Wintreath Regional Community

A Link to the Past - Archives => The Registry of Things Past - Historic Archive => Roleplay Archive => Topic started by: Commander_Zemas on November 24, 2015, 09:34:12 PM

Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 24, 2015, 09:34:12 PM
Welcome Adventurers to the Wintreath Space Expedition!

It is far into the future in the region of Wintreath. Technological levels have been reached further than imagined and galactic ships are starting to go on production. However, not much is relatively known about the surrounding systems.Thus, Wintreath has decided to fund a space expedition to find out the unknown. Mystical worlds will be discovered and perhaps even the mysterious signs of life. Welcome to Wintreath Space Expeditions. You shall be posted on board of one our most advanced pieces of technology available today. The USS Wintreath is at yours to operate.


It contains a big science lab, 2 ship bays (with artificer stations) and can hold 200 passengers if needed. It has a few weapons at its disposal which includes laser weapons and missiles. Currently, there are no FTL technologies available at the moment, but it can reach the speed of light.

Soon, the journey will begin. Recruitment programs have been set up and personnel are transferred to the vessel as soon as possible. With a century worth of provisions, it is almost ready to move out. However, it is lacking some experienced crewmen to explore and analyze findings. With Grand Prince/Captain Alexsandr Von Erikson commanding the vessel, the crew will experience an adventure none have before.


Captain & Grand Prince Alexsandr Von Erikson
Artificer Commander Tomalek
Aviator(Pilot) Hendrik Wolfskemer
Surveyor(Explorer) Aria Wells 
Explorer Gunther Stenberg
Engineer Zerick Chase
Scientist Aaban Amer
Scientist Fern Hun
Astrogator(Pilot) James Wheeler
Explorer David Anderson
Doctor(Scientist) Aíne Hiwat 
Pilot Nakamora Steele

Prologue (
Chapter 1 (
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 25, 2015, 06:52:11 PM
Alexsandr was soon informed of his new duty to explore the cosmos. "Well, I guess its time to get into the swing of things again" he muttered to himself. He found his private pilot to fly him up to the USS Wintreath, which was currently in orbit. Alexsandr knew that he would never see Wintreath for a long time. "Pilot, fly me up to the USS Wintreath. I have to go on a mission." he said. He input the safety code into the shuttle  and wondered what would be out there in space. Will they ever meet other lifeforms? Will we ever return back to Wintreath? All he knew was this trip would take years. Before he knew it, he was in the USS Wintreath. Alexsandr explored the white floors and halls that he would call home. He eventually found his way to his quarters and settled into what he would now call home. The expected crew members won't arrive till a while, but he told his crew to contact him when they arrived.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on November 25, 2015, 07:51:06 PM
Hendrik had just worked up the nerve to call his mother, and tell her all about the mission. She was heartbroken that he had avoided his family for more than 5 years, but nonetheless happy to hear his voice and learn of his mission.

When he hung up the phone, he felt surprisingly sad to be leaving. What his father had once told him proved to be true after all: a man like him would always need rigid discipline and structure to be a fully-functioning adult. The military provided plenty of that. Hendrik had found contentment in his new life, but he was ready to see what his future would hold in store for him aboard the USS Wintreath.

He took a few slow breaths as he climbed into his shuttle, and looked around his beautiful city once more. He wondered what it would look like when he returned. If he returned.

He promptly decided such thoughts were useless and set off for the Hughie (his fond nickname for the USS Wintreath).

"Well, this should be interesting, don't you think, Pieter?"

The wrist-mounted computer answered in his monotone voice: "Indeed. I wonder what AIs an alien life form would have."

Hendrik cracked a smile. "Of course. That's all you can ever seem to think about."

"You programmed me this way."

"That I did."

He could see the USS Wintreath growing larger, and as he finally pulled in, he signalled one of the crewmen to inform the captain of his arrival. He hoped to all the gods that this captain would be better than the last one he served with. "Tell Captain Aleksandr I've arrived. And please tell me this thing has a bar."

The crewman didn't seem to approve of his last sentence, but Hendrik didn't care.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 25, 2015, 07:58:03 PM
After unpacking his few belongings, which include his House symbol, he was contacted that  Mr.Wolfskemer arrived. He decided to meet him immediately. He wound his way to the hanger where the pilot was.

"Greetings Mr.Wolfskemer! Or should I call you Hendrik? Anyhow, welcome aboard the USS Wintreath. I hope we will get to know each other more since I like to know all under my command. I'll call someone to get you situated in your quarters and hope everything is up to your standards." said Alexsandr.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on November 25, 2015, 08:12:34 PM
Hendrik was surprised to see the captain being such a relaxed guy. From all he'd heard of him, Hendrik had resigned himself to it that he probably wouldn't like him, thus he was pleasantly surprised.

He wasn't sure whether he should salute, but experience had taught him to follow his instincts. The captain seemed down-to-earth, so he decided to mirror his relaxed manner.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, captain. 'Hendrik' is fine. People only use my surname when I've pissed them off. As for my room, if it has a bed and a bathroom, we're good. I've been stationed all over Wintreath, and never in any place as grand as aboard the Hughie."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 25, 2015, 08:23:56 PM
"The Hughie?" said Alexsandr confused. It took a few seconds to realize what he said. "Oh, I see."

"Anyways, Lets hope you don't piss anyone off then! Except for maybe any life forms we encounter out here. Your quarters are equipped with a bed, bathroom, and a computer to record daily logs or any other information you would like to record. Its good to have you in my crew though. We still await the others so take your time to explore my vessel." said Alexsandr.
"I'll be at the bridge if you need me. I need to familiarize myself in how this vessel works."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Crushita on November 25, 2015, 08:45:41 PM
Aaban flew up to the USS Wintreath in a ship. A real space ship! He had read about it, he had even seen a few go up, but never in a million years did he think he would ever have had the privilege to. But the day was only going to get better from here, right? He was going to one of the largest ships ever constructed! He might never see Wintreath again, but who cares! Wintreath has that blighted hell hole called Crushita that with all luck he will never have to endure again! Oh happy days!

Finally getting on the ship (And over the sheer amount of awe) he paged the bridge, assuming the captain was there, after all, where else would he be?

"Hello! Is the captain there? This is Aaban Amer reporting for duty!"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 25, 2015, 08:51:15 PM
Alexsandr turned around after he heard Aaban's somewhat loud introduction.

"Greetings! You must be our scientist. How odd that you come sooner than others even though you were recruited the most recent... Anyways, welcome aboard. One of the crew will show you to your quarters and then the Science Labs. Please note anything you need before we leave this system!"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Crushita on November 25, 2015, 08:59:03 PM
"I was to say, rather rushed. I enlisted after coming home to find my home was now a smoking hole in the ground, though at least nobody was hurt. If your offering, I could use some clothes!"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 25, 2015, 09:02:31 PM
"There should be some clothes in your quarters. I guess this vessel will be all our new homes now. And sorry to hear about your homeland."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on November 25, 2015, 09:09:20 PM
Hendrik had heard about the new scientist from some disgruntled crewmen in the bar, and decided that he would go and introduce himself immediately.

His exploration had taken him all across the ship, and it was magnificent. He had uploaded a ship mapping software to his watch, as any pilot worth his salt would need to be aware of the status of the ship at all times. Thus he knew where the new scientist's room would be, and made his way there. At present, no one was there, so he decided to wait.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 25, 2015, 09:20:29 PM
Meanwhile,  Alexsandr was looking at the ship controls and what it could do. Even though the vessel was for exploration, it had an impressive set of weapons. It appeared that the ship was more like a Battlecruiser class. It had a set of evasive techniques it could use and had powerful shields. It also had a short "jump" technology that it could use, but it was still in development and a prototype.

"It seems the government expects us to face enemies out here." the Captain muttered to himself.

Next, he checked  the starmap in the center of the bridge. It had locations of nearby systems, but it would seem we would have to record systems onwards from those. It was a very nice piece of technology to have though.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Crushita on November 25, 2015, 09:44:59 PM
It had taken a while for Aaban to get to his quarters(He couldn't stop looking at everything! It was all so magnificent!), the crewman instructed to show him to his room looked unimpressed to say the least. He was rather surprised to see someone there though!

"Hello! Wow! Is that one of those new watches I've heard so much about? That looks amazing!"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on November 25, 2015, 09:58:19 PM
"It is, indeed. Here," he said as he removed the watch from his wrist, "you can look at it if you want. My name is Hendrik. It's good to meet you."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 25, 2015, 10:00:34 PM
After doing a short review of the USS Wintreath's capabilities, the Captain retreated to the Lounge.

When he arrived there, the Captain was suprised to see how grand the Lounge was. It included a bar, a cafeteria and several entertainment objects.

"They sure gave a lot of luxury to this ship. I guess it will be all we have in the isolation of space." he wondered aloud. He settled in and ordered some borscht. He watched the last news of Wintreath he would ever see.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Bodobol on November 25, 2015, 10:24:38 PM
OOC: apologies for any typos or anything, I'm on my phone and too lazy to proofread.

Aria's stomach churned as her shuttle transported her to the USS Wintreath. Why, she was not sure; she was no stranger to shuttles, and she was eager for this mission. She read over the mission briefing for the third or fourth time while waiting for the shuttle to reach its destination. Already, she had the names of her crewmates memorized.

Exploration! The concept filled Aria with a childlike joy. What wonders would she discover in worlds outside of her own? She had pondered this restlessly for several nights now, and fantasies of rich alien worlds came to her in dreams. All of her service in the Talvian Space Authority, and subsequent service in the Wintreath Space Command, had led to this moment. She did not know when she would return home from this mission. Nor did she care.

The shuttle docked on the ship. Aria sat - quite impatiently - in her seat while the shuttle broadcasted its arrival on the USS Wintreath. After a small waiting period, she saw the doors of the shuttle open to the larger ship's airlock. The surveyor grabbed her belongings and walked through. So much waiting, she thought as she again had to stay still while adjusting to the slightly different pressure on board. Her gaze wandered down to her wrist, where her watch lit up with a notification. "dad and I wishing you the best! xoxo," it read. The watch was of an older make, dated a few years at least. It had been standard issue in her old position, though, and she was permitted to keep and reformat it for the purposes of this mission. Smiling but not concerned with replying, she just waited for the screen to darken once more.

The doors on the other side of the airlock opened soon after, and Aria stepped through. Immediately, she was struck by the sheer size of the ship; never in her service had she seen anything comparable. Quite honestly, it was intimidating in its vastness. After taking a moment to appreciate it, she turned to a small screen mounted on the wall beside the door. A map of the ship was currently on display. Quickly glancing over it, she decided to first visit the bridge. She was surprised to have not seen anyone near the entryway, though she didn't particularly mind. Carrying her bags alongside her, she walked until she reached the similarly vacant bridge. Wary not to touch anything, but fascinated by the starmap, she spent some time simply staring at it. The thought that she and the rest of the crew would fill out this map further then it currently was... it filled her with determination.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 25, 2015, 10:31:36 PM
The Captain was shortly informed that Aria Wells was on board and simply staring at the starmap. He quickly hurried (after finishing his borscht) to the bridge. It seems that the bridge crew are off duty right now he thought.

"Hello, are you our explorer?" announced Alexsandr.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Bodobol on November 25, 2015, 10:36:19 PM
The voice of another human startled Aria; she had been deep in thought staring at the map. She turned to see a man whose badge indicated he was Captain of the ship. Remembering her briefings, she recognized the man as Alexsandr Von Erikson. She gave him a brief salute.

"That would be me - Surveyor Aria Wells, reporting for duty. And you would be the Captain, correct?"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 25, 2015, 10:39:16 PM
"Yes, I am the Captain of this grand vessel. You may call me Alexsandr though. Hendrik  and Aaban are already on board. Take a look around this vessel. A crew member will also escort you to your quarters. Hopefully everything will be satisfactory for the long journey ahead of us!"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Bodobol on November 25, 2015, 11:24:05 PM
"I've found this ship more than satisfactory thus far - thank you for the warm welcome, Alexsandr, and I'm sure our journey will be a grand one."

A crew member soon came to her and led her to her quarters. Along the way, she continued to be awed by the scale of everything on board. She resisted the urge to stop and acquaint herself with everything, however, as she wanted to first get her belongings in order. Eventually, her quarters were reached and she stepped inside. She thanked the crewman and dismissed him, closing the door behind her. Casting aside her bag, she briefly scanned the room.

Her bed looked surprisingly comfy, and a computer upon a desk was tucked neatly into a corner. By her right side was a minifridge, which upon further inspection contained water bottles and some snacks. Two doors (in addition to the entry door) were present; one on the left side of the room, near the far corner, and another directly opposite it. Aria first walked toward the right one, which opened as she approached. It was a small closet, already stocked with some clothes. Aria then checked the other door, which revealed a bathroom inside. She then briefly unpacked her belongings; mostly clothes for varying conditions, but also a few objects of sentimental value.

Once that was taken care of, she walked to her bed and sprawled out on it. She raised her wrist to her face, and the notification from her mother was still present on the screen when she turned it on. She texted back now, thanking her mother for the well wishes. For a brief period she simply lay there, but soon stood up again. She sat at the computer desk and found another map of the ship loaded onto it. Next, she decided, she would visit the lounge; it did not appear she had any jobs that needed doing right now, so she may as well acquaint herself with other areas of the ship.

She left her room and found her way to the lounge, denying an offer to be escorted by a crewman near her room. Once there, she noted that several people were present, though mostly more crewmen. She sat down in a chair and gazed at a TV screen, currently on a news channel. Reading the banners floating aceoss the bottom of the screen, she noted one headline in particular: "Terrorist attack in southern Talvias kills 20." Aria was not at all surprised, and mostly desensitized to it at this point; that region of her country had been subject to violent separatist attacks for decades now. Such headlines popped up at least every month or two. She looked up from the banner, and now saw a picture of the very ship she was on. The USS Wintreath expedition was making waves across the region.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 25, 2015, 11:44:15 PM
Alexsandr decided to check out the other areas of interest. But first, he told a crewmen to contact the other members of the crew to get on board as soon as possible.

He looked at the nearest map of the ship and found out there was a War Room. He found a blank screen that supposedly was a map and found a list of every man aboard.

"Odd. Why would there be a war room on an exploration vessel?" he wondered aloud. There was also a table and some chairs which he guessed were for meetings and discussions. He left the room and explored the other parts of the ship and found out there was a unit assembly area as well. Perhaps this vessel is also a prototype war vessel he thought as he went back to the bridge.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Gerrick on November 26, 2015, 03:18:18 AM
As Gunther walked towards the shuttle that would take him to the USS Wintreath, two men in uniform quickly walked up with both hands on their rifles.

One spoke loud and clearly, "Sir, only authorized personnel are allowed in this area. Please hand over your firearm and come with us."

Without stopping, Gunther slightly raised his machine gun with one arm, pointing it towards their feet. "I am authorized personnel, and no you're not touching Karen," Gunther said forcefully.

"Gunther Stenberg?" one questioned.

"Aye, now take me up to the ship," Gunther said as he walked between the two soldiers towards the shuttle. As he took a seat inside, he let out an inaudible sigh of relief. "Those two soldiers could tell who I was, so the crew must already be informed who I am," he thought, "so it looks like I won't have to try so hard at first."

As the shuttle neared the ship, he went into his meditative state that he used to become his new persona, Gunther. By the time the shuttle docked and the door opened, he was already standing up, machine gun in hand. As he stepped out of the shuttle, the crewman who was there to greet him stepped back with wide eyes.

"Uh, are you...? You're not supposed to carry weapons onto the ship," the crewman whimpered.

"Try and take it," Gunther growled.

The crewman quickly looked down and typed onto his personal tablet, saying, "I'm letting the Captain know you're here. This way to your room."

