Wintreath Regional Community
The Frozen Gatehouse - Welcome to Wintreath => The Frozen Oracle - News and Announcements => Topic started by: Wintermoot on November 11, 2013, 06:43:28 AM
Recently as we've started growing, several people have been promoted or received official titles or roles within the Kingdom!
Charax - Ever have someone that you just instantly connected with as soon as you met them? Someone that you feel all your most important and best moments in a particular setting are somehow intertwined with? Someone that you feel you can trust anything to and share anything with? For me, that person is Charax. We were close practically from the time we met back in January. He was the first person to believe in me and tell me that I should run for President in Spiritus. From there we officially started our kickass partnership, which extended to writing a SC resolution together. Then, when I left Spiritus, he encouraged me to turn Wintreath into a serious region, and here we are now.
Quite frankly, Wintreath wouldn't exist as it is today if it weren't for Charax, a key reason that I made him Crown Prince/Heir Apparent immediately after Wintreath is created. I can't think of anybody on this game that I trust more than him, and for that reason as of a few days ago I've given him adminship, with the right to do...well, whatever needs to be done. As always, he has my full faith, and I know he's going to do great. :)
Insenjar - With our wedding on Wednesday, Insenjar is now Queen Consort of Wintreath. While this is a ceremonial position, Insenjar is one of those people that don't need power or authority to make a huge impact on a community. Many of you already know her as a consistently friendly face in the region...someone that helps make our chats on IRC fun, interesting, and somehow more personable. Someone that would be greatly missed if we didn't have the pleasure of seeing her on daily. I take my NationStates family very seriously, and I didn't enter into this marriage lightly...we're close friends outside of this roleplay thing, and she's good for me, the region, and everybody that has the honour of meeting her. I know she's going to make this position uniquely hers and be a wonderful Queen as well. :)
Just to clarify, she's a Jarl of Integration she does have power and authority, but she doesn't need it to make an impact. :P
Mirrania - Unlike Charax and Insenjar, I've only known Mirrania for a short time, but in that time he's shown himself to be a very involved and personable member of the community who with some experience and training has much potential. That's why I have granted him the title of Royal Advisor General. As part of this position, he will be doing work across all areas of the government in order to gain experience and to help me with my low-level workload so I can concentrate on other stuff. I can't wait to watch him grow and learn in the future, and see his potential truly grow and blossom. :)
Crya - Crya is also relatively new to NationStates and was one of our first natives in the region, but already has a great idea concerning national roleplay interaction here on the forums. I honestly don't know much about this area of the game myself, but he has lots of ideas and is excited, and that makes me excited! As such, Crya is our very first Organizer of our very first regional activity, The Exchange! Organizers are part of the Ministry of Culture, and are responsible for running and overseeing a particular activity we can all take part in, usually something the have planned themselves as Crya has. I hope we have many more in the future, because they will be key to maintaining an active and fun region. :)
Please join me in congratulating all of them, and thanking them for everything they've done and are doing for our region. I know we're better for it. :)
Congratulations, everybody! Good to see promotions and recognition where it is due :)
Congratulations! I don't know all of you, but still. The summaries moot wrote are reason enough.
Congratulations guys! :D
Nice job people! It's so exciting to see the new faces especially help our region grow so much.