly relations with the other regions that lent their help. TITO's goal after that attack was to not only provide for the defense of the 10000 Islands, but to also aid other regions when they are unfairly attacked.

Recently, the 10000 Islands has helped once again to defeat the Empire of Power when they attacked our ally in the OSA, the Moonlit Islands. Other recent operations were in the Pacific trying to defeat the corrupt ruler, Francos Spain. We were actually on the winning side on that battle, but the NationStates Mods reversed the results because of a technicality. TITO also has a complex intelligence operation but details are classified.

TITO continues to provide for the freedom not only in our growing region, but also in regions throughout the world.

Taken from the Early TITO History topic, written by Grub.

Electoral News:
With the departure of our previous Delegate, elections were held and Markanite was named as the new Delegate!  Elections for Senators of New Republica South and Blue Canaria North were held, with Ater Nox being named the new Blue Canaria North Senator, and Isles of Nixon being named our new Senator of New Republica South.  In other news, Ayunli was named as the Regional Reserve Chairman.

Entertainment News:
A new plugin was installed that allows people to add their own music in their replies.   New ideas are arising for games to create to take advantage of this new feature.

Werewolf 38: Taco Island's Got Talent has ended!  The good guys have defeated all of the saboteurs, and Barry was crowned as the winner of the show.  Werewolf 39: Rick and Morty's Rushed Unlicensed Inter-dimensional Adventure is currently in progress.  Will the good Ricks be able to stop the evil Ricks and Dark Morty in time?  Click here to check out the game! (

In Resistance news, the resistance members of 11 took the win away from the spies, but who will be the victors in 12?

The Mad Islander is back in business!
After a short hiatus, the Mad Islander is back in full production!  From Dear Pengu to the XKI Thespian Society, The Weekly Leek, World of Werewolves, and several other articles, there's at least one out there to please anyone who stops on by!

XKI Attempts to take part in FRAVision!
For those who haven't heard of FRAVision, here's a little info:

FRAVision is a contest where players represent their regions and submit their songs. Player(s) can submit songs on behalf of their region and, if they win, the player will receive an individual prize and their region will have the honor of holding the contest on their forum next year!

More details are located here:

If you are interested in entering, you will need to TG your entry to Joe Bobs or Wopruthien before the 22nd of September.

Other news
Our TITO Field Commander, Improving Wordiness, was the subject of a SC commendation, which passed 7410 to 1190.

More updates to come!
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on September 24, 2014, 12:17:54 PM
Other recent operations were in the Pacific trying to defeat the corrupt ruler, Francos Spain.
Wouldn't that have been 11 years ago? Not really all that recent. :P Also a little curious about 10000 Islands' current stance on The Pacific, since the NPO is still obviously in power.

Thanks for the update, though!
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Michi on September 25, 2014, 12:49:55 AM
Other recent operations were in the Pacific trying to defeat the corrupt ruler, Francos Spain.
Wouldn't that have been 11 years ago? Not really all that recent. :P Also a little curious about 10000 Islands' current stance on The Pacific, since the NPO is still obviously in power.

Thanks for the update, though!

That section was taken from the TITO History topic in our Great Library.  I believe our most recent large-scale TITO mission was helping reclaim the South Pacific (which was a good while ago as well), though don't quote me as we tend to have quite a bit of activity in helping defend other it's difficult for me to keep up sometimes.   ;D

I edited the snippet in there at the end of that section so as not to confuse anyone else who is familiar with the material mentioned.  :D
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on September 25, 2014, 03:19:02 AM
I just find it interesting that some of our Citizens were in diapers when TITO was fighting Francos Spain. Hell, I was still in high school. That's all. :P

Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Michi on September 26, 2014, 12:41:14 AM
I just find it interesting that some of our Citizens were in diapers when TITO was fighting Francos Spain. Hell, I was still in high school. That's all. :P

You said 11 years ago, right?  I would have been a Sophomore when it happened, and I didn't even join Nationstates until the year after.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on September 26, 2014, 12:45:16 AM
The New Pacific Order just celebrated their 11th year anniversary, so it would've been about then, yeah.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Stacky on September 26, 2014, 06:32:04 PM
Great read! Thanks for the news.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Scow Creek Ambassador on October 07, 2014, 12:03:39 AM
I bring you Warm Greetings from the 10000 Islands!

In light of our previous Ambassadors understandable immigration to the fair Land of Eternal Winter, the 10000 Islands has appointed me as the new Ambassador to serve between our Regions.  I look forward to strengthened relations between our home regions!

I would also like to take this opportunity to extend an invitation to the nations of Wintreath to attend the 10000 Beach Cup, which begins on 07 November.  We have a series of events planned, including underwater spearfishing, a limbo contest, a sand sculpture event, a surfer dude-and-dudette competition, a Beach Bar Mixology contest, and a Rock Pool Forage-and-BBQ cook-off.

If you are interested, I would be happy to work with you to set up a sign-up thread and carry your entry information back to our Event Headquarters.

Again, thank you for the opportunity to extend this hand of friendship.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: the changeling horde on January 01, 2015, 07:12:52 PM
Hello to all who inhabit the wonderful region of wintreath!

I Thechangelinghorde have been sent to fill in the role as ambassador to the chilled land of wintreath.

Admitting I have no clue why scow had left his position to be are ambassador to this wonderful land but I am not one to dive to deep into questions unless they may effect the job.

In comparison I will attempt to update whenever news is avaliable and and monthly when I have not updated at all.

If anyone has any personal questions or questions about the isles pm me the message and I will respond as quick as my schedule applies.

I am saddened to say however due to the policies placed on my position I am unable to go and speak in your chat room without ramifications from my higher ups.

Inspite of that I will try to integrate and adapt into certain boards of the form to remain close to you all.

Before I wrap this up I may want to mention for a majority of my interactions on the forums I will most likely be in character as my nations ruler high queen chrysalis of the changeling horde.

WARNING:any views and or actions done in character do not reflect the values,actions,political ideals, and or mood/attitude of the 10k islands and are just a fun creative outlet for myself.

In character introduction

*A green swirling vortex apears that releases a toxic green colored mist from the other side as several heavily armed humanoid beings dressed in black chitin armor exit forming 2 lines of men on both sides of the portal*

I can't belive I have been sent monitor the situation of a frozen region in the middle of nowhere...

*the guards look confusingly at the portal tilting there heads in it's direction*

I mean I am high queen of a legion that conquers entire realms in universes that span into infinity and I am sent to monitor the situation of a land that doesn't even have 1 day that raises over 90 degrees Fahrenheit....

*a guard closer to the portal then others slowly walks to the rip in time and space to enter through*

Why am I even listening to the commands of a lower species in the first place I should be ruling over my empire right now! Not monitoring the diplomatic relations of a land ruled by a Dracula lookalike from....

*you can hear the queen scream what before a sheepish voice replies*

My queen I am afraid you are audible on the other side of the portal, your wonderful opinion had been heard by the individuals on the other side. The voice slowly like choosing his dieing words declares.

*you hear a nervous giggle on the other end of the portal*

Wow this is embarrassing and I am glad I have been informed of the situation, but you have inturupted your queen in the middle of speaking so I guess torture will suffice. The voice repplies to the other as screams and sounds of a broken man eminate from the other end.

*a stunning pale skined woman with blue green hair and black and green dress enters through the portal walking between the guards and up to a podium*

I apologize for my lateness, I high queen chrysalis of the changeling horde have arrived to act as ambassador to the 10k islands and am willing to say your people are very strong to deal with this cold...

*servants dressed in odd clunky metal collars carrying ungodly amounts of baggage arrive through the portal*

Now if anyone need me I will be by the hearth in the 10k islands embassy. She runs off through another portal of her own creation.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on January 01, 2015, 09:08:24 PM
Greetings again, and welcome to the region! If there's anything I can do to help you get settled in the region as XKI's ambassador, please let me know. I must say that it's going to be interesting seeing you in character form, since that sort of roleplay is very rare in Wintreath...who knows, it may spur on more roleplay in the region. :P

As far as I know, Scow left his position and XKI because of restrictions on being able to join multiple militaries...he could not join both TITO and Wintreath's military, the Hvitt Riddaral, as both forbid joining other militaries. He left Wintreath for similar reasons shortly afterwards...I think he just wasn't too into gameplay governments in general.

You may not be one to dive too deep into questions, but I have no problem answering any curiosities you have. :P
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: the changeling horde on January 13, 2015, 04:39:43 PM
A mandatory update from the 10K islands


10000 Islands Monthly Emissary Update

Date: January, 2015
Population: 952
Delegate Endorsements: 316

The following is the Emissary Report for December 2014.

Forum Design Competition

By ruling of the Council of Nine, the 10000 Islands is looking for designers to design a new look for our ProBoards forum! This competition is open to members of all regions, and the creator of the chosen design will win 250,000 tacos. Any other selected designs will win 50,000. For more details, view the link:

Political Events:

The current Council of Nine (the government of 10000 Islands) is composed by:

Grub (Founder)
Markanite (WA Delegate)
Randomain (Minister of Education)
Cerb (Minister of Immigration)
Malecia (Minister of Labor)
Ater Nox (Senior Senator, Blue Canaria North)
Barry (Senator, Himes West)
The Candy Lane (Senator, Lyonesse East)
Isles of Nixon (Senator, New Republica South)

The 10000 Islands recruiting tool has been upgraded thanks to Cerb. The Accelerator 2.0 was officially launched in December. Link:

To celebrate Ananke & Wordy Days the XKI Casino held a dice game. The winners were Klopstock, Paffnia, Shy Guy, Louisistan, Ater Nox, The Candy Lane, Grub, Aersoldorf, and Woonsocket. Link:

Taco Island Charities hosted a Nation Creation Contest. Witchcraft and Sorcery came first, with Duckyian Empire in second, and Thanya in third-place. Link:

A new plugin for the forum to have large quotes of text partially hidden until opened has been added. Link:

The live drawing plugin has been fixed. Link:

A new forum plugin to make it easier to change between themes has been added and can be accessed in the bottom right corner of the screen. Link:

Witchcraft and Sorcery was named as the new Foreign Affairs Secretary. Link:

IMM shares have been restarted with RRC Ayunli running store. Link:

The old share market plugin has been removed due to a glitch. Link:

A slight mishap dropped a bunch of tacos out of Santa's sleigh and onto some lucky nations. Link:

The House Rosters have been audited by Senator The Candy Lane and his deputy Louisistan. Link:

Nominations for the third Paffnia Prize have opened. Link:


The Command of TITO stands as such:

Grub (Founder/Commander-in-Chief)
Improving Wordiness (Field Commander)
Ater Nox (Tactical Officer)
Controlitia (Tactical Officer)
Elite (Tactical Officer)
Malecia (Executive Officer)

Tanzoria and Ayunli have both been knighted after reaching 50 battle stars. Congratulations to both of them.

Around the Islands

Werewolves 40 was won by the village. Link:

The Roleplaying section of the forum has a new map. Link:

Sign ups for the second XKI Grand Prix opened. Link:

Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Drexyl Nox on January 13, 2015, 10:56:46 PM
Can you buy any RL things with Tacos?
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: the changeling horde on January 14, 2015, 03:22:28 AM
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on January 14, 2015, 04:40:03 AM
Thank you for the update! I just have to say upfront...eww, Proboards. It's unfortunate that better free forum solutions weren't available when XKI was founded, but I remember those days. I remember when InvisionFree was a new service, ffs...around 2002 or 2003, I think. :P

Invision Power Board 1.3 forever <3

Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Markanite on January 17, 2015, 04:49:24 PM
Can you buy any RL things with Tacos?

Unfortunately not but at least they're tasty!
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on January 17, 2015, 04:53:13 PM
Hi Markanite! Nice of you to drop by and visit. :)
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: the changeling horde on February 03, 2015, 05:11:52 PM

10000 Islands Monthly Emissary Update

Date: February, 2015
Population: 952
Delegate Endorsements: 316

The following is the Emissary Report for February, 2015.

Forum Design Competition

By ruling of the Council of Nine, the 10000 Islands is looking for designers to design a new look for our ProBoards forum! This competition is open to members of all regions, and the creator of the chosen design will win 250,000 tacos. Any other selected designs will win 50,000. For more details, view the link:

Political Events:

The current Council of Nine (the government of 10000 Islands) is composed by:

Grub (Founder)
Markanite (WA Delegate)
Randomain (Minister of Education)
The Candy Lane (Minister of Immigration)
Paffnia (Minister of Labor)
Barry (Senior Senator; Senator, Himes West)
Louisistan (Senator, Lyonesse East)
Lower Columbia (Senator, New Republica South)
Malecia (Blue Canaria North)

The 10000 Islands recruiting tool has been upgraded thanks to Cerb. The Accelerator 2.0 was officially launched in December. Link:

January was a very busy month in 10000 Islands Politics. Elections were held for the Senate Seats for New Republica South and Blue Canaria North. Former BCN Senator Malecia stepped down from his post as Minister of Labor to run for the Senate Seat he had held prior to his ministry appointment. Mal won with 24 of 41 votes.
 Lower Columbia, in his first run for the Senate, was successful with his run for the NRS Seat and took 29 of 39 votes.

Long time Council Member Cerberion stepped down from his ministry seat. With Mal leaving the ministry for the Senate and Cerb stepping down, Paffnia was appointed as Minister of Labor and The Candy Lane was named Minster of Immigration.

The Council thanks Cerberion for his years of service and devotion and dedication to the Co9.

Other political happenings:

- Louisistan was named to fill the Lyonesse East Seat until the next election
- USSR/ Hahiha was named as the new Deputy Minister of Immigration
- Flemingisa and The Jensmonian Empire were hired as Recruitment Officers.

Lower Columbia was chosen Rookie of the Quarter, in recognition of an exceptional new nation who joined the forum during October to December of 2014. (

LC was also the first recipient of a new Taco Island Charities program, Rookie of the Quarter Prize. (

Diplomatic relations were established with Australia

The Third Annual Paffnia Prize, which is voted to the nation that comes up with the best new idea, was awarded to Grub for having added numerous technical forum improvements ranging from adding forum dice to profile drop-down boxes and user-tagging buttons. Grub’s award came by a single vote over Cerb’s work on the Accelerator 2.0 recruiting program and was voted tops among 39 outstanding nominees. (

The fifth House Cup and Shield recruiting contest was again dominated by the House of Wordy which won the Cup, Shield, and through the individual efforts of Escanaba, and the Sceptre. (


The Command of TITO stands as such:

Grub (Founder/Commander-in-Chief)
Improving Wordiness (Field Commander)
Ater Nox (Tactical Officer)
Louisistan (Tactical Officer)
Elite (Tactical Officer)
Woonsocket (Tactical Officer TITO EF)
Malecia (Executive Officer)

13 Court Guard Squads has reached the 50 Battle Star milestone and thus the right to claim the title of TITO Knight.

Woonsocket was named TO in charge of the TITO Expeditionary Force (EF). Louisistan was named as a Tactical Officer Trainee who will eventually be in charge of the minor update. Control has stepped away from TITO command but will remain active as a Knight of TITO. Thanks Control for your hard work as a TO!

Around the Islands

Ater Nox is hosting the 41st edition of Werewolves. (
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on February 03, 2015, 06:12:54 PM
Thanks for the update! I would offer to help with the design thing, but it took over a year to fiddle with Wintreath's design to what it is. :P
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Michi on February 04, 2015, 04:52:50 AM
Thanks for the update TCH!
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: the changeling horde on March 06, 2015, 04:50:08 PM
[div align="center"][img src="" style="max-width:100%;"]
[font]10000 Islands Monthly Emissary Update[/font][/div]
Date: February, 2015
Population: 10000 Islands is home to 1,142 Souls
Delegate Endorsements: 316

The following is the Emissary Report for February, 2015.

Forum Design Competition

The search for a new Forum design is coming to an end!
The Council of Nine has selected two finalists! These are:

Midnight at Sea by Ater Nox
Nuevo Tropico by The Candy Lane
Voting will be begin on 3/10 and will last one week. The themes are currently being tried out on our forum, for more information please see this link: (

Political Events:

The current Council of Nine (the government of 10000 Islands) is composed of:

Grub (Founder)
Markanite (WA Delegate)
Randomain (Minister of Education)
The Candy Lane (Minister of Immigration)
Paffnia (Minister of Labor)
Barry (Senior Senator, Himes West)
Malecia (Senator, BCN)
Louisistan (Senator, Lyonesse East)
Lower Coluimbia (Senator, New Republica South)

The 10000 Islands recruiting tool has been upgraded thanks to Cerb. The Accelerator 2.0 was officially launched in December. Link:

A Viking Funeral was held in remembrance of Improving Wordiness. Wordy was a long time Field Commander (over 5 years) and led TITO with unmatched motivation and success. The Co9 and all of TITO wish Wordy the very best in the future.

MinnaCaroline also left the Islands. Minna was a leader of The Islands Party and served in TITO EF. Best of luck to Minna.

Jensmonia was named as Deputy Senator for Blue Canaria North and will thus be in charge of the Featured Nation Program.

Diplomatic relations were established with Middle Earth. Link: (

A new forum plugin to make it easier to change between themes has been added and can be accessed in the bottom right corner of the screen. Link:

Witchcraft and Sorcery was named as the new Foreign Affairs Secretary. Link:

IMM shares have been restarted with RRC Ayunli running store. Link:

The old share market plugin has been removed due to a glitch. Link:

Cazalius Lodra has been name RRC Deputy. Link: (

The Nations of 10000 Islands visited Canada, where we were welcomed with open arms. Viva 10000 Islands, Viva Canada! Link: (

Klopstock has won the Poet Laureate contest, congratulations Klopstock! (

10000 Islands celebrated Delegate’s Day: (


The Command of TITO stands as such:

Grub (Founder/Commander-in-Chief)
Ater Nox (Tactical Officer)
Elite (Tactical Officer)
Louisistan (Tactical Officer)
Klopstock (Tactical Officer)
Woonsocket (Tactical Officer EF)
Malecia (Executive Officer)

13 Court Guard Squads has been Knighted.
Escanaba has been decorated with the Soldier Medal, for his dedication to TITO.

Around the Islands

Betting galore has occurred in the XKI Casino: (

10000 Islands saw its first War of the Houses, this amazing and engaging event saw Houses fight it out to be win: (

The Roleplaying section of the forum has a new map. Link:

Sign ups for the second XKI Grand Prix opened. Link:
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: the changeling horde on March 06, 2015, 04:51:58 PM
I apologize for the layout it seems the 10K islands has not made a format that converts over to this forum easily.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Michi on March 07, 2015, 02:49:22 AM
It goes both ways, actually.  Wintreath's coding system doesn't completely transfer over to 10KI.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on March 07, 2015, 04:50:54 AM
Eww Proboards. :P

Thanks for the update!
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Deleted1 on March 07, 2015, 08:50:24 AM
How do we join FRAVision
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: the changeling horde on April 14, 2015, 03:06:19 PM
10000 Islands Monthly Emissary Update
Date: April, 2015
Population: 10000 Islands is home to 1,580 Nations
Delegate Endorsements: 309

The following is the Emissary Report for April, 2015.

Political Events:

The current Council of Nine (the government of 10000 Islands) is composed of:

Grub (Founder)
Aersoldorf (WA Delegate)
Randomain (Minister of Education)
The Candy Lane (Minister of Immigration)
Paffnia (Minister of Labor)
Barry (Senior Senator, Himes West)
Malecia (Senator, BCN)
The Jensmonian Empire (Temporary Senator, BCN)
Louisistan (Senator, Lyonesse East)
Lower Columbia (Senator, New Republica South)

Elections were held for delegate, Senator of Lyonesse East, and Senator for Himes West. Aersoldorf was elected delegate, while Louisistan and Barry retained their positions as senators for Lyonesse East and Himes West respectively. Links:,, and

Ater Nox's "Midnight at Sea" was voted in to be the new default forum theme. Link:

The Jensmonian Empire was picked to be the new Rookie of the Quarter, while Cazalius Lodra received an honorable mention. Link:

Following a leave of absence from the Senator of BCN, Malecia, Deputy Senator The Jensmonian Empire is filling in for the duration. Link:

Diplomatic relations were established with The Coalition of Democratic Nations. Link: (


The Command of TITO stands as such:

Grub (Founder/Commander-in-Chief)
Elite (Tactical Officer)
Klopstock (Tactical Officer)
Louisistan (Tactical Officer)
Woonsocket (Tactical Officer EF)
Malecia (Executive Officer)
Markanite (Temporary Executive Officer)

Barry and NeoYundar have been Knighted.
Escanaba has been decorated with the Soldier Medal, for his dedication to TITO.

Ater Nox has stepped down from the position of Tactical Officer. We thank him for his service to TITO. Link:

Markanite was appointed Temporary Executive Officer during the leave of absence of Malecia. Link:

Around the Islands

The Republic of Gyllia was selected to be the Featured Nation. Congratulations Gyllia. Links: ( and (

Louisistan opened sign-ups for the 3rd Prolific Posting (Spamming) Contest among the Houses of XKI. Link:

The Candy Lane announced sign-ups for a tag-team recruitment tournament, "Tag Team Battles". Link:
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: the changeling horde on April 14, 2015, 03:07:25 PM
another choppy update from the 10k islands....seriously wish they could help write a forum compatible version.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Michi on April 14, 2015, 05:54:16 PM
It's okay, I remember that problem being both ways since updates from here would come out looking choppy over there occasionally.

Also, kudos to Barry for getting knighted!  Though I thought he was knighted quite some time ago...guess it shows how much I really pay attention.  :P
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on April 14, 2015, 08:55:12 PM
Thanks for the update! The new theme is pretty awesome, even if it is on an icky Proboards forum. :P
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Michi on April 15, 2015, 03:03:12 PM
I'm feeling a sense of deja vu here.  TCH talking about how the coding doesn't transfer, my talking about it going both ways, and then Mooty complaining about Proboards.  :P
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: the changeling horde on May 15, 2015, 07:20:31 PM
[div align="center"][img src="" style="max-width:100%;"]
[font]10000 Islands Monthly Emissary Update[/font][/div]
Date: April, 2015
Population: 10000 Islands is home to 1,580 Nations
Delegate Endorsements: 309
The following is the Emissary Report for May, 2015.

Political Events:

The current Council of Nine (the government of 10000 Islands) is composed of:

Grub (Founder)
Aersoldorf (WA Delegate)
Randomain (Minister of Education)
The Candy Lane (Minister of Immigration)
Paffnia (Minister of Labor)
Barry (Senior Senator, Himes West)
Malecia (Senator, Blue Canaria North)
The Jensmonian Empire (Temporary Senator, Blue Canaria North)
Louisistan (Senator, Lyonesse East)
Lower Columbia (Senator, New Republica South)

Elections are currently being held for Senator of New Republica South and Senator for Blue Canaria North. Flemingisa, Takaram, and Hahiha are running for New Republica South and The Jensmonian Empire and Coreyo are running for Blue Canaria North. Good luck to all of them. Links:,,,, and

A coup d'état of Lazarus had caused us to temporarily close down embassies with them:, but after order was restored the embassy was also.

Louisistan's House Achievemnt Reform Act was passed, simplifying the task of calculating House points for the House leaders. Link:

The opening of the NationStates Stock Exchange has been announced. You can now purchase stock in XKI, Texas, Yggdrasil, Canada, and the Renegade Islands Alliance. Links:,, and

Taigawa was selected as the featured nation. Link:

The Sixth House Cup and Shield Competition for XKI recruiting is going on now. Link:


The Command of TITO stands as such:

Grub (Founder/Commander-in-Chief)
Elite (Tactical Officer)
Klopstock (Tactical Officer)
Louisistan (Tactical Officer)
Woonsocket (Tactical Officer EF)
Malecia (Executive Officer)
Markanite (Temporary Executive Officer)

Winners of the 2015 Defender Awards include Escanaba (Sir Lans Award), Klopstock (Best Defender Quote), and Wordy (Best Defender Mentor & Lifetime Achievement Award). Links:,

Woonsocket and Magthere earned their 200th Battle Stars no have been named TITO Knight Master Commanders. Links:,

The Candy Lane and Tanzoria earned their 100th Battle Stars and have been named TITO Knight Commanders. Links:,
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: the changeling horde on May 15, 2015, 07:20:48 PM
yet another iffy update.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: the changeling horde on June 16, 2015, 06:27:04 PM
Code: [Select]
[center][font size="5"][b][u]10000 Islands Monthly Report[/u][/b][/font][/center]
[center][b][font size="3"]NS Year 219, 220, and 221[/font][/b][/center]
[center][img src=""][/center]
The following report is promulgated by the [b]Council of Nine[/b] for [i]Nation States Years 219, 220, and 221[/i] (May 2015).