Gunther followed slowly, gazing at the ship as he walked. "I think I may have gotten in over my head," Gunther thought. "This is really official-looking and high class."

As he entered his room, he stared at the crewman until he nervously scurried away. He hid his gun away into the closet and sat on the edge of the bed, meditating for a couple minutes to regain his composure. He then stood back up and headed towards the bridge where he assumed the Captain to be.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 26, 2015, 03:36:14 AM
Alexsandr was busy plotting the initial course of the ship until he noticed someone come in. Since Alexsandr did an extensive reading of his crewmen, he knew the man to be Gunther Stenberg.

"Hello Gunther. I heard you were from the mercenary group Fire's Edge? It'll be good to have someone with combat experience when we explore planets. Never know what could be down those. Anyways, welcome aboard to my vessel. You can make yourself acquainted with the other members."

Alexsandr paused for a brief moment. "Also, try not to scare my crew. And calm down with that gun of yours." 
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Aragonn on November 26, 2015, 04:44:07 AM
Zerick Chase looked in the mirror and fixed his uniform. After his graduation, he was hand picked to be an engineer aboard the USS Wintreath, an honor higher than any other for an engineer. After he was satisfied with how he looked, he found his parents at the front door to see him off. With the farewells said, he was off.

Once on the shuttle, he took one last look at his homeworld. The shuttle took off once Zerick strapped himself in. A short flight later and they landed in the USS Wintreath shuttle bay. Overcome with excitement, meeting with the Captain was the only thing on Zerick's mind.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Gerrick on November 26, 2015, 04:45:55 AM
Gunther simply nodded to the Captain. He looked the Captain up and down and came to the conclusion that he would not be much of a problem for him. He turned around and headed back to his room, not taking much interest in wanting to meet the other members yet.

As he arrived in his room, he saw a computer terminal on a desk, where he then went and sat down. The computer screen had a few icons, one of which was labeled "Daily Logs". Gunther realized that somebody would most likely be monitoring these logs.

He opened the program and decided to write:

The Captain or Grand Prince or whatever he wants to call himself seems a good enough guy but not as tall as I imagined. Try to stay on his good side. No more scaring the crew or waving Karen around... at least not as much.

He closed the program and noticed another icon that read "Crew Dossiers". He opened the program and spent the next several hours reading about the other crew members. He wanted to know exactly who he was dealing with before meeting them face-to-face.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 26, 2015, 04:52:12 AM
As soon as Gunthar left, he was notified of Zerick's arrival. He decided to meet him in the shuttle bay. While walking there, he made a mental note to keep a close eye on Gunthar. A moment later, he arrived at the shuttle bay.

"Hello! You must be Zerick. It'll good to have an engineer here. You'll find this vessel's engineering capability... to be very large. A crew member will escort you to your quarters and then the assembly/engineering bay. And welcome aboard!"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on November 26, 2015, 04:59:20 AM
Hendrik had spent a good few minutes exchanging pleasantries with the strange and lively Crushitan, and was now making his way to the lounge once more.

As he entered, he saw a woman whom he surmised to be Aria. He calmly made his way over to her, but saw that she was staring intently at the news monitor. He gave a cursory glance at the headlines, and immediately saw the problem.

He decided that it might be best to leave her to her thoughts and wait for her to notice him by the bar. He was in no rush to meet all his fellow crew members. They would have a hell of a long time for that.

"Bar tender, please give me a martini. Actually, make that two, but send one over to that woman over there in the lounge. Don't tell her who sent it. Just tell her the person who sent it thought she could use a drink."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Aragonn on November 26, 2015, 05:02:17 AM
"Thank you, sir. I plan on keeping all systems running optimally at all times," he said with a salute. "The challenge is half the fun"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 26, 2015, 05:23:04 AM
The captain was soon informed of the last shipment of supplies which apparently came inside a mining ship. He inspected it and it came with an encoded message.

"This mining ship is for you to mine minerals. This will help your assembly area. Also Captain, you must remain on your mission forever. We do not expect you to come back to Wintreath. The supplies given have some minerals and beacons that will indicate a planet's status. Please set it so it represents the planet, whether colonizable or uncolonizable. Please keep this message with you or in your quarters at all time."

The Captain sighed. He would never see his family or home again. He decided to go to his quarters immediately and insert the message into the computer's data system. Fortunately, his computer was on a completely different system than the rest of the ship and was hard to break into.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: taulover on November 26, 2015, 05:24:38 AM
James Wheeler watched as the planet slowly drifted away from him. So I'm back in space again, and sooner than I expected, he thought, as the shuttle docked with the USS Wintreath.

As he entered the ship (and presumably his new home), he looked around. It was definitely cleaner and more spacious than Shadow Bird, the freighter he'd last navigated for. A crew member stopped James, asking, "Identification, please?" As James showed him his ID, the crew member stated crisply, "Welcome aboard, astrogator. The captain is likely expecting you on the bridge."

With a brief nod, James proceeded toward the bridge. He had not been expecting such a formal greeting, though on his brief walk he did catch some crew members mentioning something about a "machine gun scare" or something like that.

James soon reached the bridge, and took in the beautiful sight of shiny new equipment. Definitely not some thrown-together pieces of junk like the last time I was in space, James thought to himself. Hopefully, this newer-looking equipment also behaves better. The navigating computer not failing on me all the time would probably be helpful.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 26, 2015, 05:32:56 AM
Immediately after he stored the data in the computer, he was informed that James arrived and at the bridge... and staring at the technology there. He walked to the bridge which was nearby his quarters and saw James standing there, probably thinking about the equipment.

"Hello, you must be our astrogator. James correct? I'm glad to have you aboard. Take your time to familiarize yourself with your fellow crew, your quarters and your post. It's good to have another pilot on board. Welcome to the USS Wintreath!"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on November 26, 2015, 05:35:52 AM
Hendrik's martini had made him bold, so as soon as he saw that the latest crew member (and his fellow pilot, at that) had come aboard, he decided he had run around enough, and sent all of them, except for the captain, a private message that they could meet him in the lounge for dinner. All drinks would be on him.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: taulover on November 26, 2015, 05:45:40 AM
James was so engrossed in his observations that he didn't notice the captain approaching him. "Thanks," James replied, embarrassed. He took a look at a conveniently located map of the ship and decided to visit the bar.

While exploring the ship on the way to the bar, however, he noticed a message from Hendrik, his fellow pilot. From his records, Hendrik seemed to have more experience on the weapons and immediate reaction side of piloting, rather than James' more methodical navigation, which would be fortunate for James if they came across any unexpected situation. The message invited his fellow exploratory crew for dinner.

Well, if that isn't conveniently timed, James thought. I suppose I'll meet the others soon enough. He began walking again, changing course toward the lounge.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Aragonn on November 26, 2015, 06:38:05 AM
After his guided tour, Zerick decided to forgo the meet up in the officer's lounge and spend the night reading through manuals and looking over blueprints of the various ship systems in an attempt to familiarize himself with the ship. He went straight back to his quarters and accessed his computer terminal.

The young engineer saw an option for submitting logs and decided it would be beneficial to submit a log before starting his daring mission.

Engineer Zerick Chase, First log

I've finally come aboard this magnificent technological marvel called the USS Wintreath. I still remember being so anxious the past few days, growing ever more so as this grew nearer.

The guided tour was fun. I got to see in person the equipment I'll be using. My next personal mission will be to find out what all the equipment does, learn how the ship's systems work, and figure out how to keep everything running in top condition.

On a completely irrelevant side note, THIS SHIP LOOKS AMAZING!

Zerick submitted his log then proceeded to carry out his task.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Bodobol on November 26, 2015, 05:39:39 PM
OOC: So I'm assuming we're still doing the dinner?


A bartender approached Aria with a drink in hand. She turned her gaze from the television to him.

"I was told you look like you could use a drink, ma'am," he said, handing her the martini. She thanked him and turned back to the screen, watching more headlines from across the region float by.

She noticed her wrist lighting up, and put her martini on a table beside her chair so she could check it. The notification came from Hendrik - whom, she recalled, was one of the pilots on board. It was a group invitation to dinner in the lounge. Well, she thought. I'm already here, may as well attend. She was not big on social gatherings, but it would be good to at least meet her fellow expedition members.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Hydra on November 26, 2015, 05:45:58 PM
Anderson took his last step on solid ground, at least for now. He slowly walked on to the shuttle that would take him to the USS Wintreath, to embark on another great adventure.

So this is it, he thought, space. He'd seen his fellow soldiers fly up before, but never in a million years did he imagine that he would also be floating in space, the one place that needed to be explored.

As the USS Wintreath came into view, he took a deep breath and stepped into his new life.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 26, 2015, 05:52:37 PM
Alexandr was informed that Mr.Anderson was aboard. He told a nearby crew member to escort him up to the bridge to meet the Captain.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: taulover on November 26, 2015, 06:00:38 PM
As James walked toward the lounge, he passed by the quarters. Might as well take a look, he thought.

He entered his room, which was (again) rather spacious and aesthetically pleasing. James activated the computer terminal, and spent a few minutes skimming through various crew dossiers. I'll have to read these in more detail later, but right now I have an event to attend.

James also noticed a "logs" option, but decided against writing a log at the immediate time. After a short break, he left his quarters and headed for the lounge, this time in earnest.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on November 26, 2015, 06:39:23 PM
Hendrik had just arranged a bunch of chairs around a circular table, so everyone would sit comfortably while being able to converse with all their fellow officers.

Next, he set Pieter up to broadcast his exact location to everyone, and proceeded to download the menu. "Pieter, do me a favour. Please display this information in the form of a hologram. You know how I hate reading it on your screen."

"You're just trying to show off."

"Yeah, yeah. Just shut up and do it."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Hydra on November 26, 2015, 07:45:47 PM
A crew member approached David, stating, "You must be David Anderson. The captain is expecting you at the bridge."

News sure travels fast, he thought. "Just lead the way," David said.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 26, 2015, 07:56:40 PM
Soon, he could hear the footsteps of David coming by.

"Greetings! Welcome to the USS Wintreath. You must be our new explorer. Its good to hear another explorer enlisted. Anyways, feel free to explore the ship and meet your crew mates. I believe someone is hosting a dinner in the lounge for you guys."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Hydra on November 26, 2015, 08:01:47 PM
"Will do," Anderson said. "By the way, where are my quarters? I'd love to get a feel for my new home!"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Bodobol on November 26, 2015, 08:20:34 PM
Once more, her wrist lit up. Aria looked down to see another notification from Hendrik, displaying his location to the officers. She turned her head to see him near a large circular table. At present, he was alone; though, judging from the number of seats, she expected at least a sizable portion of the others to file in over time.

She stood up and strolled over, approaching the pilot. "Greetings. You would be Hendrik, correct? A pleasure to meet you."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 26, 2015, 08:27:19 PM
"A crew member will show you the way." Alexsandr responded.

He then turned his attention to the starmap and the log that recorded most of the ship's happenings.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Hydra on November 26, 2015, 08:39:21 PM
"Thank you," David replied.

As he was led to his quarters, he noticed a message from Hendrik inviting him to join the rest of the crew at the lounge for dinner. My first meal in space! he thought. Approaching his room, he thanked and dismissed the crew member, set down his belongings on his bed, and set out for the lounge. There will be another time to know every nook and cranny of my room, he thought, For now, I should get to know the rest of the crew!
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on November 26, 2015, 09:03:21 PM
Hendrik was practically drooling over some of the items on the menu when Aria approached him. He quickly snapped out of it just as she reached him, and stood up to greet her. "Greetings. I am, indeed, Hendrik. You must be Aria, correct? It is a pleasure to meet you too. Please," he gestured to a seat near him, "make yourself comfortable. The others are probably on their way, but it could take awhile for them all to get here. In the meantime, would you like me to order you a drink?"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: taulover on November 26, 2015, 09:20:14 PM
James walked into the lounge, and saw that two people were already inside, a male and a female. The male was presumably Hendrik, as he had broadcast himself to be at this very location minutes ago, while the female was probably Aria, considering that she was the only female officer aboard.

"Hello," James greeted them as he approached them. "Are you Hendrik and Aria?"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on November 26, 2015, 10:04:28 PM
Once more, Hendrik quickly shot to his feet. "That is correct. Please, make yourself comfortable. I don't believe we've met yet, mr...?"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Gerrick on November 26, 2015, 10:37:34 PM
"Alright, alright, everybody take a seat. Papa Gunther's here! Can somebody get me a goddamn beer?" Gunther shouted as he entered the lounge, not caring if he interrupted any conversations. "I'm assuming you lot must be some of the other real crew members, not those sorry-looking saps walking us around like show dogs. Which one of you's this Harry fella sending me messages? You got a thing for me, kid?"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: taulover on November 26, 2015, 10:54:05 PM
"Ah, I'm James," James said, ignoring "Papa Gunther." "I signed on this remarkable ship as a navigator. You're the pilot, right?"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Hydra on November 26, 2015, 11:00:15 PM
Anderson walked in amidst the "conversation". Not knowing what was going on, he introduced himself. "Hello! I'm David. You are... "
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on November 26, 2015, 11:08:28 PM
Hendrik realised a few things all at once.

First, that he was more like his father than he liked to admit. His father had always hated loud people, especially when they were rudely interrupting pleasant conversation. Hendrik's blood began boiling immediately, but just like his father, he kept his composure very well. He wouldn't be able to hide his annoyance completely, but he didn't care.

Second, that this must be Gunther, the loud-mouth gun-for-hire who had been shoved aboard the ship for some reason. Hendrik had encountered a lot of people just like him growing up, and more recently during his stint in the military. What most of them had in common, was that they always talked big and acted tough, but more often than not, he'd end up dragging their half-dead asses back to the shuttle when they'd panicked and done something stupid. They'd pick fights, and think people would be too scared to stand up to them. Invariably, they'd all lock in on the quiet person in a group, thinking they would be too much of a whimp to do anything. They'd usually be wrong.

Hendrik was about to put him in his place, when he noticed his weapon. Hendrik had also learned that these people were notoriously unstable. He therefore decided not to do anything rash, and simply said: "Yes, the name is Hendrik. I simply sent out an informal invitation for all the officers to eat dinner and get to know one another. It is a pleasure to meet you, Gunther. We've heard all about your ferocity and prowess in battle. If you would, the three of us were having a pleasant conversation, and would appreciate not being interrupted." Hendrik shot Gunther a smile that didn't reach his eyes, and made sure to hold eye contact with the brute the entire time. His message was clear: don't fuck with me.

He turned to James: "Yes, I am the pilot. I've been eagerly awaiting your arrival. I sent out this invitation the moment I'd learnt that you had come aboard, in fact. I'm sure we'll have a blast working together."

Hendrik saw the other officer enter now too, one who introduced himself as David. "Ah, mr. Anderson, you are one of the explorers, correct? It is a pleasure to meet you too. I am Hendrik, the aviator. I'm sure the others would prefer to introduce themselves."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 26, 2015, 11:14:46 PM
The Captain was informed of someone contacting him from his private computer in his quarters. He quickly walked to his computer and activated communications. It was one of his few friends, Dmitri Lunaris. Dmitri was looking worried and downcast and so Alexsandr said,

"Friend. How goes Wintreath?"

Dmitri said slowly, "All is not well. I'm sorry to say, your family is dead. You are all that's left of your Royal Bloodline."

Alexsandr was astonished. He said quickly, " What?! What has happened! Who has done this?"

"There was a revolt. Socialist extremists ransacked your family home and left few alive. They then burned it down. I'm sorry friend, but I have to go"

The screen turned blank. The Captain stared speechless. He told a crew member for no one to bother him and locked his room's door.

