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A Tale of Icy Proportions [IC]
Posts: 48 Views: 4457

  • Former Citizen
  • the Barkeep
  • The story so far...
    Here, in the land of Wintreath, there exists a great danger.  An especially powerful and cunning snow demon, wreaking havoc upon the land, turning everyone that run into ice sculptures, and those that don't into slaves.  However, there is hope: a band of heroes, almost entirely untested, are willing to attempt a quest to destroy the demon.  These heroes, lead by a powerful mage, are going to find and defeat the demon.  But first, they must find him.  This is the story of their uncomfortable ordeal finding the demon.

    General info...
    Location: Wintreath
    Technology level: Medieval
    Genre: Fantasy

    Sae'taer was huddled near a fire, around which were also an orc, a large She-wolf, and a treant.  They were still waiting for one of their number, who hadn't arrived yet.  He looked around, and said, "Did anyone notice anything strange while travelling?"
    The She-wolf looked around, first at Sae, then at the orc and treant in turn.
    « Last Edit: October 18, 2018, 03:25:55 PM by Saerien »
    Keep it down, my head hurts...
    • the Barkeep
    • Posts: 98
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  • "You mean besides this talking tree?" Grond said with a wary face, motioning to Kaa. "No. Why?"

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
    Patriarch of the Noble House of Burdock
    Curriculum Vitae
    Citizen: 15 November 2015 - present
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    Jarl of Culture: 30 November 2016 - 13 September 2019
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    Wintreath's Finest: February 2017
    Count of Janth: 17 September 2017 - present
    Patriarch of the Noble House of Burdock: 17 September 2017 - present
    Recruitment Contest Winner: September 2017
    Duke of Wintreath: 13 September 2019 - present
    Wintreath's Finest: September 2019
    Skrifa of the 37th Underhusen: 8 December 2019 - 8 February 2020
    Wintreath's Finest of the Year: 2019
    Commendation of Wintreath: 27 June 2020
    Citizens' Council Member: 14 September 2020 - 8 March 2021
    Skrifa of the 43rd Underhusen: 9 December 2020 - 8 February 2021 🔥

    Alder of the Riksraad: 7 June 2021 - 17 June 2021
    Jarl of Culture: 17 June 2021 - 14 November 2021
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  • Kaa reaches inside her leaves, kills a bird and starts roasting it over a fire.

    "Uhh, I don't remeber anything. Give me a moment until my... my... - Damn it! - Brain kicks in," he mumbles.

    "Bird anyone?"

    Citizen: 23 June - Present,
    Wintreath's Finest July 2018,
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Former Citizen
  • the Barkeep
  • "Please," Naelan said, looking at the bird hopefully.
    "I noticed the weather is warming up.  I was here not two days ago, and it was much colder," Sae said, looking down at his staff and armor, as if checking it for rust, "I know it should be getting colder, not warmer."
    Keep it down, my head hurts...
    • the Barkeep
    • Posts: 98
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  • "Maybe the Frost Demon saw me coming and got scared and ran away," Grond chuckled to himself. He then sprung up to his feet. "Wait, no! I must catch it and kill it!" He picked up his battleaxe and looked around, not knowing which way to run.

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
    Patriarch of the Noble House of Burdock
    Curriculum Vitae
    Citizen: 15 November 2015 - present
    Recruitment Contest Winner: December 2015
    Recruitment Contest Winner: January 2016
    Secretary of the 14th Underhusen: 8 February 2016 - 8 April 2016
    RP Guild Councillor: 9 February 2016 - 24 February 2017
    Recruitment Contest Winner: April 2016
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    Ambassador to Nesapo: 5 July 2016 - 13 March 2017
    Jarl of Culture: 30 November 2016 - 13 September 2019
    Wintreath's Finest: November 2016
    Wintreath's Finest: February 2017
    Count of Janth: 17 September 2017 - present
    Patriarch of the Noble House of Burdock: 17 September 2017 - present
    Recruitment Contest Winner: September 2017
    Duke of Wintreath: 13 September 2019 - present
    Wintreath's Finest: September 2019
    Skrifa of the 37th Underhusen: 8 December 2019 - 8 February 2020
    Wintreath's Finest of the Year: 2019
    Commendation of Wintreath: 27 June 2020
    Citizens' Council Member: 14 September 2020 - 8 March 2021
    Skrifa of the 43rd Underhusen: 9 December 2020 - 8 February 2021 🔥

    Alder of the Riksraad: 7 June 2021 - 17 June 2021
    Jarl of Culture: 17 June 2021 - 14 November 2021
    Alder of the Riksraad: 14 November 2021 - 1 March 2022
    Regional Stability Squad: 27 February 2023 - present
    • Posts: 4,094
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  • Former Citizen
  • the Barkeep
  • "Oh, sit down, the snow demon is halfway across Wintreath!  The reason this is our rendezvous is so I could raise an ally to help us.  We are going to have a half-trained half-elven swordsman, and I know I can't teach him elven techniques.  I do, however, know of a graveyard nearby with an ancient tomb, a remnant from the Golden Age of Wintreath.  It is the resting place of the bearer of Saethriel," Sae snapped, making the fire flare a little, "Not to mention, I don't want to die before I have a chance to get a piece of that demon."
    "I know it hurts, but think about it, why would we be close enough to the snow demon for it to see us?" Naelan asked bitingly.
    OOC: Saethriel is the sword's name.
    « Last Edit: October 21, 2018, 01:41:07 AM by Saerien »
    Keep it down, my head hurts...
    • the Barkeep
    • Posts: 98
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  • Count of Highever
  • Erebus approached the group huddled by the fire with some apprehension. Sure, he was good enough with his sword to fend off the occasional wayward bandit, but would that really be enough for a journey this dangerous? He was having second thoughts, alright.