[center][b][font size="4"]Politics[/font][/b][/center]
[center][img src=""][/center]

[b]Current [i]Council of Nine[/i] (Government of 10000 Islands) members[/b]:

@admin        ([b]Founder and Chief Executive[/b])
[member=1106]Aersoldorf[/member]   ([b]Delegate[/b])
@randomain    (Minister of Education)
@thecandylane (Minister of Immigration)
@paffnia      (Minister of Labor)
@barrarabia   (Senior Senator, Himes West)
@louisistan   (Senator, Lyonesse East)
@coreyo       (Senator, Blue Canaria North)
@takaram      (Senator, New Republica South)

[b][i]Politics News[/i][/b]

[span]    [/span]• [i]NS 209-1, “Criteria For XKI Houses”[/i], relating to the minimum criteria for a nation having their own House, and authored by Minister @thecandylane, was passed and adopted. Link: [url href=""][/url]

[span]    [/span]• [i]NS 209-2, “Closing the 10KI Investment Corporation”[/i], was passed by the Council to close the long inactive 10KI Investment Corporation. Minister @paffnia developed and implemented the distribution plan for the corporation’s funds, pursuant to the terms of the new legislation. Links: [url href=""][/url] and [url href=""][/url]

[span]     [/span]• Elections were held for the Senate seats for New Republica South and Blue Canaria North. @takaram was elected Senator for New Republica South, receiving 39 of 62 votes; and @coreyo was elected Senator for Blue Canaria North, receiving 44 of 67 votes. Links: [url href=""][/url] and [url href=""][/url] - [b]NOTE:[/b] The voting history for all Senate and Delegate elections in 10000 Islands may be found at: [url href=""][/url]

[span]    [/span]• [member=1017]Markanite[/member] was awarded the [i]TITO Legion of Merit[/i] by Chief Executive @admin. The award is the highest non-TITO medal in 10000 Islands and was conferred upon Markanite for his two highly successful terms as Delegate and for his many years of great work and active service. Link: [url href=""] [/url]

[center][b][font size="4"]Military[/font][/b][/center]
[center][img src=""][/center]

[b]Current [i]TITO[/i] (Military Force of 10000 Islands) executives[/b]:

@admin       (Founder and Commander-in-Chief)
@malecia    (Executive Officer)
[member=1017]Markanite[/member]  (Temporary Executive Officer)
@3lit3      (Tactical Officer)
@klopstock  (Tactical Officer)
@louisistan (Tactical Officer)

[b][i]TITO News[/i][/b]

[span]    [/span]• TITO Day was celebrated on May 8 to commemorate current and fallen veterans in the service of TITO. Links: [url href=""][/url] and [url href=""][/url]

[span]    [/span]• All nations that participated in the liberation of [i]Lazarus[/i], whether TITO or non-TITO, received the [i]Lazarus Liberation Medal[/i]. Link: [url href=""][/url]

[span]    [/span]• @klopstock was awarded the [i]Silver Star[/i], and @ananke and @louisistan were each awarded the [i]Bronze Star[/i], for their outstanding service and contributions to the liberation of [i]Lazarus[/i]. Link: [url href=""][/url]

[span]    [/span]• @escanaba earned his 300th Battle Star to become a TITO Knight Legion Commander. Link: [url href=""][/url]

[span]    [/span]• @smugglersandmercs earned his 100th Battle Star to become a TITO Knight Commander. Link: [url href=""][/url]

[span]    [/span]• @harperians earned his 50th Battle Star to become the 76th Knight of TITO. Links: [url href=""][/url] and [url href=""][/url]

[span]    [/span]• @louisistan was promoted from from trainee TO to full Tactical Officer. [url]Link:[/url]

[center][b][font size="4"]Immigration[/font][/b][/center]
[center][img src=""][/center]

Another busy month in the Immigration Department which saw over 20,000 Telegrams sent out. Most notable were the achievements of @coreyo and @escanaba whose combined efforts saw over 500 new nations brought into the region. Coreyo sent out the most telegrams this month, and so for the first time in over a year Escanaba is not our Top Recruiter of the Month. A hearty 'thank you' and congratulations to both! We also thank @lowercolumbia, for sending out over 3,500 telegrams and maintaining a 3.6% success rate. And of course our thanks go to all the other recruiters - whether you spend hours or minutes recruiting, your help is appreciated.

[table][tbody][tr][td]Recruiter[/td][td]TGs Sent[/td][td]Points[/td][td]Confirmed Recruits[/td][td]Success Rate[/td][/tr][tr][td]coreyo[/td][td]10842[/td][td]27032[/td][td]403
[/td][td]3.72%[/td][/tr][tr][td]escanaba[/td][td]6517[/td][td]16321[/td][td]167[/td][td]2.56%[/td][/tr][tr][td]lowercolumbia[/td][td]3500[/td][td]8753[/td][td]125[/td][td]3.57%[/td][/tr][tr][td]thejensmonianempire[/td][td]852[/td][td]2101[/td][td]12[/td][td]1.41%[/td][/tr][tr][td]thecandylane[/td][td]795[/td][td]2027[/td][td]21[/td][td]2.64%[/td][/tr][tr][td]Flemingisa[/td][td]558[/td][td]1327[/td][td]16[/td][td]2.87%[/td][/tr][tr][td]aersoldorf[/td][td]434[/td][td]1036[/td][td]10[/td][td]2.3%[/td][/tr][tr][td]witchcraftsorcery[/td][td]330[/td][td]834[/td][td]9[/td][td]2.73%[/td][/tr][tr][td]louisistan[/td][td]213[/td][td]541[/td][td]2[/td][td]0.94%[/td][/tr][tr][td]Christophilia[/td][td]211[/td][td]509[/td][td]3[/td][td]1.42%[/td][/tr][tr][td]renisia[/td][td]184[/td][td]460[/td][td]5[/td][td]2.72%[/td][/tr][tr][td]takaram[/td][td]172[/td][td]431[/td][td]4[/td][td]2.33%[/td][/tr][tr][td]13Court[/td][td]131[/td][td]345[/td][td]3[/td][td]2.29%[/td][/tr][tr][td]Shy Guy[/td][td]125[/td][td]338[/td][td]3[/td][td]2.4%[/td][/tr][tr][td]hoodhat
Current Population: 1,890
Population Rank: 10th

Total Telegrams Sent: 24,953
Total Points: 62,298
Total Recruited Nations: 785
Average Success Rate*: 3.15%
                      ([img src=""] 0.64%, compared to April 2015)
*[font size="1"]Total Recruited Nations divided by Total Telegrams Sent[/font]

Recruitment telegrams are becoming more effective in bringing in new recruits into 10000 Islands. According to the following table and graph, percentage of nations being recruited via recruitment telegrams shows an increasing trend:
[u]Recruiting Percentage Table(Since June 2014)[/u]
[img src=""]

[u]Recruiting Percentage Graph(Since June 2014)[/u]
[img src=""]

[span]    [/span]• The Sixth House Cup & Shield competition was held, run by Senator @louisistan. Both the Cup and Shield were captured by the [i]House of [member=1095]aternox[/member][/i], while @coreyo completed the sweep for the Ater Nox clan by bringing home the Sceptre. Link: [url href=""][/url]

[right]- @thecandylane, Minister of Immigration

[center][b][font size="4"]Education[/font][/b][/center]
[center][img src=""][/center]

This month saw a huge amount of confirmed new islanders on the forum, even compared to recent months when the number has steadily been increasing, so this means our Buddies have been kept busy for the month. I’d like to thank the buddies for their hard work and efforts.

[font size="3"][b][i]XKI University[/i][/b][/font]

[b][u]Dean of XKI University[/u][/b]: @witchcraftsorcery

[u]University Class List[/u]
- French
- German
- Introduction to Rocket Science
- Spanish
- Geography
- Ancient Philosophy
- Economics
- Japanese
(8 courses offered)

[right]- @randomain, Minister of Education

[center][b][font size="4"]Labor[/font][/b][/center]
[center][img src=""][/center]
It's jobs, jobs, jobs at the Department this month. @almonaster, @renisia, and @randomain had images chosen as [url href=""][u]official XKI Rift-theme banners[/u][/url], and @lowercolumbia was picked as emissary to the Rejected Realms. Still open are a designer for @harperians' knights statue, a deputy RRC, designers for TITO Rift-theme banners, and the Poet Laureate Contest; details in the table below. For news and more info, please stop by [url href=""]  [u]my office[/u][/url]!

[center][b][u]Jobs Bulletin Board[/u][/b]

[/center]The following table lists open job positions in the 10000 Islands:
[table][tbody][tr align="center"][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"] [b]Position[/b] [/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"] [b]Description[/b] [/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"][b]Job Type
[/b][/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"][b]Eligibility
[/b][/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"][b]Pay
[/b][/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"] [b]Contact[/b] [/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"] [b]Link to Apply[/b] [/td][/tr][tr align="center"][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"] TITO Member [/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"] Joining the regional defense force
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]public
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]citizens who meet
the requirements [url href=""][u]here[/u][/url]
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]volunteer:
serving in TITO is a privilege
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]@admin, @3lit3,
@woonsocket, @klopstock
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"] [url href=""][u]here[/u][/url]
[/td][/tr][tr align="center"][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"] Regional Recruiter [/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"] Recruiting new members to the Islands
[url href=""] [/url] [/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]public
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]citizens who meet
the requirements [url href=""][u]here[/u][/url]
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]8 :-X per telegram,
25 :-X per recruit,
bonuses for reaching [url href=""][u]medals[/u][/url]
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]@thecandylane
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"] [url href=""][u]here[/u][/url]
[/td][/tr][tr align="center"][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]University Professor
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]Teaching a class at [url href=""][u]XKI University[/u][/url]
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]public
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]anyone
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]volunteer
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]@witchcraftsorcery,
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"][url href=""][u]here[/u][/url]
[/td][/tr][tr align="center"][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]TITO Knight Mentors
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]Mentoring new TITO members
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]public
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]TITO Knights
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]volunteer
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"][member=1095]aternox[/member]
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"][url href=""][u]here[/u][/url]
[/td][/tr][tr align="center"][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]Image Clean-up
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]Making the backgrounds
of forum images transparent
to fit the new forum skins
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]public
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]anyone
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]2,000 :-X per image
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]@paffnia, @admin
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"][url href=""][u]here[/u][/url]
[/td][/tr][tr align="center"][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]Designers for
Rift Banners
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]Designing Rift [url href=""][u]banners[/u][/url]
for TITO
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]public
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]anyone
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]5,000 :-X per banner selected
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]@paffnia, @admin
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"][url href=""][u]here[/u][/url]
[/td][/tr][tr align="center"][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]Deputy Regional
Reserve Chairman/
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]Crafting [url href=""][u]Mortimer Reports[/u][/url] and
otherwise assisting the RRC
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]public
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]citizens
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]volunteer
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]@admin, @ayunli,
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"][url href=""][u]here[/u][/url]
[/td][/tr][tr align="center"][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]Knights Statue Designer
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]Designing a [url href=""][u]statue[/u][/url] for our
newest knight, @harperians
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]public
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]anyone
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]3,000 :-X - 5,000 :-X
per statue
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]@admin, @paffnia
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"][url href=""][u]here[/u][/url]
[/td][/tr][tr align="center"][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]Poet Laureate
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]Write poetry for the Islands
as our official Poet Laureate
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]public
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]citizens
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]volunteer
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"]@paffnia
[/td][td style="border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;"][url href=""][u]here[/u][/url]

[right]- @paffnia, Minister of Labor

[center][b][font size="3"]Around the Islands[/font][/b][/center]
[center][img src=""][/center]

[span]    [/span]• Designs submitted by @almonaster, @randomain, and @renisia, were selected by @admin as the new, official XKI Rift-theme banners. However, one or two banners are still needed to be designed for exclusive use of TITO nations. Link: [url href=""][/url]

[span]    [/span]• A new XKI news service, [i]The Islands Gazette[/i], was created by @flemingisa. Link: [url href=""][/url]

[span]    [/span]• Entries were opened for this year’s FRAVision contest, which is being hosted by the Renegade Islands Alliance. Links: [url href=""][/url] and [url href=""][/url]

[span]    [/span]• The Jackpot of 105,000 Tacos was won by @bloodsuckeranonymous in the XKI Lottery’s [i]Big Draw Game[/i] on May 1. Link: [url href=""][/url]

[span]    [/span]• The 42nd game of Werewolf: [i]Life, the Universe and Everything[/i], was awesome. It was hilariously hosted by @ameisen and won by the Sneaks (wolves): @3lit3, @gruffydd, and [member=50]Campinia[/member]. The consensus MVP was [member=1106]Aersoldorf[/member] (sneak/wolf). Links: [url href=""][/url] and [url href=""][/url]

[span]    [/span]• The 43rd game of Werewolf: [i]The GM Sucks![/i], is being hosted by @3lit3. Link: [url href=""][/url]

[span]    [/span]• The third tournament in the five event Cross Regional Tennis Season, [i]The Varangian Open Tennis Championships[/i], was hosted by Galicia-Volhynia in Wysteria. The Men’s Championship was an all XKI Final, won by Philip Raul of [member=1095]aternox[/member] over Ken Madigan of @barrarabia, while the Women’s Finals went to Yanina Wickmayer of Jahmurai (Mordor). Link: [url href=""][/url]

[span]    [/span]• [i]The XKI Basketball Championship[/i] got underway. It is being hosted by the XKI Sports League and run by @thejensmonianempire. Link: [url href=""][/url]

[span]    [/span]• Senator @louisistan opened sign-ups for the [i]War of the Houses 2,[/i] to be conducted throughout June. Link: [url href=""][/url]

[span]    [/span]• Islanders visited [i]The Rejected Realms[/i] on May 1-3. Links: [url href=""][/url] and [url href=""][/url]

[span]    [/span]• Sign-ups were opened for the [i]Poet Laureate Contest[/i], which will be run by @paffnia. Linki: [url href=""][/url]

Written by:[img src=""]
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: the changeling horde on June 16, 2015, 06:33:32 PM
Please stand=by
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: the changeling horde on June 23, 2015, 03:44:49 AM
10000 Islands Monthly Emissary Update
Date: May 2015
Population: 10000 Islands is home to 1,899 Nations
Delegate Endorsements: 323


Current Council of Nine (Government of 10000 Islands) members:

Grub        (Founder and Chief Executive)
Aersoldorf   (Delegate)
Randomain    (Minister of Education)
The Candy Lane (Minister of Immigration)
Paffnia      (Minister of Labor)
Barry   (Senior Senator, Himes West)
Louisistan   (Senator, Lyonesse East)
Coreyo       (Senator, Blue Canaria North)
Takaram      (Senator, New Republica South)

Politics News

    • NS 209-1, “Criteria For XKI Houses”, relating to the minimum criteria for a nation having their own House, and authored by Minister thecandylane, was passed and adopted. Link: [RESTRICTED] (

    • NS 209-2, “Closing the 10KI Investment Corporation”, was passed by the Council to close the long inactive 10KI Investment Corporation. Minister Paffnia developed and implemented the distribution plan for the corporation’s funds, pursuant to the terms of the new legislation. Links: [RESTRICTED] ( and [RESTRICTED] (

     • Elections were held for the Senate seats for New Republica South and Blue Canaria North. Takaram was elected Senator for New Republica South, receiving 39 of 62 votes; and Coreyo was elected Senator for Blue Canaria North, receiving 44 of 67 votes. Links: [RESTRICTED] ( and [RESTRICTED] ( - NOTE: The voting history for all Senate and Delegate elections in 10000 Islands may be found at: (

    • Markanite was awarded the TITO Legion of Merit by Chief Executive Grub. The award is the highest non-TITO medal in 10000 Islands and was conferred upon Markanite for his two highly successful terms as Delegate and for his many years of great work and active service. Link:  (


Current TITO (Military Force of 10000 Islands) executives:

Grub       (Founder and Commander-in-Chief)
Malecia    (Executive Officer)
Markanite  (Temporary Executive Officer)
Elite      (Tactical Officer)
Klopstock  (Tactical Officer)
Louisistan (Tactical Officer)


    • TITO Day was celebrated on May 8 to commemorate current and fallen veterans in the service of TITO. Links: ( and (

    • All nations that participated in the liberation of Lazarus, whether TITO or non-TITO, received the Lazarus Liberation Medal. Link: (

    • Klopstock was awarded the Silver Star, and Ananke II and Louisistan were each awarded the Bronze Star, for their outstanding service and contributions to the liberation of Lazarus. Link: [RESTRICTED] (

    • Escanaba earned his 300th Battle Star to become a TITO Knight Legion Commander. Link: [RESTRICTED] (

    • Smugglers and Mercs earned his 100th Battle Star to become a TITO Knight Commander. Link: [RESTRICTED] (

    • Harperians earned his 50th Battle Star to become the 76th Knight of TITO. Links:[RESTRICTED] ( and [RESTRICTED] (

    • Louisistan was promoted from from trainee TO to full Tactical Officer. [RESTRICTED]Link: (


Another busy month in the Immigration Department which saw over 20,000 Telegrams sent out. Most notable were the achievements of Coreyo and Escanaba whose combined efforts saw over 500 new nations brought into the region. Coreyo sent out the most telegrams this month, and so for the first time in over a year Escanaba is not our Top Recruiter of the Month. A hearty 'thank you' and congratulations to both! We also thank Lower Columbia, for sending out over 3,500 telegrams and maintaining a 3.6% success rate. And of course our thanks go to all the other recruiters - whether you spend hours or minutes recruiting, your help is appreciated.
Population Rank: 10th

Total Telegrams Sent: 24,953
Total Points: 62,298
Total Recruited Nations: 785
Average Success Rate*: 3.15%
                      (( 0.64%, compared to April 2015)
*Total Recruited Nations divided by Total Telegrams Sent

Recruitment telegrams are becoming more effective in bringing in new recruits into 10000 Islands. According to the following table and graph, percentage of nations being recruited via recruitment telegrams shows an increasing trend:
Recruiting Percentage Table(Since June 2014)

Recruiting Percentage Graph(Since June 2014)

    • The Sixth House Cup & Shield competition was held, run by Senator Louisistan. Both the Cup and Shield were captured by the House of Ater Nox, while Coreyo completed the sweep for the Ater Nox clan by bringing home the Sceptre. Link: (

- The Candy Lane, Minister of Immigration


This month saw a huge amount of confirmed new islanders on the forum, even compared to recent months when the number has steadily been increasing, so this means our Buddies have been kept busy for the month. I’d like to thank the buddies for their hard work and efforts.

XKI University

Dean of XKI University: Witchcraft and Sorcery

University Class List
- French
- German
- Introduction to Rocket Science
- Spanish
- Geography
- Ancient Philosophy
- Economics
- Japanese
(8 courses offered)

- Randomain, Minister of Education

It's jobs, jobs, jobs at the Department this month. Almonaster, Renisia, and Randomain had images chosen as official XKI Rift-theme banners (, and Lower Columbia was picked as emissary to the Rejected Realms. Still open are a designer for Harperians' knights statue, a deputy RRC, designers for TITO Rift-theme banners, and the Poet Laureate Contest; details in the table below. For news and more info, please stop by   my office (!

Jobs Bulletin Board

The following table lists open job positions in the 10000 Islands:

(Links in the table are restricted exclusively to members of 10000 Islands.)

- Paffnia, Minister of Labor

Around the Islands

    • Designs submitted by Almonaster, Randomain, and Renisia, were selected by Grub as the new, official XKI Rift-theme banners. However, one or two banners are still needed to be designed for exclusive use of TITO nations. Link: (

    • A new XKI news service, The Islands Gazette, was created by Flemingisa. Link: (

    • Entries were opened for this year’s FRAVision contest, which is being hosted by the Renegade Islands Alliance. Links: ( and (

    • The Jackpot of 105,000 Tacos was won by bloodsuckeranonymous in the XKI Lottery’s Big Draw Game on May 1. Link: (

    • The 42nd game of Werewolf: Life, the Universe and Everything, was awesome. It was hilariously hosted by Tierre de Madre and won by the Sneaks (wolves): Elite, Sauron, and Campinia. The consensus MVP was Aersoldorf (sneak/wolf). Links: ( and (

    • The 43rd game of Werewolf: The GM Sucks!, is being hosted by Elite. Link: (

    • The third tournament in the five event Cross Regional Tennis Season, The Varangian Open Tennis Championships, was hosted by Galicia-Volhynia in Wysteria. The Men’s Championship was an all XKI Final, won by Philip Raul of Ater Nox over Ken Madigan of Barry, while the Women’s Finals went to Yanina Wickmayer of Jahmurai (Mordor). Link: (

    • The XKI Basketball Championship got underway. It is being hosted by the XKI Sports League and run by The Jensmonian Empire. Link: (

    • Senator Louisistan opened sign-ups for the War of the Houses 2, to be conducted throughout June. Link: (

    • Islanders visited The Rejected Realms on May 1-3. Links: ( and (

    • Sign-ups were opened for the Poet Laureate Contest, which will be run by Paffnia. Linki: (

Written by:(

Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: the changeling horde on June 23, 2015, 03:45:58 AM
took some time but we finally wrote a legible version of the former update.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on June 23, 2015, 04:39:00 AM
Thank you! It's appreciated. :)

I'm curious, how is 'success rate' for recruitment determined? Does your recruiter keep track of which nations each person recruited and then which ones moved into the region, or is it more like new Citizens being asked which nation sent them a recruitment telegram?

All-in-all, an impressive read. Thanks for the update. :)
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Coreyo on July 04, 2015, 04:54:15 PM
Hi! :)

New citizens are asked which nation sent the recruitment telegram.
Success rate for recruitment is determined by Confirmed Recruits divided by TGs sent.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on July 04, 2015, 05:07:03 PM how do you get confirmed recruits? I'm guessing 700 people didn't apply for Citizenship?
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Frozen on July 08, 2015, 11:45:04 AM
Secret ninja powers called: Hidden website; Magical computer script.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Michi on July 17, 2015, 03:37:17 AM how do you get confirmed recruits? I'm guessing 700 people didn't apply for Citizenship?

Applying there essentially just means joining the region with a WA nation, and posting "Hi, I joined with my nation of (insert nation name) and (insert recruiter name) recruited me!"

Then they'll give you the appropriate mask (citizen mask if you joined with a WA nation, non-citizen-ish mask if you join with a non-WA nation), and put you in the same house as your recruiter...or you choose a house if you nobody recruited you.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on July 17, 2015, 04:28:50 AM
XKI literally gets 700+ new forum accounts with people posting that information? That's around the total number of confirmed recruits from the table in their dispatch.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Michi on July 17, 2015, 06:01:03 AM
Well no, not that much per day, but they do get a good influx of those posts daily.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on July 17, 2015, 06:39:03 AM
I'm mostly curious where they got the ~700 confirmed recruits, split amongst recruiters, number for a month in the table. :P
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Frozen on July 17, 2015, 06:38:52 PM
I'm mostly curious where they got the ~700 confirmed recruits, split amongst recruiters, number for a month in the table. :P
Its based on this principle. I recruit a nation, they click to join off my TG, and i get a confirmed recruit. It has nothing to do with the forums.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on July 18, 2015, 01:59:20 AM
Is that verified by screenshots of recruiters' message template stats page?
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Frozen on July 19, 2015, 12:37:21 AM
No, there is no screenshots involved.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on July 19, 2015, 12:48:30 AM
They just accept whatever they're told? That seems odd for a government record.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Michi on July 19, 2015, 04:35:27 AM
The system they use for recruiting automatically records it, if I recall.  I could be wrong, though.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on July 19, 2015, 02:54:37 PM
Huh...that would require a database to store at least a month's worth of new nation data. We remove new nations from ours once they've been sent a message...interesting...
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Michi on July 20, 2015, 02:57:05 AM
Huh...that would require a database to store at least a month's worth of new nation data. We remove new nations from ours once they've been sent a message...interesting...

They use a completely different system than ours called Accelerator.  It keeps tallies like ours of nations that we've sent messages to, but I believe it also tallies which regions actually end up joining the region after being sent the message.

And nations that are sent messages are automatically removed like ours once they've been sent the recruitment's been ages since I've used accelerator, so I can't remember the complete details of it.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on July 20, 2015, 03:01:53 AM
My guess is that the nations remain in their database once a message is sent, so that it can keep track of if they move in or not, but there's an indicator to show they've been sent a message so they aren't shown to recruiters.

I think our system makes recruiting pretty easy, but it seems when I ask people to recruit they react as if I'm sending them to a forced labor camp. =/
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Michi on July 21, 2015, 01:33:58 AM
My guess is that the nations remain in their database once a message is sent, so that it can keep track of if they move in or not, but there's an indicator to show they've been sent a message so they aren't shown to recruiters.

I think our system makes recruiting pretty easy, but it seems when I ask people to recruit they react as if I'm sending them to a forced labor camp. =/

Well, once the Krone is introduced and flowing, we can set up a pay system for Recruiting, which will give more incentive for people to do it.  Right now, XKI pays recruiters I believe the amount that they recruited for that month.  So if you recruit, say, 50 people in a month, you'd get 50 tacos.  However, if you recruited 5000 people in a month, you'd get 5000 tacos.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on July 21, 2015, 07:52:48 PM
Their system doesn't automatically give krone as they recruit? For some reason I thought it would or something. :P
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Frozen on July 22, 2015, 05:00:49 AM
The pay scale is 8 tacos per TG sent and a set amount per amount recruited. I think it is 500 recruits is 10k tacos and 1000 recruits is 15k tacos.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Michi on July 24, 2015, 05:00:05 AM
The pay scale is 8 tacos per TG sent and a set amount per amount recruited. I think it is 500 recruits is 10k tacos and 1000 recruits is 15k tacos.