"I shall carry the legacy of my family out here then. I will stay strong, as the last Von Erikson living."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Gerrick on November 26, 2015, 11:39:34 PM
Back in the lounge, Gunther met Hendrik's eye contact, then turned and walked over to the bar where a beer was waiting for him. "Is this guy challenging me?" Gunther thought, "I need to feel him out before pushing any more." He then remembered reading about Hendrick's hand-to-hand combat training in his dossier.

Gunther headed back to the table with his beer and quietly sat down. He glanced up at Anderson then back down at his beer, saying just loud enough for the group to hear, "Gunther Stenberg, mercenary and apparently explorer now."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Hydra on November 26, 2015, 11:50:15 PM
"The pleasure's all mine, Hendrik!" David exclaimed. "Now how about that drink?" David ordered his drink and sat down among his fellow crew members. He heard Gunther's introduction and promptly stated, "David Anderson, Hvitt Riddaral, explorer." A fellow explorer, I could respect, but a mercenary?  he thought. I'll live with it for now, but I'll be wary... of everyone.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Bodobol on November 26, 2015, 11:57:41 PM
OOC: pretend Aria just offered to pay for her own drink or something since I missed some dialogue.


Aria sat in her seat watching as the room filled up. She noted the names of each as they walked in - James, David, and Gunther thus far, the latter two being her fellow explorers. David seemed agreeable enough, but Gunther... he would take some time. As the bartender came around, she asked for a glass of water.

"Aria Wells, explorer as well. I'm sure it will be a pleasure to work with you," she said in response to David's introduction.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 27, 2015, 12:23:45 AM
Alexsandr contacted a crew member via his computer to tell Scientist Fern Hun to get on the ship.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 27, 2015, 02:56:30 AM
The captain suddenly remembered about the mineral shipment. He ordered them to moved to the assembly/engineering area and send a message to Zerick about having supplies at his disposal to use and modify the ship.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Gerrick on November 27, 2015, 03:14:38 AM
"Well it looks like the three of us," Gunthar said motioning to Aria, David, and himself with his beer, "will be getting to know each other pretty well. So here's to us." He raised his beer up then lowered it to his lips, but before drinking he raised it again and continued, "And to our pilots. Try not to crash us into anything." He chuckled to himself and downed the rest of his beer. "Another!" he yelled to the bartender. "Actually make it two, Harry over here said he's paying!" he laughed loudly.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on November 27, 2015, 03:53:59 AM
Hendrik decided he'd make no response to the mercenary's pathetic taunts, and keep his word by paying for all the drinks. He reasoned that Gunthar was still a fellow officer, and since he was about to travel through space with the man, and most likely be the shuttle pilot that transported them everywhere, he would need to make an effort to tolerate him.

He calmed himself, and unclenched his fists under the table. He also became aware of his clenched jaw, and relaxed that too.

"Bartender, I think I'll have a snack in the meantime. Did you by any chance stock some biltong?" The bartender nodded, and Hendrik dropped his head in appreciation.

He turned back to the other assembled crew members. "Yes, it will be good to work with you all. Since James will be our navigator, I suppose I'll be your shuttle pilot when you assemble into shore parties. Now tell me, where are you all from?"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 27, 2015, 04:02:22 AM
After a while, Alexsandr regained his composure and calmed himself. He couldn't show to be a shaky leader. He decided to play gwent with one of the other crew members.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 27, 2015, 05:03:00 AM
After winning and losing a few games of Gwent, Alexsandr decided to augment the ship a bit. He told a crew member to tell Zerick that the Captain has given him permission to start reviewing the ship's systems for any flaws. After issuing the order, he went straight back to playing Gwent.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Bodobol on November 27, 2015, 05:05:01 AM
The bartender came round and gave Aria her water. She thanked him and sipped from it, and requested some crackers to go along with the drink. Her stomach was still slightly upset and she didn't want to be too hard on it, especially after her earlier martini.

In response to Hendrik's question, the explorer spoke up first. "I hail from Talvias - strange little place, in all honesty. Confusion everywhere, all the time."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Aragonn on November 27, 2015, 07:38:18 AM
After blitzing through the manuals for his equipment, the thought of all the officers getting to know each other but not him troubled Zerick. He got up and tried to walk out of his room but bumped into a crewmember as she was about to knock on his door.

Zerick stood tall and straightened his uniform. "Ensign."

"Sorry, sir. The Captain said to tell you to look for flaws in the ship systems."

"Very well. I'll get started soon."

The ensign saluted and walked off.

That's gonna severely cut into my social time, he thought. Oh well. Can't be helped. He then began navigating the corridors to the officer's lounge.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: BraveSirRobin on November 27, 2015, 07:33:18 PM
"Commander Tomalek to USS Wintreath.  I have left the IDW Aggressor and am travelling preparing to dock.  I request that the ventral shielding be powered off to allow entrance to the docking bay.  Over." 

This assignment is going to be very interesting, Tomalek thought. 

"Don't be alarmed by these humans when you first meet them," he told his fellow Vulcans assigned to the USS Wintreath by the Andromedian Committee on Intraregional Development, "They might have emotions and act quite irrationally, but they are generally quite motivated and rather unconventional thinkers."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 27, 2015, 08:43:31 PM
Alexsandr was informed the Artificer arrived and was requesting permission to enter.

"Allow him to enter already, we don't want him waiting out in space! He's on the bloody list!"

The crew member then proceeded to allow the ship on board.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: BraveSirRobin on November 27, 2015, 08:52:49 PM
"Tomalek to Wintreath.  We are proceeding to enter the main shuttle bay." 

After entering the shuttle bay and disembarking, Tomalek and his contingent of fellow Vulcan engineers prepared to enter the main ship. 

"Does the Vulcan delegation have permission to come aboard, Captain Erikson?"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 27, 2015, 08:54:49 PM
"Of course. You may come aboard."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: BraveSirRobin on November 27, 2015, 09:21:00 PM
"Thank you, Captain.  Subcommander Solen, bring the additional supplies to a cargo bay, then meet me in engineering with the rest of the team.  May I commence work on stabilising the FTL drive immediately, sir?  We Vulcans generally do not enjoy the idea of spending time in stasis, as it is a generally inefficient use of time." 

Tomalek tried to conceal his dislike of stasis under the guise of inefficiency, but he sensed that the Captain didn't really buy his excuse.  Well, even if you don't buy the excuse, I'll still commence work on the warp drive.  Just don't put me in stasis for forty years.  I didn't volunteer for this to spend eighty years sleeping.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 27, 2015, 09:51:11 PM
"Vulcans do not like stasis? That may become problematic, if one dies of old age, even if you are a Vulcan. But, working on the systems while one is in stasis might be useful... Sure, you may work on it, but it might be very difficult. It's highly unstable and we might not have the supplies to fix it."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: taulover on November 27, 2015, 10:02:09 PM
"I'm from Alcubierre, an island of the Democratic Empire," James said. He then excused himself to use the toilet.

James decided to check the news another time before they left. He saw the headline, "VON ERIKSON FAMILY EXTINGUISHED BY MILITANT SOCIALISTS." Well, that certainly complicates things.

James returned to the lounge and sat back down. "Seems like our captain's entire family has been destroyed by terrorists," he told the others. "Might want to be careful."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Daoine pacaiste on November 27, 2015, 10:45:02 PM
Aíne Hiwat has finally arrived to the ship in a small ship.  He is late baccause the launch in his Nation was delayed by a unusually early in the year blizzard. He video hails the large ship from his little capsule seemingly haveing barely gotten out of earths gravity.

Greetings dear brothers, may Belenus have blessed you today. I request entry to the ship, I am Aíne Hiwat MD your medical officer. *shows identification to the camera.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 27, 2015, 10:46:27 PM
A crew member responded, "You may proceed to the shuttle bay and board the ship"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Daoine pacaiste on November 27, 2015, 10:57:48 PM
He maneuvers into bay. Aíne Hiwat puts his few personal objects away. After quickly introducing himself to the rest of the crew. He asks everone to come in for a medical checkup before the voyage begins.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: BraveSirRobin on November 27, 2015, 11:20:00 PM
Commander Tomalek entered his quarters for the first time after a long day of work in engineering.  After unpacking a few of the bags that he had sent to the ship a few days before his arrival, he went over to his computer desk and began an entry. 

" Commander Tomalek Personal Log, Day of Embarkation on Wintreath Regional Starship USS Wintreath. 

Today has been rather fascinating.  I have met the rest of the engineering staff, and a large percentage of it does not include the other Vulcans that I brought with me.  Although I have reviewed the files of the other engineering members, I saw them personally for the first time today and I am relieved to find that I have not been disappointed in any of them.  One of the more prominent non-Vulcans on the engineering deck is Zerick Chase who, although rather inexperienced in the field, comes highly recommended from his Academy class and might be the most curious person that I have met.  I have already had a few interesting conversations with him, and believe that he will be useful when implementing the modifications to make the FTL "Warp" drive more stable. 

In other news, the ship's physician, Aíne Hiwat, appears to be rather illogical.  He is religious, and that may be a point of friction with the Vulcan contingent of the crew.  I have given him the benefit of the doubt though, and have scheduled my medical exam tomorrow afternoon. 

I shall now attempt to socialise with the crew, for I believe that is the best course of action in order to better integrate into the crew, and I have instructed the rest of my personnel to do the same.  End Commander Tomalek Personal Log.

Let's see if the other departments are going to be as stellar as engineering now, shall we? Tomalek thought as he proceeded to exit the room and walked toward the mess hall.

Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Hydra on November 27, 2015, 11:48:46 PM
"I'd rather not talk about the past, but the future," Anderson responded to Henrik's question. "But if you must know, I hail from the metropolis known as Proteus. I know it like the back of my hand. It's chaos, but... it's home."

Anderson finished just as James sat down breaking the news of the captain's family to the rest of the crew. "Can we trust a leader whose mind is in a state of grief?" Anderson asked the crew.

Waiting for a response, he turned to see a man walking in, who introduced himself as Aíne Hiwat, the medical doctor. "I will be conducting a routine medical checkup before we leave orbit," he requested. "I expect all of you to be there."

Anderson turned, gave a quick introduction, and responded, "If it's required, I'll go."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: BraveSirRobin on November 28, 2015, 12:02:46 AM
Commander Tomalek entered the lounge, just as a human crew member, who he noted was David Anderson, was giving a bit of a rude remark to the new doctor, but he moved toward them as if he hadn't noticed anything. 

"Hello!  I am Commander Tomalek, Engineering Department.  You must be David Anderson, and you must be Aíne Hiwat, a pleasure to meet you both.  How was your time in the military, Mr. Anderson?  And Doctor Hiwat, would you mind explaining how you can reconcile the precision of science with your belief in a divine being?  I am rather curious about how humans rely greatly on emotions while still embracing logic to a degree." 
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 28, 2015, 12:13:33 AM
After being in orbit for a while, the Captain decided we'll have to leave orbit and begin the grand journey. He decided the main crew members would meet in the Council Room in the Bridge. He started putting the way to the outermost outpost on the starmap.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Arenado on November 28, 2015, 12:14:55 AM
HKR's "eyes" activated. Its 3 photo sensors quickly scanned the small and cramped storeroom in normal, infrared and thermal modes. Satisfied it was indeed alone, the rest of HKR activated as well. Quickly getting to its feet, it noticed some damage on its body. While running the self diagnostic, it looked at what was actually stored in this storeroom. Non-perishable food, so nothing of any value, it thought. Its attention turned to the diagnostic, which told him what it had already expected. Its left arm was non-functional and its left leg was barely working, the servos making sounds when it moved.

"So much for stealth" it thought. The fight with the assassins the UGC sent to terminate it hadn't been a cakewalk. It was just glad that their new line of AR's (Assassin Robots) were still inferior to HKR. "The new CEO must really want me back". No Bounty had been placed on it, mostly because the UGC wanted to avoid publicly admitting that they had illegally been creating assassin robots for over 30 years, so most people, even the biggest scoundrels, did not know what it was. Better that way.

It turned its attention to the immediate future. With damage to its arm its fighting style would be effected. At least it still had its staff. Its leg damage would also make it more noticeable when it moved, so best to stay in this room. It just hoped that the crew of this ship chalked up the unconscious crew member it had knocked out getting aboard to a simple accident. Killing the hapless security guard would have been a bit to obvious, even for it. HKR sat back down, running scenarios through its processor. All options look... undesirable. Deciding the best course of action was to do nothing, HKR turned on his alarm mode and powered back down....
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Daoine pacaiste on November 28, 2015, 12:15:08 AM
Aíne Hiwat looking a little shocked at the question. We'll I have faith in many gods of the pantheon. I don't see them as a literal being in the same way as you or I physically exist but rather a representation of the forces of the natural world. He points out a nearby window at the sun. That I know in one sense as a mass of hydrogen and fusion process, but I still know him and pray to him as the divine Belenus, for he gave life to the earth.

He grows our food, powers our cities, warms us, guides us. Why would we not celebrate him.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Aragonn on November 28, 2015, 12:30:07 AM
Entering the lounge behind Commander Tomalek was Zerick.

"I hope I'm not too late to say 'hi'."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 28, 2015, 12:31:23 AM
The captain decided to go to the outermost outpost without stopping. There, they would make a stop to stock up on any extra supplies. He told a crew member to inform the main crew members about our soon departure.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: BraveSirRobin on November 28, 2015, 12:50:23 AM
"I see, and apologize for my bluntness, Doctor.  I was under the impression that your philosophy might impair your ability to function as the Chief of the Wintreath's medical staff, but if you do consider natural forces to be Gods, then I suppose that your position is compatible.  We Vulcans normally have a rather negative view of all religion, but yours seems to be a bit more level-headed than usual—for now.  I look forward to learning more about your philosophy."

Then, hearing Zerick entering the room, he swung around and greeted him: 

"Ahh!  Zerick!  Have you finished the re-polarizating the primary drive manifolds already?  That generally takes quite some time, even when a Vulcan does it.  Were you sure to recalibrate the computer first?"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Aragonn on November 28, 2015, 01:44:26 AM
"What? I just got here a little while ago, got the guided tour, and read all the manuals for the equipment. This is high tech stuff I haven't worked with before. Give me a bit of leniency, Artificer. I don't expect you to know anything about going straight from college to a prototype ship, so stop acting like you know everything and get off my case."

Zerick regained his composure and went to the table to address the other officers.

"I'm Zerick Chase, and I'll be your Chief Engineer."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 28, 2015, 01:52:01 AM
Suddenly, the announcement system turned on.

"Hello crew. The Captain has ordered to start our interstellar journey. He requests the main crew members' presence at the bridge."

Then, the system turned off with a beep.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on November 28, 2015, 01:56:21 AM
Well, Hendrik thought, this didn't go at all like I planned. It's only our first few hours aboard the ship, and already the crew can't get along.

"It's been good to meet you all. I'm sure working with you will be a blast. James, we might as well get to our posts together."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: BraveSirRobin on November 28, 2015, 01:56:29 AM
Commander Tomalek quickly followed Mr. Chase, a bit puzzled yet also a little humoured by his response to what Tomalek thought was a friendly compliment. 

"Actually I do, and if you had bothered to review my record, you would know that.  I served for 30 years on the USS Pulsar straight out of the Andromedian Science Academy.  Additionally, you do realise that at least half of the Engineering Department is Vulcan, right?"

With that, Tomalek turned back around and headed off to the bridge. 
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: taulover on November 28, 2015, 01:58:21 AM
"Of course," James told Hendrk, and began a brisk walk toward the bridge. Perhaps he could optimize their route a bit.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on November 28, 2015, 02:02:00 AM
Hendrik quickly caught up to the Vulcan to give him some advice. "You might not want to be quite so persistent. You'll just annoy him further. Give him some space."