    Then he considered heading back to his village, where he had been treated like dirt for most of his life, and his resolve firmed. He was going to go through with this quest, no matter what.

    He approached the group and mildly introduced himself. "Hi, my name is Erebus. It's a pleasure to meet you all. I hope to prove my worth on this quest."

    He realised how weak this made him sound after he said it, but it was too late.
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
    Satan sit saam sy kinders en kyk hoe kom die son op. 
    • Count of Highever
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  • Former Citizen
  • the Barkeep
  • "Well, as long as big-ax-no-brains over there," Naelan said, pointing at Grond with her tail, "isn't upset by your presence, we're happy to have you!"
    "Naelan, don't say that.  There's no reason to be rude already.  We haven't even begun our journey," Sae said, giving Naelan a piercing look.  Turning to Erebus, Sae said, "Young Erebus, welcome to the group.  And, also, I'm going to get you a teacher."
    Keep it down, my head hurts...
    • the Barkeep
    • Posts: 98
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  • "No, no, no... Erebus does not need teaching! All he needs... to do.... is *thud* that!" he exclaims, as ge lifts up his club to fingld a rat underneath. "See? No 'swordfighting'. Just bashing." He chucks the roast bird over to Naelan.

    Citizen: 23 June - Present,
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  • Grond laughed at Kaa, ignoring Naelan's comment. "Don't worry, elf boy," he said as he patted Erebus's back a little too roughly, "Nothing escapes my axe. There won't be any left to kill you." He then sat back down and turned to Sae. "Now where is that graveyard?"

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
    Patriarch of the Noble House of Burdock
    Curriculum Vitae
    Citizen: 15 November 2015 - present
    Recruitment Contest Winner: December 2015
    Recruitment Contest Winner: January 2016
    Secretary of the 14th Underhusen: 8 February 2016 - 8 April 2016
    RP Guild Councillor: 9 February 2016 - 24 February 2017
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    Ambassador to Nesapo: 5 July 2016 - 13 March 2017
    Jarl of Culture: 30 November 2016 - 13 September 2019
    Wintreath's Finest: November 2016
    Wintreath's Finest: February 2017
    Count of Janth: 17 September 2017 - present
    Patriarch of the Noble House of Burdock: 17 September 2017 - present
    Recruitment Contest Winner: September 2017
    Duke of Wintreath: 13 September 2019 - present
    Wintreath's Finest: September 2019
    Skrifa of the 37th Underhusen: 8 December 2019 - 8 February 2020
    Wintreath's Finest of the Year: 2019
    Commendation of Wintreath: 27 June 2020
    Citizens' Council Member: 14 September 2020 - 8 March 2021
    Skrifa of the 43rd Underhusen: 9 December 2020 - 8 February 2021 🔥

    Alder of the Riksraad: 7 June 2021 - 17 June 2021
    Jarl of Culture: 17 June 2021 - 14 November 2021
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  • the Barkeep
  • Naelan catches the bird in midair, and starts munching contentedly on it.
    "It's about a hundred of my steps that way," Sae says, pointing to the East, "And, also, leave any steel here.  It sometimes causes my magic to go awry.  That means, leave all swords, axes, and armor, as well as anything else made of steel, here."  As he said this, Sae removed his steel armor, leaving him in only  lightweight leather armor.
    Keep it down, my head hurts...
    • the Barkeep
    • Posts: 98
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  • Kaa looked at the log he was weilding, and then, after coming to the conclysion it was not made of steel, said"C'mon! Let's Go! "

    Citizen: 23 June - Present,
    Wintreath's Finest July 2018,
    Speaker Pro Tempore of the 29th, 30th and 31st Underhusen,
    RP Guild Rank: Layman
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  • Adate'lore of Yaim Rusur
  • Mirithal had been contently watching from a nearby tree, silent as a gentle breeze. Upon realizing this was indeed the right group, he made his choice. He fell out of the tree, landing with little more than a soft thump, barely noticeable. On his back was his weapon, the moon blade glaive, as well as his rope darts wrapped around his arms. His clothing as soft and flowing, and from what the others could see, was he wore a white mask, in stark contrast to the dark navy blues and greys of the rest of his outfit. The mask had 2 eye holes, and horns. The eyeholes did not reveal much, but could be seen giving off a light blue glow, very faint. He approached the group, and bowed.

    "I believe I was told to serve along side you all. I am called Mir."

    He spoke with a very precise accent, and stood at attention, his movements precise and graceful all at the same time.
    • Adate'lore of Yaim Rusur
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      Noble House of Valeria
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  • Former Citizen
  • the Barkeep
  • "Remove your mask; there is nothing to hide.  I won't allow the others to harm you," Sae said kindly, "We are a diverse group, as you can see.  We have a Treant and an Orc-"
    "Who seems to not be especially bright," Naelan said, interrupting Sae.
    "As I was saying," Sae said, giving Naelan a dark look, which she didn't see, "We are extremely diverse.  We will make you feel comfortable among us."
    Keep it down, my head hurts...
    • the Barkeep
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  • Adate'lore of Yaim Rusur
  • Mir hesitated. "Treants and Orcs...are not so controversial." He stated, though he did allow his tail to unravel from around his waist, long and smooth, tipped with but a faint arrow shaped tip.
    • Adate'lore of Yaim Rusur
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    • Munit oyacyir te verda be Wintreath!
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