Ah, that's much more accurate, thank you.  It's been ages since I've ever recruited on there, so I forgot the specifics.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Frozen on October 08, 2015, 05:14:49 PM
10000 Islands Monthly Emissary Update
Date: August 2015
Population: 1,761
Delegate Endorsements: 311

This is the Emissary Report for August, 2015


- Grub: Founder and Chief Executive
- Aersoldorf: Delegate
- The Candy Lane: Minister of Immigration
- Randomain: Minister of Education
- Paffnia: Minister of Labor
- Lower Columbia: Senior Senator for New Republica South
- Jintopia: Senator for Lyonnesse East
- USSR / Hahiha: Senator for Blue Canaria North
- Barry: Senator for Himes West

Politics News
- Boltainia stepped down from office and Barry was chosen to fill in his position LINK (


- Grub: Founder and Commander-in-Chief
- Elite: Tactical Officer
- Klopstock: Tactical Officer
- Louisistan: Tactical Officer
- Woonsocket: Tactical Officer EF
- 13 Court Gaurd Squads: Executive Officer


- Thanks to Almonaster, Randomain, Renisia, Coreyo, and Paffnia for designing new banners for TITO LINK (


Population Rank: 10th
Total Telegrams Sent: 15530
Total Points:
Total Recruited Nations: 614
Average Success Rate*: 3.95%
(+0.61%, compared to July 2015)


- Prizes will be awarded to Escanaba, Hoodhat, and The Candy Lane for their efforts this month as part of the August Recruitment Frenzy. The top recruiter will receive 30,000 Tacos, the runner up 20,000, and the runner-up-to-the-runner-up will receive 10,000 Tacos.


University Classes Offered

- Conversational German
(1 course offered)

Education News

- Byzesion was chosen as the Deputy Dean for XKI University LINK (

- Dean Flemingisa is hosting monthly debates LINK (

- Witchcraft and Sorcery was awarded the Fleeb University Award LINK (


- The Mad Islander released their first edition of the highly fabled newspaper LINK (

- Jintopia is hiring a Deputy for Lyonesse East LINK (

- Ayunli is looking for a Deputy Regional Reserve Chair(Wo)Man LINK (

- Designers are still needed to make a statue for Klopstock LINK (

Around the Islands

- Louisistan was granted his own house by the Council of Nine LINK (

- The Prolific Posting contest was won by the House of Aersoldorf, with Aersoldorf posting a majority LINK (

- Jintopia has brought themed avatar months to XKI LINK (

- USSR / Hahiha was selected as the new Emissary to France LINK (

- A new poke feature was added to the forums LINK (

- Markanite updated the list of Ministers LINK (

- August 14th was Distinguished Service Medal day, commemorating all those who have earned it LINK (

- XKI Casino hosted a new game where patrons had to pick random items to catch the Tuna on the loose in the Casino LINK (

- Voting is open to commemorate fallen TITO Knights by choosing what mausoleum they shall rest in LINK (

Written by USSR / Hahiha
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on October 09, 2015, 02:56:43 AM
Thanks for the update! I hope that someday Wintreath can put forth the effort on recruitment that XKI's a struggle to get people to recruit, so it's impressive that you have someone that's done it...13,000 times. I've send thousands like that and I know it's tiring in its own way...
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Frozen on October 25, 2015, 04:27:06 AM
Thanks for the update! I hope that someday Wintreath can put forth the effort on recruitment that XKI's a struggle to get people to recruit, so it's impressive that you have someone that's done it...13,000 times. I've send thousands like that and I know it's tiring in its own way...
Yeah, that escanaba powers through a lot of recruitment TGs every month. 13k is impressive but i think one month he hit 18k
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on October 25, 2015, 04:42:16 AM
I've hit numbers like that before, but it's hard to do it month after month and not get burned out...especially in the spring when you get get 3-4k new nations a day.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Frozen on November 04, 2015, 03:05:09 AM
10000 Islands Monthly Emissary Update
Date: September 2015
Population: 1,783
Delegate Endorsements: 406

This is the Emissary Report for September, 2015


- Grub: Founder and Chief Executive
- Paffnia: Delegate
- The Candy Lane: Minister of Immigration
- Randomain: Minister of Education
- Cerb: Minister of Labor
- Lower Columbia: Senior Senator for New Republica South
- Jintopia: Senator for Lyonnesse East
- USSR / Hahiha: Senator for Blue Canaria North
- Aersoldorf: Senator for Himes West

Politics News
- Paffnia (32 votes) and Witchcraft & Sorcery (10 votes) both ran for the office of Delegate. Paffnia won with a 22 vote lead. (

- Paffnia stepped down from office as Minister of Labor so he could become Delegate. (

- Cerb was appointed Minister of Labor. (

- Aersoldorf (29 votes) and Dominion of Compassion (10 votes) ran for office of Himes West. Aersoldorf won with a 19 vote lead. (

- Lower Columbia ran unopposed for the office of New Republica South with 36 votes for and 1 vote against. (

- USSR/Hahiha (21 votes), Ketab (11 votes), and Boltainia (5 votes) all ran for the office of Blue Canaria North. USSR/Hahiha won with a 10 vote lead. (

- NS224-1, “House of Louisistan”, passed 7 for, 1 abstention, and 1 against. Allows Louisistan to start his own house. (

- NS225-1, “Elections Clarity Act”, passed 8 for and 1 abstention. Clears up rules regarding when nations take office after their election. (


- Grub: Founder and Commander-in-Chief
- Klopstock: Field Commander
- Elite: Tactical Officer
- Hame: Tactical Officer
- Woonsocket: Tactical Officer EF
- 13 Court Gaurd Squads: Executive Officer
- Louisistan: Executive Officer


- Klopstock was named Field Commander replacing Improving Wordiness who was the last Field Commander.

- Louisistan stepped down from being a Tactical Officer and was renamed Executive Officer alongside 13 Court Gaurd Squads.

- Kanta Hame was appointed as a new Tactical Officer.

- Before taking Delegacy of 10000 Islands, Paffnia earned his 250th Battle Star and was named TITO Knight Marshall Commander.

- Hogwarts was liberated and refounded in a joint operation of 10000 Island Treaty Organization and Lazarene Liberation Army, taking Hogwarts away from the paws LWU. (

- 10000 Islands Treaty Organization launched a counter-offensive on LWU, taking LWU’s region for a few minutes, a decisive battle in the LWU-TITO war. (


Population Rank: 10th
Total Telegrams Sent: 14999
Total Points: 37414
Total Recruited Nations: 499
Average Success Rate*: 2.58%
(-1.37%, compared to August 2015)

- Witchcraft and Sorcery was appointed Deputy Minister of Immigration.


University Classes Offered

- Conversational German
(1 course offered)

Education News

- Boltainia’s mock trial has started. (


- The Depart of Labor is in a transitional phase as Cerb takes the reign from Paffnia.

Around the Islands

- Werewolf 45: Super Mario + Duck Hunt was won by the by the Koopalings (wolves) and Duck #3. (

- Boltainia started a new game where users choose how the game plays out. (

Written by USSR / Hahiha
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Frozen on November 04, 2015, 03:07:46 AM
The October update will arrive by Nov 16th fingers crossed. I want to apologize on behalf of XKI, our senator in charge of updates is a little lost. Hopefully next update will be more detailed.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on November 04, 2015, 05:57:50 AM
Thanks for the September update! There's no reason to apologize for October's being late...I don't think many regions are all that timely with their foreign updates. :P
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Frozen on November 16, 2015, 10:15:12 PM
10000 Islands Monthly Emissary Update
Date: October 2015
Population: 2,016
Delegate Endorsements: 549

This is the Emissary Report for October, 2015


- Grub: Founder and Chief Executive
- Paffnia: Delegate
- Randomain: Minister of Education
- The Candy Lane: Minister of Immigration
- Witchcraft and Sorcery: Deputy Minister of Immigration
- Cerberion: Minister of Labor
- Dominion of Compassion: Deputy Minister of Labor
- Lower Columbia: Senior Senator for New Republica South
- Jintopia: Senator for Lyonnesse East
- USSR / Hahiha: Senator for Blue Canaria North
- Aersoldorf: Senator for Himes West

Politics News
- NS227-1, “Exchanging Embassies with The North Pacific”, passed 9 for, 0 abstentions, and 0 against. LINK (

- NS227-2, “Closure of 7 inactive embassies”, passed 9 for, 0 abstentions, and 0 against. LINK (

- NS227-3, “Exchanging Embassies with Taijitu”, passed 7 for, 0 abstentions, 0 against, and 2 for delegate’s prerogative. LINK (

- Dominion of Compassion was hired as the Deputy Minister of Labor. LINK (


- Grub: Founder and Commander-in-Chief
- Klopstock: Field Commander
- Elite: Tactical Officer
- Kanta Hame: Tactical Officer
- Woonsocket: Tactical Officer EF
- Louisistan: Executive Officer
- Barry: Executive Officer


- Barry was appointed as Executive Officer, replacing 13 Court Gaurd Squads.

- Louisistan and Hoodhat were all Knighted, becoming the 79th and 80th TITO Knights, respectively.

- Klopstock was awarded the New Boniventure Eagle for spotting 10 separate invasion.

- Boltor reached his 400th mission and was awarded the TITO Knight Fleet Commander medal, Echolilia reached his 300th mission and was awarded the TITO Knight Legion Commander medal, and finally Elite reached his 150th mission and was awarded the TITO Knight Battalion Commander medal.


Population Rank: 10th
Total Telegrams Sent: 19,133
Total Points: 47,782
Total Recruited Nations: 607
Average Success Rate*: 2.52
(-0.06%, compared to September 2015)


- Escanaba took over Woonsocket as the person with the most total recruits and most confirmed recruits.


University Classes Offered

- Conversational German
(1 course offered)

Education News

- Byzesion was named Dean of the University. LINK (


- Ayunli was replaced as Regional Reserve Chair(wo)man by Woonsocket and Aersoldorf as his Deputy. In honor of her service, she was awarded the Order of the Islands medal. LINK (

Around the Islands

- 10000 Islands visited Texas over the weekend of October 16th – 18th. LINK (

- The House of Improving Wordiness made a comeback with the return of Wordy and won the House Cup and Shield, meanwhile The House of Aersoldorf won the House Scepter. LINK (

- Ledarnia was chosen as the Rookie of the Quarter for the last quarter in 2015. LINK (

- 10000 Islands survived the zombie apocalypse, ranked 16th for the most survivors with 1.08 trillion survivors. LINK (
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on November 17, 2015, 08:44:15 PM
Thanks for the update, Frozen. :)

See how XKI recruited to almost 20,000 nations last month? We need to be on that level too. :P
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Frozen on January 22, 2016, 08:24:31 PM
10000 Islands Monthly Emissary Update
Date: January 2016
Population: 1,876
Delegate Endorsements: 631

This is the Emissary Report for January 2016:


- Grub: Founder and Chief Executive
- Paffnia: Delegate
- The Candy Lane: Minister of Immigration
- Markanite: Minister of Education
- Cerb: Minister of Labor
- Jintopia: Senior Senator for Lyonnesse East
- Witchcraft and Sorcery: Senator for Himes West
- Control: Senator for Blue Canaria North
- Dominion of Compassion: Senator for New Republica South

Politics News
- Lower Columbia and USSR/Hahiha declined to run for reelection. Thank you for your service as Senators!

- Control (37 votes) ran unopposed for the office of Blue Canaria North and won 37-1. (

- Dominion of Compassion (26 votes) and Flemingisa (11 votes) ran for office of New Republica South. Dominion of Compassion won with a 15 vote lead. (

- With the election of Senators Dominion of Compassion and Control, the Mayor Shelter Political Party had a majority of five votes on the Council of Nine for roughly 20 hours until Randomain stepped down as Minister of Education. Thank you for your service!

- NS229-1, "Homesteading," passed 9 for and 0 against. Helps new nations participate in the economy as soon as they join, instead of waiting for stocks to mature.

- NS230-1 "Mandatory Delegate Voting Rules," failed 1 for and 8 against. Would have formalized the forum poll to decide Delegate WA votes.

* A priest went into a Taco Island barbershop, got his hair cut and asked how much he owed. "No charge, Father," the barber said. "I consider it a service to the Lord." when the barber arrived at his shop the next morning, he found a dozen small prayer booklets on the stoop along with a thank you note from the priest. A few days later a police officer came in. "How much do I owe you?" the cop asked after his haircut. "No charge, officer," the barber answered. "I consider it a service to my community." The next morning the barber found a dozen doughnuts on the stoop along with a thank you note from the police officer. A few days after that, a Senator walked in for a haircut. "How much do I owe you?" he asked afterward. "No charge," the barber replied. "I consider it a service to my region." The next morning when he arrived at the shop, the barber found a dozen Senators waiting on the stoop. *


- Grub: Founder and Commander-in-Chief
- Klopstock: Field Commander
- Elite: Tactical Officer
- Hame: Tactical Officer
- Woonsocket: Tactical Officer EF
- Barry: Executive Officer
- Louisistan: Executive Officer

- 13 Court Gaurd Squads stepped down from being an Executive Officer. Thanks for your service, 13CGS!

- Barry was appointed as a new Executive Officer.

- Barry earned his 100th Battle Star and was named TITO Knight Commander.

- Klopstock reached 20 invasions spotted and received the Second New Boniventure Eagle Award. Control and 13 Court Gaurd Squads earned their 100th Battle Star and were named TITO Knight Commanders.

- Kanaia earned his 200th Battle Star and was named TITO Knight Master Commander.

- A number of TITO members received medals during TITO Medal Day 2015. Escanaba earned a well-deserved Meritorious Service Medal for exemplary conduct and leadership as a member of TITO. Elite, Klopstock, Louisistan, Dominion of Compassion, and Lower Columbia received the Quick Reaction Force pin for consistently attending updates. All current TITO members were awarded the TITO Steadfast Badge for displaying TITO's core qualities of Loyalty, Honesty, Friendship and Steadfast Commitment.

* The sergeant-major growled at the young soldier, "I didn't see you at camouflage training this morning." "Thank you very much, sir." *


Population Rank: 11th
Total Telegrams Sent: 12687
Total Points: 31642
Total Recruited Nations: 404
Average Success Rate: 3.71%

[img style="max-width:100%;" src=""]


- Markanite was appointed the new Minister of Education after Randomain's resignation. (

University Classes Offered
- Conversational German
(1 course offered)

* A linguistics professor said, "A double negative forms a positive.
In some languages, though, such as Russian, a double negative is still a negative. However, there is no language wherein a double positive can form a negative."
A voice from the back of the room piped up, "Yeah, right." *

Around the Islands

- The Unofficial Spam Page, running since April of 2011, has passed 6,200 pages. (

- Lansreda has started an experimental Pixel Risk game, which functions like Risk on a map of a country divided into dots. (

Compiled by Control
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on January 23, 2016, 01:27:40 AM
Thanks for the update, cutie! :D
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: coromandall on May 31, 2016, 04:26:35 AM
10000 Islands Monthly Emissary Update
Date: June 2016
Population: 1,986
Delegate Endorsements: 610

This is the Emissary Report for June 2016:


-Chief Executive: Grub
-Delegate: Louisistan
-Foreign Affairs Secretary: Elite
-Minister of Immigration: The Candy Lane
-Minister of Education: Markanite
-Minister of Labor: Cerb
-Senator for New Republica South: Dominion of Compassion
-Deputy Senator for New Republica South: Odrin
-Senator for Himes West: Barry
-Senator for Lyonnesse East: Ardreas
-Senator for Blue Canaria North: Isles de Taylor


Commander-in-Chief: Grub
Field Commander: Klopstock
Tactical Officers: Kanta Hame, Witchcraft and Sorcery
Tactical Officer EF: Woonsocket
Executive Officer: Barry

-Woonsocket was awarded his 300th battle star, congrats Woonsocket!
-Ananke II was awarded his 250th battle star, congrats Ananke II!
-Control has stepped down from the Tactical officer post, thank you for your services Control.
*‘What were you in civilian life, soldier?’ ‘Happy, sir.’*


Population Rank: 11th
Total Telegrams Sent: 134999
Total Points: 62581
Total Recruited Nations: 963
Average Success Rate: 3.66%


Byzesion has now stepped down as Deans of the University , he has also been awarded the Fleeb University Award for his contribution and services to the University. Thank you for your service to the University!

University Classes Offered
- University Board Game club was started
(1 course offered)
*Teacher: You copied from Fred's exam paper didn't you ?
Pupil: How did you know ?
Teacher: Fred's paper says "I don't know" and you have put "Me, neither"!

Around the Islands

- The Unofficial Spam Page, running since April of 2011, has reached 6,283 pages. (

Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on May 31, 2016, 05:59:47 AM
Thank you for the update :)
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: coromandall on July 11, 2016, 08:07:21 AM
The World Assembly Delegate for 10000 Islands[/align]
A Statement on “Liberate California”:

This past weekend, notorious invader General Knot has presented a draft to the Security Council, in which he claims that the Ten thousand Islands Treaty Organisation (TITO) is in the process of passwording the region of California without native consultation. This is blatantly untrue. The long-time natives of California have been involved in all discussions regarding the fate of California. General Knot has yet to present the Council with evidence to the contrary. Of the three native nations he lists, two have sadly CTE and are thus unable to testify as to their involvement, while the third one left California during the last occupation, quite probably in frustration about the continued attacks on their homeland.

Outside the actual draft, but inside the drafting thread, Knot goes on to accuse TITO and the Yggdrasil Defence Service (YDS) of trying to refound California in order to keep it as a trophy. This completely ignores historic facts. Whenever TITO was involved in a refound operation of an active region, the region has been returned to native control. Notable examples include Australia, and Deutschland. TITO has never kept any trophy regions, except when orchestrating hostile refounds of invader regions. California is not an invader region and as such there is no danger of it ending up as a TITO trophy. Organisations that do keep trophy regions include raiders such as the Black Hawks and the now not only defunct but also forbidden organisation of DEN. Knot still prides himself on the rank he held in the latter, despite the site staff’s large-scale intervention against DEN for multiple and repeated rule-breaking behaviour, citing a “culture of rule-breaking [that] has become institutionalised” in DEN (Sedgistan).

It is patently obvious that Knot does not have the best interests of California natives at heart. After all, he had absolutely no objections when DEN occupied the region, passworded it and reduced the regional population to the single-digit numbers. He also showed no respect for the long-term natives he’s claiming to represent when he was involved in the invasion of California by “The Invaders” last week. This is simply a cheap attempt at tarnishing the reputation of TITO and YDS, while providing no evidence to back up his claims. He is purely interested in keeping California open for future invasions.

We will not let this cheap attempt at slander keep us from supporting native communities in securing their regions.

WA Delegate, 10000 Islands
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: coromandall on July 11, 2016, 08:10:03 AM

Link to this dispatch:
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on July 11, 2016, 08:48:22 PM
I wouldn't worry about this...Knot/Ivo is a blatant raider propagandist, to the point that he had to be told not to do it in non-gameplay areas like technical by administration. Besides regions that would have political or ideological reasons for doing so, I can't imagine regions would actually agree with the interpretation of the resolution.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on July 14, 2016, 05:03:24 AM
@Reon, please vote against on this.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: coromandall on July 14, 2016, 01:31:32 PM
Thanks a lot.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Reon on July 14, 2016, 01:53:09 PM
@Reon, please vote against on this.
Will do, boss!
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: coromandall on September 01, 2016, 10:07:20 AM
[div style="text-align:center;"][img alt=" " style="max-width:100%;" src=""][/div]
10000 Islands Emissary Update
Date: August 2016
Population: 2,088
Delegate Endorsements: 599

The following is the Emissary Report for August 2016.

Regional Events
The current Council of Nine (government of 10000 Islands) is composed of:

-   Grub (Founder/Chief Executive)
-   Louisistan (WA Delegate)
-   Markanite (Minister of Education)
-   HumanSanity (Minister of Immigration)
-   The Candy Lane (Minister of Labor)
-   Dominion of Compassion (Senior Senator for New Republica South)
-   Isles de Taylor (Senator for Blue Canaria North)
-   Coromandall (Senator for Lyonesse East)
-   Lower Columbia (Senator for Himes West)

Political News
-   Coromandall won the election to be Lyonesse East Senator, taking over from Ardreas. Thanks for your service, Ardreas and Congratulations to Coromandall!
-   Barry won the re-election to be Himes West Senator, but CTEd shortly tehreafter. Lower Columbia, his opponent in the election was appointed to the Senate seat in his stead.
-   HumanSanity has been named Minister of Immigration taking over from The Candy Lane who has moved to become Minister of Labor, taking over from Cerb who is stepping down. Thanks for your service, Cerb and Congratulations to HumanSanity and The Candy Lane!
-   NS241-1 Election Reform Bill passed 5-1.
-   NS242-1 Transferral of the Featured Nation Program to the Department of Education passed unanimously.
-   NS242-2 The Regional Genealogist Act passed unanimously.
-   NS 242-3 Establish a House Steward of the House of Improving Wordiness passed unanimously establishing Escanaba as House Steward of the House of Improving Wordiness.
-   NS242-4 Clarification of the Duties of the Seat of Blue Canaria North passed unanimously.
-   NS242-5 Amendment to the House Cup and Shield Rules passed unanimously.
-   NS242-6 Establish the House of Hahiha passed unanimously, establishing the House of Hahiha.

TITO Command currently consists of:
-   Grub (Founder/Commander-in-Chief)
-   Klopstock (Field Commander)
-   Kanta Hame (Tactical Officer)
-   Witchcraft & Sorcery (Tactical Officer)
-   Woonsocket (Tactical Officer EF)
-   Barry (Executive Officer)

-   Tanzoria earned his 150th Battle Star and was named TITO Knight Battalion Commander.
-   Lower Columbia earned his 100th Battle Star and was named TITO Knight Commander.

Around the Islands
-   Sign-ups have begun for Werewolf 50, hosted by Aersoldorf.
-   Sign-ups have also begun for The Taco Island Indigo League, hosted by Isles de Taylor.
-   The Ingoldia Games, hosted by Isles de Taylor, Kortexia, Dominion of Compassion and Barry will begin on 15th August and sign-ups are still open.
-   The XKI Ice Hockey sign-ups have begun.

Written by Isles de Taylor.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on September 03, 2016, 12:58:00 AM
Thank you for the update. :)
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Emoticonius on September 03, 2016, 12:59:58 AM
Tell Grub The Church of Satan said "Hey buuuuuuuddy." xD
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: coromandall on September 17, 2016, 09:40:04 AM
[div style="text-align:center;"][img alt=" " style="max-width:100%;" src=""][/div]
10000 Islands Emissary Update
Date: September 2016
Population: 1,690
Delegate Endorsements: 531

The following is the Emissary Report for September 2016

Note from the Delegate:
As I will be leaving office shortly (the election is currently ongoing with Boltor and Aersoldorf running for my succession), I want to extend a farewell to our friends abroad. It has been a pleasure working with you and I am glad to know that 10000 Islands has such good friends by its side.
I hope to see the relations between our regions growing stronger over the years to come.
- Louisistan

Regional Events
The current Council of Nine (government of 10000 Islands) is composed of:
-Grub (Founder/Chief Executive)
-Louisistan (WA Delegate)
-Markanite (Minister of Education)
-HumanSanity (Minister of Immigration)
-The Candy Lane (Minister of Labor)
-Dominion of Compassion (Senior Senator for New Republica South)
-Isles de Taylor (Senator for Blue Canaria North)
-Coromandall (Senator for Lyonesse East)
-Lower Columbia (Senator for Himes West)

What did the grape say when it was stepped on? A: Nothing, it just let out a little wine.

Political News
-It’s election time in XKI and the seats for Blue Canaria North and New Republica South are up for grabs! It’s the first election where the NS241-1 Election Reform Bill is in effect.
-The Delegate seat is also up for grabs this time round! The delegate election happens every six months and Louisistan, the present delegate, is ineligible for another term.

Why can’t a bicycle stand on it’s own? A: It’s two-tired.

TITO Command currently consists of:
-Grub (Founder/Commander-in-Chief)
-Klopstock (Field Commander)
-Witchcraft & Sorcery (Tactical Officer)
-Kanta Hame (Tactical Officer)
-Woonsocket (Tactical Officer EF)
-Barry (Executive Officer)

I was up all night wondering where the sun went, then it dawned on me.

Around the Islands
The Ingoldia Games with other nations form Renegade Islands Alliance, Deutschland, Canada and International Northwestern Union, hosted by Isles de Taylor, Kortexia and Dominion of Compassion, has begun.
Werewolves 50: Pandora’s Boxes, hosted by Aersoldorf, is still ongoing.
Hahiha/USSR won the 100,000 Taco Jackpot on the XKI Lottery on August 26! The very next week on September 2nd, Mayor of Taco Island Aersoldorf won 50,000 Tacos! Congrats, both!

Written by Isles de Taylor.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on September 17, 2016, 05:41:26 PM
Thank you for the update! :)
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: coromandall on October 31, 2016, 02:52:02 AM
10000 Islands Emissary Update
Date: October 2016
Population: 2,354
Delegate Endorsements: 456

The following is the Emissary Report for October 2016.