He looked to James at his side, and introduced himself and James to the Vulcan. "This is James, and I'm Hendrik. I've always enjoyed working with Vulcans."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: BraveSirRobin on November 28, 2015, 02:05:40 AM
"And I'm Commander Tomalek.  A pleasure to meet you both.  I've always enjoyed working with humans as well.  Your advice is interesting.  In my own experiences with humans, I have found persistence to be of great use in creating relationships with other crew members, but I will take your advice and give him some space.  You two are both pilots, correct?"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Arenado on November 28, 2015, 02:16:22 AM
The announcement rousted HKR. It raised itself to its full height (7 feet and 5 inches) and started to consider its options. If it wanted to leave, now would be its last chance. That would be unlikely, however, as the ship was still in orbit and it was damaged. It could steal a shuttle and return to Wintreath, but the risk of detection in its current state was high and it doubted everyone on this ship was as hapless as that original guard. So it had to stay on this ship.

It scanned the corridor outside the room. Empty. Stepping out, it moved quickly, if not silently, down the corridor, stopping to make sure the way ahead was clear every so often. Fortunately, most of the crew seemed busy in the bridge from what it had heard. It finally reached what looked like personal cabins and it slid into the nearest one. Seeing a computer, it started to hack into it. It took a while, but finally it was in. "My hacking protocols definitely need an upgrade." It thought to itself. Most of it was garbage data, like a personal log by a "Commander Tomalek", which told HKR that there were Vulcans aboard. HKR had had few dealings with Vulcans before, so best to steer clear.

Finally, HKR found the data he was looking for: ship name, destination and purpose. The data intrigued him. A long voyage away from here? Away from the UGC? Perhaps... perhaps this wasn't such a bad place to be after all. Perhaps here, things will be different....

HKR closed the computer and did its best to wipe all traces of its presence. Exiting the room, he started back toward the storeroom, running scenarios through its processor. How to best use this situation?
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: taulover on November 28, 2015, 02:20:57 AM
"Yes, we are both pilots," James responded. "I'm more specialized in navigation, though."

Now, where have I heard this name before? James thought. Ah, of course.

"I studied warp drive engineering for a while before I decided it wasn't for me," James told Tomalek. "I think I've read some of your published works before. Very interesting."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Aragonn on November 28, 2015, 02:27:43 AM
Zerick stood there, confused by the last thing Tomalek said. At what point did I say my problem with him was because he's Vulcan? He just nodded to the other officers and started making his way to the engine room.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: BraveSirRobin on November 28, 2015, 02:35:20 AM
Tomalek supressed a small feeling of pride.  This is some pilot—perhaps I could get his help reviewing a few of the modifications to the warp drive.

"I'm impressed that you know my work.  You must have seriously considered warp engineering to have read it.  I'm glad that you have, though.  It really is a fascinating field, though, as you said.  Modifications may always be made to increase the speed, safety and reliability of the drives.  Might you be willing to review a few modifications that I have for the engines to see if I have overlooked anything?"  he said as they entered the main bridge.  "Hello, Captain.  Shall I power up the primary sublight drive, sir?"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 28, 2015, 02:37:47 AM
"Yes, you may, but first I would like everybody to meet here as we discuss the future of the Expedition."

Alexsandr took a seat in the Council Room which was next to the bridge and consisted of a long table and chairs around it.

"Come take a seat as I explain the situation."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: BraveSirRobin on November 28, 2015, 02:40:29 AM
"Very well, sir."  Tomalek, along with James and Hendrik, sat down with the rest of the senior staff in the Council Room and waited for the Captain to speak. 
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Hydra on November 28, 2015, 02:49:26 AM
David stood up from his seat and strode toward the group in front of him. He thought of answering the Vulcan's question, but seeing how he was engrossed in a conversation with both Hendrik and James, he decided against it. Instead, he could use the few minutes to deviate from course a little, to get to know the ship.

His curiosity got the better of him, and he took a left where everyone else went forward. He noticed a storeroom to his right, labeled "Non-Perishable Foods." This might be useful in case of an emergency, he thought. He slowly opened the door, when he heard footsteps behind him...
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 28, 2015, 02:53:50 AM
Alexsandr looked around and noticed David was missing.

"Where is David? Please someone find him, but let me explain first."

The Captain looked around at the senior staff and then continued speaking.

"As you may all know, we are leaving Wintreath and explores the Cosmos."

The Captain paused for a second.

"I do not know how long this mission will take, but we must perform our duty to the nation. We are missing one member, who can hopefully catch up to us before we reach the outpost. Anyways, our first plan is to reach the outermost outpost of Wintreath which is about 5 systems away. There, we will stock up on any supplies before leaving and losing communications."

Alexsandr activated a hologram which showed the navigation pathway.

"Also, command wants us to signify if a planet could be colonized. We are not looking if it has an environment like our homeworld, but whether if its too dangerous or not. They will set up oxygen equipment if needed. Another objective is to search for other life out there, other nations. They did not say how to approach them."

The Captain remembered reading in the ship's network on how the crew got along.

"Please make sure you guys get along and make friends as well. It'll make the ship run more efficiently. Speaking of efficiently, we will need to research artifacts or technology we find out here, possibly integrating it into our ship. Hendrik will fly our explorers down to the surface. I will also accompany you guys. Now that we have our plan, do we have any questions?"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on November 28, 2015, 03:00:59 AM
"Yeah, I have a concern, captain. I think it might be prudent to elect a second-in-command for if things get hairy. I'm not stupid. This much weaponry is simply not equipped to a ship that isn't made for combat."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 28, 2015, 03:02:15 AM
"Okay, you can decide that among yourselves, then you can tell me."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: BraveSirRobin on November 28, 2015, 03:04:21 AM
"I also have a question, sir.  Could you give me permission to get Engineering started on overhauling the FTL to create a more efficient and sustainable drive?  I have the personnel necessary and could relatively easily call back the IDW Aggressor back for additional supplies if they're necessary." 
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 28, 2015, 03:07:58 AM
"You may. Meanwhile, can someone check on our missing staff?"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Arenado on November 28, 2015, 03:08:29 AM
HKR was a bit hurried, which is why it did not scan the final corridor leading to what had been its hidey-hole. It rounded the corner just in time as the human turned to see what the noise behind him was. In the second that their eyes (or photosensors) met, HKR considered 3 different options.

The first was to run. If it ran, however, than this human would tell others and a hunt would begin. HKR did not think that it could stay hidden that long, so running was out.

The second was to play dumb, pretend to be an independent service robot. It had done it before to great success, always killing his targets when the time came. However, this to presented problems. It did not have a make or model and any crew worth their salt would immediately figure out that it was no mere service robot. So that to was not an option.

So that just left one option. It pounced on the human, knocking him down before he could comprehend what was happening, and jabbed its staff precariously close to the humans neck. A slight push and this human would be no more. It took a few more seconds to consider what to do with this human.

"Human." It said through its vocal emitters. "Your name. My location. Who is in charge. Answer, and you live."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: BraveSirRobin on November 28, 2015, 03:14:16 AM
"Very well, Captain. I shall go locate out curious crewman on the way to engineering." Tomolek the stood up and left the room, eager to give the news to the engineers that the modifications had been approved.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on November 28, 2015, 03:21:51 AM
Hendrik was surprised.

"Wait, are we dismissed?"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: BraveSirRobin on November 28, 2015, 03:26:16 AM
"I do not believe that anyone was dismissed, but I was going to locate crewman David , as he is also a member of the senior staff, if I remember correctly. Would you like to help search for him?"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on November 28, 2015, 03:30:13 AM
Hendrik looked to the captain. He was too used to the military hierarchy to disregard chain of command. "I would like to, if it's okay with the captain."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 28, 2015, 03:31:41 AM
The Captain was staring out the window at the stars and the planet below, thinking about recent events.

"Yes.. you all are dismissed and can go to your posts." Alexsandr said slowly.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Gerrick on November 28, 2015, 03:57:00 AM
"And where is my post, exactly?" Gunther asked the Captain. "The bar?"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 28, 2015, 03:59:51 AM
"No.. You may go into stasis if you feel like you can't do anything on our journey, which will be 6 and a half years."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on November 28, 2015, 04:35:31 AM
Hendrik really didn't want to do it, but he reasoned that the entire crew would be putting their lives in Gunthar's hands while on the ground, so he might as well establish a positive rapport with the merc.

"Or you could come with us and search for David, if you'd like."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Gerrick on November 28, 2015, 04:45:12 AM
Gunther sighed loudly, "Yeah, why not. Nothing much else to do on this hunk of metal."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: BraveSirRobin on November 28, 2015, 04:48:52 AM
"Wonderful!  We might need you, too... Though it is unlikely, he could be in some sort of danger." Tomalek replied, and with that, the three exited the  conference room.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: taulover on November 28, 2015, 05:04:08 AM
"Wait! Come back!" James yelled at the others, but they had already left. Oh well. It's not like I'd be much help anyway.

"Captain, do you mind if I help optimize the route to the outpost?" James asked the Crown Prince.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 28, 2015, 05:08:26 AM
"Sure, that would be most useful to reduce the long journeys ahead of us."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Hydra on November 28, 2015, 05:09:38 AM
Anderson tried to distance himself from the threat and the metal staff, but to no avail. Even thought the military hard-wired a million different self-defense techniques into his muscles, he doubted any of them would work against a... robot. He remembered when he was in the military that it was rumored that a corporation was manufacturing assassin's for hire. Back then, he dismissed it as a rumor. Now however...

With his years of training with the Hvitt Riddaral, nothing prepared him to fight a robot.

Trying to keep his cool, David responded, "My name, yes... Anderson... David Anderson." He saw no point in lying to the robot. It would only make matters worse. "It seems that you have stumbled aboard a starship headed for who knows where. And the leader... I forget his name... he called everyone to the bridge. You'd probably find him there. If you did some poking around, you could probably find a list of everyone on board. Now, you don't have to kill me. I won't tell anyone about our stowaway."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Bodobol on November 28, 2015, 05:14:34 AM
OOC: Since I was absent, let's just say Aria attended the meeting and afterwards slipped back to her quarters before anyone could catch her. I'm just writing this as an update to where she is, I missed out on all the fun drama. :P

Aria sat down at her computer, exhausted but not quite ready to sleep. Now appeared to be as good a time as any to fill in her log. She opened the program for them, a fairly typical word processor, and began to type:

The ship vastly exceeded my expectations. Never in my experience in the TSA or WSC have I encountered one of this size. Accommodations are excellent, and the food even tastes good. I suppose it makes sense we'd be given some luxuries, given the projected duration of the trip.

The other crew members are mostly amiable characters.

Sometime soon I will go into stasis - a slightly scary prospect, but I suppose it will feel shorter than it actually is. I look forward to exploring the galaxy.

-Aria Wells

She closed the program, grabbed a book from her bag, and laid down in bed with it open.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Arenado on November 28, 2015, 05:17:40 AM
HKR's processors ran as fast as they could, running scenarios. This human was right, killing him served no purpose. In no scenario would this humans death benefit it, only serving to antagonize this humans friends. Knocking him out would serve little purpose either, he would just wake up and the same situation would repeat: a hunt for it. A hunt it might not survive.

It was still trying to decide what to do when it heard 3 foot steps approaching...
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Hydra on November 28, 2015, 05:21:40 AM
David sighed in relief as he heard the footsteps. He muttered to the robot, "You should have disappeared when you had the chance. Now they will see you pinning me down with a metal staff... not good for you."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Gerrick on November 28, 2015, 05:25:31 AM
"Where in the Hell are we even supposed to be looking? If you guys haven't noticed, we're on a huge ass space ship." Gunther asked while walking with Hendrik and Tomalek.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on November 28, 2015, 05:35:22 AM
"Hmm. Let's see. During dinner, he was very polite, but distant. He kept looking all over the ship. He was a very curious person..."

Hendrik was busy pondering when Pieter spoke up: "I could get a read on his position, if I could get access to his watch. They should be standard issue for all crew members. I'd need the captain's authorisation to do so, however."

Hendrik decided that might be the best idea, but still told Pieter: "I think that's our most efficient route. But I really wish you'd stop speaking out of turn. You're an illegal prototype, you know, and now you've announced your presence to the world."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Gerrick on November 28, 2015, 05:59:56 AM
"What? Your watch talks? Do they all do that?" Gunther asked, then continued before waiting for an answer. "I just left mine in my room. Never really needed one before. So should we turn around and ask the Captain about the watch or just keep on walking in circles with our thumbs up our asses and hope we bump into him?"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on November 28, 2015, 06:09:45 AM
"We're not too far away from the captain yet. We should turn around. And leave your watch for now. You can get it later."

Hendrik ignored the comment about the watch on purpose. He would need to explain it to the captain eventually, but not just now...
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Arenado on November 28, 2015, 07:21:41 AM
The footsteps grew softer and eventually faded. It did not know whose they were but it knew that it couldn't stay in this corridor. Its attention turned to the human underneath it. "Close your eyes. Count to 50." It lifted its staff off of Anderson's neck and scurried away. It doubted that the human would wait more than 5 seconds before running to tell his friends. It needed to move quickly. At this point, everyone would know it was here. Best to get ahead of things, so it made its way to the bridge....
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: BraveSirRobin on November 28, 2015, 03:38:45 PM
"Illicit watches are against regulations, but I do believe that yours could be accounted for in the personal mementos exemption, provided that it can't harm any crew member. And I do believe that it would be logical to return to the bridge an run a ship-wide scan for crewman Anderson."  Tomalek said, and began moving off to the bridge with  Hendrik and Gunther, before hearing footsteps behind them...
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Hydra on November 28, 2015, 04:07:46 PM
Anderson closed his eyes and listened as the robot's footsteps grew softer. After about thirty seconds, he looked down at his wrist and sent a message to all the main crew members and the captain, "I'm making my way to the bridge. Sorry for the delay." He thought it best not to mention the robot for now, as he let slip that the person in charge would be at the bridge, he expected the robot to head towards there. For now, he would honor his word and keep its existence a secret. After all, he didn't want to be on its bad side... at least until he studied it more. He slowly rose and made his way to the bridge.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Arenado on November 28, 2015, 05:26:54 PM
Stealth was out the window, so there was no point in being subtle anymore. It quickly made it's way towards the bridge, but it made a careless mistake, it neglected to scan ahead for lifeforms. It rounded the corner and smack dab into 3 people,  some slovenly dressed human, it guessed he was some kind of merc judging by how he carried himself, another human in a uniform and a Vulcan. They turned and looked at it,HKR could not accurately describe the look on their faces. Seeing no other options, it raised its staff into a fighting stance. It was a skilled killer, that much it knew, but with a non functional left arm,  a damaged left leg and damaged face, it was..... It could not describe what it felt right then. Fear? It quickly turned its attention to the 3 immediate threats in front of it....
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Aragonn on November 28, 2015, 05:42:39 PM
Completely ignorant of the chaos going on aboard the ship, Zerick was busy getting the ship's engines ready for flight, and after some system diagnosis, he got his engineering team working on it. Satisfied that his team can get it done without him, he left to go back to his room and review the ship's systems.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on November 28, 2015, 08:04:19 PM
A stunned silence filled the corridor where the strange entity was now facing the three officers.

Pieter spoke up: "Hendrik, it is an AI. One much more advanced than I am."

Hendrik would have given anything to shut Pieter up, but he programmed Pieter to run diagnostics on all potential AIs it encountered.

Hendrik took the entity in quickly. Damaged face, damaged leg, and non-functional left arm. It was thus weakened, but Hendrik knew from personal experience that most illegal AIs had extreme protocols to ensure the survival of each unit. If he had to make an analogy, he would compare the entity to an injured lion. Weakened, certainly, but much more aggressive, and consequently much more dangerous than usual.

Hendrik would try to subdue the entity if it came to that, but he knew that even with one arm, the entity would still be much more powerful with its hydraulic arms and legs. It would be a hairy fight that Hendrik would well end up losing.

"Everyone stay calm," Hendrik bade everyone, but his own heart was beating in his throat. "AI, do you have anything to do with our missing officer?"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: BraveSirRobin on November 28, 2015, 08:08:01 PM
Commander Tomalek turned around right as the half-broken robot was rounding the corner, and activated his wrist communicator.  "Tomalek to Security.  Intruder Alert." 

While Hendrik tried to reason with the robot, Tomalek glanced over at Gunther, and he surmised that the the mercenary clearly intended to blast the android into oblivion.  Probably not the best course of action with what seems to be a military-grade weapons system, even if it's not functioning completely properly, Tomalek thought. 

"You do not appear to be any sort of android assigned to this vessel.  I ask that you please state your designation and your purpose on this vessel so this situation does not become... unpleasant for any of us."  Tomalek said to the robot, hoping that it wasn't damaged to the point that it had become entirely irrational. 
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 28, 2015, 08:13:10 PM
The alert suddenly appeared on the screen in the bridge.

"What the bloody 'ell is going on?" Alexsandr checked the ships sensor array and saw 4 dots in the hallway near the Bridge.

Other crew members asked to accompany him, but he denied and went alone. He quickly walked towards to the area of conflict.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Hydra on November 28, 2015, 08:30:56 PM
Anderson walked toward the bridge and saw the robot confronting Hendrik, Commander Tomalek, and the mercenary. He caught up to the group and said, "Sorry for the delay. I was stalled by this robot... or AI."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Aragonn on November 28, 2015, 09:04:53 PM
Zerick heard some people talking and what seemed like a hostile situation. Curious, he followed the sound until he came upon them and saw the half-functional robot.

"May I ask what's going on here?"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Rasdanation on November 28, 2015, 09:35:12 PM
OOC: Sorry I was late to this, I finally got home from my mini-vacation. I should be more active now

IC: Fern Hun sighed as he entered the ship... "Out of all of the times in my life, this is when I'm late..."

He wandered on, wondering where all of his crew members could possibly be.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Daoine pacaiste on November 28, 2015, 09:46:34 PM
Aíne Hiwat after checking on the medical safety of the suspended animation walks in seemingly to ask a question. And finds all the chaos going on.

So an officer is missing? What is going on? He walks right past the robot not knowing it to be anything more then a service droid.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Gerrick on November 28, 2015, 09:47:38 PM
"Looks like we got us a little toaster with arms that's looking to throw down." Gunther announced. He then looked at the silent robot and yelled, "You're outnumbered and surrounded, now answer the questions!" He reached to his side for his machine gun, but when his hands met nothing but air, he remembered that he stored it in his closet earlier. He instantly got very nervous, cursing himself in his head.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Aragonn on November 28, 2015, 09:51:44 PM
Chase gives the robot a good look up and down.

"It's all busted up! How about this. I'll fix him up to perfect operating condition. Then you can interrogate it when it's not so scared. Okay?"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Arenado on November 29, 2015, 01:15:42 AM
It took in the situation developing in front of it. The uniformed human obviously had an AI with him, and one the others knew nothing about. It stored that information for another time. Two more had joined them, the human from before, Anderson, and another uniformed human. Its offer to fix up an unknown and possibly hostile entity to perfect working condition told it that either he was a fool or a cunning genius. More data was required, it would watch that human.

The Vulcan had called the situation in, there was no more hiding anymore. HKR once again examined its damaged components. The explosion during the battle with the AR's had severed all connection between his left arm and control module. Its leg servos also remained damaged, making movement difficult and noisy. that only left one option, it could not guarantee that it could kill everyone but it might be able to diffuse the situation. It was the only scenario HKR ran that did not involve its death.

"Unit designation: HKR-07. Hunter-Killer-Robot number 7. Created 17 years ago by the United Gralend Croporation. Purpose: Extermination of lifeforms deemed necessary for the survival of the corporation or for profit. Independent for 12 years. Reason: Termination of UGC's board of directors. Total kill count since creation: 1259. I came on this ship following a battle with my former employers.... replacements of me. As you can see, it was not such an easy fight. I..."

The damage to it was bad, but now it was getting worse. Warnings flooded into its processor, messages of impending critical system failures. For the first time it was in a panic. It dropped to its knees and dropped its staff. There was only one course of action open for it, not one it liked but one it had to take. If it powered down that the critical systems could be repaired.If it was lucky. It turned to the people in front of it. "System failing... need.... help...." and with that, it powered down and slumped over.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Crushita on November 29, 2015, 06:17:56 AM
OOC:Oh lord I missed a lot.

Aaban had taken a long sleep.

A very, very long sleep.

He needed it of course, 72 hours ago he found his house blown up and a flyer for the USS Wintreath. Now he was on a ship more technologically advanced then he could ever imagine.

If one could sleep forever, he would have, however a situation was developing in the hallway outside his room...

Woken up from his stupor, he climbed out of bed, and looked out the door to see what was going on.

He saw an AI, of some sort... was it one of the ships? Either way a bunch of people were surrounding it.

He called out "Hey! Whats going on out here? Also how long have I been asleep?!"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: BraveSirRobin on November 29, 2015, 03:44:03 PM
"There has been a situation with a stowaway rogue Artificial Intelligence unit, but do not be alarmed. The situation is now under control and security details are on the way.  You have been asleep for at least the past 45 hours and 31 minutes, or at least in your quarters for that amount of time. How may we help you?" a relieved Tomalek replied.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Crushita on November 29, 2015, 08:41:38 PM
"Dear Potato, really?!" Aaban was amazed! Though, now that he thought about it, maybe he needed it.... "Well. I REALLY need to do quite a few things... eat, drink, other things... do you happen to know where you can get a bite to eat around here?
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 30, 2015, 12:36:46 AM
Alexsandr walked into the hallway and found a deactivated and damaged robot with several senior staff around him.

"Go take him to the engineering area and fix him up. The rest: make your final preparations and prepare for travel."

The Captain was also informed Fern Hun arrived. He told a crew member to inform him of the situation and that we are about to travel.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Aragonn on November 30, 2015, 12:43:33 AM
"Orders from the boss man himself," he said before lifting HKR onto his shoulders. "Somebody mind bringing his staff? I wanna take a look at it."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: BraveSirRobin on November 30, 2015, 01:37:13 AM
"I shall accompany you to Cargo Bay 5.  We may then put up containment fields around the bay and allow you to repair our... robotic friend?  It shouldn't be too hard, plus Cargo Bay 5 is close to engineering."  Tomalek said as he picked up the HKR's staff.  Perhaps if I cooperate with him on this whole android matter, his cooperation will be less forced and engineering department efficiency will increase, he thought as he proceeded to follow Chase down the hallway.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 30, 2015, 12:12:01 PM
Alexsandr made an announcement.

"We shall have another meeting to decide Second-in-Command and what to do with the Robot. Then we head off on our journey... And can someone get Fern Hun who's likely wandering around this ship?"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Gerrick on November 30, 2015, 06:44:51 PM
Gunther asked the Captain, "Couldn't you just send a message to him to meet us? The last time I went looking for somebody I ran into a killer robot with a stick, and I'm not about to do that again -- at least while I'm not carrying around a weapon. I want to see this robot up close, so I suggest we have our meeting over in engineering. That engineer and the Vulcan were taking it over there anyway."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Rasdanation on November 30, 2015, 08:50:19 PM
As Fern Hun explored the ship, he ran into what seemed like the rooms.

"Well that's a start" he thought to himself. But there was still no one to be seen.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on November 30, 2015, 09:21:09 PM
"Good Idea" Alexsandr responded. "We'll head over to the engineering bay for the meeting as it'll be more convenient"

Alexsandr then found a nearby announcement system and announced, "Fern Hun, you are requested to meet in the engineering bay. Please look at a nearby map if you need directions."

The captain turned off the system. "Lets go shall we?" And he headed off towards to the engineering bay.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Rasdanation on November 30, 2015, 09:25:59 PM
Fern Hun listened to the announcement. He found a map of the ship.

"So I must take a left, left, go up a flight of stairs, walk for another 20 feet, take a left then two more lefts. That sure is a lot." He complained as he set off to the engineering bay.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Daoine pacaiste on November 30, 2015, 11:49:51 PM
Aíne Hiwat starts walking over to the engeneering bay. And asks everone "If I may ask what was the commotion with the robot? Anyone hurt?
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Rasdanation on December 02, 2015, 08:55:02 PM
As Fern Hun arrived at the engineering bay, he heard footsteps and small chatter. He had a feeling that in there, there was going to be an ambush. He readied his pistol as he cautiously made his way into the room.

He got in there to find that his crew mates were there, now staring at him. "Oh hello, I'm Fern Hun. Sorry about the gun. I just had the feeling that there this was an ambush." He introduced himself while staring at the robot accompanying them.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Arenado on December 04, 2015, 01:27:50 PM
HKR's second processor activated a few minutes after its first failed. Redundant systems had saved it before countless times but it had never needed to activate its backup processor before. The experience left it jarred, scrambling to compute this new information. It slowly activated everything and got up. It was on a table. It was still damaged. It was surrounded by people, the Anderson human, the slovenly merc and others it did not recognise. But what immediately grabbed it's attention was the male human standing in the doorway with a gun. In its panicked, damaged and unsure state it fell back onto its primary protocol: terminate all threats to its self. Right there, that human felt like a threat to it. It sprang to its feet and lunged at the human.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Aragonn on December 04, 2015, 03:48:20 PM
Chase had a mini heart attack at seeing Fern jump in with the gun, kinda grabbing at his pounding heart. "Don't ever do that again..." He started having a small panic attack when HKR suddenly reactivated behind him and lunged for Fern Hun. "Drop the gun! Quick!"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: BraveSirRobin on December 04, 2015, 04:13:22 PM
Tomalek reacted instinctively at the first movement of HKR, "Computer activate containment fields in Cargo Bay 5."  The fields sprang up almost instantly, sealing off every person in the room, including himself. 

"These should give us some time to defuse this situation.  Put the gun down, Mr. Hun, and HKR-07 please return to your maintenance table."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Daoine pacaiste on December 04, 2015, 07:24:14 PM
Aíne Hiwat starts softly singing a calming beautiful prayer song.

Da Sha Janna ha kar. Da Sha Janna me ba. Aimsir be Aín tì

Cara Coel. Carel Coel Da Sha Janna ha kar. (Repeats)
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Rasdanation on December 04, 2015, 09:13:51 PM
Fern Hun put the gun back to where he kept it and was slightly confused as of what happened. A robot attempted to attack him, that was probably what he sensed, one his crewmates literally leaped at the sight of the gun that every Witchian should have for self-defence, and another crewmate started singing a foreign song at the most random of times. "Can I have some introductions here? I just want to get to know who is who... also who is this HKR-07 robot that lunged at me?" He asked.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Arenado on December 05, 2015, 03:54:29 AM
HKR lunged and slammed into the containment field. It landed on its feet and looked around. It was trapped now, the only way out was through those on the other side of the field. It slowly backed up to the table, deciding compliance was the only option open to it. It considered what to say, then said "I will comply. What do you want of me?"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Aragonn on December 05, 2015, 03:56:16 AM
"I've got an idea," Chase spoke up. "How about not trying to kill us? I need to repair your systems before you damage them even more by fighting us."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Arenado on December 05, 2015, 09:25:06 AM
It wanted to fight, wanted to lash out at anything around it. It also knew that if it wanted to survive it needed to be repaired. Best to ingratiate itself with these people. "Apologies. I am not operating at full capacity currently. The weapon started me. I will deactivate to help facilitate repairs." It lay down on the maintenance table.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on December 05, 2015, 12:59:00 PM
"Wait a minute, I don't buy it."

Hendrik looked at the AI with admiration, but concern for his own well-being. "If you're an illegally developed AI, you'd likely have behavioural protocols to exterminate any witnesses to your being. How do we know we can ever trust you, and just as importantly, what are you doing on this ship?"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Arenado on December 05, 2015, 03:33:14 PM
"No such protocols exist within my systems. If I did, I would need to terminate my employers after every contract. To the second query, I do not know how to gain your trust. To the third query, I was hiding. When I left the employment of my creators, I terminated the United Gralend Corporation's board of directors during their annual meeting in the Innsmouth Hotel. Ever since then, they have been hunting me. Recently, they caught up and almost terminated me. After the fight, I needed somewhere to hide and there was a shuttle in view. I hid in it and it took me here." At that point, more warnings reached it. "Apologies, but damages to my systems are at critical levels."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: BraveSirRobin on December 06, 2015, 06:55:05 PM
"Very well.  Deactivate and we will allow Chase to repair your critical systems.  That is, assuming the Captain approves repairing you."  Tomalek stated.  "In the meantime—computer, deactivate force fields around all organic life forms in Cargo bay 2.  Maintain the containment field around the primary workstation." 
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on December 06, 2015, 07:12:02 PM
Alexsandr was watching all these events unfold. The robot was indeed mysterious. However, he knew that they were not the robot's enemy, and that they shouldn't become his enemy. Also, it might be useful to have a sentient robot on their side.

"You may do repairs on the robot. But we must get back to business. We need to elect a Second-In-Command to take charge whatever happens. You guys will elect him/her among yourselves, and tell me the results."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Gerrick on December 08, 2015, 03:17:33 AM
Gunther had thought about the second-in-command issue and realized if he were in charge, then he wouldn't end up having to do anything that he didn't want. He quickly jumped at the opportunity. "Seeing as how I'm the oldest of us, it would just make sense that I'm second in command -- well, besides Tomalek, but he's a Vulcan, so that doesn't really count. Plus, I have plenty of combat experience working in a team. So if you want a strong leader willing to take charge, then I'm your man."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Aragonn on December 08, 2015, 03:51:14 AM
Zerick scoffed at the idea. "I don't know about anyone else, but I for one don't want a mercenary as the captain's first mate. And honestly, y'all shouldn't have an engineer in that position either. Perhaps Tomalek? He's very logical."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Hydra on December 08, 2015, 04:08:59 AM
Anderson took in Gunther's surge for power as something only a mercenary would do. "Zerick does have a point. Besides, I have had plenty of combat experience and teamwork in the Hvitt Riddaral, a formal and disciplined military."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Gerrick on December 08, 2015, 04:09:17 AM
"Hey, I'm not some mercenary! I was recruited to join this crew just like everybody else. Besides, I'm not getting paid like I was before, so I'm not technically a merc," Gunther retorted to Zerick. "And, no offense to Tomalek, but do we really want a Vulcan in charge? They'd as soon as let you die if it was the logical thing."

Gunther then turned to respond to Anderson, "Yeah, yeah, but merc work is just as disciplined. Formalities like in the military just get in the way of actually getting anything done."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on December 08, 2015, 04:27:38 AM
"Alright, enough. Since the captain is going to be coming with us in the shore party, it might make sense for the XO to be on the ship when we go ashore. Tomalek has already shown great initiative, and he's demonstrated his ability to react calmly while under pressure. He has my vote.