Regional Events
The current Council of Nine (government of 10000 Islands) is composed of:

- Grub (Founder/Chief Executive)
- Boltor (WA Delegate)
- Markanite (Minister of Education)
- HumanSanity (Minister of Immigration)
- The Candy Lane (Minister of Labor)
- Dominion of Compassion (Senior Senator for New Republica South)
- Ananke II (Senator for Blue Canaria North)
- Coromandall (Senator for Lyonesse East)
- Lower Columbia (Senator for Himes West)

- The month saw a big jump in our regional population, going from 1700 to 2300, partly due to the recent influx of new players from Imgur and Reddit, but mostly thanks to our prolific recruiters Escanaba and Boltor. With nearly 700 confirmed recruits this month Escanaba is leading the pack. Not to be outdone though, Boltor managed to reach more than 300 confirmed recruits this month. Thanks for your hard work!
- Coromandall helped out as well and earned the Immigration Achievement award upon reaching 30 recruits.
- Also thanks to the rest our recruiters this month; Louisistan, Kortexia, Isles de Taylor, Charbasauria, The Candy Lane, Aersoldorf and Hahiha.
- The House Cup and Shield competition also happened this month. Congrats to the members of the House of Wordy for winning the House Cup, the House of Boltor for winning the House Shield, and to Boltor individually on winning the House Sceptre.
- Ingame this month saw Surprise taking the top spot as 1st in the world for Most Pro-Market, while Dustwind, Blogotopia, Tzo, FreeGunsForAll and Coreras all got into the top 10 of the world for Most Influential. In 10ki we’re all for spreading the (influence) love around.
Fraton reached 6th in the world for Largest Gambling Industry. Can’t say it comes as a surprise for the rest of us, since his casinos have been fleecing us for months.
Not content to be 4rd in the world for most influential, Blogotopia also managed to reach 9th in the World for Largest Black Market. Makes you wonder if there’s a connection... Figuring that you can always use more top 10 placements, Blogotopia then became 1st in the world for Most Rebellious Youth.
Continuing his streak of making everyone else jealous of his amazing nation, Tzo reached 3rd in the world for Most Compassionate Citizens, 5th in the world for Most Cheerful Citizens and 2nd in the world for Nicest Citizens.

Political News
- Boltor was elected delegate, succeeding Louisistan, who’s had an eventful period as delegate and is now looking forward to a peaceful time as XO of TITO.
- Ananke became the new senator for Blue Canaria North, while Dominion of Compassion won another term as senator for New Republica South.
- Minister of Immigration HumanSanity is still looking for a deputy ( For someone interested in the political side of NS it’s a great opportunity to get involved with the inner workings of 10ki.
- Delegate Boltor is also currently looking for emissaries to the regions Philosophy 115 and ITALIA, both longtime friends of 10ki.

TITO Command currently consists of:
- Grub (Founder/Commander-in-Chief)
- Klopstock (Field Commander)
- Kanta Hame (Tactical Officer)
- Witchcraft & Sorcery (Tactical Officer)
- Woonsocket (Tactical Officer EF)
- Louisistan (Executive Officer)

- After stepping down as delegate of 10ki Louisistan is back as Executive Officer of TITO, ready to shake the dust off and get active on the battlefield once again.
- Unfortunately our old XO Barry recently CTE’d. Here’s to hoping that he’ll be back at some point.
- TITO Field Commander Klopstock reached a significant milestones this month. Klopstock passed his 200th mission, earning the time Knight Master Commander.
- Tactical Officer Kanta Hame and TITO Knight Hahiha both reached 150 battlestars this month, thereby earning the title of Knight Battalion Commander for their time spent defending vulnerable regions.
- Tactical Officer Elite went one further though and reached 250 missions this month, becoming the newest Knight Marshall Commander.
-TITO Knight Magthere joined the small group of those who have reached 300 battlestars this month, earning the title of TITO Knight Legion Commander.

Around the Islands
- The 10ki Poet Laureate Contest ( was held this past month and once again won by Major Aersoldorf. The voters of 10ki are clearly loth to change a winning formula. Thanks to Klopstock and The Candy Lane for giving Aersoldorf a fight. Better luck next time, guys!
- Grub's 10 Million Taco Fund ( recovered from being in a loss in September to now having a return greater than 1 million tacos, with the fund ending on the 1st of November.
- The featured nations in 10ki this month were Pazakistan
- WW:50: Pandora’s Boxes, hosted by Aersoldorf, ended with the werewolves winning. Signups for WW:51: Curse of the Pirate Treasure have started and will be hosted by none other than Louis I. Stan, Esquire.
- In Taco Islands new delegate Boltor is currently trying to shoot a Boltywood movie ( So far the actors seem a bit inept though.
- Meanhile the SS Ator Boltox ( fanfiction about the stormy relationship between delegate Boltor and tactical officer Ater Nox has reached 14 pages and shows no sign of slowing down. Finding itself with a taste for soap opera the 10ki public is waiting with baited breath to find out whether Boltor will make up with Ater Nox or spend his time admiring shovels.
- At the 10ki University it’s now possible to sign up for a class on the history of weapons (
- Like previous years a certain segment of the 10ki population plans on going full zombie at halloween. Being rule abiding citizens, in between all the brain eating, they plan on gathering in the region 10000 Zombies and have already started planning ( their rampage through NS. We wish them well and stand ready with cure missiles and all manner of weaponry at the gates of 10ki.

Written by Ananke and HumanSanity
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on November 01, 2016, 04:01:29 AM
Thank you for the update. :)
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: coromandall on November 17, 2016, 09:52:04 AM

10000 Islands Emissary Update
Date: November 2016
Population: 2,002
Delegate Endorsements: 454

The following is the Emissary Report for November 2016.

Regional Events
The current Council of Nine (government of 10000 Islands) is composed of

- Grub (Founder/Chief Executive)
- Boltor (WA Delegate)
- Markanite (Minister of Education)
- HumanSanity (Minister of Immigration)
- The Candy Lane (Minister of Labor)
- Dominion of Compassion (Senior Senator for New Republica South)
- Ananke II (Senator for Blue Canaria North)
- Coromandall (Senator for Lyonesse East)
- Lower Columbia (Senator for Himes West)

- There’s currently a discussion going on about whether 10ki should have a Judiciary (
- Ingame this month The Colonial Fleet and Earth Federation reached 73rd and 89th in the world for Highest Average Incomes. Maybe finding that statistic a bit boring, The Colonial Fleet also took 73rd place for Highest Unexpected Death Rate.
Most Armed went to Earth Federation with 49 in the world, while Fraton is 53 and The Colonial Fleet once again went for a top 100 place with 54. Berzerkastan also managed to sneak into the top 100 by reaching number 99.
This month was clearly The Colonial Fleet’s, who also ended up 50th Most Avoided. Maybe it had something to do with the unexpected death rate...
When it comes to taxing the population few people do it better than Tzo, who got a very fine 2nd place for Highest Average Tax Rates. Even though there’s a lot of armed people in 10ki, we fortunately also do well in some nice categories. Archiotopia, Tzo, Seranis, Cyrenean and Lamborghini Murcielago all did well with Healthiest Citizens.

Political News
- Elections for the senate seats of Himes West and Lyonnesse East have begun.
- The Senate Report ( for october and november has been posted.
- The Ministry of Immigration has been busy greeting new nations in 10ki, and welcomes Sorya and Jintopia to the buddy program. Thanks for helping out, guys!

TITO Command currently consists of:
- Grub (Founder/Commander-in-Chief)
- Klopstock (Field Commander)
- Kanta Hame (Tactical Officer)
- Witchcraft & Sorcery (Tactical Officer)
- Woonsocket (Tactical Officer EF)
- Louisistan (Executive Officer)

- 104 Banbury Road, Hakketomat and Kortexia all became TITO Knights this month, with 50 battlestars each.
- Elite showed his dedication to defending by reaching his 250th TITO mission and earning the title of TITO Knight Marshall Commander.
- Not to be outdone, Magthere also reached his 300th mission this month, becoming TITO Knight Legion Commander.
- As only the fifth ever nation, Escanaba became TITO Knight Fleet Commander by passing the 400 mission mark.

Around the Islands
- Taco Island seem to recently have gotten a vampire problem (, with the resident spammers doing their best to deal with the issue in their usual roundabout way.
- The Taco Island citizens have found their own solution to Trump winning the US election and are now trying to make Klopstock president ( Whether that’s a kindness or not is still to be decided...
- It comes as no surprise to most of 10ki’s population that Boltor’s government is already being rocked by a scandal (
- The featured nations in 10ki this month were Velzyna, Sevencolours and Souix Warriors.
- The Zombie Apocalypse went more or less as expected in 10ki. We survived, but with heavy casualties. It wasn’t for lack of trying though. Everyone did their bit to help out and had a lot of fun on the RMB.

Written by Ananke
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on November 19, 2016, 06:38:10 AM
Thank you for the update from 10000 Islands :D
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Alkasia on March 26, 2017, 11:54:25 PM
10000 Islands Emissary Update
Date: March 2017
Population: 1,365
Delegate Endorsements: 337

The following is the Emissary Report for March 2017.

Regional Events
The current Council of Nine (government of 10000 Islands) is composed of

- Grub (Founder/Chief Executive)
- Boltor (WA Delegate)
- Markanite (Minister of Education)
- HumanSanity (Minister of Immigration)
- Paffnia (Minister of Labor)
- Alkasia (Senator for New Republica South)
- Hakketomat (Senator for Blue Canaria North)
- Hahiha / USSR (Senator for Lyonesse East)
- Lower Columbia (Senior Senator for Himes West)

Political News
- Markanite has been appointed as 10000 Islands' first Chief of Staff.
- Paffnia has been appointed as the new Minister of Labor.
- The Escanaba Generation was established to honor Escanaba for his tireless recruitment efforts.
- Ater Nox has been appointed as the new Mayor of Taco Island.

TITO Command currently consists of:
- Grub (Founder/Commander-in-Chief)
- Klopstock (Field Commander)
- Kanta Hame (Tactical Officer)
- Woonsocket (Tactical Officer EF)
- Louisistan (Executive Officer)

- Ater Nox has been promoted to TITO Knight Armada Commander
- The Security Council resolution "Repeal 'Liberate Eternal Scholars'", authored by XO Louisistan, was passed by the World Assembly.
- Witchcraft and Sorcery stepped down from his position as Tactical Officer. TITO Command thanks him for his service and wishes him well in his future endeavors.

Around the Islands
- This month's featured nations were The United Socialist States of Imathria and The United States of Jobsteria.
- Tuga Nation's Dragon was the top recruiter this month with over 4000 Telegrams sent with 80 successful recruits. He has been awarded the Echolilia full throtle award and for reaching 175 recruits; the Himes Silver Sun.
- Escanaba was the runner up with more than 2000 Telegrams sent and with 80 successful recruits. He is also the first to earn the new Ruby Staff for recruiting 11000 nations.
- The question still remains whether Ater Nox will ever share the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise ( and whether anyone will learn from it.
- Neutrality United has reached out to those who do not care to win ( even if they post to win. It looks more like a test to see the inner desires of the Islanders as they continue to post in order to assert their win.
- It seems that Sorya has started a hunt for the potatoes which turns out to be just about anyone on the Islands ( Other Islanders have demanded that he substantiates his claims but it has not lead to anything but accusations flying hither and thither.

Written by Hakketomat
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on March 28, 2017, 02:46:15 AM
Thanks for the update! Sounds like things are going as well as ever in XKI. :)
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Markanite on April 07, 2017, 09:58:34 AM
Thanks for the update! Sounds like things are going as well as ever in XKI. :)

Hope things are well with you too!

(Thought I'd pop in and say hello)
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on April 07, 2017, 02:00:05 PM
Hope things are well with you too!

(Thought I'd pop in and say hello)
How sweet and thoughtful! Thank you! :D

Things aren't bad overall...sorry we haven't gotten a dispatch to you in ages. I think some people would rather have root canals than write articles about the region. :P
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Gattoartico on April 07, 2017, 02:02:08 PM
Hope things are well with you too!

(Thought I'd pop in and say hello)
How sweet and thoughtful! Thank you! :D

Things aren't bad overall...sorry we haven't gotten a dispatch to you in ages. I think some people would rather have root canals than write articles about the region. :P

You think so lowly of us Winty! I'd be fine with writing articles about us!
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on April 07, 2017, 02:04:27 PM
You think so lowly of us Winty! I'd be fine with writing articles about us!
In fairness, I've tried not once (, but twice ( You can't blame me for being a little pissy about it at this point. :P
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Gattoartico on April 08, 2017, 12:32:23 AM
You think so lowly of us Winty! I'd be fine with writing articles about us!
In fairness, I've tried not once (, but twice ( You can't blame me for being a little pissy about it at this point. :P

tru..... But if you need I can write you one when need be, write a part on our Minecraft status and civ stuff.(speaking of civ I'm available to host one at any point this weekend and virtually all of next week.)
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on April 08, 2017, 01:14:36 AM
Sounds good! And I'd be good for a game this weekend. :)
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Markanite on April 09, 2017, 11:40:20 AM
Hope things are well with you too!

(Thought I'd pop in and say hello)
How sweet and thoughtful! Thank you! :D

Things aren't bad overall...sorry we haven't gotten a dispatch to you in ages. I think some people would rather have root canals than write articles about the region. :P

Don't worry about it, I know you are all very busy!

I'd definitely prefer to write the article than have a root canal though!
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on April 09, 2017, 04:32:51 PM
Don't worry about it, I know you are all very busy!

I'd definitely prefer to write the article than have a root canal though!
I'm sure that's why they made you the delegate...willing to do the tough work. :P

Actually I recall you were delegate over there has your latest experience in the role been so far?
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Alkasia on April 13, 2017, 11:03:58 PM
10000 Islands Emissary Update
Date: March 2017
Population: 1,330
Delegate Endorsements: 320

The following is the Emissary Report for March 2017.

Regional Events
March was a month of elections and this resulted in some changes in the Council of Nine.
The current Council of Nine (government of 10000 Islands) is composed of

- Grub (Founder/Chief Executive)
- Markanite (WA Delegate)
- TBD (Minister of Education)
- HumanSanity (Minister of Immigration)
- Paffnia (Minister of Labor)
- Alkasia (Senator for New Republica South)
- Hakketomat (Senior Senator for Blue Canaria North)
- Tanzoria (Senator for Lyonesse East)
- United Royal Islands (Senator for Himes West)

Political News
- During the last election we saw some changes our regional senators, United Royal Islands and Tanzoria have been elected as senators for Himes West and Lyonesse East respectively. Hakketomat replaced Lower Columbia as the Senior Senator.

- Markanite has replaced Boltor as Delegate of 10000 Islands. This will be Markanite's third term in the office.

- Thank you for Boltor, Hahiha and Lower Columbia for your service to the region!

TITO Command currently consists of:
- Grub (Founder/Commander-in-Chief)
- Klopstock (Field Commander)
- Kanta Hame (Tactical Officer)
- Kortexia (Tactical Officer)
- Lower Columbia (Tactical Officer)
- Woonsocket (Tactical Officer EF)
- Louisistan (Executive Officer)

- Kortexia and Lower Columbia have been named Tactical Officers!
- Witchcraft and Sorcery has stood down as a Tactical Officer.
- Kanta Hame earned his 10th Coast Watching Eagle and was awarded the New Boniventure Eagle Medal!
- Klopstock has reached over 250 missions and has been named TITO Knight Marshall Commander!
- Lower Columbia has reached 150 missions and has been named TITO Knight Battalion Commander!
- Dominion of Compassion has been named TITO Knight Commander after 100 successful missions.
- Woonsocket has reached 350 battlestars and is named TITO Knight Armada Commander!
- Kanta Hame has been named TITO Knight Master Commander after 200 successful missions!

Around the Islands
- The Regional Reserve issued an unexpected riddle with the latest report and tacos!
"If April showers bring May flowers, what do Mayflowers bring?"
The author is still unsure about the answer.
- Farun has been named the new Cartographer General!
- Ater Nox has been named as the new Awards Czar.
- Alkasia and Flag Flayers are taking up their role as the 10000 Islands Pollsters.
- Paffnia has been named as the inaugural 10000 Islands Regional Genealogist.
- Jobsteria and Australian Hannon were this month's featured nations due to their great work since arriving in the region.
- Tikistan has been named Rookie of the Quarter because of their unwavering dedication to the Islands since their arrival here in late December.
- Palman is hosting a brand new Werewolf game! If you would like to be involved please check:

Breaking News
The 10000 Islands Swan Ban is now in effect and is being rigorously enforced by the new Mayor of Taco Island Ater Nox.

Written by Markanite and Hakketomat
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on April 15, 2017, 02:58:49 AM
Thanks for the update! I'm curious about the awards czar...what does an awards czar do?
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Alkasia on April 21, 2017, 07:41:16 PM
Thanks for the update! I'm curious about the awards czar...what does an awards czar do?

The Awards Czar gives out awards to nations who have accomplished certain things in the region.  :)

The full list of awards can be seen here: (
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Alkasia on May 14, 2017, 03:55:28 PM
10000 Islands Emissary Update
Date: April 2017
Population: 1,219
Delegate Endorsements: 371

The following is the Emissary Report for April 2017.

Regional Events
The current Council of Nine (government of 10000 Islands) is composed of

- Grub (Founder/Chief Executive)
- Markanite (WA Delegate)
- Sorya (Minister of Education)
- Vacant (Minister of Immigration)
- Paffnia (Minister of Labor)
- Alkasia (Senator for New Republica South)
- Hakketomat (Senior Senator for Blue Canaria North)
- Tanzoria (Senator for Lyonesse East)
- United Royal Islands (Senator for Himes West)

Political News
- Sorya has been appointed to the position of Minister of Education after Markanite became Delegate.

TITO Command currently consists of:
- Grub (Founder/Commander-in-Chief)
- Klopstock (Field Commander)
- Lower Columbia (Tactical Officer)
- Kortexia (Tactical Officer)
- Kanta Hame (Tactical Officer)
- Woonsocket (Tactical Officer EF)
- Louisistan (Executive Officer)

- Klopstock has been promoted to TITO Knight Marshall Commander
- Lower Columbia has been promoted to TITO Knight Battalion Commander
- Kanta Hame has been promoted to TITO Knight Master Commander
- Witchcraft and Sorcery stepped down from his position as Tactical Officer. TITO Command thanks him for his service and wishes him well in his future endeavors.

Around the Islands
- Tuga Nation's Dragon was was awarded the Rookie Of the Quarter award (
- This month's featured nation was Optimus Gentum (
- Ater Nox has been appointed Deputy Dean of XKI University (
- WereWolves 52, hosted by Palman, was won by the villagers.
- In the Casino, Ater Nox and Alkasia, are on a weak long losing streak. Who knows when their gambling addiction will either pay off or send them to a rehab.
- The new mayor, Ater Nox, remains adamant in prohibiting swans ( and alcohol ( although some of the Islanders are rebelling.
- Taco Island is also seeing the return of the Changeling Horde. The Queen has been quick to assert her dominance and time will tell what this may mean for the rest of the Island.


A brand new kool thread has appeared in Taco Island, it is for Kool Kids only! If you are a Kool Kid then hop, strut, bounce etc over!

kool thread 4 kool kids (

Written by Hakketomat and United Royal Islands
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on May 15, 2017, 04:55:16 AM
Thank you for the update! :)
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Alkasia on June 20, 2017, 03:46:37 PM
10000 Islands Emissary Update
Date: June 2017
Population: 1,328
Delegate Endorsements: 368

The following is the Emissary Report for May 2017.

Regional Events
The current Council of Nine (government of 10000 Islands) is composed of

- Grub (Founder/Chief Executive)
- Markanite (WA Delegate)
- Sorya (Minister of Education)
- Tuga Nation's Dragon (Minister of Immigration)
- Paffnia (Minister of Labor)
- Alkasia (Senator for New Republica South)
- Hakketomat (Senior Senator for Blue Canaria North)
- Tanzoria (Senator for Lyonesse East)
- United Royal Islands (Senator for Himes West)

Political News
- Alkasia won his re-election for the New Republica South seat against Hahiha / USSR while Hakketomat ran unopposed for the Blue Canaria North seat
- Tuga Nation's Dragon has been appointed to the position of Minister of Immigration.

TITO Command currently consists of:
- Grub (Founder/Commander-in-Chief)
- Klopstock (Field Commander)
- Lower Columbia (Tactical Officer)
- Kortexia (Tactical Officer)
- Kanta Hame (Tactical Officer)
- Woonsocket (Tactical Officer EF)
- Louisistan (Executive Officer)

- On TITO Day (May 8th), veterans that had CTE during the past year were commemorated
- The Steadfast Badge was awarded to United Royal Islands , Tuga Nation's Dragon , Farun , Alkasia , and GolgariSwarm
- The TITO Quick Reaction Force Combat Pin was awarded to Sorya and Alkasia

Around the Islands
- Escanaba , HumanSanity , Alkasia , Lysandrion , Dominion of Compassion , and Smugglers and Mercs won the May, I Recruit Competition hosted by Tuga Nation's Dragon.
- You may call it grave-digging, but citizens of XKI have been feeling nostalgic recently. That or coffee discussions never cease to amaze (
- While feelings of nostalgia took a hold of the citizens, some felt that it was time to revive the Spam Foundation ( As if the Islands need a foundation for spam!
- Meanwhile, our Minister of Education seems to be losing his vocabulary. (


The Islanders are all signing up for Art classes taught by none other than Taco Island's most esteemed artist Kanta Hame

Kanta Hame Art Academy (

Written by Hakketomat
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on June 20, 2017, 05:06:03 PM
Thanks for the update! lol, I have to admit, I don't get why people enjoy spamming so much. :P
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Alkasia on July 18, 2017, 09:33:50 PM

10000 Islands Emissary Update
Date: June 2017
Population: 1,295
Delegate Endorsements: 277

The following is the Emissary Report for June 2017.

Regional Events
The current Council of Nine (government of 10000 Islands) is composed of

- Grub (Founder/Chief Executive)
- Markanite (WA Delegate)
- Sorya (Minister of Education)
- Tuga Nation's Dragon (Minister of Immigration)
- Paffnia (Minister of Labor)
- Alkasia (Senator for New Republica South)
- Hakketomat (Senior Senator for Blue Canaria North)
- Tanzoria (Senator for Lyonesse East)
- United Royal Islands (Senator for Himes West)

Political News
- Ten Thousand Islands thanks our allies for providing assistance during our time of need

TITO Command currently consists of:
- Grub (Founder/Commander-in-Chief)
- Klopstock (Field Commander)
- Kortexia (Tactical Officer)
- Kanta Hame (Tactical Officer)
- Woonsocket (Tactical Officer EF)
- Louisistan (Executive Officer)

- Lower Columbia has stepped down as Tactical Officer

Around the Islands
- Ten Thousand Islands enjoyed a visit from the region of Canada.
- This months featured nations was Finswedeway.
- Mursilis was named the Poet Laureate (
- Some may see it as an abuse of power, but Ater Nox, as the Mayor of Taco Island, has banned right shoes (

Poem by the Poet Laureate
Ode to the Righteously Victorious

In the darkness one hears a roar,
next the region is midst of war.
But TITO is quite swift,
drinks and tacos uplift,
so Black Hawks & Co. are a bore.

Written by Hakketomat
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on July 19, 2017, 02:46:52 AM
Looks like you need to update your account to enable 3rd party least that's what you're banner says. :P

Thanks for the update though!
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Alkasia on August 01, 2017, 03:26:11 PM
10000 Islands Emissary Update
Date: July 2017
Population: 1,267
Delegate Endorsements: 328

The following is a Special Notification from 10000 Islands.

XKI Founder, Grub, to retire after 14 years at helm. Woonsocket named successor.

A Message from Grub:
After 14 plus years in the 10000 Islands, I feel that the time has come for me to step down as Founder of the 10000 Islands & let someone else lead this great region. I made this decision about a while back, but wanted to let it sit in to make sure that I am comfortable with actually stepping away. I have loved being your Founder, but I have not been able to put the time into NationStates lately & the region deserves better. The great thing is that the 10000 Islands is not just successful from the contributions of one, but from all of you.

So, as is my duty according to Article 2.2 of the XKI Constitution, I am naming @woonsocket  to be the next Founder of the 10000 Islands. Over the next few weeks I will help Woonsocket make the transition to Founder & he will eventually take over the Grub account. I am confident that the 10000 Islands will be in great hands with Woonsocket & I hope to see the 10000 Islands maintain its place as a great region in NationStates.

Once the transition is over & the reigns have been fully handed over to Woonsocket, I will effectively be retiring from NationStates. I will still probably pop my head in time to time to check & see how things are going over here. Before I go, I also wanted to say thank you to all of the great friends & nations that have been part of the Islands over the last 14 years.

In looking back, we were once a sleepy little region with 20+ nations when one night we were attacked without reason by a region called the Empire of Power. Back then, an attack like that would completely destroy a region. The night of the attack I went all over NationStates asking for assistance. Lots of regions ignored our requests, but a few stood up & fought along side us in one of the epic battles in NationStates history. Regions like Texas, the Urbanites, the Heartland, The Rejected Realms Army, and several others came to our defense that night. We remain in their debt for the help they gave us that night.

Since that time, the 10000 Islands has tried to help other regions in the same way that those others came to help us more than 14 years ago.
The 10000 Islands/TITO has helped to defend over a thousand different regions with over 2,700 successful missions & with Woonsocket in charge, that will continue.