"The thing is that we probably need a second-in-command for the shore-party too, but I think we can decide that later."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Hydra on December 08, 2015, 04:39:06 AM
"I agree. Tomalek has shown remarkable discipline and skill, something that a soldier can respect. He has my vote too," responded Anderson.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Aragonn on December 08, 2015, 04:44:10 AM
"If it means I can work on HKR in peace, Tomalek has my vote."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: taulover on December 08, 2015, 05:07:27 AM
James walked in, saying, "Have I missed much? I was just optimizing our route a bit."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: BraveSirRobin on December 08, 2015, 05:17:23 AM
"Very well then. I shall go and inform the captain then. And Mr. Zerick, you may work on HKR in peace... provided that you keep the shields up around Cargo Bay 5 while you do so. I will also transfer all primary defensive systems authority to you in order to free up time to serve as second in command. Do we have any other things to discuss before we consider this meeting ajourned?" Tomalek said.  "Hello, James!  How much time did the route optimization cut off of our voyage to the outpost?" 
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Rasdanation on December 08, 2015, 09:10:39 PM
Fern Hun walked over to Anderson, one of the few who looked friendly enough to talk to him. "So, can you fill me in on what happened on the ship before I got on?" he asked.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Hydra on December 09, 2015, 01:55:17 AM
"In short, we just had introductions over a couple drinks until we ran into this assassin robot stowaway on our ship and decided what to do with it. Also, we just voted for the XO and are about to take flight," responded Anderson.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Rasdanation on December 09, 2015, 03:15:36 AM
"Thank you. I guess while I'm at it, what is your name?" Fern Hun questioned.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Daoine pacaiste on December 09, 2015, 03:17:37 AM
Excuse me, I would like to make my case for being Second in command. I have a calm diplomatic demonor. To negotiate with possible extraterrestrials. Also my past with dealing with wild animals, has giving me a wide knowledge of body langauge an dither non verbal communication which is essential for overcoming a langauge barrier

This is after all an experlation mission NOT a military one.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Aragonn on December 09, 2015, 03:20:21 AM
Zerick laughed a bit at that last sentence. "I don't know if you noticed, but this ship is armed. It's true that this isn't a military mission, but that doesn't mean we won't be in any battles. You can keep being an optimist. I'll keep being a realist."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Daoine pacaiste on December 09, 2015, 03:30:44 AM
All Druids are provided are provided with combat training as in my nation they serve as Holy Militia. Plus I had to service in the wilderness for two years as part of my Tankir or becoming part of nature. This provided me to have ingenuity in a fight and make do with minimal weapons.
You may have pulled triggers at others before, but have you fought off two bears with a spear?

Plus in the end it doesn't matter, my job as second in command would not be to be doing the fight but commanding and inspiring others.
I CAN do that, having experience as a relgious leader
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Aragonn on December 09, 2015, 03:41:53 AM
"You would be commanding, giving us orders on how to fight. You would be the commander, not a soldier. Besides, you don't need to be XO to inspire people. And to answer your question, I never had to face any bears because I built traps using the stuff around me." He detaches HKR's left arm. "Any further arguments?"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Daoine pacaiste on December 09, 2015, 03:52:48 AM
Well let us have democracy decide who should be The Second in Command I just worry about this peaceful expedition being turned into some sort of military one.
Violence should be a very last resort. May the Gods be with both of us. *mutters under his breath some.

I must remind everone to come in for a health examination before we fully depart.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Aragonn on December 09, 2015, 03:55:28 AM
"I agree that military should be a last resort, but I don't want there to be a chance the XO will hesitate to fire back. If we're being fired upon, it's war whether you like it or not. Just keep that in mind."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: BraveSirRobin on December 09, 2015, 04:45:44 AM
After witnessing the heated conversation between Dr. Hiwat and Engineer Zerick, Tomalek paused for a moment, before saying, "I will be at my physical exam at the scheduled time, Dr. Hiwat, and Zerick, I hope that you're a fast learner on the ship's defensive systems.  I assume you'll be awake for most of the journey with us upgrading the ship's systems?  I'll go inform the Captain of the situation now, if there are no further points of contention?"  Tomalek then surveyed the room looking for anyone else wanting to speak.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on December 09, 2015, 05:02:20 AM
Hendrik had always had a distinct distaste for religious people. He tried not to let that seep into his tone. He failed.

"Tomalek isn't a military man either, he will just do what needs to be done when the time comes. But yes, since we have three candidates, and the captain wanted us to choose our XO, it would be best if each of us recorded our votes on our watches."

Hendrik proceeded to vote for Tomalek after creating the vote on his watch.

"And I suppose that the navigator and I will need to remain awake for the journey too?"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Aragonn on December 09, 2015, 06:20:55 AM
"Aye, I'll be awake for the majority of the flight. I'll be fixing up HKR then reviewing and improving the ship's systems." He voted for Tomalek. "And my issue with you, Tomalek, wasn't that you're Vulcan. My problem was your approach."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Hydra on December 09, 2015, 06:52:15 AM
"Please forgive me. I'm Anderson, David Anderson, explorer." Anderson responded.

Anderson then glanced at his watch and inputted his vote for Tomalek into the vote Hendrik created, as he believed that the Vulcan would be someone he could respect and take orders from.

He turned toward the doctor and said, "I'll arrive at the scheduled time."

Anderson just didn't like doctors in general due to his encounter with his first field doctor on tour. Hopefully this one was alright.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Bodobol on December 09, 2015, 04:02:02 PM
Aria's eyes opened and she rose from her bed. When had she fallen asleep? She was still fully dressed, and beside her lay the book she had been reading. Hoping she hadn't missed much, she looked down at her watch and checked for notifications. Her heart dropped - she hadn't even slept that long, and she had missed so much! A killer bot was found on board, she was due for a medical examination, and a second-in-command ewas being elected. From the looks of it, the other crew members were congregated in the engineering bay. Aria left her room and briskly walked to the bay.

When she arrived, most of the pilots, explorers, and researchers were there. "I'm not too late to vote, am I?" she asked them.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Gerrick on December 09, 2015, 04:51:23 PM
"No, there's still time to vote for me." Gunther answered. "Well, there's also the Vulcan and the doctor, but remember that as explorers the two of us only have jobs off-ship. The other two guys will be busy with defense systems and the med bay during a firefight, while I could put my full focus on being second-in-command. Then again, if the Vulcan wins, he said he'll just give all of his work to Zerick who's also supposed to be taking care of the ship's weapons. I'm sure he can handle it, but why force one man to be in charge of ship defense and weapons. It just doesn't make sense."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: BraveSirRobin on December 09, 2015, 04:58:08 PM
"Actually, Chief Tactical Officer is generally a position on most vessels, and that is presumably what the transfer of defensive systems authority would make his position.  Additionally, I believe that Mr. Chase would relish the opportunity to learn new systems."  Tomalek paused and glanced at Zerick, "And while we're on that note Zerick, what about my approach do you dislike?  I will attempt to modify any behaviours that you find aggravating to increase the operational efficiency of this vessel." 
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Aragonn on December 09, 2015, 06:20:47 PM
"First off, I'm a human, not some AI. I don't exist to work. And what I do is because I like it. When I come aboard a new ship, I'm not gonna get right to work. Why? Because it's a new place that I want to explore. Looking at a map just doesn't cut it for me. And try talking to me like I'm a human instead of an AI. We like using smaller, more common words rather than sounding like we memorized the dictionary."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: BraveSirRobin on December 09, 2015, 10:53:41 PM
"Very well.  Consider the next few days yours to explore the ship.  You'll probably enjoy that more, and once most of the crew goes into stasis, you may return to your duties.  I will also try to use fewer complex words around you."  replied Tomalek, visibly attempting to reduce the complexity of his diction, with a little difficulty. 
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Rasdanation on December 10, 2015, 09:47:10 PM
"As of I know, I'll vote Tomalek." Fern Hun added in.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: BraveSirRobin on December 11, 2015, 10:21:42 PM
"Very well."  Tomalek stated.  "I shall now go and inform the captain about the decision to make me second in command of the USS Wintreath."  After telling his fellow senior officers this, he proceeded as efficiently as possible to the ready room of the captain.  "Captain, I am pleased to inform you that we are ready to leave orbit and that I have been voted your second in command.  Is there anything that you require, sir?" 
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on December 11, 2015, 10:47:23 PM
"No. We shall leave orbit immediately! Prepare your stations. It is time we leave on our maiden voyage! To the Final Frontier we go!"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: BraveSirRobin on December 12, 2015, 12:31:57 AM
"Very well, sir.  The engines will be brought on-line momentarily."  Tomalek left the room and walked onto the bridge.  He looked around, and then pressed the ship-wide announcement system button.  "This is Tomalek.  Commence primary engine ignition and begin preparations for interstellar flight."  He went over to the main engineering station on the bridge and checked the progress as the huge vessel's engines ignited...
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Aragonn on December 12, 2015, 10:32:16 PM
Once everyone left, Zerick took a moment to look over HKR's working right side then at its not-so-functional left side to determine the problems. He worked non stop for two hours replacing parts and reattaching loose wires before he was satisfied with his work. Here goes, he thought before switching it back on.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Arenado on December 13, 2015, 03:27:16 AM
Diagnostics came flooding into its processor. Left side arm, repaired. Left side leg, repaired. But damage to its processor unit remained, damage that would require major repairs it doubted even this evidently skilled human could achieve. It could not remain active for very long, so it needed to stick around for till it could find someplace that could repair it fully. It jumped up and faced the human that repaired it. "Diagnostics.... left arm fully operational. Left leg fully operational. Cosmetic damage not repaired but not dangerous. Damage to processor unit remains, unit unable to function for prolonged periods without potentially catastrophic damage to its processor. For the most part, I am repaired." It took a step toward the human. "You have my gratitude and my debt, human. Do you require my services. Is there anyone you would like me to kill?"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Rasdanation on December 13, 2015, 03:38:16 AM
Fern Hun explored the ship, especially the research labs he found many useful tools that would help him in many of his studies. He looked out of the giant window down at Wintreath for one last time. This will definetly be one great journey he thought.

Fern Hun then made his way down to his room to get some sleep. After all, 10 straight flights to finally get aboard did wear him out.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Aragonn on December 13, 2015, 04:22:11 AM
"Actually, no. I don't need anyone dead. At least not yet. But seeing as I've somehow gained control of the ship's internal security systems, I could use someone like you on board in case we have boarders that need repelling. And as for your processor, this lab isn't equipped for computer components. I'll need you to come with me to get your CPU fixed." Zerick then started walking to another area of the ship.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Arenado on December 13, 2015, 04:48:38 AM
It followed, but said "My processor unit requires specialized equipment, otherwise my self destruction protocols will activate and my power unit will detonate with the force of a megaton bomb. The UGC did not want any tampering or, more importantly, anyone to know they built me."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Aragonn on December 13, 2015, 04:56:45 AM
"That requires not just programming but components as well. I can disable that."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Arenado on December 13, 2015, 04:59:31 AM
"You dont understand. My processors have anti-tampering protocols and hardware locks. If any of those are activated, my self destruction protocols activate. To safely begin repairs to my processor, specialized equipment built by the UGC and available only to a few individuals is required, otherwise you risk the termination of everyone in a wide area."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Aragonn on December 13, 2015, 05:09:46 AM
"HKR, I think I understand perfectly. You need specialized equipment. I can make that specialized equipment. I'm just gonna need time. A lot of it. In the mean time, don't try to do anything too demanding."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Arenado on December 13, 2015, 05:22:05 AM
"Very well. Though, to be safe, I suggest any repairs to my processor be done in a fortified room with anti-radiation safeguards."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Aragonn on December 13, 2015, 05:23:49 AM
Zerick entered the computer repair room. "All precautions will be taken. But first, let's take a look at how bad the damage is."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Arenado on December 13, 2015, 05:28:48 AM
"Very well." It followed the human. Before it did, it turned to him and said "before I do, I have 2 queries. First query, what is your name for future reference? Second query, where is my staff?"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Aragonn on December 13, 2015, 06:04:40 AM
"My name is Zerick Chase. My rank aboard this ship is Chief Engineer. You can call me Chief, Zerick, Chase, or Grease Monkey. Take your pick. As for your staff.....I honestly don't know. I didn't keep track of that particular article. I was focused on repairing you. Which is still my focus."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Arenado on December 13, 2015, 07:36:45 AM
"Very well, Zerick Chase." It walked into the room with the engineer.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on December 18, 2015, 03:12:29 AM
Chapter 2


It has been 6 and a half years since they left Wintreath. The Captain periodically checked on the journey to made sure everything was all right. Finally, they reached the outermost outpost, Proxima Penduli. It was a colony with a population of a little bit over 5000. They started a mining and farming operation in the area. Of course there were a few ships guarding the place. A space station was recently built in orbit as well. The planet was earth-like and lush with vegetation. Alexsandr awakened all in stasis.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: BraveSirRobin on December 18, 2015, 05:44:26 AM
"Captain, I am pleased to inform you that during the journey we have completed modifications to the FTL drive to allow stable employment of velocities approaching 100x the speed of light now.  We have tested the system a couple of times, and we have determined that the drive is very reliable and safe now.  However, our improvements have come at a cost—most of our metal reserves are depleted, and we will likely require an extended stay at Proxima Penduli as a result.  However, we are gaining capabilities quite quickly, and could also probably return to Wintreath quite soon in the event of any major malfunctions.  I estimate that this will allow us to accelerate the speed of our surveying missions, and the volume of exploration that we are capable of."  Tomalek stated.  He waited for a reply, thinking Considering the fact that this could have been accomplished much more in Wintreath Space Dock, our departure may have been premature.  However, I believe that this early departure has drastically increased the efficiency of the Engineering Department, as well as the other crewmen who weren't put into stasis for the duration of this journey.  So in the end, this might not be a very bad thing.   
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on December 18, 2015, 12:09:21 PM
"I was planning to stay at Proxima Penduli for a little bit anyways. Open up communications with the Space Station."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: BraveSirRobin on December 18, 2015, 05:19:22 PM
"Aye, captain."  Tomalek said, going over to the communications station.  He hailed the colony:  "This is Commander Tomalek of the USS Wintreath.  Captain Erikson wishes to speak with you." 
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on December 18, 2015, 06:31:32 PM
It took at least 3 minutes for someone to answer the Communications call. Someone who appeared to be the officer in charge of the station spoke.

"Hello? This is Proxima Penduli Station. We are being attacked by pirates. We need assistance, code 162. Currently they are fighting in the halls. We can't hold them back for much longer, there are about 20 of them and we only have 10 up here! Please help!"

The comms. shut off.

"We must help them at once! Prepare a shuttle to take us to the station."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Aragonn on December 18, 2015, 09:55:33 PM
For the duration of the trip, Zerick had been working with HKR to figure out how to fix his processor with many breaks to explore the ship, looking at how all of the stress on the ship is handled by it while creating a mental map.

As they were on approach to the outpost, Chase had finally created everything he needed and fixed up HKR's processor back to new. And the best part was that the android didn't explode.

"Alright, you're all fixed up!" Zerick wiped the sweat from his forehead. "That took way too long..."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Arenado on December 19, 2015, 02:17:54 AM
HKR awoke. Technically, it never slept, but period that it was not-operational had been long. Six and a half years had gone by, the longest HKR had ever been out. It sat up and scanned the room. The human engineer, Zerick Chase was standing next to it. It turned to face him. "Zerick Chase, the human. Diagnostics running... Most systems operational at full capacity. However, my power unit will require repairs that will render me non-operational for periods of time." It got up, put its feet on the floor and drew itself to its full height. "Your repairs were thorough, Zerick Chase. Again, you have my gratitude, and as a sign of goodwill, I will offer my services to you for no charge. This unit is proficient in advanced combat techniques. But first, did you find my staff?"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on December 19, 2015, 08:54:19 AM
Hendrik began frantically packing weaponry and equipment into the shuttle.

He had been awake for the entire flight over, but had made sure to exercise regularly, fearing encounters of this sort. He was now 31 years of age, but in the best shape he'd ever been in.