It has been my great honor & pleasure to serve as your Founder. I wish the 10000 Islands much success & I am confident that the best is yet to come for this great region!

Long live the 10000 Islands! Long live TITO! Long live Woonsocket!


The Co9, and TITO Command assure all our allies and friends across nation-states that the handover is going smoothly. We remain steadfastly committed to maintaining, building, and defending these alliances, and forging new ones wherever possible. We welcome you all to join us as we celebrate and honor Grub for his hard work and commitment, and welcome in Woonsocket as our new executive founder.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on August 02, 2017, 01:52:01 AM
Thank you for the update!

I'm sorry to hear that Grub is stepping must have been a tough decision to step down as founder of one of the largest and most successful user-created regions in NationStates. XKI has stood the test of time, and I'm sure it was hard to step down from something that's been a part of his life for so long and expect it to continue to go on without him in the thick of it. Letting go is never easy for anyone, and I imagine it's less so after 14 years. But I'm sure it will, and I wish both XKI and Grub the best in the future. :)
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Alkasia on August 02, 2017, 08:24:48 PM
Thank you for the update!

I'm sorry to hear that Grub is stepping must have been a tough decision to step down as founder of one of the largest and most successful user-created regions in NationStates. XKI has stood the test of time, and I'm sure it was hard to step down from something that's been a part of his life for so long and expect it to continue to go on without him in the thick of it. Letting go is never easy for anyone, and I imagine it's less so after 14 years. But I'm sure it will, and I wish both XKI and Grub the best in the future. :)

We've got good faith in Woonsocket as Founder. He'll do well leading us.  :D
It's also a good thing that power transfers of all sorts in the region have remained peaceful and friendly throughout the years.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on August 07, 2017, 03:38:03 AM
I'm sure he will as well. :)

It seems to me that something our communities have in common is a desire for peace and friendliness. It's surprising how many NS communities don't have that at all, and seemingly don't want it.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Michi on August 07, 2017, 03:56:27 AM
Woonsocket is an excellent man.  He's the one I recall recruiting me to 10KI when I first joined.

I'm glad Grub is retiring, though.  He's been at it since the beginning, he deserves a nice long break.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Alkasia on August 27, 2017, 07:44:43 PM
10000 Islands Emissary Update
Date: July 2017
Population: 1,233
Delegate Endorsements: 331

The following is the Emissary Report for July 2017.

Regional Events
The current Council of Nine (government of 10000 Islands) is composed of

- Grub (Founder/Chief Executive)
- Markanite (WA Delegate)
- Sorya (Minister of Education)
- Tuga Nation's Dragon (Minister of Immigration)
- Paffnia (Minister of Labor)
- Alkasia (Senator for New Republica South)
- Hakketomat (Senior Senator for Blue Canaria North)
- United Royal Islands (Senator for Lyonesse East)
- HumanSanity (Senator for Himes West)

Political News
- Grub announces his retirement as Founder of 10000 Islands. Woonsocket has been named as his successor. 10000 Islands invites all friends to a farewell-party in honor of Grub
- During the election, United Royal Islands ran for and won Lyonnesse East instead of continuing with Himes West which was won by HumanSanity

TITO Command currently consists of:
- Grub (Founder/Commander-in-Chief)
- Klopstock (Field Commander)
- Kortexia (Tactical Officer)
- Kanta Hame (Tactical Officer)
- Louisistan (Tactical Officer EF)
- Hakketomat (Executive Officer)

- Louisistan has taken the position as TITO EF TO while Hakketomat  took over as TITO XO
- Escanaba was promoted to TITO Knight Empire Commander
- Smugglers and Mercs and Hahiha / USSR were promoted to TITO Knight Master Commander
- Kortexia was promoted to TITO Knight Commander

Around the Islands
- Finswedeway was last month's Featured Nation
- Kortexia became the newest member of the Buddy program
- Kanta Hame won the Ananke II Award at this year's Defender Awards
- The Mayor of Taco Island himself has announced that the Council of Nine is investigating him for various crimes including some fictious ones ( members of the Co9 have been quick to debunk this claim as it is known to everyone that Ater Nox loves any kind of publicity.
- Finally, the Hakketomat Wing of the Mayor's Mansion has been opened. Hakketomat welcomes everyone to grab a drink and enjoy the eternal night. (

Poem from our Poet Laureate Mursilis

Palms of Victory

Why do the palm trees bend under the sun?
Are they beaten from the day's run?

While the gales relentlessly howl,
the tenacious beings modestly bow.

Yes, they do not attack and shun,
but instead through acceptance have won.

- Mursilis

Written by Hakketomat
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on August 28, 2017, 04:17:05 PM
Mmm...gotta be careful with those fictitious crimes. Those are the worst.

Thanks for the update! :)
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Alkasia on September 22, 2017, 07:43:40 PM
10000 Islands Emissary Update
Date: August 2017
Population: 1,159
Delegate Endorsements: 353

The following is the Emissary Report for August 2017.

Regional Events
The current Council of Nine (government of 10000 Islands) is composed of

- Woonsocket (Founder/Chief Executive)
- Markanite (WA Delegate)
- Sorya (Minister of Education)
- Tuga Nation's Dragon (Minister of Immigration)
- Paffnia (Minister of Labor)
- Alkasia (Senator for New Republica South)
- Hakketomat (Senior Senator for Blue Canaria North)
- United Royal Islands (Senator for Lyonesse East)
- HumanSanity (Senator for Himes West)

TITO Command currently consists of:
- Woonsocket (Founder/Commander-in-Chief)
- Klopstock (Field Commander)
- Kortexia (Tactical Officer)
- Kanta Hame (Tactical Officer)
- Louisistan (Tactical Officer EF)
- Hakketomat (Executive Officer)

- Duckyian Empire , Alkasia , and Sorya were Knighted
- Aersoldorf was promoted to TITO Knight Battalion Commander

Around the Islands
- The Community of Goldenfyre was this month's Featured Nation
- Sorya became our new pollster
- 10000 Islands has opened its official Discord Server
- The 55th game of WereWolves, Murder on the Ater Nox Express, was won by the werewolves (Mafiosos) (

Written by Hakketomat
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on September 24, 2017, 06:00:39 PM
Thanks for the update! :)
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Alkasia on October 28, 2017, 05:04:24 PM
10000 Islands Emissary Update
Date: September 2017
Population: 1,240
Delegate Endorsements: 262

The following is the Emissary Report for September 2017.

Regional Events
The current Council of Nine (government of 10000 Islands) is composed of

- Woonsocket (Chief Executive)
- Dominion of Compassion (WA Delegate)
- Sorya (Minister of Education)
- Tuga Nation's Dragon (Minister of Immigration)
- Paffnia (Minister of Labor)
- Alkasia (Senior Senator for New Republica South)
- Hakketomat (Senator for Blue Canaria North)
- United Royal Islands (Senator for Lyonesse East)
- Siuts (Senator for Himes West)

Political News
- Woonsocket has officially taken over for Grub as Chief Executive of 10000 Islands
- Alkasia replaced Hakketomat as Senior Senator although both still won their elections
- Siuts was elected as Senator for Himes West after Human Sanity stepped down
- Dominion of Compassion was elected Delegate

TITO Command currently consists of:
- Woonsocket (Founder/Commander-in-Chief)
- Kortexia (Tactical Officer)
- Kanta Hame (Tactical Officer)
- Lenlyvit (Tactical Officer)
- Louisistan (Tactical Officer EF)
- Hakketomat (Executive Officer)

- Klopstock has stepped down as Field Commander
- Lenlyvit has taken on the position as Tacitcal Officer
- Kanta Hame was promoted to TITO Knight Marshall Commander
- NeoYundar and Hakketomat were both promoted to TITO Knight Commander

Around the Islands
- The 56th round of WereWolf was won by the village as well as the Serial Killer
- Ater Nox has become so deluded to think that Hakketomat is involved in some form of conspiracy with the Norwegian government to take over Taco Island (
- Demands by the Middle Class to cut taxes ( are obviously not taken seriously by the Taco Island government as it ponders on whether to cut through the Middle Class with a knife.

Poem by the Poet Laureate
Flowers bloom and die
Navigating the seasons
Each time budding dreams


Report written by Hakketomat
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Alkasia on December 20, 2017, 11:53:48 PM
10000 Islands Emissary Update
Date: November 2017
Population: 1,310
Delegate Endorsements: 298

The following is the Emissary Report for November 2017.

Regional Events
The Council of Nine (government of 10000 Islands) at report's date of publication is composed of

- Woonsocket (Chief Executive)
- Dominion of Compassion (WA Delegate)
- Markanite (Minister of Education)
- Tuga Nation's Dragon (Minister of Immigration)
- Paffnia (Minister of Labor)
- Alkasia (Senior Senator for New Republica South)
- Hakketomat (Senator for Blue Canaria North)
- United Royal Islands (Senator for Lyonesse East)
- Siuts (Senator for Himes West)

Political News
- Markanite took over the position as Minister of Education after Sorya stepped down.
- United Royal Islands and Siuts have been reelected as Senator for Lyonesse East and Senator for Himes West respectively.

TITO Command at report's date of publication consists of:
- Woonsocket (Founder/Commander-in-Chief)
- Kortexia (Tactical Officer)
- Kanta Hame (Tactical Officer)
- Lenlyvit (Tactical Officer)
- Louisistan (Tactical Officer EF)
- Hakketomat (Executive Officer)

- Magthere was promoted to TITO Knight Armada Commander

Around the Islands
- The featured nations of November were Jagow and Sarramte.
- Islanders have become frustrated in Ted's inability to answer the door (http://
- Ironically, words cannot describe what has been going on during the Bachelor Party before the wedding of Woonsocket and Wordy. ( But then again... it wasn't meant for Wordy to know about.

Poem by the Poet Laureate

Morning sun over the Islands glows
All are sleeping, none have rose
Partied all night
Twas a glorious sight
Now dreaming of tacos we doze


Report written by Hakketomat
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Alkasia on March 02, 2018, 02:53:21 PM
10000 Islands Emissary Update

Date: February 2018
Population: 1,359 (+189)
Delegate Endorsements: 282 (-4)

The following is the Emissary Report for February 2018.

As of this report's publication, the government of 10000 Islands consists of:
 ~ Chief Executive: Woonsocket
 ~ WA Delegate: Dominion of Compassion
 ~ Senior Senator of Lyonesse East: United Royal Islands
 ~ Senator of Himes West: Siuts
 ~ Senator of Blue Canaria North: Kozmix
 ~ Senator of New Republica South: Ater Nox
 ~ Minister of Immigration: Tuga Nation's Dragon
 ~ Minister of Labor: Paffnia
 ~ Minister of Education: Markanite

Political News
- The Minister of Immigration created a new recruitment competition named ELIXIR Championship after Heart of Islands Awarded recruiter Escanaba. It will be held all of next month.
- New rules for the 10000 Islands Regional Message Board (RMB) were enacted this month. These rules replaced the older regulations about RMB Etiquette. Find them here (
- The decision to establish embassies with the region The LCRUA ( was confirmed by the Council this month.
- Lethoica was appointed the Deputy Minister of Immigration and Flemingisa was appointed the Deputy Senator of Lyonnesse East.
- As an effort towards reducing corruption, the Council passed the Tacos in Elections Act, recognizing bribery on the political party's front and attempting to curb it.

TITO Command
As of the publication of this report, TITO command consists of:
~ Commander-in-Chief: Woonsocket
~ Tactical Officer: Kortexia
~ Tactical Officer: Kanta Hame
~ Tactical Officer: Sorya
~ EF Tactical Officer: Smugglers and Mercs
~ Executive Officer: Hakketomat

Military News
- Smugglers and Mercs was appointed the new TITO EF Tactical Officer.
- Kanta Häme and Elite were promoted to become TITO Knight Legion Commanders.
- Republic of Tikistan was knighted after completion of 50 successful missions. Congratulations to all!

Around the Islands
- There is a Model United Nations Class being held in the University, which is held by the Islanders Lethoica and Kozmix.
- A New Wage Act was passed and almost all jobs across the Islands have now been given a fixed wage, handled by the Department of Labor
- The Poet Laureate Competition was held, and Kozmix was elected the new Poet Laureate.
- USSR/Hahiha stepped down as Dean of XKI University. We thank them ( for their hard work.
- Markanite steps down from the position of emissary to Deutschland, Greater Dienstad and Belgium. Thank you for your service.
- Dannesberg ( and Mingulay Isle ( were selected as the featured nations!

- Taco Island:
~ Tanzoria surrendered his battle for the President for.... Minions? Find out here (
~ The best spammer and ardent minion hater Boltor received his own parade
~ The Regional Reserve has released the most revolting sanctions ( and laws.... all for minions of course
~ A new detective agency, the Taco Island Five-O ( has been established, crime fighters by day... and by night!

February's Special Feature: Poet Laureate
In 2011, 10000 Islands' Council of Nine created a legislation that would become a part of their culture, promoting one of the most under rated of art forms, poetry. The establishment of a Regional Poet Laureate was a suggestion that the Council took seriously, creating a competition called the Poet Laureate; and the rest they say is history. Held in the months of February, June and October, the Poet Laureate is a position, representative of our artists of words, and of this representation of meaning.

XKI has had a rich history of poets, with the longest crowned Poet Laureate, Aersoldorf recognized by many as the "One True Poet", other Islanders have risen to take the position in the recent competitions, diversifying the cultural pool of poets. I had the pleasure of participating (and winning, surprisingly) this prestigious competition, so was more than happy to talk to a few of the newer winners of this competition, namely Sorya and Kortexia.

"So, in your opinion, what does the Poet Laureate represent? As in, do you think of it as a fun job or an embodiment of culture? Or is it something more?" I asked them, as I was also to know what position I'd be taking up. Kortexia firmly believes that it is a culmination of the two. "UHHHHHHHHH.... Both? I guess? Although I feel it is more so an embodiment of the poetic side of 10KI culture", he says, while also alluding to the culturally rich side of XKI. Intrigued, I wanted to know more. I asked about the competitive nature of this... competition. Sorya was of the opinion that diversity is the key aspect of the competition. "It’s easy for everyone to join in and the types of poetry chosen change each time so we have a variety of winners," he says, which was quite true. The theme for this quarter's competition was Terza Rima, which is an older format with a fixed rhyme scheme and number of syllables, while other competitions have featured other formats and techniques. Sorya's belief is that the ideal competition is one where there is maximum participation, to see what all people come up with!

Aersoldorf also spoke of his love for the islands and his goal as the Poet Laureate. "For me, poetry is a means to express myself here, and I have used my pen to try to honor the people who have meant the world to me during my time here and to try and entertain the masses," he says. Aersoldorf has taken this position more seriously than any other Islander, to the point where he believes that creativity is as important as the rules of the competition. The poetry fraternity here has been pioneered by him, and we know of his love for the art, and how much it means to him.

Lastly, I asked what poetry meant to them, while suggesting that it was an expression of beauty, art and aesthetics, all at once where the rhymes please the ears and the words touch the heart. Aersoldorf, the true patriot, says, "I view it as a means to express myself in the most creative manner possible. I try to express my love for this region and its inhabitants in the most creative way that I can imagine." Kortexia summed it up beautifully, "Poetry to me is a way to express emotions that otherwise are difficult to express with normal words, or to invoke those feelings in others."
And that concluded our brief talk. The report ends with this beautiful poem:

Poem for the month:

Quite a bit shorter than his peers,
February was often teased for his stature,
Yet he took it with no complaint,
Because love was deep in his nature.

What does February even have, you ask,
January starts out the year,
March takes off the Winter's snowy mask,
Even Oktober has fests and beer!

February felt sad and lonely,
And St. Valentine felt sorry for him,
So he gave February a gift lovely,
Which made him quite happy and prim!

Wait, that's not why we celebrate Valentine's?

Important Links:
Office of the Poet Laureate (
10000 Poets Society (

Written by Kozmix
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on March 02, 2018, 06:41:38 PM
Thanks for the update! :)
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Alkasia on April 02, 2018, 06:04:27 PM

10000 Islands Emissary Update

Date: March 2018
Population: 1,274 (+104)
Delegate Endorsements: 223 (-63)

The following is the Emissary Report for March 2018.

As of this report's publication, the government of 10000 Islands consists of:
 ~ Chief Executive: Woonsocket
 ~ WA Delegate: Alkasia
 ~ Senior Senator of Lyonesse East: Flemingisa
 ~ Senator of Himes West: Siuts
 ~ Senator of Blue Canaria North: Kozmix
 ~ Senator of New Republica South: Ater Nox
 ~ Minister of Immigration: Tuga Nation's Dragon
 ~ Minister of Labor: Paffnia
 ~ Minister of Education: United Royal Islands

Political News
Many major changes this month:
- This month, Markanite stepped down from the position of the Minister of Education. We thank them heartily for their amazing, dependable service as a Minister and Council Member. United Royal Islands have taken their place. Many many congratulations!
- Markanite also stepped don from the position from Registrar General, which Paffnia will be taking up now.
- Congratulations to Alkasia on their election as the 32nd Delegate of 10000 Islands. We look forward to six months of an amazing leadership.
- Also, many congrats to Flemingisa on being elected as the Senator of Lyonesse East and to Siuts for their re-election as Senator of Himes West, and promotion to Senior Senator.
- Jabberwocky was chosen as the Deputy Senator of Himes West.

TITO Command
As of the publication of this report, TITO command consists of:
~ Commander-in-Chief: Woonsocket
~ Tactical Officer: Kortexia
~ Tactical Officer: Kanta Hame
~ Tactical Officer: Sorya
~ EF Tactical Officer: Smugglers and Mercs
~ Executive Officer: Hakketomat

Military News
- Hahiha/USSR was promoted to Knight Marshall Commander after achieving their 250th Battle Star.
- A whopping four knighthoods were given this month. Congratulations to the new Knight's Flemingisa, Siuts, Kozmix and Aschente for completing 50 successful missions!

Around the Islands
- Flemingisa was named Dean of XKI University. Congratulations!
- The House competitions were held for Winter 2018. House Wordy won the House Cup, House Flemingisa the Shield and Kozmix for House Markanite the House Scepter.
- The Hahiha/USSR Nation Creation Contest, held by Taco Islands Charities, was won by Kozmix's Public Pumpkins and Pizza (
- The ELIXIR Competition was won by recruiter Mingulay Isle, with the Peninsular coming in second and Kozmix coming in third.
- A major discussion about transparency and the debate of Council matters in open is currently open to consideration. Find the discussion here (
- On the request of many, our forum theme is also being reconsidered, discussion of which can be found here (
- Dragon Blade ( was selected as the featured nation for this month. Congratulations!
- LimpBizkit and Kozmix were chosen as pollsters for the region.

- Taco Island:
~ Tuga Nation's Dragon is holding to incredibly exciting games in Taco Islands. Codenames 4[url=http://and the new installment of Werewolves, [url=]WW59- A Star Wars Story] and the new installment of Werewolves, [url=]WW59- A Star Wars Story ( are ongoing games now. They both have their Casino betting booths opened up as well, here ( and here ( respectively.
~ After the Sigh (, is it time for the Thigh (
~ Islander Jabberwocky has taken the initiative to create a regional parody newspaper known as The Mad Surfer. The newspaper beholds some very interesting takes on the region's affairs. Check out the pilot version [a href=""]here[/a].
~ The ripoff of the month was just an early April fools present from our beloved mayor. Click here for free tacos (

March's Special Feature: The Buddy System
What is a friend? Some say that it is a person who is there fore you even in the worst of times. Others say that it is the person that helps you see the world in a new light. While contemporary philosophy might have many understandings of this term, it was none other than 10000 Island's Ministry of Education who defined a simpler word, buddy. The Buddy System has been a part of the region since forever, records dating back all the way to 2008. This month, XKI Special Feature covers the Buddy System from the perspective of longtime Buddy, recently retired Minister of Education and three time Delegate Markanite. In the interview with Markanite, excerpts of which are given below, we discovered the work done by buddies, the some experiences, and overall ho it has impacted the Islands. Markanite has been one of the best buddies 10000 Islands has had, where he attempted to transcend the boundaries of his duties, and be something more, a friend.

Kozmix: So, first, what is the story behind the Buddy System? Who formulated and what was it's main goal to being with?
Markanite: To be honest I am not sure who invited the buddy system, it has been in place ever since I arrived here and I'm sure it was around long before that. I believe it's main goal was to help educate and guide new nations around the islands. The program is the first and probably the best way to help make a friend here in the Islands. Having someone to ask for help and get to know massively helps nation retention which is vital to the Islands. Previously you had to request a buddy but soon into my term as Minister of Education I made it that you were automatically assigned a buddy to help nation retention.

Kozmix: Has the Buddy System worked? Has it evolved a lot under you?
Markanite: Mostly it continued as it was when I took over. The biggest change I implemented was automatically assigning new nations a buddy. This was to help with nation retention and ensure that new nations were actively reached out to by our friendly and active buddies. Our buddy team has been amazing throughout the years and I would have been lost without them.

Kozmix: Do you mind sharing some experiences that you had with your buddy and the nations that you have been a buddy to?
Markanite: The vast majority of my experiences as a buddy have been positive. Two that stand out in my mind are as follows:

Back when I first started out as a buddy I had a really rude person assigned to me, he started off being generally rude then threatened to ruin my life in one message. Thankfully he was gone soon after!

Another was when I first was elected Delegate. I was assigned to a nation and then they replied to my first message with 'No habla Ingles' so I translated my message to spanish and they then replied 'Look dude, I didn't mean for you to send thst again in Spanish. I just really don't want to talk to you'.

I got the hint from that one.

Kozmix: Not always roses and raindrops, eh? Quite sad. So, any positive interactions, so positive that it made you a better buddy?
Markanite: The majority of my interactions were positive, I think I especially learned a lot in my first few months as a buddy. I made a lot of good friends and kept in touch with my own recruiter and buddy Lettgalia.

I learned to message my buddies regularly and keep the conversation going, that's how to keep them interested in all the amazing things we have here in XKI! I also got to see what messages worked and didn't.

Having a lot of active buddies also meant easy votes in my early elections! I remember messaging all my old buddies each election scavenging for votes!

Kozmix: Haha, great policy for getting votes. So, last question, the buddy system has been a key feature of the warm and welcoming nature of the Islands. Is there anything you'd want to see become better with this system?
Markanite: I think it works well as it is. I'm hoping that with the great work of the welcome committee and the buddy system we will have some more amazing Islanders wash up on our shores and join the wonderful community we have here.

Kozmix: That is a great thought Mark. We do hope for a larger and ever-happy populace. Thank you!

A message from the Delegate:
Hi everyone! I just wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Alkasia and I am the newly elected Delegate of 10000 Islands. Through my work as an emissary, I've seen the benefits firsthand of interacting between regions and the friendships that grow because of it. I just wanted to leave a short message in this report saying that I am dedicated to the friendships XKI has with other regions and I look forward to growing them in my term. If anyone has any questions, feel free to TG me and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you for your past and present friendship and for the many years of it to come.

-Alkasia, Delegate of 10000 Islands
Written by Kozmix
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Alkasia on May 18, 2018, 02:52:35 PM

10000 Islands Emissary Update

Date: April 2018
Population: 1,320 (+56)
Delegate Endorsements: 368 (+145)

The following is the Emissary Report for April 2018.

As of this report's publication, the government of 10000 Islands consists of:
 ~ Chief Executive: Woonsocket
 ~ WA Delegate: Alkasia
 ~ Senator of Lyonesse East: Flemingisa
 ~ Senior Senator of Himes West: Siuts
 ~ Senator of Blue Canaria North: Kozmix
 ~ Senator of New Republica South: Ater Nox
 ~ Minister of Immigration: Tuga Nation's Dragon
 ~ Minister of Labor: Paffnia
 ~ Minister of Education: United Royal Islands

Political News
- Finswedeway was chosen as the Deputy Senator of Lyonesse East this month. Congratulations!
- Embassy Requests from the New Mappers Union and Londinium were not accepted.

TITO Command
As of the publication of this report, TITO command consists of:
~ Commander-in-Chief: Woonsocket
~ Tactical Officer: Kortexia
~ Tactical Officer: Kanta Hame
~ Tactical Officer: Sorya
~ Tactical Officer: Aersoldorf
~ EF Tactical Officer: Smugglers and Mercs
~ Executive Officer: Hakketomat

Military News
- Aersoldorf was made a new Tactical Officer. A salute to you, sir!
- Two old friends of different eras have come back to XKI and TITO. Tsim Sha Tsui and Lenlyvit, welcome back to you both.

Around the Islands
- Lethoica, Jabberwocky and Kozmix were appointed as the emissaries to the regions, Philippines, LCRUA and Renegade Islands Alliance respectively.
- Long time Texas ambassador Free Guns for All (Gunny) resigned this month, and Foreign Affairs Secretary, The Peninsular, has been given the honor. Thank you for your work, Gunny!
- Markanite, 3 time WA Delegate and long time Minister of Education was awarded the prestigious Heart of Island Award for their numerous contributions.
- Jabberwocky was awarded the first Rookie of Quarter of this year for his contributions. Congratulations!
- An XKI Mincraft Server is being developed by Islanders Flemingisa and Aschente

- Taco Island:
~ WW60: Quantum Werewolves ( is now live and popular! The betting thread for the same is open here (
- 5 AM has been declared illegal ( in Taco Island!?
- Taco Island has purchased Karl's Burger (
- Taco Island on the dark side of the force!? Find out here (

April's Special Feature: XKI University

XKI University is an embodiment of culture, studies and debate. It's lively halls have, since the recent renovations, been buzzing with activity. The new Dean, Flemingisa, has been at the helm of quite a few changes himself, bringing in the brand new XKI University Discord! With this and some new classes and other major plans, we decided to get an inside scoop on the best parts, the idea and understanding, and the changes to come to this august body of knowledge and skill.

Kozmix: So, firstly, what is the University to you, Flem?
Flemingisa: To me the University is a pinnacle of higher learning that is a bright light not only to 10000 Islands, but to NS as a whole. It is a shining beacon of culture to 10000 Islands.

Kozmix: I see. How has the University played that role so far? And how has it changed over the years?
Flemingisa: When I started playing NS the university was more a people run organization I feel. People chose when they wanted to teach classes and what curriculum they taught. It was popular amongst islanders but relatively unheard of outside of it. It went through a decline in recent years but I am pleased to see activity starting to rise again.

Kozmix: I see... And do you know how the University started? What was the inspiration behind such an idea?
Flemingisa: The University was initially established as back in NS Year 41, as a forum for distribution of lectures and the like. It was suspended in the NS Year 107, but was reinstated in the NS Year 125. Then on, the University has been flourishing and developing. There have been multiple language classes, among other subjects.

Kozmix: So, last question, what new changes can we expect in the University in the time to come? And their relations with other regional universities?
Flemingisa: Well you can expect to see more classes being offered by a wide variety of teachers. More emphasis will be placed on clubs and activities to make people feel engaged with the university as well. I also would like to hire people on a permanent basis to be teachers and have a specific class they teach.

Kozmix: Alright thank you so much, Flem, it's been a wonderful and enlightening talk!

Some important links:
XKI University (
XKI University Discord Server (

Attention all foreign dignitaries
The list provided here ( will provide you with an easy way to see who your counterpart is from 10000 Islands. The nations listed mentioned in the thread above act as the representative from our region to yours, so in case you need to know who to contact other than the XKI Delegate, you can just check this list!

Written by Kozmix
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on May 21, 2018, 04:21:29 PM
Thanks for the update! The article on XKI University was a good read. We tried doing something like that in Wintreath a few years ago, but it never got very far and we eventually did away with it. I might have to check out XKI's with an eye for reviving our own academy. ;)
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: taulover on May 21, 2018, 04:47:34 PM
Wait, what are NS Years?
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Alkasia on June 09, 2018, 01:54:11 AM
Wait, what are NS Years?
It was a system devised a looooong time ago in XKI to sort of correlate the terms of our elected officials to that of real life. So four-month terms ended up being something like six years when converted. Or something of that sort.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Alkasia on June 09, 2018, 01:54:27 AM
10000 Islands Emissary Update

Date: May 2018
Population: 1309 (- 11)
Delegate Endorsements: 410 (+ 42)

The following is the Emissary Report for May 2018.

As of this report's publication, the government of 10000 Islands consists of:
 ~ Chief Executive: Woonsocket
 ~ WA Delegate: Alkasia
 ~ Senior Senator of Lyonesse East: Flemingisa
 ~ Senator of Himes West: Siuts
 ~ Senator of Blue Canaria North: Kozmix
 ~ Senator of New Republica South: Jabberwocky
 ~ Minister of Immigration: Lethoica
 ~ Minister of Labor: Paffnia
 ~ Minister of Education: United Royal Islands

Political News
- Jabberwocky was elected as the Senator for New Republica South, after an intense election for the position. Congratulations! Also, thank you for your service, Ater Nox.
- Kozmix was re-elected as the Senator of Blue Canaria North. Congratulations!
- Tuga Nation's Dragon resigned as the Minister of Immigration, after a year of hard work and dedicated recruiting. Thank you for your service!
- Lethoica was nominated as the new Minister of Immigration. Congratulations!

TITO Command
As of the publication of this report, TITO command consists of:
~ Commander-in-Chief: Woonsocket
~ Tactical Officer: Kortexia
~ Tactical Officer: Kanta Hame
~ Tactical Officer: Sorya
~ Tactical Officer: Aersoldorf
~ EF Tactical Officer: Smugglers and Mercs
~ Executive Officer: Hakketomat

Military News
- Four nations were honored with promotions including our respected executive officer, Hakketomat, and Knights 104 Banbury Road, Louisistan and Ater Nox.
- TITO Day 2018 (8th May) was celebrated with furor and festivity. Many badges and pins were awarded, along with Kanta Hame being awarded the prestigious Anime Daisuki Cross. Congratulations!

Around the Islands
- Shy Guy was chosen as the emissary to The Order of the Grey Wardens, after Sorya stepped down from the position. Thank you for your work, Sorya, and congratulations to Shy Guy.
- Kozmix has been chosen the emissary to Capitalist Paradise after Siuts stepped down. Congratulations!
- A 1,000,000 taco raffle ( is underway, and we urge all our diplomats to buy their tickets (2000 tacos per ticket only) for a chance to win BIG!!!
- The Mad Surfer ( was recently granted their own board for writing and developing their newspaper.
- Major wage reform thanks to Paffnia has helped hard working Islanders get the pay they deserve, on time, every time.

- Taco Island:
~ BREAKING NEWS IN TACO ISLAND ( brought to you by Lethoica, the rumor mill scandal master.
~ Interviews ( are ongoing for the Taco Island Accounting Firm's Manager. If you have what it takes, go on and apply today! :)
~ The Hurricane has [a href=""]a story[/a] to tell! It is very believable.
~ Sign up for WW 61- The Millennial Mafia ( hosted by Kozmix.
~ Find the latest release of the Mad Surfer here (

May's Special Feature: The WA Delegate

The World Assembly Delegate of XKI is the most powerful elected office in the Region, and is the spearhead of internal, foreign and World Assembly affairs in the region. We sat with Alkasia, a Delegate with a decent outreach, and examined his office a little, to see what was their take on XKI's life is.

Kozmix: Thank you for agreeing to take time off your busy schedule, Alk!
Alkasia: No worries!

Kozmix: My first question to you would be this: What makes the position of a WA Delegate special in XKI? What makes it that coveted office, which only 32 nations have held in the last 15 years of our region's existence?
Alkasia: The position of WA Delegate in our region goes far beyond the simple voting on resolutions and garnering endorsements. It is a position of power where one can make real and lasting change to the region. The Delegate has far-reaching powers on foreign affairs and can shape it how they wish. Their impact is seen across the region, from the embassy board to the interregional community. In comparison, Senators have much more focused powers in certain aspects of the region. I believe many see it to be a stepping stone, an introduction to the administration of the region and the Council itself that they can use to further prospects as a Minister or Delegate. That being said, Senators are critical to the function of our region and being one is great experience to have.
Essentially, the Delegate is the face of 10000 Islands interregionally and, to an extent, domestically. Their image reflects on the region as a whole and they have the potential to make more executive and impactful decisions on their own, while also getting larger ideas through the Council.

Kozmix: That is fair. The Delegates of 10000 Islands have all been involved members of this region, whether it be militarily, on the diplomatic front, or in regional affairs. Which leads me directly to my next question: Does maintaining this balance feel pressuring at times? What factors do you take into account when faced with critical decisions, such as embassy requests and the like?
Alkasia: 10000 Islands always comes first in my decisions. I represent the region and its people and they will always be what matters most in my thought process. That being said, I also want to do my best to make sure that things like embassy requests and other interregional decisions have mutual benefit for both XKI and the other respective regions. I take no pride in one-sided decisions that only benefit XKI at the expense of friends or allies. I want the choices I make to go beyond just benefitting our region and make a positive impact on others.
Specifically with embassy requests, we can look at the recent declination of an embassy with Enadia. It was my personal opinion that a formal friendship with the region would not presently benefit XKI due to their recent controversial actions. But I want to view that denial not as a simple rejection but as encouragement for the region to do better and fix the issues that have caused backlash from the community. If they were to remedy these things, I would be much more open to supporting an embassy with them. It is my overall desire to improve both regions with the establishment of diplomatic relations, whether it be through an initial denial or an acceptance.

Kozmix: A positive message from a seemingly negative outcome. That is a beautiful message.
And speaking of messages, you must receive multiple telegrams from resolution authors and WA campaigners. What is your criteria for approving a WA proposal. Has it ever been that you approved a proposal but voted against it?
Alkasia: To be entirely honest, I haven't approved many WA proposals. The General Assembly is something that I still don't consider myself well-versed in, so approving those on my own is a bit tougher. A really persuasive campaign telegram could sway me though. However, when an Islander asks me to approve a proposal I always oblige unless it is clearly contrary to the region's interests. Even if the proposal is destined not to reach quorum, it is that Islander's desire for it to do so. For Security Council proposals, it's a bit easier. In cut-and-dry liberation proposals like Liberate The Monarchist Entente, that's an instant approval from me. Commendations/Condemnations I use my own judgement on.
And yes, I have had to vote against certain things I've approved in the past. When an Islander asks me to approve something that makes it to quorum, but the vote of the Islands goes contrary to the wishes of that Islander, I will have to vote against it.

Kozmix: That's quite reasonable and the fact that you look out for the Islanders' opinions on WA proposals in vote is truly commendable.
Let's move on. I myself haven't been around for very long, but in that time, XKI seems to have shifted its stance on certain foreign policy aspects. Is my observation correct? Is this something that you believe is for the better?
Alkasia: I would say at the core our foreign policy remains as strong as ever. But the direction has shifted some and I do think it's been for the better. My foreign policy goal is essentially to bring the region closer to the rest of the community, as I believe we've become a bit separate from them. We've been rather slow to transition to new customs and while other regions have become more interconnected, ours remains somewhat removed. My hope is to speed us up a bit and get us back into connection with the rest of the world.

Kozmix: If I was to raise a particular aspect of this specifically, that being Culture and RP, what is your opinion on the multiple NS wide events? Would you like to participate, spectate and allow the same for other Islanders?
Alkasia: It would of course have to depend on who's hosting and what the event entails. I can't see XKI participating in something like RaiderCon 😂. But yes, I would like XKI to participate in more interregional events. The feeders and some other regions tend to organize a lot of festivals and those always turn out to be pretty fun. Getting more involved in that is something I'm looking into and I hope to co-host a festival with friendly region(s) in the near future.

Kozmix: My last question to you: Is there anything you would like to tell our respected embassy regions?
Alkasia: Most importantly, thank you for your continued friendship. Whether you're a region that just had an embassy established or one that's been alongside us for years, your camaraderie is always greatly appreciated. Secondly, my inbox is always open. If you wish to organize an interregional event, discuss other things of importance, or even just want to chat, you can contact me by telegram, personal message on the XKI forums, or on Discord (Alk#0216). I look forward to developing relations further and bringing 10000 Islands closer to the interregional community and especially closer with all of you.

Important Links:
Alkasia on NS (
Alkasia on XKI Forums (
Alk#0216 on Discord

Written by Kozmix
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on June 10, 2018, 05:59:35 AM
Thanks for the update! :)

I'm intrigued by what you say about connecting with the rest of the world, because I've always seen XKI's barriers with the outside world as a benefit. I know when I was in Spiritus and more involved with defending, a lot of people complained that XKI had a stick up its ass because they wouldn't use the jump points and channels that everyone else in defending would, but I always thought the barriers allowed XKI to develop and maintain a distinct and unique community when elsewhere cosmopolitans were making virtually all regions within their alignments homogeneous, to the point where you could find many of the same people in each one. And given how toxic and personal gameplay seems to have become these days, I'm not sure how better connecting with that is beneficial.

Just my opinion, though!
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Markanite on January 27, 2019, 02:24:48 PM
Hi everyone!

I've been appointed as emissary to Wintreath. I'm glad to be able to get involved in the region again!
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Markanite on January 27, 2019, 02:25:30 PM
[img src=""]
10000 Islands Emissary Update

Date: December 2018
Population: 1172
Delegate Endorsements: 350

The following is the Emissary Report for December 2018.

As of this report's publication, the government of 10000 Islands consists of:
~ Chief Executive: Woonsocket
~ WA Delegate: Kuriko
~ Senator of Lyonesse East: Louisistan
~ Senior Senator of Himes West: Siuts
~ Senator of Blue Canaria North: Sargon Reman
~ Senator of New Republica South: Jabberwocky
~ Minister of Immigration: New Ecopia
~ Minister of Labor: Paffnia
~ Minister of Education: United Royal Islands

TITO Command
As of the publication of this report, TITO command consists of:
~ Commander-in-Chief: Woonsocket
~ Field Commander: Kanta Hame
~ Tactical Officer: Kortexia
~ Tactical Officer: Aschente
~ Tactical Officer: Aersoldorf
~ EF Tactical Officer: Smugglers and Mercs
~ Executive Officer: Hakketomat

News Around The Islands

- Nominations for the Seventh Annual Paffnia Prize are now open.
- Longtime Islander Mutanatia has returned to XKI!
- The stock market is back online after a brief period of being down, thanks to Louisistan.
- Election nominations are open for Blue Canaria North, New Republica South and Himes West.
- The 14th House Cup and Shield Competition has begun as of January 1st and will last until January 31st.
- Delegate Kuriko has authored and successfully passed Condemn Macedon.
- In December Delegate Kuriko led a weekend visit to The Hole To Hide In.
- 10000 Islands accepted and opened an embassy with South Pacific.

Written by Sargon Reman
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on January 27, 2019, 02:52:17 PM
Hi Markanite! Welcome back to the region...we're glad to have you here representing XKI. :)

And thanks for the update, too!
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Markanite on January 28, 2019, 05:37:15 AM
Hi Winter!

Thank you for the welcome.  The last time I was here must have been the last time I was delegate!
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Markanite on February 12, 2019, 07:15:25 PM
[img src=""]
10000 Islands Emissary Update

Date: January 2019
Population: 1,114
Delegate Endorsements: 335

The following is the Emissary Report for January 2019.


As of this report's publication, the government of 10000 Islands consists of:

~ Chief Executive: Woonsocket
~ WA Delegate: Kuriko
~ Senator of Lyonesse East: Louisistan
~ Senator of Himes West: Twobagger
~ Senator of Blue Canaria North: Sargon Reman
~ Senior Senator of New Republica South: Jabberwocky
~ Minister of Immigration: New Ecopia
~ Minister of Labor: Paffnia
~ Minister of Education: Markanite

TITO Command

As of the publication of this report, TITO command consists of:

~ Commander-in-Chief: Woonsocket
~ Field Commander: Kanta Hame
~ Tactical Officer: Kortexia
~ Tactical Officer: Sorya
~ Tactical Officer: Shy Guyia
~ EF Tactical Officer: Smugglers and Mercs
~ Executive Officer: Hakketomat
~ Executive Officer: Aschente

Political News

An election was held in January for the Senate seats of Blue Canaria North and New Republica South, with a special election for the Himes West Senate seat as well. Sargon Reman ran unopposed for Blue Canaria North while Twobagger and Siuts ran in a very tight race for Himes West. Jabberwocky and the esteemed Markanite contended for the New Republica South Senate seat but Markanite withdrew after being chosen as the new Minister of Education just three days before the conclusion of the election. Sargon Reman, Jabberwocky and Twobagger are the January election winners.

News Around The Islands

- Senior Senator Jabberwocky has won Taco Island Charities' Seventh Annual Paffnia Prize! Kortexia has won the Baden-Wuerttemberg Ruby Prize and Kuriko and Alkasia have won the Baden-Wuerttemberg Opal Prize.
- Chief Executive Woonsocket has named Markanite as the next Minister of Education
- Delegate Kuriko led a visit to the region of Canada.
- Minister of Education Markanite has hired Na Kanaka Isles, The Tasmanian Islands, and Alemputo to the 10000 Islands Official Welcome Committee.
- Minister of Education Markanite has hired The Soylent Green Party, Free Land of Rebellium, Dustwind, and The Tasmanian Islands to the TIBOE (Ten thousand Islands Brigade of Official Endorsers) program.
- Tuga Nation has been named Deputy Minister of Education.
- The Council rejected NS 286-1: Driselbia Embassy Request by consensus because members of the region were active raiders/imperialists.
- The Council rejected NS 286-2: New Western Atlantic Embassy Request Request by consensus due to the result of the last embassy request vote.
- The Council passed NS 286-3: South Pacific Embassy Request 4-0, with 1 abstention and 4 delegations to the delegate's prerogative
- Paffnia, longtime 10KI citizen, was Commended by the WA Security Council. Congratulations Paffnia! This brings the number of Commended islanders to five.
- Sargon Reman has been appointed Regional Reserve Chair.

Written by Sargon Reman
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Markanite on February 18, 2019, 07:45:26 AM
[div style="text-align:center;"][img alt=" " style="max-width:100%;" src=""][/div]

10000 Islands Emissary Update

Date: February 2019

Population: 1,101

Delegate Endorsements: 333


The following is a Special Notification from 10000 Islands.

On Sunday, February 17th 2019, Chief Executive Woonsocket of 10000 Islands declared his intent to resign from his position after two years of running the region. As his successor he has chosen Markanite, three time WA Delegate and Heart of the Islands recipient. Both Woonsocket and Markanite are highly well like among the community of XKI, and while many of us are sad to see Woonsocket step down after doing such a good job we know that he couldn't have made a better choice for the person to replace him.

In his statement of resignation Woonsocket had much to say about his successor, and much to say about his time as Chief Executive. To the delight of many, he has also declared his intent to stick around and not leave the community entirely.

Woonsocket resignation letter:

After several years of having the honor of being your Chief Executive, I am stepping down from the position. I have chosen Markanite as my successor as Chief Executive. This is a good choice - Mark has unquestioned seniority, has served in the government in a variety of positions, is a Heart of the Islands recipient, is a TITO knight, participates in the election process as a contributing member of The Islands Party (TIP), and is a person that people look up to here as a steady and solid contributor. He will expertly lead us into the future.

Thanks to you all for letting me serve you for the last couple of years; this is an amazing region with amazing people in it and I am blessed to have had a chance to be a part of it! I am not leaving the Islands though, I will be staying around and continuing to participate in our fine region! The transition will happen over the next couple of days as I continue to work with Mark to make this a smooth transfer of power.

Please give Markanite your full support, as you have me these last several years. VIVA Markanite! VIVA 1000 Islands!

The Council of 9 wish to let the international community know that the transition is going along smoothly, and that we remain steadfastly committed to our allies and friends as before. We also welcome you all to join us on our forum in thanking Woonsocket for his service as Chief Executive, and wishing Markanite well in his new role as Founder and Chief Executive of 10000 Islands. The pertaining thread can be found in our general area on our forum.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Markanite on February 24, 2019, 03:19:28 PM
Greetings, friends of 10000 Islands! We would like to invite you to partake in a game of Werewolf, hosted on our regional forum. The game is set in 1945 Berlin, after the end of WWII. The start is set for March 8th 2019, and sign-ups are still open in a thread on our regional forum. So, without further ado, come join us for some fun!!!

Sign-up Thread:
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Katie on February 24, 2019, 03:48:33 PM
Sign-up Thread:

How exciting! Definitely will try and encourage my fellow Wintreans to participate!
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Markanite on April 27, 2019, 02:04:50 PM
10000 Islands Emissary Update

Date: March 2019
Population: 1,116
Delegate Endorsements: 286

TITO Command
Has your region been invaded, or do you want to get in touch with TITO? If so, contact one of the following nations:
~Chief Executive: Markanite.
~Field Commander: Kanta Hame.
~Tactical Officers: Kortexia, Shy Guyia, Smugglers and Mercs (EF), Sorya.
~Executive Officers: Aschente, Hakketomat.

Election Season
March saw an unusually busy election season, with a Delegate election and a vacated Senate seat meaning that we'd need to hold a total of four contests. Islanders hoping for a hard-fought election with plenty of fireworks were surely not disappointed by the Delegate election, which featured Lower Columbia, The United Royal Islands of Euramathania, and Witchcraft and Sorcery.

In the first round of balloting, no candidate won a majority, with Lower Columbia receiving 3 votes, and United Royal Islands and Witchcraft & Sorcery each receiving 24, sending the election to a runoff. This runoff was one of the more intense elections in recent memory, with both candidates and their supporters campaigning vigorously on the forums, the RMB, and our regional Discord. Further, the runoff saw a live Delegate debate on Discord, which is perhaps the first debate of its kind in regional history. During the debate, the candidates made their case to the voters, exchanging competing ideas on foreign affairs, transparency and reform, and the R/D game. The runoff election was a real barn-burner, with the two candidates remaining within 3 votes of each other for virtually the entire 3-day runoff period. In the end, however, United Royal Islands carried the election, with 27 votes to Witchcraft & Sorcery's 22.

In the other elections, Twobagger emerged victorious against Hakketomat in the campaign to fill the shoes left behind by Sargon Reman, while Kuriko and Triora both ran successful (unopposed) campaigns for the other two senate seats. At the time of writing, the Council of Nine is as follows:

Chief Executive: Markanite
Delegate: The United Royal Islands of Euramathania
Ministers: Paffnia (Labor), Sargon Reman (Immigration), Tuga Nation (Education)
Senators: Jabberwocky (Senior Senator), Triora, Twobagger, Witchcraft and Sorcery*

Fun and Games in the Islands
While many Islanders were busy paying attention to the regional elections, others were enjoying the wide variety of regional games that 10000 Islands has to offer. March saw the newly knighted Mingulay Isle host a Cold War-themed Werewolf game, titled "WW63: Werewolves and Rockets." This game ended with the Americans securing their advantage in the Cold War, prevailing over the Soviets. Thanks to Mingulay Isle for hosting, and for everyone (guests and Islanders alike) for participating in a great game!

Also wrapping up in March was our region's take on nation creation competitions, the Fifth Annual Hahiha Contest for Nation Creation! Named for a prominent Islander, this contest had a total of 17 different nations vying to create the best (or least worst!) nation, trying to stay away from the bottom of each day's World Census Report. In the end, the Republic of Tikistan outlasted the competition, taking home the grand prize. Close behind were Mingulay Isle in second, and Neutrality United in third place. Congratulations to the winners, and thanks to Taco Island Charities for hosting, and to all participants for helping to ensure that the competition was a success.

Finally, our regional baseball league, the 10KI Baseball League, heads into its first ever postseason. The Maple Bats (from Cromwell Protectorate) emerged from the regular season as heavy favorites after rampaging through the regular season. The Peoples Players (True Pacific) and New Austin Express (The Texas faction) also qualified for the playoffs, with the Sola City Bandits (Twobagger) juuuuust squeaking in to the last playoff spot. As of this writing, the Maple Bats and Peoples Players have advanced to the World Series, with the Maple Bats holding a 1-0 edge in the best of 3 series.

If you think playing games with friends sounds like fun, or if some of these games mentioned above have piqued your interest and you want to see what it's all about, or you just want to see your nation's name in articles like this one, why not take part in the games yourself? Most games are open to the public, including Werewolf games. Feel free to hop on in to our regional forums or Discord for information on how to sign up for the next round of games.

Around the Islands
March's Nation of the Month was none other than Free Earthian Yap, who is new to our forums and discord this month. Despite being new, Free Earthian Yap hasn't been shy about wading onto the WA part of our forum to debate some of the resolutions with other Islanders. Congratulations!

Also this past month, our University saw a bit of a revitalization under the direction of our Minister of Education (Tuga Nation). We've had a plethora of debate threads pop open, with Islanders weighing in on topics from the ethics of assisted suicide/euthanasia to whether or not recreational marijuana should be legal. A hearty thanks to Tuga Nation's Dragon for spurring activity in this oft-overlooked part of our forum!

Last, but certainly not least, Mingulay Isle has been knighted this month! Mingulay Isle has been ever-present on our forums and Discord lately, so it came as a surprise to no one when he was knighted. Congratulations to Mingulay Isle, our 110th Knight, on earning membership to this hallowed group of defenders.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on April 28, 2019, 05:15:35 AM
Thanks for the update! :D
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Markanite on May 01, 2019, 06:13:24 AM
Thanks Winter!

How have you been?
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on May 01, 2019, 08:06:19 AM
Thanks Winter!

How have you been?
I've been good for the most part, thanks for asking! Things have been going really well here in Wintreath, and I'm just trying to get something done every day. :P How about you?
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Markanite on May 04, 2019, 11:49:14 AM
Thanks Winter!

How have you been?
I've been good for the most part, thanks for asking! Things have been going really well here in Wintreath, and I'm just trying to get something done every day. :P How about you?

I'm glad to hear that, I've always loved Wintreath. I'm glad to hear it is going from strength to strength!

I'm not too bad, settled in to being Chief Executive of 10000 Islands so all is well!
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on May 04, 2019, 04:24:16 PM
I'm glad to hear that, I've always loved Wintreath. I'm glad to hear it is going from strength to strength!