He contacted the captain through his communicator: "Captain, I need a layout of the space station if I'm going to fly us in."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Rasdanation on December 19, 2015, 01:59:59 PM
Over the 6 1/2 years, Fern Hun didn't have much to research. So, in his free time he made many different weapons, extra ship parts, and many miscellanies things with what he knew. When word got around that there were pirates terrorizing the planet they were currently at, Fern went over to the closest storage room, where he kept them, and then started hauling the first few boxes to the weapon room.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Bodobol on December 20, 2015, 12:45:23 AM
Aria had spent about half of the flight in stasis, and the other half out; she would switch every year or so. Upon arrival she had already been awake, reading an old book she had brought. This was how she had spent many of her waking hours, studying on the history and science of the universe. Of course, the actual scientific jobs were left to the scientists, but she had a somewhat less serious interest in the topic.

Now she had received word that there was a pirate attack on the Proxima Penduli station they were headed toward. It was a good thing, she supposed, that she had kept in shape. She left her room and joined Hendrik in packing equipment into the shuttle.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on December 20, 2015, 01:11:55 AM
"Good day, Aria. You're looking beautiful as ever. More, actually."

He got his routine flirting out of the way quickly, and watched her usual disinterested smile form. He had seen her in the gym often enough, and even trained with her a few times to teach her some basic hand-to-hand knowledge, and found her to be a pleasant but enigmatic gym-buddy. Oh, well, he thought, I'll just try again tomorrow. He became more serious as he asked her a question.

"It's a bit unusual to have pirates in the colonies, don't you think? All the ships are government issued, so these pirates are either skilled criminals who stole them, or they defected from the military. Aside from that, there shouldn't even be piracy this early in the colonisation process. Information is being withheld from us, and I don't like it."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Hydra on December 20, 2015, 01:27:40 AM
Anderson kept going in and out of stasis for the past six and a half years, getting out every other week. In his time awake, he would keep in shape and practice self defense. Besides this, in his pastimes, he would converse with other awake members, and explore the ship. Sometimes, he would go to the bridge and take in the view, and other times, he would get himself lost in the many hallways and corridors until he knew the ship like the back of his hand. The map in his wrist was also handy to get around.

He was in stasis when they arrived. He woke with a start, and when his wrist lit up notifying him of the impeding pirate attack, he thought, Why did I put myself back in stasis? Now I have to help rid this station of pirates after only having a couple hours of- It's been two weeks! I never go for more than one week! David quickly got himself ready and rushed to the bridge to join the others.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Gerrick on December 20, 2015, 02:15:07 AM
Gunther, for the first few months of the trip, alternated being in and out of stasis every few weeks but grew very bored and found no good reason to stay awake while his body aged. By the sixth month in, he went into stasis for the remainder of the trip.

As the ship arrived near Proxima Penduli, Gunther woke and immediately vomited on the floor. Ugh, can't go that long in stasis again.

He was told of the pirate situation, so he headed to the closet in his room, slowly limping his way there and half sleep. He grabbed his machine gun, then walked towards the shuttle bay.

As he made his way there, he started to wake up more and his limbs started to get their feeling back. He realized that it would be his first combat situation with the new crew. Fuck, fuck, fuck... Fuck I'm hungry.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Bodobol on December 20, 2015, 02:21:19 AM
"Skilled criminals or deserters, I agree it's suspicious, and don't like it at all either," Aria answered Hendrik. "I hope we'll at least find out what's going on once they're taken care of."

She enjoyed Hendrik's company; while she didn't feel the same attraction he obviously felt toward her, he was an enjoyable enough companion. Out of the crew, she definitely spent the most time around him.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: taulover on December 20, 2015, 02:31:44 AM
James had been irregularly going into stasis for the entire flight, though he made sure to check on the ship's course at least once a week and stayed out of stasis for at least one month consecutively each year. At some occasions, he had studied the various topics stored in the ship's computer. As a result, only two years had passed for him biologically.

Well aware that the first leg on their trip was coming to an end, James had exited stasis a week before they had arrived. He received notice that the space station was being attacked by pirates, and that some of the crew and officers were going on the shuttle to help them.

Hendrik would be piloting the shuttle, so James would have to take control of all piloting duties until Hendrik returned. James decided to go to the bridge in case anything was required of him. On the way there, he passed the hangar containing the shuttle, and noticed Aria and Hendrik packing equipment onto the shuttle while engaged in a conversation.

"Hello there," James greeted them. "Would you like a hand?"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on December 20, 2015, 02:37:58 AM
"Yes, we would, actually. Thank you for offering."

Hendrik regretted not spending more time on the flight with his co-pilot, and intended to remedy the situation.

"How do you feel? Have you recovered enough from stasis? The few days I spent in it for medical procedures made me really groggy when I woke up, for about the next nine days even. By the way, thanks for covering for me that time."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: taulover on December 20, 2015, 02:43:54 AM
"I felt that way the first few times, but as with most things, you get used to it after a while," James replied. He began to help loading things onto the shuttle. "We have a pretty good navigation crew and computer system, so those few days that you had to rest were fine. I should thank you for covering for me when I repeatedly went into stasis."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on December 20, 2015, 02:57:42 AM
Alexsandr helped pack the ship as well. He decided to bring his trusty officer sword and a modified pistol he owned. Just then, he was reminded of the robot.

"We should bring HKR-07 along as well. He is a robot trained to fight after all. Also, bring him his staff."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Arenado on December 20, 2015, 03:09:18 AM
The crew member who fetched it nervously walked in front of it, looking back every know and then, as if afraid it would lunge at him. Clever human. It entered the shuttle bay and scanned the surroundings. Next to the shuttle was a bunch of the crew members, including the human with the hidden AI. It walked up to them and spoke.

"Greetings, crew members. I understand their is a situation requiring my services. As we will be in combat together, to facilitate unit cohesion, I believe introductions are in order. For those who do not know, my designation is HKR-07. I already know David Anderson. May I inquire as to your names?"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Rasdanation on December 20, 2015, 03:49:48 AM
Fern Hun brought the box just in time to hear HKR-07 ask the question. "I'm Fern Hun, one of the scientists aboard." He introduced. "Now, anyone need any sorts of laser pistols or explosives?"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Hydra on December 20, 2015, 04:27:20 AM
Anderson looked over at HKR-07, nodded in acknowledgement, and turned to Fern Hun. "Those would come in handy."
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on December 20, 2015, 09:13:43 AM
"I'm aviator Hendrik Wolfskemer, the one who tried to defuse the situation between you and the rest of the crew after you attacked Anderson six years ago. I'm sorry not to have been in contact with you again after that, but my duties kept me away."

He walked over to Fern Hun, and asked: "Isn't Chase supposed to be our weaponsmith?" He then took a few grenades and a plasma pistol. He always kept his army knife handy.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Rasdanation on December 20, 2015, 02:48:21 PM
"It's a side hobby. Since Chase was working on HKR, I thought I might as well help out with the weapons." Fern responded.
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on December 20, 2015, 06:29:58 PM
Alexsandr turned to the robot.

"My name is Alexsandr, Captain of this vessel."

He then turned around to the others.

"Are we prepared to leave?"
Title: Winreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Aragonn on December 20, 2015, 07:12:21 PM
Chase watched as the killer robot left. That thing scared him so much. But his duties brought his mind away from the robot. Pirates were attacking the station, and the ship will need her systems running the best they can.

Running to the engineering console on the bridge, Zerick checked to see how every system was doing. Weapons good, shields good, engines....modified. Must've been Tomalek... He made a mental note to check out the modifications later. Reactor good, life support good, power grid good. Everything checks out. He stood there to monitor the systems.
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Arenado on December 22, 2015, 09:59:21 PM
" Names acknowledged. About this situation, is there any Intel we have?"
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on December 22, 2015, 10:06:07 PM
"We have no information other than the message from communications. But, we can't wait any longer. Let us board the shuttle."

Alexsandr then boarded the shuttle.

"Fly us into the hanger bay." he said before they took off.
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Daoine pacaiste on December 23, 2015, 03:10:29 AM
Aíne was in suspension for part of the trip but would very often come out to, help with injuries of the engineering crew, to check that the suspension system was working and sometimes just to wander around. Inanimate suspension seemed to make him uncomfortable.
All together he aged about 4 years.

He quickly joins the shuttle team to help as an emergency medic. He comes with the required medical equipment and armed with a pistol and his personal ornate combat knife.

Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on December 23, 2015, 10:41:54 AM
"Everybody aboard?"

Hendrik waited for a response. He didn't like flying blind into this situation.
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Arenado on December 23, 2015, 11:05:56 AM
" This unit is ready for combat, Hendrik Wolfskemer." HKR said as he entered the shuttle, twirling his staff.
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: BraveSirRobin on December 23, 2015, 03:39:08 PM
The launch bay intercom powered on, "Shuttle team this is the bridge. We're beginning to depressurise the launch bay." Tomalek shut off the bay-wide intercom and contacted the captain's personal communicator, "Captain, is your shuttle prepared for departure?" he inquired.
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on December 23, 2015, 03:50:34 PM
Alexsandr made sure everyone who was going was on board. He saw everybody seated on the shuttle. "Yes, we are ready for departure."
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: BraveSirRobin on December 23, 2015, 04:56:58 PM
"Depressurisation complete.  Shuttle bay doors are now open.  You may now safely exit the launch bay—good luck.  Should you require any assistance, we will maintain an open communication frequency."  Tomalek said to the shuttle over the intercom.  He turned to the launch bay command and control console, "Release docking clamps and prepare for the final shuttle departure command sequences." 
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on December 23, 2015, 07:14:56 PM
"We are about to take off." Alexsandr said as the shuttle starting moving.
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: taulover on December 23, 2015, 10:59:33 PM
As the shuttle left, James began his walk back to the bridge, in case his navigation duties were needed.
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Rasdanation on December 23, 2015, 11:26:53 PM
Fern looked out the window, upon the planet. He made sure that the box of back up supplies were under his seat and readied his pistol, you never know when an attack could happen.
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Hydra on December 24, 2015, 12:49:54 AM
Anderson looked out the window following Fern. Real land... he thought. He kept his weapons close at hand as pirates were always unorthodox. He took a deep breath and waited for landing.
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on December 24, 2015, 02:50:47 AM
The shuttle flew into the hanger of the station and landed. The area was pretty dark and it seemed the station was running on emergency power. Before Alexsandr opened the door, he asked,

"Everyone ready? We don't exactly know what we'll find here. Hendrik, stay here and keep the shuttle on in case we have to make a quick escape.. I have a bad feeling about this."
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on December 24, 2015, 02:57:13 AM
"Understood, captain. Perhaps the doctor should stay here as well, until he's really needed?"

Hendrik didn't relish the thought of spending time with the religious whack-job, but it seemed like common sense to him that it would be a bad idea to have their only medical officer in the line of fire.
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on December 24, 2015, 02:58:48 AM
"Good idea. Anymore suggestions or questions?"
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Arenado on December 24, 2015, 03:09:38 AM
" Captain Alexsandr,  reconnaissance would be invaluable to this operation. This unit is equipped with state of the art stealth and observation systems. Might I suggest that I go first? " HKR suggested.
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on December 24, 2015, 03:13:37 AM
"Good idea, but be careful out there. We have outfitted you with one of our comm. units as well, so report when you find something."
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Gerrick on December 24, 2015, 02:57:59 PM
Gunther spoke up to the captain, "Just letting you know I only just woke up from six years in stasis, so I'm not really at 100% right now. I'd suggest I protect the rear unless my machine gun is needed up front."
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on December 24, 2015, 04:02:27 PM
Alexsandr looked at Gunther for a few seconds.

"As you wish. But you must get combat ready in the future... Especially in these situations."
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Gerrick on December 24, 2015, 04:42:47 PM
"Yeah, definitely, definitely," Gunther responded while looking down and preparing his gun. "It was just my first time in stasis, and I didn't realize how much it takes out of you. Won't happen again."
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on December 24, 2015, 05:50:03 PM
"I think it is time for HKR-07 to scout out this facility. I'll open the door and we'll set a base in this hanger..."

Alexsandr said as he opened the door.
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Arenado on December 24, 2015, 06:17:33 PM
HKR nodded and activated stealth mode. Its photosensors dimmed and it made its way out of the shuttle...

Lights were out. Emergency flashes spun, indicating to it that emergency power was on. Not good. It's "ears" picked up no sound, no footsteps, klaxons, nothing at all. It slowly made its way down the corridor, staff at the ready. There were blaster marks all over the walk by where it was. Who ever shot into this side of the corridor were amateurs. It continued on and was met by a massacre. Bodies littered the floor of what it guessed was a common room. Marks on the walls indicated wild, random firing from where the dead had once stood. But who ever killed them were skilled, the wounds indicated military grade weapons and skill. It was almost...familiar. HKR couldn't put its finger on it but something about this was off. When it inspected the bodies it came to it. They were rotting, they'd been dead for a while. So who sent the SOS? And why were their valuables still here? Pirates would have stripped this place clean by now. Something was off, it felt uneasy. It turned and rushed back to the shuttle as fast as it could, entering and turning to the captain.

"Captain Alexsandr, something is not right here. Bodies indicate that the crew has been dead for a while. Wounds indicate professional assailants. Valuables are intact. All signs show that this is no mere pirate attack. Advise extreme caution."
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on December 24, 2015, 06:31:16 PM
"Shit. I say we high-tail it out of here right fucking now. I have a feeling we've been lured into a trap."

Hendrik's military history was on clear display with the way he swore in tense situations.
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on December 24, 2015, 06:35:38 PM
"We can't leave. Protocol demands we found out what happened here... Stay calm, and don't let anything get near this ship, organic or non-organic.

Alexsandr had a bad feeling about this situation... Most ominous.

"We should head to the control center of this station... We may find information in the logs recorded there. There must of been security cameras of what happened here."

Alexsandr looked around the hanger. He noticed another shuttle, presumably for transport from the station to the planet below, which was broken. 3 bodies littered the ramp to the shuttle. Perhaps they were trying to escape whatever hunted them.

"Prepare your weapons. Who knows what'll we find here" said Alexsandr as he moved towards the corrider leading from the station.
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on December 24, 2015, 06:56:38 PM
"Fuck protocol! It's gonna get us all killed! You're not a military crew, for god's sake! We're an exploration unit, up against people with much better weaponry than the toys we have here, given HKR's description!"

Hendrik was displaying exactly the type of attitude that had driven his superiors up a wall sometimes. When something didn't make sense to him, he would make sure his CO knew it, no matter how far he was out-ranked.

"We're walking in blind into what could be a fucking warzone. We have a lot more military personnel on the ship. If we have to investigate here, I say we head back and bring a lot more guys with us. We don't even know whether we're being watched, for fuck's sake. The moment you guys leave, this shuttle would become a prime target for whoever gunned down these people."
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Aragonn on December 24, 2015, 07:36:32 PM
Zerick couldn't take listening to them anymore and connected his console to the comm link.

"Listen here, arguing like this isn't helping things. Here are the facts: they're expertly trained and have better guns, they've sent our a false SOS, and there's nobody in sight that's alive. This has trap written all over it. Captain, taking the main route, or any route for that matter, to the control center could be suicide. Let me get the schematics for the station, and I'll see if there's another way there."
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on December 24, 2015, 07:44:04 PM
"And what happens to our shuttle while everyone else is strolling through the halls? Let's be realistic here, one pilot and one doctor will be no match for the type of weaponry we're seeing here."
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Aragonn on December 24, 2015, 07:48:08 PM
"I recall Gunther saying he's not feeling well enough for the front lines. I'd stake him at the shuttle since his machine gun can lay down some heavy suppression fire long enough for everyone else to return and flank the enemy. Captain?"
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on December 24, 2015, 10:46:35 PM
"The schematics for this place would be nice... We will need some defense on the shuttle. And get us some reinforcements here!"

Alexsandr turned to Hendrik.

"Calm down man. Panicking won't help us in this situation... Whoever took out this station seemed to do it by surprise. .. And perhaps that emergency broadcast was automated. It doesn't look like this place has been inhabited for a while. I believe we will make it through."

Just then a security droid appeared from the hallway, repeating EXTERMINATE INTRUDERS. It then began aiming its weapon and fired indiscriminately.
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on December 24, 2015, 11:32:22 PM
Hendrik began scrambling for cover the moment a well-armed droid appeared, and had barely been able to find some behind a thick metal crate when the droid's rounds began flying past him.

"Calm down, huh? I'd say our "surprise" just showed up."

Hendrik wasn't fond of the idea, but all things considered, it seemed like the best solution, so he quickly peaked behind cover and threw an EMP grenade at the droid. As he did so, he took a round to his right shoulder.

"Godamn it!"
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on December 24, 2015, 11:44:20 PM
The droid was stunned for a few seconds. Alexsandr attempted to shoot as the droid's weakest point, since the droid was Acarian Military Grade, which was a small circuitboard. After 5 shots missed, he shot once more and the circuitboard got uncovered. However, it turned back on and began rapid firing again as he got into cover.
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on December 24, 2015, 11:53:00 PM
Hendrik took out his bag of grenades, slowed down because of his arm, and saw he had just one more EMP grenade.

He decided it would be a stupid idea to peak behind cover again. But he went ahead and did it anyway. He saw that the captain had sparked the droid's ire temporarily. So he decided to signal Anderson and Gunther so he could throw it to them, and they, in turn, might throw it at the droid. He would be able to throw it to them without moving from cover.
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Arenado on December 25, 2015, 01:45:12 AM
Acarian military droids. No wonder the massacre was familiar. It had taken cover and slipped from crate to crate till it was behind the robot. It had seen the pilot take a round in the shoulder.  If Hendrik was not careful, he would bleed out soon. It also saw what he was planning. If he tried it while that droid was facing him then the crew would be down a pilot. Unacceptable loss. It looked around, grabbing a spanner laying on the floor. It shoot up, threw the spanner at the droid and exclaimed " Hey Acarian junk droid! " the spanner bounced off the droid harmlessly, but it turned around to face it, away from the other crew members. It was happy only for a second before it took a round to the face. It guessed the droid took exception to its remark....
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on December 25, 2015, 02:32:17 AM
The Droid started walking towards HKR while firing his gun rapidly.

Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Gerrick on December 25, 2015, 03:50:10 AM
Gunther was pumping with adrenaline -- this was the closest he had ever been to real combat, and he strangely had the urge to prove himself. He saw the injured Hendrik signaling to him with the EMP grenade, but he also saw the droid turn and shoot HKR in the face, so he took the opening and aimed at the droid from around his cover.

He yelled "AAAAHH" and squeezed the trigger of his machine gun. He got about a dozen rounds off toward the droid before the recoil caused him to fall backwards and fire a few more rounds into the ceiling -- he was still weak from the stasis, but he was also not expecting the strong recoil. He landed with a loud "OOF", knocking the wind out of him.
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on December 25, 2015, 04:55:36 AM
The droid turned towards Gunther, but slowly broke down due to a bullet hitting its circuit board. It then exploded.

"That was close. We must get out of here. It's not safe."

Just then, the hanger doors started closing.

"Well, shit. I think we'll have to go to the command center of this station. I think we should stay together if any more of these robots show up..."
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Arenado on December 25, 2015, 05:11:49 AM
HKR checked its face. Cosmetic damage only, no permanent failures. It then went to Hendrik, applying pressure to his wound. " Hendrik Wolfskemer, your wounds, if untreated, can be fatal. The doctor should attend to you. To facilitate unit integrity, your survival is paramount. "
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on December 25, 2015, 08:04:14 AM
"You don't say."

The adrenaline was starting to wear off, and with it, the pain suddenly struck Hendrik full force. He expected this. This was not the first time he'd been shot.

"Did we bring any proper weaponry, like a LMG, aboard the shuttle? If so, help us set it up, and then get to that command center immediately. The doctor can do something about my shoulder. Just move your asses.

"And Gunther, for fuck's sake, when facing a droid, disable it before firing upon it. You're lucky one of your rounds killed it. If it hadn't, you'd be looking a lot worse than me right now."
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Gerrick on December 25, 2015, 02:30:49 PM
"Yeah, yeah, at least I killed it," Gunther said while getting back up. "I didn't want to wait around for it to shoot another one of us. Plus it saved that grenade for another droid."

"For some reason I think we're gonna see some more," Gunther  muttered while looking down at some of the dead bodies.
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on December 25, 2015, 03:37:14 PM
"We do have a lmg. I think there's a sentry turret in there too. We should set those up before we head off."
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Arenado on December 26, 2015, 03:01:11 AM
HKR left Hendrik in the care of the good doctor and walked over to the dead war droid. It took a moment to inspect the dead droids gun before picking it up. The weapon was still intact, so it racked the bolt and turned to the crew. " This unit will cover you while you set up the LMG. More war droids may be on the way, suggest you prepare for another fight" It twirled its staff in one hand and held the gun in the other.
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Aragonn on January 13, 2016, 06:38:09 PM
Zerick found the schematics in the ship's database and opened the file. After a quick inspection, he devised a safe route for them.

"Captain, there's a maintenance shaft that connects the hangar to the droid bay and the armory. You could slip past the droids to the armory and grab whatever weapons and explosives you want. From there, there's another maintenance shaft that goes straight to the elevator shaft."
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on January 14, 2016, 12:02:26 AM
"Good, the fastest we get out of here, the better we will be."

Alexsandr looked around the hanger and his crew. Hopefully situations will improve as they go along this expedition.

"I think we need to split up, a group who will stay here to defend the shuttle, and another group to go to the command center. This way our shuttle can't be sabotaged."
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Gerrick on January 23, 2016, 11:11:38 PM
Gunther spoke up, "As I said before, I'll stay back to defend Hendrik, the Doctor, and the shuttle. My machine gun should do a good job of keeping back any more baddies."

"And you," he pointed at Fern Hun, "You're good with military equipment, right? Think you can set up the sentry turret and man the LMG?"
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Rasdanation on January 24, 2016, 03:50:25 AM
"Of coarse, I'll go see what I have," Fern Hun replied. "Anyone else have any weapon requests?"
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Hydra on January 24, 2016, 05:15:40 AM
"I'll take a sidearm if I can get one. You can never be too careful... other than that, I'm ready to go forward towards the command center," responded Anderson.
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Arenado on January 24, 2016, 06:01:05 AM
HKR tossed the Acarian droids gun at David. " Is this acceptable, David Anderson? "
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Hydra on January 27, 2016, 10:25:29 PM
Anderson caught the weapon and responded, "I'll take it, thank you!"
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on January 27, 2016, 11:24:26 PM
"Good. I think Anderson, HKR, and I should go to the Command Center. Gunther, Fern, and Hendrik will stay here to guard the ship and our departure and also our docotr, Aine."

Alexsandr also sent a transmission to the USS Wintreath.

"Can we get some information about this maintenance shaft, like how to access it?"
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Aragonn on January 28, 2016, 02:54:31 AM
"I'm working on it. Give me a sec..." He quickly blitzed through the files on the station until he found what he was looking for. "The panel is towards the front of the hangar near the control room. It's a simple panel that can be opened with a latch."
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Arenado on February 06, 2016, 04:21:30 AM
HKR twirled its staff, waltzed to the panel and smashed it open. It turned to the other crew members and spoke "Shall it lead the way or does one of you want to take point?"
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on February 19, 2016, 11:58:21 PM
"I guess you should lead the way, as you're a robot, you're better defended in the unlikely case anything is in this maintenance shaft." Zemas replied.
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Aragonn on February 20, 2016, 12:04:17 AM
"Just make sure you don't get too damaged. I don't wanna spend another seven years fixing you again," Zerick said.
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Arenado on February 21, 2016, 09:30:03 AM
"Acknowledged, Zerick Chase. Maybe this time if this unit is damaged you could add something like spinning death blades." With that, it climbed into the duct.

It definitely did like it here. It slowly made its way down the shaft, its night vision mode activated. After a while, the duct dipped down. HKR used its legs to clamp itself to the walls then looked through the vent cover.

Acarian Droids were marching back and forth between maintenance stations. A body in mechanics overalls was slumped over the maintenance terminal. Another body, this one just in a regular crew uniform lay on the floor, shot in the back. Though it was a bit weird he was there....

HKR slid out of the vent in the hangar bay and turned to the crew. " Unless you all seek a gloriously short end, which this unit could provide, advise that you dont go down that vent. It leads to the droid bay."
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Hydra on February 21, 2016, 05:57:08 PM
"So... what shall we do? Zerrick mentioned slipping past the droids into the armory, but... it seems that it would be a death wish," responded Anderson.
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: BraveSirRobin on March 25, 2016, 06:37:28 PM
Tomalek paced the bridge. It had been several hours.  Why haven't they reestablished communications?  The situation must be brought back under control, he resolved.  He turned to the comms officer, "Ensign, do everything you can to establish contact with the colony on the surface.  Perhaps they know what has happened to the station." 

Tomalek paused, and then proceeded to dial up the ship-wide intercom, "This is Commander Tomalek.  Our away team seems to have run into trouble.  All personnel to battle stations, and security personnel please report to the shuttle hangars.  Tomalek out." 

"Lieutenant, you have the bridge.  I'm going to find Mr. Chase.  It appears that we will have to correct this situation.  Also, while I'm gone, make a note in the ship's log--Recommendation to command: the most senior officer on a command shall not personally walk into potentially dangerous situations and the first officer shall be given the right to withhold the Captain from going on any away mission involving considerable risk of lethality."  And with that, the Vulcan stormed off to Engineering. 
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Aragonn on March 27, 2016, 04:54:01 PM
Engineering was busy with the whole team working on producing protective exoskeletons for another team to wear while going in and figuring out what happened to the away team. Zerrick Chase was the only one who had completed his and was directing the others in order to speed things up. When Tomalek appeared, Zerrick came right over to him.

"Don't get mad at me, but I took action on my own. I figured we should go in and try to get everyone out, but with the drones there, that would be suicide. So I came up with the idea of wearing armor. But the amount of armor needed to protect against these drones is heavy, so I developed an exoskeleton to help carry the armor. The result is this." And with that, Chase led him to his completed exoskeleton. "It's not perfect, but it'll get the job done this mission. What do you think?"
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Commander_Zemas on April 17, 2016, 07:23:44 PM
While in the vent, communications were cut off. Soon, the soft hum of the ventilation system was off. The Captain was getting nervous now.

"We should hurry to the command center. Let's hurry and get off this damn place. And also so we can reestablish communications."

The captain lead the team to the armory via the vents.
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: BraveSirRobin on April 26, 2016, 05:48:26 PM
Tomalek looked over the exoskeleton, then turned after a moment of thought, "Mr. Chase, I believe that these will be sufficient.  Get them to the security details assembling in the shuttle bay as soon as you can." he turned, "Also, take four EVA suits out of storage and load those into the shuttle as well.  Thank you." 

With that, Tomalek began to walk to the shuttle bay to brief the crew there.  He activated his comm to the bridge, "Bridge lock weapons onto the station and the colony and be prepared to provide fire support to the shuttles." 
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Aragonn on May 03, 2016, 04:42:20 AM
He turned to the engineering crew tasked with building the exoskeletons. "You heard the man! Get these done as fast as you can!" Zerick worked hard with his teams to finish up the projects and make sure everything functioned properly. Afterward, he had his teams transport the exoskeletons to the shuttle bay along with the requested EVA suits.
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: BraveSirRobin on July 03, 2016, 03:59:15 AM
"Commander Tomalek to bridge from Shuttle 2.  We have begun pre-flight procedures.  Please open the shuttle bay doors."  Tomalek glanced around.  This will be an interesting mission he thought to himself.  Better keep an eye on everyone.  It will be a good test. 

He watched as the bay doors opened, revealing the starry black canvas of space.  He slowly guided the shuttle forward, followed by two other shuttles full of security personnel.  One veered off toward the planet, and he turned Shuttle 2 toward the station that had created the need for this mission far too risky for his liking...
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Aragonn on July 03, 2016, 06:14:03 AM
Zerick stood behind Tomalek, suited up in one of his powered armors. "Thank you for allowing me to perform a field test. I look forward to dismantling some combat drones."
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Arenado on July 03, 2016, 09:32:37 PM
HKR tilted it's head at the captain's words. "You want to go through the droid bay? You are aware of the many reasons that is a bad idea, correct, human?"
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on September 08, 2016, 10:04:10 PM

Pieter's tiny voice nearly gave Hendrik a heart attack. He looked around quickly, seeing that both the doctor and Gunther's attentions were occupied, so he risked answering.

"What is it, Pieter?"

"Have you considered hacking these droids and overloading their central processing units?"

Hendrik thought about it for a moment, and wanted to kick himself for not thinking of it sooner. Obviously, he wouldn't be able to do any such thing in his current state. He weighed his options. He could hope Pieter's limited cyber-warfare programming would be up to the task if he ventured forth alone, but he knew it would be a bad idea.

There was only really one valid option. He would have to enlist Gunther's help. He didn't like the man, but he also didn't have a choice. There was a monumental problem: he'd have to come clean about Pieter's true nature, and that could put everyone on the USS Wintreath in danger, if word got out.

"Fuck," Hendrik swore, silently.

"Indeed. It is unfortunate, but it would have come out sooner or later." Pieter had already planned ahead, as usual. It knew what Hendrik would have to do.

"I was hoping it would be much later." He slowly got up, feeling the pain wrack his shoulder, even though he had consumed enough morphine to become slightly high. He laboriously made his way over to Gunther. "We need to talk," he said, and dreaded the conversation that would follow.
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Gerrick on September 08, 2016, 10:30:37 PM
Gunther had spent the last bit of time sitting with his machine gun and pretending to be watching out for more droids, but really he was thinking.

I can't believe I actually took out that droid and saved everyone. Yeah, I looked stupid falling to the floor, but I don't think anyone realized that it was the first time I shot the damn thing. Gotta make sure I get a good grip and lean into it next time so it doesn't happen again.
God, my shoulder hurts. Karen sure has a hell of a kick. Heh, giving guns names is funny.
I can't wait to get back to the mess hall on the ship. I haven't eaten in over SIX YEARS, and my stomach is starting to realize it. Ugh.

Gunther was absentmindedly looking down when he noticed Hendrik making his way towards him. He straightened up and scanned the area ahead of him, pretending not to see Hendrik.

After Hendrik spoke, Gunther nonchalantly turned and responded, "Oh, hey, Harry. How's the shoulder?"
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on September 08, 2016, 10:48:35 PM
Hendrik grimaced. "Not the worst I've ever been hurt, but it's never pleasant to get shot."

He collected himself, then decided to jump right in. "Look, we're running out of time, so I'm going to make this quick. I need your help to hack these droids. We don't stand a chance, otherwise."
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Gerrick on September 08, 2016, 10:59:32 PM
Gunther had a confused look. "Uh, I don't know if you know this or not, but I don't exactly have a PhD in droid hacking or anything. What do you expect me to do? Charm them with my good looks?"
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Laurentus on September 08, 2016, 11:04:05 PM
A part of Hendrik had held out hope that Gunther wouldn't ask questions. That dream had been shot to splinters.

"No." He held up his left wrist. "You're going to use Pieter, my highly advanced compact AI. I'll guide you through any parts Pieter can't handle himself."
Title: Wintreath Space Expeditions (IC)
Post by: Gerrick on September 09, 2016, 01:03:45 AM
An AI? What else is this guy hiding? Gunther thought to himself.

"Hmph, if you say so. Can't be too hard anyway... I just want to get off this damn planet."