I'm not too bad, settled in to being Chief Executive of 10000 Islands so all is well!
Thanks! I'm always glad to hear someone likes our region and's part of what keeps me going. :)

I'm not sure I ever congratulated you on becoming Chief Executive, so if I didn't, congrats! ^-^ What's it like being the Chief Executive of one of the largest and most historic regions in the game?
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Markanite on July 02, 2019, 04:12:37 AM

Its lots of fun and lots of work. A nice happy middle ground :P
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Markanite on July 02, 2019, 04:13:04 AM

[img src=""]
10000 Islands Emissary Update

Date: April 2019
Population: 1,024
Delegate Endorsements: 302

The Following is the Emissary Report for April 2019

TITO Command
Has your region been invaded, or do you want to get in touch with TITO? If so, contact one of the following nations:
~Chief Executive: Markanite.
~Field Commander: Kanta Hame.
~Tactical Officers: Kortexia, Shy Guyia, Smugglers and Mercs (EF), Twobagger.
~Executive Officers: Aschente, Hakketomat.

As of this report’s publication, the Government of 10000 Islands consists of:
        -Chief Executive: Markanite
        -WA Delegate: United Royal Islands
        -Senator of Lyonesse East: Triora
        -Senator of Himes West: Flemingisa
        -Senator of Blue Canaria North: Tanzoria
        -Senator of New Republica South: Dominion of Compassion
        -Minister of Immigration: Sargon Reman
        -Minister of Labor: Paffnia
        -Minister of Education: The Tasmanian Islands

May was election season in the 10000 Islands, and saw a great change in the make-up of the Government. Senators Jabberwocky, Twobagger and Witchcraft and Sorcery decided not to run for re-election. If citizens were hoping for exciting campaigns to find their replacements they would be let down. Flemingisa and Dominion of Compassion were elected to their seats without opposition, and Tanzoria cruised to victory against his opponent, USSR/Hahiha. All three newly elected senators represent the Mayor Shelter Political Party. A further shake-up was made with the appointment of Sargon Reman as minister of Immigration early last month, replacing the outgoing Tuga Nations Dragon.

Around the Islands

         -Chief Executive Emeritus Woonsocket was commended by the Security Council for his long years of service to the region and the wider NS world, in a
         resolution written by fellow Islander Sargon Reman. Congratulations Woon!
   -Kortexia, Tuga Nation’s Dragon and Twobagger all received TITO promotions after reaching defending milestones.
   -The Islands celebrated TITO Day on May 9th. Many exemplary Islanders were honoured with medals for their service.
        -Long time islander Witchcraft and Sorcery announced he was stepping back from his roles in the 10000 Islands to pursue opportunities in The South
        Pacific. Thank you and good luck, W&S!
        -The Archpileago Territory has been named Deputy Minister of Education
        -The Regional Reserve named Mingulay Isle as winner of the Account of the Quarter award for Q2 2019. His reward is 75000 Tacos.
        -Escanaba was recruiter of the month, with Sargon Reman and and Louisistan coming in 2nd and 3rd respectively.
        -Vedrea, Hamletus and The Kingdom of Trivia have been selected as featured nations
        -The Grand Debate Hall of the XKI University has been filled with discussion over hot button topics like Universal Basic Income, Abortion and
        -Immigration and somewhat strangely, favourite numbers.
        -In Taco Island, Aschente [a href=""]launched a rebellion[/a] against Mayor Ater Nox for not being
         corrupt enough. The Mayor reacted with indignation at his credentials in the field of corruption being questioned.
        -Tanzoria seems to believe [a href=""]Bolty has falsely convicted
        [/a]Hakketomat of a crime, although it is unclear exactly when, where or why this happened.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on July 05, 2019, 07:22:31 AM
Thanks for the update!

And I'm glad that you're having fun...that's the important thing. :)

Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Markanite on October 13, 2019, 07:33:47 AM
10000 Islands Emissary Update

Date: September 2019
Population: 1185
Delegate Endorsements: 285

Has your region been invaded, or do you want to get in touch with TITO? If so, contact one of the following nations:
Commander-in-Chief: Markanite
Field Commander: Kante Hame
Tactical Officers: Shy Guyia, Smugglers and Mercs (EF), Twobagger, Mingulay Isle
Executive Officers: Hakketomat, Aschente

- Since our last update, Kortexia has stepped down from his role as TO. TITO thanks him for his service.
- Additionally, Mingulay Isle has been promoted to TO.
- Finally, congratulations to our Minister of Immigration Sargon Reman on his promotion to be the 110th Knight of TITO.


The current government of the 10000 Islands is:
-Chief Executive: Markanite
-WA Delegate: Kuriko
-Senior Senator for Himes West: Fleminigisa
-Senator for Lyonesse East: URI
-Senator for Blue Canaria North: HumanSanity
-Senator for New Republica South: Aschente
-Minister of Immigration: Sargon Reman
-Minister of Labor: Paffnia
-Minister of Education: The Tasmanian Islands

Election Season
Since our last update, Delegate elections have been held. Former Delegate Kuriko returns to her post after defeating Sargon Reman. Aersoldorf was forced to step down from his post as Senator for Lyonesse East due to real life – the region thanks him for his service. Flemingisa was reelected as Senator for Himes West.

In the most recent round of Senate elections, Tanzoria did not run for re-election to his seat as Blue Canaria North senator. For that election, HumanSanity of MSPP defeated Marxist Germany of TCP. URI of TCP ran unopposed for her old seat as Senator for Lyonesse East. Senior Senator for New Republic South Dominion of Compassion of MSPP lost reelection to Aschente of TCP, a long time TITO contributor making his first foray into regional government.

Legislative Changes

Around the Islands

Role Play
Himes West Senator Flemingisa is working on a forthcoming Quiddich Role Play.

Shelter’s Taco Island
- following the retirement of Mayor Ater Nox, Markanite appointed Louisistan to be the new Mayor of Shelter’s Taco Island. See here:
- Louisistan immediately opened his Mayor’s Mansion. See here:
- Delegate Kuriko was temporarily held by the Taco Island Police Department for a list of offenses. See here:
- A deal was struck between rebel leader Aschente and Mayor Louisistan after a drawn out conflict dating back to Louisistan's appointment as Mayor. See here:
- The mysterious HATE group is beginning to make a mark on Taco Island. Their goals are as of yet unkown. See here:
- SweetHaven and United Royal Islands have started Werewolves #64: Chaos in the Carnival. See here:
- New Mayor Louisistan inducted Ater Nox, the outgoing Mayor, into the Spammer Hall of Fame. See here:

- Paffnia was appointed Cartographer-General by Chief Executive Markanite. See here:
- Paffnia subsequently released the updated XKI Map. See here:
- Paffnia has appointed Free Earthian Yap as the Deputy Cartographer-General to help oversee the integration of the Map with RP. We look forward to seeing their continuing efforts! See here:
- Senator for Lyonesse East United Royal Islands has posted the House Cup, Shield, and Sceptre competition and Prolific Posting Contest for the month of September. Thanks to URI for running it and to Taco Island Charities for funding the Prolific Posting Contest. See here: and
- 10000 Islands participated in N-Day this year as part of the Canopy faction, coming in second place with their many friends. See here:
- Regional Reserve Chairwoman United Royal Islands declared Paffnia the “Account of the Quarter”. Congratulations to Paffnia! See here:
- THX1138 was named a Featured Nation by The Tasmanian Islands! See here:
- In the month of September, Escanaba was our top recruiter, relatively new recruiter THX1138 was our runner up recruiter, and HS and Jabberwocky made substantial contributions. The regional population is up 115 nations over the month of September. Good work to all!
- Escanaba was promoted to Deputy Minister of Immigration by Sargon Reman and Na Kanaka Isles was promoted to Deputy Minister of Education by The Tasmanian Islands
- Some of you are getting new Emissaries shortly! Ammotangadia has been appointed emissary to the Renegade Islands Alliance, The Tasmanian Islands has been appointed emissary to The Union of Democratic States, Ayunli was appointed Ambassador to The Rejected Realms, Marxist Germany was appointed emissary to The Hole to Hide In, THX1138 has been appointed emissary to Europe, Philosophy 115, and the Western Isles, and The Valencian Federation has been appointed emissary to The Coalition of Democratic Nations. Congratulations to all of our new emissaries and I hope everyone gets a chance to mix and mingle. See here:
- The Tasmanian Islands has hired Sargon Reman as a Buddy. See here:
- longtime 10000 Islands contributor and former Delegate Dominion of Compassion announced that he was leaving the region to pursue other interests. We wish him the best of luck in his future pursuits. See here:
- for a more offbeat and upbeat take on recent 10000 Islands news, check out The Mad Surfer on the 10000 Islands forum thanks to Jabberwocky and his team! See here:
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Markanite on November 09, 2019, 08:59:41 AM
Hi everyone

[img src="" style="max-width:100%;"]
10000 Islands Emissary Update

Date: October 2019
Population: 1177
Delegate Endorsements: 298

TITO Command

Has your region been invaded, or do you want to get in touch with TITO? If so, contact one of the following nations:
~Commander-in-Chief: Markanite.
~Field Commander: Kanta Hame.
~Tactical Officers: Shy Guyia, Smugglers and Mercs (EF), Twobagger, Mingulay Isle.
~Executive Officers: Aschente, Hakketomat.


As of this report’s publication, the Government of 10000 Islands consists of:
~Chief Executive: Markanite
~WA Delegate: Kuriko
~Senior Senator for Blue Canaria North (Emissary Report): HumanSanity
~Senator for Himes West (RP): Flemingisa
~Senator for Lyonnesse East (Houses): United Royal Islands
~Senator for New Republica South (Debates and Discussions): Aschente
~Minister of Immigration: Sargon Reman
~Minister of Education: The Tasmanian Islands
~Minister of Labor: Paffnia

-Following the coup of The East Pacific by Fedele/Scardino, Delegate Kuriko issued the following statement:
-Some of you are getting this update for the first time! We are excited to announce new embassies with Lazarus, Hartfelden, and a re-opened embassy with The East Pacific! HumanSanity has been dispatched as Emissary to Lazarus, Aschente to Hartfelden, and Hakketomat to The East Pacific. Our new emissaries look forward to meeting you all!

WA Affairs

The Council of Nine has recently opened the position of World Assembly Secretary to be tasked with recruiting and assisting aspiring WA authors, providing information to Islanders about WA proposals, and conducting international outreach for WA proposals. Markanite has named Sargon Reman our inaugural WA Secretary and he has named Mingulay Isle as the inaugural Deputy WA Secretary. Congratulations to them both! We're excited to see what this new office will do.
Hiring here: and here:

Additionally, thanks to my new Deputy Senator, THX1138, we have a new section covering WA votes in 10000 Islands! It will briefly cover WA resolutions and 10000 Islands' regional vote on each.

Oct 18, 2019 GA Ban on Sterilisation of Minors etc: A brief resolution to prevent, in all member nations, the sterilization of minors or incompetent persons without the approval of an independent Institutional Review Board, that deems it necessary for the health of the individual.
Author: Imperium Anglorum
10000 Islands discussion on this resolution:
Regional vote: For 0 | Against 8
Delegate vote: Against (weight 293)
Final WA vote: For 10295 (77%) | Against 3128 (23%)
Result: Passed Oct 21, becoming GAR#472

Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Markanite on November 09, 2019, 09:00:38 AM
Oct 22, 2019 GA Responsible Land Management: A comprehensive replacement for the recently repealed GA #432 'Preventing Desertification', suggesting measures for nations to take to reduce the effects of sapient impact on the environment, and specifically on the overuse and wear and tear on soils.
Author: Refuge Isle
10000 Islands discussion on this resolution:
Regional vote: For 9 | Against 3
Delegate vote: For (weight 296)
Final WA vote: For 11330 (77%) | Against 3404 (23%)
Result: Passed Oct 25, becoming GAR#473

Oct 26, 2019 GA Financial and Economic Education: A safeguarding resolution outlining the specific forms of education a nation must provide to better inform inhabitants about the economic workings of their nation, and their responsibilities within it.
Author: Imperium Anglorum
10000 Islands discussion on this resolution:
Regional vote: For 3 | Against 9
Delegate vote: Against (weight 297)
Final WA vote: For 11415 (84%) | Against 2183 (16%) Result: Passed Oct 29, becoming GAR#474

Oct 27, 2019 SC Repeal: Condemn The Black Hawks: An effort to repeal SC#52, citing its inferiority to a second, standing condemnation against the same region, and bringing into question some of the assertions made in the target.
Author: Tinhampton
10000 Islands discussion on this resolution:
Regional vote: For 10 | Against 9 | Delegate's Prerogative 3
Delegate vote: For (weight 297)
Final WA vote: For 2202 (18%) | Against 10258 (82%)
Result: Failed to pass

Oct 30, 2019 GA Promoting Natural Sciences in Schools: A resolution to mandate, and in some cases subsidize, the education of sciences throughout the WA, in an effort to generate a fact-based understanding of the natural world.
Author: Kenmoria
10000 Islands discussion on this resolution:
Regional vote: For 6 | Against 2
Delegate vote: For (weight 301)
Final WA vote: For 13290 (91%) | Against 1244 (9%)
Result: Passed Nov 3, becoming GAR#475

Around the Islands

-Minister of Labor Paffnia has hosted the regional Poet Laureate contest this October - the theme was fright! Congratulations to poetry extraordinare Aersoldorf on his victory! See here: and here:
-Taco Island Charities has opened up a time capsule. In one year it will be opened, and if enough nations survive then a million tacos will be split between everyone who put an item in! See here:
-XKI keeps NationStates relative time, and this October we entered NS Year 300! Welcome to the fourth century! See here:
-This month, Lyonnesse East Senator United Royal Islands is hosting the House Cup and Shield contest - a periodic recruiting event between XKI's Great Houses. See here:
-URI also hosted a prolific posting competition won by Houses Louisistan and Echolilia, with individual awards going to HumanSanity and URI. See contest here: and results here:
-With new technological breakthroughs on thermionic desalination technology, Mortimer Report payouts based on the regional shop are higher this month for some items. See here:
-Chief Executive Markanite posted a message to commemorate Empire of Power Annexation Day here:
-Recruiting was at a steady hum in 10000 Islands in October. Escanaba was top recruiter once again, but this time Minister of Immigration Sargon Reman gave him a run for his money. Thanks to Naba, Sargon, and everyone else who pitched in!
-In celebration of the spooky Halloween holiday, Chief Executive Markanite has started a scavenger hunt! See here:
-BUT don't get too comfortable, little bitty ghosts are coming to attack and steal our candy! They've already popped up in our main discussion board and at a political rally! See here:
-Haivon has been named Featured Nation by the Ministry of Education. Congratulations!
-The 110th TITO Knight, Sargon Reman, has a new statue that has been added to the Hall of Heroes courtesy of Marxist Germany. See here:
-For a more... surf's up take on regional events, feel free to check out Jabberwocky's The Mad Surfer. See here:

The region has benefited from a significant number of new arrivals, and this has increased RMB activity exponentially over the last months. October saw open discussion on a variety of topics, from the true nature of Fascism to the merits of abortion. In this section, a curated collection of some of the best posts of the last month:

- First up, this excellent post by Finalanswer Archive in the context of a larger discussion around capitalism versus socialism, and wage equality:
- A cheeky and humourous post from the NS mods, who made quick work of removing an unwanted and offensive guest:
- A dark secret revealed by nation 1984 Commune:
- An even darker secret revealed by Evil Dictators Happyland:
- Jabberwocky, always with the existential questions:

Regional Poll of the month asked who played the best Catwoman:

Meet a Nation

We're adding another new feature! Each month, I'll sit down with one of our regional members so that everyone can get to know them a little bit better. This month I sat down with Republic of Tikistan, the 98th Knight of TITO!

HS: How did you originally hear about NationStates?
Tiki: I saw it in a message board of general stuffs
HS: When you signed up what were you expecting?
Tiki: I thought its gonna be about making my nation and laws and government and such
HS: How has that differed from why you've stayed around?
Tiki: I didn't know there will be a lot about acting with other nations and also I didn't know there is gonna be regions
HS: What specifically about "regions" and XKI specifically attracted you initially?
Tiki: I like to react with other ppl and also I like to be a defender. TKI is specially active.
HS: And what keeps you coming back day-in and day-out to play?
Tiki: Counting threads are fun also I like Tito Knights missions but I am using a app now and missions are hard to do. Probably I'm gonna not use the app soon.
HS: What would you say is your proudest accomplishment in NS?
Tiki: Being a TITO knight
HS: What is the time you've laughed the hardest playing this game? The time this game has upset you the most?
Tiki: Woonsocket made me laugh a lot but I can not remember 1 time only. I got little bit upset when people accused that I am a invader.
HS: Do you have anyone that you'd consider like a mentor to you in NS? Why and what did they do for you?
Tiki: Yes Woonsocket When I got a question always I tell him also he told me how I better do TITO missions and such.
HS: Do you have any goals in NS that you're working towards that you haven't accomplished yet?
Tiki: I wish I will get 100 battle stars but it is little bit slow now because I am using my phone for posting and it is harder to do missions on my phone.

Thanks all for reading! Until next month!

-HumanSanity and THX1138, Senator and Deputy Senator for Blue Canaria North, your 10KI Update staff
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on November 09, 2019, 04:13:26 PM
Thanks for the update! It looks like XKI is buzzing as always. :)
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Markanite on December 12, 2019, 07:46:53 PM
[div align="center"][img src="" style="max-width:100%;"]
10000 Islands Emissary Update

Date: November 2019
Population: 1143
Delegate Endorsements: 303

[div align="center"]TITO Command[/div]
Has your region been invaded, or do you want to get in touch with TITO? If so, contact one of the following nations:
~Chief Executive: Markanite.
~Field Commander: Kanta Hame.
~Tactical Officers: Shy Guyia, Smugglers and Mercs (EF), Mingulay Isle, THX1138.
~Executive Officers: Aschente, Hakketomat.

-Twobagger has stepped down as Tactical Officer. TITO thanks him for his service! THX1138 has stepped up as our new TO.

[div align="center"]Government[/div]

As of this report’s publication, the Government of 10000 Islands consists of:
~Chief Executive: Markanite
~WA Delegate: Kuriko
~Senior Senator for Blue Canaria North (Emissary Report): HumanSanity
~Senator for Lyonnesse East (Houses): United Royal Islands
~Senator for New Republica South (Debates and Discussions): Aschente
~Senator for Himes West (RP): Marxist Germany
~Minister of Labor: Paffnia
~Minister of Immigration: Sargon Reman
~Minister of Education: The Tasmanian Islands

In November, 10000 Islands held elections for its Himes West and Lyonnesse East Senate seats. United Royal Islands of The Circle Party was unopposed and secured re-election as Lyonnesse East Senator. Marxist Germany running as an Independent defeated Haivon of the Mayor Shelter Political Party to be elected Himes West Senator.

This election season saw the piloting of the new duties for the New Republica South Senator as Aschente hosted a formal debate for the Himes West candidates. You can see the debate here:

Information about other government officials of 10000 Islands can be found here:

Additionally, 10000 Islands is proud to announce the signing of the Southern Islander Accords with our allies in The South Pacific. More information can be found here:

[div align="center"]WA Affairs[/div]
This is the first full month since the creation of the World Assembly Secretary position here in 10000 Islands. In celebration, I wanted to give a few special shout outs to 10000 Islanders who authored resolutions passed in the last month.

Congratulations to 10000 Islands Minister of Immigration Sargon Reman on the passage of his resolution SC#288 Commend Grays Harbor:

Congratulations to 10000 Islands Himes West Senator Marxist Germany on the passage of his resolution GA#477 Convention on Animal Testing:

Congratulations to 10000 Islands WA Delegate Kuriko on the passage of her resolution SC#290 Liberate "Aurelia":

Now, the full report:
Nov 3, 2019 GA Protecting Borrower Rights: A comprehensive resolution outlining mandatory protections to the indebted, and preventing nations from criminalizing debt or incarcerating debtors.
Author: Imperium Anglorum
10000 Islands discussion on this resolution:
Regional vote: [color="green"]For 5[/color] | [color="red"]Against 2[/color] | [color="blue"]Delegate’s Prerogative 1[/color] | [color="yellow"]Abstain 1[/color]
Delegate vote: [color="green"]For (weight 298)[/color]
Final WA vote: [color="green"]For 11637[/color] (79%) | [color="red"]Against 3020[/color] (21%)
Result: [color="green"]Passed[/color] Nov 7, becoming GAR#476

Nov 4, 2019 SC Commend Grays Harbor: Seeking to commend the target nation for outstanding work in the areas of diplomacy, security, authorship, and artistry.
Author: Sargon Reman (10000 Islands)
10000 Islands discussion on this resolution:
Regional vote: [color="green"]For 12[/color] | [color="red"]Against 0[/color]
Delegate vote: [color="green"]For (weight 294)[/color]
Final WA vote: [color="green"]For 11013[/color] (82%) | [color="red"]Against 2464[/color] (18%)
Result: [color="green"]Passed[/color] Nov 8, becoming SC#288

Nov 7, 2019 GA Repeal: "Ban on Sterilisation of Minors etc": Claiming, of the recently passed target resolution, a misleading title, a lack of clarity around the composition of the medical review board, and potential delays in emergency medical procedures.
Author: Arkhamanishka
Note: A Legality Challenge was issued against this repeal, citing a rule violation. The GA Secretariat voted to support that challenge, deeming the resolution illegal.
Result: [color="red"]Resolution withdrawn[/color]

Nov 11, 2019 GA The Amelioration of Maritime Conditions: A brief and imprecise attempt to regulate water pollution in nations, with mandates to track pollution levels, and reduce pollutants if above an international average.
Author: Radical Republic
10000 Islands discussion on this resolution:
Regional vote: [color="green"]For 1[/color]| [color="red"]Against 10[/color]
Delegate vote: [color="red"]Against (weight 300)[/color]
Final WA vote: [color="green"]For 3187[/color] (21%) | [color="red"]Against 11757[/color] (79%)
Result: [color="red"]Failed[/color] to pass.

Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Markanite on December 12, 2019, 07:47:02 PM
Nov 15, 2019 SC Condemn Atlantic: A mainly retroactive condemnation of a once peaceable region that embarked on a ruthless, expansionist campaign, raiding numerous regions, and mistreating or ejecting native populations.
Author: Bormiar
10000 Islands discussion on this resolution:
Regional vote: [color="green"]For 2[/color] | [color="red"]Against 4[/color] | [color="blue"]Delegate’s Prerogative 3[/color]
Delegate vote: [color="red"]Against (weight 305)[/color]
Final WA vote: [color="green"]For 10050[/color] (76%) | [color="red"]Against 3223[/color] (24%)
Result:. [color="green"]Passed[/color] Nov 18, becoming SC#289

Nov 15, 2019 GA Convention on Animal Testing: Seeking to ban animal testing for nefarious purposes, and presenting a framework for ethical testing of animals, with guidance for humane release, reintegration, or rehabilitation, afterwards.
Author: Marxist Germany (10000 Islands)
10000 Islands discussion on this resolution:
Regional vote: [color="green"]For 7[/color]| [color="red"]Against 2[/color] | [color="yellow"]Abstain 1[/color]
Delegate vote: [color="green"]For (weight 306)[/color]
Final WA vote: [color="green"]For 7621[/color] (51%) | [color="red"]Against 7310[/color] (49%)
Result: [color="green"]Passed[/color] Nov 19, becoming GAR#477

Nov 20, 2019 SC Liberate Aurelia: Designed to empower the Security Council to remove a password from the target region, in order to oust occupying forces.
Author: Kuriko (10000 Islands)
10000 Islands discussion on this resolution:
Regional vote: [color="green"]For 13[/color] | [color="red"]Against 1[/color]
Delegate vote: [color="green"]For (weight 312)[/color]
Final WA vote: [color="green"]For 12414[/color] (85%) | [color="red"]Against 2236[/color] (15%)
Result: [color="green"]Passed[/color] Nov 23, becoming SC#290

Nov 29, 2019 GA Repeal "Ban on Secret Treaties"[/u][/i]: This repeal attempt expresses concerns over the unnecessary bureaucracy created by the target resolution, and argues that it stands as barrier of clandestine but peaceable alliances. It also cites some confusing language with the text of the target.
Author: Refuge Isle
Note: A Legality Challenge was issued against this repeal, citing a rule violation. The GA Secretariat voted to support that challenge, deeming the resolution illegal.
Result: [color="red"]Resolution withdrawn[/color]

[align=center]Around the Islands[/align]
-Minister of Immigration Sargon Reman is hosting a recruiting competition for the month of Novmeber. See here:

-Senior Senator HumanSanity with the help of Poet Laureate Aersoldorf hosted celebrations for two 10000 Islands holidays.
We celebrated Wootsockens Day on November 4th, which commemorates the anniversary of Woonsocket and Wordy's wedding:
We also celebrated Ananke II Day on November 5th, which commemorates the service of longtime 10000 Islands Delegate, TITO Knight, and former TITO Tactical Officer Ananke:
In honor of Ananke Day, HS also restarted her old "Book Talk" thread:

-Deputy Cartographer-General Free Earthian Yap and Cartographer-General Paffnia released new versions of the 10000 Islands map for use in Role Playing including a physical geography map and a map with capitol cities. See here:
They have also introduced the concept of Trade Pacts to the regional map. See here:
Jumping off of that, Paffnia and HumanSanity established the Liberal Understanding and Agreement on Commerce (LUAC) Trade Pact. They were shortly joined by United Royal Islands. See more here:
In other bright news for 10000 Islands Role Playing, Delegate Kuriko is starting conversations around world building for the 10000 Islands community! More here:

-Lyonnesse East Senator United Royal Islands has wrapped up the House Cup, Shield, and Scepter competition from October. The House Cup is awarded to the Great House which sends the most recruiting telegrams in the month. The House Shield is awarded to the Great House which sends the most recruiting telegrams per WA member in the month. The House Scepter is awarded to the Great House which has the member with the most efficient recruiting telegram in the month. Great Houses are based on the lineage of who recruited members to 10000 Islands.
Congratuations to the House of Improving Wordiness, led by Escanaba, on winning the House Cup; to the House of Sargon Reman on winning the House Shield; and to the House of Echolilia's HumanSanity for winning the House Scepter. Thanks to all who participated!:

-Minister of Labor Paffnia has commissioned new medals for our N-Day and Z-Day contributors! Thanks to Almonaster for their work on the designs. See here:

-Mayor of Shelter's Taco Island Louisistan and HumanSanity are hosting a Gravedigging contest in Taco Island. Islanders have been digging through thread archives going back as far as 2004 to bring back old favorites. See more information about the compeitiotn, and maybe if one of the threads catches your eye, here:

-In the Regional Reserve, the Mortimer Report came out with profits despite a meteor hitting 10000 Islands! Thanks to Regional Reserve Chairwoman United Royal Islands and Deputy Regional Reserve Chairbull Woonsocket for their work on this! See here:
Additionally, the pilot project of Universal Post Count Payments in response to the difficulties with receiving Tacos for mobile posts was integrated into the Mortimer Report by the RRC. More information is here:
Lastly in RRC news, Congratulations to WA Delegate Kuriko on winning Account of the Quarter for the fourth Quarter. See the announcement here:

-Taco Island Charities, long staffed primarily by Chairman Paffnia, has expanded its staff to include Sargon Reman and United Royal Islands. Congratulations to Sargon and URI, and we all look forward to seeing what this new team can accomplish! See here:

-Mayor of Shelter's Taco Island Louisistan has opened elections to the informal, non-governmental, fun Taco Island Parliament! Voting threads are scattered throughout the Taco Island sub-board - the announcement and information may be found here:

-Lastly, Poet Laureate Aersoldorf penned this beautiful poem regarding life in Taco Island. I have re-printed it in its entirety here:

[div align="center"]You're what you eat some people say
But I declare to you this day
Your actions tell so much ‘bout you
That people are that which they do

I spam all day and in the night
Yes when it’s dark and when it’s light
I simply, really, love to spam
So you can call me Spam-I-Am

That Spam-I-Am, that Spam-I-Am,
I do detest that Spam-I-Am,
Always spamming here and there,
I find his drivel everywhere

Would you like to spam with me?
It’s so much fun, just try, you’ll see
I do not want to spam with you,
I’ve more important things to do

Would you, could you, on the moon?
Would you want to spam with Woon?
What about while in a box?
Or perhaps with Ater Nox?

Would you, could you on a boat?
What about upon a float?
Would you, could you in your car?
While downing drinks inside a bar?

Would you spam out in the rain?
Or riding on a speeding train?
Would you, could you in your house?
You can send it with your mouse.

I would not, could not, on the moon,
Nor will I with the bullish Woon.
I do not want to sit and spam,
You leave me be now Spam-I-Am.

Not in a box and not on a train,
I don’t know Nox and hate the rain,
Not on a boat or in a bar
Not while I float nor in my car.

I won’t have spam inside my house,
I will not send it with my mouse,
I do not like you Spam-I-Am,
So in your face my door I’ll slam

You do not like to send out spam?
I can’t believe that that’s true fam,
You don’t like it, so you say,
Try it, try it and you may.

Spam if you will let me be,
I will try it and you’ll see,
I’ll post some nonsense here and now,
Hey!! Eureka!! Holy Cow!!

Say, I think I like to spam,
Thank you, thank you Spam-I-Am,
Let’s spam all over these fair isles,
And bring to faces many smiles[/div]

-And, lastly, on the game side:
Regional pollster Jabberwocky continues to press Islanders for their most beloved authors through history, and November saw a variety of options from the Edwardian era, but since we highlighted the Catwoman poll last month, it's only reasonable to find out whom XKI feels played the best Joker:

On the RMB, LimpBizkit had this to say about the Joker poll results
Evil Dictators Happyland asked a burning question:
A surprising turn of events:
Which may explain why this debate keeps raging
And finally, the enemy is revealed

Meet A Nation Interview
This month I sat down with Hakketomat, a long time 10000 Islands resident and TITO XO, who has also served as Senior Senator in the past.

HS: How did you originally hear about NationStates? When you signed up what were you expecting? How has that differed from why you've stayed around?
Hakke: I was once looking for a game in which I could simulate a country or at least run a country in a way similar to a grand strategy game but not so reliant on warfare. Something more political. I was hoping that I would get something less text based but NationStates is what I found when I ran a Google search. That is to say... NationStates was one of the free games I found.
Why I stayed even though NationStates didn't meet my expectations is because as luck would have it, I received a recruitment letter that invited me to join 10000 Islands. Even though I was reluctant to take part in the forum activities, I managed to overcome that reluctance and spam a bit. Had it not been for that, I would most likely have quit the game soon after having started playing.
HS: What specific aspects of the forum / forum activities attracted you and got you involved?
Hakke: At first it was the World Assembly discussions. I was attracted to the WA and the lawmaking. Then I realized that the WA is mostly bollocks.
I got into the spam section Taco Island. It was there where I first started to make friends.
HS: That’s cool! Who were some of your first TI friends? Also, relatedly, is there anyone you’d identify as a mentor in NS or in any aspect of it? If so, who and how did they shape how you play?
Hakke: Some of my first friends... Aersoldorf welcomed me into his house and our friendship started from there. That was early on. That was on the suggestion of my assigned forum buddy Ardreas. Ater Nox became my spam buddy and managed to keep me interested in Taco Island.
But your question is specifically limited to Taco Island, and Ardreas wasn't much involved there as far as I could tell. So my first TI friends would be Aersoldorf, whom I spammed with in his Mayor Mansion thread, and Ater Nox and Louisistan.
As for mentor in NS... not anyone specifically.
HS: Is there anything that people do in NS that you've always wanted to try but never had the chance to try?
Hakke: I can't come up with anything that I feel like I would like to do. I've never gotten around to write WA resolutions. But I'm not too bummed out about that since I don't care for the WA.
HS: Haha that’s fair. What would you say is your proudest accomplishment in NS?
Hakke: I'm proud to have served on TITO Command as an Executive Officer for about two and a half years. That makes me the longest serving Executive Officer. I've also served on TITO Command under three different Commander in Chiefs.
Editor's Note: Hakketomat, Kanta Hame, and Kortexia all hold the distinction of serving under all three Commanders-in-Chief. Additionally, Paffnia holds the distinction of being the only Minister to serve under all three Chief Executives.
HS: What is one of your favorite things you've done in this game or the time you've laughed the hardest? What's one of the more stressful or frustrating things you've done?
Hakke: Oh... I've laughed a lot of times when reading funny posts and responses in Taco Island threads.
One thing that has been very frustrating is explaining to others the concept of vampires and how a cross and holy water isn't gonna help fending off vampires. Another thing that has been frustrating is explaining to my fellow Islanders that I'm a vampire and not something else. I'm not gonna mention what "something else" I'm talking about. It's actually a taboo subject.

[div align="right"]Thanks for reading! Until next month, your 10KI Update staff Senator HumanSanity and Deputy Senator THX1138[/div]
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on December 12, 2019, 09:01:59 PM
Thank you for the update :)
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Markanite on January 25, 2020, 10:05:31 PM

Greetings, friends of the 10000 Islands! Our monthly report on our region is now out, which can be seen in the image above. If you wish to see the whole report, please click this link[/link][/color]. (
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on February 05, 2020, 05:45:19 PM
Thanks for the update! I think putting it in image format was a good idea. ^-^
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Markanite on May 29, 2020, 02:10:51 PM

Greetings from 10000 Islands. Our diplomatic staff is pleased to present the latest regional report, highlighting XKI news and events from April. In keeping with our format, we have provided a preview image of the update dispatch. To view the report dispatch in full, please follow this link (
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on May 29, 2020, 06:52:27 PM
Thanks for the update! :D

Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Markanite on June 16, 2020, 08:27:58 PM

Greetings from 10000 Islands. Our diplomatic staff is pleased to present the latest regional report, highlighting XKI news and events from May. In keeping with our format, we have provided a preview image of the update dispatch. To view the report dispatch in full, please follow this link (

Dispatch Link:

Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Kohnhead on July 09, 2020, 04:39:54 PM

Greetings from 10000 Islands. Our diplomatic staff is pleased to present the latest regional report, highlighting XKI news and events from May. In keeping with our format, we have provided a preview image of the update dispatch. To view the report dispatch in full, please follow this link (

Dispatch Link:
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on July 09, 2020, 05:40:44 PM
Thanks for the update! :D

I've noticed something that's're using light mode on NS, while Markanite was using the obviously-superior dark mode when he posted the last update. Dark mode is the mode of champions, including what's up with the light mode?

Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Kohnhead on July 10, 2020, 10:19:00 PM
*Immediately changes to dark mode after hearing it's the mode of champions*

The reason I used light mode is just because I was too lazy to ever look at the settings and see I could change the theme.

Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on July 11, 2020, 03:52:02 AM
I'm glad that we were here to turn you to the dark ways! ;)
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Kohnhead on August 14, 2020, 02:52:43 PM

Greetings from 10000 Islands. Our diplomatic staff is pleased to present the latest regional report, highlighting XKI news and events from July. In keeping with our format, we have provided a preview image of the update dispatch. To view the report dispatch in full, please follow this link (

Dispatch Link:

As you can see I am using the superior dark mode
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: monkey on August 14, 2020, 07:03:21 PM
Thanks for the update!
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Kohnhead on August 26, 2020, 08:07:24 PM
Dispatch concerning our Discord:
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on August 30, 2020, 05:01:23 AM
I'm sorry to hear about your guys''s disturbing to see how regularly this is happening in NS. =/

I hope that XKI is recovering well, and if there's anything we can do to help please don't hesitate to let us know.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Kohnhead on August 31, 2020, 07:18:03 PM
Thank you, our discord has been restored although all the history of conversations prior have been lost. We have put in new security measures to try and prevent something like this from happening again.

Thank you to everyone in Wintreath who offered support and help when our discord situation occurred.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Kohnhead on September 14, 2020, 07:31:06 PM

Greetings and good day to you all from 10000 Islands. Our diplomatic staff is pleased to present the latest regional report, highlighting XKI news and events from August. In keeping with our format, we have provided a preview image of the update dispatch. To view the report dispatch in full, please follow this link (

Dispatch Link:
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on September 17, 2020, 07:33:55 PM
Thanks for the update! It sounds like XKI is as buzzing as usual. :)

Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: monkey on September 18, 2020, 07:55:46 AM
Thanks for keeping us updated!
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Kohnhead on October 05, 2020, 07:03:27 PM
Dispatch Link:

Hello, here is the September Emissary Update for XKI.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Kohnhead on November 06, 2020, 01:15:22 AM

Greetings from 10000 Islands. Our diplomatic staff is pleased to present the latest regional report, highlighting XKI news and events from October. In keeping with our format, we have provided a preview image of the update dispatch. To view the report dispatch in full, please follow this link (

Haha back to light mode, I bet you didn't see that one coming
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on November 11, 2020, 03:49:20 PM
Light mode, eww. :P

But thanks for the update! ^-^
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Kohnhead on December 09, 2020, 08:44:41 PM

Greetings from 10000 Islands. Our diplomatic staff is pleased to present the latest regional report, highlighting XKI news and events from November. In keeping with our format, we have provided a preview image of the update dispatch. To view the report dispatch in full, please follow this link (

In addition Happy Holidays (whatever you celebrate) to all the nations of Wintreath from 10000 Islands

Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on December 10, 2020, 05:55:12 PM
Thanks for the update, and happy holidays to everyone in XKI as well! :)
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Kohnhead on January 05, 2021, 12:59:58 PM

Greetings from 10000 Islands, and Happy New Year! Our diplomatic staff is pleased to present the latest regional report, highlighting XKI news and events from December. In keeping with our format, we have provided a preview image of the update dispatch. To view the report dispatch in full, please follow this link (

Happy New Year to everyone in Wintreath, we all hope 2021 can be a better year
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on January 05, 2021, 03:52:09 PM
Thanks for the update, and happy new year to our friends in XKI as well! :)

It's awesome that our joint Werewolf game got a mention! It was definitely challenging in a fun way...trying to figure it all out with so many people we haven't played with before. I am looking forward to the next game in XKI. :)
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Kohnhead on February 05, 2021, 08:04:12 PM

Greetings from 10000 Islands! Our diplomatic staff is pleased to present the latest regional report, highlighting XKI news and events from January. In keeping with our format, we have provided a preview image of the update dispatch. To view the report dispatch in full, please follow this link (

Happy February Wintreath
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on February 14, 2021, 07:33:49 PM
And a happy February to you and to XKI as well. I hate that I didn't have a chance to read your update until just now, but it's been a very busy February so far. :P

Congratulations to our guest @Wischland on winning another term as Senator unopposed as well! I'm sure that it's because everyone thinks you're doing such a great job that nobody thinks they could do better. ^.-

Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wischland on February 14, 2021, 09:00:28 PM
Thank you very much! Though I'm sure I still have many things I can improve on, it's wonderful to feel so supported by my fellow Islanders and our friends in other regions! :D
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Red Mones on February 15, 2021, 05:26:51 AM
Congrats Wisch! :)
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on February 15, 2021, 03:58:18 PM
Thank you very much! Though I'm sure I still have many things I can improve on, it's wonderful to feel so supported by my fellow Islanders and our friends in other regions! :D
lol, I have been Monarch for over 7 years now, and there's still things I feel I could improve on. I don't think it's a feeling that ever goes away...but it's not a bad thing, it motivates us to always be doing better. :)
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Kohnhead on February 23, 2021, 08:24:03 PM
10000 Islands will be hosting a Harry Potter themed werewolf game that is open to friends from abroad. I hope to see some of our Wintreath friends there and I know some of you have already signed up just make sure you go easy on us okay :P

Signups close on Feburary 26th and you can find more info here: (
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Red Mones on February 24, 2021, 12:37:38 AM
Already signed up :P
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Imaginative Kane on February 24, 2021, 10:51:11 PM
I would sign up except I would probably end up being quite inactive.  Sounds like a fun theme though.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Kohnhead on March 04, 2021, 08:05:13 PM

Greetings from 10000 Islands! Our diplomatic staff is pleased to present the latest regional report, highlighting XKI news and events from February. In keeping with our format, we have provided a preview image of the update dispatch. To view the report dispatch in full, please follow this link[/url (
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on March 06, 2021, 04:35:59 PM
Thanks for the update ^-^
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Kohnhead on April 10, 2021, 03:07:48 AM

Greetings from 10000 Islands! Our diplomatic staff is pleased to present the latest regional report, highlighting XKI news and events from March. In keeping with our format, we have provided a preview image of the update dispatch. To view the report dispatch in full, please follow this link (
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on April 12, 2021, 06:25:58 PM
Thanks for the update! After our recent cultural exchange, it's nice to recognize some of the names on it. :P
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Kohnhead on May 03, 2021, 11:10:39 PM
Greetings from XKI! We're proud to present a special announcement regarding Chief Executive Markanite's resignation from his position, and his selection of Hakketomat as his successor. To view the full announcement, please follow the link below. ( (
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on May 04, 2021, 04:22:37 PM
Thanks for the update! I've already congratulated Hakketomat through telegram, but I wish all the best for him and for XKI through his time as Chief Executive. :)
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Kohnhead on May 11, 2021, 12:15:48 AM

Greetings from 10000 Islands! Our diplomatic staff is pleased to present the latest regional report, highlighting XKI news and events from April. In keeping with our format, we have provided a preview image of the update dispatch. To view the report dispatch in full, please follow this link ( and Hakke is now officially CE as the Report shows.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on May 11, 2021, 08:58:50 PM
Thanks for the update! :)
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Kohnhead on June 13, 2021, 11:39:17 PM

Greetings from 10000 Islands! Our diplomatic staff is pleased to present the latest regional report, highlighting XKI news and events from May. In keeping with our format, we have provided a preview image of the update dispatch. To view the report dispatch in full, please follow this link (
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on June 17, 2021, 04:33:57 PM
Thanks for the update! Is that a new font? I really like it. ^-^
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Kohnhead on July 18, 2021, 07:05:15 PM
Greetings from 10000 Islands! Our diplomatic staff is pleased to present the latest regional report, highlighting XKI news and events from June. To view the report dispatch in full, please follow this link (

Furthermore, we invite you to learn about TITO activities throughout the month of June in our latest TITO Update Report. To view the report dispatch, please follow this link (

Not just a new font but a new format and a new dispatch entirely, hope you like all the changes
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on July 18, 2021, 09:27:57 PM
Thanks for the updates! :)
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Kohnhead on August 22, 2021, 01:24:46 AM
Greetings from 10000 Islands! Our diplomatic staff is pleased to present the latest regional report, highlighting XKI news and events from July. To view the report dispatch in full, please follow this link (

Furthermore, we invite you to learn about TITO activities throughout the month of July in our latest TITO Update Report. To view the report dispatch, please follow this link (

I hope everyone in Wintreath is having a fantastic Summer, it's the middle of August already ???
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on August 24, 2021, 06:05:29 PM
Thanks for the update! I hope that you and XKI are having a great summer too. It's hard to believe how fast the summer has gone'll be snowing before we know it. :D
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Kohnhead on September 22, 2021, 09:42:04 PM
Greetings from 10000 Islands! Our diplomatic staff is pleased to present the latest regional report, highlighting XKI news and events from August. To view the report dispatch in full, please follow this link (

Furthermore, we invite you to learn about TITO activities throughout the month of August in our latest TITO Update Report. To view the report dispatch, please follow this link (

Still cannot believe fall is already underway, and you're right I'm expecting to see lots of Holiday decorations up soon. 
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on September 25, 2021, 09:20:52 AM
Yeah, it's hard to believe how quickly summer passed...I'm glad that we're going to be seeing some cooler weather soon. :)

In any case, thanks for the update!
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Kohnhead on October 16, 2021, 05:13:58 PM
Greetings from 10000 Islands! Our diplomatic staff are pleased to present the latest regional report, highlighting XKI news and events from September. To view the report dispatch in full, please follow this link (

Furthermore, we invite you to learn about TITO activities throughout the month of September in our latest TITO Update Report. To view the report dispatch, please follow this link (
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on October 17, 2021, 02:22:21 PM
Thanks for the update, and congrats to the winners in the election. :)
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Kohnhead on November 16, 2021, 10:40:58 PM
Greetings from 10000 Islands! Our diplomatic staff are pleased to present the latest regional report, highlighting XKI news and events from October. To view the report dispatch in full, please follow this link (

No TITO Report this month, keeping it short.

Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Americans!
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on November 17, 2021, 07:41:27 PM
Thanks for the update, and happy Thanksgiving to you as well! It was good to hear about the fun another region had with Z-Day, since we look forward to it so much every year ourselves. :)
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Kohnhead on December 21, 2021, 09:49:36 PM
Greetings from 10000 Islands! Our diplomatic staff are pleased to present the latest regional report, highlighting XKI news and events from November. We want to apologize for the delay in making this report widely available, but hope you'll enjoy it nonetheless. To view the report dispatch in full, please follow this link (

Happy Holidays Wintreath!
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Red Mones on December 21, 2021, 11:26:11 PM
Happy Holidays! :)
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on December 25, 2021, 07:22:33 AM
Thanks for the update, and happy holidays to you and to XKI as well! :D
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Kohnhead on January 20, 2022, 08:27:19 PM
Greetings from 10000 Islands! Our diplomatic staff are pleased to present the latest regional report, highlighting XKI news and events from December. We wish all of our friends and embassy partners a very happy New Year! To view the report dispatch in full, please follow this link (

Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on January 23, 2022, 02:22:28 AM
Thanks for the update! ^-^
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Kohnhead on February 13, 2022, 02:57:44 AM
Greetings from 10000 Islands! Our diplomatic staff is pleased to present the latest regional report, highlighting XKI news and events from January. To view the report dispatch in full, please follow this link (

Furthermore, we invite you to learn about TITO activities throughout the month of January in our latest TITO Update Report. To view the report dispatch, please follow this link (
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on February 14, 2022, 10:08:26 PM
@Kohnhead: Thanks for the update! Just a heads-up though, the external links for the Paffnia Prize and Tacovision don't work. It's adding to the front of them, so it ends up being "", for example.

I manually found them though, and I think the Paffnia Prize is such a great idea. It's amazing to see how many new, prominent ideas there were in XKI over the last year. In Wintreath, the people who come up with good ideas usually end up being nominated for Wintreath's Finest. It's a fine honour, but a contest of ideas is novel too. If nothing else, I've bookmarked the topic cause I'd love to read through the ideas when I get a chance. I definitely get the idea that XKI is innovating when I see the list though. :P
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Kohnhead on March 12, 2022, 11:54:35 PM
Greetings from 10000 Islands! Our diplomatic staff is pleased to present the latest regional report, highlighting XKI news and events from February. To view the report dispatch in full, please follow this link (

Furthermore, we invite you to learn about TITO activities throughout the month of February in our latest TITO Update Report. To view the report dispatch, please follow this link (

Also, Wintermoot in regards to last month's edition, I'm very glad you liked the Paffnia Prize. It really is a cool thing that we do each year to honor and draw attention to Islanders who deserve it and it's not surprising Wintreath has something similar. The that you noticed problem seems to be fixed in this month's edition in the links that I checked out, if you notice something let me know and I'll mention it. 
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on March 14, 2022, 10:58:50 PM
lol wolves. Couldn't even bring down Walmart. :D Thanks for the update!
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Kohnhead on April 07, 2022, 05:34:27 PM
Hello! Over in 10000 Islands, it is time for the annual Flag Competition! It is a chance for you to show off your own national flag and we'll determine which one is the best!

Signing up is easy, just post in this thread before the 16th of April:

This is also where you will find all additional information about how the contest will run!
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on April 09, 2022, 06:23:10 PM
Thanks for the update! I think @Michi is submitting one. As for me, I made one ok flag when I started NationStates, and I've kept it for 8+ years...this definitely is not my wheelhouse. :P
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Kohnhead on April 20, 2022, 12:25:47 AM
Greetings from 10000 Islands! Apologies for the slight delay, however we are delighted to bring you our update for March! To view the report dispatch in full, please follow this link (

Furthermore, we invite you to learn about TITO activities throughout the month of March in our latest TITO Update Report. To view the report dispatch, please follow this link (
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on April 26, 2022, 08:25:39 PM
Thanks for the update :)
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Kohnhead on May 18, 2022, 07:02:46 PM
Greetings from 10000 Islands! Hope you are having a great day! I am delighted to bring you our update for April! To view the report dispatch in full, please follow this link (
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on May 18, 2022, 07:41:21 PM
@Kohnhead: Thanks for the update! It's interesting to see that more people in XKI are optimistic about the year than pessimistic, seeing as there seems to be so many reasons to not be optimistic. It might actually be cool to run that poll in Wintreath and see if our results match each other.
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Kohnhead on June 13, 2022, 12:09:42 AM
Greetings from 10000 Islands! We hope you have had a wonderful day. I'm very excited to bring you the 10000 Islands report for May! To view the report dispatch in full, please follow this link (

Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on June 18, 2022, 06:26:57 PM
Thanks for the update! As a fan of vanilla, I'm happy to see that it reigns supreme in XKI as well. :D
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Kohnhead on August 16, 2022, 11:26:50 PM
Greetings from 10000 Islands!

I'm very excited to bring you the 10000 Islands report for July! To view the report dispatch in full, please follow this link (
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Dawsinian on August 17, 2022, 04:15:46 AM
Thanks for the update! :)
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on August 17, 2022, 02:32:27 PM
As someone who does manual recruitment, 21k telegrams is quite a feat! I used to send out 10k/month at my peak, but nowadays I aim more for 1-2k because recruiting was taking me away from other things I needed to be doing. But I know how much effort it takes to send out a large number like's really impressive. ^-^

Their numbers, along with Jabberwocky's, suggests that XKI has a recruitment rate of around 1.5% to 2%. Interesting...

Thanks for the update. ^-^
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Kohnhead on September 22, 2022, 01:19:16 AM
Greetings from 10000 Islands!

I'm very excited to bring you the 10000 Islands report for August! To view the report dispatch in full, please follow this link (
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on October 08, 2022, 03:08:14 AM
Thank you for the update, I hope that things are going well for you. :)
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Kohnhead on October 19, 2022, 08:11:04 PM
Greetings from 10000 Islands!

Hope you are having a wonderful day, once again I'm very excited to bring you the 10000 Islands report for September! To view the report dispatch in full, please follow this link (
Title: 10000 Islands
Post by: Wintermoot on October 22, 2022, 09:13:55 PM
Thanks for the update. :)